A II if v7 II If yt Kj yt y V f (Continued From Preceding Page.) Mary Warren. Master Lawrence and , fully adorned with decorations appro- Joseph warren, Mesdames W. a. im- i pnau to me valentine, season, uamti man and Warreni jwero played after which dainty re- it it Jfreshments were served. , During the On Saturday February . 7. June, '14, f afternoon several violin selections were eiaao f Rr Mark's Aetdcmv. wu de-' rendered by Miss Marie Chapman and ', llghtfully entertained at the horn of Miss Olga Hendricksen gave several j Mlsa ' Hilda Hendrlckuon by five of enjoyable readings. . Miss Eleanor 1 their t classmates. .. Misses.. Catherine Ryan, president of the. class, gave a O'Brien, Florence Sullivan. Amy Nib- j iraof "inoM present - were: -Aiissea nni Mrs len. Winifred Smith and Hilda Hen-! Alice Hughes;; Eleanor Ryan, Agnes nu jura. . Unria r ui . in date was the wedding anniversary of Mrs. 'I. T. Mason, Mr, wedding ring was used , on this occa-iF." White. Dr. and j Mrs. L. rtf. r f.i;l"u- J22ZTZZ ivJZZtZZT! wT-CT wTi the brides parents, ' her mother's . David Dupee. Mr., and Mrs. George i""'" ""ti' wV.7,,.VV,'""7 rCi;;' weaatng ring was USea.on.lDis wi- r. nniie, , - ur. .una jhio. a m. - - , " - " yarmadta pv-, ; TPtv.-i i-.i ,1, rri.tv, -ton. the bride was given ; In : mar- Davis, , Mr. , and Mrs. I W.J H. Hull. to tb uao , ?af W.T ' Kleral? CaFherine Enni8 thS-lne rlage fcy Mrs. Clark M. Plerson. She'captain and Mrs Victor regerstedt. Played, after which dainty retrenh-. tS rfnf M.rlt ii w..B lovyeIy in a gown of Ivory char- Mr. and Mrs. C. a Qulne, Mt and Mm; enU , were wrv Mwtf r- "?ir meusc. with garniture of princess lace. Thomas Pressor, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph - .. ,rrw it ..n m. - a t i nui renuereu dv miss jua.rie iuldixioju "u w -v - shirred .ml caught with sprays of nat- Mr. and Mrs. M. H. Steelsmith, Mr. and Miss Olga Hendricksongav. veral , Slfrlel Cnner Frances BruS: . -r-v. . i . t o r..v.i. .., t -m eniovable reaoinas. Miss - Eleanor iuriei j Conner, trances utsrien, " " foas! JartS wore a gown of golden hued chiffon, 'nedy. Mr. 'and Mrs. A. C. Cooper, Mr. -ce Hughes, Eleanor Ryan. Agnea j ' Mr, and Mn en nueo cnnion, neay. aar. ana xurs. a, v. vuper, .T" Mr. and Mr. IX- B. Howell enter-" dVaned over lace, and carried a shower and Mrs. J. A. Price, R. J. Schestler, "u V.r J2m7r'mV i talned - -at v. a five - hundred partjr ft white carnations. The Plerson home Miss Jessie Prosser and Beesie Steel- vena BaHiUin, Margaret Corbet Mar-, Wedne8day evemng at tneir homa;in was artistically decorated with the smith, Mr. and Mrs. S. P. Cota. Mrs. J. uerue ves. ttiei Clara. uth Rose City Park. I The housed was ef. White and green of palms, smilax, nar-M. Turner, Miss Francis Degerstedt. a". ;aU,r;Ine !I?nms "Ien " ,ectlvely decorated with ferns and ciwus an.l Oregon grape. The color i ! " , ' ""-"""f 1 " T.. "K har,s- Prl2 ere von hy Mrs, Rice, ncl.eme of the dining room, where a' '-Tne iM graauaung ciass oi x"r " 5, f V H-mI , .!. Mr. Loveth" and Mrs. Goodwin. Thos dainty repast was served, was pink, Mount Tabor school gave, a surprise O'Hare. Marie Chapman. Adelaide present wero: Mr. "ana Mrs." Eugene fxpressed in earriatlons and streamers party in honor of Miss BeBBie Osten- UHan.on. Or J Richardson, Muriel RIce Mr.' and Mrs. V. A. Cram, Mr, i.f ninb r-hiTon. ' "on, me oooasion oemg ner huictiuu -vviuhui, and , Mrs. it- J. Nedd. Mr. ana Mrs. Among the out of town guests were;, birthday. The guests were delightfully Manning, Margaret Casey, -Grace Swee- jU. l. Sharp. Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Rltter, Mra. (leorge Ilanilltou, of Orants Pass; entertained by Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Stew- ney and Julia McCarthy. JMr and Mrs. Henry Larson, Mr. and Miss Poison, of SeattW; Mri and Mrs. art at, their beautiful suburban home,. w W Mrs. William A, Lovett, Mr. and Mrs. wir iiui.ii ,.r nlninKiiK inhirt. and one mile nonneasi oi Monianua. a pieanani surprise pariy was given ; james - uooawin. Mr. ana Mrs. A. u. Mrs. Henry D. Kimball. Miss Austin j Many beautiful presents were received, last Wednesday evening at the home Beesley, Mr. and Mrs. John Jost, Mr. nd Miss rttappell of Kalein. I uames were enjoyea auu pmi.u "i r. inu mib, Hv ml Mm. Maclean will make . renaerea oy miss j--""" vewniv ";"ii fh Valentin party Thursday, February 12. at her home, 701 Tale streeC The rooms were beautifully decorated for the occasion. A large cut glass dowi of red carnations adorned the dining table where pretty place cards In the shape of Cupid and a heart marked covers for? 12 guests. Honors. at auc tion were won by Mrs. J. E. Sophy and Mrs. W.: S. Haxnacher. The consolation prize fell to Mrs. F. F. Brandes,Mra. W. S. Hamacher will he -the next nost esa at her residence. 