SOUTHWEST MARKETS ARE TAKING BETTER EXTRA FANCY IS NOT QUOTED SO HIGH IN 1 THE POTATO MARKET Onljr Few Cars Were Purchased At Extreme Figure When Buyer Withdrew: i Good Business Shown l ' With Arizona and Texas. . j 4 I Today' rrodnc Trade. d f Ksr market weaker. d 1 Butter trade weak. d I ' Cheese market firm. O j Chicken prices steady. 4 Turkeys are lower. 4 ' Cabbage prices rise d::. Tears being dumped. ! bmelt market demoralized. i. ! ' ' There is a slightly weaker - feeling In the potato trade so far as former extreme prices for extra fancy offer ings are concerned. While a limited amount of stuff wag purchased in eastern Multnomah and Clackamas at $1.05 to 91.10 per cental, nothing above $1 Is availably at this time, and lew dealers really care to pay above StOc to 6c. There was-a break generally in the price of potatoes in Kan tranclsco yesterday according to a special advice received .by a local dealer, .who rtght away began to reduce his btds. How ever, press reports of the San Fran cisco market fall to give any change In the situation no far as the price is C C 6 1 R fid It now develops that tho recent ad vance in the bids for extra fancy pota toes here were' caused by a San Fran cisco buyer who had received instruc tion to purchase a certain number ot cars but no price limit was given. This is generally understood among the trade to mean that former price 'vhould rule. However, thi buyer de - elded to get these cars without delay, ant) offered the advance to get them more quickly. ; When these supplies were secured he was entirely out of tne market. , , There Is a rather fair demand for potatoes from Arizona and. Texas, and dealers here are paying from 70: to 75c a cental for good shipping stock. shown iulte a fair Increase during terent days. While there was a re port that Texas was getting too many . potatoes, this could not be confirmed today. EGG PRICES AUEr UNCHANGED reported unchanged toViy, although there were Indications of a rather se vere break within the next 48 hours. With Seattle quoting supplies below Portland, this city has been cut out of the northerh trade. CHICKEN PRICES ARE STEADY Steady prices are showing In the chicken trade along Front street. While there has been an increase in offer ings, the market is Just about holding its own, with ! fancy hens still com manding 16c. a pound generally to aay. . I TURKEYS ARE NOT SELLING Practically tio demand for turkeys la shown in the wholesale trade. Quite liberal supplies) have been received of lsteand these; are still unsold. Sup plies consist both of live and dressed birds, the latter being quoted down to 24e and the former down to 1819c CABBAGE PRICES ARE HIGHER Cabbage market prices are again higher along the street. Real good qualitv Is scarce and the best offer ings are today commanding 2c a pound. Borne ordinary stock Is selling from $2.25 to 13.50 a cental. SOME CALIFORNIA TOMATOES A small sJTipment of California to matoes . has reached the local market and has found: a good sale at J1.75i 2.00 per crate: of four baskets. The stock was in i rather good condition. Cuban stock Still being offered. SMELT MARKET DEMORALIZED Market for Cowlitz river smlt Is thoroughly demoralized, with sales of held stock as low as 35c a box of SO pounds. First -scjass stock is selling from 60c to flOcwlth the bulk o the business at the 'lower figures. SHIPPERS' I WEATHER GUIDE Weather bureani Bends the following notice to shippers: "Protect shipments as far north as Seattle against minimum temperatures ' of about 34 degrees; northeast to Spo kane. .22 degrees; southeast to Boise, 18 degrees: south to Ashland, 36 de grees. Minimum temperature at Port land tonight, aDout 3b aegrees. JOBBING PRICES AT PORTLAND 'These prices sre those t which wholesaler! setl 10 mium, i wi-ri'i n oinerwiae STStea: BUTTE E Nominal Willamette valley iwim err cubes, selling price, 28c; prints. 30c: :: . i i . , , n.. . x-.. ... ' . t . rvnm uiiiirr, . ct-ninuu prims JVC. Kit itrMmm 3ftfft)n!2lLc BOGS Selected- Candled local extras. 34 SCc; case count, fr2rrf;33c; pot buying price T. o. t. rornsna .nic. LIVE rOVLTKY Hens x6ll8ijc: springs, - ' 16tieu,c: rtaira. lie; reee. 12c Pekln dnclin 1:1c: Indian Knnner. lOfullc: turkeys. IKfti lc; dressed 24c; pigeons, old, fi.uo, roans 1.60 dosen: Jaesrahblt $1.80EU.7S. CHEKSE Nominal. Kresb Oregon fancy fori cream twina una iripieis, sic; daisies, 20gJ xic; xoung America i . Hona.i Wool and RMm. . HOPS Bujins; price, cholo 21US22P- yriHA, y., wuimiu w niui, 1V4C. DIM- dinm 18c; 1914 contracts 16c lb. . wnnl .nmlml 1 U I '1 1i Ml..... : ley coarse Cotiwold, tttc in.; medium Bbrop- i at lr, ITc; cnolcs fancy lot, 18c lb.; eastern . Orecon lOfilOc, according to ahrlukaa-e. CUITTIM OK UA8CAKA BARK 11)13. car IOI. ftc; tm i una car niu, 1M, MOHAIK 1913 Nominal HOC. HlUKs Vtt bides, ittwzic il.: green, no tic; aalted hides, 13c; bn'U. green aalt. 8& lOe; klpa lc; calrea, drr. 23c; calf sklna, . aalted or green, 18fe20c; green hide lc less . man saneo ; sneep peiu, sailed, snearlnja. , Fruit and VecaUhlaa. BEltBIES Huckleberries, 8j;uc lb.; eran berrlea, local, U412; eastern, JU.60ai2 bar- reL FBBSH PBC1TS Oranges, navals, t2.2S lemon. i4.0O6iS.OO: limes 11. on nr ion ... ' vraDfrnlt. Florida. t5.fi0l3A.ot? nTnuuu. - IvyKTc; grapes, fl.T5Q2.0O; persimmons! 