The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, March 06, 1914, Page 10, Image 10

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ficlal to any young woman. I know
It does me good. It 4a apt. of course
will be coached this year by Wallace
Chllders, for two years third baseman
Stars, "an aggregation of seml-profea-slonals.
as their opponents. Tho Whi te
Box "goofs" will' furnish opposition
Monday. - ' .'
Dillon's squad stilt Is' incomplete,
and probably will not, be rounded out
to spoil a .woman's beauty, but bruises
for th pennant winning Bears of the
Western Tri-6tate league. Chllders
was the favorite of the fans for both
seasons, but is slowing up with age,
and last year his hitting slumped bad
do not .last forever. Before X took
lessons In boxing X was very nervous
and lrritabl and timid. I would not
nr nrinnii nr m i urn
Merits' of Players Analyzed;
Hanson. Has Future; Berry
man Disappoints. .
have ventured into a crowd alone for
anything. - Now I'm not afraid to so
anywhere." 1"
ly. He was the leading sacrifice hitter
of the league however, and was rec
ognised as th quickest thinker on th
Circuit. ; ' ' , " ; . T:
Six Angels Missing.
San Bernardino. CaL. March 8. Th
Angels will appear In their first train,
ing cam Sunday; with the Urbita
uoui taie nui, wcck, j viuwari
len. Calvo and Wolter are missing.
are Fltcher Love, catcher Meek and
Inflelder Moore. AH, however, havt
aocepted terms. f , -r '
The sulphur bathst; here are making
a great hit with the f players, and arm
kinks and charley-horsea are disap-,
peering rapidly. Dill On is well satis
fled with the condition of the squad,-
iiitu tuc cvnimuD uun nnno
Her first serious match will be with
Miss Grace Cleveland of Geneva, who
has signed up for a 10 round contest. f:
CbJlders to Cosx-h Whitman.
Walla Walla, " Wash.. March .
Title-Holder Will Weigh in
Before Public Sunday
News of Otfe-er Boxers.-
Managers Consider It Highly
Desirable to Have Them
Bound to Apron Strings. ,
Whitman college baseball aspirants
; ! r - - - - - 1
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C'fyr Vr " I vf J Ft 1 7 r i w 1
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hi, t -;-i'-:r l-lfl
T V .Mir - 5 r' '''Hw-TVi
H v i fv 1 f)": hi' ;rvA1
By R. A. Cronln.
Snt Marls, Cal., March 5. Th
first doubl header of tha season will
t played Sunday afternoon when the
Beavers meet the Pinal team from
the oil fields In the preliminary and'
the Santa Maria team In the wind ?
up. Manager McCredle figures to take
II the advantage possible of the fine
weather to drive his players Into shape
for the opening of the season.
After riding on trains from 4 o'clock
last Friday afternoon red Derrick was
eut in uniform today, and cutting, up
all sorts of didoes. Brown, the young
pitcher from Cedar Rapids, felt so
good that he demanded a turn In the
box to pitch to the batter, and he put
(hem across in fine shape. He has a
nice delivery 'and looks as if he might
get away in good style, despite his
It is our opinion that Dave Mllliean
will have to change hfs style at the
plate in order to bat .820 in this league.
Dave looks to be fast on his feet, and
peculiar position aW.bat makes him a
dead leftfleld hitter.
Hanson a Corner. '
Manager Mac believes he has picked
up a coming pitcher in young Hanson,
the San "Berdoo" youth. He may not
be there this year, but he has the
size and ability to make his arrival
only a matter of time. He shows you
his leg and .then the ball, something
after the manner of Hagerman. Salve
son also did some impressive work to
day. He cut loose with a few fast
ores that whistled across the plate and
tossed a bit-of fear into some of the
batters who had been used to lob balls.
Floyd Perkins is Knowing up in nice
shape. He is quick to learn, and has
a nice cut at the ball. Haworth is
also showing well, but Berryman will
hardly be found In. the league when the
bell rings. If he Is I am no Judge of
a hall player.
Peet has developed a sore arm, and
Is taking a rest.
- Vets Have Great Bay.
