TOWNTOPICS AMUSEMENTS HEIIJQ Eleventh and Horrinoa. Curtate 2:16 and 8:1ft. "The Quaker Girl" with Victor Mnrler. . BAKKU Broadway and Morrison. Curtains 2:20 and 8:20. "The Thief." LYfllO-Fonrtb and Stark. iCittlnr rtood Mualfal Coiu.dr Company. - -Cartata 2:80, T:lll and :10. "setting tbs Pace." ri.NBA.UK8 Broadwijr and Alder. Vaude ville. Cartalna Z:HO, 7:ao am :io, -i! for letters rf administration of the estate. Peter Kline, the husband, four I sons and two daughters are heirs, ,'Mrs. Kline was 62 years old. Ann M. I lays, mother of J. E. Hays, who died February 6 leaving1 an estate valued at $350, Is his heir, according to the petition of Millard F. Hays,! a broth er, residing In. Albany, Or for letter of administration. , ' . J To Hold TJaique -At Horn." An unique "at home" will he held three days of .this week by Mrs. Benjamin F. Weaver, at her house, 253 East COLUMBIA 1x0) 'between waahUfW ' and ! Twelfth street,' north, a separate day Mtark atreeta. Motion pictures. 11 a. nuj being reserved for her friends in dif - rEOf&fc-We Par, and Aide, st..o. i tloa ulrtnrea. 11:30 to ii:so. Jeca Lon-. f . . . , .. II. - A V. J , ... I. . x n A eon "jonn Birieycom Broadway. UoUoa picture. 11 Motloa pie- AROADn Waihlnctoa between Sixth and ! 2;X5 o'clock. 11 . m. 4 will have a bridge each afternoon at -1 c - rv ..;. aeAtAAM will to STAB WaahlnftOB and Park tnree, 11 i. m. U 11 . m, CLOI1B Eleventh and Waablngtoo. Motion pictures. 12 to 11. ... CIROl.B Konrth and Wvahlngton. Motion i plctnree. :80 to 11. ; Weather Condition. Portland and vicinity:- tfcmday, fair. Brl easterly wind. Oregon: Bonday, fair. Brlak aaeterly winda. Waahlnctoa: Bandar, fair eioept rtln .sear the coaat. BrUk to moderately high 'aaterly winds. Idaho: Sunday, fair. EDWARD A.. BBALS, District Korecaater. Tuesday afternoon will be for jpeople living on the west side; Wednesday for" those residing on the south side of Broadway and Friday af ternoon, February 20, for those living oivthe north side of Broadway, Com menoement' Exercises. Com mencement exercises at Tortilla hall. Melfiana, Alaska, will be presented by David's Morrison at 8 p.m. Alaskan Two Boys Arrested. The two 11 year-old boys arrested Thursday night I by the police for burglary, yesieruay admitted they burglarized the home of Harold 8. Wald at the Crystal Lake farm, Thursday. The boys are Enor Leaf and Ralph Bailey both living with their parents In Sellwood. They the; Junior auxiliary of Bti church, East Twelfth and streets, Friday, February 20, The program will Include legends and songs. Alaskan, nuggets will be distributed. Following the program an informal reception will be held to welcome the new superin tendent of the Sunday school. Dr. H. C. Flxatt No admission: will be charged and all are cordially Invited. CO.NGRESS OF MOTHERS WILL MAKE A CAMPAIGN FOR CHILD WELFARE Curry, a colored porter, on a desertion and nonsupport. legcd she drove him from were, nrrestetl f or robbing a bicycle ' testified that the colored iVegress Gets Divorce. Circuit Judge Cleeton yesterday allowed Sadie U. Curry, colored, a divorce from J. W. charge of Curry al- home and minister shop at East Thirteenth and Spokane streets, where they, stole two mies. and a number of small articles. Yes- terday morning, Detective Ackerman noticed a report that a diamond ring was found in the grocery store of A. T. Poole at 1696 East Seventeenth street. He also had a report of a lost diamond from Wald. Several articles taken from the Wald home by the boys were hidden under a house in Sell wood, from which place they were recovered. The boys are in the cus tody of the juvenile court. IX Divorces Orantea. Circuit Judge Gatens yesterday granted six divorces. Decrees were allowed to Effle Slplla from H. Slplla, Arvanna R. C. Deits from William Delts and Lester French from Cora French, all for desertion and to Grace I. Saunders from Alfred II. Saunders, D. H. Kienow from Addie Klenow and Myra from William Jett, all for cruelty. Jett recently pleaded guilty to contributing