The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, February 15, 1914, Page 42, Image 42

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News for publication In the A
; Sunday society pages mmt be
la the Journal office by -Friday. ,
ftrnoon. . d
. '
!' ' - Bjr Nona Lawler,
A lXj society found the presence of
E. H. Bothern at the Helll thi
L ' week the occasion for many
A charming social gatherings, dlo
. ners 'and suppers , before and
after the theatre and. Innumerable' box
Monday night the married set of so
ciety held their dancing party at Mur
lerk hall and Friday evening the
younger set enjoyed the Friday Night
Dancing club's party, each with their
consequent dinners and suppers. '.
i Many smaller affairs were given. In
cluding, Mrs. Bolomon Hlrech'a lunch
eon yesterday, for Miss Carpenter of
Providence, R. I., the house .guest of
Miss Elisabeth Cadwell and Mrs. Rich
ard Koehler's auction Friday after
noon. ; . ... '- ' i
.jure.' Koehler had guests for eight
tables at cards and a few additional
guests were bidden for tea. Attractive
: prices were given for the highest hon
ors at each table and seated at the at-
tractlvely decked tea, table were Mrs.
-Helen Ladd Corbett. Mrs, Peter Kerr,
' Mrs. Robert W. Lewis and Miss Bailie
'Lewis;- '?
j -7 ,
; Many affairs of the week,, especially
those of Thursday, took the form of
Lincoln celebrations. Mrs. Frank Clay
Kelsey gave a large reception and
musicale on the birthday anniversary
of Abraham Lincoln and a number of
patriotic, features were cleverly intro
duced, among which . was the follow
ing poem by Mrs. Kelsey:
"When I rpmember how he dauntless
ntvinir himself to stem the eirlo flood:
How, o'er his head the high waves
aeemea to meet
Tet broke and parted, flowing slow
When I remember what his face made
known . ,
How the crude clay became the angel
in the stone: i
I tremble, dimly knowing that God's
FoundPpart of Its in this
man. i
The mass Is man-becoming: he became.
In what he was is our potential fame;
So blended sre we all that one brave
Cannot achieve the stars but that the
w Virile
Pistes with deeper life, and feels the
night .
Elft to that morn where all shall walk
In light.
For the pleasure of their house
guests Miss Dorothy Shepherd. Miss
Margaret Jacquette and Mr. and Mrs.
W. O. Jacquette. Mr. and Mrs. J. P.
O'Brien and their daughter and son-in-law,
Mr. and Mrs. Coe A. McKenna
-were luncheon hosts Saturday after
noon at the Portland hotel. Mrs. Mc
Kenna presided at one charmingly ap
pointed table set In keeping with St.
Valentine's day with Scarlet Richmond
Roses, at which were seated the young
ladies inclding; Miss Jacquette, Miss
Shepherd. Mrs. Joseph Wiley, Mrs.
Chester Murphy, Mrs. James Crans
ton, Mrs. Philip Hart. Miss Katharine
'Hart, Miss Maisle Mac Master, Miss
Jean MacKenxle, Miss Isabella Gauld,
Miss Cornelia Stanley, Miss Evelyn
Carey, Miss Marjorie Hoffman, Miss
Mildred Honey man. Miss Grace Honey
man, Mlss"Dorothy Huber, Miss Jean
Morrison and .Mrs. Carl Wernicke.
Those who circled the table at which
Mr. and Mrs. O'Brien presided were:
Mr. and Mrs. W. O. Jacquette; Mr. and
Mrs. F. 8. Stanley, Mr. and Mrs. Rob
ert Smith, George P. Stanley, Coe A.
McKenna and Oliver B. Huston.
Monday - evening the dancing mem
bers of the married set of society en
joyed another of their Monday Night
Dancing club meetings. These are al
ways enjoyable affairs and are the oc
casion for many delightful dinner
parties preceding the dance.
Among the dinner hostesses and
hosts of Monday evening were Mrs.
Helen Ladd Corbett, Major and Mrs.
James Mclndoe, Mr. and Mrs. James A.
Dougherty and Major and Mrs. Jay J.
Mrs. Corbett had the following
guests at her residence In Sixth street:
Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Cotton, Mr. and
Mrs. J. Wesley Ladd. Mr. and Mrs.