403 East Fortieth street north, February 26. I ' it it ' ' Mrs. U E. Losey, 7114 Fifty-second avenue j southeast, was a delightful hostess at an informal 600 party Wed nesday -afternoon, three tables being arranged, card honors fell to. Mrs. S. L. Eddy and Mrs. J. Rlsenger. A dainty four coarse' luncbeon was served. The guests were: Mrs. Joe oougn. Mrs. k. E. Oatfleld, Mrs. James B. Rogers, Mrs. J-iUCil Devlne, Mrs. P. A. Cal ander, Mrs. C A. Brand es, Mrs. S. L. Eddy. Mrs. Hollenhead. Mrs. Q. Feath ers. Mrs. Harry Baker, Mrs. B. Bluhm, Mrs. J. iRisenger. ' II FRATERNAL NOTES The following compose the committee" entertainment committee of the Ladles which la arranging this affair: Mrs.. Auxiliary of the Portland Motor Boat W. P. Liills, chairman; Miss Anna club and the Portland Motor Boat club. Kearns, Miss Kate Reldy. Miss Anna, t- --- . -W--.-M HUUOBJ-, miam aiargarei jiaarron, Mrs. Hark Hunter and Miss Etta Wascher. Multnomah Social club will- give a E social dance Saturday, February 14. at Hill HalL 271 V6 Russell street, corner Williams avenue, the proceeds of which will go to- the Union Spiritual Ly ceum. Good music will be furnished. A dancing party that is being looked forward to for the coming week-Is to be given-by the student body of . the central . Business college Thursday. February 19. at the new Cotillion hall. Invitations have been Issued. The J. G. Morrison, 887 and Mrs. Oliver, Rudlg. Mr.; and Mrs. ; In honor,, of their Frank Reynolds. their future home In Roseburg, where ' and others, were the principal features wooden wedding anniversary. Five Thursday afternoon Mrs. Howell .......... i ui nl.i..n. orJ t.in0 ' nf th evenlna's entertainment. At the hundred and dancine furnished the 4 also , entertained at a bridge party. y. conclusion or tne party a ouriei iuncu- , entertainment ior, tne evening, jars. j. ; rr uses , were won oy mrs, uhvicb uu planned to welcome them to that city, 'V w Of unusual Interest to their friends here is the announcement of the wed ding last Monday in San Francisco of Miss Maude Rosamund Dobbs of Fort land and Herbert-Leland Walkup of San Francisco. The wedding took place at high noon. The bride Is the daughter of Mr'. ' and Mrs. E. 8. Pobbs of PrinevlHe. Or. The bridegroom is the youngest son of Mr.- and Mrs. W. B. Walkup. a prominent pioneer family of San Fran Cisco. thew eon was served by the hostess. guests were Alma Jones, O'Berg, Margaret Callan, j A. Baltic won ladles' prize. Mrs. A. T. miscellaneous prise, and J. G. Morrison The ' G. Morrison and Florence j and gents' first Bertha j Geary won the Thomas. Mary Thomas. Mamie McCur- Mrs. F. Lehman dy. Elaine O'Berg, Madge Tooley, Ag- j were , winners of the booby prizes. nes Tooley, Bessie Ostenson, Kstner Tnose present were:. Mrs. F. Lehman, Stewart, Iva Harter, Mr, and Mrs. J. E. Mr. and Mrs. A. 0. Geary, Mr. and Mrs. fitworf anil ann llAWev Charlton. Wes- A. Baltic. Mr. and Mrs. S. Freeland. ley Wheeler, Raul Rapp, Fred Aust, Mr. and Mrs. F. G. Kunz, Mr. and Mrs ! w--C Richardson. Mrs. Henry Larson. Kenneth Ackley and Donald wcrner- u. rnnggs, miss sadie Anderson, Mlsa -- " T " ' " son. ' t . fTilha Freedland, Miss Gertie Kun! i Mrs. A. M. Alspaugh, Mrs. L. J.Nedd. , Miss Vera Baltic Miss Ella WlUiams, ' Mrs ThomasE. Dodson, Mrs. George Master Gerald Castro, son or air. o. Kunz. J. Crof tJ G. Delainev. S. Oker He Is a graduate of St. Mat- and Mrs. Ray Ger'ald Castro, of 185 ; land afid C.. Rose a prominent club man and .a Stanton street, entertamea a group ui . Mrs. Alspaugh. Those present were: Mrs. Harold Wllklns, Mrs. R. G. Dun can, Mrs. Jonn Tellermann, Mrs. M. A. Wilklns. Mrs. W. O. Feenaughty, Mrs. O. A. Feenaughty, Mrs. W. H. Gray, Mrs. L. L Sharp, Mrs. J D. Wilson, Mrs. G. -W. Houghton, Mrs. A. E. Pierce, Mrs. B. M. Batterfield, Mrs. member of the firm of W. B. Walkup his, little friends on his fifth birthday. Saturday evening, February 7, was & Hon, publishers, of San Francisco. After a short honeymoon in the south, Mr. and Mrs. Walkup will make their home In Portland, where Mr. Walkup has assumed the management of a branch office. While in San Francisco, Mr. and Mrs. Walkup were guests of Mr. and Mrs. William WainWi'ight and Mr. and -Mrs. W. B. Walkup. WW Miss Marie Owens and J. B. Gilmoro . were quietly married at Hood Rlveri Tuesday, February 3, hy Kev. Father Maxmllllan. After the ceremony a wedding breakfast was served at the no me oi tne unue s inuincr, mri. u. o. Schiller. Mr. and Mrs. Ollmore will be "at iiome to their many friends at The. Dalles after March 1. No cards. R, B. Olden and Miss Flossie Eltz were married Suturday afternoon at 4 o'clock at the home of the bride's pa rents, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Eltz, 022. Bel mont street. The Rev. Mr. Fry f Bunnyside Methodist church read the ceremony. ' E. W. Austin and Miss Ella David son, both of Portland, were united In marriage at the home of Mrs. S. C. Vlmtiu 1 1 241 Dost V.i a-lit v-f mirth atreet north, February 1 1, at 8:45 