MINERS' WAGE SCALE, TO BE CONSIDERED .At U. M. W, CONVENTION Union's Future Said to De L WORK OF ASSOCIATION PLACE OF REFUGE AND SPIRITUAL HELP FOR . WOMEN MOOSE ORCHESTRA IS LEADING MUSICAL ORGANIZATION AT DALLAS ii in n i nil mini Lfl,l.AlI , At ANNUAL DINNER - i Scope of Institution Demon- pend on Outcome of Strikes in Michigan and Colorado. " strated in Unique and En tertaining, Manner, PMCfflA i . . - ' ' ' . -' - Animated reports of the -most Inter esting sort were distinctive features of the.annuol dinner and business meet ing of the Young Women's Christian Association of Portland, which -were held last evening in ttie cafeteria of the association building. Covers were laid" for 100 at tables decorated in scarlet carnations and greenery and a dainty menu 'was serve!. SUhs Una B. James, the very efficient general secretary, was In charge of. the ar rangements. Before anyone realized what was happening, a very plainly dressed girl clutching one ear and crying. 'O, I've got such ' an ear ache I don't know what to do and I don't know where to go, boo! too!" She was soon met by Mi bb Stegner, one of the associate sec retaries who assured her that she would be, helped, and calling another secretary.' the suffering girl was sent upstairs where she might rest while remedies ; were applied to the aching ear. The nest girl in arrive twisted Ihe string of her handbag and looked somewhat foolish as she a.sked if there ma A an opportunity for her to learn to cook at otu-e. Oixl Wanted to Learn. "I n nits t learn right away wid what do I leHth? fan I learn to make nio things as well as just boil potatoes and cook meet?" Site was assured that all could be learned. "And please tall mc. Is there a place where young men can wait for girls until the class was over?',' She was assured that most glrla who take cooking had young men waiting to take tlntn homo and that he would! not find It at all embarrass Ing. The third caller was the president Of a cluh who wished to KCt the use of the tea room for , meeting, but she found that every afternoon and even ing wan taken for two weeks. The next culler wait the typical one who Is tired of beiDg inefficient and thu.s having to stay at, the, bottom of the ladder, wear .chap clothes, and so wan( to 'learn to write shorthand and use the typewriter "real quick" like Other glnjs. Bhe was told that day could other best and evening da,Kes are now open. The t ext, girl asked for assistance In find ing a room on this side of the river, so as to save car fare. The next girl wanted aft office position, but on beiiij told, that' they are very scarce and thatiHhe kad better take a housekeep ing 'place; untlt something better of fered; Itself, she demurred a long tlm but i finally deerded to take th secretary's advice. '" " j pwtmiait Coarse 'Attract!. "1 want to learn to swim; the doctor tells me it will help my voice," de clared the next girl, and she was told of the varioua swimming and gym nashrm classes. The next visitor was foreign woman carrying a baby and with'four trailing at her side, and bUo ! at one informed' that these were Just the youngest and that the other four were t home. She said her oldest girl wad dissatisfied with her clothes be cause they werao't stylish and that ahaMsWanted to learn to saw and to make hats. All necessary information was given in this connection and the woman left happy. A, girl-employed on the east aide bemoaned the fact that it took all her time and ten cents besides to come ever to Vie Association for lunch. She waa, surprised and delighted when the secretary informed her that the As