THE : OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, MONDAY EVENING, FEBRUARY 9. 1914. THE JOURNAL;!-; C. n. JACKSON rub.uhe. -,tr eveuinc tetcvrt Vialujr n4 tiOn-Widef movement to come under the compensation ; portune. : The insane should have than the average vaudeville num- the best of care, but there fe no bers by professionals, and -were ,The casualty "companies can re- reason why our. immigration 'laws clean and delightful. Few quar- . . pnuiwiw tard but they cannot erj Bun-Mr morning l I jaorcai r.ann- . u,,.t? i.0 Rr..i..iw .ti vanmin t.. i" ! quate .compensation laws fcatared t tha o,tnf(lc at lortlujia. Or., f r , elrt' f-r. lfcLKl'Mll.k: H:iln 7173! Hitna. A-4K&I. Alt cprtDirnii renobeil by fhew number. Tall j tha ! vhnt dfwtmr'nt T"H WHtlt. OUr.Kkfe AUVKi!TtKINi UKWIKSKXTATIVK j Beulmuin A.bleutour Co.. Hrunnwlrk Bid., I Hfib A.. Ntw.yorfcs 1218 Paoplca I I stop .. the na- should continue ' making . America tets as good have been feard in toward ade-i the melting; pot of the nations. If . Portland. If there had been real- it Is just that the period during ; ization of the true ; worth of the which 'an alien can be deported be; bill, there would, have been, in kept at three years, it cannot be stead of the larlge audience, more ! Inst tn fnrr.p :hlt - nara iinnn nnA ' nonnto i n a f fori Hon r-a than t Vi ronm T IS estimated- that the annual : state There should be a more ! could hold. ' . roan expenditure ot me unitear thorough supervsion of the mental ! GETTING ' RESULTS or to aar Mubact Intlon term br maill rM 10 Jba t'nl c1 Sutcs ur Mexico t: DAILY i item roar Jj.CO Omi month: UUNDAY Co War. ...... .$C.U I One nttmth. DAILY AND SCMDgir rar. . . . ; . .7..V t Oun mooib. K- . .50 .$ .2i A FEW SMILES Man 1 the only; creature endowed with the ! power of laughter; Is he not: also the . only one that deserves to be laughed at? OrevlUe, ( TIIK CL'IlUICl'lA OKIJKll States exceeds by some twenty- condition -lot all immigrants; more ; Swindlers are reported abroad in four million dollars the amount resnOneihilitv should h nlaeed ' Oregon with Dicture nrooosltions in 'spent by England, France, Ger-j upoil the steamship companies. ' connection with the Panama exposi- many, Italy, Russia, Norway. Swed- America lis experiencing diffi-, tion at San Francisco. 'Their plans en and Spain combined. culty iQ assimilating the physically and methods were exposed in yes- One hundred and fifty million . and mentally fit immigrants who terday's Sunday Journal. Many a dollars was spent in, the United are pouring! into this country. We : scheme will be attempted by fakers States last year, yet the results Rw0n id nor ha further hm-dpnpd bv i with the exnoaition as a basis, and ! we not commensurate with so tne unfit. 1 There are 31,624 in-' the wary will profit by a skeptical n large an expenditure., only tnat sane in jew York's hospitals. Of non-participation in any schemes! portion wmcn was spent ma ousi- 'these 13,728 are foreign born, and i of the kind that may be presented ( ; npsa Iflro artrl sc ?frtif fr av will o .1. . utin 1 4. I t. , 11 , j , ui me uuij ttsi are uaiui- 1 uj buiuulu BiraiiBBis. 1 v "--"t3 ."v..v. ; auzea. Ji,Yiaentiy, somem:ng is 1 j The prime need of the copnty radically wrong with immigration' ! or the state engaged iiji road build- jaws which! pernTft- the accumula- I llllL 18 LI1H: StTVir Ul IHIFJIii: BUU'- Had vf K 1a.o-A miwiKAV -r o ited and Skilled men wno win ai Mm DEW Letters From the Pe bple J j rect the work upon lines of econ- alien insane; In one state. A j - omy and permanency. When such; RESOLUTION adopted . by 1 methods are general the United! the Lian -County Council., of ' states will lead the world in qual-i the Grange, Saturday, pro- uy as well as expenditure. The; posed an initiative bill to cut ; funds now beine apnronriated for out the duplication pf work and permanent highways ;are not ex AN ANTIQUATED PLAN A CHANGE in the present tax law whereby taxes may be Communication sent to 1 The Journal for publication In tbls department abonld be writ ten on only one side of tbe paper, sbcnld not exceed 800 words In length and must be ac companied by the name and address of the render. If the writer toes not desire to have tbe name published, be should mo state.) fix the fields of the; agricultural j cessive. Thev fall far' short of the ! the grange. college ana state university. j needs they are intended to meet. "Discussion Is the .greatest of all reform ers. It rationalizes pverv thtiiir it touches. It paid quarterly, is favored by robs principles of all false sanctity and 1 11 rows mem obck on tneir reasouaoiuur". i they have no' reasonableness. It ruthlessly crushes them out of existence and sets up its own conclusions in their stead.V Woodrow Wilson. Vhe Linn County Council of The yearly plan of paying taxes ; Almost simultaneously, the state i The most important considera-1 was adopted in the days when board of higher curricula issued Uion, above every other one in ex- store bills were settled but once a .an orddr eliminating; the duplica- pending money for roads, is to ob--year, when the long credit system tion anil perrrnanentlly fixing the tain a dollar's worth of road for j'was in full Career, and when wheat iild pf tbe two1 inRtltiitlons. ' There ; every dollar spent. Such a road ' was almost Ithe only crop and set Is transferred exclusively to the ' is a good, investment and will soon tlements wre impossible oftener university necroe rotirKes In liberal ; nav for itself. I tnan-once in a tweivemontn arts, j law, inedicine, architecture, 1 ftltlKln. c-ffr nrt Ice Tiitftlsal antAnnr I higher connm-rce, Education and