4:- THE" OREGON, SUNDAY ..JOURNAL. PORTLAND. SUNDAY. MORNING. JANUARY 29... 1914. : innrni i ni iivr ' tii iirrv v I . in mi iiiiiii umiii i .juotxn Dum lumen J.' 'i if r. aim r hr titiif . AH tAAmrLt Ur WAT ! T- OPINION IS SHIFTED , ATHLETIC GENTLEMEN , ENGLAND MAS PRETTY . - ARE OTTAWA'S RULERS IDEA OF IAN AMATEUR E W TODAY hmur dot. or -Hartman & Thompson Organized Persons Sure He Was Greatest Bail Playe Until He Took Big Jump, hst knows as captain of the crack Britannia war canoe crew, whloh A ,,. , .rf.n. fra the Was Greatest Bail Player i.. 1 1 x-i 1 1 . t" - i. ri! i pP-the A. C. C. championiihlps of toe th.-eneroua nature of ths offer united state. The whole board ;tey couM B0, wnMtr as amateur. ffl'.V1 a. I?tolilMr- ."l those whose expenses ware paid by v.v..c J5 -i y club or country ether than their lacrosse players of hla time. Dr. Pa. rent la an ardent follower of baseball, so also Is Controller Nelson. The council too, has its quota of sporting men. - Mjr Frank G. Menke. . New York, Jan. 25. Isn't It odd how certain' little Incidents . will cause a startling shift In opinion? Taks the case of Joseph Burt Tinker, for instance. At the time Garry Herr mann, "boss' of the Reds, placed him .on the auction block, a large number of baseball 'club owners lost their equi ' llbrium and several other artificial possessions in the mad scramble for the said Mr. Tinker. All the organized magnates, at that particular period, figured that Tinker was one of the most valuable short-stopping- persons In captivity. Pitts burs; wanted 'him, so did Philadelphia. The St. Louis Cardinals longed for Tinker with a fervent longing. Ditto foe Brooklyn. A half dozen American league teams wanted Tinker, and would have injected themselves into the bat tle for Tinker's services had they felt there was a chance of landing him. But there wasn't. Tinker was 'on the adctlon block, all right, but only Na tional leaguers bids were recognized. Bald Ee Was Greatest Xver. Herrmann, the proud and haughty owner of Tinker, assured the populace ever and anon that Tinker was one of the greatest ball players In these , United State. C. Jlollday Ebbeta, president of the Brooklyn club, agreed' with the Ohio river resident, and final-, ly annexed the aforementioned Tinker gentleman after agroeing to the "nick ing" of the Brooklyn bankroll to the extent of $25,000. And then Joy percolated In the bosom own. GOLFER HORNE WILL. GO TO SOUTH "AFRICA CLUB W. H. Home, the famous English professional golf player, has been ap pointed to the Durban club. South Af rifa. Horne, who is 81 years of age, is probably the biggest player In the professional ranks of Great Britain, for be stands over six feet high and is powerfully built Hie greatest achievement was the driving of a ball 388 yards at Norti Berwick In 190 the greatest distance on record. Horne holds many records, and will be remembered as the "masked golfer" who created such a stir in this coun try some time ago. Albany Shoot in June. Albany, Or., Jan. 24. The annual shoot of the Oregon State Sports men s association win do neia at Al bany some time in June, If an appli cation of the Albany Gun club Is ac cepted by the board f the associa tion which meets In Portland this evening. Pitcher Brother Man-leg. Oregon City. Or- Jan. Je. The brother of Pitcher Callff, of Paclflo Coast League fame, Marvin M. Callff, was granted a license to wed Miss Anna Mary Btuts In Clackamas county Fri day. Callff Is a resident of Oregon City. - Another license was Issued to William McDowell Lewis, of 21 East Seventh-sixth street. Portland, and Miss Bessie Tarn ell. changing of as athlete from one school to another brings up the fact that there should be a rule among the in terscbolastlo aasoclatlor as is the ease among the colleges that an aUxlcte should remain a year In the school before being allowed te represent in etnieuee." It AUCTIONS Chemaws Beats Pacific (Special to Ike Journal.) Chemawa, Or Jan. 24. The Paciflo University played the Chemawa In dians at the Indian school gymnasium tonight in one of the games of the Willamette Valley league, tbe Indiana winning the game by clean fast play ing by a score of 28 to 18. Downle of the Indian team was the Chemawa star. Ireland of the University starred for the visitors, Thompson of the Portland T. M. C A. refereed the game. ft DUFFY SAYS ATHLETES I. SHOULD BE CONTROLLED I ( - : I Ottawa's city aovernina board la The report of tne recent annual i nr whiij, im -nimr ipnni made nfi of men who have all shown meeting of the English Amateur Row- champion, says. "Despite the feet that ability in athletics - at sometime In Ing association says that early last' A. S. Robinson, the well known school- . their early career In the Dominion of year a letter had been received from j boy sprinter. Is one, of the world's Canada. Mavor MeVeitv several Tears Melbourne Amateur Regatta asso-1 foremost athletlo performers, the v6iJM mOZ'tltiM N,w 8outn Wle n Mercerburg champion Is having his KO was tne nest gentleman Dozer ia .,.. thm vtotnria Rowln v., . .. man an jungiisn crew euuuia Osr. Fenrtfc ead Stark Su. t ass A-toee XssjiSZ 3 MEETING NOTICE (Coetlened) 41 iBARGAlNb' M m A. 40 a. 2 coltl .eted, ali best Yaeeoeeer, Wi. s w acaoot aaa storee. dis-s hu, Veeced. Mr. Bohrtwtiik. 