THE J OREGONlipAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, THURSDAY. EVENING. JANUARY 29. 1911, 117 NEW TODAY ' (Contiaoed) ' &XAZ.TT DSPT. 01 ! JlartmanfrThompson Cor, Feurtk ana BUrk gts. Mela SO A-06 J M BmfOALOW, $ rm., flran. two , carline. 82800. owner leaving tdtr. J ' terau. Bee Mr. Buesell. - i j , BARGAHJi ia kOll CITT 3rAB3E lot. i -sf i VA7ft1700: acres 1 wheat land exchange and, term; wheat firm, any else, atock apd alfalfa ranches, lot exchange. . gee Mr. Hulae. 3E SkLilX TsACTg at WXST ITATTOV Easy Terms. BIRTHS JACOBS To Mr. and Mr. Harry Jacobs. 371 north Twenty-fifth street, January 27, a daughter. ESPY To Mr. and MrsCecil ' Jeff erson Espy. Hnhbard. Or., immrr la, a dmiRbter. HOUOHTOS To Mr. vb& Mr. Charles W. Houghton, ofcO Seventeenth street, January 18, a son, CROSIER To Mr. and Mr. Roy Crcsler, 372 EaM'Clay atreet, JanuMry 28. a daughter.; MAYERS To Mr. and Mm. P. G: Mayer,; 4130 Blxty-secoad atreet 8. E-, January 27. a aaug-nter. JOHNSON To Mr. and Mr. Herman John ton. 883 Thirteenth street E., January 17, daughter. f- DC GO AN To Mr. and Mr. Melrln C. TXik gan, 106 Fifteenth atreet N-, January i6, a m. DEATHS AND FUNERALS 75 THOMSON In tbia city. January 27. t her late residence, 4H5 Eat Fifteenth atreet, Harriet M. Thomfon, aged 8i yearn, mother of Mr. Leonard Jouea, Mr. EllMbetn Row- land, and Mix Mima Thomson. The funeral ' rrlr will be held Friday. January HO, at 1:30 o'clock p. id., at. tne residence estao- llument of J. P. Fluley & son. Montgomery at tb. Friends invited, interment at mi Scott Park cemetery. - V StOSE CITT PAKE BKAF 4 B. ! f bungalow, 60th at., atrtctly mod- V era; regular price $3300, $2950 If 1 ..taken new. See Mr. Stabl. I 4 ACBES XV HOTS, aaorlflced at A It . $100. bat mnat have $1250 cash; II If produced f 1000 lt year. Sea Mr. ft McDaalel. f 1; " IlITalAOTB I L . -" and H A era la 11 I . .... viino SB . II 1 in ---"aws, , -,ewewwweHe.p WFoaawiiai NASH The funeral nervines of the late A. Walter Nah, dearly beloved bu'band of Annie J. of 47 Jerrereon atreet. win 1 he held Friday. January 80. at 10 o'clock a ni. at the residence .earabllfibmcnt of J. P. Finley A Son, Montgomery at Fifth. Friends invited, interment- at itlverview ceniriery Kindly omit flower I ALVKY The funeral aeryice of the late Al- lna A. Alvey will be held Friday, Janu ary SO, at 11 o'clock a. m., at the family residence, 261 Ainaworth avsnue. Friend in cited. Interment at Springfield, 111. Kindly omit flowers. FOB SALE HOUSES 61 . .. (Ooatinned) :. 2"L 111 1111 'Furnished Completely $2850 Beautiful modern 6-room hungralow, dining room and parlor have built-in bookcases and massive buffet, fire place. This homo has a beating plant not to be excelled in this district A-l plumbing and built of the lnest ma terial money can buy. Wilburg 0ppegard Inv. Co. Main 8199. 1004 Broadway Bid;. ACREAGE fOontlntled) 57 EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE 4 1 (Ooatlamed) NINE room house, bam lz24. lota , 100x100.- an block from car. rood iimca, want J to ft acres wiinu wia $30 Down $30 Per Month New, cozy, t room house, 1099 Knott street, Beaumont car line. Sleeping porch and other modern conveniences. Hard' surface street. 'Price 13750, cov ertng everything. This Is a snap. FIDELITY REALTY & MORTGAGE CO.. OWNER. 604 Piatt bldg. Phone Marshall 6026. $700 buys a half acre within the 4 mile circle, 6e fare, lies fine. On a Blecet of arrounii thim aix vnu cava raise ail your ' viidii. . nemea. miiLtin aisianca x rum rar on omvn rirv- chickens. etc which ia a rreater part I trio or P- E. E. Address N. D. of your living. Terms only $20 down. I Golden. (SI Umatilla ava, Portland. sis tier month, it von im lookinar for ur. a large homesite, close In, with a bigli HAVE a strictly modern $ room iuture. irus is tne Dest in xne city tor noose 2 blocks to car tnat i want to tne money. M. k. iee, bz coroett Diqg. I trade for a small farm; my bouse is ti:fA, l;. a kiAni,. rnrrL ttirn I fre of Inciimbniict and is worth sv minutes out. is just sou in 01 '"j;", 4,.J;iv""'' Woodstock, on 85th st. Cleared, nas "'"a- an ti. streets, walks and water to each piece. I SELL, or trade for lots or housea Electric Hants and phone available. Is I areneral mrchaj)dis store. with at Stanley, on Estacada carline. Essy I property and fixture and stock, about terms. Come out any day and see oOO. J. J. Wurfel, Barlow, Or. ket- Wallace Miller, at station. Wyou wan". PeptJ i lock bid.. on have for what Baker. 444 8her- 3d and Qak. Marshall 2t4. MAN8FELDT In this eity. January 29, Theo. Manafeldt. The remains are at tbe resi dence esUbllthment of J. P. Finley A Bon, Montgomery at Fifth. AILDKEAD M. W. Alldread, Second and Hooker street, January 23, 64 year, pneu monia, i MOFFETT I,ydia Msffctt. 