1 aA, iw A CrtlIlIi.Iwr-lHruilw, fi.w; Deeis, sl.UO; carrots, 1. 00: parsnips, sack; cabbace ii2.23; Cuban tomatoes, S4.00 per crate; . green otuons, ooaen ouncnea: mn- peca, irii, i-"-, iicuu n.-iiut.i!, e-zd crate: ' hot boaae let are fl.OO1.23 per box; celery. v alltornia. $3.2S33.&0 per crate; egg plant 16c: cauliflower ." Uocal. Ilfdl.60 doa.: aril, chokes, 11.65 doc; sprouts, 8lle; string uvaua, ituiw, ruuw uvaus, X ic IB. peas, -:, Mi 7c. .1 . ' ONIONS Jobbing price $3JKX8.TS; carload sayiog price j.. o. o. wuppjng station - a-arlle 12t15c lb. . m AfPI.KS Hultafiiberg, $1.23f?150; Northern Bpy, T5cl. 23; Jonathan 1.00100; Rhode . ' Island Greening, $1.00tt.2S; Winter Bananas. , 1.50Q2.60; Ortlu. li(KJ2.00; cooking grade Oft . . , HJTATOES Selling price: Extra choice, . $1.13il.23; choice, (1.15; ordinary, $1.00 sack boylnc price, carloada, 70c; extra faner. sort. -"4. oe; ordinary, JSC cououy polnta; sweet. per cwi. r, i - -Keats. Fish and ProTiaioaa. .'v iikuoiu iiaA i a oeiang price Coontry : klUad;. Hogs, faucy. 10c; octUoary, bC; PMC E0F0NI0NSN0W DANGEROUS BUYERS ARE NOT SO EAGER Spokane and San Francisco Are Not Taking Hold as Formerly; Most Growers Said to Be Asking Fur ther Rise In Prices Here. While a few carloads of onions ara reported being offered anoT sold by growers of this section at $3 a cental. It is stated that most of them are re fusing to let go below $3.153.25 a cental, country shipping points. That the onion market is getting Quito dangerous at the extreme quota tions Is indicated by the refusal of buyers in Spokane and San Francisco to accept supplies at J3 Oregon country points while a short time ago when the price was at $2.75 everyone was trying to get hold of a carload or two. A mail advice from Kan Francisco today stated that several carloads of eastern onions have already been pur chased by the trade of the Bay City and would soon arrive. It was likewise stated that if these supplies arrive in satisfactory condition, rather heavy supplies will be ordered. The eastern onions can be landed in the California and Puget Sound markets at practic ally the same price as was announced for Oregon supplies Saturday. iLocally there is little interest in iVe onion market. Prices are now so high that there is only a limited demard. On this account dealers are buying sparingly. While it was reported some time ago that Australian stock had been purchased by local interests, t!-e arrival of the foreign stock is so dis tant that it will likely have no effect upon the situation for home supplies. New York Market Has Excellent Tone During Last Half Hour of Today's Trading. New York. Jan. 20. At the closing there was considerable strength and generally higher prices for securities today. During the last half hour of the trading, the market was very strong. Utah Copper advanced a full point during that period or a fraction more tor the entire session. The unconfirmed renort that Presi- dent Huerta was about to resign and place tho Mexican government in the nanas or a committee 'composed of Mexican citizens, caused a sham ad vance in Mexican Petrolium shares. I he message of President Wilson is not given much attention by the trade generaly. It being of the opinion that the good points have been fullv dis counted by the recent advances. Another 12,000,000 in gold bars have been engaged for export to Paris. This manes a total or J4.O00.U00 on the pres ent movement. Pan fi' ft Of Ww VnpV nrlni fiimlsloil by Overbeck & Cooke Co.. 216-217 poarq or iraae ouiia i n g. DESCRIPTION' IQpen jHlghl Low I Close Amal. Copper Co 75 hi, 63" 75 M 33 '4 34 74 34 ti 75 47 V, 33 Mi 4U 34 105 084 Am. Car & Foundry, c Am. Can. c Am. Cotton Oil, c... Am. !.oco., c Am. HtiKar, c Am. Smelt, c . 34 Vl 84 67 "3 Am. -Tel. & Tel 111 Vt : 08 3 86 H 121 Anaconda Mining Co.. 35 Vj 35 Atcnlsnn, c B. & O., c Beet Huicar Bethlehem Steel, c. . . 06 3H 97 03 26 36 212 B. R. T Canadian -Pacific, e. . Central Leather, c Chi. & G. W.. c so rt uo 21214 21314 211 iW 2',i 26 1 13 144! 134! 13 104. il2Siil03-a C. j. & St. Paul... Chi. & North., c Chlno Copper Chesapeake St Ohio.... C. F. & I., e Colo. Southern, c Corn Products, e 103H 13314 133 133. 1114 H'' HI W3 5V; 63H! 64 32 8214 a2t 40 65 1 33 134 'A I m 133 11 17 30 146 128 25 108 15 153 26 W 13SV 22 28 154 76 92 28 14 11 111: 11 3oU''30i'36i4 i. K. U., c . ... Erie,- c General Electric 146 146 145 Great Northern, pfd.. I212xaf, 121-Ti ice recurmeu Illinois Central lint 15 153V4 28 57 139 H IDS 'KKS 15M.I 15 153 S 152 26) 26 M, 62 57 13Uto!13H 22 '4 ! 22 29 2St4 16 15. Int. Met., c Lettish aller K. C. Southern Mexican Petroleum. Louis. & Nasb M.. K. & T., c 22 to 28l,4 15 Mo. Pacific Neyads Consolidated.. ew Haven 76V. 76T4 76Vi Neur York Central . 