The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, March 15, 1914, Page 29, Image 29

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MORNING, MARCH 15, 1914.
.1 i- , . -
$1300 8 security $3000
12000 Jm
.2600 7
curity 14250
ecurlty $&6U0
security $7600
ecurlty $8000
moo- 7
117,000 at 1, value $60,000.
16000 at 7, value $15,000. '
$4600 at $, value $30,000
- $3000 at 7. value 38000
- $3300 at 8. valua $4000
$1009 at $, valua $3000
$600 at 7. valua $1700
' - ' M'KENZIE A CO..
. 615 Gcrllnger bid g.. Main 2801.
$5000 Improved dairy farm, valua
' $4600 Improved Union ave. prop
erty, $12,000. i
$20oo Mississippi ave., close In,
$5000. . . - I
$600 House and lot, valua $100,
A. K. HILL, 419 Henry bldg.
Ik YOU have 'money to loan on real es
tate security that Is absolutely safe,
see W. R. Haizlip, 407 Stock Exchange
, bldg. Over 30 years In the business;
first class references.
$60o-1010 Jots, value $2600.
$600-8. 20 acres, value $2500.
Smlth-Wsgorier Co.. Stock Exchange.
FlKHT and 2nd mortgages, also sel
lers' interest in contracts purchased.
Oregon or Washington. H. E. Noble,
Lumbermens bldg,
LOANS on real estate, diamonds and
. Jewelry. Win. HolL room 8. Wash
ington 6g.
Employment membership guarantees
member will secure employment or re
fund of membership fee; gives two
months' full membership privileges. 10
months soolal privileges. ,
Record for year 1413; '
Calls. for mea -.213$
Positions tilled l4l
All young men seeking employment,
especially strangers, are cordially in
vited to consult with the secretary of
the . Employment Department,
WANTED Experienced watchmaker.
Apply superintendent's office, be
tween i and 10 a. m., Meier & b rank Co.
FACliriO AUTO & GAS engine
188-180 Chanman 8t.
Latest up-to-date methods of prac
tical instruction in driving and repair
ing automobiles by exDert mechanic:
tuition, part cash on enrollment, bal
ance at time of graduation; we assist
our graduates to positions,
WANTED Competent hotel man. Best
hotel proposition in central Oregon
open. Lease On reasonable' terms and
equipment for sale on payments to
right party. High class proposition.
Will stand investigation. Write box
A, MetoiitiB, Or., for particulars.
PRACTICAL man. with family, fa"
miliar with horses, for general farm
and orchard work: salary at rate of
So per month. Permanent. Oppor
tunity to acquire small farm to- right
party with not less than $250 cash to
invest. School and store on premises,
L-738, Journal.
HONEST man wanted in each town
to distribute free advertising prem
iums; $15 a week to start: experience
unnecessary; references required. Ad
dress McLean, Black Sc. Co.. 230 N. Bev-
eriy s t., 'Boston, Mass.
WANTED A few men in every local
ity or uregon inn Washington to sen
nur old iineeneaitn ana accident poli
cies. No previous experience required
Call or write Occidental Life Insurance
Co.. 809 Journal bid., Portland. Or.
WANTED Family men in mill and
yard work for mills in this city;
no booze fighters wanted; Americans,
Scandinavians or Germans. Address M.
A. Hood, Raymond, Wash.
WANTED Canvassers who are willing
to work, selling fruit and ornamental
trees and shrubbery. Cash weekly.
Address Capital City Nursery Co.,
Balem. Or.
Local manufacturer wants salesmen
for Portland line, patented soeclaltv,
Call on offices, business houses. Must
give security for sample. For appoint-
ment can tj-ata Bunday.
AMBITIOUS person may earn $16 to
$25 weekly during spare time at
home. Writing for newspapers. Send
for ' particulars. 653 Press Bureau,
Washington, D. C. - -
MAN to crop 10 to 20 acres potatoes
on shares; everything furnished, fine
soil, board, etc.; can exchange for
other work. Address C. E. Bogus, R.
F. D. No. 1. Orchard, Wash.
AUTO driver for wet wash laundry
route, paying $5 at day. $100 cash
deposit required. Call at 29 Union
aVe at 10 a. m. Sunday -repared to
put up deposit and jto to work at once.
WANTED 2 reliable men, see manu
facturer Sunday or Monday, perma
nent position, small capital required.
264 E. 14th st.. S.
WANTED Partner irrwell established
business; one capable of doing office
work. Requires small capital. Ad
dress G. H., i:6 Belmont st.
WANTED A good man with little
money that understands the wet
wash laundry business. Call $02
Couch bldg.
SALESMAN with experience handling
disinfectants or paint line or both;
state experience and salary expected.
A-916, Journal.
HAVE four inventions, farmers' necea.
si ties; want a good salesman wit- a
nttie money to maraet them. Box 121,
n erval us, ur.
WANTED-At ouce, 1 man to learn
auto repairing and driving for spring
work. Hawthorne Garage, 445 Haw
thorne ave. -
FIVE DOLLARS a day Is easllv made
doing chemical oil painting. I teach
you how for $3. G. L. Johnson, 248
13th st
WANTED, contract to cut cordwod
rrom 1000 to booo cords. Geo. Gui
mont, 921 8. Hayes, St. Johns, Or.
EXPERIENCED person to promote
nigh ciass manuiacturing concern.
V-989. Journal.
TWO teams to haul 1000 cords wood,
1H mile, by contract. Address 912
woodward avenue.
SALEM EN Sell art cards tci mer
chants. 9 to 11 a. m.
603 Swetland
X WANT a man to do 5 days' work
-for nice room for one month. 502
coucn piog.
WANTED Contract carpentering on
' new house, in exchange for new
piano. Tabor 4488.
STENOGRAPHER familiar with ma
chlnery business. Apply Mr. Barde,
rxont ano Main sts., Sunday to 11:30,
LIVE wire men wanted to solicit mem
bers, tor large cooperative store. 1118
Ppnldlng bldg.
WANTED Young man to learn Barber
trade, steady work, union shop. Call
3 1 Mississippi ave.
LIGHT, clean room with hath tn a-,
Change for work to respectable man.
zv jei lemon
.WANTED Boy not in school to lelp
n mm biui n na oeiiver on our
picycie. nu. Hawthorne ave.
WANTED Competent salesman! ex.
perience not necessary, but you must
oe a, wwraer. Appiy exu nenry Dldg.
MAN to run irrigated ranch on shares,
tiooa proposition, -new country,
Tabor 8926. N-916. Journal..
I A J. . 1
t ULU course taught, moving picture
: operating, at half price. 226 Second
DAIRY solicitors. We have good aide
line tot you, f-none c-aoa,
WANTED Three good solicitors for a
household neceesity. Sellwood 975.
6OLICITOR8 WANTED; best offer la
city; Van Dyck Studio. 404 Wash, st
CHEF Headquarters and Helpers. Cal-
ifomla Wine Depot 285 Yamhill.
WANTED- Porter. Main 2876.
i . Madison at
( Continued.)
' - ": Continued.) r ; .
Situation Wanted
Ada Inserted free for Close In need
of work who are unable to pay for an
advertisement Advertisement moil
be brought to the office personally by
the parties desiring work.
FIRST CLASS. Intelligent salesmen to
- sell our exclusive hand colored bas
relief calendars of our own manufac
ture. , Classiest line in America.
Bmlth-Hecht Co., Indianapolis, Ind.
