' u: yviurzsKSB BOOKS t EAST BXBB niTATl rAXX&Y tl'HKKB furnished rooms, water, light, pbone, private house. 183. E, Morrl- - j0"; Phone East 401. '. - BAVB carefare and room with nice. . quiet family of adults; price rea , soneble. No. 7 tJnlon ave. 'FURNISHED front room. bath, tele - phone. cIom I, walking distance. 37 i month. 171 Union ave N. ' East S48. -P ROOMS AXD HOARD IS CHOICE table board, strictly ham cooking; moderate terms. 253 llth. BOOKS an BOAJU 7BZTATB rim&T 7a BEAUTIFULLY furnished front room and alcove, suitable for 2 or S, op posite Campbell hotel, board if de sired. 123 N. J3d St. ' HOUSES FOR RENT (Continued) : 13 FOR RENT FLATS IS 7 ROOM modern flat on 10th, near - Stark. Inqqlre 427 Burnsiae. M. tits. FtTRXISHED FLATS 1 60 MfftlTTi A VDiwiro icoy f tm PAT. t AND INFORMATION BURKAU ' I MODERN 4 room furnished Oata; out, ! Fourth floor Main building-. side ' rooms, good, light, gas. bath. I -Complete and reliable Hat of all va-! etc., wood and gu nnite, HMD; one cant houses, flats, apaitments and bun- unfurnished flat, $12.60. S3 Com galows in the city. Make use of this 1 merclal Court; take U car to Russell, service when you desire. This does not go three blacks west. - 1 atoll Uvf,U Ji?, ViZa m,an2fin. VnS, NICE modern 4 room flat: -wood range, ready a?n Tim.f ?2 hin v fn in and iW yards, f 16. Inquire at reapy at all times to help you in 101709 w 7th at. north. : -- .cn vviucii in ruruauu wn find this service especially valuable. HOTELS S4 POITURY jCoattyaed 97 INCUBATORS 'Miller a Pacific Coaat Ideal combine low price with beat possible construction; $8 to S3. Tblr. teen years on the coast, still giving satisfaction. 8old by Chaa. H.. Lilly Co.. Seattle. DOGS AXD HOUSEHOLD PETS 40 MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS 84 (Continued) ' ' fciVplJUno uad aa snow instru- ment in ur wnoiesaie oinoe, one tvt ata nilirrl mikH - reSUlar (4&V piano, will, sell at our wholesale price can or ie- E. H. HOLT PIANO CO, Wholesaler. 7 i -7 0 bfllinf mag. BLACK-Cocker Spaniels, Golden Cock er Spaniels. 132 a E. 7th. North, Woodlawn car. 4 OREGON BIRD CO., 20 E. Istfc it, N. I ear. Canaries, aviary birds, Oolden and Chinese pheasants. Van Gorder Hotel FOR board and room, with sitting room and pool table privileges. Call at 472 Main at Handy location and reasonable prices. ROOM w)th board for 1 or 2. Every 2 0.00 MONTH 6 room modern house, modern convenience, hot and cold . . 149 4Bth st, block north of Haw runninxr wt.r in room, use of nlano. I ?? Ave., key next door. Call Last 116. Modern 6 room house. .Full base-j Modern: rood home for good people: ment, gas for cooking. Electric rates reasonable; try us. 106H 12th lights. W. W. car. E. 26th and Wood- at, bet. Wash, and 8tark. Marsh. 2790. ward ave. Key. 652. ' . ., STORES AND OFFICES 11 MODERN, practically new bungalow. 7 rooms, Kiicnen. bam, etc.; narawooa floors. Cor. B razee and E. 7th at. N.. In Irving-ton. East 727. bKAUTIFUL room with board. 130 E. XSSTi flvii8- 841 Aider- 19th. Furnace heat; widow s family. I v-- MODERN furnlshea room - in private FURNITURE FOR -SALE .a.mry, u.rU ,l u,rtu. wi v. HOUSES FOR RENT uum ana uoara ior one or vwo geu- 83 tlemen; home cooking. Sellwood 244. FURNITURE of 12 rooms all complete BOARD and room for children by day. week and month. East 3108. 1 Di?i".H t .JOUBHAL HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS WEST SIDE 81 CAMBRIDGE bldg., furnished house keeping rooms, central, cheap rent. Applv room 15. 1666 aa st. . for housekeemns: anartments: nirn home; house for rent. EDO Jefferson ; st. Marshall 471. FURNISHED HOUSES, 30 FURNISHED 5 room bungalow, with fH" ON BRO ADWAT. If CORNER TAMHILL ST. 55iialifl Outside Office Rooms ' k..4 ain,U H CI, a. Reasonable Rental i High class service 1 i Inquire at Journal Business Office and ask to see them. Piano: Hawthorne district: also 4 and vim ppvt a store suitable for shoe 5 room housekeeping apartments; very . rnnairin shon and salesroom, with reasonable. 1117 E. Market st. 'Hvine room in the rear. On one side FURNISHED housekeeping rooms, fine S30 Furnished complete, clean, mod-. is a large butcher shop, on the other walking distance, 38 mo. up; gas, ern 7 room house. Furnace, at 966 ' a bakery shop, located at 186 Glbbs st. Dhone bath. liEhts. free. 485 Clay st. Hawthorne ave. Call Main 1511. Z-i 1 HUUHEKEEPING. rooms, low price, MODERN 6 room house. dose in. homelike, Marshall 6946. . TWO housekeeping rooms, free light, phone, bath, 33 week, walking Cin tanre. 272 Montgomery st., cor. 4th. . 1 AND 2. room apts.. free phone and nstti. 645 Vt Washington. HOTTSXtXXEPZVO BOOMS WS8T SIDE FBIVATE 7AMIXiT 731 W-w-"-w,, I ONE completely furnlnhed housekeep ing room, running not ana coia wa ter, 1 front sleepInK room, reasonable; a moiun, 68 in. aist st. HWKLL room, beautifully furnished 106 W. Park. Williams ave. C-1697. Inquire 628 BRICK warehouse in South Portland for rent, trackage, light and airy. M?P.E11A roomungalow, furnished. ' SbrY-VSV Co? BVoadway and YamhlTu 1i.ii. OV pgr IllUIJtll. AVOtf EJ. 1-. 3SZ FURNISHED five room cottage for rent. 176 Stanton. Woodlawn 1601. 322.50 5 room furnished cottage. Telephone C-2175. . 4 ROOM furnished cottase. tana ave. Phone C-1230. 834 Mon- FOR RENT HALLS 50 HALLS FOR RENT Either of the I. O. G. T. halls at 1st and Yamhill, Apply to Elrhgren & Louis, Tailors, De- Kum Diag. APARTMENTS 43 THE CROMWELL. 6th and Columbia Sta. Modern 2 and 3 room furnished apart- for liRht housekeeping; splendid lo- J mePts: n,tnute' SPJi1" cation; furnace. One person, 310, 2 314. ",mcl' new ouanK. m i9f, I every convenience. f. n r r. UNDER OWNER'S MANAGEMENT. ranKe. sink, porch, close in 33 Yam hill st. FOR RENT SUSCELLANEOUS 33 A good sanitary barn, room for 18 head of horses. Rent $15 a month; two year lease. 