The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, January 29, 1914, Page 7, Image 7

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Hawley Wants Information
to. Help. Secure Change in
Law Proposed by Him.
Through Th Journal today, Con
gressman WllHa C. Ilawlejr request
t'omesteaders who think the three year
homestead act should b modified to
write to him at once, telling their rea
Kona why thia action should Uke place.
The letter containa a lint of half a
dozen questions to be answered. Viewa
of ua many homesteaders as possible
are deal red. ao that In the pasHage of
! th amended homestead bU, all proper
opportunity and relief is furnished to
those who make homes on the public
domain. Congressman Hawley's let
ter follows:
"To the Kdltor of The Journal In
order to et complete and recent evi
dence to ahow that the cultivation re
quirements in the three year home
stead act should be modified, I need
letters from homesteaders who have
made entry under it. I have introduced
a bill which is an amended form of the
bill introduced by Senator Borah, and
the changes it is proposed to make are
as follow a:
- 1 'provided, that the cntryman in
lieu of cultivation herein required may
make Improvements upon his entry by
constructing fences or buildings, by
slashing, clearing or in other ways
preparing the land for cultivation, for
meadow, for pasture or for grazing
purposes, or by planting orchard, or
by otherwise making the homestead
habitable or capable of production, or
off enabling the entryman to obtain
means of livelihood from the home
ntead said improvements to aggregate
in value an amount each year of not
less than $1.60 per acre, except that
In cases of entries under section 6 of
the' - enlarged . homestead law the
amount of improvements shall not be
less In value than 75 cents per acre;
provided, that the term "cultivation,"
shall be held to Include also the grow
ing of grasses or other crops for pas
turage purposes or for making hay
and that the provisions of
this section relative to the homestead
period shall apply to all unperfected
entries an well as entries hereafter
made upon which residence la re
quested.' J
"In lieu of requiring that 10 acres
be cultivated at the end of the second
year, and 20 acres by the end of the
third year in a homestead of 160 acres,
as required by the three year home
stead act. the bill I propose allows
the homesteader to be given credit for
necessary Improvements. This bill
also.' provides that 'cultivation' shall
: Include the growing of native or tame
grasses and hay crops, as well as the
growing of crops that necessitate the
plowing of the soil, and encourages
stock raising.
"This is a practical and reasonable
solution of the difficulties which aet
tlera are complaining of in the culti
vation requirements ,of the present law,
and does not mean that the home
steaders, shall not exhibit good faith.
Raising stock, for an instance. Is Just
as useful work as raising large quan
tities of grain or potatoes on home
steads far from the market, and is
more profitable to the homesteader,
and therefore makes his homestead
more valuable to him. The growing
of cultivated crops will follow in due
course of time, and there will natural
ly be garden cultivation and growing
of some grain from the beginning.
"The Information I desire from the
homesteader covers these points:
"Plrat Can you clear 20 acres of
your land In three years and have it
ready for the plow, without hiring j
extra labor or buying expensive ma
chinery or explosives, and if you can
lot. please state why?
"Second If you raised grain, 0r po
, tatoes,' or other cultivated crops on
lhe 20 acres, .could you sell them? If
you cannot, please state why.
"Third What kind of a road is there
to your homestead?
"Fourth How far would you have
to haul grain, or other crops, to mar
ket them?
"Fifth Will the bill proposed above
meet the difficulties you are experienc
ing under the present law?
"Sixth Have you any suggestions
for further amendment?
"Any additional information will be
gladly received.
"The purpose of thia letter Is to
let the Views of as many homestead
ers as -possible, so that in the passage
ef this homestead bill all proper op
portunity and relief is furnished to
those who make homes on the public
domain and if you will give it space
in the columns or your vaiuaoie paper
you will render them and the state of
Oregon i an important and valuable
service, end for which I express to
you my grateful thanks.