p. m., by Rev. 6. H. Kimball, former minister of the Montavilla ' Christian church. Mr. Austin Is In the employ of the Pacific Bridge company. Mrs. Austin was a school teacher, having done con siderable teaching at Hood River, and at different places in the 'Willamette valley. Mr. and Mrs. Austin will make their home in Portland. it it On last Tuesday evening, February 10, a pretty wedding was solemnized, when ' Charles C. Spears, formerly of Oklahoma, and Mrs. RoSle Woolen, bet i ter known to her Portland friends as Rosle Littletield, were married at the residence of Mrs. H. R. Llttlefield, 701 East Burnslde street. Rev. J. Boweraox oriiciaung. miss violet Merse was bridesmaid, and J. T. Brack best man. Miss Anna Olson rlayed the wedding march. The bride's bouquet was caught by Mlas Louise Dammeler. Only relatives and the Intimate friends were present at the ceremony. After congratulations, light refreshments were served. Mr. and Mrs. Spears will be at home to their friends at 86V East Jessup fctreet, after March 1. On last Thursday evening, February 6, Matthew R, Terry and Miss Margaret Beaupre were married at .the home of the bridegroom's cousin, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Slavens. P.ev: V. E. Wll lings of Arleta officiating. The bride was charmingly attjFed in a gown of wnite crepe de chin and lace, her veil was caught up with blossoms. She carried an arm bouquet of white rose buds. The bride was attended by Mrs. W.. H. Slavens acting as matron of honor. Mr. ferry was attended by Floyd Griffin. Master Frank Slavens was ring bearer and carried the ring in a calla lily. Master- Dale James was flower boy. The wedding march - was played by Miss Shull. The cere mony was performed in the living room under a wedding bell and bower of Oregon grape. The house was pret tily decorated In Oregon grape' and ferns, color scheme was pink and T white. Immediately after the cere mony a nice luncheon was served 35 guests being present. Mr. and Mrs. Terry will be at home to their many friends at 4204 Sixty-fifth street S. E. -a The party was made up of the following: ; the occasion of a Ivery delightful party, i f 4r T"',, P V r"f Miss Maxlne Bird. Miss Lucile Davis, wnich was given at the new home of ; TM " ""A " 7tr- PAninanTar1 1 hnnnr i MIms Clara Castro, Miss Geraldyne Mrs. Pearl Ryan Castro, Miss Hattie Webber. Master Georce Over. Master Jack; Mltchei, Master Howard Patrick. Mrs. William Anderson entertained Surprenunt, Mrs. H. M. Kimball, Mrs. E. D. Klttoe, Mrs. T. O. Seaton, Mrs, Ginnane. - , The O. H. S. club met at the home noon. - A very. pleasant afternoon was enjoyed by ail present. The honors were won by Mrs, M. Jones and Mrs. Stone. Miss Buckenmeyer's dancing school pupils and friends gave one of their of her son. Worth. There were over 30 young people present, and various games were indulged in, after which a dainty supper ras served. The lat ter part of the tfvenine: Was spent in Friday afternoon in her apartments at , dancing, and thelyountr folks did not the Cumberland at cards onor8J" depart until a very late hour Those , delightful parties on Tuesday evening to Mrs. Murphy. Mrs .Boss, and Mrs-, present were ,: Mrs. Potter. Miss Jack- ,n hall. The occasion was a Sur"e8"; Jh.! pJ,e.!e-nt,,Wfr.0 eJ' M'.T,oblnlK8s arn"'i:"8s ar Valentine party. Over 7R couples at- r -"n " i rrel yL.'I. -mma. MiVer'Mrs-! tended, enjoying a long program with mrs. Duroess, juib. u. w, " " wormam, miss tjnerwooa, miss Mary . th h-oitation waltz and one sten Laraway, Mrs. F. Schanz, Mrs J. Mc- , Mannhart. Miss Eunice Holbrook. Missithe hesItatlon wajtz and one etep, Allister. Mrs. J. Beckley. Mrs: R- Beck- ! jean Holbrook. Mia Rprti Miu Mnn ! mi ... . ley. Mrs. Murphy. Mrs." H. Frederick, Glnty. Mrs. Pearl Ryan MrsTRT Ry TueXrevVnlne at a cnl .e, ... " -nauiwiL. pir. ana jars, tnaries... the hnm nf Miss Carrie Seehtem Auucrsdn. uooanouen, Mr. ana Mrs. Claude Horr-1 n.1.1. .,-.v,.nt.i man, tmr Allison, George Qlnty, Ar- Those nresent were: Marcaret Fried tUxin TIT.... ."!- 1 -TV l j rrr. a i r . . uiui vaj, ui . i ns, naroiu aiers, , hof f Thekla. Becker. Marie Weber. ana vnns xaorrison. Eleanor Regner, Carrie and Marie W W The ladies' Idle Hour 500 club en tertained their husbands Wednesday evening, February 4, at the! home of Mrs. C. F. Wagner, Fourteenth and East Burnside streets. Charles Morrison .4 - -. rne .Ladies of St. Lawrence's COMING EVENTS i The Portland O. A, C. club will en- was ' assisted" in entertaining . by her daughter. Mrs. Rhinehart. and Mrs. Ketchum, Tuesday, February 10. At 1 o'clock air were Invited to the dining room, where an elaborate luncheon was served. Considerable sewing was accomplished and a very pleaaant so cial time throughout the day was en- Joyed by all. Those present were Mrs. patronesses are Mrs. H. J.y Leader, Mrs. j Prichard." Mrs. Rhinehart. Mrs. Ketch R. Taylor. Mrs. C. E. Carlton, and Mrs. urn. Mrs. Williams. Mr. Lombard. G. J. Steel. The committee in charge Mrs. Stevens. Mrs. Elvers, Mrs. Sea- Bailey, Miss Viola Landeen. Charles . Mrs. McKennett, Miss Clalrmon. Miss Vancil. Fred Carlton. Irene Steele, Nor- Brownell and Master Jamea Rhine ma Mceve. Walter Kuhnhausen, Albert 1 hart. Herndobler and 11. B. Cate. Mrs. Elvers Invited the club to her J home, 964 East Twenty-eighth street. An event that Is looked forward tOin Friday. February 27. Take Alberta with pleasure is the fourth annual ball car to Twenty-seventh street, then one to be given by the employes of the block east and two south. Klwanda council .11, Degree of Poca- The Lincoln-Garfield Thimble club was entertained at the home of Mrs. Prlchard. 