The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, March 01, 1914, Page 27, Image 27

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I. -
1 "'Oregon city 'line propertt.
- , v ,. : ----- , l - -
. Not U tli time to list your-!m-v
proved or unimproved lota, acreage and
building sites on the Oregon City line
' between Mllwaukie and Gladstone. We
. tan sell' them If your prices are right.
- Give full description, location, price
' and terms. . . .
- LLAN ft KASEB. 722-24 Yeon bids.
KAV1C client who , wants modern 3
story house . with 2 bedrooms and
leaping; porch upstair. -to cost -about
$4000. WW consider Beaumont, Ala
meda Park, . Xrvington and Hose City
COMPANY. :-. v ,
. 618-51 3 Yeon bldg.
WANTED A 6 room cottage with
one or two acres ground, near do
- fare;, give exact location and price,
. from owner willing to take 20 acres
, free from incumbrance near Newberg,
: ro"-tly cleared -and eet to walnuts,
prunes and apple. X-927, Journal.
WANTED To buy from owner, large
trct of rand not far from city, suit
able for platting in 5 and 10 acre
tracts, Must be less than $30.00 per
.acre. State, -price, acreage and terma.
E-878, Journal. - . ' ,
1 VANEiifo buy partly improved
general farm in Willamette valley
from party who "will take Portland. res
idence nn part payment. Give complete
description -of frlacei C--796, Journal.
WANfTEDTO buy modern 7 room
. res. in good East side district from
owner Who will accept $500 cash and
bal. in --country prop. House must be
irre irom ' mortgage. w-nn., journal.
IF YOU want to sell out and IcaiTof fer
a bargnln in lots, houses or acreage.
. , we ran find a cash buyer for you. C
DeYonng & Co., 614 Chamber of Com-
mrce btdg. , ' '
WE HAVE a cash buyer for a good lot
in Itoasmere. Rose City Park or
Belle Crest. 'Munt .be a bargain. C
DeYoung A Co., 614 Chamber of Com-
- merce bldg. t . - -
TlCLL me the lowest cash price . you
Immediate Loans -
On diamonds, salary, furniture,
pianos, storage receipts, real estate,
auto or motorcycles. As our capital
is unlimited, we are equipped to handle
loans -from $10 to $1000 In one to six
hours time. No embarrassing Investi
gation. Mortgagee not recorded unless
default, is made. v -
Portland Loan Co.,
Open $ a. m. to 6 p. m.; Sat., till p.
m. Call, write or phone.
We have plenty of money on hand
which we are authorized to' loan to
salaried people In amounts. of $10 to
Loans may be repaid in installments
as best suits your convenience. We
solicit a call and invite you to investi
gate our confidential methods.
We assure you of courteous treat
ment and quick service. All we ask is
a fair return for our services. .
,j Call, telephone or write
. 808. Failing Bldg..
Second mortcaees and sellers' con
tract and make first loan real estate
mortgages. Smith-Wagoner Co., Stock
equity. X-911.
rill take for 4 hat
WANTEfv Lots, ' Hose City Park, or
laurel-hurst Give phone.- J-967,
- In sums to suit
i on iniproved real
! estate security.
$500 to $50,000.
Prompt service.
, A Lowest rates.
423-424 Chamber of Commerce Bldg.
$26,000 at 7 per cent: $2?0.000 at 7
per cent; $16,000 at 7 per cent; $12,000
ai-i per cent;, tiu.uug at f per cent;
5D00 at e per cent; $3000 at 6 per
cents $2600 at 8 per cent: $100 at 8
per cent; $1600 at 8 per cent; $1200 at
per cent: at 8 per cent.
Main 2901. 615 Gerlinger bldg.
.-. Made on imoroved Portland rnl
' tata. Prompt cortslderation given to
Northwestern bank Building
' .". - th aid Morrison Sts.
on diamonds, watches. Jewelry, au
tomobiles, musical instruments; all in
terviews strictly confidential Elby
Company. 820 Lumber Exchange bldg.
Loans Wanted
$1600 on 6 room bungalow, one block
from car. on east Flanders st insured
for that amount
Will sell chattel mortgage on picture
show and lease concrete bldg., give $6'J
discount. Mortgage $350, draws 10 per
(Con tinned.)
ssSjsi" m
: . , - Situation ; Wanted
Ads. Inserted free f or tiose In need
of work who are unable io pay for an
advertisement. Advertisements must
be brought to the office personally by
tee parties aesmng wora. . - 1 - -
HAVE a small orchard In the White
Salmon valley that I want a mar
ried man to. move on to and care for
this spring and summer; a good i 3
room cottage, partially ' furnished,
water piped In it, is on the place; will
furnish a few chickens free; ten bead
of swine to feed is the only chore; no
other livestock, work in the 8 acre or
chard will take but a few days of each
montn, out a man wining to worn win
find all he can do within a mil of the
place at $2.60 per day, building cm, -road,
clearing land, etc This I -will
guarantee. Address with particulars
of your - farming experience, and ask
any questipns of P. O. box IlQft, Port
land. .a --
-' Situation Wanted
Ada Inserted fre for those In need
of work and who are unable to pay for
an ' advertisement. - Advertisements,
must be brouaht to the office tersonai
ly by the parties desiring woik.
Employment membershis guarantees
member will secure employment or re
fund of membership fee; aives two
months' full membership privileges. 10
months social privileges. :
Record for year 1813.
Calls for men . ....... 26SS
Positions filled . , 1841
All young men seeking employment,
especially strangers, 'are cordially in
vited to consult with the secretary of
the Employment Department. :
188-190 Chapman St.
Latest up-to-date methods of prac
tical instruction in drlvim and rpnair-
lng automobiles .by expert mechanics;
tuition, part cash on enrollment bair
aiiCe at time of graduation; we. assist
vut graaaatea to positions,
PRACTICAL man, with family JLamiliar
wim corses lor general xarm ana or
chard work; salary at rate of $65 per
month. Permanent position and gool
opportunity to acquire small farm to
right party with not less than $250 cash
to invest. School and store on premises
B-560, Journal. .
WANTED Contractor to build cottage,
chicken house, earaee and silo: an
other to contract for clearing 18 acres
near Lents;. in exchange for Montavilla
lots. McCav. 2183 East Stark. ' A Ka
rri Crfd car to end, 4 blks. north,. 1 east.
inn if mronnnna
JlJXtJ&fS??. PrPertlea WANTED-Family" men for Work
and can recommend them.
605 Chamber of Commerce,
saw ald shingle mills: must be sood
steady men, Americans, Germans or
Scandinavians: no wanes less than
$2.25 per day. No booze fighters need
repty to tins ad. Address M. A. Hood,
jtaymonq, w as n.
$3000 at 8 per cent; value $10,000,
$1000 at 8 per cent; value $2500.
$800 at 8 per cent; value $2400.
$1100 at 8 per cent; value $2300.
$500 at 8 per tent; value $2000.
$460 at 8 per cent; value $2600.
$500 at 7 per cent; value $1700.
$260 at 8 per cent; value $800.
c r it xt 'r t jp rc
TiT, 2R01 616 Gerllneer bldar. I iiUiNitsl .man wanted In each town
r i . ' .... r : I to distribute free advertlsine nrem
Illi)Sri' " week to start; expefienx:e
see W. R. Ha
bldsr. Over 20
44.. .1... dm.-MrAm
t w,vt , v. 'fcjnna CAPABLE man to work on small ranch
MARRIED man to move onto 10 acres
and finish clearing about 8 acres:
some cash and free use of place for
term oi years; must nave some means
to start. Call at Journal office. Van
couver, wasn.