MEN 18 to 35. become I). S. govern
ment railway, mall clerks, $75 month
to commence. Advance $100 year
through different grades until $150
month ia reached. Every second wee it
off duty with full pay. Life Job,
steady -work. Parcel poet is making
many appointments. ''Pull" unneces
sary. Portland examinations coming;
common education sufficient. Write
immediately for fnee sample questions
and full description of examination.
Franklin Institute, Dept. 350L, Rqehes- 1
ter. N. Y. . . I
Do you want to secure a good steady
position at a good salary, one that will I
ian inueimuery providing you exen
?ri?ur.Jl9rs? ln.,,tl,ann.tieti
iny;. u,waf B16
where a small, absolutely Secured in-
fh. .hnv.? T,-of innrtitinn. in i.nm. I
ber Exchange bldg.. 2d and Stark. i
W.K.n r. V' ..l ..' ..v-
wives, husbands, fathers and moth-
era to read Dr. Hall's "Sexual Knowl
edge." Explains sex relations. Thor
ough, scientific. In plain language,
easy to understand. Price oniy $1.00.
Mailed postpaid in plain wrapper,
Scientific Book Co., publisher's repre-
wwnmnyg, n. pox 1 1 a, rouiBim, ji .
SELLING UNION MADE GOODS. duced this term; expert Instruction, po
An immedbi. mnnpv making onnor-I sltlon guaranteed, sneclal inducements
tunlty for you. Become one of pur local
representatives and sell union label
hosiery, underwear, sweaters and heck-
ties direct to the homes. No capital
requlred. , Write for special plans,
fcwnuacam. 11m, v, nt e 1
We want good reliable rnen to take
our course In automobile repairing
and driving, also heavy " !?
s ues, irwiui Ll""' ' "z
evl h a4 n cv 1 I m-kW a ry r Ha rtranarafl 1
?or the 'heavy' .pring- and sunTmer"
mand for triined men. Oregon Auto I
Kchool 288-268 11th st I
. ...T., a-1 . ; : .
WANTED Two hlh arade saleamen I
tV opeTnew" retail accounts for
staple line. Established house. Large
Mum rlnam at nnro Cnnt inpnt r Jew-I
elrv Co.. 273. 11 Continental Building.
. . -a- - ..." . r 3371
GOVERNMENT, positions in postofflce
i .ii wy iiio.ii aiiu umn .j,
rood. Prepa-re for "exams. under
former L. S. civil service secretary-
examiner. Booklet H-34, -free. Write
today. Patterson Civil Service School.
Rochester, N. Y.
SALESMAN wanted, residing in or
mnlclnsr amall towns. Take orders on
our special plan allowing return of I
unsold gooas, Maxes quick, easy saiea. i
i commission onearn oraer. vvr"S WE rurnish you capital to run pront
for pocket outfit today. Canfleld i bla business of vour own. Become
Mfg. Co., 208 Slel at., Chicago.
waktktvi win touch Reverni rouni 1
men the automobile business in 10
weeks by mail and assist them to good
positions. No charge for tuition until
position la secured. Write today. R.
S. Price, automobile expert. Box 463,
jvm Augciea, i
WANTRD R an actress: win fame:
titarh mmnrv Vita, mntlftn nVtur inm. I
pany wants applications from ladles I
with some ability to take part In pro-1
ductions. Address P. O. Box 673, Los
Angeres, cat.
SALESMAN Capabl specialty man
for Oreiron Stnnl line on new
and exceptional terms. Vacancy now. tem Specialty Candy Factories," home
Attractive commission contract. $35 anywhere; no canvassing. Oppor
weeklv for exnenses. Miles F. Blxlnr tunity life time. Booklet free. K.n
Co. 227-11 Carlin bldg., Cleveland, O.
WdRKlMoMEN Got you a homestoad,
thereby saving your money, improv-
in? Rmn when not emninve.d. infnr. I
mation sent to all ' who send 6c in
stamps. Address Dryiake store. Dry-
'" l.U,lljr, v..
GOOD demand for workman, good
wages, steady employment few
mo.iths to qualify, positions guaran-
teed Watchmaking-Engraving School,
216 Commonwealth bldg., 6th anfi Ank-
iv. Tort1nn1
LADIES Sewing at home, material fur-
nlshed, no canvassing, steady work,
stamped envelope for particulars. Cal-
umet Supply Co., Dept H-196, Mil-
WHIl It Rl W1R I
nnvERNMKVT inh nn.n tn t-n I
women, thousands of annointmentsa I
coming. List of positions free. Frank-
lin Institute, Dept 349L, Rochester,
AN. intelligent person may earn $100
pers. No canvafisin. Send for particu-
mAmthlv nnvfAonnnrHrisf f Am n AVxro r-. a .. I
ain. xx c&9 c? iiuitju-Lc. ivo liUpyri,
VAUDEVILLE performers; several
. l
new vauaevuie sKetcnes ana paro-
dies now ready. Get in line with th
good ones. Uo to date material. Ad-
dress Ed Harrington, Lenta, Or. 1
I WILL start vnn aarninr S rtailv at I
home SDare time, silverinn mirrors:
no capital; iree instructive noomei I
giving plans of operation. G. F. Red-
mond. Dent. 261. Boston Mass.
Siakf. $g daiiv. slivering mirror: no
cadtal: free namnhlet trivine de-
, . . " . . . .
SALESMAN, experienced any line, to
sell general trace in facmc tern-1
tni-v 12K watatlrlv fi. ,Tn,TMc, S 171
Kline, sales manager. 273-11 Crafts
idg.. Cleveland, unio.
SALESMEN to sell confectioners and
grocers; can be handled as main or
side line; commission and salary offer.
lVLagft Vf." bX U'8- T-
GOVERNMENT positions are easy to
. .My free booklet Y Ui. tells
how NOW.
Earl Hopkins, Washlng-
ton, P. C.
YOUNG men become government rail-1
way mail clerks, $75 month. "Pull"
unnecessary, sample examination ques
tions Tree. KA-7t, journal.
. min . i
mail order houses: bia- nav: hams
work- information for efainD. " Direct
Appeal CO., fiymoutn, ind.
' "
Sample instructions free. Franklin In-
stltute. dep't 828 L, Rochester, N. Y.
n-n Small ranltal. Snnr tlm 07
plans. Send ; for particulars. Mutual
OnDortunities Exchange. Buffalo. N.x".
PORTLAND railwav mall examine -
tlons corning", $75 month; sample
questions rree. Kranaiin institute, I
Dept. 347L. Rochester. N. Y.
$100 WEEKLY profit in spare time at
home. Mail order business. Bovd
H. Brown, Omaha, Neb.
PRIVATE shorthand, - typewriting
school:- dav and eveninsr lessonm: 15
per month. 269 14th st BT Main 8893.
STENOUKAi'nKKS, any system.
speeded and placed in positions. 629
Worcester oiog.
UNCALLED for tailor made suits $6.53
up. tayior. tne taitor, zssc Burnside
PACIFIC Chiropractic College, Inc..
407 to 418 fommonwealth bldg.
USE Bassett'e Native Herbs or rhm.
matlsm: 60 tabl-ts 25c. All druraiats
WANTED Woman to do janitor' wort
in small aoartment housA for nt
WANTED, girl to assist .with house-
work and care or children. Tabor
K14 t. ii - Aia eu xt
EXPERIENCED sewer for making
and repairinV umbrella and parasol
covers. Lennon's, 809 Morrison st
CJTR.T. wanted: ha V escellant (r.naral I
housework position for experienced
maid. 1236 Alameda drive.