476 East Fiftieth street, who T J l. i . . 7,., .IV L " 7h. t: ... i -Vtii-. i that has Just closed,-won the -state over 100 members, . are Mra. . B. M. Leach, president; t MrV' Belle " Pef f er, secretary, and Mrs. Luella Hale, treas urer. :;. : i . - . ' .. Eureka Council . 04," Knights and Ladies of Security, held; an interesting, meeting Monday .evening In their hall. East Sixth and Aider Streets. Seven applications for membership were re- . ceived. Eureka Council, in a contest banner. Klrkpatrlck Council 2227 has held the banner the'pasl .year. - Eureka Council extended a cordial invitation to Klrkpatrlck Council : to meet with them and the officers and members of Klrkpatrlck attended m body; Eureka degree staff escorted tlem In the hall where they were given'a hearty wel come. Sister Bertha,;, King. In a few well chosen words;;: presented' the prise banner to Eureka Council. Broth- er D. L. Pong, president of Eureka Council, accepted the' banner, compli menting Klrkpatrlck otfi' the wonderful growth In the iait. ie off leers. of Eureka surrendered their 'offices -.t Lthe officers of the tMtlng counoll. who conducted the InitUtion work, af ter which refreshment were served. Eureka will hold an 4 open meeting Monday evening, February It.-. The Scotch Thlstle8ttflal cluh, under the suspires of Clan Xtftcleay Order of Scottish Clans and Ladies' Auxiliary, held a masquerade ball Friday evening. It was the most enjoyable of the aeries Wells Fargo company Friday evening. .v,' .k-t ".I'." February 20. at the New Cotillion hall. club. Twenty-first and Thompson i Invitations have been issued and one hontas. were royally entertained In the streets.! on the evening of Thursday. of tne raOHt "Jyble evenings of the reservation of Lelu Tribe No. 62. Im Februarv 19 Danclne and cards at on anticipated. The patronesses proved Order of Redmen, last Wednes- 8:30, informal. - t.i'-X uance. given . by; Ihe club. The ww 'i, V . U i,, U V.ir . " h.biiju,u m, line nine, i patronesses were: MrsiiD. Henderson, The Ct. -NT O "R o-irlii will nt ort 1 n E. A. Muncey. Mrs. F. B. Fisher. Mrs. I After onenlnf remarks v Donntv I .-. . . u - . c-- " , - - - - - " r i mi. a r. xiuniiry, iSi I IV, . Monday evening, February 22. at the M. Graham; honorary. Miss Hazel , Great Sachem George Ferrin, a musical J Donald and Mrs R Dft Watson. Th new (jotunon naji, ixurteentn, on omiivau uu auub. omunu. program was renaerea. boo ana Washington streets. A sDeclal dance committee: C. W. Lillie. E. H. Harrl- i whist followed, then refreshments and program has been arranged and the Bon. w- E- Clint. H. S. Hughes, H. S. dancing gave a most fitting close. The usual evening of enjoyment is assured Bennam, jasman McCartney, .fc.mii to their guests. 1 arr, u. iugier. i. u. Lyons. it it I -T- The LaHoa cluh is lsaulnr lnvlta- The postal clerks are looking for- tlons for its last Dartv before Lent, i ward to a good time at their second .necial train will lnv "First m4 amp to b given Tuesday, February 24, at ! annual ball to be given Wednesday ; t 7:16 next Wednesday evening 'for Christensen'a Mrs. W. F. Graham, ! evening, the 18th. at the New Cotillion . Oregon City, where the Oregon City Mrs. W. A. Elvers, Mrs. P. Douglas, hall. The latest . dances will be fea- Redmen and Pocahontasea will ban Mrs. Wi P. LUlls and Mrs. J. J. -Hogan tured. The committee In charge is: quel and entertain the Portland war- will aci, as patronesses, h U N. Acaerson, vai i. uruegei, r. i. riors and squaws. The degree team The Oregon Tacht cluh will give Its F. A. Tarrant. The patronesses will Valentine dancing party on Saturday be: Mrs. E. V. Ball, Mrs. F. E. Ross, evening; February 14, at the club- Mrs..Z. A. Leigh and Mrs. L. J. Tlbbels, degree team. Mrs. Stansbury. captain, left the North Bank depot at 6:35 last evening for Scappoose, where a new Pocahontas lodge will be instituted. A house. All club members and friends are invited to be present The patron esses will be Mrs. T. X. MendenhalL Last Tuesday Dr. -V. de Lory deliv ered a lecture on Radln, the great Mrs. Ej J. Carr and Mm. R. M. Em- . French sculptor. "Radln is to modern erson. The committee 1 charge: Mra ! sculpture what Michel