The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, February 11, 1914, Page 4, Image 4

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Series Sensational Episodes
in UOtTIDanV S ATtairS naS,wy. L,ht & -Power company, vcounty
: III JVJiy a n,,""u 1 institutions outside of the city belli
f .rteacnea uiimax.
i ........ ,
"""" " . . LY-T 1.
Cushier company, against whili a suit
.as been filed for an accounting.;
roa heua climax this morning when ;
Judge uatens grantea a pennon tor a j " , 71 ,
liearlag for the purpose of determine J "The Young Turk and the Old ia
ing whether the receivership shall be I the title of an interesting lecture
Continued- ! which has been arranged by the Port-
Tli4 books of the United States ' Jand council of the Knights of Co-Cahl-r
coinprny were removed from lumbus to take place ; at the audi
.tl.e Krnton plant last night by R torlum Of the Lincoln high school
velvet Jum-s K. Hunt and are now in Friday evening. The lecturer, the Very
.)ils possession pending some action on Rev. Monsignor Salmons, priest of the
purl of the. . ourt. According to attor- Byrlan Greek Melchite r(te, one of the
t-yH tunl.of rii lals of th International .ancient oriental rites Sanctioned by
!Moiiey Maflilne compiiny,; the books the see of Rome, is well qualified "to
" e re seiaed undr cover' of night by : speak on this particular; subject. The
!JameS H. tilrrel, the plaintiff lit the lecture has been postponed from this
.,-uho ulmIikI the i nirrd maim (jasnier
company, Attorney A. h.. ClarK ana
Heeelvcr Hunt anil takn to Clark s of
.tires 'In the Yeon building. Mi Hunt
.stHte.ll emphatically this noon, however,
that kite hooks have-not left Ills pos-h-k1oii
and that they bad' been taken
liorh'ttlie Kenton plant because it was;
;'d that they
i. .......
were not
I at
J Boks Not Takan. I
..... . .i ..... , .,"., !
, "It Is mtfeotly correct that Messrs
)nt hisht at the factory but not a
Hinulff note was taken, as lias been
slattd. 1 1 granted Mr..Clark the priv
JU nc j of looking at the . books in all
fjilrness, for I-had earlier in the after
jinn j allow U 1 J I. Gloyd, secretary
:of 'the United Htates Cashier company,
:to t-am!rie them and -had 'acquiesced ;
'to t 'request from W. Ai -Johnson of '.
the lnw firm of Teal, Minor" & Win-
tree, i i-talri. il by the International
Money Machine company, to make an
Inventory of the books. Inasmuch as j
'one tle hud been permitted to ex- '
rnine the hooks it was only fair that
ine oilier snouiu unve ine same pnv
ili'Ke, lric-e Mr. (.Mark had ' asked for
,it.- j- '
Mr, Hunt was unaware that Mr. Blr
'. rel would be present, he stated.
"I jlinve done nothing that did not
'.fall properly tn rny province as a re
.telvef,'' he said. .
Auditor Watches Trom Roof.
-' 'The '-examination "of the books by,
A. iZ Clark and J. is. Haker was dis
covered tiy Kdward C. Bilker, formerly
tudltor tor the United States Cashier
i ompiiny, and now Portland agent of
Hie International Money Machine com
,'pany.l Thinking Something- amiss, he
lllmled the rain spout, to the roof of
' .the warehouse, and later, with his at-
lorheys, endeavored to reach Judge
j.Uatens, .with a view to having the
;iourt issue an order prohibiting the re-
moval of the books from the plant.
'They were unable to find the Judge.
' During the course of the examination
lot the books in the factory, the lights
fwentfout and it was found afterward
)the wires were cut. Endeavoring to
ritr" 14lrr1'n automobile, which VI fl
inland In it before the nlant. it was found
ithat the Jpark plug had been! stolen.
P.irrel succeeded ultimately in getting
the engine started and with Mr.-Hunt
and the books on the rear seat and
Blrrel and Clark in front, the books
were taken to the city and have never
left Mr. Hunt's possession.
