4 THE OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL, PORTlIaND, " SUNDAV, MORNING. FEBRUARY 15, 1914. : " WINNER OF AUTOMOBILE SHOW! "CREDIT SLIP PICKS OUT Hl$ AR flUN BY- DEALERS FOR HONOR OF SUPPLYING AUTO Second Time Same Make Has Received High Distinction in Pacific Northwest. Much kern competition wan indulged hi by the local automobile dealers ulnce .tho announcement of Frank C IUn: rretarjr and treasurer of ths (at Fifth Annual Automobile allow, flint . W. Frtop, of Scappoose, won the 1100ft credit slip for holding num ber ,Mtt given at the entranco of the Armory. The local dealers have used Jry endeavor to entice Mr. Price to put bin name on the dotted line that would signify his choice of an automo bile. . . C. II; King, sales manager for H. T Keats, IochI representatives of the Chalmers, deserves the credit for put ting over one of the most sought for sales of the season; as It Is taken that Mr, Price's selection means that the Chalmers In conceeded the honor of being an ideal motor car. Certainly ' Mr. isiiiiiiifiiiffltl!ftiilfiHfl!lU!f!!!i k JrTai wrTdvM I I I II iii:iriiiii litiif siiif 2iiii lies: : t:! ; r s ;t.-i ,. i 1 1 n. . II i yilggglgj D. W. Price, winner of . S1000, ; ,v V" " ts- : Sr Z&Z.'F? credit slip at Portland Automo- 'J W If ;-JV H S1 bile show, seated In Chalmers f 1 J , ; 1 ) ! I fjfVL. Xlj I car,' selected 'by him; cup won Cg LOS ANGELES FlRWl BUYS FIFTY Tl IUCKS Company Makes Big Pur chase for Lmmediate I Delivery. i such is the decision of i Price, and It brings back to the Keats organiza tion the remembrance that, the Chal mers was selected as being the most popular car exhibited at the Portland Automobile show for the year 1910. During that season the Western Motor car, a publication published at Seattle offered a cup for the most popular car on exhibition, the public to vote on the question. The Chalmers received more votes than any other car in the 1910 show and was therefore awarded the trophy. Mr. Keats haa the big silver cup on Ms desk and often points to it with pride when speaking of the Chal mers to his friends. Contrary to the general belief that prevailed at the time when it was an nounced that Mr. Price had won the credit slip. Mr. Price has been a mo torcar owner and driver for several years, and during that time has be come as efficient In automobile lore aa la generally the case of car owners. Therefore his selection of a Chalmers doea not come from one who knows nothing of an automobile. L PILGRI OF TIRE MEN BEGINS Heads of Factories Visit All . Branches to Increase En ! thuslasm. credit slip bile show, at Portland Automo- seated In " Chalmers car selected 'by him; Cup won by Chalmers car at show here in 1910. H. I Keats, north western representative of Chal mers line, i ANNUA MAGE SPORTSMEN PUT AUTO TO NOVEL USE DOWN IN KLAMATH COUNTY Heavily Lacjen Machines Car ried Dogs and Hunters to and Frorh Field. Firestone poeple have opened two new branches in this territory! during the past 60 days; one In Fresno, California. To show the tremendous growth of the Firestone company, tney were organ lzed In 1900 as a Jobbing concern. Two years later they went Into the manu facturing business, and this year will do a business of more than $18,000,000. They have had to enlarge their plants several times, and have Just recently finished one of the most complete tire building plants In America Mr. Firestone left Portland the later part of the week to pay a short visit to Seattle before returning east. AUTOMOBILE NOTES The important factory tire men have begun to make their annual pilgrimage to the Pacific coast for the purpose of enthusing thelr( branch managers for . the coming touring season. During the past week R. J. Fire stone, sales manager of the Firestone Tire & Rubber company, was a visitor in Portland at the new Firestone branch recently opened by J. W. Flem ing. Mr.j Firestone is greatly surprised to find I that Portland has gone ahead so rapidly In the construction of new bulldlngn during the past few years. He titutcd to a representative of The