THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND,1 MONDAY EVENING, FEBRUARY .2, 1914. 'I 1 NEW TODAY REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS . i-: " ' (Continued A Sacrifice ! 10 ACRES1 A. U, Metcalf and wife to O. H. 8ke tbelm et aL land beginning on east and west quarter eection line of Sec tion ao, township 1 north, rang t cant, 62.5 feet west of center of sec tion 30 , $ 100 . H. Metcalf and wife to O. H. BkOthelm et al. south half lot 2. block 7, Piedmont J 100 Same to same, lot 5, block 7, Merlow, addition .......... . 1.00 Wells U. Bnrtbutt and wife to Carl . Peterson et al, lots S3 and 84, block 9, Ladle addition 600 CERTIFICATES of title, Title & Trust Co.. Title & Trust bide;.. 4th .nr. Stark Of Guild's Lake Property BUILDING PERMITS DEATHS AND FUNERALS (Continued) 75 CHANNEL William W. Channel, Multno mah farm, January 28, 62 years, inheres- lost. . SPACLDING-iMorton Marcos gpanldlng, 179 ftlateenth street north, January 28. 66 yeara, FUNERAL DIRECTORS NEW HOME OF J. P. FINLEY & BON. J. A. Dennis, erect one atory frame dwell- a j . trill J ii. :,., vvooiiwy between uombara ana Wlncneu; Adjoining Hill ana Harnman t; 2- j , J I W. J. Kenyon, erect 1 atory frame' dwelling. terminals, on the Linnton .!1&.' pre,C0"J . u. uoiesai, erect one story frame dwell ing, Heventy-fourth between Fremont and Klickitat; builder, E. IC. Fogel; $1100. K. L. Eng-Uah, erect one atory frame dwell, big. Montana between Haratoga and Bryant: builder, Ueoree Bnell;, $1800. u uonnei, erect one atory xrame cream- road. Close to Lewis & Wiley's property. $61,500.00 Well Worth $100,000 ALSO 14a ACRES in same locality at one half I j actual value. Frank!. Waller 1015 Board of Trade Main 8925 Mortgage Loans 6 to 7 Per Cent H. E. MOONEY MCa 810. Boom 481 Palling Bldg. Title & Trust Company Fourth and Oak Streets. Mortgage Loans ,, we Make Building Xioans. CITY AND FARM LOANS 810OO and up at lowest rate. ZADOW & FARMER 414 Corbet BlAff. A-1416. Marshall 92. Mortgage Loans on Business and Residence Properties. JOHN BAIN 607 BpaMItfff Building. U i ery, second between Lincoln and College; l builder, k. k. Miuer; a;noo. Mr. Read, erect 1V4 story frame dwelling. East Nineteenth between Davie and Everett; builder, r. A. Sllvernall; $1400. George T. -Moore, 'erect one story frame dwelling, Uold between Gilbert and Kenuett; minor, same; goo. The only residence under taklnar es tablishment in Portland. Representing the greatest advance in the science or funeral service. The automobile equip ment and secluded driveway are among the many exclusive features, xne es tablished policy of moderate prices has never peen cnangeo. 3. P. PINLET A SON. . Perfect Funeral Service, -as. Montg&mery at 6th. CLASSIFIED AD RATES In effect Oct. 1, M3. ALL PREVIOUB RATES CANCELLED CHAHGED ADVERTISEMENTS Dally or Sunday. I 'A cents per word per Insertion. This charge is 'or all classifications except ing "For Rent in Private Family," "Boom and Board In Private family," "Situation Want, ed" and "Wanted to Rent" ada., wblcb are l't centa per word per insertion. No ad charged for less tban 15 cents. CASH ADVERTISEMENTS 1 centa per word for all classification excepting "For Rent In Private Family. "Room and Board In Private Family," "Sit uation Wanted" and "Wanted to Rent" ads. which are IK centa per word. Three insertions for the price of two. Seven insertions for the price of five. No ad taken for lefts tban 15 cents. 2Sr PHONE YOUR CfN WAIT Hit ' If your name appears in either phone book you can telephone your aa to MAy 717! A 6151- and have it charged Bills will be mailed to you the following day tor payment. The Journal cannot guarantee accuracy or aesume responsibility for errors of any kind occurring in Money tO Loan OnReal Estate telephoned advertisements. MORGAN & PECKHAM Hallway Exchange. FEAREY BROS. We Buy Notes 148 Salmon St. Main 3389. A-1772. MONEY TO LOAN,AT 8 AND 7 324 FRONT ST. MAIN 7806. MEETING NOTICES 41 PORTLAND Council. No. 102. Modern Foresters, will give BOO and dance TueHdav eveninsr. Feb. 3d. in Mancnes ter half, 85 Fifth at. Admission 20c MUSICIANS' MUTUAL. ASSOCIATION Music furnished for all occasions See members or phone M. 6007. A-52o9 TRANSPORTATION White! Star Line uffianc -London Mar. 4- Ok t- a nic m.. o q a la MAT 9, MA SO, JUNE 80, JVZT 11 Via Plymoath Cherbourg Southampton OTHKR SAILINGS ST. PAUL.. Feb. 1SINXW TORX Feb. 27 0CEAWIO....Feb. 181 8T. PAUL.. Mar. IS American l.lne Hteamcr, Haw i Yorhx Queenstown Liverpool. MEOAMTIO. .Feb, 18IBALTIO Mar. IS UUJBIU fab. S8ICEDEJ0 Mar. 20 K. Y. I and Boaton Riviera, Italy, Egypt. Huwrnium, Liverpool. ' AMERICAN LINE OKE CLASS CABIN (II.) SERVICE, f 56 up lAiaJU IATX.AIHX UVUTJt OUU lUfl ID PIOO. Atlantic Transport Line New York, London Direct. - RED STAR LINE Now I'ork Dover Antwerp. White Star Dominion Portland, Ma. Liverpool. Calling at Halifax, weatbound. Largest Canadian Liners Canada Dominion.-. . . Includinr the Feb. ailTautonio.. Feb. SSiMegantio .Marsh Maxofa 14 A. E. DISNEY, Passenger Agent, Bailey Bldg., 619 Second eve.. Seattle, Telephone Main 113, or Local Railway and Steamship BS H WM wa T Wtaf Statistics marriages Mirths, Deaths. MR. EDWARD HOLMAN. the leadlns funeral director. Via zd st.. corner salmon, jsay assistant, t nones A' 1611. Main 507. ntmninrr . MiCnnn Undertakers uuuniiis . iiuuiiloo Modern In evecy detail. 7th and Pine. Main 430, A-4658. L,aay assistant T A. R. Zeller Co i East 1088. C-l ave. East 1088, C-1088. Lady attendant. Day and night service an Leading east side under- n taker. Lady assistant. B- uu 1888. E. 781. E. 6th, Alder. QfCWPQ Undertaking Co. Main 416a OftC.yVCOA-2321. corner 3d and Clay DCADCnM Undertakers. E. 1080, J uniiovn 369-871 Russell i st rD men M RESIDENCE UND. PLS. L-nlOOUlM. 