The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, March 15, 1914, Page 33, Image 33

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section; FOUR
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Visitors to Exposition Will
See How Many Phases of
Work Are Conducted, :;'
Bn rranclsco, March 14. TH
lj'nitl State irovernment In preparing
m. urlM nf olnhoratn exhibits forlthie
Panama-Pacific International expos!-1
tlon, wblch will be far more compref
benalve than any aispjay ever maaa oj
It before and will present a complete
record of the activities of the eoverm
tnent in behalf of the people during the
. last dyade. The exhibit will be dla-i
tributecamong all of the various ex
hibit palaces nd will show every phase
of the government's activities.
A feature eft ' a sightseeing trip
through Washington, D. CV always is
a visit to the United States treasury,
where the actual ; making of paper
notes and coin Is shown. A reproduc
tion of this part of the treasury will
be brought to San Francisco and vis
itors to the exposition will be en
abled to witness the actual, manufact
ure of United States coin in one of
the exhibit palaces. The machinery
that turns out millions of dollars a
day will be taken direct from one of
the United States mints to the exposi
tion and every detail of the mintage
few realize Just wnat the United
States fish commission is doing for the
American people, and the government
is now preparing the construction of
an aquarium and, in conection with it,
the hatchery in which the various
stages of development from the spawn
to the f ull-sUed fish will be shown.
Ooast Defense anus on Exhibition.
For many ypars tho privilege of wit
nessing actyl practice with the big
disappearing coast defense guns has
been greatly limited and only acquaint
ance with army men or influence in
Washington could gain the desired per
mission. .,
The government now has consented
to permit tho visitors to the exposition
' to have fre access to forts adjoining
the exposition grounds.
Daily practice on the big guns wVth
sub-caliber charaes will be held, and
weekly target practice with full '
charges.'1 Kach time one o'f these guns :
is fired with a full charge the cost '
- to the government amounts to several
hundred dollars. In addition to this
unusual feature the several regiments .
of soldiers stationed at the Presidio, the
largest army post of the west, Willi
maneuver and hold dally drills and j
exercises and may even compete with I
detachments of troops from foreign !
rations attending the international mil-.
. Itary tournament.
In the Palace or Transportation a !
postal car will be shown In Its entirety '
with the postal clerks actually operat
ing a railway mail car. There will also
be 'on the grounds a small postof f ice
where letters may be mailed. Every
detail of the operation of checking,
( handling and transmitting mail may 1
i be seen here.
On the sea-front of the exposition t
alte there will be maintained and op
erated a United States government1
Ufa saving station, fully equipped.
where exhibition drills will be held i
BTaYT Stnutmnt'i Blnlir.
ine navy uepariment s exniDit will
be of exceptional Interest. The actual
work done on battleships will be dis
played and explained In detail by the ,
crncers in charge, and the education
of the enlisted men will be shown.
The bureau of standards Is one of
th least known departments of the
government, yet its work is without
question highly important. It is this
department that fixes the standards of
weights and measures and millions of
dollars are expended to prevent the
altrhtnt riovlatlnn trnm tk !
. - - - - - A. v ... I V i AIJLCUi
Tl V t
Bituusiu. aiio ur representing one
foot In length is composed of two
metals Joined together in a most tn-!
genious manner and the extremes of
temperature will not cause this stand
ard to expand or contract one-millionth !
part of an inch. j
A special laboratory is belna- con
structed by the heads of the depart-!
inent and the various scientific aids 1
requisite to tne proper maintenance of
the standards will be shown.
Advisory committees will have been
appointed by the bureau of mines and
th geological survey and their exhib
its will be intensely interesting to the
technical students as well as tbe gen
eral puDiic. V
Tot avoid the duplication of exhibits
by various educational institutions the
government is preparing an unified ed
,. ucatlonal exhibit that will show the
- progress of the country in education
during the last decade.
Special attention will be paid to the
). Panama canal, the completion of which
the exposition Is to celebrate, and a Knn
foot model of the great ditch will be
i ahmni T - .1 w .
' " nu vf Kuvernmenc ex-j
rrts that a person may gain a great I
ueai oeuer iaea or tne canal! by a
visit to this exhibit than could be ob-
fainea by actually passing through
the canal. The system of hygiene prac
ticed In the canal sons will receive
special attention in the national
health display. It was the scientific
wora or ur. uorgas that made 'possi
ble the construction of the Panama
' ' ' " '
' . .. .
i Ban Francisco. Har"s ,uj wr-
guilty" was the plea made today by
Maury I. Dia-s-a. former
t V who appeared before Superior
uus vauiniM to piead to a charge
of; attacking Mis, Ida Pearrlng, aged
17 . years. Walter t nun T Zri
on a similar charsre. aion r.i. .
