The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, January 27, 1914, Page 15, Image 15

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i "Bud" Ffcfer
Moral: Never Kid a Man in Trouble
AH. ftR, Mt VTATt I
TMIUC VeMUrtftL 04.
CEANE WiWwi foe tt
ucacted 1 Tmoogmt
German Tramp Steamer I Will I
THtre 4
leave Tonight! With; 5000
.Tons, -
I X a . . . M 1
II . wait o e t I V I V- . r I
"-v- K.r "wtj
Carrying 6000 tons of grain for Eu
rope the German steamer Karnak ot
the Kosmos line of steamers, Jias fin
ished loading and will leave for Se
attle and Vancouver tonight. She la i
the only tramp steamer In the harbor
ot present and her departure will leave
the harbor more bare than It hag been !
for some time, i i j
Simultaneously with the Karnak, the !
German ship Chile will finish loading I
ana be ready to leave down the
river tomorrow morning. There will
then remain only the French ships La
Rochejucquelin and Le Pelier and the
German ship Terpsichore.
' Oraln ships this year have been
given greater dispatch than ever be
fore in the history of the port, there
being little delay here, and with the
better facilities for .handling ; there
have been no complaints whatevor
from ship captains. This fact will be
of great benefit to the port, for It Is
talked about wherever the ships may
The Karnak, which leaves tonight,
cams here to carry 2000 tons of grain.
She was the first Kosmos liner to
.come here for a cargo under her com
pany nam, the Memphis, under ohar-
fttsiai 411111 UC1H 111 13 Ulliy BUip
or mat una here before. Telegraph
I r4-jr . -rTif.aJK.NNS -X Vr immcj s Mr? JjS
yesterday afternoon. The Rose City
of that line is due tonight.
Captain Walbert, of the French
schooner Noeml, and Captain Olsen, of
the American schooner Beulah, which
vAOKAi4 XfwilanA VActarilflv rtrrrt
vrueis receivea more man aouoiea the j slow, stormy passages up the coast.
amount of her cargo, however, and she
in taaing away. 6000 tans of wheat and
Immigration officers have appre
hended Rio Francesco, a Spanish
sailor found on board the Karnak, and
ordered him kept on board the ship
till she is out of American waters. He
tried several times to get away, but
hla wild tales have each time attracted
attention to him and he has been sent
back. The ship owners are now under
bond to take care of him. Francesco
Is both mentally and physically de
fective and would become a public
charge if allowed to remain here, hence
his deportation.
Warrant Is Issued for Arrest
Man Who "Collected" $10.
With a John Dee warrant out for his
Seventeen and 12 days were required
by the two schooners to make the trip.
To load lumber for the south the
steam schooner Klamath will move to
Inman-Poulsen Lumber company to
night. Forced to stop through the slow
opening of the steel bridge, the steam
schooner Johan Poulsen, In tow of ths
river steamer Cascades, got out of line
this morning and held the bridge open
some 20 minutes before getting the
schooner safely through the draw.
Bound for Eton, Peru, the schooner
Wlnslow will leave down tomorrow
morning In tow of the Ocklahama She
has been loading at the North Pacific
With 600,000 feet of lumber for San
Francisco, the Dodge line steamer, San
Ramon. Captain Jamieson, cleared from
the custom house this morning.
Four hundred tons of general freight
..I - . i tvi 1 - -1 iViA Arrow HriA
arrest, the authorities are todiv V fm
the custom house this morning,
eearching for a man who has enriched
himself to the extent of 10 by claim
ing to (K! a partner of M. H. HoiiHer.
one of ..the largest shippers of grain
operating here. Captain K. Helare of
the French . ship I,a RochoJanqueUo
.now at the Llnnton ballast dock was
tlie -victim.
After introducing himself as Mi
Ilouser's partner, the stranger made a
careful Examination of the French ahlp,
complimented the captain on her p-
Eugene, Or., Jan. 27. At the begin
ning of the second semester at the
Eugene High school yesterday, for the
first time in the history of the school
the enrollment passed th COO mark.
Six hundred and five was the total en.
rollment at the end of the day. The
building Is so badly crowded that
every available foot of -space In every
room is occupied and some of the
smaller students are compelled to sit
two on a seat. Sixty-eight new stu
dents were enrolled at the school on
the first day of the new semester. The
total enrollment in the five grade
buildings and the high school is 2180
the largest In th history of the city.
Election at Corrallls.
Corvallis, Or., Jan. 27. The board of
education of this city has called for
an election to be held on February 18
for the purpose .of voting bonds
amounting to $78,000 to build the first
unit of a new high school building.
Bids were opened fcy the L nitea
States Engineers for the building of
a hoisting engine for the Nehalem Jet
ty work. The award will be made early
next week.