6133. A-2235. 445 Morsn HEM STOCK. 1687 E. 13th. SelL 71, B-U2Z; university fK. t-oi. aa-ao. MONTJ51ENTS Schumann Marble Worka East 2d and Pine. East 743. PORTLAND Marble Works, 264-266 4tb st. opposite city hall. Mam 8664. TO LEASE 63 COR. 60x100 for term of years. snail 4763. B6 JN. 21 St. Mar- FOR SALE HOUSES 61 FOR SALE LOTS 16 wi bay. camr WANTED to to 80 acres ranch; I nave some easn and some good ex change; Main 6809 or 6814. WANT farm with stock and imple- ments, snare rent. x. 71st. w., it7. Buy Land Where Profit Will Come Quickly Here Is a fast crowing country, an Unexcelled field for the small investor as well - as the money kings. You know something of Coos Bay. You have read about it or you have heard people talk about it. No doubt you have heard it said a thousand times, -surely there is the location of a future GREAT CITY Thousands are saying Ois and we believe they are right. WHY NOT BACK YOUR JUDG MENT WITH A SMALL. INVEST MENT? $50 lots, terms $5 cash, balance $2 oer month. - vo lots, terms y.stj. casn, oaiance 13 nr month. $100 lots, terms 310.00 cash, balance $4 per month. can or write for tree literature. Graham & McGuffey Main 1917. . 610 Henry bldg. ACREAGE 57 Electric Line Running Through This Subdivision 35 minutes from the busi ness center of the city on the West Side in 1 to 10 acre tracts; level, land; rich black soli; yields abundantly; under intensive cultivation; fine for fruit,, berries, etc" Graded roads, streets with sidewalks; rood stores, schools, phones and other conveniences. Prices range from $260 to $500 per r acre depending upon distance f from station on electric line. $25 to $50 down and easy in stallments on the balance. Let us show you these tracts. The location for suburban homes is the best around Portland. The ShawrFear Co. 102 Fourth Street WANTED FARMS j (Opntlnned 88 HOMESTEADS 47 FJtKij Canadian homesteads in sunny : Alberta, Canada. We guarantee all our claims as represented or money paia reiunaea. we locate you from two to three miles from town of 2000 in habitants, with two operating railroads. i ne se claims are biaca loam soil, witn clay subsoil; about one-half prairie. oaiance ugnt timoer: no stone and no alkali; drinking water 7 to 18 feet from surface; plenty of water for irrl anon. Areata now ana avoia me Bring rush. , We have nartles arotnsr dally. Our fee is $50. CANADIAN HOMESTEAD COMPANY, 1 n xvortn tn si., foriiana. , AN-opportunity that doesn't come or ten, mgnt wire states must reave for Chicago within a week. Will, sac rifice my office and business. $2000 will handle this deal and start you on tne oest paying oustnesn on j,0e coast. I am manager of this office and mem ber of Jaeger Manufacturing Co., fac tories at Chicago. III. If I can't lo cate the right man within a week will have to ship stock to Los Angeles oiiice. s if you want something wonn while come up at once and let me talk this over with you. E. B. JAEGER, Office 701 Swetland bldg. HOMESTEADS, good land. i water, timber, road, town an- road. Near Portland. Locator, Oak. room 2L 267 TIMBER 28 WANTED A small sawmill, good iocai market or eood location. . lacoma ave. EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE 24 i NO INTEREST. GOOD INCOME Two innnmn hiilldinsrn 1n best town in north Idaho, county seat. 3000 pop ulation, railroad, light and, water sys tems, present rental about $200 per month, can easily be made $300; price iu.uuw, xisoot) cash $aouo trade, farm land preferred, balance $130 per month for 92 months; no interest, owner is holding position on a commission basis that pays $100 to 3176 oer month clear. that could probably be turned to buyer if capable, best of reasons for selling and quitting job. Walter Hickerson, agent, Grangeville. Idaho. DANDST PLACE '15 acres. 2 acres in fine full bear ing orcnard, good comfortable house, good barn, woodshed, hoe house and chicken house; all fine land, on county roaa; tnis is a rine place, wortn SZ500, will trade even for house in Portland: only 25 miles from Portland", 1 miles rrom good town. Bee owner at our office this week. ! SMITH .INVESTMENT CO.. 90 6th St. Main 8770 : Best 25 Acres 40 miles south Portland, closa tn Oregon Electric, all in cultivation, fi nest of soil, small housa and barn. only $3500; will take city property up to $1500 as first payment. Cladek, 20 Washington bldg. BUSINESS CHANCES (Continued) 20 - MONEY : TO LOAN -CHATTELS, SALARIES - jOonttBttea) 67! SITUATIONS-MALK : (Ooatiawed) Need Money. Quick Loans Mad& on Salary or YOUR FURNITURE, PIANO. AUTO, STORAGE RECEIPTS. LIVESTOCK. REAL ESTATE. MOTORCYCLES OK DIAMONDS. . YOU CAN GET IT TODAY., FOR SALE Half interest in thorough ly established office business. Price $2500 cash. Incoming party must bow se us xirsi class credentials, unques tioned business ability and competent to nanaie detail oiiice woric etc.; age 30-35. Preference given to eastern man or Britisher. Death of previous partner only reason for this opening. Give particulars about yourself in re ply, it-bo l. journal. - 413 Macieay Bldg. Between 4 th and 6tb, on Washington. open :oo a. m. to 6:00 p. m.. Saturday till 8:00 p. u. Confectionery, 2 Living Rooms Rent $14.50. near large school. Price 3350: mostly stock. This is a snao and must be sold at once. Hurry if you want a bargain. GODLiAKl), 603 COUCH HLil-Ki. WANTF1D Man and wifn Who thor oughly understand the restaurant business to conduct a restaurant con nected with a 0 room hotel on tne east side: beautiful lobby adjoins din ing room;none need apply except those who are thoroughly competent arm with some means. Free rent will be given to right party. E. J. DALY, 222 Falling bldg. FOR SALE General store in country town on railroad, stock and fixtures. $3500. House and new up-to-date store building, 32000. 