,ull.t.y-. The trlal dt was set for
Apr uiggs wnj be tried first
1 .-,: ' i j
; : -f-Xew Glee Club Members.
f 'University of Oresron
March 14. The mid-year tryouta for
; places on the University! of Oregon
glee club were held this week, and the
following men were , selected to take
; the -places vacated by men leaving
school; Lawrence Dlnneen and Ralph
Ash, of Portland, JoHin Huston lof Al.
banyr Bothwell Avlson of Oregon City.
: Sherman Pobst i of .' Baker and! f Carl
Naylor, Canal Zone, Panama. TJie club
50,000 Yards of Spring 1 914
r lve Uouble Windows Dhow the
Weish Fabiics Go on Sale
immensity or- l nis Exhibition
The manufacturers of HYDEGRADE wash materials are introducing their new spring 1914 tub materials to Portland. In order to best accomplish this,
they have selected Lipman, Wolf e & Company as "their exclusive Portland agents. Tomorrow we. inaugurate a sale of wash fabrics that is certain to I prove
in volume, in range in quality of merchandise, and in the economies provided, the greatest assemblage of fashionable Spring wash materials ever presented in
this city. Every yard carries with it the guarantee of the HYDEGRADE Company.; Back of this comes our own unconditional guarantee. This is your safe
guard both for quality and for style. Not a yard of these fabrics is to be found in any other retail storeV- They are consigned to u exclusively. Five double
windows 'give you some idea of the immensity of this great collection. ! i ' .'
This is the logical and most opportune time iot theselection of your Spring and Summer Dresses. Now when assortments are complete and the scarcest
materials are here in abundance when the new shades, already so scarce, can be selected.. -v
The exhibition is composed of ratine, boutonne, silk poplin, crepe de chine, embroidered voile tissues, brocaded crepes, silk stripe printed crepes, brocaded silk
mixed crepes, sun ray silk, silk mixed ratines, ottoman ratines, brocaded grenadines, silk striped voiles, eponge, snow flake ratines, bedford cords, corded golfines and many other new filmy Summer materials.
50c Ratine Boutonne, Hydegrade Week, 29c 40c Satin Stripe Voile, HydegradekWeek, 29c
A silk and cotton material shown -for the first time. An intricate
weave of the ratine family, soft and creaseless, medium weight, 27
inches wide. Colors are tango, crushed strawberry, jasper, light blue,
peach, pink, apricot, Copenhagen, marine blue, golden brown, ma
hogany, rose, delft blue, copper and white.
65c Silk Poplin, Hydegrade Week, 49c
A silk and cotton poplin weave with self satin stripe. Extra soft
and 24 inches wide, in medium blue, light blue, tango, new helio,
pink, Dutch blue, tan and mode.
25c Silk Stripe Voile, Hydegrade Week, 19c
40 inches wide, fine, evenly-woven material, white grounds with col
ored stripes outlined with silk hairline.
75c Ratine, Hydegrade Week, 59c
A medium weight material in : solid colors in all the new and
Btandard shades, 40 inches .wide. .
$1.25 Ratine, Hydegrade Week, 98c
Beautiful combinations of mixed colored effects, multi-colored
plaids and invisible plaids in danty colorings, black and white stripes
in various sizes.
A beautiful solid, color material, soft and sheer, a high count voile,
with brocaded satin stripe. In all the standard arfd pastel shades.
$1.25 Silk Stripe Printed Crepe, 98c
This material comes in tinted grounds with fancy silk stripe over
which is printed floral designs, pink, blue or corn color, 38 ins. wide.
$1.25 Ottoman Ratine, Hydegrade Week, $1 ! 60c Brocaded Silk Mixed Crepe, 49c
A very soft silk and cotton constructed cloth of an entirely new
weave in solid colors, with prominent Ottoman self stripes, 40 inched
wide. Colors are tango, ! tan, Copenhagen, gray, helio, j Dutch blue,
black, lavender, maize, marine blue, brown, navy and light blue.
Brocaded Grenadine, Hydegrade Week, 50c
A new and beautiful dress and waist material of silk and" cotton,
brought out for the first time a fine grenadine weave for baise, with
raised jacquard designs in self colors. Helio, dark new blue, rose
pink, golden brown, light blue and 'white. !