PIANIST for old folks' orchestra; pas-
time, pleasure, profit P-799, Jour-
nal- ----
RAGTIME on oiano guaranteed be-
glnners 10 lessons. 503 Eilers bid
WANTED Experienced
waist hands. 352 E. 19th N.
GIRL for general housekeeping: refer-
; j tnnisny. wibi
tails or operation. K.eitei co Dept AGENTS make $10 to $15 a day hand
22, San Francisco, Cal. , ling our Sales Punch Board. Write
WANTI:P Chambermaid. Call 328
N. 17th.
(Conttnned.) J
Situation Wanted
Ads Inserted free for those In need
f work and who are unable to pay for
an advertisement. - Advertisements
must be brought to the office personal
ly by the parties desiring woiVc -
WANTED ioun lady experienced in
housework; one Who will appreciate
a good home and moderate wages. Call
or phone alter 12 Sunday, 410 E. 65th ,
bu Hawthorne car. Phone Tabor 68 20. 1
HONEST WOMEN wanted m eacfi
town to demonstrate well known ar
ticle; $16 a week to start or $0 cents
an hour for spare time; experience un
necessary. McLean, Black & Co., 230 N.
Beverly st., Boston, Mass.
A YOuNO girl to assist in general
nousewora, one that would steep ;
home nights preferred. Call at 315 W. I
Perk st. today. ;
A COMPETENT saleswoman, thor-i
etl ory 1 V avneiAfiitail 4 n Mnfaata nnna !
but experienced need apply, Roberta j
ros., 3d ana Morrison.
WANTED Experienced lady marker
and sorter. Crystal Laundry, 21st
and gandy road.; -.r ..
WANTED $40 month stenographer.
Apply. 300 Oregonian bldg. Call at
a. m. v
W A N T ED G in for general housework!
25 K- 6- corner Clacka-
m T.k. It.vlnton or Kroadwav car.
COMPETENT girl for general house'
r.w.n -.1. -i
work; 2 in family: wages $20 per
montn. wooaiawn 7a.
WANTED -A -girl for
work. 780 Overtdn.
OREGON Barber College teaches you
the barber trade in 8 week. Pays you
while learning, tools free, tuition re-
to ladles. 233 Madison St., 252 2d.
AN intelligent person may earn $100
monthly corresponding for newspa-
pers; no canvassing. Send for partic-
ulars. Press Syndicate, 707, Lockport,
trfc(1(, ,n . WBeks. navs while learn-
Ing, give ltt-claii let of tools; write
tor tree catalogue, a. 48. . 3d st
- " -
GOVERNMENT. Job, for - women big
W .,ril.,id 5?finiPn5,,pTriL,?-
"""" M"coi.wi. .
lute, dept. 701 L, Rocnester. ri. x.
' 1
Teachers'. Agency secure, post.
"" Ior teacners, ai journal
il 1 EiU ttUQil x a
live wuiieu in tacu iuua,uijr, 10 i
years of age. To loin this soolety and
. 1 . - J , . V. 1 Ii... .O . a
iniroouce our memDersmps. ran or
r ull time. 350 to 1500 a month. Everv
member you recommend gives you a
steady income each month thereafter,
Honorable and dignified engagement.
Experience is. not reauired. Only one
appointment in each locality; hurry
and be the first to apply. Write the
I-L-U, 1251, Covington, Ky
one of our local representatives and
sell high grade custom made shirts:
aiso guaranteed sweaters, unaerwea-
nosier and neckties direct to homes,
Write Steadfast Mills, Dept 29, Cohoes,
N. . Y. :
AGENTS Salary or commission.
ureatest seuer yet ujvery user pen
and ink buys on sight. 200 to 600
i)er cent urofit. One atfent'a sales
$820 In six days' another $32 in two i
hours. Monroe Mfg. Co., X-244, La
uroese, wis
WE start you In business, furnishing
everything; mea and women; $30 to
$200 weekly operating Our "New Svs-
fiale Co., Box Z, fEast Orange, N. J.
HONEST man wanted in each town
for special advertising work; $15 a
week to start: experience unnecessary:
references required. Address at onee
icuean, as .jo.. zau . everiy
- , , .
WANTED Energetic, productive fire
insurance agents in unoccupied ter-
ritory. Liberal commission, good
,adsi nd exclusive territory to de-
ffble parJUB-. M&naer- 405 Liggett
Bldg., St. Louie. Mo.
FOR SALE -State right, and good
. eupply mi?Ae UJ ""Cles, ready for
business. 300 percent profit .$180
"e5Uea- Jordan, 619 Lumbermen" bldg,
AGENTS SnaDDlest household line on
earth. Red hot sellers, steady re-
Platers. Goods guaranteed. Write
MUlt"-ii- enn, saies mana-
Bid surprise to agents selling spe-
g1? or$VP H? ,Mail
T Y 7 p
AGENTS for splendid high grade
. . .
"j;;,"" "t, 6r;T. . .
!"ni. -Specialty Co, Dept A.
ll 'vr v;entraua, wasn.
IF we had your address we'd show you
"ue uui uu wee bui
- -.
- . .v..
START a mail order business of your
I own: small caDital: snare time: 27
Plans. Send for particulars? Mutual
Opportunities Exchange, Buffalo, N. Y,
I ' 1 ' '-a iii , II..H..I i i . .aa ... ....
i?r .fr.eJ catalogue. Armitage Co,
pt- q. Aoury rr, j
I ' 1
wlth invalid wife will do short Jobs.
phone Main 6929
... . XIfri,rr,.. - . ,
madrrss F. Buzbee, 808 J.
Adams st, Oregon City, Or
A ,Qr,ta Ha nrlr iarir
MAN. wants day work caring for lawn,
grading yards, house cleaning, do
tinting. Main 3766. room 6.
YOUNG man wants farm work. Ad
dress 7125 54th ave. S. E. or nhone
r.iii'iKiuiAn wants wmnt ana Ken
era! repairing by day or contract in
or out tt city. journal
I jkiaim wants wors cleaning nouse; is a
Monday, Main 717.
STRONG married man, 30 years old;
I must have work of any kind. Phone
jM. 1825, A-27S6: Room 16.
1 CARPENTER Capable in new and al
. teratipns, fast workman; $3.50 or
ny t-ie 300. T-776,. Journal
1 PAINTING, r tin tine. caDering: sruar
anteed work, hard times price. East
BOY to go on farm. 12 years old. Work
I . board and school. Phone Mar-
shall Z596.
POSITION by experienced poultryman,
27, single. German, willing to work,
T-783, Journal.
WILLING farmer wishing position on
I tne larm. uau ior particutara Hi-
I 7&b, journal.
rr r v 4n.4.,o. v. Tr
wants work after school and Satur-
1 oays. rnone aimn vsus.
I MARRIED man with heavy team wants
I steady Job on ; ranch, Jow wages.
Woodlawn 177.
YOUNG man speaks a little English,
i wants to worg on rarm,
0-777. Jour-
-work and Plowing done. Woodlawn
?, "f ZnvSt?XX .8,up15"t
f ni w '
I viiia, ur.
. -J an gi j i "'I " " I i
clothes. T-778. Journal
CAKraNibK work for new
I GARDENER wishes steady position.
1064 E. 18th St.
WANTED Garden work . by capable
man. Main 717.
WANTED By -young man, any kind
i of work. Will take odd jobs. M. 717.
YOUNG man wants position on farm.
I m-h. journal.
K.1 EXPERT enrintMr wnt work 717
J FURNITURE, packer wants work; has
experience. ; Main ill, A-lDlf,
J MAN wants rough carpenter work.
