-i US- THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL PORTLAND, FRIDAY EVENING,! MARCH .6, 1914. . SI -CATIONS FEMALE 4 NAT. refinrd young womu wants permanent poaltiou In clean, sani tary business office, as aaniaitant to bookkeeper,- or general office work; business office experience. 1882, Journal. ; 1 XPKltlKNCED bookkeeper - would keep vet of book evenings; monthly statements Issued; collections if neces sary. Card systems Installed L-6M, Journal. KXPKRIKNCKD girl, with highest ref erences, wishes position caring for children. Can teach French, or will assist with otrrer work. In town or out. X-H2S, Journal. ' WOMAN wants . uay " work, washing, ironing, cleaning; can glvs refer ences. Pleaae give phone. B-965, Journal. " ' . EXPERIENCED sesmstreas wants work either with dressmaker or tailor, where no other help is kept. In town or out. W-944, Journal. j lOuiNti ludy, experienced in clerical work and bookkeeping; prefer small set of books; will give xatiaf action; Ktte salary. D-913, Journal. . . FASHIONABLE, d.eas and cloak mak- er wishes engagement in families, i tl.SO per day. 450 Yamhill. Phone Main 41U7. Mrs. Kvans. THE Ualmer House, 350V4 Alder; 2- i'.XPKKIKNCED .girl in plain house- room housekeeping euitts, $4 and $5 work wants place In or out of theiweek;i sleeping rooms $2 week upf city; state wages paid. N-B05.. Jour- j cambnuge bidg., funusti a H. K. rooms. rial. t central, cheap. 165 3d., cor. Morr'n. FA H H I ON A B L.E dress and cloakmaker j TllK OILMAN 1st. cor. Alder, fur- wlBhes engagements In families, r wished H. K. rooms, 1.50 week op. sl.ov per qh y. tou iauiiiiii. ty"a Main 4107. Mrs. Evans. LADY would like to-care for cnlldren afternoons. 25c per hour and car- fBre. Main 8930. LACE curtains, draperies, linens laun drled by expert, called for. Tabor 31 7. MlDlJLE-AUKI woman would like day work. Husband Is sick, unable to work. Phone East 4624. EXPERIENCED laundress wishes day work. Call Eust 3388, from 7 till 9 p. m. only. MIDDLE-AGED woman, stranger in city would like housework orliouse- Vnfnir or any kind' day work. M. 6212. . g i - t" - 77- kee S3 1 nurse want, work7 good "refer- j .... Talwr 137 i.mn hn' amull wnM. V-963. : Journal. " EXPERIENCED American lady wants ; day work. Woodlawn 1572 SITUATIONS TED- MALE AND FEMALE 23 i and wife, woman to cook and man to do general ranch or orchard work, Q-746. Journal. OLD couple would like, light pl'iie where could haye hin. unu MTiall wages In return for services.. Main 717. A-1517. ' MAN an4 wife with three chliUieii want place oit rancih. Are y-uiig ai.tl willing to work. Main 717, A-7.M7. MAN and wife want work in the coun try, dairy farm preferred. T. A., 210 Yamhill St., Portland. DRESSMAKING 40 MAE M ART , modiste. Bulta. sown-.1 dresses, alterations and makeovers Phone Main 8983. 12th and Alder. MAKE yi;ur own gowns. lrestunakln: thoroughly taught. Parisian Dress tnsking Kchool, 301 Goodnough bldg. EXPERIENCED dressmaker wants sewing at home or out 312 E. 48th. Tabor- 2379: PRKTTIEST 1 piece dresses and waists made at the lowest prices. Miss Conner. Marshall 260. FIRST class dressmaking, suits. gowns, waists, etc. Tabor 410. COMPETENT dressmaking at home or by the day. Mala 6706. 67 Ella. PLAIN dressmaking by day, very rea- sonable. Phone 'A-2538. FURNISKED ICOOxMS WEST SIDE 9 HOTEL FRANKLIN Washington st. at Thirteenth. 60c per day. Weekly. $3. Monthly, $11 up. Running water. Phone In each room. Steam heat. Fire proof build ing. Ground floor lobby. All night service. Business is good. - REN WICK HOTEL. A quiet, homelike hotel, modern, out side rooms, beautifully furn'd; reason able rates. 206 B'way, cor. Taylor. M 916 FOR Y. M. C. A. members Furnished rooms, reasonable in price;: fireproof building, vacuum cleaned, shower baths, club- facilities; special rates at cafeteria. Cor. 6th and Taylor eta. .' j ' HOTtX MADRAS. 12th end Washington. Steam heat, not and void running water, private and detached baths, free phones. Single , suite 2 rooms. $6. THE ALBION HOTEL. 212 2d and Salmon. Rooms $1.75 week up; steam heat, lot and cold water, free bath, phone. l'HE REGENT. 151 Broadway, under new management; strictly modern rooms. $2.50 wk. up; transient. 60c up. NEWLY FURNISHED. Nicely furnished sleeping rooms, homelike and "comfy." Bath, phone. electric lights. 125 14th st. 476 Morrison, sleeping or housekeep ing, beautiful front rooms, single or -ensuite, new, clean, conveniences, jiaiiw. THE ALBION HOTEL. ziztt aa and salmon. Rooms $1.76 week up, steam heat. wi ,m wiu miti, iree uairj, pnone. THE RANDOLPH Cor. 3d and Colum bia. Furnished rooms, steam heat, and cold water, bath, $2 week up. OAK HOTEls. 847 Oak st, furnished rooms steam heat, hot water, bath, 'free. $2.60 week up. Main 4150. WARM, comfortable rooms, good, clean beds, $5 and $6 per month or by the week. 405 W. Park st. Tel. M. 4582 YOUNQ man. rooming at Y. M. C. A., wants roommate to reduce rooming expenses. Inquire Y. M. C. A. HOTEL BUCKINGHAM, 20Ui and Wash. New, clean and modern out , side rooms. $2.50 wk. up.: pri. bath $5 HOTEL SAVON 131 11th st Per manent and trao'st THE sjKlNG. oms, mo - roo oiiern. central. Wi.ia WK. up, ROOMS and apartments In modern ho- tel: $2.50 week and up. 456 Alder. rroz43xa boohs WIST BXD PTVAT PAMTTtT 70 THREE nicely furnished rooms in nice suburban home with modern conven iences, located on Willamette river, 25 minutes' ride on Linnton road, 5c car fare. Trunk A-6799. ask for 3611. NEWLY furnished rooms, electric . light, bath, phone, $7 per month, with running water In room, $10 per mo. 311 Main st Oft RENT Large front room, two closets, alcove and 'sleeping porch: board If destred. . Mir. 22d st. No. NICE furnished front room, modern conveniences, good bed. $12. 404 Clai 10th. MODERN furnished front room for man and wife, investigate. ' Everett st. NICELY furnished front room; phore bath, heat, very reasonable., 404 Park LADY would like lady to share room. References. $1.75. 469 Taylor st. FURXISIIED ROOMS . EAST SIDE . 