The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, January 04, 1914, Page 42, Image 42

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l ' .j . 1 n
r tailed on the board of fortifications.
V Mrs. Morrison, - who expected to ac
, C company him, found at the last" mo
ment that there waa not transporta
tion for her. ao ahe haa decided to re-
: mala at the post until Colonel Morri-
. - agn returns. He will be absent one
. month.
. w
Mr. and , Mrs. Howard Young of
' ' ; Hooper, Wash., who' have been guests
" of Colonel and Mrs. Young for the paet
week, left Wednesday for Seattle.
.,: The Bridge Tournament club met
, Tuesday evening at the quarters of
lieutenant and Mrs. John B. Rlchard
, - son. Dainty .refreshments were aerved.
Captain Edmund B. Sayer Jr, waa
m host at a hop supper, after the Infor
mal hop which was given Friday night.
Captain and Mrs. George S. Tiffany
v gave a dinner Friday night at their
-' quarters.
Captain Howland rntortained t a
prettily appointed dinner Saturday
f night for Mr. and Mrs. Howard Young
of .' Hooper, Wash.
-Mrs. George 8. Young entertained
ott Friday afternoon with a charmlnff
' ? '- ly appointed tea in honor of her daugh
' ? tat-ln-law, Mrs. Howard Young who
passed the' holidays with her.
'"Miss Polly Young, who is the guest
of Mlfia Harriet Pomcroy of San Fran-
; cisco. will return to her home about the
last of January.
, Colonel Rudolph G. Kbert. who is m
j command of , the western division of
the medical corps, returned Tuesday
" :: to Kan Francisco, where he is stationed
after spending Christmas with his
' mother iu Vancopver.
f if. it.
Mrs. Iferbert C. Glbner entertained
' : at dinner Thursday night. The guests
were Major and Mrs. Joseph C. Cast-
ner. Major :and Mrs. Jere B. Clavton,
Captain .and Mrs. "Samuel V. Ham,
. Lieutenant and Mrs. John C Fairfax
' and Dr. and Mm. Charles King.
The ChrlstmHS tree and exercises of
1 . St. Luke's Sunday school were held In
the parish house on Friday night.
... Many of the children of the post were
present and greatly enjoyed the pro-
gram-nd tree.
; . .
There was merry making at the of
, fleers" club on the last niKht of the
old year. Many of the officers and
their wive were, present and Rpent
the evening In cards and in dancing.
The orchestra of the Twenty-first
peglpient blind furnished the music
during the evening. Altogether a very
- -. pleasant evening wan spent.
- M -
, t Among the officers who attended
the New Year's reception given bv
Colonel Charles H. Martin, United
Slates army, retired, now command
.. v. .. Utg the Oregon National Guafd. to ths
officers and 'friends of the Portland
. guardsmen, was Captain Clenard Mc
t Laughlin. Captain McLaughlin was
I . until very recently stationed at Van
i i couver Barracks,
J Miss RutHKInnison, daughter of Cap-
;w tain Henry L. Klnnison, who has been
j apending the holidays as the house
j guest of Lieutenant and Mrs. George
( C. Rockwell, has returned to Corval-
lis, where she is attending school.
t Lieutenant and Mrs. Rutherfurd S.
! ' Harts and their two children are spend
. lng the holidays In San Jose, Cal., as
1 the 'guests of Mrs. Harts' mother.
J ' Lieutenant and Mrs. Walter O. Bos-
; well were hosts at Christmas dinner
- i to the bachelor officers of the post.
The guests were. Lieutenant and Mrs.
