The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, March 06, 1914, Page 9, Image 9

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    LShcial personal flWPM-
Principal Portland Apts.Gossard Front-Lace, BlcnJolle, Nemo, Bon Ton, Royal Worcester CorscteDept 2d Fir,
Appetizing Luncheon Served From 11:30 to 2:30 Dally In Our Tea Room, Forrth Floor Visit Onr Spotless Kit ch"en
IS3 Clair Houg-hton, whow
engagement to William Lines
wa recently announced, will
. e an informal hostess thla
evening at dinner followed by a few
table at Bridge.
Congratulations Extended.
; Mr. and Mrs. William Barrett of Ta
coma are being congratulated on the
arrival of a baby boy who was born
Tuesday. Mrs. Barrett will be re-
' membered as Miss Kathleen Bailie of
.Tacoma, who was a frequent visitor
. In Portland. . -
, Mrs. Berger to' Be Hostess for
I. of C. : , '. : ;
The Daughters of the Confederacy
have planned an elaborate benefit card
Party for Thursday. March 12. at the
home of Mrs. Robert Berger on Mel
rose Drive. All their friends and all
southerners are invited to attend.
At the Main -Floor
Bargain Circle to
morrow. Special re
d u c e d prices will
be in force all day.
, FlUed
promptri and, "satis-.
Tactory' servlc e
guaramjred.; All 01
ders w4U be filled
and forwarded same
lay as received.
i Couch District Residents ; De
Reliable TVlerchancfiie Reliable Methods
sire It at or Near Twentieth
Store Hours, 9 a. m. to 6 p. m. Every Business Day Saturday Included
and Hoyt; Others.
an v a. . a . a
bi. i-acricK s Lay entertainment.
The annual St. Patrick's Day"enter-
talnment given under the auspices of '
the Ancient Order of Hibernians will
be held, this year in the Lincoln high
v school auditorium. Among the artists
'Who will participate are: John Clair
Montelth, Stuart McOulre. Francis
Kletcher, A. B. Cain. Lucien K. Becker,
( Miss Dagmar Ines Kelly. Miss Nona
Lawler, Miss Mae Breslln. Miss Ger
trude Edith Moore, Miss Helen dem
ons, Miss Marie Chapman. Additional
attractions will be at-. Mary's. Academy
Treble Triad and the Orpheus club. W.
M. Wilder, director. The proceeds of
the entertainment are to be given
, towards the maintenance of the Chapel
Car, which is doing mtslonary work
. throughout the northwest. The speak
er of the evening wllL be Father Kane
of the Chapel Car, and'His Grace, Most
Reverend ArchbiHhtp Christie will be
present and deliver the closing address.
Birthday Tarty. '
Mrs. A. Ludwlg celebrated her birth
day Tuesday, March 3. at her home,
1423 Kawt Flanders street. - The invit
ed guests were all , born in Germany
-' with two exceptions. The ladles Joined
in the waits and song of the Father
. land. Mrs. Ella B. Jones presided at
the piano. The decorations were vio
lets, primroses and daffodils from the
garden. Many beautiful presents were
received, "' Those' present were: Mrs.
lAsselle. Mrs. PeterBon, Mrs. Schmurr,
Mlaa Mary Schmurr, Miss Ida Schmurr,
-k ' ' , V ' 1?
At a meeting of those served by the
Couch school last nght at Llnnea hall,
666 Irving stret, a. resolution was
passed bjf a vote of 109 to 8, recom
mending that the school board locate
the proposed new school building In
the vicinltjf of Twentieth and Hoyt
streets. Figures were submitted to
show that this location Is In the popu
latlon center of the district.
The following sites have been of
fered the school board:
The east 12 lota on Twentieth Street
Mrs. Charles Austin Prevost (Marie lcfiig'tS tiSSrtS
Zimmerman) or cnicago, wno is 1 block is nearer than any other offered
the house guest of her parents, I location to tlie population center and
Mr. and Mrs. F. Zimmerman.
Mrs. Klessling, Mrs. Hemrick, Walter
Hemrlck, Martha Hemrick, Mrs. Lucy
Matthles, William' Ma tthles, Mrs. Lohr,
Mrs. Landauer. Mrs. Wlcke, Miss Clara
Matthles, Miss Kdna Ludwtg and Miss
Clara Ludwlg.
