f i : 14 THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, ' PORTLAND, TUESDAY EVENING, JANUARY 20. 1914. 33 THb iXKl'UKU HOTEL. K. tj and Morrison sts. American and European plan. New and modern, large; lotobv. upecial rates by month. f ' ' KOOMS AXII PAj - C'AHA .ROSA, icorner 6tb and Jeffer ason. -'.Large! room suitable for 4 ong men. I ; CHOICE table i board; Strictly noma - rooking: moderate terms. 252 11th. JtOOVS AWD BOIBD MUTATE FA.SUXY 7a TWO blocks from postoffice. cosy, large front room. modern, excellent home cooking. $5 ech if two share room. Marshall 37liS. '"KKONX room. Imodern. private family, walking distance, with meals if de aired. Reasonable. E. 662H. FINE home-, with board In lrvington for two you rig men with referenced. Y-516. Journal. . KJNL lit. r led mother will take one or twi clnldien to hoard and care for; reasonable. T-866. .lournal. i'LKAHANT, well heated room and board for man and wife or young people. $20 month. 5H5 East Madison. FURNISHED ' roonP and" breakfast, $3 per wwl; hII run veriieliees, Kant 5377. CSOOf) home for children; mother's care. $10 per monlh; East 3108. Jl' looking for hoard and room. Inquire Mrs Flora Loves. 130 K. l!th. KOOM and "bosird. t'.to Taylor. WANTKl) 1HKIM AM) HOARD 30 YOI'MJ man -seeks ruom and board, three meals. In dean home with all comforts of a home; llKht. heat and bath with hot water any time. Walk ing distance to ea."t side Broadway bridge. Must be reasonable. J-909, Journal. hoi .skkf.kimm; hoo.ms WEST -SWK i A M HHI I Hi K bldg., furnished house VcejilMK rooms', i-entral. cheap rent. pply room l.r, 1 ?T 3d st. FOR RENT---Nicely furnished house keeping rooms, walking distance. SU8 Davis. TWO furnished housekeeping rooms), 13 per week. Free light, phone, bath. 272 Montgomery. Southeast corner 4th. 1 AND 2 room apts.. free phone and bath. Washington. HOUSEKEEPING BOOMS WEST BIOS PRIVATE FAMU.Y 73 LIGHT housekeeping room. Beautiful ly furnished, Clean, light, comfort able. All conveniences. Splendid loea Hon. Furnace. $12 monthly. 2G4 12th. L'LKAN 2 room housekeeping suite, lurnace beat, reasonable. Also sin gle. 2 N. 17th. TURKU unfurnished rooms for house keeping; gas. light, bath,- phone. 182 Id n col ns t. Aj-3 fi 4 8 . 'J'WO or 3 not front but clean, close In rooms. Everything furnished. For employed rpl r-. 1,'tl Taylor. 'lilKEE furnished h. k. .rooms, hot ai d cold water; : lights aiid phone free. 3 1 5. 4 S 1 West Park st. - NICK homelike housekeeping rooms. (lose in. at lull v. I'ark st., between i.i. .... ... iLwiiiiiKtoo a'o .rarK s?s. KOOMS with the use of-kitchen for light housekeeping; J2 per week up. 712 Hoyt. FCkXISHED ROOMS KAST SIDE PLEASANT front suite, consisting of living room) alcove, kitchen, free ' bath, lights, phone. $12 mo. 308 Mill st. t- . LARGE, comfortable housekeeping 4 room for employed person; Marshall " ijuiniDy st TWO and 3 room suites, light and bath. pnone 34'2: Mor rlsun. ONE nice, clean, light housekeeping room, front.! 600 Jefferson. JsUITE of 'housekeeping' rooms, gas ranee, hath, jheat. 171 N. 17th st. TWO large housekeeping rooms on first floor, Oheap. 75 Grand ave. N. ONE small su lite for light, housekeep- ing. 695 V4 kjlisan. near 21st st TWO nicely i ooms, $15. furnished front H. K. 46'J Brou Iway. No sign. HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS 48 EAST SIDE ST. MARKS. 1 .'ousekeepini; rooms at your own price. Come nd see. ::92s E. Burn side. ; LIGHT and airy 2 room apartment new and modern; walking distance. 413 Hassalo st. $1.50 to $2.75; week, furnished H. K. rooms, gas, free heat, laundry, baths, phone East m39; 406 Vancouver ave HOUSEKEEPING rooms for working .men.- with cookstove and sink; very reasonable. .132 K. Burnslde. HOUSEKEEPING BOOMS EAST SIDE PRIVATE FAMILY 74 $12..".0. TWO nicely clean front II. K. rooms, balcony, closet, completely furnished. 2d i floor, hot water, bath, I'ght, phone free; wood and gas stove. Adults; walking distance. Sell. 1109 R64 E. 6th. i THREE furnished housekeeping rooms private toilet and bath, front and back porch, $lo month, electric lights water, linens Included. 195 E. 74th st! N. M-V car. THREE front rooms, down stairs well furnished for housekeeping; 'wood . fr?1..1" J""1 Ka!i stoVf-- 'iglit-s and bath, i . ''i"11 ,'001ns. upstairs, stove and y". ' xuiamuoK st. TWO room suite, complete housekeep inir $17: c vo r v t h i n i f nr.,i.i,.j 1 d'sV'"'1' M'w house; Balfour apts. .......... ii, vf. cuaii housekeeping rooms, ground floor. 754 Albina av. Woodlawn 2775. TWO connecting Front rooms, fur insneu tor liousekeeDinc- Ilii ; ro 34th st Tabor 4569. TWO nicely -furnished housekeeping tArs. iiiancocK si.; pnone East FURNISHED housekeeping and sleep Ing rooms in private family on east B'dej387;E. Ankeny st. phone E 3679 HOUSEKEEPING rooms. furnished. iine location. Phone Tabor 3275. 8 to 9 a. m. HOI SES FOIi HKXT 12 U ROOM house at 860 Weidler St. $15 fjfil fiOxlOu;. nice garuVn spot and trnt trees. Phones Main 392. A-2392. COTTAGE with 6 rooms. 491 Mill st between 14th and 15th. All clean and modern. Cull Main 212 Mondav .7 .ROOM modern house, cheap newly renovated, near school. Inquire 1071 Belmont. NICE modern five roombunealow for bllfOs" Sherman- "ent ! Mar- MODERN 6 room house. 587 Crampton and Milwaukie sts.. near new car .ghopw. Main 1359; A-7931 50. Modern 7 room house vaibin. distance. llolladay addition. Phone Fsst 3394. SEVEN room house, 11S2 E 40th and Sherman. 1 block from Richmond school. Take Richmond car. $13. HOLSES in lrvington. East 273 W H. Herdman. FIVE room cottage, walking distance.- pio r.. ptepnena st. FIVE rooms and gas. bet. 6th and 7th. 434 V4 E. Washington. 5 ROOM house. 355 San Rafael, walk- jiiBOiHiance. oeiiwooa Sic $2 new, 7 rooms, fireplace, hardwood lots, 543 iC. 39th. 1 block WR car. MODERN 6 room house for rent, 299 16th st.; rent very reasonable. FOUR or & room cbttages4 -' 110. $121 24 Nlcolai. take 23d street car. T C ROOM cottage, 7Q Taggart st. near 19th. TaltfrTwW tar. Mrshl 4317 . FOP RENT-. I room house. No. 52 : y?5a-w 'f rTOfpa - Main 404. A-4921. . CIEANi itiodepn 5 room vottage. 