V m . -. .. , a i 4-, r , " j . ; ; - J- - w - , - - - , . - . : - - 20 -''r' a, J ;..J THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, t - i PORTLAND, FRIDAY EVENING.: JANUARY 9. 1914. 10 OF 12 MEIER & FRANK'S, Established 1857 Over 56 .Years of Most Dependable Merchandising Established 1857 MEIER & FRANK'S 1 T -PLAYED EY PIMM Wf .- . ' . ., , ', fr - ! H 0 CU. T?' 1.. A. M. C RIAL ADMITIEY M i oiwu iuro M 0 N iFrey Denies Charge, Slovens ".Case Not Considered; Plea Made for Clemency, , , Ten- of 12 pollcemei who were re cently d'snjiBsed fromjv service by the majur for gambling j afKl who had , $helr hearings yesterday before the municipal civil service board on peti tions for -clntatement8, admitted they had participated lit games of. pitch nd poker during the last year, in which tne stakes' ranged , from a tew cents to an much as 980 a sitting, i The eleventh, ex-Patrolman , Frey, ' denied, the charges, lie said he had played In one game of pitch, and later leurnlng it had been for money. pa'd his louses, 75 cents, for fear that ( he otherwise would be t ailed a "piker." j The ase of ex-Captain Slover has been put ovt-r until January 22. At ! the conclusion the commission took the casH under advisement and it la j expected will make known' its findings I in a few days. j The hearings lasted from 9:3 d o'clock In the morning until after 7 I o'clock lasc night. Throughout thv ' .day the former officers took the stand and teitfied each against the other, ' apparently in the hope that the com mission would see fit to-find the pen-, oltv of d smissal too heavy and remit ' it and impose fines instead Technicalities Brushed. Aside. Early in the session attorneys ap- fearinx for the men I opened the de-i tense 'w th a line of technicalities. I Tney soon ascertained that the board, which consist of George W. Caldwell, John F. Logan and A. E. Clark, all lawyers, would not tolerate legal) (UiLule. Thereupon the cases were . presented with a view ;of showing that j the punishment meted out by the inavor was too heavy to "fit the 1 crime." ! R. I. Whiteside, One of the dis-1 charged patrolmen, opened a way for t another line of investigation, which i asssasst III 111 Rf0!SS the commission decided to take up later, when he, on the witness stand., - declared that Patrolman Charles j Grisim, In company with Patrolman ? Cameron, showed him a list purport-' :.' lng to be e names of men who had Worked ngainst Mayor Albee during j tlie campaign, or who had paid fori , ' hergt-antslrlps, and who had gambled. ! Whiteside Said he quit playing cards j ' Immediately thereafter, for he did not , want to be caught. ; "After the primaries in May, Grlslm, ! whom I knew, came tb me with a llstj i of names," said Whiteside. "He knew 1 1 was favorable to Albee. With mm was Patrolrrtan CamOTon. Al bee's Antagonists Usted. "Grisim said that the list bore the names of those who were working against Albee and the men who paid to get their sergeantshlps. He said that the men had gambled and" he was after them. Patrolman Davis wus also shown the list.- He Indicated that the - . men were to go if Albee were elected. ' ' " Rupert and Thatcher headed the list." f Whiteside could not recollect other ' " names he asserted he had seen. Grittim 1 - has since been promoted from the . ranks to a position In the detective . department and Cameron has been taken from a beat land made day ..':.. Jailer. I ' c Although the full fforsnoon and a - portion of the afternoon was given ! .ver to hearing the case Of Frey, charged with gambling, firing fire arms witnin ths city limit and UBing . profanity, tlie cases jn th afternoon were consolidated, for the Jnoat part, and ware consequently hafidled With dispatch. Captain Riley, Sergeants