1203 Heat Main street, January 23, 08 year, ulcer. EALlr V. T. Hall. Good Samaritan hospital, January 27. 2 yers, carcoma of liyer. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS James IB. Appleby and wife to Karla Relmers, .west half lota 0 and 10, block 48, Irvlagton t Mnurwiimrai w, to jonn tr. aaartya, -lot 95, block 64, Laurelhurst. 1,860 ail. tioao valley Co. to H. Brodle, lot -8, block 81. Saginaw Heights.... Bats Trust Co. to F. West, lots 9 and 10, block T, North Plain MatNda Baldsin to Edward E Snod- fraaa, lot 27, block 18, Tremont lace W. C. Dy and wife to fclla Whitfield. int li, oiock . Dunnyeioe . 100 247 ! 500 D Funeral jjeetgni of all kinds. Main 7756, A-7703. 128 4th MAX M. SMITH, florist, 141 Vi 6th st. In Selling- bldy. Main 7215. ONLY $2150. a 5 room modern bunga low, that will just suit you; , this is a beautiful home, in a restricted district, dining room finished with panels 6 feet high, beamed ceilings, buffet, window seats, 2 bookcases in living room, large attic; this must be sold; do not fail to see It; $150 cash, balance easy. Call owner. Tabor 1782. PORTLAND HEIGHTS BARGAIN 1 acre improved with a modern 7 room house, fine view, gas, electric lights, telephone, sewer and water, 40 fruit trees, stable, garage; 50x100 fenced for chickens. Price $9000, terms. LE NOIR. 228 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. CHICKEN and fruit ranches near Port r,'.,'"Y.' ZZ WILL trade my income property, value iViV-iV: a,,nTh - "vLur t.rA I $8000. for unimproved lots or close r;:;T-" kT .n Vi..n. " acreage. Phone Tabor 81 1nr.iHnti . 1iHei Anlv t?E tn'llSA nr acre, in small tracts; easy terms: quick J SWAP COLUMN 23 Mlwa BaMe4A. TJVan1 U ! n1 Pat'fw I .aa,,,.,.., Co" 809 Yeon bldg" PortUn" OrTgoX PJSiriAl Sn . , . I good cow; will pay difference up 3LST built a 7 room bungalow, not to 90 or will trade for young hena juiwiicu iramviw uij -ij. w. Ingram, cnerryvllle, Oregon, acres of cultivated land. 1 mileast of T-pt"rirp -v tn BUSIXESS CHANCES Oosrttaae4) 20 Lare Country Town Meat .Market. Established tl years In alley town of 7040; does own killing: rent only $; baa slaughterhouse and pasture; fixtures Include all necessary equip ment for large first class market; Price $17i0; this place will stand closest Investigation; business from $260 to $1000 monthly; particulars is icon Dior. it MOVEY TO LO AS REAL ESTATE (Co tinned) sjssaisslsae' 27 MUSKY TO LOAN ON IMPHOVKIr-RKAI, ESTATK OR FOR BUILDING PURPOSES' VERT FLEXIBLE CONTRACTS; 6 COM. MISSION. COLUMBIA LIFE at TRUatT CO. 1 8PAIJINO BLDO SALESMEN"! Do you want to handle a strictly high grade proposition, where very lit tle capital is required, where you are thoroughly protected, and tbe commis sions are most liberal T If so see HISET At OOWNINO. New Hotel Houston Wed. and Tburs, Moving Picture Show In district all bv Itself. Machine cost $210, electric piano cost $700. Seats 260 people. Long lease. Worth $2000. Am leaving city. First one oomee gets tnis lor oo. Vetera, of course, i r. tn st acres or cuiuvaiea inna, i mue eaat oi f.T5pi?vTirp --.i, Snw, , .,- r Milwaukie, right on line of Portland CARPEXJER work for clothing. T and Oregon City suburban. Owing to circumstances am compelled to sell. Price $3000, your terms. J. T. Stodd, care Columbia Supply Co.. 70 Front st WANTED REAL ESTATE 31 WANTED Large hotel or apartment nouse. sbooo to I7.voo. in trade lor land or acreage. East 2$62. ROOMING HOUSES 53 CLARKE BROS., florists; fine flowers and floral designs. 289 Morrison st FUNERAL DIRECTORS NEW HOME OF J. P. FINLEY & SON. r. W. Day la and wife to W. M Rake. lot 8. block T. Qak. Park . 2d addi- . tion to St. John L ' M. Btegoer and wife to Uslie C. Murray et al, lot 14, block 84, Boss- 600 2,400 400 890 825 Lloyd h. Detrtck and wife to H. Harris, "lot M, block 84. Waverlelgh Heights lit. Hood lty. Def. ()o. to Katbrya Zaska et al, lot 8. block 4. Talbot ubdlyliloii of Rockwood 845 Bam to same, lot 7, block 4, Talbot lubdlTlslun of Rock wood . 860 P. J. Qui no to Mtnnio Qiilnn, balf in- -terest in lot 0, block 45, Piedmont., 1,000 George L. Barber to Frances L. Weaver, lot 8, block 4. Villameade addition 275 0. B. 'Beymer and wife to Nellie E. York, part lot 24. Detaehmutt A Oaf man's Little Homes Rub No. 2 800 Bwlnton Land Co. to Harvey Wilson, lot Xakd-2 block 4. Newmarket Row. .. 1.000 'Edna Ullller to E. O. Stelnert, lot 19, block 2, WooUmera 825 Patrick Murray to W. J. Hallock, lot 15. bloc 8. Laurelwood Park 825 Frank Mathleson to H. Q. Moore, lota 18, 19 and 20, block 12, Portsmouth,. 2,150 Arthur J. Matot and wife to H. O. . Reed.,, lot 7. block 4, Weat Portland - Center 200 Cbarle F. W. Kullsch and wife to H. O. Reed, lots 8 and 10, Sub "A" block 27, Southern Portland 850 Broog-Manary Co. to Frank Munkera, lot 9, block 9, El Tovar 450 A. F. McKay and wife to W. R. Hart- aook, lot 8, block 7, Qrauvillo. . . . . . 