5P4. iSSchanl celaaryai rSeSSK
- fContltin
WANTED First class millinery mak
ers, only experienced makers de
sired. Apply Millinery Workroom,
Fourth Floor, Meier i& Frank Co. -
(Continued.) ,
AGENTS Oxo-Gas Portable lamps.. 30
days free trial. 850 candle power of
brilliant light tot - 6c a week, - No
wicks to trim; no chimneys to break.
A necessity not a luxury. , The scien
tific combination of kerosene vapor
with oxygen, producing the most won
derful and economical light in the
world. " Every user a i booster foi re
peat aalea. Big money for reliable
workers. Exclusive franchise granted.
Gloria1 Light Co., : J272 Washington,
brvd.. Chicat. 111. i. w - -
LOOK here agents, we know you want
- a big seller, bia; profits, repeat or
ders; let me put you in touch with
newest proposition, t H. Winterburn,
41 W. Washington st4 Pasadena, CaL
aged or eidefly lady, beaitby, neat
fln.l o t m atlrt w,nl, trt Aa. tftfh
housework for busy bachelor: a good AJLiI-ROUND country! printer; wants
borne and light pay guaranteed to t "steady position; steady, reliable, com-
right party. Address P. O. Box 833, J petent to .take foremanship oi small
Grandview, Or. . j shop; too boose ? or tobacco; married;
WANTED Middle aged, plain work-1 JSLJJJA JHf nf xTt!
ine woman as honjUkiener f ar aired reneesi avaUable nowi KX-1 73, Jour-
. . . u v ( a.wug a , un.A " v , j i i . i 11 '
mues xrom roniana; state wages in : suji-ejxs.ixui.-iij uevuiiueui . b.u
first letter. Address Farmer.! Battlal clothing and shoe man wants steady
Ground Wah r rt 7i . i ? cmnlovment in city or country: can
WANTEb-Young girl to assist . in J l? trim ! ndows; also
ww V aaafcai .- v s -C3 -'t in ii' - i .hp .in i .in
scnooi gin ; acceptable 11 scnooi woric
allowed a little time mornings; good
home in refined- family and wages;
must like babies. H-750, Journal.
HONEST WOMEN wanted in, each
town to demonstrate well known ar
ticle; $15 a week to start or 30 cents
an hour for spare time; experience un
necessary. Mcijean. UlacK & uo. zso iN.
Keveny st., Hoston. Mass.
IAD WRITER wantsf position; under
stands periootoai, catalogue, roioor
and form letter work- Writes good
"reason why" copy; i moderate salary,
COOK wanted for small modern family
hotel in small town. Woman wijj
one daughter to help in dining room
preferred. State experience and salary
expected. D-8 12. Journal.
A GOOD home for a girl, 14 to 16 years.
xor room ana Doara. uo to scnooi
Must' furnish reference. Tabor 334 .
Call Sunday. 10 to 12. 817 E. 57th st.
WoivlEN get government Jobs; big pay;
roruana examinations April ; sam-
Ele questions free. Franklin Institute,
ept. 698 -K, Rochester. N. T.
WRITE moving Picture laya, bis
money for you, simple, easy. We
show you how. Stamp for Information.
Box 117S, Portland.
LF YOU want any) trees topped or
trimmed or . taken down, or land
cleared, call D. W. Tdvrea. All work
guaranteed first class. Phone Main
3388. . : ! t
WANTED Position j as foreman on
ranch, married; can bandle all farm
work; young orchard or loganberries.
Address J. Rolling, 4246 3lst ave. 8.
Portland. t )
i Coa tinned.)
WANTED A place in the country as
west sxaa fbxvatb rAjaxziT to
housekeecer bv a widow lady. on. I LARGE front room.- convenient, new.
child; place desired .more as a home; clean, also small room, exceptionally
will work for small wages. Tel. East I good. Piano if desired. 4T6-- Morri
1783, or address L. S, 289 Clackamas. 1 son. -
- WEST SIDE, i v
SITUATION wanted by middle aged J ONE modern front room, j clean and
married lady, one or two cniiuren toi -niceiy iurnisned. witnm waiiung u
COMPLETELY - furnished TTTrootn
steam heated aDt.. walking distance.
; only $18, per mo. 1$7 27th it,' uer
xamnui. )
FRONT suites, .housekeeping; gaa
for, no other cblldreti. best of I tance; rent reasonable. . 447 Maln. A- I baU, hot Water all hours? 645U Wash-
care, reasonable. Address Mrs. Charles J 7178.
itosky, 406 I von St., portiano, ur.
NEAT respectable woman, 43. unin
cumbered, desires position .manager
,.u..f.,Septily I THiiEE room furntsheci housekeeping
suite. Modern. 687 Washington. $a
tion. outside room. . nrivate family.
msoiinDie. ism ana Aiuer, loo Jilii. i wolr 1f,i, ififi?
iiuiuwxiitr siu uuou, u; 1 lumitaea iron room,-, moaeru tuij j;i:hbiim oca i iij,,. o .
ho? fM.t J "L conveniences, good td, $12?404 Clay. IHmJ aekeinlnr iV and ii
encea. U-926. JournaL,
near m in. vi,.
' . - " . i ' ii i, i . . . . a i-- - i ,i i i v r. , ci - t wiubi i ft wren, w v
WILL give temporary faome to little 1 LARGE, nicely furnished room, bath I fm4ha" ho.moicning rooms!
child under school are :for com-1 .0nntin n,n. -.t-ntri t-ht I AiltJ'ruI?i8llea housekeeping rooms.
pany, - whose parents work, W-837, i tl
Journal. -.- - "-.
cnua uuaer nciioui; 5o,. 4r w' l connecting; pnone. eieotri llgnts.1 ... i -,tu
6tn, -near Columbia, ' nhnn, iio-K xo o mi- k r vita
LIJ tirX. ro?.,I,?k ylkln5, ASh I NEATLY furnished li. kL and sleeplnst
rooms, close in;, vent reasonable.
EXPERIENCED woman Wanta house
cleaning. 26a per hour. Phone Main
6S99, - -
bath, heat. Main 5201. 414 Market
32.60 and up. 420 Salmon,
YOUNG widow wants housekeeping po
sition. Write Mrs. Dorethy Af ton, i
City, general delivery. j
able for 2 eentlemem walklnr dls
tance. 394 Columbia St., corner 10th.
NICELY furnished front 1 and aide
MUSIC teacher and accompanist con- I room, suitable for 3 gentlemen, 189
servatory graduate, experience, 60o j Park st. , Call mornings, j
lesson, rnont peiore ta -w. taror y. NICE, bright rdbm, suitable for two,
LutviGEfr0St T0O,m wlth alc,J- kOYCREST, 175 12TlirFurnace beau
EXPERIENCED . stenographer, famil
iar with Wahl adder and dictaphone.
City references. Woodlawn 681.
WANTED Washing and .ironing at
" home, called for and delivered. Main
620, corner 20th and Raleigh. -GOOD.
cook and housekeeper wishes
position, reasonable wages, good ref
erence. R-664, Journal. .
ed H. -K. rooms, all conveniences.
Cambridge bldg., furnished II. K. rooms.
central, cheap. 166H 8d, cor. Morr'n.
THE- OILMAN let, car. Alder, fut
, nlahed H. K. rooms. t.6 week up.