Harold H. Taintpr. Lieutenant Gustav
,.',(.; J. Oonser. Captain Carroll F. Aemi
' stead, Lieutenant Frank J. Riley Cap
tain Edmund S. Sayer Jr., Lieutenant
Frank V. Schneider, Lieutenant Philip
. ! B. Fleming, who has only recently ar
r , rived ah1 been assigned to Company
F, engineers, and Lieutenant Lee D
A VAKV 1 . ...
t., pirnj mime weaaing too
place Thursday evening, January 1,
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George
Knudsen, Whose daughter, Louise, was
united in Carriage? to Wert Goodrich
Brodersen bf Seattle, Wash., by Rev
Boyd of the First Presby terian-churc'.i'
To the stralna of the wedding march
from "Lohengrin," played by Miss
Tnyira. Knudsen. the bride came in
leaning on i-the arm of her father. She
looked charming in a beautiful gown
Of white crepe-de-chine with complete
overdress iof white lace. Her fui'
length vellj fell from a coronet of or
ange blosofns and she carried a show
er bouquet of Bride roses.
Miss Bena Edwards of Seattle waa
: bridesmaid and was gowned in pale
pmic mesaaline with chiffon Over
drew and carried pink carnations.
. Y?T Knudsen, a brother of tho
bride, acted ns best man
Congratulations were bffered and a
delicious pupper was served, aftur
. Means pavings to you ranging from 10
! to 25 on any article in , our immense
stocks. Goods of merit and intrinsic value.
$100 Diamond Ring $75.00
$ 75 Diamond Ring f 56.25
SO i Diamond Ring $37.50
$ 40 j Diamond Ring f 30.00
$ 25 Diamond Ring $18.75
The same proportional reduc
tions on all our magnificent
diamond: stock mounted in
gold and platinum.
$50 Watches -.....-..$37.50
$25 Watches .; .. ....$18.75
$20 :Watches .... . . . $15.00
$15 Watches .$11.25
The i;same proportional reduc
tions on our entire watch
stock. All leading makes. El
gin. iWaltham, Howard, Ham
ilton?, in solid gold and gold
filled watches and bracelet
, watches In endless variety
- to choose from. .
, Contract
The Celebrated Hull
OKLY ONE STORB . Jeweler, aid Silvenmith,
' Portland's Best Jewelry Store
s; r
if i
v V Sfc
. ' s i
Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin F. Hunt
(Rhea Kiger), a bride and bride
groom of the past week.
which Mr. and Mrs. Brodersen left on
a short wedding trip and will be at
home in Seattle, Wash., after Janu
ary 15.
At the residence of Mr. and Mrs.
James Klhbee, the groom's parents,
of 66 Lucretia street, at 8:15 p. m.
Christmas day. Rev. Dr. Morrison of
Trinity Episcopal church performed
the -ceremony that united In the holy
bonds of wedlock Wallace Lea. Kib
bee and Miss Ethel Goff. Only rela
tlves and a few intimate friends were
present. Mr. a member of
the composing room staff of F. W.
Baltes & Co., and among the presents
received by the happy couple was an
elegant set of table silverware bear
ing the inscription, "To Mr. and Mrs.
Wallace Lea Kibbie from his fellow
workers of F. W. Baltes & Co." , Mr.
Klbbee Is also a student of the Uni
versity of Oregon law school. Miss
Goffs home is at Salt Lake City,
Utah. She has been visiting Portland
friends for the past few months.
A pretty home wedding was cele
brated at the home of the bride's par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Grabler, at
188 West Webster street. Portland,
Or.,, on Wednesday evening, December
17. at 8 o'clock, when their daughter,
Louise Emily, became the bride of
Arthur McAllister, son of Mr. and
Mrs. D. B. McAllister, also of Port
land. Immediately preceding the ceremony
Mrs. P. S. Reese Bang "O, Perfect
Love." The bridal couple entered the
parlor unattended to the strains of
Mendelssohn's wedding march, ren
dered by Mrs. Henry Grabler Jr., and
took their places under a bower of
ferns and evergreens, where the ring
service was performed by the Rev.
The bride was prettily gowned In
pale cream oharmeuse, embellished
with silk chantilly lace and real pearl
trimming and carried an arm bouquet
of white , roses. Miss Anna McAllis
ter, sister of the groom, caught the
bride's bouquet. A number of imme
diate relatives of the respective fami
lies and friends were present.