"J have discussed the bill with a
cumber of representatives from public
land states, all of whom have approved
It, and I think all others from the
state will support it. , In that event,
we will have a very material backing
tor the bill. W. C. HAWLKY."
, South iBend. Wash., Jan. 2$. Mayor
Coulter's fourth appointment for chief
. of police made in as many weeks as he
has been In ornce was turned down Dy
the council at Its last meeting, and the
.former chief,' G. O. Hicks, still contin
ues In office. Five councilmen, under
the leadership or councilman Kay Net
tleton, are determined not to have
Hicks reappointed, and they have
'Murned down the last two men named,
for' fear that they would deputize
Hicks and then refuse to serve. The
men named for the place, besides
Hicks, were: W. S. Tomlin, former
' street commissioner; D. I Olds, pio-
t neer grocer, and John I. Myers, owner
' of a drug establishment.
Cottage Grove, Or., Jan. 29. Two
consignments containing about 3000
trees were seised here yesterday by
Inspector Stewart, who found them
Infected t-wlth hairy root crown gall
and San Jose scale. One consignment
was front Washington and one from
Oregon, t The first may be returned.
but the diseased trees of the latter will
probably I be burned. Mr. Stewart is
jiaklng strenuous efforts to keen dis
ease out iof the orchards of this vJc-
. mityi; ; f '. i
. j" ) Fir Damages Cruiser.
Philadelphia, Jan. i 29.- The scout
cruiser Birmingham was badly dam-
EXTRA! Special for Friday!
In the Drug Sundry Section
Three Bars, Regularly 1
Sold at 25c, Per Box IOC
One of the leaders tomorrow, in the
Drug Sundry Section consists of this
underpriced offering of 200 boxes of
fine Toilet Soap 3 full Bize bars of
Fancy Toilet Soap shown in assorted
odors the kind regularly sold at 10c a
bar, or 25c a box priced for 1 Qrt
65c Grade 35o
Tomorrow, in our Muslin Underwear Sec
tion, we place on sale a fine lot of wom
en's Gowns. They are made of fine qual
ity nainsook. They come in ! the popular
slipover style, with short sleeves, and all
are neatly trimmed with dainty embroid
ery of different design, and with scalloped
embroidery edge around neck land sleeves.
Shown in' good length and fullness. The
kind sold regularly at 65c. Priced
for this sale at !
8:30 A. M. TO 530 P. M; SAT., 9 A. M. TO 6 P. M.
EXTRA! A Special Sale Friday of
Veilinc Remnants at 13
Reg. Remnant Prices
12 l-2c to 25c a Yard for
Reg. 25c to 50c Qualities
A great clean-up tomorrow in the Fancy
Goods Section of all remnants of Veiling
at just one-half real worth. Included art
Shadow, plain meshes and doient of other
pretty patterns in black, white and all sta
ple colors one to one and a half yard
lengths, in regular 2Sc to SOc qualities,
EXTRA! Special for Friday!
Regular 12 l-2c Quality
Priced for This Sale, Ea,
Careful buying housekeepers will do
well to profit by this underpriced salt
of Pillow Shp. There's about 100 doa
en in the lot. all made of excellent Qual
ity, soft finished rnuaiia end in (od
generous sue, 2 by 16 inchee hey are
neatly hemmed and ready to ue best
l2Mc grade priced for BAR
Only 8. Bays Remaining of Our January Clearance
EXTRA! Special for Friday!
A Worthy Underpricing of 50
Regular 50c Values on 3Q
Special Sale at, Each OVC
While they last, tomorrow, we place on
sale at a worthy price reduction, about
50, dozen Bleached Sheets they are
made of good quality muslin in full size
for double beds, 72 by 90 inches, and
they come neatly hemmed, ready to
use the kind always sold at 50c each
priced for BARGAIN FRIDAY gQg
For Tomorrow, Bargain Friday, and Saturday, We
Offer a Host of Bargains for Thrifty Shoppers!