, uui Monday,' Main in. A-1617.
I MAN and wife want job as camp cooks.
I E. Clans, 617 Dekum ave.
1 f Con tinned. Vv
YOUNG chauffeur (Scotch) would like
position driving . car - - for private
family. Had 10 years machinists ex-
Jerlence; capable worker. V-485,
WANTED Position by niarried man
as ahipper or salesman in the lum
ber business, SO years' experience also
capable of taking full charge of log-
glng camp. X-657, Journal. -...
SPANISH War Veteran needs work;
can do plumbing, clerking, night
watenman, wuung to irr auyin w
James Cunningham, 167. E, Wlnchell at.
YOUNG man, 6 years experience di
tective work, speaks 3 languages;
best references; guarantee satisfaction
in any llneof work. F-792. Journal.
MARRIED man, German, wishes posN
ii. i. Ti .... i . . i i . I i
ticn as gardener, janitor or any Kin a
of work; handy with tools and horse.
610 Lcland St.
BOY of 18 who Is strong and willing
urantai -rmrir-r- ra er tao tnintf t fl.
livery work, but will take anything.
Call Monday, Main 717.
WANTED Position as clerk. 8 years
experience; references; sober, well :
inoarimr: 28 veara old. L-732. Jour- i
appearing; 26 years old. L-732, Jour
ral. ! j
WANTED, by an elderly man, a place;
on a farm as choreman. to do light '
work,-at $20 per montn.
H-765, Jour-
YOUNG man wants a position aa team
ster; taows the city well: can give
references. J. Brennan, 45H4 Mor
rison si.
MAN with family of 7 must have work,
clerical position Or salesman: best
references. Brother Masons, help me.
li-aso, journal,
-.JWanT carpenter work of any kind;
' renalr Work, acreeninr. rararea and
repair work, screening, garages and
residences. Phones Tabor 2204, C-2814.
Ask for Lyons.
YOlfNG attorney, familiar with Ore
gon practice, wants position in law
office; small salary to start T-762,
Journal. '
SITUATl6tf wanted" by middleagei
man as Janitor, porter, day or night
watchman. With best references. Call
Eaet 1542.
DO you want a man to spade up your
garden? If so, drop me a postcard.
WiH work reasonable. J. D. Fine.
4865 84th 8. E.
EXPERIENCTD bookkeeper, college
education, wants permanent posi
tion, references. Phone A-4508. F.
854, Journal.
AN experienced auto repair man wants
cosltion in or out of city.
REB'INED young widow with tact and
ability, desires position where she
can have little girl with her; best
reierencea. k-7S, journal. i
CAPABLE and experienced children's)
nurse desires position; can take full ,
charge of infant; city references. T- i
PRACTICAL nurse, fond of children.
will care for infant or small chll-,
dren at own suburban home; reference I
given. Tabor 903
WANTED By widow lady, a partner
in a rooming house, 1 to furnish
work and experience, they to furnish
house; best of reference. Main 1030.
COMPETENT middle aged lady wishes
situation as manager or housekeep
er in hotel or rooming house. Mrs.
Mattle Royce. Hotel Empress, room 26.
EXPERIENCED gtrl wants cooking
or eeneral housework in eastern Ore
gon or Idaho. Wages $40. H-770,
G6oD cook, fine at pastries, wishes
work, city or country, or pastries
few hours pights for restaurant Main
2039. Mrs.' IC. '
535 AMBITIOUS, energetic woman
wants position as saleslady in bakerv
or grocery, 8 years' experience, best
references. N-916, Journal. '
! WANTED By a middle aged widow,
yusiuua u nuueeaeeer m rooming
house; have had experience; can give
references. P-798, Journal.
WOMAN who Is neat and capable
wants day work Monday and
Wednesday. Call Monday, Main 717,
"WANTED By two sisters, positions
In a rooming house or hotel; experl-
ennA ehamhArmalil and bnnainlrrtnnr .
can give good reference. Main 1080. I
I WnM XI nl.nlaif vanta r.A.Ilnn In
iuw f nig yivkuio euvr r va ceo a ivvwiu
nist- can Monday, Main 717, A-1B17,
wPR-KiNa w.omanwJlt; t? l.Y rv-
ices pan oi aay ior an apartment or
rooms. Call Monday, Main 717, A-1517.
;t- wj;;;-
WfiMAiL?'" a V. .ft L mia-Ml
reliable. Call M6nday, Main 717, A-1617.
WANTED By elderly lady, housekeep-
lna for elderlv centleman or lad v.
Marshall 698.
GERMAN lady wishes day work by
hour washing, ironing, house clean
Ing. woodlawn 1683.
SITUATION wanted to clean apts. for
people employed, also bachelors' apts.
Prices reasonable B-974, Journal.
EXPERIENCED laundress and house
cleaner desires work by day or hour.
Phone Main 4217. . j CLEAN, pleasant furnished rooms,
PRACTICAL nurse would like mater- with or without board, homelike sur
nlty case; would do some light house- ! roundings, summer rates. 748 Lovejoy
woric aez cnapman or pnone a-2i.
EXPERIENCED laundress and houao
cleaner wishes work by day or hour.
References. Woodlawn 1936.
LACE curtains laundered, 26o up. by
expert; .called for and delivered.
Bellwdod 1696,
LACE curtains, draperies, linens laun-
dered by expert Called for.
MIDDLE aged , lady, good suburban
home, will care for children, moth
er's care. 683 Bid well.
YOUNG woman with child 4 years old
wishes position general housework;
gOOd COOK. 04 J. t7tn BU IN,
GIRL 16 years old wants place near
Couch school, work morning and
evenings. Call Main 1776.
MIDDLEAGED lady wants a place,
housekeeper in a widower's family.
Small wages. N-918, Journal.
WANTED By refined, capable lady.
housekeeping for widower or club
of gentlemen in city. Q-774, Journal.
WANT family washing, blankets' or
curtains by reliable party. Wood
lawn 1629.
t?VTirnTWfcT1TT 1 a .. M,nA ...... 1. ! m
for ranch or camp; state wages.
1040 Vernon ave.
MIDDLE aged lady wants housekeep--lng
in or out of town. Phone Wood
lawn 2851.
COMPETENT woman wants cooking
in small hotel or for gang of men.
main hi.
I DO high grade curtain and blanket
cleaning. Do you want yours done?
Phone E-1647.
YOUNG lady would like position; ex
perienced in clerical work and cash-
lering. U-931, Journal.
WANTED Housekeeping by middle
aged woman for widower's family.
M-907. Journal. '
POSITION wanted. y middle . aged
lady aa housekeeper. W-96L jour
nal. WANTED A Job of some kind in a
netei; nad experience, v-749, JournaL
Y work or plain sewing at home.
Phone Main 9130. Mrs. Mann.
CAPABLE woman who is neat wants
day work. Main 717.
POSITION Light housework wanted
py eioeriy woman. Main 717. :
YOUNG lady wishes collecting or
cashie" wora. u-iooo. Journal.
WILL work free, for anyone learning
me the automobile trade. A-7747.
LACE curtains band laundered. Phone
Main I486-
CURTAINS laundered 25o Up; light
washing work by the hour. A-1856.
CHILDREN boarded reasonably. Tabor
GOOD laundress with ,4 children ; to
support Phone Tabor 1010. ;
WANT a poeition as" housekeeper . or
sewing. Tabor 8966.
STRONG willing woman wants day
work. Marshl. 2478.
WILL care for children any time, day
' or night; responsible person. C-3293.