Alma D. Katx. Mr. and Mrs. Edward
C. Mears, Dr. and Mrs. William H.
BKene, Dr. and Mrs. Otis B. Wight,
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas D. Honeyman,
Mrs. Joseph Andrews and Colonel and
Mrs. Charles II. Martin.
At their residence In Kearnev strenL
Major and Mrs. Morrow entertained the
xouowing guests: Mr. and Mrs. J. G,
Edwards, Colonel and Mrs. C. H. Me.
Klnstry. Mr. and Mrs. Everette Ames.
Dr. and Mrs. Herbert S. Nichols. Oscar
Meneree, Mr. and Mrs. G. Frederick
Banborn and General John G. Butler,
J. B. A., retired.
Circling a daintily aDDointed tahl t
the home of Mr. and Mrs. James A.
Dougherty were Mr. and Mrs. C. Ed
ward urene. Mr. and Mrs. Martin Gav
Lombard,.; Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Shevlln.
Mr. and Mr David C. Lewis, Mr. and
Mrs. David T. Honeyman, Jordan Zan
ana tne host and hostess.
Mrs. Raymond Wilcox was the motif
for a pleasant affair Tuesday after
noon when Mrs. Marlon Dolph and her
sister, Miss Claire Houghton, enter
tainea in ner nonor at an informal tea
from 4 until S o'clock. About 60 of the
maids and younger matrons of the
smart set called during the afternoon.
Mrs. Wilcox, who with her tmeband has
out recently arrived In Portland to
make her home, having resided In Los
Angeles since her marriage three years
ago. Is a charming young woman and
Will doubtless be the Inspiration for
many aeugntrui affairs.
Tne tea was auite Informal. u
Donald Munro and Miss Isabella. OanM
presided at the samovars, and the dec
orations were effective clusters of vel-
' The ladles' tea room at the TTnl
verslty club was the scene of one of
the 'most, enjoyable dinner parties
Which preceded the Friday night dannn
Mr. ana Mrs. mcnard Wilder were
nostg ana their guests Included Mr.
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Mrs. Ira F. Powers and her email son Jack. Mr. and Mrs. Powers
-will leave today for New York and will sail March 5 from that
city for the Mediterranean from where they will start a six
months' tour of Europe.
I ;
and Visiting Card -
J and Stationers.
-i roaaway ana wasungtoa.
and Mrs. David Chambers LeVls, Mr.
and Mrs. Thomas Robertson, Mr. and
Mrs. Sherman Hall, Mr. and Mrs. Frank
Wilder, Mr. and Mrs. C Hunt Lewis,
Mr. and Mrs. D. W. L. MacGregor, Mr.
and Mrs. W. D. Clark, Mr. and Mrs.
Donald W. Green, Edward Wilder and
the host and hostess.
Announcements have been received
from the officers and ladies of the
Vancouver post for a reception nd
dance February 20, In honor of General
and Mrs. Potts.
Mrs. Donald Munro has issued cards
for a large reception Friday afternoon,
February 20. The hour are from 3 to
5 and 4 until 8 o'clock.
The many friends of Mrs. Clarence
L. Nichols will be glad to bear that
she Is now convalescing after having
undergone an operation for append!-'
cttis while she was visiting in Paris.
Mrs. Nichols and her niece. Miss Helen
Bates, left Portland early last fall
for a year s travel abroad. ;
A charming event of yesterday was
the auction bridge party given by Mrs.
C Lewis Mead at her Irvington home
in Tillamook street. In the afternoon
Mrs. Mead had guests for 11 tables
at cards and In the evening Mr. Mead
was host with her for 10 tables at
The Catholic Women's League's third
ball and card party will be held at the
Multnomah hotel Friday, February 20.
Receiving will be the president, Mrs.
John Manning, and the officers of the
league, assisted by Mrs. H. C. Bowers,
Mrs. J. C. Costello, Mrs. Joseph E. Cro
nan, Mrs. Thomas W. Ersklne, Mrs. Ed
ward Boyce, Mrs. . Andrew C Smith,
Mrs. J. P. O'Brien and Mrs. J. R. Wiley.