Only two short days before stock-taking and all lines must be reduced to the
lowest possible limit. Be sure that you take advantage of these and the hun
dreds of other underpriced offerings. The determination to start the new busi
ness year on February 1 with fresh, clean stocks in every department has urged
us to make a vigorous slaughter in prices no mercy to the original and pres
ent worth of the goods ha been shown. EVERYTHING AT A REDUCED
EXTRA! Special for Friday!
A Great Sale of 200 Pairs
Regular $1.25 Values Hl)n
Now on Sale, Per Pair I VL
In the Main Floor Drapery Setboo. to
morrow, we place on special sale about
700 pairs of fine knm Curiam at coo
siderably lest than real worth. They
come in both white and en apd in a
variety of hemstitched and lace ede
styles- hey come in good width and
length, and arc re tula fly sold st 11.2$
a pair. On sale BARGAIN T
1 -
Showing and Sale 45-In.
Embroidery Flouncings
Beautiful Patterns in Blind and
Openwork Designs Made on the
Finest of Batiste and Swiss--
Fresh, Clean Embroideries That
Have Sold Regularly Up to $1.98
a Yard Priced for This Sale at
In order to make room in our Fancy Goods section for
incoming spring stocks, we are offering hundreds of yards
of beautiful Embroideries at ridiculously low prices. You
may well judge the values by this offering of 45-inch Em
broidery Flouncings they are made of the finest of Ba
tistes and Swisses and are shown in numerous patterns in
both open-work and blind designs. NOW is the time to
purchase for both present and future needs, for you Q
have choice of values to $1.98 a yard, Bargain Friday UOC
Allover Embroideries in Values to 48c a Yard, Only 15c
A vefy attractive showing of 18-inch Allover Embroideries,
dozens of very pretty patterns, with firm, well finished
edges, embroideries that have sold regularly to r
48c a yard, priced Bargain Friday at IDC
Glean-Up Popular Styles
in Women's Neckwear
1 ftp RaCH for choice of val
JLvrl ues to 35c An unusually
large and varied assortment of
styles to select from wonderful
values in Stocks, Jabots, Bows,
Plauen Lace Collars, Embroid
ered Collars, and a great many
other neat and attractive Neck
Pieces that have sold regularly
up to 35c. Clearance Sale
-I Op EACH for choice of val-AIL-
ues to 50c You will be
surprised at the values offered in
this assortment of fine Guimpes
They are made of dainty lawn,
with yoke of fine Net or Shadow
Laces they come in white and
ecru and in values up to 50c
Our Friday Clearance Sale 1 Qf
Prie is AIL
A Final Clearance Tomorrow of
Women's Modish
Winter Coats
Three- Quarter and Full-Length
Models in the Most Fashionable
Materials values to $18.50 for
Your last opportunity tomorrow
for securing a handsome, well fin
ished, well tailored Coat at about
one half actual worth. Included are
our leading lines in three quarter
and full-length styles, made with
set-in or kimono sleeves. They
come in all sizes from 16 to 46
and are shown in the most fash
ionable materials, black Caracul,
black Astrachan and Plush ; Peat's
Cloth, that popular plaid back fab
ric; Zibelines in the best shades,
as well as lovely Novelty Mixtures.
