THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL PORTLAND. TUESDAY EVENING. JANUARY 20. 1914. 13 REAL ESTATE! TRANSFERS (Continued) tllxa M. Unff and i busbaad to P. D. i Lombard, lot a,,- 4 blurx 17, Colum- , Wa Heights ,....7...... ..$ 2.000 Kexlmie Zajsc and wife to Kisoon . Bobaxek t al, nt 70 feet lota 5, 8. block 2. Ethel Lynn addition. 2.400 Bavard Klaer anil m lie to Sarah K., . lets 14, 15. block 17. Kentoo 1.000 Btnviti Bolinwk and - wife to Kenlmler Zajae e al, &4x1$2 fuf t. beginning t WNt corner lot 3, block 4, Oak Park addition....:. .... 1.000 A. F., McKay lo red Artbnr t al. lot . block 11, Urauvflle 760 .Sarah 11 ton and feileband to Anita L. Klwr, lota 14. 15. iblock 17. Kenton. 1.000 . 14,urelhurst company to Gilbert L. Klin, lot 24. bWk S3, Laurettiurst.. 2,200 Kaaet l. 6vnrt to Wi. B. Kurt. lot! S, . block 7. Lincoln Park An..-.... 100 Erong-Mmiary company to J, K. Ber- Wk'J. lot II, block. 1. i-oveungn Beery Wtlquet tw l-wl H. tameron, lot 7. bluck 3. Horning addition. . 400 LLflcy Meyer and niisbuud to Harry Phillips, lot 5. block 6. Wwrtrntrcl SM) fcUTIFICATES of title. Title Trust Co.. Title & Trust hid;.. 4tn nr. iarg BUILDINti PERMITS Ttiiker. erect one story frame dwcl- II uk. Wdrlatic. between Edward and Becella; build Mine: $1)0. It: t Uel'eel. erent one and on ball atory frame towelling. Hlxty-flfth. between Uavla anil' UUkiiii: builder, earn; $3000. if. J. Kmttb. erect one and one half atory frhine dwelling, Yamhill, between Seventy . Ililrd and Seventy-fourth ; builder. William Bnrrlngtua: $3000., I X. K. Ne, erect ne and one half frame dwellliHf. Hbermsn. between Pltty-eigbtb and fifty ninth: builder, annie; IKxi. MEETING NOTICES 41 HAWTHORNE LODGE. NO, 111. A. F. AND A. M, Spe cial communication this (Tuesday) evening, at 7:30 o'clock. Masonic Temple; work In the E. A. degree. Visiting brethren welcome.. (X E. MILLER. Sec. A , OREGON Council, Royal VJ Arcanum, meets at the r new hall. Royal building, ' a fjfi Broadway and Morrison, the J first and third Tuesday at Veftjrtf 3 p. ni. Visitors cordially 5a welcomed. O O. Hall, see-re-tary. 539 K. 14th st. N. WASHINGTON LODGE NO. 48, A. F. and A. M., stated communication tomorrow (Wednesday! evening, 7:80. r East 8th and Burnside. M. M. degree. Vial tore welcome, J. II. Richmond, secretary. Vital Statistics marriages. Births. Dtatbs. MARRIAGE LICENSES Oeorge H. Glee, 3T.2 tlrahara avenue, 21. and Pearl May Butler. 80S TIllHnjook atreet. 19. A. M. Meara, 721 Klandera alreet, legal, and France I. Brady. 742 Thonipaon atreet, logl. Albert Roy Dvsart, 4:t0 Wiw street, 28. and Knima B. Itugit, (freabam. Or.. 19. W, 6. Smith & Co.SS"cT Third floor Morgan Bldar. DRESS suits for rent: all sizes. Unique i altering i o., 3" Htarlt St. BIRTHS KUAHMANN To - Kranmsnn. 921 12. a (laoehter. tr. and Mrs. Ferdinand Woodard avenue, January JOHNSON -To Mr. and Mia. Alfred Jhimon. East Ninth and Cawood street. January lfi. a aon. PI.VTARICH--TO Mr. and Urn. I'aul Vlnta rlch. 10W South Front atreet. January 14. a aon. I.I VI NORTON -To Mr. and Mr. Henry K. Llvlngaton, (553 Com. Court. December 24. a aon. DBENNBN To Mr. and Mr. Henrr T. Tren nen, WXr Bast Seventh street. North, Pe ef mher 24, a ion. PlIyCHAkD To Mr. and Mra. Charlea W. Pilchard. 400 Marguerite avenue. January 7, a aon. ANJELU8 To Mr. and Mr. Jmnes Angetna, Nlutb and Buriulde atreet. January 7. a daughter. AT. WARD To Mr. and Mra. Wllllani H. Al vard. 701 Waablngton atreet, December 29, a danghter. HUMPTKR To Mr. and Mra. Glen Roy Rump ter, Tacoma, Va?h., January 11. a daugh ter. DEATHS AND FUNERALS 75 UoWAUD In tola city, January 1(1, at hla In re realdence. 3ft East Seventy -efghttf Mraet, Ollbert B. Howard, ageil 72 yeara, ' born In Bloomlngdalfl, N. J., in 1S42. fatter of Fred L. Howard, and Mra. Gertrude I. Warfleld. of tbla rlty. ' The funeral aerv leea will be held Wedneaduy. Jamtary 21. et 1:.T0 o'clock p. b., at the residence s tabllahment of J. P. Flnley k Sim, Mont gomery at Fifth. Frienda luvltcd. Inter ment at Mount Beott Tark cemetery. FINLIkl In thla city January 10, at Ti. late reeidence. 222 Market street. Robert Fllllev. aaed 7(1 years. The funeral service will be held Wednesday, January 21, at 11 o'clock a. m. at the residence establishment .f J. P. Kinley ft Son. Montgomery at Fifth. Frlanda Invited. Interment at River View cemetery.- IfKEGAN The funeral of the late Alex ander Reegan Sr.. from the family resi dence, 252 Blandena alrvt, at 9:15 a. ro. -tomorrow (Wednesday), January 21: thence to Ht. Mary'e church, Williams avenue 4nd Wanton atreet. Hervtcee at 9:30 a. m. Frienda Invited. Interment Mt. Calvary cemetery. . UK A IV At his parenU' residence. 7830 Six-ty-fourth avenne. S. E-. Earl Lescer Read. Infant -aow of I.loyd and Mlllwn Read. K1X0 John P. King. Dekum a venue, January 1. 78 yeara: mitral regurgatlon. WALLACE Krimk C. Wallace. Salem, Or., January It. "S years; accidental. GRKOORY Richard I Murray Gregory, 000 East Eighth street. South, January 15, 47 years; neuralgia of the heart. sk SrRAGlTK Delnhla Spragne, O0 MapMTltreet, January 16, JiH years; broncho-pneumonia. LANDKS8 Elltabeth Jane Landess. 3i)5 Tenth atreet, January lj, 92 years; acute broo- ehttls and hyposlatin congestion. BABBATO Mary Barbato. W7 Fifth atreet. January jo, oa years; cerebral hemorrhage. WEKTHEIMBR Qotto Wertheimer. 1111 East Morrison atreet. January 16. si. yeara: dla betes. -SMITH William Kanan fimlth, fiSl Third street, January 15, 87 years; arterio acleroala. FLORAL SMOP.&.'R. of all kinds. Main 7756, A-7703. 130 4th MAX M. SMITH, florist, 141ft 6th st, in Selling bldg.j Main 7215. $LARKEBROS., 'florists; fine flowers and floral designs. - 289 Morrison st. FUNERAL DIRECTORS NESWHQME OK J. P. FINLEY & SON. .., The only residence undertaking es tablishment in Portland. Representing the greatest advance Id the science of lunerai service, ine auioraooue equip ment and secluded driveway are among the many exclusive features. The es tablished policy of moderate prices has never own cuangeu, J. P. FINLEY & SON. Perfect Funeral Service, Montgomery at 6th. MR. EDWARD HOLMAN. the leading funeral director, 220 3d st. corner saimon. iaoy assistant, rnones A 1511, Mala 507. j nnnnincr?, MfPniae Undertakers twtiiiiu& iiivi.ih.vv Modem in every detail. ' 7thi and Pine. Main 430, a-ipw. - i.eoy assisiani. A RiZeiler Got Mst liitT. ave. East 108S. C-1088. Idy attendant, fiay and night service tdy attendai lilil Leading east side under taker. Lady assistant. - B- S8,i E. 781. E. 6th, Alder. OIr iArO Undertaking Co: Main 4162 jrUll Uv? A-8321. corper 3d and Clay PEARSON ndertakers. E. -1080, 31 Itusseu st. ERICS0NMEf1IF,?A?2E2J.u?4Ie PLS. Mersn 3 .M ft! FUNERAL DIRECTORS J (Continued) HEM STOCK. 