This war a great day for the vet
erans. Hlgglnbotham, West and
Krause took their turn' pitching to the
batters, but Hig was more venturesome
man me rest, ana put a. nine speeu
on his pitches. No halt was called on
.him, for he is an iron horse and knows
himself how to get Into shape.
Two players were felled today. Per
kins returned a ball swiftly to Doane,
while the latter had his eye off the
bill, and it struck Walter below the
eye! Hlgglnbotham stepped directly
In the path of a throw from Fisher to
second base, and It caught him behind
the ear. Neither needed Doc Schmied
er's attention. , L
Tigers Lose to Sox.
Los Angeles, March 6. In the opln
Ion of Los Angeles baseball fanathe
second squad of the Chicago White
Box runs largely to pitchers Sulli
van exhibited three of his recruit
fltngers against "Venice here yesterday,
and they held the' Tigers to twe lonely
Jiits. Score: R. H. E.
Chicago 4 12 0
Venice ..s. ; 1 2 2
Batteries Rogge. Prough, Quardeis
and Mayer; Decannler, Klepfer and Kl
llott, Agnew.
Chicago, March . Prediction that
the lightweight battle between Winia
Ritchie and Ad WoJgast, to bei fought
in Milwaukee next Thursday nlghti
I would draw a (40,000 house, was made
here today by Promoter Andrews. He
said the advance sale of seats had ex
ceeded all his expectations.
Ritchie lg fast rounding Into form
for the Bout showing daily Improve
ment In his work here. He says' he
will weigh In public Sunday afternoon
to prove to the skeptical that he still
By Frank G. Menke.
New Tork, March . Times seem to
have changed.
A dozen years Or so ago most of the
ball players, jockeys, priseflghters and
other men who make a livelihood In
the realm, of sport were bachelors. But
now the greatest majority of the par
ticipants In t&ese divisions of athletics
are wedded.
And it's all because of the men who
manage these athletes, or who pur
chase their services, have come to be
lieve that a married man Is more valu
ta a lightweight. Wolgast is training j able to his owner and. more reliable
in Milwaukee, and is said to be In' his I than the single persons.
oldtime form.
M. C, Fleming, on the left, and P red Vanderlip, two of - the best
athletes of the local Y. M. C A. Harrier Club, who will com
pete against the Pacific university athletes tonight. v
Pacific University Athletes in
Good Shape for Running
The first indoor track and field
meet of the season will be held in the
Y. M. C. A. tonight at 8 o'clock, when
the Pacific university team meets the
Y. M. C. A. Harriers. The program
will consist of 10 events, two special
relay races being arranged between
Y. M. C. A. and Portland .'academy
teams. .
The Harriers lost the J.913 meet by a
margin of a couple of points, but its
members expect to be able to win
this year's meet by a wide margin.
A number of the association records
will likely go by the boards this even
The -entries of the Harriers and the
events are:
80 yard dash Chamberlain, Flem
ing, Johnson, Thrall.
880 yard run Thrall, Qulnn, Booth,
High kick Fleming, Fox, Martin,
One mile run Booth, Fox, Grant.
Shot put O'Connell. Millard, Thles,
880 yard relay Ouinn. Thrall. Flem
ing and Johnson.
80 yard hurdles Chamberlain. Flem
ing. Johnson, Thrall.
220 yard dash ThralL Johnson.
wumn and F leming.
High Jump Martin. Johnson. Mil
liard and O'Connell.
James to Play First.
Seattle,, March 6. The Seattle base
ball club of the Northwestern league
has given out the first bit of lineup
news Tor the coming season. Bobby
James, will be transferred from third
to first to take the place of Bill Jack
son, who has jumped to the Federals.
George Duddy last year with Butte,
in the union association, will fill in
at third.
Murphy to Orioles.
Philadelphia, March 6. Connie Mack,
manager of the Philadelphia Athletics,
today released Outfielder Danny Mur
phy to the Baltimore team of the In
ternational league. Murpny will report
to -Manager Dunn. Monday, and will
, start with the team for the training
camp at Fayetteville, N. C.
N,W. Tl
Meeting Will Be Held Tonight
to Settle Important
Berg Loses in Seven Rounds.