The rooms were charmingly deco
rated in keeping with the Yuletide.
The bridal couple have taken apart
ments In the Godfrey Court, where
they will be at home to their friends.
A popular wedding took place in
Conconully, Wash., December 20, when
Miss Rose Fries of this city was mar
ried to Mr. John P. Adam of Concon
ully, Wash., the Hon. E. K. Pender
gast. Judge of the superior court of
Okanogan county. Wash., officiating.
Both parties are well known in Port
landv Miss Fries la an accomplished
musician and Mr. Adam Is a success
ful merchant.
The , happy couple expect to ina'ce
$5.00 Cut Glass Bowl . . . $3.75
$5 C. Gl. Creamer. Sugar $3.75
$5.00 Cut Glass Vases ..$3.75
$5.00 C. GL Fern Dishes $3.75
$2.00 Cut Glass Nappies $1.50
The same proportional reductions
on our magnificent stock of cut
$50 Sterl'g Mesh Bags $37.50
$40 Sterl'g Mesh Bags $30.00
$25 Sterl'g Mesh Bags $18.75
$20 Sterling Vanities ..$15.00
13 aterung vanities ..$11.
The same proportional reductions
on all sterling silver novelties,
gold novelties, toilet ware, table
ware, etc. You save money on
everything vou hav
Good Excepted
Umbrellas, One-Fourth Off
i?--:":-:'- :vX-Kix-:i l
'A-,. ft
- -l .
; r'i '
, '
their home In Conconully, Wash.,
where Mr. Adam has business Inter
ests. An Interesting wedding of the week
was that of Miss Marie Antoinette
Beck and Robert T. Lines, which waa
solemnized on Thursday, December 25,
at Saint Rose church, the Rev. Father
Ccnaty officiating.
The bride was attended ty miss
Margaret Keating and the bride's
brother, Robert W. Beck, acted as best
- Mendelssohn's wedding march was
played by Mrs. Bertell and a solo was
surur by Mrs. H. J. Lambert.
Tffe bride was most beautifully at
tiied In a gown of white crepe meteor.
The upper line of tne drapery of the
skirt was outlined with applique em
broidery of orange blossom pattern.
The corsage was entirely of point de
Venise lace draped with satin cords
over silk crepe. She carried a bou
quet of bride roses. The bridesmaid
was dressed in a blue crepe de chine
gown trimmed with lace, and carried a
bouquet of white carnations.
Immediately after the ceremony a
wedding breakfast was served at the
home of the bride's eTandparents, Mr.
and Mrs. C. R. Hllgers, 1137 East
Broadway. A reception was held from
8 o'clock until 10 o'clock In the- even
ing. The bride and groom stood in the
receiving line under a .canopy banked
with chrysanthemums and red roses.
The house was artistically decorated
lit the Christmas color scheme. Many
beautiful gifts were received.'
After January first Mr. and Mrs.
Lines will be at home to their friends
a: 606 East Alder street.
On Wednesday evening, December 31.
at 1170 Omaha avenue, Bennett F.
Hunt of 601 Rodney avenue and Miss
Rhea C. Klger of 411 Spokane .avenue united In matrimony.
The ceremony was performed at the
residence or tne oinciaung raimsier,
Rev. J. Bowersox. Mr. and Mrs. Hunt
will be at home at the Peninsula
apartments. "
w w
The early first hours of January 1.
1914. found Edward W. Countiss and
Mks Vfarl Bennett at the residence
of Rev. J. Bowersox, who united them
in marriage in the presence of Mr. and
Mrs. E. M. Clinton, Misses Abbie and
Fawnle Bennett, sisters of the bride,
Juaneta M. Taylor. James W. Lamarr
and Alpha Bevans. The early hour
lent cheer and enthusiasm to the well
wishes given them.
They are at home to their friends
at 101 East Simpson street, this city.
