The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, March 01, 1914, Page 39, Image 39

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    i :("tSlVTTrt I EIGHT PAGES
! ! . v PORTLAND, - OREGON, SUNDAY MORNING, MARCH 1,1 1914. - s . '' : '
I Seed Expert at 0, A, C. Says
There Is Less Dodder in
' Alfalfa Which Aids Grower,
- (Brwrliil to Th Jonrnal.)
Oregon Agricultural College, Corval
1U. Or., Feb. 28. On 6t the moat en.
couraglng things that 1 can be taught
snhoo! children during alfalfa week la
the urgent need of purity of alfalfa
seed. It is highly justifying to be able
to tell them In this connection that
there Is much leas dodder In the al
falfa seed grown In Oregon and other
northwest states now than formerly.
According to the, seed tests conducted
by the seed expert of the Oregon agri
cultural college cooperative seed labor
atory, Miss Norma Waddle, the de-
crease In the percentage of alfalfa seed
that la ' dodder-lnfestd Is about equal
to the decrease In the percentage of
dodder In the infested seed. Concern
ing this great Improvement In the pur
ity of alfalfa seed grown la the north,
west,' Miss Waddle ways:
"Probably no more discouraging
problem confronts the alfalfa grower
'. and seedman in the northwest than
' that of obtaining alfalfa seed free from
dodder. We can readily understand
- this when we consider that the dodder
vine growing parasltically on the al-
;folfa plant Is very difficult to eradi- j
cate, that It produces seed proiusely
throughout the summer, and that it Is
almost Impossible to separate these
teds from the alfalfa st-ed. '
S odder Is Eliminated
"Farmers and seeds men who are
familiar with the dodder situation in
the northwost will undoubtedly be ln
. terestod In learning' that there has been
a notable decrease this year In the
amount of dodder seed present In the
samples -of alfalfa tested In the Co
operative Seed Testing laboratory , at
the" Oregon Agricultural college. In
1911-1912 4 per cent of the alfalfa
samples tested for purity contained
dodder, in 1912-1913. 41 per cent, and
In 1913-1914 only 27 per cent. This is
still a very large percentage trtit a
marked Improvement.
"Not only has there been a decrease
In the i ; of alfalfa samples con-
" talnlng doil lpd, but also In the amoun
of dodder In these samples. Last year
alfalfa sample's averaged 606 dodder
seods per pound, this year 185. Last
year samples contained as many as
24,300 dodder seeds per pound, and this
.year the largest amount In any sample
was 8771 seed per pound.
. "The 'enforcement of pure seed laws
in many states, and the work of the
seed testing laboratories are .'largely
responsible for these Improved condi
tions. Oregon is Just now beginning- to
; put her new pure sed law Into opera
tion. This law prohibits the sale in
Oregon of seed containing dodder.
Besd Imported Trom Abroad.
"The market for alfalfa seed grow
ers In the middle west, has been very
seriously affected by the presence of
dodder In such large quantities. Some
of the large seed houses have prac
tically given up buying alfalfa seed
grown in certain middle western states
because of the difficult. If not impos
sible of obtaining seed free from dod
der. These' seed houses are importing
alfalfa seed from abroad because it is
.dodder free. This is bad for the north-
t west farmer for two reasons it de
prives him of a market for his seed,
and It Introduces an Inferior train of
'alfalfa Into fields, since much of the
.imported alfalfa is nut as hardy and
well adapted to northwest conditions
tas home grown seed.
"The outlook Is much more hopeful
now that the farmers have the oppor
tunity of having seeds tested free of
charge by United States and state lab.
.oratories, and now that the states are
requiring seed to be of a certain stand-
1 ard of purity, and are prohibiting the
sale of seed containing dodder. Un
der these conditions that quality of
agricultural seeds Is bound to improve
and the market for such seed will lm
, prove correspondingly."
Marshfield. Or., Feb. 28. Twenty
or more Coos county men will be a-j
fectcd by a recent decision of the in- !
terlor department regarding the Hyde i
Benson alleged fraudulent forest lieu
' selections. The department in one case ,
decided in favor of actual settlers con
testing such land and holds that such
actual settlers are entitled to prefer
ence lights of entry of the tracts in
volved after the cancellation of the
A year or mor ago a number of j
Marshfield men and others from dif
ferent parts of the county filed on
these claims, which are located mostly
in the southern pert of the county. In
almost every case; the men who filed
have become actual settlers, and have
built cabins and otherwise improved
their claims. On account of the de
cision of the interior department the
Coos county men are hopeful of win
ning the land. The land In question
Is highly valuable because of the tlm-
. ber.