Judge Sam White, who Is one of
counsel for the International Money
'Machine company, was highly Indlg-
. rant this morninK at what he termed
. "unusual proceedings on the part of
the receiver."
Counsel Disputes Receiver's Right.
'"As temporary receiver," said Mr.,
White, "Mr. Hunt had mo ri'ght to show
the books to a plaintiff. Why, If that
"Vwere1 permissible any rival company
could get a temporary receiver ap
pointed and get business secrets by
Cettlfig noHsesslon of the books."
Judge White stated that he would
endeavor to show the court that the
appointment of a receiver and the cus
tody of the property was illegal. In
asmuch as the International Money
Machine company had secured posses
sion of Uie United States Cashier
conipany"s property prior' to the Issu
ance of the Injunction aid the appoint
ment; of a rece-iver. He will ask for
the discharge of the receiver and the
turning over of the property to the In
diana corporation.
Mr, Hunt,' it Is understood. Is anx
ious lo insure the safety of the books.
H 'as disturbed all last night by
mysterious phone and door bell calls.
Last j night's removal Of the books is
termed a "covp" by attorneys of the
company against which the suit has
teen filed.
At a meeting of the anti-fly cam
paign committee last night In the Cen
tral library. It was decided to take ac
.tlve steps to rid tha x-lty of flies. The
climax of the campaign will be reached
between April 15 and May 1. A clean
up week will be declared and every
bHk:yafd, stable, alley and basement put In sanitary ndition.
School children will be asked to co- !
operate. Committees qtn literature,
pdbliclty and educational work1 will fee
appointed soon by trr. Charles A. Bal
lard, general chairman of the commit
tee, r -
Speakers will be detailed to instruct
school children In methods of exter
minating the pest. Dr. C. F." Hodge
exhibited a simple net catcher which
costs about a cent and a half each.- It
is suggested thsa these be made in
the (manual training departments of
the school. ....
- A. (demand for $10,000 damages was
presented to the county commissioners
yesterday by Attorney Jay H. Upton,
representing Jacob Welnstein. a dairy
and I express man, who was Injured
when the lift of the Hawthorne bridge
caught his wagon as It rose on-January
B. ' The claim was referred to District
Attorney Evans. As the result of the
accident several changes were made
in the bridge crew.
.The fourth in the series of Bonville
lectures. -now being held in the central
library, will be given' tonight at 8
o cioca in -jeciure rpom -B.
These lectures, which are free to the
general public, deal with th
nesses and . looseness of the present
system of incorporating and managing
the great 'Industrial enterprises and
public service corporations through-
out the United States, and propos a
practicable remedy therefore, without
recourse to legislation, j
The speakers this evening will be
J..O. Stearns Jr.. an attorney of this
city, and Airs. J. W. Pearson, well
known in. local literary circles.
A flat rate of 2 V cents a kilowatt
hour for electricity for light and pow
er, is offered to the county in a Con
tract presented by the Portland Kau
included as well as the institutions ."in
the city and bridges. The saving will
be large. Lighting billaLPf the county
omniint ti aHut tlArift a mnnth at nrfM.
ent. xne contract was rererrea wun-
trict Attorney Evans, i ine price is
tn Bame that the clt is noW paying.
xw KrMav.
' Land Valued at $1.
One dollar was the verdict of Dorr
K. Keasey, Philo Holbrpok and J. B.
Yon, viewers, as the value of land
needed by Mi
ul tmimfih
county for the
,.' r , J
Oneonta gorge, which belongs to
lonald. The viewers allowed no
damages. They reported that the land
, -rthi.. k rir.iiv
valueless. The county Icommlssioners
filed the report. j
Popular Concert Tonight."
A popular concert will . be given
under the auspices ofi the Innisfail
Musical club at the new St. Patrick's
nan, corner wineteentn ana savier
streets, this evening. The proceeds of
this concert are to go toward the pip
organ runa.