Journal that Portland seems to be In a better business condition today than any town of similar size that he haa visltodjon his present tour. The Pacific coast is the great field for thie tire manufacturers, and the . Shorty Foley say: "1 see where America spent $700,000,000 for auto mobiles in 1913. This is only another boost for the advertising! columns of the North American." ! Motorists who Intend; to , drive their cars south this winter are warned to keep off Hampton Roads. They are impassable this year. President Wilson cut out the mint bed and the wine cellar at the White House, but he didn't tinker with the garage. If the high cost of living keps you from buying an automobile, stop eating. Klamath Falls, Or., Feb. 14. Sports men of Klamath county put the auto mobile to novel use during the shoot ing season when it is pressed into service to carry the hunters and dogs to the hunting grounds and what is more to convey them and their birds home at the erid of the hunt. In some cases this is no mean task to impose upon a machine, for when the shooting i j good the nimrods return home far from empty handed. The season for all birds closed on January 15 with the setting of the sun, and from, now until next fall no real sportsman will bring terror to the members of the feathered tribe. The shooting was good to the very close of the season. It was not an uncommon sight to see. a party of hunters return with a machine load of birds. In the early fall the shooting was confined largely to the marshes where the native birds have their familiar haunts. Later the marshes froze over and the birds ' then took to the open water. The last days of the season It did not require a skilled marksman to secure a goodly sized bag on Lake Ewauna in a few hours' time. . While the hunting season for the past year is now confined to yarns of successful expeditions, the fisherman is having hls inning. The Klamath lakes abound With trout and every day scores of men,: and women too, -can be seen fishing along Link river and through the Ice on th Upper Klamath lake, inose wno are oui ror meat follow the less exciting sport of fish ing through, the ice, while those who find more pleasure in pursuit than in possession confine their Waltonlan en deavors to the rapids of the tumbling Link. i LirUI M" ' J?' "'"aw "Mjy ""in ii " ii if NEW HIGH SCHOOL ISSUE AT WALLA WALLA The, Motor Truck A Terminal com pany 'of Los Angeles which will be perhaps the largest general trucking company In the United States has bought in one block 50 Peerless, four, five and six ton trucks for immediate delivery. This is one of the largest orders for heavy; duty trucks -ever placed In the United States. All of the trucks will be delivered within 60 days and ship ments' have already begun, according to Information Just received by the . local ! Peerless agents, II. L. Keats St cp. .. There was naturally a great deal of competition on so large an order from all the makers 'of well known trucks and the Peerless was selected under the direction of Joy Clark, general manager of the company after exam ining all the leading trucks made. Thei Motor Truck & Terminal com pany Is one of the properties of the Perry; estate which owns the Los An geles I Market - company. The market company has a contract for provision ing all the boats which enter Ban Pedro; harbor 22 miles away, and the trucks will be need to carry provisions to the ships over 22 miles of finely paved road. Ben Johnson, president of both trie market and trucking companies be lieves that when the Panama canal is opened the number of ships making San. Pedro harbor will be increased to the point where 60 trucks will be re quired to take care of that one branch of the company's hauling. Previously shipments over this distance have been made i by railroad. In addition to that work the trucks will distribute to the various commis sion merchants and other large buy ers aa average of 20 carloads a day of nroduce which Is received by the Los Angeles Market company for distribu tion In the city. The company will