Attended by a large number of rela
tives and friends a pretty home wed
ding was held Tuesday evening, us-
cernDer 30, at tne resiaence oi wir. ana
Mrs W. O. Johnson. 484 East Twelfth
street, north, when their daughter
Esther Carabell ana William r. Mat
tison were united in marriage. Rev.
B. J. Thoren officiated at the cere
monv. Ttu, maid of honor was Mrs.
George Teeters and the bridesmaids
were Miss Mabel Thompson and Miss
Esther Carlberg. The bride's nelce,
little Alice Kahlen, and Helen Larson,
were the flower girls. O. Carlson
and Joseph Ventress were the best
men. The rooms were artistically
decorated with palms, "ferns and
flowers. Tho bride was attired in a
becoming gown of brocaded charmeuse
and wore a veil of filmy tulle. She
carried a. bouquet., of bride' roses.
The wedding march was played by
Miss Esther Larson. During the
serving of refreshments Mrs. Yetta
Hsn Afiss Mabel Olson and Ernest
Nordstrom favored with piano solos.
while Miss Fay Smith, josepn weaeen
and Ernest Nelson pleased with yocal
numbers. Miss Mildred Bennison
served the punch. F. H. Haines ex
pressed the congratulations on behalf
of all present and read a number of
telegrams from friends of the bride
and groom. The presents were many
and beautiful. The couple upon their
return from their honeymoon in Cali
fornia will be at home to their friends
at 484 East Twelfth street, nojth, after
February 1. g
In the first hour of January first,
1914. J. W. Lemarr of 1111 Michigan
avenue and Juaneta M. Taylor of 85
East Emerson street approached the
marital altar and were by Rev. J.
Bowersox, at 1170 Omaha avenue,
united in marriage.
Present at the impressive service
were. Alpha. Bevans, Mr. and Mrs. E.
M. Clinton, Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Coun
tiss, Miss Abbie Bennett and Miss
Fawnie Bennett.
The early New Year's morning lent !
cheer to the congratulations of their
They will shortly be at home to their
friends at 1240 Missouri avenue this
On Christmas eve.. December 24,
Platoff P. Jenne and S. Belle Beard '
were united In marriage at the home '
of the bride's sister, Mrs. Mary E. j
Hammond, 31 East Seventy-ninth
street, north. Dr. S. W. Seemann of the I
Hope Presbyterian church performed
the ceremony in the presence of a
few near relatives and friends.
Mr. Jenne is the eon of pioneer par
ents who crossed the plains in 1852.
Mrs. Jenne is a native of West Vir
ginia, but has lived in Oregon for the
last 15 years. Mr. and Mrs. Jenne left j
for a trip to Seattle and Vancouver, t
T- 1 lit V. n Vtnmo ft th.lf !
friends after January 15, at their new
country home Jenne-Lynn Heights,
Gresham, Oregon.
On New Year's day at high noon in
the First Presbyterian church the mar- 1
riage of Mr. Chester Wright Dewey of j
White Salmon, Wash., and Miss Hen-
i rietta Marguerite Murphy of Portland, ;
was solemnized. Miss Murphy was .
dressed in white silk, with real lace
trimmings and carried a corsage bou- j
quet of white orchids. Mrs. Addle Jane ;
Hubbard of 4 Belmont street acted
as bridesmaid. Dr. John H. Boyd per
formed the ceremony. Mr. and Mrs.
Dewv will mm the rest of the winter
in Portland, and in the spring will take !
up their residence at ithe formers
ranch in White Salmon. '
- '
A simple home wedding took place
at 940 Belmont street New Year's day
at 4 p. m., when N. Bradford Hall and
Lucille Rayl were united in marriage.
Rev. W. O. Shank Officiating. None
but immediate relatives were present.
A family reunion and dinner followed
the ceremony. Mr. and Mrs. Hall will
be at home after January 15 at J69
East Salmon street. '
At St Johns Episcopal church the
marriage of Ortess Royce and Miss
Alice May Newton, two popular young
people Of Sell wood, was, solemnized
the afternoon of New Year's day by
Jhe Rev. John D. Rice. The bride is
the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. B.