92 92 91 N. Y-, O. & W" N. A W.. c 104 i4t04 i4103 103 to Northern Pacific, c.imto:ii.-ito!ii2ii:to ...I 27 ! 27 I 2toi 2( P. M. S. Co Penn. Hallway 113 113 112 '113 jl22 to 31 31 23! 24 34 94T, 25 25 P. U., L.. & C. Co.. P. S. C. c 32 24 94 R. 1. S.. c 24 95 Southern Pacific, c... Southern Kailway, . . . 26 26 I iuou Pacific, c U. S. Rubber, c C. S. Steel Co.. pM.. V. S. Steel Co., rfd.. Utah Copper Virginia Chemical Wabash, c 158:159 158";158 OH ,iw !. 1 oH 09 3 63 I 62 I 03 109 1MtojliU ;18 51! 53 51 62 32 32 32 .-.2 34 61 68 45 W. V. T West. Electric Wis. Cen.. c 59 i 62 1 59 68 I 68f 68 Total sales 350.500 shares. Money 2 per cent. Ex. Dlv. 3 per cent. Ex." BIT. 2 per cent, Fanners Baying Sacks. Walla Walla. Wash.. Jan. 20. Farm era throughout the southeastern Wash ington wheat belt are purchasing bags for their 1914 wheat crop, it being es timated that rhore than 3,000,000 bags have been purchased to date. The first purchases were made three weeks ago at a price of $82 a thousand, f. o. b. the coast. Since that time the price of Dags nas aroppea bdoui -a tnou- sand. rough and heavy, 9c; fancy Teals, 1414c ordinary 13ai3c; poor, 010e; lambs, 10c muttou, 8c; goats, 2fc4c. HAMS. BACON, ETC. Cams, 18Q19c breakfast bacon, 19.27 c; boiled ham, 29c" picnics, 15c; cottage ( ). MEATS Packing house Steers, No. 1 stock 13c, cowa. No. 1 stock, 12c; ewes, 9c; wethl era 10c; lambs, 12c; pork loins, 18c; dressed hogs, 13c. OIBlttta euoaiwsier Bey, per gallon ( ) per 100 lb. sack ( ); Olympla, per gallon! 8.80; per 100 lb. aack (1; canned eastern 56c can; f6.SO dosen; eastern, In shell, 1.75a 2.00 per 100; rasor clama, 2.ooQ2.25 box- fBBlcru "J "'c'. nuuu paca, Sd.UU K1SH Nominal. Dressed flounders, 7c- hal ibut. 610c; striped baas, 17c; allTeralde sal mon 9c; steelbeads, 11c; alibut, 104112c- n. luuiuia Duit.t, iv.7i. r auriujpst 12HC perch 8c lb.; lobsters, 80c lb.; black baas, lOc slWer smelt, 7c; shad ( ; black cod. 8c LUES 7a- . wvw.v., o LAUD Tierces, 12c; compound, tierces. CRABS Large. H-60; medium, f doaen. 8CGAB Cube, 5.a0; powdered, 15.10- frnlt or berry. 84.90; beet, 84.70; dry kranulated. 84 90; U yellow, 84.HO. I A bo re yuotaUous are DLt Va flrnslt svhlta mS a 8toc lilCE Japan style. No. 1, BQSic: N nnKET Kn. S3 9X6t.ll KO "w'"-" . . I r11 cue, SALT Coarse, half grounds. 10u lin too; Wa, f 10.76: tobW dairy. oOaTliVT $j 117.50; bales, $2.25: tra flno barrels 2m li and loa, SaJ52e.OO; lump rock" 82050 Paints and Oils. - r Tvsrrcn on Raw hhi. m .. .... tla boiled, bbU., 83c; raw cases, 86c; boiled cues, c gsl.; lots of 250 gallons ic lea? ell cake meal, 844 per too. ' WHITE LEAD Ton lots, 8c per lb.: 600 lb lots 8c per lb.: tow lota. tV? per It. OIL MEAL Carload lots, 834. TlinPir.NTIXK In r-mmm 1 . - , .v, wwv iwrrexab 70c; iron barrels, ttJc per gallon. STRENGTH AT CLOSING CANADIAN CATTLE SCARE WILL HAVE A PERMANENT EFFECT UPON TRADE HERE Weakening Influence Is Only Temporary Affair and as Soon as the Surplus Is Out of the Way Market Will Probably Do Better; Total Supplies Show Shortage. By Hjman II. Cohen. The extreme weakness tHat has been shown in We cattle market for some days is causing alarm among some In terests of the interior. It is very un fortunate that such a condition could exist at; this time of the year when It takes bo much money to put cattle In prime condition, but the fact re mains the market is not only extreme ly weak and low priced but. unnatur ally sluggish for this time of the year. There is much blame in this matter that can be safely attached to Puget Sound killers who have purchased quite liberally of Canadian cattle of late date. Temporarily they have forced the market into a deep rut from which it will be hard to extract the trade. The ultimate position of the market for cattle is Just as sound today as it was when tops were selling' at (8 or better. There is jlist as great a shortage in the country as then; the only difference being that the amount of stuff that has come to market has increased. While it is not likely that cattle prices will rule much higher than pre vious to the downfall of the market recently, thre is sure to be a reaction unless weather conditions are such that receipts continue liberal and de mand limited. With the Ienten season not far away, there will naturally be some hes itation among killers to stock up with supplies. Seemingly it would be a very good investment for them to pur chase cittle at low prices and hold them for an advance, but the cost of IS IN BAD SHAPE HERE ('utting of Prices at This Time Does Little if Any Good; Too Much Foreign Stock. The market for creamery butter la in bad shape. Owing to the huge sup plies of Australian and New Zealand stock being offered at all coast polnt3, prices are dragging. The drop to 30c a pound for first class prints by Willamette valley creameries yesterday, which was tho outcome of a decline to 32Hc by city makers earlier in the day, left the market