' -Z. ff i - 8 THE i OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, SUNDAY MORNING, MARCH 15, 1914. EXCHANGEREAL ESTATE 24 ( Continued.) ;. J Want First Class Property 14 H acres, all good, rich land, all under high state of cultivation, part fine creek bottom, fine trout stream, city water by place, own water system, t room house, good barn and all neces sary outbuildings, telephone. R. F. D. and cream route service: oh Pacific Highway, hard surface roadway one half mile from street carllne. and lust outside the city limits of Vancouver. This Is an Ideal home place and cheap at f 12.000, one-third cash, balance to suit purchaser: or will trade for city proper" at cash valuation. Ihompson & bvvan 51 2 Main St. Vancouver. Wash. Trade Your Business I will trade this for rooming house or anything I can make a living at. A beautiful acre Just one mile from city limits, out in the fertile Powell valley with Its macadam roads, city water, electric lights; nil cleared and ready for cultivation; lies level; close to car line; no matter what kind of business you have, come In and I will make a proposition to you. Nothing too large or too small. I also have some lots in city and acreage outside of city, free and clear, and will put In cash with any trade. Call Main 6377 or call down snd see Peters at 15 North 5th st. Unsighted and Unseen 150 ACRES. GRANTS PASS. Assessed at $2000, and there Is a mortgage against it for $680, and some Interest due. I have" never seen this, and don t know much about it; but, as I can't use It, and live in Portland, will ex change for city or country property near Portland, which I can make use of Will give, take, or nugumc He; HT. CHARI-KH LAND CO.. 204 Mor rison st reft 7n 4 jtj i" Mt-k x(pllpnt land: $3000, trade for bungalow or lot. -Overlook or Rose City. 430 Worcester i bldg. ' , EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE 24 (Continued.) 305 ACRES, Yamhill county. strictly first class valley land, half culti vated, 180 acres Willamette river bot tom. Will take $10,000 trade, no cash. $4600 In fall, no Interest till then, pos session Nov. 1. Long time on balance. Want good value. Cash price $100 per acre. - Owner. Box 8, McMinnvllle, Or. LOT to trade as first payment on new modern bungalow. V-969, Journal. SWAP COLUMN I WILL trade 1 Jewel auto, single ' seat runabout, in fairly good con dition, all but the tires, for a motor cycle, or a roller top desk, revolving chair, and one of the following .type writers: No. 5 Underwood, No. 10 or II Remington, No. & Royal or No. 10 Smith Premier. Write to Lock Box, 74. cresweii, Oregon 20 ROOMS, nicely furnished; will trade equity of $350 for team, wagon and harness, or lot of equal value.! Mort gage of $260, payable $20 per month. Call at 369 Front st. EXCHANGE: 1 Democratic pole bug gy; one 1500 lb. Buick auto delivery truck; 2 delivery wagons: will exchange for cows. D. C. Burns Co.. 208-210 3d. VALUABLE Invention to exchange dt - o e . . . - . 1 , T, nA iyr a. or o iuii tiu itj ituvn. CITY lot to exchange for good player piano. V-938, Journal. MAJESTIC range, coal or wood, 'for high oven gas range. 963 E. 7th. N. NEW zither for kodak or something of similar value. Tabor 2741. SALE or trade, oil stove and sanitary couch. Phone Bellwood 873. WANTED KEAL ESTATE 31 WANTED to buy on terms 5 or 6 room house, near Piedmont. Phone Wood lawn 662. WANTED Lots, Rose City Park, or Laurelhurst, Give phone. D-919, Journal. WANTED Lots, St. Johns-Mt. Scott carlines. Give phone. H-761. Journal. WANTED 5-10 acres near carline. Give phone. B-968, Journal. WANTED REAL ' ESTATE 31 (Continued.) TIMBER tract, land suitable for colo nization or city property, wanted for Kansas fruit land, $00 acres with. 660 acres of 15-year-old bearing apple trees In perfect condition. Kansas state board of examiners appraised orchard at $300,000 cash value. Shows good profit even In crop failure years from cider and vinegar plants. Bond Issue, $80,000, 10 years, 6 per cent, made by trust company. Will trade clear for clear or assume same amount We have pictures ond further information. U. S. MORTGAGE & INV, CO., 512-513 Yeon bldg. ' WANT modern , 6 or 7 room house, close in, full lot, free of incumbrance or nearly so, In exchange for good 6 room house E. 9th st.. good district, full lot; also 2 fine lots In restricted district, close in. Owner, 326 Buckeye St., McMinnvllle. Or, WE are having calls for bungalows In -the Rose City Park district. If you want to sell quickly let us know at once what you have to offer. Phone Main 1189 or A-3814. Dorr E. Keasey & Co.. 2d fir. Cham, of Com, bldg. WANTED To buy from owner, large tract of land not far from city, suit able for platting In 5 and 10 acre tracts. Must be less than $30 per acre. State price, acreage and terms. L-864. Journal IP YOU have a farm, city - property or business that Is worth the money asked, list it with W. R. Haizlip. 407 Stock Exchange bldg. We handle property of merit only. WANTED REAL ESTATE 31 " (Continued.) WE are having calls for: bungalows in Rose City Park district. ' If you. want to sell: quickly let us know at once . what you have to offer. Phone' Main 1189 or A-3814. ' Dorr E. Keasey Co, 2d Fir. Chamber Commerce. WANTED. Good 7 or 8 room house, modern, close to high school or Reed college. Price $5000, In exchange for It lots in Salem, Or lots 60xl65ft-; all In young cherries at present. U. S. MORTGAGE & INV. CO. 512-513 Yeon bldg. - CHEAP country land wanted In pay ment on improved Portland property.. G-850, Journal. MONEY TO LOAN REAL ESTATE 27 $4000 To loan on improved farm for 3 years. Callan & Kaser. 