The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, February 20, 1914, Page 10, Image 10

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Bud Has Trouble Taking Off
Weight but Trainer Tau-
t i f 1 1 r r
sig bays Me n Be strong,
San Francisco, Feb. 20. Bud Ander
son Of Medford and Ked Watson of
Lot Angeles, welterweights, are sched
uled to clash here tonight in a 20
round' bout at Pavilion rink. Four
other bouts will precede the main
Anderson ruled a strong 10 to 8 favorite-
over Watson, despite reports
that he Is having trouble in making
the required 138 pounds.
Trainer Moose Taussig asserted that
Anderson took off two pounds yester-
ftav ttnJI 1) mala VlA nrolfrtlt hilt ftri-
mltted It might be necessary for him
to go into the gymnasium today. The
wet" weather has been against Ander
son, preventing much roadWork.
Charlie Miller, the giant niotorman.
and Jim Cameron, negro, will meet in
a 10 round special heavyweight event.
If Miller wins decisively he will be
sent to Sydney to engage in a series
of fights for "Mother" Howe, thj
Australian promoter.
Kid Exposlto of Portland and Henry
Hicke? iof Oakland are carded to go 10
rounds,! and two short round bouts
complete the program.
: : . .1.. v.... - U ',- '
. - :, ... ... ,.
tl T-iftirmr iijimi iwinnn " B
Sieberts, Portland Coasters'
Baseball Recruit, Plays a
Great Game for Aggies.
Rosebnrg, Or.: Feb. 80. Three points
ahead at the end of the first halt,
then letting their opponents get 10
points ahead In the fore part of the
second half, the Roseburg high school
basketball team, in a game played here
laat nignt, made a wonderful rally In
the last five minutes of the game and
defeated the Dallas high school boys
tnree points. The rinal score was Z3
to 26.
Olympic Club Has Not Lost
Match in U, S. R, A.
! This Season,
The Olympic club revolver team of
Ban Francisco is leading the United
States Revolver league with 14 vic
tories and no defeats. The San Fran
Cisco' club has been making a splendid
record this season and it would not
be a -surprise to see them carry away
me cnainpionsnip nonors.
Thjs Springfield, Mass., and the Pitts
burg, Pa., clubs- are tied for second
place with 14 victories and 1 defeat
and the Spokane, Portland. Boston and
Manhattan clubs are next In the list.
eacni witn it victories and 3 defeats.
.The Springfield and Olympic teams
each; have a protested match and when
a decision is rendered It Is likely that
tne atanamgs win be changed a little,
Tne standings are:
' Club. Won. - Lost
Clympic 14 (
Springfield 14 i
Pittsburg '. . 14
Portland 12 !
Spokane ,. 12 ;
Boston 12 5
Manhattan 12 ;
Shell Mound ..12
Philadelphia 11 ;
St. XjOuis 10
Seattle g
Columbus 8.
Baltimore 7
Youtngstown . 7
Ialas 6
Providence 7
Manila 4
OsbDrn ' 4
Belleville 4
Citizens 3
GhlragOi 3
Kfigineers 2
Portsmouth 2
Troon D 0
Sprlngfleld and Olympia each hav
a protested match.
Ad Wolgast, the ' Michigan "feearcat and forlner'illghtweight chttmplon
of the world, whri feels confident , that he can defeat Willie
Ritchie, the rpan who relieved him of the title. Wolgast has
been showing up pretty well In short distance bouts and 'he is
working" hard "to get back in the top form that made " him the
terror of all of the 133 pound, boys for the coming fight in
Milwaukee.. j . ' , i '
Champion Dieting and Doing
Light' Work Knowing He'll
Not Be Troubled,
President of Nationals Insists
Chicago: Sub Owner Vio
lated Evers' Contract.
San Francisco, Feb. 20.4-L.ightwelght
Champion Willie Ritchie was 'con
vinced today that r he IwlU have , nQ
trouble in making ' triee-' required 135
pounds for his 10' roundabout with' Ad
Wolgast in Milwaukee March-12.