the graduate Kcliool in all other than j technical coursies. There is given to the college exclusively, ag riculture,, forestry and mechanical, ' j We put the plan in effect then, Twenty Million Dollars. Portland, Feb. 7. To the Editor of. The Journal Annually the churches of America spend $20,000,000 in th cause of .foreign missions. What ben efits could be wrought with that amount of money here at home! Jo need would there -be for empty stock ings at Christmastlde, nor for thou sands of men to tramp through the A young man who bad jast' been en gaged as commercial traveler by an important firm was warned that the great fault of his predecessor had been want of tact. The young man started out, and, to the sur prise of his employ ers, orders began to come in at. a quite unprecedented rate. The climax came when a big order was sent In from a firm .with, whom the wholesale house had a bitter quar rel, ending In a total stoppage of buti ness. , Th -traveller's employers sent for him on his return and asked him how he had managed that particular mir acle. "I used tact, sir," was the reply, "as you warned me to. When I got to Mr. B.'s shop he came up and asked me what firm I represented. Remember ing the circumstances. I handed him my card and said: 'Why, these bloom ing idiots!' " A. good for nothing fellow was asked by his wife to keep awake long enough one day to dig the potatoes In the gar- den. He consented, and after digging ,a few , minutes he re turned to the house and said he had found a coin. Ha washed the dirt off and it proved to be a sixpence. He tut it PERTINENT COMMENT AND NEWS IN BRIEF SMALL CHAXUK that the "sun still Xow we know exists. - The eplit Infinitive Is often found in very good company, The Red Cross has become' a very big as well as a very good institution. Many women would rather live short and tortured lives than be in tbe least unfashionable. tTncle J. D. Rockefeller never can understand why he should be expected to pay any taxes. Of eleven decisions of the state su preme court, only eight were reversals of the circuit courts. a Almost everywhere the liquor traffic is being more and more restricted, if not legally suppressed. . 'Increase in the number of Judges stems never to result in gaining on the arrears of Judicial work. This is the biennial season when OREGON SIDELIGHTS Med ford' has a new aml-clgarette ordinance, framed after the fashion of the stale law, and it is being en forced. Pr. Linklater of Hlllsboro. the Argus s.ates. Is a-crocus fan, and "on his cash book every year is a lltt". entry, giving day and date, 'Crocus blooms today.' Baker policemen work' only nours a day now plenty of time hereafter for road work and physical culture." says the Democrat, "and the offender had bet ter look out." The town of Rorrue River is to have a new railway depot. While workmeu were clearing the old buildinar off th site, telephone men were clearing the IN EARLIER DAYS By Fred Lockley. "What do my initials 'J, C stand for, said- Mr. Moreland, clerk of the supreme court. . VThf y stand for Julius Caesar. I used t6 sign my name J. C M. Moreland. the N.' standing foe Nicholas, but I decided that three Ini tials were too many, so I dropped tha "N." I wu bom on! Jan. 10, 1844. in Tennessee, about eight miles from the town of Carthage. A am the youngest ?2r-Kk .on,Fii Jsbt of nine children. My parents were poor. ,,5J TJ- .2' Most of their neighbors were slave owners, but being Ajawining and un able to own slaves, and being unahla to compete with slave labor, my fattier decided to move to a free state, no ha. moved to Illinois, lie built a riatboat -pon which we floated down tbe Cum. berland to Cairo, where we. look pas- Argus says the unobstructed view does certainly look good. Eugene Guard: Eugene is1" tha only city of its class on the Pacific coast where the exhibit of paintings of the 16 leading painters of America will bi Rhovn in t li t1 r n i tlut ti. innrla. rupons are puDiisned that Kepresenta- j '" tne people or Eugene nave shown street of the old poles and wire. The M" on a steamboat gfoine up the Ml T iiiTViVfi KPVtfTrAT, I KIVORS i and haven't had trie rjublic Droaresa I 1 vet to realize that It ia .economical-1 nuuBry anu lu. ' ; . .... - I Surely "charity should begin at home," and should stay there until the need of it has been eliminated. With a population of 93,000,000 people, what a field we have to work in the pris ons, the insane asylums, our Indians and negroes, the thousands of orphans and widows! The hordes of Immigrants 1 HE AMERICAN ECONOMIST, ; Jy wr0ng to take from circulation official organ of the high pro-; millions of money all at one time tectionists, has published -a and store It up in banks for a list of contributors to the whole year's use. Under our heavy electrical, nilning. chemical, high-' fund for spreading the gospel of j taxation, we are robbing the chan-way-and iirrigation engineering. j high tariff duties. These contribu- j nels of trade of so much money by Civil engineering, hitherto given tors are termed defenders of the rMrtfri ttiaHtnlWio Ur n-,t. CailEe. ' i f. "'" uaa , . - - - - Um, .tnA nn.Mll.t In l.knr been a main cause jof conflict, is, Among tne suy persons namea, effect on general business. . tne eningVf The Pama cknJ wiii taken away rrom bk-h. thougn, to 2i1 are residents of New York,! The Linn, County grangers are j usher in, alone eliminates, the necessity meet the groat activity in road 148 are Pennsylvanians, 59 live in right. The yearly system is anti-of establishing missions in "foreign building and reclamation work in ' Massachusetts, 42 - in Connecticut, j uated. It is unbusinesslike. ' it