The committee on arrangements will
consist of: Mrs. James D. Coffey, Mrs,
Wilbur E. Comm. Mrs. M. W. Daly,
Miss Dunne. Mrs. J. J. Hogan. Mrs. J.
A. Hughes. Miss Katharine Glle. Mrs.
P. H. Flynn, miss M. Flaherty. Mrs.
Felix Isherwood. Mrs. B. Gild ner. Mrs.
J. P. Kavanaugh, Mrs. R. A. Kirk, Mrs.
J. H. Kern, Miss Mary Mackay.- Mrs.
D. J. Mahar, Mrs. John iMaglnnis, Mrs.
J. . uuonneii. Mrs. Robert Teegan,
Mrs. j. u. Buiiivan.
Mr. and Mrs. Ira F. Powers will
leave today for New York, from where
rn.v will afllt Mnmv. K a.
er Cincinnati. They will take the
southern route, touring the Mediter
ranean . and then traveling north
through Europe and the British Isles
They expect to return home about the
ena or juiy.
.Tuesday evening Mr. and Mrs. Td"
Ludlam were dinner hosts, comoliment-
lng Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Fields (Judith
Fields. Miss
I Scott). The table was
in yellow, with a center of daffodils:
Covers were laid for I Mr. and Mrs.
artistically set
Mabel Ayera, Miss Haxel
Holmes, Howard Charlton, Lovelle
Winters and i Mr. and Mrs. Ludlam.
Bridge was! enjoyed during the latter
part of the evening.
One of the most delightful affairs of
the week was the formal dance Wed
nesday evening at the Irvington Ten
nis club given by the social committee
of the club. This was the second formal
party given by the club this season and
was a charming affair. The pretty ball
room was cosily decorated with fee
toons of greens and strings of red
hearts. Many beautiful gowns were
worn and they appeared at their best
In the gay setting of St. Valentine
decorations. I The patronesses were:
Mrs. H. P. .Palmer. Mrs. H. M. Haller,
Hfra indraw T-fco Ja jTXTI 1 llnm Tn
Fleidner, Mrs. Warren E. Keeler, Mrs.
j. j. cainoun, Mrs. A. H. De Golyer
ana Mrs. u. Lewis Mead.
The committee to whom the credit
or this beautiful affair Is due Is: II
p. aimer. chairman; Andrew C. Porter
and H. M. Haller.
Mr. and Mrs. G. Frederick Sanborn
will preside at an elaboratA ball
Wednesday vening, February. 18, at
me Muunoman notei.
Mrs. Robert W. Forbes, of Hotel
Mallory, was a delightful hostess at an
Informal luncheon on Tuesday, given
in tne rea dining room of the Mallory,
wnerein covers were laid for Miss Mil
area .Honeyman, Miss Grace Honey
man. Miss Maisle MacMaster, Miss
Isabella Gauld. Miss Sally Hart. Misa
Claire HOughton and Miss Dorothea
Portland. Conn- who was
guest of honor.
Young, former president
of the Hill lines in Oregon, was made
the honor guest for an elaborate ban
quet last evening at the Arlington
club. C. E. S. Wood, Judge Charles H.
Carey, W. W. Cotton and L. C. Oilman,
successor to Mr. xoung, were the
speakers of the evening and Charles F.
Swigert, president of Arlington club.
actea as toastmaster. -
The affair was given as a farewell
to Mr. Toung who contemplated an
early departure from Portland. -
.1 - it ,
For the pleasure of Mrs. J. Philippe
Tamlesie of Hiilsboro, Or., who has
recently returned from a trip abroad,
and Mrs. Charles E. Runyon and Mrs.
O. M. Clarke, who will leave February
22 for an extended sojourn abroad.
Mrs. J. CoUlsen Hare and Mrs. Cora
Puffer were charming hostesses Wed
nesday afternoon at her home in Fourth
and Caruthers streets. They received
from S until &: 80 at a musicale and tea.
greeting about 150 women. The rooms
were gayly arrayed with quantities of
Jonquils, festoons of smilax and palms
A novel feature of the decorations was
little miniature ships embedded in the
Joseph H.
greenery, suggesting the contemplated
travel of "the honor guests.