8ales last year over Good trading point. tdL-bbv. Journal. How's This? fKA will hnv litrht frnfepr r.nnfAC tlonery, cigars, baked goods, lunch place. It will invoice $900. Rent $21.00 month. Room to live in it. This won't last. If you see it you'll buy on the spot. GODDAKD, &0Z UOUtH. BASE LINE ACRE. A suburban acre for the price of a suburban lot, near Ascot, rat. tiooa A BARGAIN IN A NEAT COTTAGE. This little home is offered at an ab solute sacrifice. Owners are out of city and authorize me to sell to responsi ble party on any kind of decent terms. 4 rooms and batn. nouso newiy painted, rooms tinted, nice corner lot, plenty of roses. The property is easily worth $1760. My price only xiaau ana on terms to suit. LB NOIR. 228 Chamber of Commerce. ; Traders I have 80 lots free and clear on west Electric; has nice grove, level and side, to trade for anything of value, elghtly; make nice country home; Base price $20 each. Peters, 15 N. 6th et. $lZh i&tes ohuY?romUcffdworht CLEAR ACREAGE FOR STORE OR $700; myprice 36U casn; must nave , on. of nrnn' ht Vkiiv. vi,, money. F-734. journal. Lli75 an acre. GODDARD. 602 COTTCH I .ri ii .rr,ii h.iju null lauuuca iitjcvx x-usx.-, i- i , i t . . linectSrsXn'mfle. Slut f JL S timber llnd in eastern ,r;r d--w 1 tmng in uenver. -80U, Journal. IVtavivu, se - j ts- a r s.w rv t"-- acre in small tracts; easy terms; quick I EXCHANGE 200 acre placer mine train service. Tank Mc.b'anana Keaity I wun water rignts. near uienoaie, tor Co., 309 Yeon bldg.. Portland. Oregon. acreage or" city property. B-897. journal. , A BEAUTIFUL east front residence at Beaumont Heights, E. 42d St, N. 8 light and airy rooms and largo sleeping porch. This is an ideal homes, with every built-in modern conven ience; both furnace and gas heat; elegant fireplace; beautiful electric light fixtures; hardwood floors; tile bath and kitchen floors; elegantly fur nished throughout. Will sell with fur niture or without. Terms like rent. Phones A-2377. Main 3755. SPECIAL OFFER. ' -rim TTTTT T "IT'T-'DXTtO'CJ T U W T AT. VV Hi T. X iJU JL." ll nil 1 -1 JL Ili, AV A BUILD THE HO"USE AND FURNISH THE MONEY, f LIBERAL TERMS; T.rvw TNTKRRST. PLANS ITREE. BUTTER WORTH-STEPHENSON CO., Couch mag. Aiarsnau iss. nTJIfWV.K! nr e-arrien ranch. ix acres ir ft TTelAnx. fir Filch t ronm bouse. I FOR TRADE 4 nice lots at E. Mil City -water, electric lights, barn, fruit, I waukie for 5 passenger 'auto car, I below invoice; well established trade, hprrloa rnnnino- water. 2 Monks from must be in Rood order. Inauire HVt stock runs about 35000: excellent rea . - . . ' . . . I r- n . . - 1 . .in . . .3 T-'V c c c R. K. sta. N. p., l mile rrom coiumDia - in. son ior seinng. xxo irautB. a-ho, river landing. Good roads to Portland. SEVEN room modern house, will trade Journal. $3500; terms. Owner. Box 187, St, for good mortgage or take lot as first GROCERY SNAP. Helens. Or. payment: price $3000: 231 E. 76th st. Rent $26; including 6 living rooms. M. V. car. I modern stock and fixtures, invoice LADD'S ADDITION. BIG SACRIFICE. will null thin new. modern 6 room house. $800 below cost. Phone East 4433.- t SIX rooms and bath, laundry trays, etc.: lot 60x115. berries, flowers. cement walk, street improved, two blocks from Sellwood car. $1500. Terms. 1241 MllwauKle St. MARRIAGE LICENSES Make Your Offer I FFVE room modern house, 59th and Hassalo st. ciaaeK, zu wasn. mag. A SPLENDID HOME 7 rooms, corner lot, garage, $5200. Charming bungalow, x&ooo, every thing paid, in Irvington. East 278 riarence Porter, 400 Kastr Forty-ninth strtet m.rtb. legitl, and Grace Lillian Hund, 400 Kaat Forty-ninth street north, legal. John J. Sheridan. Hotel Cllftord. legal. nud Kathryn L. Cullen, 228 Glenn avenue, H. Herdman. $16 PER MONTH. $100 CASH. and Hens R. Atkinson. St. Clair Apts.. 23. New, modern, 6-roomed .bungalow, Norman B. Iverson, U51 East Twenty-1 close to car, restricted district. Owner, ninth street north, 25 and rirtrpnce M. gimp. I Beliwood TOn.' vwVr"".reImP:-.,KrlnJ - ... MUST- sacrifice 6 room bungalow duuu v v . oiauii, riuivrm,' r, ifKai, inu I n as -ifa Vv. Nettle Alma Norm.. 46 Main utreel leeal. . modern, all Up to date, fruits, beau- x m s .... ' tiful view, l piock to i car; 27 Jfi Wl b. imiin fit bO.vT.TtlnS'caVda i5h .m3- Third floor Morgan Bid. I SEASIDE 5 room house , and lot for . utile, lot 3. block 6 of Inelenook ad DRESS suits for rent; all sizes. Unique dition. A bargain. I. K., 66 N. 21st st, west side. Owner. $10 DOWN, 910 month, small plastered nouse. corner tot, ciose to car. 6Z44 Foster Road. S800 350 down. $10 month, with in teres t. 4 room temporary nouse. 1191 Tlbbetts st. W. R. car 89th st. 7 ROOM house, 2 lots, garden, fruit trees, flowers, and cnicken nouses. 1671 E. Burnside st., cor. 60th. BUY this Irvinxton home from own er: sroinar east: 6 rooms, new. mod em. Call evenings. 637 East 11th N FOR SALE LOTS 16 TO BAXff rSAHCXSOO. I.OS AKQELXS . aao iah oiQO, Sa i S YUCATAN WEDN-EjSDAY. FEB. 4, 6 P. M. COOS BAY AND ETJKEXA S. S. i ALLIANCE THURSDAY, FEB. 6. 6 P. M-. K03TK PACIPIO STEAMSHIP CO. - .: 123 TEQBO ITBST.V Phones Main and. A-1314. Tailoring Co., 309 Stark st. BIRTHS MIHJNNliUL To Mr. and Mr a. John a. Mc- Uonaell. 0720 rorty-slxth avenue, H. E., January 4.1, a son. CLOUSB To Mr. and Mrs: Bernard Olouse, Eugene, Or., Jan. 10. a son. STRAND To Mr. and Mrs. Carl T. Strand, 41M Ban uaiael street, January ito, a son. UAYBS To Mr. and Mrs. F.dwln B. Haves. 