In even worse shape than be fore. While there has been more or less talk that all city creameries had cut tr.eir quotations to 30c a pound, threo of the leading local makers deny that tney. are selling Deiow 3.'toc. tne Drtce established yesterday morning. That little good will result from the present bad break In butter prices here and that further sharp price slashes may be forced, is the conclusion reached Dy the trade generally. Too much foreign stock has arrived re cently and far more is on the way, to give the market here a chance with out competition. It will be some time Derore tne lorelgn stocK is worked off and until then the trade here Is sure to sag. WHEAT SHOWS REACTION Chicago Market Closes Fraction Off for May and Unchanged for July for the Day. Chicago, 111.. Jan. 20. Closlnir prices were He under yesterday for May and unchanged for July option in tne wneat pit today. The market opened with a fairly bullish tone. May showing an advance of c. while the juiy was up vc. Broomhall cabled from Llvernool that wheat was higher on some outside speculative support and an improved spot demand. It is extremely cold weather throughout Europe, and some complaints of insufficient snow cover ing in parts. fcurouean visible snows an increase of 2.672.000 bnshels. Foreign crop summary is not so favorable, owing to coia weatner and lack or snow in France, Germany and Hungary. Range of Chicago prices furnished by Overbeck & Cooke Co., 216-217 Board of Trade building: , WHKAT. Month Open. Hljh. Low. Close. May 8J 02 01 91 A July KT n; 87 S7& CORN. May 66 5, 65 65 A July U.1 05 644 64 B OATS. May .: 30 3 39 39 B July :K 3fl 38 38 TORK. Jan : 2170 A May , v 2187 2190 2175 2180 LARD. Jan 1110 May H37 1140 1132 1132 B July 1142 RIBS. Jan 1157 May 1177 1180 1167 1170 July . 1182 Money and Exchange. London, Jan. 20. Consols, 73?4d; silver, 26 7-1 6d; bank. rate. 4H per cent. New York, Jan. 20. SterMng ex change, long. J4.84V4; hort, 4.87H; silver bullion, 57 Mc. San Francisco, Cal., Jan. 29. Ster ling exchange, 60 days, $4.82; sight, $4.86; documentary. $4.824; transfers, telegraphic, bVi per cent premium; sight, 2 per cent premium. San Francisco Barley Calls. San Francisco, Jaa. 20. Barley calls: Jan. 19 Jan. 20 . Close Open Close May' 125H 125V4 125 July 118 117 117 New York Cotton Market. OPEN HIGH LOW CLOSE Jan 1240 1244 1240 1244-4 Mar 1260 1268 .1257 12S5-4 May ...1240 1246 1237 1245-4S JUly ..1233 1241 1232 1240-41 Aug 1221 1221 1214 1220-22 Sep. 1180 1185 1180 1180-11 Oct. 1174 1175 1169 1175-7? NORTHWEST BANK STATEMENT Portland Banks, Clearings This week. Tear ago. Tuesday ..$1,570,340.90 $1.T7.74.7 Monday ...... 2,523.240.74 3.302,116.78 Week to date $4,003,587.64 $4,076,880.86 Seattle Banks.. Clearings Balances .21.947.405.00 . 174314.00 Knights at The Dalles, The Dalles, Or.. Jan. 20. Knights of Pythias hall was the scene of a meet ing of local K. of .P.. members last night, the occasion being the official visii or Fran B. Grant, grand chan cellor of the order. Mr.' Grant deliv ered an address. - - - . MARKET SUPPWES OF POTATOES HERE keeping them in killers' pens Is so much greater than they can be kept at home, that all of the benefits derived from purchasing them at a low price would disappear. It is a number of months from this time until grass cattle can possibly enter the market. XIntll then there are likely to be various periods wherein supplies of cattle will be at a famine stage. During such intervals there Is no doubt that extreme values will be forced. Those that look for far better values on average trading during the remain der of the present season are very likely to become disappointed. A good advance Is likely that will bring val ues to the former high mark or frac tionally above it, but far beyond that range .would simply mean that the average consumer would be compelled to forego the eating of meat alto gether. At the present time the meat trade is being curtailed by the great numbers of smelt that are being caus-ht in the Cowlitz and for which extremely low prices are ruling. Those that have excellent quality cattle need have ho fear of price re sults for the future of the present sea son. There has been and is always a good demand for extreme quality. lit tle of this has been offered recently, therefore It would be extremely hard to tell what the price would be. With the present rush of Canadian cattle to market over, it is not likely that there will be much offering from there within the immediate future. The lack of feed was the only cause of the present rush to sell. LATE CUTTING HAY Second and Third, Crop of Alfalfa Scarce and in Demand; Wheat Generally Has Firm Tone. WHEAT CARGOES STEADY. London. Jan. 20. Wheat cargoes on pasa age quiet bnt ateady. English country markets steady. French country markets firm. PORTLAND GRAIN RECEIPTS. -Cars- Wheat.Barley.F1our.Oats.Ha.T. Monday - 65 8 24 7 17 Tuesday 39 .... 