10 THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND, SATURDAY EVENING. FEBRUARY 14,.. 1914. SENnMENT ST RONG FOR MARi ON COUNTY GOOD ROADS BONDS Taxpayers Crowd Big Mass , Meeting to Hear What Is to Be Said on Measure. STEW TODAY (ftftlrm Bureau of Th- Journal.) Salem, Or'Feb. 14. It Is probable that lb county court will Itcsue within ths next few days the chJI for the special election to vote upon the Issu ance of $800,000 bonds for building ' good roads,.' The petition has been checked and found sufficient. For the purpose of feeling: the public pulse, the county court Invited those Interested . lnr toe proposed bond Issue to meet with the court yesterday after noon. Farmers and others from varl . ous parts or the county packed Into tha county court room until the meet Ins; was adjourned to the Commercial club auditorium, where there was room for the! crowd. , With but one or two exceptions all Who had anything- to say were In favor of the bond Issue. Mrs. Pettyjohn, of St. Paul, speaking from the woman a viewpoint, talked for good roads. The question now concerning many la where the road building Is to be done. A 'delegation from.Ht. Paul pre am ted a petition asking for a hard surface roadj between Hubbard and the Marion county approach of the New- ' Ix rg bridge.' Representatives from va ' rlous parts of the county spoke in fa vor of roads In their section. The gen- eral sentiment seemed to be that the money, if voted, should not be spent on one main highway, but on a num ber of mall) trade routes. The sent! merit wag also in favor oC hard sur faced roads, something that will be permanent. ; As soon as the question of location of the roads Is settled, then it In ex pected the rail for the election will be Issued. i ' ,-- Time to Buy ! BUILDING PERMITS 14. . HehildonJ erect one atory frame dwel ling. Kortrneinil. between Weltfler Dd Hal fey; bulkier. Mine: $lfiOO. - K. II. Wemiue.i repair two rtorjr mill build- Inn. Broadway, between Burnslde and Omcb; . builder. C. E. Ilolzer; $40U, P. Vanderkelen, repair one story frame "v. elllng. Ion. . tietween Twelfth and Tbir- i lecutti: builder. tc Croenl : !O0. Ti. X. Newton. ! ereet one Mtory frame dwel ling. Brooklyn, i between Twenty-ninth and Thirtieth: builder. Royal Building Co.. $300. M. B. Ha Ham, ereet one atory frame awei ling. Nineteenth, 'between Fremont and Klick itat: bnllder, sanie; (2800, Kd. Goff. erect one atory frame dwelling. East iKeTenteeDtb, between Bybce and Knayp; builder, unmet $2500. B. s. Kramer, i ereet one Hrory rrame awei HnB. Fiftieth, between Eighty-second and Kigbty-thU;d; bnllder, some; hk. 'FUNERAL DIRECTORS (Continued) NEW HOME OF J. P. FINLEY & SON. CORNER f"OURTH , AND JSTARK. HARTMATS0M NOW is the time to invest. Mortgage Loans 6 to 7 Per jCent H. E. MOONEY Main 210. Boom 431 railing Bldg. Title & Trust Company Fourth and Oak Streets. Mortgage Loans We Make Building Xoana. Boosters to Eugene. Salem, Or.. Feb. 14 The Salem boosters expect to take a delegation of 126 business men to the booster meeting at Eugene next Thursday. The Cherrlans have joined with the Com mercial club in working up Interest In the gathering, which is for the purpose of creating Interest In an exhibit to be nilidtj by the various counties at Ash land during the Panama-Pacific expo s'tion. Tle lenders in the movement neie nope ito take' a larje delegation to Krncene anid then arrange for a similar meeting t be held here a little later. ' :ie plan .'being discussed is to run a special trsjUn from Salem. OATEfMSElBf 1 1 COMMISSION Numerous Petitions to Be . Passed Upon at Hear ings Next Week. CITY AND f ARM LOANS 91000 ana up at lowest rates. ZADOW & FARMER 414 Cortstt Bldg. A-l 416. Marshall 92. . The. only residence undertaking es tablishment in Portland. Representing the greatest advance in the science of funeral service. The automobile equip ment end Keol 11 fieri drivAwav a re mmnnct I'aelfle t'uaat Klseuit Co., repair four atory the many exclusive features. The es- llnc. Forty-ninth avenue and Pike; Alex. Bailey brick building, UUaan, corner Sixth; builder, aeiue; slwio. 1 K. J . berle. ereet one a lory irame uwei- atreet. between Kerry-nun hnlWl.i- lariw: S I'iOO. ereet one atorv frame dwel ling. Minnesota, ibetweeu Falling and Beech; builder. C. C. Rblaner; $1700. Frank W. Obeli, ereet one story frame dwelling. Watts, between Patton and Mon taua; builder, A J II. HMnes; $1000. John Mackle. rert frame dwelling. Twenty-eighth avenue. S. E., between Sixty-ninth and Serenty-flrat streets; builder, same; 1M(V1 1 1, WWl J between Deane; C. JJ. ."Nelson, ereet one ana one nan frame dwelling. Snmner, between Tenth and Eleventh; builder, Pariner & Nelson; tl'-M. I J. Closset, erect one atory frame nop. Twelfth street, between Oilman and Hoyt; bnilder, Bingham & McCleland; $2000. O. O. Coslett, ereet one and one half story frame dwelling, (Fifty-fourth, between Stau ton and Slsklyoni: bnllder. name: $2500. flNOO. i Seott Beesey peane Co., ereet two frame dwelling. Tuirty-sIxtb street, be Broadway and Hancock; bnllder, C. B. I. tablished policy of moderate prices has never been changed. J. P. FINLET & SON. Perfect Funeral Service. Montgomery at 6th. MR. EDWARD HOLMAN. the leading funeral director, 220 3d St.. corner (Salmon. i,aay assistant. fnoDes A. 1511. Main 607. QICiAf Q Undertaking Co. Main 4162 JIl 1 L-O A-2321. corner 3 3d and Clay PFARQflM Undertakers. E. lost. 1 Lnnvjyii 86-a71 Russell st. PL3. 6133. A-2235. 445 Morse CD I PQH M RESIDENCE UND. ll IUUU 1 M. MEETING NOTICES 41 AL KADER TEMPLE i A. A. O. N. M. S. Cere, monial session Saturday, February 14. 1914. at 8 p. m.. Masonic Temple. West Park and Yamhill Streets. Candidates must Represent not later than t:30 p. m. Petitions must v.- in hv 2 d. m.. Feb. 14. A short business session will be held at 2 p m. for jthe purpose of receiving and balloting n petitions. ' Visiting nobles cordially invited. By order of the Potentate. HUGH J. BOYD, Recorder. HEM STOCK. 