T I HIS evening ' the Friday Night cluTi ,w 111 meet . for JtBelr first dance of th New Year at Mur- ' lark hall. Thla aerl.a of dance la oroUblv foremont l th In terest of the younger act of arnart society. , ' -Mrer Edwards Feted, kfr. Holt C. Wilson dispense W charming hospitality yesterday at a luncheon for 19 - prominent matron 0.; Edwards- The tabla was. daintily ft lo white roa and the fragrant ,tnignaette arranged In a crystal bowl fiTTfie cf nt of the tabla at)d at either end were rrystar urns filled with1 the 'dl!cat pink cyclamen.' fTho who ehtd the Wrd wr MM. Edwards, lMrf Helan Ladd Corbett. Mr. Rich ard Kohler. Mr gamuelM. Meara, Mrs. Krarv 3. Owen, Mrs. Lucius Al len .Lewis'.. Mrs. Henry ; Cabell, Mra. DsvlaVT. Honey man, Mra. Theodore B. Wilcox, MlnrBalMe Lewla, M!s Hasel Lulpli and the h?Bte, ' ' . ,1 ; w Mr. Talbot Luncheon Hostess. , Mra. iuy Webstef Talbotlwaa an In formal ; luncheon no9ts! Tuesday, When ahe had cover for Hilt arranged. Mrs, Teal In Sew York'. , Aa an end to. the entortainments Mr. Joseph N. Teal has had for her daughter. Mine Ruth Teal, during the holiday, there waa the dansant at the Hotel Wolcptt, New York, on the fifth of January, Mra. Teal reserving the palm room for her gueete. Miss Teal ablated Rer mother in receiving-, 'and had, as her house guest, Mine Louise Irion, of Louisville. ". The j room waa decorated with Christmas g re.n. and American Beauty rosea ana mere were au guests, among "W hom, were Miss Helen lioneyman and It. O. RumeUn. j Mlaa Teal returned to school the next day. Mra. Lombard HOatas. -A pleasureabte affair of yesterday Was trie bridge tea given by Mra. Mar. tin Oay Lombard at her beautiful noma on the Cornell Road. Bridge waa played at seven tables the first half of the afternoon and a prettily ap pointed tea followed to which a niim- ber of additional guest called. Mrs. T. H. Tongue received with her daugh ter In the dining room, and Mrs. Dald T, Honeyman, Mra. Ouy Webster Tal bot; Mrs. George Marshall and Mrs. James A. Dougherty ooured and cut the lees. They were assisted in serv ing by Miss Violet Ereklne, Miss Diana" Ersklne, Miss ' Katharine Bart and Mrs Harry Sjitt. - ' ' i - 1 The rooms were attractively declced with clusters of crimson American Beauty roses, combined with ferns. Bartholomews to Visit in Kant, Mr. and Mra. Sari I. Bartholomew left thla morning for a month's so journ in the east. They wilLpaaa much time In New orkv Buffalo, Chicago and in Decatur, in. in the. latter city tiiay will vlalf Mr, Bartholomew's par ents, afr. and Mm. K. D. Bartholomew. -' I , ' Heijjhf Club Young People j Dance. The Portland Heights, club will en tertain for the young people jfrom 14 to 20 yeara, on January-18. Th pa tronises will be: Mri. Eugene Ooro atO'.'K. Mrs. Roliert Warrack, Mra. W. D. Kraley. j w Mrs. Linn Hostess to Sorority. Mrs. Kletcher Unn gave a delight ful tea for her sorority slaters, the aiumnl chapter of Pi Beta Phi in'her home on Portland Heights. Thursday afternoon. Sevnral selection were sung by Mft. Linn and a business meeting concluded the afternoon's en tertainment. The Pi Phis present were Mrs. Burton Beck, Mrs. Franklin Knight, Mrs. J. C Monteith, Mrs. G. McGe, Mrs. Young", Misses Agnes Mil ler, Frances Dew nr. Aomi lines, Ger trude Blackman and Helen N. Graves. K. of Cjjto Give Complimentary Party. An entertainment for the members of the Knights of Columbus and theif ladles with a card party and