to the delin quency of a minor and is serving a ' county jail sentence. Judge Benson al . lowed decrees to Mary E. Graham ' from Elmer M. Graham and to Julius Oliver from Genevieve Oliver, both for desertion. Judge McGinn allowed a divorce to Mary Rau from Charles Rau for cruelty. Judge Davis granted a divorce to Amanda M. Wllhelm from John Wllhelm for desertion. came to see her too frequently when he was away , at his work. Circuit Judge McGinn testified to the good character of the woman, who was once employed by him. She was allowed the custody of a child by her marriage with Curry. She has two children by a former marriage. Trank x. Smith's Meat Prices I Roast beef, ISc. Soup bones, 6c n ia rs mum, izftcuegs iamb, 16c. Roast pork, 12 e. Mutton chops, 15c Fancy bacon. 20c. Beef to boll, 12 He. Plcgic hams, 12He.Best hams, 18c. Porfh'se steak, sfc.Slrloin steak, 20c Best butter, 80-SSaHalibut. Be, Crabs, 10c. ; Oregon eggs, 0c. Be sure to oome to Smith's Main Market, 228 Alder street, for these big bargains. - (Adv.) To Disease Boaa Bonds. A meeting Is to be held Tuesday night at the Mllwaukle city hall for the purpose of discussing the proposed $600,000 Clack amas county road bonds. Petitions to have the question of issuing these bonds, placed on the next ballot are now .being circulated. Grant Dlmlck will talk for the bonds, and C. E. 6 pence, master of the State Grange, will speak against the bonds. There will be a vocal solo by Mrs. Knud Roald. to be followed by a speech by T. W. Sullivan of Oregon City in favor of the bonds and by H. C. Starkweath er against the bonds. There will then be instrumental music and a speech by Frank Branch Riley of Portland, and the meeting, will conclude with the audience singing America. A large crowd Is expected to attend the meeting. T. T. Oeev To Speak. T. T. Geer, ex-governor of Oregon, will tell stories of Lincoln's life at the men's meeting at the Portland Young Men's Christian Association this afternoon. He will speak at the Informal meeting in the lobby, which begins at 2:30 o'clock. Mr. Geer Is a close student of Lin coln's life and has a fund of anecdotes on which he will draw. The audito rium, meeting at 8:16 o'clock will be addressed by John Linnton, a returned missionary. Mr. Linnton spent 17 years as a missionary in South Amer ica. An excellent musical program has been prepared. The fellowship supper will be held at 6:20 o'clock, and the evening song service from 8:30 to 10 o'clock. A Shower of Bread, The stupend ous order for Table Queen bread which was baked and loaded at the groat Koyal Bakery last night reminded res idents In the vinclnlty of Eleventh and Everett streets of a veritable bread shower. More than 31,000 loaves were, baked and loaded by th hun dreds of neatly garbed employes into me snow white Royal wagons. (Adv.) . Held For Passing Bad Check, Four years ago, E. E. Evans passed a wortmess cneck upon Mrs. Hulda Lev. ens, proprietor of the Levens hotaL Yesterday afternoon Evans j was found on the streets by the detectives and arrested. The 'check was ; for $90. Since the transaction. Evans was In trouble In Washington, being tinder a paroi rrom tnat state. Baby Girl Arrives. A "young wo man destined to some day become secretary of the Karfoas society, in place of her father, came Friday morning to visit at the home of George L. Wllley, clerk of the district court, at 620 Buffalo street. She weighed eight and a half pounds on her arrival and she and her mother are doing nicely. Christ Is Coming la This Genera tlon Do you believe it? Come out and hear the evidence, tonight 7.46, Cen tral a. d. A. cnurch. E. Eleventh and Everett, one block north of R. C. Park car. Pastor St. John will deliver th third lecture-sermon of the serlos on the "Manner and Time -of Christ's Coming." You are Invited. Come. Adv, Buff Brought la.OOO -A. -Aatlyeb, or Atiyeh Bros., oriental rug import ers, returned' yesterday with his fan ily from a two months' pleasure and business trip. While in j New York Mr. Atiyeh attended a