'Vallejo, Cal., March 6. Otto Berg
the Astoria, Or. middleweight had
no excuse to offer here todav for his
defeat' last night by Sailor Grande in
me seventh round of a scheduled 20
round bout. Grande outclassed Berg
from start to finish, and his victory
was practically a knockout. Berg's
seconds tossed a towel into the ring
after Grande had floored their man
with two left hooks to the chin. Jim
Griffin of San Francisco refereed the
Cross Beats P. Bloom. ,
New York, March 6. Leach Cross
holds today a 10 round newspaper de
cision over Phil Bloom as a result of
their clash here last night. Although
he won. Cross failed to show his cus
tomary form, and-his Judgment of dis
tance was poor. Three- of the rounds
were even. Cross had th better of
four, while three were Bloom's.
There will be a meeting of local
bowlers this evening at the Oregon al
leys relative to the northwest bowling
tournament, which will be staged here
during April. Several important ques
tions regarding the tournament will
have to be acted on immediately and a
full attendance is requested.
In the two man sweepstakes on the
Oregon alleys last night. Franklin and
Blaney won the first event, scoring
1237 pins. The, second event was won
by Al Meyers and Hauser, who scored
1100 pins. In the first event. Bullock
and Gilroy were second with 1218, and
Al ' Melyers and Hauser were third
with 1150. Babcock and O'Donnell took
second place -In the secdnd event with
1095, and Bullock and Major were third,
one point behind Babcock and O'Don
nell. In the Saratoga House league last
night the White Crows won three
straight games from the Foresters.
Dreyf uss made the high score Of 231.
The Rosenblatt bowlers beat Ben
Selling's team three straight games
in a special match.
The scores:
BosenbUtt "Cow 1st. 2d. 3d. T"f L Av.
142 146 125 413 138
100 123 150 382 127
.",.149 102 07 348 116
157 155 128 441 147
153 13 177 523 174
VaLse to Meet McCarthy.
San Francisco, March 6. Frenchy
Vaise, the northwestern lightweight,
and Johnny McCarthy of San Fran
cisco will furnish the main event in
the four round boxing show here to
niglit. If Vaise wins lie will be in
line for some good bouts. The visitor
has been made an . even money choice
with McCarthy. Seven other bouts ar
on the card. 5
Watera ..
Alberts .
Eirrell . ,
were put through some hard licks to
"Speed Is what I am after," said
Devlin, "and those who saw yester
day's game are bound to admit that
the boys showed up well."
Devlin used two new Ditchers
against the Sox, and both showed up
well, score: R. H. K
Chicago 5 lo 3
Oakland- ' 7 12 3
Batteries Ramey, Loom is and Alex
ander; Lathrop, Cicotte and Schalk.
Umpires Held and McCarthy.
.......710 710 678 2107
Honus Signs Contract. -Pittsburg,
March 6. The signed
contract of Hans Wagner, the veteran
shortstop, was received today at ths
headquarters here of the PittsburK
National league club. Only two Pirates
are now out of the fold. Pitcher Hcn
drix and Catcher Simon. Both are re
ported to have Jumped to the Federals,
Devlin's Men Show Speed.
Pleasanton, Cal., March 6. Manager
Devlin was better satisfied with his
team than ever today, following its 7
to 5 victory at Oakland yesterday aft
ernoon over the Chicago White Sox
No. 1. He returned to Pleasanton with
the Oakland Coast league team imme
diately after the game and the men
Pat Mays Starts South.
Pat Mays, the Portland Northwest
ern league twirler drafted by the
Providence International league team.
left last night for Savannah, Ga., where
the Providence players will train.
Mays will arrive In Savannah a week
from tomorrow night, as he intends to
ston off at Louisville, Ky., for a couple
of days.
Ben SelUne
Herbert 116 142 148 406 135
Sicbel 125. 146 80 36i 120
Vert 137 107 141 385 128
Jolly ,.150 107 118 375 125
Plerson 120 103 137 360 120
light Work for Welsh.