Our Bid for Your Patronage to This Yearly Occasion Is Three
! - t
Soaps for Every Purpose
10,000 Cake Best Bath Soap 5c VVer 10c Each '
-German Glycerine, Witch Hazel, Turkish Bath and Crer
Almond in large, half-pound bars. t ?. v
JSc English , Bath Tablets Peroxide Bath and Vege
in Violet r Rose Ver - table Oil Bath Soap 8c
bena ..... J .8c tOc Violet Glv'inm Soao 6c
25c Woodbury's Soap, .13c
25c Caticura Soap.... 14c
25c Packer's Tar Soap. 14c
25c Imp'ted Violet So'p 14c
25c Supertar Soap. . . ,10c
25c Lemon Gly'ne Soap 13c
10c Palm Olive Soap.. 6c
10c Jap Rose Soap. ... . .6c
10c Castile Soap 6c
10c Medicated Soap. . . .6c
25c Pears' Gly'ne Soap 13c
35c box Oriental Toilet Soap,
Sandalwod or Corylopsis, 3
cakes to box . . . : 19c
25c box Fancy Toilet Soaps,
assorted odors, 3 cakes, 16c
AH Ivory Toilet Articles One-Fourth Off
f Malt Nutrine
A nutritive tonic which is
especially beneficial when
taken in the Spring.
13c a bottle,
$1.50 the dozen.
$1.00 Glyco-Thymoline, .69c
$1.00 Listerine i 59c
25c Bromo-Quimne ....... 12c
50c Hay's Hair Health. . .29c
$1 Pinaud's E. de Quinine 59c
50c Pinaud's E. de Qui'ne29c
$1.50 Pinaud's pau de Qui
nine, at only. I... $1.19
25c Mentholaturh .16c
25c Mustard Cerate 16c
75c Sheffler's Colorine ,. .59c
75c Beef, Iron and Wine 39c
$1.00 Sutherland Sisters' Hair
Tonic, at only . .59c
5c Cough Drops 2c
50c California Syrup Figs 25c
50c Murine . . J 29c
25c Lavoris Mouth Wash 16c
50c Milk Magnesia 29c
25c Hydrogen Peroxide . .13c
10c Hydrogen Peroxide. . .5c
25c Munyon's Remedies. .10c
$L00 Sulphurroj ........ 49c
50c Effervescing Sodium
Phosphate, at Only. 29c
$1.00 lb. Sodium Phosphate
Effervescing, lb .69c
50c White Pine and Tar
Cough Syrup, at onlv. 29c
50c Lavoris Mouth Wash 29c
Walter E, Sweeting of Cleve
land, Ohio, Arrives; To
Meet Property Owners,
Walter . E. Sweeting, special repre
sentative ofj the Manufacturers' Ap
praisal company of Cleveland, Ohio,' Is
In Portland for the purpose of inaug
urating the 1 work -of installing the
Homers unit system of realty valuation
lji the office f County Assessor Henry
K. Reed. ,. : ' ;
Mr. Swectihg arrived here yesterday
and at once conferred with the asses-i
sor and arranged to begin holding
meetings of property owners the latter
part of the present week. At these
meetings, which . will be attended by
the owners j of the 'subdivisions of
blocks located la every section of the
city, unit: foot valuations will be
agreed upon if or each block, and from
this the appraisal of that and sur
rounding blocks will be made by using
the tables of the Somers system.
Taxpayers,! improvement clubs ahd
civic organizations generally are in
vited to attend these meetings and
participate in the deliberations, to the
end that the: unit valuations obtained
may represent as nearly as possible
the actual value of the land, thereby
Insuring a just and equable assess
ment, j
Both Assessor Reed and Mr. Sweet
irg, the latter handling the Work for
the appraisat company, are determined
to countenance no star chamber pro
ceedings. T3ic public and the press
will be invited to keep close watch on i
the appraisal; work from start to finish.