52 THE Larrabee, 227 - Larrabee. Low rates. Brick bldg steam heat, hot sold water, bath, phone, electricity. V.' u.jrtsH booms EAST BIDE PRIVATE 7AMZI.T 71 TWO cosy rooms in nice private home, ; 1 large, 1 small, every modern con venience. $5. $10; easy walking ais tsnce. Phone East 4080. LARGE front room near Washington high school. 687 E. Alder. UNFURNISHED ROOMS 10 rili-K uniuni ihml mr.m tc mnnth 1 .. . . . " - - , V IUWU1II , Main 1359 TWO rooms, $6.60, . Large 8 room flat BOOMS ASS BOABO PRIVATE PAMIL 78 LARGE room, with alcove, suitable- for 3, fireplace, running water and good board. 615 jfrforrison. Marshall 4923. ROOM and board, modern, home privi leges, for 2 or 3 men. 135 E. 29th st. N, East 6729. ROOM and board tor 4 or 6 gentlemen; modern - home comforts; walking distance. Marshall 3501. 547 Hou WANTED 1 or 2 young ladies em ployed, to board in private family; home 1 privileges: Phone East 6637. HOARD and room, two men, modern. Home privileges. 1248 K. Main. A BOARDING home for children by dayl weeikior month. East 3108. WASTED ROOM AND BOARD 39 MIDDLE aged man wants room am! board in clean respectable family at 25 aweelf, close in preferred. -94, Journal. HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS j WEST SIDE SINGLE housekeeping and sleeping rooms. 81.25 to $1.50 week. 291 2d st. 16 ROOMS, cheap rent, good income. Phone Main 9115. Very easy terms. ROYCREHT. 175 12TH Furnace heat ed H. K. rooms, all conveniences. HOTTSSSEXifZK'G' BOOMS WEST SIDE FBIVATE FAMILY 73 J85 MILL, near W. Park; nicely fur nished H. K. rooms, modern, walking diKinnce IwuuHf ill lncntlnn Prion S1&. ! Phone Main 4633. LARGE. well furnished housekeeping .r.m' el,ec'rlc Jl?hV 8?. phone, bath, w'hwpod furnished; $12 per month. dii Main st. 'UKfJiSHEB . H . K. rooms double or single, bath, phone, heat 181 6th, 1 opposite Portland hotel. NEATLY lurnished room suite, eas. electricity, nhone. bath: $11 ud. 392 4in st. - - T: - , WELL furnished housekeeping room. I electric lieht. eas. wniul f nrnlRhd. permonin. 311 Main II. K. suite, $15 monthly, including iignts, batn, phone, bed linen. 695 H 'TWO front rooms. furnished for housekeeping. 385 11th, near Mont gomery. LARGE neat, modern, with kitchen ette; also two well furnished rooms, $14. 226 13th st. 361 TAYLOR Suite and single house- Keeping rooms; tree light, phone, bath, laundry. FURNISHED H. K. suite; also single front rooms. Free phone and bath. 262 14th st. CONVENIENT housekeeping, central to both depots. Come see. 32 N. 11th. , ONE, 2 and A H. K. rooms, $10 and ,a per montn. to 2nd st. NICE front light housekeeping; also I sleeping rooms. 500 Jefferson st. HOUSEKEEPING, clean and comforta ble, $2.60 per week. 471 Morrison. HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS EAST SIDE 48 $1.50 to $2.75 week, furnished H. K. rooms, gas. free heat laundry, baths. pnone asi -ua; Vancouver ave. FURNISHED housekeeping rooms at The Alvln verp cheap. 146 Grand ave.. near Morrison st. Phone E. 706 HOTJS--FIKO BOOHS EAST SX2E PEITATE PAICXXT 74 THREE or 4 furnished housekeeping rooms, moaern, Deautirui location, lights., large porch, yard, basement stationary tubs, all conveniences, good car service. 1621 E. 11th st. Sellwood 023. n ' W 1 lariA utaII fitpnlahAil iran. front rooms, with kitchenette and Daicony. Good -neighborhood, two car lines. Private family. .772 E. Taylor. 4 FIIRNISHKD hntisnliMnlnp rma modern conveniences, nice yard, with irun irees. j. erms reasonaoie. tieil wooa aoei. TWO room suite. comDlete for bnnuw knenins'. 117- fr licht ht hnm, new apartment. 1163 Belmont corner .Ki. 5tn, sunnysiae car. THREE room suite, clean, neatlv fur nished front' house housekeeping rooms, all conveniences $16. 825 E. Stark st. Phone East 5dl4. 2 CONNECTING rooms, electric 1 ght bath and phone, private entrance; also single room. 29 E. 15th N. FURNISHED and unfurnished rooms for rent, 628 E. Morrison st. Walk lng distance, board if desired. TWO nice furnished housekeeping rooms. 381 Ross st., near Broadway bridge. East 3010. 2 ROOM apt, private entrance, sleep ing porch, fine location; walking dis tance. 650 E. Alder. TWO furnished housekeeping rooms. 467 E. Pine. Phone East 4795. HOUSES FOR RENT 12 SEVEN room two story house with bath room and fire-place. Nice gar den and eight large cherry trees. 2 blocks from car. 37th and Schiller sts. $20 per month. 6 room two story house with bath and toilet 25th and prescott Rent $16. 5 room cottage with bath and toilet. Rayburn ave. in Mt Scott district Rent $10. 4 room new cottage, with large gar den, near Grays Crossing on Mt Scott line. Rent $8. H. E. NOBLE. Lumbermens Bldg. 7 ROOM modern, corner rsl Hr-. large rooms, full cement basement, furnace, laundry tubs, fireplace, $22.50. Will lease. 442 V, 39th rnr Shorm-.,, 2 blks. north of Division st. " Mar. 4553 4 ROOM house, electric lights and bath, $9. 1627 Atlantic. St Johns car to Peninsular. iM.vv.i paperea ana rixed, 6 room oungaiow, near Brooklyn shops Needham, M. 6751. FOR RENT cheap; good 6 room house in waiKing distance 01 business cen ter. East 3104. ROOM and board with-- private family for 1 or 2 gentlemen. Very reason aoie.. livi AiuwauKie st MODERN 6-room cottage, corner, 674 iseri at., w. w. car. Mar shall 4317. $7.505-room house, eas: 3 r. 15 Krt store $8. Mt. Scott car td 54th st ore jeweler. 6IX room house, moaern, 973 E. Stark, iitar ou, id per montn. HOUSES, Irvington. Herdman. East 273. W. H, FIVE room house, range and linoleum. m.mie oiow commercial st $25 10 room house, modern. Sunny side. Phone East 1094. BEAUTIFUL 5 room bunaglow; Laur- """.'- Appiy 1140 Massalo st NEW 6 room bungalow, furnace, fire- ". asm ana E. Franklin. 6 HOOM . house, barn and hen house. 5 ROOM cotatge. 548 6th st. Marshall 1603. cheap. HOUSES of 3 and 4 rooms with gar- mgo, evenings, rR RE'T 6 room cottage. 283 : 13tn St. Inquire THREE- room house nice yard, newly papered. $8. Inquire 760 Alberta. . FURNITURE FOR SALE 32 HOUSES FOR RENT WILL rent bungalow, sell furniture. !. . " ' a J- iist st K J FURNITURE of 12 rooms all complete vrt ' V p 8 apartments; nice ..,nc, Mi iciii. oiiu jeiierson FURNITURE for m)a flat e snap If sold by Monday; make $10 . i viay FCRNITUIEE FOR SAIiE 32 L 1 .