866 Vauyhn.f23d car, only $16. SIX room bungalow. $?5; furnace, fire place; 28th and E. Franklin. FIVE room cottage for rent btna ave. .Wdln. 1601. 638 Al- HOUSES FOR RENT 12 Continued) I MEIER FRANK'S FREE RENTAL j AND INFORMATION BUREAU j Fourth floor Main building. j ?mplte and reliable list of all va- ?i'OU,"'?8Vnat,8.' HW Servic. wh-M WtZ aZz obligate voyf ierJlr f 8thii oongate you in any manner to this store. Toil will rln1 ti. -Illlna- and readv u t all times to help you lb lo- eating. New comers in Portland will 6 find this service especially valuable. i FOR. RENT 117.50. Five room bungalow, block and half lalf IS" Mt. rrom nunnyslde car, 2 minute-serv In well-to-do district, west slope Tabor district. Phone Main 1224. O. F. Ford & "o., 309 Ry. Exchange. , FURNISHED OR UNFURNISHED ; proach. C-2021. Nine room house in Irvingtpn. Am 2 6 room flats 32 19th. 591 Wash leaving for California. New. modern. ington. Modern and walking distance. well located. Tehaphone Egst6374. THREE room flats, modern, walking $15 MO.JERN 6 room house, full base-j distance, reasonable; 693 E.Morrison. ment. electric lights, gas-for cook- ing. w. W. tar. Key Iiext door. !.r K. 2.'th st $12 TO RENT $12 MODERN 4 room furnished flats; out- Four room house, with bath and i side rooms, good light, gas, bath, electric lights. One block from Irving- etc., wood and gas range; $16.50; one ton car. 837 E. 14th st. N. unfurnished flat, $12.50. 539 Commer- ElOHT room modern house for rent!.1?1. '?""; Take U car to Russell, go very reasonable; desirable location:! Main 2174. FOR RENT Modern 6 room house in llolladay add., near R. R. bridge, corner of E. First and Hassalo sts. FURNITURE FOR SALE 32 HOUSES FOR REXT FURNITURE of- 12 rooms all com plete for housekeeping apartments; nice home; house for rent. 500 Jeffer son st. Marshall 471. NlCl-XY furnished room front flat for rent; furniture for sale. 48 N. I6tlf. HOUSE for rent, furniture for sale; &; 13th: phone Marshall 5492. FURNISHED HOUSES 3 C'OM-'l.,ETEI.ir furnished 3-room house, 1077 E. 2!th st. N. Inquire at office 30th and Alberta. After 4:30 o'clock 1076 E. lath St., N. itiKh,K room partly furnished bun galow, on lot 60x130. 3 blocks from Richmond carline; rent $12.50. East 1880. B-1982. SIX room completely furnished house for rent on Mississippi ave. carline. 651 Mississippi ave. Inquire 150 Gra ham ave., 2& blocks south, 2 east. FOR RENT Completely furnished 7 room modern house: everything cozy and homelike: located at 204 E. 2Qtn St., walking distance. East 867. B-1615. MODERN 6 room house, furnished, and garage. $2&. Inquire 777 Grand ave. Phone Woodlawri 2783. MODERN 5 room bungalow, complete ly furnished, $15 per month. 125 Greely st. Woodlawn 1292. FURNISHED house, fine neighbor hood; walking distance. 625 East Ankeny. Phone East 3665. FOR RENT Furnished cottage. $22.50. Call mornings 169 K. 26th St.. near Yamhill FURNISHED cottage, modern, piano, phone, water free; close in, U car; ' 262 Page st FURNISHED 5 room cottage to rent. 175 Stanton st. Wdln. 1601. FURNISHED 3 room cottage close in. 49 E. 7th. between Oak and Pine. $12. APARTMENTS 43 vvcoi vjiuc nuai uiiciiio 2 room apartment $10to $12: 3 room apartment ...$15 to $2) 4 room apartment $22 All newly painted and papered. H. GI NTHEK. Marshall 16. 404 Yeon bldg. THE CROMWELL. 6th and Columbia Sts. Modern 2 and 3 room furnished apart ments; 6 minutes' walk to shopping and theatre district; new building, every convenience. UNhR OWNER'S MANAGEMENT. COMPLETELY furnished 1 room apts., with kitchenette, steam heat, running hot and cold water, pbone in every room: 7 blocks from 5th and Morrison sts., $16.50 and up. 291 Co- lumbia st., corner 6th. SHEFFIELD apartments. 272 Broad way, S., cor Jefferson, easy 'Walk ing distance. 3 or 4 rooms with pri vate baths, very reasonable rent, best service, splendid arrangement, all otjt side rooms, direct phones. " THE WASHING l ON, 6h9 Northrup room unfurnished-apartments, with bath and all modern conveniences, tele phone, steam heat, gas, electric light, etc. Take W cur to 21st and North lup. Phone9 Main 437S. A-1133. I HAVE for rent one 2 room basement ' apartment with large dressing room, i very light, nicely lurnished, modern) brick builuing. 10 minutes from post office. $25. Call Marshall 4637. THE PARKHURST. NoVth 20th and Northrup st. Homelike furnished 3 and 4 room apts., outside rooms, balcony to every suite, all coiivenientes; ref. Main 1178. WEI ST APARTMENTS 69 NORTH 23d ST. For rent. 1 6 room apartment, all . ..1 . . 4 c : . - ... modern conveniences, finest in city; references required. Apply Apt. 4. HEINLE APARTMENTS. 1ith dn i'.lliniV.l.r. "ui auu vuiuniuid, j Iciirnishp-H 5 3 4 all conveniences; first class, homelike) reasonable rates; ref. M. 7337, A-3615. DIXEY APARTMENTS Modern. transient and sleeping rooms; moderate rates bv day or week; 869H 1st st. Mrs. M. J. Coonrad, form erly prop, of Alaska It. H., 2294 1st. Burch Apartments New. modern, furnished room nnm bath, phones, dressing room, fine local iion. up in. zist st. Mar. 4141. W ca.-. . MONTGOMERY APTS.. Cor. 3d and Montgomery. Buildirg :.ew and strictly modern, furnished 2 room apts., automatic elevator, close in; no c.niiqren; zu to 30. Main 9460. DOWNTOWN apartments, furnished or uniurnisneti, newly renovated, rea sonable rent. Royal Annex bldg. 3501,. Morrison st. ANGELA APARTMENTS. 89 Trinity Place. 2. a and a room fnr. nished apts., private bath and phone. reasonable rates. Mar. 1950 Call apt. 26. JEFFERSON1AN APARTMENTS oi jit,rrnKBUW, CUK. 16TH. Two 3 room apartments. $20 and $25 per month. Modern conveniences. C1ISC1IVISA1I Court, - 401 10th. Two and 4 room furnished and unfur- 1 nished apts Steam heat, evervthine i furnished. Reasonable rent. MORTON APTS. Cor. Wash, and King" 3 room furnished ant alar. 9 turhished basement apt.; walking dis- tance; reasonable rent. M. 1082. A-1108 I THE DEZENDORF. 