Hands and most strenuous efforts are the state, highway ein.cring and-i fVTV?? SIUbM t0 S WheP6 mt. IndstTops. Irrigation: engineeriig, which are Island a total of 590; out of Suu. went. With the churches working for our the single annual tax collecting that come yearly to our shores, and the nrnM that it has a hanVrnntive . tens f thousands of Slavic and Med- ln his pocket and went back to work. Presently he went to the house and told his - wife he had found another coin; this time it was a shilling. Putting it in his pocket, he said: "1 have worked pretty hard; I'll take a short nap." ' When . he awoke, he found that his wife had dug all the Best of the pota toes. But she found no coins. It then dawned upon her that she had been fooled. prominent branchesT of civil en- ; 1 he' represent tne Dig manuiac- gineering, are left if. the college ; turers of six eastern states. Their j The action establishes the uni-' Proportion is 590 to ,100 000,000 j verslty in unAisputied control of liberal arts and all the educational bjauuan; m.uiLijt;a iiit;iut:ii'. tu cL great institution ' of cultural du-' . cation. It estahlishres the college mm vfiiruiir 1 lr in rnA iiai miinanni education, which isi the field set apart for it by acts of Congress by which the .agricultural collages of the UnUed States wipre founded. i :The action of - the curricula board anticipates tht initiative bill proposed by the f Linn County : grangers. The division" of courses is on the liries advised by the state grange at Hoseburg two years ago, j when, after a year of investigation ' by a committee thatj body declared ' la favor of, dividing the courses; between the two institutions on ! the same basis that has Just been of the people of the United States A remarkable thing about the j Economist's list of defenders is the : fact that such a small! number of N ! own country, expending the $20,000,000 secured annually from our people, this glorious United States would scintillate with perfection. The people of this awake ; to dangers attending , stone churcnes wltn arrays of automo biles-in front of them, and throngs of AUTOMOBILE KILLINGS EW - YORK is thoroughly Grouchy Voter I think congress ought to quit sending out seeds to us farmers. -Congressman, (vis iting in his district Why, aren't the seeds good? Voter rOh, yes, the seeds are all right, but I think congress ought to plant the seeds and send us the vegetables. Lippincotts. tive Itywley is doing or is going to do iuui ana su. Champ Clark is such' a' rood man for his high position that he can be forg.ven for talking a little too much and too loosely occasionally. ' In the various wet vs. drv cases the people's votes, and not mazy, muddy n-Kii suutenuges ana technicalities, won out; a right decision. British-school teachers are on a strike for a minimum salary of $500 a year. In America that would hardly suffice for vacation expenses. There is no danger of speeding auto mobi lists and motorcyclists being pun ished too severely under the law. Any of them at any time Is liable to kill a child or other innocent person. themselves equal to those of Los An gels, San Francisco, Portland and Seattle. At the risk of Ineurrlnar 1 Vim rdlnm that attaches to comparisons. ' the sissippi river to St. Louis. I'rom there we went by wajjon to Carlinvllle. III., where we arrtvt-d in April, "Four years later, in the early spring of 1852, we started for On-pon. There were about 40 wagons lil our train, and -we had 70 inen who were able to bear . amis. Captain N. I. GHllim. who later settled at Mt, Tabor 4n Tortland. where he died, was In charRe of our train. Our company held together until we cama to the Grand Konde, where the train broke up and each one shifted for fclm self. I wan S years old at tbe time, and CITY SALVATION AT ST. PAUL V rnu-borll I a IMmA- V. . anr. t often Wonder what the sensation ot J J remember verV distinctly coming to me frooa neonie or Krnwnsviin -mr..i "! n. iook us a ween to cross, uur oxen wero so weak that we had to throw away everything we could- possibly do with out. One scene stands out particularly strongly In my mind. We Jiad eaten the. last of our hard tack and the 1 of our bacon, N were without pro visions of any kind and we had no monev with which to buy more. I whs sitting on a rotten' log near the wagon.' Motht-r was- sitting on the wagon tongue. A colddrlzzllng rain was fall lnir. We wers onM and ilMCOiraml. T heard a noise from the west and with be were they suddenly transplanted rrom a contemplation or Main street to the streets above, which we are told are paved with gord." Oregon Mining Journal: Greenhorn. Baker county, Oregon where the Mining Journal is printed is burlArt baneath a midwinter covering of 77 inches of snow on the level. Mall Is curried often by a man on skis. There la a limited stage from Whitney, but no one has any business here at thi3 time of year who can't travel on skis. The altitude Is 6249. ! a boy's curiosity I went down the trail to see what it was. . I reckless automobile driving The number of killings in i befeathered ladies and silk tiled gentle men seeking their own selfish in- ' that city is startling especially so rLu. t " -rAf terests were so long able to con-; in view of the fact that the people , Uver a vaudeviire sermon in baseball trol the destinies of millions of , who ride in automobiles are a slang. Modern religion is nothing more people But there is cause for con- i small minority of the total. nor less than civilization, a better un- gratulkion that the Economist now , In January 28 people were dertandta, of tow to classes ' as defenders these 590 ; killed. 