1687 E. 13th. Sell. 71. P.-1122; University Pk. fol. 394-395 ACKEAGK 571 WANTED FA11MS 38 MDLWAUK1I i STUMP land; can be doubled or trebled I in value and made to pay big returns. 1 Consult ue. Postoffice box 812. .Port- A FEW REASONS WHY YOU : , SHOULD BUY A HOME UK A ' FA KM most or which Is in clover; best BUSINESS LOT IN MILWAUKIE. references. N-871, Journal. QUICK CAR SERVICE, LOW TAXES. CHEAP PRICE. HOMESTKADS 47 Acre- 1 City lots from Iltiu and up age from $5V0 and up. Quarter acre FREE Canadian Homesteads in sunny set to rruit, riccly renceq, center 01 Alberta. Canada. We guarantee all Milwaukic. $675 cash. Quarter acre our claims as represented or money corner, very sightly, overlooking Port- paid refunded. We locate you from two ii;iia ana tne river. uu. part casn. to. tnreo miles from town or zooo in Beautiful lots, high and sightly, close habitants, with two operating railroads, in, $600, pari rash. Three acres, one These claims are black loam soil, with set to 4-year-old trees, dandy grove. ' clay subsoil; about one-half prairie, facing rivet road, 2 blocks to car, balance light timber; no stone and no "tores and postotflce, JH50 per acre. , alkali ; drinking water 7 to 18 feet Quarter block with 3 houses, business from surface; plenty of water for irrt property. This will pay 10 per cent Ration. Locate now and avoid the interest on investment. See us before I Spring rush. We have parties going you buy. 1 aaiiy. run- ree is j&o BUSINESS CHANCES , I Continued SO ramKi3 at-1- kinus LOWEST. PRICES SPECIALTY 500 Good Businfess Cards, $1 REDMOND & M'GOVERN. Office at Station. Milwaukee. CHICKEN and fruit rancnes nerfr Port land: G res ham district, Estacada line. e'ctrlc station mile. New sub division. Sunshine Valley orchard f?55?i bet8?"' ' ,r'0.,?d;.ftB"i EXCHANGE CANADIAN HOMESTEAD COMPANY. 73 North 6th Ht.. Portland. KKLINQLT1SHMENT at a bargain. partly improved, in Lincoln-county. L. W. I., 363 13th Kt.. city. -REAL. ESTATE 2.A acre in small tracts; easy terms; quick OWNER of 9 acres good land, 1 mile train service. Frank McFarland Realty Oregon Electric, near West Wool Co.. 809 Yeoti bldg.. Portland. Oregon. I burn, actual payment $175. balance T7 A . T" x m: cn x 7cnidue 1750. I cant make monthly pay- 72 nlltJ I IdUlbi OUUU IU J) JU iments. What have you to trade? Make Only 10 down. $8 per month. 20 min utes from Hawthorne bridge and right at the station. 614 STOCK EXCHANGE BLDG. 3d and Yamhill. Main 6765. MONUMENTS Schumann Marble Work?; East 2d and Pine. East 743. PORTLAND Marble Works. 264-266 4tn Bt Opposite city hall. Main 8564. HUS1NESS PROPERTY 66 COR. 60x100 tor term of years, shall 4763. S95 N. 21st. Mar- MEMBERS ofi Multnomah Circle 744. W. of W.. are requested to attend the funeral of outi deceased neighbor Ida Hayden, Sunday at 2 p., m. from Hol man's undertaking parlors , OKA M. AI'LC-i. v-iern. MUSICIANS; MUTUAL ASSOCIATION Music furnished for all occasions. See members dr phone M. 6007. A-5269. Money to Loan on Real Estate MORGAN & PECKHAM Bailway Exchange. Large Sum of Money to Loan una. Inside Unproved property. F. L. BROWN 514 FlaU Bldg. Phone Mais 5541. Mortgage Loans on Business and Residence Properties. JOHN BAIN 607 Spalding Building. FEAREY BROS. We Buy Notes 246 Salmon St. Main 3389. A-1772. TRANSPORTATION Vital Statistics marriages, Births, Deaths. FOR SALE HOUSES 61 ROSE City Park sacritlce. I am leav ing the city. Have a 5 room bun galow. Will trade for lot or auto mobile or a small cash payment. Bal ance like rent. See this at once. Lot 50x100. Largo lawn, plenty of roses, fruit trees and berries. House double constructed. Hardwood floors. Fire, place. Kitchen and bath room in white. Built in buffet. Will include a gas range. Call C-1345 for int'orma lion. MARRIAGE LICENSES David A. S. Duncan, Lents. 24. and Mary Watson. 17 Weat Colfax street, 24. John T: Varnnm. Soil Lorejoy street. 22, and Alma Marie IKoss. 7K2 Kern aTemie. 21. W. 6, Smith & Co.Kas1 ThirnVflnor Morean Blde LADD'S Addition. 10 room house, built right, everything of the best; two stories, but bungalow type; brand ntw; best buy in town at $6000; no phone inrormation. Come in. F. N, Clark & Co. Title & Trust Bid.. 89 ,4th St. FOR RENT $20, 5 acres, 8 room bun. galow, partly "furnished, end out buildings. Foster road,- 1 mile, east of Lents, near car. K. D. Hurrle. Lents. 3 ACRES with small house on electric line, close to station. No rocks or gravel. $1800; easy terms. S-783, Journal. an offer. Give address and phone. J-7JS, Journal. FOR EXCHANGE by owner. fcO room lodging housci centrally located, rent $200; good lease, brick buildimj; price $3500. Will exchange for small farm : or larger farm and pay difference. L AAA Tsu fna 1 5 ACRES with some trees, fine soil, 3 blocks from station on electric line. $1440. Youf terms. T-885, Journal. FOR SALE cheap, 22 acres or more or choice Mosier rruit land, owner. Marshall 1147 INCOME properly and to k of- hard ware, value $'fa.00 to exchange for valley tai m. N ill assume. i. W. MERRILL. 411 Y EON HI.DG. 40 ACRES timber land $1000. near river and railroad; will take land clearing as part payment. I'uone Tabor 1322. or adress H., Box 660. MAJESTIC THEATRE BLDG.. WASHINGTON ST.