208 16TH ST.. NEAR TAYLOR. 1 elegant 5 room unfurhished apt Also elegant 5 -room furnished ant. LINCOLN apis., 4th and Lincoln All outside, 2 room fur apts.; low rates include free light, heat private phone' "S" or 16th st. car south. Main 1977' LAM BROOK APTS. 430 Yamhill- at i ana 3 room Furnished apts. New FURNISHED A room I7 apt; modern. Cottel Drug Co Tat ana Sherman. SIX room m modern unfurnished apart - outside rooms, fine sleeping Nob Hill district Main 8251 ment perch. ERONT 3-room apartment, furnished, i SALE OR EXCHANGE Horse, wagon : ygw Used only one year Ad v.hot water, heat. tri Ho.k. Tj r and harness. $36. What have vou? K000 " nfw i," one ear- I t.i0 w .k; ;,.",uUi;1 .!, .v.' s v. - - THE NOKOMIS ANNEX Modern 2 $18 mo. 17th & Marshall. Mar.' 4943. FURNISHED 3 rooms, lights, water. "q pnone, ja montn. C. 1808. 1, 2 ROOM housekeeping aparts Mod ern, with heat. $8 up. 181 G rover st FOR REXT FLATS io iTrKK part 301 E. 11th 4 rooms.! 1 blOCk SOUth Hawthorn XT a I fi 6030 or East 963. 13 (Continued) YOU WILL LIKE IT Nw modern. 4 room flat, front t rw-rch .loMiin. norch Dutch kitchen, linoleum, buffet, bookcase, disappear- ing bed. Hose in. 85fe Fremont, Mis- sisstppi icar. 18. hone Marshal 8408. FIVE room upper and lower, near Haw- thorns i ave. All outside rooms and trictly modern. New buildings, close ln very attractive. Will make price 4, .. tenant Ke th V"v "" . i.V I00? - 'ln ROOM modern, with front ana back yard and porches: watKing ois- i tancenf Has a gaa range and water beat- 1 Jir,kn JiK,euS-,-h-ifil0?iri7 m t0 i right tenant. Marshall 3197. i iitviNtiiUS i noice a room riat, i E. 16th. Broadway anu lrvington Fr8; 2,RrSOnable- tM'' Phonl B - ast 3209. . . MODERN 4 room corner flat, S94 Bn- i ton. 2 blocks Broadway bridge ap FURNISHED FLATS 50 blocks west: BIX room corner, completely furnished. modern, walking distance, very rea sonable to right party. East 3987. 4814 E. Couch. FOUR room furnished upper corner flat. modern conveniences, 7dl VaughrT st,: Main 8110. $20 NICELY furnished 4 room flat, walking distance. 444 Rodney ave. East 4866. HOTELS 54 Van tiorder Hotel Modern, good home for good peo ple, rates reasonable: trv us. 105 12th st., bet. Wash, and Stark. M'l 2790. STORES AND OFFICES 11 roeuiK ON BROAD WAT. CORNER YAMHILL 8T. Outside Office Rooms Single and ln Suites Reasonable Rental cttlt ill 111 :B'" High class service Inquire at Journal Business Office and ask to see them. i-miCK warehouse in South Portland for rent, trackage, light and airy. On paved street, reasonable. Journal Publish'ng Co.. Broadway and Yamhill. STUDIO furnished. Rent by the hour. Fine location. N-841. Journal. NEW brick store 17x60, cheap; Marshall 1603. 268 N. I6ta; FOR RENT HALLS 59 bUH KENT Hall, 43 Division. 4630. Tabor WANTED TO RENT I WE ARE unable to supply our custom- j ! ers with 5 and 6 room unfurnished! ! houses, strictly modern and compara- ; ! tively new; have special call for good j i bungalows to rent rrom Yi to 4U per ; 'month. Want 3 houses on Portland Heights or other West Side view locations;) must De extra good, nave garages. Have clients waiting, ready to pay up to $90 month. Want good houses in lrvington; must be first class ln every respect. We will consider it a favor If you will call personally. Rental dept., F. N. Clark & Company, Title & Trust bldg. I Main 5 423, A-7617 - j WANTED 3 room housekeeDine suit a. " walking distance of The Journal. F 742. Journal. HOUSES, VEHICLES, ETC. 18 I U. S. Stables 248 FRONT ST. Just arrived from eastern Oregon, carload of nice young horses and young mares, alt sizes G. D. lamson ONE pair of ranch horses. $150. One pair of ranch horses.. $125. One pair of ranch horses. $100. One pair of ranch horses. $75. One fine young horse, 1100 lbs.. $125. ' l his stuff has been left with us and must be sold at once. 10J9 EAST YAMHILL. Attention I Foot of Main street, west side, car i load of mares and geldings, weighing iioo to lbUO lbs. Young, sound, guar anteed. $100 FOR THIS. Three-year-old German coch colt, very handsome; also several well matched farm chunks weighing around I 1350 pounds. At 25 N. 14th St.. bet. ! Burnsl(ie and Couch l"A - Ji - T 1 AT I Tl HI I.'Il . WELL MATCHED sorrel team, weight about 2500 lbs., trood workers, har- i ness good as new, and light farm wa- gOn. The outfit is to be sold for feed will Kern Park. 4518 67th st. S E. Mt. Scott oar. GOOD sanitary barn room for 25 head of horses, for sale or trade, two year lease, good paying business. Barn full at present time. Have sickness and have to leave. 4518 67th St. S. E., Kern Park. Mt. Scott car. ON account of going east must sell my j span mules, age 6 and 10, wgt. 2600 IIjk. ' They are good workers and gentle in ail harness, come and maae orrer. Can be seen at 270 East 7th st. H. D. Lockhauser. Murphy Horse & Mule Co. Sells on commission, horses, mules, ve hicles, harness. Auction every Monday and Friday. 10 a. m. 240 E. 8th. E. 6315. WANTED A team, harness and farm wagon, in exchange for 5 acres of vallev land, value $310. Address or cell 280 E. 77th st. N. Take Monta villa car. TEAM chunkv mares, weight 2250, har ness and wagon. Am going away and will take $135 for whole outfit 621 E. 24th. Woodstock car. j GOOD light team of ponies for sale FOR RENT FIATS I .fiftiii.JT cueup; Harness auu uuKsy. ur win wilii . reuidiKauis niagueiu uuih wiin rent outfit. 361 Stanton St. Phone i in the flywheel. Reversible and water- i.. oTW rr r r rr ERrVVN mare and black horse, weigh 2500. fat. sound and good workers. cneap it sum at once; no town st. Take F car. SEVERAL good horses, mares, of last load: will sell reasonable. Madi- bridge, west side. FOR SALE Several farm, delivery i anri tnm her wncona in cood conrit, tion an l-.Mieains F. A Kennev 371 1st. FOR SALE A new high grade buggy and harness. J. G. Killgreen, Mil- waukie. Or. - " 1400 LB. mare for sale. Inquire 52 First street or Nobby Stables. 