... j'i I. - THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL .PORTLAND, " FRIDAY . EVENING, MARCH 6, 1914. . 4 i. yt it TOWN TOPICS . AMUSEMENTS ' : ;x ; 3 . . - HKtMO Eleventh and Morrlarn. Curtalna 2:10 ami 8:15. Emms TrcDtlnil In "Xba firefly." BAKEIU-Broadwar and Morrlaon Curtain 2 20-an1 :20. "Tha Uttleat HebeL" l LYRIC VaVrrtn and Stark. Keating at Flood Moalcal omcd Torn pa ay. Cortalna 2:20. 7:18 and :10. "In Gay Parla." TASTAOKS Broadway und Aldn. Vand --111. Cortalna 2:30, 7:30 and :1. COLUMBIA ixtb between WaafclsKtcra and , Stark atrccta. Motion picture. 11 a. m. to 11 p. m. PEOPLEM Weft Park and AMef atrceta. Mo. , lon ptetnrra. 11:30 to 11:30. "Tna Threa " MiMketeera." ' ' HTA H Waahloffton and park. Motion, pic ture. 11 a, in. to 11 p. m. ' GI.OISJ4 KlaVrnth and Waahlngtoa. Motion ptiturt. 12 to 11. , MAJKBTie WaHblfigtoo and Park. .Motion ptcturx. lljacto 11:30. -r Weather Conditions. Portland and vicinity ! Fair tonight and i Saturday; oortb to eat ,wln(i. Ore c.o : Fair toulgUt and Saturday; north V aat wlada.' Waablngton: Tonight and Saturday fair eaat portion, cloudy welt portion, probably rain; aaatcrly wind, Idaho: lair tonight and Saturday. EDWARD A. BEAUS. "., Watrlct Foracaater. Caasas ArraM of Boarder Kath eiina Cud&hy, who conducts a family hotel at Eleventh and Taylor streets, cauasd four of her boarders to be ar rested yesterday on a charge, of fail ure to meet their board bills., They were Earl Hart. Roy Kelly, Edward Turrlsh and Merle Wheelwright. "They kept putting; me off with the excuse that they would either get work soon or would get money from home nevt week until I got tired of it," said the complainant. When arraigned in the municipal court yesterday Hart prom ised to pay his bill next week. Keliy said he would pay part now and the remainder in a few days. Turrluh said he had wired home for money and Wheelwright said he had at last se cured work and would soon be able to settle. With this understanding the boarders were released. I ' Admits Virus of Malls.-C. S. Jones, a clerk employed in one of the business offices of the city, pleaded guilty in United Htates District Judge Bean's court yesterday to having sent letter through the mails containing Immoral suggestions to a woman of the city, and was fined $100. Ac cording to the statement of Assistant United States Attorney K, A. Johnson, Jones advertised in the newspapers for ,a traveling companion on a trip to 'California, a "young woman preferred." When several women answered the ad vertisement, expecting, Johnson said, that the prospective employer would be an-elderly woman, they found a man Instead. Since Jones' indictment by the fall grand jury, he has been mar. rled, and 7 Judge Bean refused, to send him to Jail for that reason. lha municipal court this mornfng. Palsy Millea complained - against the two men. w5 Refused to pay the dam age. : The, Jildge asked the three to ad Just the matter by.2 o'clock this after noon and report to him. , The woman accused' the men of being Intoxicated "while moving her furniture. The mn Oeny f this, eaylng the box of records fell from their -hands. The woman w Jnov,I trom the Lincoln hotel to 229 Thirteenth street. . Ton Ifay Be One of the two In Port land who. Snow Madame the mysteri ous Lady of, the Qheck Mask at the Globe theatre. Madame never un masks, land today and tomorrow, only remain In which to guess her Identity. Madame i first appears - In motion pic tures, riding wild horses on a side saddle, an UndunlirntAfl nuacit-liTi teat She then appears In person and gives rustic vocai renditions or the best compositions ranging from ballads to opera, wno is she; (Adv.) Opium Confiscated Iri-a raid on the Minnesota hotel, Fifth and Flanders streets, f last night, Patrolmen Long and Wise confiscated 52 cases . of opium and a large amount of yen she, the residue from opium. Chew Sin, a merchant, was arrested for owning the drug and later released under. $3000 cash bail. The opium confiscated is worth about $2500. To Tell of Oreat Dipper. Professor uunejor