1 sear I wall 1 rORTI.AMl STAR HOMESTEAD NO. 4 2. R A. meets every Thursday evening In the Moves hall of the Ho at Wd. 14414 Uonnon at.. H, W. cor. ?th mU Vial tors welcome. FRANCES FRY. 40 .iMP-ON HT. -Plvon Wood lawn 4. Onrrponiwnt. ! MA$ireRATi5Tirrguo theJ-- grea staff of Enraka council No. SSt, K. and L. of Monday evening. Feb. If, Six grand prises. Add. 24c. Vnloi music fc. Bide W. O. W. ball. K lh and Alder. Vital Statistics marriages. Births. Deaths. txm saij iior.es . ei (CeatteS NEW TODAY Judge Morrow at Oorvalllg. No court was held yesterday by Cir cuit Judge Morrow as he spent the of Mr. Etibets. He lifted his voice to ' day at Corvallis. He expects to return the siren pitch in trying to tell every one on thiw hemisphere the harpoon ing of Tinker, nrnde it certain Brook lyn would grab the 1914 National league bunting. "Tinker Is worth twice what I paid for "him," bleated Kbbcts. lip rose Frank Farroll, owner of the New York Americans. "Tinker la a wonderful ball player, has Wonderful skill in transforming a mediocre Infield into a firHt clans com bination and eH?ly is worth 150,000," averted Karrell. A nhort period later Tinker looped the .loop ami lauded in the outstretched . net of the Federal league anglers. And then. In the twinkling of an optic, the organized buxeball crowd's idea as to . Tinker's worth skidded off about 89 44-100 per cent. And Then Oct This to his court tomorrow. AUCTIONS I (tea. &6Kfcr& Co ON TUESDAY NEXT WE HAVE A TEXT SELECT IOT rUENITURE, CARPETS, MVO, AuctionSales AT Wilsons Auction House 166-168 FIRST STREET, NEAR MORRISON Regular Sales Days Monday, Wednesday and Friday Each Day at 10 a. m. T7V-1TJ riTT!1KITrT 4T. MrTTSTTTTnT.T WTTTl- N1TURB. CARPETS. STOVES. DISH- US, BEDDING. ETC, 1STJ. yE SELL AT PRIVATE SALE UPRIGHT PIANOS, all kinds of HIGH GRADE FURNITURE. RUGS, CAR PETS. STEEL GAS RANGES, WATER HEATERS, HEATING STOVES, ETO. ETC Parties furnishing are respectfully invited to look through our stock. ETC., FOB TRZS SAXjB, comprising genuine mahogany center tables, couches, rockers. Kieelow bodv Brus sels carpets, portieres, parlor desks, , fvrntr Sevonrl and Yamhill library tables, velvet and Brussels I VOTner OCCuna KOQ atunilUI ti i r nlptupoe nnti rt nalr A nJn or ! WILSON'S BANKRUPT STOCK STORE HOW TO START A BANK ACCOUNT WITH $775 We start you . and we heln yon through. Cash required $776. Your own labor I months at 12 ner dav. 1625. men yea win nave o acres nest iana in Oregon all cleared and under plow. A crop or two makes tbe .small sub sequent payments for you. Under our sales plan we can give you financial assistance while getting established. Call at our office for full particulars. REALTY be Vliia That Ioes Thtagi 803 PX.ATT BXJ0 VABX AHI WABX. STB. tVt. B -aaaaSBSBaSSSSSSSaSSSaeesaBaeaaaaM iwnx ZXCXAVOX SO te M a ; i Vhlfk atata of eolUvatkm, WlUan- ttta VsUay, sear tow a. for clear U f eltn property. Mr. Bawey. 1 mm MM1M .TIM IV XOfX CXTT T'X. anap SS3S bert 1 Is citton : aidewaUia, rarbs. atr aat K graeed sad paid for. Mr. Btahl. U TO ZXCHAXQX. Wheat land, al J If falfs ' land, stock, dairy rancbea. II IV and small farnia; no Inflated val- VI V oea. Mr. Hnlae. V fa B0MQALOW 24W). term, burs A B hrdwood flra.. flxtaras, ahadca; ekaa J to Bnae Citj Park car. Ura. EuaecU I ' I AT-AJBA0ICoI3rr"oaa! t low, wh. enamel flnlb: brkfaat ra., 1 7 3 flreplaeea; SOxano; 16230: terma. 1 IMUht eooaldar lot. Mr. Boater. HUNINR8H CARIS KI d Qmilh X. Pr. Weddings nd hi vii on ii ii i ub vsvivisliinK ; card a i Third floor Morgen Bid- j DRESS suits for rent; all slses. Unique Tailoring Co.. 10 Rtark et- DK.1TH8 AND FUNERALS 75 Rose City Park Bun galow Cut to $2750 llara's s man In trouble Beautiful S room Rose City I "ark banga.ow. bloc t a front school at4 car. -all bcllt la i-ontnloiTi, furna. artiatlo fireplace, baamed rellleg. strel tmprovamrnts la and ail paid. twnor acrptd peel tlon out vf tha rttr a ad will not rant thia ooey bnme. He wuta tha prf to J1 for - quick sale. This Is tl be- )" actual coal a It today. l I, tuth at. N Take Rose city Perk car. Dorr E. Keasey Co. Jd fir. Chamber of Commerce. Let Us Feather Your Nest New l-room bunsalow and new fur nlture, large tlvlnc and dlaing rooois. I'utcb kitchen, bath, fruit iraa. lOi is lot. good view, rood neishborbood. S blocks to car and It tnlnuias te can- 1 KIKIU At hrr lata raaMoc, IM -t ai 1 bcrta atrm. Jasaarr 22, Cartailaa ftrid. ' are SO reara. SMatba. tl da?. brl-rd wife of Patr BU-ld, DMtber or Mra Hurt. ' sas Aaderar and Karl Petrrxm of thia eltj-; Mra. OirlMlu W1rk of Tutmi, Aria. Funeral aTTlra will ba rJOdurll todaj. Jiituarr 2ft. at 1 v. tn.. trnm rraraoa'a tuo- eral narlnra. SS7-71 Koaaall atraat. muaa raarectfall; Invltad. IsterBMst Keaa tit Para cemetery. 