(Co-tin-ed.) FURNITURE of S rooms, $150, In cluding new sewing machine and a new;Victrola talking machine; rent of house 212 ; 2 rooms' rented for 910. Phone B-2639 or call 405 E. Yamhill St., near Grand ave. - FURNITURE of 7 room house, 2 rooms rented making rent only $11; fine location; Nob Hill district 550 Everett St. Phone Main 2068. FURNITURE of 7 rooms for sale cheap, house for rent. 20. Inquire 570 1st st. FURNISHED J room modern fiat. Call bet. 9 and 5. 272 Park. Mar. 5611. FURNISHED HOUSES 36 6 ROOM modern house furnished, also l large vard and garage. Inquire 308 Facramento st. MODERN 6 room house in Sunnyside, S blocks from car, bet. 29th and SOtii on E. Washington. ; TO RENT 4 room house, furnished, nice yard, $15 a month. A. N. Searlo, 6th and . Ollsan sta., M-v car. '1VK room cottage, furnished, phone. nice lawn, large place ror garaen. 18.26. Call Sellwood 2100.. BURNISHED 3 room liouse.' 1077 E. 9th st., N MODERN furnished house, nice loca- tlon. 778 E. Taylor. East 5260. ""aPAKTMENTS 43 THE CROMWELL. 6th and Columbia Sts. Modern 2 and 2 room furnished apart- ments; 6 minutes' walk to shopping ard theatre district; new building, every convenience. L.Nl.iR UWKiStt'3 .MANAGEMENT. CoMPLK'i'iLY' lurniuned 1 room apts.. with kitchenette, steam heat ru niiing hot and cold -vater, phone in every room; 7 blocks from 5th and Morrison cts., $16.50 and up. 2il Co- lumoia bi., corner oiu. titikiH friELD apartment. 273 Broaa- way, k.. cor Jeiierson. easy wait ing distance, 3 or 4 rooms with pri vate baths, very reasonable rent best service, splendid arrangement, all out side rooms, direct phones. Burch Apartments New. modern, furnished 2 room apts. bath, phones, dressing room, fine loca tion. 110 N. 21st st. Mar. 4140. w car. THE EARLTON. 3 room apts.. elegantly furnished. steam heat, private bath, modern con veniences. Prices reasonable, 520 Union ave., N. East 4285. ' HEINZE APARTMENT. 14th and Columbia. Furnished 2. 3. 4 room apartments. all conveniences; first class, homelike, reasonable rates: ref. M. 7337, A-3615. CLARK Apts., 616 Pettigrove.r Mar shall 5000: moaern 2 room iuinistica apartment with dressing room; elee triclty, steam heat, water and private phone tree. THE LINCOLN 4th and Lincoln. 2 room modern fur. apts.; low rates. include tree light, private phones. S or 16th St car SOUth. M. 1377, A-4152. MARYLAND APIS. Modern 6 room unfurnished apt. all outside rooms. large sleeping porch. 664 Flanders. Main 8251. DOWN TOWN APARTMENTS Furnished or Unfurnished. ROYAL ANNEX BLDG.. 350 Morrison St. LUZERNE APARTMENTS, Cor. 3d and Hall, 2 room furnished apts. Strictly modern, brick bldg., 8 min. from P. O. Prices right. Mar. 4637. CINCINNATI COURT, 401 10th st Two and 4 room furnished and un furnished apartments, steam heat, everything furnished, reasonable. THE JEFFERSONIAN. 614 Jefferson. Two front apart ments, 2 and 3 rooms, heated, $18 and $20. NOKOM1S APARTMENT. Modern 2 room apartment, bath, phone, walking distance, reasonable rent. 17th and Marshall. Mar. 4943. APARTMENT of 3 room, furnished, all outside, steam heat, privata bath. 10 minutes' walk, price reasonable. 4i& Clay. THE DEZENDORF. 208 16TH ST.. NEAR TAYLOR. 1 elegant 6 rcom, unfurnished apt Also elegant 5 roo.n furnished apt THE WAYNWOOD. 109 N. 18th st, I. 2 and 3 room, furnished and unfur nished apts., with or without private bath. Main 8193. MORTON Apartments, corner Wasn ington and King Modern 3 room furnished apartment, walking distance, reasonable rent. Main 1082, A-l 108. HARRISON Court, 5th and Harrison 4 room furnished or unfurnished apartment; summer rates. THE CHETOPA, 18th and Flanders, z. 3. room apartments, furnished or unfurnished. Steam heat. ONE furnished 2-rm. cor. steam-heated apt., easy walking distance, only $22.5,0 mo. 187, 17th st, near Yamhill. i.n onanjiMJUi aioaern 5 room un furnished apt., large sleeoinir Dorch. reuucen rates. 000 rianaers. Al. 8 251 EVELYN Apts.. 267 N. 21st st. 3 and 4 room lurnisnea apia.. moaern con eniences. Phone Marshall 1323. HOTEL. GATOSA. E. Stark and Grand ave. Apts. Sleeping run.. $2.50 up mo FOR RENT FLATS 13 ROOM ATA hath mnHorn fmn h. ua ment flat, steam heat. unfumlshoH very cozy; $20; at 305 11th St., near Columbia. Mar. 4553. NEW single flat, 7 large rooms, range and linoleum in kitchen. East Burn side b. cor. E. 12th. East 2301. MODERN 5 room flats, walkine dis tance. 301 E. 12th. block Hawthorne ave. Phone East 4133. 8 A MONTH for 3 room flat; large hasement and nnntpv Timnly, taq r -V J .. u . t -1 J water st. MoOEKN 8 room flats, very reason- able. 706 Vancouver ave. Wnnd- lawn 1953. FURNISHED FLATS 50 THREE room flat, bath, laundry, elec- niciiy. targe porcnes, rrontlng river, n Brooklyn, small rent: will lenao furnished; write for appointment to uiByeti.. v-jio, journal. j FURNISHED flat. 4 large rooms and . path, gas and steel range, very com- iui muiy lurnisnea. ior is per month, including water. Phone" East 1150. o- iy. 6tn st. W.. cor. Davis. HOTELS 54 Van Gorder Hotel Modern; good home for eood neonle: rates reasonable; try us. 105 I2tn st., bet. Wash, and Stark. Marsh". 2790. ClearoolriGEM HOTEL NC HousekeeDiner rcom weeklv i ?r -d up. 665 1st St.. South Portland. Or. - ,. , -, STORES AND OFFICES H Journal tk , Of BROADWAY. U CORNER YAMHILL ST. BsallisM Outside Office Rooms Single and in Suites reasonable Rental High class service Inquire at Journal Business Office and ask to see them. ilRlQK warehouse in South Portland for rent, track-go. light and airy. On paved street, reasonable. Journal Publishing Co.. Broadway and Yamhill. HORSES. VEHICLES, ETC. 18 OUTFIT Consisting team of mules, harness and wagon, with a guaran tee that will work anywhere. 91 E. 12th. between Wash, and Stark'1 F haul your dead horses and cattle I re or I Tabor 420 free of -charge.' Call day or night. MM 1 Ml !'S HORSES. TmiCIES. ETC. 18 (Continued.) 