After a cpuple of games of handball,
yesterday with Bob .McAllister-Ritchie
stripped and got' on the ; scales. ;' He
weighed Just 140-pounds.
"Fine!" paid the champiori. "I'had
an idea that' I was a couple of pounds
over that mark. Now I know tbatinjy
weight will not bother me. It .leaves
me a little more than five p6und's, to
take off, and I haven t j started ha
training yet. , -'
"If the weather permits;. I propose
to go ahead with light tialoirkg here.
have ' been dieting myself for a
couple of weeks, and will keep it up.
no one need worry. 1 will be in shape
for this bout." . -
' Playing in championship form and
making five fairly good runs, Dave
Bancroft won the title in the McCredie
Billiard Palace pocket billiard tourna
ment last evening by defeating H. E.
Smith 100 to 22. Bancroft made the
runs of 12, 12, 16. 20 and 20. His -average
for the match was 4 1-6. which is
the best made in the tournament. Ban
croft s average throughout the tourna
ment is a little better than 3 points
per shot.
. Heavy Fight Postponed.
iLos Angeles. Feb. 20. The 20 round
boxing match between Kid Kenneth of
Tart and Al Norton, heavvweiehts
-scheduled for tonight, was postponed
toaay on account or rain, until Mon
Oay night.
1 nappy Ho Kan is going to sell or
traae Sterrett, the former Princeton
college prayer that he secured from
We New York Americans. Sterrett
won t catch on Sunday.
Shugrtte Shades Dundee.
Waterbury, Conn., Feb. ; 20. i.Toung
Shugrue was jubilant today, over, the
shade decision he gained last .night over
Johnny Dundee In a 12 round bout here.
"All I want now-Is acrackat the
top notchers," said , ShugrueT ."Either
Ritchie or Wolgast can get a little side
bet with me. I am willing to 'fight
either of them -10 or 20 rounds.
Shugrue was clearly entitled to the
decision because of superior , inf Ight
ing. He punished DundeO severely, and
held his own also . In the. long, range
work. ' 1 , ,
New York, Feb. 20. Whether Charles
W.'Murphy," owner jOf the Chicago club,
or uoyernor. jonn a. xener, president
of the National league. Is to be boss of
thatl organization will be determined to
morrow 'in Cincinnati at a meeting of
the league directors.
The .dispute between the two offi
cials is the direct - result of Murphy's
dismissaL of Johnny Evers as manager
pf the Cubs.
,Tener contends that -Murphy violated
his contract with Evers,. while Murphy 1
insists .that he owns the Cubs and will
I'nlrt the-' club, to suit himself."
'.'What' Is done at tomorrow's meet
ing,"A said' Charles H. Ebbetts, owner
of thjp Brooklyn Nationals, today, "will
be final. It is also a lltte more than
probabe that whatever Tener says will
go." - I " -
Oregon Agricultural College, Corval
lis. Or., Feb. 20. The University of
Washington went down to their first
defeat of the season at the hands of
the Oregon Aggies last night' on the
local floor. The score was 20 to 13.
the Corvallis five leading all of the
way throughout the contest. Dewey
and Savage battled for supremacy all
of 'the evening, scoring practically all
of the points made -by the two teams.
Admirable guarding was a feature of
The university made only two field
goals, one in each half, while the
Beavers could make but four. So close'
was the battle that over guarding re
sulted in 15 fouls being called upon the
visitors, while 13 were registered
against the Aggies. Dewey was the
hero of the evening, converting 12 of
the scores made by O. A. C. from the
foul line, out of 15 chances. He held
his opponent scoreless.. Blllie King
threw two field., goals and performed
in a brilliant manner. .
Sieberts, a Christian Brothers' Busi
ness school man, proved a comer, by
playing an excellent game In the first
half. For the visitors Savage and Mc
Fee both showed rare form. They
showed the effetts of the hard trip
they had been through, yet played con
sistently. Fanchear was removed as a result
of over zealousness in guarding.
summary: .