11EKR.EN Tha funaral acrrlraa of tba lata Gearae Bfrraav who died la. thia (i7 ian. SS, 114. will be bald today (Ka1ar) at 3 p. m. from tba new rbapal of tba skawee t's dartakisg Co.. eoncladluf arrrkaa will be bald t tbe Portland Oamamrluni. andar tba ao plcea of tba Multnomah Caaip be. TT. W. O. w. riaaaa omit nowara. Wby ra,y rent whan own your own home? v bat haa you ITm SAIX aiOLECS tl Best We Can Offer $5500 Home in Lautel hurst ;for $4250 Prlrw aaaabed a war i Ul nw dear rtu ! wanta ;fcs vawtlsal' bU roe a lit botna Ttr i:la Wr l anaka trttaa to ouit n on balance. It la rw room rwiUtr with haidwooS f kX'ra anl fiat, hare wood taiffrt and c fnol3lr. Pt r piM-r. aain bat rwcap- I inn hall aM tti. far- mt i attarta. a.edl1 l Tlta o iir -it tba it. I"IS Urrti)' to maa (.r .f a al" tM-Tora Montir "mi Call Maia I I as in w 11 oil fr )oe with on r car Dorr E. Keasey & Co, Id fir Chatnferr fn 4'onatnrn-a tar of city. can you to ahow for your raars of herd earned monay paid in rent Nthln t'Ul a rocr over your nal during votir period of ocrupancy and a bunch of worthlet-a rant recalpta. Own you' own home, start now. don't put It off any lonr. we have othrra if this won't suit you. IIM'0. 1400 -esh. bal ance can b arranfrd. An ror ir. Hoiaieaton. PROVirKNT TRI.'KT CO. OW'EM. 2d Floor SalUns Bids. Cer. Ith srd Aldr Main l0o. A-ll. 903 room tables, chairs and buffets,, full fuze brass Reds. Dest steel springs, ..111. 1 .. n V, . w nun liuao cliiu xcxv Ull li ..50, . ..yum Taking it from the statements beine I pillows, beddinr. A very choice iot maria hr and tham tv.po riava hv tha ! of dressers ' and chiffoniers in m- oraanized neraona Tinker la about hogany, bird's-eye maple and quarter through ss a major league performer. ""Tinker, so we are informed Just now, is a trouble maker, his habits are hot of the bent, he Iiuh a spavin, is a suf- ferer from St. Vitus dance, 'has eight or nine broken bones in his throwing srm, will bo a detriment Instead of an aid to any team of which he is a mem- . ber, and ought to be In Jail. ' , Again we ask Isn't It odd how cer tain little Incidents will cause a startl ing shift In opinion? The same Tinker, whose sale by Cln . clnnatl to Brooklyn Involved $25,000 and established a record price for a ball player once was sold for $1.50. That was 17 years ago. I In 1896, when he was 16. Tinker i sawed oak In colonial and other good designs, steel range, kitchen cabinet, heating stoves, gas water heater, in laid linoleum size ll4xl3 ft. Also mission liinintr room suite, china cab inet, davenport, iron beds, springs and mattresses, parlor tables, mission style rockers, kitchen treasure, uten sils, large gas range with three ovens suitable for hotel or restaurant, used on year, linoleum, eto. PASTIES FUBZrcSHXZTQ KKOTJXJB INSPECT THE ABOVE OOOSS AT OUK BAXrs&OOMS, 166-168 FAJtX ST., TOMOEROW, Aucnox osr tttebijat stext at 10 A. M. UNCLAIMED FREIGHT SALE played third base for an amateur team , -v yir j j wt . a o In Kansas City, called the John Taylor WeaneSaay. IXeXt at SI club, Kddle Oswald, aged 16. acted aa ' "rCnflr nanager. I WOCK Bin With Hairan's Tailors we hold the annual sale for the Bpo- t ... . , ,!:. kane. Portland & Seattle Railway Co.. At the end of the 1896 season an Oregon Trunk Ry.. Oregon Electrio Ry. amateur team known as Hagan'e Tall- . and United Railway Co. at their ors, wanted the services of Tinker. 1 freight house. North Bank station. T-nker wouldn't Jump to their team j Eleventh and Hoyt streets. There era until h.' K.-r. vivmn n.wi..inn v,.. about 600 lots, consisting; of household vounr Dawaid Tinu.r ni Dowoiri 1 8o6a, paints, hardware, implements '. "? Z ilneI" and Oswald and various other items. Lists can be iiou ma maner over at greai lengin. , obtained at the auctioneer's offices and they decided that it would be a i TKI3 IS THE OFFICXATj SAXE TOR good plan to sell Tinker's services to I THE ABOVE COMTADTIES. PI. EASE the Tailors. NOTE DATE OF 8AIE AJBTD THE .!! en.itft Kt t HOUB Of STABTIHO 9 A. M. A8 the Hale," Oswald assured Tinker. Oswald set a price of $5 on Tinker. The 1 lagan's Tailors decided that the , sum was exorbitant.