1687 E. 13th. Belt 71. B-112S; University Pte r.o, 894-395. 1 -lit - 1 ; MONUMENTS I .-w-. i Schumann Marble Works Eaat 2d and Pine. East 743. j PORTLAND Marble WorkaT 264-266 4th at. Opposite city hall. Main 8B4. FOR SALE HOUSES 61 Nob Hill District A beautiful brand new modern house with lot 50x100, located in the "Boa Ton" Nob HIM district with a view that is unaurpanaed, surrounded on all sides by the finest homes in thfs city "that is saying something." But come and see for yourself. On pavd street. This noma Is built for comfort. Living room 1626 with large coat closets witlv mirror dnor, with mas sive fireplace, built-in bookcases, Jln ing 18x20 with one the moat beautiful buffets that can be built, hardwood floors In the above mentioned roome. all of the fineut materials noaalbln. a. lTiodern cabinet kitchen that ha every convenience ana labor-saving device, jMth built-in cooling box with coils ol cold water, keeping temperature wanted: large sleeping room or den on lcwer floor, also wash bowl, lavatory and medicine chest; upstairs fine big sleeping porc.i, also 8 large airy bed rooms with large well-ventilated cloths closets and bath, lavatory, medicine chest and clothes chute; full cemenl basement with heating plant and laun dry trays. Not a finer home In this district ever offered for $7000. PRICE $5000. WITH TERMS TO SUIT. OWNER. T, A. Sutherland 1084 Hawthorne ave. Tabor 2017. Tabor 66, Irvington District Only $2150 Just finished, 5 room bunga-. low, reception hall, hardwood floors, fireplace, nice electric fixtures, modern plumbing, cab inet kitchen, full baaament with cement floor and laundry trays; this is a little gem for tha money; In the immediate vicin ity ore some of the nicest homes In the city. Exclusively for sale by W. A, Barnes Co, 404-405 Lewis Bldg.. 4th and Oak Sts. Main 2081. '$200 Cash BALANCE LIKE RENT. Modern 6 room bungalow, fireplace, $:i00 hot water plant, built in buffet. cement basement all first class fur niture goes with this beautiful 5 room bungalow; lot 62x100. Wilberg Oppegard Inv, Co, 1004 Broadway bldg. Main 6199. Tabor 619. Tabor 8179.' $250 HAWTHORNE AVENUE. 6 beautiful rooms, full cement base ment, hardwood floors, beam ceiling, fireplace, panel walls, extra large -bur-fet, Dutch kitchen and full floored at tic, hard surface street. ALL IMPROVEMENTS PAID. East front Just off Hawthorne ave., $3000. JOHN L, KARNOPP, 825 Railway Ex. Bldg Marshall 2574. ROOM BUNGALOW. West side, extra large lot, street Im provements paid, 10 minutes by 2 car lines; most beautiful view In city; hardwood floors, plate glass windows, extra large buffet, bookcases, fire place. Dutch kitchen, furnace, sleeping porch, extra large clothes closets; $4760, terms. Geo. q. Mair, 326 Rail way Exchange. Marshall 2574. 7 ROOM HOUSE, 2 LOTS. $2100. Good 7 room house, wired for elec tric lights, bath and toilet, 4 bedrooms, 2 lots, 84x100, some nice fruit trees on 42d ave., near 80th st., on Mt. Scott car. A big snap at $2100; $250 cash and $16 per month at per cent. GRUSSI BOLDS. 31U Board of Trade. Main 7452. ' A-4401. $2150 ALBERTA DISTRICT $2150 994 East 27th St., N. Brand new 5-room bunaalow. stand ard plumbing, electric, fixtures, ele gant fireplace, full basement with cement floor; built In effects. All modem conveniences, rooms all tinted, the best buy in Portland today. Price 82150. Terms. Aiuerta car to Z7th st.. then one block south. Owner there from 11 to 3 dally. EAST SIDE HOME. , Swell six-room modern house, attic and three bedrooms, fireplace, book cases, buffet, Dutch kitchen, corner lot 50x100. worth $5600. now $3500. $1000 and $25 per month; on Alberta street. Walnut J'arK district, ZADOW & FARMER. 414 Corbett bldg. A-1416, Marshall 93. PARTY LEAVING THE CITY. Offers his elogant bungalow home of 5 rooms and sleeping porch, beautifuL- lv finished throughout, haa furnace and all built In conveniences Including tireless cooker, lot is 54x100, for $8900, on terms. Call Main 2081 today for particulars. $560 NEW Small house and one lot. Total price $550, $50 cash and $16 per month, including interest. Take Rose City Park car to 7 2d st. See Austin. Gregory Investment Co. NEW 5 room modern bungalow, double constructed, hardwood floors, beam ceilings, writing , desk, buffet, linen closet, bookcases, Dutch kitchen, fur race, fireplace, French window's and doots, east front; snap, $2900; term a. 1011 E. 8th st. N. Alberta car 1 block SPECIAL OFFER, WE WILL FURNISH THE LOT, BUILD THE HOUSE AND FURNISH THE MONEY. LIBERAL TERMS; LOW INTEREST. PLANS FREE. BUTTER WORTH-STEPHENSON CO., Couch Bldg. Marshall 1789. FOR RENT OR SALE Pleasant cot tage, 2 lots, chicken house, garden ground, well, gasoline pump, at Oswego lake. Ten minutes' walk from Oswego electric car. 603 Title A Trifst bldg. SOUTH PORTLAND HOME $960. 4 room cottage, newly painted and papered, lot 50x100, magnificent view. $600 cash, $16 monthly. Fred W. Ger man Co., 932 Chamber of Commerce. NEW strictly modern six room homes; sleeping porches. Rose City Park. Low price. Terms. Owner. Phone Wood lawn 1671. SPLENDID HOME JRVINGTON Corner lot, 7 rooms, good basement, garage: $5200. Worth $6500. East 273. W. H. Herdman, $2200 5-room. new, strictly up to date. Laurel hurst district ; every con. venience, corner, all improvements. Tabor 6Z04. FOR SALE. 5 roomed modern bunga low, easy terms- By owner, 1065 E. 25th St. Nortn. $800. $50 down, $10 month, with in terest, 4 room temporary house. 