12th and Flanders - STEEL-TIRED buggy, almost new. and harness, $26; also cheap work horse for sale. Hi. tn ana Hcnuyier. i 1" WANT to buy a horse, harness and I wagon; must be reasonable; please give description, price. D-799, Journal. SNAP Bay horse, sound ' and true- 25 N. 14th st 1350 lbs. su. At ! WsAm,EI:0irI5o itnr small team; 1500 E. Oak; Tabor 4702 LIVESTOCK S3 WANTED Fresh young Jersey or Guernsey; address 1884 E. Madison - ! FRESH- Holstein cow for sale, good miiKcr. jib. i4 uivision st. i tnca ml Unnlrlm Callmc. otn I Eatacada line. 35 FIVE young fresh Durham cows, calves by side. 2 SDrtneers. 885 up: take dry or beef cows in exchange. 95 K. 30th. corner Washington. FRESH cow for sale, extra heavy. rich milker with calf, and gentle to milk, 6 years old. at bargain. Csll at Rerfront rtable, Oregon City, Or. THREE freah cows wilth calves, extra heavy, rich milkers. 169 62d st. N - x - ,....,, . w . m ., i,' "" v"""" iggTi" 18 HEAD of good dairy cows.. 16 fresh and balance coming on soon. a. Hess 263 Foster road Lents. TWO fresh cow. with calf by aide. S KaonB day 619 K. John su St. Johns. wantfti " Vonna- freh eow- ?ubD A. aOUMfller.rei645CMi sh,p, ave no Mlssis- wnb - JTi' -One good family cow. Johns to Edward st., 1 cheap; St. i block south: John Upp. TWO good, milk cows for sale; St. Johns car, 1681 W. Aura st; phone Columbia 150. POULTRY 37 WH1TE ORPINGTON cockerels. Eggs for hatching. Feldman, 89th and E. Stark sts. FINE thoroughbred Orpington rooster for sale. Ms price. Is a beauty. 771 East 27th st. Woodstock car. FOR SALE Thompson Ringlet Barred Rock cockerels. Prices reasonable. i Tabor 187. BUFF orpington eggs from winning stock. $1.50 per 15; $8 per 100. Tabor 1ACI 1CC1 X." T, ,.,;. l. i BUFF Orpington cockerels, winning stock, $3 each. One for exchange. 1651 R. Burnslde. cor. 64th. Tabor 1051. EXHIBITION Barred Rock eggs. Car- neaux. Belgian hares. Hamlit, Box 279, Portland. Or. BROODER 100 chick size. State make and price. M-860, Journal. WHITE Orpington breeding stock. Call Monday at 1461 E. Everett. DOS AND HOUSEHOLD PETS 4 GOLDEN Cocker Spaniels, black Cock er Spaniels. Pedigreed. The most in telligent dogs in the world. 1275 E. 7th st. N. Woodlawn 963. WANTED A trained parrot; must b a good talker and in good health. Address P. Wildy, 783 Franklin ave.. Astoria, Or. s OREGON BIRD CO., 920 E. 16th st N. X car. Canaries, aviary birds. Golden and Chinese pheasants. AUTOMOBILES-ACCESSORIES 44 . Used Auto Snaps Buy now and save money. Cash or terms. 1913 Hudson. 6 cyl.. electric starter and lights, nearly new. Cheap. 1911 Cole, 6 pass.. 30 H. P. Just overhauled. 1909 'Cadillac. 5 pass.. 30 H. P.. A-l condition. 1913 Reo delivery. 1500 lb. capacity, overhauled and repainted. Cheap. Northwest Auto Co, Broadway and Couch sts. A-4959. Main 8887. BARGAINS IN USED CARS. 1 1913 Michigan 40 five passenger MVESTCK (Continued) 1 car with electric lights and electric .'..starter. Cost $1875 new. Will sell for $800. 1 1912 Michigan 33 four passenger car with electric lights. Cost $16a0 new. Will sell for $400. 514 Aldar st xi a in cd, ask ior wuancs.. - BODIES, WHEELS. SPRINGS. PAINTING. General repair ing. 209 Front St. COLUMBIA CAnrtl AGE & AUTO WKS. WANTED All grades scrap rubber, I highest cash prices paid; phone us i our man will call and buy what you have. J. Leve, 186 Columbia. M. 5198. Written guar antee with every spring. 26N.15thst TOP wanted for 5 passenger car, also one Dig cusnion, renders, seat covers, and side curtains, may consider a fore ooor body, give price. J-917, Journal. BODIES FOR SALE. Taxicab bodies $60, runabout and touring bodies and extra seats very cheap. Auto Top Co., 525 Alder. DO YOU want to save 20 per cent on the purchase price of a 1000 pound truck? Winton Motor Car Co. AUTOSPRINGSpaired Frank Lange, 228 Salmon. Main 181. Cnrinrrc- Made, repaired, new ones Opilllg,o guaranteed. Washington Car & Auto Was., 366 E. Wash. Bt EAST SIDE AUTO REPAIR CO.. Inc. 661 Hawthorne ave.. auto specialists WANTED Ford auto for cash. Price must be right. U-593, Journal. SEE Ore. Auto Exchange before pur chasing used cars. 129 Lonsdale. (15th MOTORCYCLES - BICYCLES 53 DAYTON MOTORCYCLES YALE Win ter bargains ln used machines; mo torcycle, bicycle repairing. Dayton Cycle Co., ' now at 210 Broadway. WILL trade 1913 7 horse power In dian motor cycle for equity in lot or trade for lot. Enquire at 131 E. 28th N. Call in evening. FOUR horse motorcycle engine; would make a dandy canoe motor; breeze carburetter and gas tank. KX-400. Journal. GENT'S bicycle, good as new, trade for reir.,rr. hi,ii g incubator, io or 150 capacity. 605 TRADE motorcycle, fuel, dlamonJ, value $125. Make, Twin Excelsior. 601 Swetland bldg. FLYING Merkle, twin, in good condi tion, fully equiped. Price $100. Call after 4 p. m.. Room, 20, 150 11th st. MOTORCYCLE wanted as first pay ment on lot in fine district, easy terms. Tabor 1907 or 1694 Division. INDIAN 2 speed- motorcycle; terms. K-92u, Journal. LA INCHES AND BOATS 434 A FEW 1913 model Evinrude detach able rowboat motors usej for dem onstration purposes for sale at bar gain prices and guaranteed to be in good running order. See our new 1914 ' Evinrude detachable rowboat motor proof. v. G. Epton, 106 4th st. 4-CYLINDER, 2-cycle 22-30 Eld engine,- oil pump, sight feed system, set of coils, magneto, expansion tank, 2 Sbebler carburetors, 3 22-in. pro pellers, shaft couplings; price $150. Call and see. Hattlhouse, care Port la n dftowi n grdjjbfootoflvon8t. FOR SALE New and second hand gasoline engines, motorooats, ca- i noes and rowboats. I can seil your ! motorboat. List them with me. Will repaint your canoe at reasonable prices. F. G. Epton. 106 4th. WILL buy second hand canoes. Must be cheap for cash. F. G. Epton, 106 4th st. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS 84 NEW $300 upright piano, i wholesale sample. iu, casn or . time. E. H. LSd' e 207-208 filing Mutiaing. : WILL transfer $275 equity in $750 aress journal. ' $500 Hallet & Davis piano" used less ! than one year- for 275 c80- Phone ; C')I17Q WILL-$75 caah buy a good pianc,7 State make and condition. D-583, ! Journal. SAMPLE $650 player piano, new 1379 I cash or time. E. H. Holt Piano Ci 1 wholesalers. 207-208 Selling building. FOR SALE New, high grade, inside player organ, big barbain. Main 1755 a&-3M FOR SALE Fine player piano cheap, cash or terms. Z-468, Journal. r - .!'.' . MUSICAL INSTRUBIENTS 34 ! j (OoBtUmed) HALLET DAVIS Virtuolo 88 note player piano, used for demons tra- tion purposes, now placed on our sale floor. Regular price of this Instru- ment the world over is $775. This one will be sold for $615. Including usual library of music and l.iench. Posl-' tively a fine offer on a strictly high grade instrument. Call and have us demonstrate it. Keed irrencn tnano Mfg. Co.. inth and Stark' sts. FLAYER piano bargain in our win dow. Modern 88 , note mahogany player piano, in fine condition, for $355. including bench and your choice of 12 rolls of music. This will bear investigation if you want a strictly good player at a moderate figure. Guaranteed. Reed-French Piano Mfg. Co.. 10th and tark sts. SAVE $100 to $200 on your piano or player piano by purchasing one of the beautiful samples we are offering to the public at wholesale prices. E. H. Holt Piano Co.. wholesalers, 207 208 Selling building. I HAVE an oak Lagonda player piano l bench and 22 rolls of music that I ' will sell for $375. $50 cash and $15 ner month, with interest. References required. Address A-936, Journal. PHONOGRAPH with 100 new records for $25. F-725. Journal, TYPEWRITERS . WE save you from 50 to 75 per cent on all makes of typewriters. Send for our illustrated folder: retail depart- , ment. WHOLESALE TYPEAVRITER CO 121 Wash Mt ' -rVr. ! vx E- i NEW. rebuilt 2d hand rentals, cut , rates, r. u. c. co.. zis siarK. m. iiui. HOUSEHOLD GOODS for Sale 6.5 1 1 Bible. 3 miscellaneous packages, 2 i luiich boxes, 5 umbrellas. FURNITURE Before baying second I At Savier street barn, Jan. 18, 1914. hand goods, see what you can do . Phone A-6131: 2 packages merchan here on new goods, for cash. Get post- dise, 1 umbrella. 1 package shoes. eu wuiia.m oauBuy, im bliiu v asu. xv r; r.uy. seii ana exenange new ana ?,tfYtUrZJ!? aa.1.l.t'2dl ! t .UIIl. t. ' . . ifi prt unu nu j FOR SALF MISCELLANEOUS 10 Til FROM $20,000 STOCK DIAMONDS. WATCHES. JEWELRY. VIOLINS. GUITARS BEING SOLD BELOW COST. I Cannot Hold an Auction but I Can Beat Auction Prices After 34 years of honest dealing with the people of Portland, this store is to be closed. On the 1st of February I begin my duties as manager of the Remedial Loan association, and all my stock and fixtures must be sold. UNCLE MYI (Established 1,8791 71 6th St,, near Oak. OO A FIGHT on high prices. Why pay $5 to $10 for a pair of 1 .incu. whun t Qn fit your eyes with first quality lenses in a gold filled frame as low as $1,507 C' Wk .GOOdnia1. 191. Morrison, Bt-' near bridge. Satisfaction guaranteed. FOR bALE New and second hand ; carom ana pocgei Diniara tables, , and bowling auleys and accessories, bar fixtures Of all kinds, easy pay- ments. The Brunswick-Ball-Conen- iei-69- 8t UROP head machines of an manes, ai.ou to szt Box covers J3 un Rent - ing and repairing. Phone Main 2978. Portland t. M. Co. 207 Third. LATHE, American, 18x14; Shaper. ' VOIR raga made into beautiful roga or car SteDtoe. 24; Badger punch shear: i P- 51" P"tn Woodlawn 208S. other complete equipment; new, used month; reasonable. 260 Hawthorne. CHA1R-CAMNG and repairing. Price, rea SAFES Mosler Safe Co.. manufactur- ; sonable. Phone Sellwood leo. 448 E. 8th. ers. Low prices, easy terms. Safes opened and repaired. Bargains in sec ond nana sates. ius st. Main 7676. FOR SALE cheap, novelty matchbox patent; make good Panama expos!- Hon souvenir. F. E. Lafler, Prlneville J CK. Mc.MAHON Latest equipment. Two or Or. ' ' fees. 121 4th. 378 Williams aye. 18 ad Well Rotted Fertilizer Manure Phone East 4296. PLl'MHlMa fixtures nln inH tit. I tings, sold direct to you. Stark i EXTERT addressing $1 per 1000. Addrso Davis Co.. 249 Salmon. Main 797. graf shop, room 2. Portland Troat bldg. FOR SALE Lady's raincoat: also ' Woolly coat size 38, $5 each. Ad dress Dressmaker. 240 Park st. FUR SALE Two one piece cloth ! dresses V4 price new- sia 36. Main ' 2294. ! GOOD single wagon, harness, $8. One new solid oak dining table. $8. 1445 Rodney ave. COMPLETE paid up course in higher accounting, with books. C. S., P. O. box 801, city. NEW Whitc'Sewing Machine, latest model, at a sacrifice. Mlnook ho tel. 4th and Salmon. $12 50 DROP-HEAD sewing machines. Call 152 Grand avenue. FOR SALE Almost new gas range. Address R. L. Parkinson, 735 Hoyt. ONE shaper, one sticker," good as new, cheap. Address M-862. Journal. FIRST CLASS imported tapestry for sale cheap. Main 8686. 4284 Mill st cm su cneap. l oarotr cnair and mirror. Call B-2nS.r.. V,. ,m T WAiYlEiD HlOCiiljJjAJlUl.'B O HIGHEST prices nS?Withti furniture, uo auctioneers "or second hand stores. ! Plmnn PlAst 6462 or a. rtofital anH run. resentative will call. Grand Rapids Furniture Ex., 125 Grand avenue. iu kt. or larsrer a atone that will stand exDert examination what is your minimum price and size of stone? u-747. Journal. WANTED Second hand comptometer, n, " ai.'V-,." l1,. A " A;. Co. Box C. f'Wn City Or., or tele- s-'itVIHT J'laill f I . l V--ia.Jf, "NOTICE TO MOVERS." Just opened up. We must have C1 AAA .- v. . r 1. .. . 1 Wl li nov Iati nAiph nriii ITioil Fnrnl Wi- lV M. P & U -Furni- We Buy everything you have to sell. The Fair ueai. mam szvz. . RTDRE flrlnrsa nf nil IrinHq hnnirht and sold, at 41st and Division ets. Phone evenings Tabor 2402. UE WISE, ;et more for your second hand furniture by selling- it to Ford Auction Co.. 211 1st. Main 8951. WANTED a second hand postal card photo outfit, must be first class and a bargain. V-848. Journal. SECOND HAND clothing wanted, $1000 worth in next 30 days: hlghefet ! 