Angelo was In Fred Blglow Newton, Mfs. A. J. Ram- I his time, what Beethoven has been In say and Mrs. Arthur Trambull Brown. n:uslc and what Milton has been for if. if i j poetry." These lectures are free and The Voung people of St. Mary's are given every Thursday and Friday church,; Williams avenue, will give a from 11 to 12, in Lipman & Wolfe's comedy entitled "Lost and Found," ' phonograph hail. Seehtem, Teresa Dorney, Anna and the Altar society of i ciara Scherzinger. Mary Gllroy and uuuruji, enwrwmea Elizabeth Borsch. Thei-next nartv will Progressive duo was piayeu ana-six i most successfullyl at the home of Mrs. rtven at "the home? of r Miss Marv tables Preparedfor the guesU , Card w. p. Lllll8f 583 rmh 8treet, WcdneB. ; 0:Jn " 'Xv Fehalvl8i,4Mary honors fell to Mrs. H. P. Meyer and day from 2 to 5 p. m. in the parlors vreurge oiuiuu. land dining room Which were decorated! Mrs A. TTo mor was hnnfou nt After a daintv lunch toeina servea, ,, ,,.1 j ....... .... . , . oninoi n--".ijr . v.i.it "'csuu mi uu. ouu party on xoesaay aiiernoon ai dancing and singing were also enjoyed . Poinsettiaai tno ,lables were arranged her beautiful home in Piedmont. A V10??' rjf,ieTUr W p MrP;i' for cards- The Flr8t Prlze was won very interesting game was played and J,', -d " , v : by Miss Mary MCManon ana the con- high scores were. made. A delicious repast was served after which music and dancing were enjoyed. Those Mr. and Mrs. James B. Rogers, Mr and 6olatlo rie by kls8 EUen N,a "r8A If6 "iUD iV- Rn? "I Mrs. Edgar Wiliiams. Daniel Wilson V "V, T i, T ":;: tr. and Master Carl Senn contributed ; present were Mrs. Jennings. Mrs. Long, urewa, -" "L,." " ;"R well rendered musical selections, which ; Mrs. Llnd. Mrs. Marsch. Mrs. Brown, , i' w fitJl.rir i.nd Mrs wwe well received, after which re- J Mrs. Buck, Mrs, Wells, Mrs. Barth. iVrJi., lt- freshmonts werel served. About 70 I Mrs. Lowltz, Mrs. Olsen, Mrs. Broddle. and Mrs.' C. F. Wagner. Miss Edith l8Hclled. urgth a"ernoon. The Pettier Mlsa fleorela DeUurey. .ciMHmitiee wnicn i arrangea me aiiair rettlgrew, MISS ueorgia iJenfuiejr. ,TOa mmnnsert nf Mesdnmea W T r.11. Mr. and Mrs. . G. Field. 407 East l8.Jraes ""i P" J" J"1"!"; J Fifty-fourth street, entertained with a J- IL801- Jn," Go6f rove. R. McCloud dancing party for the younger set in an w- J- Snll L Aslrtinsr "Vi com" honor ot their nephew, Arthur L. John- Wh rMfS" t t?' "U,lmfe' t, -tn nf m in nea noil, on last ! Saturday M- Smith, Mrs. J. P. Bulletset. Miss vvwsa ' tUala H 1 IKi VTJ a A-annl rm TViAoa nraiATlt WsTA Misses May EuTricVadys gigle. An- Cowan and Miss Mary Lilll. nette Nebboch, Enis HlckOk, : Anna Hickok, Hazel Litell, Hanna Planch, and Messrs. Willis Clark. Ward Eul- J?' w Mrs. G. W. Feathers entertained the Lei Aloha club on Mrs. Schroeder, Mrs. Darling and- the hostess. - Mr. and Mrs. Walter W. Hymes en tertained a number of friends with .a Valentine party at their apartment In the Serene court Thursday evening. Cards were played in the. sun parlors of the-court and the honors fell to Mrs. Martin. Mr. Barde and Mr. Small. Mr. Martin rendered ' several very pleasing piano selections. Refresh ments were served in the apartment next Thursday evening, February 19, in the Columbus club auditorium. ThoBe taking part are the Misses Golds Goulet, i Catherine Martin, Gertrude Hogan, Vera Baltic and Lillian Martin, Messrs. Arthur Wells, Frank. Hart, Tom Brady, Ward Eulrich, Walter Morris and Arthur Mahony, The Washougal Social club will en tertain ; their friends at a Valentine dancing party to be given at the Co lumbia i club gymnasium on Saturday night. February 14. Joe Jacqmart and Gladys jRlngler of San Francisco will do the 'fancy tango and other late so ciety dancing. The committee is Vel meleta Woolefy, Beatrice Roberts, Nell M. Brown, Lillian NageL T. L. Gary, Leighton H. Steele and Horace N. Steele. ' The patronesses will be Mrs. A. H. Steele, Mrs. L. H. Freeland and Mrs. W. B. Greenman. Division No. 1, Ladies' Auxiliary, Ancient Order of Hibernians, will give a Valentine masquerade dancing party Monday evening, February 16, in W. O. W. hall, 128 Eleventh street. Cards will also be played in the ante.rooma. it The Police Athletic and Beneficiary association will give their fifth an nual ball at the Armory. Monday night. February 23, to maintain a fund for the care of sick or wounded policemen. What promises to be one of the delightful events of the coming week Is the dancing party of the "Ellers Club," Monday evening, February 16. at Cotillion halL The one step, hesi tation waltz and tango will be featured as extras, with a special demonstra tion by one of Portland's dancing mas ters. Special committee: Miss L. E. Appel. Miss L. Stanley. Mrs. Z. Baker and Miss S. Carlson. Committee of ar rangements: A. E. Barntckel. chair man: R. J. Clary, Frederick Carlton, Arthur Stein and K. C. Blackwood. The patronesses will be: Mrs. S. J. .Me