Sun Kranolaco. Jn. 27. Arrlfecl at 7 a. m.
Strnmpr Portland, frim Portlaud. .
Astnrin, Jan. 77. Arrived down at p.
ailed Steamer W. S.
penrance and asked the foreman in i m." fiermnn bark Rllbek.
(i;iimik ui wie unioaairiR ir ne could
have hr ready for loading grain by
a certain time. Upon bein.-r assured
that uhe wsuld be ready by that time,
he Informed Captain Helare that m
would be necessary for tht; rental of
the hoisting reHrs he was using. Cap
tnln Vfplare paid the charge, but latr
.found out his mistake and informed
the pokl-e.
Hocentf Storm tarries Coos
Buoy Up the Coast.
Reported off Point Granville or
Thursday, the Coos Bay whistling'
buoy has drifted up the Pacific coast
at the rate of 2R miles a day, indicat
ing somewhat the strength of the
northerly current which exists off this
coast In the' winter time. . Captain
"Buck'" Ralleyv on board the British
steamer Rothly, reports having soen
the buoy 13 miles southeast of Point
"Granville. J
The buoy Went adrift during the
storm January; 8. On January 11 she
was reported as off the Umpqua ricer,
20 mtlea north of the Coos Bay jetty.
It. is approximately 250 nautical miles
between the Umpqua Hver and Point
tiranville. just above. Grays Harbor.
The tender Manzanita will likely put
out after the runaway buoy today.
Fear of another stormat sea held
the passenger list of the steamer Bea
ver down to 100 tirst class passengers
Monterey. Jan. 28
Iwiar ' f.r Portland
Han Pedro, Jan. 26. Arrived Steamer J.
B Mtetaoii and Northland, from Portland.
BrUbane. Jan. 2a. AirWed Norwegian
uteanvr Hnrnl-n, from Colombia river.
Calfta Buena. Jan. 24. Arrived Schooner
Comnwrrp from Portland.
Man Kranciaco. Jan. 20. Sailed at noon
Stt-amer Hear, for San Pedro; at 3. p. m
SU-amer I'araiao. for Portland. Arrived at 3
l m. Steamer Chehnlis, from Columbia, river.
Fwnn, Jan. 25. Arrived British steamer
St Theodore, for Portland.
Tidea at Aatoria Wednesday.
Uliru water a:25) a. m., 7.B feet; 1:57. P-
m 8:3 feet. Low water 8:31 a. m.,
feet; 8:50 p. m., 0.0 feet.
Resume of World Happe&iqf Received From 8 o'Clock Yesterday
Afternoon Until 3 o'clock This Morning.
Wrater Gauge Board Goes.
Corvallis, Or., Jan. 27. The water
gauge board on the draw pier of the
bridge across 'the Willamette river at
this city was carried down the river
last night. It is believed a log or
other driftwood struck the board and
tore It loose.
Dally River Readings.
1 2 g!
e g oj 3,g
Uwliton 24 4.1 0.4i .04
t'matllla 23 3.8 S.o O
Eugene 10 8.8 O.u .83
Albany 20 17.20.4 .71
Jfelem 20 15.80.1 .24
Wi loon villa 87 23.7 0.2 .49
Portland 15 12.8 0.2 .4
.Jan. 27
.Jan. 2S
Jan. U!i
Sue to Arrive.
Hoae City, from Ban Francisco ...
St. Helen, from San Francisco.
Caffitiw, from San Frnnclaco. . o
Alliance, from Curefea
Navajo, from San Francisco
Bear, from Bao Diego and way...
Yucatan from San Pedro and way..
Ereakwater, from Coos Bay , . rtvim H'tti Dlevo and wav.
Roanoke, from San Pedro and way Feb
ninnn. fmm Knronn and orient .r eu
Arbitration has been agreed en as a
means of settling the strike of mill
owners and workers in the hosiery fac
tory at Philadelphia. The strikers.
most of whom are women and girls.
are expected to return to work today.
There were 8E00 out on strike.
Testifying, against Federal Judge
Speer, in the congressional Investiga
tion at Savannah, Ga., Attorney Law
rence said that in hi 8 opinion the Judge
never had selected a Jury according to
law. The lawyer had been fined $100
for contempt, of court at a trial In
which the Judge was officiating.
The Brooklyn, which was Rear Ad
miral Bchley'w flagship at the battle
of Santiago, has been put Into commis
sion after an idleness of 10 years. The
historic vessel will carry 6t0 men, and
will relieve one of the boats In Chi
nese waters. The Brooklyn has been
thoroughly overhauled.
Henry Blossom, actor and play
wright, while dancing the tango, slipped
and fell, breaking his leg, at New York.