In the dining room the color scheme
was violet in pretty contract to the
yellow .of the other rooms. . .The table
was decked with a handsome center
of violets combined with tmllax and
fern and bows of tulle In the same
Presiding at the table were Mrs.
Luther - R. . Dyott, Mrs. Charlea E.
Fields and Mrs. Will H. See.' Assist
ing about the rooms were Mrs. Robert
French, Mrs. R. E. Watkins and Mrs.
Waitman T. Wade. . ' -
The program; was contributed ' by
Mrs. B. O. CarL contralto, Mrs. Cor
nelia Barker-Cars e, violinist, Leon B.
Lewis, flutist, and Miss Mae Qulgley,
pianist. - 0
- The list of guests is-. Mrs. Charlea
Johnson Smith, Mrs. Robert Smith,
Mrs. George Parrlsh. Mrs. D. C. Burns,
Mrs. Charles E. Fields. Mrs. R. L. Al-
drlch, Mrs. D. M. Watson, Mrs. Frances
Waring, Mrs. Henry E. Chlpman Mrs.
Fred A. Douty, Mrs. J. C. La Darr, Mrs.
A, Hutchison. M"ra J. B. Tanner, Mrs.
C A. Coolldge, Mrs. Edward M. Baker,
Mrs. P. J. Mann, Mrs. Henry Lewis
Mann, Mrs. J. H. Beckley, Mrs. Edward
H Bealls. Mrs. J. C. Welch, Mrs. j. IT,
Kelly, Miss Dagmar KeUy, Miss Helen
Hall, Miss Vella Winner, Miss Bessie
Johnson. Mrs. Charles Ll Boss,, Mrs.
L. D. Smith, Mrs. John Manning, Mrs.
D. O. CarL Mrs. George combs, Mrs.
W. H. Wehrung. Mrs. Samuel A. Mur
hard, Mrs. M, Charles Cook, Mrs. Mary
Bishop, Mrs. Newell U. Carpenter, Mrs.
William Wayne, Mrs. F. F. Boody, Mrs.
J. C Schwlnd. Mrs. N. T. Palmer. Mrs.
Waitman T. Wade, Mrs. Carl Aben
droth, Mrs. Herbert G. Reed, Mrs.
Richard Martin, Jr., Mrs. A. H. Brey-
man, Mrs. R. D. Cannon. Mrs. Robert
Berger, Mrs. James M. Roberts, Mrs.
H. M. Haller, Mrs. Harlem W. Curtiss,
Mrs. B. F. Weaver, Mrs. John Van
Zant, Mrs. James C Costello, Mrs. H.
J. Martin, Mrs.; Robert M. Tuttle, Mrs.
J. L. Cook. Mrs. C. M. Rankin, Mrs. R.
M. Rankin, Mrs. George Weister. Mrs.
J. O. Westengard, Mrs. Lome G. Mo
Alloney, Mrs. J. J. Brown. Mrs. T. S.
Town send, Mrs. Mark O'NelL Mrs.
Weston G. Shellenberger, Mrs. William
Wright. Mrs. Harvey Beckwlth. Mrs.
Edith P. Holmes, Mrs. A. B. Combs,
Mrs. G. A. Combs, Mrs. Edward J. Hall,
Mrs. Lee Arnett, Mrs. W. F. Fiiedner,
Mrs. Chester Le Nolr, Mrs. Albert
Wursweller,. Mrs. Fred Drake. Mrs.
William Ingold, Mrs. O M. P. Jami
son, Mrs. Alice Llenweber, Mrs. Fred
erick Kuettner, Mrs. W. H. Grenfell.
Mrs. Charles F. Jones, Mrs. H. L. Cha
pln, Mrs. P. 8. Stephen Prideaux, Mrs.
R. E. Watkins, Mrs. ROy H. B. Nelson,
Mrs. R. P. Graham, Mrs. Newton Clark,
Mrs. Ward B. Brazelton, Mrs; William
Russell Ellis, Mrs. Nathan Harris, Mrs.
H O. Tenny, Mrs. James Muckle, Mrs.
Robert French, Mrs. B. Marshall Den
nison, Mrs. G. A. Emery, Mrs. M. C
Banfield, Mrs. J. Leslie Baker. Mrs.