4518 67th st, S. E., Kern Park. WANTED TO RENT 1 room apts.. with kitchenette, steam heat. running hnt art A pnl water nhone in TWO and 3 room suites housekeeping every room; 7 blocks from 6th and! rooms kus ranKe. iiKnis. oam. u MnrrUnn i xisko nnil tin. 291 Co. nornnuii. i lumoia si., corner &tn 3 ROOM furnished apartment: maxi mum 230. would rather oav S26. Ref j erences furnished. T-862. Journal. WELL furnished room and kitchen- SHKKMriLD apartments. 272 Broad- ,.St':wlenilld..lr0C?tl?n .and. moct1?i;n' way. cor Jefferson, easy walk 883 Mlll. ror. West Park. Main 581. ing distance. 3 or 4 rooms with pri- NICELY furnished housekeeping vate baths, very reasonable reit. best ; 2500, HORSES, VEHICLES, ETC. 18 rooms, electric lights, gas. sink. Milt st. 272 AM leaving city on account of poor health; must, sell at once, team of horses, 6 and 7 years old, weight about 3000, and team of mules, weight about N ill guarantee this stock. xo TWO or 3 not front, but clean, close In rooms. Everything furnished. For employed people. 431 Taylor. LOVELY front suite, larpe clothes closet, rum, 312 month. 268 4th St., opposite city nail. ONE large front room with kitchen ette, furnace heat, running water. 341 Harrison. '1 OR 2 large front housekeeping rooms. 112 and 811. Everything included. rnone Main ii if). 9u Johnson. i easonable offer refused. Mrs. L. Han son. Dunford Apt. 4, Union ave and Clay. Another Carload AUTOMOBILES-ACCESSORIES 44 Used ,Auto Snaps Buy now and save money. . Cash or terms. 1913 Hudson. 6 cvl.. electric starter and lights, nearly new. Cheap. 1913 Michigan. 40 n. d. 6 naas.. near ly new. 1911 Cole. 6 nass.. 30 h t.. lust over- nauieo. 1909 Cadillac 6 naas.. 30 b. p.. A-l condition. 1910 Sludebaker Garford, 40 h. p., 7 passenger. 1913 Reo roadster. 30 h. n.. 2 nasa.. orana new. 1913 Reo delivery. 1500 lbs. capacity. overnauiea ana repainted. Cheap. Several tourine care suitable for de liveries. Also factory built bodies. Let us iigure with you on your pleasure car or aeuvery. Northwest Auto Co, Broadway and Couch st. A-4969. Main 8887 1913 STUDKBAKER. 35. 6 pass., elec trie lighted, self starter; this car cannot be tod from new, cost 31260; price 3895. Late model Pierce Arrow, 6 passen ger, in nrst class snaps, cost 36400 price 31750. 1910 Chalmers roadster, 8365; this would make a fine car for delivery. 1912 Mitchell six, & passenger, 2875 TANCIS KADDERLY MOTOR CAR EXCHANGE East 13th and Hawthorne ave. service, splendid arrangement, all out- I sloe rooms, direct phones. THE WASHINGTON, tit9 Northrup o room unfurnished apartments, witn I bath and all modern conveniences, teli- puuuc, steam iieai. kus, eiccinc iikiw ' . . , etc. Take W car to 21st and North-i ui eastern ureson norsts, consiuwnK rup. Phonps Main 4376. A-1133. I ul some nice. DiocKy oum .mares, gwu sii if?.rLn uih' lmpo-ted Percheron horse. At 26 N. 614 Jefferson, corner 16th. 14th t het Rurnnlde and Pnnoh One 3-room apartment, all outside - ""'f1-. "urnl'de,andff - roonnH. modern verv rnnvni.ni n ar.in oi mares weigning isuo pounaa. month. " t guaranteed with foal to imported AUTOMOBILE WANTED. 1BODIES. WHEELS, SPR1NG8. PAINTING. General repair ing. 209 Front St COLUMBIA CARRIAGE & AUTO WK8, tsar t&gr WANTED A motorcycle aa part pay ment on a olano. Reed-French Piano Mfg. Co, 10th and 8tarlcsts. TYPEWRITERS WE save yom from to to 7 per cent on all makea of typewriters. Bend for our illustrated folder: retail depart ment WHOLESALE TYPEWRITER CO. 221 Wsh. et . MUST 8 ELL Oliver visible typewrit. er. J20. oar. 464 E. 26th st; Uke W W TVDtrJDITr:DQ310 to 150 i ii i f in riinj k 3d st NEW. rebuilt 2d band rentals, cut rates. P. D. C Co.. zu stars, a. ioi. HOUKEHOLI GOODS for Knle 63 K.NT1HE new furnishings reaiJence, embracing very handsome Circassian mal nut golden oak, mahogany and birdseye maple bedroom furniture, ele gant brass beds, costly peaestai din ing table, leather seat chairs and buz ret living room rockers and library table, davenport, rugs and other arti cles, win sen separately. au to day. 707 Marshall. FOR SALE A bargain, household fur- niture complete, silently used anl in ist class condition, can mornings, 338 E. 44th s'.. 8. FURNITURE Before buying seCon hand goods, see what you can do here on new goods, for cash. Get post ed wunam uadsoy. 1st and VNaah. WE buy, sell and exchange new and second hand xumlture of all kind. Phone MartthaJl 4783. Bell Auction A Com. Co.. 1P1 Second st. OK SALL Unused 9x12 Axminaler rug. cost 83.5; sell for 328. Between 1 and 4 p. m. 424 Wygant st. LOST AND FOUNT CPowne4) St THE following arttclea were found w T iVk". "T," 01 th PrtUd Hallway., h ?" company, and turned In I - ma unierrnt umelon poknla. Own- " nere aame oy applring at bams aa Indicated: v ' " rZUTta OB c?rB J,n- SS, 1914. at Bell wood barn. thona A.aili- i .k. of clothing. 3 umbrellas. t oumi on cara Jan. ;i. ln at Pied mont barn, pbone A -6131: 3 a loves. umoreiu, 1 book. 1 package, 1 bot- Found on cara Jan. 16. l. at An keny barn: 1 email books. 2 pairs of sva, i umoreiia, l purse. 1 lady's belt. Found on cars January 23, 1914. at Savler st barn, phone A-C131: 2 um- b rti1"1,,?" rs; COST Between Columbia and Harrt- mon mna in ana Tin. watrn rob bear- PERSONAL f Oetraae4) ing gold medal engraving at top C C A. A.; on back name L. D Haven. Re turn to Journal office. LOST On Yamhill st. between Broad way and 1st at., lnaurance papers and lax tecelpt. Kinder return to E Altorfer. chef Portland hotel, and re celve reward. LOST Fur nei-k plei-e, gray and -bite. between courthouse and 10th and Market Pbone Marahall 680. A-6723. Reward. NATUROPATHIC TUKATME.XTB WILL OIVK YOU UKALTH. I have the meat aipaosl va. fineat equtppod prtvau office oa the coast I use NO Medicine or operaUooa. I s every madea wp-f dste wit uaed in America or Karoo. My re sult in ail accepted pees are snost wood erf uL Over tumonlsla at sny office. Cooealtatloee fro.. DR. W. K. MaLLoKT. NaturopatX 111 Hothchlld bldg. nil KINDOM uw rc1a aad knltcleaa metkod disHoctly dlffereat from anyone else's- Mental, narvoas and chronic tna defrtac other meth ods, handled wltb grealMt eocoaoa Ra- maraaoia resul'e ior taai I jesra. IXtnt delay; come right away, bring ing this ad. atone, for fro consults- Uon now to 321 V Washington at, at 1th. or pbone Marshall 24t for a- yrniimttu. Ko-.Vl) Bicycle, exchanged for an other about Nov. I. Cor. Alberta and Union ave. V-652. Journal. PARTY who picked' up saik of laun dry on K. Mil st. this morning please call Woodlawn 3377. REV. FUR NESS SPIRITUALIST REMOVE!