- After much dick ering and much consultation concern ing the funds in hand, the Tailor gang X offered Oswald $1.60. "That's all the money we can scrape together," they told Oswald. s t. Oswald ran back to where Tinker was waiting. "How much did they offer T" qulazed - Tlnkar, before 'Oswald could get, his . breath back after his sprint "Dollar an' half." gasped Oswald. Tinker ruminated a bit Wanted More Money. "That's kinda cheap," said Joey. ; '"Can't get "em to make it $2, can you?" ' "Nope; s'all they got," responded Os i wald. "All right; close the deal." directed ; Tinker.. "Be sure they give you the money right away." Oswald got the money, Tinker shook i hands with the manager of the Hagan's Tailors to bing the "contract" and for the next two days Tinker and Oswald feasted on candy, pies and cream puffs. In 1897 Tinker s great work for Ha . gan's Tailors enabled them to .win tha - . -championship. The next season Tink er hooked up with the Schmelsera, a "team that had regular uniforms, and Joe thought he had reached heaven. In l9a Tinker quit the SchmeUers and Joined a cooperative, team in Parsons. Kan. Some weeks 3nker would get as - much as $1 for his services. The team was beating its way on a freight train one day when a brakeman discovered them. He chased, them off the train and the team broke up right then and " there. ' (lets Munificent salary of $33. The next year Tinker landed a job as third baseman and shortstop with ;.v the Coffeyville, (Kan.) team. He got ' . $86 a month and board and no longer . envied Rockefeller. Why should he? vln tbe latter part of the 1900 season the Kansas City team visited Coffey - "'"ville. The manager spotted Tinker, signed him. placed him at second base ; and released him about a month later. ' - Tinker's next Job was with the Great Falls (Mont) dub, which organiza- tlon sold him for $200 to the Helena (Mont.) team. In 1S01 Tinker went to S Portland, Or., and played third base for the team which won the Pacific coast ' championship. In the spring of 1902 he was sold to the Chicago Nationals i WE HAVE SO MAJTST LOTS. TEUXS i AXE CASH. PTTBCHASEBS TO TAKE CHAJtOE OF TKEZB FvBCaASIIB, Bv order W. C. WILL HE S, Asst. Gen. Freight and Pa ss Agent. Dated December- J9, 1918. ON THURSDAY NEXT AT OTTB BAXESBOOMS, 166-168 VABX STREET, we shall have an other choice lot of good household furnishings to offer you. AVCTXOH OH TKITBSSAT HBXT AT 19 A.K In our retail Dep. you will find good bargains in first class new furniture, rugs, etc;, which we sell at reasonable prices for cash. W. O. BAXEB and O. A, CXOWXUb, Furniture Dealers and Auctioneers, 166-168 Park st Auction Sale Monday, 2 p. m. 211 FIRST STREET Furniture, Stoves, Ranges, Linoleum, Etc We have several very nice lots of furniture to be -sold at this sale, and if you are looking for anything to fur nish your home, you cannot afford to overlook this opportunity, for some of it is just like new. Following is a partial list: Several good oak rockers, some with leather upholstering, oak library tablea In wax finish, center tables, imitation leather couch, quartered oak dining table, good oak dining chairs with box seat, serv ing table, buffet, sideboard, heavy metal beds with metal springs and good mattresses, good dressers in oak or mahogany, chiffonier, (Phone Main 2082.) EVERYTHING YOU WANT IN THE LINK OF OROCETRIES, MISCELLANEOUS HARDWARE. SIL VERWARE, CUTLERY. LADIES' and OENT'S UMBRELLA ST SHOES. CLOTH SUIT LENGTHS. ETC.. ETC. COME AND LOOK THROUGH, A8 ! IT IS IMPOSSIBLE . TO ITEMIZE) THIS STOCK. ALSO STORE FIXTURES INCLUDING SAFES, CASH REGIS TERS, COMPUTING SCALES, MEAT CTITTERfl. SHOWCASES. COUNTERS, ETC. Trustee Sale OF THIS WATSON CREAMERY CAFETERIA On Tuesday Next at 2 p. nu, 108 Fourth Street, Near Washington. We are Instructed by the "Trustee" for the creditors vto sell at PUBLIC AUCTION THE? ENTIRE CONTENTS OF SAID CAFETERIA. COMPRISING, FIRE PROOF SAFE, 23 TABLb-S, AHUUT 1-0 CHAIRS. 6 STEEL CONTAINERS. UMBRELLA RACK. 22 PAIR POR TERES, IB MIRRORS, $ ELECTRIC FANS. ELECTRIC FIXTURES. COF FEE URNS, STEAM TABLE AND COVERS. PORTABLE OVEN. POTA TO MACHINE AND MOTOR, FRENCH RANGE. ICE CHEST. MEAT BLOCK LINOLEUM. TABLE LIN ENS, TRAYS. CROCKERY, GLAS8-WAI-E, CUTLERY and COOKING UTENSILS. Also a quantity of CROC- CERIES. THE SAME WILL BE OFFERED rw fiNR I3T. IF NOT SOLD IN THIS MANNER, WILL BE SOLD IN LOTS TO SUIT PURCHASERS. J. T. 'WILSON, AUCTIONEER. RESIDENCE SALE On Thursdav Next at 2 d. m. at 360 Monroe St, Near Union Avenue. - We are Instructed by Mrs. Devaney, who is leaving for Los Angeles, to sell the contents of her private home. WlUl ..-. -, . . i t w . . - TERED OAK LIBRARY TABLE. MU SIC CABINET. .PIANO BfcJNCli, ROfrmtRH CENTER TABLE. DINING SUITE VIZ. BUFFET, PEDESTAL EXTENSION TABLE,- SET OF BOX SEAT CHAIRS, DUN NEK. BtiKVlUHi, GLASSWARE. 