265 Seventieth street N. E., January 6, a son. TIRELL To Mr. and Mrs. James J. Tyre 11. UIBUDLVUV) V , w buubi j J. o sa svu, BALCOM To Mr. snd Mrs. Lawrence H. tsaicom, oeo tverett street, January a ..son. , - ; DEATHS AND FUNERALS 75 KLEKAH Frank Klekar Jr., a resident of i'ortland, died of heart trouble January 81, at im Angeles. Mr. Klekar was a young nan of 27 yeara and left a wife and 4 year -old daughter. Ilia parents and three younaer slaters are living In Kaat Portland. He waa a member of The Fraternal Union of America and Bohemian Uymnaatle club. His wife will leave for Portland with the body Monday evening. Funeral notices will be given later. -. MYERS Mrs. Bertha Myers, widow of the lata. Hsrrlii Mvera. mother nf Mm T. Dim. nrmaoa of Loa Angeles, Mrs. Emil Stelnman I from the center of Portland, offers you of Sacramento. Mrs. Herman Herat of Far I signtiy residence lots. Dusiness loca Rockawav. N. T.. Isador Mvera of Chlcaao: I tionri ouarter acrea and finished mod- Ike Myera of New York and Carrie Myera of I em homes, at low figures and on easy xnis ciiy. runerai win iaae place weanesaay i terms, A BARGAIN IN VACANT RESIDENCE PROPERTY. Three full size lots in a choice, fast growing east Bide residence section. Lot a are excellent value at 3600 apiece. I am authorized to sell them at $376 aniece. I can borrow 3800 on the lots any time you want. No better building proposition in the city. lata XMOiit, :22s Chamber of Commerce. MULTNOMAH, the thriving new sub urb on the double track of the or egon Electric only a few minutes' ride Cigar and Confectionery In" A-l location, including living room, doing good business; stock and fixtures will invoice $760. Price today for all 3360. deters, 16 N. 5th st WANTED An idea! - Who can think of some . simple thing to patent? Protect your ideas, they may bring you wealth: write for "Needed Inven tlons" and "How to Get Your Patent and Your Money." Randolph & Co., patent attorneys, Washington, D. C MAN with family wants work badly; ' naa experience shirt and overact fac- , tory in-order department; also in gro cery store and as -solicitor in country' tor newspaper. Main; 7 17. WANlbU tiy mlduiugd. Industrious and sober man, a position as janitor In apartment hous. jsCan furnish ref erences. 8-898. Journal. MUST have wora. tot support family; .iav education,-energy ana muscio end know how la use them. T-882. Journal. - " &OOI), honest workins man wants work by day or wek; can do any-, thing. ?20 Misslssiplii. WoodUwn K01. Nasarcne Army of America. Salaried People v START THE NEW YEAR X OWING BUT ONE PARTY ' $10 TO $100 ON YOUR PERU ON AL - nuiu, FOR FURTHER PARTICULARS CALL. TELEPHONE OR WRITS . State Security Co. 309 FAILING BLDG. MONEY to loan oa diamonds, pianos, autos and m'Dtorcvcles. or storage re ceipts. 3 per cent. ADDly 413 Macieay Diag. i LOANS on realty, chattels or contracts, Koom 312 Commercial blk. LOANS AV ANTED 30 I WANT to borrow $2500 at 6 per cent on 6 acres in the city limits, east mAa Inanrail , i 1 1 Ur InHn.nn 906 Board of Trade bldg. Marshall 849. FINANCIAL 51 CASH PAID FOR MORTGAGES. Or seller's security in contract of sale on real estate in Wash, or Or. 11. i. Noble, Lumbermens bldg. Loans. I BUY small monthly payment mort gages and contracts. uueii. sdj Concord bldg. Main 6482. HELP WANTED MALE Situation Wanted Ads. Inserted free for tiose in need of work who are unable to pay for an advertisement. Advertisements -must be brought to the office personally. by tne parties desiring work. NEW towns on the Portland, Eugene & .Eastern Ry. oner exceptional lo cations for irrocery stores, drug stores, harness makers, bakeries, implement dealers and general lines. For full in formation call or write Pacific Land Co., 811 Journal bldg.. Portland. Or, Pacific auto and gas tractor SCHOOL 188-1'JO CHAPMAN ST HOLT CATERPILLAR, RUMLEY OIL PULL AND INTERN L HAR V ESTER ARE THE GASOLINE TRACTORS UPON WHICH WE GIVE OUR STUDENTS PRACTICAL LES SONS. ALSO AUTOMOBILE RE PAIRING AND DRIVING. EVERY THING PRACTICAL AND UP TO DATE. 'TUITION PART CASH ON ENROLLMENT, BALANCE AT TIME OF GRADUATION. WANTED By experienced horticul turist, nrunlnar andlaettlmr tre'es and shrubbery. 20 cents per hour. T-8tS, Journal. COMPETENT foreman, wants position gracing, roaa construction or alien ing; would consider i subcontract. L' s8, Journal. f , BRIGHT yodng- man, understands farm work. care, ef stock: do you - want good man for the year? L-943, Journal. . . LUMBERMAN of snveral years' cx- perience wants Dosition. 'X"an- gtst the business. ' Best of references given, 0-oS3. Journal. i - COMPETENT bookkeeper, eight years experience lumber .ami grain; iwsi references. 651 i East Ankeny. Phone ICawt 1616. l'OUNG married roar), thoroughly ex perienced in , grocery. ; desires posi tion; references. Sellwood IW, hours 8 to 4, 7 to . ; 1 MARRIED man iieds work1 bad; . would like Job Muting wood. 1'. Stephens, 1228 E. 18t3i st. N. WANTED Place onyfarm by married man; can take oharire: reference. Address G. W. Watson, Troutdale, Or. HONEST young married man wants work of any .kind; wife and baby Mi want. Address 824 Wiinams ave. PAINTER, good, all around uand, mar ried, 'must nave wora: 4 per aay; good references. C-872. journal. YOUNG man wants place to work for board and rooui; iteterences. L-5!, Journal. . r " ' WILL tint rooms, $2.25; painting and paperhanging very .reasonable. Sell wood 1399. PRACTICAL paperhanger and painter with a familVr very much in need of a job. Phone Vuotlawn 1393. ' . YOUNG man 22 years old Wishing po sition in factory or store, will give references. M-JHt, Journal. NEW towns on the Portland, Eugene & Eastern Ry.. offer exceptional lo cations for grocery stores, drug stores,? harness makers, bakeries, implement dealers and general lines. For full in formation call or write Pacific Land Co.. 811 Journal bldg., Portland, Or. GENERAL merchandise store in coun try rown, line tine oi gooas, win sen Y. M. a A. EMPLOYMENT DEPT. -Employment membership guarantees member will secure employment or re fund of membership fee; gives two months' full membership privileges, 10 months Bocial privileges. Record for year 1913: Call for men ....2635 Positions filled 1941 - All yount men seeking employment, especially strangers., are cordially In vited to consult witb. the secretary of the Employment Department. $700 BUYS a half acre, fine soil, close f N in on the west side, big future; terms iiu ACRES on" Powell Vallev roa.l $400; no reasonable offer i only $20 down, $10 per month. If you close in. to exchange for lots or Owner. 