.5 Vv.fcV: , -.1 f- 1 A V. THE OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, SUNDAY MORNING, JANUARY 4, 1914. .-V-f ' . 1 - t - j 11" Good Opening for High Grade Sales-Manager to Handle Investment Securities Desire to get in communication at once with a first-class man to operate in three states, to place gilt-edge securities which have been passed by the Corporation Commissioner of the State of Oregon. Liberal commission will be paid the right man. Must possess wide ' experience and furnish good references. X-703, JOURNAL AUCTIONS iiipfinnalpc nuvuuu uuivu S N Wilson s Auction House AT 166-168 FIRST ST., NEAR V MORRISON Regular Sales Days Monday, . I - - Wednesday and Friday Each Day at 10 a. m. ' AT EACH OF OUR SALES THIS WEEK YOU WILL FIND A GENERAL ASSORTMENT OK MEDIUM PRICED FURNITURE OP ALL- DESCRIP TIONS; BEDDING. DISHES. UTEN BILH. CARPETS. STOVES. ETC., FOR SALE FOR WHAT THEY WILL BRING. We Sell at Private Sale Upright Pianos High-Grade Furniture Of all descriptions. Room-Size Rugs . Various makes and sizes. Steel and Gas Ranges TN FACT. EVERYTHING- 'PERTAIN ING TO HOUSE FURNISHING. AN INSPECTION OF OUR STOCK SO LICITED. Wilson's Bankrupt Stock Store, Cor. 2d and Yamhill Main 2032 ! THE ONLY PLACE OF ITS KIND IN THE CITY where you can buy GROCERIES. HARDWARE. PAINTS, LADIES' AND GENTS' FURNISH INGS, CIGARS AND TOBACCOS ami Other merchandise at about the whole sale cost. Also ' Store Fixtures VTriafcva&ir BASTES, CASH REGISTERS. 3 Art1-: utrfiwr' a fiira nnnwTiroc ETC. X J. T, WILSON, PROPRIETOR. SPECIAL AUCTION Of Ladies' Suits, Dresses, Etc, pn Tuesday Next at 2 p. m. at Our Salesrooms, 166-168 First Street i WE HAVE PLACED IN OUR HANDS . ' FOR , ABSOLUTE SALE The ; Entire Stock of R. E. Farrell (Formerly at BROADWAY and AL--- . DER) CONSISTING OF LADIES' AND MISSES CLOAKS. SUITS, DRESSES. SHIRT WAISTS, CORSETS, FURS, RAINCOATS. SWEATERS AND OTH ER EFFECTS. This sale offers an ex ceptional ' opportunity to buy high grade goods at 'your own price, as Air. Farrell carried nothing but the best. J. T. WILSON. AUCTIONEER. MILLINERY SALE On Thursday Next, 2 p. m. WE SHALL SELL THE STOCK OF MILLINERY, ETC.. of the Douglas Ladies' Hatters (IN BANKRUPTCY) FORMERLY AT 41 OH WASHING TON ST. At " our salesrooms. 166-8 First St., -INCLUDING FINISHED AND UN TRIMMED HATS. RIBBONS. VEL VETS.. FLOWERS. PLUMES, TRIM MINGS. PIECE GOODS, FINDINGS. HAT ' SHAPES, and all other goods pertaining to a first class millinery 'tore. Sale THURSDAY AT 2 P. M. J T. WILSON. AUCTIONEER. Auction Sale -Tuesday, Jan. 6, 10 a. m., :We Will Again Sell to the t'.i Hig&est Bidder a Fine Lot of High -Grade and Me- ' dium-Grade Furniture. j We . will also offer 'any article in our - complete high-gras stock of "dressers, combinetts, sideboards, buf fets, . 