GOOD cook and housekeeper wishes
work, city or ranch. W-964, Journal.
(Oontianed,) !
WANTED Position 1 ia housekeeper i
ln widowers home; ineat appearing.'
excellent cook; will i make your home'ing, elevator, all modern conveniences.
a pleasant place to live in. Phone
f, AAAA a-aM.l A 4 Dt.e.t.ia .
E. 4400 for interview
31$ Stanton
it Hri. E...C. - -.
LADY, in the 30s, experienced' in bust
ness, nursing, housekeeping, etc.,
seeks position where she can have
5l.ln ner-aaugBter or 1. can 2
S. Third at. Phone Main 6530
WANTED Positions by two sisters to
take full charge iof a rooming or
apartment house; good reference and
experience. Main 1080.
MAN and wife, all around farmer.
Want work on farm: ran handle all
kinds of machinery; good with .horses;
can take charge. 0-768, Journal. J
TAILOR made suits and gowns, etc !
discount on prices this month. Mrs.
Summers 601 Empress Theatre bldg.
Main 4011.
EXPERIENCED dressmaker wants
sewing at home.! ,'312 E. 48th st.
Tabor 2379. . i .
MAE MARTZ. modiste. Suits, gowns.
dresses, alterations and makeovers.
Phone Main 3933. 12th and Alder.
MAKE your own gowns. Dressmaking
thoroughly taught. Parisian Drees-
making School. 301 Good nough bldg.
LADIES' tailoring, alterations, coats
relined. Mrs. Muckler, 445 Morrison
st., ia rioor. Main 8133.
DRESSMAKING, family sewing, chil
dren's work. A-2386. Ask, for dress
maker. DRESSMAKER by day; reasonable.
Mas Bern hard, iog7 K. Taylor.
DRESSMAKER -Alterations at homo
or out by day, $2.50. Marshall 3639
BEST of care given maternity at my
home. Graduate nurse. East 67SS.
Dayton Hotel
Job. Wagner,
Mgr. Steam Heat,
Hot and Cold
Water. Rooms
'60c, 76c day, $2.60
and $3.00 per
Cor. 1st and Tay
lor sts.
2 blks south
Portland, Or.
'VLLnstoa -t. atThl"ntb!'
60o per day. Weekly. $3. Monthly,
tU up. Running water. Phone in each
room. Steam heat. Fire proof build-
". uround . iioor lODDy. au nignt
j"Llce- sln-el' ,rooa-
THE ASTORIA Rooming House, 326 4
1st., now unaer new management;
nice clean outside rooms $1.25 per
week and up; transient 25c per night
and up. Phone A-4529.
FOR Y. M. C. A. members Furnished
rooms, reasonable in price; fireproof
building, vacuum cleaned, shower
bath, club facilities; special rates at
cafeteria. Cor. 6th and Taylor sts.
12th and Washington. Steam heat
hot and cold running water, private
and detached baths, free phones. Single
$9 suite 2 rooms. $6.
THE THOMASPEN, 3d and Harrison;
furnished single rooms per week
$2.60 up. 2 room H. K. per week $3.5o
up. Steam heat, bath, phone, laundry.
A quiet homelike hotel, modern, out
side rooms, beautifully furn'd; reason
able rates. 206 B'wsy. cor. Taylor. M 918
212A 3d and Salmon,
Rooms $1.76 week up. steam heat,
hot and cold water, free bath, phone.
OAK HOTEL. $47 Oak st. furnished
rooms, steam heat hot water, bath,
free. $2.60 week UP. Main 4150.
YOUNG man, rooming at Y. M. C. A,
wants roommate to reduce room In a
expenses, inquire x. oi. j. a.
THE REGENT. 1514 Broadway, under
up: transient 6Jc up.
H Cor. Sdand Colum-
THE RANDOLPH Cor. 3rtand Colum-
and cold water, bath. $2 week ut.
Dia. Furnished rooms, steam heat
v i ta.v-, s . . . .
LARGE furnished rooms for S or 4
young men, with or without board.
! Private bath
54 N. 18th.
hotel Buckingham; zouT
Wash. New. clean and modern ant.
side rooms. $2.50 wk. up.; pri. bath $5,
UfVm CAXHMXSl lith st Per-
i iv i k. i yn v J 1 1 manent and tran'st
THE KING, 309 Jefferson, nicely fur.
rooms, modern, central, $2.26 wk. up.
ROOMS and apartments In modern tao
tel: $2.60 week and up. 456 Alder.
2?mtawxarD sooms
near zao. Main gz7
gentlemen; oath connecting, fhonj,
electric lights,
311 5th st, near Co-
REAR sleeping rooms, first floor, very
cheap, clean, comfortable, respect-
able; good beds. 330 Taylor.
DELIGHT FUL front room, modern,
reasonable; will board. 30 N. 16th.
near Washington. ,
LIGHT, clean front room. $1.50 week;
smaller room.- $1.25; quiet home,
short walk. 292 10th st.
NICELY furnished front rooms, close
to carlines: reasonable rent 107 N.
16th' st Free phone and bath.
BKlGHT 6unny rooms, absolutely
clean, hot and cold water; reasonable
rent 268 14th st.
NICD furnished room, modem cm
veniences, central, good . bed, $12.
404 . Clay, near lotn.
LARGE light airy rooms, elec light
Datn, close in. reasonaDie. lilbi
10th st. Marshall 1737.
LARGE alcove room, furnished, suita
ble for 2 gentlemen. Main 9287.
NICELY furnished sleeping rooms,
$1.60 and $2. 492 Taylor.
FURNISHED desirable rooms, reaaon
able. 269 10th,
ONE light cletyi attic room for respon
sible person, $6 per month. 447 Main
The New Hall
Outside rooms, hot and cold water,
steam heat; $2 and up per week; 402
E. Washington, i East 2870.
THE Larrabee, 2274 Larrabee. Low
rates. Brick bldg steam beat hot
cold water, bath, phone, electricity.
TVBJrzaxsio books
ROOM with heat and plenty of hot
water; breakfast if desired. 49 East
9th South. East 1358.
THREE modern ; furnished housekeep
ing rooms, near Broadway bridge.
382 E. 1st st N. East 2495.
NICELY furnished front room. 10 min
utes' walk over steel bridge. $7 per
month. . 171 Union ave. N. East 5648.
NICE light front room for 1 or 2 gen
tlemen. Phone and bath. $8 per
month 101 E. 20th. '
$10 to $12 coxy 2 or 3 room housekevp
ing, hall porch, sink, rosea, gaa
range. Sellwood 1033.
FURNISHED room, modern conven
iences, $6 month. 505 Weidler st, 1
block Broadway r car. . ,
LARGE, "well furnished housekeeping
rooms, reduced rates.
231 East th
st. south.
NICELY furnished front room. walk-.
ing distance. East 447?.
NICE, large, sunny, well furnished
room. 720 E. Morrison st.
2 OR 3 unfurnished rooms for house-
Keeping.- 4T0 Main st3tn-14th sta.
NICE and slahtlv. close in. bath, elec-
trie lights, steam heat, gas for cook-!
prices reasonable. 207 W 2d st-
tftl riTJL ' ' is s
in fine blr house . 227 Chaomaa sL I
Mock from Multnomah Club, I
It MONTH Large front convenient i
"llft."! COrner
son. MarshiU 3443
ter. phone. $5 month.
70 Glisan st
Main 1359. A-7931.
LARGE 3 -room flat $13.50; two rooms
. 19? MarKet.
for rent. 171
13th su Main 9451.