Work Of appraising the 40,000 build
ings in Portland will begin probably
next Monday. The head of the build
ing appraisal department of the Man
ufacturers' i Appraisal company of
Cleveland will reach Portland in a day
or so and wU at oace organize crews
to do this work. This la the heaviest
work connected -with the Installation
of the Somers system. To begin with,
probably a dosen crews will be put at
this work, but in a short time this
On D
$1.00 bar Breabelli Imported
Castile, at only. . ..... ,69c
50c Olive Oil Castile Soap,
at only . 39c
Dr. Fennel's Clear Skin
Soap-r A mild antiseptic,
sold exclusively in Portland
by this store.
15c the cake; 40c the box.
Greenville's Imported Toi'
let Soaps-From the best
soap manufacturers in France
comes this pleasing and mild
soap. Delicately perfumed
with violet, heliotrope or mu
guet. t
35c cake; $1.00 the box
Bristle Goods
$2 Hair Brushes 98c
Bristles' of the highest qual
ity, bleached or unbleached,
11 and 13 rows of hand-drawn,
various length bristie3, ebony
ortosewood backs.
$2.50 Hair Brushes at $1.59
i A collection of hair brushes
from a celebrated manufac
turer. Tjhe quality is perfect
and guaranteed to give five
years' Wear and satisfaction.
$1.25 Hughes' Ideal Hair
Brushes 69c.
A cushion brush, with dou
ble bristles set in rubber.
Rosewood back.
15c Tooth Brushes, 9c
All hand-drawn bristles,
assorted styles.
25c Tooth Brushes 13c
Our jregular stock of
brushes, including 12 differ
ent styles in hand-drawn first
Suality, genuine bristles.
5c Extra Quality Tooth
Brushes, at only. . . .19c
50c Nail and Hand Scrub
i" Brushes, at only. . . .29c
25c Nail and Hand Scrub
Brushes, at only . . . . 19c
15c Nail and Hand Scrub
Brushes, at only . . . i 7c
of c Merit Only
.1 ZJfiA
Walter E. Sweeting.
number will be- largely Increased. The
duty of these crews will be confined
ArticlesSundries and Rubber Goods
35c Roll Hospital Absorbent
Cotton, at only .23c
25c Whisk Brooms 19c
35c Whisk Brooms 29c
65c Nail Buffers ...39c
3fic Nail "Buffers 25c
25c Flexible Nail Files. . .10c
25c Wool Powder Puffs 14c
10c Wool Powder Puffs 5c
25s.4 Ivory Soap Boxes, ,19c
75c Dressing Combs . . -. 49c
50c pkg. Sanity Napk's. 35c
Best Quality Drugs at Sale Prices
10c Household Ammonia 5c
10c Epsom Salts, pkg.. . . .3c
10c Bicarbonate Soda, pk. 5c
10c Boric Acid, pkg. . . ... .?c
lOcCascara Bark, pkg 5c
10c Soap Bark, pkg .. .5c
10c Cream of Tartar, pkg. 6c
10c Powdered Alum, pkg. 6c
15c Turpentine, bottle 9c
15c Denatured ,Alcohol,bot.9c
25c Castor Oil, bottle 16c
25c Glycerine, bottle ..... Iffc
25c Rose Water, bottle. . .16c
25c Glycerine, Rose W'ter 16c
25c Baby Rum, bottle. . . .16c
25c Violet Witch Hazel. .16c
25c Violet Ammonia, bot.ltfc
25c Paregoric, bottle . . . .16c
50c Vanilla Extract, bot. 25c
50c Lemon Extract, bot. 26c
25c Squibbs' Spices, pkg.. 16c
Eclipse Manicure &
Toilet Preparations
Eclipse Floral Cream -.
A cream beneficial and agree
able to the most sensitive skin.
The jar 50
-Eclipse Rouges In
powder, paste or liquid form,
the jar, 35, 35 and BO
-Eclipse Talcum Pow
der -A "pure rice talcum,
the can, at only 25
Eclipse M anicur e
Preparations are unex
celled for keeping the nails in
perfect condition.