All are strictly high-grade gar
ments, tailored and finished in a
perfect manner. Our regular lines
m values from $15 to
18.50, your choice at
Women's Tailored, Lingerie and Lawn Dresses in
the Best Styles and ' Materials, in values to r
$1.98. Clearance Price UuC
Attractive and Pleating Styles in Women's House
Dresses, in values up to $1.50. Choice while tr
they last at J)C
EXTRA! Friday Special Sale of Brown
Regular SOc Values on Special OQ
Sale at This Low Figure, Each 'w
Tomorrow, in the Art Goods Section, we place on
pedal sale a fine line of Brown Linen Crash
Scarfs and Pillow Tops at about ball price. They
come in many pleasing styles in floral, conven
tional and cross-stitch designs. They are well
made and finished with knotted fringe. Yon may
secure Scarfs and Pillow Tops to match. OQp
Regular 50c values, on sale Friday at only
EXTRA! Friday Special 1200 Pain
Kid Gloves of aHigh-Grado
Regular $1.50 Values Now Spe- HQ-
daily PriceSJor This Sale, a Pair VOL
Women who are in need of Kid Cloves will find
this a very opportune time for buying. It U a spe
cial purchase and sale of 1200 pairs of high-rrsde
Kid Cloves st one-third below real worth. Tbey
come in both one snd two-clsrp style and In all
sites, in black, tan. gray, white and brown. You
may choose from those with pique or overaeams,
alto silk lined Mocha Cloves in gray and tan.
Gloves that were made to sell regularly st QQp
ll.SO a pair, on sale tomorrow st vOL
Still Deeper
Top-Notch Styles in Women's Shoes
All Sizes and Widths in Box Calf, Gunmetal and Dongola Kid Our Regular T 1 A O
$2.50 and $3.00 Grades Are Now Specially Priced at a Low Figure, the Pair D 1 VO
-Don't fail to visit our Basement Shoe Section tomorrow, or the next day, and profit by the
deep -price cuts that now prevail on the most staple and worthy lines of women's Shoes.
Choose from this fine lot of styles, box calf, gunmetal and Dongola kid shoes, made with
solid leather counters and outersoles. They come in short vamp, round toe styles with either
patent leather or plain tip all sizes and widths in regular $2.50 and $3.00 grades. qq
Clearance price u)l0
New Styles Women's Best Vici Kid Shoes
Hand-Turned or Goody ear-Welted Soles All Sizes and Widths in Our Regu- O fiC
lar $3.50 and $4.00 Grades Are Specially Priced for Tomorrow's Sale, a Pair
Button, Blucher and Straight Lace Styles in shoes of merit makes that we have sold for
years and which we guarantee in every respect. They are A-l quality shoes with the finest
of vtct kid uppers and hand-turrted ojy uoodyear welted soles. All sizes and widths
in $3.50 and $4.00 grades. Clearance Price
BOYS SHOES of dependable quality shown in bluch
er style, with heavy velour uppers and double top cap,
hoes of double strength, made with screwed and
sewed soles of rockoak leather
On sale at.
5J4. Sale
V $1.98
GIRLS' JOCKEY BOOTS with patent cuff and silk
tassel just the thing to keep out the rain, and stylish
as well. They come in button styles in dull calf and
patent leather
Sizes SVi to 11; fl1 QQ Sires lltf to 2; fl0 1Q
$2.50 grade ,at PX
$2.25 grade, at
Only Two Days Remaining!
Friday and Saturday! Yon Mail Act
Promptly If Yon "Would ProMt by This
Out-of-the-Ordinary Sale of
Knit underwear :n
The hundreds of pleased purchasers that have crowded
our Knit Underwear sections the past few days are proof poat-
tire of the, wonderful values offered. If you hare not al
ready supplied your needs for, both the present and future,
see to it that you are here tomorrow or Saturday, for it will
be many a day before you again have such a splendid oppor
tunity to purchase the most reliable and well known makes
of men's, women's and children's Knit Underwear at such ex-
traordinary savings. We suggest that you attend as early as
possible, to insure your securing the style, weight and size
varments desired. See window display.
A Few of the Many Offerings for Women and Children
fCk GARMENT for Women's Fine
p Fleeced Cotton Vests and Pants
lUvin cream color, also fine lisle
thread garments, in all sizes. Our regu
lar 50c and 65c lines. Clearance Price
only 33c
C SUIT for Women's Heavy
U Fleeced, Fine Ribbed Cotton
Jtv Union Suits, in cream color.