2? :
YOUNG married woman who Is alone I
a good deal desires to board and
room one or two wonting women; large
room, evervthlnr convenient, dainty
"na ciean, $45 1 or two; 125 zor one..
2914 E. 21nt st near Hawthorne car,
TWO cheerful rooms; one has piano;
breakfastserved; near car; 20 min.
walk to business center; reasonable.
Not a boarding house. 648 E. Alder st
e . a
PEOPLE of refinement wanted. Home
like rooms, modern throughout, witi
board if desired. Best of home cook
ing. Easy walking distance. Call 562
Glisan. or phone Main 6599. r
LOVEL room, extra large closet all
conveniences. gentleman
good habits, home comfort. Board if
desired. Marshall 4122.
TWO gentlemen, good habits, large
front room, extra large closet, all
modern conveniences. Board if de
sired. Marshall 4122.
WOULD kike two gentlemen to have
room and board in our Irvlngton
home, on B carline, 12 minutes from
town; reasonable. 0-781, Journal.
ROOM and board with private family
for one or two gentlemen. Strictly
modern. Every convenience. T-781,
Journal. , ;
NICE front room and board $8 a week.
2 In room $5 each. Phone, bath. S26
E. 1st St.. N.
BOARD and room for two young men
room together. Call Sell wood 801
or 694 E. 26th st. R
ROOMS with board; modern; home
privileges; on two car lines. 18$
East 29th si North. East 6729.
IF you are looking for good home
cooking, call 192 12th st. No car
ROOM and board for 2 young men, in
a pleasant home, $20 month. $43
Mill, between Broadway and Park.
ROOM and board, including bath,
phone; rates reasonable; walking
distance. Phone Mrshl 3501. 647 Hoyt.
ROOM an4 board for 2 gentlemen, pri
vate family, terms reasonable. Ill
N. 17th st.
FURNISHED rooms jwith home cok-
lng. suitable for 2. S 81 up. 233 10th
GOOD room and boardreasonable. 266
11th st. A-4493.
WOULD like baby to care for; reason-
aoie; private family. Tabor 8511.
ROOM and board, 490 Taylor.
ROOM with' board. 389 Taylor st.
BOARD and quiet room wanted by
young man, night watchman, west
side, not over $i week. W-851, Jour
$13 MONTH Two larga front rooms,
closet all conveniences, completely
furnished. 1734 2 1st st North, corner
Johnson. Marshall 8643.
NICELY furnished b. k. rooms, steam
heat running water. Down town. 886
VERY beautiful large 2 room apart
ment private bath, fireplace, etc, s4
North 18th. Marshall 8994. Reasonable.
NICELY furnished, convenient house
keeping room, $2 week.. Phone Mar
shall 8672. 826 4th st.
UNDER hew management nice clean
rooms for rent, $3.60 and up; tran
sient, ouc. au wasnington st
LARGE nicely furnished 2 room
apartments; running water; $8.60 per
week. 193 Park st
ONE furnished Jl. K. room, steam heat
bath, phone, only $9 per mo. 187
inn St., near i am mil.
DANDY front suite, brick building;
hot. cold water, phone, bath. 545Vs
Washington. ' ,
COMPLETELY furnished 2 room front
steam heated apt, walking distance;
or-ly $20. 1S1 17th St., near Yamhill.
FIVE furnished housekeeping rooms,
19th and Pettygrove sta., $11. In-
qulre 293 N. 18th st.
ROYCRE8T. 175 12th Furnace heated
ti. i. rooms, an coaveniences
NICELY furnished housekeeping room,
walking distance. 508 Davis.
Cambridge bldg., furnlsh'd IL K. rooms,
central, cheap. 1654 3d., oor. Morr'n.
aoxrs-KXFXzra books
TWO rooms. 2 beds, well furnished;
electric lights, gas, private bath,
phone: no objection to children; cheap
' rent 88 loth, near stark
NICE ciean housekeeping rooms, fine
district, free phone, lights, bath, very
reasonable rent 349 12th st Phone
2 ROOM cottage, furnished for house
keeping; gas, electricity, walking
distance; suitable for working people.
boo otn st. Marsnail b7o8.
$10 FURNISHED housekeeping
rooms, phone and bath, walking dis
tance. 186 Chapman st.
HOUSEKEEPING rooms with hot and
coid water. 372 Broadway. Phone
Marshall 1785.
COMFORTABLE H. k. rooms, very
low rent $16 per mo. up 104 11th
St.- near Washington.
TWO light clean housekeeping rooms;
bay window; one sleeping room. 22$
14 th st.
FURNISHED housekeeping rooms;
bath, heat phone. 181 6th, opposite
Portland hotel.
ONE furnished housekeeping room and
kitchen. 149 13th, between Alder and
Morrison. No carfares.
ONE and 2 housekeeping rooms, heat,
light, laundry furnished; rent reason
eble. 242 Grant st
HOUSEKEEPING rooms, heat bath!
phone, reasonable. 96 lOfh, corner
LARGE front room for housekeeping
only $3 week: also small sleeping
room, $1.60 week. 171 18th st
FURNISHED housekeeping rooms,
close in, west side. 191 14th. Main
TWO nicely furnished housekeeping
rooms for $2.60 per week; also fur
nished" rooms. 806 Vaughn st
THREE furnished housekeeping roomb,
reasonaoie. vne good ior Dacnelor,
403 1st at. Flat F.
FOR RENT Suite of 3 housekeepln
rooms on j.a xioor. Modern.
10th st West .
TWO large connecting front rooms.
11 ilea up ior quite neavy nouseiceep.
ing; two beds if needed. 330 Taylor,
361 Taylor Suite and single house-
keeping rooms, free light, phone.
bath, laundry.
NICELY furnished housekeeping
rooms, all conveniences, central, rea
sonable. 3z rsortn inn.
$12. Pleasant front room, alcove
kitchen, free phone and lights. 447
evn. .
FRONT single H. K. room, heat phone.
Dam. hi lain.
TWO rooms with sink, gaa range, $14
a monui. aiz ooiumoia St.
CLEAN Plenty of heat and hot water.
$10 and $12. Housekeeping. Furnished.
4a ciay St. -
471 MORRISON Nice clean
keeping rooms, $2.50 week. -
TWQ nicely furnished housekeeping
rooms, very reasonaoie. eoe arK.
2 ROOM suite housekeeping rooms, $3
and up. 272 Montgomery.
TWO housekeeping, large
Phone bath, gaa, sinks.
Unfurnished rooms
. ' (Coatiaaed.) .
OS 18th at
kouss scrararo boomi 1
housekeeping rooms.
abundance of light, spacious ground.
$2.26 to J3.00 week. 18th .and 8. car
el Slsa 1 . 4-rw V A hMllA
beautiful place. 4ts fruit . tre
Tiowers. w. tn. .
waTkTmV dUtXcye tty'r.
! $5 week. Rates by month. S7S Couch,
I cor-. 18 th.
.TWO neatly furnished housekeeping
rcoms, conveniences, heat furnished,
water; in walking dlstanoe, $8 per
week. 509 Johnson.
FIj R"N"tSH kD housekeeping rooms, $6-$8-$
18 per month; free bath, phone,
electric liahts. IBS St. Clair st. Mate
TWO well furnished housekeeoing
rooms, with range, very close In and j
a nica home; rent only $3 per wee.
""-n wmer t.'wt.
TWO nioelv furnlahAd. newlv nanered
n K. rooms; modern; very reason
able. 448 Columbia.