1191 Tibbetts st. W. R. car 39th st. FOR SALE -5 room bungalow. $2250; $50 down, balance rent. O. F, Ford te Co., 209 Railway Exchange bldg. FOR SALE by owner, 6 room, modern bungalow, "A acre. South Mt. Tabor; pnoire Taoor iao. FOR quick sale will sacrifice my I room home, $1000 below value; terms, xaoor no. 16 9700, $20 down $10 par month, buy a half acre on the west side, b a no v to 2 car linea. Be fare. Ilea beautiful, excellent view. th beat value in the city. On a piece of ground Ilka thla you can raiaa all vour vexetablea. ber ries, chickens, etc., which fa the greater part of your living. Thla Is the beBt Ltf J??? ing your vegetables, fruit, etc. M. r l-ee, 622 corbett bidg. BEAUTIFUL .view lota 80x110. only 16 minutes' car ride west side, ideal for a home. The best value in the city -for $350; $10 down, $& per month. If you are looking for a fine home site I with a big future, thla will suit. you. m. K. Lee, bii corceti mag. EOHSMERE lot. 60x100. on E, 41st, bet Tillamook and Thompson, only $850. $200 down and $20 per month. ZAnOW A FARMER. 414 Corbett bldg. A-1416. Marshall 98. IRVINGTON, 100x100. comer 16th and B razee sts. One of the choicest quarter blocks in this district, all im provements paid. Price $5600; terms. Thps. J. Ward, 411 Yeon bldg. 80x110 view lots for $350. f io" down, $5 per month. This Is only 15 minutes' car ride west side, and the best value in the city. M. E- Lee, (22 Corbett bldg. FINE business lot on E. Belmont near E. 44th., 40x110; worth $3500. Can sell within next 10 days for $2500. This is a snap and ripe for improve ment. Thos. J Ward, 411 Yeon bldg. FOP " S AL Full residence lot west. side, 12 minutes rrom vtasningion si. $550. Termw. 602 Title & Trust bldg. LOTS 50x140 on car line, price $375. $10 down, $5 per month. O. A. Gra- ham. 709 Bpaiding Diqg. FIRLAND lot $850; worth $460; terms $5 monthly. Main 1166. or Tabor 2620 ACREAGE 57 chicken and fruit ranches near Port land; Gresham district, Estacada line, electric station mile. New aub dlvision. Sunshine Valley orchard tract; best soil, free wood; elegant location. Prices only $75 to $150 per acre In small tracts; easy terms; quick train service. Frank McFarland Realty Co.. 809 Yeon bldg- Portland. Oregon. ACRE TRACTS $650 TO $700. On your own terms; all cleared; ex cellent soil; right at station on the Oregon Electric Ry. 80 minutes' rlda, near Garden Heme. Nice homes nearby. Splendid location. You can't find any better than these. Let me show you. Pttos. J. Ward. 411 Yeon oiag 16 ACRES One mile beyond the city limits, on E- Gllsan st: U.mlle of Mount Hood electric; this land Ilea fine for platting. Can be. bought from owner at $850 per acre. Call on or write me, 87 E. 82d st. N. A. I S wag- gar t CLEARED acre, $650: easy terms; at station on Oregon Electrlo; a snap. Thomas ,r. warq, 411 yeon piqg COAST acreage. New Mexico land, to trade for Missoula. Montana, iana. East 6539. FOR SALE FARMS 17 A Stock Ranch Worth Look ing Up For Sale or RentA 380 acres, with enough cleared land to produce 150 tons of hay; 160 acres nearly level, balance fairly level, some stones: 12 sec tions of logged-off lands that can be used for range. The owner claims that the place will run 600 head of cattle 9 months out of a year and winter 200 head, or keep 3000 head of sheep throughout the year; 50 head of cattle can be bought -with the ranch for $2050, and 8 horses and a stallion for market price Place has 4 big barns and an old 6 room house; some fruit. Will sell the place with cattle for $11,650. $4000 cash. Will rent without cattle, 5 year lease, for $3600 ($700 per year), renter to buy etock. Will trade for gro cery clear of Incumbrance that Is bringing an Income of 8 per cent. This looks like the best stock proposition In the north west, and Is only 60 miles from Portland. Ralph Ackley Land Co. 204 Falling bldg., 3 and Wash. Sts. MIE1S At Clatskanie, Oregon Reclaimed Bottom Land : Sub-Irrigated Suitable for truck gardening, dairying, stock-raising 62 miles from . Portland rail and water transportation. This land is without a doubt the best in the work! being a composition of decayed vegetation and having an verlasting depth. : Settlers on- the ground are now raising 400 to. 600 sacks of onions and 300 sacks potatoes to the acre. Project must be seen to be un derstood and appreciated. Sold on terms. Call or write Room 416. Pa nama Bld'g. Third and Alder Sts.. Portland. Or. Get. Your Canadian Home From the Canadian Pacific Rich, fertile land for every kind of farming from $11 to $30 per acre. To approved farmers we lend $2000 to make improvements, such as house, barr. sinking well and fencing;. Terms twenty years to pay for land and repay loan. One twentieth down. oaiance nineteen yearly installments; t per cent interest. bee the CANADIAN PACIFIC EXHIBIT of prize winning products of fertile canaamn plains. uii personal infor mation. Free maps and literature. Per sonally conducted excursions to Can a da. L. P. THORNTON. District Representative. 271 Pine st. (Multnomah Hotel bldg.) A FINE well Improved dairy and hog ranch. li miles from depot. 373 acres, 185 acres in cultivation, balance food grass land. 135 acres under ditch, 0 acres in alfalfa and timothy, worth $26,000. one third down, balance on long time. Might consider good town property as part pay on rirst peyroenr For further particulars write or call on j. k. Gilbert, josepn, or. ACRE CASH Texas school lands for sale by the state, you can ouy good land at 32 per acre; pay 6o per acre cash and no more for 40 years, but 3 per cent in terest; send So postage for further information. Investor Pub. Co., No. 8, tan Anatonio. Tex. BARGAIN. Eighty acres, suitable for fruit, dairy or poultry; 4 room house, fireplace, necessary ouuaisgs; 40 acres in cum vatlon, orchard, spring water, near col lege town, on milk route; no incum Drance. LB NOIR, 228 Chamber of Commerce. 20 Acres Farm Land Level and nearly ready for plow, close to school, $1 fare to Portland. $800, $100 cash; some tracts $600; ea-y urmg, uianae 17 "oarq or Trade, STOCK RANCH. 100 acres. Roseburg district. 8 room house, large barn. 40 miles ran re. 1 miles reserve. For Portland property or smaller rarm. j. f. xoung, si Lindelle mock, Spokane. Wash. 17 ACRES. 1 miles from city limits Vancou. ver. Wash- mile from carliue; $200 per acre, some casn. owner, J, a. FOR SALE LOTS 0IUJI1B1 - rem Johnson. &9o Johnson st. 17 ( Continued) paWaaakaaBajsaBlaaaBai BUT my beautiful home farm on Tual atin river. 