dance is planned by the officers of the Portland council. The affair will be held at the Multnomah hotel next Wednesday night and Invitations have been Issued. The hosts promise something even out of the ordinary In the-way of enter tainment. The officers In charge of the arrangements are as follows: T. J. Holland, P. J. Hanley and A. F. Ward. Mum Llnd, Visitor rfi Albany. Miss Berlta Lind has returned home after passing a delightful ten days: visit In Albany and j Salem. She went to Albany especially to be present at a large ball given In that city New Tear, the house guest of Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Wood. On her way home ahe stopped at Salem to vtsit at the home of Judge and Mrs. Galloway. To Motor In Houthern California. Mrs. H. M. Cake and Mrs. Thomas H. Edwards will leave tomorrow even. Principally about People Traveling de luxe tn a private car. B. T, ftogers, a sugar magnate of Vancouver, B. rj.. will pass through Portland next week, arriving Monday , night and continuing southward early riext day en route to New York by way of Florida. Mr. Rogers is to be accompanied by. a small party of In timate friends. Who will go with him Sir the ny. The trip will require About to days going and coming. : Ml', and Mrs. E. Dodd of 8an Fran Msco are autographed at the Nortonla. Georgtt V. Johnson and family of Seattle are. registered at the Nortonla. - Joseph MlyGlil, ex-mayor of Rose- far, !s a guest at the Imperial. , tftctor P. Moses a , business man of 'Gorv&llSs. is stopping at the Im perial. 6. G. Sargent, state superintendent of banks, Is at the Imperial from .Bat em. ' W. K. Newell, president Of the state . board of horticulture. Is Stopping at the Imperial. y Franklin Hall of New York city, father of L. L.. Hall, leading man in tlje Baker playera. Is at the Multnomah,- having come here to visit his Son. , V. T. Combs, an automobile man of Los Angeles, is registered at the Multnomah. ' David McCrlmmon and Ed Larkins, lumbermen of Aberdeen, are at the Multnomah. 1" f nn.i..llii. mm..,i .ft ... 1 Cornelius of the Cornelius hotel, and wife, are visiting in Portland. 0. c. Beals of Cedar Palls, Wash., is stoplpnf at the Cornelius. J. S. Thornton .a lumberman of Raymond, Is autographed at the Cor nelius. Mark" Crlder and F. W. Sanders, stockmen of Biekleton, Wash., are at the. Perkins. George H. Darland. a stockman of Goldendale, Is a guest at the Perkins. Kd Powers, a merchant of Durkee, is at the Perkins. J. A. Harkins, a merchant of Baker, is a guest at the Oregon. S. P. Jennings, a business man of Seattle, is a guest at the Oregon. S. C. Jackson, a broker Of Seattle, Is stopping at the Oregon. 1. 3. Bounds, manager of the Yakima theatre, Is at ths Oregon from North Yakima, accompanied by his wife, en route to California. O. -8. Mariner, a merchant of Spo kane, and wife, are at the Oregon. One of the most imrjortanr rvnt of the entire year. . Bring the children to their own store and fill their needs. Only guaranteed merchandise of re liable quality. Everything from head to foot for boys and girls, and every thing can be had at worth while sav ings. - SSSSBSBBBSBr lilijvenile I Outfitters ye Children I j 143 ax. ai mxH srsajt AXBsm the ; IplMl .-Jl SOCIAL FUNCTIONS are the spice of life but they are hard on clothes. The ntedof a newgown way be overcome by having the. old one cleaned, ar dyed by' Portland' be , . - - -jz DRY CLEANERS 'here! in a separate depart- rnent in a building of its own. . . . 