294 3d. ' cseh prices paid. Main 9263. CASH for pianoa or furniture; room 15. Cambridge. IS514 3d: Main 941. H1WHEST prices paid for 2d-hand fur niture. Galvin. Ill Grand iv. E. 6538. WANTED Rifles, shotguns, cameras. Hochfeld. 36 N. 3d st- Main 8681. HIGHEST prices paid for 2d-hand clothes. Main 1383; A-3681. 846 1st WANT 60 cords wood cut. 5?4 6tn St., between 6 and 7 o'clock. GUNS and Cameras wanted: highest prices paid. 31 N. 3rd. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS 5 (Contlaiiad) S. H. BAROER, THE AUCTIONEER Will sell your residence furniture or will pay you bighest cash prices for fame. Call East 1022. Store, 368 E. Morrison at. N. P. We buy and aell everytning in the furniture line at bargatna ' If you dou't get our prices you will probably pay more. S. H. Bargerv YOU DON'T NEED IT 1 do and I will pay ail your furni ture and household goods are worth- Main J021 204 1st GEVURTZ FURNITURE STORE. 208 1ST. MARSHALL 6981 Will pay best price for your furniture, carpets, stoves, etc., etc. New and second hand furniture our specialty. WANTED The people or Portland to know that I pay highest cash price for second hand household goods. No amount of fwrniture too large or too "mall to consider, prompt attention, N. M. Seater. Phone Sellwood 192J. LOST AND FOUND 21 THE following articles were found on the cars of the Portland Railway. Light & Power Co.. and turned in at the different division nolnts. Owners ayn,vf me br applying at barns stlfS,,! i ie uu h.el'w,.d TbHr". J""- -J9- ! Lonf "6131 : I bank book. 1 watau fob 1 KliD- 1 umbrella. ' At Ankeny barn, Jan. 18, 1914. Phon A-6131 : 2 pair of gloves, 2 umbrellas. At Piedmont barn. Jan. 11 1914. Phone A-6131: I string beads. pins. t J'KZT' Thiirnil'iu Tvmvnfna. nn TiHntn Bt (,r 23d 8t car ,.nl,a ft Kray ,.ape ?:. hra- buttons;" kindly TetSrn to LOST on Williams ave. car Friday, Jan. 16th, brown muff. Return to Journal. Reward. LADY'S purse, initials J. S. on Van couver car. Reward. Main 8800. Local 28. LOST Monogram from watch fob; ini tials "L. Wr. G." Phone E. S89. Re ward. FINDER of automobile tag 262 phone Tabor 690. PERSONAL 22 DR. G. V. KETCHUM Women's mal adies and acute diseases. Washing ton bldg.Mth and Wash Rin 41. Ml. 44S n VflRPFQ lawyer of 25 years' ex perlence, reliable, advice free. 404 Rothchild bldg.. 2874 Wash. BALM of ligs. remedy for diseases of women. 604 Davis st. Main 2393. Scalp Specialist 5,h and Wash. SAVE $2 to $10 by buying your trunk or suit case at 532 Wash., at 17th. CHARACTER read from voice. Madam Smith. 564 Flanders. Marshall 2747. Professional and Business ABSTRACTS OJf TITLE FOR property within Multnomah county, C. K. 6cott. 16TH 4th -t. Mala 6612. AST KATTBESS WORK MATTRESS E8 renoT.ted and to order. The only special admirable iibop. Marshall M67. ATTORNEYS J. R. GREENFIELD General practice, ab atracta, contracta. collectiona. injurtea. etc. Kr ccoTed to new offices. 707. 708, 709 Selling bldg. Consultation free. BLANK BOOK MAKERS HOWE. DAVIS COMPANY. 100 2d at. Blank book manufacturers; asenta for Joaea im- prorea Loose uei Laagers. oe me ww Em-eaa Le,f. A-3183. Main 183. ' BOOKS SECOND HAND 1 SCHOOL books bought, aold and cichaagad, , 16K Mn t. opifc P. O. 211 2d at. BRASS AND MACHINE WORKS ; HARPER'S Brass Works. Brass casting and i machine works. 106 6th st. Main ST02. i CARPET CLEANING ' JOYCE BROa.' Klecfrlc Cleaning work., ear- I elulty. East 440. B-106H. 204 E. 19th st. X. i CARPET WEAVING j NORTHWEST KUO WORKS, ruga from old i carpets; rag ruga, carpet cleaning. 1SS B. Stb at., near East YamhllK CHAIR CANING AND REPAIRING CHIROFRACTICS HELEN BOCK 6U1 Nm-thw put Mdar. Grad l uate Palmer School of Chiropractic, Da Ten- pert. Iowa. Hours 10-12. 2-6. , dr- helena coWrocK. uu.; justments ai. i,aaj iiiraoini. e.isi ryom. nervoua chronic di'eases. B treatments $5. Main 61 CIRCULAR ADDRESSING COAL AND WOOD COAL PROMPT 8ERFICI ALBINA FCEL CO. East 182. C-1117. "Hiawatha" UTAH HARD COAL Indfiraed by Government. Guaranteed by best dealers. Esst 308; C-2303 ; juu, bituminous coal, now 5 to $7.50 per ton MIM to mnmmn direct. Save mlddle- meu'a profit. Consumers Fuel Co., eorner East 1st and Tt.vlor sts. Phone F.ast 118. B-111B. , NEER & FARR a-i dry 4 foot fir oak cord wood. I Also sawed to order. Prompt deliv COAL ery. Main 4X96. A-4M7. M D CTl Afl C Dry. aawed in atora , VV n LUfAV3L length $3; heavy and I FULTON Wawd Co.. dealers In dry and green '. alabwood. Try us when ordering gool dry wowl' '"" w"n SOUTH. PORTLAM-HAINIER SLAB WOOD Pa A truxt w,i t,I r Blflh Instil mnA hlnrtt wood Main 215.1. A -342. ' Ftt of Yamhill. : STCLASS-ory fir woSTw . rora" to moat j parte or city, i-none Ksst tz. o-ihou. aea. , t.', ,S82. Henry Cromer. sintic ur A u n i T i fit uln 9Tno a.tvla Green snort wood, blocks, big Inside, smali inside, dry slsbwood. short, planer trimming. ' OREGON WM Yard. Fir. ash and oak wood i and coal. Reasonable prices. M. 8044.A-5445. Phornol J- EVERTS. MAIN 8767. OnalCOal FOOT OF CI'RHY STREET ' T U V 1 k A l-u.w sm.--ki-4 aaVe1eBaass-aaf1 WkA eVIS 1 standard Wood Co.. East 281B. B-lfl5. COLLECTIONS . CFEN accouota. notea, judttmeata collected. i t,vAd' "f1 2cU J'5H.qn, Cf. 'S'lii CONTRACTORS AND BUILDERS i HORACE D. JONES JK. BCIN"J2: FR':SBi:B.5i!1S 00011 8 . J p TO A HOTEL. TABOR IT4. EDUCATIONAL -4 PROFE&fOR WAL WILSON School Lessons 2Sc; waits. two-tep, three-atep. stage dancing taught, morning, aft ernoon and evening; guaran tee to teach anyone who walka bow to dance. SO 14 5th at., bet. Stark and Oak sts. Phone Main 7S57. MR. AND MRS. HEATH'S srtux-ls, 109 2d at, between Wash, aad Stark, and Alisky Hde., 3d and Morrison sts. Lea so us dally. Walts and two step guaranteed to 4 lessons. Class Moo FrL erea.. S to 10, 1O0 2d at. mu sreras HEftliTA 22 (Costlnnad) NATUROPATHIC TREATMENTS WILL UIVE YOU HEALTH. I have the most expensive, finest equipped private office on tha coaat. I use NO medicines or operation. I use every modern up-to-date method used 1n America or Europe. My re sults m all accepted cases are most wonderful. Over 9000 testimonials at my offices. Consultations frea. DR. W. E. MAI-LORY, Naturopath, 312 Rothchlld bldg. - GRADUATE chiropodist, manicurist, scientific masseuse, thermal bathj; formerly 6th and Wash, sts., and 514 Dekum bldg.. now 404 Buchanan bldg., 286 Mr Washington, opp. Perkins hotel. Treats women only. LADIES Ask for Antlko Mixture No. 8. It is safe and sure "Woman's Med icine,'.' the most successful and harm less "Regulator" known. For sale and guaranteed by Heldfond Drug Co., 222 Morrison, near First. MRS. STEVENS. 