675 A. F. McKay and wife to W. R. Hart- sook et al, lot 8. block . 7, Granville 675 Henry D. Bead and wife, to Matilda J. Fraksa, part lota. 7 and 18, block 93, Sellwood 250 J. H. Bcott 4o W, JJ.rBett, la-4, Wee. ;J 24, Tremont Place ..v.... ....... 400 The only residence undertaking es tablishment in Portland. Representing the greatest advance in the science of funeral service. The automobile equip ment and secluded driveway are among the many exclusive features. The es tablished policy of moderate prices has never been changed. J. P. FINLEY fc SON, Perfect Funeral Service, Montgomery at 5th. ALBERTA district, new modern five room bungalow, fireplace, electric fixtures, pane dining room, Dutch kitchen. roomatinted. all latest built in effects, full cement basement and floor, hfundry trays; price reduced to $2585 for oulck sale. Owner. 1038 E. 21st st. north. Alberta car to 21st st.. half block south. $550 NEW Small house and one lot. Total price $550, $50 cash and $15 per month, including Interest. Take Rose City Park car to 7 2d st. See Austin. - Gregory Investment Co. THE BEST IN ROSE CITY PARK DISTRICT Five rooms, fine looatlon. fireplace, bookcases, hardwood floors, built-in wardrobe, electric fixtures and window shades, easy terms, price right Owner IT f A a? Tm.. 1 MR. EDWARD HOLMAN-. the leading funeral director, 220' 3d ' "st.'TSJ'rner Salmon. Lsdy assistant Phones A 1611. Mala 507. Dunning & McEntee MOderna?nrs every detail. 7th and Pine. Main 430, A-4658. Lady assistant. LEI UifraiUl Leading east side under- 1888, E. 781. E. Sth. Alder. A R 7pIIpt Pn 592 Williams ave. Mi 111 tUCUCi V-Ui East J088. C-1088. Lady attendant. Day and night- service HIGH CLASS modern Irving ton home, 7 rooms, ericas taauu. would consider food well located lots as first payment, 84 Eas.t 10th North, bet Knott and Stanton, Owner. East 635. $1700 --Modern new bungalow, close in. This is a big sacrifice. Main 1965. FOR SALE LOTS 16 MULTNOMAH, the thriving new sub urb on the double track of the Or egon Electric only a few minutes' ride from the center of Portland, offers you sightly residence lota, business loca tions, quarter acres and finished mod ern homes, at low figures and on easy terms. THE WESTERN SECURITIES CO.. uwners ana Agents, 512 Piatt bldg.. Also, agent at Multnomah. Or, HAVE you seen the KilDatiick-Col lins tract? This nrortertv is located on . the west Bide, only 15 minutes' car ride, handy to 2 carlines, 6c fare; lots are 80x110. the best value in the city for $350 each. $10 down $5 per month; if you are considering a location to build a home with a big future it will pay you to see this property. M. E. Lee. 522 Corbett bldg. $10 Down, $10 Per Month Buys 80x176 on carline. 25 minutes from 1st and Alder, fare 6c, station on ground, good school and store, fine rlace ror raising cmcaens. uwner, 14 Stock Exchange bldg. Main (7(5. WANT, to lease acreage of timber for 0Wn J?1! c'!a?n ?! clearing, within Zt miles or city, I'-' L " . " , r : rrr: mirr" with option to buy. Address N-MMOTnS. 17 journal. JZa AX?a -.r.: ... ZZU good furniture; will consider lota or acreage tn exchange R. H. GOODKIND CO- INC. SUITE 402 WILCOX BLDO. Owners, Notice Lady client has some very fine lots. clear, and some cash. She wants a small conrectlonery and grocery store; means business. 602 Couch bldg. $1700 Handles 61 Rooms Downtown WANTED An Idea! Who can think of some simple thing to patent? Protect your Ideas they may bring you wealth; write ror "Needed Inven tions" and "How to Get Your Patent and Your Money. Randolph Ac Co., patent attorneys, Washington, p. C. g. u swerve, iiu auii, uv i v- j , creek, good neignoornooa, goo a roads. Owner o-47. journal. FOR SALE FARMS 17 m 01 QAIRDENS At Clatskanie, Oregon Reclaimed Bottom Land Sub-Irrigated Suitable for truck gardening, dairying, stock-raising 62 miles from Portland rail and water transportation. This land is without a doubt the best in the world, being a composition of decayed vegetation and having an everlasting depth. Settlers on the ground are now raising 400 to 600 sacks of onions and S00 sacks potatoes to the acre. Project must be seen to be un derstood -and appreciated. Sold on terms. Call or write Room 416. Pa nama Bld'g. Third and Alder Bts Portland. Or. REMOVAL NOTICE. MARY E. LENT. HOTELS ROOMING APART MENT HOITSE8 MOVED TO 508-509 Northwestern Bank bldg, (th end Morrison sts. If you want to buy or sell. I can please you 7 years In this business in Portland enables me to locate you rignt. FREE AUTO SERVICE. Phone M. 8580. 