Charles Darnton, theatrical critic.
broke his writing arm while dancing
the tango. A New York society woman
Is also said to have broken her arm-
John C. Clark Jr., aged 18. shot and
killed his father when the latter threat
ened to kill the nine members of the
family, at Natchltochos, La. The boy
was not arrested
In an address before the American
Asiatic society at New York, Secretary
of State William "J. Bryan said that
licv toward the
trusts and business Interests In general
ould lower the cost of living at home
nd increase the international trade.
A bill Is being framed In New York
ate law providing that all bev
erages containing more than 2 per
cent alcohol shall be labeled with skull
and cross bones and a warning as fol
lows: "This preparation contains al
cohol which Is a habit forming Irri
tant, narcotic poison.'
ness and that only frequent resort to
oxygen Is keeping him alive.
Pacific Coast.
The fourth annual show of the Pan-
hindle Poultry association has opened
at Moscow, Idaho, and 150 fowls are
on exhibition. Other entries are to be
T. P. Oose. for the past five years a
meaner or the board of education of
Walla Walla, Wash,, has resigned on
account of ill health. J. L. Sharpatein
was named to fill bis place.
February 6 has been designated as
"Apple Day" by Governor Haines of
Idaho. The state is following th.
of Oregon and Washington In boostln
The government has Introduced
mass of evidence tending to prove that
inanea t. Munday and Archie W
Shields conspired to defraud the a-ov.
ernmeni Dy means or dummy entries
which were used in locating claims
for the Alaska Development company.
Funds for the irrigation plants near
Sunnyslde are available, according to
Information which has been given
United States Senator Jones by the
secretary of the Interior.
State Labor Commissioner Mc
Laughlin of California, in his report
to Governor Johnson, says that state
aid In the matter of giving work for
the unemployed, is not needed. He es
timates that In San Francisco there
are between 20,000 and 20,000 men out
of work.
dicUon of E. M. MacDonald. M. P.. of
Canso, N. S.
Four men were killed and others In
jured when a bottle of condensed gas.
being need In a braetng process In the
engine room of the Cunavrd liner Mm
re taxi a. blew up. In the harbor at
With detachments of police guarding
all London buildings In process of
construction, the city was yeeterday
threatened with a general strike In
volving 200,000 men. Mors than 60.
000 coal porters and building trade
unionists are now out.
Will Observe Feae Day.
The Ladies' Auxiliary of the Ancient
Order of Hibernians will observe the
feast day of St. Brigld. the Mary of
Erin, in a fitting manner next Sunday,
February 1. In the morn I g all mem
bers will attend mass at Hi. Patrick'
church In a body. At ( p. m. a banquet
will be served In the Multnomah hotrl.
to waich all members of the A. O. IL
and friends are Invited. Mrs. W. A.
Elvers. Miss Marie Chambers and Mm
James Foley ar in charge of the ar
rangements and will cheerfully fur
clnh any Information regarding It.
Ansvrere Rait for Arroantltig.
J. H. McKntie. la a wrr to a suit
filed recently ly Mra Florenne Joha
son, demanding an accounting In a real
estate deeJ, alleges that e received
the property In question from Mra.
Johnson without eondltloe, jd
that he owes tier nothing. Mrs.
Johnson alleges that iie dewded
the property to McKenxle to e-rll for
her and that he was to pey r all
over a mortgage and axpensea but that
be has paid irr nothing.
Flh UAdm Washed Oat.
Roseburg. Or, Jan. 27. Hlglt water
Monday washed ent the new fleh
laddr recently built at (he dam In the
South I'rr.pua river here. The ladder
was ronatructed under the superriaio
of Deputy Warden Clan ton. The water
In the I'tnrxjua la .not exceptionally
high, being only II feet above normal
It la probable that another will b
built In the spring.
Put IVpprr In IlandkerrhW.
John Victor, bartender at Third and
Everett streets, was before I he ma
nic) pel reurt this morning on a charge
of putting red peppw In the handkor
chief of Richard Von Kublach. Th
affair Is said te oorurred ls
Saturday ereelrg Vtetee 4es.t the
rharg. kerteg that oteere ta U
loon were Joking with KaWack A
bet (Tier was w I trie a lathe affair. a4
will be celled IMs artetwootv. e emKa
time t be ceee wee poepi4
Health and Beauty Answers
English suffragettes who
that they will present their demands
before the king of England In person,
say that they will not prostrate them
selves before the ruler, but Instead,
will stand erect In delivering their
Two-thirds of the exposition build
ing at Manila were destroyed by fire,
entailing a loss of 1250.000.