Harold F. Johnson, Mrs. Edgar Ste
vens, Mrs. Frederick E, Eggert, Mrs. F.
E, Harlow, Mrs. W. H. See, Mrs. A. Tll
ser, Mrs. J. A. Pettlt, Mrs. Zoda Fa
langus, Mrs. Gertrude Corbett and Mrs.
William Gadsby.
Mrs. E. M. Baker entertained at
luncheon last Monday for her' auction
bridge club at her home, 1140 East
Thirtieth street, north. There were
covers for 12 about a table attractive
ly set with a basket . of Richmond
roses and maidenhair fern. Pussy
willows and clusters of red carnations
were about the rooms. Card honors
fell to Mrs. Charles E. Runyon and
Mrs. McKlnley Mitchell. The person
nel of the club is: Mrs. Charles E.
Runyon, Mrs. McKlnley Mitchell, Mrs.
H. T. Burntrager, Mrs. William H. See,
Mrs. Charles A. Coolldge, Mrs. Law
rence Hubert, Mrs. George B. McMil-
an, Mrs. I.' W. Simpson, Mrs. N. w.
Carpenter, Mrs. Bert M. Dennison, Mrs.
John Manning and Mrs.. E. M. Baker.
: w
The fourth Scottish . Rite at home
was a successful event of Thursday
evening at the Cathedral on Lownsdale
and Morrison streets. Dancing and
five hundred were enjoyed by a rep
resentative gathering of the Scottish
Rite Masons.; Card honors fell r- to
Mrs. C. P. Keyser, and F. A. Ballin.
Those present were Mr, and Mrs., Carl
R Jones, Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Blaeslng.
Mr. and Mrs. R. D. Robinson, Mr. and
Mrs. J. F. O'Donnell, Mr. arid Mrs. F.
Lttherland, Miss Jones. Dr. and
Mrs. C. C. Newcastle, Mrs. L. A.
Bailey, J. L. Bailey, Mr. and Irs. C.
Gerber, Mr. and Mrs. W. II. Powell,
Mr. and Mrs. Ben Gadsby, Mr. and
Mrs. John M. Mann, Mr. And Mrs. Gar
rett Versteeg, Miss Madge Johnson,
Dagmar M. KorelL James R. Dickson,
Robert A. Miller. Mrs. D. Allen, Mr.
and Mrs. James N. Dezendorf, Mr. and
Mrs. W. J. Hoffman, Mr. and Mrs.
Marlon Versteeg. Mr. Fred A. Ballin,
Miss Charlotte Ballin, Mr. ana
Mrs. H. P. Palmer, Dr. i W. E.
Mallory, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Fliedner,
Dr. J. Francis Drake and Mrs. M. S.
Drake, Mr. and Mrs. H. S. Hewson,
Miss L. Kernan, Frank Strahn, Mr. and
Mrs. Marcus Cohn, Mr. and Mrs. Wil
liam Frlberg, Mr. and Mrs. Robert
Skeen, A. Neu. Helen Mlnslnger, Mr.
and Mrs. Z. Swett, Mr. and Mrs. A.
J. Maclure, Mr. W. L. J. Davis, Miss
Edna Mlnslnger, Mr. and Mrs. 8. G.
Notes, Rev. and Mrs. Oswald W. Tay
lor, Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Bailey, Mr.
and Mrs. E. T. Rehfield, Mr. and Mrs.
Henry Copenhagen, Mr. W. W. Work.
Mr. and Mrs. E. V. Littieneia. Mr.
R. Forrest. Mr. and Mrs. O. M.
Clark, Mr. and Mrs. J. Arthur Norman
Mr. and Mrs. J. u. .iroa, Mr. w. a.
Davis, Miss Ida Shea. Mr. L. J. Barber,
Mr. and Mrs. R. F. Fine, oenerai ana
Mrs. W. E. Finzer, Mr. and Mrs. H.
J. Martin, Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Read,
Miss Marjory Read. Mr. and Mrs. N.
U. Carpenter, Mr. and Mrs. John J.
Read. Miss McCauley, Mr. and Mrs. c
K Runyon, Mr. and Mrs. M. Bishop,
Mr. Walter Gadsby, Miss Marie Ging
rich, Mr. Donald H. Rowe, Mr. and Mrs.