9x12 AXMINSTER BRUSSELS RUGS, CARPETS LACE CURTAINS, BRASS BEDS, SPRINGS and MATTRESSES PILLOWS. BED DING. BIRD'S EYE MAPLE and GOLDEN OAK DRESSERS, and other effects. Bale tmukbuai, at p. to. r. T. WILSON. AUCTIONEER. Cash DSld for furniture, stocks of merchandise, etc. Main 1626, A-4248. Must Sacrifice This corner it worth $18,000, and will be sold for $10,000, gome terms. Located on the railroad track, dote In. This corner has a chance to ba old for $30,000 in the very near fu-ture. Eastlnnd Inv. Co. 202 OERLINQBR BLDGL Kilpatrick-Collins Tract Tracts 80x110. West Side, Fifteen Minutes' Car Ride. Price $350 Each $10 Cash, $5 Per Month. The Best Value in the City! If yon are looking for an ideal homesite with a big future, ir will pay you to see this property. Al- i ways a pleasure to show property. M. E. LEE, 322 Corbett Bid. i HOllUAKN At tba ramlly raatdena. lee Macadam street. Jaosarr 23, Carl RiuV-lpa Albert Uobmaao, aged fll raara, 4 stoatha, 30 da;. Krltads lnrlted to stteed faaeral aaMrca, which via be h14 at Boiataa a funaral parlors at S s. m. tadar (Susdari. January 23. Intarment Qnlnmalaa ntry. NAJSH a tbia elt. Jacaarr 24. a fela lata rpaldan. V7 J.ltaraxe aural, airrae n. Naih. arad 4T reara. batotad boabaad of lira. Asole J. Naah. Tba rniloa era at tba raaidanea aatabllahmant af 1. P. rlaSer A Aoa. Mootgomarr st 6tk. Notice at fuira! baraaf ar. f. CRIOHflT, 13 CooMd. aga IS rears S months. CItII war valaran. Mam- bar of tteaaral CinDln Poat Na. 22. U. A. K. Rod ahlppl br Cbamb-a CaOartakln( (. iianjr to Cbatunotc a. Tans., at whtrS plara frnrl wtll ba bald Tab. I. You Can Buy This Home Easy .0x100 cornar lot: modarn T room bungalow; grod coadltlon. 1 block from Albarta car: this Is rartialy fumlshrd w:th new fur nitrr and onljr 14000; 2 or S varant lots, unlnctimtrd up to U:tu. together with 11.0 nash and asautne a 11(00 mortgage due in stout I years takes it. See ua. The Shaw-Fear Co. 101 4th st. of ri n. "Tl fp.(n,f!!l Funeral 3 rLVHML &V.Ur Designs II kinds Main 77. A-T70S. 110 4th MAX M. SMITH, florist. 141 Ith st. in Heiim bidg. .ain 7iib. CLARKE BROS..-florists; fine flowr and floral designs. 210 Morrison at. FUNKRAL DIUKCTORS Listenl Go See This Today Brand new 4 room and beth. mod ern, complete, bis cement htwrami Hoyal furnace, Uutch kltrhan. alctrl flxturea, walla llnt-l. asphalt etrata all paid. 4t4 fhaf av. near Union ave Kay nt 0-or i rtr lf. only IZPO raah. talanca rn'-nthly rnt. See Tillamook St. Today Between 10 and 4 o'CIock Htoadataf' car to TIIlajnoM-k ai.1 go aaat U Ute Ju, which la one of tWa iaiat Htinsalnwa in tfca rlty. Has tarxl wofvl floarw. rhol trie nnurt. buffat. dee: e arythlns of IIm bt Oatar 1 o r lt00 raah. but Rus4 hl now effrre It al IlKiS. trrrn, to. Kcr forthrr aitim.ara. if rc rwnnot v.a. rati Main !! pat It t K.t'l.t-VlLr H Y IV) K H AAK W. A. Barnes Co. 404 i lrala Hl 4th aod Oak Main :en. NEW HOME or J. I. KINLET SON. ae m vk. 1-4 Acre 4 Room Plastered House $1100 Bull Run wstar. n! to large oh'Xl a, balauoa WestSide Income Property 180 feet feeing Ith st, block of Court House Also Other Inside Property. -K. h. grwAJnc, 101 Northwest bdg Iiiiiii For Sale A. new Irvlnaton home. 7 large roomg and sleeping porch, modern in every detail, all screened, on lot 60x 101. restricted district, between two oarllnes. Oarage, eta, beautiful light ing fixtures, linoleum on kitchen floor, gas water heater, shades, several other necessities thrown In. All liens paid. Price 00; cash 16000. balance to00 at i per cent en time. See owner, SOI OUsan st. Phones Main 71. A-24&7. 1 1 . kl aj . . .Ma nari k-Tf eottage, ltslt 1 11.0. CO. 4 room double rooatrurtad nearly new. 10x20 barn and The only realdence usdertaklna as- chicken bouse, bearlnc fruit traa. lot tabllshment In Portland. Representlns .-6f0. n,-r Kenfn car; rnnlnt to the greatest advance in the science of ' acains noua.a i4vu casn. balance ery funaral service The automobile equip- I r"r terms. FE ARE Y BROS. We Buy Notes I4i Salmon Ft Main SUSS A-1T7t. CLASSIFIED AD RATES la effect Oct. 1, 11S. ALL PREVIOUS RATES CANCKLLBD CHARQKD ADVERTISEMENTS Dally or Sunday. IVt cents per word per Inaeitioa. Tbia cbaira la 'or all elsaalficatlona airatt. Ine "Foe Rent la PrlTata ramlly." "Rooca and Board la Pii.ate ramlly." "SltuatVoo Win ed" and "Wanted to Rent" eda, wblck are a vutaVUIUI, B fctvl IIUK. kitchen tables, utensils, FORD AUCTION XO. ?as range. liehes, etc. a .; ." K .:- ! Jury Falls, to Agree. Failure of the members of the lury , In Circuit Judge Cleeton'a department to agree In the damage ease of Peter rMacchl against the Portland Railway. Light & Power company led to their .--dismissal about 9 o'clock last night by Judge Cleeton, Macchl was injured at . Second and . Grant streets June . when he collided with-a street-car " while riding a motorcycle. . -He sued v for jzo.ooo. . ,.