SINGLE and doubld housekeeping '
rooms; free light, heat, bath, just
muvea in, every tning clean; line resi-
COOKING and serving dinners, teas,
luncheons and - parties, references.
Tabor 317. . - ; -v '' - .
CARPENTER foreman, honest and cap
able, desires to' take charge of day or
contract work. Am familiar with plan
drawing and estimating, 1 M-521. Journal.
MARRIED man with 4 small children.
Industrious and honest, wants steady
work teaming, farming or sawing cord
wood, somewhere near school house.
L-728, Journal. Li
WANTED Lady capaole of making
and repairing mattresses, wool p&dd
and -comforters; one speaking German
preferred. C-oil, Journal.
WANTED Competent stenographer
to work afternoons from 1:30 to
5:30, state price. Address David Strong,
care of Journal
LADIES to demonstrate and 'sell an
article of merit, a household neces
sity. Call after 2 pm. Monday. 285
11th st
EXPERIENCED milker and dairy man,
capable of taking : charge of dairy
ranch. F. W. El kins. 1128 E. 21st N.,
Portland, Or. i j
MAN, 25. live wire bookkeeper, handle
large number accounts, made record
collecting New York.! Portland; $60;
highest references. Y-588, Journal.
WANTED A strong German girl who
lately came to this country for
housekeeper. Address H. C -'Harriger,
Malta, Idaho.
$6 to $10 per day can be earned by
energetic woman. I capable of meet
ing people in a business way. Z-532,
Journal. .
oxi Btnall close-in Improved
A COMPETENT stenographer in good
oirioe, J40; send name, references
xarm i , - i .
worth 86000: will nav eiKht Per cent "'"j..! ZV. i.""' r"" I nn pnone oumoer to c-goa, arn.i.
- i . i iauu uiuu i-o . nuunn luruisiiru.
interest. Wo agents need answer, i-tst, I tt-819 Journal.
WANT $1500. 3 years, 8 per cent on
beautiful Mt Tabor property ta
lots, cash value $4000); borrower very
responsible. U-689t Journal.
CHEF Headquarters and helpers.- Cal-
irornia wine oepot, ZS5 Yamhill.
MEN 18 to 35, become U. S. govern
ment railway mau cierits, 876 montn
WANTED Bright girls as apprentices
xor millinery. Mile, ue AiDert. a-
6641, Malu 6641. .
LADY to'do few days work for month's
rent of housekeeping rooms. 170
Chapman street. -
HARDWARE salesman. 11 years' ex
- perience wholesale and retail; ref
erence from last employer. L-703,
Journal. - ' i . ' ' . '
WANTED by elderly lady, work by
.aay r nour; esi tetn ave. b. h.
Tabor 200. " '
YOUNG lady wants employment dur
ing day. go home at night to sleep.
u-sao, journal.
housekeeping ,'lf preferedr reason- i
aoie. 4is Main.
i BOARD and room, suitable for two
gentlemen, reasonable; close In; ref
erences exc nan ged. 649 Taylor, Flat B.
GOODTcleati, comfortable sleeping JcT d IstrtcT Ju. T nlc Twalking dla
rooms. for.lngi gents. $4 and 5 a SwStarttaeif Rant '
montn. am i ayior st. ; $2 60 to. $4.60. Special rates to per-
NEWLY furnished front room, modern. I manent monthly renters. Phone Main
i veil. cttBunauie. tvi x vja.u wikjr, BWI I Hg lin at. .
ner Harrison. . SPLBNDib housekeeping'rooms.'" wiiK
NICELY furnished front room by pri-1 Dutch kitchen, eat, water lights,
vate family. 141 N. 16th st. cor. ruse of Phone: laundrv.. lawn, firab-claas '
Hoyt St. I location: "V" car from Union deuot
NICELY furnished front rooms with I iJd. 16th st ears; walking distance t
REL.IARI.K. woman wanta to do house
cleaning, washing or any kind of
day work preferences. Phone East 63
between 9:30 and 10:30.
YOUNG lady wants a position with
automobile firm in parts room or
general office utility; previous experi
ence. 0-842, Journal.
GIRD with 4 years' business experi
ence desires permanent position, gen-
bav window, all conveniences. 473
MODERN furnished front room for
husband and wife or two men. 629
Everett i .
NICELY furnished nleaaant front
room, walking distance, sultable.fof i
two, istn and Johnson. -A-7B14. Q
WELL furnished front room, $6 month:
light, heat; suitable for two. 701
Bavier st
LARGE front room on ground floor.
with kitchenette, private entrance;
city proper: $2.60 to $5week, Tatea by
moDin. 076 couch t..v -corner litn, ;
Lovely home, sunny housekeeping
rooms, spacious grounds, treea. etc., ,-
$3 and $2.60 per week. You should see j
this beautiful place. 889 19tb at. N.
16th and "S" cars pass In front Phon-A-386S.
' ' .
NICE sleeping room, also use of gas
stove, for light housekeeping; 8 work- -lng
girls preferred; reasonable Jrent ;
10 minutes1 walk from postoff ice. 407
10th st. :
oi.iicw.wwra; noi a -l-nln rom. &4l M.rkot
nut am a wining woricer. journaj --'
EXPERD3NCED pruner. of trees and
shrubbery, 20 cents an hour. Ad
dress postal, 860 E. Stark st Thomas
McDonald. i i
YOUNG man wishes work mornings
for room and board; good milker;
can fire furnaces: references. A, H.
Brown. Mar. 317 bet g:30 and 4 p. m
YOUNG man will work at anything,
do odd Jobs or work for room, good
references. Ask for ;Willlams. Main
$689- . ; !
FURNISHED and unfurnished H. K.
rooms, in suites nf two: livrra and
NICELY furnished attic room, private pleasant; phone, light and bath. $18 to
entrance, bath, phone, electrto lights, $1 per month. ITMb 21st st K, cor- .
?a $8 a month. 274 Park. ner Johnson st Mfcrsmril 8643,
NICELY furnished . front room, all I M0 ER WEEK, Jewell furnished
EXPERHSNCED. refined girl desires , conveniences, prices reaaonaPie. pnoaTe, narc ASitSX?..
woric, nursery, governess, isays walkifur diatanc. 44 feiJt ithT .
HIGH school girl. 15. wanta place
nice family, no children, where ahe
can neip witn werk tor room and board.
nil t,. tsnerman s,t.
m.ijt i - i. . , i virttrT v . . .. . , A ... . ,11
Rr.oalrs lTun.h 7.ld') Innrul 1 AnTtfM oloaM In I M il,n n, Mnh 1 vwMUvfllAIiljlli. . neat if
' i , ,u.- 474 Yamhill. - front housekeeping suits, convenl
"V nw wsw"i " i r-: : : ences. heat furnlshndrt walkl
!r wi"B.- ",auc- ' V. Si ii?i. niraS ""-itance; $3.60 per week. 609 Johnson st
YOUNG man experienced In storage
battery and electrical work; have
fair knowledge of gas and oil engines.
B-9 5 7 , Journal. .
WANTED high school girl to work for
room, poard, and carxare. uui oeii-
W ANTED To borrow $4000, 8 to B
county ranch; no agents. Call after- commence Advance $100 year wood 149, forenoons
noons. 429 Salmon st
6 AND 7 mortgage loans. 31000 to
$20,000 on hand for immediate l-ani
For prompt service and fair treatment
sea us first.