sale of oriental rugs in the American Art Gallery. where rugs brought as high as $13,000 to $16,000 apiece, Hew Torkers To Meet. The New Tork State Society of Oregon will hold their regular monthly meeting next Tuesday evening at the Commercial club, 6th and Oak streets. The plans are made for a very pleasant evening, with the newly elected officers pre? siding. All New Yorkers are Invited to attend. On March 26th a banquet will also be given at the Commercial club to honor the memory of Pioneer Judge Geo. It. Williams, and . the tickets for this event will be ready next Tuesday. Prominent Portlanders, Including Col C. Ef 8. Wood and Rev. Luther R. Dyott, will be among the speakers. Annie Xllne Estate. An estate valued at $4776.27' was left by Mrs. Annie Klino, who died February 4, according to a petition filed yester day by her daughter, Emma Kline, The Cheapest Is Not Always The Best i Particularly does this apply to Jewelry. Price .arid Quality considered, though,-we claim for our "goods ."low 1 cost" and "high quality." No matter what the article, i.f t only Plated Ware, the Best is AK ways Cheapest! G. HEITKEMPER CO. SBM. Diamond Dealers "and Jewelers 130 Fifth St., Yeon Bldg. Laborer Wins Damage Suit. Robert Hornbeck, a laborer, was awarded $760 damages for the loss of two fingers and injury of two others by a Jury In Circuit Judge Benson's court yester day in his $16,000 damage suit agains the St. Johns Lumber Company. He was cleaning a machine Vhen his fin gers came in contact with the ma chinery in operation. i iii ...I ' ' The Dalles, who is an Indian squaw, from Toppenish, Wash. ' v There were two of these letters of Improper; character among others found on the woman when she was arrested in a drunken condition at The Dalles, and when Bragg showed up the next day to sympathise with the squaw, he was promptly seited by the sheriff as the author. UNCLE SAM PLAINTIFF . IN PECULIAR ACTION The United 'States, in a unique pro ceeding filed in federal court yester dav. asks 81600 d&manrea from the Baldwin Sheep A Land company, of , complete sioca w Tigars. iookct, cu schiller's new cigar Store Wholesale, BetaU and ltanufaotmrtaff Establishment Combined. Mr. Ed. Schiller's new and attractive cigar store at 41S Washington street, corner of Eleventh, has elicited much favorable comment by combining his wholesale, retail and manufacturing plant in one building. Mr. S chiller is enabled to give his entire business constant personal supervision, thereby assuring prompt attention, good serv ice and the best of everything la bis line. The retail store, under the di rection of Mr. Ed Deltrich, so long identified with Mr. Schiller, carries Crook county, for alleged fraudulent entry on a stone and timber claim. A new phase of legal procedure in land cases is involved. The government Is barred from ask ing forfeiture of "the claim because It has passed through several bands and Is now owned by an Innocent pur chaser. In lieu of this, the usual man ner of proceeding, the government asks that the party It charges conspired to defraud it, pay the full cost of the claim, or $1600, the amount the United States was "damaged ' In the action. One claim of 160 acres, filed upon by a woman named Nancy J. Parks. the government charges at the insti gation of the defendant, is Involved. The complaint was prepared' by As sistant United States Attorney Beck? $15 Cash $8 Monthly You Ian afford, to pay $8 monthly. you can, therefore, afford to buy a new J475 Bennett piano for $315, at a saving of $160 if you buy during Gravea' Music Co. Removal. Ill Fourth street. (Adv.) Card of Thanks. The family wishes to thank their friends .and neighbors for their kind ness during the sickness and death of their late husband and brother, U. . Grant Decker; also for the floral of ferings. (Signed) EFFTE DECKER, J. IS. UbClU5K, NELLIE HEATH (Adv.) Journal Want Ads bring results. arettes, pipes and In fact everything wanted by a. tobacco user. Patrons win una me same aiienuon, courteous; treatment and