722-24 Yeon bldg. $250. $350, $600. $850, $1200, $2000. Fred W. German Co.. 914 Cham Core. WANT a cash buyer for east front Westmoreland lot; also 6 to 10 acre suburban tract for poultry ranch. No boosted values considered. N-909, Journal. WANT farm land close to good town. Will give 10 clear lots and mort gage back for difference. Main 6809: 1020 N. W. Bank bldg. WANTED House, 2 lots, near car. $50 cash, $10 per month. Give de scription, price and location. G-855, Journal. WANTED) 5-6 room house from own. er. Give phone. C-937, Journal. WANTED 3 room house and lot, near Mt. Scott car. Sellwood 795. Mortgage Loans .fBga&SSg MONEY TO LOAN REAL ESTATE (Continued.). 27 Mortgage Loans T. IV WHITE. 701 Selling- Bids-. $700 to loan on improved suburban property, also larger amounts, lowest rates. Cowllshaw. E15 Commercial block. WE have money to loan on your real estate; first mortgages only HAMMOND MORTGAGE COMPANY. 423 Chamber of Commerce. TO LOAN $400. $1500. $2500 and $5000 on city improved property. J. L. Wells Co.. 24 Chamber of Commerce bid g. MONEY to loan on real estate, at rea sonable rates and without unneces sary delay. See W. R. Halzllp. 407 Stock Exchange bldg. MONEY TO LOAN REAL ESTATE (Con tinned.) 27 ' MONEY TO LOAN in sums to suit on improved real estate security. $600 to $50,000. Prompt service. HAMMOND MORTGAGE COMPANY, 423 Chamber of Commerce. MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS. SALARIES j C ontneL) 67 PRIVATE FUNDS ON HAND TO LOAN. $30,000 at 6, $20,000 at 6. $10,000 at 6, $8000 at 17o, $4000 at cv $2500 at 7, $1500 at 7, $1200 at $400 at 8. M'KENZIE & CO.. 515 Gerllnger bldg.. Main 2801. MONEY $650, $1300. $1500, $1600. and larger amounts, 7 and 8 per cent. W. R. CUMMINS. , Main 8095. 301 Lumber Exch. $20,000 EASTERN money to loan, city or farm property, any amount Claude Cole. 917 Board of Trade. MORTGAGE LOANS. ner cent to 7 per cent. John L. Karnopp. Railway Ex. bids;. MONEY to loan on city real estate and farms. Geo. P. Dekum. 228 Henry bldg MONEY TO LOAN ON REAL ESTATE A H. HARDING. 813 Cham, of Com. MORTGAGE loans, 6 and 7 per cent. Louis Salomon & Co.. 229 Stark st. MONEY on city property. Ridings A Riley, 404 Broadway bldg. M. 2817. $40,000 OR LESS, FARR1NGTON 80 4th St.. Board of Trade Bldg. MONEY to loan, 6 to 8 per cent. W. H. Seltz & Co.. 310 Spalding bldg. $1000 to $5000 private funds for imme diate loan. Phone Tabor 2520. $200 TO LOAN., private party. 308 Piatt bldg. $500 ON hand for Immediate loan. A. K. HILL. 419 Henry bldg. QUICK loans Will accept or reject security within an hour; no delays. j-t-w r . r, . Dlf Anm CAE V. , 1 LnAa. c. orr vjrv , ovu uumi mug. MORTGAGE loans at current rates. Real estate security; appiy rm. zoz Stock Exchange. 3d and Yamhill. MONEY TO LOAN ON REAL ES TATE. WM. Q. BECK. 816 FAIL ING BLDG. $500, $700, $1000. $2000, $3000 TO loan, no delay, private morifty. H. A. Dryer, 610 Lewis bldg. ' $100,000 on mortgages, city and farm property, fire insurance. McKenxle & Co., Gerllnger bldg.. 2d and Alder. CASH paid for mortgages, notes, con tracts; mortgage loans; reasonable rates, b. H. Lewis & Jo.. 3 Lewis bldg. PRIVATE money to loan. R. K. Wal ton, 623 Henry bldg. $200 and up on real estate, ty Co., 206 Alder st. Bold Real FIRST MORTGAGE LOANS Made on improved Portland real es tate. Prompt consideration given to applications. PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY OF OREGON Northwestern Bank Building 6th and Morrison Sts. MONEY TO LOAN ON IMPROVED REAL ESTATE OR FOR BUILDING PURPOSES: VERY FLEXIBLE CONTRACTS; NO COM MISSION. COLUMBIA LIFE & TRUST CO. 916 SPALDING BLDG. Immediate Loans On diamonds. salary. furniture. pianos, stoiage receipts, real estate, autos or motorcycles. As our capital is unlimited, we are equipped to banal loans from $10 to $1000, In on to six hours' tlmj. No embarrassing lnvestl- avion. Mortgages not recorded unless efauit is made. YOU CAN GET IT TODAY. Portland Loan Co. (Licensed.) 413 MACLEAY BLDO. Open 8 a. m. to 0 p. m.; Sat till p. m. Call, write or phone. MR. AND MRS. WAGE EARNERS WISHING MONEY WITHOUT SE CURITY, QUICKLY, QUIETLY. AND CHEAPLY. PLEASE CALL AT 304 HKNHT HLDG. MONEY to loan at 3 per cent on motorcycles, automobiles, diamonds, pianos, household goods, storage re ceipts and real estate. Call at 413. Macleay Hldg. LOANS on improvea city property or for building purposes; advaaces made as building progresses; liberal re payment privileges; no commission or brokerage. J. P. Lipscomb, 242 Stark. 6 AND 7 per cent mortgage loans, $1000 to $20,000, on hand for imme diate loan. For prompt service -and fair treatment see us first. A. K. HILL, 419 Henry bldg. $700, $1500 and $2500 to loan on im proved Portland property, must be first mortgage and not over 50 per cent value. Perry Kltzmiller, 4. Chamber of Commerce. MO.NEl to loan on salaries, plain notes, chattels, or anything of value, all transactions confidential. Colum bia Loan Co., 206 Swetland bldg. Main 2:13. MONET . "XtV LOAN CHATTELS,' SALARIES (Continual.) - C7 MONEY MONEY MONEY. We have plenty of; money on hand which we are authorised to loan to salaried people In anunts of $10 to $100. Uf - Loans may be repaid In installments as best suits your convenience. We solicit a call and invite you to investi gate our contldentiaV-fmethods, We assure you of i courteous treat ment and quick aervic&A All we ask la a fair return for our ;services. Call, telephoneior write STATE SECURITY CO, 309 Falling Bldg. 1 jiOANS WANTED WANTED $16,000 fr.4vn private party for 3 to' 6 years, jwcured by first mortgage on my $5flt;eOo farm, every cent to be invested off farm. U-699, Journal. $5500 WANTED at 7 'er cent on Ala meda Park residai-e valued at $7000. sa HAMMOND MORTG3TOE COMPANY, 423 Chamber of rt'ommerce. Want $1300 An $3000 Improved property. Journal. Johns. R-473, PRIVATE PLACE TO OBTAIN LOANS on diamonds, watches. Jewelry, au tomobiles, musical Instruments; all in terviews strictly confidential. Elby Company. 320 Lumber Exchange bldg. DESIRABLE place for ladles and gen tlemen to borrow money on diamonds and Jewelry, eastern rates. Diamond Palace. 334 Wash., opp. Owl drug store. MONEY TO LOAN 67 CHATTELS. SALARIES QUICK loans, without publicity, on autos, furniture, pianos, motorcycles and livestock. 