25 head of horses and mules, ion" to 1550 lbs'4 to 8 yrs. old, guaranteed as " " - ilfllA If I .1.1 nm -r r n A 1 represented. i a r-iuiuuihu x 1. x . Luurmi ca ress. wagonsJ Fresh -change for good roadster. Give or load Tuesday, March take difference. Oliver, 206 Alder at. 10. BLUE FRONT i BARN. 287 Water st. Suetter & Ball. Main 4481. i Carload Eastern Oregon j- Horses, mares. 1200. to 1701 ipdunds. and fine blocky horses; all guaranteed and right price. 185 V Madison St.. on west approach of . Hawthorne bridge. Just received. ! " FOR TRADE, 1 good 3 Mitchel wa gon, standard gauge, for a 3 Inch wide track'wagon. - ? - i jf or saie, 2 good wagons, z poor ones, one steam woodsaw. Address Oswego, Route 1. box 237. or call at P. O. box; 237 Boone Ferry Road. 1 . Murphy Horse & Mule Co.; Sells on commission, hors'es. mules, ve hicles, harness. Auction every Monday and Friday, 10 a. m. 240 E. 8th. E. 6315. NEW..IREPROOF STABLE. Horses and wagons for saie or rent; boarding and livery; terms reasonable; express and furniture moving. U. P. Stables, 239 Russell. E. 3543. CHEAP farm team, new wagon and harness at a bargain; also fine fam ily mare; also fine set of light driving double harness and rubber-tired surrey; will separate. 1029 E. yamhiil. - U. S. Stables Just received a carload horses and mares, all sizes. 248 Front : G. D. Williamson. TO TRADE, $200 equity on 20 acres of good level land, $1 fare from Port land, for team balance $400. L. B. Haines. 4S2 Church st. Portland. LIGHT team of horses for sale, $50; will exchange for larger horse. 568 Mississippi ave FOR SALE Several farm, delivery and lumber wagons in good condi tion, bargains. F. A. Kenney. 371 1st $35 BUYS good buggy and good set of single harness. Call 101 11th st N. LIVESTOCK 35 Auction Sale Of my entire herd of grade Holstelns at my farm, one mile south of Hogan, 2 miles southeast of Gresham, Or., Tuesday, March 10, 1914. 11 o'clock a. m. 24 cows, one half to three quarter blood Holatein, 5 grade 2-year-old heif ers, 6 grade calves. Cows and heifers bred to Sir Colantha, Champion Fayne and Sir Johanna -Fayne 4th. Tubercu lar tested and certificate goes with each cow. The 6 calves are from these fine bulls. Entire herd goes no re serve. Terms: Cash or bankable note. Take Estacada car. First and Aldei, Portland, 8:45 a. m. MARTIN WINCH, Owner, W. S. Wood, Auctioneer, Vancouver, Wash. BUNCH of good dairy cows; some aro fresh, balance coming fresh in two days. Jersey, Durham and Guernsey; all tubercular tested. Woodstock car to 60th ave., walk 3 blocks west 1 north. WE have an excellent list of high grade and registered dairy cows and heifers; see us now; Geo. R. Mokel Cow Co., 607 Commercial blk. M. 6120. GOOD dairy and family cows, mostly an iresn. 303 rosier roaa, Lents. Take Mt. Scott car. TWO extra good fresh Jersey cows at 1Z95 coroett st. Take Fulton car. POULTRY 37 BIG profits In poultry assured by us ing Pratt's Poultry Regulator. It strengthens breeding stock, increases fertility, resulting in bigger hatches and insures strong, healthy chicks. Sold on money back guarantee by first class dealers everywhere. Spohn & rtuBseu, qistriputors, ir'ortiana. (jr. EGGS from healthy, vigorous, range raised birds. White Orpingtons, Mam moth Pekin ducks. Brown Leghorn Dantams, i.&u setting, $7.60 a 100, either kind. U. Mahler, Cleone. Or BOX 9S. INCUBATORS Millers Pacific Coast Ideal combines low price with best possible construction. 88 to $30. Thir teen years on the coast Sold by Chas. ri. nny CO.. Portland FOR SALE: From R, I. Reds, eastern prize stocK,oaDv cmicks, nen hatched. with hens or; without Eggs, $1.50- $2.50 for 15. 35 E. 52nd St N. C. J L-uppert. Tabor 2668. EIGHT heavy laying White Leghorn hens, $1 each. Also cockerel. Barred Rock setting eggs, $1 for 16. 6518 55th (Millard avenue). M'CLAKAHAN'S incubators have stood the test, let us prove to you the superior qualities of our machines, $12 to $18. 1000 Ferry st.. Eugene, Or. THAT old "ounce of prevention" saying applies to roup. PRATT'S ROUP REMEDY (tablets or powder) Is a sure preventive and cure. Sold on money back guarantee by first class dealers everywhere. Spohn & Russel, distribu lors, Portland. Or. FOR SALE 15 pair thoroughbred fan tail pigeons, white $15. Call Sat urday or Sunday morning. W. La Branse, 1081 E. 19th st S. EGGS for hatching, the best costs no more than common stock. D. W. Young's trap nested prize winning White Leghorns. Call C-2507. DAY old chicks. White Leghorns, Plymouth Rocks and Anconas; prices right. E. J. McClanahan, 1000 Ferry st., Eugene, Or. ; BLUE AND ALUS IAN eggs, $1.25 per setting. Thoroughbred. 1317 Dela ware ave. E. D. SCHANEN-S White Plymouth Rocks. Write for 1914 catalog. Box 289, R.l. Lents. Or. WANTED Some thoroughbred Light Brahma eggs. C. D. Shoemaker, Ken newick. Wash. FOR SALE Fine trio Black Orping tons, $10. Write for particulars. Charles E. Perry, La Grande. Or. ; ONLY $1 setting from Cyphers Strain vvnite Legnorns. Washburn Farm. j Ke.nnewick, Wash "WTr.Tfc i w L" era fnr hatr-Mntr f -l 1 fresh. $1.50 per doz. Crystal Lake ;Park. Milwaukie. Phone Black 222. 4 vnnvp -m; fhlte Leghorn etfjts 75e Der setting; vvnite Legnorn cocicerel $1. 118 8th ave. north, Lents. BELGIAN hares, utility stock. Morley, St. Helens, Or. w. a WHITE Orpington eKgs, $8 100. $1.59 setting, quality. Marshall 874. WHITE WYANDOTTE, thoroughbred; $1.50 setting of 15. 98S Union ave. N. ' 1)008 AND HOUSEHOL, PETS 46 rAT STUD Pedigreed English Bull dog U.ranHe.rvl:.-al?2Vencn.. Bu , jcuiaie iui saie. ?u tfiiu bi., o, h. uiarirs siation. , OK-GON BIRD CO.. 920 E. 16th st, N. I car. Canaries, aviary birda Golden anrl Chinese pheasants. 1 ALTOMOHirJSS-ACCESSORIES 44 Auto Snap Cadillac. 5 passenger. $500. Cole, 5 passenger, $760. Reo, 5 passenger, $550. , Reo, 5-passenger, $325. t Reo truck. 1500- lbs. capacity, cheapi. These cars are guaranteed by us. Terms given. Northwest Auto, Co Broadway and Couch sts.l A-4959. MaiA 88871 ANTED All grades scrap ; rubber. highest cash prices paid: phone us our man will call and buy what you have. J. Lev, 16 Colombia. M. 51 9. Written guar antee with every spring. . 2 N. 15th st FOR SALE: Auto truck, 1000 pounds capacity, suitab" for grocery, cheap. Call Wood! awn 1.' EAST SIDK AIJT.' REPAIR CO.. Inc., 661 Hawthorne ave.. auto specialists MICHIGAN Roadster. 