- On Wednesclay and Friday At 2 p. m. - -SVe sell anln at 111 First at. and you cannot make any mistake by buy- ms at one ox our amies, ror wa -itaran. tea every item aa reDreaentml t .ma of sale or your money cheerfully refunded. N. B. We "tare a very fine dentist cabinet.: which we will cell at private sale at a great bargain and If you are interested at all It will pay you to Investigate. ,ot Wanted I want a moderate ortoed lot. tor all cash, from the owner. 0-8S7, Journal. 1V4 eeots per word per loaertioe. ao aa ensreea ror ieea man 13 ai CASH ADVKBTIf KMENTS 1 cents per word for all claaalflcatloaM exeeptlnx "For Rent in PrlTata Famll." "Room and Board In Private Family," "Ut satlon Wasted" and "Wanted U Rest" ads, wblcb are 1V4 eesta per word. Three lnaert-oea for tbe price of twe Berea lnaartlooa for tba price of five. No ad taken for leaa than IB cetita. ment and seoluded driveway are among the man exclusive featurea Tbe es tablished policy of moderate prices has never peen cnangea. J. P. riNLKT A PON, Perfect Funeral Service. Montgomery at 4th. Aak fnr l r 1 lr,l lt t mo PltOVH'KNT TRlUt C.6. 2ti xr e.llnr Bliie th and AMar. Main J.CO. A-4211. '.ling 1 Main Sacrifice COST OF UI R HOME CVT 1400 TO l-I-LL. Modm new rmi. fu.l baaement ani s:gntiy jot, pate' etre-ela. ruo1 In I - .tenant or hona Tarn a atrall t,a. MR- EDWARD HOLM A N. the lealing ment dow-n. F.tiaulre tie 11 14ih al X funeral director. 220 Id at. corner I Take Irvlnslon car te 1'r cot L l block naimon. liu 1111. Mala 60 Beautiful New Home About Like Rent 4 room a. full Uaaettirtit. fu na e. 1 n f'U' n nak fiooia. lax i a aun ru-ir. J.ut'h k.--n. all ru.jtna tlr.tl. d1 wuud work rir1hm In H HOT), Wgant V't't fnti;ri au1 lrlt win tlow al.ad. a. only I ' tnlrrvte nul Ir1'e Kll.ll. Ku tl aet and mi'atlv faid. a atrtaU y "int dowti. t a.. u . like r.t The Oregon Home Builders 1 4 SI. Venn Hulldirif Maiahall S. A III) Say! assUtaou honae A-1 am. Dunning St McEntee & nderULkers I odern In every detail. 7th and Pine. V.aln 410, A-4KIR. Iay asslatant Sounds Good 0nlyx$100 Down A R 7pllpr Pn &1 wuiiams Lady attendant. Dsy and night service a east aide uncer- taker. lady aaalatant. U- 1S.8. E. 7.1. E- 4th, Alder. ClOAyCQ Undertaking Co. Main 4111 v)il ii t-KJ A-2I21. corn corner Id and Clay PCARQPlKJ Undertakera E. 1010. i ir -1 i . -T1 Ruaseil st. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS Weetera Oreroe Truat Co. to William K. Driedale, lot 4, block 7. Virginia Heights 1.678 Mortgage Loans 6 to 7 Per Cent H. E, MOONEY Ma aiO. Boom 4n raW&r MlAf. House Wanted 4 room house at mod erate prloe. Will pay a least naif cash. Olve full Information at enoe. K-930, Journal. I want a S or prloe. Wll ' To satisfy our claim against Charles E. Lpckwood we will sell at public auc tion on Tuesday January S7, 1J14, at 10 a. m, the following described prop erty, at Perkina hoteX PorUaniV Or- gOn: ' ' " One roller top writing desk, 1 type writer with desk attached, 1 bookcase, 4 chairs, 1 stand, 3 tables, 1 oil paint ing, l davenport, 1 pictures, S flags. 0 booics. t dictionary. 1. decanter and li glasses, 60 ties, :2 imifflers, a pairs gloves, 6 ice cream-epoons, 2 forks, 14 napkins, 10 towels, l smoking set. ' . PERKINS HOTEL CO. AuctionSales Every Monday, Thursday and Saturday at 10 a. m. A full line of Dressers, Combl ntti, Side' Boards, Buffets, Dining and Kitchen Tables, Dining, Rock ing and Morris Chairs, Brass and Iron Beis, Springs and Mattresses, Rugs, Carpets and Linoleum, Wood, Coal and Gas Ranges, Wood, Coal and- Gas Heaters, Book Cases, Desks," in fact, a full line of house furnishings. See as before buying, elsewhere. Bell Auction Co. 191 Second , Street J. A. MEAROW, Auctioneer Title & Trust Company roam iu Oak vtreeu. Mortgage Loans We Blake Building Aoeaa. ILiOtSios On improved Portland real estate miZLITT HiLTT SCOSTOAO-S oo 604 Plats oiog. waacungtom aod rexk. CERTIFICATES of title. Title 4k Tmet Co.. Title Trust bid.. 4th nr. Btark TR I fQriM RESIDENCE UND. 1 tnluoUINij. ua. a-:;js. 445 m pE. oran Pretty near 4 room a a.td bath btlrV flrrplae, all noma llt.td. hest plutntu Ins. boxioo ccrr.er lot. t-al cf prire; 12100; ot y lis month Qa t vn. 414 Magnolia et nrar I'n'on ave l-athrcp iH Abiryton hl1r X)IU-Ir TO Htl.L. Must sell n.v attractive new huno low and ailll rr.a kr hlg aarrifice If aold at once. 4 rooma larta attlr. full base ment: bulU months and modern with ballt-ls liookessea. buffet. er : fire- Place- full lot fmxlrg eaai. Will lala 1600 for my 111.0 equity, balance ea terma. no trade One block south of MV. ear. Owner. Ill Eaat 4lat Nnrih. Ir oti a nifti hunta- l"ar. - r'.'.m and etH ioad alj.ii.(f n -(. that yM 111 ilr,--, i,i .ii t after "U aee It -Jut i mi, t rjp M.daf f Tueei-av at Iffun T'A) aa. If f..i.t. flrf la. faie. l-ace i rr . nt rVK. m infnt. lii.rft. tia- I lure l.ad-a tnirro. ii,.r. lre II. !( I . ."' h tt4 '!"' 