sociation" had a cafeteria on the east . aide where Just as good food wan served and at Just the same prices as that served at the main cafeteria. A breathless, wiJd eyed girl insisted on seeing the "head lady"; on being told that she was" busy and wouldn't she tell her trouble to someone else, she replied, "No, it's very serious trouble ana i must see the 'head lady,'" and after a short wait she was ushered into the presence of the "head lady." Stranger Finds Kefnge. The young girl, a stranger in the city, arrived and her parents failed to meet her. She had the address written down in her puree but In her excite ment she had lost her purse. It was late and so she was pent up to the Association from the depot and kept over night and. the next morning; her parents were looked up. The next girl wanted to take a course in Bible study in connection with her school work, and ahe was assured that this could ' be done. The next girl Baid she had in digestion and that all the folks in the omce on the north side had indigestion because they had to eat cold lunches. She was informed that there was a Y. ; W. C. A. cafeteria on the north side uuiu men ana women may go, and went away delighted. A very weary and woebegone car rying her- few possessions in a green ault box, was the next caller. She told the secretary that she waa a second . . girl, that her mistress had had a party, that she in serving had spilled some sounn a, guest and was told to leave the .house at once. She had no place to go and so had walked the street all - lglvt,"and now J am so tired and sieepy j ?ust want to go to bed." She waa-ttiKen up stairs and made comfort able The next girl. Just fresh from the country, had Juet decided that she would like to-be a T. W. C. A. secretary and so she had come in town, ,to take a Place, but on being told all the re ejuirementa necessary for that position. ;sne cnanged er mind. Scope of "Work Shown. Thi entire reflection of a few hours at the desk of, the Association, was done without ' a" single rehearsal,' the other- assistants about the building ; who kuqw so well the many problems that the secretaries ate called upon to aoive every day. This very clever man ner pt giving reports was much appre ciated and gave an idea of the-soope Pt , the Association's usefulness that All Work Guaranteed and kept in repair for 15 jTheModern Dentists : Specialists iik Fin Dentistry i .253VS?: Washington, . . ' Corner Third. 1 ' " y" j f ) lull--?- v 'xt p not have been gotten in any way. Miss Mattia gave a very clever dra ma tie reading. Miss Carrie HOlbrook, president of the Association, made a splendid plea for the support of all present on behalf of the Association toward making this the- biggest and year it has yet known. The fol-nnual report January Clearance Sale-"Bairgaie in AH Depagfapits Women's Suits, "Gold Bond" Trading Stamps Given Lunch at f"""" W jS I Fountain p II (L From 11 to 12 A. M- 30c Curtain Net, the Yard, 16c From 11 to 12 A. M. on Fourth Floor Choice of our entire stock of Fancy S8c and 30c Bungalow Neta, Fancy Scrims and Marquisettes, all colors, dur- g ing this hour on sale at. the yard lyv ISc Huck Towels, Each, 8c From 11 to 12 A. M, on the Main Floor Large Bleached Huck Towels, actual sise 18x40 ins., with red borders, exceptional value; worth, 15c this hour, six to O a purchaser, at low price of, each Ov 18c Dress' Ginghams, Yard, 10c From 11 to 12 A. M. on the Balcony 32 inch Dress Ginghams in stripes, checks and plaids, large variety of color- 1 ings; reg. 18c value at. the yard 1VIC $2.00 Hand Bags, Only 43c From 11 to 12 A. M. Women's Hand bags, leather, suede and velvet, all cel. ors and sizes; values to S3 each. 0 during, this hour at low price of tJC 35c Enamel Kitchen Ware 15c From 11 to 12 A. M. in the Basement Heavy Triple-Coated Gray Enamel Dish pans, Coffee Pots, Puddlnfc Pans, Sauce. pans. Stew Kettles, Milk falls and i Muffin Pans; to 35c values, each IOC Lunch Menu, 11 A. M. to 4 SEBVXO XXI BASEMEJTT CATSTZJUui Soup Cream of Tomato, 5. JFisfc Baked Salmon with Tartar Sauce. 