The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, January 09, 1914, Page 4, Image 4

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Fresh , Hostilities Expected!
Through Sultan's Ambition
to Regain Territory.
(United frpm Itn' vWr..
London. Jan Karner surmisea
that Knvar Hey waa iiper war min
ims cf TpHny as a preliminary, to
fresh rtastllittM tn the Balkans re
ceived confirmation today from sV
prat souroaa. That the sultan's repre,
nentaUna were negotlatlne; at -ut
Kurojjeair capitals was eertajn an4 no
attempt waa made to ooneeal th fact
that tne money waa wanted for war
munitions. Tlia Constantinople embassies
of the varloua pewars ware alao r.
porting to their chancellor), ttat
military preparations were going fcn
on an extensive aoala,: , ...
Everything Indicated also that In
"Constantinople government was re-
nnni'Mn hnH alrmdv been Kuessed.
for the talk of seating Izzet Pasha on j
. . All 1 UriAhnM i
tne mrone 01 aiui. nuriun
waa really believed at the TurkiBh
capital that suoh a thing could be
'accomplished waa" generally doubted,
but It waa clear enough that the ex
citement ' the attempt i wm nouna to
make would be to Turkey's advantage,
assume that It ae planning wore
trouble. 4
With the Balkan allies exhausted as
they ate at present , and with the
Turkish armif Improved by tne re
organization it la undergoing, military
experts agreed that the sultan wouJd
atapd an excellent chance not only of
winning- feACtjalL that ha loat in the
raoenttruggle. but of extending hit
terrtfrlts This, of course, was taking
It-for grftPt tjiat the powers did not
Intfrfera, That they would want to
do. afl was considered certain, but in
"VtWOt Europe' a many international
JcsJaustee , and the danger of interfer
ing: tPJUan affairs, even the best
Judgea of diplomats mattera aaid it
-waa unaafa tp predict too confidently
what .wontd. happen, ,
Operator Believed to Be One
of Those Recently in
. (Special to The Journal.) -HllJaboro,
Or.. Jan. 9. A man giving
the name of Miller and purporting to
represent the ao-cajled "Scottish Ma
sonic lodge, " haa been In Hillsboro this
week, soliciting members in this city.
It Is. thought that he is one of the
. same promoters recently placed und;r
indictment In Multnomah county, and
'-that they have transferred their ac
tivities to this county;
Miller has represented to those ho
V. . 1 1 ,n Uftlaknnn !,. V.
. HUB Hpiiivauiiru lit iiuieuyiu iut
"could confer the firat three degrees,
,nd that the fourth would be given by
alleged representations were madi
known to the officers he was taken
: before Prosecuting Attorney Thomas
sH. .Tongue- Jr., who warned him thai
if Hillsboro .people were induced to
part with their money upon misrerj.
resentattona he would-be arrested.
Application blanks secured by the
district attorney contain a clause ad-
Hl.t..M I k..l .1 ' 11,1 1 J . . J
willing mm iue bu-uuiicu iuugv oittirim
. no connection with the Oregon Grand
lodge. The promoter Is -said to have
exhibited to persons he solicited, a
Masonic pin.' Ha did not .wear the pin,
they say, but carried It in his pocket
When the matter waa brought to the
attention ot prominent HiUsboro jaa
aona they said they felt that If a per
, aon Joined an order under such cir
cumstances and suffered financial
'joes, ha had none but himself to blame.
John Day, Or., Jan. 9. In the death
of William Henry Clark at Canyon
City, January 4, Grant county last
' ,ono of Its oldest and peat known pio
neer. rMr, Clark had been a resident
ox this v county since 1881, coming
here from California, a waa born
'In Indiana,' and waa 79 years old. He
' waa one of the gold seekers who went
to California, during the ruth of M4.
,ja HH he started for the placer dis
tnet or orflno, Idaho. During his
overland Journey he heard pf the gold
''Strike on Canyon creek and made that
't his destination. He has resided at
Canyon City aver sine.
Mr, Clark wa member of Canyon
'City Irfidge No. 34. A. P. and A. M.
He was also a member of Blue Moun-
tain Chapter No. JT, H. A. M having
? peen airuiated with that armnlu.