15 miles west of Portland; highly improved. Address 412 12th sC Phone Marshall $118. FOR RENT FARMS 14 EIGHT room house, outbuildings, 6 acres, close to car line. $26 per mo. E. D. Hurrle, box 31, Lents, R. 1. HOMESTEADS 47 HOMESTEADS, relinquishments, etc. For Information send stamps. Ad dress Depit. L. "Drylake Store." Dry- lake, Oregon WANTED A good homestead ltnqulshment. G-762, Journal. or re- TIMBER 28 PARTY going to take timber claim has another of 120 acres; 5,000,000 feet, 1-3 sugar pine; 4 mllea from railroad; will go not later than 21st; $360. F-815, Journal. . EXCHANGE: REAL ESTATE 24 Income Property 34 room went aide anartment house n fine location, bringing in good in come. Brings in $875 a month wnen full. Price $35,000. Will take good farm up to $20,000. H. UUNTHKK, 404 Yeon bldg. LOTS FOR HOUSE. Four mod lots, all well located, total valu 12700. clear: will trade for house and might assume small amount; prefer Hunnyelde, Laureinurst or awinprne district. LUEDDEMANN, RULEY ft CO.. 913 Chamber of Commerce. A FINE general merchandise business which win inventory aoout ipuu. in a good location, to exchange for Port land or Vancouver city property up iu 14500. balance cash. If you want a money maker see this. 101 Washington at., Vancouver, wash. TO trade. 9 acres. 1 mile north of Van couver. Wash., level, all ciearea. t rodfi from macadam road and Faciric Highway; new buildings, orchard, ber ries. Price $3600. Will trade for 1 or 2 acres on Oregon City carllne. with- n 10c limit. Owner. 915 commercial St.. Portland. Or. CASH FOR MERCHANDISES STOCK. Part cash, balance in fine Irrigated lands in one of the most fertile valleys of the northwest, for clean stock gen eral merchandise, $16,000 to $30,000. LUEDDEMANN, nuUiil tt tJ., 913 Chamber of Commerce. TO TRADE Alfalfa land, with ex ceptionally good, water and ditch rights, ail paid for7and now producing 5 tons of hay to the acre for Willam ette Valley improved 40 acres. Address W. E. Chambers, Brownsville, Or. Notice Will trade farm land for good 7 room house; will not assume over $1000 mortgage. K-936, Journal. VANCOUVER LOTS WANTED. " Will take clear Vanoouver, Wash., lots for $1400 equity in modern bunga low in Portland, balance easy. LUEDDEMANN, RULEY A CO., 913 Chamber of Commerce. WANT 20 to 50 acres Improved near Portland, have modern 7 room house; also 10 lots to exchange for same. Tlios. J. Ward. 411 Yeon bldg. 80 ACRES, free soil, nice creek, for sale or trade for unincumbered Port land property. Owners only. R-633, journal. DAKOTA LAND WANTED. Will trade Irvington home, new. modern, for same. Owner. S-882, .Journal. SALE or exchange 6 acre ranch ner Vancouver, will take vacant lot as first payment, balance to cuit; $1600 8109 36tn ave. 8. B. WE exchange what you have for what you want. Peper & Baker. 44 4 Sher lock bldg.. 3d and Oak. Marshall 2664. WILL exchange 4 and 5 room bunga lows ror building lots or gooa lot equities. Ford & Co. 809 Ry. Exch. DO you want to sell your house? Do you want to rent or exenanger sua Piatt bid. Main 9042. WANT to trade lot clear for Ford auto. V-839, Journal. SWAP COLUMN 25 ilYTciCKbpaliOlES andTfix tures with or without lease; will sell or trade, part cash and part real estate and give you a bargain. ' For informa tion, call H. H. UrdahL 608 Ablngton bldg. Main 3404. WANTED REAL- ESTATE 81 WANT acreage with buildings, near carline. Will give house and lot on improved street in Portland. M-866 Journal. WANT Residence in Portland; have 10 lots. Cottage Grove. Or., cash value $250 each to trade for same. T J, Ward. 411 Yeon bldi want to buv 6 or 7 room house near Glbbs and Corbett streets; about $4000. $1000 down. P-649, Journal WANTED Inside business lot within two blocks of carline; glva full par ticulars, journal. TO buy 6 acres unimproved, near Mt Hood Railway, k-poz, journal. ROOMING HOUSES 53 SOME very clese in Portland real es tate clear of incumbrance to ex change for first class rooming and apartment house. Also some other lots clear to tne vaiue oz aouu or bouu, 602 Couch bldg. 44 Rooms, Rent $250 Steam heat hot and cold water. 8 private baths, three years' lease, fine brick building, best of furniture. Price $6000; good terms. rjAlI.. t)l IffiOiV tllli. li ROOMS 16 furniture, strictly modern. I paid $1750 for it 14 months ago; am leaving city so will sacrifice ail tor $600, fetera, is N. 6th st. Owners Notice My client has 8 nice lots and house In Portland, clear of Incumbrance, to exchange for good rooming house; $1600. What haveyou7 602 Couch bldg. Rooming or Apartment House If vou have a rooming? or. apartment house, big or little to sell, list It at 618 Yeon bldg. We will sell it. MAIN 418. 20 Rooms, $850 Rent $76: rooms all full. Mostly housekeeping. $400 cash will handle. CALL 618 XBUW BLDQ. 19 Rooms, Modern, $750 Hot and cold water, steam heat, ele gantly furnished; easy terms. X snap. 502 Couch bldg. BEFORE huylng or selling a rooming or apartment house, see us. We pro tect buyer and seller and guarantee to save you money. Yates Realty Co., 249 4th st.. near city viall. WANT to sell or trade, apartment house of 85 rooms, close in, cheap rent, full of roomers: will clear over $100 per month. Address box 686. Port, land. 32 ROOM snap for $1600: rerit $100; on one floor; long lease; very can tral. Good for $400 month income. 602 Couch bldg. 10 ROOM rooming house, rent $35; must be sold this week; best cash offer takeB it. 27 North Park at. IF YOU want a bargain don't overlook this 8 rooms, all full, only $360. Mrs. Jonnaon, 248 18th St. ROOMING house, all furnished, for sale cheap. Phone Tabor 4525. or write to owner. His El uiisan et. 12 ft. ON 7th et., nice clean place, fine furniture, beautirui nouse; rent 937 month; price 3550. terms. 191 4th et, NICELY furnished 9 ' room rooming house for sale. $50 down, terms; rent reasonable. Phone E. 988. ELEVEN room house, close in. Rooms -all full. Cheap. 229 Grand aye.. S. I WANT lo buy a good rooming nouse FOR SALE FARMS for cash..' B-798, Journal. 53' (Continued) lMeaaaaaaaaaaaa, $100 Down And balance easy terms puts you In 1 possession of a fine 8 room house, , nerd wood floors, furnace heat. urnace heat, all moo- I ern conveniences. 