- RKMOVKD REMOVED TO 431 SALMON ST. KOTTC13I CI LADIES Ak for Aattko Mlatur No. I. 1 la safe and sure -'Woman's Med icine." the moat eurceaafel and haraa leaa "Regulator known. For sale and guaranteed by Held fond Drag Co, 323 Morrison, near Klret. LOST (Oliver mesh purse at Iantacea or Majestic theatre, Sunday ev. East or return to Z1H in ion ave. LOrT Four-leaf clover nucgel pin I'hone Marshall 30M. Reward PEIIM5XAL CUT HATKd Chiropractic, osteopath. magnetic and vibratory treatments for ail ailments. Dr. Pendroy. 291 Vk Morrieon t.. room I, M)R SALK W1SCE LIGNEOUS 10 OUT on high ces. w by pay tb 0 for a pair of glasses, when I ran fit your eyes with first quality lenses In a sold filled frame as low aa 11.6o? C. W. Goodman, 191 Morrison st. near bridge. Satisfaction guaranteed. UIVUnLLO perlence. reliable. 404 Hothchlld bldg . 287 4 Washington. WILL not be responsible for any deb'. a contracted by my wire Ellen M auglutn. Jan. 27, 1914. II. C. YAUGHAN. HAVE your hair permanently waved. uuaranteeo to last Sanitary Heauty Parlors. 400 Dekom. Mar. Uol. SNAP SALE OFFICE FURNITURE. For sale at once at barraln Fine modern oak finish office furniture; Cut ler roll top desk. Cutler flat top desk, large directors' table, chairs. 10 sec tions Globo-Wernlcke. rugs, filing case. 803 Fenton bldg. Main 7. A-4341. DR. O. V. KETCHUM Women's mal adies and acute disease. Washing ton bldg. 4th and Wash Rra 41. ML 449 8 pool tables and accessories, 4 show cases, telephone booth, wall fixtures, peanut machine, awning, cuspidors, clock, card tables snd about 340 worth cigars and tobacco for 1375 If taken at once. Phone Woodlawn 349S. FOR SALE New and second hand carom and pocket billiard table, and bowling alleys and accessories, bar fixtures cf all kinds, easy pay ments. The Brunswick-Balke-Collrn-der Co.. 46-48 6th at Phones Main 7C9. A-1769. RELATIVE from Ht Louis would like to know address of the children of C. C. Miller. Main 91. FOR SALE The Fashion garage and machine shop. 511 H st. Grants Pass Or. The best equipped shop south of Portland, Or. Floor space, 70x100. 2 floors. Address J. M. Tetherow at garage. ONE nice, clean, light housekeeping room, frojit. ftoo Jefferson. IHKhE strictly modern H. K. room, i a mo. tisu .a at. NICE housekeeping, room. 413 Main. HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS 48 EAST SIDE TWO sunny, outside, nicely furnished H. K. rooms, fhone. etc. lis. 867 E. Washington, cor. 28th. Ij'wM'&'EKKKFING rooms, free phone. hot water and bath, 2 blocks east end steel bridge. 286 Holladay. 3160 to 92.75 week, furnished H. K. hr.xoa . n si ,A rrrtrxA MHstrnea O A A a1 .a GAre-ePT4tlVrandt NvrrtP "ft weigWn"220 "pounds, 5 large rooms, front veranda and . ? r . ? . .". r. r. sleeping porch, hardwood floors, water, s "" ?' "' "lu Bl ' oel- ourl"ue heat, phone; strictly modern; unfur-: v-ut-"- niShed. i Mnrntiu Unrea X, Mulo WKIST APARTMENTS. I ",ur"J ""' "" "V. , 69 NORTH 23d ST. 1 Sells on commission, horses, mules, ve- For relit 1 6-room apartment, all i hides, harness. Auction every Monday modern conveniences, finest In citv: and Friday, 10 a. m. 240 E. 8th. E. 6315. references required. Apply Apt. 4. HEINZE APARTMENTS. 14th and Columbia. Furnished 2, 3, 4 room apartments, GOOD 2300 pound ranch team, harness and wagon; also good top grocery wagon; 2 cheap buggies; fine Shetland pony: also one good 3 surlne waaron. all conveniences; first class, homelike, ; fl.ast &tarK bi Montaviwa. reasonable rates: ref. M. 7337, A-361S. TEAM, weight about 2600 lbs., harness, su w iuvm s.a.s in nasvUf T ' Cs small plow, at your own price, 4518 67th st. S. E.. one block north of Mt Scott car, Kern Park. Burch Apartments New. modern, furnished 2 room ants rooms, gas, free he'at, laundry, baths. b.ath phones, dressing room, fine loca. now. no . jibi 8i. mar, w car. nhone East 6039: 406 Vancouver ave. CiEAN, light housekeeping rooms. with light and phone. 192 M Grand av, XOVBSXZEYUO XOOMS 7SABT I IDS PRIVATE TAMELY 74 TWO room suite, complete housekeep ing. $17. Free light, heat, linen, silverware, pnone. disappearing bed. new apts. 1163 Belmont cor. East Kimnyj THE PARK.HURST. North 20th and Northrup st Homelike furnished 3 and A room apts., outside rooms, balcony to every eune. mi conveniences; rer. Alain 1178. MUST sell mare, weight about 1800, 9 years old; . heavy with foal, sound, and true to work. Cor. East Water and Madison sts. Cor, MONTGOMERY APTS., FINE 6-year-old driving mare, buggy and harness, cheap, or would trade for anything I can use. What have you? .Phone Tabor 2402. Jth TURKIC .'side car. i-lean nicelv furnished front housekeeping rooms. A1N convenien- ces. Reasonable. Also three nicely fur- nisnerl nacK rooms. 825 E. Stark. W ILL rent 3 or 4 completely fur- nlshed h jusekeeping rooms, reason- THE DEZENDORF. ' 208 16TH ST.. NEAR TAYLOR. able to adults, good neighborhood. . ,i.eiT?"" E 'nonl i,nrHrn58.h apt foln ' .ww... ,ll. TWO n leamint front n,. e.. "VV" -in ana. Lincoln All 3 H n 1 Mnntcrrtmarir Ui.lUl ew and strictly modern, furnished' 1 1 LEAVING town and have a pair of room apts., automatic elevator, close' smaU horses must be sold at once. in; no cnuaren; zu to 330: Main 9466. : "8i iwi ui Aiuer. THE CHETOPA ti- " "'"".e-. z. 3 ana 4 room modern apartments i worg norse ior saie. worg single furnished snd unfurnished; lots of hot I or double, weight 1300, 11 years, viiue rnny leaving , cny. xnone ftiam 87 Z6. ask for Warren. water and heat. RANCH team and harness. 