60 Rooms, Modern, Snap 40 private hatha, large rooms, goo furniture, best lease In Portland. Clears $500 month. above expense. This place always sold ror iixos to 140 when the rent was $6(0 month. Easy terms, price ibooo. QODDARD, (02 Couch Bldg. SO room transient house, downtown location, furniture almost new; pays $8 per day net: rent only $126 month: price and terms to suit; this is a snap, M hJjNil K St CO, 615 Gerllnger Bldg. Main 3831. Owners, Notice The easiest way to sell out Is to list i your place with wide awake hustlers. at 602 Couch bldg BEFORE buying or selling a rooming or aparimcni nouae. ee us. v a pro tect buyer and seller and guarantee to save you money, yates Realty Co., 149 4th st., near city jan. ON account of sickness must sell my boarding and rooming bouse this week, no debts, everything clean and good. Call at 154 N. lath st. HEM STOCK. 1687 E. 13th. Sell. 71, B-1123: University Pk. nol. 394-395. QlFUFQ Undertaking Co. Main 4153 OrL,VVlOA-2321. corner 3d and Clay PFA RQfiN Undertakers. E. 1080. rLnnOUIl S69-371 Russell st CP IPCnW RESIDENCE UND. PLS. LnlUOUrlM. 6133. A-2235. 445 Morsn CERTIFICATES of title. Title & Trust Co.. Title ft Trust bldg., 4th nr. Stark BUILDING PERMITS R. L, Deam, erect one atory frame dwell ing, Morrhton between Eighty-sixth and Efahtv-eiirtiih: builder, same; $1500. R. L. Dean, erect on story frame dwelling, Morrlaon between ' Eia-hty-alxth and Eighty- elghthi builder, same; flow. tug, Overlook between Maiou and Skldmore; E. c Dunning, erect 1H atory frame dwell- builder, same; 8:1000. MONUMENTS Schumann Marble Works East 2d and Pine. East 743. PORTLAND Marble Works. 264-266 4th st. Opposite city hall. Main 8564. TO LEASE 63 LANDSCAPED suburban homesite, 133 by 140. all views, small parks, shrubs, perennials, QUAINT walks, arbors. 25 bearing fruit trees, all va rieties, all kinds grapes and berries; after 4 years beautifying our grounds preparatory to building are compelled by circumstances to return east imme diately; a 3 room tent house Is only building. 3 blocks car. 5c fare. Main 4675. FOR auick sale will sacrifice my 1 room house, low rent dandy bargain. Phone A-2187 (STS ABfl mW GASH Texas school lands for sale by th state. You can buy good land at 3 2 P"r c"' Pfy Per acre cash and no J8 R60MS. steam heat. 1 baths, house "Z?T!..for-i yJ5r8' ?er cent'n' full steady roomers. Main 2767. wrii cuu j iiuiuki lor lunusr 1 Owner Information Investor Tiih Cn a I San Anatonlo. Tex. GOOD paying rooming house. 33 rooms. i-aT nv x, i I very cneap. Terms ir wanted. Ztl .n ,. V V -. IE. Morrison. 2x. owner. Vl. v. I lav rorm fn, ,nl. wav.V. ITC I per acre; will take $50: much less for "Ti0?, house for sale, cheap ail casn: tu acres cultivated Rn r,M I ' ibikcv. pasture. 50 fine timber, old b'ulldlnsrs. good water, best of soil. 2V& miles to BUSINESS CHANCES 20 Grocery Part Trade First class grocery, best east side location; Invoice about $800. will take part trade In east aide property clear ot debt Particulars (IS Yeon bldg. (C-443) GENERAL merchandise atore la eoun try town, fine line of goods, will sell below Invoice; well established trade. stock runs about 15000; excellent rea son for selling. No trades. K-X-656. Journal. y tures worth S600 or 3760. for $125'. soda fountain, cash register, 6 show cases, peanut roaster, counters, eabl nets, everything necessary. 641 Couch bldg. FOR 8 ALE Lease In dining room and autonen doing good Dusineaa. every thing furnished. Bargain, cash only. Owner. Reason for selling other busi ness Interests elsewhere.1 KX-66. r UU I Ilea I . Mortgage Leans C to T Per Cent H. E. MOONET. Main 210. Room 411. Kali log bldg HELP V ANTED MA LE (Ooat'.saedl ' vA..-. . LOANS oa improved city property or for building purposes; advance made as. building progresses: liberal re payment privileges. no romtnUilo or troketaga J. P. Upecomb. tit Bterk. $100-$160 7 per cent Krr.allrr amounts, ward. lie a I is ya i o . Situation Wanted Ada. inserted free for teew In aeeel of work wbe are anable to eaf for a advenieereeaL Advertieemlot meat ' be brought to the off roe peraeaall the r-artlea deel ring work. WANTEi or U. . arrny. table -led. unnaarried seen betweea- a gee of If "and I, dtiaeete of tne Cait-d fxatee. f good caarae'er and lempenale bawia," who can apeak, read and write Ike Leg lish language. For lafot-tnaUeai aprly le recrutllcg officer. Wercxeter bUg Id end Oak eta., Portland. Cr. BtY wanted with bicycle, geoi wages, 8 1) Chimlxr t wiinwrci. . - . MONET TO LOAN CHATTELS, SALARIES 67 Need Money Quick Loans Made on Salary or TOUR FURNITURE PIANO. AUTO. STORAGE RECEIPTS. LIVESTOCK. REAL LbTAl K. MOTORCYCLE OH DIAMONDS. TOU CAN GET IT TO DAT. FQ3TLAKD LCAj CO. 413 Macleay Bldg. Between 4th and 6th, on vTasblegloa. Open I 00 a. m. to (:( p. ul. waturqay tin 1:00 p Salaried People "TART THK NEW TEAR OWING BIT ONK PAHTT $19 TO Slow ON TdL'H PERoUNAL NOTE. FOR FURTHER. PARTICULAR CALU TELEPHONE OR WRITS State Security Co, J0 FAILING HLtXl. GROCERY anap. rent $26. Including ( living rooms, modern, good loca tion, this place has bean doing from $60 to $76 per day. stock and fixtures invoice $410Iwtl! lake $826. 