1 DRY CLEANING UO LAUNDRY CO uTrNNCUV ls,rai Bnyeriar aaality ereatoe aeaactisaa ; Tnmpi Berrine Clearance .... - , , Every Article Reduced Only Contract "Goods Excepted $2.25 Wiiste special $1.48 $4.50 Waits special $2.98 $2.00 Corsets spec'l $1.00 $2.50 to $5 Corsets $1.93 ! F. P. Young Co. Ladies' Haberdasher js f n 328 MORRISON ST. ' . Portland . Hotel I I lng r tor southern California. Mrs. Cake -will pass ths remainder of the j winter and arly spring south and win be Jointed later by Mr. Cake. They hare shipped their xar south and will past much of s their time motoring. Mra. Edwards will remain with them about a month. - T New Arrival. Mr. and Mrs. Samuel C. May are being felicitated on the arrival Jan uary 7 of a baby boy. who has been named Randolph Parkin May. Mrs. May will be remembered as Miss El eanor Parkin of Shellthqrpe, Ixugh boro. England. Mr. and Mra. May are now residing' at 621 Twentieth street on Portland Heights. Mrs. Todd Given Surprise. Wednesday afternoon Mrs. Allen Toiid of 591 East Twentieth street. north, was given a delightful surprise party upon the occasion of her birth day. Ouestej with dTnty refreshments end floral offerings arrived early in the afternoon and a pleasant Informal literary time was enjoyed. Mrs. Julia C La Barra gracefully presented beautiful copy of "As You Like It," to Mrs. Todd for the guests present. Mrs. Todd, who la especially devoted to Shakespearean pursuits, expressed her pleasure and appreciation in her charming way. Those present were: Mrs. O. J. Frankel, Mrs. W. W. Down erd. Mrs. Anton Gleblsch, Mrs. J. C Elder, Mrs. R. K Jones, Mrs. Roy Pet erson. Mrs. St. . M. Silknitter, Mrs. Kmlle Struplere, Mrs. Edward Preble, Mrs. P. L. Thompson, Mrs. T. 8. Town send, Mrs. Julia C. La Barre Mrs. Waldemar Seton. Mra. J.' C. Callison. Mrs. Herbert Garr Reed, Mrs. Allen Todd, MiB3 Aileen Brong, Miss Miriam Todd, Miss Dorothy Downard and Miss Nina Joy. Mrs. R. E. Jones presided at the tea table and Mlsa Dorothy Downard. and Miss Miriam Todd assisted In serving. For Miss Wells. An engagement of considerable lo cal interest Is that of Miss Eva I Wells to John C. Abbott of Portland. The wedding date has been aet for Sunday, afternoon, January 11. Miss Wells was guest of honor at an In formal afternoon and shower Tuesday at the home of her sister, Mrs. B. T. Soden, In Irvlngton, when she wag the recipient of a number of pieces of handsome silver and linen. Mrs. So den was assisted by her daughter, Miss Mildred. Another affair complimenting Miss Eva h. Wells was given by Miss Caro line Copple, assisted by her sister, Miss Edith, who entertained with a linen shower at her home In the Se rene Court, Wednesday evening. Married in Prinevllle. Lake M. Sechtel and Miss feeulah Crooks, two prominent young people of Prlneville, Oregon, were married there last Wednesday and are spending their honeymoon in Portland. Mr. Becbtel Is an enterprising young lawyer In Prlneville and has had a successful career in that city. Mr. and Mrs. Beehtel are staying at the Multnomah hotel. Return to Stanford. The following students who have been pasting their holiday vacation at their homes in Portland have returned tn ,Via(f atmiiM at Stanford Panl Adama, Paul Averill, Raymond Buck ley, Jack Day, Allen Emery, Stewart Freeman, Bob Flthlan, Arthur Oanong, Dick Grant, Tod Hidden, Andy Koer ner. Bob MeMurray, Percy Robinson and Ray Sweeney. L Society Note. vriaa ttln weBrman. daughter of Mr. and Mrs, E. C. Wegman, who la at tending the New Jfingiaaa jonserra tory of Music, is confined to the hos pital with scarlet fever. Major Henry Boody of Maine, a teacher In St. Matthew's Military acad. amy at Burlington. Cal., has returned south after spending the holidays with his uncle, F. F. Boody. CHILDREN OF BILOXI , SALE PRESIDENT They Line Road While Wil son Reviews Them From ' Automobile, (tJttlUi Press Leased Wire.) Pass Christian. Miss.. Jan. 9. Pres ident Woodrow Wilson likes children. Today he motored on the road leading to Blloxl, so the school children could see him. They were lined up along the road waving banners and flags as he approached. The president stood un covered during the review. Kacently Cecil Brown, aged 11 years, grandson of a Confederate soldier, stopped the president's automobile. The lad was clad In a Confederate uni form. He presented the president with a box. of candy, saying: "My mother made this, and you just bet If a good, too." Later the president wrote Cecil s let ter thanking him for the candy. Today Cecil again stopped' the pres ident's automobile. Thla time he car ried a bouquet. X note attached read: "I liked your letter so much, Mr. President, that I brought these flow ers. Please write to me when you get back home. GERMAN OFFICERS GET , OUT OF ALSACE AFFAIR Strasahurg, Jan. .--For the army officers before a oourtmartiai charged with brutal treatment of civilians at the Umo of the recent anU-milltary riots at EeberJv provinoe of Alsace, light sentences would be sufficient, tbe prosecutor announced today. He suggested seven days' Imprison. ment for Colonel Von Reuter and three for Lieutenant 8 chad, tbe former for wrongful Imprisonment and the latter for assault. ' There were ether accusations against the officers but the prosecutor dropped them. POSTAL CHANGES FOR OREGON ANNOUNCED WWaaMnetoa nra of Tfce geeraat) ' aehingtoa, Jan. B. Kdwin j. Cal ton has been appointed postmaster at Oroville, Harney county, vice Byron T. Fical, removed. Jennla Burnett has r-eti appointed postmistress at Round Prairie, Douglas county, vice T. B. Bur tett -rv The following postmasters have been continued in office, under civil service regulations: William R. Garrett, Bun com; Barney V. Shilta, Dale; Carroll C Beeley.' Flavel; Charles U Ely, Our. dans; John J. Kaoney. baoaaj zkaaoa X Arbuckla, Rouge. . i New Carload of Standard Central Needle Sewing Machines Just Received DepL Second.FIoor Free Embroidery and Crocheting Lessons Daily 1 to 5 Children's Free Cmsses Every Saturday 9:30 Ao Mo to 12 Sate ol Rubber Goods Drug Departmant, 1st Floor Rerular 1.00 Red Rubber Syringe, full two-quart size. - Special at 79c Rerular l,2S Red Rubber Syringe, full three-quart size, special at 9Sc Regular 1.00 Hot Water Bottles in two-quart size. Special at only 79c M9 Woirltaaniii & Miegj Reliable Merchandise Reliable Methods ' - . . , Store Hours, 9 a. m. to 6 p. m. Every Business Day Saturday Included Clearance ol Brushes Drag Department, 1st Floor Rejular 65c Rubber Cushion Hair Brushes, Clearance sale pries 39c Regular sue flair Brushes only 39c Regular 35c Tooth Brushes in a great many styles, Clearance 1S Regular tSc Tooth Brushel'foMOa AmiMiM fleaffmE"E wiry Agttflelle IRedlmidedl Excepting Only Groceries and a Few Restricted Lines Year's Greatest Money Savinp Event Women's Up to SSOaOO Suits Clearance S10 SUIT