Newton, 178Z East Seventeenth street.
Immediately after' the ' ceremony the
young couple left on a, brief wedding
.-' A very pretty church wedding was
celebrated on Wednesday evening, De
cember 31. at - Laurel wood Congrega
tional church. Sixty-fifth street and
B'orty-flfth avenue, southeast, when
Miss Lois Gertrude Snider, daughter,
of Mr. and Mrs. George W. Snider,
was united in marriage to Arthur Ed
ward Hanson. Rev. James R. Krodell,
pastor of the church, off iciated. assist
ed by Rev. William H. Meyer. The
bride was daintily gowned in white
silk with allover lace, and carried a
Bhower bouquet of white carnations.
She was attended by Miss Agnes
Clark as maid of honor, who was also
attired In white lingerie, elaborately
embroidered, and carried a bonquet of ,
pink carnations. The ring bearer and
flower girl .were the Misses Kathertn
and Dorothy Snider, sisters of the
bride. The groom was attended by
Jay Clark as best man. The ushers
were Leslie Morgan and William Clark.
Presiding at the organ was Mrs.
Patience Woolworth and .Mrs. Earl C.
Arnold sang "O, Promise Me" very
The decorations were pink; and
white, which effect was also very
beautifully carried out at the recep
tion, which was held Immediately fol
lowing tho ceremony, at the future
home of Mr. and Mrs. Hanson, 4004
Sixty-third atreet, southeast.
A pretty wedding was solemnized at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Huff
man of Gaston, Oregon, Tuesday, De
cember 30, this being the bride's twen
tieth birthday. Miss Mabel G. Hoff
man, their youngest daughter, was
united in marriage to John L. Coatney
of Los Angeles, Cal.
The bride and groom, were both stu
dents of the Laurelwood academy. The
bride was attired in net over white
silk and carried an arm bouquet of
bride roses. Elder Wyman of Mea
dow Glade, Washington, performed the
The happy couple left for California,
where they will make their home, amid
showers of rice and best wishes of
their many friends.
Miss Myrtle Johnson, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Will Johnson, and Bar
nard McNeil, an employ of the Stand
ard Oil company, were quietly mar
ried December 24.
a h
Miss Ethel Erickson entertained
number of her friends Monday evening
with an old fashioned Christmas party.
Appropriate presents were distributed
from the Christmas tree, after which
dancing wes enjoyed. Among those
present were: Miss Lela Johnson, Miss
Carrie Johnson, Miss Blanche Waller,
Miss Zella Rockett, Miss OliveLandi--gan.
Miss Nellie Watnee, Miss Maude
Gullnas. Miss Ruby Nelson, Archibald
Myers, Frank Hoderback, Harold Mc
Colm, Albert Johnson, H. J. Pearson, A.
B. Neller, Walter Erickson.
Miss Mary Hegardt, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. G. B. Hegardt, entertained at
a prettily appointed dinner at her home
Tuesday evening. The rooms were
artistically decorated in the Christmas
colors. Covers were laid for the fol
lowing: The Misses Ruth Walter, Dor
ris Mau, Rose Kiesendahl and the hos
tess and. Messrs. Vance Ferguson,
Joyce Kelly. Harold Schadle and Her
bert Sessions. The evening was spent
at cards and dancing,
it it
Wednesday evening the Initial danc
ing party was given In Cotillion hall,
the splendid new edifice at the qorner
of Fourteenth and Burnside streets.
The dance was under the direction of
Says of the
Steinway Piano
Jf PADEREWSKI, not only the greatest Pianist in
the world today, but the greatest Pianist the world has
ever heard, will play at The Armory Friday, January 9th.
"Although I was. delighted and inspired with the
Steinway Piano at my first concert, my enthusiasm
and inspiration increased at my second concert,
and became still greater at the third, and thus it
has gone on crescendo until my present tournee,
during which my joy in the grandeur, the power
and the ideal beauty of the tone and the perfection
of touch and mechanism is unbounded."