The Lava Heater
The quickest and safest cooking stove. Non-explosive.
Burns solidified alcohol. '
Indespensable in homi or camp, to tourist or traveler. And
especially in nursery or sick room.
Heaters, complete. ... .50c
Refill material .... , . 25c
25c Curl'g Iron Heater 10c
50c Curl'g Iron Heater 19c
75c Curl'g Iron Heater 29c
to' measuring buildings and ascertaln-
their f-ttaracter and age, the act-;
ual appraisal, estimating, cost or re
production and fixing per cent of de
terioration will be done by experts in
that line, brought here from Cleveland,
Booklets describing in detail the
Somers system of land appraisal, may
be, had in a day or two by calling at
the assessor's office, second floor of
the courthouse. Those Interested in
knowing more about the system are
urged to call and get one of these free
Mr. Sweeting, who will have charge
of the work of installing the Somera
system, has established headquarters
at the assessor's office. i
Roseburg, Or., Feb. 11. Justice of
the Peace Marsters, after a hearing in
his court iTuesday, ordered that ' the
beer confiscated from the Order of
Kagles' lodjae room Monday night dur
ing a raid be returned to the lodge im
The raid
was made and the beer se-
I cured for tjie purpose of convicting the !
local brewiry for violation of the local
option- lawf as it was thought by. the
officers that the liquor had been se
cured from the brewery. At the hear
Ing it developed, however, that the
beer had been donated to the lodge by
the brewmaster of the brewery, who
is a -member of the lodge, from his
owft personal supply, after it was
found that a supply ordered from
Butherlin for -use in the lodge could
not be obtained from the express of
fice, for use that evening. t.
Irving Grange on Record.
Eugene, Or., Feb. 11. Irving grange
of the village of Irving has adopted
resolutions, and has asked the Pomona
grange to adopt them, as being favor
able to a law prohibiting county offi
cials from buying or dealing directly
or indirectly in country warrants,
other than such as may be originally
their own. The grange has also gone
on record as believing that all county
officials, especially the members of the
board of equalization should be tax
payers Of the county.
Face,Talcuni Powder
50c La Blache Face Pwd.25o
25cMassatta Tal. Pwd. 13c
E5c Mennens Tal. Pwd. 9c
25c Williams Talc.Pwd.I0c
25c lb. tin Ric Talcum
Powder, four odors, can 9c
25c La .Noye Rice Pwd. 16c
50c Mary Garden Talcum
Powder, at only ... . 35c
25c Eutaska Talc. Pwd. 16c
25c Sweet Almonds, bot. 16c
25c Witch Hazel, bottle. .14c
35cWyeth's Lithia Tablets,
5-grain, bottle ,26c
25c Kissengen Tablets,bot.l5c
25c Vichy Tablets, bottle 16c
15c Aspirin Tablets, doz. 10c
lOOBlaud's Pills 19c
100 Rhinitis Tablets 19c
100 Chocolate-coated Cascara
Tablets, 5-grain 19c
1 oz. Quinine Sulphate. . ,29c
15c Soda Mint-Pepsin Tab.9c
10c Soda Mint Tablets 5c
10c Potash Tablets 5c
25c Glycerine Sup'sitories 15c
25c Tincture Benzoin 15c
10c Powdered Borax 7c
25c Aromatic Cascara 18c
25c box Seidlitz Powders 15c
10c pkg. Insect Powder. , ,5c
samples of Eclipse Prepara
tions will .be given away
during this sale. Eight of
the different articles in free
With every, purchase of
Eclipse Preparations an
Eclipse orangewood stick
will be given free.
Eclipse Face Powder
An unexcelled quality
75c size, special . . 39c
Eclipse Enamel 25c
Eclipse Powdered. Bleach
at only. .... . . .25c
Eclipse Cuticle Ice . .25c
Eclipse' Salve, tint. . .25c
Junior Eclipse Manicure
Sets A set consists of
flexible file, orangewood stick,
emery boards, buffer and small
test jars of the nail polish,
bleach and tirrt. Complete in
two sizes
' 25c and 50c each.