also do a truoking business for Los Angeles Jobbers; There are S80 miles of finely paved' roads in the vicinity of Los Angeles leading to Pasadena, San Bernardino, Monrovia, Redlands, Riverside, Po mona, Santa Anna, Whlttier. Long Beach. Santa Monica and Hollywood. Between these cities the trucks will get a great volume of business in pref erence to railroad shipment which ne cessitates a great deal more handling of goods, is slower and not any less expensive. There have been a number of small trucking companies in Los Angeles bidding for the -business of Jobbers but they had very little capital and Wire not able to render the service de manded. Several of these have been bought out and their trucks turned into the Motor Truck & Terminal com pany. With the arrival of the 50 new trucks on the coast it will have 8J trucks In service. All of the trucks purchased by the company are ordered with a draw, bar attachment for trailers. It is the plau to operate truck trains of two or three trailers over the long Interurban hauls. A service of his kind will prob ably be established between Los An geles and San Diego in the near future This sale was made by Smith Broth ers. Peerless dealers in Los Angeles. Did you ever notlpe; that nearly all of the automoblling racing records are hold by the late Tom Jones, the late Dick Smith, the late Iljarry Brown, ths late Luther White. e&.T' . WARNING! Automobile Owners If you are thinking of trad ing your old automobile in on a new BUICK, don't bring it to the HOWAPD AUTO CO. un less you place a value on It at which price you would recom mend to your friend. We are your friend and would not want you to ask us to take in trade a car that you would not sell to your friend. We publish this advertise ment fof the reason of ao many unreasonable trades put up to us daily. There must be a reason why. We have waiting list for used Buicks Howard Auto Co. Buick Distributors 14TH AND DAVIS STS. Walla Walla, Wash., Feb.. 14, Vot ers of Walla Walla are today balloting upon a proposed bond issue of 1175 000 for new Junior high school. More than 2500 people registered before 5 o'clock last night, when the registra tion books in the city ' clerk's office closed. Nearly 300 were registered yesterday, the clerk's office being crowded all day. -Carrying banners urging voters to give their: support to the bonds for the Junior high, school, all pupils of the high school and a large number from the grade schools paraded the down town streets at 4 o clock yesterday aft ernoon. The parade was headed by the "Walla Walla high school band. - FOR SALE ! Woods Electric Coupe In fine condition. Owner leaving city. Can be seen AT 434 ALDER STREET. Marshall 1752, A-6711. Maybe It's not the crank of the car that's to. blame, but the crank driving the car. I Herein also is foolishness: To feather one's! nest with borrowed plumes. ! Farm 238V ! DAY LETTER i " THE WESTERN UNION TELEGRAPH COMPANY lOOIIltTIOi 26,000 OFFICES IN AMERICA CABLE SERVICE TO ALL THE I WORLD ,TMCQ. W. VAIL, PWtSIOtWT I BEtVIDERE BROOKS, GCJfcftAL MANAfttN t RtCEJvens No, TIM t FILED CHECK Send the fonowtno day letter ubje t i .the terms en back hereof whloh ers hereby agreed to ) 1914 Portland, Ore., Feb. 12th ,1 Reo Motor car Company, Lansing, Mich. Can you ship us forty carloads of REO touring cars, making up REO train four machines to carload, ship direct to Portland. We need them badly, i Would appreciate an effort on your part to favor us with this trainload in addition to our regular allotment i for this month., . NORTHWEST AUTO-Vogler . tea. tmZOIff TELEGRAPH COMPAltnT. INCORPORATED 23,000 OFFICES III AMERICA. CABLE SERVICE TO ALL THE WORLD. afv tt. a n tiled wth iha (Somt for t( r uiulM7cwwiwli1yM1iBil1raeawawnuiafc. WO BERT C. CLOWRY. Preeldent and Cenerar Manager. RECEIVED.! B1CH AS 83 BLUE . Ro Lansing, Mich. Feb. 14, 1914. F. W. Vogler 1 . "Care Northwest Auto Company, Portland, Or. Answering your telegram twelfth every car we can turn out has been alloted Absolutely impossible to increase your monthly specifications nor could we consider additional orders to make up train-load if such a thing were (possible and we were able to live up to our contract agreements with other agents we would favor you as "it would be a good publicity matter we have turned down all new business for the past dealers. 