One, $ and 3 housekeeping rooms, $8,
$10 and $16 month, 680 2d st
Why pay more when you ran get
unfurnished housekeeping rooms for
76c per week eachT Gas plate fur
nished. Belmont Apts., 480 Vi Belmont
st. East 5148.
$io 2 room housekeeping suite, free
nhonn. lleht and bath: also single
housekeeping room, $6 and up. 892 k
E. Burnside.
NICE furnished 2 room .apartments,
244 hi Killlngsworth ave. Low rent
Wood lawn t0.
$1.60 to $2.75 week, furnished H. K.
rooms, gas, free heat laundry, bathe.
pnone East 6058; os Vancouver ave.
FURNISHED H. K. front rooms. Heat
light hot water. Close in. $3.60
weekly. 2724 Williams ave.
KOxrsBXXspura booms
THREE or four furnished housekeep
ing rooms, modern, beautiful, loca
tion, lights, large porch, yard, base
ment stationary tubs, all conveniences.
good car service. i2i n. inn su
B"wt9d 823
$17.50 4 nicely furnished housekeep
ing rooms at 366 Kan itaiaei, vi
block from Union ave., free phone, free
water, all first class plumbing. East
6153. , .
TWO furnished front housekeeping
rooms with porch. Walking dis
tance, good location. Heat light
cooking gas and phone. $16. $46 E.
TWO larae furnisned rooms with kltch
.enette, gas range, electricity, bath,
phone; in wainut i'ara, cnoice uc
tion. Phone Woodlawn 1 438.
LARGE, sunny room, newly furnished,
walkinr distance, cheap rent; also
housekeeping rooms; private family.
475 E. Everett, corner 9th.
tWO or 8 large, completely furnished
housekeeping rooms, private bath,
porch and separate entrance. $14 and
J$16. 572 E. Tth St. S. Phone Sell. 165.
4 NICELY furnished housekeeping
rooms. 166 Monroe st Phone Wood
lawn 622.
$11 Sunny furnished housekeeping
rooms, near 8. P. shops. IJght, bath,
phone and garden. Sellwood 606.
TWO well furnished modern house
keeping rooms, reasonable. 467 E.
Pine. Phone East 4796.
FOUR modern fur. light housekeep
lng room bath, $16 month. Tabor
t74. 946 Belmont.
8 FURNISHED housekeeping rooms,
free phone. No children. 80 E. 8th N.
LADY alon in 7 room "house wants
to rent out downstairs or upstairs,
all furnished. 699 Gantenbeln, cor
ner Stanton.
MODERN 9 room bungalow for rent
on St. Johns Una, near Greely sta
tion, chicken park and all kinds of ber-
nes ana rosea, rnom ttwm m iih
FOR RENT -Neat 4 room house, with
bath and lawn: reasonable to good
tenants. 4$$ E. Sherman. Phone Mar
shall S764
pnau hibti.
FOR RENT 6 rooms, bath, pantry.
and cfose to city, by Broadway bridge,
a. a f O V 1 C
6 ROOM house, 48 11th st, $30. 4
room flat, $22. Inquire $10 Clay st
Phone Main 609.
SIX room house, 100 E. 18th st, cor.
Washington st. 2 blocks from S. S.
or Mt. Tabor ear.
RENT ( room house. $11 Larrabee sX
Apply 361
Sacramento at Phone
t 3219.
$103 room suite with bath and gas.
East 29th and Hawthorne ave. Bur-
rell Investment Co.. 250 Id st
$12.50 Attractive cottage, newly pa-
pered. painted, gas range, eiecincjiy,
shades, fruit. Cor. E. 40th and Salmon.
9 ROOM house. In good condition, elec
tric llgnts, zu. loo m. na ita near
Belmont. Marshall 4317. -
TWO room house, lot 100x100; will
make a fine garden; rent $5; good
5c car service, Dahlgren, Berkeley.
$12 6 ROOM house, bath, gas, 1 blk.
Rose City rar. 803 Nelson at, near
26th. East 202. .
WAVERLY HEIGHTS, room house,
freshly tinted. Inquire 916 Ellsworth
St. Phone Sellwood 766;
SMALL 6 room cottage, close in, good
condition, $16. 628 Clay st Inquire
620 Clay st. ,
H. V luls room nuuac, nu w..ii
big yard and place for chickens. 1
st fth st. N. Phone Wdln. 27.
FOR RENT Furnished and unfur
nished. Tremont Keauy co.. lTe-
mont Mt. Bcott car. Tabor 2029.
NICE 5 room cottage, all modern, fruit
trees, roses and pavea streets, sue
East 7th st. North. Woodlawn 660.
10 4 room house. $14 7 room house.
19th and Pettygrove sts. Inquir 29$
North 18th st
FIVE room cottage at Capitol Hill,
large garden, a good place for cnicx-
ens; price $16. Phone Main 6886.
THREE room house, nice yard. Alberta
district, $8. Mrs. Mcuuire, veoa
Alberta st
WE can rent that vacant house. Ren
tals our specialty. Page Co., $454
Morrison st
MODERN 5 room house, garden, lawn
and rones. 855 E. 14th St N.. 1
block from irv ington car; fi
THREE room bouse for rent $7-60 per
month. e7U4 eotn ave. 0. m Myrue
FlNEl location, near Lincoln high
school, 8 rooms modern, corner, rea
sonable. 895 11th. Main 2666.
THREE room house for rent saa an-I
electric lights. 863 Williams . ave.
Wdln. 1381.
NEW 5 and 6 room bungalows, $1$ and
$22.60. 28th and E. Franklin.
FIVE room house, rent $13.50. 919
Everett st Take East Ankeny Car.
FOUR room cottage, good condition,
gas, wanting distance. Apply t 4tn.
6280 6 2d st S. E. little new house
for rent, cheap.
MODERN 7 room house. 936 Ellsworth
st. Phone Sellwood 1651.
SMALL 6 room cottage, good condition.
ciose in, it; sz ciay.
7 ROOM cottage, rent reasonable. 332
Grant st, near Broadway. Mar. $493.
$14 FOR 7 room house, 1298 Union ave.
N. Inquire 1294.
1 ACRE, $12; 6 rooms, fruit, berries,
chicken house, 5c fare. Tabor 2012.
7 ROOM" house, choice location, 599
Vancouver ave. raone wain. zs&.
MODERN 5 room house, large - yard,
close lnH $18. Wdln. 196. C-2266. -
$18 r 2 modern 7 and 8 room houses, 2d
st. Apply at next house. 229 Grover
MODERN 6 -room house for rent, $12.
Kaet 2466.
$15 FIVE . room cottage. 4 blocks
Broadway bridge. 486 Ross. Main 614
FOR RENT 5 room house, - 4 ur-
nlshed. $15. 46- RusselL
j CLEAN modem $ room house, large
I lot fruit.! fctellwood $74. -
1 Close In. 8624 Vaughn st, "d" car'
K. 40TH ST.. i near-? Bandy road: 7
rooms, furnaee. - iacloeed sleeping
porch; new house; leeae; $40 month.
Fine 7-room house, aurelhurst Thla
is extra ootL Lease-$40.
MT. TABOR; fine tttew: extra too.
7 room house. Lease $40,
IRVINGTON; extr-lne. a real home
with native shade, Rardwood and en
amel finish throughout fireplaces,
every possible convenience; $80 month.
fine district good vifew, strictly mod
ern. Lease $80 morth . or rent fur
nished. . ;
We have a spiendM list of hot
at all prices; you wasn't find any but
the good onea ;
TiUe & Trilt bldg. .