'dining and library tables, "kitchen queens. and treasures, brass nd iron beds, sorines. mattresses i 'and pillows, rocting, dinmg and easy chairs. Also a complete line of filing cabinets, roll top, typewriter and ecretarys' desks, all kinds of office ''Chairs,- show cases, computing scale's, meat slicer, coffee mill, 2 coffee urns, wood, coal and gas ranges, wood, coal,; gas and oil heaters, pic tures,; mirrors and many other arti cles not mentioned. These goods are on display ""now. You are welcome at ,o.ur store any time, , to look over the Stock and inspect the goods is i BELL AUCTION CO. 3T J. i A. MEAROW,' AUCTIONEER 1 $1 SECQND ST. AUCTIONS 166-168 PARK STREET. Wa have received the furnishings of private home in Irvlngton with in structions from the owner to sell the same at Auction. ON TUESDAY NEXT Comprising very elegant . brass elec tric lamp, library couches, rockers, easy chairs and tables all up to date in de sign and finish, parlor rockers, center tables. 9x12 rugs, oak bookcases, cab inet, velvet stair carpet, large mirror, oak hall tree, drop head sewicg ma chine, brass beds, Vernis Martfn and enameled iron beds, best steel springs, silk floss and felt mattresses, feath er pi-llows, blankets, mahogany and rru-arter sawed oak dressers, chiffon iers and dressing tables, quartered oak pedestal dining table, set of leather seat chairs. Buck steel range, Howard parlor heater, linoleum, etc. Also we have-the partr furnishings of another private home, as follows: Parlor and library furniture, dining table and chairs, and full size Iron beds, springs and mattresses, rugs, carpets, range, gas heaters, kitchen utensils, etc. AUCTIONEERS' NOTE YOL'R CAREFUL INSPECTION OF THE ABOVE IS REQUESTED IF IN TENDING PURCHASING. YOU WILL KIND THEM WELL WORTHY OF YOUR ATENTION. ON VIEW TO MORROW. AUCTION ON TUESDAY NEXT AT 10 O'CLOCK. ON THURSDAY NEXT We shall have the furniture, carpets, etc.. of 10 rooms to offer you. These goods can be seen on Wednesday after noon. AUCTION ON THURSDAY NEXT AT 10 A. M. WE PAY CASH FOR GOOD FURNT TI RE. CARPETS, RUGS, ETC. (NO JUNK.) W. C. BAKER and C. A. CROWELL, Furniture Dealers and Auctioneers, 166-168 Park Street. Phones Main 3332. A-2667. XEW TODAY Dairy Farm Tillamook County We are offering for sale a 100-acre dairy farm of fine river bottom land, half mile from town and railroad; a good house and barn, 30 milch cows and team of horses, with all neces sary farm implements. Will sell on very easy terms and take a good house and lot in Portland tip to $5000 as part payment. Wallace Investment Co. 518 Oregonian Bldg. n.ro 104x156, corner Jefferson and Stout streets $17,500.00 $4000.00 first mortgage, runs 3 years, bears 7 per cent interest, se cured by west side property valued at $20,000.00 93600.00 104x104 near Madison and Stout streets $9000.00 LE NOIR 228 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. House Wanted I ant a 3 or '4 room house at mod erate price. Will pay a least half c&sh. Give full Information at once. K-930, Journal. Mortgage Loans 6 to 7 Per Cent H. E. MOONEY Mala aio. Koom 431 raiu&r Bia. Title & Trust Company ' rourth and Oak Striata, Mortgage Loans W Make Building X.oans. CITY AND FARM10ANS f 1000 avnd Bp t lowart rates. C. M. ZADOW 414 Coxttt Bid?. , A-1416, Marshall 9a. Wanted to Borrow $2500 vik uwvr iiouse j ana joi wortn l fUOU. Also $10,000 on apartment house worth $22,000. P. O. Box No. Tj5. FEAREY BROS. We Buy Notes 246 Salmon St' Maltt 3389. A-1772. NEW TODAY A Real Farm 234 acres, only nine miles from Salem. Over 1 50 acres in cultivation. Plentv of fine! e; ur.i ti r. t spring vyaicr. nave water Right Water can be piped to all parts. Good orchard. House and barn. This is a place that a Real Farmer can make Real Money on. Price $85 per acre and we can give good terms. We Only Advertise What We Can Recommend Scott-Beesley-Deahe Co. 211-12 Abington Bldg. Lot Wanted I want a moderate priced lot, for all cash, from the owner. 