60 days that we may take care of the Reo Motor Car i Co . old MM dilfoter 90 in the Oick Stops Safety must go deeper than the tread It has to be made into the tire itself It has to be quality just as you will bank on certain men; in emergencies because yon know the j quality in them. Goodrich Tires are quality through and through. Goodrich Unit Molding the original Safety First idea in tire making: produces a tire which wears as a unit every part helping every other part to render the service demanded of it . Don't experiment Insure Safety First for your car and its occupants by equipping at least the rear wheels with Thm Safety SjrmboiFivm i Safety1 Best i HI v .jrar if (D)!dlrfehi the Long Ran JtiF Barm Everybody interested in the Motoring Pleasures or Business Betterment .of Portland is urged to visited the new branch at 65-67-69 West Park Street, North, with its complete dock of Tires Rims Accessories This new branch is re!adjr at , all times with a servicer equal to that which in a hundred. other large citieshas, made' Firestone the standard not only of quality in goods, but in character of SERVICE. Commercial truck 1 owners vriUfind their business greatly aided trouble reduced and repairs quickly handled when they count on the help ful services of Firestone truck experts. ) Pneumatics, Non-Skid and Smooth Tread,, damage Tires, Track Tires in all types. Tires lor-measure. Electrics and Fire Appa ratus, Kims, Accesso ries, etc., all Firestone -of world-recognizea quality. A Service Is i always prompt and of the character mads certain by Fire- stonettandaras. rrtlaad Bramcli Firestone Tire an4 Rubber Co. "AmuHea ' Largest Excfustos A MTW ana nnn jniNwr 65-67-69 W.Park SUNorth PkoaM Mala S0t A 1367 Bom Ottlce and Factory Akron. Ohio mt TmkTWa.rUaasrcElertrieTlrci. fce Tiro: nr." asta Ila, EUaa, Tlrs 1 his Date in History February 9, 19P4, MICHELIN TIRES AND RED TUBES WERE REDUCED INI PRICE. This might interest you It Archer and WiQfliris OAK STREET. CORNER SIXTH AUTOMOBILE SUPPLIES. . SPORTINa GOODS. 1 ni. ii n Prestt-o-litte Seiwtce Complete Tanks and Recharges, All Sizes, Always at vniro ccDtnrr ' s Ballou & Wrigiif BROADWAY AT OAK The five thick, tough Goodrich rubber fingers dig down through mud. slush and ooze they clean and grip the road. They top the skid before it starts : they make the brake effective: r they give confidence and control. And the extra thickness of Goodrich rub ber in the tread at the point of contact gives you longer wear, longer service and . lower cost mileage. We have been pioneers In bringing tire prices to their present low level, and, besides we set the standard of quality by which others are judged. Hero ara the prices to pay for tho bast tires produced in tho Goodrich factory 523 S11.70 . S12.65 34k4W S33.00 S35UM 30x3K 15.75 17.00 354 34XK 36X15 32x3 16.75 18.10 36 x 4H 35.00 37.10 33x4 235 25.25 37 x 5 41.95 44AS 34 k 4 1 2435 26.05 33 x S-tOO 570 rriSdplioiuiS Pordand Brancb Broadway and Bonmde SL FaderlaM Akron. Okie' The B. F. Goodrich Rubber Co. HUDS' AUTOMOBILES ON keq si- ii TRACKS Eft Ci n O. Distributors for Oregon aitd South. Wain. . L, DOSS CC wOaalio. Portland Agency. 615-617 Wash. St. NORTHWEST AUTO CO. Factory Distrputors of Cole, Reo, Lozier Cars BROADWAY AT COUCH STREET Main 8g87 A-4959 Equipped with the only enamel bake oven in the State; ot Oregon for baking fenders, hoods and lamps work guaranteed: two years. New York Auto Painting Co. SPEEDWELL BUILDING. 14TH ANDXOUd.H STS. Frank Ertler - i Ernest Brtmke Manager Main 6773 "4 1' Asst. Mgr. AUTOMOBILE AND SHOP SUPPLIES SparkPlugs TOOL5 ii Brake-Lining , , MOTORCYCLES AND ACCESSORIES Preer Tool and Supply: Go. T4 SUta aad 311 Oak St. r ghsa Xaln 1681. less 822AM Timrm't Vni.nMni X QofTAn6 P. F Rl finflFTT S-311?orUil4ta.asaiOruem 700S.