206 Alder st. MONEY to loan on pianos, furniture. autos, livestock, storage receipts, real estate, etc. We buy mortgages. Man hattan Mtg. Co.. 310 Abington. M. 628C. $1200 first mortgage, jell secured, dus In 18 months, liberal discount for immediate cash. East? 988 Woodlan 1396. j?; WANTED Loan of 'f 1000 at IK on good security; no brokerage. E-749, Journal. WANTED A man with $2000 to take up mortgage on ine property In city. D-922, Jou rna LOAN By private oarty wanted on side Improved -property, 0-731. west Journal. MONEY Joaned on diamonds, Jewelry and warehouse receipts. W. A Hathaway, room 9. Washington bldg. MONEY sold on Installment; confi dential to salaried people. F., "A. Newton. 614 Henry bldg. MONK loaned on diamonds and Jew elry, strictly confidential. 141V 3d. WANTED Sellers' contracts or mort gages for sightly Pilots near Haw- WANT $1760. 7 per .-nt, fine houna, iuuxiuu, corner, cioftd in, no oommls lon. B-977. Journal.; W A NT ED $4500 on hurnian bL prop erty. Eastlnnd. 2QI-Gerllnger bld. (Continued on prext rage) ROOMIM G HOU AMD CHANCES .HT I A Diversified List of Business Opportunities Is Continually Offered in These Columns If- ROOMING HOUSES 53 Associated Investment Co, Oldest Firm, Largest Listing 618 YEON BLDG j MAIN 481. 40 Rooms, Rerjt $100 Ktt arn heat, hot and did water; res taurant in connection, if desired. Price $1000 for quick sale. Vefy best of fur niture. 1 , 20 Rooms, Rent $50 AH two room apartment, steam heat, new one year ago. Price $1450. 21 Rooms, $1600 Present income $-5; rent $65; fur nace heat; very close In; clears about $126 monthly; $800 cah will handle. 20 Rooms, Rent $65 Partly housekeeping; close in West Hide location; clears $75 monthly. Price $850; $400 cash will handle. Associated Investment Co. 22 Years in the Business 618 YEON BL1X3. MAIN 481. ROOMING HOUSES 53 GOOD TRADES.;' Clear lot and some cash for a small rooming houso. 6 acres good land near Portland for rooming house or automobile. 13 rooms, swell furniture, rooms all .renteu, ror equity in nouse ana 101. Bee us. We have 100 other good ones. H. E. JAMES CO.. 88 10TH. near Stark. ROOJIING HOUSES 53 See This Snap 3160 CASH, BALANCE $20 MONTH. 9 rooms, rent $35, income $75, leav ing two swell Hiving rooms; fine fur niture, floss mattresses, good carpets. Just as clean as can be. Owner is forced to leave city at once. Don't lose this snap. Price $375. $160 down. 1NQU1RK AT 88 10TH. NEAR STARK. Some Class to This 20 room apartment house, 2 room suites, new, modern, brick building, rent $50, 3 year lease, everything com. plete, cleanest house in Portland; beau tiful district, dandy home, clears $110. always full; price $1300, terms. See owner, Balfour apartments, 1163 Bei mont, corner East 39th. HERE Is a snap for a man and family looking for a nice home where In come more than nets the running ex pense, 8 rooms nicely furnished, select neighborhood. corner house. This place has got to go In the next three days for cash; no reasonable offer re fused. Buy from owner. Come quick. 434 Broadway, cor. College. Can't Be Beat 15 rooms, low rent, lovely location, well furnished. Price $500. Terms. Fruit alone worth $100. Roses. A $1000 place for $500. Goddard, 602 Couch bldg. WE GUARANTEE THIS. 26 H. K. rooms, rent $80. Very best close in corner in town, thoroughly clean and un to date. WE (il'AKAN TEE $100 clear profit per month. Price $1600, easy terms, ates Kealty CO., 249 4th sr. A, J. DeFOREST 316 Fenton Bldg. 84 6TH ST. PHONE MAIN 6336. Did you ever stop to think what the great Panama canal means to Port land when the world's greatest ehlos start on their way? It means that activity on the Pacific coast will be like a new mining camp. It means an increase of Portland's population from 2.r. to 50 per cent within a very short time. It means that if you are con templating on going Into business and wish to get in right, now is the time to do It. for Just as sure as the sun rises and sets the prices will go up. So' don't wait to pay the Con notcn prices when at present you enn buy right. Act today, come and see me. I will assist you to get Just what you want. 90 Room Hotel, Modern Must be sold this week account of death. Elegant location and modern bullrtlne, close In, $3000 handles it. 67 Room Apartment House Clears $300 per month net. modern In every way, west side location, close in. 20 2-room and U a-room apartments all with private bath; price $550, terms on part or trade 60 Room Hotel, Rare Bargain The price $3500, the rent $4 per room, the leasts 5 years; nothing lik it for the pr"e; must be sold this week, and the time to buv iswhen the other fellow must sell, where one must sacrifice. Some other ls.bound to win. Well, this is your chance to win. 50 Rorm Apartment House Something extraordinary for onlv 3500. ' A real bargain. Income $570 per month; 5 years' lease can be se cured; part time on '- furniture. 38 Room Rooming House Only $1800. terms on part: excel- ent location: rent only $150 per month; a rare bargain. 22 Room Rpommg House With 6 private baths: rent onlv 65: $500 cash, balance $25 per month. Price $1200. Chance for Lady Alone $600 handles 18 rooms, down town. bits: money maker, steam heat, hot and cold water; some with private bath; me rurniture consists or golden oak. Circassian walnut, mahogany, brass beds and A-xminster carpets; a rare op portunity ror a woman alone. I Have many other houses to offer which are not advertised, ranging from o to zx rooms, prices from J400 to $20,000. Come and eee my complete ist. I can save you time, and money. Wanted Hotel or apartment hous In fttv. 70 to 150 rooms, for cash and A-l real estate. Wanted Apartment house or roomine- hnu.it for A-l improved farm. 30 miles from Portland: stock and all Implements goes; price $7000. $2000 mortgage. A. J. DE FOREST. 315 FENTON BLD. X K1H ST. PHONE MAIN 6336. APARTMENTS OF QUALITY. 18 2-room, $2500 on terms. 