Perfect-fitting garments in all sizes, regu
lar 75c values. Clearance Price 39c
a vm twatMM f m m
f f UAKJYifcJNi tor women s rine
Up Ribbed Woolen Vests and
0 tV Pants, all sizes, in white. Gar
ments that sell reirularlv at Sl.2." and
$1.50. Clearance price 79c
SUIT for Women's Fine Silk
Fleeced Cotton Union Suits, in
elastic rib. Perfect-fitting gar
ments, shown in all sizes, in cream color,
$1.50 grade. Clearance price 69c
g r SUIT for Women's Fine Ribvd
aJ4uray Wool union Suits of sea-
J V sonable weicht. all sizs. Form
fitting garments in Winter styles, $1.75
grade, ucarance price 95c
SUIT for Women's Extra
Fine Wool Union Suits.
Shown in all sizes in rrav
and in white. Elastic ribbed, perfect-fitting
garments, best $2.5 crade. Clear
ance price $1.39
Ck GARMENT (or BoV Fine
p Fleeced Cotton Shirts and
y vv Drawers, all sizes, in ecru cnlor.
(Garments of durability and warmth, best
50c grade. Clearance price 33c
GARMENT for Misses' Fine
Combed Peeler Fleeced Cotton
Vests and Pants in all -sizs.
Standard quality garments, regularly sold
at 40c. Clearance Pnce 25c
These and a Great Many Other Offerings for the Men
EXTRA! Choice of Our Entire Stock
Lace Remnants l2 Off
Flouncings Edges Bands Allovers Insertions Beadings, Etc, in Shadow Orien
tal Venise and dozens of other style Laces Hundreds and hundreds of women of
this city and Vicinity have learned to look for out-of-the-ordinary values at this store on a
sale of this character and tomorrow they'll not be disappointed, for you have choice from
a wonderful assortment of Lace Remnants at one half our usual low remnant prices. In
cluded are laces of every sort, suitable for most , every purpose Allovers, Edges, Bands,
Flouncings, Insertions, Beadings, etc., in various widths and lengths.. Shadow, Oriental,
Venise and dozens of other style laces in white, ecru, cream or in novelty colorings. Rem
nants that have accumulated from this season's selling m all qualities and at all prices, on
sale, while they last, Friday at ONE HALF REMNANT PRICES.
Large Cap
3c Each
Regular 5c Values
1200 dozen fine mesh,
large cap Hair Nets,
with good quality
elastic, shown in the
best shades of brown,
gray, blonde; also in
black .the kind regu
larly sold at 5c.
Priced Friday
c. o
at OC
fk UAKiYikNi tor Men's
jliC Seasonable Weight
Heavy Standard Fleeced
Shirts and Drawers, in all sizes.
Garments of excellent fit and fin
ish. Reularlv 50c Clearance 39e
Pjfk viAKMrJN 1 tor Men's
Vg9 winter weigni sniris
" and Drawers in all sizes.
All our regular $1.00 lines, includ
ing cooper s ana wngnt s wool
fleeced garments. For Clearance
at 79c
GARMENT for Men's Fine
Winter-Weight Shirts and
Drawers, in all sizes. All our
regular Si. 25 lines, including garments
from the North Star Mills. Clearance
price 99c
V Ml I
win i
Men's High -Grade
Shirts and Drawers
in all sizes. All regular 51.50 lines
Cooper's, Glastenbury, Wjnsted
and Four Star Mills. For Clearance
at $1.15
(t1 piSUlT for Men's
W I S Heavy Fleece-Lined
tylL .A tcotton Unjon Suit$f
Neatly finished, form -fitting gar
ments in all sizes, best $l.5o grade.
Clearance price $1.15 t
SUIT for Men's Fine.
Heavy Wool Union Suits
in all sizes and the best
a m m A m .
siyies. oarments mat are coin yarm
and durable, best $2.50 grade. Clearance
price $1.93
by Tire yesterday. ,; r -i