8 2 Year ago 83 8 2 3 3 Beason to. date.12.28l 173 1884 1284 1740 Year ago ...12,060 1687 1256 1140 132tf FOREIGN WHEAT MARKETS. LlTerpel Wheat closed d higher. Berlin Wheat closed Me lower. Buenos Ay res Wheat closed 4e higher. There continues a rather slow tone In the hay trade, with the exception of second and third cutting alfalfa. "While there is plenty of first cutting and prices are rather weak for offer ings, a scarcity of latter harvesting is shown and values are firm. For other varieties of hay there Is little activity indicated by tne home trade at present and no changes are shown in quotations. The market for wheat, while firm. Is showing no further .price changes since she advance of lc announced In these reports yesterday. Some of the leading" buyers say they are not offer ing above oc ror ciud. but there seems, to be a sufficient amount of business available at so to establish the quotation there so far as sellers are concerned. Coarse grains continue auiet and generally neglected. While strenuous eirorts are still be ing made to force the price of patent riour nigner, quotations remain sta tionary. wheat producers' prices, track basis: Club, 86 87c; milling bluestem, 96 97c: fortyfold. 87 88c: red Rus sian and hybrids, 84 85c; valley. 87 BBC OATS Buvlne nrlce: No. 1 white. feed, $2525.50; gray, $24.6025 per ton. BARLEY Nominal producers' nrices. track basis: Feed, $24; brewing. $25; rolled, $24.50 per ton. FLO UK selling price: Patent, $4.50 4.60; Willamette valley. $4.60: local straight. $4; export. $3.65 3.80; bak ers', $4.404.60. HA1 Producers' Prices: Willamette valley timothy, fancy, $13.6014; east ern Oregon-Idaho fancy timothy, $16 $16.50; alfalfa. $1S13.50; vetch and oats, $11; clover, J909.1O per ton. Mibiisitrf s selling price: Bran, $21.5022; middlings, $30.5031.00; shorts. $23.50 24 per ton. ULOVliK skeu Buying price: No. 1 red, country points, 12c; alslke, 14c. KANSAS CITY HOGS HIGHER New High Mark Reached at $8.50 in the Yards Today. Kansas City, Jan. 2u. Hogs, 16,000; market 10c higher. Tops, $8.50. Cattle 7000; market steady. Sheep 8000; market strong. CHICAGO HOGS SELL AT 8.$60 Market Hits New High Record; Other Lines Strong. Chicago. Jan. 20. Hogs, 25.000; mar. kef 5c higher. Mixed, $8.258.60; heavy, $8.408.60; rough. $8.158.35; light. $8.250 8.50. Cattle 4500: market strong. Sheep 14,000; market strong. UNION AGENT ROBBED OF STRIKE RELIEF FUND Wheeling, W. Va., Jan. 20. A pas eenger in a sleeping car on the Bal timore & Ohio railroad's New York St. Louis flyer, James Rodda, an offi cial of the United Mine Workers, was robbed last night of union documents and relief funds for striking miners in the West Virginia coal fields. Rodda asserted that he recognized the bandit as a private detective hith erto employed by West Virginia mine owners. He added that he believed the man cared less for his money than for the papers he had with him. which he described as Important reports concerning the West Virginia strike situation which he was to have taken to the miners' convention in Indiana polis. RAILROAD COMPANIES LOOKING FOR -LUMBER T a com a. Wash., Jan. 20. Inquiries for lumber said, to total In the neigh borhood of 100,000,000 feet, to be used for car siding and general car materi al purposes, have been received by lo cal mills and lumber agencies from eastern car companies, and lumber men today predicted the speedy let ting of car building contracts by some of the big railroad, feystems. The in quiries thus far seem to concern trie Harriman lines, and Union Pacific In particular. . SHOWS STRONG TONE LOCAL HOGS, DOLLAR TOO LP IF EASTERN PRICE IS CONSIDERED North Portland Prices Are 55 Cents Below Chicago When They Are Usually That Much Higher; Cat tle Depression Is Severe. Todays Ho; Market. tops Chicago $8.60 Kansas City 8.60 South Omaha 8.45 North Portland 8.05 Denver 8.45 PORTLAND LIVESTOCK RUN. Hogs. Cattle. Calres. Sheep, Tueday 74 2o Mf-nday 189T 545 j S3i9 Scturday 205 ... 2 Friday 1497 lrt5 .. 2182 Thursday s !1 .. 29 Wednesday Ms 2a4 .. 68 Week ago 1217 733 Year ago 169 5 .. 84 2 years ago 435 1 .... There were no fresh arrivals for the market at North Portland today. Total arrivals were but one load and this was shipped in by Hugh Cummings, the regular buyer of the Union Meat company, at Corvaltis. The position of the hog market here, sad to relate, is still one of the poor est in the entire country. The rut into which the. local market has fallen is so deep that all efforts to force hisher figures consistent with what is happening elsewhere, have failed. The highest market in the east to day stands at $8.60 or 66c above the extreme figure here. As a general rule the North Portland market is that much above anything in the east, therefore compared with the normal standing of the trade here, prevailing prices are over $1 too low. At the moment there aeems to be no hope for any material Improvement m tne price or swine here, unless kill ers out of the goodness in their hearts decide to give country inter ests more for their product. So far as the general market is concerned, there Is absolutely no need of buyers digging down into their pockets to give higher prices for swine. They are already getting all the hogs they need, in fact practically every one has a surplus at this time. Hinther nrices are generally given only to stimulate an increased puddIv but a further in crease in offerings at this time would likely wreck the already low price shown here. At Chicago there was a strong tone In the hog market for the day, values being a nickel better than yesterday. Kansas City hog market was strong' today at an advance of a dime. South Omaha hog prices were ad- vancea anotner nickel this morning. General hoe market range: Too killers $ 8.05 Good and light 7.95W8.00 Heavy . 