A. K. HILL, 419 Henry bldg.
SEVERAL small amounts from $601
to $1000 on hand -for immediate
loan. ' i
A, K, HILL, 419 Henry bldg. j
isEie,1fiek,BQ WIDOWER wishes housekeeper, good
dutv withfuli nav Life lob a tend y home and wae8 to rifnt &rt Ad"
X wlLtt. " ' J?5Z- ,'Ml dress H. II. Harvy. Laidlaw. Or.
$3600. Smith-Wagoner Co 612 Stock appointment in the neighborhood of PLAIN unincumbered woman, care for
FIRST class oil burner man can take
full charge; strictly : sober; 10 years'
experience. Preferences. Call Mar
shall 2027. "
WOMAN by day, dressmaking or al
terations, best' references, L J. R
375 E. 37th St.. N.
DRESSMAKING by the day at home.
fti -wa-nt" trnnt wnofn I TWO pleasant comfortable convenient
tiiHiAN iront rooms, modern eonven-I hnnubinir -. nin.
Bheru. bath, ni nnn' wilklnv lla-
NICELY furnished rooms in modern J tance. 18th and. Johnson. A-7 81.
nnrna Sk 1 1 MAnuanUnrtaa II ak 1 v I 11. . . " i
vvs uiHVCO, AX. .4 IS V At 9 I i
lances, handy lo,tlon. 61 17th st
Prices reasonable: for the month of I
March, 166 16th st S. MaA 6980.
THREE light H. K. fooms, 1 alngls
room niCA. moan mr Aiitiiii, rnnmi
53 1 light and phone fyee, nriees very rea-
sona Die. 484 tsreadwayr. cor. college.
MAN and wife, cooks . or . cook and
waitress; experienced, steady; can
give references; in or out of city. P-
777, Journal.
THE Larrabee, 227 H Larrabee. Low
rates. Brick bldg steam heat, hot,
eold Water, bath, phone, electricity.
$1250 at 8. on home and acreage at
Courtney, station, conservative vaiue
PRIVATE parties having money to
- loan to see me. Gruber, 401 Stock
Exchange bldg. .
WANTED A loan of $400 or $600 on
a good Idaho farm, nest or refer
ences. Fhpne Tabor I87.
worth 376,000. win pay commission. r . : " ?: . " f Tr.v -
rx-oi .-wur"i. . , I Kineerinjr: enroll now and be prepared
WANT borrow o,uoror years, 0r he heavy spring and summer de-1 SCRUB .woman for stairs 1 hour In
Mortgage Loans
AKf I.'.L.' WHITE.
' 701 Selling Bldg.
to loon on real estate, at rea
sonable rates and without unneces
sary delay. See W. R. Haiilip, 407
Slock Exchange bldg.
$4,600 TO LOAN at 8 on Portland
Mtddence property. Hammond
Mortgage Company,. 423-424 Chamber
WANTED To borrow $2500 for S ! yrs. GOVERNMENT positions are good.
land property Y-681. Journal.
want tn borrow 31800 at 8 per cent
on good city residence. Li709, Jour-:
WANT loan of $2000 on modern 8 room
se. waveriy iieignts; vaiue ouo
Ca)6"996 Brooklyn st. t. Sinclair.
8, on, 1000
$60-0 LOAN
this ween.
WE h.ave money to loan on your real
v. estate; first mortgages only ,
423 Chamber of Corn merce.
, LOANS on improved city property or
for building purposes; advances
made as building progresses; liberal re
payment privileges; no commission or
brokerage. J P. Lipscomb, - 242 Stark
7" . $2000, $2600 AND UP.
On residence or business property.
612-613 Yeon bldg.
PLENTY MONEY now available: lm-
medlate .loans; lowest current rates.
liberal terms. Connecticut Mortgage
i.ompany, wiicox piug.
vrm RALE 81600 second mortgage on
17000 home, paid montniy. fnono
Woodlawn 1B71.
TO LOAN $400, $1600 $2600 and
$5000 on city Improved property. J.
L. Wells Co., 24 Chamber of Commerce
"SALESMEN' We want 3 salesmen
who would like a good, clean selling
proposition that will pay from $100 to
S250 per month. Experience not abso
lutely necessary. Call 610 Henry bldg,
HAVE any amount to loan on good
- x-uruanu real estate, call xzg cnam
ber of Commerce bldg. No brokers.
MORTGAGE loans at current ratea.
Real estate security; apply rm. Z02
Stock Exchange, 3d and YamhilL
$100,000 on mortgages, city and farm
property, fire insurance. MoKensle
. ;o' McrnnKgr oiog., ro ana Alder,
TATE. WM, tl. BECK, 816 FAIL
.MONEY to loan on inside realty, pref-
.'.eraoiy iouu to itv,wuu. uruoer, 401
Btoca g.xcnange niog.
; $ per cent to 7 per cent.
' John L. Karnopp. Railway Ex. bld.
'$10,000 , to loan on first class inside
- "property. Will divide. Fred A King,
MONEY to loan on city real estate and
farms. Geo. P. Dekurn, 228 Henrv bide
A ll. MAK1JIXNU, 13 Cham, of Com,
MORTUAGE ' loans, 6 and 7 per cent
Louis Salomon & Co.. 229 Rtartr at
MONEY1 on city property. B,ldinga &
Kiiey, croBoway piqg. xa. 'tan
to 4th St.. Board of Trade RAr
MONEV to loan, 6 to 8 per eent. W. H.
Seita Co.. 310 Spalding bldg.
'$1000 to $5000 private funds for lmme-
w dlata loanv Phone Tabor 2520,
Murtgage. Loans
814 Spalding bid.
$250, $350, i $600. $850, . $1200, $2000
Fred w. German Co.. 914 Cham Com
$800 to loan on good real estate. H-715
,$i"0.600!lO L6AN, 6; smaller amounts
7. M. Billings, ; 609 McKay bldg.
$500 to loan on real estate, 514 Cham
'tier or commerce.
. 1 1
3100 and up on real t estate.
ty co..
20 Alder st.
JE&IRABLE Place for ladiea and aren
tlemen to borrow money on diamonds
and Jewelry, eastern rates. - Diamond
' raiace. i waan., opp. uwi drugstore.
, MONExat legal ratesson pianos, fur
nlture, autos, livestock, storage re
ceipts, real, estate, etc. - Manhattan
..Mortgage to,, ais APJngton.' Main 6286
If ON EY loaned on diamonds. Jewelry
and - warehouse receipts. - W. A
natnaway. room Washington bldg.
IMMEDIATE and confidential , loans
t on . furniture. . piahos.- autos. motor-
cycles ano iiveHioca. zub Aider st.
MONEY -aold on installment: confl
dential to .salaried people, F. . A
jxewTon, 91 wenry bldg. : i
airy, strictly confidential. 141Va.3d.
Portland. "Pull" unnecessary; . Port-1 widowers' family. 3801.
land examinations soon. Common 1 address R-869. Journal
sense education sufficient. Write im
mediately for free sample examination
questions. - Franklin Institute, Dept.
36ZK. Rochester, w. x .
We want good reliable men to take
our course in automobile repairing
Phone and
EXPERIENCED girl to assist with
children and areneral-housework. 658
HOUSEKEEPER to take charge of
small home and two children. Call
at once. 618. E. 60th st N.