40 h. p.. $500 Call Main 6934. 1112 Spalding bldg. AUTOMOBILES-ACCESSORIES 41 fCantlnnad t - - ? AUTO SPRINjiS. Frank tnre. 228 Salmon. Main 182. I 7 MOTORCYCLES EI CYCLES 55 APEX BICYCLE Co., Agents. Manufacturing, Repairing and Supplies -. 124-12$ Twelfth st FOR SALE- Excelsior bicycle, Corbin - duplex brake, A-l condition, ridden about 35 miles., cheap. W. A. Schell, Reed college. LAYTOjN MOTORCYCLES YALE Win ter bargains In used machines; mo torcycle, bicycle repairing. Dayton Cycle Co.. now at 210 Broadway. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS 4 FREE $400 PIANO 'A sample piano to be placed with one responsible parly in 100 towns in Oregon and Washington; if you wish to own one of these high grade pianos write today. Address Advertising De- partment. Z07-28 Selling bldg. UPRIGHT Hazelton piano, superb ma hogany case, good as new, worth $500; will take $250. Call Main 9472 before 9 a. rn., or write. J. S. Hardy, Cordova hotel. Portland, Or. PIANO tuning, repairing, refinishing, 65 more players made to '88 note; first class work and reasonable price, new and second hand pianos at low prices. 441 Stark st. Phone Main 4478. WANTED Second hand Victrola. rood condition: state price. J-987, Jour nal. hornless phonograph, with 26 se lections, on easy terms. U-927, Jour nal. RESPONSIBLE party would store pi ano for use. P-771, Journal. TYPEWRITERS GILL'S Rebuilt Typewriter Bargains: L. C. Smith No. 2 at I $35.u Smith Premier No. 10.. 30.00 Smith Premier Nos. 5 and 9..... 17.50 Fox Visible No. 26 30.00 Victor No. 2 at 25.00 Blickensdorfers, Densmores, etc. 10.00 THE J. K. GILL CO.. 3d and Alder sts. WE save you from 60 to 75 per cent on all makes of typewriters. Send for our illustrated folder: retail depart ment WHOLESALE . TYPEWRITER CO.. 321 Wash, st RENT Visible Typewriters 3 months lor 14.00, . delivered anywnere: quite convenient at home. 244 Stark street Phones Main 6273 or A-4441. NEW, rebuilt 2d hand rentals, cut rates. P. D. C Co.. 213 Stark. M. 1407. HOUSEHOLD GOODS for Sale 65 ENTIRE new furnishings residence for sale at sacrifice. Circassian and birdseye dressers and chiffoniers, beau titui brass beds, handsome dining suite, library tables and leather seat rockers, davenports, rugs and new piano. Sell separately. Call today. 707 jyiarsnan. FOR SALE New Method eas ranee. $16. Ruud water heater, $14. White sewing machine. $10. Washstand, 75c. $5 Perfection oil heater. $2.50. Small bookcase, $2. 403 Fairbanks st Phone Sellwood 602. FURNITURE Before buying second band goods, see what you can do here on new goods, for cash. Getpost- ea -wuuam uaasoy, 1st ana wash. FOR SALE Steel range, heater, bed steads, dressers, rockers, rugs, din lng table and clialrs, washing machine. etc. 170 e. utr ii. WE buy, sell and exchange new and second hand furniture of all kinds. Easy terms, low prices. M. Oatrow Co 64 N. 3rd. Main- 1736. WE buy. sell and exchange new and second nana furniture 01 all Kinds Phone Marshall 4783. Bell Auction & Com. Co.. 191 Second st NEW $85 sanitary roll top desk for $40. 615 Worcester Diag. M. zeiz. 64-INCH top, pedestal dining table, $4. SZ4 e. t4tn st. w. LAUNCHES AND BOATS 64 ST. JOHNS Boat House. Storage for launches. $i.uh, i.oo. col. 60S. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS 19 GASOLINE .AND OIL ENGINES. Marine & Stationary. Marine Hardware. Write for Catalogue. GAS POWER & ."rga in burr iii c:o.. 168-172 Front St Portland, Oregon. OOI FIGHT on high cricea. Why nay $5 to $10 for a pair of classes, when I can fit your eyes with first quality lenses In a gold filled frame as low as $1.50 T C W. Goodman, 191 Morrison it, near bridge. Satisfaction guaranteed. E. I SMITH TRUNK & CASE MFG. Save $. Buy your trunk, bag. suitcase, direct from manufacturer. Repairing and order work a special ty. 490 Wash. Main 3336. FOR SALE New ana second hand carom and pocket billiard tables, and bowling alleys and accessories, bar fixtures of all kinds, easy pay ments. The Brunswick-Balke-Collen-der Co.. 46-48 6th st. Phones Main 79. A-1769. Electric Motors Electric motors bought, sold, rented and repaired. Walker Electric Works. 10th and Burnside. Main 6674. F.REE ANGER'S LICENSE GIVEN WITH EVERY PURCHASE OF FISHING TACKLE AMOUNTING TO $7.50. H. T. HUDSON ARMS CO., 110 THIRD ST. ONE second-hand roll top desk, 1 R. T. Moon T. W. desk, 2 flat top desks. 3 rotary chairs. 4 chairs, 1 60-ln. roll ton mahogany, 1 stock Y. &.E. and Globe miner cabinets, htusnong et Co.. 91 Park. HOP ROOTS FOR SALE. 200,000 or less choice 8 to 12 in. roots. Best in state. $4 per 1000 f. o. b. Dundee Landing. Address J. P. Ranzan. Dundee, Or. , SEWING machines, new and 2d-hand. All makes, sale or rented. Sewing Macnine emporium, iu a a, near Yam hill. M. 9431. SAFES Mosler Safe Co, manufactur ers. Low prices, easy terms Safes opened ana repaired. Bargains In see ond hand safes. 08 2d at. Main 7676. FOR SALE: Complete I. C. S. course electrical engineering. Never used. 9 vol. in library, very cheap. W A, Schell. Reed College. EDISON MIMEOGRAPHS, rebuilt ma chines at less than half original cost. A, S. Ashley, sales agent. 101 Phoenix Diag., am ana uaK. .Main 3347. : j .. ' rLUMblNu fixtures, pipe and fit tings, sold direct to you. Stark uavis lo.. Z4 salmon. Main 797. FOR SALE: 6 hole Jewel range. 18 lnch oven, water coil, cheap. Tabor 6184. NEW Life Vibrator, used 1 month, perfect condition. Price $15. E. 4056, inuriiiHya. . BUTCHERS AND GROCERS Good second haud computing scale ror saie cneap. aa ist st. . $8 buy fine drophead sewing machine withy attachments. 426 Fliedner bldg., cor, wasntngton and1 lath. DONKEY engine, geared for clearing ianu. cntgp. vrerunger mag. FOUR ton ice making and refrigerat- lng maenme. Washington. 444 Wash, WHITE student's dental case. $40: Lit- tie want marine engine. zo. 6 pj. 3d, SAFES Used and new, all sizes. Davis,. Edwards hotel. FIREPROOF safe. 22 by 18 inside, $60 cfu i imi, WANTED nSCELI4.XEOUS 5 BE WISE, set mors for vour second hand furniture by selling it to Ford w union ui., ni t Main 81, SECOND HAND clothing wanted. 