10 boarders ready ta step in. CALL FOR FURTHER PAR- TIPTTI aT)t3 Arm aSIO "r LTlXT XZt t T1 Apartment House, to Trade Rent $350, which includes steam heat and hot water, two and three room apartments. Clears $200 a mo. Will trade for good real estate; $4500. CALL 618 YEON BLDQ. . BUSINESS CHANCES yryygy I LIVEKX" 8ACRIFICR HAt.R ONLY AND DRAYAGR BUSINESS IN TOWN If you had a chance to get into a good paying business THIS IS IT. New barn 46x80, can accommodate over 30 head of horses. Haa fine big hayloft. On Main street. Established business clears over $300 per month. These are facts which we can prove. Has a water franchise which alone clears over $60 per month. This franchise has about 17 years to run. and the revenue Is In creasing. There are head of horsea and 2 mules. S heavy wagons, 1 light wagon, and 2 hacks, also wood a w, the only one in town and passenger avuto mobile. All harness ana equipment are included. Good reason tor selling. There are no incumbrances against the place. The owners have about $6000 Invested In It. I have received positive Instructions to sacrifice for $4600. $2600 cash will handle. No .trades. This is only 26 miles from Portland. Better see it at once. H. B APPERSON, Rldgefleld. Wash. Grocery, Confectionery, Ci gars, Etc. Combined With 11 Rooms ' Furnished Modern, well furnished, rent $60 for all. Income aside from store $80 mo.. good home and store rent free. Should sell for $1200. Price $600 for quirk aale. If vou can't make it here, you can't make It anywhere. West aide. Hurry. It won't last long. 502 COUCH BLDG. Special Bargains $20,000 General store In live town. $22,000 Drysoods and ready to wear $1,600 Drygoods In inland town, $9,000 General store, doing $40,000 business. $800 Grocery and living rooms, city. $2,000 Tea, tmd coffee, making $260 month. $5,000 Cafeteria, clearing $30 day. 638 MORGAN BLDG. BLACKSMITH SHOP. Here Is a good buyr If you are a blacksmith and horse shoer you can get right into a good established trade in a good community. There is a good shop 60x28 with living rooms in the rear. There is every equipment for the business, and everything goes with tha place. Good reason for selling. The price is $1600, and $800 will handle It, the balance good terms. H. B. APPERSON. Rldgefleld. Wash. Picture Show Equipment We have for sale picture show equip ment, consisting of 160 folding chairs, Edison machine, stereoptioon, mercury ere rectifier, electric piano, electrlo tans, curtain, and all minor appara tus. Price $900 cash. (C468) CALL 618 YEON BLDG. $13,000 stock of shoes and fixtures with or without lease; will sell or trade part cash and part real estate, and give you a bargain; for informa tion, call H. H. Urdahl. 608 Ablngton piqg. aiain d. HALF interest in retail manufacturing business catering to exclusive trade, well established,-corner store; sickness cause of sale by retiring partner; none but reliable with $6000 need inquire. D-591, Journal. WANTED- Partner or backing that will take a few thousand dollars In concrete, reinforced concrete and con crete Pile construction. Several good Joos in sight, which I can get. Y-607, ournal. - fvjeat Market Snap For only $1600 cash we offer one of the best suburban meat markets In the city; location the best; invoices more than $3400. Will consider partner. (C454) PARTICULARS 618 YEON BLDG. SEVEN shares of stock in the Metro politan Investment ft Improvement. Co., Fred A Jacobs, president, soiling now at $106 a share, paying 8 per cent quarterly; make beet cash offer. Phone 3230 or East 1946. MAKE your own BEER, WHISKEY. WINE, with genuine extracts, sim ple, easy. Send stamps tor Informa tion. Universal Import Agency Dept. pox ii fp, roruano, yr. Portable Delicatessen This wagon Is built with steam table and all the best equipment; cost $800; will take $400. Now this is ONE busi ness without competition. CALL 618 YEON BLDG. TWO chair barber ahop in Fossil, Or. Good thing; good reason for selling. Mail us your grinding. Paul SteinraeU, Portland Cutleiy & Barbers' Supply Co., 86 Sixth st. GROCERY STORED -A-l location, rent. Including steam heat and living room. $20; fixtures will invoice $800. stock $400. Prioe to day for all. $460. Petera, 15 N. 6th at, THREE chair shop, East Side, good location, cheap rent; must be sold this week. Call Kemp Barbers Supply Co.. 62 6th st Grocery and Confectionery $700 takes stock of dandy little gro cery and confectionery, in best east side location. Price also includes fur niture of 2 living rooms. PARTICULARS 618 YEON BLDG. FOR SALE Patent to a high class stove and rights to manufacture and sell In Oregon. Wash, and Cal. Price $75.000. D-581. Journal. HARNESS shop for sale, one of the best paying harness shops in the city for aale very reasonable, with very low rent; apply Hcnmitt, 3ol Burnsldo. TjFyOU have $300 to invest with serv ices' in permanent, profitable busi ness, don't look further, but see Manu- facturer, 254 East 14tu st LADY partner with $200 or $800 half Interest in a good legitimate busi ness; established 25 years; guarantees S5 a day prorit. j-7h, journal. SOLID business; partner wanted; will be mostly outside work: pay you $100 month salary and ehare of prof lts. Call room 829 Morgan bldg. COFFEE, tea aod butter storo for sale; clears $340 month. Can try it before you buy. Call room 329 Morgan bldg. SNAP Cigars, Fruit & Confectionery; steam heat; living room; rent $16. Apply 409 Hoyt st ROOMING house and restaurant for sale cheap; cash or trade, 97 Russell st. FOR SALE Groceries and confection ery. 6534 Williams ave. See owner. FOR SALE Small 17th st. grocery. J21 N, WEDDING invitations, announcements. Ryder Print Co.. 3d Mor M. 6536. I "WANT to buy a good moving picture show for cash. C-862, Journal. WEDDING invitations, announcements. Ryder Print Co., aa Mor. M. 5536. MONEY TO LOAN REAL ESTATE 27 MORTGAGE LOANS. 