50c Alcohol Cookers, corn-
plete, at only . . . . y .29c
$1 Alcohol Cookers, com
plete, at only ; V. . . : 59c
$2 Alcohol Cookers, com
plete, at. only. . . . . .$1128
Vice President of Northern
Pacific Finds 'Conditions
Rays of hope for the railroads are
being reflected from a new factor en- I
tering the transportation situation in '
the persons of men of business and i of widows and orphans of the Spanish and first president of the University
professional standing who are Inject- j war and soldiers who were incapaci- j of Oregon, died yesterday morning at
ing sound principles into the tenden- i tated in its service. Scout Young i her home In this city, 785 8chuyler
cles toward regulation instead of leav- j enmp has taken the theatre for threo ; street, after a long illnesa. For many
Ing them to the majority, according to' nights and at the clpse Of the regular years Mrs. Johnson had een a suf
J. O. Woodworth, vice president of the t 1,111 Presents a skit depleting life as ferer from rheumatism and confined
Northern Pacific, who -s here on his American soldiers actually saw it in to her home.
first Inspection trip over the system the Philippines. Funeral arrangements are biln
since. his elevation last spring. Th is a tropical grove typical withheld pendinK the arrival of her
"The time Is still critical as far as ot the Philippines. First is a colony ; oldest son. the Rev. Herbert S John-
the roads are concerned," said Mr.
Woodworth today.
because the unfa- i
vorable attltudo of capital, shown in .
he high rates of interest, has stopped ,
all new construction work. With the
entrance of the new factor, offsetting
the influence of the irresponsible ma
jority, however, we can already see a
marked change in sentiment and a
growing disposition to see that the rail-
roaas are xairiy ireaieu.
"There has been no marked Improve
ment in business, but we see many
hopeful signs. Business men all
through our territory are confident .of
the future, the banks are showing more 1 of the ltp Joseph Iytle. pioneer log
interest in loans when they are good, j Rer' wfs fi,e1 for. probate this morn
and Interest rates are settling down to - ing.- It henueaths 1000 to his sister,
a basis which will make it possible for Mrs. Mary J. Parker, widow of the
business men to expand their opera
tions instead of curtailing them, as
they have been obliged to do during
the past year.
"We think the benefits which will
come from the opening of the Panama
canal and the building of railroads in
Alaska are being overestimated, but
these things will be important factors.
Even without any such help, this Pa
cifio northwest country Is bound to go
ahead very fast in the next few years.
"The railroads are not directly Inter
ested in the question of Panama canal
Face Cream
50c Sempre Giovine 25c
50c Charles' Flesh Food. .25c
$1.50 Oriental Cream .....89c
35c Hygeia Complex. Cr'm..l9c
35c Eclipse W. H. Lotion 19c
50c Pinaud's , Beautiviva. . ,33c
25c Daggett & R'sdell Cm 13c
50c Hind's Almond Cream. 27c
25c Woodbury's Facial Cm.I3c
50c De Miracle Cream 25c
75c Creme Simon. : . . .59c
25c Pond's Cold or Vanishing
cream at only ..i6c
50c Theatrical Cold Cream 33c
50c Santiseptic Lotion. ... .29c
25c Frostilla, at only ..... .12c
25c Jergen's Violet Glycerine
Shampoo, at. only. ... 15c
10c "Camphor Ice 5c
50c Daggett-Ramsdell Cm.. 32c
25c Euthymol Cold Cream. 15c
50c Pompeian Massage Cm. 25c
75c Pompeian Massage Cm. 49c
50c Stillman's Freckle Cm. .28c
50c. Cream Ormande 25c
La Noye Toilet ,
. Special Offer
With every 50c purchase of
La Noye Toilet Articles, wc
will give FREE one fourth fz.
bottle of La Noye Concentrat
ed Flower Drops, which sells
regularly at $2.00 the ounce.