17 2-room, $3000, trade. 14 2- and 3-room, $2700 on terms. 70 room (fine), $4800, on terms. 43 rooms (extra), $4200. 3 bargains In hotels, $6000 to $9000. Many bargains in small places from $150 up to $2000, good buys. 322 HE.NKi BUSINESS CHANCES 20 BARGAIN NO. 3. 24 room rooming house, rent $75. 2 years' lease; good location. Price to day for alL $400. Peters, of course. 15 jm. atn st. WANTED ROOMING HOUSE. I have several parties with property to trade for a good place. 606 Stock Exchange bldg. 38 ROOMS, steam heat, hot and cold water; terms; agents take notice. Owner, Main 2757. I WANT to buy a hotel or rooming house; must be cheap. 429 Lumber Exchange bldg. BUSINESS CHANCES 20 BARGAIN NO. 4. 27 room rooming house in alee resl dent location; rent $90; all full of good roomirs; nice, neat, clean place. Worth $1500. Price today for all, $760 Peters. 15 N. 6th st. 12 Rooms Modern A SNAP FOR $240 Down and $10 at $20 per month, fine rurniture; can t be beat. Uodilard, 502 t ouch ning. DOWTOWN 30 room transient house best location In Portland, always full; psys $8 per day net; rent only $126 per month: will sell at a bargain. or will strade for unincumbered lots or acreage. 515 Gerllnger bldg. 2d and Alder sts. FOR HALE Combination rooming, housekeeping and boarding house; 10 rooms, attic, full cement basement, fur nace. rent $30: income $91 per month. House full; price reasonable. Will con sider part cash and terms.- 624 Flan ders. Main 78lo. BARGAIN NO. 2. 10 room rooming house In the heart or tne city: one room pays rent, which is only $20; all full. This place is worm oou. I'rice toaay ror all, $175, rntr, or course, la fi. bin St. i APARTMENT HOUSE -SNAP 52 rooms, brick, splendid location east side, always full, rent only $100 month with lease, near car barns. worth $3500 and $1400, half cash takes It. B0 KtocK Kxcnange building. WANTED 24 room rooming house, Aiusi oe central and price rleht - terms. Give particulars In first letter No agents. K-997, Journal. 14 ROOMS, absolutely modern, swell furniture, rent $40, near 12th and Maaison, pest oner takes it. Yates, z tn st. ROOMING house, furniture 10 rooms 9 It A . - - - sn 'Mrs. Smith, 246 Montgomery st. Mar, 4780. 16 ROOMS, brick building, running water, very reasonable rent, $30; a nnp. tun iia za si. GWOD paying rooming house. 33 rooms, very cheap, terms If wanted - Morrison, k. 26B3. Owner. It LARGE houkMnlnr rnnm. h.o,. tlful grounds; sell cheap. 90 E. 8th, 1 RO6MS. Jcheap rent, good Income. Phon Main 9116. Verv WANT furniture for clear lota and good acreages Main $809. PARTNER wanted in pool hall, best business in Portland, $2000 required to get in, thorough investigation. Meat 'market can be bought for $625 doing cash trade over $1000 a week. This is a bargain. Cleaning and pressing parlor, dandy location, only $76 required. Auto truck and rood established hauling business, $900 will handle; a great opportunity. Page Company 245 & MORRISON. ROOM 6. CHANCE OF A LIFETIME. 26 rooms, housekeeping: fine west side lmcaticn; house always full; owner lurea to sen; is a bargain at $1500 If sold this week. Price $BO0. Some terms. Buy this, sell again in the snrln and double your money. tALli SS 10TH. NEAR STARK. FOR SALE Well established transfer and storage business; good route and plenty of customers; good reason for selling; must sell at once. 267 6th st. ONE chair barber shop, established lo cation, with gas water heater and wash stand. No. 6522 Foster Road, Ar leta. $8. Marshall 4220. FOR SALE For cash, or part cash. Bakery and confectionery, ice. cream parlor in connection. Address Box 112, Castlerock. Wash. JOB PRINTING for sale, the com plete plant of the late A. W. Nash, 205 Stark st. Apply on premises from 11 to 3 o'clock. Investigate These Bargains Hotel (located in Portland) ...$80,000 Hotel (located in Portland) ... 42,000 Hotel (located in Portland) ... 35,000 Hotel (located in Portland) ... 11,000 40 room hotel (clears $200 per month) 6,030 Laundry (located In Vancouver, B. C.) 17,000 Dairy route (paying over $600 per month) 8,500 Mercantile store (state of Wash ington) 12,500 Shoe store (state of Washing ton) 10,000 Bottling works 11,000 Notion store S.0J0 Mercantile store with post office 3,500 Newspaper (farm monthly pa- per) 8.700 Printing office (Job print) ... 2,500 Railway lunch stand 750 Cigar stand 1,000 High Class Farm Paper One of the leading farm newspapers located In western Oregon is for sale. It Is high class In every resoect: is well established; has 2000 subscrib ers: fine circulation among the farm ers; has good advertising opportunities and is something absolutely worth the money. Will pay you to investigate. 40 Room Hotel Well located In central portion of Portland, well filled with permanent roomers, never empty, walking dis tance from postoffice, clears $200 per i month. Price $5000. Railway Lunch Stand A good stand for a man who wants a bargain. Only $750. Shoe Store This shoe store Is located In a live town in Washington and is doing over $20,000 business annually. Can be bought at invoice. The reason for sell ing Is that other business requires at tention of owner. All standard lines of shoes carried. Fine opportunity. Dairy Route Bargain One of the best dairy routes located near Portland. 2800 gallons per month are sold without competition. Average petween euo and $800 from custo mers. Price $3500. Requires only xzuuu casn to nanaie it. BUSINESS CHANCES SO Pool Hall, Bowling Alley 5 fine tables, 2 regulation alleys. cigar counter, show cases, cash regis ter and refrigerator; building 2 stories and basement; furnished rooms up stairs pay rent of entire building: good town near Portland; price $3500; $2000 down, balance well secured. Address Associated Investment Co.. 618 Yeon bldg. Sawmill 4 miles from Lebanon in Linn coun ty, in good location; mill and timber, planing mill and logging tools, every thing complete; a splendid proposition which will stand closest investigation. Price $6500; $3500 cash. Kauffmann & Moore 325 Lumber Exchange. Store Building Fine concrete building, lot 80x100, 2 blocks to car. Will take $2000 for property and will Invoice stock. Small payment down will handle this.