1 he total number of kill- fo 1Jve pr(;perly Religion, then, should eastern manufacturers. ' ings in 1913 was 302, which is ; be devoted to the masses who are not Once they were the aggressors, more than double the record for j fortunate enough to be situated in a But their relative position in the! 1911, In 1912 the total was 221,, o fight changed when President "Wil-j as against jl42 in ,1911, an in- j nokee swamP an area of "officially" son walkea into the White House, i. crease of more .than 50 per cent i unexplored territory of over 700 squaro - Jin one year.1 I miles, is inhabited by a mixture of T SYNDICALISM FAILS ! 4 The enormous passenger traffic j whf5?s "se3t,irdi"fA JUI m. , , . 'nothing of the outside world, and have of New 'iorks trolley cars was 1 ,r,Hnr. r mmWr, riviiiatil-n. HE recent collapse of syn- j carried witlv only 108 deaths in j The work required to bring these, the dualism in New Zealand is 1913, as compared with 302 deaths I "Piney" of New Jersey, the Florida explained by an Auckland cor-j aaused by automobiles. The com-! "Cra?kers-" the inhabitants of rnnnrlent of th Snr1nfilrl Sl-.t, Z Ozark mountains, and numerous other orrlprtxt hv tha ,,,ri,,i, ,,..-.....,, la a L1 1 lajtlMw uo io-"- , groups to tne ngnt or day, eievate a Tit i t Clfrricuia Doara. ; Republican. He says that last Oc- , for more efficient regulation of the ' them to he sense of proper morals and At, Albany, last year, the Btate tober's strike was really against ; motor car. There is to be a strong ! manner of living, and care for their S'""! "J uiwiui uu, learruLKU ;, 1 ,1 'a fii-ct rnmnnknrv orhl. ; . ix' j nunareiis oi ueiecuves. jb n. wsi una yuv uriiiiittuuu ui uie year nerore , tration act. ; HI- limneuurK. r , Vo, la ft off hv sp9U.i.!.. o K - 1 i- v ....... v. . j , laniug ui uuumu inc. -..Under the circumstances, it Is ; from . ready importation of work- The Evening Post says the great likely that the .Linn County , men anci seeing their opportunity j er part of this automobile slaugh- crangers win accent tne board's in this fact, English and Australian ter was caused bv neoDle driving ! action.' and that wtnrvwhwa tha ' v : i in-n ! . . . i gard n. nri ..111 i ugiiaiurB, uesinuiiig ui xiv, u- Ior pleasure or 10 save a lew min- j posed amended homestead bill. I new oruer win De approvea as a ganized a "federation of labor iirou nf Htnp1 In ppttlner from nuA tViinlr tha hill na nrintpd in Tha Jour- permanent solution of the vexedwhich slowly induced almost all ' poirit to another. They have the al, will be a big help to the poorer riroblem of higher j! education in j unions to withdraw their registra- j benefit of use of the streets . in i ass of homesteaders, and. most of tion under the arbitration law. It a degree far i beyond what is just, was argued that a general strike considering (heir number or the would reduce New Zealand to sub- amount they contribute toward teach his countrymen the truth regard ing alcohol. His book, "Alcohol and the Human Body," has had a wide cir culation among English speaking peo ple. What Sir Victor is doing in Eng land Dr. Jacues Robfnovitch, a noted nerve specialist, 1s doing in ranee. At the request of the government ne lectures on alcoholism in the French universities. He has also given nu merous lectures to the school children and has organized them into temper ance societies. Von Moltke, the great German gen eral, said years, ago: "Beer is a far more dangerous enemy to Germany than all the armies of France. In times of illness, tiny cells of the body called lencocytes, multiply in order to defend the body against dis ease germs. A noted French scientist. Metchnlkoff, has proved that alcohol, even in minute doses, paralyzes these tiny- lencocytes fo they cannot carry on their work of defense. Therefore. not only in health but also in disease, everyone is much better off to refuse to take alcobol in any form, even on a physician's prescription. . J. M. M. (M. 13.) eanarattnn nf ml RRlnTi 11 n e rfirmnt nr. forcement, which will check this cornpl!sh fannie HARLET. . A Homesteader's Letter. Albany, Or., Feb. 6. To the Editor of The Journal I am writing In re- i gard to Congressman Hawley's pro- Oregon. PKOTKCT TIIK I r K PE X IE NTS UHINO the year ending June 1 30 last 4 5 employes in the I J ! Ind i w their d 89,694 persons were the victims ; jection. The strike was called by the syn- I maintaining the streets. them are poor. I have applied for a homestead in the Siuslaw forest reserve. The place is 10 miles from a wagon road and SO miles from a town or railroad. It is covered with brush, stumps ar,d Nobody objects to this, but there j logs, as 4t has all been burnt aver. family. I jse and split- out rn vrtrk 6ay8 the correspondent, nine-tenths of the people in dan-i out part of each year to raise money "in which the doctrines of the syn- ger Automobiles should have rea-ffor supplies, and it will be almost an rllSnlinTa A rHcinO rrm m lT 1 ft tf"T 1 1 - n nil M-n ah i T n r-r-i n VAIlTlir m O n THf t H 0 e , , Uitau.lO, v4.j.j.wia i'-tx IS OI) erLlOIl L li X L Mildll lU 1 11U1 ILT J1 J vu"a uaillib J I iMilMSacnUSeiLS t -..i 1, . - - , wm T,-oV m hniM. wv lim - dfa nnn pvph m r 1 1 1 1 1 wii-im nun wu h. v. hnnnnn tA Ma nAccoccan r r a " w ere killed in the course of , '.7 - . "'" - . u" ""' "i1. . other buildings from boards i ,,J 1 - it wouiu. oe nam iu luittgiuc a t.L-: luxury snouia be permiuea to put tTl ,anc, T rin hav 1 uaiivu, dicalist could be reduced to prac- EOnab!e .se of the streets, but j Jp- LtVVgard" to 'hav! tice with greater promise of sue- When, as in New York, these ma-!ln 20 acres under cultivation at the of nft.n-fatal accidents Figures compiled by the Massa- P Vl 11 Cn 1 1 a In rliiutriol t rtni A . . uu . i cess." , I chines kill almost three times as ! end of three years, as my only in t il. ! victim.' nf fH But the situation was handled, ; many pe0ple a do the trolley cars, I cdme from ihe place for years to killed, 362 victims of industry t ,, (i. ... n m,..npt tn the:..'