$1 Silk Mixed Ratine, Hydegrade Week, 69c 75c Crepe de Chine, Hydegrade Week, 59c
36 inches wide, eponge texture, light weight,-soft, s3ky finish, in A silk and cotton mixed crepe, which defies detection from the
the late shades as well as standard colors. ' , i imported crepe de chine of three times the price. Beautifully soft
.Jight weight crepe in solid colors in silk and cotton, with self-
brocaded patterns. Very effective. In white, cream, Nell rose, re
seda,' lavender, old rose, tan, blue and taupe.
75c Brocaded Crepe, Hydegrade Week, 59c
Absolutely beautiful in appearance. Soft and non-crushable. A
crinkled crepe weave over which are rich brocaded designs of self
colors; r Admirably adapted for the prevailing styles. Colors are Co
penhagen, mahogany, marine blue, taupe, Alice blue, black, old rose,
apricot and cherry , red..
50c Sunray Silk, Hydegrade Week, 39c
A silk and cotton material of exceptional merit. It is 36 inches
wide, in all solid colors, medium weight and firmly woven. In all
the new and staple colors.
and clingy, in 'all the new and staple shades, 36 inches wide.
j 5pc Embroidered Voile Tissue, 25c
1 Colored grounds with white and colored embroidered floral and
striped patterns in tan, pink, blue, gray and black and white effects.
To Your,
Special Ordar
Tailored Suits, Catits
"1 :
1 a a - a. - a
wui oe tasmonea alter 1 tne new
imported models, or designed by
our tailor, in the ;
Custom tEatlitiirms
For Women
the Seventh 'Floor
which is equipped to grye prompt
and painstaking service.
Conservative prices
We also wish to: calif your at
tention to the fact tha; we pay
especial attention to thtfdesigning
and making of fl?
iath l"lor
1 1 r
i I-.
Rugs, Draperies, Lac (2iM Portieres, Gouch Covers, Beds and Bedding at Sale Prices
This sale comes as regularly as Spring follows Winter. It is hot actuated by other local sales nor is it an event formulated and put into being over night. It is not a sale wherein a few cents are snipped off i of the regular
prices. It is an engrossing sale. Great in magnitude and importance, generous in the economies offered. For months this sale has been cleverly planned. Our buyers have visited mills and factories everywhere iri quest of
merchandise for this event. Thoughtful, painstaking care has been exercised that only dependable, first-class merchandise be 'offered our patrons. The reductions are deep and positive. The assortment generous. If you
contemplate renovating your home you make no mistake in participating in this annual spring sale of home furnishings. Below we chronicle a tew ot tne ottenngs.
35c Fancy Curtain Scrim, Special 18c
2000 yards of fancy colored bordered curtain scrim in white, cream
or ecru grounds with pretty borders in pink, blue, yellow or tan. ,
65c and 75c Lace Edged Scrims, Special 39c
Curtain scrims with cluhy lace edge and insertion to match, iri white,
cream or Arabian. Suitable for sash or full-length curtains. 40 inches
wide. !
50c Cretonne and Chintz, Special 29c
5000 yards of manufacturer'! sample show pieces of fine cretonne,.
English taffeta and chintz in pretty floral and conventional designs.
36 inches wide. In a variety of handsome patterns.
Our entire stock of lace curtains at greatly reduced prices are
placed in this sale curtains that are sure to please. A large variety
of new patterns to choose from scrim, Irish point, Battenburg.
cable net and bobbinet in white, cream or Arabian color. 2y2 and 3
yards long and 40 to 50 inches wide.
$12$ Lace Curtains. . .89c $6.50 Lace Curtains.. $4.47
$10 Lace Curtains. . .98c $7.50 Lace Curtains . .$5.85
$2.00 Lace Curtains . .$1 .39 $8.50 Lace, Curtains ..$6.85
$2.50 Lace Curtains . .$1 .95 $10.00 Lace Cur tains. $7. 45
$3.00 Lace Curtains . .$2.37 $11.50 Lace Curtains . $8.45
$4.50 Lace Curtains . J$ 2.95 i $12.50 Lace Curtains . $9.45
$5.50 Lace Curtains . ,$3.95 $15.00 Lace C 'tains. $10. 45
65c and 75c Cretonne and Art Linen, Sp'l 43c $4.50, $6.50 to $7.50 Curtains, Special $2.79
Cretonnes, art linen, taffeta, printed linens and verdure cretonnes, 200 pairs of two, three and four-pair lots of lace curtains, at less
all in great varieties of beautiful patterns, both light and -dark than the manufacturer's cost. You will find net and scrim curtains
grounds. Especially suitable for living and dining-room draperies, with pretty lace edges and insertion to match. All curtains in white
Many rich verdure patterns. , . ' or ecru color. Size 2x3 yards long and 40 to 50 inches wide.