1364 Union ave. Take Wood lawn car. , Over 30 Opportunities To get Into legitimate business. At! kinds. $400 to $26.0eu. See Miller, the buay business broker, $, Morgan bldg HOUSES, lota. land, rooming houses. If vou have anything anywhere you want to sell or trade, see Block; be matchee you. 461 Jefferson. Marshall 6726. A-4140. ' BUY OR SELL Call en ne If .you want to buy a business, or let us call on you if you wish to sell. Main 96SS. 323 Lumber Exchange. FOR Bale, snap at sacrifice, a 4 table box bowling alley. $160. and an elec tric organ. - Coat $11(9; to be given away for $309. Apply at 66 N. 2d it oty. HAVE you $16 to Invest and wllllni to work I hours a day for $161 month; then call 203 Lumber Ex. MONEY- TO LOAN REAL ESTATE 27 FOR BUILDINO LOANS See HARTMAN-TUOMPSON BANK. te-,.,!"3. .ih. le-JcJtl I GROCERY, and supplies; good school AAAfJ SSVIA VI" VERY fine homesites, 80x110. lies beautiful,, excellent view, for only $350, $10 down $5 per month; this property is located on the west side, 15 minutes' car ride, convenient to 2 carlines, the best value-in the city: if you are looking for a place with a big future this will appeal to yon. M. E. Lee. 522 Corbett bldg. COR. 50x100 for term of years, shall 4763. ' 395 N. 21st. Mar- J. K. Bliinott. erect 2H atory frame dwell ing, IWnilT-.UlD IKllTWU I 1 lia Ul W. au Thompson; builder, William Kanander; $15, 000. Jobs Pickard. erect Vt atory frame dwell Icg, Beveuty-flrst between Pacific -and Haa ealo! builder, same; $2500. A. Peterson, erect one atory frame dwelj- Ine, Forty-eeventb between Fifty-aecond and rifty-tblrd atreet; builder, aame; $1500. B. f O. Hill, erect two story frame dwelling, Floral between Everett and Oltaan; builder, H. M. rancher Co. Inc.; $4500. W. I. Day, erect 1 atory frame dwelling. Fourteenth between' Frankfurt and Rhone; bollder, aame; $1HOO. AUCTIONS TOMORROW i. CLASSIFIED AD RATES Tea . 1 ItalU a u vcvi vi a aera" AIX PREVIOt'S RATES CANCELLED CHAUQED ADVERTISEMENTS Dally or Buuday. 1U eenta per word per tntertloa. This lag cfaarae t 'or all claaslficationa except. For Rsut In Private Family," "Room and want are Beard la Private Family." "Situation Wi ed" and 'Wanted to Rent" ads., which 1U eenta iter word per insertion. Tie ad charged for leaa than 15 cents. AT Wilson Auction House, 166 1st st Special auction sale 10 a. m. tomorrow. $350 $10 down. $5 per month, buys a quarter acre, west side, only 16 min utes' car ride. If you are looking for a location to build a home it will pay you to see this property. This is the best value in the city. Always a pleas ure to show property. M. E. Lee, 622 Corbett bldg. FOR SALE HOUSES 61 SPECIAL OFFKR. WD WILL FURNISH THE LOT, BUILD THE HOUSE AND FURNISH THE MONEY. LIBERAL TERMS; LOW INTEREST. PLANS FREE. BUTTERWORTH-STEPHENSON CO., Couch Bldg. Marshall 1789. Cost of Living Cut One Half By raising your own vegetables and chickens on a M acre tract, only 25 minutes from Hawthorne Bridge, as sessments paid. $10 down. $450 $700. A. C. MARSTERS. 202 WILCOX BLD. l-MAIN 3517. TABOR 1770. road, close to school fer. D-838. Journal 14 acres, dandy chicken ranch. In the village of Jordan. Linn Co.. 7 room box house, barn, 4 chicken houses, etc. Fine chance for blacksmith, carpenter or professional man. $1500. E. M. Kim ball. 8clo. Or. 482 ACRES. 120 head stock, dairy and farm implements complete: good buildings, running water: 2 miles Ry. station. $36,000; some cash, some trade. I mean business. H. N. Swank, 801 Northwest bldg. BUY my beautiful home farm on Tual atin river, 15 miles west of Portland; highly improved, rich, fine fishing. Address 432 12th st. Marshall 3118. trade, fine location, cheap rent paved streets; will Invoice; moderate ?rlced fixtures. East 229$. Woodlawn 265. evenings. WB are authorised to eell a half In terest In a prosperous sash and door factory, local. $1600, terms. 638 Mor gan bldg. $1000 $1600 $2000 11690 I to loan at 7 and 8 per rent on Im proved real estate. ocatt-iteeaiey Deane Co. 111-12 Ablngton Bldg. HELP WANTED MISC. 49' CHATTEL loans For aalarled people and othera upon their own remna cheap rale a. easy peymeala. Bee one before dealing ei sew bare, coaridenUaL D D. Drake, lit Henry bldg. PRIVATE PLACaS TO OBTAIN LOANS on diamonds, wstcnea. Jewelry, an tomobllra. rouatcal Inatrumeata. AU Interviews strict I r cocflJentlaL Elby Company, lie Lumber F.x. bldg ur.pi iia vi.r piece tor laaiea ana gen tlemen to borrow money oa dletuouda and Jewelry, eaetern ratea. Dtantond Palace, 314 wash.. oppOwt dmg rtore. alONET to loan on dlamoaaa. pTaaoa autoe ana motorcycle, or storage re ceipt. S per cent Apply 41S Macleay bldg. LOANS on diamonds and Jewelry. Koom 45 weaalaglea t,dg. Phone Main (lot HONEY leaned on