O A. C. Position. TJ. of W.
Sieberts .......... F Schreuder
King ............ .F. ..... Davidson
Mix C vi Savage
Dewey .O. . McFee
May (Capt. ). . . ... .0 Fanchear
Substitutes Blakeley for Sieberts.
Blllie for Blakeley, Jordan for King,
Blagg for Mix, Shively for Fanchear,
Deutsche for. Davidson, Duniway for
Bcnreuaer. fieia goais iung 2,
Blakely 1, Sieberts 1, McFee 1, Duni
way 1. Fouls on Washington 15, on
O. A. C. 13; fouls concerted by Dewey,
12 out of 15; by Savage. 9 out of 13.
Referee R. P. Lee, Portland academy.
Oregon' City. Feb. 20. The Oreeon
lClty High school basketball team wiU
Hamlin ReDlaCeS Cl'lbbom aresham gZ twa evening. areshara
Against Glahe, Cleverest Xst
Northwest Featherweight. SlUH&,Smi 5aS
a last game is expected. A number of
the students from this city are plan-
Six boxinr and two wrentlinr houtsfning' to acoompany the team to
win be staged , this evening at . the j Qresham and hold out on the side
Multnomah club, when the Winged M"
athletes will appear In a dual meet
against the Spokane Amateur Athletic
club. The first event, which will be in
ball at 'Will. - Thia Is the first game
between these two teams this season
and they expect to play a return game
in the near future. -The lineup: Ridge-
field Brass band. Walter Brunkow,
right guard; David B. Brlce, left guard;
Perry F. Weber, forward; Eugene Pass-
more, center; Albert McKeen, forward.
Sara team, Charles Helllngson, for
ward; C. Rowlan Custard, center; II.
William Huggins, forward; Charles
Deako. right guard, and E. Tower, left
guard. Ernest E. Jones, superintend
ent of schools, acted as referee.
nsM Kanj -A-.ti i a.
. , - ... . t , , 1 - M7a vauu (.ivuuvvt iuq oaia waiaw
".tf"" r;.V,V'Rr.. ' . ."1 'learn. 26 to 18. before a large
Ridgefield.' Wash..' Feb.. 20. The
basketball team of the Ridgefield ", ","' ZZ.'?" 1 Z"LL.
- a - cai 1 iiat lit wan jl- 1 aiiuiow, a la vi
Walter Nagle, the old Los Angeles
pitcher, whose home is in Santa Rosa,
is Nick Williams' right-hand bower In
the Enthusiasm league in the. pretty
little California city where the Colts
will train this spring. Nagle has been
getting a lot of the details of the
agreement between the San Rosans
and the Colt manager out of the way,
but Manager Nick, who leaves for the
south March 2. will make a trip to
his training camp immediately upon
flrmatlve side 5 of the question, "Be-
solved.. That capital and labor should -
be - compelled to settle their - disputes j
in legally established courts of arbitra
tion, constitutionality waivea.7 - am
vophomore debating team won over ths
freshman team. C. A. Harvey. Mllwau- i
kee: D. K. Millekln. Ontario, and R. J. '
Case of Portland weft on the winning
team. R. A. -Parcell,! Corvallis; Paul
Harvey, Milwaukee, and R- RVRlechart -cf
Corvallis composed the freshman
team. The Judges of the event were
Registrar It M. Tennant. P. M. Col
lins and E. B. Lemon of the' O. A. C
faculty. There wlf a program of ,
music. f ' . -
Virgil Hamlin of Multnomah and Glahe
of Spokane, jwill start promptly at 8
o'clock. The second wrestling event
will be between Dave Burns and George
McCarthy. - Cllbborn was unable to
make1 -weighty and Hamlin was substl
tuted. I
Two Pacific coast champions, Know!
ton and Cronquist, cyill appear against
worthy opponents. Knowlton will
meet Gannon of the Spokane club, and
Cronquist will go against Schmeer of
the Multnomah club. Cronquist was
recently awarded a three round de
cision over Schmeer.