- Theckla Bright Co. 2 blocks from P." O. Lents, Oregon. Tabor 4249. FOR SALE Moving picture road show, weight 400 lbs., all complete, ready to run, for $125. Call 148 East 3d, room 65. CIGAR fruit and 4 chair bootblack stand. The shining parlor will more than pay rent. Price only $650. 248U Stark st. WANTED To buy small restaurant; no agents; give size and address. Z F52, Journal. . CONFECTIONERY with living room for sale at reasonable price. W-957, Journal. SNAP; cleani ng, pressing and dyeing shop; no opposition. Making $100 month. Tabor 3029. FOR RENT Pool room, furnished, very low rent to a good party. M. E. Lee. 622 Corbett bldg. MOTION picture theatre for sale, close in, good reason for selling; this is a oargain ir tanen at once. T-787, Journal MUST sell cigar and boothblack stand; a bargain. Good lease and location. Main Buyers Take Notice We have rooming houses at oil kI and prices. Some for trade. If you haven't sufficient means to buy, we provide it. We protect you. We offer no piace ior saie unless It is meritor ious. Goddard and associates row Couch bldg. WEST SIDE BARGAIN. 60 rooms, all rented, close in. fulrlv good furniture, cheap rent, splendid location, clean, neat place. To see is to buy. $1500, half cash. 606 Stock Ex change. BARGAIN NO 1. 9 room rooming house 2 hlmira fmm Washington st., good furniture, cheap rent, worth $400. Price today for all jreiers. or course. 15 N. Sth st. 42 ROOM apartment house, very fine furniture, all full, modern in every way; must sell at once at a bargain. Just got to leave Portland at once. Y- iuuu. journal. LADY wants rooming house, will trade Desi Doitom land in Oregon, near good coast town. Phone Tabor 789 all uay Kunaay or arter 6 p. m. BARGAIN HITNTBR SP.R TPTQ 11 rooms, all rented' rlno. n fol. furniture, must be sold. ' r KICK 1200 FOR AT.T. Particulars. 88 10th. near Starts. HIGH. CLASS, 14 rooms, all fuil. with ju uuiBiue Doaraers. very best west side location, clearing easily $125 and up; $1100. part cash. 323 Lumber Exchange. BUTCHER shop, good location and good paying business. Must sell because or leaving city. Tel. Sellwood 2280. ONECHAIR barber ehon for sale cheap. Good location, chance for a hustler, zoth and E. Morrison sts. GOOD location for restaurant and chili parlor, want partner. 362 Union ave., in. PARTNER wanted In blacksmith shop: must be good, live man. Call at nouse. 8013 55th ave.. S. E. GROCERY, new and clean, up to date $ location, near Bchool, 6 living rooms. 1100. E-750, Journal. MUST be sold at once, Diamond Hand Laundry, 271 11th St.; established over a year. .Price right. A GOOD opportunity for a man with $500 and the knowledge of wet wash laundry pusiness. .can boz coucb bldg, WANT grocery to $2000, have yung commercial orcnara in Willamette valley. 344 E. 37th street, WANT to meet Christian man 65 years old; must have about $5000 but home not necessary. M-913, Journal. IF you are looking for a good confec tionery In a good location, call East 1697. CONFECTIONERY and lee cream par lor for sale at a bargain. Call B' 3135. FOR sale cheap: An un to date ladies' tailor shop, doing good business. 304 ter linger. LIST your business with us; we have clients for all profitable business op- portumtles. 804 Oerllnger bldg. ROOMING HOUSE 32 rooms steam heat, hot and cold water, brick bldg., new furniture. All on 2d floor. $1500. Call 248M. Stark. runniaHto Housekeeping rooms, new paper and painted house; $10 "a"dles this. See me between 6 and g.j p. m. zsg ciay st. Must sell WELL furnished 36 H. K. rooms cheap, iue, wnn terms. T-7 7 9, journal. I WANT to buy a hotel or rooming house; must be cheap. 421 Lumber """'igc mug. 12-uJnlahed housekeeping rooms for $850, rent $30. 149 13th at. Call after CONFECTIONERY, dandy lltle place, fine trade, cheap rent. $650. 323 Lumber Exchange. IF you have a business and want to dispose of it; we can turn the deal for you. 303 Lumber Exchange. WE hare several good business in vestments for business men. from $200 up. Room 304 Gerllnger bldg. FOR SALE Cigar and confectionery store, a bargain if taken at once. 288 FTont street. Oregon Electric depot. WELL eoulpped dressmaking parlors. whole or half interest. 601 Empress t n eat re ouuqing. WANT partner in pool room and lunch counter business. 362 union ave.. N, 600 BUSINESS cards. 75c Ryder Ptg. Co.. S. W. cor. 3d and Mor. Main 6536. BAKERY for sale in a live country town, tuk-tis, journal. City Bakery, Big Snap Large brick oven, first class fixtures and equipment throughout; auto and aenvery wagon; stock of canned goods; employs five men; rent $55. Bargain price and liberal terms to right Dartv. inquire Associated investment Co.. 618 Yeon bldg. BUSINESS CHAXCE8 20 Attention Flour Mill Men There has been placed in our hands for disposition a milling proposition of A No. 1 caliber. This is a flour and feed mill lo cated In one of Oregon's best cities, with a capacity of 100 barrels daily, and with absolute ly no competition. Earnings can be made to pay $100 net per day. This will bear the strictest investigation. The price is $20,000, and the owner will trade for good cash value property or sell outright. This property has made one man a millionaire. Good reasons for disposal. Come in and see us. Dorr E. Keasey & Co. Second Floor Chamber of Com merce Bldg. One of the finest and best equipped studios of its kind on the coast. It will pay parties that are interested In this line of business to Investigate. This includes property, business and an. frice confidential BUSINESS CHANCES 20 Fine Home in Portland for Hardware Stock Fourteen room house on E. 27th St.. near Sunnyside car. All modern im provements, lot 75x100, high above walk. Price $12,000 mortgage $4000. Wilr exchange equity for stock of hardware or general merchandise. Mlgjt pay some difference. ADKINS & CO.. 605 CHAMBER OF COMMERCE. General Merchandise Store Groceries, dry goods, farm lmple ments; Oregon farming district; rent $12.50: stock invoiced at $17,853; fix tures $1500: receipts $90 to $100 daily: $10,000 will handle. Particulars Asso- ciated Investment Co.. 618 Yeon bldg. NICE locality. 