The new tariff will make for an
flulnlvere: Yes. you can overcome 'a large rum to a hair specialist. Joet
the reaulta of the rarv!sa treatment : make up aJVi ue the qulcaoln bajr
of your hair which has commenced to tonic I frequently advise SAd It will
destroy Its natural hauty and cause put the ecaJp in a beallfcy condition
ii myw uuij, ainngy. oniuf mi
and i and your hair will rre in tbir iwi
I would Just shampoo occa-1 beautiful Here is lb retip: Into
or.e-half pint aJcohol pour one ounce
oulnzoln. then to this add nne-hf
pint water This rive yeu a roll p;mt
of the flneet hair tonlo. and I know it
uee will tnaure a clean, beejthy eretp
aid a wraltn of brill text, fluffy hair
fall out.
slonaliy by using a teaapoonful of
canthrox dlasnlvcd In a cun hot water
This greatly invigorates the scalp tie
sues snd hair roots snd produces a
healthy condition In both. Insuring- a
declare, beautiful growth of even colored, lus-
true, iiuiiy na-ir. i nave louna rar
throx shampoo Is extremely soothing
to tender, itchy scalps and allows the
hair to dry very guUkly.
Jan. as A Home Treatment Made Up of the Houghton, Mich., In behalf of Its presl
The Western Federation of Miners western Canada, according to the pre-
has opened Its fight In the courts
A. L.: The delstone treatment for
hairy growtha la quite hanuleea and
rarrir s more than one application re
quired. Mix a little towdered de la-
tone with water and apply to the ob
jectionable hairs, then after two or
three minutes rub It off. snd the hairs
economic division between eastern and come with It. Waahlng the akin leavee
it nrm and rree rrom Memiah.
.Jan. 30
.Feb. 1
Feb. J
.Feb. 2
..Feb. 8
Most Simple Remedies,
dent, Charles H. Moyer, and SO othev
officials and members of the union,
under indictment on charges of con
spiring to Interfere with the employ-
in the
Some of the most serious diseases I ment of nonunion employes
Bra hsiTiT rtirorl TirTl?a A x tr 0 Vw W mAae- I ttff i (a-n ai nnnnas mlrt&a
Wronetb8bire, iB.Bra1? ."lhh 2? simple everyday artlcles used In the Three persons were killed and three
others injured in a landslide which
Poisons are growing into disuse as 8Wepl aown lne mounl,ln al "",
being worse than the disease which Utah, snapping every tree in the path
they aim to cure. I of the slide and destroying four houses.
Most people now know that cream of I Reports from along the New Eng
l?,attar,i,oeJentlveK0f 8,mallPx- r lang coast indicate that the atorm
1.... ui,i a . 1 .. . , , I ...
t,eigraTin, iiviu M.i.nt Mareh 'Jn J""ciiuiu, auu me uee or wnicn a lew I fh.r In1tird In
-,r,iiirn8hlr from Etirooe and orient Marcn v .nM v, ,1,11... .ij I Ovners injurea in
.Keb. 10
.Jan. 21
.Jan. 27
Jan. 27
New York. "The skin on my hand
ways destroy the beautiful
the figure, but If you do
before advised In theee rnli
Build Up Your
Nerve Vitality
Kellogg's Sanitone Wafers Make
Lite Worth Living for Run
Down, Brain Fagged People.
50-Cent Box Free
., To Men and Women
Be master of yourself; get that
ihearfulnesa, poise and power that
come from a toady nerves In a vitalised
fcody and brain. Kellogg's Sanitone
wurers ,aispei mat "down and our
EelgraVta, from Knrooe and orient.
Rodneyablre, from Eurotie and orient.. April AS
Due to Desari.
Beaver, for San Franci.-o
Breakwater, for Coos Bay '
oaemlte, tor San Franclaoo ...
Ban Bamon, tor Ban Francisco . .
Klamath, tor San Diego and way
Puraiao, Am.
Navajo, for San Francisco
Koe City, for 8an Francisco
Alliance, for Eureka
Camino, for Sao Franclfco
Yucatan, nr Ban Diego and way.
SSiL-"""." '"V.V.r. 2i amount." with perfect ssYetvd the Mrs. Mary Moore, at Columbus, found
M.r,',Rhtr for Euroce and orhmt. .Feb. 14 results have been found to h aaton. I her husband had beeome a maniac in
Belgravia, for orient and Enrope --li? I lshing. It has been proven that this his sleep. Moore Jerked his wife from not seem to help roe. This went on for
9to"?il." .." uP.Ane De8t r.heu- bed, dragged her through a window to six or seven months. Then I tried
yaraiitai-u...:. ": B.,iT' . . Anrll 2S ,"".B"' r"."euy ' existence, ana gn , rnn a nUrt h.r after hlrn . . . ... .