diamonds. Jewelry ana werenouee reretpia tvowts . Waehlngton bldg MoNK t olJ on inslallroet.1; roafl dentlal to a ,a rt ed people. F. A. jsewton. HI Merry bldg OKEOON AUTOMOBILE aCHOOU 114-141 11 to La teat bo to date met K. ods of rrecticeJ instruction .In driving and repairing autoe by etpert InSlrve- ttrs and anex-hanlce. Tuition pert eavasj - on enrollment balance at tlaee of gree- uetlon. We eaetat graduate te pot ttutv Day and night ciaaaee . LtK your auere time te tuii ia a tnm'i older liuaineu of your own. e be'.a you atari for a abate In profits; SI op portunity, laroculara fiee. Alulual (rpr-ort unities Cschatige, UufTalo, N, LAlLnAl matl cirta, eaara. Feat. (1. . Parrel poet rv-quliee rnore eleraa. tsalary ((e to (i;et Art suckly auj al once Pacific states ix tieoi. M- Kay bldg, t-tty. PORTLAND railway snail clerk exam- tnatlona Feb. 21. roro rt mce 16 month fampi cjuesUoate t Te- A 4- . drees KX-ll iUhtl.ANli ia.iy mall c4erh isi inatluna Fru. 21. fcatnple o eel 'one free Franklin Instittiia, LrjU 6I6J. Rorbeater. N, X. ; J O M'L'N t-i evetntntat a?Ln, B.g pay. Write for Hal of portions new available Iran kiln Institute, OfX t(.J. Rocbeater. N. T. 1 RAO f I WE oil ftano guajsrU-e-d bg'.n here In 19 to 29 ieeaona; g.rtare playing, free booklet 61 1 k.l)era bKg MKN wllh pateatable'ldene write Kant dol(.h A t o, patent sdtritAs, ' Ir gton, 1 C . . . Uncalled for tai.ered suit a. l(6t jup. Tsjrlor, lbe'""rj- li 5t M ' DERM OTTg aiio pcimnCkr and ev ns: rtaseea 1 1 1 Tf tm bide., r jVfcasstt a S'e'tiVe lUtta'ior rbeee matts n. 6"aWrts lie. AM dmggteie PA IKK' t Uropr tlc Col eg. 6.. 497 to 416 i'miuMllh Mg. t- i i i- a a.- TTtsi a- a --waaii-aasaas I1KLP WANTED FlftALB St I XI MEDIATE and confidential loaas oa ftir-fti fii9rj tral at tVa-eaa auIasi an aast mnln. cycles IPS Alder at MONK! loaned on d amon'e and Jew. eiry. etncoy continent lal llfc Id LOANS WANTED SO Situation Wanted Ada laaer.ed free fur tbewe n aHaJ ef work and be are ureWie te per f e an adverilaernenv Ad vvrttaweneatg muet te brvusht to tt elflee i-erfevrta ly ay ire tertt Oeelrtsg eat HKI.I A hl.ll fut"e et mat bee end dauabter. te iLatt tutaisrnd b as- low. rct.1 free fur rale ff. Osacr WeiodUwn ml WANTED a I -. owian w4e7 u(Li undeietand leetinewa fieper work, making uf floneie. lavore, etaw Kk(Jwurnal j WiillAN lot ci mi F l.ouafe wi a, faro U of 8 Alpiy tboiaia (t6 It AW. i i X I '' fcl il t.Ni l.I eeiu 'tcf puler ' i ragaaln fSeety. tjae ll l."r, I", t tl Jiwlltsl $ .oo at 7 M I $.69 al 6 i 2.00 at 8 WANTED ON A-l SECURITY IlS.ect at 7S Pr cent value (.i at 1 per rent, value i :.( H per rent value :. per cent, value iie.e per cent, value I .(' I 1.049 at r cent value S !. M'KKNZIE A 0.. 616 c.erl;t,er Hldg Malall9J WILL pay I per cent for a three year nen of $108. end will g1e ea se-utHy I lute fasting on Belmont et, valued at TK4 1-c Nolr. 126 Cham ber ofComtnerceb!g v I WILL par 7 per tent for S year loan of $I0. first mortgage oa arte tracts valued at l.oi rtv limits. Ket !( llELr UAVTIH r..Ll All) FI3IAI-E ' t just outetde Ijht-dO.I Haitei i oitege teaefce gee the barber Ira as in t 4i -ya ya ahile latnlr.g. tuvla lie,. lultUHl re dur-d tbl lecin. i.irt 1 . a 1 1 u I iou, an a: Don a uerente.-d. .uc.el .4 eit u-s4g ladiee Ti Miii el . ttl Id MolJMa U lll' i.irt oi!LtX,n," tecnee trad in k - feia I lie !- lag, Ih lt- lae et i f ' t; write for Ire rslelusue H . N I el FOR SALE A 4 year lease on Chantl cleor Inn, situated on Columbia scenic blvd.. very reasonable. Marshall 1967. A-1760. CONFECTIONERY. light grocery. lunch place, living rooms, rent $21. worth $800; my price for quick sale $300. 603 Couch bldg, Mortgage Loans I. L. WHITE, 7 Selling Bldg 6 AND 7 PER CENT MTO. LOANS. Save time and money by seeing us first for loana Any amount. A. K. HILL. 419 Henry Bldg BUY THIS HOME. IT WILL SUIT YOU. New, modern, in Irvlngton. Priced low. tfELSON BROS., LEWIS BLDG. MAIN 7591. " A SPLENDID HOME 7 rooms, cor. lot garage, $5200. Charming bungalow, $5000 Every thing paid, in Irvlngton. East 273. -yV. H. HERDMAN. CASH ADVERTISEMENTS) 1 cents per word for U rlaaclfleattnns excepting "Tot Rent lu Private Family." goon and Board In Private Family," "Sit nation Wanted" .and "Wanted te Rent", ads. which are 1M eenta per word. Three laaertlona for the price of two. Savea Insertions for the price of five. Ne sd tskea for leas than 15 cent. MEETING NOTICES 41 $21003200 cash, $300 below cost. 6 rooms, modern, all late features, corner, hard surface, adjoins Laurel hurst. Tabor 6204. 0x110 font lots on the weat side. 5c fare. beautiful view, ideal for a home, the best buy In the city at $350. $10 down $5 per month; let us show you. ;, M. E. Lee. 522 Corbett bldg. FOR SALE by owner lot 67x100 price $300; $15 down and $5 per month; near carline and school. J-928 Journal. FIRLAND lot $850; worth $450; terms 35 monthly. Main 1166. or Tabor 2520 ACREAGE 57 7 ROOM house. 