486 E,
GIRL FOR Keneral housework.
istn st. w. 1 aKe irvington car.
cellent security; will pay 10 per j mand for trained men. Oregon Auto mornings. 822 Davis,
; principals only. C-914, Journal. School, 266-268 11th st I -., "" .JL-S:
WILLING worker wanta work of any
kind; will work for board and rooms
and small wages. Charles Hansen, 189
W. Park st. j "
COMPETENT bead Janitor, Janitor or
fireman, wants Job. r References. Ad
dress or phone H. Frenna, Hotel Em
YOUNG man, 36, single, sober, experi
ence roacnine snop, : desires wont in
shop, farm or off ice.! Am studying
bookkeeping. K.-W87. journal.
TWO married men want a Job of
clearing land or slashing and burn-,
lng, experienced. 267 Jefferson, room 5
$3.60 WEEK. 2 large '.rooms, - 2 beds. -
suitable for working people. "No ob- - .
jectlon to children, vtry close in. 88
10th st, near Stark. - -
t AND 8 room aattes, attractively fur -wished,
electricity, running water, -
MOST desirable, large .front room. 4 -"- ' ' -.
5i0W-Lc?n-T??l"eS cc-av eas: electricT afkinsT dlS -
tance, 655 6th. Marshall 6768.
MAN and wife with 2 children would
like work on farm or dairy. Phone I and comforts oUcl modern home, uit-
v u 4J jt ua vuvtj A, v J aa I uva7 A V A l"W iW&aOi g CWUliauin ca. V V All I , g- -L ' ' 1 i'-i... - . .,
uam w. tn I per month. East Main, near 28d it CLHAN. well furnished room.
" " J"" - . I , j . tt.i 1 m .. I, onl. tin . . Ill
wiiToaioui vu nai iiiurus ana juuuai "w-i-'j-.-p j , v ...uUvi. -
acre -farm.
430 Worcester bldg
Prepare for railway maiL postoffice
ana otner -exams, under iormer u.
S. civil service secretary-examiner.
KooKiet 1134 rree. write toaay. Pat
terson. Civil Service School, Rochester,
GOOD demand for workmen; good
waxes. steady employment. few
months to qualify; positions guaran
teed, watchmaking, engraving, opti
cal school, zi commonwealth Diag.
6th ana Anseny. portiancu
SALESMAN experienced in any line to
sell trade in Pacific territory. Un
excelled sepciaity proposition, com
mission contract. 835 weekly for ex
penses. S. E. Kline, sales mgr., 273-9
crarts piag., cieveiano, u.
SALESMAN Capable specialty man
lor Oretcon. staple line on new and
exceptional terms. Vacancy now. At
tractive commission contract. 336.00
weekly for expenses. Miles F. Bixler
Co., 227-9 Carlin bldg., Cleveland, O.
LEARN the silver plating business and
V... a .... ........ A n 1 1 ..J 4.. 14,. .
' 4L J 7 , , 1 M , . I MM O09U1CU VI tt .1111UK AW LiLC XX
uux iMijiimeui nwiw wiu wuujiw f aWlnatiai profession with little com-
Odell. 605 concord wag. Mam bbz. r petition; make- money while learning
at Dome, mmpie instructions, circu
lar free. Albert W. Strelt sales mgr.
Bowie, Ariz.
WANTED Experienced salespeople
for ail departments during removal
saJe particularly those - having previ
ously I been in our employ. Apply
promptly at 9 a. m. superintendent's of
fice, btn noor, ideier & u rans co.
WE have for sale a mortgage for
86000 at 8 per cent, s yrs.. wen se-
Mir.ri hv out of town Property; will
discount 10 per cent. Prlgmore &
YounRer. Inc. 848 Morgan bldg.
Or seller's security in contract of sals
on real estate in wasn. or ur. a. to.
Noble, Lumbermens bldg. Loans.
OREGON Barber College teaches you
the barber trade in 8 weeks, pays you
while learning:, tools free, tuition re
duced this term; expert Instruction, po
sition guaranteed, special inducements
to ladies. Z33 Madison st.. zoz ra.
AN intelligent person may earn 3100
montniy corresponding tor newspa
pers; no canvassing. Send for partic
ulars. Jfress syndicate, ivt, jiOCKport,
N. Y.
PAINTING, tinting. All work guaran
teed. Prices very reasonable; day or
contract. Phone Sellwood .1899.
MAN of neat appearance wanta work
. as gardener and indoor work in pri
vate place. E. J. Sj Sarrance Hotel,
6 th st I .
WANTED Work with reliable 18 H.
"P. RuSSell engine. I Address L. Slo
genthaier. zbz teconq st., mty
WANTED A Job as donkey drtver,
long experience. Tug Wilson, 274
Holladay aye
CARPENTER wants work by day or
Job. Married, cheap, reliable. Mar
shall 6980.
CARPENTER First class, finish or
rough; has the speed. Call East
$823 after 5 p. m. .
A MAN of 40 of moral habits wishes
position as janitor or all around man.
P-75L Journal.
i . 1. 1 i imnTRiiiMt Tn Hnvthsrn, Bn
1Vkkuih vtuiiu ur rnu wbuuuoo. umi--- - . v. 1 t - . .
n. Tci 7 nC, ... I Tabor cars. Phone East 6811. I Jefferson st.
s I A, A o, - i,tnuui T i - . I i ii - - i. i a i 1 "i .J Jj ai if i i ii -1 p. m
FURNISHED rooms, -near river; 10 PiR WEEK Single houseketip-
minutes' walk to postoffice: bath lng room, suitable for baching. 181:
and phone; 285 Crosby. East 6818. 14 th st' ? '
WANTED A piano teacher In ea TWO nioely furnished housekeeping?
change for a room. 285 Crosby. East suites. One large room with kiteh-.i
6818. - enette. 271 BroadwayT -
FURNISHED housekeeping rooms, TWO front furnished H.-K. rooma. $15 .?
sinit, eiectno ugnta ana gas, cneap, i . ucwuumnui, . y7s .
272 Mill st I between 3d and 4th. v: j
NICE front room for one or two gen- I HOUSEKEEPING rooms, lowest .-ratea, v
tiemen. bso b. l ayior st. I ,a"l' n wr iuuww ,
SPECIAL lates to 100 ladies for 18
days only. From $35 and up. The
Parisian Tailors. 171 Iltb at. South
of Hellig theatre.
WANTED Your spring sewing.
Waists, $1; tailored skirts, $2: one
piece dresses, $2.60. 802 Holladay
ave.. near First.
SUITS One piece dresses, variations
in ' seasonable gowns, made reason
able for 80 days. All work guaranteed.
.ftiaranai Z4&.
NICE rooms, gaa, heat, linen and bath; "AT AVl 0.., ,
76 urana Ave. isortn. I ""r i . u,m mu
free light.
dressmaker wants
day engagements. Work absolutely
best Phone A-8357.
Y. A TVnT!S' tnllnrln. .1). nno
mm a ' in A caia lot .a j u ct. vwkB
relined. Mrs. Muckler, 445 Morrison
St., 2d floor. 'Main 6183.
NICE unfurnished room. $6 month:
llrht phone. 706 Gllsan. or call
coats LMain 1869. A-79S1.
keepina rooma:
bath laundry.
NEATLY furnished housekeeping ami
sleeping rooms; cheap rent 475. X
Taylor. - j .
ixuaiAXADXtxu iignt nouseaeepini
MAE MARTZ, modiste, suits. lowoa,
dresses, alterations and makeovers J 228 13TH ST. W. S. 2 nice rooms with
fnone- Mam 8933. lzth and Alder.