8 rooms, nicely fur nished, only $350, live, rent free, and money left, close in west side. If you want to Invest $1700 and get back $400 a month, come in and ask uk about the 62 room house in heart of Portland. PAGE CO., 246 y, Morrison, room 6. RAILWAY, steamship, gas, electric, timber, logging. Irrigation, coal. oil. realty, mining, manufacturing, indus trial, trust, oanKlng and general cor porations organized and directed. Bond issues, $100,000 up, shaped up, pre pared and negotiated. L. N. Rosen baum & Co . 816 Halght bldg., Seattle, VV ash. Laundrymen For a practical laundrvman who wants a good paying laundry. Located in Vancouver, ti. c Bank valuation, $24,000. Selling price, $17,000. Can be handled for $7000. Well equipped, up-to-aate piant. Cigar Stand One of the best locations In Port land. Doing a good retail business. Centrally located. Price $1000 If taken as it now stands. Will invoice stock. River Men We have listed several freight trans portation companies located on the river. Can be Durchased at reasonable figures and it would pay you to Inves tigate same. Provident Trust Co, 2J9-221 Selling bldg. See Mr. Chamberlin. BACHELOR physician from Europe wants ladv or eentleman Dartner to build and run health resort for run down and nervous cases (not bedfast). Owns 300 acres valley land, presen: value $30,000. very sightly. with springs, creeks, all kinds of fruit and berries, near city, river and railroad. An ideal place. A most proritabie investment, as there is not a doctor that has not some patients each vear for whom he wants just such place. L-733, Journal. WANTED Party with $3000 to $5000 to take Intferest In new townsita, Willamette Valley; stand Investigation; gooa opening ior ail Kinds or Business; free location and special inducements offered- opportunity for 2 or 3 good mechanics to locate; 6 and 10 acre tracts; easy terms, (jail yu Hiast atn fnone East 2095, A-Z095. Splendid Opening For general store. building ready. Write sec'y Com. Club. Lyle. Wash.. or pnone Marshall 4645. FOR SALE cheap, good butter, eggs. DunermiiK Dusiness, good route and good customers; must sell at once; will give reason. K. Hubor, 702 E. 10th st. fnone sen wood oil. FOR SALE ComDlete harness and shoe repair factory on account of sickness; will take heavy team or some real estate as part payment. B-972 journal. MERCHANDISE stock $4500; clean. unincumbered, good location, 30 miles from Portland; want clear Portland nome. Good proposition. MX-914 Journal. RESTAURANT seating 75. right down town, fixtures worth $2000, sacrifice for half and part cash at that pos itive Dargain, convince yourself, szs WANTED Party with land, lmple ments and team to go in partnership raising hogs. I will furnish hogs and an iaDor. Address F. 11. w.. room 11, ii 6th st.. Portland, Or. POOL room with or without barber snop in connection; fine location; doing good business: sickness forces owner east; snap for some one at your own price, bsi union ave. N. NEAT confectionery, cigar and lunch counter, good location, good business. Will invoice $300. 4639 67th S. E. By owner. ILL health compels me to sell copyright, maps, drawings, negatives and entire right to complete Multnomah county block book. Every detail up to March 1, 1914. This business will yield big Income to energetic man. Book used In roadmaster's office and Indorsed by banks and abstract companies; will sacrifice business. D-815 Journal. Buyers Beware before purchasing a store or business of any kind, consult with us, we can save you money and put you in right, will help to finance it. Goddard As- sociates. 602 Couch bldg. I WANT to co-operate with a mer- cnant tnat has a grocery stock from $2000 to $4000. centrallv located T have a system for increasing a trade that finances itself. If you are look ing for a live wire proposition, ad dress M-920, Journal. FRESH mushrooms at all seasons growing in your cellar or shed: eood prices, steady profits, quick returns; no capital required. For easy method and full particulars address. Bureau of Mushroom Industry, Dept. 142, 1343 rso. yjiarK st.. unicago, lit. DELICATESSEN, restaurant and bak ery combined. snlendid location cheap rent, large ovens, steam taBIef coiree urns, everything the best; price i-uu. win lane part trade, some cash Jordan. 619 Lumbermens bldg. WANTED Ideas. Write for list of inventions wanted by manufacturers and prizes offered for inventions. Our tour Dooks sent free. Patent secured or fee returned. VICTOR J. EVANS ectjyj., wasnington. u. j. FOR SALE. A harness and shoe ehon In rood Willamette valley town; doing good business; will stand investigation; will invoice about $3000; a bargain if taken at once, zx-554. Journal. WE have a few fine business oppor tunitles which we know from per sonal Investigation are legitimate and paying; run from $950 to $8000. Blain & Btrow. Abington bldg. PARTNER Experienced architectural engineer, draughtsman, superintend cnt and technical graduate wishes in lerest or work with contractor or arcnitectural firm, x-835. Journal. DELICATESSEN and restaurant, west Bioe, splendid location, doing good business; price $350, might consider Borne trade. Jordan, 619 Lumbermen bldg. Theckla Bright Co. 2 blocks from P. O., Lents, Tabor 4249. Or. HERE IS A-l BARGAIN. Stock of groceries close In. west side, two story building, living rooms auuve wnicn are rented. 4 cottages in connection, fully furnished, aU rented; this man has the stock, furniture and lease to sell and will make good terms. 