Acting Chairman Frame Harmar of
the Multnomah boxing and wrestling
committee, is well pleased with the
schedule of bouts arranged for this
evening, and he expects the Monpler
EUingstort bout to be an unusually
good event. ' Ellingston gained a close
decision over Monpler last week at
Thorsness and Norworth are expect
ed to put up a good bout in the light
weight division, while Maaaen ana
Groat should deliver a classy three
round exhibition In the middleweight
crowd4 Wednesday night. The local
team entirely outclassed the "visitors
and were never In danger, always
taking the aggressive and- passing the
complete the final details.
Sophomores Defeat Freslmen.
Oregon Agricultural College, Corval
lis, Or, Feb. 2D. Supporting the af-
Hazelton Head "Prohia." I
South Bend, WashJ, Feb. 20. At a
county mass meeting held here Wed
nesday and attended' by supporters of
the state wide prohibition moveroept.j
F. A. Hazeltlne of -South Bend wm '"
chosen president. Perry Watson, sec- -rttary;
Mrs. I.. L. Vincent, treasurer,
and these with P. W. Rhodes, E. W.
Lilly of Menlo, and Mrs. J. W. Frank- -lin
form the executive committee. This
committee will have the direction of
the state wide prohibition fight tv
Pacific county outside of the incorp-. .
orated cities, which i are expected 'to
organize local committees to cooperate
with th committee above named. In- .
Itlatlve petitions required for the sub"
mission of the quesUenare nw being.
Tourists Eat With Ambassador.
Paris, Feb. 20. -Members of the
visiting American baseball teams were
eruests of honor yesterday at a lunon
eon attended by Ambassador Derrick
and a number of Frenchmen promt
nent la athletics.
Owner Maler of the Venice. Coast
league team-may take his players to
Australia next fall.
Defensive Playing of Cardi
nal Backs Is Feature of
' .5-0 Game,
Dublin Giant Has ; Alibi, a. -
New York, Feb. 20. Tony Ross - of
Lancaster, Pa., who .was knocked out
here last night in the sixth round of a
scheduled .10 round bout with Jim Cof
fey, the "Dublin Giant," was on the
Job today with an alibi, fif . 1 . could
have sidestepped that rjight hook , to
the Jaw I would have wob," said Ross.
"I saw the punch coming, but it' trav
eled so fast 'I couldn't get out of the
way. I had my plans laid to knock out
Coffey in the next round. He can't
knock me out again." ),
W. S..C. Tossers Beat Whitman,
Walla Walla, Wash., Feb: 20. The
Washington State college basketball
quintet defeated the Whitman college
team, S3 to 22. The W. S. C. team was
in the lead at the end of the first half.
its to 11.
The . Warren Construction team won
two out of three games from the Ger
mah Lager team last night in the only
match . rolled j in f the House league
Werschkul made the hi eh score of the
evening, 202, j and Wyckoff registered 9uinn H
the hlKh averaae. Peabody ,LH
The fecores-j
.Old German Imager
We4ell c
Black .......
Meyers ......
1st. 2d. 3d. TtL At.
,.181 149 160 490 163
..142 139 130 411
..156 138 144 438
..140 ITS 138 434
..179 15f 195 633
. .829 761 767 2356
Although it was defeated by the score
of five goals to none, the Lincoln High
school soccer Jeam gave the Columbia
university eleven, leaaers oi. me lnier
scholastic league, Its hardest battle of
the present season. The Columbia
team tallied three- goals in the first
period, one of which was a splendid
penalty kick by Peabody. In the sec
ond half Columbia tallied but two
goals. . '
.The defensive .playing, of the Cardi
nal backs was the feature of the game.
Time after time the west aiders stopped
Columbia's hard attacks and booted the
ball back into' Columbia's territory.
Columbia's scoreSj.were made by Pea
body, J. Murphy, . Nixon and Bllodeau,
Murphy scoring two goals. The lineup:
Columbia (6). ' Lincoln (0).