me university of Ore eon I will gfve the story of the Great Dip per at, the St. Johns branch library, Charleston and Kellogg streets, this evening at 8 o'clock. The lecture will be Illustrated- by charts. Lectures in the library are free. address -the Tabor Heights Improve- ment association tonight at Its regular! meeting at 8 o'clock. v He will have plates showing the completed plans of ine Mount raoor park ana win explain to the members the proposed Improve ment of an entrance at East Slxty Mnth street. The meeting will be held In the club rooms at East Sixty-ninth and Belmont. All . Interested are In vited to attend. . Trank Jit Smith Quotes Ton t LamV chops, 16c. Leg lamb, 15e Shoulder lamb, lie. Roast veal, 15c. veaj cutlets, lsc. for steak. lc. Roast pork, Pot roasts, 15a , Lard, No. S, 5c. : Loin steak, 20c. Boil beef. lie. Bacon, 20c. 'Lard, No. J, 40c. Rib steak, 20c. . Cfmery butter, 0f. Hams, 18c. ' Halibut, 6c, - Bmelt, 4 lbs., 14c. - ket, 228 Alder street, when yon come for these bargains. - (Adv.) Bankruptcy tltlon A petition in bankruptcy was filed In the federal court this morning by attorneys for John Leo Kirk and Aloysious Kirk, partners as Kirk Bros., at Carlton, In the lumber business. The indebted ness Is $3759.47, and assets total $3817.90. A petition was also filed tor Barbara M. Tucker of Portland. Debts of $6800 and assets of $14,642 are scheduled. the girl. Several days ' ago the llc Mahon girl donned boy's clothing and escapea ,rrom the - home. ... She made her way to The Dalles, where a sister lives, and -with whom she was found. In the sister's home,- two cases of smallpox were discovered. , "Woodlawn Meetings The Woodlawn Improvement association will meet at 8 o'clock tonight at Woodlawn hall to discuss matters of community inter est. Woodlawn property owners and all Interested are urged to attend. Helen Keller Ictaras at Lincoln High school March 27 and 28. Tickets on sale Sherman-Clay Co, jOwi Drug store. Associated Charities. Sellwoou pharmacy, St. Johns pharmacy, Watts Matthieu Drug Co. f, (Adv.) tal. - The burglar, who -was also shot by the watchman, is In the county Jail. He will be charged with assault with a dangerous weapon. The watchman has been in the hospital five weeks. Steamer Jessie Harkias for Cams. Washougal and way landing, dally ex cept Sunday. Leaves Washington street dock at J p. m. (Adv.) Arrested on Bobbery Cbarge-Pa!ne Kleth and William Coen were.arrested Wednesday night by Sheriff Word and Deputy Martfa : Pratt In Lents charged with being tsap of the three men who bound, and bt John Ander son in his home near Lents on January " and took $12.tf from him. The third jnan has not been apprehended yt. ' i Moose to Elect Officers, Following the nominations made last Wednesday, the regular election of officers by; the Portland Moose Lodge will be held next Wednesday night. Those whose fiames have been placed In nomination are: Oscar Home, past dictator; Andy "Weinberger, dictator; George Funk, vice dictator; George M. Ortom, B. E. Teomans. prelates; Paul M, Long, treasurer; Rufus Holman, Tom Swee- ney, John Bays, Sampel B. Martin, Ralph Clyde and Max Donohue, trus tees; Fred Roberts, H. l James, in side guard; William Reed, outside guard; Oscar Home, Robert O. Mor row, grand lodge delegates; John B. Coffey, John Yost, Bert Yeomans and Walter McUovern, alternates. Services at Beth Israel. The B'nal Brlth memorial sermon will be preached by Rabbi Wise at 'Beth Israel tonight at 8 o'clock. Children's serv ice in celebration of the Sabbath nre cdiIi Purim will be held tomorrow at 10:30 o'clock. All men and women are welcome. Chicago Socialist to Speak. L. E Katterfeld. manager of the National Socialist Lyceurn bureau, will speak at the public library. Tenth and Yam hill; l streets, tomorrow night at 8 o'clock on ."How to Get What You Want:" The meeting will be free to the public SmokeBut when you smoke, smoke nothing but the best cigars. By no means use a broken plpe send it to us to be repaired the largest pipe repair shop west of Chicago. Sig. Sichel & Co,.j92 3d St., and 6th at Washington. Both phones. (Adv.) The yrogTesslve Grocer realises that . w . . ut9 Boils uxes In fte minda of hia standard of his store. Progressive gro cers are always pleased to furnish the RoyaJ Table Queen loaf. (Adv.) Bankruptcy Petition riled-A peti tion in bankruntcv wa rilrl ik k. 1 federal court yesterday by attorneys xoipoiar, named in tne sched ule as a general merchant at the town of Clackamas. The listed Indebtedness is $913S.5o and the assets are $5000. . i Try our 35c Blended Coffee. A pre mium ticket with each pound. Halnea Tea Store, 172 Third street. Bano.uet at Pilgrim Church. Dr. W. C. Kantner, pastor of University, Park Congregational church, will be the principal speaker at a men's banquet to be held tonight -at the Pilgrim Con gregatlonal church, Missouri and Shaver streets. It is expected that about 100 men of the community will be present. Other speakers Include J H. Nolta, E. M. Orth, president of the North Albirta Commercial clubi Frank Deuster, president of the Overlook Booster club, M. A. Miller, collector of Internal .revenue, and Dr. D. V. Poling, pastor of Pilgrim church. The men's chorus of the church, and Clifford Woodlawn, sololst,(wlll furnish a musi cal program. Bsgress Tined : $100. "The only weapon a woman can use that is more dangerous than a pistol is a hatpin." said Municipal Judge Stevenson this morning when he fined Laura Little, a negress, $100 for carrying a re olver in her hunt for John Plnkney. The colored girl held Plnkney a pris oner for 30 minutes in a saloon at Park and Flanders streets. Each time he attempted to leave the place she would confront him with Ahe pistol. Plnkney is a colored porter in the barber shop in the Corbett building. He called the police there early In the evening when the girl threatened to shoot him. , Civil Service Examinations. The United States Civil Service commission announces that on March 30 the fol lowing examinations will be held in this city: Assistant map printer, male, for position in geological sur vey, Washington, D. C, at 76 cents per diem, and shoe and harness maker, male, for position in the Indian serv ice at $060 a year. On April 4, forest and field clerk for, position in the for . est service entrance, salary of $1100 or $1200, and in the reclamation serv ice from $60 to $125 a month. Per ; sons desiring to compete In the above '- examinations should apply p Z. A. Leigh, postoffice department. Injured by Elevator. William An derson was caught at noon yesterday in a sidewalk elevator at 205 Burnslde street, and before he was released he was severely bruised. He was taken to St, Vincent's hospital for treatment. Woodlawn Club Ksarting'. Woodlawn Improvement association will meet to night at Woodlawn hall, Dekum ave nue, at 8 o'clock. Important district improvements, will be considered on three unimproved streets and all com mittees will report progress. Services at Ahavia Sholonu Services will be held at Congregation Ahavia Sholom, Park and Clay streets, tonight at 7:30 o'clock. Tomorrow morning services at 9:30 o'clock Rabbi R. Abra hamson will officiate. Gfcen Sattirday Enilng-vvsestern Picture Frame company, formerly San born, Vail & Co.'s. 170 First street, near YamhllL Main 609. (Adv.) Shanahan's ftemoval Sale 144-146 Third street. Open Saturdays until 8 P- n. , (Adv.) Healy is Getting Better. "Tim" Healy, the watchman on Portland Heights rihot by a burglar, continues to -improve at the St. Vincent hospi- SMpherd's Bj rings Now Is a good time to go. ; (Adv.) Br. E. O. Brown. Eye, Ear, Mohawk building.: t . (Adv.) Only One 'BROMO QUININE " To get cenotne, call for full name, LAX A TIVE BROfsO QUI KINK. Look for algnatnra E. W. OBOVB. Coras Cold la 1 Dl7. 