Los Angeles, March 6. IJght work
for a week will be the order at the
camp of Freddie Welsh, who began
training today for his 20 round meet
ing with Joe Rivers at Vernon
March 17. :-'
Welsh already is within a pound or
so of weight, and he will confine his
work entirely to strength and speed
producing exercises. He claims his
condition will be perfect.
Rivers, it has been learned, has
been working studiously for several
Total 648 605 638 1886
High score. Raymond. 193: hi eh averaze.
uaymono, id.
wtlte crown
Coon 157 177 180 614 171
Sacha 140 179 147 496 155
Olsen ' 133 160 133 426 142
Dreyfuss 165 124 231 520 173
Tuerck 196 172 148 616 172
Totals 791 812 830 2442
Clapp 129 146 156 430 143
Arms YiZ. 13 101 47Z 107
Mills 157 149 144 450 150
Norak 159 J 48 172 479 160
Fetersen 156 131 149 436 145
Juarez Results.
Juarez, Mexico, March 6. Yester--day's
First race Rake, 8 to 1, 4 to 1, 2 to
1, won; Ursula Emma, 2 to 1, even,
second; Tom Murphy, 3 to 10. third.
Time :40 1-5. Scratched, Florence;
Second race Anna Reed, 3 to 1. 6
to 5, 3 to 5, won; First Star, 3 to 2,
4 to 5, second; Hester, 8 to 6,. third.
Time 1:39, Scratched, Old Gotch.
imra race tjirita, 10 to 1, 3 to 1, 5 j
to 6, won; Fanhachapi, 2 to 1, 9 to 10,
second: Lemon Joe, 4 to 5, third. Time
1:06 2-5. Scratched,. Paw, Lady Bryan.
Fourth race--Hodge, 6 to 2, 7 tp 10,
1 to 3, won; Orb, 7 to 10, 1 to 3, sec
ond; Barsac, 7 to 10, third. Time
1:11 2-5. Scratched, Royal Dolly.
Fifth race Quid Nunc, 7 to 1, 2 to
1, even, won; Minco Jimmie, 2 to 1,
even, second; Sidney' Peters, even.
third. Time 1:06 2-5. Scratched, Good
Intent, Zulu, Orange Blossom, Doc Al
len, Orba Smile, Little Birdie.
Sixth race Ocean Queen, 3 to 2, 3
to 6, 1 to 4, won; Little Marchmont.
13 to 10, 11 to 20, second; Nannie Mo
Dee, even, third. Time 1:39 4-5.
In the early days of baseball very
few of the players were married men,
It was thought up to 10 or 12 yeafa
ago that an unmarried man who could
act Independently of his wife's wishes
was more to be desired than a bene'
diet. But happenings since then have
shown this belief to have 'been wrong,
Marriage Is Xnootsrafed.
Baseball managers in ; encouraging
their men to get married, now have the
theory that when married a man Is not
as liable to keep late hours, carouse
around and do frivolous things as the
man who has not a tie -or, rather, an
apron string to bind him.
A glance over the list of the 400 odd
ball players who were enrolled in the
major league ranks last seasonshows
that something like 80 per cent of the
players barring the kids who just
broke in last season are of the wed
ded variety.
Managers of . prizefighters are fol
lowing the example set by the baseball
managers and are encouraging their
proteges to ensnare a young lady and
tote her off into the presence of
marrying parson. They have found
the scrapping persons who are mar
ried do not find as much time to loiter
around where there are wine, women
and music as do the unmarried pugs
And when a man sticks around in
front of his own fireside when not
fighting or training, it means that he
usually is in good condition.
Turfman Wants Wedded Jockeys Only.
J. W. Fuller, the turfman from Tex
as, favors wedded jockeys, and a bache
lor Jockey who seeks out Fuller for
Job, no matter how good he Is, usually
doesn't "land" unless he assures Ful
ler that verv shortlv he's going to in
vest a little money in a wedding ring.
Fuller didn't always insist upon hav
ine wedded riders in his employ. Un
til a few years ago he had no special
preference. But Just about that time
he was taught a lesson and he made
use of it.