A. M Wright. Mrs. c. D. .tsraucnt.
Mrs. J. J. Kadderly. Mr. H. D. Kadder
ly Mr. M. O. Norman, Miss Jennie
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Left to right Mrs. Charles E. Runyon and Mrs. Orange M. Clarke,
j. who, with their husbands will leave February 22 for an extend
I ed sojourn abroad.
Bostrom, Mr. Clinton F. Fletcher, Mrs.
C. M. Whltchomb. Mr. and Mrs. C. P.
Keyser, Mr.' and Mrs. Walter Gelinsky,
Mr. jA. C. Callaxn. Mr. and Mrs. A.
Rosensteln, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Dllg.
Mr. Otto J. Kraemer. Mr. Louis B. San
oaky. Mrs. S. Snfrsky, Mr. and
Mrs. J. A. Levy, Mr. and Mrs. Mc
Cllntock, Mr. and Mrs. A. G. RlddeU,
Mr. J. G. Nichols, Mr. and Mrs. Walter
HolQian, Mr. Allen R. Jobes, Miss Gray,
Mr. 'and Mrs. A. P. Menefee, Mr. and
Mrs, S. A. Murhard, Mr. and Mrs. R. P.
Knight. Miss Jenette Reuben, Mr. and
Mrs. G. B. Cellars, Mr. and Mrs. W.
P. Richardson Miss Mary Cellars. Mr.
and: Mrs. M. H. G. Gunther, Mr. L. F.
Buck, Mr. and Mrs. McKlnley Mitchell,
Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Turlay, Mr. and
Mrsi Will H. See, Mr. R. Martin Jr.,
Mrs. H. V. Kadderly. Mr. and Mrs.
D. G. Tomasini, Mr. and Mrs. Philip
Neu, Mr. and Mrs. Bert M. Deaison,
Mr. IV. A. Avery, Mr. R. Lutke, Mrs.
Fannls Neppach. Miss Elsie Cramer,
Mr. Philip Neu Jr Mr. R. Shelley, Mr.
L. E. Book, Mr. and Mrs. Jelllson, Mr.
Charles H. Thompson, . Mrs. J. Edna
Dow and Mr. and Mrs. James P.
Mrs. Harry G. Beckwlth received
her j friends Sunday evening in her
home In Courtney. A short paper on
"Public Opinion "and Musical Standards
as Formed by Our Local Press," by
Mrs. Emma B. Carroll; a group of
Schumann tone poems by Mrs. Arthur
Prentiss: a ballade and nocturne
(Chopin) by Miss Frances Dayton: two
violin selections by Miss Modesta Mor-
tensen, accompanied by Miss Jessie
Lewis, constituted the evening's pro
gram. w w
Miss Gladys Howard, the attractive
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Alfred How
ard, was married Tuesday afternoon at
4 o'clock to Slmm Alexander Bennett,
at Trinity Episcopal church. Rev. Dr.
A. A. Morrison read the ceremony be
fore' the assembled friends of the bride
and groom who thronged the church.
The bride wore a stunning suit of blue
nanne velvet made with draped skirt
and: a lace and chiffon bodice elabor
ated with pearls and a modish coat.
Her' hat was a chic French model in
blue velvet and straw to match the
suit and trimmed with French ribbon
flowers. In her arms she carried a
handsome bouquet of orchids of
delicate blue tone with a shower of
chiffon ribbon, maiden hair tern and
lilies of the valley.
She was attended by Miss Leonide
Fluery, who was becomingly gowned
K. S. ERVIN & CO... Ltd.
in a bottle green corded silk suit with
hat to match, and she carried an arm
bouquet of yellow roses and maiden
hair fern. William H. Bennett, of
Klamath Falls, was his brother's best
man and the ushers were Clifton Foss,
Elmer Krause. Dewey Agler, of Seattle,
and Walter Cheney, of Seattle.
After the ceremony an elaborate sup
per was served for the bridal party
and the Immediate relatives.
Mr. Bennett Is the son of Mr. and
Mrs. A. W. Bennett. He is a popular
Portland man, having lived here all
his' life. Miss Howard is also a Port
land girl and has hosts of friends. She
is unusually attractive of the fair type.