...;;'..; come would be from stock, while if V icouguum ruwucio a person is given credit for buildings. In Auckland, w&ere asree that something should be fencing and slashing it would be a struck, 1000 volunteers , (ione. pig help; for such things would have went to work, and in a few hours: tv, r,mwPm i"n un to nntn-110 be on terore 1 coma begin to left behind 770 wholly dependent "j' persons and 103 who are partially ! , n nftft dependent. The extent of depen dency ; resulting from permanent ' disability among the 89,694 in-; Jured workers was not given ! in ! the ' report. j grub out' for cultivation. One man cannot do the amount of clearing un. .nrW, aZluX V .-r formed nder the arbitra- is this minority which should be ' nMS t,h' a?hd 2T 7eretiop act, and in three! weeks the ; reSulated or prohibited from driv-! SrLimlf I lTnf?nSaTri0diP 'siTe was crushed without vio-;ing cars if efficient regulations i proximately $3,000,000 in wages ,,.nrp. L.L. h. ;t.i I 1800 farmers, representing a co- mobile owners themselves. The operative association, ;rode into ' iarge majority of them exercise jer these conditions that the present town and went to work on the ; rpsnnnhlf care. But there is a law calls for, and for a poor man to ,ir.UH Much tha. snmo thine han-' i .i n.i icor tha- hire labor on a homestead is out of Of the total number killed. 290 j in elt!?8. "New unions "hti of otrVTn the Tt ith t-on; . OSGAR M. LEEPER were insured under a workmen s '. WU ryA i,n4in tho Ar.iifra. .... v. u ... ... , tvv w.'- - la 1,1113 liiiiiwi iuj uuivu ouwuiu wvi x uc ouiius v inu ninurvri . Portland, Feb. 7. To the Editor of The Journal I was interested in the was lost by injured workers, anlvi I Status of the Smoker." in the issue of nnrllnn f u-h'nV, o , ' T : 1 ue nq.uuuvaU tuuuuu.uv , Februarys. It is not a matter to mar. a II i . . 1 says- syndicalism ana, its metnoas j The Vashington supreme court I vel over that nicotine will destroy mi- uuuw me tuiuptiisdiion law. . have been utterly discredited , in declares 99 vear and 45 veat ' crobes, when re know that the blood of The Massachusetts law i8 similar; New Zealand. Itst advocates have J leases of land to aliens unconstl-i ' ifi"! 10 uw unwL act in tnat both ; g0ne back to Australia. tutional. Every constitution should strated. The smoker would not believe option of coming under its pro-t visions. The two acts differ in the amount of compensation fixed j by law and inducements offered employers to continue using casu- j any insurance. The Oregon law is much more favorable to the employe. The Importance of the Massachu setts figures lies in the' fact that compensation to the dependents of ; 290 dead workmen was certain. THE ALIEN INSANE T HE deny leases of such duration to f it until the second leech fell off, dead, either aliens or citizens. Such a as did the first one 1 , : . . , , . , , An old pnysician toia me once, in an . .. . r- , IM utuuu uut i uusi- RW-P tn on(f-tionR. "Tea tbe s of tn. State OI XNeW; lOrK nas .,,, mdoamf fmroaa trihnto nnt . 1 ... i, .v. v. 1 , --- k J . . , " - luAluailis puiquiis 111c inuuu luurc ur 9241 alien insane persons in. of tne iandlord, .takes toll out of less, but the most difficult cases we her hospitals. During 1913 the tenant and in the end extorts have, to treat, are tobacco users. "Their the federal government con- iw h ,vn blood is so loaded with nicotine poison , tnat tributed $8290 -toward the care lease 8tagBates improvements oi .t ontt- " ' " " ' ' and deportation of aliens, while tlie gite because the approaching The tobacco habit is so disgusting- Newj York paid out 52,579,902. ' expiration of the lease forbids yea. sickening to many that it is in a TZth?JZiaT?& improvements; Fifty millionaires K'STpS u,ch ttutea trom tiower to nower m nent United states military offic care of this large number of aliens Wn'mnoan cnitnia atta tha riaitl. ; nrArlictpd a. vear of two aero: . while the dependents of 255 dead -is a national duty because of the firp arir1 drew lone-iense i r ' w. Hj W, Workmen were reauired to take unfairness of the nresent immi- :i 1 , , ' S. theii? Chances in collecting from -'WBtinn laws. A Rhtft M .nn!- Ti '.rr:!, :8.n . Alcohol ana Man's Bodr 1 . iD' " t -unnatural proiii wniie ienam.s.1 Tw.tloj tr,ay, 7 T tVl r,,t,n, casualty companies. It is impera- right to require , mental .tests of : landlord8 and the public kept uj j Th jouiE-F v . Mio-w i ic lur ms ue- auens euienqs it, aua ut?iLUer the property, paid the taxes, and plexed" who wished information on imperative that he provide for 1 aliens, their care after his untimely death. The dependents of a poor work man who is killed must, as a rule, be cared, for by society at large they" often become objects of char ity, i Many working families are always within a few dollars of the end of their resources. For that reason the workman should make his family independent of charity, and this can be done by electing Under the federal laws, it takes five years for an alien to. become a citizen. When three years have elapsed, after which the immigra tion laws forbid deportation, an alien may become insane and es cape, being sent back to his mother" country. - He becomes a charge upon the state to which he owes no allegiance. i Governor Glynn's message is op- rinr u;ara (nnrlcto ( wniSKey,; permit me iu say inai lit, their European pleasures, leases blight a city. . Long" The wholesomeness of j well di rected college life was ' visualized by the Oregon Agricultural College Glee club in its Portland entertain ment Saturda night. Tbe quartet, the troubadours, the violin solos, the vocal solos, the choruses, the division of the American army," says regarding alcohol: "It causes sick ness, impairs health and usefulness, adds greatly to the non-efficiency of both officers and mer adds a great burden and cost to the medical depart meat, deprives the government of otherwise valuable officers and en listed men, and forces them to be re tired at i a much earlier period than they should be. The most eminent of English brain George Creel In Everybody's. . 