the 7 1 . r" ' i, r, ' Kesinoi uintment ana nesinoi eoap. 1
Parllng: Tea. It Is true that fat al
ways destroy the beautiful lines uf
as 1 have
lumne. you
can get rUI of the fat and your form
rill be Plump and beautifully prol-or
tloned. In one and one-half pints hot
water aiaeoive lour ounrea Pa mot : a
Let tnis cool, tnen take nne tableepoon-
ful before each meal This trrettneM
produces no pieeent or future III ef-
Try this rar
notls treatment and you will never
have any reason to feel enitwrraaoed
because or your shape
lucy: Tou want te brighten and
atrengthen your eyes ar.d ran eae.Jy V
so by uelns thle plain cryetoe eye
twnln In which 1 have greet rank be
rauee of the good It has doee In ea
many It-etaucea. and I am sure If yon
put two or three drops of It In yui
sore, aching eye el frequent Interval
for a time the inflammation will dis
appear. To prepere thle loea pr.l ve
tonic, diaeolva one ounce cryatoe In a
pint ef rlr water To dall, llfeleee
eyee It will lebd a youthful epaal
and faeclnetlng expreeeios.
Olive: Tee. I know a sure rnre foe
wrinkles whUh ten be chweplr made
at home I mil one ounce almoanta
with ono-hajf pint coM water aad two
teeKxipfuls of glycerine. ftlr snd
let stand for on day To remove ot
prevent wrlrklea. apply this vegetable
cream Jelly Ihirkly and maaaas O or
ouxhly At nlht lae the face cow
ere.1 with tLe cream Tou will find
nomine to e-iual sitnosoln Jelly cream
to remove wrinkles St. d ap tb'-sn
Makes Kidney TroubU, BUd
der Disorders and Rheum
tic Psvint VanUh.
It la no Vorr r.etiiaary fer aat
.ter to euffer eitth tafiachlng. kidney
trouble, .a dlea vreeele tie dec a4
urlr.ery dlerdra te rvntetd with, ew
be tottured with rt.fumatissa. Miff
jolata. anil It t ari-wretxtiag pales,
for the new dleoovery. Cnxuf, euWkly
and a rely rehetee all ucn trtrutlea.
Cfuaone la tbe moai 1 oiaderf at retn
edy yet d'vtaed fur riiil'f g tie Syalem
of uric a Id and drlvisg out an the
oteotioua lipuritee eThxh ceuate ewcti
trouble It is entirety different frees
all other t e4id)a It rot like ey
thtng elae e er ueed fer tHe pwrpsea
It ats on tt.e t'tleclj! tf rleenlag
out tt la.tvrt.a end Irn.tig the
It eoaaa right In tt.rot;ffc the walla,
m-ti,l.i at, mtiA like water tn
a n-ut t alii-e aiaatolvaet. aa4
makee the kttriera e ft ey sad flMer
aeay. all tie urlr er Id snd peleene
from it-e l-wi-l. end Wee Ue kldeeys
and urir.ary 'lin eleaa, etreeg.
relt.y. ard e I
It matter mvi ham lot.g yes fcsve
ufttel. old i vu a', er kal yea
l.ate uaeu. the very 1r!ple f
Ootnrte la u h. IImi. It ie pUcellr
iniK,eeill t lake tt at to tke kesneva
ryetem etthoat reetilta There le
notlir.4 e! on aifh Uk It It alert a
te vora tle minute yeu take tt eX4
r !!. ..u tl. flrat time yew nee H.
If -u ufter with ta yewr
ta k. and eld'-e or rate any H(M mt
klr,. . tlaldr trouble, atr ttnan.
tiara. utl. aa effy aeeltuge aa4ee
the e)e er In t be f-et snd ankles. If
you are rervoi,, tired. t4 run dewa.
or taotl.ereg with urtr.ary dleerdeae,
Croaore elll iiultkly relieve yew ef"
your rr.leet y 1 eu n Mcvire aa SWlgU
nal tavikee of rrt. . at trifling
rot I lorn aty fliat (lsa Ategglet. All
drogglat ef auhorlMHS te personally
retain tt.e purct.aee lirVe tf tt fa' Is
Jan M that hemorrhage can be stopped with v,l7, r.Vo wr..nl7nrth.en v.
ia' Is salt- So rheumatism, lumbago, gout. wn,ch nas b!n sweeping northern New
JSS: Si cured, in the real meanina bf the Tword four lives, separated more than a score sot r,d nd ro"- "ched and I
.Jan. 31 I hy a little stllllngla, iodide of potas- of men from their ships, and In some began to scratch It It Itched so that
ia5' 3 1' ?eFoot' and "ualae resin, instances resulted in heavy money loss, sometimes I could t
.Feb. 5 child, can take in any reasonable Awakened early by a rough shaking, T WM ,ufferlnc TerT ,nUch. 1 used
salve and
-v but they did
Rodneyshlre, for orient and Europe
From Saa Franotaoo
"""" absolute killer of uric acid
In a leap to the ground. Her shrieks
from oa iiwkww. u.uuu. . ... -"k v - - - 1 ttn . , , - fc . . T v m..!..
o. . vir.r,l and Yale, alternating.! The four Htmnln remedie. mention I aroused the neighbors, and Moore was used them one nignt. in ine morning,
leave Sn Francisco for San Dteao an Mob- cbove. together with other simple In- overpowered. " to my surprise, my hand was all well
iFZdiJnm iwtiana er? rSfuHJS, Pf? .CttSJ? nd An WWng wreck of the Jersey and the trouble has never returned.
Name ' , pouna." ir you suffer from any form I walker discovered a yawning mm April 28,
Amaaoo, am. anip """"'"rr," of uric acid in the blood, and have cavaln In the roadbed and flaaeed the Nothlna we can say of Resinol
Am. snip. . . - - jrr- rheumatism, gout, lumbago, sciatica. I A, r .;.,.. .no 1. .h.t nth.r. auch aa Miss
' w St. Helena w" "cut . 1.0 v'e i oui oil,.. tti,i k
Pearl: Tou girls were right when
you decided thAt fare powder closs the
pores, even though much la blown off
the skin snd leaves s spotted effect
Tou can avoid this annoyance and en-
Joy a softer heevlthier. finer completion
if you apply a spur max lotion This
Is Quite Inexpensive and Is prepared
by dissolving four ounces spurmma In
one-half pint wltrh baael or hot water,
to which ! added two teaapoonful
glycerine. The epurmax lotion I In
visible when on and requires no fur
ther attention. Tou will find It eepe-
clally nice to benlxh summer's freckles
and tan and the eel low. unhealthy rail
of powder smothered skin snd to give
a delightful freshness and youth tint
to your skin.
Johanna: Tes. tou hare a rood rea
son to feel, alarmed about your hair.
But vou can remove the dandruff ana
overcome that dryness without paying
away, and It cntalne ro oil or fat
mt.lrh tnlht rifAlnbl. Hlr e-rotti Yu
will aleo notice by Ita uae rol i In a tusW ewae (Ait I
tour wrinkles dleappeeiirg. but th
larse pores of ih entire fare aettlt s I
in irh amaller and the skin very ewft
and velvety.
For your plmplee and tired-
neee I am glvlns the formala fur the
beat blood cleeneer I know. It la the
beet It acts on the liver and
kldneya and If. as yon eay, you are
troubled with severe and roftatant j
headarhee. It la an Indication that yorir
kidneys snd blood need attention. To
prrt-are put one ounce kardene Ir.toj
one-half pint alcobol (whleky stout-.
not be uaeli. and then add Ane-toeir
cupful surar and hot water to make a
full quart A table poonful bfcre
meals is the doae This kardene tonic
gently espets poleortous waste from
the body and tonee up the Interna! or
gans so they cavo do tbelr work well
ilead Mr. Martyn book, "Heauty.
U (Ad v
' " Hi fi lnn vino 10 inc TV u y tt ui iih II li L II A 1 - . m a a Ta - le V. I
1-y J A en auh Ol. HC1CUB I . . . . . - . . Iata ItVil I AUT1 TtT TflA T I V S F WH T"e- I K. lal n TT1 VI fl V CI II. it UUCH 111 WUf&
St. Nicholas, Am. ahlp NMii'tatui anteed to be free from morphine? or turning excursion, tnaln. quickly, easily and at little cost. If
Uw!,.ha ftm Rnaa"bk'"ciark & Wiiaon other narcotics and your money will Sampel Oompers, president of the you are suffering from Itching, burn-
chwchiU Au"n.7.......".V Astoria be refunded If a dollar bottle faila to American Federation of Labor, was In- ing skin trouble, plmplea, blackheads. mm eamaw ea
Foreater.' Am. sch. K. & W. relieve yo hours. ted by the United Mine Workers' con- dandruff, ulcers, bolls, or plies, why H 1 , , -n-.-, ,-, JLJP I
J te HocLeJatiuellln, Fr. bkj Sold in Portland by Owl Drug Co. ventloto COme to Indianapolis and re- don't you try Resinol Ointment (50c H QlT lO H JruTutP Wli I VT
hLHmiiTClm:VhMuVtno pfy txTthe charges made by President and 11). and Resinol 8oapc)? For XLaiWOL Ct fl dlAJLXLK &Jf CXVaCV
o..i,..f. .o, Willamette iron Wor'? I nv,arie. t-t Unr nf th Western VcA-1 trial size. free, write to Dept. -lt.
swv.i . ........ -
Chile, Gar. ablp
Le Pelier. Fr. bk.
I Karnak. tier. as...
San bamon, Am.
North Bank
Montgomery No. 2
aa.. Portland uiuiDer o.
feellnawfiii you full of ambition and i S " iiur Hr. si ....Tongue Point
y make your "winter of life" t Vmite Am. a St. Helena
seem like spring.
It Yew Want to Feel Good Try Kellogg's
, SaaitoM Wafers. :
v 1 V hlr
B?lTh. AS. ach Standard Box
wuiametta. Am. 88 St. Helena
' . A m Alber
""'W. " ' ...Wauna
Terhore? Qer. ship .Unnton
Bounoke. Am. ..-. Vilrth
Hornet, Am. as wiiibrirta.
Atlaa, ah. . " V i"-nrth
. .Martin's
a I ' '
eraUon of Miners In a speech to the Resinol, Baltimore. Md, Sold by all
convention that the A K. of L. refused druggists. Do not be deceived by
ha eld the Calumet strikers. "Imitations" of Resinol. (Adv.)
Ex-Senator Lyman R. Caaey of
Jamestown, N. D., died at his "home in
Washington, D. C, of heart failure.
The house passed the Kenyon bill.
desisned to eliminate the "red llaht
Look young! Common garden Sage! district at Washington. D. C. by in- Trouble; trot Is a great masy InaUnce
and Stllnhur darken en natiir- junction. iue o.u uu ucen. paaaea oy
ti . .. uie eeiiHits
auiv liuuuuy can tell. 1 t j n ..n n. a m e .v.
or th. Ml.alaalnnl rtv-e .nit bringing about recovery. For aanre teas nr
north of the Ohio told 'the Interstate -"--' AltaraUee. a medlcise
May Help You If
Lungs Axe Affected
Proper diet, freak atr and temperate babita
are beneficial te persons Mtrenng rrom
lloti't lie i rtiunnv dull.hrninwt nr
lasy. or lacking In "backbone" for bust- J Virginia. Am. sck
iuue vy BiciB will I , "L
richer, -more Joy- King Cyrna, Am. sch
reports a now that the addition of a ssedletse
. YToiuiiuwei miir uuuuur un in 1 i . . . . m . t . . iw uiw nn-nw m.- ' - aH
Roae City, Am. .
un.nAir. Am. aa .
cn w" , ...... I ilrgnilmnthnF vDr,t v,. k 1 I iinn v. . .v.. , I tar Throat and Lone Treuble. has aeroia-
. . xai u. r-t n. - v ncu. iir: i iim.ii iifan i. i nmm.rr. i .uiiiiuiaaiuii lii.l mr , i i -
r i m e I e,. ti.. m . I . .. . ., . . , .n.wi Read what ti awl lm
Bares Napier, at. as. un siuonj anu aounaani I luaiiy wouia oe uriveu gm ui pnemeee i tf'"m " ' -.
Howth, Br. ta.. newcaaue, Hi.iffim a orew or sage Tea and Sulphur, if the general 5 per cent freight rate this ease:
Harflete. Br. aa " Francisco i Whenever her hair fall nut nr foov nn I jmnulut hv the iilrn-iti Uaillm Lake. Ulna.
triii. V,.LVr' " I that dull, feded or streaked nnr.n. I .ntl I .o.-i... i. lwh. lsoa. Marc.
L--m n Vlctorl. I thin simple mixture was annlied with 1 T-T n Perh&m. cresident of the Or-1 iivo .t a.ninw inai. I waa taken with
Kona. Am.' acb.. Callael wonderful effect- By asking at anylder'of Railroad Telegraphers, told thel hemorrhafes of the Inoga which eeaflaed ate
S'iS&J?:;'"""::"::::!!:;! 8tore for "Wyeth's Sage and Sul- house committee on commerce that 40 L---e.i .eeka. sacb Ume te sty bed. Mr doe. I
you will set n. I tier cent of the railroads are allowing I. .. i. x.nhM i
..Wftiungtos largo bottle of this old-time recipe, their trainmen to take orders over the ,Uri Denver. Col After ey arrival I
riir?"- lu UB7' lul cenis. inia teiepnone. ibtoikwb i ruie. Miehaal Brodr. who. em Werslat ef I
- m.. .a t.l. KatmeM. j
o A 1 eiraineraiiu., ;.v... . .i. .i v. . I , mi.i.i .... . mil. my craiuu, 1
"wreckar Ko matter what Started t . . . 1 th hate and la cni.nitM fni. A e I ; , v.. twn lttt I Alterative. I kept, en takiag tar skroicw
- i . Ktri in rir.
your nervous breakdown-ioaa of i
sleep, overwork or other causes Kel
loHg'a tfanltan Wafers will revitalise
and revive you so you'll get all that's
worth having out of life.