Perfume Specials
$1.00 oz. Eutaska Extract 69c
50c oz. Tigand's Extract in all
floral odors, oz ...... . :35c '
$1 oz. Tigand's Extracts, all
odors, at ... J . . 75c
$1 Kaiserine Farina Cologne,
at only . 59c
75c Pinaud's Vegetal. . , .58c
75c Eutaska Toilet Water 49c
50c Dorin's Brunette R'geAOc
50c Vida Rose Rouge. . .25c
50c Stearns' Rouge. . . .25c
Reg. 25c Cometique's French
Rouge, at only . .10c
35c La France Rose R'ge.23c
25c R. & G. Rouge. .... .15c'
Tooth Pastes
50c Pebeco Paste . ..... .25c
25c Kolynos Paste . .... .16c
25c Euthymol Paste. 10c
25c Lyon's Tooth' Powder 10c
25c Alkalu Tooth Paste. . 16c
25c Cheney's Lister ated 19c
25c Dentyne Tooth Paste 16c
In two sizes of heavy glass, with
porcelain labels printed in black
- letters.- ! '
25c Bottles for 23c
20c Bottles for 10c -
tolls, but it is being much discussed In
the east, especially in-the middle west,
where people are just waking -up to the
fact that they paid their proportion of
the cost of building the canal, and
must also pay their proportion of any
deficit In operation."
Mr. Woodworth will remain several
days longer in Portland before return
ing to his home in S. Paul.
Scout Young camp No. 2, United !
Spanish War Veterans, gave the first
of the benefit performances at the
Orpheum theatre last night for the aid
"i ryiWn of Boston, next Saturday. Inter-
s "a Mier -iiure mm. snow -
i..H Ul uir iuriun- prcuceo our-
iiik ine wr. lie is iinaiiy eavea Dy a
band of soldiers.
The profit will go to needy members
of the organization and to the widows
and orpnans.
Montesano Wash., Feb. 11. The will
late Judge Parker, and $5000 to the
First Presbyterian church at Hoquiam.
The rest of the property goes to his
wife. The estate Is estimated - to he
worth $150,000.
Warrenton Industries Open.
Astoria, Or.. Feb. 11. News from
Warrenton is that the Sigurdson Clam
cannery will open for business next
week with a force of 30 men. A suc
cessful season is contemplated. ' Other
business enterprises are also to be
started In Warrenton.
V 1 1
Days of Worthy Sales
Nickel Bathroom Fixtures
Excellent in Quality, Unusually Low in Price
65c Glass Towel Rods, 24
inches long, with nickel
sockets, at only 39c
75c Wash Cloth Racks. .49c
$1 Towel Racks with three
arms of heavy nickel. 69c
$1.25 Tub Soap Dishes. .79c
$1.00 Tub Seats of Oak. 69c
25c Tooth Brush Holders 19c
35c Sanitary Glass Tooth
Brush Holder. ...... 19c
All White Enamel
Bathroom Fittings
At Half Price
50c Sanitary Aprons 29c
25c Sanitary Aprons 15c
All Sponges
One Fourth Off
Our entire' stock of Mandruka
and superior quality sponges in all
sizes, which are priced regularly
from 10c to $5.00.
$1 Automobile Sponges 79c
Large, extra quality automobile
All Rubber
$2 Winner Water Bottles,
Sale Price $1.69
Made of best maroon rubber,
seamless and extra reinforced
neck. Guaranteed for two yeiars.
$2.50 Winner water bottle,
same quality as above, three
pint sizes, $1.98
$2.50 Fountain Syringe,
Sale Price, $1.98
Two-quart capacity extra
large heavy tubing, maroon
$1.50 Water Bottles 98c
Heavy rubber, some seamless,
others with reinforced seams
two or ( three-quart capacity.
75c Fountain Syringe 49c
Beat grade -white rubber tub
ing and hard rubber pipes. Two-
quart capacity.