6 per cent to 7 per oent. John L. Karnopp, Railway Ex. bldg. MORTGAGE loana, 6 and 7 p. Louis Salomon ft Cq.. 229 S er cent. tarK at. MONEY on city property. Ridings ft Riley, 404 Broadway oiag. M. ZB17. $260. $360. $600. $850. $1200. $2000. Fred w. German Co.. Cham, or Com. MONEY TO LOAN ON REAL ESTATE. GEO. P. DEKUM, 228 HENRY BLD. LOANS of $20,000 or less; real estate. rarnngwu, vmu. liup mug MOEY TO LOAN ON REAL ESTATB3 A. H. HARDING, 313 Cham, of Com. $1000 TO $5000 private funds for good loan. Phone Tabor 2620. . ROOMING HOUSES 27 (Oontlaued) al aiaaeai aaai m0 aaaaSaaaiaai MONRT TO LOAN ON IMPROVED REAL ESTATE OR! FOR BUILDING PURPOSES; VEKI I tLKAitiuis curt J. KAUU; vu i MISSION. COLUMBIA LIFE TRUST CO. 916 SPALDING BLDQ. Mortgage Loans 6 to 7 Per Cent. II. E- MOONEY. Main 210. Room 421. Falling bldg. LOANS on improved city property or MONEY TO LOAN REAL ESTATE j I . ror building purposes; advances made as building progresses; liberal re 20 payment privileges; no commission or Brokerage. J. f. upseomp. z etarau OCA A CCA tTtA tIAAA fl n In.n real estate security; mortgages ana seller's equities in contracts bought, F. A. Beard & Co.. 512 Gerllnger bldg.. 2nd and Alder. 1 FOR BUILDINO LOANS See HARTMAN-THOMPSON BANK. Mortgage Loans' I. L. WHITE. 701 Rellinv Blriar. WE have money to loan on vour real mui a t - first mnrtirBMS HAMMOND MORTGAGE COMPANY, 423 Chamber or Commerce. MONEY for loans on improved city 1 property, current rates, no commis sions. Wm. MacMaster, 701 Corbett bldg. MORTGAGE loans at current rate. Real estate security; apply rm. 202 Stock Exchange, 3d and Yamhill. $100,000 on mortgage, city and farm property, fire insurance. McKenxle ft Co., Gerllnger bldg., 2d and Alder. MONEY TO LOAN ON REAL ES- TATE. WM. G. BECK, 315 FAIL- I ING BLDG. HAVE any amount to loan on good Portland real estate. Call 228 Cham bet of Commerce bldg. No brokers. CASH paid for mortgages, notes, con- tracts; mortgage loans; reasonable rates, r, H. uewis uo.. 3 iewia piqg. MU.Nbl to loan, w I per cent. w. li- MONEY an Improved city property. Ridings ft Riley. 404 Broadway bldg. $460, $1000. $700, half usual expense. Ward, 210 Allsky bldg. MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS, SALARIES 67 Need Money Quick Loans Made on Salary or HOUR rUKNlTUKK, PIANO. AUTO, STORAGE RECEIPTS LIVESTOCK. REAL ESTATE MOTORCYCLES OR j DIAMONDS. YOU CAN GET IT TODAY. 413 Macleay Bldg. Between 4th and 6th, on Washington. open b:oo a. m. to t:00 p. m Saturday till 8:00 p. m. Salaried People START THE NEW YEAR OWING BUT ONE PARTY $10 TO $100 ON YOUR PERSONAL IMOlJfi. FOR FURTHER PARTICULARS CALL, TELEPHONE OR WRITJS State Security Co, 809 FAILING BLDQ. CHATTEL loans For salaried people ana outers upon tneir own names, cheap rates, easy payments. See me before dealing elaewhere; confidential. u. u. uraxe. az tlenry bldg PRIVATE PLACE TO OBTAIN LOANS on diamonds, watches. Jewelry, au- lomooues, musical instruments. All Interviews strlctlv confidential. Elby Company, 820 Lumber Ex. bldg. DESIRABLE place for ladiea and n." tlemen to borrow money nn iHum'nH. and Jewelry eastern ratea. Diamond Palace. 834 Waah., opp. Owl drug store. HRtfc to "loan on diamonds? pfawiT atrtos and motorcycles, or storage re- eelots, 3 per cent. Apply 413 Macleay piog. WE loan money on diamonds and jewelry at half the rates charged oy oroaera, aaarx at morn. 4 q st. LOANS on diamonds and Jewelry. Room 45 Washington bldg. Phone Main 6100. MONEY aold on Installment; confi dential to salaried peopiaw jr. A. xsewton. 614 Henry bldg. MONEY loaned on diamonds and jew- eiry. suicuy conriaentiai.. 141 H 3d- LOANS WANTED SO $1000, 3 years, will pay 8 per cent. 2 per cent brokerage. First m-nrtgaee on $3000 property. Call Sellwood f233. W. it. Betts. FINANCIAL 51 CASH PAID KOR. MDHTniCfH Or seller a aecurity In contract of Bale on real estate in Wash, or Or. H. Noble, Lumbermens bldg. Loans. 10 SHARES of Nelson Fenders for $150 cash. F-732, Journal. HELP WANTED MALE Y. M. C A. EMPLOYMENT DEPT. Employment membership guarantees member will secure employment or re fund of membership fee: gives two months' full membershlo privileges. 10 montns social privilege. Record for year 1913: Calls for men .....2635 Positions filled 1941 All young men seeking employment. specially strangers, are cordially in vited to consult with the secretary of the Employment Department. WANTED For U. S. army, able bod- ied, unmarried men between ages of 18 and 3d. citizens of the United States. of good character and temperate habits, who can speaa, reaa ana write tne lish language. For information apply to recruiting oiiicer, Worcester biog 3d and Oak sts., Portland, Or. District Managers Wanted Fine opportunity to make good if you work; you are your own boas; very little money required to start w ith. Golden West Mfg. & Distributing Co., i"-i viapman hi. A RESPECTABLE and refined old gen- Human in want of a home can get a good home and wages in a family of two. in reiurn to uo a wiue cnores B?? rrlS,'.!-" fr n ld entlrnn- 17 Lotu 8 ' ; j , PRINTER wanted; capable of local work as well as mechanical. Per manent place to right party. State experience and wages desired. Country office. FX-561, Journal. 8TKAM engineer; best of references; long experience with refrigeration, lighting machinery and elevators. T 887, Journal. SALESMAN wanted; a business worth while and an opportunity to build a business of your own. Cash weekly. Ad- dress capital City Nursery co..alem.or RAGTIME on piano guaranteed begin- , .lne kviI0. lVAlV&T K"'ei Pt; wovnit;v. Kl V iiicis uiufi. WXNTED reliable incoroorator nd stock salesman. References required. Address box 426 Hillsboro, Or. WANTED A good around regls- tered dentisu 305 xiirora oiag. Phone Marshall 263. WAtxcx uwm. uiiunui. we sk ysy- ing very large 'uv a t v . w j gi - wi yavj commissions; 601 6wefland bldar. a'etia iT,c rr . e, J '1 ' A t l i f jrGi UA.TD i. in 11 d uiu i ui ii.l-c man, ITJmfrnaf10 U-849, journal. CHEF Headquarters and helpers. Cal ifornia Wine Depot, 285 Yamhill. SOLICITORS WANTED; beat offer in clty;-VanDyckStudio. 404 wash, st BOY wanted between J6 and 20 years on I arm. rnont r.asi D4. CARPENTER wanted on repair work. 444 E. 88th st4 Wednesday morning. WANTED AH round counter waiter restaurant. 