splendidly Kept etocK or goods that has done so much to make Schiller's cigar store so well known to the people of Portland. The factory employing 0 odd per sons, where the celebrated La Gran Marca cigar-Is manufactured. Is lo cated in the rear of the retail depart ment and Is a model of ventilation. light and cleanliness. . Mr. Schiller earnestly Invites the public to- inspect this department of his business, feeling confident that an inspection will not only result in show ing an Industry giving employment to a large number of persons, but will enhance thepopularity of the La Gran Marca. cigar that by its merits alone has succeeded In finding favor with all who enjoy an enjoyable smoke. (AdV.) New Spring Suits Men! Spring suits are arriving at- most daily. I am specialising on sreat values at $14.7$' and $18.75 made poosiDie oy my low upstairs rent, Jim my inion, tia-io-i i Elevator .to 3rd floor. 7 By Vella Winner. J Save the babies. Safeguard thej boys and girls. Give to youth high ideals of mar riage and home I making. Educate the father. Train the mother. Ennoble the . home. These are in i a word some of the alms and purposes of the Oregon Con gress of Mothers, which this week is making a state-wide campaign In the interests of i child welfare. Scores of women throughout the city and state will this week devote their time . to belling the miniature American flags and all money thus realized will be devoted to the work of the congress to carry the work into the. state at large and to operate the child welfare bureau In Portland. It is one of the agencies in Oregon which is doing constructive work along educational lines. It Is comparatively easy to raise money to help the poor or the sick or; but the congress maintains it would pay in dollars the home with The Parent's 651 Courthouse even the delinquent. and cents to reach a good mother's kind ness and intelligence to prevent these calamities. Heets Many Mothers. Educational bureau at comes In contact with over 200 mothers each month. It comes in touch wlthl over 100 different mothers a month, meeting all the prob lems of childhood which come to a parent. The foreign mother goes to the bu reau for advice;! so, too, the step father with the wayward girl of 14 just feeling her independence, when the right kind of treatment will prevent a downward course; the careless moth er, with a baby sleeping on a mil dewed pillow is sent to the bureau by the juvenile court alt these types and many mor go to the bureau for an Intelligent mother's advice and to be taught to know the joy of fresh Left to rfght Top Mrs. Arlstene Felts, president of Congress of Mothers; Jane Kanzler, cham pion girl baby of Oregon In eu genic contest. Bottom Mrs. Thomas Q. Greene, chairman of ways and means committee for the Oregon Congress of Moth ers' Child Walfare week. air and that "Cleanliness la next to Godliness," as well as for advice and the best. literature on training of chli dren. The bureau's usefulness Is limited only by the lack of funds. If more money was available for the construct ive work, less, money would be needed for juvenile courts and for charity. The eugenlo tests, the talks to moth ers, the lectures and the field work in the city and state of the Parent Teacher associations, is all done by volunteer workers. The organization Is supported mostly by the dues from Parent-Teacher circles, which are tea cents per capita per year. This pays postage and incidental expenses only. The -bureau rooms in the court house are furnished us by the county com missioners. Will Bell nags. Thousands of the little flags were last week sent to the Parent-Teacher associations throughout the state, for sale this week. Beginning tomorrow REMOVAL SALE iy low 15-16-17 Oregonian bid. 1AOV.J Only One "BROMO QUININE? To rt sennlne, eatt for full same, LAXA TIVK BROMO QCIN'INK. Vook tor alanature K. W. OKOVB. Cores Cold la 1 Day. 23c Ad Use common coal. $6 ton. Main 164 1 A sense uy Superior -1541. (Adv.) 1X3 mMM IB We Must Vacate on Feb. 28 morning the