. jpon since IMS,
i Funeral services were held at Can-
- yon City Tuesday afternoon under the
',Buapiees or i-oo mo. s, a. k. and
; A. M. Mr. Clark is survived by eev
; oral crown children, i
Albany. Or., Jan. 9. That actual I
ponatruotlon work will start op the Al- 1
. faany Peatof f Ice and federal building
: ADril 1. ta ba romnlntM within v n -
' thereafter, ws the statement of Fred
t . cirwftBup, Ptttfm contractor, who
t wap awgroed th contract for the low-
1 est bid. IbK.SU Vlr k'.lnbr, i.
. the city leokinv t ha xlt .
ferring with Postmaster Van Winkle.
Mr. Eriokaon aai4 Jhal h ht n.i.j
notloe of the approval of hie bona and
, (ho offlelat acceptance of the contract.,
-It calls for a two : story structuj-e
s wit a ground area of mo feel,
stucco, . atena and wr eotu
- facing with tin roof, ! iacJudlng m-
ehantcal aouipment, Interior lighting
; a CorvalllS. Or. : "Jan; B. . .V.A Smith
alias Ed Scatt. wajttut Kt Unnvw
Mtoo, . for burglary, was , arrested
, fcere last nigh by loeai officers... He
.'.wag lurneo over to the LAtah county
-' Sharif f today. BeotL - who
' llv-fd here, baa served two sentences
, n vrxjr state i prison j one for
horoo taalina;. and th ior for gun
' UIV H has lived 1 at Moscow fer
r nuaoir or years unqer the name
Saturdayf-Qii tlie Entire Juvenile Floor
i A Tremendous Sweep of Activity 0
The Greatest Aggregation of Sales Ever Offered
Trimmed Hata
Latest Winter
Selling Regularly $15
Saturday $3.95
We inventory next weekj
PrcDratory to this irmJ-an.
nual event we have idected
100 stylish, attractive ,an4
serviceable hats for this sale;
They range in price-from
$8.50 to $10 each. Smart
hats. Hats trimmed in pre
vailing fashions that can be
worn constantly for the next
four months. They come in
many styles m small, me
Qium ana urge snapes, in
velvet, plush and valour, in
black and colors.
Fres Lesons
and Demon
stration of
Fleit her Yarns
Art Dept.,
Second Floor
mmw wmm mm .. jh
j I jpplw Girls' Serge and Shepherd Plaid Dresses
I ' SeHtof Bfguhrly cf $9,60 to $12.50
Lg&X. rwQ Clearance $3.45
Three-Piece Suits for Misses and Girls
In Slzi from JO to J6 Yean
At the Most Remarkably Low Price
Saturday $6.95
For $10 to $13.50 Suits
This cl ia certainly most unusual everf in this store, where the
compsfitively unusual is almost sn avery-day matter. It ts almost
unpracdnte4 to bo iple to buy the latest fashions, at their very best.
at such prices,
These excellent suits are made of brown mixed cloth, white cor
duroy, navy blue serge, tan cord, and brown and white diagonal cloths,
consisting of a coat and a one-piece dress. The jackets are in simple
straight box styles, some haying belts, and regulation Norfolks, self
collars or combination and silk-trimmed collars, . The dresses are
fashioned with panel skirts back and front, and the waists have round
or square, necks, full blouse style, some are braid trimmed and others
with silk rtvtra.
Other Three-Piece Suits at Hair Price
Selling from $17.50 to $37.50
Of black and white checks, tan whale serge blue and
white stripe cord, navy blue French serge and cord material
trimmed with silk or lace and many with fine dainty em
broidered collars.
Various Models in This Final Clearance
That are usually $16.50 to $32.50
Special, Saturday, $9.95
Our selling of tailored suits for misses and small women
has this season exceeded every record of past experiences. As
sortments are almost exhausted sizes are broken but if you
can be fitted in one of these suits you will indeed be fortunate.
Suits in brown and mahogany pebble cloth, navy blue cordu
roys, brown serges. Plain tailored suits for all around wear,
also blouse and peplum styles. The skirts are very artistically
. draped. i
Girls' $1 .50 and $1 .75 Balkan Blouses
Clearance 95c
Blouses of extra quality white galstea made with sailor
collars; other with turndown collars and showing combina
tion trimmings of plain navy blue. Sizea 8 to 5J0.