1384 Union ave. Woodla ray .equity J5700 are looking for a location where you house, price $9000. bernoa, vuiujkcua, eiu. bLiia .win , quii you. M. E. Lee, 522 Corbett bldg. refused wn car. HOUSES, lots. land, rooming houses. if vou have anything anywhere you LITTLE old house on 60x100 ft. lot in want to sell or trade, see iJioca; ne WANTED For U. 8, army, able bod ied, unmarried mepi between ages of 18 and 35, citizens oftbe United States, of good charae'er and temperate habits, who can speak, read and write the Eng lish language. For Information apply to recruiting officers Worcester bldg., 3d and Oak sts., Portland. Or. POSITION on ranch by general1 all around man; references or bonds given, Sellwood 10.57. YOUNG man is willing to work for room, board and laundry. 11-687, Journal. - - - - MAN 26 "years, in grocery , store a clerk, 3 years experienced, best of references, hustler. R-668, J-ournal. ELECTRlCIANwbo can put Darches, electric alarm clock in good order. Address in w. wygant. MAN wants work; has experience fir ing boilers, but will take anytning. Nairi 717. ; A NEAT boy, 15. wants work after school and Saturdays. Phone Main 7808. . - ' I Rood worker. North 16th st. John Glomusen Tut 1APER1NG and tinting. Call Tabor 4762. save money.- R. P. Lawrence. , WANTED Position as silver wsshef 1 FOR. SALE Long Beach Wash., 8 acres. 3 cranberry land. 5 tide land. fine for garden and berries, $140 per acre; terms, woodiawn 8483. r-m. Journal. 461 Jefferson. Marshall Creaton wVilc.h T -art tl traiic fn . I matches you, age. See owner, 512 Piatt bldg. 5725. A-4SM0. INCOME property for improved .. u i""1!. w business, or let us call on you if you UlS'lhlC'l' MANAUEKS WANTED. Fine opportunity to makjs good if you work; you are your own bossr very little money required to start with. Golden West Mfg. and Distribut ing Co.. 188-190 Chapman st. BE your own boss. ' Learn a profes sion that will make money for you. Only $3 to learn. Professor Johnson, Z4H i3tn l$i .ACRES in Vancouver city limits. with room nlastered house. S3200. 3500 cash. N. W. Merrifield, 810 waan- ngton St., Vancouver, wasn. stocked ranch; coast country prefer- 31000 louitv U ;w m2r glshh to Main 9583. 323 Lumber PARTY to cut wood as first payment f 1??.?,??ew!Iloderni Exchange or desirable Portland lot: nea elec- siglitly home". North Irvington. rooming house. Q-846, Journal. for FOR SALE FARMS "17 FOR SALE GROCERY. Dolnar a business of 32000 per mo.: WE exchange what you have for what good reason for selling; no trade. K- you want. Peper & Baker. 444 Sher- 945, Journal. l?.dg" 3f fnd'ak- Marshall 2654. CLEANING and pressing shop for sale. 8 ROOM strictly modern house, 6 lots, doing $40 a week; rent $15 a month; Columbia Delta Gardens Clatskanie, Oregon (COLUMBIA COUNTY). ' For Sale at Reason able Price and terms to suit, a large river bottom farm capable of sup porting a cow to the acre, or raising 800 ' sacks of potatoes. Excellent land for onions and vegetables. Rail and river trans portation. Will sell in whole or divide in several small farms to suit buyer. Could also lease a portion with privilege of pur chase to desirable, thrifty per sons. R. B. MAGRUDER, Clatskanie, Oregon. 135 E. 6th st. 27 clear, for unimproved farm near mno at nnr. rurmuU win aaaunie, au .aiiBity oiug, FOUR room modern cottage, 31250; up MONEX' TO LOAN 10 55 aiamunas, oaiance line rent, 1 dijii, feTlTK' C. H. Pggott, 142 2d St.. room 24. v L n. jT u WILL trade lot and house near I MONEY TO LOAN wav brldee. srood an art. liouSe ita ON IMPROVED REAL ESTATE OR for good farm. East 2017. FOR BUILDING PURPOSES; VERY tLKXlBLiS CUNXKAU'io; JNO UUM SWAJ" COLUMN n l uiacTnu f i iuivn. i COLUMH1A L.IHH2 tt THUS1 tJ. 916 SPALDING BLDG. 1 HAVE $825 player piano and music. WiB take- part in lot, diamond or ; wnat you nave. Terms. L-970. Journal. WANTED REAL ESTATE 31 I WANT a 6 room house: will Rive ioealii,fin5 6x?8cfnfa1',raill5ery I LOANS on improved city property or land for equity. Main 6809 or 6814. Vmiidln nnrnoaia: advances CORD.WOOD stumpage near Portland. I made as building progresses; liberal re- Mortgage Loans 6 to 7 Per Cent. H. E. MOONEY. Main 210. Room 421. Falling bldg. for desirable Portland lot; near elec tric, furnished cabin. Wood. 2978. LINCOLN high boy to help carry Jour nal route; come to Journal office, 8:1a a. m. SPECIALTY salesman to work on. com. mission base; state experience. N- 803, journal. WANTED Position a first class cook, in or out of town; must have work' at once; steady man, J-911, Journah in resururant. SITUATION Phone Tabor 173. isher. wanted, carpenter, "fin- 841 37th St. Phone Main 2612.- SITUATIONS FEMALE AN experienced, elderly Scotch lady would care for -children afternoons' or evenings, or would take maternity cases or care of invalids. - References, Terms reasonable. Phone Main 3316. A HEALTHY middle aged woman wants cooking am .ranch or house keeping; will go out of town; good wages preferred to! light work. Mrs. D. 1. C., Gen. Peljvery, ' TWO girls -wish positions chamber - maids in .small Hotel. Phone Mar-" shall 6986 -nl ay y Pearson, Gertrude Little. I . ED: best offer In i YOUNG girl. 3 years' business exper- Hiv-v,nnvni.shiiii iui tr..v. -i I ience .