Mr. and Mrs. Bennett will leave this
evening for Southern California after
which they will be at home to their
friends at 74S Irving street, about
March 16.
Mrs. Frank Clay Kelsey was a
charming hostess Thursday afternoon
when she tendered an Interesting and
delightful program to her many friends
as a compliment to Miss Jessie God
dard, a bride-to-be, and Mrs. Thomas
C Burke, a recent arrival in Portland.
The affair took the form of a Lin
coln memorial, in celebration of Lin
coln's birthday. Mrs. Burke, who is
a clever pianist, contributed to
the afternoon's enjoyment with her
playing and the rest of the program
was rendered by Mrs. II. C. Torry, Dr.
A. N. Creadlck and Curtis . DeMude
w w
Mrs. E. J. Jorgensen was hostess at
a delightful affair Saturday afternoon.
The guests were Mrs. E. jacuson, Mrs.
William Brundel, Mrs. Benson, Mrs. N.
Spinney, Miss Lena Spinney. Mrs. E.
Bassett, Mrs. F. Geil, Mrs. J. Jorgen
sen, Mrs. E. Hunter, Mrs. J. McDonald
and Mrs. Fowler.
Cards were enjoyed during the arter
noon. honors being awarded to Mrs.
Gell and Mrs. Fowler.
The engagement of Miss Alma Jack
son to Edwin L. Mlnar was announced
at a prettily appointed luncheon given
yesterday at which Miss Jackson was
Joint hostess with ner mot ner, Mrs
John W. Jackson, in their home at 528
Stephens street. The rooms were deo
orated wltn a profusion of spring bios
soms. combined with Oregon grape and
pussy willows. A huge basket of daf
fodils centered the table, where covers
were laid for the following: Miss Dor.
othy Manchester. Miss Alma Mller,
Miss 'Lena Craddock. Miss Maude
Steadman, Miss Edith Smith. Miss
Eula Harbaugh, Miss La Verne Hersh
ner. Miss Blanche Hershner, Mis Ber
nice Wommelsdorf, Miss Roxanna
Wommelsdorf. Miss Margaret Whltten
Miss Mary Whltten, .Mrs. Hugh For,
Mrs. Earl W. Mlnar, Mrs. Rodney Hurl-
burt, Mrs. Grover C. Rasch and the
hostess. Many attractive affairs are
planned for Miss Jackson and Mr.
Mlnar, prior to their marriage, which
will be an event of mid-April.
Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Jorgensen's home
on Sumner street was the scene of a
delightful "600" party given Tuesday
evening. Enjoymg Mr. and Mrs. Jor
gensen's hospitality were Mr. and Mra
Ben Reeves, Mr. and Mra H. Peters,
Mr. and Mrs. L. Kennedy, Mr. and Mrs.
F. Gell. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Howland.
Mr. and Mrs. J. Boyle. Mr. and Mrs.
G. Jorgensen. Mr. and Mrs. C Gllllland
and Miss Esther Jorgensen.
Card honors were awarded to Mrs.
Reeves. Mrs. Jorgensen, Mr. Geil and
Mr. Kennedy.
Several musical selections wera ren
dered during the evening.
After a dainty lunch dancing was en-
Joyed till a late hour.
A Jolly affair was the Valentine
masquerade -dance given by the Hotel
Mallory on Friday, the 13th, to the
guests and their friends.
w w
Mrs. Dora Bolter of 47S East Forty-
sixth street, north, entertained 16
gueBts at a dinner party on Tuesday
evening, glvea in honor of Mr. and Mrs.
Henry Jasper Wilkins who returned
early Tuesday morning from an ex
tended trip to the orient. The evening
was spent In dancing and musla Those
present were: Mr. and Mra Henry Jas
per Wilkins, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph
Clarke, Mrs. Sarah Moore, Mrs. F. J.
Bolter, Miss Bessie Sheppard. Miss
Gladys Moore, Miss -Mary Hay, Mrs.
Clark Decker, Miss Agnes Decker, Miss
Ruth Wilkins. Mrs. Dora Bolter. Dr.