Then Tokalon, one of his best horses
won the $20,000 Brooklyn handicap
Fuller gave Bedell, the Jockey that pi
loted the horBe to the victory, a crisp
$1000 bill to show his appreciation. Be
dell disappeared at once, xaore inan
week later he was reported among
thnsp nresent. But every cent of his
$1000 was absent. And Bedell looked
as if he'd had a mighty good time on
that $1000 too good a time, in fact, to
be good for his general health, or for
Vila .riiitv as a locaey. '
whii Bedell was absent. Fuller
ravu lioo .to one of his married Jock
evs who won a race. That Jockey at
nnr-A nil Btled home and turned the $10
wifev. and wifey jammed it In
to the bank. Fuller learned about it,
and thereafter made a rule that wedded
Jockeys were more to be desired than
the other brand and ne s aauercu
that rule, finding it a mighty good one,
Totals 773 713 781 2267-
Hijrb score, Dreyfass, 231; high arerage,
Creyfuss, 173.
Oregon Freshies Win.
University of Oregon, Eugene, Or.,
March $. University of Oregon fresh
men basketball team ran away with
freshman team from O. A. C.,' 39 to 4,
on Hayward hall floor last night.
' The Oregon freshmen gave the best
exhibition of basket shooting seen here
this year. - O. A. C. freshmen were
totally outclassed. Skeets, Blgbee,
Huntington and Scalefe starred for
VolQr Doors
fM J? ) Man
i v.v. V3Q i ri . i. ""i1..
sea v un.i a mt timi , -
At a meeting of the representatives
nf the Portland Motor Boat club, Ore
gon Yacht club and Portland Rowing
club with C. V. Cooper last evening,
tentative plans for staging a big wa
ter carnival the afternqon of the open
ing day of the 1914 Rose Carnival were
arranged. i
W. C. Curtis was named chairman
of the committees, which will have
charge of . all of the water events. The
various committees will report at a
meeting to be held March 18.
The following events will De stagea:
Rowing races Single scull, double
The 'fellow with
'the big, tough mus
cles who can choD trees all dav and
lift the butt end of a hard log. is
a hearty liver in everything he
tackles. He likes his tobacco rich, mellow and
good for both smoking and chewing.; He uses
mm mmn ;
Plug Cut JTobnoco
because it's got the right stuff in it.
Satisfaction for a sturdy man- can come from real
only. Insipid mixtures don t appeal to a
man with real tobacco hunger
DIXIE QUEEN is pure old Burleyleaf, with
the "body" for a real smoke or chew, rich and
pleasing. It takes three to five years to age the
tobacco in DIXIE QUEEN; the process can't be
hurried. That's the reason DIXIE QUEEN is so
ripe, mellow and healthful.
Wonderful richness makes DIXIE QUEEN a
lasting chew. Burns slow in the pipe because
Cut Plug is the right form for 6moking.
DIXIE QUEEN will "make good" the first time
you smoke or chew it. 4
Sold everywhere in convenient 5c foil pack
agesalso in 10c pouches and 50c lunch boxes.
Billiard Tournament to Open. ;
Five entries have been received in
the 18.2 balk line billiard tournament
to be staged by the McCredle Billiard
. uuaj IllgJH" ,
Those entered a re H.nrv aninTnnn r
... - J fcUlWlllUll,
r l" r"a,1""- V-..Bron- scull and four-oar. Canoe races Dou
I. Tto Thave winner -It "he lokl Four Me "Wl
nament challene th nVJ LTl for men, mixed doubles, race In which
.. ..... 1 vi uic
Northwest tournament now going on
at Spokane. ,
You'll realize when you come
here to look at clothes how much real service
a store like this is rendering you. You'll find
that we've been a sort of "purchasing agent"
for you, subject, of course, to your approval.
Hart Schaffner & Marx
Clothes are here because we believe they're
the best way for us to serve our customers in
clothes; the best possible for your money.
In that we are offering you our best judgment; if you
don't agree with us, that's your "look-out'
aone our Dest lor you:
we ve
1 &
Look over the Suits we have assembled together for your
approval. Some fine Suits at $25.00; others for
more and at less.
New Hats, New Furnishings, Everything That Men Want Is Here.
Sam! Rosenblatt & Co.