For Bride-Elect.
has an assessed valuation of $76,700.
Block bounded by Nineteenth, Twen
tieth. Kearney and Lovejoy streets, of
fered bv E. P. Mall for J175.000. As
sessed valuation. $120,350.
Block bounded by Seventeenin.
Eighteenth. Loveloy and Marshall
streets, offered, for $141,000. Assessed
valuation $46,000.
Block bounded by Eighteenth. Nine
teenth, Couch and Davis streets, of
fered by Everett and Simon xor iu.
000. Assessed valuation, $75,700.
Tract bounded by Twenty-rirtn,
Twenty-sixth, Pettygrove and Quimby
streets, offered by Louis uoiasmnn
for $170,000. Assessed valuation, $ei,-
500. ...
Block bounded by Twenty-nrst,
Twentv-second. Hoyt. and Irving
Miss Nell Washburn was' a charming
hostess Tuesday when she entertained
with a dinner and theatre party for the
pleasure of Miss Hazel M. Kosterman,
who Is to be one of the early spring
Omega Nu Sorority Hosts.
Saturday afternoon th nmoin im I streets, offered by the .Columbia Trust
sororltv entertained with a la rem th I romnanv for I26B.000. The west 360
atre party at the Orpheum and a mati- feet of this double block, representing
nee supper at the Hazelwood after- a cut of iOO feet on the east and is
wards in honor of their nw mmhr offered for $177,000. This total prop-
the Misses Lynette Ferguson, Margar- erty has an assessed valuation of
et Rader. Mary Weataway, Genevieve $130,110. .Next to the block offered
Caughey and, Ada Otten. Initiation by the -Catholic church , this site la
was held the night before at the home nearer to the center of the district
of Miss Kathleen Sealv orior to which nonulat ion than the other locations
Miss Dorothy Sanford entertained the offered.
sorority at a large dinner.
On motion of Dr. E. A. Sommer the
school board yesterday instructed
Superintendent L. R. Alderman to es
tablish Immediately the day school for
the blind for which authority was
' given some two months5- ago.-. The
school will open in a room of the
trade school.
J. F., Myers was employed as in
structor at a salary, to begin with, of
$76 a month. Students will be taught
piano tuning, basket making; willow
work, , hammock weaving, chair can
ing, broom making and other indus
tries by which the blind render jhem
' i elves self supporting. They will
trobably be permitted to sell the
products of their own work, also to
accept work in the canine or chairs
for their personal profit. The action
rof'tha board was taken on request of
7f.a Pre club committee. Jc; -m .
of forgery and put up $2500 bonds for
nis appearance. Deputy Constable
Druhot made the arrest. Klug was
arrested this time on complaint of
Herman Vetter that he obtained $1400
rrom him on forged mortgages. The
urst arrest was made on complaint of
The west 360 feet of block bounded
by Twenty-first, Twenty-second. John
son and Kearney streets, offered by
the Columbia Trust company lor $184,-000.-
Assessed valuation, $83,600.
Block bounded by Twentieth, Twenty-first,
Lovejoy and Marshall streets,
offered by Goddard & Wiedrlck for
$154,000. Assessed valuation, $83,510.
The east 250 feet on Nineteenth
John Dudek that Klug secured $400 L T a8t Z&UT lee on rV.JVii
from him by the same means A between Lovejoy Marshall
Kern, Frank Lorets
signed the bonds.
and John Yost
To Tjctnr oa Ibsen. Professor H.
C. Howe of the University of Oregon
will lecture in Central library this
evening at s o'clock on "Ibsen."
- Husband Held la Jail. "Any man
who threatens a woman is a coward
and should be severely handled." said
Deputy District Attorney Delch" this
morning In the municipal court when
Robert LeRoy of the Humbolt apart
ments was before the court for threat
ening to kill his wife. Mrs. LeRoy
signed a complaint, setting forth the
threat. LeRoy offered to stay away
from the home and turn over half his
mOney to the woman. She still de
clared her fear of him If he was a'.-
lowed to remain at large, and the-Judga
.held tliat he should put up $500 cast,
bonds to keep the peace. LeRoy' wc.s
remanded to Jail as he was unable! to
furnish the bond.
offered for $86,000. Assessed valua
tion. $64,650.
A motion presented by Leo Friede
that the school board be advised to pay
not more than 60 per cent In excess of
the assessed valuation of any property
failed of adoption.