Pressey and Rupert ; and Patrolman f Whiteside appeared jfor themselves. . The men who bunched their cases i,. Were Sergeant Casey: and Patrolmen Clirlstofferson, Fuller. John Jones, f Sichlrmer a'nd Hutehlngs. v ' Good Xeoords Testified To. Among the witnesses called were . Captain Moore Thomas., G. Greene, ex police commissioner,! and ex-Chief Grltmacher, who testified as to .the s . pood records of th men. Deputy City Attorney Tomllnson, who prose cuted the cases, said; he was willing .' to- admit that they had made good j , records as far as official duties were . . 1 concerned. ' i y The testimony of each officer was i practically the same. They had either gambled In the Police Athletic club, or ' ? . In Chrlstofferson's apartments, in the ii , Jullanna apartment. Trinity Place. It . ' , was brought out that his rooms were , ! . - . the center of a number of merry Ht i ' tie parties, poker and social. 'A few . games had been played elsewhere. It as also declared that gambling had been going on in the"police department for 15 years and many men, not on , trial had gambled. No names were , f mentioned, however, j t - Sergeant Pressey's case was the first called. Declaring he could not j- see the use of having an attorney when ;.s th board was made up of lawyers, he ;v '. pleaded for reinstatement on his ree ': ord. For five years.; he said, he had ;- been in the department, had won his I . sergeantshlp by merit, had" worked J-..' anywhere from 10 tofla hours a day, ' -and "wanted to get back because he , "i . liked to work. . I, Said He Frequently Gambit d. On cross examination he admitted ; :':-.- he gambled frequently. When the j first Investigation was undertaken ' Pressey signed an affidavit that no! 'gambling had gone .On. He said he ' .. had done so because the others bad - - t decided to stand "pat." , Iater, after j ' , ' "they had cftnfessed. . IPressey likewise; i ' experienced a change of heart and ' admitted gamblirc j ' j . v Just what "stand ; pat" meant was apparently not clear,! because Captain : -. Klley a little later said he stood "pat" ; "t . . bj. admitting his own acts, but refus-u lr g to involve others - I ' Sergeant RUpert,- who has secured i ': x-X another position, asked for reinstate-. menf to clear his record. If rein atated he Bald, he would immediately .--" . resign. . His plea, fori clemency won a . - - remark from Commissioner Logan that i Rupert had been one" of the best of- ' ficera on the force. It was also 4 brought out that Rupert's present po ' sttion depends largely - upon whether the board acts favorably on his peti tion. Others made a plea for . Clem ency, basing it on past work in the department. ' , .(.''. ; Coanrilman Gires Salary. "Tjos Angeles, Jan. .--Clty Council man Haines Reed paid today into the city s fund for the relief of the unem ployed 00, his salary whlc had cumulsyted during three months sick leave. . . . ' j a "r1 . Wojnen's'and Misses' $7.50 to $lpCoats$5 ' Seventy-five Coats for worn-' en and' Misses come under this head. N " Three-quarter length Coats, in black, navy and fancy mixtures,, with velvet trimmed collars. . Regularly these Coats have sold at $7.50 to $10.00, but for Clearance we've re duced them to the very low price of $5.00. Women's $10 to $12.50 Cravenette Raincoats at $6.65 Forty-five women will bene fit by this sale of double tex ture cravenette long Raincoats. They're made with coat or raglan sleeve, ind are Gar ments that have sold from $10 to $12.50. It is getting late in he season, so we've decided to t in' the remaining 45 for Saturday at, only $6.65. Women's $12.50 to $20Tailored Suits, $7.45 Plain and fancy tailored Suits for Women and Misses of whipcords, chev iots and tweeds, in