K room.
ne, only $10 mo,;
MAKE your own gowns. Dressmaking
tnorougniy taugnr Parisian uress
making School. 301 Cloodnough bldg.
2 meals a day; cheap.
PORTLAND railway mail examina
tions soon. $76 month. Sample
questions free. Franklin Institute,
Dept. 349K, Rochester. N. Y.
WANTED- Two high grade salesmen
to open new retail accounts for sta
ple line. Established house. Lar,ge
commissions, protected territory; must
trade in 8 weeks, pays while learn
ing, gives Ist-class set of tools; writs
lor free catalogue, a 4g. in. za st.
AT ONCE Vaudeville and dramatic
people. See Farnum school of Act-
1 . ... . . . . . . . rt I, . ,CA1 n u 4 nMn
AMRITTftTIH noraon mav earn 316 to !."s2 "ii . "rr8-Vf1f . n rjf eweiry CO., ' IlK o72 wwB.,
.oi " "ul' .V.. mt conimentai oiag., Cleveland, u. LADY
home, writing for newspapers.
xor particulars. ooa rxess purnu,
Washington. Hi C,
FIRST CLASSi Intelligent-salesmen to
sell our exclusive hand colored bas
relief calendars of our own manufao
ture. Classiest line in America.
Smlth-Hecht Co., Indianapolis, Ind,
HoHcltor for house to house
Bend LADIES Sewing at home, material canvass: salary and commission. 601
xurnisned; no canvassing: steady I oweuana oius-
work: stamped envelope for narticu-1 puno inKsons astd in exohanee
lars. Calumet Supply Co., Dept Fl 96. 1 for shorthand course. 0-57L Jour-
Milwaukee, Wis. I nat
AN intelligent person may earn $100 FISK Teachers' Agency secures posl-
montmy corresponding ror newspa- I tlons for teachers. 31 Journal nidg.
WANTED Plasterers to contribute
one day's work on Old Peoples'
Home. Woodmere. Mount Scott line.
Managed by Mrs. Hattle B. Lawrence
of Ptsgah Home.
DEMONSTRATOR wanted, bo experi-
ence necessary. ZOth Century Chem
ical Oil Paint Co. Ask for Mr. John
son, 248 13th st,
WRITE moyina: picture Tilays, big
money for you. simple, easy, we how. Stamp for Information.
pox 1176, Portland. .
P?.HTSantf "&fWT JKnX- IWANTED-JIousekeeper by widower.
lars. Press
N. Y.
Syndicate, 708: Ickport "rJnai:
I WILL start you earning $4 daily at
nome spare tune, siiverincr mirrors:
no capital; free. Instructive booklet
giving plans of operation. G. F. Red-
mond, Dept. 261, Boston. Mass.
AUTOMOBILE chauffeurs sret $25
weeK and over. Many spring; va
cancies. Sample Instructions free.
UTanaiin institute, juept. ali, Rocn-
ester, n. i.
RAILWAY mail clerks wanted; com
mence 'b montn. Portland exami
nations ' soon. Sample questions free.
MAN on country place, good-home, to
take care-or .garden and do some Franklin Institute, Dt-pt. -361K. Rochea-
HUSTLING man or woman represen
tative wanted in eacn locality, is to bo
years of age. To Join this society and
introduce our memberships. Part or
full time. $50 to $500 a month. Every
member you recommend gives you a
steady income eacn montn tnereaxter.
Honorable and dignified engagement
Experience is not required. Only one
appointment in each locality; hurry
and be the first to apply. Write the
I. L. U.. 1251, Covington, Ky.
EXPERIENCED -bookkeeper wants
small set books to keep evenings.
F. J. isox nu.
STUDENT must have work afternoons
and evenings. Phone Woodlawn 3088;
address 121 East Webster st
DRESSMAKER wishes engagements
by the. day. Call or address Misa
Bernnard iost m. Taylor st.
HOUSE dresses,- children's sewing,
J1.6U, out experienced: city refer
ences. I need work. Bell. 1482.
DRESSMAKING, plain sewing by day
and at borne. Main 8324.
DRESSMAKING, family sewing by
day or nome. A-Z388. Z1Z 11th st
DRESSMAKING alteration work or
TWO very desirable rooms, one large,
suitaoie ior two ladies or gentleman,
rlth board In private family; gttod
free llxht bath.
also others, 171 18th st
TWO housekeeping rooms, nicely fur- S
nlshed, rent reasonable. Address 447 i
Main lU A-7178. i , -
FURNISHED housekeeping rooms. 168 .
istn near Morrison also sleeping
room reasonable.
TWO and 3 room suites, -housekeep
ings room,-gas, range, lights, bath.
with ooaro in private xamiiy; gttoa 4
T home cooking, all modern conveniences; running watef, 884 Morrlaon.
few minutes walk to west side. . Price REAR of my furnished home foi
reasonable.' 28 E. 9th st N. East 4018. convenient, reasonable; refer
WANTED Situation. A man has a
home sewing by day. East 4744.
LARGE, - newly furnished, - modern I
front room for 2 gentlemen, all con- j
venlences, close In. home cooking, $25.
141 e. mtn, corner oi Morrison, rnone
East 2680.
YOUNG lady - wants a nice room, un
furnished preferred, in private ram-
for rent
Phone Main -7888.
FINE airy , suite 8 rooms, very aelect
neighborhood, reasonable to reliable
tenants. Main 4844.
FURNISHED housekeeping rooms from
$2 a week and up, walking distance.
o lutn st.
contract to cut 100 cords wood or j EXPERD3NCED nurse, care elderly, in-
ricks. Newberg. Or.. P. O. Box 62.
MARRIED man. understands steam,
handy with tools or horses, needs
work: will go in country. C-156 Knott
PRINTER Elderly man works also
on linotype; wants position. Address
W-948, Journal. t
YOUNG man; show-card writer, also
trimmer, 4 years' experience in the
east wishes position. J-990, Journal.
WANTED- Position; chauffeur or re-
palr shop. Call or write, 1077 coroett.
PAPERING and tinting. Call Tabor
4763. save money, r. i. Lawrence.
EXPERT gasoline engine engineer
wishes position. P-761. Journal.
Hy west side. Give full particulars HOUSEKEEPING rooms, including
and, price. R-886 Journal. free bath, light and phone, cooking
A DESIRABLE furnished room for 1 Iras. 201 18th st T.
PKU!iNCJ!.i nurse, care eioeny. in- ladles; prefer teachers. Will SerTe ffTRiS housekeeping! ronm on ""west
y?f0?er80n: as8i8t other warlfc Mar- breakfast V and. dinner reasonable: 1 F,0fherfefVe b!?hmandnihona:-
shall 698.
PRIVATE rooms, trained nurse, best
care given Invalids, city references,
Tabor 1213.
PRACTICAL nurse wants engagement I more street
win co some woric Mam siZ4.
block from E. Ankeny carllne. E. 4188. walking distance" 149 iSth.t" "
A NICE front room for rent with I Want wamnn tn khVr a hm,iri.,n.
board in private family. 907 Ganten- ing rooms with lady; rooms rant $
bein ave. Take U car, get off at Skid- rx,r month -.close tn. iV-4. Journal.
JANITOR wants work for 2 rooms and
$20 per month. M-880, Journal.
WANTED Poaition by first class all
around farm hand. Sellwood 1067.
740, Journal.
SALESMAN wanted; a business worth
while and an opportunity to build a
businesa of your own. Cash weekly. Ad-
press capital city Nursery co..saiem.ur
WANTED Real salesmen to sell an
articis of merit a household neces
sity;: city and nearby towns. After
9 n. m. Monday, zsb iitn st.