7" tr'irl - wil lrV" am (,.., i, Ak J..r Mr Hal,.) !:' : in ;! t;t. e. Juat mi'-lad a.l.J tiiiMl-'t: In tmtr -!i.l doutle i i ti h fl. f)t fhr finlah.d tt. l"i rT. 4 . t.a, -I OB. I tuft H'r riuitiil t ... (inf I k riont k fUat (l'.r. d'M4 fir awd I iH flM,T nt, r ?.). fii r-neat l-amm. late lu.ta. rriwr twt. atrl inij.m. ir.ul ia a 1-4 ln le In prK. N'aaf liioad-raf r-ar fertna 4e 11 TMa la at rer I la tiix- real value lM-r Mr Mmali-enai rn ' i! ik.vt i 'it e r .) id H(t htllitl B''t. '-' til, fil Ald t "Vtiff Bit. YrirvtSTOrvc l17 V- 11th. Sell. 71. B-lltX: University Pk. rol. S4-t.6. MONX31K.VTS raoiME wm WANT ADS Schumann Marble Works Fast Id end Pine. Ksat 74. PORTLAND Msrhle Works. 244-144 4th st. - opposite city nan. iain .. BUSINESS PROrKRTY 60 HIOULT Improved IOzIS on Columbia et, best corner, close In; modern tS room bulT dlna with all modern eon- BlhiL KITW MOl-HKN it r: N( A LOW a tAST FRONT, UKAL'TIKCL VIEW. HARD H'KKAOE PAID WALKING DISTANCE, t Car LINES 4 KOOMH 14004. 7 ROOMS 4JSO0. GEO. Q. MAIR. Ill RT EXCHANGE MAR. 1174. IFOR- F ALE jT eichanae, suburhe n home. 10 lota Jarre rwm, mxlerti convenlenrea, city and rvrltiw water. 10 mlnutra from Portland. electric or kuto. beautiful view, raraee. lota of shade. Mltht take city or elose In residence up to 11400. balance terms Phone Main 1404. or addreae N-414. Journal. A Real Waim Baipain 4 rci-Tn r-.Ma-: 1"1 4elo. J !';. Ituni Wl h.. .11 mr 'l ;r:.i m . rn,.n, f.ir Hilt- lama 111- m-U I a it,t,rv-4 m. t. thl). tht .nl. r. I' S tent. The Shaw-Fcar'Co. it: 4lh at $3250 n WHU KJl su wa r u wo- I - - - i. . .. ventencea. Income Sit per mo. Can mocem room ounraiow. double oontimcuon, uerouariiy moaern. Increase Price 122,000. Realty Co.. 14- 4tn st. Terma Tatea Marshall till. ?? 420 feet of R R. frontage. Madison st. bridge, equal to L-944. Journal. Bl'SlNEHS property la a live eeasiae town with prospect of R. R. soon; good Investment. W-SS4, Journal. dlnlna- room, built-in buffet. . . Dutch kitchen, good hasement and larr. a attic, lot iixlil. Prlca 12444. JO.o e iota. cah. balance on time See thia 4t 5 Rooms, Rossmere, Terms Ni-" r'w.-n l.tinva'. i k!rk f ram lv ,ti ..i i i.r. I ka from Riat "!! .r ..-m-f I(t, i.oa1ti. rrmral lka-tii ill l.'M'i. t :rei'lfi . tulltle buffrt at,d t.'M.kf , tiire laatt.. hard auffa.W trel, a'l wpf-r tuxite la and l-.r,14 PL- W M U.lltlt IM:o IDENT TRTKT t.X) . 2 1 2 - t Mellteg bldg. Main 40 a-4.41. W"1TH01T ANT Qt'tlttibS' These ere little terjumi rtloaa. end a sreat aerrlftre Two nice mederti bvinfslowa. irtpi fumsra. for el'. I.4i'0 at'lere. sood lerinmi; pa rt raah. balanre on time; etralf-t for I -save ; K . mtth it Co, t2 Chem l.r of t'ommerra. IJ0O0 will handle Income business property earning rod rate of inter- est. Owner. - v-.3, journal. $2900 200 rash. baL to suit; Store bidg.; 6 modern rooms In good loca tlon. 20SH Jefferson st. wiir pat Ixknt I I. ate t Ixuaaa for sale from IK. t t.0 on eaaf tern.a. Take P.oee ( Ht Park ar lo 7Id et TO LEASE 63 t:nd su 8. E. Mt. Scott ear to Anaiel gtauon. SfoTiER N " M 6M El foo f. T larse roomi furnace and flrer-lare. 1 A. M tlw itf tt : 1 r ill.t.n-,. - eft. K. Couch St.. tear . I(.U. Thia la a ' -j-w' . . good house at an honest valuation an" terms may re arrsr.seo. H. p. palmer-j6ne CO 404 Wllroi bl'lg-Phonee M .. A-14U 1.40 If your name appears In either phone book you can telephone your ad to MMi 7173 A 60151 and have It charged. Bills will be mailed to you the following day for payment. The Journal cannot guarantee accurscr or. assume responaiblllty for errors of any kind occurring In CORNER lot for lease for term of years; suitable for barn, on d and Bteobens: Inquire 16 4 lo at. COR. 60x100 for t'-rtn of yeara. Mar- shall 4743. 15 N. 21st. Total prVe per month. Rose City GEVKItAL KEAL I-JKTATE 03 have got the value we can your real estate ror what you want. 1011 board of Trade Rid. Main 115. IY rou sell or , trade NEW Small house end one W. 16.0. ISO raah and lit Including Inter. at. Take Fara car to 72d st. Bee Austin. Gregory Invrat-went Co. A RAROAIN nooo. easy terms. t room cottase. lot (Oslo. Dlumhal for gas. IS blocks from Roee Ur Park car; call Hunday; I. E. Martin. I h- i.tn et. i. FOR SALE HOUSES 61 $1500 telephoned advertlslements. WILL BUILD AND LEASE APARTMENT HOUSE MEETING NOTICES 41 ALBINA Lodge 47 of F. W. of A, Reg ular meeting will be held every Wedneeday at 1:1 p. m. In Hill's hall N. w. corner os wuumdi Russell ste. 4 room modern bunralosr. brand new; close to large school, atores snd churches. 