- AT PARK. HELP VANTt MALE - (Con tinned) I Situation Wanted' Ads. Inserted freever tose In need 1 of work who are unable .o pay for an advertisement. Ad ve'itisemerua must be brought to the office personally sy the parties desiring woik. 4 FOR SALE A complete lodging camp, full outfit, 3 9x10 donkev ermines, 7,R)0.00o feet of timber; will tfil all together or separate. Will sell en gines separate or all together. The camp is all in running order, engines all set. Just as have leen working. Shipping by rail, located on C. & E. railroad. Will sell for 2-3 its value. A part cash, terms on remainder, or will trade for other property if prop erty and location suits. I can furnish a market for the logs. Come and see it or address me at Detroit. Oregon S. V. HALL FOR SALE b- owner, small grocery store, doing good business, and a 5 room modern house, ga.s. electricity and furnace, on 5uxlu0 corner, paved t., good location; price reasonable; terms. If interested call Woodlawn 2697. Also 4 riom modern cottage on SuxlOO lot, with shrubs and bearing fruit trees, at a bargain. ONE acre for sale by owner, snap, 5c car fare, Vz in fruit trees. Mar. 4782. FOR SALE FARMS 17 WILL exchange 2 good lots. Handon. Or., dear of incumbrance, for auto mobile, Or what have you. East 1650. B-930, Journal. FOR SALE or exchange at bargain, equitv in modern 6 room bungalow. Seiiwoo'd 1122. SPECIAL OFFER. WE WILL FURNISH THE LOT. BUILD THE HOUSE AND FURNISH THE MONEY. LIBERAL TERMS; LOW INTEREST. PLANS FREE. BUTTER WORTH-STEPHENSON CO.. Couch Bldg. Marshall 1789. DRESS suits for rent; all sizes. Unique Tailoring Cq.. 309 Stark st. lAulem n.ireHii of Th Journal ) ' Hiilem; Or.. Feb. H.The hearing in t cawe of the application of the Vnited Railways to increase its rates between Portland and Wtlkesboro and Intermediate points lias been set by the railroad commission to be held at Portland, March Ifi. Both the cities Of 'Portland and Linnton have filed an swers In the case. The raso of the city of Salem vs. Sa lem .Water, Light & Power company has been set for hearing here on March 4. The city alleges the company is charging excessive rates and is fur tilsing inadequate service. At the time of the hearing in the United Railways case the commission w.lll also take up the complaint of the Tualatin Vnlley Transportation asso ciation against the Oregon Electric. Residents of (larden Home. Beaverton and other points on the road are ask ing fpr lower fare on the ground that lower fares arc in effect on the United Railways, ar.d both lines are owned by the same 'Interests. They want a 6 cent fare from .Portland to Garden Home. . On March 2. at Salem, the commis sion will hear the case of Riverside Portland Cement company against the Southern Pacific. The oement com pany; wants a freight rate or 20 1; cents on ceriient .In carloads from Portland to Med ford Bnd Gregory in order to compete with California concerns, which have such a rate from northern California points. The streetcar service from Portland . 1 I I . ..11 I i, I . . iw uiuiunviiia win do consuierru at a . hearing to be held In Portltnid. Feb ruary 27 complaint of Grace Stoll and other women, who allege that the service has been cut down and Is now Inadequate. At La Grande. March 9. the com mission will hear the application of the Home Independent Telephone com pany for n connection of its toll lines ' with the exchanges of the Eastern Ore gon Cooperative Telephone association at Bummervllle. Elgin and Cove. On the same date tlie commission will hear the complAint of the La Grande Commercial club against the Eastern Oregon Light & Power com pany. The club alleges that the rates ar excessive. Next Monday in Portland the com mission will take up the investigation of the physical valuation of t'-. prop erty of the Oregon Trunk railway. TO. SAW FEANCISCO, LOS A3TQEI.E3 AND SAN DIEGO. S. S. YUCATAN WEDNESDAY. FHBl l8, 6 P. M. COOS BAY AND EUREKA S. Se ALLIANCE SUNDAY, FEB. 15, !6 P. M. H03TH PACIFIC STEAMSHIP CO. 122 THIRD STREET. Phones Mala and A-1314. 1 BIRTHS SHAYLER To Mr. and Mrs. Charles Shayler, ISO Russet street. Kenton, Or., Jan. 24, a daughter. BANCROFT To I Mr. and Mr. Harild C. Bancroft. 533 East Forty-first atreet. North, Dec. 1. a aon. ! e DABLER To Mr!, and Mra. Charles F: Dabler. 30S Grand avenue. North. Jan. 3, a daughter. GUNDERSOX To 5Ir. and Mrs. Gamier (J. Gundersoii, 708 Borthwick street, Jan. 6, a son. THOM To Mr. and Mrs. John Thom. 1249 Marvland avenue, Jan. 13, a daughter. CI NMN'UHAM To Mr. and Mrs. Ira C. Cunningham. 3080 East Gllsan street, Jan. 14, a daughter, j I.OVET.AND To Mr. and Mrs. Ralph W. Iveland. 902 Albtna avenue. Jan. 9, a son. NELSON To Mr. and Mrs. Louis D. Nelson. Its Thirteenth street. Feb. 12. a daughter. EEED To Mr. iand Mrs. Walter Reed, 585 East Eighteenth street. North, Feb. 9, a son. I DAVIS To Mr. I and Mrs. Frank B. Davis. 884V. East Yamhill street. Fen. 10. a son. HEYTING To Mr. and Mrs. Tunis Heyting, 308 College street. Jan. 10. a daughter. FOR SALE A nice new 4 room cot tage. la.rge lot 50x150 In Mt. Scott district; purchase under contract, af ter paying $400 nas had to give it up; can now be had tor balance due on easy terms. 316 Lumbermens bids. New Bungalow, $2150 5 rooms, hardwood floors, fireplace. fixtures, built In effects, cement base ment. Owner. 717 E. 27th N. Sell. 75. aauRft sTKAyram cob San Francisco and Los Angeles SS. Rose City Sails p. ni., Feb. 15. SS. Bear Sails 4 p. m., Feb. 20. The San Francisco & Portland S. S. Co. Ticket Office 3d and Wash., (with O. W. R. Se IT. Co.) Marshall 46QQ, A-6121. COOS BAYj LINE Steamship Breakwater falls from Alnaworth dock,; Fort la no. at p. in., every Tuesday evening. Freight re ceived until 12 o'clock (noon) m sailing da. Fuskeugrr fare: First cluas, 10; necond clas I men only), $7, Including bertj and meals. Ticket office at Lower A ins worth dock. Fort land & Cooa Bay Steamship ; Line. I'honea Id a la SaoO: A-2332. L. U. K-Mde. Agent. CLASSIFIED AD RATES , In effect Oct. 1. 1913. ALL PRBVIOLS RATES CANCELLED CHARGED ADVERTISEMENTS Dully or Sunday. 