This Is Portland's Home of Hart Schaffner & Marx
Clothes !
The Men's Shop for Northwest Corner
quality and Service ! Third and Morrison
Wrestling Meet Called Off.
Eugene, Or., March 6. The wrestling
meet planned last evening between the
Multnomah club grapplers of Portland
and the University of Oregon team was
not held, because of a misunderstand
ing. The "winged M" mat men will
meet the Q. A. C. wrestlers tomorrow
night. , .
"Cr Company Defeated.
In an exciting basketball game last
Wednesday evening at the Armory,
Company C was defeated by the Eighth
company Coast Artillery Reserves. The
score was 23 to 10. The score in the
first half was 9 to 6 in favor of the
: Eighth company. This gives the Eighth
company the championship of the. Armory.
the only occupant of ; the boat must
stand on the gunwale.! Yacht racei
Kree-for-all, class B j sloops, cruiser
race. Motorboat races Sixteen-foot
free-for-all, "bang and go back" race
for cruisers, an exhibition with boat
making 40 miles an hour or better.
Special added features One canoe
tilting contest, one surfboard riding
for the championship of Oregon, one
logrolling contest, and a parachute
jump from the Broadway bridge.
Soccer Game Ends In Tie.
The soccer game between the Lin
coln and Portland Academy teams
played yesterday afternoon on Mult
nomah Field resulted in a 0 to 0 score.
The muddy field made fast play Impossible.
Soccer Ball Punctured. j
San Bernardino. Cal., March 6. Nc-
i body knows who did it. but someone
. stuck a scarf pin through the only soc
: cer football in the Angels training
j camp yesterday. All the players
t agreed that soccer was pretty heavy
I' Sammy Good in Bay City.
Sammy Good. , the local lightweight
I fighter accompanied by his manager,
Harry Jacobowsky. . arrived it in. San
.Francisco yesterday according; to a tel
egram received here. Good celebrated
his-, twenty-first birthday yesterday;.
Cyclone Wins Bonts. , J,
Cyclone Calhoun, the local lad who
recently turned professional, defeated
Hector St. John, of Spokane, last "Wed
nesday night in four round mill. Cal
houn lost hfs first bout via the knock
Paris, March 6. The' title of world's
champion woman boxer is claimed by
Mile. Marthe Carpentier, who today an
nounced her willingness to meet all
comers. She is a good' looking French
brunette, 18 years of age, weighs 127
pounds, and is 5 feet 3 Inches in height.
Mile. Carpentier, who is in no wsy re
lated to the French champion of the
same name, who has ; twice defeated
Bombardier Wells, has been trained
by M. Albany, an expert boxing and
Jiu-jitsu instructor, for the past six
months. In the mornings she helps
her mother in a little grocery shop in
the ' Ternes quarter of j Parts, and de
votes her afternoons to her boxing
lessons and-general training exercises.
"I have always been fond of sport,"
she said today, "and I don't see why
boxing should be forbidden to my sex.
So long as brutality is prohibited. I
don't see why a few rounds with the
gloves occasionally shouldn't be bene
Bira-dlbMiry Qofclhies
out route.
Cewnlcbt Bait Srhaffhrf Bt
Johnny. Evers la beginning to thiob
that his $20,000 bonus to sign with the
Boston Braves may turn out: to have
been nothing more than, a dream, j
I PotSH'ttWsi
The season's
most pleasing
and popular
ft V
. 2for2Se .
tea. P. Me a Ca, KataatHtf. . t
l i
The Sprieg
We now show for men and young
men prove the superiority of Brad
bury Clothes. They have upset qld
traditions in clothes making and have
set, up methods entirely hew. ThQf
are the best you can buy; for style,
for fit, for wear. We show them pin
all grades upwards from $2Q.00. :!
This season we show the most beautiful and
complete lines of men's Hats, Shirts. Neckwear.
Hosiery and Underwear at very moderate price.
1 :
Step in tomorrow, make your selec
tion and let us charge it up to ypur
account If you have. none with vs.
' we'll open a new one with you. Ht
: 405
A Mercantile
Power on the
Pacific Coast