Cormlck. Miss Helen Ellers, Mrs. G. A. Hoffman, Mrs. R. O. Burnett, Mrs. John Foley and Mrs. A. Dugan. it A dance and a card party will be held Monday evening. February 23, in the Portland Motor Boat club house at the foot of Woodward avenue. The affair will be under the auspices of the will put on the tepee work. The dance committee, Mrs. Belle Johnson, chair man, is planning for a hard times party in the near future. Announce ments later. Those -desiring tickets for Oregon City phone Main 8994, or see committee of arrangements, Mrs. E. L. Gale or Messrs. Freslenger orJ Johnson. Wednesday, February 11, at noon, the officers and members of the Thim ble club of the Women of Woodcraft of the city entertained the members of the grand board of managers and ex ecutlve council at a sumptuous luncheon This Is the first meeting of the, offi cials of the order since the grand circle session last August. Their dutlea are to review the work done during the In terim, and they left for their .homes enthusiastic over the results of the meeting. The executive council con sists of all the grand circle officers: Mrs. C. C. Van Orsdall, grand guardian; Mrs. Bertha S. Leach, grand banker; J. L. Wrieht. mnil clerk of Portland: Evangeline Hearts, grand adviser, Denver, Colo.; Mrs. Minerva Marshall, grand magician. Eureka, CaL; Mrs. Anna L. Miller, grand captain of guards, Oakland, Cal.; Mrs. Rllla Mc- Connell, grand attendant, Boise. Idaho; Mrs. Ella Isgar, grand inner sentinel; Mrs. Elizabeth Hinds, grand outer sen- t-tlnel. San Jose, Cal. Grand board of managers: Mrs. Annie . Hawkins, To ledo. Or.; Mrs. Cora O. Wilson, San Francisco; Mrs. Mary Baer, Salt Lake City, Utah; Mrs. Anna MardalL Helena, Mont; Mrs. Kate Edwards. Seattle; Mrs. Mary J. Hunt. Sallda, Colo. The officers of the Thimble club, which has Judges were Miss Besfcle-A: Gatens. Miss Reglna West, A. Cj. Black and H. K. Doering, who awarded prizes to James Gait, as the La)rd o' Cock pen, best dressed gentleman':" Mlsa Marie Cal der wood, as Dolly Varden, beat . dressed lady; Miss Jennie Duncan, aa Scotch Thistle, was theiitnost originally dressed lady; Willl&in Gray, as a tinker's wife, was the mpst comically dressed man. .af . i - . Bonnie Rose Castle, 478, the Royal Highlanders, gave theft- annual mas querade ball at W. Ot W. hall, 128 Eleventh street. Monda evening, Feb ruary 9. Tills event wa well attended, and some attractive cqetumes shown. The first prize was awarded to Bertha Reed, and the second prize to Carl Sloan. The committee, announces the sixth of their series of-; entertainments for Monday evening, Mrch 9. A pleasant sociable itieetlitg of the sewing society 'ofbGeo." Wright Woman's Relief Corp js that held at the home of Mrs. Gootxe Blodgett, on . February 6. Thirty-threw guests were present. The socletyfiwlll meet with Mrs. Belknap at" 698JEast Fortieth street north. Friday, "February 20. . The Oregon state -fjcourt; Cathollo . Foresters, will hold thklr semi-annual meeting In Portland Sanday. February 15. A banquet will hfj served at the Oregon hotel, 1:30 p.ip.. Immediately after the meeting takes place. w '. The Ladies of the Modern Maccabees have moved back to .the Alfsky build ing, room 200, and hergiaf ter" will meet every Thursday night.land will begin a series of card vartlfs February 26, with a talk on foreign countries. 3h3- Ingleslde Hive 457,4 Ladies of the Modem Maccabees, will give -a card party and supper tatvb Golden Rule hall. Eighty-second !! and Schuylef streets. Friday evening, February 19, at 8 o'clock. i i Evergreen Lodge No. 1. Degree of Honor will give a 60Q: card party on Thursday afternoon. ; renruary i, .n their hall. 129 Fourth street. H.u Kvlvsater Fiilrloh Pari NebbOCfl. ;tttuuiS. ou. i- cmuti a snu ." " wan.jr uowinicu cn, bynester n,uiricn, wiineooiK-n, HrV,mto i Th. thi. hib . fn. u ni..tc thur Johnston. M r UHt.. Tllalo. T.anKa Ar. lO 111 """"" """""I Tl.ln... -,fl . v.. .11 i j i.v. i sa.itn.y IC11C9IUUCI1L9 were uien cservea ' iifiitieu vy tauuics nuaucu wiii . - . Ammer. Mr nnd A,Tr Wllfrul TT nni.. Awarat with hMrta anil llttl roil rs. W. Ij. Kicney 01 irvington was - ' - i , . -- ----- , ' hostess at an informal 600 party Fri- f If- fanaes. Mr. ana vuVo -. dav afternoon Card honors fell to Mrs- H- p- Davidson, Mr. and Mrs. Wll- guests present were Mr. and Mrs. J. il S nV-nC -mT- a r Ham A. Gill. Mr. and Mrs. G. J. Hem- R. Martin. Nathan Barde S. L. Lynch, Cleveland. 