flags will go on sale in Portland, booths will be erected In the large! stores, hotels and other public places for the sale of the flags and the following well known Portland women will' assist in the sale of the flags: Dr. Mabel Akin, Mrs. George E. Wagner, Mrs. Karl A. Miller, Mrs. E. 1 B. Hyatt, Mrs. Harry E. Chlpman, Mrs. Donald Spencer, Mrs. John Man ning,) Mrs. L. R- Hunt. Mrs. J. D. Sul livan, Mrs. R. L, Donald, Mrs. George Rebec, Mrs. John Risley, Mrs. F. J. Ball, Mrs. J. E. Rand. Mrs. E. A. Jobes. Mrs. H. M. Sherwood, Mrs. W. A. Laldlaw, Mrs. A. A. Lindsley, Mrs. Owen Kuhh, Mrs, Dr. Sturdevant, Mrs. : Charles Chick. Mrs. C B. Sim mons, Mrs. George Wentworth, Mrs. Bernlce -Hyde, Miss Inez Hyde, Mrs. Milton Kahn, Mrs. Arthur W. Chance, Mrs. G. J. Frankel. Mrs. L F. Ball. Mrs. j J. J. Ross, Mrs. Joe Rogens- Derg, Mrs. L. j. Butler, Dr. Belle Fer guson, aura. j. j. nanasacser, Mrs. T j , . j . , . i i O. B. Veybothe. Mrs. F. A. Sherman. Ill Order 10 rCQUCfil OUr STOCK iS S Sffi we are offering you Your MS" JlxVm' I- "r Choice of our slightly used side.: Mrs. Charles Rllllnton. Mm X I .. - C J E. Bdlnger, Mrs. E, H Bailey. Mrs. Singer. White. NCW Home, SrWjx. w3E. akwI?-' Wheeler & Wilson, Domes- eon, j Mrs. Sam Connell, Mrs. H. R. Albee. Mrs. W. W. Williams, Mrs. C. A. Calloway, Mrs. M. E. Shaf f ord, Mrs. A, W. Kingsbury. Mrs. H. L. Vail, Mrs.1 Joseph Prudhomme, Mrs. W. T. Hayhurst,. Mrs. W. J. Hawkins, Mra Frank Nichols, Mrs. D. H. Rand. Mrs. C. O. Hill. Mrs. A. Langeman, Mrs. C F. Clarke, Mrs. 'I. L. Cohen, Mrs. T. C. Al lison, Mrs. R. C. French, Mrs. Harriet Hendee, Mrs. A. E. Sessiobs, Mrs. L H. Amos, Mrs. C. T. Dickinson. Mrs. George McMath. Mrs. David Go wen, Mrs. E. E$ CoovHrfi, Mrs. William Amos, Mrs. J. H. Stanley, Mrs. Wil liam, Fliedner, Mrs. A, A. Hoover Mrs., W. F. Fieblg, Mrs. A. Kalisher, Mrs.) Harry L. Vorse, Mrs. J. C. Elliott King and many others. School 0 Pharmacy J Hew Term owwwrwa Complete. Phar maceatloal Course. -Wight Classes Specially fog Drag clerks. Writ fit. Catalogue. ,417 T. M. C A. aiag. Main 706S A-6361 cause, was yesterday taken to the In sane asylum, having been declared insane by Dr. S. E. Josephi. Dr. Josephi and Dr. William House also declared Milton! McDowell, who dyna mited a safe in an east side factory recently, Insane although the report stated that the man was apparently shamming to a large extent. He has not eaten' Blnce Incarcerated over a week ago. He has been confined In the asylum before. Physician Had Ke ported Case. Dr. A. W. Vincent of St. Johns was acquit ted yesterday In District Judge Jones' court of the charge of failing to re port a contagious disease-in a St. Johns family. The evidence showed he had reported that there was a case of Ill ness which might be smallpox but had failed to make further report. Zn Order to keep our tailors busy during the dull season We will make you a suit for $10 down and $5 'a month. This gives you I the privilege of wearing It while paying. Our suits are- made right and sold! right. Unique Tailoring Co., Men's and Ladies Tail ors. $09 Stark, between Fifth and Sixth. (Adv.) Improvement Club Keetinf. The Alberta Improvement club will meet Tuesday evening at 8 o'clock at the residence of Mrs. Josephine ti. Sharp, 1033 East Twentieth 1 street north. Alford D. Cridge will explain the pro posed $1500 exemption amendment. A free discussion wat follow. The meet ing will be open to men and women. Meeting of Improvement Club The regular meeting of the South Mt. Tabor Improvement club will be held in the South Mt. Tabor school house wmurrvo evciuug li i j ui. DC vexai important matters will be discussed; all residents of the vicinity, as well as ton. Or., yesterday began suit in the circuit court against Dr. Hlggs. It is alleged that $25,000, which was to be raised as a condition of the sub scription, has been raised and spent for an administration building. Steamer' Jessie Harkins for Camas, Washougal and way landings, dally ex cept Sunday. Leaves Washington street dock at t p. nx (Adv.) Accused of Gambling Deputy Sher iffs feeckman! and Ford yesterday bought lottery tickets at 248 Madison street and 263 Second street and later arrested Doc I Wong and Charles A. Nudleman at the Madison street place and Guy Wong, Chong Wong, bam Wong, Charles Lane and Al Johnson from the Second street store. Guy Wong and Doc Wong were held under $250 bail each as proprietors of gam bling games and the others were re leased on $50, bonds each. i Biverslde Drive Paving. A resolu tion asking County Surveyor Holbrook to prepare plans, specifications and estimates of the cost of laying War renlte pavement on the Riverside drive for 7200 fee south of the city limits was passed yesteraay oy me county commissioners. The pavement Is to be IS feet wide and to have two foot stone shoulders on each side. This is the second jstep in the program of hard surfacing the road. ft Wanted, Good Second-hand Furni ture, carpets and ranges. We pay cash. Both phones. Geo. Baker & Co., 166-168 Park street. (Adv.). of. Wasco county and put in a cell nearby for writing obscene letters to the -Woman. Postoffce Inspector Durand caused Bragg s arrest and at Hood River, be fore the United States commissioner, he waived preliminary hearing and was bound over to the federal arand 1urv meeting at Spokane. He was brought to Portland and lodged in Jail. Bragg admits, writing the letters. which Inspector Durand says were sent to Hazel Butler, the woman at tic, Free, Willamette and Davis Sewing Machines for These are the latest mod els of drop-head machines. They are slightly used and some a trifle marred. -Second-hand drop -head machines, all makes your choice $9.00. Box covers your choice $2.50 and $6.00. Come early and get your pick, as most of the above machines are new. WHITE STORE 207 Third St, Opp. Taylor street Church others interested, are tend this meeting. invited to at- Charged With Thrashings There was an outburst of laughter when Judge Fashion Imposed the penalty. "Couldn't help It, judge, that swell 'rig she had on would catch any fellow. By the way. she trades at The Na tional Sample Suit & Cloak Co., second floor Swetland blag Fifth and Wash ington streets. ; (Adv.) Christianity Before Christ Edward Adams Coutrell of the American Ra tionalist Association, wiu ' lecture at Library hall this evening on the sub ject of "Christianity ! Before Christ; The Story of the Pagan Chriats. The lecture is free to the public Holly Trees Tor Bale Hundreds of beautiful berry-bearing English holly trees, all sizes. Call and make your own selection. Now is the best time for transplanting. Address 216 14th st. Phone Main 8686. (Adv.) Men's Trousers. For the best $2.50 pair of men's pants in the city, take the elevator to Jimmy Dunn, 315-16-17 Oregonian bldg. (Adv.) Deputy Commissions Bevoked. Com missions of (34 deputy constables have been revoked by Constable Weinberger. About 60 commissions yet remain in existence but all of these are held by men in positions necessitating author ity. Only where necessary is the car rying of revolvers permitted. . : fudges exchange Benches. Circuit Judge Cleeton has exchanged benches with Judge Hamilton of Roseburg for the present; week. Judge Caulklns of Jacksonville for the following week and Judge ! Harris of Eugene for the third week. He will leave today for Roseburg. Michigan ! Society Meeting. The Michigan society has arranged to hold all business and -social meetings here after in the Masonio Temple. Plans are already under way. for a banquet March 9, for wmcn tne program will be announced later: The Michigan Agricultural College aimnm Association will bold their an nual banquet at the Hazlewood, Satur day evening at 7, Feb. 21. Particulars Call C-2532; Adv. -! -: -'." 7 ":- - Wanted Names of persons who saw elderly lady knocked down at entrance of Olds, Wortman Sc King Saturday, January 241 Tel. Woodlawn 1651. Adv. ! - , - r. Would Collect Subscription. To force Dr. A K. Higra. a Portland den- Two Declared Insane. Almond I tist. to pay $300 alleged to be due on Brewster, the 25-year-old youth .with I a subscription of $500 made in 1S0S. a mania for hitting strangers without the Columbia Junior College, of Mil- rancy, ho was arrested by the sheriff Christian Toga Servioes Tree, Top ic tonight, "Health, How Obtained." 