Among those present at the meeting
were R. L. Sabin, O. M. Plummer and
nrm ITU I ur. H.. A. ouuiuier, uiemucin ui 1
UCrU I T . KjU T A I lUnlVLT board of education, who made brief
addresses on educational matters
Dr. Sommer favored a site near the
Samuel H. Pierce, present court center of population, while Mr. Plum-
house reporter of the Evening Tele- mer was inclined to advocate the se-
gram, will become one of the deputies lection . of the Goldsmith location, be
of District Attorney Evans next Mon- j tween Twenty-fifth, Twenty-sixth; Pet
.lav Ho nin tiir.'th. nt,. I tvrrcv8 ana Kaieign streets. Mr,
by Evert L.. Jones, who resigned last sala ne naa no P""cuiar preier.
week to engage in
Deputy Richard Deich has taken " over particular site
the worn or jones
Vrivaie P'""' Th. mutlnr 'tonk no vot on anv
Motorists BeoelT Tines. For speed
Ing an auto truck at West Park and
Washington streets, L. M. Llchty was
fined $20 this morning in the municipal
court. H. -A. Barnard was fined $2
for riding a motorcycle with the muff
ler open. William Blake was found
guilty of allowing the exhaust on his
auto to smoke, but, sentence was sus
pended. B. R. Thompson ;was before
the court for operating his auto trucks
without proper license tags. Thomp
son has Washington state tags, but
none for Oregon. The Judge held he
must secure Oregon tags. Thompson
does at delivery business between Port-.-,
land and , Vancouver.
In the municipal
court and Pierce will take Delch's place
In the office in the compiajm aepari
rrvent Pierce is a graduate of Stanford
imivarsitv and married Miss Alda
Broughton some months ago. He is
a member of the legal firm of Pierce
& Christensen.
The board of directors of the Jood
noe Hills Irrigation district are adver
tising for sealed bids for $20,000 of
the district bonds, which bear six per
cent Interest payable semi-annually.
The bids will be received up to 9:30
o'clock of the morning of March 24,
at the office of the directors at Good
noe Hills, Washington. At that time
the proposals will be opened.
The right to reject uny and all bids
is reserved. All bids should be ad
dressed to William Elwick, secretary,
at Goodnoe, Washington.
An estate estimated to be worth
$1000 was left by Frank T. Dodge, su
perintendent of the Portland water de
partment, according to. the petition of I
L. S. Kaiseror letters of admrnistra-
on in the estate filed yesterday after
noon. Mr. Kaiser said that Mr. Dodge
had requested that he handle his es
tate. He is an employe of the water
department and was associated with
Mr. Dodge for years. A brother In
charge of Mt. Vernon and the Wash
ington estate, two sisters in New York
and one in Washington, D. C, are the
heirs. Former City Attorney Frank S.
Grant appeared as attorney for ths
Inheritance Tax Nearly $100.
An inheritance tax" of $92.29 must be
paid by Virgil Cooper on his share of
the estate of his father, Nathaniel
Cooper, who died recently. He will re-
elve $14,229.46 as his share. Mrs.
Nannie S. Cooper, the widow, will re-
elve $4829.64 from the estate, which
is exempt from inheritance tax.
Xrs. A. X. Drinker Bias. Mrs. Al
bert E, Drlaker died at her home1, 1011
Lynn aveftae, St. Johns, Wednesday
morning off jieart failure, at the age of
71 years. 'She Is survived by the
widower and five children, namely,
Frank P. Drinker, Elva G. Drinker and
Mrsv C. B. Russell of St. Johns, Mrs.
Clinton Stone of Portland and Mrs.
Frederick W. Stearns of Chicago. Fu
neral services will be held at the fam
ily residence at 2:30 o'clock Sunday.
Burial will be at the family plot in
River View cemetery.
Attorney Trader Arrest. Attorney
. George Ludwlg Klug was arrested yes
Vterday for the second time on charges
Attorney General A. M. Crawford,
candidate for the Republican nomina
tion for governor, will "open his cam
paign at Mllwaukle tomorrow night.
Mr. Crawford will speak on the sequel
of the initiative and referendum out
of compliment to the city of Mllwau
kle, as it is the home of that law, and
will alsb refer to some of the mis
takes of the present administration as
he Bees them. Thomas B. Kay, state
treasurer, who is a candidate to suc
ceed himself, will also speak.
Seattle Official Here.
Dr. Mary B. Martin, protective offi
cer xt the Seattle Y. W. C. A., is here
today to confer with the department of
public safety for women.
: Demonstration and
Sale Saturday of the
1000 crisp new patterns in .these world's
best blouses have just arrived and are on
display in our windows today. Supply your
boys' needs Saturday at special prices and
while stocks are at their best, i Sizes range
from 4 to 15 years.
SOcj and $1
Clever new model in I boys' ; -double
service suits now i being
shown at $7J50 $8.50 and $9.
143 Sixth
Aider St.
I Outfitters rty- Child rerv 1
Glenada Wharf Started.
Florence. Or., March 6. Porter
Bros, have started work on their wharf-1
In Glenada. The pile driver Is at
work and a crew la blasting. This
wharf will be the receiving place for
all freight from outside points to be
used in the construction of the tun
nels on the Willamette Pacific rail
ou Ceen
Rave Y
Our New
Monogram - Belts ?
They're of good' black
leather and have three ini
tials. Quite the newest fad
among well-dressed men.
Price 50c
New Ties
Fancies, Checks and Plain
Colors wide, open ends I
"Vusity," the best $U0
Glove for Men
Qoves. Mastery. Umbralas. .
Morrison Street
Postoffice Opposite
C. F. BERG, Manager7
tiiven witn uasn rurcnascs in Ati uepariments satnrflay 14
Misses' Spring Coats and Suits
Spring Coats
handsome styles for girls 6 to
14 years of age. New slip
over""" models and belted ef
fects. Checks, stripes and
novelty mixtures in smart
new spring colors and pat
terns. Priced $6.98 and $5.98
Other Coats at
$4.98 to $20
ing the season's latest styles
in every popular material. We
show the best selected stocks
in Portland. Ages 6 to 14
years. .Priced at (OA ff
$4.98 up to vU.UU
Extensive Snowing ol Season's Newest Models
feature a special exhibit of attractive new Spring
Coats for Misses and Juniors. Mothers who have
had difficulty in finding becoming styles will be
delighted with these smart Coats. Bright Spring
colors including "Tango,' blues, stripes, checks,
etc. Sizes range from 13 up to 20. Complete
assortment of latest weaves. Prices COC'flfi
range from $7.50 to p4UU
Juniors' Suits in great variety undoubtedly, .the
most complete stock in the city. Coats trimmed
with dainty lace collars and vest effects. Long,
and three-quarter sleeves with lace or-silk trimmed :
cuffs. Skirts Peg Top or with tier flounces. Beau
tiful line ot new Spring materials including checks,
and stripes. Sizes 13 to 20. Priced'COQ CH
$15.00 to ;LC.jU
Mildred Louise
seen these attractive little
Dresses? ,If not, come tomor
row and bring the children
with you. Shown in two-piece
Middies, Princess styles and
Peasant Dresses. Scores of
dainty models for girls Jt to 6
years of .age. Chambrays,
ginghams, Devonshire cloth
and other serviceable ma
terials. Ask for "Mildred Lou
ise" Cut-Out Dollies. Free to
Sale CMDdliree9 Dresses
' ... n, i i i i i -
At Regular Factory Cost
AT THE MAIN FLOOR BARGAIN CIRCLE Manufacturers' sample lines of Children's new Spring
and Summer Dresses offered for one day at the regular factory prices. .An unprecedented
opportunity for all mothers to select the children's dresses for less much less than it would cost
,for materials alone. Hundreds of styles all the season's latest ; and most wanted materials, patterns
and colorings. Every garment beautifully trimmed and unusually well made. . Among them are white
and plain colors stripes, checks, plaids, etc., in wonderful variety. Dresses to suit your every fancy
bardly two alike In entire assortment. They range In sizes from 6 to 14 years. No phone or mail
orders filled. None sent on approval. Prices range 75c to $5. On sale for. one day at FACTORY COST
" Honest Dollar
Silk Hose
MAIN FLOOR For serviceability
we are confident no dollar Hose
on the market equals this splen-
did make. Pure silk with re
inforced heels and toes. New
Snrintr shades are now on dis
play. "Honest Dollar" $ Art
Hose, the pair .plUU
Black Lisle Hose
3 Pairs 50c
MAIN FLOOR Women's fine
quality lisle thread Hose with
double garter top and double
seamless foot. Medium weight
for Spring wear. War
ranted fast black. 3 prs.