$1.50 Cretonne and PrVd Linens, Sp'l $1.19 ManuFturers' Curtain Net Samples,' Sp'l 73c
Nets That Sell Regularly From $1.50 to $3.00
Manufacturer's, show curtain net samples, 3 and 2XA yards long
and 50 inches wide. These are samples of fine filet and mission
nets that, if 6old. at regular price, would be worth froni $1.50 to $3.00
each. They come in white, cream, or Arabian, j '
50-inch, double-fold cretonne and printed linen taffeta in beautiful
floral patterns. These cretonnes are exact copies ; of the genuine
imported cretonnes that would cost from $2.50 to $4.50 a yard, and are"
exceptionally beautiful in design and coloring.
Drapery Materials at Special Prices
50,000 yards of new drapery and curtain materials, all at special
prices, for this sale. Supply your wants now a.t a great saving. Make
the home 'artistic at a little cost. Here you will find the largest
and best selected stock of new drapery materials to choose from, all
at special prices.
18c CurtaiwScrim . . . 1 2V2c
25c Curtain Scrim . . . . .21c
50c Curtain Madras . . . 39c
25c Art Cretonne '. . . . 22c
50c Art Cretonne 42c
J2V2c Figured Silkoline'.llc
35c Curtain Scrims . . . 27c
50c Fancy Curtain Net .39c
75c Fancy Curtain Net. 59c
$1 Fancy Curtain Net. ,79c
20c Art Cretonne. .... 18c
35c Art Cretonne . . . . . 31c
40c F'cy Curtain Scrim33c
$1 Sunfast Draperies, ,83c
$1.25 Sunfast Draperies 98c
$2 Sunfast Draperies . $1.47
60c Imported Madras . .47c
19c -Curtain Scrim . . . . .16c
40c Art Cretonne : . . 34c
40c Japanese Matting, Special 22c Yard
180 warp quality of Japanese matting in plain white with, figured
grounds in tan, brown, red and green, "36 inches wide.
All Oriental Rug at GreaUy Reduced Price. wuZ JXg lUlllli
Oriental rugs marked to the lowest prices possible, quality and
Colonial Rag Rugs, all sizes, at Special Prices
Colonial rag rugs in pretty hit-and-miss patterns, firmly woven,
in mixed colors of blue, pink, tan, green or gray, with fancy border.
$1.00 Colfl Rag Rugs 79c $3.50 Col' I Rag Rugs $2.47
$1.25 CoVl Rag Rugs 98c $6.00 CoVl Rag Rugs $4.95
$2.00 CoVl Rag Rugs $1.47 $11.00 CoVl Rag R'gs $8.35
$12.50 Colonial Rag Rugs, $9.45 !
All room-size rugs are greatly reduced for this sale rugs that
are suitable for bedroom, dining-room and living-room new pat
sterns in all the most desirable colors, in small, neat allover designs
' and medallion patterns. A large stock to choose fromJ .
$12J50 Wool and Fiber Rugs ..... 9x12 Special $ 8.45
$18.00 Tapestry Brussels Rugs . . . 9x12
$30.00 Axminster Rugs . . . . . .9x12
$35.00 Axminster Rugs . . ...... .9x12
$35.00 Body Brussels Rugs. . . .9x12
$40.00 Body Brussels Rugs 1 . . . . . .9x12
Special $12.85
Special $19.85
Special $21.45
Special $27.45
Special $32.75
Special $37.45
design compared. You will find these Oriental rugs the greatest
values you have ever been offered. K - .
$22.50 and $25 BeloUchistans, special-. . . . . .$14.85
$35.00 to $37 SO Belouchistans, special. . ..... .. $19.85 .
$37.50 to $45.00 Mossodls, special. : .v.-. . . . . .$21.45 -
$27.50 to $35.00 Cahistans, apeciaZ. ........ . . .$19.85
$47.50 to $55.00 Persian Irons, special: . . . ... . .$32.45 '
$60.00 to $75.00 Persian Irons, special . . . . . . .. .$44.50 ,
$95.00 to $135.00 Kirmanshahs, special. . . J..$735
$57.50 to $620 Kazacks, special:.. ;v. . ; . . . .$37.45
Special $48.15
Small size Axminster rugs in pretty Oriental and jfloral designs,
in a very large variety of patterns, in all the most desirable' colors.