black, navy, Copenhagen, and a variety of fancy mixtures. One illustrated. We 'have 100 Suits at this reduction. Splendidly tailored Suits, in the best models of the season Suits that have sold from $12.60 to $20.00 may be obtained Saturday at only $7.45. Women's $15 to $20 Afternoon Dresses, $9.75 ; These are charming-Dresses, and there afe 150 in the assortment. They're made of crepe de Chine, charmeuse, serges, poplins and worsteds,' in a great range of colors--taupe, Copenhagen, navy, heliotrope, browns, wine, etc., being represented. Arid the models are the smart, favored ones of the sea son, graceful draped and overskirt effects in skirts, and dainty lace-trimmed and vest effect waists. Women of discernment will select one or more of these Dresses Saturday reduced from $15.00 and $20.00 to. $9.75. ' ' Keler rraak Garment Salo&s Second rioor Kala Building Last Day ot ! the January, Sale of Drugs ahdTbifet Goods at Meier & Frank's Guaranteed Rubber Good "that Are Re ducedThe "Qualitair Line---tteavy White Rubber, Guaranteed for Two Years From the Date v of Purchase. $1.25 Hot Water Bottles, 1-qufrt sire, . special each . .". . .1 . .;.;, .60 $1.50' Hot Water Bottles, 2"-quart size, special each . . ... j. i . 79 $1.75 Fountain Syringe, 2-quart size, special each .' . . '. U $1.19 $2.25 Combination j Water Bottle and Fountain Syringe, 1 special . . . . .-.$1.39 "Marvel" Whirling iSpray Syringe, spe cial each ....... f. $2.69 Gloria Female Syringe,' sp'l. eacH $1.29 $1.25 Flannel-covered Hot Water Bot . ties, guaranteed one year 50c Household Rubber Gloves, guaran teed, special pair. 25 $1.75 Hot Water Bottles, of maroon rub ber, seamless. Guaranteed for one year, special each . . . . L . . . . . . . . . .99 TixtX noor-JTew Bunaiag nail Orders riUad Books at Big Reductions A. & C.BIack, Color Books," special fl.OO David Copperfield," special ........... ..25 All Poultry Books less "15 discount All Gardening Books, less 15 discount" Advanced Thought, Books less 10 discount Webster's Pocket 'Dictionary, limp leather cover, special 15( ' Bookstor. Basement Jkaaax. 4. 11 SoVthaV linemen, testing telephone circuits -..will not be endangered- ..by heaYycurrents-,-a new English' testibg outfit la mounted on" a steel rod for k Vroandir.g..,.' . . : . . . . . Our Grafonola "Leaded Offer J W IT (i 1 airii sit The offer is this: One P5I , Vtrtllmla iiteSia; i GLafAvla 'Tif- Complete for until A iifAmafif r Nfnl Attachment, record) racks for 72 records. 4 - sunken needle cups "De, . Luxe Dustofr record cleaner, 26 se lections popular musicJ 10W needles.. ...... , Until the. "Leader" Grafonola was manuf ac tured noiimilar grade of .Grafonola was ever - soW for-less! than $100, and we are including with": the "Leader" Grafonola 26 selections of popular 'music, 1000 needles and the De Luxe "Dustoff" record cleaner, all at this special price ,of $85.85; :. The "Leader" Grafonola comes in mahogany, satin walnut, golden, fumed xr Early English oak finishes. Investigate this remarkable offer, and let ns show you the savings possible by purchasing a Grafonola while it is in force. . . . ' f -v.PtircbaBcs mjr be made on-Cfiib Plan pf - , : - Eaiy Parmentt . - Economy Is Apparent To Hundreds of Women Now, Choosing Embroideries Undermuslins,Laces9Linens in Our January White Sale! Children's $6.00 to $8.00 Coats at $3.49 Smart and modish are these Coats for children and mothers will do well to take advantage of the unusual savings made pos sible by this Clearance Sale. The Coats are all in popular styles and the materials are Zibelines, Meltons, Novelties, Serges and Broadcloth. For school or dress wear, these pretty little Coats are most appropriate. Usually selling from $6 to $8 each they've been. reduced for this great