J The STEINWAY is universally acknowledged as the
STANDARD by which all Pianos are judged.
Paderewski Makes Records Exclusively for the Victor
PricesFloor $2.50, $2,
$1.50 and $1. Seat sale
Morrison at Sixth, Portland, Opp. Postoffice
Montrose M. Ringler and the patron
esses were Mrs. Paul Van Frldach,
Mrs. P. J. Irvine, Mrs. H. E. Jagger.
Mrs. Robert Tegen, Mrs. F. L. Lither
land, Mrs. H. G. Rice. Mrs. M. M, Ring
ler and Mrs. F. T. Collier.
The Illahee RWln? club celebrated
the New Year by extending tielr greet--j
ibgs in person to such of their frienas
as keep open house on New Year's
The club met at the Portland Riding
Academy at. 2 o'clock Thursday after
noon, where they took their mounts
and proceeded on their Journey to tin
many homes which - have extended a
cordial welcome. There were about 20
riders in all, with their bugler and two
Mrs. A. J. Bundy entertained the
Harmony Public Improvement society!
at her home near Lents, Wednesday,
December 31. The usual good dlnne.
was enjoyed by the society, and zh
afternoon was devoted to buslnest
and the officers for the coming yeai
were elected. Mrs. Emma Spoone
was re-elected president; Mrs. Pearl
Bundy i was elected vice-president
Miss Osie Davis, who has served
several years as secretary, was re
elected, and Mrs. Daisy Ulen wai
made treasurer. A very good Uterar
program was given, after which the
members employed the time until even
ing by' visiting and preparing for th
amusement of the visitors and chil
dren who had been invited for th
supper and watch meeting. At 7
o'clock- about 75 people sat down to a
bountiful meal, which was greatly en
Joyed by all. The evening was given
over to ' games and music. A guess
ing contest was held for the older ones
present, at which Miss Osle Davis anc
Mrs. E. R. Spooner won the prize
When the New Year arrived all de
parted for their homes, feeling that
a very pleasant evening had been
Wednesday evening the Misses Sal-
lie and Agnes Loftus presided at a
prettily appointed luncheon in the red
dining room of the Mallory hotel, in
compliment to Miss Rose Youngbluth
of Spokane. Covers were laid for
seven. Among those present were the
Misses Rose Youngbluth, Mary Gene
Fmith. Frances Himes, Louise Kelly,
Vinsen Gorman. Sallie and Agnes
Mrs. Sarah Moore was hostess to a
clinner Darty Sunday, December 28, in
honor of her brother and his wife, Mr.
and Mrs. S. H. Wllkins of Corvallls.
They will leave the first of the year to
make their home near Santa Barbara,
Cal. Mrs. Moore's guests were Mr. and
Mrs.. Wilkins, Mrs. Flora Bolter. Miss
Mary Hoy, . Miss Gladys Moore, Dr.
Harry Stone and Dr. Frank Flrey.
On Wednesday afternoon Mrs. Peter
Park entertained the Priscilla Needle
club at her home, 698 Irving street.
Places were laid for eight. The house
was decorated with colors of the sea
son. The table decorations were car
ried out in holly. Those present were
Mrs. S. J. Davis, Elenor Hill, Mrs. Qro
ver Kestley, Mrs. Louis Sedgast. Mrs.
R. L. Walker, Mrs. William Weyland.
A pleasant event of the holiday sea
son was a party given- at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. O. T. Soderback on New
Year's eve. Entertainment for the
evening was furnished by the follow
ing: Miss Lela Johnson and Abraham
Nelson, demonstrating the new dances;
Firman Myers, lyric tenor; Miss Azalla
Rockett and William Johnson, present
$1.50, $1. Balcony $2.50, $2,
opens Tuesday, January 6th.
ing a pretty pantomtna, "In the Shad
ows." (Dancing. "500" and refreshments
followed. About 40 guests were pres
ent, j
Mrs. J. Schmurr celebrated her birth
day at 872 East Couch street December
30 The decorations were red and green
holly and a beautiful Christmas tree.