Misses' $12.95 and $16.50 Sport Coats
Clearance $9.95
You will find these coats to ba almost Identical with those
shown for early Spring and their weights are just sight for
wear the entire year around smartest of sport coats that are
made to button close around the neck or with .regulation turn
down collar and revers. They all have the large patch pockets
and fancy or bone buttons.
In rose, brown, green, mahogany, boude and fancy reversi
ble cloth with striped, plaid or figured back. The reversible
models have cuffs, collar and revere as well as belta of the
Last Saturday this sale was Inaugurated and for this week
end we again offer these dresses for sale but with an addition
al assortment of styles and sizesthey are. sample dresses
which spells "advance Spring styles" they are the smartest
and prettiest youthful frocks we have ever seen and can be
had of fine serge and Shepherd plaids in one -and two-piece
styles blouse ancT Peter Thompson styles, Norfolk and
straight models. Trimmed with fancy collars of plain or
checked materials, soutache braids and pipings in navy blue,
Copenhagen, brown, black and white checks and reds.
Juniors' $12.50 and $17.50 Dresses
; Of Silk and Cloth Material
Clearance $6.45
Sisea for Girls from 13 to 18 Year a
Attractive and youthful frocks in one and two-piece styles,
in cadet , blue, navy blue, wine, purple, wisteria, brown and
fancy plaids and checks. Of charroeuse silk, wool serge and
wool plaids.
Combination styles, that is frocks of plain colored serge
combined with plaid having satin collars and cuffs the fash
ionable suspender dress and the silk dresses with trimmings
of fancy buttons, chiffon vests, net and shadow laces long
or three-quarter sleeves.
Corduroy Coats for 2 to 5-Year Children
$1.25 Instead of $450
This is an excellent opportunity for economy, a a child can wear
corduroy coat as well in the Summer as in the Winter in fact, it is
the one coat that every mother figures on having for her little daugh
ter. So this is certainly the time for you to get her a new one they
are made of good quality velvet corduroy that wears. In double
breasted styles, high necks, fancy buttons, or turndown collars; also
plain straight box styles.
Other coats of cloth in tan, electric blue and red, made in the same
fashion as the corduroy coats.
If You Are a Little Girl
From 2 to 8 Years Old
You May Choose a Smart Little Hat
From a Variety of $1.50 to $2.00 Styles
At 50c
This is Certainly one of those rarest of rare occasions just think
of it a smart "tailored" hat at $0c; shaped in youthful, attractive
styles of felt, velvet, corduroy with Tyrolean or round crowns,
drooping and rolled brims. Having silk bands or satin ribbon bows
and plaited ribbon around the crowns. Some have jaunty little feather
stick-ups. In red, navy blue, brown, black and white.
Review Patterns
Sold hire exclusively.
The Now Spring Fashion
RaaIm mtd Pattern
Now on Sale. -
5cond Floor.
Picture Framing
One-Fourth Off
Newt st Moulding
Exquisite Neckw'ar
. at Surprising Little;
Prices in the White Sale
For $1.98 and $1J5
Clearance 98c Each
The finest of Bulgarian em
broidery ' and French embroid
ery are used in adorxilnz these
collars and are shown in soft,
rich color combinations flat
collars that are now so much
in vogue in various shapes
50c Chemisettes 25c
The chemisette the one in
dispensable article of every
woman's wardrobe of Soft net
in white, cream or ecru, made
with boned collar and felled
Women's Vests .
Selling from $2.50 to $10
A most varied assortment of
these fashionable mannish vests
single and double-breasted
styles, high or low collar ef
fects, of broche velour, figured
satins, silk in dainty Dresden
designs, of white or striped
madras and moire -4 in most
every color imaginable, as well
as plain white and black.
69c and 98c Collar
Clearance 49c Each
Separate collars for coats
and dresses and sets consist
ing of collar and cuffs also for
outing wraps and frocks o
beautiful patterns in Venise
laces, Plauen laces and St. Gall
laces various shapes shown
in white, cream and ecru.