60b Stock Exchange bldg. WANTED A partner to take half in- - s?w into i., A u . , , v ' .1 n i. 4 times this); rebuilt, rewired, fully equipped not a year ago: has 18 foot stage, 2 sets scenery, 4 curtains, 375 opera chairs, carpeted, $700 player piano. Powers machine, and on main street in the busiest city in southern Oregon. A snap. Box 601, Medford, FOR SA-LE A good blacksmith busi ness, with five room bungalow, plas tered, wired, citv water, well, large stable, five compartment chicken house. large DricK cooler; located in good town, no competition, good farming country around it; a sacrifice at $2500. Aggress fctox Z31, Medford. Or. HAVE a client for a cigar and con fectionery. Have 3 good good business chances. i Have client for good grocery- busi ness. 142 Second st. Room 26. Cigar Store On one of the best transient streets In city. nice. neat, clean stock, clears $5 daily, worth $450. Price today for all, $250. Peters. 15 N. 5th st. WANTED Ideas. Write for list of inventions wanted by manufacturers and prizes offered for Inventions. Our four books sent free. Patent secured or fee returned. VICTOR J. EVANS & CO.. Washington, D. C WANTED General store, country point, $9000 to $16,000. Trade two thirds clear property and one third cash. Phone Main 9416. M-532, Journal. GILT-EDGE INVESTMENT For the careful, prudent man or wom an can now be had In an absolutely securer manufacturing proposition where the great earning power of the money will appeal to the most conserv ative investor. 418 Lumber Exchange piQg., zd and starK. Monday's Special Cigar, confectionery and light gro cery, nice, neat, clean place, good fixtures, brick building rent $20, with living room, worth $600. Price Mon day for all. $220. Peters, 15 N. 5th st. Planing Mill Old established mill 'near Portland; machinery, two large buildings, kiln, grounds: price $40po. Inquire Associ ated Investment Co.. 618 Yeon bldg. Money Making Store Will invoice $760; whole price $260; groceries, confectionery, cigars, lunch es, place to live; rent $20. 603 Couch bldg. Furniture Store Fine stock, good East Side location; rent $50; business $65 daily; gilt edge proposition; price $3000. Associated Investment Co., 618 Yeon hldg. WANT $5000 to $10,000 to Join m in lumber and irrigation project that bids fair to pay us $10 for one in vested. Particulars, 430 Worcester bldg. IF looking for business of any kind call and see me; have general mer chandise stocks, groceries, confection ery; city and country stores. Neal Brown. 209 Panama bldg., 3d and Alder $3000 Will buy interest in business proposi tion worth while. All I want vou to do is give me little time to present what I have to offer. E-716, Journal. WANTED Reliable partner for a eolH cash store, guarantee you $100 a month now, which can be Increased with Interested help. Call room 32d Morgan bldg. FOR SALE By April 4th, shoe shop. gooa trade ana location, cneap rent; no competition, olentv work: want to leave Portland; cash .bargain. See Ham ilton, 1398 Hawthorne ave. TWENTY acres of Irrigated land and water right clear: want to trade for small grocery. Black, 451 Jefferson. Marshall 5725. A-4940. ESTABLISHED cleaning, pressing and dyeing shop: a 6nap; making $100 a month. Good reason for selling. Tabor 3029. CORNER cigar store below invoice; good location; stock and fixtures in voice $800. Owner leaving city. In quire 6th and Everett. BAKERY and ice cream parlor for sale, $1000: terms; old established and well paying business; all cash trade; no delivery. JX-991, Journal. WORTH $1,000,000. Have an invention worth millions to man with capital to promote: will take partner or sell cheap. V-937. Journal. OLD reliable office and collection business, fine chance for right party; might consider some exchange; refer ences required. N-912, Journal $176 A money maker; I will sell my restaurant and store fixtures, small stock; this place is making at present 3250 monthly: rent 118. Rnat 4K01 I RESTAURANT Just the -'-ce for I man nn4 vifA rwwl a a A 500 Business. Cards, 55c ptg. 'J SI A. and Wash, sta Also good restaurant- will trulu I for cheap lot. - Call 24 8 H Staxk- HARDWARE MAN; GILT EDGE Clean stock of high grade tools, all new. Sell for cash, part cash or trade. Best location in Portland. Good rea son for selling. X-816. Journal. $1000 WILL buy half interest in best Paying light manufacturing hnilni in Portland. Goods staple as wheat. Trade established and growing. Profits very large. Call 601 Swetlani bldg. ruuii nan. cigar stand ror sale or will trade for unincumbered property, food location, cheap rent. Inquire 126 nd St. GROCERY, fine little store, new stock. good location, cheap rent, $750. chance to get in right. 323 Lumber Exchange. HALF Interest in a business that will clear $300 per month. Will stand close investigation, $800 required. 302 Henry building. OFFICE manager wanted with $300. who can handle salesmen, perma nent position. See manufacturer Sun day, 254 East 14th utreet. south. For Sale by Owner Stock of groceries, feed store, build ing, with living rooms, warehouse, team and wagon; $5000, half cash, bal ance terms or trade. D-927. Journal. SHOE store with well established shoe repairing In connection. This is a paying business and a larger stock of shoes could be carried to advantage If desired. Ihls is a good buy and will stand Investigation. T-780, Journal. RESTAURANT, Astoria. Or.. fur nished, good location, terms, particu lars, write D. N. Welch, 654 Commer cial st., Astoria. Or. YOU can make YOUR OWN LIQUOR. BEER at HOME. Concentrated ex tracts; stamp for Information. Am- brew Agency. Box 1176. Portland. FOR SALE tr trade, improved disap- pearlng bed. easy balance; Just the thing to manufacture for the trade. J-7S4. Jo urnal. . IiESTA UI tA NT location - excellent, owner going away, will sell for one half the value of the fixtures, etc. Room 329 Morgan bldg. BUSINESS 6JIANCKS 20 A. J. DeFOREST 316 Fenton Bldg, 4 SIXTH ST. Pf)NE MAIN 3S. Free Information J.o Buyers About business, nnv kind anwhov Before buying see ni large free list of XiK KJ UALKI) IflARGAlNS. Show, Megj Notice $5500 will buv onsif the fliiesf vau deville and plcturti on the Pacific coast, located in a - live vallev town "hear Portland. iS . 