110 - worth in next 30 days; . nlgnest n prices paia. aiain szss. Z9 10. WANTED MISCEIXANEOUS 5 1 ' n (Contlnned.) J ; i a. a, J3A..KU. TMti AUi.'l lUHiUtn - rrr ... . . i .. . ill aeii your reniaencs) lurnmra wr will pay yon highest cash prices (or same. Call East 1022. Store, $$ E. Morrison st N. B. We buy and sell everything - In the furniture line at bargain. If yon don't get our prices ron will probably . pay more. 8. H. Barger. - "; HIGHEST prices paid for household furniture. . Do not give It away to auctioneers or - second - hand atore. Phone East 6462 or a postal and rep resentative will call. - Grand Rapids Furniture Ex.. 125 Grand avenue. WANTED The people of Portland to know that I pay highest cash price for second hand household goods. No amount of furniture too large or too small to consider. Prompt attention. N. M. Seater. East 6707. 143 Russell st GEVURTZ FURNITURE STORE. 208 1ST. , MARSHALL 6911 Will pay best price for your furniture, carpets, stoves, etc- etc New and second, hand- furniture oar upecialty. "NOTICE TO MOVERS." Just opened up. We must have $1000 worth of second hand furniture at once. Will pay top notch prices. Wll llams Ave. Furn. Exchange. East 6 3 6 . WANTED A sewing machine for cash. Singer preferred. No old style considered. Must be a bargain. 782 Oregon at ? GUNS and. Cameras wanted; highest prices paid. 81 N. 3d. WILL pa. ay cash for any kind of furnl 15 Cambridge bldg.. 165 3d lure. st. Main 945. HIGHEST, prices paid for old furni- ture. Owl Furniture Co- 231 1st st Main 4627. WANTED Rifles, shotguns, cameras. Hochfeld. 35 N. 8d St. Main 8581. HlUHEbT prices paid for 2d-hand fur niture. Galvin. Ill Grand av. E. 6536. LOST AND FOUND 21 THE following articles were found oi me cars of tne Portland Railway, Light & Power Co., and turned in at the different division points. Owners may have same by applying at barns as indicated: March 5 Found on cars. Sellwood barn, phone A-6131: 2 purses. 1 lug. fire extinguishers, Z umbrellas. March 5 Found on cars. Piedmont barn, phone A-6131: 2 hand bags. 1 grip, 1 basKet, 7 umbrellas. 2 pkgs. March 5 round on cars. Anker y barn: 1 suit box, 1 envelope of draw ings, 1 suit case, 1 muff. March 5 -Found on cars. Savier street car house, phone. A-6131: 2 um brellas, 1 glove, 1 pkt. mirror. LOST Scotch Collie, answers to 'Twad dle. Body dark brown, two front legs white, face half brown and half white. Short nose. C-3292 or E. 1428. LOST Bunch of keys with key to Presto tank. bet. Star theatre and Meier & Frank's store. Phone owner. Main 6009. WILL the lady who took the suit case off S street car return to streetcar barn and Ret own. LOST Lady's Elgin key winding watch, by paper carrier, near Fir- land station. Tabor 24 27. LOST One gold pearls, emerald. brooch, fire 4)pal, Phone East 1660. LOST A Spitz dog. 10 months old. Phone Main 7219. reward. 21 jewel Waltham, open face, engraved silver case, leave at Journal office. Professional and Business ABSTBACTS OF TTTLZ Beott. 166U 4th t Mais 6611. ACCORDION PLATTNO. K. 8TEFHAN Hemstitching, accordion, aide and sunburst pleating; buttons covered; goods sponged. Scalloping;. 883 Alder. M. 8373. AI XATTKXSS WOM MATTUESS B renovated and to order. Th- only special admirable shop. Marshall 8667. ATTOEKXTS J. . OBE NFIEL D General practice, ab stracts, contracts, collections. Injuries, etc. Removed to new offices, 707. 708. 700 Selling bldg. Consultation free. BLAB BOOK MAKERS BOWK. DAVIS CO-KAN , luw 2d at. Bias book manufacturers; agents for J ones' lav proved Loos Vent Ledgers. Bee the new Eureka I-eaf. A-8183. Main 183. BRASS AND HACHTMX WOEKB HAKFKH'S Brsss Works. Brass csstlng sod mscbine works, loo w. Ptn st. .sio . oa-pet crzAwnro) JCTCB BKUb." lectric Clesnlng works, csr peU elesned snd Uid. retltung our sps cislty. East 440. B-1063. 204 E. 19th st. W. CAPZT W-AYT-O NOBTHWKST KL'U CO., rugs from old csr- nets. rss ruzs, carpet cleaning, xaa a., biu. Work called for. E. 3WO, B-1280. i'EMXSUU Hug Work Ksg rug and er- petlng weaving. 151S fstton av. mn. oru CHiaOPRACTOEg 1)K. McMAlloN ltest equipment, irwo oi- f lees. 121 4tU, So vtuiia s lustmeots $10. Lady sttendsats. gsst 6628. DR. HELENA COMSTOC. 331 I4tn; ncrr oas ehronlc diseases, trestmenis a. sin ww-i CHTROFOSISTS Dr. Fletcher Bunions and Flat Foot special ty. Lady attendant, aoe Aitssy pia. st. B?m. COAX 1KB WOOD and COAL PROMPT SEBTICa ALBINA FUEL. CO. East 182. C-tUT. NEER & FARRaud oak" wTwJa. Also sawed to order. Prompt de- PH A I livery. slain 4598. A-4547. vrv - or-M rf Dry. sawed Is stoe VVnCLrXAUL lengths. $3; hesvy snd light all thrown together. ast w?u. ii l tun Woui Co.. dealers In dry snd greei alsbwood. Xry os when ordering guod dry wood. J2SO Maesdsm. Mstn ibw, A-,anr. SOCTU POKTLAMHAlMH oLABWOOD Co., 4 foot country slab, inside and block wood. Main 2153. A-3&42. Foot of Yamhill. PACIFIC SLAB WOOD CO.. Usin 3709. A-73S6. Green short wood, blocks, big inside, smsll Inside, dry slpwood. abort, planer triinmings. 4REUON Wood Xsrd. Fir. ash snd oak wood and coal. Reasonsble prlees. M. 8Q44.A-544, F. J. K VKR1U. MAIN S7o7. UrlarCOal FOOT . OF Ct'KBY BTBEKf DBV slab aud bos wood, cord wood snd cost Standard wooa x.. p- COAL Edlefsen Fuel Co. JP2n ooLEcnoifs fi-w w tints, notes. Indsinents coUected. a An .Iwirt methods for unick results. Short Adjustment Co. 823 W. Bank. M. C74 i nviiHl COliT10X CO. Clslms of all kinds promptly collected; 635 Morgan bldg. CONTRACTORS AKD BOTLDEBS " " HORACE l. JUNbt Jtt. I BTMLD ANYTHING FKOM SCR K EM DOORS TU A HVItU laiwjn i.y. EDUCATION A DASCIKO TANGO, "Hesitation Waltx," "One Step," "Two Step. Three Step" waits. Sebottl-fce aud stage dancli.jc ta.U(bt every morning, afternoon and eeeulng. . LeJisons 25c; guarantee to teai-b anyone who walks bow to dsnre. Prof. Wal Wilson St-bool. 85 'A 5th st., bet. Stark and Oak sts. Phone Main 7637. MR. AND MRS. HEATH'S neaoola. 10 td St., between Wash, and Stark, and AUsky bldg., 8d and ! Morrison sts. Lessons dally. Walts and two step guaranteed ta 4 lessons. Class Men., FrL sees., a to 10. 