Clearance Sale to $3.49 Children's $9 to $16.50 Dresses, $6.95 These dainty little Dresses are fashioned of Marquisette and Net in styles that are sure to please. In sizes from 8 to 14 years. Ordinarily you would pay from $9 to $16.50 for the Dresses specially d QC" priced for -this great sale at eJOe 3 Women'sAttractiveHouseDressesl.OS "Attractive" truly describes these neat House Dresses, and they're most unusual at this Clearance price. They're well-made, of good qual ity Chambrays and Percales, in pleasing colors, and they're smartly fin ished with peplums, round neck and Bhort sleeves or regulation AO high neck and long sleeves. In sizes 34 to 46. Special, each tPXaVO Crepe and Flannelette Kimonos, 98c Men Who Heed Advertisements Economize the Greatest When Buying Here! All Men's Fancy $25 to $35.00 Suits Now at $18.75 (Except Blues and Blacks) All $25.00 to $35X0 Overcoats Now at $17.00 All Raincoats $20 to $35 Now $17.00 Special Line of Overcoats ancl Raincoats $9.00 Boys' $5.00 to $6.50 Suits Now Boys' $5 to $6.50 Overcoats a SB. 7 5 n -h Men's ntprm -"hra rioor . $3.00 Eye Glasses at $2.50 TEe best lenses fitted to your eyes for our price of the mountings alone 1 "Ste vens M gold-filled finger piece eye glass mountings, selling regularly at $3.00, will be sold by us Saturday only, including best lenses fitted to your eyes, fl0 PA at only .yr Saturday's Candy Specials! 60c Society Chocolates sp'L lb. 38 70c Melba Chocolates, sp'L lb. 48 25c Chocolate Peppermint Patties, spe cial, box ........ 20 40c Mt. Hood Nougat, special, lb. 25e 25c Peanut Brittle, special lb. 18 $1J25 Kid Gloves, Pair 89c Several lines of high-grade Gloves, in cluding 1-clasp, P. K. sewn Gloves, in white only; l-clasp Cape Gloves, in tan shades for street -wear; 2-clasp white P. K. sewn kid Gloves, with black and white stitching on backs for women. For children and misses, l-clasp, P.'K. sewn, white kid Gloves. All sizes are to be foundin this assortment that sell regularly at $1.25, reduced for CQ Saturday's Clearance to', pair To $3 Imrrted Ribbons 98c The very finest French Velour and Vel vet Ribbons, in about 50 different patterns, as well as a goodly number of pieces of high-grade European Fancy v Ribbons, are offered at this deep reduction. The lines are somewhat broken, and some are in short lengths, 1J4 to 2 yards in a piece, "which accounts for this tremendous under pricing. - The widths vary, up, to 10 inches. For Saturday's selling only, we're offering these regular . $1.50 to $3.00 .Ribbons QQ at, the yard UCH Serviceable Kimonos of Crepe and Flannelette all in good, solid colors and floral patterns. Specially priced for Clearance at aCalsr FraaJCs sacond rioor ataln Building Kail Or Oars 98c Timely Reductions on Men's and Boys' Mothers Will Welcome This . Unusual Sale of ' i Children's Pretty Dresses One Lot at 47c 47c This is our first Spring showing of children's Dresses, and they're the prettiest, daintiest and smartest little frocks for children imagin able Striped and figured percales and ginghams, made in the very newest French styles, with high, square and round necks, prettily trimmed with buttons and contrasting colors are a feature. They're in sizes for children from Z to 6 years. This lot of Dresses priced specially for Saturday only at t - . Children's Gingham Dresses at 98c Anderson Gingham and Plisse Crepe Dresses for children in all the newest shades. Made in the pretty long-waisted French' style, with smart little pleated skirts. High or low necks, long or short sleeves, daintily trimmed with SwissVmbroideries and buttons in a variety of attractive ways, as well as pique trimmings. This QQ assortment of Dresses is priced for' Saturday's selling at only OC Middy Dresses for