SALONS, SECOND FLOOR Still a splendid assortment of these excellent Suits for those who come tomorrow. Cutaways, belted effects and plain tailored models in broadcloth, serges,, cordu roys, stripes, checks and novelty mixtures. Tailored or draped skirts. Several attractive styles for misses and girls, fff A Af Suits selling formerly up to 30.00, Clearance s91UUU Women's 822.50 Winter Coats Clearance S12.98 GARMENT DEPT., SECOND FLOOR Shown in great many smart styles in H or full lengths. Some In the popular cutaway effects, others in belted or plain tailored models with novelty collars ana cuffs. Wide range of desirable fabrics, including the heavy rough weaves and almost all colors are represented. Coats Qfi which were priced to 22.50, Clearance price.. elaseeO Dainty Lingerie Waists Clearance at 98c Waists Worth to $3.50 Now 91.98 1 CENTER CIRCLE, 1ST FLOOR Scores of pretty styles with high or low necks and long or short sleeves. Effectively trimmed with laces, tucks, embroideries, frills, fancy buttons, etc Com- lete range of sizes. AO learance price uOC CENTER CIRCLE, 1ST FLOOR This special lot of Waists Is composed of lines from our reg ular stock. A wonderful assort ment of styles and materials. Waists that sold formerly up to 3.5o Included In thtsfM Ao sale. Clearance.. .... sfl .el O Women's S4.50 Bath Robes at $2,98 Regular $8.50 Bath Robes $5.69 Heavy Blanket Bath Robes tn pretty figured and floral effects. With or without col- (4 AO lars. . Clearance efaeeafO Wool Blanket Bath Robes trimmed with bands, pockets and cord girdle. Many dif- g? Q ferent styles. Clearance 9IeUe7 Drastic price reductions are the order throughout every department of the store. This includes not only special lines and small lots but our entire stock of dependable merchandise groceries land a few . restricted lines being the only exceptions. Women's Suits, Coats, Gowns, Waists and Re4y-to-Wear Apparel of all kinds reduced.-. All Children's Wear reduced Men's and Boys' Wear reduced-r-fteckwear, Gloves and Hosiery reduced Dress Goods and Silks reduced Domestics and Home Needs! reduced Crockery, Glassware, Silverware, etc., reduced Carpets and Draperies reduced. In fact, youjinay select' 1 almost anything for personal or home requirements now at prices lower than at any other time. ):i Sensational Millinery Clearance? 500 Trimmed Hats Selling Formerly Up to $12.50 MI Millinery Department. 2d Floor Beautiful new trimmed Hats. These goods are strictly new and fresh from an Eastern concern. Values to & 12.50. Saturday only 84US Women's 50c Hosiery 35c the Pair Women's 35c Hose 25c Pair Women's fall fithtoned cotton and silk llsla Hose in black only. Regular and outsiaes. JC Clearance JuC Women's cotton and lisle Hose In black, black with white foot, and colors. Regular 35c )( qualities.: 69C Children's 'Tony" and Ife-MaaeT Hoe Saturday Z2a Fair Girls' 50c "Onyx" Silk LieU Hoo4Uck. white, pink, blue 33 Children's 2Se and Sfte Ribbed Wool Hose) Saturday. lt See Our Special Millinery Ad en Page 9 i000 Untrlmmed Hat Shapes. Worth to S7.50 at MILLINERY REPARTMZNT, SECOND FLOOR High-grade Valvals, Velours and Plushes tn good assortment of popular colors. This season's latest styles for street and dreis wear in small, medium or large effects. For immediate Clearance we have grouped about 1000 of these splendid hat shapes and offer them at, your choice). . i: Clearance-of Fancy Ribbons DEPT. MAIN FLOOR Fine quality Silk Taffeta and Messallne Ribbons In latest novelty effects strlses. Dlaids. firured and floral designs. 