-nesi res ociice wora. rnoi a SOLICITORS wante: CHEF Heaiiquarters and helpers. Cal Ifornla Wine Depot. 285 YamhllL stenographer, but 4ia. willing Reasonable salary.t :K-779, Jo worker. ournal. HELP WANTED MISC. 49 OREGON AUTOMOBILE SCHOOL. 266-263 11th Latest up to date meth ods of practical instruction in driving and repairing autos by expert Instruc tors and mechanics. Tuition, part cash on enrollment, balance at time of grad uation. We assist graduates to post tlon. Day and night classes. F-745. Jou rnal. ROOMING HOUSES 53 payment privileges; no commission or brokerages J. P. Lipscomb, 242 Stark. Tillamook Tillamook Tillamook DAIRY RANCH. TERMS. 148 acres, 38 head milch cows, 1 team, farming implements. Price $20,000. Cash from stooo to souou. in exchange a residence up to $6000 or some acre age up 'to 20 acres; balance time to suit at 7 per cent. Call or write 14 4 Cleveland ave. MARY E. LENT. 608-509 Northwestern Bank Bldg, 6th and Morrison sts. HOTELS. ROOiOING, APARTMENT HOUSES SOLD AND EXCHANGED 7 YEARS. PORTLAND'S L3ADING Mortgage Loans I.'L. WHITE. 701 Selling Bldg. AGENT. I save you rnorteytanrl divide my commission witn the buyer. FREE AUTO SERVICE PHONE MAIN 8560. t1x Rooms, $150 Rent $2V month, furniture is fair; 4 ranges; terms if desired. Close Id, easily Kept run. uoodard, ouz couco oidg Bargain Hunters 31000 31500 32000 32500 to loan at 7 and .8 per cent on im proved real estkte. Scott-Reeslev HOTEL Deane Co. 811-12 Abington bldg. RAILWAY mail clerks wanted; com mence $75 month. Portland exami nations Feb. 21; sample questions free. Franklin Institute, Dept. 361K, Rochester, N. x. GIRL, 5 years' experience as saleslady, dry goods, desir permanent posi tion; reasonable (fary to start with, K-560, Journal. f. ' i EXPERIENCED Moung lady desires position of anyyklnd during even injfs from 8 o'clo$. to. 12 o'clock,- Marshall 3993.- L UN INCI'MBEUEprv; widow.- 35 years, would like posltfrtn as housekeeper; country preferred. fCail Marshall 401$, from 2 to 6 p. tn. i LADY would llhe KsitlOn s atnp worker, or waiter in small restau rant. Call K. 602 R'm 2. USE your spare time to build up a mall a n,.p hnuiriAtu tit frmfr mmrn w Vi u 1 it 1 you start for a share in profits; 27 ! LE opportunities; particulars free. Mutual Opportunities Ext'hange, Buffalo. N. t. EXPERT GermarJ' laundress wmii work. Good rcKretwea. Main 4J WE have money to loan on your real estate; first mortgages only. HAMMOND MORTGAGE COMPANY. 423 Chamber of Commerce. MONEY TO LOAN ON REAL ESTATE J. J. OEDER. Real Estate and Loans. Cor. Grand Ave. and B. Ankeny. RAILWAY mail clerk, exam. Feb. 21. Parcel post requires more clerks. Salary $900 to $1700. Act quickly and at, once. Pacific States School, Mo- Kay bldg., city, PORTLAND railway mail clerk exam inations Feb. 21, commence $75 month. Sample questions free. Ad- .dress KX-&4Q. journal MORTGAGE loans at current rates. Real estate security: apply rm. 203 Stock Exchange, 8d and Yamhill. 3100.000 on mortgages, city and farm course. 6-717, Journal. property, lire insurance, jwciveniie piaNO lessons, $5 pef month, arrangc- WOMEN Got government" Jobs. Big pay. Write for list of positions now available. Franklin Institute. Dept. 696-J, Rochester. N. Y. CORRESPONDENCE) school course, bargain, owner unable to use same, buyer can j exchange for any other RETIaBLE colored woman wishes place as chambermaid , or eaterem; works by day, week or month. M. S908. POSITION as housekeeper by strl. lly competent woman. tl Russell st Mrs. Grey. C-l 87a. - EXPKR1ENCED lnumiress wants day lork. Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday. Marshall 3672. : m - - y EXPERIENCED Uiundress and house cleaner wishes Tfiprk' by day or hour. Woodiawn" 1935. - . . - WI1XW. with gir U12. wants position; living wages; a if .handy at most any TS II ACRE UW Texas school lands for sale by the state. You can buy good land at $2 per acre; pay 5c per acre cash and no more ior w years, out s per cent in-1 11 room rooming house, in heart of I & Co.. Gerlinger bldg.. 2d and Alder. .nw. for nractlce. 2a iith.i i terest; send -eo postage for further 1 citv. rent 125 wnrth ir.nti! nrio tnHv I s: ; . . tvs rrsrr i . i'--"- information, investor Pub. Co.. No. 8, for' all $120. 'Peters. 16 N. 15tb at. m7t. - wmq! BECK, lis FAi " A,' ' ... ,...V.,t. k... ! -WANTKItelact, -.yurtains to . I. u ml--t - - - : ",---; i or bundle wasn mg; necu wurs, work. Z-481. Jouf UfiMAM wants hKwhic bv the dav. (German lady.i- 720 Mississippi.. Woodiawn 801, Nsigwrene rmy, - t FIRST .class launuYrs wtnts work for Tuesday. w,eaneify and Miiursuay. San Anatonio, Tex. Small . Farm Hunters MODERN 17 room apartment, nicely I ING BLDG. lurnisnea B - rem, inciuaing steam i HAVE any amount to loan on heat: consider lot or equity in bunga- I Pnrtlan.l real ostate. Call 228 r KOOd 25 acres. North Yamhill, on srood I low in Portland or small payment will h, of c.ommerca bide. No brokers. county road and. electric road, rich handle. 272 Williams ave. rtSH naM for mortgage,, note. rm- Diack loam sou. onions or norr-iand; $?25 takes 11 rooms of almost new "tracts; mortgage loans; reasonable iCtriSr1? 5ir0w0 rnt1111 furniture; house arranged in 1, 2. 3 rates. F. IL Lewis & Co.. 3 Lewis bldg or trade for city property. See us j room Buites; sinks in kitchen; easy I ripTnamr' tniwe about this. 288 E. Morrison st. A BARGAIN 44 acre farm, suitable ELEGANT ior aairy. miies irom Eaiem. j. mue rrom station; au acres in cultivation, afternoon at 2 p. m. from the late residence, 70 Hiverett street, umit nowers. THE WESTERN SECURITIES CO., Owners and Agents. , 612 Piatt bldg.. Also, agent at Multnomah, Or. GREEN February , at the residence. 