3 lots, garden, fruit trees, flowers, and chicken houses. 1571 E. Burnside st. cor. 60th. BUY this Irvington home from own er; going east; 6 rooms, new, mod- ern. Call evenings. 637-East 11th N. FOR SALE By owner. 7 room, 2 story house, lot 66 2-8x109, on St Johns car line. Woodlawn 3331. QUARTER acre tracts with Bull Run water and sidewalks, close to Mult nomah station- at prices as low an 3450 on very easy terms. 512 Piatt bldg. 800 ACRE wheat ranch, 6 miles from Condon, 150 acres In crop; small pay ment down. M. Fltzmanrice, Condon. Or. 10 acres unimproved Vfc mile from Sa lem and Southern Pacific electric Btatlon. Wolfsteln, 205 Alisky bldg. FOR RENT FARMS 14 320 ACRES. Klickitat Co.. Washington. Crop payments. H. N. Swank. 301 Northwest building. TIMBER 28 IN JACKSON county, 480 acres, 12.000, 000, price $7500. E. M, Morgan, Dlx onvllle. Or. 480 acres In Josephine Co., H mile from main line S. P.. at $7.60 per acre. Phone East 6386. WANTED FARMS 88 $400 will buy small grocery and con fectionery; good opportunity for man with small capital. (IS Morgan bldg. ONE of the liveliest cigar stands fn . Portland at a bargain; will stand the strictest investigation. 602 Couch bld HOTEL 100 ROOMS. We have good hotel to sell on rea sonable terms, here Is a GOOD BUY. 638 Morgan bldg. FOR SALE Pool hall. 3 tables, money maker; other business; must sell. Investigate this. Phone Sellwood 1111. COUNTRY store near Portland. Bar" araln. Net receipts large. U-863. Journal. Terms FOR SALE Cheap, confectionery and light grocery, doing good business. M-793, Journal. WANT farm with stock and imple ments. share rent. 96 E. 71st N., city. EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE 24 SEE those and Vt acres- at Stan ley. Nothing better on the market Miller. FOR SALE A half acre ready for the plow, with neat 2 room house, $1000; terms. Apply 367 E. 7th st. N. 1, 2 and "5 acres, Canby garden tracts, cheap for cash or will exchange for city property. R-669. Journal. 1 ACRE, "4 in cultivation, V4 f'r grove; fenced; 2 room box house; large porch; 8c fare. Price $1000. Take lot to $600. balance time. See owner, 330 Lumber Exchange bldg. LOOK! LOOK! LOOK! City property for Improved farms. Ewen Realty Co.. 311 Alisky bldg. FOUR room modern cottage. $1250. Vt diamonds, balance like- rent C H. Figgott 142 Vi 2d St.. room 24. A WELL equipped machine shop, doing a good business, will sell at a reaaon able figure. See Sexton at 170 Front. RESTAURANT Will sacrifice terest; no agent; terms. journal. H in-0-819. WILL sell one half or all of good drug business and supply house. Small amount of caah down. Q-719, Journal. WE JIAVJE private funds to place on residence rroperty in amounts of $600 to $10,009. H A RTM AN -THOMPSON BANK. FINANCIAL 61 CASH PAID FOR MoMTOAOEbV Or seller's security In connect of aale ea real eataie la Wash, or or. 1L E. Noble. Lutnberaiene bldg. Loana. I lif'Y small monthly payment roort -gages and con tract a Odell. 41 Concord bldg Main (412. UK LP WANTED MALE MORTGAGE loana at current retea Real eatate security; apply rm. 202 Stock Exchange, 3d end Vamhlil. $109,000 on mortgage, city and lartn property, fire Insurance MeKeni.1 4 Co.. Gerllnger bldg. 2d and Alder. MONEY To LOAN ON REAL ES TATE WM. G. BECK. 316 FAIL ING BLDG. HAVE any amount to loan on god Portland real estate. Call S2 fhsm bet of Commerce bldg. No hrok-ra (.ASH paid for mortgages, notes. oi ' tract a, mortgage loans; reasonable rates. F. H. Lewis Co.. S Lewi bid g. MORTGAGE LOANS. ( per Csit to 7 per cent. John L. Karnopp. Railway Ex. bldg. MONEY to loan on city real estate and farms. Oeo. P. Dekum, 2i6 Henry bld $260. $260. $600. $15.). Ilfto. :0u0. Fred W. Qerman Co.. Cham, of Com. LOANS of $20,000 or leaa; real eetata Farrlngton. 41 ( Com Club bldg. MONEY TO LOAN ON REAL ESTATE A. H. HARDING. 313 Cham, of Com. PACIFIC AUTO AND OAS TRACTOR SCHOOL lt-l0 CHAPMAN ST. HOLT CATERPILLAR. RUMLKT Oil. PCLL AND INTtRNL HAR VESTER AUK THE OAKOI.INE TRACTORS l ltjjf WHICH WE GIVE OUR STUDENTS PRACTICAL LFS KONr?. AI3JO AUTOMOU1LE Rfc l'AII'.lNG AND DRIVING. EVERY THING PRACTICAL AND UP TO DATE. TUITION PART CASH ON ENROLLMENT. HALANCE AT TIME OF GRADUATION. T. M. C A. EMPLOYMENT DEIT. Employment membv-rahis guarantees mnnber will ee-ruie employ tuent or re fund of rnembetablp fee: gives two months full membership privileges, 19 months social privileges. IU-curd for year 1913: Calls for men Ill Positions fUled 1941 All Xirns men aeektag employment espec-taWr strangers, are cordially In vited to ronetilt with the secretary ef the r. mt-l ovitn-nl I et?Qf trnent. MOO TO $6000 private funds for good oan. r-none latvor raze. MORTGAGE loans, ( and 7 per cent louts uaiomon t o., zzt ritarg at PALACE Coffee House and Restaurant for sale.. See owner. 