Children, at $1,19 No." more popular style than the "Middy" has ever obtained for children. These Middy Dresses are made of pretty Anderson Ging hams and White Indian Head, the latter trimmed with contrasting colors in many designs. Saturday's price for these splendid "f Q new Middy Dresses is only !)J.aJL7 I Mala rraniCs Umocmd YleorJTaw Baildlmc Man Orders nM Knit Underwear Some of the most famous makes of Knit Underwear are represented in this Clearance underpricing, including Munslng, Vassar, Ramie H;Linen, Cooper's, Globe, Wright's, Gantner & Mattero, Norfolk and New BrunsvFkkRoot's Tivoli. Medlicots, Winsted, Stuttgarter, DufoUJ, Narragansett, Atlanticjiand Lewis maker. Men's $1.25 Munslng Cotton Fleece-lined Union Suits, II STUTTGARTER " WOC r; Tfrr- r-- . ,,,. Men's $2.50 heavy wool Union Suits, ribbed style 31.69 fWrnan anitarv Men's $3.00 Wright's Union Suits, mercerized and wnr.- HHjIHg11 P.'11.1? sted $2.69 Cooper's Wool Shirts and Drawers, special, each.. 98 Boys' 50c Fleeced Shirts and Drawers, each 39 Boys' Union Suits, fleece lined, special 43 Boys $1.25 Wool Union Suits, heavy weight 89 Lewis Famous Silk and Wool Underwear, at Half Price Ramie Linen Union Suits and Separate Garments, less 20. xnst rasid alttr art. BtttrancaXAU Orders rm4 W0I9I Underwear $1.50, Garments $1.15 $2.0C; Garments SI. 49 $2.5d!Garme'nts $1.89 $3.0C,Garment3 $2.29 $3.5(-Garments $2.69 $4.0Cj Garments $2.98 Women and Children's Underwear and Hosiery at Clearance Prices Women's 50c Undergarments 25c Fleece-lined Vests and Pants in white, cream and gray. In regular styles only. Good, warm Garments special for Clear ance at, each 25 Women's 75c Undergarments 39c Worsted Underwear in separate garments. - Vests with high neck and long sleeves Pants ankle length. Warm, serviceable Garments, each 39e Women's $1 Union Suits 47c Fleece-lined Union Suits, with long sleeves and high neck in ankle length. In all sizes. Specially priced for Clear ance the suit 47f Women's $2 Union Suits 89c Union Suits in silk and wool and cotton. Made in high neck, long sleeves and ankle length style. Splendid quality Union Suits; priced for Clearance, suit 80 Women's $5 and $6 Silk Undergar ments Half Price "Sterling" Silk Pants and Vests in white and flesh colors. Special for Clearance at just Half-Price. Women's 25c Hote Special 19c Black Cotton Hose ith Maco split soles. In medium weight. fDurable Hose spe cial for Clearance Saa--.the pair" 10 Women's 50c Silk Boot Hose 25c Silk Boot Hose in lack, white -and tan. Lisle tops and sole 9. 3 Special, pair 25f Women's 65c Wo4 Hose, Pair 38c Fine Wool Hose, wjth gray split soles. For clean-up we're:,. offering these 65c Hose at just 38e Children's and BoyV 25c and 50c r Hose, Two Pairs 2c ' Cotton and Silk Lisl Hose in black only for boys children's ffose in assorted cou -ors. This is a clean-up of odds and ends in Hosiery usually sailing at 25c and 50c. Special, 2 pairs for 2ji pair 15 Infants' 25c Cashnere Hose, Three Pairs 50c, Pair 17ci Infants' Cashmere tyosc m all sizes in white and sizes 4 aqd 4y3 only in black. Special for Clearance3 prs. 50 pr. 17 rirst noor Xala XoUdBC-Mail Orders rui4 TM& qualit y: Stok& of: Portland For Better Development Bring Kodak Films Here! We use the Tank method in developing Films and our expert in charge of the work was formerly with the East man company two facts which insure the best possible re sults from every film. All our work is guaranteed. Thos who do their own developing will be interested in the fol lowing SPECIALS FOR SATURDAY: 25c lb. pkgs. of Eastman's Acid Fixing Powder, pkg. 19 5c Eastman M. Q. Tubes i tubes 15 Ask for Free Booklet "By FlasbiightT and "At Home -With the Kodak.' xat msn-rint Ti--aTw suiiaim 1 mw i MP!' ! p m y 4 t: