4 1G THE. OREGON DAILY : JOURNAL. PORTLAND, THURSDAY EVENING. JANUARY 1914. RECORD PRICES FOR WHEAT ARE . BEING FORCED IN THE NORTHWEST Entire Cereal Market Is a Mass of Strength Here Eggs From China Come Here With The Market Very Firm ..... I . . . v j , V . , . . . . . . V ir ...litnla ' niuw ieaiers uuj me receipt or snipment, u is ivnowu rvumn; ..That They Arrived; Henningsen Company Reported ' to Have Stationed Buyer in Republic. . Today's Froduoe Trade. Chinese eggs arrive. Butter trade mixed. Tillamook salmon arrives. Smelt supply good. Chickens are advanced.. All .meats are firmer. Hop market firm. Potatoes remain quiet. Local cabbage higher. By Hyman II. Cohen. "While all of tn local .inter ests deny that they are-receiving or handling Chinese eggs, the fact remains that quite a liberal ' .shipment from the Flowery Republic, has been received in this market as. well s at Vancouver, i, C Seattle and San Francisco. The HeniiinRsen company, of Butte, which practically controls the butter and egg business of tbe Pacific norjUi wtst, la said to be She Importer of the eg:s from China to this city. The same firm is reported to have made a fortune on the shipment of a single consignment of eggs from China to San Francisco recently. The company is reported to have stationed a regular salaried buyer in China for the sole purpose of buying eggs for the American markets during the period wnen supplies are jn.ri;e ui high-priced here. The Job was of fered to a well known local expert but ho declined to accept. The Chinese eggs enter the local market ' under very favorable condi tions. The" market is very firm and while sales are still reported at 32c to 33c for case count, supplies are cleaning ud very quickly. Receipts of eggs are Just about as liberal as for merly but the general absence of cold storage stock Is keeping the demand for fresh offerings very, lively. BUTTER MARKET IS MIXED There Is a mixed situation In the butter trade. Best brands are today quoted at 3ic a pound but In some quarters there Is an rne-linatlon to ad vance this quotation while elsewhere weakness Is shown. Ibut., 810ei striped ban. i'c; allTerslde aW nvon, ; iteelbeids, 11c; halibut. 10J12e; Co lumbia smelt, lftc per lb.; shrimps, I2c; iwrcu 8c lb.; lobsters. Hoe lb.; blai.a bun, luc lifer smelt, 7c; sbad ( i; black cod. fcc; sturgeon, 63c; dressed tou-cod, sc. LAUD 'tierces, lfec;- cum pound, tierces, tic. CRABS Latge, $1.80; medium, $l dosen. Grooeries. EUGAU Cube, .M; yuwaered. gS.10: fruit or berry, 4Wo; beet, dry granulated. 4.tu; L jrUw, tAbure ijuoiaiMiu arc bt dajrs net cash.) , . BttANtt Jiuiail whHe, 614c; large white. 5c; pink 4c; lima, 6tt; baro ttc; yed f'cE JiH.n style. No. i. CQ.3c; Hew Orleans, lii-ail. 64j7c; Creole, 6 He. HONKY New, as.25e-i.60 per cue. BA-ti Coare, bult grcuud. lOos, (10 per ton; 60s, 10.76; table dairy SOs, Sl; & S17.su; bale, $2.25; extra flue barrels, 2s, bj sud 10a, $a.astt0.00; Jump rock, S20.60 per UD. Paint -and Oils. UNSHED OIL Itaw bbl.; ale per gal; ket tle bulled, bbla., 63c; raw case, 66c; boiled cuses, 08c gal.; lou of 250 gallons lc lew; oil rake meal. M per ton. Willi E LKAD rXon lota, 8c per lb,; 600 lb lots sc per lb.; leas lots, eMfc per lb. OIL. MEAL Carload lots, 34. TORI'ENTINE la case. 7 Be; weed barrets. 70c; Iron barrels. ( dc per ganea. PUGET SOUND BUYS AT OF A NICKEL HOGS ADVANCE HER E Supplies Are Purchased at Rise With No Freight to Pay; Gener al Swine Situation Improved; Sheep Trade Is Weaker. Todays Hor Market. Tops e ey Chicago $8.30 Kansas City 8.S0 " South Omaha 8.25 North Portland 8.15 e Denver . .S7V4 PORTLAND LIVESTOCK RCJC. Hog. Cattle. Carres. Sbee; STOCKS FEEL PRESSURE New York Market Is Lower, Espe cially for Ralls Which Show Decreased Earnings. CHICKENS ARE VERY HIGH The market for chickens Is today showing the arreatest strength for many a week. Receipts of late have been small but the demand has been extremely good. Sales of live hens are reported as high as 17c a pound. LOCAL CABBAGE IS HIGHER Ma sleet for local rrewn cabbage is firmer and higher at f2i502.75 per cental while California stock Is Just holding Its own at 2JSJ generally. Receipts of local stock continue quite fair. TOMATOES ARRIVE MEXICAN t Small shipment of tomatoes from Vtelcv ban arrived in the local market. T.lttle of the stock came in good shape and repacking was necessary. Sales were reported at J3.25 for repacked per lug. HOTHOUSE RHUBARB ARRIVES Thursday Wednesday Tuesday Monday ....... Muturaaj Friday weea ago Year aco Two years ago. 373 . 395 . 114 .2859 . 100 .1326 ..534 .1613 . 384 56 42 639 B8 034 442 14 1800 230 2107 12 724 i4ve 1314 New York, Jan. 29. Many reports of railroad earnings made public today snowed a decrease for December. This acted as a bearish argument in the market today, resulting in an almost general decline in railroad share prices. t-nicago Ureat Western for Decem ber showed a net decrease of $91,812 Canadian Pacific for the same period showed a decrease of $168,898, cmcaeo & xsortnwestern showed a decrease of $164,074, and Southern Pa cmca net decrease of 3579.138. Louisville & Nashville for the third wees oi January snowed a cross de crease of $34000. itocg island ror December showed a gross decrease of $486,600 and a net decrease of $91,000. For six months It showed a net decrease of $1,494,000. Northern Pacific gross for Decem ber showed a deciease of $674,000; net surplus after charges and dividend de creased $386,000. Illinois Central, was one of the few roads to show increased earnings. For December it showed a net Increase of 5'J.02tf. The Bank of England reduced Its minimum discount rate from 4 to 3 per cent .today, while the Bank of France reduced from 4 to 3 per cent. Plans will be outlined today at St. Louis for the reorganization of the Wabash. Range of New York prices furnished by Overbeck & Cooke Co., 216-217 Board of Trade building: i)i;sc nil 1 ion iopeii iHlsbl LowlClose A small shipment of hothouse rhu barb from Walla Walla was reported on the local market today. The stock was In excellent conditions and well packed. It found a demand at 16c a pound. WORRYING OVER WASHOUTS Owing to the washouts along the Boflthern Pacific, the local trade has been unable to secure supplies of southern California fruits and vege tables. While present stocks of oranges are liberal, unless shipments are started at once there is likely to be an extreme scarcity next week. SHIPPERS' ' WEATHER GUIDE fol- 75 V 50 34 35 107 7014 074 26, 6iU 212M 133 4i v; 67 Ml 32 Mi 12ft 31V, 24 16 154 Vi The weather bureau sends the lowing notice to shippers: Protect shipments as far north as Seattle against minimum temperatures of about 40 degrees; northeast to Spo kane, 24 degrees; southeast to Boise. 20 degrees; south to Asniana, db degreeg. Minimum temperature at Portland to-1 night, about 40 degrees. JOBBING PRICESAT PORTLAND Tbeae prices aftf rhoae at which wholesalers Mil tn-retailers, except aa otherwise it a ted: BUTT KK Nominal Wlllnmett') Tller eresm ' ery ruben. selling price. 27c; prints, 2.T0c; rnmh butter, imc: New Zealand prints Mc. rltv creamery. St830c. KCUS Selected. Tnndled loca extras. 84ffJ 8.V: esse eonnt. 3.1ft34c; pot buying price f. o. b. Portland. 3W32c. I.IVK POIXTKY Hens. 18417e: spring. Itjl'tl7c; stairs, live geese, 12o; Pekln docks 13o: Ibillu Itnnners. . lOfttlle; geese. 12Cojiae; tinkers. 18 10c; lresi-d. 2fl2ic; plgeima, ' old. $1.00, young, $1.50 dosen; Jackrabblta, fdi2.U5. i iu.h.r Norrlnnl. , Frcsn Oregon fancy foil cream twins i-n.i triplets, zic; daisies, 21c; ouii America. 22c. Heps. Wool and Hides. HOPS Buying prlie. choice, 21 . prime. lUU-; medium to prime, law! medium lc; h!4 cuntrscta. It lb. ' owl .Numlou.1, ltlb vHp: VVtiismette Tab kij warse Loiswold. lttc lb.; mvdium Shroo stiio, lie; ebolco fancy lots, lsc lb.; eastern ureguii 10(8 16c, accurolns to sbrtukace. Ciimial Oil CASCAltA BAKK lly c.. Iota, 4c; less than car lots, We. UOHAlR 113 Nominal 80c. Hllrj Dry hides. 2223c lb.; green, lis 12c; salted hides, 18c; bnPt, green salt s5 . 10c; hl! 1314c; carfea, dry, aac; nU salted or green, 18U20c; green hides lc less tssa salted; sheep, pelts, salted, shesrlnas. tos20; dry 10c. Fruits and Vsgstablea. BEBRIE8 Cranberries, local. liai2- e..t em, ll0ia barrel. ' M,t- KBIsSU rttbllS-Oranges, nirals, $2.25tti 1.76; Ungeries, $1,7642; banansa, 4V4ia5c lb lemons, $4.0085.00; limes $1.00 per loo! grapefruit. Florida. $5.50(86.00; pfneDt.les' MiStc: psrslmmons. $1.75 cr.ti. ,u,e"Pn,- V til KTABLKtt Turnip., $1.00; beeU. $1.00- earruis, innuiw, fi.oo suck; cabbaeu kcal. $i50B2.75; California. $2.25; Oibac i to! uiatoes, $6 per crate; greeu onions, i5e bunches: MDuers. bell. 12V,c. hrt i.... J:" $2.25 crate; hot bouse lettuce $lftiil 25 boa; celery, California $3 253.60 per crste egg plaat. 16c; cauliflower, local, $lfflil so W ' .. --i w - , vivuu, VMS llC string noans, uuucs uma Deans, lie lb.- UNION! Jobbing price $3,5043.75; carload buying price $3.00 f. o, b. shipPing gtatlon garlic 12H4J15C lb. - "lU0B. Al'PIJCH tlpltaenberc. $1.23 J.SO: vi, Spy. 76ctt$1.25; Jonsthan 1.6o2.00; Rhod, Island areeulng, $l.oo1.25; Winter bananas' jU6Oj60; Ortley, $102.00; cooking gradn POTATOBS SelUng price: Extra choice, tl.16Ql.S6; choice, $1.15; ordinary, $1.00 sack: s .1 aatns.ila TsAsUlT K. orivu, W ,-" iwr cwu KmU, Flab aaa rreristona. PRES$Sk.l MKAl-S Belling price Countr killed: Uogs, fancy, lOfetillc: ordi,r " siCi rough and henry.' c; fancy reals. UiA AV Trf s a aiiw a.wV w aWlfC Illy ' lamhtt. IOCS BlUttOll. 8CI rOftU. 26A4tf. UAUS, BACON. KTCiCmf UVsUldUc: wi a aif 1 aui( sty ymC ; picnics. 16c: cott( ). - . MKAi'S Packing Bouae Steers, No. 1 stock 4 . lZUlxwic, cows, ro. sioca, HQllWc we, tic; wethers, lfrHltci tambs, u2c . , DOTS IVlii, o, iiv, - . OYBTKhul tiboalwater car. fMli t Me 100 lb. sack ( ); Olympla, per gallob IIM; par 100 lb. sack --; canned eastern. . toe cans $9 60 dosss astern, la shell, $1,750 - S.W ew w, v.wy4.M OOXi a stem oystsrs, per gallon, solid pack, $3.00 riSU fionalnai. uresaea uoandera, 7e; hsl- 15 154U.I153V 26 26Vi 28 bo a 138;13 13814 inla Chemical . W . bash c Western l nlon leu Westinsbouee Electrte Money closed at H4m per cent. Total sales, 460,500 shares. NORTHWEST BANK STATEMENT Clearing? Thursday . Wednesday Tuesday . . Mouduy . . . Amsl. Copper Co. Amer. C. 4 F., c. American Can, c... Amer. Cotton Oil, c American Ixjco., c. American Sugar, c. American Smelt., c Am. Tel. & Tel 1231a. Anaconda Mining Co.. 37H AtcniBon, c Baltimore & Ohio, Beet Sugar HethlAbem Steel, c. Brooklyn Rap. Transit Cannilian Pacific, c Ceirial Leather, c.. C..AIi t St. P C. & S. W., c Chlno Copper Chesapeake & Ohio. Colo. V. & I., c Colo. Southern, c... torn Products, c... I. & It. O., c Erie, c Gt. Northern, pfd.. Ice Securities Illinois Ceutral .... Interurban Met., c. Ihigh Valley K. c. soutnern .... Mexican Petroleum . IxmlHVtlle & NshTllle M.. K. & T.. C Missouri Pacific National Lead Nevada Consolidated . . New llarcn N, V. Central N. Y.. O. & W Norfolk West, e., Northern Pacific Poclfic Mall S. Co.. Pennsylvania Uy. . . . P U.. "U V. UO... Pressed Steel Car, c. Kay Cons. Copper . . . Reading, c Republic I. & S.. Hwk Island St. L. & S. F 2d pfd do 1st nra Southern Psciflc c 9i Southern Ry.. c I -0V4 i:nkui Pacific. C loli do nfd L". S. Rubber, c BV4 IT M Steel Co.. c OO Vi do Dfd 1-11 t!th Copper 54 76 50 34 Vs 107Vi 70K m4 3Tft US 20 213 106 ! 13J 41 8714 32 12 '31H 128 24 75 49 33 VI 84 106 Vi 68 123 36 97 97 25 85 91 90T4 212ii!2l3 27 104 104 132 V4 132 74 49 33 Vi 35" 107 68 Vi 123 ;i63-i 97 Vb 07 Vs 40! 65; '30 128 24 15 2:1 27 ievii 74 94'a 29 104 115 Vs Z Ml 114 123 38 19 160 25 14 23 Vi 28 ie 4J 23 27 :to t 104 115H 26 114 1V3 39 19 169 25 14 70 88 26 161 M 59 65 111 54 32 70 40 60 :;i 26 K 18 30 128 24 112 153 26 62 - 13 27 49 16 73 94 29 104 94 29 104 114jll4 114 114 122 122 18 7 168 25 13 There were only six loads of live stock in the North Portland yards at the opening of business this morning and one of these wu a direct ship ment to a local killer. One sale of hogs was made to Puget sound killer at $8.15. which was a nickel better than previous prices This price was paid for a lot that came OUt Of railroad comnetitlv terrltnnr which means that no additional freight is charged to ship the stock to the sound pacKing nouse. The market for swintv Is generally quoted strong here. Only three loads arrived and these were quickly picked up by the trade at $8.10 0 8.15 for tons. At Chicago there was a weaker tone In the hog trade today, tops being lOo ic idc lower. Kansas City hog market was gener ally considered steadv. South Omaha hog prices ere weak ana a nicKei lower. General hoir market rane-a- Top killers $8.108.15 Good and light 8.0008.05 Heavy 7.900 8.00 Rough and heavy 6.7507.00 Sheep Market Boles Weak. While there were no arrivals of muc ton for the market durinar the last 2 hours, the trend of the trade continues o.uite weak at North Portland. The only stuff that came forward was that Dougnt Dy a local packer In the coun try. While it might be possible to secure fractionally above .$6.60 for extreme quality of lambs, this price Is consid erea an tne maricet will bear at th moment for good stuff. At Chicago there was a steady tone in the sheep trade for the day. Kansas City sheep market ruled sieaay at former prices. ooutn umana sneep market was weaker, 10c to 15c lower for the day, General-mutton market range: Best lambs $6.40(36.5 Yearling lambs 5.7505.85 Old wethers 6.25 2 5.40 Fancy ewes 4.50 Ordinary ewes 8.00 0 4.50 Cattle Market Xs Steady. Two loads of cattle formed the total arrivals in the line available for the maritet toaay. ins stock that cam forward was rather lieht. with on! fair quality and sales were not made aDove $7.25 ror steers during the morn ing. While there has been onlv a nominal run of cattle recently and killers still retain a surplus, the general undertone of the trade is somewhat Improved, al- uiougii prices snow uttie ir any change At Chicago there was a steady tone In the cattle trade for the day. Kansas City cattle were firm at for mer prices. South Omaha cattle were slow, but generally steady. General cattle market: Best grain fed steers $7.6007.65 Ordinary grain fed steers... 7.6007.60 west nay red steers 7.3007.40 Poor steers 6.505 80 Best heifers ,.. 6.75 Best cows 6.7o Medium cows 6 25 Poor cows B. 500 5.65 Ordinary bulls 5.0005 25 Fancy bulls 5.7T, Best calves 9. 00 Today's Uvestook 8Uppara, Hogs W. H. Steen. Blue Mountain 1 load; Q. H. Harvey. Harrier. 2 loads. Cattle J. S. Burres, Condon 2 loads. Mixed Stuff F B. Decker. Silvortcn 1 load hogs and sheep direct to Union Meat company. Comparative statement of North Portland livestock run: Cattle. Calves. Hor. Sheen. Month to date... 4761 85 23,069 27 231 Seme, 1913 6799 130 18.586 15.932 Reports Indicate That Big' Lot of Wheat Has Been INirrhaj! ' Portland Firm in the Big Bend on Basis of 1 for Blue, stem. Delivery After Tax Has Been Paid. 44444 4 Tne Wheat Situation. Tax time March 1 is tax 4 time, and for later delivery It is reported that $1 a bushel or 4 2c more than the present mar- ket is being paid. 4 Demand Northwest millers 4 are bidders, but California Is proving a big factor. 4 Forelgn markets Trade gen- 4 erally reflects strength owing- 4 to small shipments from India and Argentina. 4 S u p p 1 1 e a Latest advices 4 from the interior are to the effect that somewhat less than 4 10 per cent of the crop Is held in warehouses. WHEAT CARGOES QCIET. London .Jan. 29. Wheat cargoes oa pas sage quiet. K ng-Iln country markets steady. French country markrts firm. FOREIGN WHEAT MARKET. Liverpool Wheat closed unchanged, Berlin Wheat closed c hla-her. Budapest Wheat closed c Dirtier. Buenos Ayrea Wheat closed &c higher. Antwerp n heat closed uncnangeo. PORTLAND GRAIN RECEIPTS. Wheat. Bar. Flour. Oats. Hay. Monday 62 20 10 9 12 Tuesday 65 6 8 8 10 Weduesdsy ... 36 15 0 T S Thursday 60 14 3 4 14 Year ago 28 11 3 Season to date. 12.67" 1890 1606 1272 1825 Year sco 12,355 170O 1316 1146 1364 GR1NNELL ALUMNI TO BANQUET TfllR Professor Jesse Macy to Be Guest of Honor at An nual Event. While there was a report that II a bushel basis had been paid for a fair lot of wheat in the Big Bend for de livery after tax had been paid, there Is no change in the local market. Bids for club are still ranging generally around 88c. and for bluestem 98c a bushel, tidewater, track basis. A cent above both of these figures has been paid ror several small lota. The market for flour la snowing in creasing strength. While no advance nave been made In the price nera, ine outlook for higher figures' Is very good. All Interests are holding their prices somewhat firmer. One milling interest re Dor ted thla mornlnx that It has obtained an advance ror several mall lots durlna the last 24 hours. but was as yet quoting no general rise in prices. Other millers are of the opinion mat an advance In patent will be rorrea after a while, but much depends upon the action of the eastern markets. All local milling Interests are taking care that thev make no mistake In advanc ing prices here to allow Montana flour to undersell mem in tne nome iraoe. Whlln It la mjite nrobable that with in a short time there will be a general advance In the price of patent flour., the laraer millers are trying to hold patent down and force clears and cut offs higher. Until there Is a general cut In freight rates to the orient tne latter Is not likely, as the landing price In Hongkong and Japan Is already so high that consumption Is being cur. tailed. Coarse grains remain very quiet at former prices. WHEAT Producers" prices, track basis: Club. 88c; milling bluestem, 8c; fortyforld. 89c; red Russian and hy brids, 86c; valley. 8c. OATS Buying price: No. 1 white feed. $2424.60; gray. $14 per ton. BARLEY Nominal producers' prices, track basis: Feed. $23; brewing. $15; rolled. $24.50 per ton. FLOUR Selling price: Patent. $4.(0 04.60: Willamette valley. $4.0; local straight. $4; export, $3.6oQ1.80; bak ers'. $4.404.60. HAY Producers' prices: Willamette valley timothy, fancy. $18.50014; east ern Oregon-Idaho fancy timothy. $! 16. SO; alfalfa, $13t 13.60; vetch and oats, $11; clover, $969.10 per ton. MILLifiTUFFB Selling price: Bran. $21.50&22.00: middlings. $30.60 3 1.00; shorts, $23.500 24.00 per ton. CLOVER SEED Buying price: No. 1 red, country points, 12c: alslke, 14c. GRAIN BAGS No. 1 Calcutta, fu ture delivery, 8a. "MACKHAND" LETTER BELIEVED TO BE HOAX Promise to Release Missing Millionaire for $75,000 Is Not Taken Seriously. The Oregon branch of the Grlnnell Aiurnnt aasociauon will hold its an nual banquet In the blue room f tha Multnomah hotel Friday evening. Jan uary 30. at 7 o'clock. Professor JrtM Macy of Grlnnell will be the guest of nonor for the evening. - rroreeeor Macy a books upon party ruaiory. party organisation and ma chinery in the United States aie among the best known volumes dealing with those subjects. He has recently returned from 14 months' residence In Europe where l.e has been gathering material for a new book on 'Vomparstlve Free Gov ernment." having visited England. France. Norway. Hweden and Kwitter lcnd In the'rourse of these studies. While abroad he was appointed by Harvard university to act as Its ex change professor In delivering lectures to the provincial universities of France. Professor Macy Is well known on the Pacific coast, having been railed both to Stanford university and the state university of Washington to de liver course of lectures. He will speak at the chapel exer cises at Reed college Friday morning at 8:30 o'clock. Grlnnell alumni and others are Invited. b beard the hta and waa la trt ia a McFtorwosi fall While Will shelv ing. Tbe ges shewn eat tb4 witnena stand. Adams ctoea rte-t dseiv Ikat Wa firWl the whet ttiat killed Morhsrsns, fat tUlms lr-ofea- The enterwrisp wf the trUI sMni te Msg ea wfce fire fire. Adaane la defended by Ix-gsa aw4 Jeffries of tVtUattd. a4 IV.atrtrt At lomr IHllard of ft. Helms la dueling tbe $rov-atlm. BIG SHIPMENT OF SALMON COMES TODAY Opening of Tillamook Railroad Is Marked by Liberal Arrivals From Cheese City. With the opening; of the Tillamook railroad, ,40 tons of salmon were brought in by one party from thi Cheese City. The Tillamook Ice & Cold Storage company, represented by F. D. Small of that city, brought In the big load of fish, the first that has been received from there for several weeks. The shipment consisted entirely of steelheads, which were quoted firm at 11c a pound, dressed. tne nsn snipping Dusiness is oe- LARGE APPLES ARE mm ABROAD Little Demand Is Shown Because Prices Are Too High; No Improvement Likely. (rand Jury Report. An Indictment was returned by the grand jury this morning charging Charles Van Pussr with larceny by em bezzlement of $436. t$ from the local union of the International Vnlon of 8 team Engineer a. No. I?!, while he wis secretary of the union. Not true bills were retarned In the rases against Charles A. McDonald, charged with lar ceny, and Alfred Auger, charged with burglary. latt4 Press IimM WWI Ia Angrlea. Jan. !. Tollc wer asked tnday to find the authors of a letter la Chief rf Iollr Sebastian, signed "The Itlai kniallera. which of fers to surrender K. Iewia Clara, a Ppokan capitalist, who disappeared from Kant a Barbara recently, upon pajrtneni of tTt.ooo. The $oMc b litre the letter Is a bos. Clark dropped from sjght more than 4 a wfft mo arter plaring- his wire aboard a Ha n Franclkco train. Tti following day his tt was found tin; (he beaih. Ken b'.a ! si friends here believed he had killed himself, but Mrs. Claik rerruslnewl confident that he would fo md alive. The purported Matkmalllng letter written In a rrsmtJ hand, apparent: r disguised. It Mid "We are hoMIng Millionaire Clark for ransom $76 ooe. State If his folk, will pay It or rt. He well taken care of. Tours, The Hla kmaJlera. U. A. Penciled at ti e top of the paper was the advice: "Make a prompt reply In the pajx-rs a h la wry anxious to get out." In a lower corner were the worils "Htste at onre." Los Angrlea deter tlvea appear place some belief In the aut hent lc li of the note, saving that the fact that Clark's body haa not bn found Indi cates that tha aulclds theory la un tenable. They belleie his hat. found on the beach, may have been droppel In a scuffle that occurred, when bla abductors placed him aboard a power launch to bring htm her. 1'ollce opinion tha; tbe letter was not genuine Increased during the day. and as a result Chief tttat!an an nounced he would atandon the Inves tigation he started and turn the let ter over to the federal authorities. GOVERNMENT LOSES CASE AGAINST DRIVER Wilharn O Johba. a fhvif f t-ur. i charged with malic luws dtlruMiin of a rural nmil Una. wa ttied K Jur and found t.ot guilty It, .ludga) . Iwwn'a division of fedoel -.Uit iri ItTmrttie. all In I t.M ftko.i thAtt, .a benir and a t.lf J at l..l1,.rl ofe two tulnules. ntlttr etde iuenl,..iny n.mlera of tt ititl aa tu i,ui t tiutia Tl.r (tit ei nmetii tel 1 . isr tt re wltrx sxs iat,i tt, ii. fit, iw -The lr,git time -nnmium-i 1 srgunier la. a . l:ated rt mi-n :r. Judge Was- ve t.ia Instt i' 1 1 , la I mln'Jtes. srivl lb inUiule um 1 1 Jury tejrt-d The defrtiee r-"tced.Hl It.si .1 . i,a I 1 knocked ilnwn tutal tin "HI. I. la machine. rrr An Hi killed n a Hi,l"' ta0 n j.jit tn at-aded ... t Tll.Nsr)HTAT10.N IDLE WOMEN MEET IN NEW YORK TO PROTEST Cooper Union Scene of Mass Meeting; One Lived on $3 Since Christmas, (T'nlted rress leassd Wire 1 New Tork. Jan. 2 Hundreds of Idle women met In mass meeting at Cooper Union here yesterday after noon. Old and young told of the TTnder data of January 14 the Iyn- hardships they nafj endured. One !on branch of the Northwestern Frult!oman. about 45 yeiirs old. said aha Exchange reports the apple trade aa ,,1 on 3 since Lnniunn follows: "On this subject of Newtown apples', counts 72 to 96, we have devoted care ful attention and consideration and now confirm our cable of the thir teenth Inst., informing: you that the situation In regard to this large fruit was problematical, but that prices might probably rule around $2.50 per coming auite a big factor in the Tllla-I box during Kebrusry and March. You mook section." says Mr. Small, "but I we were greatly handicapped during the last month on account of the storms which put the Tillamook rail road out of commission." Very fair supplies of Bteelhead sal mon are likewise coming from the Co lumbia, but the demand is extremely good. The run of smelt in the Cowliti Is reported smaller. "Our latest ad vices from there are to the effect that the fish are now traveling five to six miles above Kelso, making the catch somewhat more difficult." says C. J. B. Malarkey, a local wholesaler. "How ever, there are ample supplies now available for every need of the trade," WHEAT LOSES EARLY RISE! m Steamer Service irtlKXl SLAJMAXO Ideates Portland. Ash ktrel Iwrk. dally escept fcatsrday at I M. Arrises Aaiwrla : K VI. Usvet Astoria l)y tnil hue. da) at III A M. Atrtva J-uit-lacd $ (.a p. XL Make reservations Ask "u-et tota or Cltr 1 wket Otfia. Jd and weaJUncton. Pt.ores Marshall lilt, A -CI II GRAIN ACREA MuuH E LARGER IS SEASON Merchants Optimistic, Expect to Place Larger Orders; Conditions on Mend. TO ABT raAVCTSCO. X.OS IVOILtl AID BAH tllXO-O. S. S. YUCATAN W KPVflHl I 1SH 4 COOS BAT ABT9 ZVtXXA S. S. ALLIANCE 1 KII'A I Kit t V ST03TH PACIFIC STXAMSaU CO. 1 THIS ItkklT. Phoaee Mata aad A-131C 180S S4Vi as 6454 111 53 31 Vs 18. 16S 25 8 IS 26 100 4fe 59 04 HIS 53 315 3 63 69H Increaae Decrease 1038 93 Thursday Morning's Bales. STEERS. Section. No. Ave. lbs. Oregon 27 1190 Oregon 28 1158 BTJLS. Oregon 1 nag HOGS. Oregon 97 207 Oregon 90 141 Oregon f 1S4 Oregon ...27 112 Oregon 28 95) 4.47S 11.299 Price. $7.25 7.25 $5.60 $8.15 K10 8.10 7.40 7.40 Chicago Market Close i to c Lower After Starting With an Advance Today. Chicago. Jan. 29v Wheat options closed with a loss of to He a bush el for the day. Opening figures were at an advance of ic for May and ac for July. After the ODenlner there was a fur ther fractional advance In the price on account of the better feeling abroad but profit takin later in the session cost all of the early rise and part of yesterday's price. Broom nail cabled from Liverpool that wheat opened steady on American cables. Firmness in Manitoba offers caused some covering and later July advanced. There Is an apathetic trade with stocks liberal but the undertone in crenerallv steady. India wheat shipments this week are forecasted at 40,000 bushels and all to the United Kingdom. Argen tine shipments estimated this week at 1,400,000 bushels. DENVER HOGS ARE HOLDING Portland Banks. This week. , $1,315,272.90 1.242,412.07 1,897,455.95 1.467,513.95 Tear ago. $1,208,293.36 1,488,067.13 1,952.993.08 1.423,803.05 Week to date.... $5,922,614.87 $6,133,156.59 Clearing today Balance toaay Tacoma Banks. Clearing today Balance toaay Seattle Bank. ..$276,591.00 .. 68.481.00 .$1,656,485.00 . 140,174.00 San Francisco Produce Market, San Francisco, Jan. 29. Wheat Per cental, club, $1.60; northern bluestem. $1."01.75; TurKey rea, n.gi.t; red Russian. $1.67 $4 1.60; fortyfold. tl fi(l(ffil62r. . Barley Per cental, gooa io cnoice feed, $1.201.22; lower grades, $1.15 1 1SK Potatoes Per cental, Delta Whites, $1,0041.30: Oregon Burbanics. 11.25 1.55: Idaho, $1.261.40; sweets, $1.25 191.80. Onions Per cental, Silverskins, $3.00 3.25; Oregon. $3.40 3.60. Ttntter Extras. -32c' firsts. 29c. Kkks Extras, 35c; select pullets, 34 He Cheese New California flats. 1S54 IRr: Tnun America. 16018c: eastern 17V420c; Oregon twins, 17; do trip lets, isc; ao young America, nc Seattle Produce Market. ; " Seattle, Jan. 29. Eggs Select ranch, 3637c; cninese, Z9c. - v Butter Washington cream ecy firsts, cubes. 32c: do bricks. 33c: city cream ery, bricks. 33c; New Zealand cubes, 3031c: do bricks. 3132c: Yakima creamerv bricks. SlUc . Cheese Tillamook; 19c; Towng America, 20c; Washington triplets, 18c Wisconsin twins, 1920c; Oregon trip lets. 19c. Onlons-Oregon. $3.75 per 100. Potatoes Local. $20: Yakima Gems. Sales Again Made at $8.37 H for Tops; Cattle Steady to Easy. Denver. Colo.. Jan. 29. Hoes. 5100: market steady, at $8.158.37V&. uatue oo ; market steady to. easy. Steers, $6.50 8.00; cows and heifers. $5.00 6.80. Sheep 1100; market firm. Tear lings, $6.007.00; wethers, $5,509 6.00; ewes, $4.so5.05; lambs, $7,000 7.85. w CHICAGO HOGS DROP AGAIN Sales Are Made 10 to 15c Lower for Day; Others Are Steady. Chicago. Jan. 29. Hoes. 20.000: market 10c to 15c lower. Mixed.' $S10 8.30: heavy. $8.2008.30: rnueh. 18 os 68-15; light. $8.008.16. cattle 3000; market steady. Sheep 20,000; market steady. KANSAS CITY CATTLE FIRM Market in Good Position Today; Hog Prices Maintained. Kansas City. Jan. 29. Hoes B00f: market steady. Tops, $8.30. . Cattle 2000; market firm. . i Sheep 600.0; market steady. ! will appreciate that it Is difficult at all times to forecast tbe situation with any degree of certainty, as In the ma jority of cases unforeseen circum stances arise which upset calculations tlons. "In connection with this large fruit, however, there has never been during the whole of the season a free demand for It, although It has been cheaper tnan tne medium and small fruit, as apart from the fact 'that the large fruit Is usually more defective than the smaller ami considerably bruised, the ordinary retailer finds It imprac ticable to weight up at so much per pound. He Is forced to sell the apples at. so mucn eacn. I or i centa. accord ing to the size. There are not many who have the trade to dis- y material quantity of fruit way. The general public cannot afford to give the price. This means that the demand for the big fruit becomes very I limited. Now. ir the Kcneral public tias found prices too hlgn for them up to tne present and nag retrained rrom buying to any extent, there is no rea son to suppose that the probable short age In the future le necessarily -going to rorce tnem to ouy at more money. Apple will simply be regarded as out of season. From the American point of view it may seem strange that 4 to 6 cents for an apple should be considered suf ficiently excessive to put the fruit out of consumption, but then It must not be overlooked that wages In England are on a much lower scale than they are In America and that apples are luxuries here if they cannot be retailed at 8 to 10 cents per pound. We are of the opinion that you can sell this large fruit In America at much better prices comparatively than we can do for you. Our estimate of $3.60 la as liberal as we desire to make It and al though we should very much like to handle the fruit, we realize that In justice to our growers no undue risk should be taken in sending it over here." The doprs everywhere are closed In my face now." she said. "They say I am too old to work. I am fighting like a fiend to keep myself and 11-year-old daughter from starving. If I am old must I dleT The names of the speakers were not learned. They refused to make known their Identity for fear they would be tlackllated by their employer and discharged. One speaker said the department stores put fake advertisements In the papers and that hundreds of women responded. "The stores had no work for others when these advertisements were In serted." she said. "They merely want to have long lines of applicants for the Impression It make on their employes." Rose Schnelderman. vice president of the Women's Trade Union leagje. said : "After studying the while slave question I wonder that there are not more fallen women. Hundreds of women In New Tork go to bd horary every night. Women mut get living wages so there will be no opportunity for the unscrupulous to take advan tage of their ml fortune." Mrs. Rose Axelrad was named to confer with Msyor John Pur ror Mltehel today In behalf of the un employed women. Thirty per rent lncreaa In the grain acreage of central Oregon this year was what W. C. Wilkes, assist ant general freight and paaaencer agant of the Orrgoa Trunk railway, found during a brief sojourn at W tollus and Rend from which he has Just returned. "I found merchants talking vry op timistically sbout business r,roict." said Mr. Wllkea 'Many are contem plating the placing of larger orders and general oondltiona. quiet aa they are. appear to be oi the mend. This haa appeared during the last few weeks, or since 1 was la thavt coun try before." Ir. Wllkea attended a hearlnc be fore Vlate Railroad Commissioner Allchtson of a nM where a farmer formerly residing at Myrtle Point on the Southern Parlflc. had bought a ranch In Central Oregnn aad thought to send his first crop to his home miller at Myrtle I'o'.nt. He did not figure th freight charge very close!) and discovered afterward that the sum of the lural rates Into Portland and out again to Myrtle Point amounted to 21 rental a bushel. II asked for a contlnuoas rate, bed on th straight mileage though such a movement of grain wa ma unlru that It wa not contemplated In ex isting tariff schedule. ria San h rancuco and' Lot Angeles SS. ate City u $. Jaa ZI. - s. aa. rts. a. The Baa r raai lace a Voruitl m. . Oa. TUket Office 3d aad Weh (with o W. a. w. Co.) WareSaU 4.SO0. a-elsi. COOS BAY LINE Steamship Breakwater rr- n A i.. t 1. f'jriw. f ( a. ! iue'ii taa-alttf. re tit r. rested Mit II i.i s mhu( 6t. j I'tMet irl tare I it 1, . t jw m m'i - ! . I T lt,. ue., f l-M I mu4 Bsts. Irtel i'f'l at A .rtfc. 4... B t'wrt- l4 4 ' rr e i.t. I.'ue I !! a I. II 1 - SELF-DEFENSE IS PLEA IN ST. HELENS TRIAL Hange of Chicago prices furnished by Overbeck & Cooke company, 216-217 Board of Trade building: WHKAT. Open. High. Isrw. im es ' COttV. 74 67i ett 8H OATS. OH 04 8S 0 PORK. May July May July May July S 39 V, Ois. 03 B tVt A A es4 b LANDLORD DEFENDANT IN ABATEMENT SUIT A S A Jan. May Jan. May Jan. Msy July ..2182 2172 LARD. ,..1073 1000 ...1110 1120 RIBS. ...1122 11S2 . .lltU 1167 . . 