244 Ankeny st. WEDDING invitations, announcements. Ryder Print Co., 3d Mor. M. 5526. FOR 8ALE First class barber shop. 2 chairs. 27; K. zoth et PARTNER wanted In a live esloon; $1000 necessary. 502 Couch bldg. $209 and up on real estate. Bold Real ty Co., -o Alder st 1L MONEY on city property. Ridings aV Riley. 404 Broadway bldg. M 2817. MONEY to loan, ( to S per cent W. It Belts A On.. 81" Spalding bldg. MONEY, on Improved city property. Ridings ft Riley. 404 Broadway bldg. WANTED Clock repair man. by large establishment, only those capable of Intricate work n-ed apply: reply rt v lng experience, salary ex reeled. T-149. Journal. SALFSMAN wanted: a bualr.eas worth while and an oworlurJty to build a bulne of your oan. Cash weekly. Ad dr e sC a pital City N uraery Co .Maiem.Or WANTED At once. I men to leer.l auto repairing and drlng. Haw thorne Harare. 4(5 Hawthorne, u KI'.SMKST jot ipta'l ses. wetmti rif .r Write far Met t po it, .,(- new a.lati r'tt.lli tn. t u 1. 1 I o ttl J M"ie. S T. vVXK"Tr.l. private It eourllun Id l.aia- k-e, lr s t th t.,tjt . -1ve tercne and i-iKX Irec i.rta A k y tetblet S.4 t'Of.S f"t le' tie- el Jentra 1 VitJ. ANTI D ACiKVT FIVK acrnta netted, alee e gemwral BgeM to t.atte l" Wl pi-utweltlnaj on the clut 6711 rr i Hi sl Mt tie I'aik tal'n 4l ICNKV'IKTI' eollrltw aite4 y gwl srchlte-tt lJbrl i '-mn:lut M rite a I eti' t'ete X-tl J'-i.fai hlHATlUg? YD N1 man aanla ;an!lr ami er kitchen work tn prsl laoerdlng houee I'-T", Journal ToVvFouiti. iiu all trdna. will wtk at anlhlr.g Anitt l Mtit- gomeijr at Mala i Cdwat Hrtxe G(OD rbill and lunch ok. nasi ts( fast e-rr. ,d rt,ral cwrver, pbotte Marshall 661. Pallor.. UESfUKI-. nidiiie asel waste odd )"' of any kir4 at any prU.. Dan. Main 1466. EX PEKl EN t Eli carpenter has the l-ed at HUerly, tits Phvne East wanted poeition. a-i .a. dinner. abort order or pastry. r4 rrnna - Hon man rrark e-mttri I9 ao 4th, WlLt. tint rm. li tU latlr.g eni CilT.y Hra.lo-ianera and helpers. Cal- ifomla Wine rTot. Zll Tamhlll. EOLIC1TOR8 WANTED; beat offer tl city: Van Dyrk fu tudm. 404 Wash et SHOEMAKER wanted Park, on repair work. et 1(1 Wast paperhanging Very rw mourn Me. worvj iy , U- WANTED Work bv a man with fam. Ily. I first rlaae carp-ttr but w li lake ary kind of eork MmIi 71 7, WINIKJW waablns. wc.d 17 c bt-ping. any dd Hatn UaKRIED man. or e cMld. wants werkj farm or canip. a.-a7. Jourcal. MAN would tike work sad place IP eleep K-Q; WANTED a Job f ariy klnl G III", lJ7l" L- . MAN'would like Job on Hack' John Ulumusln. 141 North itth rk for rewt EXC11AN;E rarpentrr i house or flat ltlt Jotirnat. iCoatlsaeA ea Stent rage) WEBFOOT CAMP No. 66. Woodmen of the World; meets every Friday night in w, O. W. temple. 128 Elev enth street. All mem bers requested to be iome. , O. W. T. Muellhauipt, C. C. , . . - . A. L RARBITR. Clark. A ' COLUMBIA LOGE NO. 114. . a. r. A. m..- special com munication this (Thursday) evening at 7:30 o'clock. Ma sonic Temple. Labor in the F, C. degree, Visiting breth- i ren welcome, uy oraer w M FRED Ia OLSON. Secretary. MUSICIANS' MUTUAL ASSOCIATION ' Musio furnished for all occasions Bee members or phone M. 6007. A-52jg. Mutt Should Have Been Shot, for This One e e e f By "Bud" Fisher POO. KUYT MB'S .TR-t. IN Pl-itX AMD C506SS THfiVtt iSmoot HinA ToOtvr. Poor (Sox- I'LL. 3o 45,r A BUNCH OF HirA to cweeR kua'op. Vita! Statistics marriage$,Blrtbs, Dtatbs. . . : MARRIAGE LICENSES A. H. Brandt 1440 Macadam street, 27, and VhrUtlna Hitch t, 8338 Blxty-thlrd .atreet. S.I E., 18. - i Elswr O. Smith, Seattle. Wash., legal, and A II da Bowman, Rowland Hotel, leeal. Bern) B. Brown, 230 Eist Thirty -sixth street, 85, and Florence A. Schall. 2o2 East Tblrty-elxth street, 20. Carl Fcanci. 109 Willamette boulevard. 80, and Edla M. Olson, 82a Grand avenue north. Earl H. Sberod, Wallowa, Or 30, and - IMbs M. Vn wilier, Perkins hotel, 23. L. H. Da well. Terra Bustut, CnL. legal, and Ida E. Pea-e, New Oregon Hotel, legal. , M. W. Metcalf, 624 Marshall atreet, 2, and LeU Verex, 834 Marshall street, legal. John J. Cutter, Hotel Joyce, legal, and i Rmma Adama,. West Park and Cliftoa atreets, legal.- - f - ' - Henry O. Goldberger. Sweet Qraaa, Mont. 44. and Pauline Keenan. Imperial Hotel. 81. W, G. Smith k Co.; Tblrd floor Mora-en Bids. ' ' - ADRESS suits for rent; all size, Unique Tailoring Co., SOS SUrk st - fi i i i i i g ! .aIW i : V HELLO MOTT I THOOOMTYOO uect-s CCLL. LWT NIWT rVr4- jo.T as "met uTe ftIT to bHOOT sah , i 5rr xh6 rAerVS-E' eNo rSHUSH-H-H-H- J I iTr a titc-ivr but I I 0 ( f HOW t)lu J y ' lN r" S-0,-J out t r, . . prison VSW v. L. oWT I a tilQkui-IM "l" - H-l.Tat V .1 I lVVItUlLislaaTf . -at al f I U J 1 ,i- - - Av'- : ---- M'-' IRS I III 1 BR.OKC out ! 4 ! n i tit I i WWW eat-r.--,--e Cj 1 1teVS.- j sjtr -