20c to 35c Fancy Ribbons
ace Ydi
MAIN FLOOR Special offering for
Saturday only. Fancy Ribbons
odd lines from regular stock in
widths from 4 -to SVi Inches.
Flowered and bordered effects
stripes, figures, etc. Also lrt
plain Messallnes. 20c-30c vals. 1UC
New Spring Ribbons 30c to S1.35 Yard
Clean-Up Odd Lines Lacev, Etc.
MAIN FLOOR 5 J -In, S0k Moire
Ribbon in every wanted color
also white. New novelty Ribbons
in Roman stripes.. Tapestry and
floral effects in all col- OP
ors. Price, yard, 30c to OD
Women's $1.50 French Kid Gloves
we offer these splendid Gloves at a bargain
price. Come in white overseam in all sizes.
Also nlaue sewn in black, white tan and srrav
Splendid quality real French kid, soft and pliable,
opportunity, to supply your Easter Glove needs.
An excellent
MAIN FLOOR Odds and ends in
Bands, Appliques, Insertions and
Edgings in Cluny, Venise, Filet
and Shadow Laces, in white, ecru
and cream. Widths 2 to 5 sc
inches. Special, yd. 12c to I DC
Full treatment "Maurine" Toilet
Preparations Free to those visit
ing Rest Rooms on Second Floor.
"Maurine" treatment is truly
artistic but, better still, it is
truly beneficial. Try Maurine at
our expense.
PfisMinicllflve Cloffies
For Men
and Yonno'Men
MAIN FLOOR There ae a thou
sand and one reasonsli why, you
should buy your' cloihesihere.; But
the best reason is thatji we stand
behind every sale we make and we
never make one without feeling
perfectly sure that we - have given
the best fit, in the most becoming
style and color. Stip in tomorrow
and get a c q u a i n t e d with out
modern methods; , :'
Spring Models
815 to S25
Suit yourself as to tb' price you
want to pay IS, 2ff or 125
and rest assured we wjil give you
the best garments produced at- the
price. Our new Spring-models are
a delight to the eye and are made,
from splendid woolen upncs in a
wonderful assortment of r'tterns.
Ask to see the smart,! new
Suits we show at $1&,U20,
Boys' 'Right-Posture' Clothes
Priced From SS Up to SIS
. 1 . i"
DEPARTMENT MAIN FLOOR Sewn into the back of every "Right
Posture" Suit is a splendid device that guards against "round
shoulders." YOUR Bov mav not need this little reminder today
nit there is a quaint adage aQout "a stitch in time - wmcn is wen
to think up. "Right-Posture" Suits are designed in handsome Nor
folks and plait backs. You will not beat them in 'CC flfl
day's search. The proofs are here. Priced from $5.00 to' ll!vJU
Odd lines Men's ft. 25 and ft. 50 Shirts and Drawers now only 9&c
Sale of Men's Underwear
Closing Out Many Odd Lines
Men's Shirts and Draw-f JQ
ers worth to S3.00 atAa"ft(J
Special line Men's j6 tO
Union Suits special; at i Jw
Men's 5oc to ft Shirts AC
and Drawers special at flJC
Men's $1.25 "Belmont" Shirts at 95c
up to
Suits 1 no
12.75 atl.SO
Spring Lines "Fault less" shirts
MAIN FLOOR Ne4' Spring line
Men's "Faultless" Slilrts with the
new "Nek-Gard" w kkh protects
the neck from "plnlch" of front
collar, button. $ew PA
patterns. Price. . .ij . ..$!) U
Men's 50c Silk Hose Now 3 Pairs SI
MAIN FLOOR Made from splen
did materials and cut in full
standard sizes. Shown in great
variety of stripe patterns. Plain
and plaited bosoms. Reg.
f 1.25 Belmont Shirts.sp'l
MAIN FLOOR Odd lines Men' Silk and Silk Lisle Uo$e in plain
and fancy effects. Several well-known makes included In, this
special offering. Standard 50 Hose. All sizes in cotqrs nn
are here for your selection. Blacks, 9 to 10. 3 pairs 'for
Silk Umbrellas
MAIN FLOOR Very best grade
all-silk cover in the latest shades.
Extra strong frame and steel rod.