7.8507.90 Rough and heavy 6.75 7.00 Cattle Extremely Weak. The situation In the cattle market continues of very weak character. hile there were no additional offer ing in the local yards reported in over night, so much stuff has been held over that there is not the slightest likelihood of a shortage of offerings here, even tnougn notmng comes ror ward for several weeks. The extreme weakness in which the cattle market here has fallen is indi cated by the sale late yesterday after noon of several lots of first class stuff that had been fed on grain for a period of 120 days, at $7.60. Therefore it is easy to see what ordinary hay fed stuff will sell at in competition with this superb aualitv. At Chicago there was a strong tone ror cattle tooay. Kansas city cattle market was steady at yesterday's quotations. south Omaha cattle market was strong at an advance of a dime for the aay. General cattle market: Best grain fed steers. . . . Ordinary grain fed steers Best hay fed steers , .$7.507.60 .. 7.3507.40 ,. 7.30(ft:7.35 , . 6.50(3)6.50 6.75 6.70 6.25 , . 6.60ffli5.65 foor steers Best heifers . . . Best cows Medium cows . . Poor cows Ordinary bulls Fancy bulls . . . Prime neavy . . Best calves , . 4.004.60 6.50 , . 6.507.5O 9.00 Sheep Market Continues Good. While there were no additional sun plies of mutton to offer on the North Portland market for the day, the situa tion is very strong. Recent sales in the local yards have Indicated an in creased demand for mutton products here and killers are taking hold of greater sullies than ever before. At Chicago there was a strong tone in tne sneep market tor tne day, Kansas City sheep market ruled strong at former prices. soujh omaha sheep market was strong. iOjtlSc higher today. General mutton market range Best lambs $ 6.7r Yearling lambs 6.755.1i5 Old wethers 6.255.5o Fancy ewes 4.50 fa 4.75 Ordinary ewes 3.004.50 Monday Afternoon Sales. STEERS Section Idaho . . . Ici.ho ... Idaho ... Idtiho ... Oregon . Orpfton Idaho ... Oregon Oregon Idaho . . . Oregon Oregon Oregon Idaho ... Idaho . . . Idaho . . . Idaho . . . Oregon . Or-gon . Oregon Oregon Oregon Oregon Oregon . Oregon . Oregon ' Oregon . Oregon Oregon Oregon Idaho . . . No. At. lhs. Price. 25 im f7.A0 27 1477 7.60 'M 1142 7.60 2fl 1170 7.60 S 7.60 25 1410 7.60 23 121." 7.40 19 12.V) 7.25 5 1.11 7. IS 4 115.'( 6.75 2ft 12T 6.6T. 16 lfiW 6.I0 3 1J47 6.60 R) 6.5t , 4 SOD 6.S5 4 05 6.00 COWS. 7 1233 l.3o 10S4 H.:to HI 090 6.25 , 31 1124 6.00 t n.iiii , 8 .1166 5.25 1 15.H 4.50 1 1171 3.50 CALVES. 1 270 $8.50 BULLS. 1 160 $5.50 1 m 5.40 LA MUX. !HO S3 $6.75 130 77 6.65 125 59 6.65 238 86 6.50 Overbeck & Cooke Co. Stocks, Bonds, Oottom, Grata. Etc 316-217 Board of Trade Building-. DIRECT PRIVATE WIRES TO ALL EXCHANGES Members Chicago Board of Trade. Correspondents of Logan & Bryan, Chicago. New York. j. C. Wilson & Co. MEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE NEW YORK COTTON EXCHANGE CHICAGO BOARD OF TRADE THE STOCK AND BOND EXCHANGE SAN FRANCISCO PORTLAND OFFICE 869 Oak Bt, Oronad Floor, Xowls Bid. Faoaes Marshall 4120. aU87. ROUTE OF CONN ECTING LINK IN CARLINE IS UP Protestants Against Halsey Street Present Arguments to Support Contention, Contending that the proposed cross- town carline should not be routed dewn Halsey street after leaving the Eat Twenty-eighth street bridge, in terested property owners, appeared be fore Will H. Daly, commissioner ' of public utilities. this morning with various arguments. Half of the Pro testants were women. Sentiment In favor and amlnst th proposed roihlng is fairly well divided according to Commissioner Daly, who has a petition containing the signa tures of people, owners of 720 feet of property on Halsey street from Kast i wenty-elghth to East Twenty-fourth. Just what recommendations Commis sioner Daly will make to the council In regard to the proposed routing is not knOwn, although before he recom mended that the line go down Halsey to I wenty-rourth. He expect to liav a full report ready within a few day. in connection with the proposed crosstown line a committee from the fc-ast Thirty-third Street Improvement club appeared before Commissioner Daly yesterday asking that he require tne company to construct a line from East Twenty-fourth and Broadway to East Thlrty-third and