811 Central bldg. Tenth and Alder streets. . (Adv.) Women workers of all Kinds, except for domestio service, can be employed through Women's Exchange, 186 Fifth street. . . (Adv.) The Jbee Miner Sanatorium, a home for mental and nervous patients. At the service of all physicians. Tabor 5077. (Adv.) Wanted, Agency Fire Xnsuxanoe Company by a man of experience and large acquaintance. X-894, Journal. Ad. One Suit Pressed Each Week $1.60 a month. Unique Tailoring Co, 809 Stark. Main 614. A-4314. (Adv.) Kotel enox, Third and Main. Best rates in city to permanent guests. Rooms $16 montl and up. (Adv.) Are Ton Interested In Theosophy? If so send name ana aaaress to Mra Kyle, 726 Morgan bldgv Adv. Sunday Chicken Dinner BOo, New Perkins restaurant, noon until 8.80 o'clock. Adv ) Soma for Aged People, Invalids, fine location, Mount Tabor. Tabor 4159. (Adv.) Dandy Outside Office in Journal Bldg.,. $20 per month, 6th floor, Adv, Woo star Sails Washington st. Everything 188 (Adv.) Shlpherd's Springs, Now li a good time to go. . r Adv.) CONSOLING FRIEND IS , HIMSELF PUT IN JAIL When Merle Bragg, --a ranch hand from the. state of Washington, went around to console bis friends in the county jail at The Dalles after she had been taken In custody for vag- Taxes Paid in Oregon mean moneys turned into the coffers of the state. Jist think of the vast sums paid by the Portland Railway, Light & Power Company on its plant in the ten large generating sta tions throughout the state. Help develop Oregon Buy "home-made" electricityl PORTLAND RAILWAY, LIGHT & POWER COMPANY Broadway and Alder Streets Phones: Marshall 5100, A-6131 - BVSTraoor - 14 OFF SALE UMBRELLAS All the latest styles In black and colored Oood dependable goods at cut prices. Largest stock oa the coast to choose from. Repairing and Re-Covering AU kinds or extra nanaies in sioco, JEWELRY at cut nucit The newest things In gold and gold rilled lavalllera lockets, bracelets. rings, scarf pins, cuff links and bar filns. The guaranteed makes at very ow prices. Get our prices on white sapphires and reconstructed rubles set to order. ' WATCHKS AXTD OXOOXS JVIEREDITH'S Wash Bet. Sixth and Broadway. THE OVENS that bake Butternut Bread are tiled and are washed and shining. We fire them with- oil from be neath. This does away with ashes and fumes In the baking chamber. The baking chamber la enow white. XT. S. BaXXXT f AVj f.,,irf:: re-;",;-.-'' J To Orooer Sells It I I.ook for the label on every loaf. "1 rr?rr n ' il i, limiuvj,',''"'" , Father and Mother will like it And all of the relatives 'too It's pure and wholesome for everyone And it's just the drink for you q Come anH take a stroll with us througE our new place of business, get some new ideas and let us satisfy you why we can serve you best why we can deliver the goods deliver on time.' . I You will find in our new store the mosf complete and attractive displays of "Everything for the Of fice." You'll find a place not merely (to satisfy your needs, but a live place where business men and women like to congregate and get pew ideas. Cg Our second and third floor displays of Modern Of fice Furniture will open the mind of every keen business man to the fact that he can create new business for himself -by "trading in" his 6ut-of-date collection of furniture for one of .our-modern equipments. i- . - ." CJ Our strictly modern printing, engravingiand book binding plant, on fourth and fifth floors! will dem onstrate to you why KILHAM QUALITY PRINTING embodies higher ideals than the av erage, and why it sells goods, 'ijj . Q To cut a long story short, every floor of our new quarters seven stories and basementwill, on in- "spectiori, emphasize the fact that we are eminently COME AND, SEE US Northeast Corner Fifth and Oak Streets i