1 Now comes the Minnesota city of St. Paul, proudly ' claiming to have found a broads safe way out of munici pal' "money troubles" and an equally infallible method for sinking the spur of self Interest into the flank of a lethargic citizenship. "Ten dollar bonds" is the answer. Sold every day in the week, except Sunday, over the broad counter in the treasurer's office at the city hall! No favorites!? First come, first served! Satisfaction guaranteed or money re funded! Since July 20, J913, when the great idea blossomed, over $1,000,000 worth of the $1C slips have been sold to the people. The real people! Newsboys, rlerks, day laborers, struggling profes sional men all. that vast- .army of workers that lives in fear of a rainy day make up the daily stream that flows In and out the doors of Treas urer Farnsworth's "store." Th "Doll Ilaby" Article. Portland, Feb. 7. To the Kditor of Tfhe Journal An editorial that ap peared la a morning paper of recent date wasi sucly a gross libel upon the character ol( southern women as to make one think it rrom the pen or an ill bred, ignorant person whose nar row mind was hard put to find some thing to say to discredit President Wilson. On the other hand, it has been widely commented upon as be ing beneath, even by friends of the aforesaid newspaper. The edi torial said in part that President "Wil son did not believe in the ability of women, as he had Imbibed the "doll baby" liea Of womankind with his mother's milk. There Is not much Of the "doll" type in his own family, each of his daughters representing the highest type of American woman hood, born of a southern family and a . southern grandmother, and are all fine examples Of the southern women. There- was not much of the "doll baby,", as everyone of Intelligence knows,' to the president's mother, nor has he by word or act intimated ha bad no belief in women's ability. There were not many of the "doll" type among the southern women at the siege of Vicksburg, nor during the dafys of reconstruction, but th finest examples of noble, helpful womanly women, whom no one ha." ever discredited in any part of Amer ica, But the morning journal of table politics is ignorant of many things. Its assumptions of "know it all" to the contrary. CENIH JUNE. t A Workingman Helped. Portland. Or., Feb. 6. To the Editor of The Journal If ou will kindly grant me space I would like ,to state the fact that about a month ago I found myself out of employment and out of Inoney. so decided to write a letter to The Journal asking for work in order to keep my family from want. Of all the thousands who read the letters, including the charitable institutions in the city, only one re sponded to my call for help. That was one -Sister Mary Theresa of Oak Grove, a suburb of Portland, who responded very quickly and substantially, and God bless her for It. She, being of a different faith, was the last one whom I would have expected to answer my call for help. I- know it for a fact that sue is doing a great and good work, in a quiet way, and that there are a great many people in this city who bav reasons for .being thankful to her. . I am an American and have resided in . Portland for several years. A WORKINGMAN. The thing Is simplicity Itself. Any one ableo read print can understand it. The "bonds." in reality, are par ticipating certificates representing a $10 interest in a bond. They bear' 4 per cent interest, payable on the second day of January and July each year, and can be bought or cashed In any month or any minute. Over the counter hangs a great chart that shows to a penny Just what a certificate Is worth each day. A buyer puts down his $10 and as many cents as the accrued.' In terest demands. When hejsells he "col lects his principal and Interest to date. The chart kills the mystery of book keeping absolutely. It is difficult to tell which party t the arrangement is more delighted the people or St. Paul. The city, for came running. back and said. 'Here comes a man on instance. Is no longer forced to .cool its are pulling his wagon.' -When be drove, heels in the ante-chambers of tha bond uj my father spoke Xo him and mad dealers or to sell securities below par. ; a sign I did not then understand. The individual Investor supplies an In. ; The man went toi his wagon and satiable market, and, best of all; the j brought mother several loaves of light Interest that used to go far. far away j bread, as well as some boiled beef, cold now stays at home. boiled )kotatoes and raw onions. I never ; remember eating a better meal in my -As for the people's end of H, each ! life. I fan remember yet how de certiflcate is a first mortgage on every : licious those onionM tasted. I asked building, park, and street in the city, my father what matte the man give tia and a first lien on taxps. What bank the food. He snid. "My boy, I Kave him can offer such security? ; the sign of distress of a Master Mason.' There Is also the Inducement that ! K'Snt th" 1 decided to become' a the certificates can be cashed in at any Mason. time without a second's warning, i "w reached t first farm house in Savings banks, as every one known, i regon. that of Mr. Reveneu. on the have a way of demanding 30 or CO 61,1 of October, where wo had our first days' notice of withdrawal In times , fl"sh vegetable, aside fro'hi the lunch of stress oisrtanlc. brst when fh Riven lis hy Mr. Klrer," that e hud had tated depositor Is most in need of his money. They likewise persist In figuring Interest on six month periods only, so that a dollar banked in Sep- for fix months. ' Next-day we drove on to E.