thence on East Thirty-third to Fremont. . Commissioner Daly referred them to the state rsllroad commission, pointing out that the city, under the recent ruling of Judge Bean of the federal court, had no Jurisdiction. EXTENSION TO BE CONSIDERED Ponrth Street Proposition Is Tp Before Commissioner. To learn the attitude of th in regard to the nronosed Ttninn nt Fourth street southward to the cltv limits. David S. T. Stearns, represent ing the Fourth Street Improvement association, appeared before Robert G. Pleck. commissioner of public works. this morn Inc. Fourth t. kn.i.... men are very desirous of having the Biioei upenea us enure length. It has been planned to have the street opened for traffic along the Southern Pacific Railroad company's ngni oi way in Houtn Portland, thence to the citV limits Onmmt. Dieck promised to consider the matter and asked Mr. Stearns to make a for mal aemana on the city for action by the council. WORK FOR NEEDY ON THE PACIFIC HIGHWAY (Special to TTis Journal.) Ashland. Or Jan. 30. Judge Ton velle has announced that the convict camp which was talked of for the Pacific highway, will be abandoned and that Instead vagrants will be sen tenced to work on the road. Family men in the county who have not been supporting their families, will also be set to work on the highway and their wages will be naid tn thmtr Work on a sub-contract for clearing iiMiiiiiriitrB mil week. HOQA Waahlngton 12 IKS tT.W !" 63 1ST 7.80 P"" , 4 1T1 7.B0 Ilho M . m 7 2R Oregon 16 116 7 2S Washington i2 SI5 T25 California S4 235 7 10 California 88 243 7 15 Oregon ft S70 7.00 Jdho 187 6 en Idaho J 807 6.90 Waahingtoo 1 40 6.60 Oregon 12s' 81 $8.80 WETHERS. Ore goo loo 9a $6.65 xuasosy Morning Balsa. STEERS. Section No. A. lbs. Price. Oregon 1 1020 $6.50 Oregon 3 713 g.T8 COWS. Oregon 1 1080 $4-M OMAHA LIVESTOCK BOOMING Cattle 10c. Hogs 5c and Sheep 10 to 15c Higher n Yards.. South Omaha, Jan. 20. Cattle 5600; market strong. lOn hiarher Steers. $8.308.90; cows and heifers. $6.25 7.75. w Hogs 18,000; market opened 6c higher; closed dull at $8.1G8.46. Sheep 8000; market strong to 10 3) 15c higher.- Yearlings, $6.40 ft 6.90; wethers. $5.50ig5.90; lambs, $7,850 8.10; ewes, $5.00g5.60. DEXVER HOGS ARE ADVANCED Tops Rple at $8.43 Today; Cattle Situation Is Strong. Denver, Colo., Jan. 20. Hogs, 1600; market higher, at $8.4008.45. Cattle 1500; market strong. Fteers. $6.00ft8.&a; cows and heifers. SS.00& 7.25. Sheen 600: market steady. Year lings, $6. 25a6. 75; wethers. J5.&05 6 00; ewes. $4.255.00; lambs. $.7oi 7 50 BEFORE COMMISSIONER OUR CENTRAL LOCATION is an important factor to our patrons. The convenience and saving of time must appeal to every business man. Prompt attention, courteous treatment, superior facilities and accessibility of officers. A high-class service in every department at the command of every customer. 4 Interest Paid on Savings Deposits Merchants National Bank Under Government Supervision. Founded 1886. Ladd & Tilton Bank Eitablished 1859 CAPITAL $ 1 ,000,000.00, SURPLUS $1,000,000.00 COMMERCIAL AND SAVINGS ACCOUNTS Letter of Credit, Drafts and Travelers' Checks Issued, Available in 'All Parts of the World. Corner Third and Washington Street SCHWERIN IS CALLED t ASF Head of Pacific Mail May Be Prosecuted if Found Culpable. U nited Treaa LeaseJ Wire 1 San Francisco. Jan. 20. n. P. Schwrrin. (-e president and general manager of the Tactric Mail Steam ship company, was schedule tn Ik. tify this afternoon before the federal! grand jury. He will be called wheni DOdy meets late today. Srhwerin vtn Ka awifi . . i "... - ....... v. .', i , i an i- . .w. 1 1 ,. . ... - ... . . . I . v.. i unnm utsiween oiriciais or his company, certain former customs officials and the Western Fuel de fendants, to defraud the government. Government Prosecutor Theodore Roche announced that h would inform Sr-hwerin that whatever testimony he may give will not render him immune from prosecution, if it is found that he has been culpable. FARRELL CALLED EAST TO CONFER ON BUDGET President J. D. Farrrll. of the O -W. R. & N. company, today is on his way to New York city to confer with fhairman Lovett and the board of di rectors of tho Union Pacific system regarding the $5,500,000 appropriation asked for in the company's budget. The budget was sent to New York several weeks ago evfter a long series of conferences among the officials. De velopment of numerous projects was contemplated In the estimate, which was more than $1,000,000 In excess of the 1913 budget. President Farrell stated shortly be fore his departure that he believed most of the sum asked for would be granted. Improvements to existing properties and new engines and cars are Included, though It waa -decided to leave out provision for the Condon Fossil and the Pilot Rock-Ukiah branch line projects. The line to Olym pla Is to be built If the budget la ap proved, though it was said that con struction on this may not begin this year. GIRLS ADD $10 TO THE HUMANE SOCIETY FUND President