1 rents per word uer lnsertJon. This charge is 'or all classifications except ing "For Rent In Private 1 umlli ' "Pnnm anrf i ne Hearing will be held on eoara in private Family," "Sltaatlon Warn ea snu "wanted to Kent" ads., which are ly, cents per -.ril per insertion. No ad charged Tor less tunn 15 cents. CASH ADVERTISEMENTS 1 cents per word for all classifications excepting "For Rent hi Private Family." "Room and Hoard in Frlvale Family." "Sit- uaiiou wanted" umd "Wanted to Iteat" ads. are ivt cents per wordj Three insertions for the price of two. Seven Insertions for the price or fie. No sd taken for less than R rents. Mails Are Mixed. Sulein. Or., Feb. 14. Corporation Commissioner Watson if receiving many statements from corporations in the. state intended for the income tax coflei-tor. He says it appears that many : corporation officials are care less in not noticing thnt income tax matters are handled by the ititeuial revenue officials of the government. The result is that the Income tsx state ments, which are required to he 'n by March! 1. an- delayed and the corpora tion department is burdened with ex tra mall. Mr. Watson said he had taken the i.. alter up with Collector M. A. Miller and suggested that the return nddreps for Income tax state ments be made plainer .'or the benefit ' f (lie corpmatious. KUKIXESK CA.IDS U.KllMCAihS of utle. -Title & Trust Co.. Title & Trust bldg.J 4th nr. Stark . lloseburg Has league. RoseUtirg, Or., Feb. 1 1. A social service league was permanently or ganized in Roseburg ' Tuesday, when officers were elected and a constitu tion and by-lavs adorned. The offi cer are: O. P. Coshow. president; ah a ! directorate composed or fiev. O. W,: Bk.er, Mrl. W. A. Smick, Mrs. W. W. Cardwell, Albert Abraham,' Herman Marks and George Neuner Jr. ' tjffiffik ff our Lame appears fhtfil jjjpS ln either phone book I W - and navle DEATHS 1 AND jNERALS 75 PETEUSON In ;thls city, Feb. 12, at Emanuel hospital. Mra J Annie Peterson, aged years, wife of F, li. Feterson. or Barnea Melehts. Remains in care of Erlckson nn dertaklng parlors, xweiiin ana atorriawn stitets. Funeral tervice will be held from the Swedish Lutheran cnurch. Mueteentn and Irvine. Sunday. February 16, at 12 o'clock. j OETZEN In this city, at the Good Samari tan hospital, iFeb. 14. Lounette B., aged 80 vears, beloveid wife of Ernest Oetiea of 1119 Bast Eighteenth street. North, and dtughter of Mrs. Jessie Silver and sister of Mrs. Canine Byrne. nemains are at cue new parlors of the Skevres Undertaking Co., cor ner of Third and Clay streets. Funeral notice later. I HAYDEN At tbe family residence. 392 Fre mont street. Feb. 13. Ida H. Hayden. aged 43 years. Deiovea wire or rxea j. rtayurn. Fr Andi invited t to attena mnerai BprvitTB, which will be I held at Holman's funeral niirlura iit 1 n m. tomorrow (Sundav). Feb. 1. interment ifciverview ceiiieiei. itvui nd Seattle papers please eop. FIELDS In this citr. Feb. 10. Florence K Fields, asred 58 years, wife or K. O. rieias of 1004 Pat Ion fcvenue. The funeral services will b hold Sunday, teo. in, at . o ciocn r. m at the residence estaDllsnment or J. I'. Flnlev & son. Montgomery at rum. rneuua invited. I KENYON The ifuneral services of the late Lyman J. Kenvon will be held Monday, r.i. irt at 1 oltlock d. m. at the residence establishment of J. P. Finley 4 !on, Mont vomer at Fifth. rTienas inviteu. luier- n ent "at Ione Yir cemetery. IiAHVKY The Ifuneral services of Howard L. Dabney. s(fn of Mr. and Mrs. Richard T. Dahnev. Willi be held Sunday. Feb. 10, at 2 o'clock'u. m.. at the family resideuce. 133 East Twenty-nlrith street. Friends invited Interment at Mount Scott Park cemetery. HEXKE In this city. Feb. 14. at his late rcldence, 445 jEaet Cloy street John Renke, aged 44 vears. IThe remains are st tne rest rfonce establishment of J. P. Finley & Son Monteomerv at Fifth. Notice of funeral here after K0FELDT In tbis city, Feb. 13. at his late residence, thoi Blat kbtone notei, nenry r . Kofeldt. aired 5l yesrs. The remains are at the residence establishment of J. P. Finley tc Son. Montgomery at Filth. KJCNYON In this city Feb. 13. at his late residence, 166t East Eighth street, Lyman J Kenyon, aged 81 vears. The remains ara at the resiueucet estaDuaumt-m qi . j. . rm- lev & Son. Montgomery at snip. FORCED SALE. B owner, new 4 room plastered house and woodshed, lot 40x95, IVi blocks to Mt. Scott car, 5c fare, near Lents. Price $485. $300 down, $5 per month B-913. Journal. FOR SALE Two acres fine, improved land at Forest Urove. 6 room house: fine fruit trees; city water; poultry houses, etc. Must sell. $1750. very easy terms. v-izs. Journal. LET US BUILD YOU A HOME On your lot or ours; by your own plans or ours; pay us like rent. THE OKEOON HOME BUILDERS. 1330 Northwestern Bank Bldg. $20 DOWN $10 monthly, buys new. moaern o room cottage, large attic, acre of land, at 6655 82d st. S. E.. 3 oiocks soutn or Grays crossing, Alt. scott canine; SZ500. Tabor 2984. FOR SALE 7 room house, all modern. with fireplace. 2 bookcases, buffet ana narawooa noors. on easy terms: hi block from W-W and W-R cars. 500 E. 26th st. CLOSE - IN modern 7 room house and garage, built for home, on east side. one block from car line, good service; will sell at bargain. Phone East 3403. owner. $100 $15 PER MONTH. New modern 5 room bungalow, close ln, restricted district. Owner, Sell- wooa zzu. FINE HOUSE AND LOT. On Broadway, and garaee: worth $7000. for $5000; and fine bungalow. irvington. rast za. vv. i-i. nerciman. A MODERN 5 room house with sleep ing porcn. 4 lovely trees ana oeauti- rul roses. jzzuu. diock or car. Woodlawn 3492. EXCHANGE for real estate, 5 pass. touring car. 6 cyl.. 40 II. P., 1913 model ; good as new. F'. . Box 2064. $90 EQUITY in $300 lot. will trade for anytiiinK valued at $50. W-90'J, Journal. AT CLATSKANIK. COLUMBIA CO., OREGON RECLAIMED BOTTOM LAND SUB-IRRIGATED Suitable for truck gardening, dairying, stock-raising 62 miles from Portland rail and wat-r transportation. This land Is without doubt the best in the world, being a composition of decayed vegetation and having an everlasting depth. Settlers on the ground are now raising 400 to 600 sacks of onions and 300 sacks potatoes to the acre Project must be seen to be un derstood and appreciated. Sold on terms. Call or write Robert Krims, room 416. Panama bldg.. 3d and Alder sts., Portland, Or. Tel. Main 1970. TO TRADE. $2000 equity in new house. in beautiful residence district, for lots or automobile. S-791. Journal. WK exchange what you nave tor what you want. Peper & Baker. 