25c Ad TJse common ' sense tuy Supertcf coal. 16 ton. Main 164; A-1B4L (Adv.) Portland Bosineaa . Man David Campbell Souvenir Calendar. The Pacific States Fire Insurance Co. have receivea.An additional supply of the Souvenir Calendars for 1914 of the late Fire Chief Campbell and will be pleased to furnish a copy to any of his friends who may wish one. Ad. Smallpox Is Beared Miss Margaret McMahon, who rah away from the Boys' and Girls t 'Aid society, cannot be returned to the Institution, even though she has been apprehended. Ex posure to smallpox is the reason, and an officer from the society was re fused admission to the police station last evening when he returned with E. T. Miache to Speak E. T. Mlsche, superintendent of the city parks, will "You Can Pay More , But You Cannot" Get Better Work All Work Guaranteed and kept in repair for 15 years. , The Modern Dentists Specialists in Fine Dentistry 1,2532 Washington, Corner Third. Checking Accounts Furnish a complete record of expenditures, with re ceipts. A check book is a purse, an account book and a book of receipts. Permit us to open a checking ac count for you $100 or more ' GOVERNMENT SUPERVISION tUMPERMENS National bank Fifth and Stark Sts. Capital $1,000,000 Advice-, Younjr Mas (seeking Position REGISTER at one fat one of the T. M. C. , VOCATIONAL SCHOOLS Assavlnr ' Aatomoblling , Bookkeeping College preparatory Civil Service Cartooning Electricity Pharmacy Plan Beading Coat Eng Reinforced concrete const'g. Salesmanship Rhowcarri pftln Sarvevlnir and Khnrthan Mapping Architectural Telegraphy drawing TypewrlUng Mechanical drawing Wlrrlesa Teleg'y Boya' School i Freehand i drawing Acconntancy Call or address Room 418 T. M. C. A, Bldg. and you will receive fall information. r N Paragon Typewriter Ribbons AWD Red Seal Carbon Paper I n'o itwsuisea as tne leading gibbon auui .aiuun unea un ine mar Ket. For all makes of Typewriters Send for -our illustrated booklet. "Remtico Typewriter Supplies." REMINGTON Typewriter Company (Incorporated), 86 Broadway, Portland. Or. Do Yonr Glasses Feel Comfortable ? IF NOT, WHY NOT? . . Glasses should feel comfort able and give relief to the eyes pf the wearer. Are you aware of the fact that over one-half of the glass wearers do not get the full amount of relief to which they are entitled? ' There is more to the fitting of glasses than just placing a pair of lenses in front of the eyes. Wow why are yon not ratting comfort f If you will call on me I shall - be glad to gtVe you a free ooa snltatios, and In so doing I can .explain to you the reason ycir glasses do not , feel comfort able. I specialise on the fitting and adjusting of glasses, , and do not carry any side line. i Remember, this la a day of specialising. Z do not recommend glasses . unless they are needed, and will positively tell you if your ' glasses are all right. Torlo Invisible Bifocal for reading glasses, Torlo, with Comfort., mount ing, positively the neatest, Lenses as low aa 75 cents, guaranteed the best. J. D. DUBACK Eyesight Specialist, 60S Selling Bldg., op. Oregonlan Bldg. Oregon Humane Society Of flea. Room 184 Sargent Hotel, Cor. Grand and Hawthorne. Phonea. East 1423. B-S514. Kight call, Eaat 291. Horse ambulance for alck or dlaabled ani mals at a moment'! notice. Pricea reason able. Report all caaes of cruelty to this jofflee. Take all cats, dogs and other small animals to be disposed of to 419 East Ser entb street, cor. Grant. Kike on Sky Idne , Boulevard, For their Sunday tramp tne Mazamas will leave town on the United Railway train at 1:05 p. m. and go to Whitwood Court. From there they will tramp to the Sky yLlne Boulevard and thence along the boulevard, from which some grand views are obtained, to the Cor nell Road and by 'the latter Into the city,' . ' Expressman Accuseds For breaking T5 phonograph records In moving them, Joseph Hlldebrand and Xon Shanks, two expressmen, were before ' First Nazarene Church v East Seventh and Couch Streets V ' Preaching Sunday, 11 a. m. 2j30 and 730 p. m.t'd every night except Saturday and every afternoon at 2:30 , : o'clock, except Monday and i.'- Saturday..