Robert Tucker of the Ore gon Humane society yesterday received $10 In pennies and nickels from three little girls, Elisabeth Kerr. Frances Mathews and Marlon Cat 1 In, who live on Portland Heights. Impressed by the cruelty of drivers on the steep hills leading- to the Heights, they decided to do something to help. After consultation they de cided to give a circus. Later they gave a play, to which other children and grown-ups were invited. The ad mission was 6 cents, programs 1 cent and refreshments S cents. From the two entertainments they netted 110. which they presented In person to President Tucker In his of fice in tho Wilcox building. Mrs. James B. Kerr, mother of one of the little girls, accompanied them. All three youngsters were very happy over the results of their efforts. $3 a Year Can you afford to take the risk of letting valuable papers re main unprotected, when they can be kept in a safe deposit box at a cost of less than 1 cent a day? Security Safe Deposit Company 5th and Morrison Sts. Hi RAUD WITNESS Washington and Fourth Streets. TRAXSPOP'ATION STEAMSHIP Sails Direct for SAN FRANCISCO; LOS ANGELES AND SAN DIEGO TOMORROW Wednesday, January 2l,2::Xl P. M. SAN FRANCISCO, . PORTLAND & LOS ANGELES STEAMSHIP CO. (With Denver & Rio Grand R. R.) FRANK BOULAM, Agent 124 Third Street $A-4598, Main 28 I w uajfv? South seas fUTIXI FII-SIOITES ilNr-QUlClLST TIKE Splendid Steamer- Llfds 100 A-l ( 10.000 tons lisp.) of tydrtay ihort Uns sailing every two veekv (110 HONOLULU SYDNEY $300 Sydney Round Trip Second Class. $200. Various tours including Java. China, JaMn tfl4 Round the World. Bend for folder. OCEANIC . S. CO, $71 stark St SAN FRANCISCO Steamer Service STEA.1CEB K4.BSAX.O Leaves Portland. Ash Street Dock, daily except Saturday at :00 P. M. Arrives JAstoria :0 A. M. Leaves Astoria dally except Sun day at 8:00 A. M. Arrives Port land 6:00 P. M., Make reservations Ash Rtreet Dock or City Ticket Office, 3d and Washington, Phones Marshall 00. A-6121 TO BAH rXAHCXSCO,, Z.OB AJTaiI.18 ASS IAV DIXQO. S. S. YUCATAN vYI-;pNF.BrAV, ?AX SI. 6 P. M. COOS BAT An rUaVEXA S. S. ALLIANCE THVRSDA Y. JAN. II. 6PM HOSTB FACZna STEAMSKX? CO. 122 imUll STBEET. Phonss-i-Maln and A-1314. San Francisco and Los Angeles summ BTmAMKMm fos bo. ziswx nans p. m., jan. at, 88. Beaver Bails 4 p. m., Jan, 26. The Baa Franciseo Portland 8. B. Go. Ticket Office 3d and Wash., (with O -W. M. ft IT. Co.) Mak-ahaU 4600, A-6iai. COOS BAY LINE Steamship Breakwater Bills from Alnortl "4x-s, Portlsnd, st p. m.. eery Tuesday areolar. Freight rs celred until 12 o'clock '(Dnoo) n salllus dar. Paaaeocer fare: Flnt duaa, 1; second rlaaa (men only), $7, lueludiu lrth and mesla. Ticket office at Lower. Alnaworth dork. Port. ! land i'oos liar Slraisnblp Line. l'bot 1 Main MOO: A-2&S2. L. 11. KfMuf. Aa-eet. AT Wilson Auotionj Hoiinp, 18 1st St. Special auction sele 10 a. ra.- tomor row. : T AJXOXS Auction Sale 346 Clay St West, Wednes day. Jan. 21st, at 10 a. m. ' We will sell the'tntfre furnlshlnars of 7 rooms, consisting of fi hole malle able ranKe. 2 very line Hii'-k heatinn ; stoves 1 HiK)sler kitchen cabinet, prin i cess and quarter sawed oak dreniters. Vernls Martin lrorv and folding; beds, mattresses, springs. 'HeddlnK. nigs, car pets, chairs, dining table, cooking uten sils. ulKlies In factLtlie complete fur nishings of the liciOKe will be sold without renerve. Bell Auction Co. J. A. UXAXOW Auotionser. NEW TODAY j 1RV1NGT0N HOME I New modern seven, room house, four ; bedrooms, sleeping porch and bresk I fust room, oak floors? bookcases, Dutch kitchen fireplace an4 furnace; Kit SOx 100. Only 15RA0; HOOD down end 123 ! j;er month. On Twenty-second. i ZADOW & FARMER I 414 CQTbett Bldf. A-1416. Marshall 97. Mortgage Loans 6 to 7 Per Cent H. E. MOONEY Main 210. oom;ai ralllnr Bldr Title & Trust Company ronrth and Qak Streets. Mortgage Loans We laajca BullOinr Xoans. CITY AND' FARM LOANS $1000 aad up at jowest rttM. ZADOW & FARMER 414 Oorbett Bldf. A-1418. Marshall 92. Money to Loan on Real Estate MORGAN & i - PECKHAM Railway Eaeaasr FEAREY BROS. We Buy .Notes 24S Salmon St. -Main 3389. A-1773. CLASSIFIKI JLU KATES In efft () !; '1. 19ja. ALL I'RKVIOI K HATKH A EMEU lAKiKI AbVKttTISKMtNTS or H'lixJa jr. 1'i rnt ler ird )ief Insertion. Tbl rnars: ' 'ur dslf1-atlr. k lr.s ' tor llnl In lrlt Vamlly." "Bmm Board la Private K.Dilljt ' "Hltaatt-w Want sd" and ' Wanted lu Kent'' ads., wulrfe are ly mnti n-r word pr Insortlun. So ad rbard fr ! than IS cents. 1A8H AbVKUT!KMKNT 14 -rntfr word f'r all laasl first loos exrriittbc far Rent Is ' Private .famllr." "K,m and Board In fr)t rsoilljr." "Sit uation Wanted ' snd " Waited to Ksst" sds. Bl-b are I V cents ir stord. Ttar'-e losertW.ix for tfcsV rt1"s of two. !irrn inrtlon for the- Jwiee of ftr. No Rd tMken tor lei-n ttn 1. rents. KKAIi KSTATK TKAXHFEIW Ibttsl. U4- HiHi ti V. A. lstU. lot 1. Lik s. My!- - sffkiittou..... tTft iriu b. Huron ami Di'einnn ro .ft EY SIB rirnsr n si. wi vivr jv i sir CContiaa! on Jfext ar)