7JC rrades 48e 50c trade at S3o and grades at, the yard.......... signs. AU Jewelry Now at Fotjrth Oft DEPT. MAIN FLOOR This includes jOur entire stock with the exception of Ingertofl: Watches, Hair Ornaments, Shaving Mirrors and -Toilet Sets also Included. Make your selections Satarday only at Jewelry Clearance ONE-FOURTH OFF Sale of Drugs and Toilet Requisites 5c Fairy Soap 8c Cake limit 6 Caheo to a Customer Soap delivered only with other par chases in Drug Department. t5c Toilet Paper MSoo sheets) 10c 15c 4711 White Rose Soap at 10c i5c Pears' Unscented Soap at.13c 1.00 Bocobella Castile Soap large bar for Saturday at only, each 75c Odds and ends 10c Soap only 2c lSc 20-Mule Team Borax for 10c Candy Specials For Saturday BARGAIN CIRCLE, 1ST FLOOR IS oo pounds delicious Fresh Candies on sale tomorrow at special reduced prices: $1.00 'U W. K." Bob Bone and Chocolate, 2-Ib. box at 7S 40c Aasortod Fruit Past at 25c SOe Cocoanut Caramels at 25c 40c Cream Chocolate for 30c 30c Toast MarabmaUows at 25c 20c Broken Mixod Candy at 15c 25o Lafga Gam Drops at 20o 40c Crem Almonds -now at 30c 40c Chocolate Mart hm allow 30c 25c French Mix at, poand SOe 50 O. AV. K. Bitter Sweats 40c 30c Croain Dates at, pound 20 40c Mint Chocolate Squares 80e SOe Crystal Croam Wafers 18c 10c Hand Sapollo now at 6c toe Kitchen Sapollo now at 6o toe Williams' Shaving Soap at So 25c fiolynos Tooth Paste on sale for Saturday only at 3 for SOe 50c Pebeca Tooth Paste at 2b 25c Colgate's Ribbon Paste 20e 50c Pompeian Mass. Cream 3.9c 75 c Pompeian Mass. Cream 49c 1 Pompeian Mass. Cream 59c 50c Lamberts' Ltsterine for 35c 25c Sal Hepatica special at l9o Soc Sal Hepatica now at 4Se 1.00 Sal Hepatica now at SSe 10c Bromo Seltzer now at 8c 25c Bromo Seltzer how at 20c 50c Bromo Seltzer now at 43c 1.00 Bromo Seltzer now at 85c 25c Malt Nutrine special at 1c 10c Abellna Water now at 5 1.00 Beef, Iron and Wine 69a 1.00 Scott's Emulsion for S3e 50c Scotfs Emulsion now 45c 25c Syr. White Pine and Tar 17c 1.00 Swamp Root special 79c 50c Syrup Of Figs special 35c 35c Castorla Saturday for 25c 1.00 Pinkham's Remedies 79 t.oo Prune Laxative special 69s 1.00 Dr. Pierce's Remedies 79c 50c Mentholatum now at 39c 1.00 Wine of Cardul now die 25c Denver Mud for aches, in flammatton, congestion, for It 10c yi -pound Peroxide for 5c 40c j4-pound Bay Rum at 25a SOC Sanitary ..Napkins, put up 12 la. a box. at, the doxen SSe tSc Belladonna Plasters at 10a Mary Garden Extract, ot, 1.25 DinrlBi Toilet Goods We are sole Portland agents for this famous line. Maurlne Prep arations are. fully guaranteed. Money back If desired if not sat isfactory. Msartne Bonxry Lotion 50o-1.00 MaoriM Satfat Cream 50c-$1.00 Manrtne Roaobnd Roug. $1.00 Borden's Malted Mllli tor Good Health While tn the store tomorrow stop at the demonstration booth and try a cup of this delicious bererage. The wonderful strength-giving properties of Borden's Malted Milk makes it specialty helpful to persons 'of delicate health. Recommended and prescribed by promi nent .physicians the world over. Regular $3.75 Hospital Six. on sal Saturday $2.98 Regular $1.00, She at SOe Th. Regular SOe Slae special at' 40c Women's 03.50 to 85.00 Shoes at 02.69 Men's 54.00 and 55.00 Shoes at 53.39 MAIN FLOOR Women's high boots, tn button or lace styles. Fabrics, suedes, velvets, satins, kid and calf leathers. Turned and watt soles - Arranged oo individual tables according to size. Low healed Shoes for growing girls t0 n also Included. 