' 'f-
Eugene, Or.T Feb. 28. Hereafter Eu
' gene will be headquarters of the Ore
gon Power company in fact as well as
In name. Attorney Richard Shora
Smith of this city has been "elected sec
retary and treasurer of the company
to succeed Alfred Hampson of. Port
i land, and the records will a 11 'be trans
ferred to this city. All monthly meet-
; Inga of the board of directors will be
held here Instead nf . In Portland.
Mr. Smith will take his! new office
- Marsh 1, and,, the books will be brought
' here "at that time. The Oregon Power
' company Is the name under which nu
merous electric, water and gas plants
. I-
owned by H. M. Blgelow & Co., of ChK
. ''cago. sra operated In this state. . A.
'Norman, who Is located here, is the
-' general manager and vice president of
1 the compeny.
-... -y i
.. Union carpenters In Texas propose
$te establish a -ome for. disabled and
sUperansHtd irembarp of their union.
i i ii ii twiiriixiiiiiiwfi i . mi viu; x n i r- i n i i j i rv iv w r
ill I ii ii
The People Aire-MakiirigTIhils aWoumdeirlFiuil Saleas the
Time Grows S
JJLlLLI n i u r-
$8.50 Steel Tube
Iron Beds, Now-
Your choice of gold bronze -or
white enamel finish. Steel tube
beds of the chilless design, built
very strong and substantial.
$35.00 Full Quartered Oak
Eight-Foot Pedestal Din- Q" QK
ing-Room Table for.,
$7.50 Quartered Oak Slip
Leather Seat Diners for...
$2.50 Wire Cots
$32.50 Quartered Oak
ma ok
Princess Dresser for PXVIetJ
$29.00 Mahogany Library
Chair with automatic 4 AT
back, for tPXftiaU
$45.00 Mahogany Colonial COC 7K
Dresser for P-iUsla
$17.50 High-Side Iron Cribs,. dQ Qr
trimmed with brass, at .... visItJ
$10.50 Full Sized Steel Bun 4fZ
galow Beds for : J)Usfl:eJ
One, two, three of a kind
Dining Chairs, worth up
to $3.75, now dC C
only l .UD
$9.50 All Oak Library Ta- gr "I r
ble for . tPOsXU
$33 Mahogany Full Sized J" O 7fT
Bed for tPXsleJ
$9.75 Mahogany' Parlor QQ OK
Stand, pedestal pattern,, for iOmOD
White Enamel Chamber Chairs QQq
Solid Oak Single Pedestal J- JT r
Flat Top. Office Desk for tpAtJsUtJ
Mm m
i -i 1 r i
$55.00 Quartered Oak Bed
Davenport, covered in gen- flJOQ 7TZ
uine Spanish leather, for fOUiO
$90 Mahogany Chiffonier, I 44 HVL
Colonial pattern, for Pcr I O
$8.50 Fumed Oak Leather CK "I K
Seat Arm Rockers for tptlsXtl
$28.50 Fumed Oak Hall Seat, flQ OK
with box, for i?UUO
Three-Quarter. Iron Bed,'
with, strong posts and cross QQ 'QC
bars, for vOeOtJ
$40.00 Mahogany Sheraton CJOC ff A
Dining-Room Tables for PiJeJVF
$22.50 Mahogany Finish
Chiffonier with oval mirror
$45.00 Steel
Six -Hole Size
$11 Kitchen Cabinet, four- !? O f
door and two-drawer style tpOeOtX
$37.59 Full Quartered Oak fl00 QfT
Colonial Chiffonier for.... P6dlOD
$32.50 All-Brass Bed, con- Q OP
taining heavy filler rods.. PiOw
$72 Leather Upholstered 3KQ nfZ
Unifold Bed Davenport.. tyDVfiD
$21.50 Mahogany Settee, &i O "I C
upholstered in silk velour P-l-"-l-'
$38.50 Birdseye Maple n 4 A
Bed, full size, for tpAlsftU
$5.85 Fumed Oak Leather !Q A C
Seat Dining-Room Chairs; . vOsftD
$196.00 Alt Upholstered '
Genuine Spanish Leath- Cf Ol CTA
er Davenport.
...... (PXAtttiU
$140 Circassian Walnut C1AI OC
Dresser and Chiffonier
Couch Covers
$3.50 Couch Cov
ers, now . ... $2.05
$3.75 Couch Cov
ers, now. . . $2.15
Oriental Colorings
M I mil Jn
r m
, Solid
This excellent dresser has quar
tered oak top and oval French
plate mirror. Case is made en
' tirely of solid oak and . contains
four drawers: -"
$23.50 C&oUnubus . Post
,Brass;.. BeiCjieTtrr high dT Q QK
L .,. j-' v . U-.-rv . . " 'Vf
- C0uttith afenraisefs
$4.50 Ciiarter
:- 5.