In this lot will be found
varied assortment of chiffon
capes, Medici collars. Fichu
collars fand handsome Dresden
scarfs dainty, lovely acces
series that every woman needs
and which have always sold
from $2.50 as high 'as $15.00
each, but owing to Clearance
we have marked them all at
Half Price. First Floor
Exceptional Clearing Prices on Knit Underwear
For Women and Children
This is a sale of lowest prices on the most desirable, knit undergarments for
women and children which includes discontinued lines from our own large
stock and special clearing purchases from7 the. leading manufacturers. All
weights and styles for all kinds of people, for those who desire heavy warm
garments, or for those who wish medium weights, as well aa very light
weights, - i
6 Oe and TSe Vests S9c
Kayssr'a white or pink
lisle vesta, with low ncck
slstvfiless, plain or crochet
trimmed, i
75c to $l Vests, 55c
Silk lisle vests, Kayaer
make, in white, prettily,
crocheted or plain, with
French band,
50c and 35c Vests, Char. 25c
Medium weight, white-ribbed cot
ton vtsts, with tights to match;
also heavy clain white cotton vests.
50c and 68o Vest, Cleat. 3Se
Medium weight jcotton vests , tn
white,-made in low er high neek.;
SSc tnd $1 Vest, Clear. 50c
Wool -mixed, medium weight
white vesta, with s knee ' or ankle
tights to match, j " .
Union suits of cotton, white, two
75c and $1 Vests, Cfr. 59c
Wool mixed white vests, me
dium or heavy, silk trimmed, with
tights to match.
$1.75 and $2 Vast at 98c
-ySUk and wool vests, with tights
to match. Wool mixed union suits,,
medium or heavy weight Pure
Worsted Equestrian tights . in
black. " 'i-'""; :,' , -
$1,00 Vests 65V
Extra sise vests of white
silk' lisle, plain or with
hand-crocheted yokes.
$2J5 Suit, Clearance $1J98
White, silk . and , wool union
suits, medium weight, silk fin
ished and trimmed by hand.
25c, 30c and 35c Vests, 18c
Whits - ribbed cotton vests,
heavy, weight, fleeced, with ankla
length, pantalets to match. , :
50c and 75c Vests, Ur. 35c
$2 ' Suit. Clearance $1.48 . Wool mixed vests, pantalets or
Wool mixed union suits, white,' drawers, gray or white, suitable
medium or heavy , weight, silk for boys or girls, warm, durable
trimmed and finished. and fuU in sise vow sio
U ft. A 171
'Merchondwo of'
Merit OnhT
Look Into This SHOE SALE
Look-Beneath the Surface
And see how much real shoe-goodness is uilt into our
-shoes. I
Not every shoe dealer, of course, can afford to give such
advice, as shoes in the average sales around town cannot bear
such close inspection but the shoes in this sale WILL stand
such'lnspectionp-even by shoe experts. Their material aii
workmanship are just as excellent as their pleasing lines and
finish. And when you buy such "real shoe goodness" in
shoes at
Clearance $4.45 Pair
you may know that you are getting full worth for every cent,
and more, too. Of dull calf and tan Russian calf lace styles
with tips of same. Also English models, double soles; and
patent leather shoes, button style; and brown willow calf,
button or lace, blucher styles.
Clearance $3.65 Pair
Men's dull. calf boots vici kid shoes Winter weight box
calf shoes in blucher lace styles and patent colt and dull
calf shoes, button style. . Basement
Dependable Cloves
of Doeskin
Special 95a Pair ,
For $M& Short Glows
One-clasp gloves of soft, pli
able doeskin, pique sewn.
Clearance $2.23
For $3.00 Long Glovs
Full 16-button length doeskin
gloves, pique sewn made from
selected skins and fashioned to
fit perfectly.
Clearance $1,85
Two pearl clasp doeskin gloves
with pique sewn seams and heav
ily embroidered backs in self
color, or -black stitching.
$1.25 and $1.50 Pair
One-clasp style gloves, piaue
sewn and P. X. M. sewn. Of a
fine soft quality doeskin, perfectly
shaped and evenly sewn.
Gloves at $1.75 Pair
Women's imported doeskin
gloves, pique sewn and showing
elaborately embroidered backs.