3.50-15. Shoes MAIN FLOOR A great Clearance of men's high-grade Shoes at a remarkably low price. Black Rassla, velour and (unmetal leathers, In treat variety of styles. Famous Burt St Packard correct shape Shoes also Included. 9 qq Standard 4 and S grades, pr.e J.J 9 tl-ww4tlr 2faeaM n In Fine Imported Swiss Cheese at, the lb. 32c Order early. Experienced phone clerks will take orders beginning at 8:30 a. m. DepL Fourth Floor. Third Floor Clearance Bargains Retnlar-t0e"DaneV Wee Mope. Clearasne '12c Rsejnlar 25e . Dandw Floor Mopot r CUaranoo lSe Regular 30 Dandy' Floor Mope, Clearance 20e Patent Disb Waabws -Comploto Sate prtoo $1.80 25c Metal Wall Match Safe, Ctearane prtoo 15 $15 Royal Enameled Roasters, CWaranca price SSe $140 Royal Enant.11 Roasters, ClaoraMS) prtco SSe Router $1.18 Ceewrei Crew Roosters now et 7S fUffUlar S2.7S AInmlaaxt T Kattloe only $1.75 Refolar SS.00 Alamitiam Tea Kettles prices! $1 JO Rotmlar SSe Wood Salt Boxes, CWarance prUo 13 Router $U5 Orrf WiHow Cl.tW Boalnts at 94c 25c 10-inch Fruit mt Salad Bowls, blue design, 10c lOe IndlvMaal Frnlt Saneors. bteo dwisa, at 6c Special aeorance Sale Prices on Planer Ware and Fancy China Boys' S 8. 50 Norfolk Suits C 3.98 Afles 8 to 17 Years MADf FLOOR A rousing Cletn-Ulof Boys' Suits that will bring many parents to the store tomorrow, in going through our. stock we find many lines that have sold down to 2 or 3 of a kind. -All these have been grouped Into one big Jot for quick Clearance. Tnts season's newest Styles ana faoncs. salts selling formerly up? to 5.30, clearance price. IS3.98 All Boys' Overcoats Reduced it Ji MAIN FLOOR Crave netted CLevtots and Chinchilla also an excellent assortment of other popular materials. l i , Beys $ S4K Overeoate,' CUaraneei $ 3.7S Boys' 9 6.80 Overcoat, Clearance $ 448 Boys' $10.00 OvcrcosU, Clenranesj $ 748 Boys' $15.00 Ortcomtt, Cloaroncsf $1148 Men's $2.50 and $3.00 Shirts at 01.89 Elea'g 51.25 Coat Shirts Now 95c Main Floor Men's high-grade Imported Madras Coat Shirts. Very finely tailored and good fall sites. Plaited and plain bosoms. Sixes 14 to 18. Rear- ular 2.50 and 3.00 QQ Shirts, Clearance . . . . . ef 1 .Ot Main Floor -Men's Cost Shirts in plain, pleated and semi bosom styles. Body cut plenty full and made from good strong materials. Sizes from -t4 up to 18. Regular 1.25 Shirts A n.Vut Mon's 1J0 York., Arrow end Bates Street Shirts, CWaneo $1.18 Men's $2X0 Yorko, Emery and Arrow Shirts, Clearance price $IJ Men's Soft Mats A Pr!ice Pept. Main Floor Men's Soft Felt Hats la black, gray, browns and mixtures. This includes special lines of VelouTs, Plain relts and English Scratch Felts. , j Roe;. $680 Valour Hats 3.28 Reg. $40 Valour Hats $2.00 R.-$3.00 Felt Hats el $10 Reg. $2.00 Pelt Hate at $1X0 50c Snspienders Special 39c MAIN FLOOR Special sale erf Men's Suspenders. Standard 50c qualities in h e a v y and light weights with fancy or plain web bing and kid or ptgsklt ends. Best 50a grades, Men's 5350 Underrrear 51.08 the Garment Men's 50c Nechwear at 23c White and Natural Cashmeres and Silk and Wool Shirts and Drawers In sizes 34 to 44. A well known make. Reg- QQ ular 3.5o grade. ....d 1.170 Men's Neckwear in. plain -colors and fancy patterns. Wide flow ing ends. Made to slide easily under the collar. To See OQ grades at. ....iiiMdZ i