104. Entree-Veal Stew with Dumplings lOc. Hoaat Beef with Bice. 104. Salad. Shrimp, 5tf; Salmon. Se; Asparagus 5i. Combination Fruit, 1Q; Banana Splits, IOC. getables Green Creamed Peas, 5e; Sweet Potatoes, 5C; Kscalloped Po tatoes, Be: Stewed Tomatoes, 5e; Maca roni ana Cheese, B: Baked Bean a. 5 e: 'Mashed Potatoes, gf Hot Corn Bread, 5: R alia, 5: Pastry, 5; Tea and Cof fee; Re, The Dest of food and well cooked. 15c Embroideries, Yard, af 5c From 11 to 12 A. M. 5000 yards of New Cambric Embroideries, Edges and Inser tions, good quality, neat, well worked de signs, widths to 7 ins.; regular 15c r value, special this hour, the yard PC 5c Handkerchiefs, 3 for 10c From 11 to 12 A. M. 1200 Women's and Children's Initial Handkerchiefs of good quality linen lawn, embroidered initials hemstitched; reg. So values, this i f hour on sale at low price of 3 for X UC 65c Fabric Gloves, Pair 35c From 11 t 12 A, M. Women's Fabric Gloves, knitted, golf and pflk-lined cash mere, all sizes; reg. 50c and 65c or values, on sale at low price, pair OOC FIFTH FLR.U TO 12 M. 7c Wash Goods, Yard 3c 2500 yards of Challtes. Prints and Lawns in a wide range of patterns and colors; reg, 7o value, on sale during 91. ' this one hour on. fifth floor at 0C $4.00 Robe Patterns at 98c From 11 to 12 A, M.Embroidered Net Robe Patterns, all black-and black em- orojaarea.in caiors; regular JIOO 98c valves, on sale, jor tnis . nour. ea Miss Lina B. James, general secretary of Y. W C. A. lowing 'new directors were elected: Mrs. Vincent Cook, Mrs. C. A. Morden, Mrs. W. V. Osborn and Miss Mabel Weidler. The board is holding a meet ing this afternoon at which reports will be made and officers will bo elect ed for the ensuing year. Memberships paid up, 6464; meals served at all three cafeterias. 224,960; public served at desk, 51,924; read ing and rest rooms used by 60,020; travelers specially aided, 16,238; em ployment found for 288T; enrollment In cooking and serving, 378; enroll ment, sewing and millinery, 207; en Following is a summary or the an- for the year Just closed: Coats, Dresses and Furs, Now One-Half Price and Less Agts. for American And Gossard Front From l2to 2:P. M. 35c Onxy Hose, Pair at 21c From 12 to 2 P. M. Odd lots Women's Hose, the famous "Onyx" brand, both lisle and cotton: black, tan, white, colors, regular and "out" sizesj 85c value, HI on sale 3 pairs for 604. or, pair A It $1.25 Scrim Curtains, Pr., 75c From 12 to 2 P. M. on the Fourth Floor Fancy Scrim Curtains, soft finish, with lace insertions and edges, ZVi yds. long and 36 ins. wide. In cream color; yC" reg. 11.85 Value, these wo hours (QC $3 Scarfs and Centerpieces 69c From 12 to 2 P. M. on the Main Floor Battenburg and Lace-edge and Hem stitched Scarfs and Centerpieces, hun dreds of beautiful pieces to select JQ from; values to $3 each, now only OSC 50c Depositware, Only 23c Prom 1J to 2 P. M. on the Main Floor Sterling Silver Deposit Ware, including Vases. Tumblers, Sugar Bowls, Cream Pitchers, etc.; vals. to 60c, on sale Q now at very low price of, each aOC $1.00 Hair Brushes, SpM. 23c From 12 to J P. M. 600 Brushes, Includ ing Military