An elaborate dinner was served. Mrs.
Ella B. Jones and Mary Schmurr pre
sided at the piano. Those present were:
Mrs. Ludwlg, Mrs. Lassalle, Mrs.
Henrlck, Mrs. Matthias. Miss C Mat
thias, Mrs. Peterson. Miss Elsa Wag
ner, Dolly Degner, Raymond Williams,
Mary Schmurr, Ida Schmurr and Ella
B. Jopes.
Thel Amateur Fencing club of Van
couver, Wash., entertained Saturday
evening about 20 of their friends from
Portland and Vancouver In Columbia
hotel parlors, Vancouver. ' Five hun
dred was played the first of the even
ing. Miss Alice Brown and Carl Wor
rier winning the honors. Miss Louise
Lewis! received the consolation prize.
One of the features of the evening
was a! sphinx placed In the front par
lor which everyone was supposed to
visit during the evening.
Dancing commenced shortly after 10
o'clock and continued until midnight.
The; committee in charge was: Les
lie Li Comer, president; Ralph S.
Merrlfleld, Harold J. Roberts and
Lawrence M. Jones. Mr. and Mrs.
J. L. f Marsh and Mrs. G. F. Comer
were patrons and patronesses of the
The; hall waa very attractively dec
orated' with evergreen, holly and
Thej Portland Art club met Tuesday
afternoon at East Sixth and Alder
street for a card party. Miss Roper
was hostess and card honors fell to
Mrs. flattie Lampert, Mrs. Hamilton,
A. Sale UJoeqioaleldll
Never in the annals of merchandising in Portland, has such an oriporti!
nity presented itself to the public. You have the choice of a $i'$5,ooo
stock of Oriental Rugs and Carpets. The '
like, for beauty and workmanship, does
not exist on the Pacific Coast
Oee-Hailtt Price
because we cannot afford to start the new
year with such an immense stock on Hand,
and after consultation have decided to
give you the benefit of the best buying
you have, ever experienced.
Oec-Ilalfi Price
means that you can now; furnish your
homes in the world's best Oriental Car
pets at our expense. Everything from
the small prayer rug up to those the size
of the largest room and ranging in val
! 7 ues from $15 up to thousands of dollars.
- One-Hati Price
reigns supreme in
minutes it will require to run in and see the values offered-f-YOU
One-Half Price Sale Starts Monday Morning) "
Alder and Tenth Streets 1
The Reputation of "A Lifetime of Fair and Square Dealing' Is BchindThis Sale.
Invest in Furs
Furs of quality worn by a business
man's wife add to his prestige. This
sale offers a splendid opportunity for
investment as well as a protection
against mis-spending of money for
furs of doubt.
As an example we quote but a few
of the reductions from the entire
f Black- Wolf Stole or Muff.
values for
Jap Mink Store or Muff.' I27.B0 00
Nearseal Stole or Muff. $20.90 val- QQ
RuBlan Ton Black, blue or browTj l1Q fkf
Stoleuor Muff. $22.60 values for. . lOiW
Alaska Beaver 8tole or Muff. $30.00 C QQ
Alaska Golden Fox 8tole or Muff, COC fift
$32.50 values for VO.Ul
"Silverfield" on your fur label means as much as
Sterling on your silver.
Send for illustrated catalog Mail orders promptly filled
Mrs, M. E. Gill and Miss Freda Roh
weder. Consolation prises, Mrs. De
Pew and Mrs. Hoss.
Miss Genevieve Fallu entertained a
few friends at a watch party New
Year's eve at her home 1038 East
Main street. The evening was passed
in playing games after which refresh
ments were served at midnight. The
house was decorated with Christmas
green and flowers of the season.