0-837, Journal. FLATS FOR SALE BY OWNER. PRICE $10,000, INCOME $1100 Elegant modern four apartment building In first clasa condition, fine location, always rented. Term8. 363 .fonrne st . near TTnion ave. MEETING NOTICES 41 PORTLAND STAR HOMESTEAD NO. 42. B. A. Y., meets every Thursday evening In the Moose hall of the Royal bldg., 346 Vi Morrison at., S. W. cor. 7 th st. y 1st tor welcome. FRANCES FRY. 406 SIMPSON ST. Phone Woodlawn 94. .'orrespondenU KIRKPATRICK Council 2227. K. & L. of S., "600" party, entertainment and dance, Jan. 9 (Friday), 8:30 sharp, in Moose hall, Morrison" and Broadway. Union music, good prizes.' Come and have a good time. Admission lGc. Remember, the masquerade ball, Jan. 30. for the benefit of the degree staff. Admission 25c. PROSPECT Company, 140, W. O. W.. request your presence at their fourtij informal dance on Jan. 22, 1914, at the W. O. W. temple. 128 11th st. Mem bers and friends cordially invited attend. Prizes given. Refreshments served and a good time assured. Union music. BRICKLAYERS' AND MASONS' IN TERNATIONAL UNION NO. 1. OF uhauv.. j. uri e win ue a special meeting of the union Monday evening, Jan. &. at Bricklayers' hall. 7:30 o'clock. Business of importance will be tran sacted. Aicmbers all requested to at tend. E. THAYER. Pres. MULTNOMAH CIRCLE NO. 744, W. O. W., will give a whist and danc ing party Friday evening, Jan. 9, 1914, at the W, O. W. Temple, 128 11th st union music. Admission 15c. ALBINA Lodge 47 of F. VY. of A. Reg ular meeting will be held every Wednesday at 8:30 p. m. In Hill's hall. N. W. corar of Williams ave. and rtusseu sis. 00 PARTY given by Royal Circle, Wednesday. January 7, at W. O. W. tomnle. 128 nth st. Cards, 8:30 p. m. Dancing. Weinberger's orchestra. Ad mission 16c. Good prizes. ORPHIA Temple 18, Pythian Sisters. meets on Thursday evenings of each week in K. of P. hall, llth and Aider, at 8 p. m. Helen M. Lamar, M. of R. C. MONSTER Moyer denoratlon meetine. Sunday, 3 p. m.. 227 Yamhill. Good speaKers. ZffaJ Statistics marriages, Births. Deaths. BUSINESS CARDS W.G. Smith & Co. SSS Washington bldg., cor. 4th on Wash'ton DRESS suits for rent; all sizes. Unique Tailoring Co.. 309 Stark st. CERTIFICATES of title, Title & Trust Co., Title & Trust bldg.. 4th nr. Stark DEATHS AND FUNERALS SINU In thl city, Dec. 29, Leo Kea Sing, aged 58 yean, formerly of VaneooTer. Wash. The funeral will take place from the residence establishment of J. P. Flnley A Son. Montgomery at 5th, today (Sunday) at 1 o'clock p. m. Frleoda invited. Interment at Rirer View cemetery. PRATT In this city, Jan. 2, Delia Morgan Pratt, aed 76 years The funeral services will be held today (Sunday), at 1:30 o'clock p. m.. at the residence of her daughter, Mrs. Fannie P. Brigs. 620 Spokane ae.. Sell wood. Friends invited. Interment at Green wood cemetery. KIMJHOUSE In this city. January 3, 1913, Camilla Grace Rlnghouse. aged 23 yeirs. Funeral Rprvlcea will be held tomorrow (Sun day) ut 2:.'