Brushes, Hair Brushes, Clothes Brushes, Shaving Brushes, etc. values to tl. for these two hours oo on sale at the small price of.' each 60C 89c Aprons on Sale Only 49c From 12 to 2 P. M. 100 Large Bungalow Aprons, in blue, pink and dark Q colors; reg. 6&c values now, each r SIC Men's 12Vgc Collars Only 5c From 12 to 2 P. M. 300 Men's Four-Ply Collars, all good styles, all sizes; reg. 12V4c value, this one hour offered C at the remarkably low price, each QC Men's $3.00 Pants Only $1.95 From 12 to 2 P. M. Men's Pants of caa si mere, tweed and worsted, medium and heavy weight, plain colors and stripes; for these two hours only, pair $1.25 Gloves, Special, Only 79c From 12 to a P. M.--Womens Fine Qual ity Lambskin Gloves, medium and light weight, one or two-clasp styles, black; , white and tan: reg. $1.25 qual-7Q, ity. on sale at low price of, pair 4 9v $2.48 Umbrellas, at Only $1.50' From 12 to 2 P. M. 300 Women's Extra Good Quality Umbrellas, Z6-in. size, fast black tops of American taffeta. 8-ribbed frames, carved handles; reg. 4 Cfl 2.ii vals., on sale now at only pi7U FIFTH FLR.-12 to 2 P. M. 25c White Goods, Special 8c 1000 yards of White Piques. Crepes, atc mill ends of fine wash fabrics which oiv i dinarily sell at 15c to 26c a yard, during these two hours on sale at Ov 25c Ribbon Roses at 5c Ech From 13 to 9 P. M. en the Fifth Floor- 1000 Ribbon Roses, all colors, large and" modlum sise. with, foliaae: regular r? j 25c value, for these two hours at UC Sales! Indianapolis, Jan. Z0. With the union's future virtually hanging on the result of the Michigan and Colo rado mine strikes, the United Mine Workers today opened their biennial ionventiOH here. Accredited delegates numbered 1781. During the three or four weeks that the convention will continue the adop tion of a wage scale for American I miners throughout the I will overshadow all other matters in j importance. The Colorado and Mich ' igan strikes also will come in for a large share of attention, and besides petitions to congress. It was expected today that resolutions would be adopt ed setting forth the miners' alleged wrongs. i're.sident John M. White's report will show the organization to be in the test condition in its history. Great headway, it will be stated, has been made especially "in West Virginia and Colorado, factional disputes have been settled and the Feehan, Lewis and Mitchell squabbles which have marred past conventions have been eliminated. In December, 1911, the organization had a total paid up membership of 266,256. In December, 1913, the paid up membership had reached 415,000, rollment in physical department, 4415. The Association wiil ask the public for 112,000 for. maintahKMTce for 1914, of this amount considerable has already been raised. Calls Texas Guinan Inc. a Fraud. Los Angeles, Jan. 20. A fraud or- With AH PurchasesAgents for Butterick Patterns and the Delineator Lady Corset Lace Corsets From 2 to 3 P. M. 75c Union Suits, Garment 39c From 2 to 3 P. M. Women's Fleeced Union Suits in natural gray, made with high neck and long sleeves, ankle length, QQ sises 86, 88, 42 and 44; 750 value, at OVC $2.50 Bed Blankets, Each $1.79 From 2 to 8 P. M. on the Fourth Floor Large Size Cotton Bed Blankets. 72x84 inches, white or gray, with col- 7Q ored borders; 82.50 values, pair p $1.75 Table Cloths, at Only 98c From 2 to 3 P. M. on the Balcony Linen Table Cloths in a wide variety of bright attractive designs, with hemstitched bor ders; regular 11.75 values, special aq at the remarkably low price of. ea. 70C $3.00 Cut Glass, on Sale $1.69 From 2 to 3 P. M. To clean up our stock of Cut Glass we offer for one hour choice or luu comports, celery Trays, oyrup Jugs, Water Bottles. Vases, Vinegar Cruets, Nappies, etc.; regular 83 values, -t JQ on sale at low price now of. ea. p I 07 HOLTZ GROCERY SPECIALS From 2 to 3 P. M. in the Basement Bendorf Imported Coeoa, -lb. can 324 Tetley's Tea, special at only, pound. 