Leonard Goal Coey
Philbln RB Roussellot
Bernhofer LB F. Buech
O'Brien ....... iRHB. .. Luckeyk
HB Wolvertonl
HB Mills
nnAj.... AD w tt.u
I31IUUCUU .......VXkX'.. I1U1 I
Nixon (Capt.) .. .1 R F. ..CC) Tannensee
Riggs .......... .C F Roppie
J. Murphy ILF Ritter
jacobberger .. . . J L b - Norfke
Cllbborn, of Multnomah club, ref
eree; "Scotty" Duncan and R. Duncan,
The ,
industry offers big chances of
congenial, well - paid employ
ment, with easy hours. If you
are a TRAINED MAN. Tou can
learn to be a competent repair
man and driver at our School,
under the supervision of a Fac
tory expert.
Special night course (techni
cal) for those who drive cars.
Ladles and Men. Investigate
our methods. Call or write.
Oregon Automobile
. School
V MATH 6534. '
268-368 EIllVliaTH STBEXT,
178 I linesmen,
, Warren Construction Co.
Hare ....
Getty ...
.143 166 202 511 170
.192 187 166 645 182
..131 163 159 453 151
..142 136 153 431 143
..145 188 175 508 169
Total J.i 753 840 855
High score. Werschkul, 202; high average.
Wjtckfctf, 182. f
Boxing and Wrestling
The last lnterclub smoker, this sea
son Snokanei Athletic club vs. M. A.
A. C, at the club gymnasium to
night. 8:30 o'clock. Admission, 11;
reserved seats. $1.50. Tickets on sale
at Archer & Wiggins company. Honey
man Hardware comoanv., A. G. Spald
ing & Bros.. Schiller's cigar store, and
tne ciuu orrice. . (A.av.)
Coffroth" Surprised to Find
One of His Boxers in the
1 ntomzzi.
A Genuine
Clean-Up Sale
Hart Schaffner & Marx
Suits and Overcoats H kess
In order to rid ourselves of all Fall and
Winter-weight Fancy Fabric Suits and
Qvercoats, to make room, for the new
bpnng stock, we re givng you the ad
vantage of our profits. Plenty medium
weights, which will give you a late sea
son's wear.
Priced as Follows :
$20.00 Sliils and Overcoats $14.95
$25.00 Suits and Overcoats $18.75
30.00 Suits and Overcoats $22.50
$35.00 Suits and Overcoats $26.25
It's tme to discard the old lid. Better com
iri and see the new shapes we've in store for
you. Every style for the young or old, in
soft or stiff blocks. f
I Stetson, Trimble, Multnomah
I $3, $4, S5, 7.50, $10
The Men's Shop for Quality and Service.
Northwest Corner Third and Morrison.
San Francisco. - Feb. 20. Promoter
corrrotn was amused today over a tel.
egram he received from Harlem Tommy
Murphy. After waiting until he
reached Wisconsin and was - so far
away that he ' could not ' he recalled.
Murphy wired Coffroth that he had
canceled his theatrical engagements In
the northwest because of a: cold; that
he was on his way to New York and
would return to San Francisco three
weeks before his scheduled bout with
Willie Ritchie. April 17.
"I thlnlr perhaps Tommy was home.
sick," said Coffroth, "but there was
nothing else the matter with him. His
manager, Jim Buckley, asked me to
keep Murphy on the coast. Tommy
knew about this, and he waited until
he was half way across the. continent
before sending me a message."
Races at Juarez.
Juarez, Feb. 20. Results yesterday
First ra'ce-Frahcls. 3 to l..even.
to 2. won: 'Art Rick, 8 to l. U. to 1,
second; Doncaster, 7 to 10, third. Time,
1:15 1-5. Scratched. Garden of Allah,
Brigham, Ktbelda. Sinn Felnn.
Second raca Sister Florence. 5 to 2,
even, 1 to 2, Von; Vireo, 15 to 1. 6 to.
1. second; Miami. 8 to 5. third. Time.
1:41 2-5. 'Sc'rktc'h'ed, Downland, Defy,
Joe Woods.