101 2d St. EJN'GLERS' Cotillion Academy, finest ball . room on tne - coast. B asst. tesebers. Ail the 1st dance taught. Class ami '.private Uta. off Washington. . Msln S38u, 22 Dr. J. J. Keefe ' LICENSED PHYSICIAN. -My office is thoroughly equipped with every electrical and mechanical device necessary - for - the scientific treatment of your ailments. I ADMINISTER THE WORLD'S LATEST REMEDIES. I Treat Successfully: Acute Chronic, Nervous, Blood, Skin. Bladder, Liver and Kidney Diseases. Rheumatism, Neurasthenia. Ecxema. Sores. Ulcers, Piles and Fistula. Consultation and examination free. Hours: 9 to 5. 7 to 8 dally, Sun days 10 to 1. Rooms 11 to 15. Lafayette bldg. 313 Wash. St. Cor. 6th. SUPERFLUOUS HAIR Permanently removed by our five need I method, quickest, cheapest and most satisfactory way of removing facial blemishes; satisfaction guaran teed, consultation free. Mile. DeLong Electrolysis Co.. 504 Swetland bldg. Expert work in dyeing, remodeling and restoriug plumes. Moderate charges and prompt service. THE PLUME, 268 Morgan bldg. Main 4009. ABOUT HAIR GOODS. Don't trust pedlers with combings; let us make them up, 95c up. Wigs, toupes a specialty, 20 yrs. est'bd. Febvet & Hanebut 147 Broadway, nr. Morrison. YOUR worn plumes, willows, birds of paradise, remodeled in spring styles, cleaned, dyed the new colors. Work guaranteed. Hartness Plume Shop, 361 Yamhiil, cor. Park. Main 1509. SPIRITUAL medium. Rev. Virginia Rowe. Reading healing, dally circles Tuesday and Friday evenings 8 o'clock. 231 6th st. Phone A-7116. LADIES' skirts made to order $3, suits $20. We reline and remodel, work guaranteed. Richenbach, the tailor, 485 Wash., near 14th, Carlton Hotel bldg. STOMACH Trouble Why suffer? Send ror tree sample; wonaerrul results, 1 satisfaction or money back plan. null, Eugene, or. MRS. STEVENS, Portiana's leading palmist and clairvoyant, has her late books on sale 291 Morrison st Of fice open daily. DR. C. S. TIGARD, 18 Chiropractic Treatments $10. 316-17 Alisky Bldg.. 3d and Morrison. DR. G. V. KETCHUM Women's mal adies and acute diseases. Washing ton bide.. 4th and WRshRm 41. Ml. 44S HAVE your hair permanently waved. Guaranteed to last Sanitary Beauty Parlors. 400 Dekum. Mar. 1702. SCALP B.nc facial specialist; new man agement. 308 Panama bldg., 3d and Alder. MADAM DA ZALLE. teacher of occult science. Tell you what you call for. Room 7. 193 W. Park st. nifiRPPQ Lawyer of 25 years' ex U I V UHUUO perlence, reliable, advice lree. 404 Uotlichlld hldg.. 2S7 Wash CHARACTER read from voice. Madam Smith. 664 Flanders. Marshall 2747. Scalp Specialist S?2 .wash USE Bassett'n Native Herbs or rhu matlsm; 60 tablets 25c. All druggists BALM of tigs, remedy for diseases of women. 504 Davis st. Main- 2393. TT8I0 SCHOOLS AHD TEACHIRB T. E. LA W SUN pliuo studio. 422ft Morrison. Main 69. Lessons BOc. E. THIELHORK. rtolln tesrber, pupil Ssvctk. aoTrieidner bldg. A -4 160. Usrshail 162. POPULAR MTTBIO RAGTIMK on plauo guaranteed beglnuars la 10 lessons. Popular music. Picture play teg. FTee booklet. 603 Ellera bldg. 8PAHIBH LA-MOP AGE TEACHERS C KBAUIAT1, member of old Spanish students. Instructor Hpanlab, 200 Vleldber Ixl TE. EAR,. HOSE. THROAT. LtT-OS BpecUUst. aloderat price, lilisiii fitted. Dr. s. usseasy. on ieura biug..Sa sftd wssa ELECT RIO MOTORS AHD STVAMOS MOTOR S. generators bought, sold, rented sad repaired. We do all kinds or repairing and rewinding; all work guaranteed. U. M. H. Electric Co.. 81 N. 1st st. Phone Msln Mia W buy, sell, rent snd exchanas new and second hand motors, repair work n specialty. J Western -leclrlc worka, Z18 Sth St. Mar. td. J ELECTROLYSIS MOLsJi, sopsrfious hair renioesd. Mrs. M r m. riemrer bldg. Msln S4ia EIRE IHSrRA-CX LET OWEN SUM KS writs roar fire La- aorapce. 883 Morgan bldg. Mala S42S. FOUNDRY AND MACHINE SHOP PUOaUNlX Iron Works. East ltd and U w- tnorue. ueneral machine and foundry work. GLASS' AND Q LAZING T1MM8, CRk3 CO., U4-UM MX St. PtoaiB serTlce. King Main or A-202S. HAIR TREATMENTS UkMiNK "UA1S-A-UA1M" litkAlHSMa sre being given by alias Meinitstb at bar parlors. Ala 1-auama bldg. HAT 7AOTORY LAiilUi', genuenwn's bats claaiaad, blocked ssusrscturlly. no) si Hat works, 4SH 1st s HOUSE MOVER A. I). MOOD1E. 103 . Water st. . Latest lni proTed handling machlnary, KODAK SUPPLIES 1nnAIO snd aU supplls. IMTSAoplag, lVlnlU printing and enlarging. HUlt- saiah rHulU SliffLY CO.. WaaS'too. LACE CURTAIN LAUNDRY. fcxpert vurtsln workers. liars your cur tains uooe by sand. Lauuury prices. MS. 407 Aider. MACHINERY B. THEN AM AN a CO.. iiydrauUe sad spec U pipe, smoat stacks. oU tanks, "-"g ase. eianery, repairs. ItH M. 4th st. ENGINES, butters, saw ailiis bough, sold and acbsnged. 'Abe i.U.Martln On., Portia ad.Or. MESSENGERS AAUlOitClcLtS aud .ley tie. Pbooe Mala 4a, A-21&K. liASXY MkiiaE.MiEnV CO. MODEL WORKS Portland mol wo w pwtset ta veations, Dsks metal speclalU aad pat ter us. ttuom ml, 142 2d St. NATUROPATHIC PHYSICIANS DR. UttoVEH Paralyais, ueresus and caroalc diseases. 6Q4-6 Oregonlsn bldg. at. SI 42. OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIANS DR. LILLKBsXLU PATTERSON, Speclsllat on nerTes, acute and chronic dlsens y 4is c. tumbia bldg. Mala 8061. PAI1CTTNO AND PAPERING JOHN BLIED, best work In palatine and as- perlng. M. 1872. A-222S. 12 11th at. lAINTI.NO. tinting. $2 per room up. I' bone Mar. inn, a. names. PERSONAL Manufacturers Jobbers Wholesalers breVve: WEl.tHJ RS tt BOTTLERS HUSKY HARD, 13th snd Burnside. DRYO0ODS WHOLESALE Fleischner, Mayer & Co. FARM IMPLEMENTS AND VEHICLES R. M. WADE a CO.. 322 Uswtborae are. Wholesale sarleoltursl implements. FISH. OYSTERS AND ICS VALAKKEY A CO.. Ine. 14U sroot street GRAIN MERCHANTS M. H. HOUSEK. Board of Trsd bldg. IRON WORKS PACIFIC IRON WO ilka All Architectural iron Castings, Beams Angles Channels LEATHER AND Ft DINGS CHAS. L. VlASTltK A CO- 74 Froau Utll er of every deserlptton; findings. MACHINERY AND SUPPLIES ZIMMERMAN'WELLAA-BUOWN CO. -Sawmill, logetng" and Iroe wnrtlsf machinery MTI.I. StTPPLXES PACIFIC TA'1EB RUBBER CO. . AS 24 M. Mechanical rubber good.: PERSONAL 23 " fr 4 Oo t j a4L LAUiK S--Ask for Antiko Mixture No. 8. It Is safe and sure yi' Woman's Medi cine,' the most successful and harmless "Regulator" known. For 'ale and guaranteed by Helfond Drug Co, .223 Morri son, near First MRS. STANLEY. 