-igle Creek, where we camped at Joseph Young's ranch for a we-k, to rest our rattle. From there we went tember does not commence to draw In- 1 a ranch on Butte Creek pwned by terest until the following January. The , A,V.. . , ... i 4 per cent Interest on the "$10 bond," 'ext "'j? ,7,c mcZ 1? ? 8,nan ' starts with the purchase and continues 7" on tt "m J51"0" 8 ffllrm- t"r until the very minute of ale i f,a?lly J5m VUno"t. "an" f anv, V"' ,No red tape! Money on demand! John Klllm. a t.nRhbor. tuoagl.t us a'k..i... V- , Y . . . pome provision. A few days Inter, Absolute security! No lost interest! - ther took up Halm ix.m;l,s north: -n . , . . , -v 7i ui tt ui.nui i Jiiii'it i mi in iuui wum Excited and fired by auceess. St. i ,,,. wa- itu'ft(.t Ther was neither plonk, snlr.glp. niitl, orii-K ir.e csianiisnca norizon. vvitn eacu ... ,.t i., t nr.r r Paul has thrown off Its nbbles and is earnestly endeavoring to kick holes In new bond' issue, cut up fhto nice. In -viting little $10 slices, absorbed by local purchase, what's to prevent the gradual acquisition of all outstanding securities, so that eventually the en- waa puncheons, the rofiWns covered with boards rlv-d oi;t l"i oin ct clar bolts. Tbe chimney whs nia-le it hi t sticks anl mud. HtlcH oaul t'd iwit.h mud nerved 10 chink the spaces between -t lie- lojjs. tire Donaea indeDieaness or, the city we lived in tills log cabin, for four win db ownea oy me, citizen t r or st. years. raui louay is paying almost iHi,uut annual Interest on bonds owned in Wall street. YOUR MONEY IN A SAVINGS FUND The Ragtime Muse - By John M. Oskison. A young woman who works In an office in New (Tork city said to me the other day: , TVe read a good many of your ar ticles about saving end Investing money. Now. what would you advise me to do with my little pile?" 'How much It Is?" I asked. She drew her purse from a desk drawer and opened it. She showed me $43. "It's all I've got!" she said with a laugh which meant that she never ex pected to get more. "Why isn't It in a savings bank?" I asked. .. "That!Why, they wouldn't take it!" And she told me what her idea of a savings bank was a place where only the prosperous were welcomed.. "Try one and see how quickly , the man at the window will take your $40!" Then I told her what I'd heard the controller of the biggest savings bank in the country say oncer that his bank's greatest trouble was to tkeep the prosperous depositors from put ting in ' too much and inducing, the other kind to start accounts. "It's Just your kind that the sav ings banks are looking for." I told her. "In New York, $5 Is enough to start an account In other cities, where perfectly sound savings banks are operating. $1 will open an account. With your $43 you would class with the most desirable of depositors. Adj $2 a week regularly to that, and pretty Such Is Fame, i What If the enl of fame? - Heboid the j fate , I I Of the "smart Aleck" whrA was once I 'called "greHt!" And surgery the inigptv Caesar's name ; Tugs to a process aiid preserves to . fame. chap, i Survives in "dunce" and eke the "dunce's cap." Fty "J.ouis XIV." most folk understand A styie of furnlture oh, monarch; grand: soon the bank's officials would be "The first Napoleon's known ' b-st by his odf The third by whiskers now tio more the mode. Marshals Jacqueminot anl Niel dis close Their warlike records, each within a rose! pointing you put to others as a model of thrift." You see. It Is that first step toward starting the savings fund which is bard to make; and the fear that the man at the Window will feel a contempt for the small amount you have tr offer Fair Josephine, who lost -her lord and keeps many a worker away from a ; . crown. savings bank. And the fact that these a. yr f banks house themselves In fine build- The " X.rS shoes" K f ings serves also to help keep many gnow how great names posterity !may humble minded persons away. use. ' It is a matter of psychology. If: Lord Derby Is a hat and -Cardigan you can learn to think that a dollar A jacket, and Prince- Albert coats a Is as-Important trf a bank as to you, ,, mflti. i.,., . ,. w-t .u- ' Hawardeii s lives in a "Gladstone J l nil! l.i. j ,,u ll inaac hit; b WB the road to the savings bank. . i But now. dyspeptic mue. the Yankee's and undermines manly dignity. It has always been a shameful . exped ient, especially when opportunity to labor is withlicld. ' It seems plain, to me that our irrt rr.ediate future action will have to be along this line of state employment in order to give labor, an opportunity to work and a Just .compensation for service. I believe we ought to estab lish a state industrial institution hav ing various branches of indu$f y, of which I shall have more to any fn another article. In fact, wer shall be compelled to establish some such in stitution In order to take care of out overcrowded labor market In the near future. W. 11. BLACK. Charity vs. Opportunity.' Portland, Fb. 