869 Missouri avenue, David Green, aged S7 '" ",. "!" " DM.a .uu VKPV -fir,. V,fm .l. lv 1S tn a., t irnAi r.,vin m v. I car ride, west side. 5c fare, handy to held at the above residence tomorrow (Tnes-1 ? carllnes. If you. are looking for a rti. Fenrnarv a. it z:su. n-rieniu innti wwuun wim a uik iuiuio uiw ouiiiu Interment Mt. Scott Park cemetery. I ft. lots are the best value in the city .. . . . . . I a. alAFft- A e - X t m. yt4 MYERS In this city January Elather i ?l SXk t?ownt SJL B",nla- residence. 704 Everett street. Mrs.- Bertha I "i KEJiMEam -ma San Francisco and Los Angeles S."buihmVnt ot' 88. "Bear Sails 4 p. m., Jfeb. 6. I gomery at Fifth. B9. aTr suii p. m., Feb.- 10. The San rranclsoo 3s Portland S. S. Co. Tloket Office 3a sad Wash., (with O W. . 1 H. CO.) MarshaU 4600. A-6iaj. Myers, aged 74 yeara 1 month 6 days. (Mends I A COUPLE of choice lots near Broad Invited to attend fnneral services, which will I way car barns, on high, sightly ( be held at the above residence at 2 p. m . ground, improved Streets, which I have " .i""""" """"ibeen instructed to sacrifice on the Israel cemetery . riease omn riowera. I market for a comnanv that la elnsln alii in u bu, itoiuMi Jt, naicer a. i out its assets, rrices as tow as oou. on wauo, bkw J mia. J?" ? easy terms, see attorney, biz riatt bid. mnerai serricea wiu oe n'a -itiesaay, r eo- t.Kn.'v1A n,cu k., a, at x o -crocs p. m.. ax xne residence l vv, J.v'f,,i'r,iIrT( J- I- P'lniev A NAfl Unfit. I ICfclKtS OVlliV view i iCi vuiy AO IU1U. Friends invited. car r toe, west stae, oest vaiue m tne AERA1IS In this city, Feb. 1, Simon AoramR. DMFU DO vvsub. iniucr i mra. r. I ----- ----- Or rf Inkle, J. D., J. S.t Dr. A. M. and R. M. I bettbldg. city. If you are looking for a location tnts wut suit you. m. tu., oaa tjor Abrams and Mrs. N. B. Felnberg. ment of tunerai later, Announce- j SHKVLIN February 2. at the Good Samarl- j and 28th. easy terms. American-Hawaiian S. S. Co. "TjEHATJUTEPEC SOVTjB Freight Service Between New York-1 BONSEB In thla city, February l, Paul S. IRVINGTON DISTRICT. Lot $850. on Schuyler St., bet. 27th tan hoadtaL Helen Sbevltn. aged 22 rears. beloved wife of James J. Bhevlln of Beaver- ton. Or. Notice or fnneral later. SECURITY DEVELOPMENT CO., 4tn at fine st. Portland-Eurone. Frequent Scheduled Sailings, Low Rates. C.Ti KENNEDY, Agent. 210 Railway Exchange Bldg; COOS BAY LINE Ci ! D l : J H galls from Alnswortn dock. Portland, ata p. iu., Twr Aunuay evening. reignl re. Bonser. formerly of Bcappooae, Or. Be- malna at Holman'a parlors. Funeral an- noancement later. . fatty degeneration ef heart. LICHTENBER6EB Barbara Mary Uchten. bercer. 1804 Aiameua. January zs.. a eel ! dental suffocation. n. M'CLOTJD -John 8. McClond, 8t, LOOK at those beautiful, sightly, fin- s est surroundings, tots corner 45th and Hancock and make an offer. C. A. Haulenbeck. 615 Henry bldg. Res. phone woodiawn leoa 100x100 Ideal apartment or high class real dence site, S. W. corner 12th and Hall Vincent's 1 sts. Owner, A-5605. Hospital. January 28, 7 years, cirrhosis of 1 MEN going east investigate lots liver. In Central addition. Washlnetbn Tt. C n nj trunerai i ror sale caeap. uowrn a. Marden, vu ueairsv Harden Didg.. wasnmgton, u. u. esivad ontll 12 o'clock noon) cn sailing day. i of all kinds. Main 7756, A-7703. 120 4tTt BFoT reWidenr-a lt Tort1nl Hela-htia iST SitiTit i-VisSin?" ffl'SSr.? MAXM. BMITa noHst. 141 6th SU $600 cash... balance deferred 7" pel ticket offfM at Lower Alnswortn dock. Port, in Selling bldg. Main 7215. cent 455 13th. land Coos Bay- 6tamhlp Line.. Phones I CLARKE BROS., florists; fine flowers! U BLOCK corner, Montavilla' district Mala 3600; A-aaSi U H. Kaatlng, Agent. I and floral designs. 239 Morrison stl Reasonable. Easy terms. Tabor 4627. terms. 347 Hall st. new rurmture 10 room house: 7 rented; all men roomers: mnkea heniitlful home: fine Incnm, small family orchard, balance timber I will sacrifice. Cheap rent. 123 N. 23rd. MORTGAGE LOANS. 6 oer cent to 7 per cent. John L. Karnopp, Railway Ex. bldg. and pasture; fair farm buildings. Price $7000.00; 93uuu.uu casn, oaiance 9 MONEY to loan on city real estate and farms. Geo, v. juekum. an nenry Didg $160 DOWN. PRICE $400. Salem, Oregon. reidenceroomlng house, a snap. 60, ; $250. $350. $600. rred w. ucrman IS 50. $1200, $2000. Co.. Cham, of Com. 162 ACRE RANCH miles south of Valier. Mont, near Lake Francis; the finest soiL A won derful bargain at $18 an acre; $850 cash, balance on very easy terms. ti. M., 128 2d st, Portland. MONEY TO LOAN ON REAL ESTATE A. H. HARDING. 313 Cham, of com. SACRIFICE furniture 8 large rooms MORTGAGE loans, 6 and 7 per cent and piano; money maker for right party: lease, terms. 127 12th, near Washington. WANTED Furniture of 6 to 15 rms. Will pay cash $100 and 2 clear lots; IF YOU want a Willamette valley ft " TT, . u k -r-r- -e-.m o-ni n'i hu nnarri o-. I 1 0 ROOMS, all f urnished. Kood house. my orice. you will lose $8000. for II- lawn; a nice home and pays more must sell at what I can get Fine than expenses. Main 8i4 or 6809 soil and close to it. K. station. Ad-I FURNITURE of 8 housekeeping rooms dress C-809. Journal. ; I in 12 room house at your price; Louis Salomon & Co.. 229 Stark st. MONEY on city property. RMey. 404 Broadway bldg. Ridings & M, 2817. $40,000 OR LESS. FARRINGTON 80 4th st. Board of Trade Bldg. MONEY to loan, 6 to 8 per cent. W. H. Seitz & Co.. 310 Bpaiding Didg. MONEY TO LOAN . CHATTELS, SALARIES 67 intra in 10 to 20 lessons; picture I i, e, . ktrl.l till I.-4I... ! PIIBII .