20 years Portland's leading palmist and clairvoyant, has her late books on sale 2SlWj Morri son st. Her science teaches how to make life worth living, huw to be hap hy and successful. Parlorifr open daily. GERMAN trained nurse and masseuse. Iyong experience, best reference; treat ments for rheumatism and lumbago, etc.. massage and baths. 452 Salmon. Marshall 5u33. Open Sundays. HEADACHES, nervousness, rheuma tism, paralysis, etc.. quickly relieved and cured. School of Applied Meta physics. Stock Exchange bldg-, 3d and Yamhill. DR. G. W. FOWLER gives clairvoyant readings daily. 9 to 6; classes for messages and development. Tues. and Frl. evenings. 7:45. Room 20. 147 Grand ave.. corner E. Morrison. VELVETINA SHOP All hair work guaranteed. Free manicure, mas sags or shampoo, with coupons from your druggist. Students wanted. 615 Swet land building ' IA DIES' skirts cut. made and trimmed $3. Ladles' suits $20; lining, remodel ing, repairing work guaranteed. Rich anbach. The Tailor, 4 85 Wash., near 14th. Carlton Hotel bldg. FEB VET, & HANEBUT Leading wig and toupee makers, finest stock human hair goods; hair dressing, manicuring, face, scalp treatments. 147 Broadway, near Morrison. Main 646. SPIRITUAL medium. Rev. Virginia Rowe. Readings, healing, dally cir cles Tuesday and Friday evenings S o'clock. 231 6th st. Phone A-7116. MATRIMONIAL paper with descrip tions wealthy marriageable people; Faper 10c. Mrs. Bell. 251S West 21st .os Angeles, Cal. THE FUR SHOT: Best work, lowest prices; remodel ing, new orders 620 Swetland bldg. MADAM DAZELL, teacher of occult science; tells what you called for. Room 7. 193 W. Park. FRED G. ENDSLEY please address or call on Mrs. C. E. Bell, 426 Ross st. Portland. Important. USE Bassett's Native Herbs ,or rheu matlsm; 5p tablets 25c. All druggists DR. VIVIA D. A8HMUN. electric treatments. 221 81xth st. Mrshl. 4277. KTTSIO SCHOOLS AND TEACHXR8 T. EL LAW8UN piano studio. 422V, Morrison. Main 6459. Leaaona 60c. E. THIELHORN. rlodn teachar. pupil SHk. 207 riridner bldg. A -4 160. Manhall 1629. POPuXAR MUSIC RAGTIME on piano guaranteed begtnnera In 10 to 20 leaaoca. Popular mnalr. Picture playing. Free booklet. 503 Eilers bldg. grANISH LANGUAGE TEACHERS C. REBAULIATI. membar of old Spanish students. Inatractor Spanish, 300 Fleldner bd ETE, EAR., NOSE, THROAT, LtTNOS Specialist. Moderate prlcai. Glaaaea fitted. Dr. r. F. Oaaaaday. 617 Dckum bldg..Sd and Wash ELECTRIC MOTORS AND DYNAMOS MOTORS, generators bought, sold, rented and repaired. We do all kinds of repairing and rewinding; all work guaranteed. H. M. H. Electric Co.. 81 V lat st. Phone Main 21 a WE buy, sell, rent and axchaaga new and sec. ond band motors, repair work a epectalty. Western Electric works. 213 6th at. Mar.rWI. ELECTROLYSIS SCPKKFLLOIS UAIR Uolea, warts, ate, destroyed foraver by electric needle, no pain, no erar; cur gaar- antaea. MUe. Pe Long, BQ4 Swetland bldg MOLES, aaperfloua hair remored. Mra. M.L). Hill. 429 Fleldrer bM. Main MT8. TIRE IN6TTRANCI LET OWEN SUMMERS write roar fir In- turanee. S33 Morgsn bldg. Mala 8429, GASOLINE ENGINES MARINE and statloosry, marlaa hardware. OAS POWKH atrl'LI CO.. 14S-172 Front at., between Morrison sod YsmhlU. GLASS AJTO GLAZING TIMM9, CRESS A CO., 1S4-1M 2d st. Prompt aerrlce. Ring Main or A-3"23. HAT 7ACT0ST LADIES', gentlemen's hats cieaaad. blocked satlafactorlly. Koyal Hat works. 248V, 1st st KODAK VmXES 1finAIQ nd u auppUea. Developing. rULnr0 printing and enlarging. BLb MAL'ER PHOTO SUPPLY CO.. S45 W ash ' ton. LANDSCAPE GARDENING BETTER landacepee and general gardening. SWISS FLORAL CO. Saat 6870 MACHINERY B. TRENKMAN A CO.. bydraoUe and special pipe, smoke atarks, oil taaka, ailnlng ma ehlnery. repairs. 1Q4 N. 4th St. ENGINES, bollera, saw mills boaght, sold and eirhsnged. The J E.Msrtln Co.. PortUad.Or. MESSENGERS MOTORCYCLES and bicycles. Phone Mala 63. A-2153. 1IAJTY MESSENGER CO. MODEL WORKS PORTLAND MODEL WOKKS We perfect Ib entioitf . make metal apeclaltlea and pat Urna. Boom 32, 142H 2d St. NATTTROPATHIO PHTSICIANS DR. OKOVEK Paralysis, nervous aad chronic diseases. 604-6 Orrgonlsn bldg. M. 8142. OSTEOPATHIC PHTSICLaJTB DR. LILLE BELLE PATTERSON, Specialist oa Derres, acute and chronic diseases. 414 Co- lumbl a bldg. Main WW1. PAnmNO AND PAPERINO JOHN BLIED. best work In painting and pa pering. M. 172. A-2225. 129 Uth at. PATENT ATTORNEYS PATENTS procured by J. K. MOCK, lata of U. 8. PATENT OFFICE. KI10 Bd. of T.bldg PERSONAL Manufacturers Jobbers Wholesalers Bakers', 'Confsctlonws and ronataln la pp lias Gray, McLean A Percy. 4th-Gllasn. M.797A. DRTOO0DS WHOLES ALE Fleischner, Mayer & Co. FARM IMPLEMENTS AND VEHICLES R. M. WADE A CO.. 322 Hawthorne are. Wholesale agricultural Implements. FISH, OYSTERS AND ICX V! ALAR KEY A CO.. Ine. 14 Froot street IRON WORKS PACIFIC IKON WORKS All Architectural Iron Caatlnge. .Besmi Angles f Channels LEATHER AND FINDINGS CHA& L. MAfJTICK A COw 74 Front, er of eeery dea-r1ptloti: findings. Lesth- MACHINERY AND SUPPLIES SCIMMEKMAN-WELLK-BROWN CO. Sawmill, logging and Iron working machinery MILL SUPPLIES PACIFIC "STATES KCBBEU CO . 