53000 HandleslNotion Store Out of town propffeition doing A-l business, best of reafibn for selling. For Portland Meal Estate $4000 confectronery,?lgars and cafe In a live country towrtf the best and the only place of its kind in the town, doing excellent buslaiss $3000 A-f Grocery Going at Invoice, si$e $2700 to $3000 per month, stock aiff -fixtures $3250. 61 Room RoiSrning House Rent only $260. fi stars' lease caii be secured; elegant brMk corner building, strictly modern aniKiagt but not least the price is only $00; terms on part or trade. ' . BarberlShop $1500. only $850 Hwn. one of the most popular shopfn Portland, long established: everything strictly up to date and it's doing prm business. Rectaiants $550 handles a reajsnappy little res taurant doing goo3 iiiiKiness, located right In the heart QgHty. best of re son for selling. ! f $1150 Grocery Store W'lth horse and w4$in Included. Just the place for gomeoit wanting to start on a small scale afrii build up an el egant business; rerSj-only $20 month; nice bunch of steady customers t start with. A-l opportunity. $850 Confeejionery Store With living room lji; connection, rent only $20 per monthii.a verv neat place and a dandy location,, A big thing fer the summer so pet-ijt now. Tailor Repair Shop For only $60. doi$i $15 to $18, per week now. with aichance to doulde the business. Mu'sell st once, ac count of other busgiess. Act quick. Wanted Wjrod Yard Wantedfool Hall City or country tjsn; will pay cash to $10.i0. Wanted Confectionery Must be in vicinal of th Knit Kid Dental rollers; wllji-pay cash. I uan bell Y$jr Business No matter Wh'r located. Send description. A. j, DefOREST, ' 316 Fen&i Bldg. 84 SIXTH ST. PIIONE MAIN 9U. AUTOMOBILE business, partner want ed; will teach you the business, pay $26 week salary, also share of profits. Call room 329 Morgan bldg. PARTNER wanted to help tend office. take customers out to see stores, etc., good ray. Particulars $29 Mor- gan bldg. WISH to sell half interest Ta fine orchard by middleaged woman; right man can earn $5 day; plenty worV. J-786, Journal. DRY goods and notions stock, $400. Living rooms in rear. Good location for millinery and dressmaking. Will discount. 143 W. Killingsworth ave. A GINGER SNAP. Waiting room cigar, confectionery and groceries, some cash, balance trade. Call 113 2d St. HAVE several fine pieces of acreage to trade for grocery stocks. If you want to trade, list your store. Neal Brown, 2Q9 Panama bldg. JEWELRY stock and fixtures, some tools, good location, long lease and reasonable rent, for $650 cash. M-904, Journal. ELECTRIC hat cleaning and shoe shining parlor, clearing $125 month. Owner going to old country, $500. 323 Lumber Exchange. GROCERY, well located, will sell rea sonable, worth investigating. Phone East 1516. FEED store, best location in the city. possibilities unlimited for a live man. G-849. Journal. FOR SALE Ice cream parlor, fruit. confectionery and cigar, 226 North 23d st. 1 CAS 1 1 for an idea. Patent News, Dept. I 110. Washington. D. C. HARNESS shop for sale, one of the best harness repair shops In the city for sale at invoice. H. J. Schniitt, $51 Kurnslde. FOR SALE Pool and billiard outfit. card tables, etc.: good location; rea sonable. C. P. Leonard, Jacksonville, Or. WANTED Psrtner for good small business. Only little cash required. Marshsll 698. FOR SAItE Cash grocery doing good A snap for cash. nf$ra business. berta st. BAK E RV, new and clean, brick oven, nice trade, very cheap this week. $500 part cash. 3Z3 Lumber Exchange. FOR SALE Undertaking business in growing town. Large territory. KX 502, Journal. RESTAURANT doing good business, central location. Price reasonable.' Inquire 3al btark p'DR rat .v. or . tr&da hia-H m. im proved violins, price from $50 . to iuuu. j-sa, journal. 10 ACRES Washington Co.. no fnort- 8 lota Oregon ("IjT, no mtg., $2000. Corner lot on KHJIngswortii. $5o. 20 acres Mlssouff, no mtg., $700. Trada anv r t th. tw.. m - j - - . - vj i u . . r 1 1 1 1 1 m nouse. !' YATES. REALTS CO. 249 4th St. Marshall 2S38. A -4 5 59. Cleaning ago Pressing If vou are in market, fnr -. Is the first time Ifcjiias ever sold for man uu, ttng big business. Price today for allrif10. Peters. 15 N. 6th street. j FOR $15 per 1 wl.Ulease vou for 1 or nice wre Ding., witn liv ing rooms and bathlinear large school, hurry, this Is good for a small cssh grocery and confectionery. 387 W, Lombard. St. Johnif&ar. WANTED Party ijflth $4000 to buy fourth Interest J$ 1000 acre cattls rnnch and operate Jt: llmitle.. out range; unusual opiijirrtunl tr for money making. N. G. Hjsdjn, 430 Worcester bldg. POOL AND BILLlfRD HALL LOCA TIO-N. For first class Aislners In n of largest and best3Willametto valley towns: will riv Inrir iw CALLAN & KAHERT722-24 YEON BLT Ll Mnr.K, power t&)d irrigation pro ject needs additional capital to com plete; Investment iafe and- profitable beyond your expe.-tS.Uons. Information. 4 a ii Worcester Mdi formation. GNEItALfISrch9dise stock wanted. Client will pay-rjjrurt cash and part in A-l Portland Itmome real estate HAMMOND MORTGAGE CO?, 423 Chamber Ipf Commerce, PARTNER wantef j, on, of Portland's it u c"tbli"bedob Printing estab lishments. Must.fto a hustler wlttt i i" , aV"'",' lfh required. FOR SALE One fclf interest in well equipped, well established; paying abstract plant ana. business. J-T91. Journal. . , ' DELICATESSEN Jjflnd light lunch. place clearing f;25 a month besido ' iw,0YPopIe'sUvin: net 7: terms. 803 Lumber Exchange. - " TOGETHER or seiwTate." my furnished . corner, modern, close residence and 1 cash butter store; v for Hose acreage. IjAtc auto considered. C-946. Jounikw - :l a r-