44 4 Sher lock bide.. 3d and Oak. Marshall J54 Big Snap in Grocery Will sell or trade first class grocery fctore. bv owner, doing good business; must pell nj!ek; good reasons for sell ing. Call between 10 and 11 o'clock. 754 Thiirmati st.. or phone Marshall l . A - 1 i l !. BLACKSMITH SHOP. If you are a horseslioer and general blacksmith and want a going busi ness, tln-n get busy. Complete equip ment with building on 50x100 lot, in fine location. Come look it over. $750 will handle, balance good terms. H. B. A j.;-rsoii. HidgHfleM, Wash. V. M. C, A. EMPLOYMENT DEPT. Employment meinbcrahip guarantees member will secure employment or re fund of membership -'fee: icivea two mouths' full membersgflD .privileges. li months tocial privileges. Record for year 18J.S: Call tor men : 35 Positions tilled 1911 All young men seeKfnc emDlovmenL. ePeciaMy strangers." are cordially ln- viieu to consult with the aecretary of the Employment Department. 4i. WANTED Yotiiik mail stenographer. viie. cuyauic ot rilling gaod position. Moderate salary to Mart. Give quali fications, experience land salary ex pected in letter. V-guT Journal. CriAUFFEUR.S una -gaKuline tractor engineers are 'n great demand; w want sober, reliable; Bleu who we can recommend lot potiitum. to take our' course ln automobllcTt rcpalrlr.g and driving; also heavy dojty gas engineer ing, pacific auto g.s engine hHHUQU laa-lno C Wl I'M AN ST. WANTED lit. YEAR" Married man without children, gen eral farm work, ronie inilktng. German. . Scandinavian or Sw&SH Permanent if reliable. Refercncea wanted. Box 32 llayettc. Or., or ;ai! Wilcox bldg.. Portland, Or. V HOTKL and bar, good pitying proi-osi-tion. cash or -trade Y-567. Journal. -MOXKY TO LOAN ItKAL KSTATE 27 FINE list of exchange properties. Call on me. Alexander, 723 Chamber of Commerce. WOULD trade cattle ranch tor Port land propel ty. 65 N. 6th st. WANTED REAL, ESTATE Vl WANTED A section of good wheat land in eastern Oregon. Will trade a business building and 3 extra lots- in good Washington town. Price $25,000, mortgage $8000, 7 per cent, due in 4 2 years. Alfo a $15,000 general mer chandise stock, no incumbrance, or will -trade the. property alone and pay $160 per month for the store. George E. Waggoner. 805 Yeon bldg. MONEY TO LOAN ON IMPROVED REAL ESTATE OP. FOR BUILDING PURPOSES; VERY FLEXIBLE CONTRACTS; NO COM MISSION. COLUMBIA. LIFE Ai TRUST CO. 916 SPALDING BLDG. 6 AND 7r mortgage loans. Any part Of $20,000 private, funds for imme diate loan. have time and money by seeing me first. A. K. HILL. 419 Henry Bldg. LOANS on improved city property or for building purposes; advances made as building progresses; liberal re payment privileges; no commission or brokeiage. J. P. Lipscomb. 243 Stark. WANTED intelligent . .partner and truit man to take.;chargc of small place, furnished. ! J. Garn tt. 535 C o lu i nbla bid yd. Ty i JWood lawn car. MEN. age 18 to 35, become railway n.ail clerks. $75 menlh; pull unneces sary; particulars freest KX-Sfi-? .ir.nr. naU CLOTHES presscr to oliclt and iresT 63 First utreet. HOUSE, to house cUnvassers. Tea Co.. 209 Salmon ft. Boyd SOLICITORS WANtMd; best offeFln city; Vn Dyck Studio. 04 Wash. u HEL1 VAVTK1 MISC. 1U Mortgage vLoans I. J WHITER 701 Selling Hid. WANTED $2500 house built in Rose City Park. Have lot. Will give two clear lots, cash value $1400, and $1100 cash. E-690, Journal. WANT home, east side, Hawthorne or Mount Scott district preferred. Give location, price and terms. D-859. Journal. WANT 3 lota near Hawthorne ave. or E. Harrison St.. west of 50th. Casl:. Q-569. Journal. WANTED Large hotel or apartment house, $5000 to $75 000, in trade for land or acreage. East 2663. ' Sale or Exchange 160 acres. 45 acres under cultivation. 25 acres more very easily cleared, about 50 acres of hill land; beautiful trout stream through place, fine spring near house, from which water is pipea to house; large barn, good 6 room house, 3 room house, spring and dairy house, chicken and outbuildings; good family orchard of assorted fruits in full bear ing; place fenced and cross-fenced; one half mile from school, 4 miles from country town and 5 miles from carline; 14 miles from Vancouver; 12 milch cows, 2 bead of young stock; team, wagon, hack, buggy, harnesses, 4 head of hogs, 2 dozen chickens, 25 tons of hay and all manner of farm machin ery; small tools go with place, includ ing steam boiler, feed, grinder, etc. Price $15,000; hair cash, or would take food Vancouver or Portland property or' equity of $7500, balance 6 and 8 per' cent. " Thompson & Swan Sixth and Main sts., Vancouver, Wash. WANTED Lot Rose City Park for mortgage. 0-828. Journal. ROOMING HOI SES 53 MOST desirable high class apartment house in on of the best locations; rcoms all full. Income over $650 nio. $3500 cash will handle this. Other apartment and rooming houses-xang ing from $200 to $3500. Page Ofi.. 244 i. 1 ' . . ...... 1 , 1 . 1WVIU U . BEFORE buying or selling a. rooming or apartment nouse. see us. vve pro tect buyer and seller and guarantee to save you money. Yates Realty Co., 249 4th st.. near city hall. ' $1000 $1500 JJ500 to loan at 7 and 8 per cent on im proved real estate. Scotr-Beesley Deane Co. 211-12 Abtr.gton bldg. WE have money to loan on your real estate; first mortgages only HAMMOND MORTGAGE COMPANY, 42:1 Chamber of Commerce. i to jo, become U. K. govern ment railway mail;Jerks, $75 month to commence Advance $l" year through your grades mntil $160 month is reached. Every second week off duty with full pay. 