Main 6423 ?, A-781T
Sunday before I o'cloj'k cell Mr. Wat-
son, SeUwoM 1859.
: 8 " -
$13870 E. Morrls st.
mooern, waiaiwa; aisxance; races car.
. $20 145 E. 27th 411 V4 block'from
Mt Tabor and Sunnystfe cars; 1 rooms,
modern. ,
$80 irvingtoh, dljtfct No, 311 E.
80th, corner Kllckltf St., 7 rooms,
modern. irj .
$20783 Tork st,?1 rooms, furnace
and fireplace, bloiii to 38d St car.
$20 Lower flat 70; Irving st, close
to oar. iff
$35 8 room house,r. W.orner 14th
and College eta,; wonderful view, close
to car. If you have a vacant house
list it with -!v
414 Abington Bldg: - Maln.lOK.
FOR RtifT.
4 rm. fur. house, nop II Main t..$l$
4 room furnished :46use, 1109
E Main street. . . $11.00
6 room boose, cor. Bancroft and
Kelly street T?; 1S.0O
s room house, cor. Bancroft and
Kelly , street . . , .p.. ......... 1 6.00
$ room house, 980 EiA'amhlll st. 18.09
10 room house, 600 lDront st.. ... JO.Oo
171 4th. Main ftj 5. r A-28 1 6 :
j j'j J j j j i j
SAVE time Btts natitnrt hv set
ting our extensive free list Of
desirable houses aid flats "FOR
Main 6869. 268 Wafah. st. A-6287.
i . .
4 R'!
J.J J J J.J J JfjjJ J J J J J
$204 rooms at 4I ; Market st, near
13th. hi , - .
$207 rooms at 5H Raleigh st. cor
ner 19th. ,2i
$20 5 rooms at 543! Overton t-, near
17th. RE
$16 4 room cotta with nica yard
on W. W. carline.. 5
404 Wilcox bldg". 'i jM. 8699. A-t86.
Houses and Flats
J. J. Qb!er
Real Estate ad iRentals,
Cor. Grand A v. afid li E. Ankeny.
BE AUT1 FUL 8 rooin house, 1 block to
Lents Junction. Oiod barn, chicken
house, fine lot. Rent-$15. Tabor 4341.
Theckla Bright Co,
1 blocks from I'lO-. Lents, Or
6nE S room cot tat; en the Mt. rii
carline. unfui-nlsliil.: rent iT,6
month. One 6 roomra furnished bunaa
low, near KillihiCrrtli, on Detroit
ave. Rent $19 per etonth.
9 ROOM II O VHli-A ENT$25.fiO
Walking dlttancTV-f Kent 12th and
Burnside. faces sou and east; fine
Urge yard, lawn and h rubbery. Key at
C.'A. njFF.
813 Chamber of tfcornmerce Bldg.
7 ROOM dwelling, 'iiist 33i ft, bet
tween Hawthorne, and Belmont sta., .
$17.50 per month; ht?tine in good con
dition. Western Oregon Trust Co.. 1100
Northwestern Bank liMg. Phone Main '
6 ROOM cottage. 4 111 von st, near 1 11-man-Poulnen
nilll.vand 1 block rrom
Brooklyn carline, $a per month, less
discount $1. BurreH ; Investment Co.,
2604 3d st.
MODERN 6 room Alt ago, East 31st
and Glisan sta., oh car line, $20 per
month. Western Oregon Trust Co.,
1100 Northwestern Ijank bldg. Phone
Main 937.
SEVEN room moderrj corner resldenrt,
large rooms, remen t basement, fur
nace, laundry tubflreDlace. itt.ut:
i will lease. 442 E. aetarst., corner Slier
$26 New, mo.flern.T't; room bungalow!
Fireplace and kM built-in con
veniences. 889 E. M&rrlson st. Phone
Tabor 670. -
ROOM house, suitable for 2 families.
good condition, fruit trees, full lot
1 for garden. Excelffsiit car service
w ood in
J Woodlawn 268$. Mcln 3279.
'$257 ROOM housfS441 Tillamook st.J.
i first corner In lrvUngton. large yard.
! porro, gaa, eiecirict, iirepiace wasn
trays, etc. Geo.. W. Tahler, 48 N 6th,
2 ROOM bouse, 43lock from WTW
car. on 58th ave. ?ahd 40th St. 8. K.
Inquire 6605 E, 41sefat 8. E, Phone
Hellwood 1024. &
FOR RENT 6 -roon cottage, water,
electrio lights, $!.- Located at 7603
69th ave. H. E. Address Mrs. C. Addi
soTi Muskegon. Mlofe." -FOR
RENT $18.6- per "month, T
room modern houpe, 3 large halls,
fireplace, furnace, ilcken house and
yard. Lot lOvxlOOT Selwood 2282.
HOUSE 6 rooms, furiHshed or unfurl.
nlshed, $12 or $14," cement basement
2 blocks from catv413 Sktdmore at
Phone Woodlawn H; -
MODERN 6 room pottage, $26. 625
Lovejoy, near 16tf. Inquire 6404
Thurmsw. .
SI3t rooms, fine lomtion for roomers
and business: rent; very reasonable.
0 '10th, near Stark. t
FIVE room cottage With yard,, flower
and fruit trees, 3 Albina ave. In- :
quire 655 Borthwlckyst
7 ROOM house fort; rent bath and
fa. 24 East 16tfc st Phono Main
8 A-2182. T
ROOM house, cof. lot, on carline;
flowers and fruit 1621 E. Glisan. Ta
bor 1104. ; .f
SMALL- 3 room Wruse, lot 66x168,
chicken park, garden. Mt, Scott car
tO 64tn St. 8 DIOOKS pOUtn 6304 1iJ BV.
FOR RENT 6 room house on Wood
stock carline. Lot 100x100. 101 E.
Morrison st. .
FOR RENT 1004 E. Cam there, $22 a
month, 6 room new bungalow. Ford
ft Co.. 809 Railway fsxenange.
$14.60. NICE Hawthbme bungalow. 4'
large rooms, Dutch kitchen. E-464,
$27.50 room house, 681 E. Washing-,
ton, eor. JC. lStK-11 Key next door.
Phones C-8136, C-1I87
FOR RENT-4 roor house with baru
and chicken house, close to car.
$12.50. 144 K. Lomtard st, ,
FIVE room cottage walking distance.
625 E. Stephens $10.60. '
HOMES Irvlngton; .East 273. W. IL
Herd man.
FOR RENT B room house, 770 Hoyt
near 23d; two bath: rooms. Main 6724.
MODERN $ room aouse, $18. Apply .
- iz Kast AnKeny
CORNER FaiUng and Cleveland ave a
room house.: Innjre 306.
FOUR room housed $8 month. Tabor
711 !'V
$12 7 rooms, 158 Haven. I'll, i
room a, 787 js. ZBtp; rnone -raoor
6 ROOM modern bungalow, $16. ; $3i
Garfield ave.
FURNITURE of 8 j rooms, housekeep
ing rooms,; for sale, rent $20. $5
K. 19th at. '
FURNITURE of 1 2 room rooming
bouse; rooms all, full; must be sold
at once, oer J. etn st.
FURNITURE; of 13 rooms all complete
for housekeeping-' apartments; -nica
home for rent. - 600 Jef f erson. -
6 RdOMS of furniture for $100; rent
. of house $12; 2 rooms rents for $10.
Call 405 E. YamhlM st. near Grand av.
FOR SALE Furniture of house, til
Taylor st ; Elegant location.
1 . (Continued a jrx Paget