1 17i 1100 -r- 2160 1075 1110 1122 1110 1 175 31 SO 2187 1000 11 JO 1132 11W 1190 Money and Exchange. London, Jan. 29. Consols 75 1-14; silver 26 9-16; bank rate 3 per cent. Jan. sterllna- ex- 4.84. short 4.87; silver New York, change, long bullion 67VxC San Francisco. Jan. 29. Sterling ex change. CO days 4.83. sight 4.854; doc umentary 4.82; transfers, telegraphic tt premium; sight Ztt premium. The Hotel Ievcn. Third and Ah streets, is the latest property to be Involved In abatement proceedings. District Attorney Evan filed suit against the property, the R- TL Tlsompson Kstate company, owners; Henry Jennlng & 80ns, lessees, and Hulda livens, proprietor of the hotel since the death of her husband. Warrants for the arrest of Al Woh- lers and Mike Donovan were served last night in which the two vers cited to appear before Circuit Judge Morrow next Wednesday afternoon to answer contempt proceedings for fail ure to comply with a restraining order Issued last September In an other abatement suit. The properly Involved Is at Fourth and Burnslde streets. CLOVER HILL FARlfe HAS CHANGED HANDS E. I.. Thompson, ,of the lltrlman It Thompson bank, has sold a half In terest In his Columbia county dairy farm to J. W. Cook and Bird N. Haw ley, who will take active charge of the business. The farm Is Incorporated as the Clover Hill Farms and supplies certified milk, packed In double-sealed bottles, to the Portland trade. Mr. Cook formerly was county Judga of Dos Angeles county. CaL Mr. Haw. ley, his brother-in-law. is a graduate of the Oregon Agricultural college with four years of thnlcal exper ience. They have already moved to the farm. Ft. Helen. Or, Jan J He If -de- f fens 1 th pie. of Oretrs Adama. ; placed on trial her )eterdy charted with the murder of Robert Mrt'horaon at Vemonla. Jun 27. 1113. The trial 1 bring heard before Jodr T-aaln. The following Jury ha been selected to hear th ttollmor.y and ron14r the evidence: O C. Me Term. T. K. fire-well. J. Holdorf. O. P Hlatt. W It Harding. K Kapplgr. K. W. Wllaon. D R. Fowler. W. A. Kettel. C. K Oleerv. K. Abbott. J. H Una Robert Mcpherson was shot to death i and Greene Adams as painfull t wounded In a pistol duel In Vert.ot is near tbe end of the brldg on Itrlds street at the rnra-f of First trt I Hilda Wrlntsr, a little nlr of MCI hereon a aa tha only wltrtrs to the beginning of th imtMt. h saw th two men h said, tl.en exchange words, then bloaa. and then begin ahootlng. Charles Mellngee. a merrhafit, aald SIi W h, li f 'Mi 1 if ''' i' j At If ''' I ( ;JS tie Jo'uVt, t- ia e, 1r. I 1 fbtfti 7173 16 II ti'g4. t rtiil4 fol .tig it I 'iiiet a c r ursry eurri teiitii- tf et rtfi ef it rrtirT ir.g 4a tr!pt,rird eflwM's- KVl I11 Where Are Your Valuable Papers! Arc they protected from fire, loss, burglary or prying eyes? A safety deposit box in this Company's vault will afford you the very best protection. Boxes from $3.00 a year upwards. Security Safe Deposit Company Fifth and Mormon Street. Mortgage Loans 6 to 7 Per Cent PL E. MOONEY MUi ti. aVoas J1 raAUag snag. Title & Trust Company r earth aaa Ota IteMU. Mortgage Loans J. C. Wilson & Co. (T OMAHA SHEEP ARE LOWER Market Weak Again With a Loss of 10 to 15 Cento. j South Omaha, Jan. ti. Cattle. 2000: market alow and steady. Steers, 18 50 9.00; cows and heifers, $6.507 75 1 Hogs 10.SOO; market slow and weak to 6c lower, at $7.90 g.26. Sheep 7000; market 10015c lower Tearllntrs, $6.600 6.90; wethers, $5.60 S5.80; lambs. $7.400 7.60; ewes, $5.16 5.40. , j San Francisco Barley Calls. San Francisco. Cal.. Jan. 29. Barley c&lls ' Close. Open. Clqae-i May ..$1.24 B $1.234 $1.24 B Dec. ... 1.18 H B 1.18 B 1.19 A New York Cotton Market. Open. High. Low. Close. Jan. ... 1222 1226 1216 1215017 Mch. ... 1244 1246 1237 1237fi38 May ... 1225 1228 1218 1217018 July ... 1218 1224 1210 1211012 Auar. ... 1200 1200 ' 1187 1187288 Sept. ... 1158 1158 1160 1165068 Oct. ... 1158 1158 1160 U60&62 NEW TORK tiTOCK EXCHANGE NEW TORK COTTON EXCHANQK CHICAGO BOARD OF TRADE THE STOCK AND BOND EXCHANGE . PORTLAND OFFICE 869 Oak U Groaad Floor, Zwla MlAg. rooBis saarsaau aiao. av-iv7. For Benefit of Stock. Salem, Or., Jan. 28. The railroad commission has Issued an order dl rectlngr the Great Southern . railroad company to provide adequate livestock loading facilities at Dufur, on the line out from The Dales. The commission found that shipper are now using a privately owned stock corral for load- lng- stock, and that It Is not adequate. Overbeck & Cooke Co. Stocks. Bonds, Oottom, Oralm. Xte, 216-217 Board of Trade BaUdlar. DIRECT PRIVATE WIRES TO ALL EXCHANGES Members Chicago Board of. Trade. Correspondents of Lor an fc Bryan. Chlcaco. Now Tork. Ladd & Tilton Bank Ettablithtd 1859 CAPITAL $1,000,000.00 SURPLUS $1,000,000.00 COMMERCIAL AND SAVINGS ACCOUNTS Letters of Credit Drafts and Travelers Checks Issued, Available in All Parts of the World. Corner Third and Washington Streets We at :! Leas a A SNAP t lMlldd 1r,)d t.ri 11 hristi Kth t.a tetti . cvJ houM ' e -iSir -l t M " "f 7 !' n i aifatfed T 'T"tr-i1 a tr.at ful'ite M'adja Is r,r" ! t lie Biutrr oa. SOS Beard ef TraAe aits. Mortgage Loans JOHN BAIN 907 SpallT Bs'iaur '! U. SI CITY AND fARM LOANS 1000 ass at Rawest rate. ZADOW. & FARMER 418 OerWtt M:if. A.1416, ataraball U Money to Loan on Red Estite MORGAN & PECKHAM Ball way Xssaaara. FEAREY fBROS. We Buy Notes 148 Salmoa ft Mala fltt. A1T7I. (Osuas4 Beat Faere)