!l p. ra.. from the residence par lors of the Erlcson Undertaking Co., 445 Morrison street. HILL The funeral of the late Mary Hill will be held today (Sunday) at 2:30 f. m., from the new chspel of the Skewes ndertaklng Co.. corner 3d and Clay. Friends are kindly Invited to attend. Concluding seprT ice it Portland crematorium. SHIVELY In this city. Jan. 3. Sarah 1. Shively of Hanson, Idaho, aged 67 years. The remains are at the residence establish ment of J. P. Klnlcy & Son, Montgomery at 5th. of all kinds. Main 7756, A-7703. 120 4th MAX M. SMITH, florist. 141 H 6th St., in Selling bldg. Main 7215. CLARKE BROS., florists; fine flowers and floral designs. 289 Morrison st. FUNERAL DIRECTORS NEW HOME OF J. P. FINLEY & SON. The only residence undertaking es tablishment in Portland. Representing the. greatest advance in the science of funeral service. The automobile equip ment and secluded drlvewav are among the many exclusive features. The es tablished policy of moderate prices has never ben changed. . J. P. FINLEY & SON, Perfect Funeral Service, ' Montgomery at 6th. LI HI! Lcadlnr aat eiria iml.r. n taker. Lady assistant. B uU 1888..E. 781. E. 6th. Alder. AR 7pllpr Prt 692 Williams ave. Lady attendant Day and night service SKKWFUn,ie,'tkl118Co. Main 4162 i i A-zizi, corner Si Id and Clay PF ARSON Undertakers. E. 1680, . W III W VI 369-371 Russell st (Bp) DIRECTORS (COBtlBtMd) SIR. EDWARD HOLMAN. the leading funeral director. 229 3d St.. corner Salmon. Lady assistant- Phones A- 1511. Mai n 607. Dunnink& McEntee Modern in Undertakers every detail. 7th and Pine. Main 430, A-4558. Lady assistant. FRIfQflMRESIDENCE UNO. PLS. UnlUOvfilM. 6133. A-2235. 445 Morsn EMSTQCK. 1687 E. 13th. Sell. 71. B-1122 University Pk. Col. 394-395. MONUMENTS Schumann Marble Works . ?ast1?r!dJPlre East 743. PORTLAND Marble Works. 2 64-266 4th st. Opposite city hall. Main 8564. BUSINESS PROPERTY 60 I Bus iness Property Corner Lot 50x106, at northwest corner of 2d and Sheridan ste.; the new steel plant going at the foot of Sheridan st., will increase the value tot this property as well as the value of other property in that district; price $6500. $1000 cash, and the balance 1 to B yrs. The Shaw-Fear Co. Main 35. 102 4th st. A-3500. I FACTORY SITES. On Linnton road, adjoining city lim its, on trackage. Small or large tracts. Prices attractive. Main 8925. 1015 Board ofj Trade bl d g. iNEW BUNGALOW 1 CITY PARK DISTRICT uys this 5 room bungalow with fireplace, book cases, hardwood floors. ntoms tinted, window shades, electric fixtures, street improvements paid. Easv terms. PROVIDENT TRUST CO., 1212-21 Selling Bldg., Phones Main 1800 or A-G261 $1:450 $200 Cash 2 good Slots. 40x100 ft. each, with al ly, iVt blocks from Mt. Scott carline, near Grays Crossing; good plastered house of ft rooms and bath; good barn; lot fenced; a snap; $200 cash, balance $15 per month. Kaiiffmann & Moore 325 Luyber Exchange. 1-4 Acre 4 Roiom Plastered House $1000 Bull R and 6 c- n water. clos to large school t carfare, $5o down, balance like rent GE O. T. MOORE CO.. 518 Abington Bldg. Hawthorne District ! $2800 I $300 DOWN. New 4 room bungalow. 3 blocks from Hawthorile ave.. 36 7 54th 6t. All built in conveniences; full cement basement and large: attic. 367 54th st.. near Lincoln. jt pnone ,rabor 4533. $100 DOWN. 6 PER CENT INTEREST. Small nearly new bungalow, 3 blocks from car:; basement.