Frank P. Flrey, Dr. Stone, Will TulL
One of the most elaborate affairs yet
given" in the new Rose City Park club
house was the Valentine luncheon and
musicale given last Monday for the
The Last Day
of February
ends this sale, that has set new records for val
. iejs in Fine Sterling and Silver Plate, Watches,
Cut-Glass, Clocks, Jewelry, etc.
Firm to Dissolve
Felix Bloch plans to specialize even more exten
sively on Diamonds, Watches and Jewelry in the
future. .
Other lines must be entirely closed out.
member, February 28 last dayl
Better come tomorrow!
Mam & Bloch
woman's department or the club, by
the following hostesses; Mrs. Philo
Everett Jones. Mra.JOUver G. Hugh son,
Mrs. E. H. Carltod, Mrs. F. E. Hilton, .
Mrs. W. L. Johnston. Mrs. C. C. Shay,
Mrs. D. B. HowelliMrs. C. S. Morse.
Mra A. V. Beesley.jand Miss Mildred
The luncheon wail served at smaU
tables in the ballroom which was elab
orately decorated mittx strings of red
hearts around the walls and depending
from the' chandellerjs, and the corners
of the. room were- f IWed with great
bunches of pussy willow. Each small
table was beautified with Its lighted
red candle and heart decorations. Dur
ing the luncheon i hour while the 140
handsomely . gowned women seated at
the tables were enjoying a delicious
menu Mrs Percy W. Lewis, assisted
by Miss Ellxabethl 'Stanley entertained
them with musical selections on piano
and violin, and were repeatedly ap
plauded by the guejjta.
After luncheon everyone adjourned
to the" club parlor, below where Mrs.'
Lewis entertained! them with more
music and a couple of recitations. The
8tory of Faust, and "What My Lover
Said," with soft piano accompaniment.
Among those present were the' fol
lowing: Mrs. T. W.. Kendall, Mrs. Rob
ert Leadbetter, MrV, L. R. Bailey, Mrs.
R. B. Swexey, MraiN. F. Titus, Mrs.
Charles Leadbetter;; Mr. T. T. .-Geer,
Mrs. James Cur ran; Mrs. 8. McMillan,
Miss Tirsah McMIIlen, Mrs. Leon W.
Hyde, Mrs. Frank chlegel. Mrs. Frank
Perry, Mrs. F. H. Whitfield, Mrs. Frank
Miller. Mrs. Harry (Daniel. Mra Frank
Oman, Mrs. A. A,:!Hopson, Mrs. Fred
Brooker, Miss Breoker, Mra Floyd
Campbell. Mrs. E. JS. Llllle. Mrs. B. F.
Lauderdale, Mrs. f Pike, Mrs. Cluder.
Mrs. M. K. Day, Mr Harvey G. Parker,
Mra George Willard, Mrs. Samuel
Room, Mrs. Franlc Paris, Mrs. O. B.
Raymond, Mrs. Henry Prudhotnme,
Mra L. E. Carter, iMrs. Boudlnot Sea
ley, Mrs. M. Gonghlar, Mrs. W. B. Jane
son, Mrs. Max Smlh. Mrs. A. C. Pool,
Mrs. C. B. Clancy, Mrs. George J.
Perkins, Mra F. ft. Whlttlesy, Mrs.
Edwin Hooker. Mrs; Evelyn Wood. Mrs.
L. R. Bader. Miss Wltte, Mrs. W. A.
Lovett. Mrs. L. L.J Sharp, Mrs. J. Jost. ,
(Continued on : Following Page)
Josef Ho rmann
says of the
Steinway Piano
' j
tj JOSEF HOFMANN, one of the greatest' Pianists in
the world today, will play at the Hcilig Theatre Wednes
day evening, February 18. JOSEF HOFMANN says
" am thoroughly familiar with the magnificent
Steinway piano the beautiful liquid tone of the
treble, the tinging and entrancing quality of the
middle section, and the fullness, roundness and
sonority of the base have been a revelation to me.".
tj The STEINWAY is universally acknowledged as the
STANDARD by which all Pianos are judgpll
Prices 42, $1.50, $1.00 and 75c
All Seats Reserved f-i;
Management SteersComari
1 .
- i-j .
Morrison at Sixth. Portland, Opp. Postoffic