5? Tea Garden Preserves at only; a Jar IBe $3.00 Muslin Night Gowns $1.49 From 2 to 3 P. M. on the Third Floor zoo ceautirui Musiin wigntgowns, in em pire and slip-over styles, with dainty lace embroidery - and ribbon - trim- A f ming; regular 83 value at, each 4 J.Tri7 Mens' $1.50 Uiderwear at 79c From 2 to S P. M. 1000 Men's Undergar ments, shirts and drawers, of Conner rlh Scotch wool and camelshair. medium and neavy weigni; regular ii.bo value, on sale during this hour for only J7C 35c Lace Neckwear, at Only 16c From 2 to 3 P. M. 600 pieces of Women's New ' Lace Collars, in1 Diaca. white and ecru, new style Dutoh and Epaulet pat terns; regular 25c and 85c values, ! r during this hour en sale at only XOC Baby Day Sp'ls. Now Offering On the Third Floor From 2 to 3 F. X. Infants' Long Kimonos on sale at 494 imams snori miung airoonos only iiifC inianis' wnne uuung finning blan kets new en sale at low price of 294 J Infants' ftScWoel Sklrta on sale, ea. 43 Holtz' Great Weekly Notibn'Sale Save Many a Penny on These Every Day Needs for -the Home BOc Shopping Bags at 39e 2Eo Scissors spec'l at lO lOo Shell Hairpins tt 8 2-for-5c "Beats - AH" Hairpins three for 54 6c Silk -Floss sp'l at 34 ic Collar Supporters 34 26c Novelty Edgings on sale at, a bolt 174 26c Sleeve Protectors 194 6c Marshall's Linen Thread now only 44 So Darners speo'l at Hm 6c Pins at, a paper 34 26c B SS, On Sanitary Belts now at only 174 6c Coat Hangars. wood, on sale for '34 6c Biaa Tape, at bolt 44 25c Silko Shields, or. 1ft 18c. Shopping Bags at 104 J5o "Velvet GriD" fiUDDorters now at 2 5c Dress Shields, pr. 1 Be snap Fasteners . ca-ala- atJ? .for. K4 10c Fancy But'ns. ds. He Dustless- 1UC JVIO KUT It "u ii- 'i next two years Dallas, Or., Jan. 50. Dallas, la alto gether proud of its leading musical organization the Moose orchestra, The orchestra, composed entirely of local ler, Issued by Postmaster General Burleson against "Texas Ouinan, in corporated," an anti-fat concern, was promulgated yesterday. EX-SENATOR'S WIFE IS MELANCHOLIA'S VICTIM Antioch, Cal., Jan. 20. Mrs. Charles M. Belshaw, ex-State Senator Bel- hAgts. "Nemo" Arnold's Knit From 3 to 4 P. M. Children's 35c Ho4e, Pair 23c From 8 to 4 P. M. Children's Fine Cash mere Hdfee. suitable for boys and girls, fast black, with gray heels or toes ana double knees, sires 5 to 9 V ; values OO. to 35c, on sale at low price, the pair 6wli $7.00 Irish Point Curtains $3.49 From 3 to 4 p. M, on the Fourth, Floor Fine Irish Point Lace Curtains, itv a wide mnira of natttrniL for Snrinc best French rabln Net. in nite ana ecru, mrw jmrua nes wide: 6 and0 A C long and 45 inches wide $7 values, during this hour only OJsJ 50c Table Damask, Yard 32c From 3 to 4 P. M. on the Balcony 64-inch Mercerised Table Damask, the good serv iceable kind, many attractive de- OO signs; 60c value, on sale at. yard Jt $18 Hair Switches, Sp'l. $4.98 From 8 to 4 P. M. Choice of our entire stock of J18 Hair Switches, made of finest quality German hair, and woven in threa separate strands, come in all shades. A perfect match guaranteed. Fot QQ this one hour on sale at, ech pT70 $1.98 Water Sets, Sp'fl. at $1.49 From 8 to 4 P. M. in the Basement Bight Piece Water Sets, large pitcher, six f lasses and tray, star-cut design; regular