$2.50 Axminster Rugs, 27x54 inches special .v. .'.$2:19
$2.75 Axminster Mugs, 27x60 inches, special r '. .$2.47
$4.00 Axminster Rugs, 36x72 inches, special f v $3.68
$5.00 Axminster Rugs, 36x72 ( inches, special i . V. ..$4J9
cJ"MttchetT&3 f c Merit OnfcT
All Linoleum Reduced
75c Printed Linoleum, sp'l 3,9c
$1J25 Inlaid Linoleum, sp'l 88c
$1.50 Inl. Linoleum, sp'l $1.15
$2.00 imp. Linoleum, sp'l $1.59
All Couch CVrs Reduc'd
Regular $2 00 $4.50 to $17.50
Special $1.49 $3.19 to $14.95
Emmerich F'thY Pillows
Regular $1.00 $1.50 to $3.75
Special 87c $123 to $3.19
Wool Blankets Reduced
Regular $4.75 '$650 to $14.00
j Special $3.45 $4.95 to $10.95
Cotton Fleeced Blankets
Regular 85c, $1.25 and $1.50
Special , 69c 98c and $123
Silkoline Comforters
Regular $1.75 $3.00 to $5.00
Special $U3 $2.47" to $3.95
$20 Silk Floss Mattress's
35-pound pure silk floss mattresses,
jmade, with the imperial roll edge, cov
ered with the best quality of fancy art
jtickjhg.A V
$25 Hair Mattresses
I Selected gray hair mattresses, guar
anteed - absolutely sanitary. Covered
with best quality of A. C. A. ticking.
Full size.; Weight 35 pounds.
$1S Imperial Felt
; Mattresses $12.85
50-pound , imperial roll edge felt
mattresses, made of the best selected
qualify of .sanitary felt and covered
with theTest quality A. C. A. fancy
art ticking. ; Made in all sizes. -
Curtain Stretcher Special
Regular $1X)0, $10 and $2.50.
Special, 83c, $1.19, 4 $2.19.
The famous i "po-pieee" ' curtain
stretchers. Stationary, and adjustable
pins that will not rust. Frames are.
made, from basswood,. that will 'not
warp -.Can,- be j adjusted " to i.Ct any
curtain. ' f'yfXv t?-- 'h t: -: t '
$2.50 BisselTs Carpet
Bissell's standard . carpet sweepers
in golden'oak or mahogany finish. ;
$1 .25 Cocoa Door Mats
, ::V"!v 79cr , ;
Of i superior' quality ; long cocoa
fiber, firmly' woven ; " - ,
eimart Spparet
If some prophet had told your grandmother thjt in the
year 1914 they would be holding clothes cabarets at
$5 per look, grandma would have felt for her smelling
salts. Yet this has come. Madame Joire,'
law to the great Paquin, thought out the idea and last
week at the Ritz-Carlton hotel in New York Ihe first
clothes cabaret revealing charming Parisian! Creations
was held. Tomorrow we show a 1 ; .
Reproduction oi French Suits $37.50
---They're smart tailored garments of fancy wool; Benga
line, and the now Parisian favorite shepherd chek cloth.
The peg-top models shown with a pointed girdlejnd the
smart cutaway jacket. The colors are coper i golden
brown, reseda, royal, black and black and white! checks.
. Third Zloer
An Important. Announcement j :
Women's Silk DressesPage 3, This Section
A Sale Extraordiriarjt
, Full Eighteen Inches Long
Selling Regularly at $4.50 f l
Very Specicil $2j95
The last fashion chronicles from Paris tells us of; the new
Rousseau sailor and of the new side bandeau shaces both
trimmed with a single full-headed, soft, drooped! ostrich
plume. v - - - : f , ' r . ! ;! . . -
-Ire have them.. They -arrived but a few' days ago
beautiful 18-inch ostrich plumes of the best mate African
stock. Theyi were made to ' our special order. .Nothing
ime tnese r earners at znts price has ever before been
known in an ostrich plume.
-Tomorrow we place on. sale 1000 of these rich? feather
in black, white, tango, coral; mahogany, royal i Russian
green, old rose, violet, Copenhagen, ceil, lavendsr," navy.
new Diue and gold. Seconii Floor
' !
- cu wree more engagements this year.
'If : ,