$1.35 Eclipse Fountain
Syringe at 89c
Double reinforced seams
rapid flow tubing and hard rub
ber pipes. ,
$1 Fountain Syringe 69c
Maroon rubber, seamless, ex
tra heavy tubing. ,
$2 Whirling Spray Syringe,
in red or white rubber at 08c
rmfniTfih irvnriiv
Helen ElizabethtJorinson'Dies
Following L(?ng Period
of lllnjess.
Helen Klixabeth Johnson, widow of
the late John Wesley Johnson, prin-
, elpal of Portland's -first hih Vii.iaI
, im.nt will probably- be made at Ku-
geno. where her hus)
husband. 1h buried.
Mrs. Johnson was the second- daugh
ter of W. Ij. and Frances (loodell Ad
ams, pioneers of 1818, and was bom In
tlalesburg. Ill, Jahimry &. JtU8, com
ing to Oregon In the same year.. She
was marrlej July 3, 186.". to -Johii
Wesley Johnson, who at that time was
presid.-nt of M.-M innville college.
To her were lorn six children, all of
whom survive her. They" are: Rev.
Herbert S. Johnson, Boston. Mh,
Kev. Virgil V. Johnxon, New York;
Ixris M. Johnson.. New York: Wistar
W. Johnson. Lynn, ' Mass.: Mrs. Eu
genia Oriffln, Eugene, and Mrs. Ber
nard C .lakway of . this city.
She also leaves the following sisters
and brothers: Mrsv.W. W. Pa rker. -M is.
V. J. McDaniel mrf-Miss .Amy C. Ad
ams of Portland: Mrs. James A.'-Akln.
Astoria: W. H. Adams. Fairbanks.
Alaska, and Gaines M. Adams, Pateros,
Trout Kiss for Klamath.
Washington, Feb.i: 11. On Senator
Chamberlain's recommendation 100.000
brook trout eggs have been delivered
to the Klamath Sportsmen's associa
tion of Kalamath Falls.
35c Robe Hooks, all styles,
at onlv ........... -19
50c Robe Hooks, extra
large, at only . . . . . .2Sc
$1.00 Tumbler Holder . 69c
$1.25 Toilet Pap'r Rol'r 79c
50c Heavy Nitkel Brack-
ets, the pair . 23c
25c Bath Spray and Shav
ing Strop Hooks. . . .16c.
10c Roll Toilei Paper 7c
15c Sanitary Toilet P'p'r 9c
10c Pure Tissue 6c, dozen
for . .... .:i ...... .65c
5c Toilet Pap'et. . ... . . .3c
Bath Brushes
50c Bath Brushes, genuine
bristle, long detachable
handle, only 39c
$1.50 Hygienic Friction
strap and 'glove, very
invigorating: ..... .95c
$2 Extra Heavy Friction
Strap, at only. . .$1.50
75c Bath Brushes, pure
bleached bristles; long,
curved detachable han
dle, at onH ..... .49c
Goods Reduced
75c Sanitary Douche, all
' rubber, A9c.
$2 Porcelain sanitary douche
or irrigators, 2-qt. Rapacity, with
five feet rubber typing connec- '
tion, at only 98 J
50c Household Rubber '
Gloves, i39c
Peerless rubber gloves of the"
best quality red rubjber, all sizes.
$1.50 Rubber Cloves 95c
Maroon "rubber, gloves guar
anteed six months.?;
10c Gl's Nasal pouche 5c
$1.00 Atomizers, 5 all sanitary
metal attachments $. "
35c China Sick feeder 19c
50c rubber tubing, five-foot,
rapid flow maroon tubing 23c
10c Bottle Brushes 5c
10c Styptic Pencils 5c
10c Caustic Pencils... 5c
35c Wrist Bands of sole
leather, double - strap,
f or ........ . . . . 19c
25c Wrist Bands, single
strap, at onl$ . . . . 9c
10c Nursing Bottles, 12-
oz. capacity, at only 6c
5c Nursing Bottles. . ,.4c