'Lire lob. steady work. Parcel post 'it making many appointments in the neighborhood of Portland. "Pull" unnecessary; Port land examinations j soon. Common sense education suffUiienL Write im mediately ior rree aampie examination questions. Franklin -i Institute, Dept. 35-K. Rochester. N. TT. OREGON AUTOMOBILE eiCHOOU 266-268 11th Latest up to date meth ods of practical instruction ln driving and repairing autos by exrt Instruc tors and mechanics. Tultitn. part caah on enrollment, balance- at time of grad uation. We assist graduates to posi tion. Day and night classes WE have private tunds to place, o.i residence property in amounts of $500 to $10,000. HART MAN-THOMPSON BANK MORTGAGE loans at current rates. Real estate security; apply rm. 202 Stock Exchange. 3d and Yamhill. ' $lo0,ouo on mortgages, city and iarm . property, lire insurance. McKenxle & Co.. Gerlinger bldg.. 2d and Alder. MONEY To LOAN ON REAL ES TATE. VM. G. BECK. 315 FAIL ING BLDG. HAVE any amount to loan on good Portland real estate. Call 228 Cham ber of Commerce bldg. No brokers. LASH paio for mortgages, notes, con tracts; mortgage loans; reasonable Krates. F. H. Lewis .v Co.. :i Lewis bldg. MORTGAGE LOANS. 6 per cent to 7 per cent. John L. Karnopp. Railway Ex. bldg. WEST SIDE New 6 room bungalow. hard surface paid. 3 cars, walking distance; owner will be on property. 987 1st st., Sunday; $1.50. easy terms. FOR fine new, strictly modern 6 room homes come to Tillamook and 54th sts. Price 3500: owner. Woodlawn. 1S71. NICE little 5 room bungalow, fire- flace, Dutch kitchen, lot 50x100; 0 cash, balance $20 per month. Frice $2450. Phone B-2051. OWNER. GOING EAST. WILL SELL. Irvington home. 6 rooms, modern; a bargain. 637 E. 11th et. N. Chicken and. Fruit Ranch 10 acres.. 9 acres under cultivation, 1 acre slashed and very easily cleared, 6 acres orchard ln full bearing, which paid off of prunes alone $450 this year; 3 room house, barn 20x24. good chicken houses and yards; place situated 9 miles from this city. 1 mile from Co lumbia river, boat landing and railroad station, on fine gravel road, 1 mile from high: school, stores and church. If you are looking for & place to live and educate your family, do not fall to Investigate. Price $3200; $1200 cash, balance can stand 4 years, 6 per cent. with liberal repayment privilege. Thompson &Swan Sixth and Main sts.. Vancouver, Wash. ROOMING house for sale, 36 rooms, rent $65. Price $600. By owner. Phone A-4529. HAVE for sale at a bargain a room ing house (30 rooms), downtown 16 catlon. Phone Main 7313, A-4343. GOOD paying rooming house, 33 rooms, very cheap. Terms if wanted. 291 E. Morrison. East 2663. Owner. 10 ROOM house. H. K.; rent $20; will ''sell very cheap; must leave city; rrake an offer. 284 3d st. S. APARTMENT house, furniture: pro prietor leaving city. Rooms full. A bargain. 513 Vancouver ave. BUSINESS CHANCES SO WANTED An idea: Who can think of some simple thing to patent? Protect your Ideas, they may bring rou wealth; write for "Needed Inven lons"' and "How to Get Your Patent and Your Money." Randolph & Co., patent attorneys, Washington. D. C. 7 ROOM house, 2 lots, garden, fruit trees, flowers, and chicken houses. 1571 E. Burnside st., cor. 60th. FOR SALE Lot 45x100 at reasonable price, 2 blks. from car; also 8 room house, in same location. 554 Prescott. $500 4 room house and lot. Peninsula add., 1800 Foster St.; terms. See owner, 186 K. 27th st. Sunnyside car. A SNAP. ',4 ACRE, 6 room house, $C50 cash. Tabor 3152. $400 4 room house and lot, Lents, cash, $5 monthly. T-894. Journal. BARGAIN from owner, 5 room cottage, good location, $2000. Tabor 1618. MODERN house, 2 lots( garden; phone Sellwood 470. it charged. Bills will be mailed to you Hie following da lor i payment. '1 he Journal cannot guarantee accuracy or assume responsi bility for errors o any kin-. occurring in telephoned advertise ments. I r.nWAItns Nellie A. F.Uwarda. iood Sa mnritan hospital, Feb. 8, 28 years; abacesa of lirain. I ... . UCIFKHMAN Hugh Lelferraan. St. Vincent's nopital, Feb. 8, 28 yeara; dlllatlon . of heart. j .... Bl.oifM Buriet,t Blohm, 2S6o KeTentT-nlxth Mreef S E.. j Feb. 8. 8 years; diphtheria Gl'YTttN Kmllj Guyton, Portland Sanl torlum Feb. fl C2 years; tirmielio-pnenmonia. UENNKTT Mrx, Isalfelle H. Bennett. 819 lnton aTemiej North, Feb. 10. 54 years; LUNKKK -Alexander F. Bunker. 042 .ast Fifteenth street, North. Feb. 10, 85 yeara; apoplexy. JOilXSON Mro. Helen K. Johnson. .,. Schnvlrr street. Feb. 10. 6 years; senility. SfVKLKTT Harrv A. Scarlett. Weatphal Apartments. Feb. S, 0O years; chronic Brlght'a diReuse. . MARA Tim Mara. 20fi Couch street, Feb. 8. 75 years; endocarditis. - I) YNOF.RF1 F.LD-f-Jumea F. Pamrerf ielil. Na tural Sanltoriuin, Feb. II, 70 years; cerebral OLStW Alice V Olson. S10 East Broadway xtreet. Feb. it 14 yearn;, meningitis. FIEIU'K Kdwarkl A. Fierce. 600 Kast Twenty-eighth street. Feb. 12, 33 years; empy- semn . I FOR SALE LOTS 10 MULTNOMAH, the thriving new sub urb on the double track of the Or egon Electric only a few minutes' ride from the center of Portland., offers you sightly residence lots, business 'oca tic ns, quarter acres and finished mod ern homes, at low figures and on easy terms. THE WESTERN SECURITIES CO.. Owners and Agent-. 512 Piatt bids.. r Also, agent at Multnomah. Or. FLORAL SHOP a.".S. of all kinds. Main 7756. A-7703. 