Vttt TZ , a V , S i '
WE START you in business, furnish
ing everything; men ana women, iii)
System Specialty Candy. Factories:"
home anywhere: no canvassing. Op
portunity lifetime; booklet free. Rags
dale Co., Box Z. EaBt Orange, N. J.
MEN, age 18 to 35 become railway
, roan ciern-s, ia muiivu ; puii unneces-
"sry; particulars tree. iix-&6a. Jour
YOU have ideas, see interesting lnci-
frnuirrnvirpa n.m eav tim. k nv
ing private lessons in isngnsn. call l i".'"" o"T'n i.e
room z. over Lion ciotning store,
16b ft 4ttt et. Mfj.' -i ayior.
WE want men to post and tack signs,
ior wnicn we. win pay iio a- tnou-
sand. Write for particulars. - R. D.
Martel. Dept. 1091. Chicago.
START a mail order business of you
own. small capital, (spare time. 27
plans. Send1 for particulars. Mutual
Opportunities Exchange, Buffalo, N.Y,
CIGAR Salesmen wanted $25 per wk. AGENTS Salary"
aa.1a.13 uiu vvi uf ivr (ienw. Greatest seller yet.
in every town; best selling household
article. : Start at once; large demand
for aoode4 $25 to $50 a week; suc
cess assured.. Investigate today. The
Beaver Specialty Co-.tiuincy. Oregon.
BOX 103
WANTED To take full charge of
house for young married couple.
Telephone East 4782. ,
NEGLECTED education, private In
struction in EngliBh given to grown
people. C--887, Journal. .
LACE curtains, draperies, linens laud"
dried by expert, called for. Tabor
817. 1 - - . '
EXPERT law stenographer wants po
- sltion. Experienced in all commer
cial lines. 168 B. 13th st.
WIDOW with 2 small children wants
position as housekeeper in private
home. Call E. 4624, apartment 1.
A quiet homelike hotel, modern, out
Bide rooms, beautifully furn'd: reason
able rates. 206 Bway, cor. Taylor. M 918
COZY modern room, nicely furnlshei
borne privileges; reasonable, 69
Belmont. Phone East 3608.
ROOM and board, modern, home nrlvl
leges, ior z or s men. in a tu. ntn
st N. East 6729.
LARGE room with running water and
lO nicely furnished housekeeping
boms. $12. 803 Grant st. between
6th and 6th at. ,
MODERN convent neces, light, walking
distance. W car paasejs door, private
entrance. . 643 Morrison. . . ; : f
TWO furnished housekeeping rooms; .
pain, sinic in, kiicjimv ana not ana
good board. 516 Morrison at Pbonelni wi. -ark v-a u,i.i.
avju.i nna.ii i?o, .
leI?u:??ZDJ!3 1 COMFORTABLE front room for i:
bulldinar' vacuum .cleahed' shower I fireplace, excellent table, walking
bSths Tciub Vf acuities; .ftH distance. 31111th. Marshall J003.
cafeteria, cor. etn and Taylor sts. " I ROOM and board for one gentleman in
onTc-r. utncic 1 uo to date nrivate nome. Kast 10 th I in
. "-t. " . 1 Tl,....,- D.1,'l-... IMA 7 I "'Ti J,
not ana com running water, private I.NICE, rooms, - wi
private family
Phone East 8784, or call 188 E. 12th m
NICELY furnished room with or Wlth
out board, walking distance. E.
6230. i
THREE unfurnished rooms-, housekeep
ing, llxht. phone, teas .and bath. Ill
month. Call 182 Lincoln at A-3648.
FURNISHED, housekeeping rooms .
rree pnona, iignt ana path, lis mo.
and detached baths, free phones. Single
3, suite z rooms, 15.
212 H 3d and Salmon.
Rooms $1.75 week up; steam heat,
liot and cold water, free bath, phone.
and up; weekly 33 and up. Special
mo? rate. Phones, bath, steam heat
WTT.T. eri for on, ft, twn
IIOTfclL FRANKLIN. I under achnnl ten. dnnA hnm ,lnu
vvasrungion i su, uin. a wo per aay in, reasonable, P-834, Journal. .
ROOM and board for 4. private fam
ily, home cooking, walking distance.
Main 2404. ' r '
CICELY furnished rooms In private
family with or without board. 363
6th st. Qftll Main 3274.
Y.w r i ' i.j h- SINGLE heusekeepinc rooms, reason
th -adf tricay ii, all borne conveniences. 333 4th
y; good home cooWb. stTcor. Market. Marshall 6959.
2 NEWLY furnished housekeeping
rooms,, modern, $14; also one- $10.
11th st. - ' " ii - '"-'""-'
TWO bousokeeplng rooms, furnished
THE REGENT. 161 hi Broadway, under
new management: strictly modern
rrooms. $2.50 wk. up; transient 63c up.
Nicely - furnished sleeping rooms,
homelike -and "comfy." Bath, phone.
or unfurnished, with nrivate en.
trance, 10th and ilarVlgon.- Mar. 8424,
NEATLY furnished:! 2' and 8 room
suites; gas, .electricity, bath, phone.
892 4th st' T I i
LOVELY front parBor housekeeping:
furnace; $18 mo. i Choice location,
close in. 292. Tenthjj -
NEAT, convenient housekeeping, close
az t. iitn.
i-iv t-.i v unci
v1 f'""' 1 experience not necessary, continental I and ink buva on sixht 200 to 600 per
"WANT 2 men to work a: few days auto repairing and driving for spring Monroe Mfg. Co., . X-244. Larv Crosse,
for a, month s room rent. 170 Chap- work. Hawthorne Garage, 445 Haw-IWls. JS
" "w - . - i -. i inorne ave.
MEN . doing vacuum - cleaning can I PRIVATE shorthand,
areatlv increase eamlnars. Call af tar
9 A M. Monday, zb nth st
HONEST man wanted in each town
typewriting 1 '- for special advertising works $15 a
school; day and evening lessons; $5 week to start; experience unnecessary;
LMOVING picture operators earn $15 to
?39 ween, we teach you quickly.
xneaire praciice. ijli rtotncniiu Olds:.
WAKTED Subscription solicitors. Ap-
Tly at once.
636 Morgan bldg. " Mr.
per month. 269 14th st & Main 3893.
$100 WEEKLY profit in spare Urn e at
home. Mall order business. Boyd
li. urown, vmana, rseo.
UNCALLED for tailored suits, $6.60
references required. Address at once
McLean, tsiacK & uo, zao i. Jdeveriy
st. Boston. Mass. . ' --
AGENTS Get particulars of one ; of
the best paying propositions ever put
WANTED Fainter for 4 modern
houses, part property, part cash, L-
5s. journal. ;! t
up. Taylor, the tailor. 289 Bumslde StJT WVTi
i w iju yuoviui r i a. - m oa.aca
mgr., 8086 Sycamore st. Cincinnati. O.
DENTIST Must be Al and licensed.
Call today. Alveolar Dental Co, 814
APingTon plug.
PACIFIC Chiropraetic College. Inc.
407 to 418 Commonwealth bldg.
USE Bassett's Native Herbs .'or rheu
matism; 50 tablfts 25e. All druarait.s
PIANO studio; modern methods
14th. Main 3983. S per month.
BIDS wanted, for the carpenter labor
on 6 room bungalow. 214 Railway
WANTED A house carpenter and re
palr man- will give a year's rent for
worn, v-nfto., journal. ------- -
. nsr Tivr, oc irt -r,. I oury rare, r. j,
CRACKER JACK seller ready for
agents: write today-, full particulars
free: 100 per cent profits. Samuel
369 I Martin. 2725 Rock Bay ave,, , "Victoria,
x. C. . -
AGENTS make $10 to $16 a day han-
diing our sales puncn ooaro. Write
Armltage ,Co As-
RAGT1ME on , piano guaranteed be-
ginners to lessons. 603 Ellers bldg.
CARPENTERS to bid on, wreckino-
A w.iiIm . 1 . . v. 1 iTArf etnrww npn ..a , . . . " f s .
iiuuoc, juiiiucf ua usea I nuuoiiiuiMJiiv wwiiea oy. widower I ct A RT mil tnr biislnM nf w,nr
nrsln. F-R40 Journal ' . I In onnntrv T... Hardnirlnn Vtrtl r- I bi aa a mau oroer ousiness. or your
AGENTS Earn $16 daily calling on
automobile owners. Great Eastern
Sales COj, 1021 W, Hth street,5Los
Angeiea, uaj. - . - - ' . :
In country. Lee Harrington. Buel, Or. I
wishes chamber work In hotel or THE RANDOLPH Cor. 3d and Colum
rooming house. Marshall 4925. bia. Furnished rooms, sleam heat
YOUNG ladv desires position as stei- ! and cold water, bath, $2 week up.
. ographer. Law or real estate pr- j YOUNG man. rooming at Y. M. C. j
ferred. G-823i 'Journal. , J wants roommate to reduce rooming
EXPERIENCED lady wants cooking expenses. Inquire Y. M. C, A.
for men on ranch; or camp. 1111 E. OAK HOTEL, 247 Oak st, furnished
Sherman st. rooms, steam heat, hot water, bath,
WOULD like plain sewing at home or free. $2.60 week up. Main 4150.
go out by. the day. Hotel Ansonia, WILL have a vacant furnished room
Room 323. ' ; . by March 1. New Westminster Apts.
i EXPERT stenographer with splendid 6th and Madison. . -
local references desires responsible HOTEL . BUCKINGHAM, SOtb and
I permanent position, i Phone Wdm. 167.1. Wash. New, clean and modern out
LADY wants work by day or hour, side rooma. $2.60 wk. up.; pri, bath $5.
, Phone Main 9196. room 20. HATFI QuflMl t Per-
LACE , CURT AN S i hand 1 laundered. nu 1 t-L VOv V manent and trao'st
t Phone Maln 1486J- . ; THE KING, 309 Jefferson, nicely fur.
MRS. ALICE HURLEY -A place as , rooms, modem, central. $2.25 wk up.
. housekeeper, 993 E. 27thr ROOMS and apartments In modern ho-
FIRST class nurse; must have work; tel: $2.60 week and up. ' 465 Alder.
prices reasonable.' Main 6950. - kOR RENT, a clean dry basement
DAY work wanted by experienced lady. room, $1.60 week. 318 Mill st
Phone C-1928, TTJRSTSffBg aooiag
G Juinaf.'XaekeePer c0?lc' T-914, j gSrxXT TO
COOK In boarding house or for small "FLNE single" room, svery convenience.
crew of mi. M. H-. 849 1st st. t Apt 604, Desendorf apts, 208 16th st
WANTED Temporary work by experi- HRIGHT front room with alcove and
' enced stenographer. T-748, Journal. ateeping porch. 135 N. 22d. - ,
LADY will care for child during, day NICELY furnished front room; phone,
or evening. Main 3292; room 4. -- bath, heat very reasonable. 404 Park.
LACE .curtains hand - laundered, 30o CLEAN well furnished rooms, hot and
pair. Phone Main 5999. j cold water. 268 14th st -
CAPABLE woman wants day work. 1 NICE neat "room in private family.
Phone Main 4394. ' . -:, . j . $3.60 per week. 266 12th st." .
WANTED 1 or 2 young ladies em-1 in Prlci tn milt nmM.
hnmiX Phi. K,f m7y; THREE neaTH. K. rooms, clean, quiet -home
i privileges, Phone, East 6637. and respectable. $fB. 447 6th st. ,
AT.b-J$:h ?.h,??? nd KlilTK auitable for 2 or" 4. walkln. dial
uain, reaoD.oie, waiaing ais- ntu n.hl- rnnt. a 1ih
LIGHT housekeeping clean and rea '
sonaoie. neat. 4V i morrisori. .
VERY cheap, houuekeeplng . rooms,
furnished. 492 Clav st
rooms, $10 and
znd st.
- aMBVK.iA, tVtB) 1 COOVUaUICl VV OLi IV All g U 1
tance. Marshall 3501. 647 Hoyt st.
826 B. 1st st. N.
Phone East 6023 or call 667 E. Taylor.
liUOii nome for 1 or Zi no other board-
erw. ai & f. nin sr. lapor 2 i .
LADY with beautiful home would like
couple to board and room. B-1716. ;
FRONT room with board; reasonable.
229 N. 16th at. T , .
home. Marshall 891.
ONE. 2 and 3 IL I
16 per montn. t
SUITE housekeeplnK'rooms, gas range.
neat, oatn, ii Nri7tn st, -
L 2OR hbusekee6ing- rooms, extra .
wen rummnea. lasr itn st.
3 NICE housekeepinir" rooms, close in.
4l3Matn, corner i tns t
-ood I TWO-well f urnished'rooma; gas range,
nwn" fimaill rnnitfll- an, ra Hma 97
SOLICITORS WANTED; best offer in I EXPERIENCED cashier wanted. 250 plans. Send for particulars. Mutual
-, " J . M , , , II, -. ,S ' A1UH OV Ctk
I Opportunities Exchange, Buffalo, 2 X,
FOR RENT, furnished rooms with or i Nice -front light housekeeping; sis
wltnout poard. Z6 10th St.' I - siegptna; rooms. w eu9rwn ;v, ,
i wanted iz or 14-y ear-old girl as
companion. 63Z4 68th av 8. E., city.
, - -.- EAST . SIDB --r '
NICE, quiet, furnished rooms for rent
with board; 1019 lOth. Wdln. 1572. h.h ttt $2.76 weeki -S f urnished H. K,,
NEWLY furnished rooms with board, I rooms, gas, free beHt laundry, baths,,
strictly nome coomng. 414 Columbia. 1 rnone Kast b3; vn Vancouver avw.
$4.50- per week.
Marshall 4467. . -
Houszimnyci boohs
TWO neat housekeeping rooms, beau-y-
tiful district, on - bved street, free
to help for board and room.
years. 849 1st. ..
Sellwood 111, 6
to 9 p. ny
CHILDREN boarded reasonably. Tabor
4728L - '
price reasonable, walking distance.
ONE sleeping room, with - running
water. 350 Madison st
room s: ciose, in, reduced rates. 23
East 6th at. - '
CLEAN furnished housekeeping rooms,
raQ"ble. 288 Clay st .
SINGLJC' housekeeping . and sleeping
' rooms, $1.25 to $1-50 week, 4I 2d st
THREE furnished housekeeping rooms:
gas. water; $12. 93 E. 19t St 1st.
Woodlawn ios3.
TWO furnished housekeeping - soems
467 E. Pine. Phone E. 4793.
: . (Continued on-Vsxt Vagrs)