l.S value, for this one hour AQL on sale at very low price of. set P let V $5.00 Nemo Corsets, Only $3.50 From 3 to 4 P. M. Style No." 605 long hip, medium bust 100 pairs of the famous Nemos- also front-lace Gossard Corsets, style No. 2015, in medium busiQ tLC and hips; 85 value, on sale now JJ Men's 15c Hose, Pair, at 10c From. 3 to 4 P. M. 1000 pairs of Men's All Cotton and Cotton and Wool Mixed Hose, black, tan, gray and flesh col- f or; regular 15c value, on sale, pair 1UC 50c Embroideries, the Yard 15c From 3 to 4 P. M. New Swell Embroid eries, 27 inches wide, deep-worked pat terns, neat designs, good quality and fast edges; regular 3ac and 50c grades. g during this hour on sale at. yard luC Venise Laces on Sale at Vz Price From 8 to 4 p. M. on., the Main Floor Entire stock of Vents Lacee and 1 . Drees Trimmings of all kinds on 2 sale now with: the price reduced to 2Eks 8-bi-l Machine Oil 17 2-for-eo Safety PIna on -aale three for ' B6 -Bq Safety Pln.papr Z5o Bub'r Hair Curl- 10q Fa a e jr Pins, on -cushlonjje only i . r, . triam, .paper i HO t 6e Collar , and Pins , a two rr 50 14 54 2-for-6e Bast'ar Cot'a S-fer-6c i Cotton , Xapa now at' three .for v -ft.- .-. - - ... .... Director Downey and members of men. has done much to advance the musical standards of the city and county. Tbe services of the organisa tion are in demand throughout the shaw's wife, shot herself through the head at her home here today inflicting a wound from which she died without regaining consciousness. A sufferer from melancholia, Mrs. Belshaw bad been under a nurse's care for some time. Bending the attendant from her room, however, she locked herself In, pressed a revolver muscle to the back of her head below the ear and pulled the trigger. Hearing the shot, the nurse rushed and "Lyra" Corsets Wear for Infants Homurly From 3 to 4 P. M. Boys' 75c Sweaters Only 43c From 3 .to 4 P. M. Boys' Heavy Knit Sweaters. V nek, gray and blue, fin ished with pearl buttons and 2 Q- pockets; 76 value, at low price of tOC Women's $3.50 Shoes, at $1.98 From 8 to 4 P. 600 pairs Women's Gunmetat. Calf and Patent leather Shoes, all sizes; $3.60 value, 41 QQ on sale ope hour at. the pair 170 Reg. $1.25 Rag Rugs at 69c From 3 to 4 P. M. on the Fourth Floor Rag Ruga, size 27xb4 Ins.. with fringe at the ends, nice mottled color- JQ Ings; regular 31.25 value, special U?C 15c Braid Pins, Special, at 9c From 8 to 4 P. M. on the Main Floor- Shell and Amber Braid Pins, medium sise, aet with pure white rhlne s tones; excellent 15c values, special 9c 39c to 79c Novelty Jewelry 21c From 3 to 4 P. M. on the Main Floor Novelty Brooches. Har Pins. Beauty Pins, Lavallieres, Belt Pins, Cuff ni, Links, Hat Pins, etc.; to 7o vals. tULQ 98c China Plates, Each at 49c From 8 to 4 P. M. Choice of many Beautiful Hand-Painted China Plates; regular value 98c each, for this AQ one hour on sale at low price of TJG GROCERY STORE SPECIALS rXOH S TO 4 P. K. XV BASZUXOT Walker's Grape Juice, large bottle. 38 Tunny Fish in large cans-on sale 55 Dry Milk, special this hour, a can. 194 50c Chocolate Candy, Lb. 24c From 3 to 4 P. M. in Basement O A A 60c box of Chocolate Mallows 4Ut 30c Cream Bonhp mixed, pound, 164 Boys' $1.50 Trousers at 95c From 3 to 4 P. M. ItoyB Knickerbock ers of heavy eashmeres, tweeds, wor steds; brown, grays, blues and fancy mixtures; sixes 6 to 17; $l.i0 val- QP ues, during this hour at. tbe pair 7J Women's 75c Scarf s, Each 43c From S to 4 P. M. 100 Women's New Neck; and Head Scarfa of good quality silk mull, dotted and printed patterns, large else, with hemstitched ends;SQ f&o value, for