. Kend your nam and address today
with six cent in stamps to help pay
postage and packing for a free 60c
trial box of Kellogg's SanltoneWafera,
to K. J. Kellogg Co.. 2467 Hoffmaster
block, Battle Creek, Michigan. 1 ,
i The regular $1,00 else of Kellogg's
Banitone Wafers la for sale in Port
land by Owl Drug Co., 335 Washington
No free boxes from drugrista
en i.l t rwin't Aritt Kh ih. ifto 1 6ehorj)e, AM. ach.
m illtu ae e v "" w -v-a
1 pf wearied,- care-worn humanity, when
Wtm. eeaeeeeeeeeeee wwaa a ishvibvu - w v a. w MCA1IU k LIA.A.1 flllllnr. WW linn a aw ewa ae 'liviv a a 1 M e. , I taB SteBk IHm m saaa.
Be mar, Br. ch......f .San FJaocfavo dry, itchy scalp and falling hair. . children of Mr. and Mrs. D. Q. Brock- tSrmtt borne. I ast entirely 'well, have a
SllelUBJir 'aVh '"''.ita Si! A fell known downtown druggist hurst, of Jersey City. - ruod appeilt. and ie,p well Whea I left
Js-I-s::.,:::.Bn says everybody uses Wyeth's Sag and Senator Chamberlain of Oregon I. &ir ZZrFTA Z
ta Kente te toad Oraln. Sulphur, because it darkens so natur- preparing his bill designed to open T'ifJrsfar r health .
nauee croB i ajiir unit event v that nnluwtv h.i .n iu.v. Th. maaaura elll Droviaa Tor I . . iri. I. riirHT
InveravoB- Bri bk.. ............... ......CallaO I . ,- 1... r .nnlM It'. &n ..I ..V. nmmlaatnn ATvanlne im nf I ill.. K. tA : HI eW fUet.
Vaaukuni Warn .................... ..unent I . , . .1 . . . j j i . I ui...'. Alterative haa here svevea hy
Samultay W. ........ .8an FrancUcoIwse, too. i eimpiy uampen a como coal lanus ana riiruu eveipuicm. I 2 rZZ-.- to be saost efflcacWma far
HieoeUenaona a acta. lor soft brush and draw It through 1 Former Senator Cullom wa- rest-1 JJJJ Threat ana Lea Afferttoea. Beoocbltle,
Crown of Toledo, Br. aa ...Antwerp J yottr hair, taking one strand at a time. less and nervous yesterday afternoon Bronehiai Asthma. tMubbora Colds and la ee-
Crowa of Arragan.
Elaenore, Brltlsn ol
Iird Lonsdale, fir.
. - . i - .
8L Theodore, 'Brl sa .....Shanghai IglOBsy, soft and abundant Adv. i peUta fop the first time sines bis 1U- ceveries aad adaidosal eneeece.
Br. ss nao rraneueo i By morning tne gray hair disappears; 1 and could not sleep, tnougn me use oi i noiraius m "Lrr1-?
J """4,,,."; fter another application or two. it Is narcotics waa resorted to. Hie pny-i VHtT Ec?sus iSkatory:
........Aiuwerp legtored to , natural and iook8 ,lciaiis said that be has loet bis ap-1 WJZXLf? rT. tor lTuUtt.
Millions of backaches are
lost annually, and who
wouldn't lose one? Ifs a
simple matter, too. All
that's needed is an All
cock's Porous Plaster
placed on the spot that
hurts. You can go right
ahead with your work
and soon you'll forget
you ever had a pain.
fcU at the seat of the trooMe sj nothing else can. Fer ever sixty
Year they bare beta tbe standard' mnerjj for all Winds of mch and
pains, orencM, stiffness, etc. Lite most meritorioai artirlrs, ibej
have been extensively ImlUted tLercfore to derive all Uie beaeiu
that a porooj platter should gtre
' Alway. Insist on Hariri g- the Genuine.
r n 1 a , a.a vera,
Meji.' eats. tua.
paa. IJvis eeS tin.
at isaaa-eae. ihic.
WariSM asieVATaia.
hla irxtwA, eoauL
t'txtka. rlMM eee
riTt t-a The
t.a 1 aawcaeasi ai
CeMalttrv ea4 tteaasv
uaa rasa. s I a
a etey. eeeeaye as te ft.
tUH AHtifl(. t fa.
i-oSTXAtx vatAom
Confidence In
the efflcacy of this tlwnjcrlly tTeJ
tome rwmedy Is never rxUpUced. I
every way 4a health, itrwngtk, py
tu and In looks wotoeii .nd tLataa.
ehres better aTlar timely ttM af
IU). Ta
Prn cut KljU Cczs
and dryoeM of tbe throat.
r-rocBptly relierved,
Nooraatea, 5e, tOc aid
SL00. Rampla FTwa.
wa a mm
a. re I , B.A e aav.
As aea,,e i ti ulijLt.
1 . .