101 6th st. LEARN to operate moving pictures: Jul! course taught 393 Oak et. HELP WANTED MALE (Ooattaaed) Situation Wanted Ads. Inserted free for tose In need or work who are unable to pay for an aavemsemeni. Advertisements must be brought to the office personally by the partiea desiring work. YOUNG man between the age of 22 and 24 years to learn business. Must be grad uate of high school, or bus iness college, Small salary to start, good prospects and otpariv nncittnn tnr rifrht nar- j Ku'"v" fw A rvrslw in nnrenn OO M ij i iyiyij in pviovup J mi 1st st., Portland, Or, . PACIFIC AUTO AND GAS TRACTOR NCHOOL 188-190 CHAPMAN 8T HOLT CATERPILLAR. RUMLEY OIL PULL, AND INTERN'L HAR VESTER ARE THE GASOLINE TRACTORS UPON WHICH WE GIVE " DENTS, PRACTICAL LES SONS. ALSO AUTOMOBILE) RE PAIRING AND DRIVING. EVERY THING PRACTICAL AND UP TO DATE. TUITION PART CASH ON ENROLLMENT. BALANCE AT TIME Oic OKA UL'ATIO.N WANTED men to learn moving picture operating. orKKAlOKSJ get UWU SALARIES. 417 Rothchlld bldg. HELP WANTED MISC. 40 OREGON AUTOMOBILE SCHOOL, 266-268 11th Latest ud to date meth- od of practical Instruction in driving ""-tium auioi oy expert inairuo- tors and mechanics. Tuition, part cash on enrollment, balance at time of arad- uaiion. e assist graduates to posi- tion. uay ana nignt ciaeses. LfeK your spare time to build up a maU order business of your own. We help you start ror a anara in proiita; zi op portunities. Particulars f re. Mutual Opportunities Exchange. Buffalo. N. Y parcel post requires more clerks. Salary $900 to $1700. Aet qulokly and at once. Pacif io State School. Mc Kay Did., city, STENOGRAPHERS, any system, be- ginning and advanoed. quickly trained for positions aruaranteed. 819 Worcester eia. WOMEN Got government "job" pay. Writ for Hat of positions now available. Franklin Institute. Dept. 696-J, Rocbeater. N. Y. PORTLAND railway mall clerk exam inationa soon. $76 month. Com mnn education, null iinaarsuarv. HVie particulars address KX-540. Journal. bnRT, ,vr, railway mall VWk jnYtms sow. Sapla) qu exam- aatlona free. Franklin Institute. Dept. 389 J. Hicnester. in. i. big money, mailing circulars for oth ers. Heii'i loo (coin) ror run plans. K-i l. journal. UNCALLED for tailored suits. $6.69 up. Taylo r. the tailor, 389 H Burnalde M'DERMOTT'S show card school, day and ev ng classes. 810 Tilford bldg. I PACIFIC Chiropractic College. Inc.. 407 to 418 Commonwealth bldg. HELP WANTED FEMALE 3 Situation Wanted Ads inserted free for those in nee.1 of work and who are unable to pay for an advertisement. Advertisements must be brought to the office personal ly by the parties desiring work. I WANT honest, respectable girl in bak- ery ana restaurant, smau town, lib month. R. and B., to start. Address E. Grimew, lafayptte. Or. WANT E D A woman to do housework by day. sleep home: 36 a weak. 650 Everett. Main 8068. I WORKING housekeeper in small room """ house; must be fair cook: State I salary expected. E-667. Journal, WANTED An elderly lady to go out I of cfly to care for an Invalid. Write Mrs. C. Bandatrom, Bcappoosa. Or. WILL give good room to lady for 1 be- in r companion evenlnaa. Call at 41 vv. jeaaup: rererenoa require!. SOLICITORS Jor high class woman's magazine: rood salary: give. tale. phone. F-724. Journal. SALESWOMEN, house to house, sell ing, salary guaranteed. 461 Morrison. LADY for housekeeping and working in store. Apply 409 Hoyt at. HELP WANTED MALE AND FEMALE 20 OREGON Barber College teaehea yo.j the barber trade in 8 weeks, pays you W h i ! . I,iirntn t rwil f r.. tuiHsin r - duced this term: expert Instruction, nn. altlon auaranteed anuria I Inducement. to ladies. 233 Madison at.. 268 8d. tj trade in 8 weeks- nava wbila laarn. ing, gives lst-clasa se of tools; write ror free catalogue. B. 48, N. 2d St. 1 BE. your own boas; learn a profeaalon mat win make money for vou: only IS to learn; satisfaction guaranteed. r-ee Kror. jonnaon, in utn st, city. GOVERNMENT Jobs open to men women. Big pay. Write for list of positions now available Franklin In stitute. Dept. 841 J. Rochester. N. Y. COUPON agents, finest proposition. Peterson studio. 286 V Washington st., atn iioor, wucnanan Dldg, FlSK Teachers' Agency seeures toI- tlon for teachers. 316 Journal Bide. WANTED AGENTS LADY or man-aollcitor. German pre lerred; good proposition. Phone woodlawn 2bld. SITUATIONS MALE WANTED By married man, work of ariv kind in kitchen. Am a-nnd hnt.1 or camp cook; will waah dishes or anything. Must have work, P-662, journal. SHEET metal worker or handr (no card) out of work and owes for 2 weeks room and board; must have employment; wining to do anything; pnone laoor loio WANTED By young man lob cook's or bakers helper, experienced Can handle all short orders. L-930, .lournai EXPERIENCED in railroad work In California; also general utility man; married and have two children; age 24; j tu per weea to start. J-918. Journal. WANTED Job on farm by married man. Understands gasoline eeglnea and horses, good worker. Give me a chance. Ben Emelo. 1404 Vulcan at. SINGLE man wishes position of some kind: 10 years' business experience: can furnish good references. Address, o. w. parxer, 140 vuican at MARRIED man. hard up. would lfke work; experienced in caring ror fur nace ana piumoing; willing to aq any. tning. .-Mi. journal. WORK by young man, 29, in kitchen. or nnrter er nreman. notai or nnntu Reliable. Pearson 268 Gllsan st, cor. ra. roont a-ib fr-EWEHd connected to hou sea; oeaa- pools, septic tanks dug. Low rataa. Phone Esst 2812. McDonald. AS ENGINEER, gas or steam; do own repair work. Married; must hava work, R. C, Somera. 208 Stanton at. JAPANESE boy, 15,- wants situation .... Mnfc.nAf Wr. U 1 . . . . . . . 1 Main a y 1 o ' i"? ""i?,lVn " paper nangmg very reauaonaoia. eUl i w OOfl 1SV9 KAPEKIENCED man wishes position mnooe In rnml,. V. as 9 mw.,wb. ..." ' . 4S fessional singer. WT-7I7. Journal, pro EXPERIENCED carpenter wants work by the day, cheap, reliable; Marshall 5980. YOUNG man of 26, sober, reliable, wishes position chauffeur; good at repairing. Z-471. Journal. MAN would like work afternoons from one o'clock till fonr. Call Eaat 4361 artemoons. 