2300 lbs., serviceably sound. Guaranteed good workers. 375. Foot of E. Alder st. jNicaum g neny staoies. ...... l .1 n M . I rrwim m . r !.' . . - --. -- r . i uuiaiur, & tuum iur ants low rnren ' ialul. iiinnca ior nouseaeenina. vnnn I . . t 'j:... -. ! t., . heater ani n ,inv. hath inn piiiV, ..Sii , , 5.?? "a'". eai. private pnone. "'"" uu iui guoa, service Kr..n $?0Sper m6nth " . ' C" south- Maln K ".S Cheap: trlal wed. A21? I l'sekeer,n? rooms, modern; Single rooms, steam hea. Ifot'nrt ! SPAN mules, very cheap: must sell at 1 1 m r- liriinnvB v it-1 t oa a. a a t - i A i . . . .. - - - - t - room; 382 E. 1st' st north B 1 ?wa,eEr- none and electric: lights, I . -t vtn t tl. u. Lock. rr;1 ' ' i - -ii,-' i uinni uiou, . iouci. i w u large; n, k. rooms, first floor. cheap. Including heat and gas. 75 Prartd ave. N. ANGELA APARTMENTS. FOR SALE Several farm, delivery is iriniiv I'lace. - an. A room tn,. i biiu luinuer WHKons in aroou conrii. nlshed apts., private bath and phone. I I'1"1- bargains. F. A. Kenney. 371 1st T Yn "ssi RnrBni8.rd Po?t' Cl08e reaaonaole rates. Mar. 1950 Call apt 2.! FOR SALE Farm team, harness and jn. B81 Ross St. East 3010. CINCINNATI Court, 401 10th 2 and i flrst class wagon. $95 if taken at HOUSES FOR RENT 12 TO RENT 5 room modern house, fire place and china closet. One block irom hi. jonn car. Rent $16. 1119 yoncora st. fnone Wdln. 2664. MODERN 6 room house B87 Pro mntnn and Mllwaukie sts.. near new car nop. Main 13&U; A-7931. 4 room furnished and unfurnished once apis.; steam neat. everything fur r.ished. Reasonable rent. W. II. Hart, R. 3, Beaverton. Or. ALCO APARTMENTS. Modern 2 room apartments. S2n nn Walking distance. Union ave. and El coucn. LUZERNE APARTMENTS Cor. 3d and Hall. 2 room furnished aptsi Strictly modern, brick bldg . 8 ! SPAN farm mares, weight 2400, and harness, cheap if sold at once. IK towa st. lake F Car. 330 TAKES good 900 - pound saddle luny. j a case i oin St. . FOR SALE, good farm horse cheap, mm tun. a monroe street SIX room modern house, elec. lights. TrT fr ??.la?S I LIVESTOCK fruTtraeer$V8n0,U7:&lfUl UWD- THE LOIS. 704 Hoyt. ,"0000 wnuT-.-..-c.... . . 4room furnished- front apt." Modern. 1 ers c..m,.nS fr 33 A 40 HORSE power roadster, in good condition, good tires, self-starter. storage battery ' for lights, engine in Kood condition, for $600. S-900, Jour nal. SAFES Mosler Safe Co.. manufactur ers. Low prices, easv terms Safes opened and repaired. Bargains in sec ond hano safes. 108 Zd St. Main 7676 LOT on Broadway. Also Irvlngton Park lot Exchange for equity and house or 6 pass, automobile, late mod el. 719 Dekum fcJdg. WANTED All grades scrap rubber. highest cash prices paid; phone us our man will call and buy what you have. J. Leve, 186 Columbia. M. 5198. Written guar antee with every spring. 26 JN. lbth st FORD machine as part pavment on new. late modern bungalow near 41st and Broadway. Price $2700 Ta bor 5204. AUTOSPRINGSpA- Frank Lange, 228 Salmon. Main 181. 1911 STUDEBAKER. 22 ster. uood shate. 533 Alder st. P. road-Terms. CADILLAC, 1910 five passenger. Ju-t ueen overnauiea, 4uu casj, 4b0 easy terms. 266 llth st. FOR SALE. One half ton auto truck at 4Ko Ttiv. thorne ave. Phone B-2117. Springs Made, repaired, new ones guaranteed. Washington Car & Auto Wks., 366 E. Wash, st CLASSY 1912 roadfiter fiillv Mintnn demountable rims; extra tire and" rim; line condition; sacrifice $575. WANTED Ford auto, price must be low, tjail woodlawn 265. EAST SIDE AUTO REPAIR CO., Inc. eoi nawinorne ave.. auto specialists WANTED Hup Ford Studebaker Must be bare-ain. T-870. Journal. MOTORCYCLES - BICYCLES G5 DAYTON MOTORCYCLES YALE Win ter nargams in used machines; mo torcycle, bicycle repairing. Dayton wycie iwo.. now at ziu Broadway. WANTED A motorcycle as part pay ment on a Piano or Player Piano. Reed-French Piano Mfg. Co.. 10th and Biarg sts. . . . ,ww... ...wuwi iiuuw- mr reui itererences Main 2474" ONE completely warsnau zoil. cows, soma fresh, oth fresh S to 7 venra nlri U large Durhams and Guernseys, good dairy COWS. 4 hi eh ara.de Jersev e-nrwl room ! cream cows. Take Woodstock car. LAUNCHES AND BOATS 64 GASOLINE boat 32x76. 20 h r, M son's Boat Yard, owner, 733 E. 6 2d WANTED A second-hand canoe. m, journal. furnished 2 blX room modern house 305 Crosby st. tancTzo aVrriolM 1 7t'h frvJi, mm 69t a7e- waJk 3 blocks west; Just near hrouriwav hrirfd r.-.. ' I tance, fi per mo. 187 I7th. nr. Yamhill east of Reed cnlleire . , . w. naiAUlliitiuc ..r. imvr. . . . , . - ; o instnnce. 1 uumuu& mouern o room . wi v,,. uw,i v - .... . . v. i.i.ii x a Ln. n .1 n n , u n . ders. Main 8251. stance. HUB REM 5 room bungaiow, Mt labor district; $15 a month. 6. F. y re v.w., oig r. a . id a kuum modern cottages; shades, garden, lawn; Woodstock. MODERN 6 room unfurnished apart excellent list of hlrh grade and registered dairy cows and heifers; see us now; Geo. R. Mokel iow to., 6U7 commercial blk. M. 6129. son mAnt T4ot nm... T , r . i ' - ... v... AAw. " m.vv ucai. iu jui n. TTwVGtj . i . v. .. , . . . . . A-1678. ' X-iv.tn niiiwii www iur saie. Hi oroeil. Inquire at Corbett. John A. HOTEL GAYOSA. E. Stark and Grand Roheer. "Route 2. Troutdale: ave. .apartments. HieeDlne ronm..Tuiiw -i r, -, rr- 1 " - - , w' " ' ' K'ww w wwr U1U. i n. vrreoe, i igarq, yjr. $2.50 up per month.' tlf"r TJ XT' all' . n mt.: cloTe" Tnwt "ll ' A JKSEY cow for sale. Will be fresh ,u , ' and 93 1st st. in March. 460 E. 60th st. 8. E. cuiiAGE with u rooms. 491 Mill st , between 14th and 15th. All clean and iiioaern. kmii Main n2l2 Monday, FOUR room cottage, with bath TX?r- 9 - month. iuk;N1SHED 4 room steam heated fSA rFr.J T?m ,h?u.sf' . la.rK lot- 542 and Shei-man. " "l pf.,,. rj.l)v Cora. Nice disti let. I block Rollwno i ! POULTRY car. Iniiuire 707 E. 10th Sellwood mns xaej yw-aiis AJNWEX Modern 2 -vv-.w-, . FOR RENT 6 rnnmi!;B.w Jn ,'" iturnished H. K. suites, $12 to 1ST PRIZE buff orpington cock and rutheTs nTar F t"nV JLSiT 18 mo- 17th & Marshall. Mar. 4943. t 2 hens. $10. 20 white leghorn Hens KSrtCaf Ml Ral wytetaniT h 2 ROOM apartments, bath and water in- a,"d .p,ultrt8i oman?n each. Cocfeer-. w,d pt,J.,. ' . y. TCT"g eluded; within walking distance 38 f,1"- .bred from 2nd prize cock. 1912 "I." 1 o IOOlll nouse 1 hlnolr 1 onrl tin Co 11 u . " rvruana KnOW. JD DUir nchnrn mil. car. $16:50. . 113 Humbolt itttrk jaHEr a ' ,k- L??; 7c"d u?ks. Japanese from L C-1821. $84 room house.. 1457 Union ave. opposite Woodlawn school, on 2 car- iii.ro. . iiiuuirt next aoor. HOUSES tor . working men. in South Portland. $1 to $10 per month. In- quire S18 Lumbermeng bldg. SEVEN room house. 672 Belmont. $18' uJ.,r?2 hoU8e- S6S Bnont. $10. Ir': EIGHT room. house. 19 list & 1! ' ; .blocks from R. Ankeny car barn '$! i - Phone East 1804. ' i ; i KITCHEN with alcove hedrontr, Tn !l :'- ! furnished. 4$9.60. Light and water "''W- free. 1186 Klrby st. ' - v. I. room cottage and bath. 350 San mufi, oenwowi si I. CORNER 14th. Columbia. Good con- onion, ciose' in. owner, zap. M. 7326. MODERN cottage, large porch, yard, - OQ' IIUXIII .' SID. iCIfl ST MP . V"Tfr.4 "1J '. . U '. : 'l . rivr, rnoin coiuige rurmsned to rent. ;nn wi r., Morrison.; lnone E. 401. MODERN 7 room and garage, good lo- w . v n M o - fj v vj cation. 860 Monroe. Phone C-1030. FtiV,? ST 5. Tyi cottages, $10, $12. zvit niniim.i iijq St. car. " MODERN room house for rent. $lfc E 2465. -- i. - , . HOUSES Irvlngton, East ;27. WT1 , Herdman.-- L.i-:,.--,. . ., FIVE room' -nltar for rent ' cia' ii K bin ave. Woodlawn 1601., h.-t fii Ti ri?ms "a?1", water, silkie bantams faw golden pheasant heat and phone. $25 month. E. 1808. males. $5 each! Address r" Green. FOR RENT PLATS Beaverton Route t BUFF ORPINGTON'S Blue rihln . THIS WILL SUIT YOTI siock; every nrst prixe at the great New. modern 4 rnnm tint Portland Show: stock and n tnr Porch, sleeping porch. Dutch kitchen. ' 8a,e- wr,t ror mating list today. Wm. linoleum, buffet, bookcase, disappear! 1- Upshaw & Sona. Sherwood. Or. t ciose in, sib. 86 Fremont I HAVE several high grade slnglo . u.w.w.vL't ic. Lur. AiHrsnn i i i u 1 1 1 11 fl i . 11 I ih-k m r, I a taf aa i . . ' I -Reasonable. Also 2 inenhators i an 6 . ROOM modern, with front inS aP -?4 .ef- fhone Sellwood 1556. back yard and norchea- .iirin. hi.i- rsenaiem ave. tance. Has a gas range and water heat er and linoleum on floor: $16.50 to WT. cnolce 6 room upper flat, 369 o .l. n" Broadway or Irvlngton cars. $27 50 qu,ck- P?n today. Rent only FOR SALE White Orpington cock; fine bird cheap. 2Sl Glenn ave. B 1858. T BARRED Rock cockerels for sale, L. Bell. 1207 Tabor 3130. Belmont st W Phone ROOM lower flat, furnished, $20; TfiLrn,iash,e,d-1,6! . basement! j.iviwn ,gin luok ave. MODERN 4 room corner flat 394 Ben ton. 2 blocks Broadway bridge ap proach. C-2021. ' . - . THREE room flat, bath and pantry $9 j. per month. No children. 729 Wil liams ave. . S1? i??? Part 301 E. llth. 4 rooms, . 1' block souths Hawthorne; no chil dren. Main 6030. or East 963. ' THRE1' ',' uiwucru. waiaing distance, reasonable. 63 V. Mnm.n 48?en1l50ARK-rge 3 roomsfl HATCHING eggs from Urge White Leghorns, settings SI: $6 per 100. c Lj. ferKins, H37 Burrage st Wdln 937. ANCONA cockerel for sale, son of first ler .fortiai Main 3384. prize- winner .Portland show. 22.50. (SS I4tn bi. THOMPSON Ringlet Barred Rock cock, erels; prices reasonable. Phone Ta- oor 187. , : , ; EXHIBITION Barred Rock eaas. Car. neaux. Belgian hares. . Hamlet, Bog zs. ronianu, -. BUFF ORPINGTON cockerels; also eggs, ror natcning. noi Mlchl gan ave. " " - FOR SALE Two Cornish Indian game cockerels. 1-b eacn. x-&2, journat T- DROP head machines of all makes. $7.50 to 32b. Box covers $3 up. Rent ing and repairing. Phone Main 297S. Portland t. M. Co.. 207 Third. A 25x48 Inch by 16 foot Rand-Larmon sliding bed lathe, practically new; will sell at a reasonable figure. See Sexton at 170 Front st. FOR SALE, a donkey engine, link mo tion; first class condition. E-683. Journal. HALF price: Dayton Borrell comput ing scale, latest model, call 660 E. AnKeny. PLUMBING fixtures, pipe and fit tings, sold direct to you. Stark Davis Co.. 249 Salmon. Main 797. OFFICE deak. 2 desk chairs. 6 extra chairs, rug, city and county maps eneap. inquire 304 Gernnger bldg. NEW White sewing machine, latest model, at a sacrifice. Hotel Mlnook. 4th and Salmon. Well Rotted Manure Horse and cow. Tabor 5142. FIRST growth cordwood. near Port land, bargain; low freight rate. T 1000, Journal. FOR SALE One good suit and over coat, reasonable. Violet Tailor Shop, az yamniii st. FlRETRROF cheap. safe, cost $8 2. for sale 0-549. Journal. TWO 2-cycle boat eneinee, 4Vs and 3 norse power, izz 1 6th. $12 60 DROP-lifcAD sewing machines. can isz Grand avenue. PIANO for sale for $50 cash if taken at once. East 2800. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS (Continued) 8. H. BARGER, THE AUCTIONEER Will sell your residence furniture o will pay you highest cash prices for same. Call East 1022. Store, 263 K. Morrison st N. P. We buy and sell everything In the furniture line at bargalna. If you don't get our prices you win probably pay more. a. it Bsrger. YOU DON'T NEED IT 1 do and I will pay all your furnl ture and household goods are wortn. Main 3022. 204 1st HIGHEST prices paid for household furniture. Do not give it away to auctioneers or second hand stores. fhone hast 6462 or a postal and rep- reeniative win call. urand Ha pi a rurnuure r.x., lib urand avenue. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS .14 WE have accumulated a number of second-hand Pianos that have been traded in on new Pianos and Player Pianos. Among them are a aood mnnv of the World's Standard Makes Kim- Dall, Hardman, Schubert Jesse French Starck, Lagonda. Willard. Henry 4k S. G. Lindeman, Brewster. Howard, Steln- uacn tt urener. Monarch and others. These Pianos are being put In good condition, and will be sold for 3147.50 los.uu, tio.uo and up. Every one of fered is a big bargain. We also have a few second-hand 88 note Player Pianos for as low as $318.00, 3327.00. $355.00. J3S.U0 anu up. It will pay you to see these instruments earl v. Their will not last long at thee prices. Reed- rrencn reano Mfg. to., loth and Stark. aii l rniijM i piano just like a new Instrument st one-half the original cost. Call at 248 Nartilla St. or rhone Marshall 4268. WHOLESALE sample pianos. all standard makes, been used for dem onstration in our wholesale offices Regular $300 uprgiht $182. Beautiful latest player piano. $650 style, $378. E. H. HOLT PIANO CO.. Wholesalers. ivi-im neinng rOg. LOOK at the fine 88 note Player Piano in our wmaow ror isbs.oo Th.n come In and try it. Reasonable terms or payment granted. Here Is a snsp in a good instrument. Reed-French Piano wig, o.. min ana staric sts. ALMOST new Hallett & Davis mahog any Piano. $275.00. Looks Just as good as new. and used less than one year, rnone -zuiy witit. trade a good standard make player piano as part payment on a gvoa a passenger auto. Must be in good condition, and up to date. Ad- oreps journal. uimmwn yuunugrapn witn 7 b new records for sale cheap. X-854. Jour nal. A ucHJU tone r-tano, 3175 cash: case In govu couumon; cot an old rattle trap. City Storage. 209 Oak st. NEW buffet saxophone and case, sll- .ver Pj;or 8al cheap. Coulter, 800 Labbe bldg. GEVURTZ FURNITURE STORE. 208 1ST. MARSHALL 6911 Will pay best price for your furniture carpets, sioves. etc.. etc. New an second r.ann iurtilure our s;eclalty GRADUATE chiropodist manicurist scientific masseuse, thermal blh; formerly 4th arid With sts. and 614 Dekum bldg.. now 4t Uucrianaa bids, 2t4Vi Washington, opp. Perkins botet Treots omen nnly. MRS. tiTtVLNB, 2 years Port'.abd a leading linlsl and clsirvoyant, ba her late books on sale I US Morn son at Her science teaches bow to make Ufa worth living bow la be bap hy and successful. Parlors open dally. DR. O W. FxjvVLER gva clsirvoyant LAlIES afe and sure, no experi ment; experienced nurse. 22$ th t., room 16. BALM of tics, remedy for dlaessea of women. 604 Davis st Main XJI USE Rasselt'a Native Herbs or rheu matism ;6o tablets 2Sc. All druggists Scalp Specialist HI 'tf1- SAVE $2 to $10 by buying your trunk or suit case at 51Z h at 17th DANt'ES every Thursday night Swlas tiau. Third and Jerrerson. CHARACTER read from voice. Madam Smith. 564 Flanders. Marshall 2747. readings dally. to i. clsesea mesaagea and development Tuea abd Frt. evenings. t:4 Room 20. 141 Orand ave.. oorner K. Motnsra. LAllr8 skirts rut made asd trim mod I $3. Ladles' suits fit: lining, remodel lag. repairing work guaranteed. Klch anbach. The Tailor, 4lk Wash, near 14th. Carlton Hotel bldg. FEU VET HANEBL'T Leading wig and toupee tnakara. flnaat stock human balr goods; hair dressing, manicuring, face, scalp treetmenta 147 Broadway, near Morrison. Main 546. EVERYBODY needs to read In Hall e new 31-pege book. "A Oodoend to Humanity-: $1.1 by malt Addrwae Dr Pendroy, 11 H Morrison st. Portland. Ore ro n. oPlR 1 TL'AL medium. Rev. Virginia Row. Readings, healing, daily cir cles Tuesday and Friday evenings I o'clock. Hi 4th st- Pbone A-T114. MATKIMONlAL papr with deecrlB tona wealthy mtrrlif eabls people; raper lSc- Mrs. Bell. 2(16 West fist lii AngeUs. Cat MY wife, Ruth Dorffler. has left my board and bed. Will not be respon sible for any bills run by her. K 11. Dorffler. VEL V ET I N A CHOP All hair work guaranteed. Free manicure, meaner or ansmpoo. coupons from your drug gist students wanted. 61$ Swetland. rTIOt; OK APPLICATION MKlUltTS TBI IT ( , u v a w r Ti t I'PKRATE A gTTRLKT MAILWaV ssWA M K. Notice Is berekr given ISat Kairts Traat cosnpssy on Jumrr It. 11, filed wita the auditor ef tbe sty of lortland an appBcatioa t tie council of U city cf Wttland Tor ttie rrmat Ing of aa IS rar rrsat.iM us strae and opwrete a street rsltwsy. either arngie or tfeuble trsik. for t be traai porta is oa at pea-tter-s In. over, along and utwa li roiiuoug a mn t l re la end btwie wittut, the city of Portlaad. Ca tbe barn s r or tn sahlngto street, from He IkirtMroim ,.r awid HarneO road or Washington iteet ssvd Kiagetoa s venue, end tui.ti.i r i ssirt In an easterly olTextlnei aJu. K t.setoa evoaue asd outtiet Mtii Kit.grtoa) avenue to the rr let - ui.n , ; aat4 Kin est on avetiuo srd reitv.rs Imu)o vara, ibxu ooetbweaterlT fs ir- view ttii sr4l m no .ti , atorly along I'alrriro HHiever 4 ut,o nrtt asterly alor.g faiti It,- .,0 a nd northwetrl lo. r ai ImvoVs- ro ana soutT. eteri tlm-i ) ..r WW Imulevsre t lh elle Hi i :., ,trly Me of liws tK Atlir. t.r. It.- ti l. fstd j roo i . fi. t t I., w-n tuMlbed tn fu.l SO the ! 1 i lisllf Abstract la the laei.e ,( J,i, ii and the Mmr.li on Tr it 1 1. . :'-,,f the underslSMed t.1 m l. i umtssl by troona ltitereeied Iteajuest Is rvett. trwi O 1 i. toon t. a vtrt ear ol jrt u.t. -propooed franh1t. oi . . toereof. file the-sanar. m tl' i the audH'r it. in IS da f. . first puMhaUon of ihi rntl touet Is rr.sje therefnr 11,. . will ria a I. me for her r i tloas and wtl lv rM.i.i- . of the t-'.me so fiel. WMct, ti.' be net leas t ha a five da a This rtotire le ctvem .iut' rnaner and otaiiutict ,r - Ieted at PorUenA. hmi rit-i published the I Id day f Jirm... r 1 e A L HAM". I. J AurtMr of te City "t l'mn.,i are wit a the .d If -unrU )er- aball . . t. tF.Al.FD bids win t- fe-ii.