7. To the Editor of The Journal The people of this world have always been long on char ity, and short on justice. If our .good people who really have kind hearts and all kinds of good intentions would give as ' much thought to se curing justice and providing oppor tunity for the working people as they do to charitable undertakings there would be very little need for charity. For instance, if te money and time that have been all but wasted In the past rew years oy tne cnaritaoie in -1 a . .rii.i.. recentlv nun stitutions of this city had been used J ijsned In The Journal regarding -woman Appreciation of The Journal. Paxton Station, Crook County, Or. Feb. 6. To the Editor of . Th Journal We think : your paper is fair to alt classes. We think it is soon to become the leading paper of the northwest. If It is not already that. We think that by its spirit of fairness It- is ac complishing more than all othej1 papers on the Pacific coast for th general good. We think It has beett instru mental in defeating corrupt candidates for office and electing decent candi dates to office. We think it has ren dered great service by striving to keep the courts clean. But we differ .widely from-you on the good roads proposition, and on the navy. Jonathan. Bourne Jr., haa a better plan" for roads, and he should haye been returned to the United States j senate. Ijei us have at least one more first class fighting diip each year than .does Japan, and If a national vote was to be taken, the result would more than prove my statement. Youra, for The Journal. G. L. PAXTON. nag: defeated 10 to 1. That great oratory, work and fuss that was made by the women who were leaders of the suf fragist' movement, I think, would com pare with the single coyote that I ueJ to hear on the Kansas prairies, that made enough noise for a hundred. ' . . ' M. C. ! "John Hancock" Is th. slung for lgna ; - t u re ; McClellan? That's a saddletree why nure' - Burnsbii 1m whiskers of a certain - style And ki men pawn into the after while! . The livlriK berf' thank their lucky utare '. If they 1:Bve named for them five-cent ' ci?ars Pointed Paragraphs' The Steamer Bear. . ; r- Pendleton. Or.. Feb. 4. To 'the Kditor ' of i The Journal Kindly publish the I dimensions," gross weight and capacity, ,'4 of the ateamtrr Bear, owned by the! Too of f the hero worf kipper is his Portland & San Francisco Steamship j own hero. Co. A- SUBSCRIBER. 'I ' ILength 257.5 feet, breadth .47 feet, j The average woman hater can give e'epth 2U feet, gross tonnage 4507, no sattufactory reason net tonnage 2779. J ' 1 . i : For the man wi:h a -hlp on his j shoulder get an "axe. Single Tax Progress. From Harper's Weeklv The single tax means everything on """ tirnf' single blessedness is a anything, from the full demands urged greater failure than nnarrlagc by Henry George in "Progrens and; ... ... Poverty," down to the shortest prac- Th at-mudm man . credits himself ticable step in the direction of ti,e with the boosts giver him by others. demands. George agitated the social ization, not of land as la sometimes said, but the annual values of land- In order to secure that result -lie iro- - posea tnat an taxes on personal prop erty and real estate Improvements be Scoffs at Suffragist. Portland, Feb. 7. To the Edifcr : of The Journal With Interest I hav reading, and tbe splendid oerform- ssell were - better I and is cfvin freeiv of i si t-l ances of Mr. Russell to build up an industrial state insti tution to furnish work for thef people, thus enabling them to help them selves, it would have been far better for both tha state and the nee,dy people.-- I consider charity positively nischievous in-that it 'weakens char acter by destroying initiative .in th ' ne receiving it, lessens Belf respect suffrage. It seems to be a mystery why women do not register and vote with the same enthusiasm and energy which theyused in order to obtain the adoption of woman suffrage. From talking with my friends and associates, I believe that if only women had been allowed to -vote upon th. adoption of woman' suffrage it- would hava been Every woman is a go'-! housekeeper or, at least, it Is wisdom to. tell her You will frtid many of leaven's -syb- abolished and that, public revenues be urbs on earth if you:care to iook for aenvea exclusively rrom a tax meat- mem. ured by land values. In order to tarry out that program he proposed to begin by abolishing all taxes except on land values. . In practice, frequent propos als have beea made to start at points still farther away from the goal pro posed by George, than the immediate abolition of rail taxes on land values. This is the reason that any movement for -the abolition in any degree of taxes on improvements is called the single tax. . It is the reason, for Instance, that , -movement like those In New York for ! reducing taxes on Improvements with-! out reducing 'those on land values are, called single tax movements. Of this kind was the proposal adopted last : month in Jueblo, Colo. Tha referen-! dura proposed to exempt Improvements'! beginning with .1914 to the extent of) 50 per cent of their valuation, and In j 1915 to the extent of 99 per cent. I whereas land; is to continue to h val. l ued for taxation at 100 per cent of Ita true value. - This is equivalent sub stantially to abolishing for local pur poses all taxes except on land values. The Sunday Journal i Consisting of Comprehensive new report. Weekly review -ifrojn many - ficltlx. 1 - 3 " Varied feature, invitingly pr-, sentetl. Departments for "woman and the home. An attractive magazine. An IrresUtible comic The great home newspaper. j 5 Cents the Copy