-,,.. MEN with pa dolph & Co, lngton, D. C i - . i.i l IJ 1 it , t. ti wAtniin -w,nti a atentable ideas write -Ran-. ,.r,ui,ir. . bousekeeoer In family. ra Mrit .nl ,1tnr, A m ) . ---- --- . - . .-,(3.75 journal. UNCALLED for tailored suits. ,$6.60 r -Siv homi nfints Phonic UU 212 up. Taylor, the tailor. z9 surname i itaji . - - - USE Bassett's Native, Herbs for rheu- W,mXN with loy. 12. wants poeltl.jn matlwm; 50 tablets l(S. ah druggists farm or. private home; experienced PACIFIC Chiropractic College, Inc., 407 to 418 Commonwealth bldg. HELP WANTED FEMALE 2 Situation Wanted Ads inserted free for those In need of work and who are unable to pay for an advertisement Advertisements must be brought to the office personal- ly by the parties desiring worn, WANTED Young girl to work for food borne and small wages. East 0. 269 E. 27th st. N. cook. Referen. -X-875. Journal. NEAT seamstress wants plain sewing by day, $1.60. ; Phone Bast 59U, room 16. " . -- " -.' .. GOOD girl for family housework. Mar- shall 2113. 547 pverton st WORK wanted 1y the day or hour. Mrs. Schmidt Main 4Vi. 20 anrea farm land, located 9 ; miles I house for rent. 475 Main st Will sell or j 14 ROOMS, 2 apartments, some cash, from Meadows, Or. trade for Portland property, Bpringrieio. or. Box 185, 1 some trade. $450. Tabor 768. BUY my beautiful home farm on Tual atin river, 10 miles west or Portland; j highly improved, ricn, rine fishing. Address 432 12th st Marshall 3118. BUSINESS CHANCES 20 CHATTEL loans For salaried people and others upon their own names, cheap rates, easy payments. See me before dealing elsewhere; confidentlaL jj. u. uraice, az nenry oiog. FOR RENT FARMS 14 FARM for rent in Washington Co., at UDIU A TV pr.lPP TO OBTAIN lniS POOLROOM and - barber shop best on diamonds, watches, Jewelry, au- business in city of its kind; will sell tomobiles. musical Instruments, cheap if sold this week. Owner going All interviews strictly confidential. east 537 Union ave., N. - . Elby Company, 320 Lumber Ex. bldg. CHEAP for casn, grocery stocK, nx-1 MONEY at legal rates on pianos, fur tures: lfvinsr room, some furniture: I .nin, liventrwir tnn ,u If ...In atottnTi- -f A r infnii.flnn I ' 1 o t SZ TTnnA ,a IVItnn a - I f . - .. . ' . . 7 . . -. io-.. , . -', i ceipts, rea estave, etc. . s jHannattau ..II a . JO Tt-.5TT1 nnt t ilft,r K r m I vnt a- PnitlAtAtl ,v, 2 KlAr1rat Aamt t . . . -, v . v.i . . . i rif ii -one I c ' - t JVlOrtKMRe O., ail diuwii. main vlqo. or piioiig vt uuajawu ,,gg. I FOR SALE Well equipped cleaning! rl?UID A Qr.171 nifliA fa-tr laHisass n4 srtan 80 acres improved, buildings.. Inquire I .and pressing place, with lease, rent Uemen t0 borrow money on diamonds H. W. D'Hondt. route 5, Sherwood, I $12.60 per mo. Call at 167 E. 84th st j jiw,iry atern ratea Diamond Ot. ; ; 11 WANTED Partner in , good Paying Palace. 234 Wash., opp. Owl drug store. business; glass cutter with $200 cash. J MONEY loaned on diamonds, jewelry X-862, Journal. I -nd warehouse receipts. , Room 9. TIMBER 28 on installment: confi- aalaried- neoola. F. A. anna; want, unu wiuuhki ana equip- i A qooD drug business for sale cheap. 1 Newton. 614 Henry piog. uieui iuiiuu. w tii I Some cafn. tjwner 1J-B4. JOUrna . Tniua aa n imnnA, and Uwa rv .am.- nut nil it In Khar ir -nrrvriiiAta I , ..... . ' : : ' r r r: . . 7 Give location, distance to school. I "ILL Invest cash for country store church, market condition or renees. i ""'"s v....ct. NEAT, clean womSn wants day work. Main 717. ' WOMAN wants'day work on Tuesdays, -Wednesdays, Thursdays. Main 717. LADY wishes situation, private family, aro home nigfits. T-.737, Journal. 1e8Sn ffEAT-Tellable housekeeper withgirl -?ee,."5-.f':,"u? "r ""I" of ' in irood home, reference. B-172. WANTED Lady as partner in a well 'GENERAL housework, can do plain ..tahiLhey hninM. Z-492 Journal., cooking. M-792, Journal. . - GIRL, 16 years of age, at Portland Cigar Box Mfg. Co.. 43 E. 3d st HELP "WANTED MALE AND ' - y FEMALE " , . n 2? OREGON Barber College teaches yoa the barbef trade in 8 weeks, pays you while learning, tools free, tuition re duced this term; expert instruction, po sition guaranteed, special inducements to lsdles. 233 Madison st, 262 2d. PORTLAND railway mail examina tions Feb. 21; $"& month, Sample Questions, free. Franklin Institute, Dept 349K, Rorhester. N. Y. - MOLER BARBER COLLEGE teaches trade In 8 weeks, pays while learn- 4 Ing, gives ist-ciass set ox toois; writs for free catalogue. B. 48, N. 2d st diamonds and Room 45 Washington bldg. Main 6100 Phone buildings, rent wanted, etc Address P. I WEDDING invitations, announcements. I MONEY loaned on diamonds and Jew O. box 96. Stella, Wash. I Ryder Print Co., 3d Mor. M. 6536.1 elry. strictly confidentlaL 141 . 3d. F1SK Teachers' Agency secures posi tions for ieachers. 316 Journal bldg. SITUATIONS- MALE 8 WiVTKI)-r To erfre for 1. 2 or. 3 chll- dren. Mother's tare. 241 K. 79th Tt LACE curtains band laundered. Main - 14S5. - - r LADIES We pay $8.00 to $12.00 week. 308 Panama bl'Jg. . -A LADY ."wants wash places, hou.v cleaning. Mrs. Fuhrmawn. Sell. 50'1.. STRONG experienced chambermaid, with chlld;jwants work. CalliK. 4260. SITUATIUNS .WANJTED--&IALE AND VEMALE ' 2:1 MAN and wife wjithent cbildren wish place together i camp cooka Jani tors or to work (a ranch; the man if a trained nurse. Main 717. j y DRES MARINO POSITION wanted, -chauffeur or re - pair shop. D-584, Journal. GOOD refrigerating engineer wants job la or out of town. Z-487, JouraaL 40 MAKE your ownf towns. Dressmaking thoroughly taufiht Parisian Dress making School. Geodnough bldg. - I MAKE skirts ftftrn old Croats; dresses from old- suits,il2.50 per d-y; refer ences. Marshall H 570. (Continued: a 2f ext 3ra) "