;berCai,fis5trame' .B A K
$75.00 Furaed Oak Buffet, - ' '
with hafhmere'd copper JMQ QK
trimmigs,for .......... VW.Ou
$1 High-Back Quarfered
Oak Library Rockers....
lOO Made Up
Carpet Rugs
Made up in various sizes f rora.
Brussels, 11 Velvets, Axminsters!
and Tapestries, , suitable for door
or dresser mats,
SOc tp $1.00
oorteir toe V al
oes Grow GireafteKComfne
$59.50 Early
.B? $33,95
very massive.
$17.75 Funned Oak Aoto
Seat Leatjher Rocker
$30.00 Fcjur-Post Walnut
Bed, three-quarter size...
These Lace Curtain
Values Are Unusual
$1.50 LacL Curtains, Nottingham
quality; 4uniber of pairs in lot, QFp
Special for f VOX
$2.00 Nottingham - Curtains,
good selection of patterns at
$3.50 English Brussels Cur
tains, one big lot at
$2.00 Nottingham Curtains.
Special lot now offered at..
$1.25 Nottingham Curtains; a
lot of 12 pairs per pair.......
$35 Loose Cushion Library
.Chair, covered' in striped Q QC
. denim, iof L. .... T. .... .
'f&iS Twojlnch .Post Gold.
-Bronze Iron Bed for. . . . .
"$39 Arts an d Crafts Easy ''
Chair," Spanish leather, (?1A QC
loose cushions, for
$64.50 Colonial Hall Qock flQO HK
.for ......4 PO7sltJ
i - .
$6.75 Quartered Oak Arm
Chairs for
$440.00 All Mahogany
, Four-Piece Louis XVI
Chamber Suite, for ....
$65,00 Mahogany' Unifold
Bed , Davenport, leather
upholstering, for
$12.00 Massive 28-inch Top
Quartered Oak Table
$42 Reed
Settee, uphol- COQ nfZ
enuine leather Vs5l7s I D
stered in genuine
$12.00 Reed Arm Chair
for .... .It.
-r jcr.
These tables are finished golden
and are made of solid oak, top 24
inches square, and is supported
by turned legs.
Telling About Great Values
$18.00 Brussels Rugs, 9x12
size ............. .
$15.00 Brussels Rugs, 9x12
$20.00 Brussels Rugs, 8-3x (PI O QfT
12, border on two sides-... pl.i00
$22.50 Velvet Carpet Ruga, P"I 4 Off
9x12 in size, for -...tylSkmOO
300 Yards of $1.35 Velvet Car- fin 0
nets for .- .. . 11
79 Yards of Axminster Carpet,
$1.60 quality, for
200 Yards,,. Tapestry Brussels
Carpet, regular $1.00 values,
llrYard . Piece AU-Wool Car- OQn
pet, $1 grade at, per yard QOU
$60.00 French
Wilton Ruga
9x12, , on sale at
oft OKixscite
$91.50 Reed Davenport,
feet, Spanish leather....
7 $69.75
$49.00 Stickley Fumed &OQ 7K
China Closet, 36-inch, at J7s I U
$17.50 Stickley Fumed Writ
ing Table for .
$135 Quartered Oak Buf-'QKQ PA
fet, 66 ins. in width, for. . . J5yOtJU
Solid Oak Dressers, three
drawer style, for
$33.00 Mahogany Cheval 7K
Glass, now priced at yiulu
$55.00 Gentleman's Chiffo- fljOO '7C
nier-in quartered, oak, for O
Five-Drawer Solid Oak Chif -fan 1 K
fonler for v I JLt)
from the
Carpet and Rug
-19-Yard Piece of $1.65 Wool QQ
Velvet, special, per. yard .. ..;. JJ
10-Yard Remnant;' regular ;$1
Brussels Carpet, to close, yard.. tJUl
13-Yard Piece Half fWool Car- JQ
pet, 75c value, per yard..... j... ftOC
10- Yard Piece Half Wool Car- AQn
,pet, 75c value, per yard
13 2-3-Yard Remnant All-Wpol pTQ
Carpet, $1 quabV, per yar4. .. OOU
2J4-Yard Remnant All-Wool CO
Carpet, $1 kind, per yard.. . . UttC;
11- Yard Piece of $1.35 Velfet 77
Carpet at, per yard ....... H
27tf-Yard Piece of Axminater QQ
Carpet; $175 quality, per yad.. SOl '
10 2-3-Yard Remnant of lljlf- AQn
Wool Carpet; 75c grade, yard.. rOC
7J4-Yard All-Wool $1 Carpet
at, per jrard . : ii ; . . . OO C
39J4-Yard Piece $U5 Vslvet
Carpet, per yard
$54.00 French
Wilton Rugs -
. .
.8-3x10-6, on sale at