120 4th CLARKE BROS., florists; fine flowers and floral designs. zs aiorason . FUNERAL DIRECTORS Dunning di every detail. A-4H5S. T.advi assistant McEnt66 Modern ln 7th and Pine. Main 4S0. A. R. Zeilejr Co. Kaitiosst'c-ioss !.adv attendant. Day and night service Leading east side under taker. Lady assistant. B- 1888. E. 781. E. btn. Aider. FOR SALE Two lots, 50xt00 each, Nehalem beach: 4 lots, 25x100 each, corner. Manhattan beachj 2 lots. 25x 70 each, corner, Rockaway beach. The original price paid for these choice lots over a years ago was jiao: will sacrifice them for cash: make me an offer. Address E. W. G. Walsh, Ana cortes hotel, Anacortes. Wash. LOT oTi Killingsworth. E. 9th and Brown ave., 204 ft. front; 2 nice cor ners: $1800, easy payments; 3 lots, 26x100. K. 21st, near Powell. , 150 ft. north from B-L car, business 'property ; $750 per lot, pavement included, easy payments. Sellwood 771. Owner. VALUABLE eastern Oregon irrigated ranch at a bargain: 160 acres with A-l water rights. Located in famous Eagle valley. Is all fenced, nas two Eood houses, two barns and two wells, and is peculiarly adapted to raising alfalfa, fruit and tomatoes; $500 is common yield per acre in tomatoes. Cannery now operating In the valley. Owners of this ranch doubled their money last year on hogs. Price for a few days, $100 per acre. Terms liberal. Call or write J. D. Lee, 623 Chamber of Commerce bldg. BUY my beautiful borne farm on Tual atin river, 15 miles west of Portland; highly improved, rich, fine fishing. Address 432 12th st. Marshall 3118. AN elderly couple wishes to sell their 5 acre home. 3V4 miles out of city limits. Address Box 368, Routs 2, Mll waukie. Or. OPENING for furniture and undertak ing business ln Woodland. Wash., 28 miles from Portland on Northern Paciic railway. Center of prosperous dairy and" logging industry. Concrete building, best location, with fixtures for rent. Address KX-784. Journal. ON MARCH 13. I will sell the entire plant or tne Kersey Floral Co.. new greenhouse, stock and store fixtures to tne nignest Didder for cash. For full particulars address C. A. Horst, trus tee, Bellingham, Wash. RARE OPPORTUNITY. See store and 5 room furnished house for rent at 193 Chapman st., near Multnomah club; $25 per mouth. For particulars, call Main 306. 422 Com- merclal Club bldg. BUTCHER shop. including fixtures and outfit, completely furnished doing fiuu a week casli business; on account of 111 health I am going back east and want to sell at once. $1000 cash. Call at boZl Foster Road. FOR RENT FARMS 14 FOR RENT Dairy and diversified farm, 160 acres, 35 acres ready for seeding, 20 acres more under way, 65 acres being slashed to burn for pas ture; well fenced and cross-fenced; springs in all pastures. 1 mile from center of good town, schools, etc.; barn for 12 cows, 4 horses, sheds. etc.L two houses, 1 of seven rooms, finely -finished; your choice of large or small house; all or part of land; cash rent or unincumbered Portland city prop erty considered. Wilbur F. Brock, owner. Woodland. Wash.; 28 miles from Portland on Northern Pacific. Rockaway Beach Four lots clieap, less than cost; must sell now. Call 3930 64th st. S. E. ONE of the best in Westmoreland; absolutely clear of all Incumbrance; hard surface, sewer, etc.: $1000 for auick sale. 1783 Phelps st. B-3202. $800 lot. half block from car. all im provements in, for $300. $250 cash. Phone Columbia oSO. FOR SALE or exchange, 3 desirable North Bend . lots. Owner, 208 Ter wllliger st.. Portland. Or. LOT in Ladd addition, close to Haw thorne ave.; $1900. K-974, JournaL FOR SALE, rent or exchange for city property. 80 acres. 50.'"in cultivation. 5 in poultry yard, runrting water in every field. Several springs. 2 min eral. Large house, telephone, electric lights throughout, plenty timber do mestic use, good barn. orchards, all BEST chance ln city for the money; reliable oirice ana collection bust ness. extends over the western states. Must be sold this week. Investigate and you will buy. Q-8Z i, Jour nal. GROCERY and confectionery, must be sold; new stock; swell fixtures; large soda fountain: best equipped store in Alberta district; wortn jizuo; maKe or fer. Open Sunday. Woodlawn 418. FOR SALE or trade, grocery stock, istore" building and residence; terms doing good business. Write John S Wert, North Yakima. Wash. FOR SALE A dandy cash grocery and confectionery, living room. $700 cash, terms or trade on balance. Verv cheap for all cash. Phone W'lln. 2246 DO you want to sell or exchange your property or fusiness.' ijive run par ticuiars; have many clients.' S-745, Journal. WILL nay cash Tor a town or country store; must show results: give full details. E. Duniap, 4is w . 3d st., Al bany. Or. DAIRY, milk route, 8 cows and all eauipment; also hew 5 room bunga- kinds small fruit, all fenced and cros3 low. Sell togetner or separate. 140 fenced, one mile from town. Terms on sale or long lease low rent. See owner, St. Charles hotel, room 207. 80 ACRES, 30 fenced, 6 cleared and In 'cultivation, 3 room house, barn partly finished, implements; party with good team and wagon can make good here; summer's work pn roads; am going out 8:30 Sunday. Inquire 564 Gideon st. FOR LEASE fy acres. 13 cultivated, more easily cleared, cows, horses and implements; part cash and work for rent; near Laurel on milk route. J. M. Green. Ilillsboro. R. 2. GOOD dairy ranch, 16 milei from Port. land. George Bonner, 12 41 Montana ave.. Portland. Phone Woodlawn 1209. SMALL ho'use, 1' acre cultivation, Es tacada Electric. 7lAc? fare Portland, rent $9 mo. Inquire 272 Mill, near 4th. X Missouri ave. FOR SALE Book and stationery store, Value $500; quick sale. $250 will take it. Rent $15. Owner, zsa 3d st. FOR SALE Grocery store doing $2000 per month. Good reason ior setting. W-713. Journal. FOR SALE Restaurant for sale cheap or cash, sickness cause for selling. 522 wasnington st. RESTAURANT for sale, $200. bar gain: good location, lease. 289 Haw thorne. , MONEY to loan on city real estate and farms. Geo. P. Dekuni, 228 Henry bids MONEY TO LOAN ON REAL ESTATE A. H. HARDING, 313 Cham, of Com. MORTGAGE loans, 6 and 7 per cent. Louis Salomon fc Co.. 2Z3 stark st. MONEY on city properly. Ridings Ik. lley.. 404 Broadway bid k. M . ZS17 $40,000 OR LESS. FARRINGTON 80 4th St.. Board of Trade Bldg. Mo:EY to loan, 6 to 8 per cent- W. H. Se4tz & Co.. H10 Spalding bldg. $1000 to $5000 private funds for imme diate loan, l none labor zozu. $2.".0. $350. $600. $850, $120. $20ii. h red v . German Co.. 914 ham om AUTOMOBILE chauffeurs get $25 a week and over. Many spring va cancies. Sample Instructions free FTanklin Institute. Dept. 828K"Roch ester, N. Y. RAILWAY mall clerks wanted; coni mence $75 month.'1) Portland xnmi- nations soon. Sample questions free. riaiiKun insuiuie, xjti. joia., Koches ter. N. Y. ' ' . USE your spare time, to build up a ma'l order business of your own; we help you start for a share ln profits; 27 opportunities;' particulars free. Mutual Opportunities Exchange. Buffalo. N. Y. RAILWAY mail cleri. exam. Feb. il. Parcel post requites more clerks. Salary $300 to $1700i i Act quickly and at once. Pacific Slates School, Mc Kay bldg , city. "i MEN with patentable lueas write Ran dolph & Co.. patent-solicitors. Wasli Ington. D. C. jji SHORTHAND and bookkeeping coupes, thorough and riij-id. i2V Worcester block. Marshall 275-li UNCALLED for tailored- suits. $ 50 up. Tavlor. tlje tailor. 