- bath and toilet; front antf: rear porches. Dutch kitchen. vestlbulo entrance, neat yard and fence. Thiis proposition was taken on a trade and can be bought very reason able on asy monthly payments. See owner. 62,44 Foster road. Mt. Scott car. FOR SALE by owner, new 6 room bun galow Jn Hawthorne district, all con vtniencesl full cement basement, fur nace, haifdwood floors, fine fixtures; strictly (modern. Price $3350, $550 cash, balance very easy terms. Phone Tabor 3796. i FORCED SALE. I ana forced' to sell my modern 8 room house, 100x100 corner, regardless of price. In order to raise cash quickly. If you have $1500 and want a genuine bargain answer this ad at once. D 823. Journal. ' 5 roont modern bungalow In Rose -i : a T- t x. . i-iiy x-arn, at a Dig snap; easy terms. W-597. Journal. HAWTHORNE district, will build to suit you; have 30 lots to select from; furnish Clans and money. Reference, ones I have built for. G. E. WELLER. 1405 Hawthorne ave. Ppone Tahor 2642 evenings. 1RV1NGTON HEIGHTS Modern 5 room bungalow. ioo feet from Ir vington t-arline, lot 60x200. Just the place forf a poultryman. Price $2700. Terms eftsy. C. DeYoung & Co.. 614 Chamber! of Commerce. NEW West Side bungalow, every built in convenience, lot 170 feet deep, hard surface paid, beautiful view, two cars, walking distance, only $4750; terms. Geo. G. Malr, Marshall 2674. 326 Railway Exchange. OWNER will sell bargain. Half aero on carline, 5"th ave., Lents. 6 room house and bath, wood house, poultry house, apples and small fruits. $2500; $500 cash, bal. terms. Apply 671 East Main. CHARMING MODERN HOME. Irvingtori, 9 rooms, oak and mahog any finfsh, oak floors, 2 baths, ser vants rooms, garage. East 273. W. H. Herflman, WHAT Will you offer? Modern 7-roo'n bungalow, hardwood floors, in Haw thorne district, 2 blocks from car, $3500. Must sell at once. Call at 420 E. 52d sf. $100 DOWN, $15 per mo., 6 room mod ern hoijFe, H blk. from Mt. Scott car. 4321 63d St. Will take lot in Mt. Scott district or small runabout as first pay ment. Price $2500. NEW modern 5 room bungalow in Rose City Park, 1 block from car; hard wood floors, full cement basement fireolace.l built-in conveniences, all im provements in. Price $2800: $300 cash. $20 per mo. Owner, phone Tabor 3570. I $1250. $50 DOWN, $15 a rtionth buys new 4 room house, lot 50x100. G. L. Webb. 414 East Stark st. I BARGAIN $200 down, $15 ner month. 5 room; new "modern house In Park hurst addition, J400 below cost. 312 Henry blidg. I $300 T Fine Rose City Park- bungalow, swell den. Balance like rent. 600 E. 60th st. N. 1100 Doi'N, balance to suit purchaser. one 4 and one 5 room new modern bungalow, close to car, by owner. senwooa i z-04. ROSE CliTY PARK bungalow, S rooms and bath, $2450; small payment down or take a good team and wagon as rirst payment. iN-szo, journal. . ! , ' . 1 ' AM forced to sacrifice my new home, 6 rooms,- strictly modern; must go at once, 1 block Union ave. Phone Wood lawn 384. HAVE $1100 equity in fine 6 room bungaldw In Hawthorne district will exchange for lot or sell cheap for cash. V-501. Jolurnal. n $2a DOWN. $10 per mo., small house, plastered, on corner, close to car, $750. 