'The hostess was assisted me5er' Mr- and Mrs. J. Johnson, Mr. O. E. Boyerasmlth. the hisses Loise kv h-r du-.o-hter Miss Marian Richev. and Mrs. Mendel, I Mr and Mrs. Elmer i McConkey and Pearl Sh4w and the Mrs. W. H Boyer and Miss Grace ; Walker, Miss Edith Fleming and Mr. Fields.. j and Mrs. Feather. . . : . I J. Roy Mason find Ivan M. PnilnrA borne o Mm William MacKnz e the Northwestern National bank, j tzger was the hi rthday party given -0,. ,.. t-i . . . who are leavinir Portland, won. th in honor of v. Miss . Evelyn Parker by veui.euay. rcuiuuiy , jh huijuf 01 . .. . u v. . . th Metjffsr Dnnr-ino. liiV Th. ...n. Miss Mary Watson, fiancee of David Tl ? rJl,? ncla ln ln8 irTi wn riWinAn .t.Kt. Duncan whose weddine will be an Dutch room f lH Hazelwood, Monday, ' n? was enjoyed in dancing after which ?"1c.a"v SJl0"ewe,. W. ,..an February 9. A nkimber of innromrh ! dainty refreshments were served. evc"' Vk..lu1"- . """.r" 8 ve" talks added to the vnin-' 1-.-.. Those present were: Misses Parker, a miscellaneous snower ana receivea tainment coverJ were laid for C w i Harlln, Ford. Kenney. Means. Crouch, many beautftul gifts. Games were en- """J"- Tco e"w,rA ,d ?p I Mrs. John Wygle. Taylor. Harlin. Ken! Messrs Harry Grayson, Jay Small and Fred Silver. ' An Interesting affair of the week at 1 EVENTS OF WEEK ney, Peters, Messrs. Lester Kenney, Taylor, Peters, Howard Means, Robert Flye. Destol, Arthur Wolfell, Harold! Harlln. Bert Harlln, James Kenney, and Henry Carl Dake, of Portland. Or, Mrs. Charles Wilman was a charm- ;..SJeWTar (iloyd- Ralphing hostess to the members of the . White, J. S. Jones, Victor fBonhomme Auction Bride club at a JUIIIIBIUH, A. Dorman club of Laurelhurst meeting at the home I of Mrs. Otto Ruejiy, 142 Royal Court, Wednesday afternoon. A dainty lunch. Miss Margaret Hewitson and Helen Hunfat,e; ley E W. Ham-i mnrirl TV T 1' Li ' - 4- w. TT tt.i e n MacKenzie were the musicians. Sing- " -nernca, lng was also enjoyed. The house was f i0rM00B' ? ,B- Nelson, Lay beautifully decorated with red hearts on W'sam',R- ? BaIraL p- C- Mo" and pussy-willows. Cupids were also S$nn- C' M- Olmstead, H. M. Smith. L. used. Later In the evening refresh- " " CV monta wore ...v.ri l Read, H. A, a , i r too Schneider, A Watson. Miss Duncan. MarV Ja'ne Dun- , Baumbaugh, A. L Deuschel, J. Roy can, Mies West. Miss Hewitson, Miss , " ruimro, Kjr f tir4BA tl b ; The E. M. B, Mrs. Gutsch. Mrs. William Robertson. ! f r- ottI Mrs. Hewitson and Mrs. MacKenzie. . eon was served and the scheme of dec- the Montavilla Christian church by the ra,tlo.n, WasttrHed ?ut ln onoT ot St Christian Endeavor society.! Games atlentlne wh hearts, cuplds and val nd rrihn..n. rr,.. d 4.n.K. entines. The members present were iui evening wnicn was enjoyea Dy the r "TL A T.iU i embarrassed b e e a a se Develop Your Bust 50c Package FREE to Any Woman Who Wants a Beautiful Figure. Women : need no loog- be humiliated ana About SO neighbors and friends of Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Steelsmith gave them a pleasant surprise on Saturday evening. February 7, at their residence, "95 Kerby street, the occa sion being the twentieth anniversary of their wedding. Five hundred was the game of. the evening, after which an elegant lunch was served. Mr. and Mrs. Steelsmith were the recipients of a beautiful cut glass vase from their friends, which was presented in a neat and appropriate speech by Dr. I. T. Mason. Those present were Dr. . and ? Special Our Spring and Summer wool ens, in all the latest colorings and weaves, have arrived. r All orders placed with us within the next 10 days will save you $10 to $15. B. S ALL : LADIES' TAILOR , 411 'Morrison Street -. The name SALL is ft guarantee young people of the church members of the Christian Endeavor so- and the church es. refresh- were at- cletles of the neighboring The guests were seated for ments at long tables which tractlvely set with yellow crepe paper and Jonquils. ! ... t misb Mabel Ryder pave a very suc- for . ir r , turi x c: miu, . n k Mrs. utto Kuedy, Mrs. Charles A. , cheated and not de Steele, Mrs. R. p. Wilson; visiting! sloped, guests, miss Imogens Rewly, Mra. H. Uhlig. f The next meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. J. EL Maxon, Wednesday, eDruary 25. - The birthdays of Mrs. S. Farrell and cessful piano recital at herhome on ! "S ' Wednesday evening. February 11. en- ' riniwheon a M W W Tounason's tZ.rJZZ:7 "r"g "as red. The 16 guests were Holland, Ruth Dering, Hazel Keeney, Thelma Keeney. Gladys Goin, Marie Johnson, Haneta Asher, Mrs. Colwell and Henry Ryder. he! Od ihe committee of Brotherhood of the ' St.- Johns Lutheran ' chnrnK tn t cienci has found a simple way to sire the beau tiful curvet of a per fect figure. To proe thia, let us send you free of charge a 60o package that will sbow you how easily the bust can be developed from two to MX inches, and become fall, plumi and firm. This diaeov erv. that is of such ! vital interest to i all seated nt nnp breo Rnimra taKla Tk. . thin women ia the re- other guests were!: Mrs. W. H. Pope, ?""?,, 'Iua Tr am tit ,,.r i mvesURsUon by a lead- uu.iua fiiiii, inij, tv bli uer, miss ag woman physician. Kuuvy, airs. i. nomas tjonneii. Mrs. j Samuel Connell, Mrs. I. D. Boyer, Mrs. A luncheon r,M It. v. 1 Vu, ru"er aLr"r wenneti, Mrs. room of the Hazelwood February 9, by ! Mra F W CMltman Mulr- and ... '- who.