289H Burnside PACIFIC Chiropractljc College, lnc, 407 to 418 C'umnimi wealth bldg. USE Bassett's NatiyeTHerbs for rheu matism; 50 tablets -jr.c. All drugglsf WANTED Good mandolin -player and singer. 660 I'nlori;. ave. N. II ELI WAXTEl) FEMALE 2 Situation iiWanted Ads Inserted free fo those in ne-J of work and who arja Unable to pay for an advertisement. ! Advertisements must be brought to the office personal ly by the parties desiring work. salsa women who for the spring - MONK'S TO LOAN CHATTELS, SALARIES 07 Immediate Loans On diamonds, salary. furniture. pianos, storage reoeiptJS real estate, autos or 'motoi cycles. As our capital is unlimited, we arc equipped to Imndle loans from $10 to $100'). in one to six hours' tim;. No embarrassing investi gation. Mortgages not recorded unless default is made. YOU CAN GET IT TODAY. Portland Loan Co. (Licensed.) 413 MACLEAY BLDG. Open 8 a. in. to 6 p. m.; Sat., till 9 p. m. Call, write or phone. Salaried People START THE NEW YEAR OWING BUT ONE PARTI $10 to $ioo on your personal NOTE. FOR FURTHKH PARTICULAR a CALL, TELEPHONE OR WRITS State Security Co. 309 FAILING BLDG. PRIVATE PLACE TO OBTAIN LOANS on diamonds, watches, jewelry, au tomobiles, musical Instruments. AL interview., strictly confidential. Eiby Company, 320 Lumber Ex. bldg. MR. AND MRS. WAGE EARNERS WISHING MONEY WITHOUT SE CURITY. O.LICKLY. QUIETLY. AND CHEAPLY. PLEASE CALL AT 32S HF.NKY BLDG. xiESIRABLE place for ladies and gen tlemen to borrow money on diamonds and jewelry, eastern rates. Diamond Palace, 334 Wash optv Owl drug store. iiO.NKV at lessal rales on pianos, fur niture, autos. livestock, Ktorane te- celpts. real estat-, etc. Manhatt:ii Mortgage Co.. .".10 Ahingtou. Main. "2'". HONEY to loan on diamonds, pianos. autos and motorcycles, or storage re ceipts. 3 per cent. Apply 413 Macleay bldg. r MONEY loaned on diamonds, Jwpry and warehouse receipts. W. A. H a 1 1 a w ay. loom S .W ;i h i n c t on bb I jr. MoNEY sold on installment; confi dential to salaried people. F. A. Newton. 514 Henry bldg. WANTED Millinery desire employment! opening season should inako applica tion now at Meier At Frank's. None but experienced talwwomen desired. Apply between 9 anjllO m. in. at .sup erintendent's of flee, fiixth floor. jf : fp"i WANTED- Experienced woman for corset alteration: nermanent position and wood Balaiy: state, experience and lve references, ll-tij. Journal. WANTED Experienced glove sales women. Apply aj, 1 superintendent's office, 9 to lu a. mMeler K. Frank's store. Ill 1 1 WOMEN get governnnt Jobs; big pay; Portland examinations April ; sam ple questions free. 'Franklin Institute. I iept. 68 K. Rochester. N. Y. WANTED Young Woman or girl to take care of thred amall children duilnit mother's alHice. Good home, 1 i ght work. Eaft E-'fj WANTKD Vounir girl to take care of c hild 3 hours a day. Apt. 6. 267 N. 21st. r.TH WANTED Woman qt girl to csre for three small children, light work, good home. C. S. preferred. East 924. WANTKD Elderly laly to assist with light housework, fojj home more than waffcf. Columbia 60S. ' LOANS on diamonds and jewelry. Room 45 Washington bldg. Phone Main 6100 JIONE1 loaned on diamor.da and jew elry, strictly confidential. 1 4 1 Vfr 3d. LOANS VAXTEI :io $400 FOR 1 e.piity. N-870. year. Security, Journal. $40uij FINANCIAL SI CASH PAID FOR MORTGAGES. Or seller's security In contract of sale on real estate In Wash, or Or. IL E. Noble. Lumbermensbldg. Loans. SETTLERS'-ontract on house and lot for sale. Sellwood 159S, B-1425. WILL sacrifice pool hall. 3 tables, con fectionery, if taken at once. Phone Sellwood 1191. ; WEDDING invitations, announcements. Rvder Print Co.. 3d Mor. M. 653 PARTNER to manage a paying busi ness. $2500. Main 1120. HELP WANTED MALE WANTED Solicitors for city and country, rapid sellers. 601 Shet land bhig. CHEF Headquarters and helpers. Cal ifornia Wine Depot, 2SC YamhilL WANTEO Reliable -fl housekeeper cam for home and 3 children. Please c;il aft er 4 n. in. Sit I.' r.oth Kt,. N. WANTED lo eorrestotid with an archi tect who Is desirous! of going in bu.sl- n,. for himself. 1 . Journal. - W A iNlrED I i rl forT general houxs work. Apply 264 J'"h. M. fJ RAGTIME on rdarn! guaranteed be gin n e rs 1 0 lessons j 50.1 Filers bldg. 7;FrL for general b"fUnework and to Hiat with ctilldreiH Call 658 Irving. WANTKD at once, weman for general I nii 'prk. Apolyi ;.'74 E. Morrison. ?4 HELP AVAXTE1H-LLK AMI FEMALE 1K OREGON Barber College teaches yo the barber trade in- weeks, pays you while learning, tool) . free, tuition re duced this term: expert Instruction, po sition guaranteed, stiecial inducement to isdles 233 Mad I nan st.. 26 Sd. I'OH'1 LAND railway- mail examina tions soon.. $7." s'jnonth. Sample questions free. Franklin Institute, Dept 34HK. Rochester. X. Y. - MOLER BARBER COLLEGE teaches trade in 8 weeks. !tuavs while learn ing, gives ist-class of tools; -writ for free cstalogue. P.;,, 4S. N. 2d St. HKK Teachers' Agency secures posi tion for teaeherw ;S1 S .Inurniir hlitt. SITlATIO!rSi MALE 3 KXI'KKihiNCr.D plasterer wants work. Willing to do anvtrpTt-' Main 717. POSITION wanted h chauffeur for private family. B-21 4S. . - PTFeTUNG and tln'tlngl -Call Taj tor 4762. save money.,.; R. p. Uwrenee. (Continued on Vest Pars . N'.