125 -Graham Gradu ate maxsuese, 8 yrs. hospital experi ence; treats paralysis, rheumatism, nervousness. In homes, hospitals, aani-', tsrlums; appointments. C-1980. L car. NOTICES 20 UNITED STATES MARSHAL'S SALE. In the matter of sale of the steam boat "Ottawa." her tackle, apparel and furniture, engines and boilers, etc United States of, America, District of Oregon, sa By virtue of a writ venditioni ex ponas issued out of j the district court of the United States for the district of Oregon, tested thu ,27 th day of Feo ruary. 1914. at thtf-suit of Oregon Round Lumber conjnany as libellent. and the steamboat .fOttawa." wherein R, E. Caplea is claiDjant, I will expose for sale at public amnion, and will sell to the highest anC beat bidder, for rash, on Monday, -Ue ICth day of March. 1914. at 10 clock in the fore noon of said day. at the Couch street dock, at the foot of- Couch street, in Portland. Or., in said district, the steamboat "Ottawa.' i her tackle, ap parel, machinery, boats and appurten ances. k s 5 Dated at Portland,' In said district, this 27th day of Fetrusry, A. D., 1914. JOHN MONT AG. U. S. Marshal for U 0 District of Ore- gi SEALED proposals i fill be received at the office of tb Vundersigned. 401 courthouse, until jfi - m.. Thursday, Marcn 12, 1914, for approximately 250 table desks. Plan nd specifications may b obtained at he office of F. A. Naramore, supt oj properties, 303 courthouse. Depositor $1 Is required for plan and specifications. truing i-nwa ier ir cen ui i.;eriiriei cneca ror is per cent ot to R. H. Thomas, tcliool clerk, must accompany each proposal. Board of directors reserves t'e right to reject any and all proposals. R. II. THOMAnp. school clerk. Dated March 4. 1H14. BONDS FOR SALE Sealed proposals A11 be received by the board of directors of Goodnoe Hills Irrigation district. at Its office, at Goodnoe Hills, Washington, for the purchase ot twenty? thousand dollars of the bonds of skid- district, until March 24. 1914. at, 9:30 a. m.. at which time all preposals will be opened. The right to-'reject any and all bids is reserved- - The bonds are a-tthorixed by rote of the electors of said district and bear Interest at six; per cent per an num, payable seml-a inually. Aaareas wuuam .Iwlok. Goodnoe Hills. Washington. secretary. DEPOT Quartermaster's Office. San Francisco, Cal.. March 6, 1914 Sealed proposals will be received until 10 a. m. April 6. 1914; for supplies and services required here during fis cal year commencing July 1, 1914, as follows: Mineral oU. gasoline, fuel oil, smithing coal, gas and electric current, shoeing animals. age, rating chro nometers, drinking water, towel serv ice, laundering for- army transports.' scavenger service. Information on ap plication. -?" JNO. T. KNIGHT. P. Q. M. Directory PAI-TntO 'AlfP PAPZHtWO PAINTING. I'AI'EKINB ANU TINTING 12 a loom snd tip. Fnowa Msln 4W&. PATEsTT ATTORjrtTS PATEN1S procared by E . K. MOCK. Ut oi P. 8. PATENT OFr lffii. 1010 M.f T bl PATTWO rv WTTS tUE UAHBEU AHPHAfcT PAVJ.NU CO k. lsnd office 600 Electrte bldg. PRIBTTjrO ANSLEY lTti. C, -k) Oak. MsU 4671. prrss competition rare. P PR LIC STEltORAPHER pi blic stenookapTSr: LEUAL. STENO. GRAPHIC WOKK AjTl) REPOHTIMi. H. U. BURNABY, lorthwest bldg. Main KM RXTBBER BTAMP3 ARD 6EALS ALSO sienclls, trade jiheeks, brass signs. S rv.i 231 Wsshlngton st r-AClFlC COAST STAMP WORKS SMals 710. A-Z710. SCALP SPECIALISTS DlStAJjh.8 of the scslp., snecsssfnUy trestse and hair restored. 2uT iMe-ley bldg. SEWING MACHINES SEWING machines, new-, and 2d-hand. Ail makes, tale or reursd. hewing Machine Kmporlum, lwO 8d. neerf Yamhill. M. 43l. bLICliTLY used, drop sll makes. 7 p. Eipert repairing.' 231 Alder, near 2d. SHEET MZTfet WORKS JACOB LOSLI. abeet nteUl works, hotsl. res Uorsnt work, rooting, general Jobbing. Mala 1424. 81o 1st bet. Columbia and City. TAXIDERMIST R. GONTY Under new- management. Ail kinds of expert mounting, glass ayes. ate. 249 Colnmbls st. - TRAirXR AJTD 8TOR AOS TEAMS AMD AUTO VANS FOR LONG DUTTARCR MOVING t7-80 Front. Mlo47 er A 2247 . OREGON TRANSFER CO. KstabllsbO 1870 Transfer aud torvruluc ageata Storage, trwtr trackage. Offleas and storage 14 tUssa at, lttb sad Ullsaa. . Mala OS. A-11M. FIREPROOF STORAGI PORTLAND VAN SIORAOS OO.'S ir fireproof ware house Stmt com platsd. Fss alabes eyery facility kntJwn to a6dera ware, sousing. Aa lnspctloa7 wUl coeylace joe. Uoasenoid goods shlppsA st redaosd rstss. Fireproof wsreboose 16 Snd sxnsy. Cess E.ercial wsrenouss UStaEjd Erarett strseta Main M40. A-1620. J C O. PICK Transfet A ntorage Cs. Office ad commodious 4 story bttck wtreboose with separate Irva rooms and Urepreof vselt for valuables. N. W. corasr Ud and Plae sts. Ptaiw sad farnitar sooeed snd pcked for hipping, special rates wade u ear guods. Is ear tbrvusb ears to an doutesue aad farvigs VOiEis. aim ow, a-jwa, MANNING WAREHOLiSB A TRANSFER CoT 12 ta and Everett Sts., . on . Terminal Traeks. Pis nos and furniture 5 mored. packed saJ shipped. Phones: -lo Toa; A-2214. BAUUAU- Transfer Bar vice Ce. M SU , Msin 120. A-l 203. WINDOW CXEANINO EXPERT WINDOW- CLEANERS A-tJsM. Msln 0327. 212 Henry- bldg. MEN'S ytP WOMEN'S NECKWEAR COLLMIIIA Neckwear Wf. C. 88 Kb st. ORNAMENTAL WgK AND IRON PORTLAND WIRE ANIi IRON WORKS, M d st. Arebrteetnrsl wire and tree. PAINT, OIL AND GLASS KASUC6bK a CO. "Uign atasdard' pain. . E. Oicner 2d and fay lur. M.-A-1771. PIONEER PAINT CO.. & 1st St. Mala Uet. A-ioa. 1 - PIPE PIPE FITTXNOS TALTES M. L. KUNE. M-8S Kront street. PLUMBING STEAM rOTPLTES VI. L. KLINE. M-W frwrt street. PIPE WOOD PIPE PORTLAND WOOD.PpR CO. Fsctory sad fflee nesr 24th and' erk sts. Msln 4a ROPE AND BINDER TWINE Portland Cbrldage Co. TRUNKS AND BAGS MCLTNOMAH Iruak A : lg t.. u-M BaaT Water. Wboiesal mta, tranki. sultrnssa iwsi ii-bdss ane esse bmk WALL PAPER MORGAN WALL Ptn- v1fl--jitt e, L" betws sea wlmoa aad Mala - I