(t t. i, otiara oi npunif cntnnnaiitiief a. room 70S. (v.ui( tiouae. I'l-nintil i m , until je a m. Feb 2. ; t..i i t maihlr.e 1 edslng rns'l . mc.i t bisna loli Mj in -all-.i - f.ia at t. a . . . . . . ... i b .i i ii v vi i i.e. tkwiu oi i orn- nrtlasieaers No prorea1s will t cm.ai.vn-d -unites avnmt,artiod ti a ,-.e. . .a.-aMe to tbe order ef the tard r .!( romtnlssi-'ner tf Mui:m.i . uMr, certified. by a IlKiriVW Imi.l. t-.f mm amount equal lo is -t rent t! it,,, ag rese J'ro.oeal The tlft-t la el presaly imtir to text a ai.d all bid a Dated at Portland Or , J ; lM. BOAHU OK (MINTT M M I floK. KR8 by Itufus C 11 'una. i 'ba'Miiaa. v t. . fouM) formtiiakU.ber. i V. Matt, t'outiti "iitnir larlotior. TIIK trualees at the t'fwu l,te 11 t.r . Klm tntite l-i .-i li ef tiooks to lie tumiat.ed sh.H.I htiterloS of tbe state fr 11 irnl ; eara thereafter Llala st A rm. Iiiji.i.. u poa regueat Rids cjoae K4. 1 1 Professional and Business Directory ABBTEACTt 07 TTTXX rou C Sroorrtj sttbln Multauaiab coasty. aea . Scott. iaH 41b at. stale Mil. AKT MATT1XSI WOSK at ATTk2KisK8 mMald and to ereer. Tse only aperlal admirable abop. Maraball S6T. ATToavrrs . K. GRCENrlKLU General orai-ttre. ab stracts, eonuracta. eeilerltoaa. lalartea. eta. Beaxived to new offlcea. 7u7. 70s. log otlUag bldg. Conaultatlon free. BLAVK BOOK H1CZ1I UOWK, DAVIS COMPANY, 10 2d at Blaak book BUBUItrturera; agents for Jones' IB roved Loose Laf Ldcer. See tbe new loreka Ieat. A-31A-U Mais IKS. BOOKS 8ZC0SD HID aTTTglO SCHOOLS AJTP TIACaTimg g TlllKLHOBN. vteils lasrkar. MMI kevria. SOT rietdner bkts AlSfl. itarakall 13B K. LAWKO.N ataae atedls. 423 H btorrisue. - rorriAt st sin LAhIalE oa 4aso aaraau4 aleara la 10 Vie 99 leaiw KmIm v. t-ii Playtag. r b let. bos Ctiera btdf. tyABTlK LtyOTTAOl TtAOCKM C. HkRAULJATI. aaeokoer of M Spemlab atoaenia. Isatrortnr Span sib. Xr rtetdner b4 HI. XAX. 10 l. TH101T. tTJTOI SpectalUl. stodTate f. r. t L stodrate prtrea. a lay . BIT fiekaai Glaae ritleS . bMf .se aa4 Wait SCHOOL, booka boagbt, aold and eirbaaced. ion otb at. opp. p. o in aa mx. BB.ABB AMD MA CHIME W01M HARPERS Hraaa Works. Brass raatlof aod marniDe wfiraa. i'j mo ai. aiaia CAS. PET CLEAMIMO JOYCB BROS.' Klectric CleanlDg work, ear- pets eleaoed and laid, refilling oar ape- rtaity. Ksat- 440. B 193. J04 E. Itb at. W. CAXPZT WTAVIMO N O RTH W tT KLQ WORKS, raca rroai oh earveta; rag ruga, rarpet eteaaiag- 1SS B. Stb at., near Kat Yanblll. lOUB ran nad lata brautlful rasa er car pets. 1618 I'aMon are., Wno41awa VHA. CHATB CAH0 AMD BXrATBIXQ CHAlK4iM.NO and rrpalDnc. Prices aonable. I 'bone S-Ilwood ten 44 K. CHiaormAcmca UELKN rHK'k. 501 Nartbweat bldg. Orag. oau Palmer eVbool of CblropraeUc. tavaa port. lo a. Hoera IMi. I)R. McMAUON Latest alpaaest. Two ef flrea. 121 41b. ' WllUaBas are. IS ae- Joatmenla tl". Lady atteadaata. Kaat SSJV t)R. HELKNA COatSTOCK. 3l 14U; cbronlr dlameea S IreatBaenta k-V Mala SOI CIKCTTLAK ADCgtaUQ EXPERT addrrealng ll" perla. Aedreaa graf hOi. mom J. Portlaad Treat M. COAX AMD WOOD B3SS1SI sad COAL prompt stRnca ALBIMA rt KL ro. r-at l4 C IIIT. WANTED The people of Portland to know that. I pay highest cash price for second hand household goods. No amount of furniture too large or too small to consider. Prompt attention. N. M. Seater. phone Kant 8707. "NOTlCK TO MOVKKS." Just opened un. We must have 11000 worth of second-hand furnltura Will pay top notch price. Used Kurai ture Co.. East 636. I WANT about 100 folding chairs for my new hail at Multnomah. Will pay cash for a snap, or take them ni first payment on a good lot. Bee me at 61? I'latt bldK. FCIX bltonlsnaa met. ao U to PM toe. Mine to mmnvr dlrert. Sav sstddle saes'a profit. ConasBaera T1 Ce.. wnf rt la asd tar lor ala -boee East :ig, Bills. ZXXCTIJO Moroaa Asm tmiwM atOTOKJt. eeDeratura bmkL al4 eeaiad mA rvoalred Wa en all hiMi, i,.. . . mlmllB, ail wM-a ....... j j t Klertrle to.. II . lt at. Pboae Mala HI K bey. seU. rest aad eirbaaga sew asd aer sed basd aaoCora. rvsalr work a iMrt,H, Wasters Peetrlf mrorba. Ill Stb at. War eva i PATIMO rOMrAVItf 7Hg fcAhKftl AF'141.1 llllluill laae effw I lrmr tarv 6$ PtPMI tHQP i u wis 1 1 m ! i i lZ ami mt.p on t luimLM i i.t vg Minr. i isMiiL at I 1IIV ST llli.M MtIV IMS PUTTIMO AKSlJlt I'lll.M m . 171 M.ks a.t Pr-latlns i 4.-a ar l.,t.l4 iwiz aLoO lUlllI STAMPS AMD f Alb alriKlla. trad rlmli. utkm Kas. PACiric (xiakt Mvir ai.sKa Z 1 Waablnal'is M,lt ' l A 771 AtU bTkaa alaua .rffl. u.liea ItlLlaae g. THE lua l UolSi.s tMi'4i M HfLL lr Mala ml A Ul. SCALP (PEClALISTb kJ ul tbr vaneaafalir lieaies as balf M.ei kld( EWIXO MACHtSCB EXECTlOLTIIg BlPEafLlOlg UAltt , aUW. waru. etc. dsstreyad fan -er br elertnc aeedle, as pala. an ersr; ewe gear aateed. Mile pe Iwif. aV4 SoeHeae btdf MOLES, aoperflaa balr reaaoveA. Mrs. M.l. Mill. S rTetdrer b4. Mala MTA PIEE nrfrja Ars LET OWES BCMMERg erlte rear fire la earasee SS Morgas btd Mais MS OAaoLiMx EMonrrs ia aae autkuea . aaarla barSoara. UAS POWKR A LI-I'LT fo. ISA ITS Pt, St.. betveea Mo 'lane aa TaKbfll. OLAH AMD LAX ISO T1MMA. ChEAg A CO.. Ibe-lss M at PraeBs4 siais vi J'U. HAT PACTOIT LADlts. a-ileeaeea bala rleaaeA, baarbea aattafaewily. bvyal Hat arka Ut at Z0DAK tVTTUZl TJUnT0 avtsriar aae eskarss. ill MAl CR PHOTO SlM-tT IX . bai a laa LA V DC A P X 0 A K Issaarspes asd fee -ai (are Uag. L-UI4 Km at arr BETTER SWISS FLORAL CO. MACX1VX1T B. TBEMkMAM a .0 . berssU aa4 aa-rlaj PM . Bsaete alalia, eu task a. aalsiag sas rlla ry. n -p .Ira 04 4k st. KbGlbLa. bUlera. aae a a aaM. eeM ea4 eirbaa4)e4 Tse I k Marti a Cm, -artlasA(w REAL PAKU.tlNS LA MEW Bierblt a. 4 II UIM ferbsr j 1 . Ked baa: la r Maitloe resied asi retir4 knli Mi,u. Eaipuiiusi.liMi 4 Main at.i BXEET MITAi WO AtOB 1U at el will tasraal Mala 1424 i t ml k. roi.rii.ft. getl a )itiMaet. iieit lJ ..K.a.l.l. t4 lar ( TAXIDIBJIIIT b. 04IK11. mu--m bat ta t H tlvlet. Ik I. klsa nt ei rt BUwSiiiSi rrea. els. , laV t.)astt 1 I TRAMtrts ajro trciAer TEAMS AVp A I TO TANS rR UiXy IHKTM t Moving S1aa?Sw?r7 ; i r pi Mate ni . a ri OREGON. TRANSFEfl CO. 11 a Ut lab I la;. 