First' Floor
The Greatest Stocl of
Manhattan Shirt
In Portland ;
That Why
the immense response and record-establishing
sales were no surprise tp us. To
morrow we expect to increase eVen yester
day's sale, for after men shop all around
the city they MUST buy here, if they de
mand complete assortments, j
Principal Manhattan Shirt Agents
$1.50 Shirts, Sale. . . .$1.15 $ 4.00 Shirts, Solo. . .$2.85
$2.00 Shirts; Sale $1.38 $ 5.00 Shirts, Sal. . .$3.55
$2.50 Shirts, Sale $1.88 $ 6.00 Shirts; Sale . ,$4.45
$3.00 Shirts, Sale $2.25 $ 7.50 Shirts, Sale . . I$5.45
$3.75 Shirts, Sale $2.65 $1 0.00 Shirts, $ale . . .$6.45
First Floor, Washlngton-St Entrance
i nc ajiiue arctic
For Misses and Children
OF PATENT COLT and dull calf, but
ton Styles, wide toe models, with welt soles and
tip of same material.
$2.00 Shoes, sizes 6 to 8, special $1.65
$2.50 Shoes, sizes 8V to 11, sp'l. $1.95
$3.00 Shoes, she Wt to 2, sp'l. $2.45
CHILDREN'S gunmetal calf button shoes with medium
nign toes, plump soles.
Size 2V to 6, special $1.95
Size 9Vz to llt p'l. $1.60 Sizes llVt to 2, sp. $1.80
Misses' kid button shoes with patent tips.
Size 12 Va to 2, tp'lr $1.50 Size 2Vz to 6, tp'l. $1.95,
INFANTS' fancy top shoes, with patent leather vamps,
champ and brown tops, red tops and also dull kid tops; hand-turned
soles, well finished in every particular.
$1J50 Shoe. 2 to 5. tp'l. $1.10 $1.75 Shoe; 6 to 8, $1.35
-CHILDREN'S $1 JO felt Romeo, fur trimmed, sp'l. 85c
The Shoe Sale for Boys
BOYS' KANGAROO calf blucher shoes and gunmetal calf
button shoes, heavily lined throughout, having strong soles and re
inforced seams.
Siies 2Vi to S, sp'l. $1.95 Sizes 13V to 2, sp'l. $1.65
Size 9 to 13, special $1.45
BOYS' LOGGERS of kangaroo calf, heavy double soles.
- nailed and sewed. Made over full, round toe last, with tip of same. :
Sizes 1 to 6, special, $2J76Size 10 to 13, special, $15
BOYS', tan grain loggers with buckles at top and wide toe
last, low heels, heavy soles, nailed and sewed.
V, , Size 10 to 13, tpecial $2.45 Basement
L . '
For Boys - Saturday Clearance
Navy Blue Serge and Cheviot Suits
Size from 6 to 18 Year v-
Lowest Prices Ever Quoted for Such Fine
' Suits
Our entire stock of serge and cheviot suits is -reduced -suits
which are the finest of their kind that can be had-perfcet fitting,
extra well made suits, finished in the best msnnerisnd lined with
the finest materials. Sack and Norfolk styles. f
$7 and $ 7.50 Suit $5.45 $8.50 Suit,- . $6.93
$9.50 to $10.50 Suit $7.95 $11.50 18 $13.50 Suit 9.95
$14.50 to $1640 Suit for $11.95
Boys' Fancy Mixed Cloth Suits
Selling Regularly from $5.00 to $f$.50
Clearance $3.75 to $11. 5f)
In this assortment we include our entire stock of suits in fancy
mixtures plain sack and plain Norfolk and novthy .Norfolk styles
suits in tans, browns, gray, oxford and blue mixtures. Pants arc
full lined and taped seams. Sixes 6 to II years.
Our Boys' Raincoats All Reduced
Selling from $6.00 to $13.50
Clearance $4.79 to $10.85
Sizea 6 to 18 years Raincoats in plain tan,' fancy mixtures and
gabardines the best quality, guaranteed made with storm collars.
box style, some belted across tne tack.
Boys' Blouses 69c Instead of $1
Fine laundered blouses tapeless styles of extra quality pet'
cales and madras, in light and dark colors and stripe effects. Laun
dered cuffs. Sixes fl to 14 years. ' r
Boys' Blouses, Clearance 39c
Sues 6 to 14 years. New 6pring blouses of percales and madras
jnd flannels light and dark stripe effects made with new pointed
collars, tapeless styles. ,-
Boys' $1.25 to $1.65 Hats for 98c I
Extra large assortment ot boysMine felt hats, with high.' low or
Tiedium crowns, wide and narrow brims in plain and scratch fsls,
relvets and cloths self silk bands, also college shapes, for boys
from 6 to 14 years. In black, brown, navy, gray, steel and oxford.
i t
i .