- ' L.T MILTON WIIyLIAMS, J - Oskalcosa, Iowa Evangelist Only a Short Time Left in Which to Join Our Xmas Savings Glub Stop and Think If you join our Christmas Savings Club, by depositing 5 cents the first week, 10. cents the next week, 15 cents the third week, and so on for 42 weeks, two weeks be fore Christmas we will-mail you a check for $455 with interest at 4 per cent, and you won't really know how the money was saved. . ' There are other classes In our Christmas Savings Club, starting with 25 cents, 50 cents or $1.00, which we will be pleased to explain upon application. Christmas Savings Clubs such as we are conducting are very popular throughout the East In several cities, 100 or more" members of a congrega tion have joined and used their combined savings as a fund at . Christmas towards paying the church debts. 100 accounts in class 5 would aggregate $4515.00, plus interest Societies, Churches, Sunday Schools, Charity and othet organisations' have joined to save money for a specific purpose. . - JOIN NOW BY MAKING fHE FIRST PAYMENT , Open Saturday Evening from 6 'to 8 o'clock for your convenience Merchants National Bank . , Washington and Fourth Streets ; J(D)i rT n nr n mm CORNER FOURTH AND ALDER STREETS Telephones Pacific, Marshall 1; Home A-6281 Salt SMJE OF CHOICE SMALL GRAIN-FED IPO LOIN ROAST OF PORK. ..... LEG ROAST OF PORK. . . . SHOULDER ROAST OF PORK FRESH SIDE OF PORK . . . . . . . SPARE RIBS . .18c , . .16c ...14c ..15c ..14c NOTE Also 150 head of Superior Quality Lambs, specially low priced " for this 'sale. CASH OR CREDIT ACCOUNTS Fish and Poultry Specials We again call your atten tion to the fact that we are now permanently located in this large, new, sanitary market Tomorrow We Offer HALIBUT, CHINOOK SALMQN, DRESSED CHICK ENS, DUCKS, GEESE AND TURKEYS, OLYMPIAN AND EASTERN OYSTERS AT OUR, USUAL LOW PRICES C ' . Columbia Fish Company Phones Main1 5 and Marshall i"," -' :l - NEW JONES MARKET ' FOURTH AND ALDER Pacific Ph(?ne Marshall 508a All the Latest and.Best Styles Are Here in LaHies' Home JournalvPatterns at 10c and 15c EachMail Orders Promptly FiUed--Expres and Parcel Post Packages Prepaid on j Ordew - ; , Home Phone A-2112 Store Opens Saturdays at. 9 a. mi, Other Days at 8:30 a. m. Store Closes Saturdays imr? .a C ?D 6JM piher Days 2: rt:5tftW TV- ImpQ THE MOST IN VALUE THE BEST IN QUALITY rtant and Timely Ape - the Many Undepp pioed . J ; ! Ofi?eplngs fop Saturday Shoppepsi Advanced Showine: of the Hew R. fe G. Copsets We have iust received onr new shinment of R . ' Rr oJfW- sets--including all the latest spring styles. Models that "will Sliit M'Crv firriirf .cTl-urn In IrtTir nr m.1;ii ' FWVT ... WTV Jl lllUlUlll 1IU.1L W Mil, I:S'ft!-.. .lla:litrairrrit linis Tnree hf .WJU 3' ir i. straight lines. every wearer. STYLE F-2S0 AT $3.00-This model is made of good quality coutil, with practic ally no bust and long skirt and back. Shown with elac gore in front and extra heavy hose supporters. Neatly finished with lace edging. STYLE E-254 AT $3.00 This is an excellent model for the average figure made of high-grade coutil, with low bust and long hip. Shown with elastic band across back and laced below front clasp. Neatly trimmed with satin-ribbon and bow. Corsets that -will trive eraca anH Comfort; in All prices from $1.00 to $3.00. , : STYLE C-252 AT $2.00 Made of fine coutil with very low bust ' and : long -.skirt and back. A well boned corset 'wlith elastic insertions in front, also Maces below clasp. Finished with neat lace and ribbon bow. STYLE C-246 AT $2.Q0 This mode! is well known for the new hip conliner made of high grade coutil with low bust and long hip and back. Shown with elastic across back an4 with extra long heavy hose s'up 'porters. Finished , with dainty silk embroi dery and bow. T Special Sale Children's Wash Dresses FIFTEEN STYLES, AGES 6 TO 14 YEARS-- 1 A A OUR NEW $1.25 LINES PRICED THIS SALE 2 I UU Tomorrow, at the above price reduction, we place on sale a fine, new line of Children's Wash Dresses. They are made of finest Amoskeag ginghams and percales and come in all sizes from 6 to 14 years. The assortment includes 15 dif ferent styles in checks, plaids, stripes and other t 1 A A neat patterns. Our regular $1.25 line Saturday. 3) 1 UU New Spring Styles in Children's Coats 54.00 Lines on Sale at $3.98 For tomorrow we've arranged a special showing and sale o'f Children's Coats in the new Spring style. They come in all the popular new models, with or without belt. All sizes in black and white checks, plain red, Wilson blue and other new shades. , All are well-tailored garments that fQ are special values at $4.50. On sale at &OmyO About Half Price for a Fine Line of Women's Seamless Side Lisle yesto SeaonabIe Weight Garment, High-Neck and Long-Sleeve O '3, Styles, in All Size., Beat Regular 65c Grade, Special Only OoC Worn!"! w Vi r a ra nartirnlofi K-v U. i: r . : ... 1 1 xl mc uu4iiiy,ana xit ox tncir underwear will be ?htauhllhfYVuCrd at th,"le. " well ss With theplendid savinl tha is possible at about half-price we place on sale a fine. weG-fittinK line of women s seamless side Lisle Vests they come in all sizes and are Shown in OO. high neck, long sleeve styles--garments that. sell regularly at 75c priced at OOC Boys' and Girls' Fine Fleeced Cotton Union SiiiW N-l a Finished, Well-Wearing, Perfect-Fitting, All Sizes, Regi75c 4"C I faFents who would economize by purchasing children's fine fleecetf Cotton Union ou.is I- . . iCSS inan regular, win not tan to attend this sale you have choice from all sizes in styles suitable for both boys and girls they are neatly finished, well-wearing Union Suits, shown in both gray and cream colors-the kind in. regularly sold at 75c a suit priced for this sale at ' 5C Pi1 Women's Black Lisle Silk Hose, With Double Heel, Toe and Sole All sizes in (L n Best 25c Grade Only 1 UL A special underpriced purchase and sale' of 500 dozen pairs of women's fine black Silk Lisle Hose strictly high-grade stockings, raade with double heel, toe and sole all sizes the kind sold every wh. ere. at 25c a pair they are now priced to you at the same great saving at which we purchased them buy as many pairs as you wish tomorrow the pair .... morrow "lg 35c Wool Hose, a Pair 15c A closing-out sale of Women's Wool Hose, fine oxford gray stock ings, in fine rib and with reinforced heel and toe all sizes. Rejr- C ular 35c grade this sale at 1C 20c Cotton Hose, a Pair 11c An important underpricprjr-of wom en's medium weight Black Cotton Hose, made with double, heel, sole and toe. Regular 20c grade t on sale at llC: Sale Women's Sweater Coats - "f -.e? or ues on Sale Fori7aW70 Desirable new garments for Spring wear the best style in ruffneckand V-neck models they come in all sizes and in red. white and oxford gray. Regular $4 to $5 ffO QQ . lines on sale at ........ O Misses' $3 Sweat- (Q ers on Sale OnlytD l.VO One of , the most 'popular' makes of misses f heavy All-Wool1 Sweater Coats shown in ruff neck styles and in all sizes perfect-fitting garments that 4 regularly sell at $3; f 1 AO on sale at . . . . . -. V.f XIO an ii .in n mm mm H -III S Pair Unmatehable Values in This Sale of Women's Fashionable MEW They Come in Short-Vamp Round-Toe Models, With Either Patent or Plain TipAll Sizes and Widths, in Box Calf, Gun metal, and Dongola Kid The Best $2.50 Shoes, Priced Only Recently we were fortunate in securing, at a splendid price reduction 2000 pairs of women's fashionable new shoes from a prominent manufacturer who was overstocked on $2.50 lines, and at this sale we offer them to you at the same price concessionthe as sortment includes several popular new models with short vamp and round toe, either ? plain or with pat ent tipthey come in all sizes. 'and widths in box calf, gunmetal,and Dongola kid they' are shoes of guaranteed quality, made with solid leather counters and insoles the best $2.50 shoes-evert 4 t HQ sold anywhere priced for this sale? 3)1 "0 Broken Lines of ; Hisses9 Shoes Thai Formerly Sold Up to 51;75 Pair, Being Closed Out at, Pf. You may choose from both button and'lace styles 'in all sizes from to 2 y2 they .come in'? both- gunm'etal and kid leathers and are made with double toe-cap all leather inner sole, leather counter : and ? solid ; leather heel and toe they, are the kind regularly sold at f $1.50 and l$1.75 a oair on sale tomorrowlat : rl 1 afta afN