42 2d BL Mechanical rubber goods. KEN'S AND WOMEN'S NECKWEAR COLI'MBIA Neckwesr Mfg. Co. 83 5th St. ORNAMENTAL WIRE NP IRON PORTLAND WIRE AND IRON WORKS, 24 Sd at. Architectural wire and tros. PERSQNAli (Oontlaasa ) REV. FURNESS MINISTER OF T1H6: GOSPEL OF SPIRITUALISM. UNFOLDMENT IN CLASH OR PRIVATE. i 414 TAVUlR ST. PHONE MARSHALL 2i5. NOTICES 2B NOTICE OF SCHOOLiiBOND- SALE. $100,000. The Dalffes, Oregon. Sealed bids will be received by board of directors until 0 p. in. -March 4, 1914, for tan purchase of $rt0.0H0 bonds to be Issued by school district number 12 (said district lncludlng ;tjie city of Tlie Dalles) of Wasco comity, Oregon. Each bond to be 'of th denomination Of $lUO0, dated March 4, 1914. bearing Interest at the rate of 5pcr cent, pav sl le semi-annually. Principal payable afjer 10 vear. Collectible 20 years fnii date, princi pal and interest pavalj at nffice of county treasurer. The dalles. Oregon, or at the fiscal agencyji'f the statu of Oregon in the city ofjNew York in lawful money, at optteii of buyers. Statute provides that bonds must h. sold for best price obtainable, and fjr All bids to be accohrpanled with , certified check'for 1 peijent par value of bid. Bids received fur any one, mor.; or all of said bonds. f Bonds issued in imtance with sub division 1-7. section fj, chapter 1,7". gfneral laws of Oreponr, 1913. Addenda. Population school district 12... School enrollment Floating indebtedness school dist i o , r non.j Bonded Indebtedness school district Cash on hand January 1. 1914. school district Assessed valuation taxable property within school dis trict 12 v $ $20.00 $10,60 EDWARD C. PEASE. MAUDE EDDON. Chairman. Clerk. SEALED bids will lj received at th office of The PortiOf I'ortiand. Or. until II a. in. January 2h. 1 V 1 4 . for supplying about 215 feet of 30 in. !: welded pipe ith flanges faced aiil drilled, also special tlbows, etc.. and R in. steam pipe finished per drawing, for dredge "Columbia." Time of de livery must be definitely stated .a bid. Plans may be pfnrured upon ap plication. The right so reject any or all bids is reserved. J. P. DOYLE, Assistant Secretary. SEALED bids will be received at the office of the undersigned, 401 court house, until 12 m.. .Febwjary 6, 1914. for wood for various .schools in school district No. 1, for the winter of 1914 1915. Copy of . specifications may be obtained at the office of the under signed. Board of directors reserves the right to reject any and all bids. R. H. THOMAS. S hool Clerk. Dated Portland. ,Or Jan. 20. 1914. SEALED hi. is will .b, received at tli .office of The Port of Portland, until 11 a. m. January 2tj,'1l4. for steel water tanks to bp erected in hull .f dredge "Columbia." Bidders must state time of deliver-. Plans mav b procured upon application. The rlgiit to reject any or all bids is reservad. J. P. DOYLE, Assistant Secretary. Directory i ! PAVTNO COMPANIES THE BA KBKU ASl'H Al lVA V i Mi CO.. Porl land dfflce ur Kleclrfr - Mile. PLUME SHOP 4v I'Lt.MKK tLl-ANKIl. UVfcD AND MAPE OVKR HA BTXES.H I'LIME 8HtlP. YAMIUIX AT PARK ST. PViMNE MAIN l.V. FSINTINQ ANtSLtV PUIX1XU Co..itt.'ai )k. Mala 4J Printing I.. pleme. bstsljIUlird 10i2. PLlNTINli s you wsnt It. I'riira right. Me tropullisn Pre. I'll l-ik st. M.tti lrw KUBBF.B. STAMPS AND BEALk ALSO stem 1U. trsiie rbecks, tirufs signs. PACIFIC COAST STAMP WtltKS 231 ttushlngtoii t. Main 71. A-2710 ALSO brass signs, ofrli-r sgpiibeo. litliograpb g. THE lKWIN-IKlHiN tlJ.MPANV IC I if lb st. Mslrr ii!2. .111. SCALP SPECIALISTS D1SKASKH of tbfl srali Uf--.MifuilT treslsU and hslr resiori-d. ! Mm leu y lildg. SEWING MACHINES HEAL HA RG A INS IN NEW msrhlnra, nil nuikea. fai tnrr Drit-es. Set-olid hunil 23 up. Marhlnrs reulnl; anil repalrrd. ewirg Mxtilii, Eoiporiuui.lOo Main Mill SHEET METAL WOKKS JACOB I.OSU. beet tuMsl urks, hotel, reaT tauraut ..rk. roofing, geiierai Jubblng. Main 1424. 8lo lt bet. Tlunibla and flay. TAXIDERMIST E OOKTY. sui'i-pksor t r. H. Flnlay. All kinds nt eipert wuiitiiliig, glass eyea, ale. 24U lolnmMs t. TRANSFER AND ST0RA0E TEAMS AND At TO VANS FOR LONG DISTANCE MOVING 87 m Front. Msln 47 or A-224T OREGON TRANSFER CO. Estsbllahrdi l7u Transfer and forwarding agents. Storage, frna rifarkage. Offices and Iorae, ; a74 clleen at. 13th sud Ullsan. i Msln S, A ll" KIREPUOOF 8T)UAiK PORTLAND VAN A KTORAUK CO.'S WW fireproof wsrebuuse Joat completed. Fur nishes eery facility known to toodorn ware housing. An bisection ' Will confines fov. Household gooiis sblpi at reduced rates. Hrrproof aarebouH l'lhjSnd Kearney. Cocs n.errlsl wsrehoiiao 13th lad Ereretl streets. Mala -VHP. A-l.20. f C. O. PICK Tranafer fhtor.ge Co. Offlcea and eummodlous 4 scary brlek warehoasa) with sepsrste Ina room' and fireproof vaalt for Talusblrs. N. W. corner 2d snd Ploe sts. IIsihi snd furniture nxred and parked for shipping. Specie I rstes made uo our goods la oar through cars to all dumesti and forelga points. Main .',! A lOtv. M ANNI NO WAKCHOIKaiA TKA.VHFKK Cl. 13th and Ererett Sts.. oa Terminal Trarka. I'll in and furniture afTed. packed and shipped. Phonci.; Main t'l.I; A 221 4 G. L. DAVENPOTTIndxItS7 Prompt, reliable serTltej M.-H57S: A-31. t:ITED Trsnsfer Cm.- ln-ragesod geseral hsidlng. 251JeffersoB. Msr. 2S4. A-4f.'4. BAGUAOE Tranafer-&rrCo.!i StaaU Main 120. A 12o:t. !S ; WINDOW CLEANING EXPERT WIMDW ( ! N KKS A-41H. Msln 327. CMJ Henryf bldg. PAINT. OIL AND GLASS RASMI t&EN A CO lliifb Mansiard" palat. N. E. corner 2d snd Tar M.-A-1771. PI0NEER,PA1NT CO.. lfpTTiT A-7Q43. .( - at Mais 1334, PIPE PIPE FITTINGS YALVIS M. L. KLINE 4 Frost at. I'ortland. Or. . T, PLUMBING STEAM SUPPLIES M, L. KLINE rw-no Front sC iTortland. Or, PIPE WOOD PIPE PORTLAND WOOD P11C CO. Factory aad office near 24tb and l'ork ts. Msia 4. ROPE AND NINjlER TWINE Portland Cofriage Co, SHOW CASES AND FIXTURES SPADX Show Case A Picture Co. Bank, store and office futures. gow rases. 2S aad Nlcolai sts. TRUNKS AlftD BAGS , MI LTKOMAH Trunk lisg Co.. 80-M E7at Water. Wbolcsala m(a. tranks. saltcasaa. ' Special trunks snd raacg made a order. WALL PAYER j??" r4-5aJ- MORGAN WALL PAPER CO. 2j 2d W beta ern Salmon sad Mala. t '-5 .':v."-'.- i ' '? . A, :.- i.