- ln seeklnz to over come the defects In her own figure without the ose of "pads" or forms, discovered a happy com bination of tissne-bulld-tng .elements that in creased her bust some four inches, made her arm round and shapely " ? Ttn chTurch- Those surprised by a number of their friends and her neck and shWi- present ere. J. A. Leas, George on Monday evening on the occasion of der' Phunp and . iym k rC ik H.-J. Langoe. William Hemb- the seventh anniversary of their wed- tv,!. t Dr ErrrtWef?aiHfnryr?a;tJ'' B" ' dinS' They W the recipients of a I CarlneSlf,'. ta". S V V? v ' BlalE,n8. !- Larson, i handsome piano stool. The ladles dls-' real discovery on far F. J. Guth and F. H. Brand es. ' nensed refreshments.' and the feature different lines from the miss ieone warren gave a !of the evening was the cutting of the itmlnt, ,nd thV, hard i cake by Mrs. Leslie. Those present., explains lt almost unl- times" party at the home Of her oar ents, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Warren, 1107 East Alder street, Friday) afternoon. The winner of the prize for the most unique costume was Miss Helen Duck. Games, music and refreshments occu pied the hours. Those present were: Misses Clara Anderson, Helen An- .? : Tri. -r j .... .! . uicwB, jioieii jDiuue, jviuarea iieDert, were Mr. and Mrs. D. H. Gowans, Mr. j form success. and Mrs. A. D. Fleet, Mr. and Mrs. William H. Hawtin. Miss Betty Fleet, Miss M. J. Leslie, Messrs, Raymond, A. Gray,' A. G.l Johnston and James Gait. On Saturday. February 7, the June, 14 class of the St. Mary's academy. Helen Duck, Lillian Howjlltt, Helen ' was delightfully entertained at the i -uiiiibui., riurence jonnson, Norma ' home of Miss Hilda Hendrlcksen, by Krouse, Bertha Leitner, Gulia Loveland, i f ive of their classmates. Misses Cath Edna Lyle. Ruth Nelson, Ellen Ryan," erine O'Brien, Florence Sullivan. Amy Helen Strauss, Hazel Smith. Andra Niblen; Winifred Smith and Hilda Tillman, Mildred Warren. Velina Hendrlcksen. The rooms were beauti- Dr. Kelly not only gained a beautiful form by her own , Formula, but osed it racceesfully with many ot her pati ents. Women, this - Is a personal message from a physician of your own sex, , and all we ask is the opportunity to sbow you without any ; ex pense on your part; that Dr. Kelly's Formula caa give you a better figure beantiful com plexion and improve the general health, gem' the ittli coupon and 10c for exnenses. nd DOc treatment will be mailed at once in plain psrkase. Write as today. DR. KELLY 3LEU1CAL, CO., Dept. 78-B. D..' Buffalo. N. Y, .. coupon v - -f 1 SOo Treatment SB. KZSXiXiT'B PORMTJI.A - s Ml Ik I 1 1 MIL Sill 1 1" I "pon the hub Every Tieorr You can enhance your natural charm and attractiveness by the intelligent use of 9, 4 Nice hair, well cared for, imparts a sweet dignity and wmsomeness, an air of naturalness which no matter how great the effort, never can be assumed. IV Clean, thick, beautiful hair is merely a question of care and cultivation. If your hair is dull, brittle, uneven and coming out with every combing, it is because its life is being. destroyed by the presence of dandruff; Dandruff is a contagious disease. HERPICIDE, by -successfully combating this contagion, keep9 the scalp clean and sanitary, gives the .hair life, jlbstef and beauty and checks the falling. il ' .With, its well-known hair-saving qualities and exquisite fragrance, HERPICIt)"E is the most delightful and efficient of all hair dressings. It contains no grease and does riot dye or darken the hair HERPICIDE, by allaying itching of the scalp, has proved a "source of in finite comfort to thousands. ' . Try a Sample Bottle and Read the Booklet If not already acquainted with' the delights of using this most popular of all Hair: dressings, send 10 cents in postage or silver (to pay mailing and packing) for a trial; siie battle and booklet on the care of the hair. - . -.. si if ' iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiziitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiui THE HERPICIDE CO, Dept. 71B. Detroit, Mich. Please find enclosed 10 cents, for which send me sample bottle of Newbro's Herpicide, also a booklet on 5 the care of the hair. . . Name Address.. , m at a a -aiiiaaa sm i k, ot L LUUrUIl. Ij Applications obtained at. the best Barber Shops and Hair-Dressing Parlors. Sold by Drug and Department Stores. Money-Back Guarantee on large size every where. Accept nothing but genuine2 Herpicide, the original dandraff germ destroyeri: ' , ; :tVf- The Best Shampoo Soap and Most Perfect Comb for Ladies' Use Don't use a cheap .soap for shampooing. Herpicide Aseptic Tar mkesa rich, pure, creamy lather, and is ideal for shampoo. Th Herpicide Comb N O.. 099 has large, strong, smooth, regular teeth, does not damage tfie hair an3I "one of the greatest comforts. Get one. ASK YOUR DEALER City .State 1 FOR SALE AT ALL DRUG AND DEPARTMENT STORES