1 PA PEKING and tinting. Call Tabor 4762. save money. P. Lawrence. SITUATIONS yMALE ( Continued) stxatasiaaMjaaaaaaajaaasatj, YOUNG married man. sober and in-. duatrlous. nermnnent I oosltion With hardware ana implement, store; tinder, stands both lines; am German; will go out of city; do plumbingj tinning, pump ana winamtu worn; na aier. Journal. , YOUNG man. 31 yeara. spiking Eng. lish. German. French and. Italian, ex perienced bookkeeper piano player, de sires position as clerk. - Excellent pen, man 3 years' bank practice ' in Ger many; best references. , R. Pradanutti. Gresham, R. 3. : - CARPENTER will overhaul your- hauae. mi, In - a naw floor. POrCfl steps, or add to the structure; or wil rebuild your wagon. What have you to offer him In exchange for his serv ices? Address phone A-2037. or write At. ri., i4 forter-at. WANTED Work, s a dishwasher; have used machine or ty nanaj ie ears In restaurant wbrk. E. Hart, box 344. Lnte, route 1. ' WANT work house cleaning or janitor. Phone Marshall 5663.. SITUATIONS FEMALE A PRACTICAL nurse Wishes a poai- .. tlon to an invalid: last.Dlaca m yra: aalary $10 a week. Apply Y. W. C A. employment office. Ask for Miss Whiveldon, 10 to 4 Monday. ELDERLY "Scotch lady wishea peal tion aa nurse for invalid or children. Experienced maternity : puree willing to help with work. Phone Main $316. F-818. Journal. FASHIONABLE dreas end cloakmaker wishea engagements r in families, . $1.50 Main. per aay. Airs, ttvans. rnone tin 460 Yamhill. I . WANTED a baby girl I or 3 years old to take cars ef byf the week or - month, good care and reasonable prloe. Call or address 114 Eaist 10th at. : AN ENGLISH woman wants washing, ironing or houaecleaniqg by the day or general housework by weeat or : month. Mra. Magulre. 844H Front at. WILL Komeoiie please help thla littl-. lady. She Is In great? need and will ing to work. For information. Mar shall 666. Room 33. j AN experienced young f lady wants t temporary position aa stenographer or billing clerk. Tabor tlh. - - WANTED A position as housekeeper in rooming houaa, experienced. F 741. Journal. t . WOMAN want a shirtwaist laundry, ' hand work, mending.', Mrs. Brown. Phono Main 8848. y kEFlNED middle aged? woman want to work In rooming house forenoons for board and room. W$7 9. Journal. YOUNG woman wlahaaf .housekeeping or general nouaework. - 870 Graham ave. Phone East 3773. s GIRL wants house work; "good family; wages $26 per month:' good city ref erences. H-681. Journal,, U'l VTfn WnrU Ka. U. 4 aa r sewing Tv A l.aL' VI B. eav j , a or anything; best work. Box 144. Route 1. Lents. Or. 4 WORKING lady lahea? private house to leave baby iu old. 337a Graham ave., phone Ea t 373. j WIDOW with good suburban home will care for chtldrep; mother's care. 683 Bldweil ave..; peuwooa. SCHOOL girl wants worty after school or would take care of -children ana help with studies. Marshall 1261. THOROUGHLY xjereBi;ed chambei- maid would like work in city. H 677. Journal. j LACE curtains hand laundered. Phone Main 1416. WOMAN wants any kind of decent da work. Phone .Marshall 1723. B-8401. YES. I will waKli for J 7 ou, here or , there. Tahor 368. WANTED Vine laundry work at home. Address 39 Wr. ;Golng St. TWO German girls would like to help with liajit h juaokcopiny. 84 w. i7in. i WOMAN wants any kind of work, by day. ( all B-I479. - EXPERT caahler.1 billing clerk, type writing and bookkeeping. Main iZv WANTED All kinds Ol copy work. Phone Maranalli 1212. ; . SITUATIONS WANTiED MALE AND FEMALE S3 MAN and wlfa wish telephone ex-. change: man experienced lineman: lady experienced operator, capable of taking full charge. G-743. Journal. MAN and wife wish position in cafe-.' tena, pom eipeneaceu. w-n. Journal. 1 m HiJiT i j . i 1 ".i,1.1 ' l , , DRESSuMAKlNQ 40 MAE MARTZ. modiste, f Suits, gowns. dresses, alterations ajia maaeovers. aolloitad. Phona Main 333. 13th and . Alder. ' MAKE your own gowns. Dressmaking ' ' thoroughly tauKht. Pkflslan Drets-, making School. 301 Goodjqongh bldg. DRESSMAKING toii to please you at 669 E. Burnslde. Chiidrena clothes a specialty. j NURSESr 430 PRIVATE rooms, trained nurse, home comrorts ior nvauos er. laoor 13. ; . PRACTICAL nurse wiHfies maternity casta or invalid; assist with work. Main 3479. ' FURNISHED ROOMS 9 WEST HIDE riK?ELfurnThed peartng wall bed, eteam heat, in Sheffield Apartments. 7s blocks froi P. O. ; aultable for 1 or 2 ladies, rea sonable to the right partiea. Main 6819 or 3711. HOTEL MADRAS. ISth and Washington. Steam beat. hot and cold running water, private and detached baths, free phonea Single ' $3. suite 2 rooms, $5. if FOR Y. M. C. A. members Furnished rooms, reasonable in price; fireproof building, vacuum cleaned, shower baths, elub facilities: special rates at cafeteria. Cor. th and Tavlor ets. RKNWICK'B HOTEL. One elegant 3 room suite, and also nice modern outside furtished rooms. at reasonable rates. 206 Broadway, cor. Taylor. . . THE ALBION HOTEL, 212 4 3D ST.' Steam heat, hot and i cold water. free bath and phone. Itoorns $1.75 week and up. -; HOTEL BUCKINGHAM, 20th ard Wash., new. modern. I well heated. quiet and homelike: outside rooms; transients, or permanent,. 68 w k up. Private bath, $6 week ;up. ' TbURIST HOTEL. Centrally located. 8 cara from re pots, modern conveniences, transient irada aol'tad. 60e u'n. fl wk. nn. 160 1st OAK HOTEL. 847 OalTfst.. furnished rooms, steam heat hof water, bathe, free. $2.50 week up" Main 4160. YOUNG man. rooming at Y. M. C. A., wants roommate to reauce rooming exnenees. Inoulre Y. M-' C. A. . NICELY furnished rooms for gentla men. furnace heat, $2.50 to $3 per week. 1$ Park st. - THE RANDOLPH Cor. i and Colutn bia. Furnished roomt, steam heat, not and cold water, bath. Il jp week vjk' EXCEPTIONALLY large) front parlor, fireplace, new house gad furniture, 32T 6th. ; ;: . , , ' GOOD warm rooms, hotiand goIi wa . tar, court, $10 up; outfide, $13.60 up per month) 808 4 3d sa HEILIX HOTEUd andTamhUL een t rally located, fnodern.i Steam heated ms. rree pnone ana bath, 13.60 week. TEL SAVON manent am trep' ROOMS and apartments In modern ho tel: 82.60 week and up. f. 455 Alder. THE KING, 303 Jef ferae, nicely vST, rooms, modern, centra J8.8S wk. tip. ruamni) aooati ST SZSB mXTA-tll X AJSZZiT 70 S FRONT frnUhed poosekeeplng rooms, gas electricity. 666 Fifth. Marshall 7. ATTIC rooms cheap; $1 and $1.60 per ' week; nice and clean. $94 10tb.- NEWLY furnished roo&v, In private family. $10. 364 12th; st. XICEIY furnished 3 room suite, also others; gas, electricitybath. 39S 4th. -t i M V.