1iaaa..et aae f.e-waiaiiif a mta bi.c, ttm t it .( orrir etstata. uiaai at l1k a i.4 llaaa. Mala S A III lEIEJIOERS MOTOMCK trs aa4 77 1 1. Pa aa Mais L4, tlU HasTT MraegioER CO MODEL WORE i-tiRttAMi MotAt bUkkk-S parfatt la.' anaae all sf ainas a a pal J. 14? 4 at. a a U a ten aa. H We Buy Everything you have to sell. THE FA IK DEAL Main I7. WANTKL 8erond hand safe, medium sixe; must he cheap and In good condition; state make and slle In and outMde In lust letter. J-714. Journal. liK WISE, get more ror your aeoona hand furniture by selling it to Kurd Auction Co.. 211 1st. Main 8ll STORK fixtures bought sold and ex changed at 41st and Division st Phone evenings Ta bor 2402. SECOND HAND clothing wanted. Ilvo-j NEER & FARR lZ A Lf UZJZ Alao aaared t ofiW. IfMBpt M. PA I ery- 40M. A-4M7. VyUAM WRECKAGE Ua-T?: Uabt-all lero a .a;ribr. Pe 4eTi. T"t LTON Wo.4 to . Aeak a aa Arr I a a elabra4. TrT " ba nag p I m-f lynn Ma lAaet. Mala twi. A 1-oattAMt RklMAM kUkaOoD aoFTiT Cm. 4 too e aotrr slab. I Wood. Mals JIAa. A -Tv 41. ( ef ajnAtU PAI1MC HUkWiam t-O . Mais XJisi. A TU4 Of re abort an 4. bkw. M( teat, esaall lanloa. dr Ubn-1. ab-a-t. pia itlala MATT10PATHIC TM Til CI A MR LK CltO EH Para If aaa. a r seA rbml 11 sat a ti4A tan aa las bag M. klA OgTXOP ATMIC PaTTE XCI A MS LmTJjlJLiUk.lXM'tAfiu'KmhnTmpmAirm e a rv i. a tie ae4 rb j sat 4 a aa. 41A t laskMa b4A Mala bsai. ft ft. IlklMivi.r g"ttk.AUS II1UU 111 A SjJiAi.k (tl I see i ri -r ..f art W'Sa ae' is,arla4 lat- "bMaw .- f..-li-i mi u smms era tHateibf aa luaj.ef.tiut, vlu rm rti p a. Iliaiaet..4 uuh ilt-i-C al rniw-t n . ntniH .i'b a4 b rue y mm wai v kl h.mar rt' 1, a 14 A xrell Mala fc4a. a K.", Co Mil 1tai.fi Aa. a ass Maiut a ei -t a-a nu In e sua aud tareie 4 i, fiKhima k w i-.tf-ui-f 'jf attk flaw ers. I'laam aa4 fsruitiea umk ta imilmg mt aAvliteaa ai,i rakn u w i,a w p a aa au ibTMaa tr iu :. a-.m iite auk tan las f Ifrta baa la torn a 1 X'j M aV s t a a si jfcTair a Tn a i si" "sTTS" 1Mb a4 lfi1l S'i . ..I. lo.wi.ntl 1reas. ptaatiw n4 f ut in "I., m.'tHi a,'4 aaal a. l. 4 rb-lM Mali 5i: A 2.14 PAISTTMO AMD PAPER IM lolta pXJLb G. L. davenport:::... ft. iw-iive- sesw eW-ret,- M k, rit'sAt Aaassl bMbb - I .111 it 1 a-t ...M . AV.. -" '! AgJOi IE lite at be-lit- R. i J-rf- .... '- rase nnj . Paletlns Tiatti ln'.,.i, I e- ,1 . .. ai M.ia eaM a,.,, is. . ,, a atai a aas ltoT IH atle pr ttea PATTMT ATTORMETR f4tM lv' br 1. A MCMsL late ,i t R PATEAT OPPICR tide R4. mf T tatta aea pi a io4 jm a an:e sil&o ru:t ilMtT wi.t.4 . : i ivtat "a1aT Maaa r'ji. i.u MillHT art uw4 frusa r be be iMIss. 2JHt tnA. Pbf M.la a iT. A-kiaa 4RKlli 4 VarA. Tir. sab s4 ask 3 and ea at R taoaable peW. M. HQ44 A bU. rUAt,l P. 1 EVKRta. MAI "fsj LnirC0al rvxrr p (i-mt str iiltV .b aad b-. mmm I. af4 1 aaA at StaI.rd Wand Cm . tW rl ISsA COAL Edlefsen Fuel Co. 7C3 Stark at so. f ; worth In next cash prices paid. SO days; Main 92(3. nlghei ! Jd. nilMQ anJ Cameras wayited; highest UUIXO prices paid. SlVb N. Id. CASH for pianos or furniture; room 15. Cambridge. 16&H Jd; Main 4'. lilUHto'i' prices paid for Xd-hand fur niture. Galvln. Ill Orand av. E. 4534. WANTED Rifles, shotguns, cameras. Hochfeld. 36 N. 3d st. Main 3&I1. WANTED Diamond; describe fully; state price. B-888. Journal. HIGHEsT prices paid for Id-band clothes. Main -1313: A-36R1. 344 1st. GOOD beach lots to trade for piano 8-899. JourriaL WANTED Piano or good phonograph; wr-m 1 1 ug miij . vj-opv. journaL A, GENUINE Hard man Piano, in good condition. 3 ICS cash. M-774. JournaL LOST AX I) FOUXI) 21 iSTsturdsVLrnVmn . aquamarine pendant with small dia. raond on gold chain. Return to 2S1 12th st Marshall 3774. Reward. LtOST A package. Saturday afternoon. containing 2 yards of swansdown and one beaded butterfly. Reward. East 661 1. Manufacturers Jobbers Wholesalers I aWberr, Cerfa-Uaa-ra' aad PaveAals ey-lfe PATMT Ofl AMP A'-ASk t0tf Mtteaa A r 4'b-.lka.a m 'vTe PRTOOO ioliaa: Fleschner, Mayer &, Co. JTAEM ntPLEM IMTS A MP VEMiCLXS M AlA A to. an HaolA-nrea sea. afrbrelta l tst-t pMllEIl0?! PUR, OTtTEEJ AMP ICE C1ES ATT-mrt. "-" jeegsjeats eaU-ied. MAtARbbl A tv lae I4S Pf-M et--l Asopt ab.ri BBrtbw far a-4rb rf alfa T . Sb-n Adrartr-f.t lal. t.utt. M satui IR0MVX0RZJ COMTRACTORR AMP trOTLPERg ' "'.Q, HORACE D. JoMji-JlT . A" Ar2mV I BVILO ATHINO PROM SfbrM DOORS Meaaaa S" TO A HOTt.U. TAHOR I-C4. Caast-M IPPCAT10MAL tEATHER AMP PTMPtMaa " -, -PA1IC-I0- - - CM Aa l MAbtlia 14 r x. L uT ee of try A-a-rla . fWdlftj JiO 'lVmJL''XXl MACKIMIRT AMP SCPPtlTR (C yTa. tsret j a. tbreet alar EiMMgAMAA-W ALamo II OO. VllliJ AaBflag las(bt. saarstsc. aft- Sawmill b4lt aad t arklaaT blaa f Jrkr!r eeals. gaaraa- wr, . ... OfY tee to teara asroae a ho sTIXt SBPTLJIS flilAl bow " daeee. A- pAtXnC rf Alfjl'stRREtt CXI . A 34 sc ll jA' ' Stark aad Oak M -beele.l ra4 r a 4a. Jl auv l-bM Mala IeW. V MEM AMP WOECTt MXGaTWXAR MR. AND MRR. HEATH g SrsyvAa. Umt4 tOLlMKlA a-A-ear Mff. Co. M 4Mb eT St.. bet era Waab. asd Stark, asd Altaky . w.. . I HdA.. Ad asd MOTtane sts. lean, aall. PEMAMIMTAL Will AMP IROM alia aad two at aaaraalerA ta 4 Ii mi. 10 SI LA Mj blkk Abtl IfcUiX KUkAA. X4 I Class kioe PrL eres to IS. lot M M. id L Arxsltectsral ara-t sad Irea. at Has. A 1 T? I Rami est a a c; it $ "e. b r t---f j.4 aa T-iett. MoTtklkl PAilff tl.; NS 1- M Mels'iAlC - PTPE PIPE tlTTJMOs VALVfk M. L. aaa I a at t-uruas4 i PtrWRfPte TTTAM PrPPUIR mTTTkline ea k I a. r-ot liaaA PIPE OO r PtPT poaTtAbtt i7:?"ira o rn J3 m tm mt 4'b kA ela Male A- ROPt AMP RfMtltR rvTMt Portland Cordage O. IIOW CABER AMP PrXTTP Irtlf faa 4rnte"Cr"faAT saA ef r ruiarea. Rk lal eia a TETMRS AMP RAV Ml Lib OM AM freak A lauj "- 4M - 4 b ! ate eafa. ia. se Rut rial fi4f ae4 raa WALL PAP" bokui bv k tat a Ralaaue AU. PAI AT 4JO Ub S4 av. law aa M- it t. i-.--r : t1 i' ' - s ( -V I :