Ebonoid handles with large cord
looJps. Exceptionally A fA
good Umbrellas at. . . . Jtiwv
Double "S. & H." Green Trading
Stamps given tomorrow with
cash purchases in all depart
ments of the store. Visit Pre
mium Parlors. -
Drugs and Toilet Articles Underprieed Saturday
Double Green Trading Stamps With Cash Purchases Made Tomorrow
Limit 6 cakes to the customer,
loc Olive Oil Castile Soap. Good
grade. Special at only, cake 7c
5c Assorted Toilet Soaps at 2Hc
35c "Sapo de Castillo," bar 25e
25c Kolynos Tooth Paste, 3 at 50c
50c Daggett & Ramsdell's Cream
in tubes or jars. Special at 40c
$ 1.00 Danderine Saturday for 79c
$ 1.00 Newbro's Herpicide for 75c
50c Hind's H. & A. Cream at 23c
50c Pebeco Tooth Paste for-28c
25c Toilet Soaps, assorted, at 10c
2 5c Squlbb's Talcum at only 19c
2 5c L. & F. Reveris Talcum 17c
2 5c Graves Tooth Powder at 10c
50c Wyeth's Hair Tonic for 40c
50c La Blache Face Powder 35c
50c Mary Garden-Talcum at 35c
50c Brown's Face Cream only 15c
ft. 50 Oriental Cream, bottle 89c
25c Odds and Ends in Tooth
Pastes and Powders at only 10c
25c "Soapedoes" Bath Soap 19c
50c Dora Face Powder at only 25c
25c Standard Toilet, Waters .15e
25c Traveling-' Companions or
week-end sets special now at 15c
25c "Marvelous". Shampoo at 10c
toe Borated Talcum now only 5e
25c Binder's Tar Soap, cake 8c
50c Rubber Gloves all sizes 35c
f 1.00 .Pinkham's Compound 79c
3 5c Fletcher's Castoria only 25c
25c Syrup of Figs special at 19c
f 1.50 Syrup Hypophosphites $1.17
25c Malt Nutrine special at 15
ft. 00 Lambert's Listerlne at 65c
50c Pond's Extract now only 39c
ft.00 Sal Hepatica special at 85c
fl.00 Swamp Root, now only 79c
25c White Pine and Tar at 15c
loc J4-lb. Merck'srBorlc Acid 8e
f l.oo Glycothymolifle now at 79c
50c Sloan's Linimett now at 40c
10c Household Ammonia only 7c
50c Saline Laxative for only. 40c
50c Philip's Milk Magnesia at 40c
25c Calocide, for the feet, at 20c
.IOC lb. Moth Balls now at only 5c
iic Hospital Atsorcent Cotton on .
sale Saturday, rollii ....... .21c
f 1.00 Bromo Seltzer bottle at 83c
35c Witch Hazel. 16-oz. size 21c
JJ.9S Borden's Matted-Milk 12.98
ft.00 Borden's Matted Milk at 80c
Shoe Sale Extraordinary !
Double Stamps Whh Purchase
men and women will take advantage of this op
portunity to supply needs for. the entire season.
$4, S5 Shoes at $2.95 Pair
MAIN FLOOR Men's and Wpmen'V new Spring
Footwear In button .or lace styles. Patents," Gun-
metal, Vici, Tan Calf ind ther wanted leathers.
Scores of styles and lasts and complete assort
ment ' of widths and sizes not broken . line's.
Strictly first -class stock selling- regularly at
f4.00 to fS.OO the pair. .Saturday at M AC
the pair . . . . . . . . v . ,.... . . . .'i .J .V&.XJD
wm is
Women's 020 Suits 87,48
, On Sale In the. Basement- .
the great sale of Women's and Misses' Tailored1 Suits that attracted
great attention on Wednesday. Special purchase of New Spring
Suits in all popular weaves and colors. . Short coat models mostly
plain tailored styles.' Only one or two of a kind. Regu- Hi AQ
lar f 15.00 and f 20.00 grades special at..........; 140
Bbys'KhicIcer Pams,59c
On Sale In the Basement.
Stout Corduroys and Blue Serges.;- A bargain offering that is not
likely to be equaled for some time to come.-' Extra fwell made, cat
in full standard sizes. Sizes to 16 years. .Regular J$c and TQ
8 5 c P an ts, . p ai r a77C
-i 1?..
: . .. .