6 cent carline; gas, electric light. Bull Run water; lot 40x100; small payment down, balance tii per month. Including Interest; would con- siaer cneap lot ae nrei payment, uao, T. Moore Co, IIS Ablngton bidg. 1100s vt ARQTTTr.RAt.T by decree team Klrk-J la natnea council ro. ill i. . IN order to sell oulck wlU taka ror my szooo equity in a i4.oo eicnt room- modern beuse on a looxieo (ut, 1H blocks Mom en IS minute time and 24 vr.ln-.tk urvlM MP !! tltri, I m . mAmJt ave. aua water mains, cement walks and curbs ' axe laid, full oe merit baaemeat; thia Bee McKee. room 401 full bargain. HIGH CI.APk modern Irvlr.ston home. 7 rooms. Price 44400. Woa.d ronalder food well lorated lots ss first parn.ent 44 East lOtb North, bet. Knott end H tan ton. Owner, Eaat 416. yOR gAl., by owner. 7 room bunsa- low with rull neaement. 4 blcKks from electric dtpot, on 41l1)4 lot. will sell at a bargain for terms; addresa P. O. box 144. .Newerg.CT. jr"OR RKSf'OR HAl.lPIeaaaat eoi tase, 2 lota. rhi-kea bouae. sarden frrout-d, well, gaaoilne putcp, at Oawese ika Ten rr.li.utee' wa.k from Oewtso electric rar 01 Title 4V Tmet tl-f WHAT lll ou offer? Modern "-roo-n b'-Dt-alow. hardaood flver4,' la Haw thorne dletncl. 2 blorke fren car. lives Mutt sell et once. CaJl et .e K I Id at S room tMinfaiow, aJ-.e iltSS, tn car line, wtll 11 ror llee on trtae. B-'t2 on Hart Rsfaal Mreet, anr I'l.K.n ar, allh doubie hoviae. vaise I4..U. mill aell, for lloe; Urraa. l"h-ne, irte or ja'.l. Nslrer H. t fiM. Main HH Xtt .rtlwi Mdf nla R ta boil "a"7L. '"irn.r lot. 4. Krai tit food 4 rawa I ouk. ait email furntahed tvae Rente a I the time Nl'e law etd ehruhne-ry. Great tareain It 46 m P oabura. : MrKar Ndg . 4d aa.4 Htark SI 50 Cash rx . -. 4t.t . t . a m L22d'tI ataaJ''nl rdy. JarT. apprises given. OrTA arranged. to suit tenant. Reply, give VTO oHrwVATRA. r.ama l i wa s ann nsritea aaw s.it m r -. . at Iwls bldr. 2t A MONTH buya a noma; a rooms ana .I ' Invitee Woodmen and f Heads to a' CITY AND FARM LOANS Si 91000 and p a lewee tatea. BICJ DANCER artven by Muoroah clrj ZADOW & FARMER llthVtTlar evenfng, Jarw ; come j Torte ldr A.t l VtTm and have a good time. Admission Uc. 414 Qorbet MUt. A141,Karaaata. t6fala A Le,les of iecurity-wlll w give eard party and dance Monday iMoneytoLoanonReilEstate Vj'XT! T.tg0 MORGAN & PECKHAM 9JvUtra-S!i t lawa, aeaago. rtnmH'e'le il?Aj?& ' krfc!LLK- Mt'TtJAt, absocUtio. . MONET TO LOAN AT-4 AND 1 Musle furnished for all occasions. - 24 STUOtfip ST. MAIM 704. v gee members or phone 1C 401. A-&2. good little tni rireolare: cement besement; front and back porches, lava all In. with plenty of roee bashes. Hsndy to good car line. Home practically new- too email for my family. Call morning or evening. East 214. HAVE) a dandy ( room borne, well lo cated and of moderate price, to sell for a email payment down and Hi per month. Mr. Cbapmaa. 244 Oak st. i . i i i .., tnooern a roota bungalow, in Hawthorne fllstrtrt. Owner must sta'Tin''. Tibor 4414. BAHGAJN. room mud-rn bungalo Ledd add. Phoee K I7il. 4 ROOM modern bouse for saJeTTTleT ju. sees. . . 4 room ndern k'i. lot I - 1 04 eee Mk from ar I.L. rlt 12444 a vmti:r. 124 Railway Y.x Ii4c. Merehslt 2474. ItV'J lota, liiiil. I4 . mm, Sull Run water, large l-ko yard, all fered. fi'et rlaaa rat.ilUea. rar Mn!t eomlh atatlon. tr.w rented foe Ilk pe month: pti.e lilt (vee oter. Northertl KMjr . 4h a fad 'Mtrta. Fu't' jld Oio -ert." I. ut. t aT? w. yt Me ) ITtiT ! room ?ioue' prire J rart I'Oum l'l a erf.lnf rKrrk. . 4 Theae tbree sod 4ue ae r I y tS mieal e 'ut at., the bel ef ' rtr a tray bal by relitag at III Pie it tldf. a it.'UNDi6TK.a-i; T moiin, tor. lot. r a rag a. Iltee. 0.arnati btinaalow aa Keey tn!ts id. n lre.r,ein Eaat 271. W If i.irP.iivrAN IiARG AIN I :oe down. Ill r-er month. i room new modern Ikhim la Park- hurat dJitln, 1404 Ititw coat. 212 Henry bice N'lTR' 4 roota m'mA-m -utLae J) fin lahed for sale freap by owrer: lese. Ice rty; easy tertna anrthtn f value a a ft rat pevmewt Tabr 1 1 1 III-WlUnuy a com?orisbTe LttTe bnricalow rear Multaotnab en tbe Oraon Electric. Terms are easy. 412 Piatt bidg. FXJR -ALi: 4 room bungalow 1 1 itT: II dotaa. bataaca rer.U O. J. Fard m r t Railway Exthanye g il OljKTtN U-ruutm buraalow. lot 44x14. an Ideal home: le' txgaia la tbe Nothing Down C-ttaa-e la fruit lt-ee eale 1 1 eta Ww'Uen. IVII 4 ae,J Hata and rfW-. V et-J (lr Uaewe.al! tTff cy lhone Tabor 47. A MODERN 4 r-.n bungalow, rwmer lot. 41x10". 1 M k from Hawthorte carllrx.. Csah l!M Tp. 1- 4 rorne Ihmih and loC Peninsula add- rmr St.; owner. It E. 2ilh et. Snaayalde Modern Irvinton Home reaii II tl. At e mr 144 E a in end eee It. Oeaar. st. North. rit mSNTHI.Y. larlisdlag leterwM aial lit h. for my ret 4 e.m wut--slow mr rar HM. PrKe 1144. IX A. Wrlsht. P, f. Itoi 147. n1w modern iiuuiS. ith T. t ortwrr lot. bard ffa4 tre4. d 4 rc'ir.a. attla liina. i own. II i.aymeeitf.. Tatw-r 244s '.It dowit. pr anoatfe uwta S rawa Iioum on o iwf. Net t irvtagvetv. Call 17 Hserrw-k et tr I ' m-a Ts 47 1T -liekJeirw hliktiuea, . itvtl Tl.ta ta a H eaT'fW. atale 1. Ik. tOee tinned ea Beat Peg