Those who enjoyed the hospitality of
Miss Fallu were: Miss Dorothy Moun
tain, Miss Julia Donnell, Miss Colett
Ilarter, Miss Irene Biggs,- Miss Kate
Cody. Miss Hazel Colaran, Miss Tlllle
Fletcher, Frank Cody, Walter McMul
len, Luls Drapeau, Roscoe Biggs, Ig
natius Towey, Alfred Joyce, Will Early.
The party was chaperoned by Mr.
and Mrs. George Chambers.
At the pretty home of Mrs. Wllltara
A. Hubbard 64S Belrhont on New
Year's eve their twenty-second wed
ding anniversary was celebrated. The
midnight luncheon of 13 covers was
unique as 1913" passed into history.
Among the guests were: Mr. Chester
Wright Dewey of White Salmon, a for
mer Michigan man and lumber inspect
or. Miss Etta Murphy, formerly of Min
neapolis, Mrs. Jane B. Warren of Mich
igan,' Mrs. McClaren and daughter.
Miss Irma McClaren.
The Snug Ten club entertained with
an olden time watch party New Year's
eve at the home of Miss Orrel Rose,
1035 Mallory avenue. The house was
beautifully decorated with pink, yellow
and lavender chrysanthemums, Oregon
grape and mistletoe. Old time games,
music and dancing were enjoyed dur
ing the evening. Miss Rose was as
sisted in receiving by Alma Coffep
and Edith Demmon. The girls made
a very pretty picture In their olden
our store for just a short
$16.50 MO Cf
Ial Leopard
$75.00 values
Alaska wmte
for Sable
time dresses andpowdered hair. Aftei
a noisy celebration with horns to wel
come the new yef. an olden time lap
supper waa served to the following
club members aiJ their friends: Mar
garet Wetzel. M;',bel Kingsbury. Pear
Kingsbuny, Myrile Johnson. Jessie
Greenfield. HelerffGrimes, Edith Dem
mon, Alma Coffep, Mrs. Hose, Mrs. H.
T. Martin and Ofrl Rose, John War
nock. Edward Paine, Elmr-r BaUalger.
Henry MarquardJ. Taul Wetzel, Har
old Demmon, Hbmer - Edwards,' John
McKnight. Mr., Rose, Mr. Morris, Bert
Coffee. ..
Monday evening. December 29, the
Washington High School alumni gave
Its annual' Christmas party at Daw
ley's hall. Every' one present enjoyed,
the Informal dance and Christmas1
tree. Mrs. J. Henry, Mrs. I. J. Smith
and Mrs. M.J-". Royer were the patron
esses. On January 23 the association
will give a dancvat Christcnsen's hall.
! ,
Miss Murlle Bwearinjten was a -recent
hostess at a'cllgri te.I partv at the
home of her mofiier, 1167East Morri
son street. The louse was beautifully
decorated with 1 1 y and holly, chrysan
themums. Muslri! and "500" were the
amusements. TIJ) honors fell to Mis
Elfa Smith and rr. H. S. Stone. Those
present were Mrjf and Mrs. H. Wilkin
son. Mrs. Dora Bolter, Mrs. M. Swear
ingen, Miss Elf Smith, Miss Betty
Ifceberg. Miss Gladys Moore, Miss Es
sie Swearingen. Hiss Maude Gesner,
Dr. King. V)r. F. fiery, Dr. H. S. 8torre,
Mr. Joe Klmell. Jr. Fred Wagner, and
Mr. William Kolflr.
Mrs. James spring was hostess at
an inferm:"! rccjptton Mou.lay after
noon at her homa, 1183 Williams ave
The affair vas panned in honor of her
daughtf-. Mrs. Nrma Bearing 8klnner
of Indlanapoliii, f-hp lr making an cx-
(Continued or Following 1'ajce)
time, so take tie few
Stole or Muff. ,90g7 5Q
Stole or Muff, 755g 25
St Scarf and Muff-i.; ef
for ; OOU.UU
Fox Set. $60.00 valuta eA a fr
Set. $80.00 va
Set. $65.00 v a 1 u 52.00