Third race Othello. 4 to 1. even.
to 2, won; Orb, 4 to. 6, 1 to 4. second
Hodge, out, third. Time, 1:00,
Scratched, Bob Hensley. -
Fourth race Black Eyed Susan, i to
1. 2 to 1, even, won; Belle of Bryn
Mawr. 9 to 10, 2 to 5, second; Truly,
7 to io, third.-'Time,' i:z7. -
Fifth race Edmond AdamsJ 16 to 6
3 to 2. 7 to 10, won; John D. Wake
field, 7 to 6, 7 to 10, second; Orange
Blossom, even, third. Time. 1:07 2-5.
Scratched. Any Time.
Sixth race Denmark, 4 to 5. 1 to .2
'1 to 4. won; Dave Montgomery, 7 to 5
1 to 2, second; Garter, - even, third.
Time, 1:40 4-6. '
The White
Satin Striped . ?S
Madras Collar
that is all the V
- ragejnstaow.
11111 Come tocby or Saturday to this Up- vlr
11111 1111 tirs Clothes Shop for the greatest A
1?I Clothes values you ever laid eyes v
Mll upon for Ten Dollars!
II I .. ; 1
Wff K f I J J Come Expecting to rmd the same 1 m
M h h rl I class of Clothes that ground-floor, 1 i
1 I 1 II I high-rent stores must sell for $20 to I 1
sill II Is P t r e ii i ' I It
1 1 f oo: uur lamousry low prices nave i i i ;
been $15, $20 and $25. , ! 1
ft This lot includes broken lines of j ;
i our very best numbers! Every gar- j
m IV ment is a desirable style, fabric and "
color! And there are sizes here for l
Wli U 1 men of every build. The smartest ll
ill t mi styles for young men more coruer- i li
1 vative effects as welL Even our fa- !
V mous Navy Blue Serges are included! jj; I iMi
1 Don't wait come quickly! Direct 1
j V ' ervce Second Floor by our own f l Ji
Y private elevator, on Fourth, just off f ViPl
Washington. 1
Sw SL I Wm fctogten Jtree ta.. Private elevator on 4th Si.
6. F. Ma Ct. Man,
TKOY. f. V.
Oregon Humane Society:
Office, Room 124 Sargent Hotel. Cor. Grand ,
and Hawthorne. Phones, Eaat 1433, B-SM&. i
Kight call, aat tdl. i
Rone ambulance for alrtt or dlaabled ani
mals at a moment's notice. Prices reason
ll.lf. Hpport all cases of erneity, to thl
office. Take all cats, dofcs and other small
animals to be disposed of to 413 East SeTr
enth street, cor. Grant.
is mea.ireF
Alio From Lbs An
geles Santa Fe De Luxe
Extra Fare $25
Santa FeVhew
three-times -a-day
Service from SaiS Fran
cisco makes it so quick
er time on the California
Limited this season.
All steel equipment,
too. Double track for
miles, and miles.
Standard sleeper to the
rim of the Grand Canyon.
The California Limited
The Tourist Flyer '
. The Overland Express
im Third iu ro&nurD
Fkona-iKala U74
673 XCarket.' San rranclsco
, rboae xearaay 318
' : 1A18 Broadway, Oakland
Phona lakeside 435
"Fifty years am, when Golden Wedding -Whiskey
was young.
VOU'LL always find in a place of
A quality, where the tavern-kbeper is
noted for serving the best the market
affords, pure, mellow, old, sun-ripened
. . i - .
Friends really get the proper zest out of d
social hour when they've a little wonderfully-flavoredi I ', t 1
rare, old, Ooldcn Wedding between them.
Made according to a secret formula, guarded care
fully for ages, and distilled under strict government
supervision, this historically great old whiskey meets;
the highest expectations of the people ' Who want
something extra excellent. .' " . t:
Iti the .one wniskey .that's beyond all ..criticism
because it is j",
. Waa
"Made Differenty.
Vi .
I '.o.i.-.
Journal Want Ads 4jring results.
i i