this one hour. eachlJt FIFTH FLOOR 3 to 4 P.M. 20c French Flannels, Yard 10c 1100 Tarda Fine Striped Cotton Flannels .for ahlrts. waistlngs. pajamas, e r eta; 80c value, for this hour. yd. AVIC Baby Day Special Now On AI m TEI&D : THXJU3 TL-OOV.. 3 TO 4 P. K. 68a Baby Blankets on sale at. each. 4 Baby aby Rec Baby Record Books, special now at 11 2i Phil 11.35 Children's Sweaters now, ea.. Boa Children's -Caps, special only lOe Infants' Soft Sole Shoes now 25c , Bolts Velvet Ribbon From 3 to 4 P. M. on the Fifth Floor 86e Bolts of Colored Velvet Ribbon. Nod, 1 and Hi. in 10-yard bolts, eatra C value, on sale for this en hour at UC Lgr,aH'!,W.'S orchestra. Willamette valley. i'jTrom left to right in the picture, the memhers are: T. C. Stockwell. John fc. Miller. Lyle Rice, Tommy Magers, liert Downey, direc tor; Lloyd Rice. V t. Htewart. back, hroke down pe door and found her patient stretcljrd on her bed, her pistol still in her hand. Ex-Senator Bclsliaw was away from home at the time I the tragedy. AVeeler 1br I. C. V. Washington, Jan. 20. Bx-Becretary of Commerce and Labor William R Wheeler, of San KtanCinco, waa men tioned as a likely candidate for an interstate commerce commlsstonernhlp. Second Floor Visit the 5th Floor From 4 to 6 P. M. Men's $4.00 Shoes' Pair $1.98 From 4 to 6 P. M. MeiV Clf and Kid Shoes, with medium ajid heavy soles, short lines, sizes 5 to f. 9 to 4 QQ 11 only; 84 values at. Use pairi90 Child's $1.25 Union Suits 79c From 4 to 8 I. M. Children's Non fihrinkable Union Suits, fmade with high neck and long sWves. iwrlth or without drop seat; sizes Z to !1 years; 7Q 11.85 value, special for wo hours f 7C $1.25 Bed Spread, Each 85c From 4 to 6 P. M. on the-Balcony Large Double-Bed size Crochet spreads, made of best twisted yarns; 81.55 value, QE on sale these two hour at utilyOUW $1.50 Suitings, the; Yard, 79c . . '" From 4 to 6 P. M. on th Balcony 54-ln, Black and White Checked Suiting, much in demand this season tir drees- 7Q ea and skirts; $160 vpye. yard I 9C $2.00 Boys' Ruby Watches 89c From 4 to 6 P. M,Oor "Ruby" 82.00 Watches, stem wind andset plain QQ or fancy dial, special prlc each. OHM Children's $2.50 jshoes $1.29 From 4 to P. M Hoys, and tlrl Black Kid and Calf Ieaaber Khe.es, but ton and lace styles; t2-f$ ala.. fljl OQ special sale irlce at, the pair X 7 Bakery Special 4 'to 6 P. M. Fresh from our own dvens 10O Q dos. Cup Cakes; reu. 1 IWyalue. at liC 10c Jelly Rolls for t'hesp!-two hours ft Grocery Bargains-444jo 6 P.M. gala Tomorrow, 4 to 6 1C .Basement. Bacon IlackB, lean und iweet. 1. 1 Eastern Sugar-Cured lianan. pound ltt Veribest Hauer Kraut. j-'-ial. esn 104 Veribest Cornbe-f Haeh,! fH-oz. can U Men's 75c Night hirts at 49c From 4 to 6 P. M. XfreVa Flsnnerette Nightshirts, warm and rjjee:. cut very full, pink and blue xtript-s; reff. AQ 75c value, these two h$urs only Tb 25c Ribbons, the Yard, at 10c From 4 to 6 P. M 1500. Dlhknnn 4 anrl 4 ins.?.W yards All-Milk ide. Buwarian, rfark w(irt rrint. DreSdn Hnii dott Fancy Ribbons, Taf- -I r- feU Ribbons, black. 18c 5tf vals. 1VV FIFTH FLOOR 4? to 6 P. M. Regular 7c Towelyr on Sale, 3c Good Sise Towels for Iwaise use, "Honey-, comb" brand, fringed e4s; reg 7c Q values, special at low price jyf only. $1.50 Garnitures, Special, 50c Z -f -r From 4 to 6 P. M. Sew Bead Dress Oarnitures lrt crystal, .'iet and colored beads, various- sices nl shapes; to 11.60 vals. at low pries of. each UUW 10c and 12Vac H'dkerchiefs 5c From 4 td 6 P. M. i 1000 Women's Dainty Corner Embroidered Handker chiefs, hemtltched; regular lo C and lte values, thesiwo hour JC Safes! i0h y