6244 Foster Road, Mt. Scott car. OR SAIIE Nothing down, nothing a month, 13, 4, 6 or 6 room houses. Just rent that's all. B-860, Journal. HAWTHORNE unincumbered bunga low, coit $2700, sacrifice, $2100 cash. R-640. Journal. FOR SAIfE, by owner, corner lot 4 room - cottage, $800; terms; big dis coutit forj cash. S-761, Journal. THIS is dirt cheap; modern 5 room bungalow, 1 block from Alberta car, from owner. A-S154. AT A sacrifice. S room house in Woodmere; $100. cash, balance rent Bold Vtmaiitv Ca. 206 Alder street FUNERAL 161 (Continued) HERE'S THE CHANCE YOU HAVE BEEN LOOKING "FOR.' Select a lot in our ideal home place. and make a payment of one per cent monthly thereaft er, and we will soon have you in a home you can call youf own. i ONLY 20 MINUTES OUT. GOOD CAR SERVICE. ! A BUILT UP SECTION. ALL IMPROVEMENTS IN (RILL RUN WATER. OR AD ED STREETS. CEMENT- WALKS. CURBS AND SEW- ERS.) i! NO LOT MORE THAN V BLOCKS FROM CARLINE. . ALL LOTS 50X100. PRICES $700 AND UP. If the amount of the original payment has been your barrier, here is your opportunity. We Will Build a Home to Suit See this property today. Take Sellwood car, get off at Milwaukie and Alice streets. Phong Sellwood 1455 Sundays. Parker & Banfield 104 Grand ave. E. 295, B-1557. Sunnyside Snap Modern S room house on ; a. corner lot 50x100 feet, 1 block from the Sunnyside carline, paved street, cement walks and a cement retaining wall all around the lot: fine Hhrubbery, Rhade trees and roses. This nice home is offered for $3000 which is $1500 below value. Located at 37th and East Morrison sts. 4-room house and lot 100x100 feet, paved streets, cemetjt side walks, corner of Commercial and Going streets. Price only $1600. 6-room modern house. S4th and Brooklyn, good furnace, full cement basement, paved street, cement sidewalks. We are giv ing this away at $2275. I own the above property and must sell some of it right away. P. O. box 1132 or phone Tabor 604 after 6 in the evening. $550 NEW Small house and one lot. Total : price $550. $50 cash and $15 per month, including Interest. Take Rose; City Park car to 7 2d st. See Austin. Gregory Investment Co. i 5 ROOM BUNGALOW WEST STDE $2250 $2250 New, large, light rooms. Dutch kitch en, bath, well constructed ; full sized lot: fruit: good view of Mt. Hood and valley: 3 blocks to car: fine neighbor hood. 20 min. from P. . Terms to suit you. Ask for Mr. Hoisingtori. PROVIDENT TRUST CO., OWNERS Second floor Selling frldg. I Must Sell $250 Go Look Today Close to Union ave., hard surface sts., all paid; new 6 rooms and bath, ce ment basement, best plumbing, walls tinted, window shades. 454 Shaver st., cor. E. 8th, north. Key next door. Bal ance $3000 easy terms. Lathrop, 515 Abington bldg. East Bargains If you are in the market for east side bargains, see J. J. Oeder REAL ESTATE AND RENTALS. Cor. Grand ave., unti E. Anken y . FOR SALE Five room houne. free water, 100x100 lot or two lots 50x 100, close to school, in center of town of Washougal, Wash., 18 miles from Vancouver. Wash., up Columbia river. Place worth $2000, but will sell on account of sickness for $1700 cash. By owner 1H22 Kerby St.. Portland. SAVE YOUR RENT. IF YOU HAVE $300 TO $T)00 IN CASH OR OWN YOUR LOT. I WILL BUILD YOUR HOME AND FURNISH THK MONEY. AND YOU CAN PAY THE BALANCK UKE RENT. PLANS FREE. W. A. LOVETT. 416 SELLING BLDG. MAIN 9135. Hawthorne Avenue Beautiful new room artistic, elegant buffet. swell electric fixtures, hardwood floors a model home; easy terms. Tabor 651. phone owner. FOR SALE Snap. Fine -river vie snap. 4 room house, 50x100 lot. basement and all kinds of fruit trees. Owner wants to go on farm; quick sales. easy terms. $1450. $500 cash will handle this. No agents. B-soS, Journal. A HOME WITH A BALLROOM. On Alameda drive; lot 6ox200; house Just completed: nothing like it in the city; all oak floors, tile bath, tapestry papers, old ivory finish, special hard ware and fixtures;' only ; $b250, 1-3 cash Call owner. Main 4400. i $30 DOWN $20 PER MONTH. New. cozy. 6 room house. 1099 Knott st. Beaumont carline. Sleeping porch and other modern conveniences. Hard surface st. Price $3750, covering ev erything. This is a snap. Phone own. er. Mar. 6025. 604 Piatt bldg. HAWTHORNE MODERN HOUSE. 48th near Hawthorne, hard surface. 45x90 lot, 6 room modern house, good lawn, good basement. $100 cafeh. $30 month, including interest. Price $3300. Smith-Wagoner Co.. Stock Exchange. FORCED SALE Modern 6 room house and . 50x100 lot. well located, on W. IW. carline. will be sold regardless of price. If you want a real bargain answer this at once. C-828, Journal. 6 ROOM, new house, pliast ered. tinted, fully plumbed, base ment. $1600. ncludes every Co.. 513 Stock $20 down. $17 monthly thing. Smith-Wragoner Exchange. FIVE room bungalow iU block from Rose City Park car. Fireplace, buf fet, hardwood floors. Dutch kitchen. modern plumbing. Price $2400. Very easy terms. hhone owner, labor SS0. A BARGAIN Am leaving city, and will sacrifice my new modern 6 room bungalow at 740 E. 61st Bt. N., Rose City Park. Owner, C-2608 GENUINE bargain on nice home close to car, $1900; don't fail to investi gate; easy terms. Owner, P-535. Jour nal, i FOR SALE 5 room modern bungalow, $2650, $50 down, balance as rent. Mt. Tabor car E. 54th st.i Ford & Co. 309 Ry. Ex. Main 1224. FOR SALE 6 room house, Hawthorne district, $100 downj. balance. $25 a month. Including Interest., Ford & Co., Main 1224. 309 Ry. Ex. CORNER lot. 50x100. E. 4th and Stark sts., and 6 room house; make me an offer. S-868. Journal. NEW 4-room house. Lents, $400. $200 cash, balance $5 monthly. ! D-571. journal. MUST sell or lose my; 7 room home In Alameda' FK. mce i $3700, $500 be low building cost. M-768, Journal. FOR SALE HOUSES Mill! m Mi! 61 $2650 $150 Cash $15 Per Month AN UP TO DATE HOME. WITH LARGE BEDROOMS. LARGE CLOSETS. WAXED FLOORS. FULL ATTIC. FI LL BASEMENT, LAUNDRY TRAYS. CHINA CI)SET, : BOOKCASES. FIREPLACE. LARGE' LOT See this right away. It Is a bargain at this price, and the terms aru easy. Take Hawthorne avenue car. Ret off at 39th St.. go to No. 3K9. Phone Tabor 1321. $100 Cash $20 Per Month FOR SALE HOUSES (Continued) ' WE Mil $1750 5 room bungalow, has nice j tjOOO new 4 room house, price $1350. bath, electric lights, attic, lot 40x120, j Easy payments. 517 Lumber Ex 2 block to -car. . . ! change. $100 Cash $20 Per Month lJJ VJtlOII J-J I ji mviii.ii $2600 5 room bungalow, has nice hath, fireplace, built-in buffet, book cases, naneled dining room. Dutch kitchen, electric liehts. cement hasp tchen. electric lights, cement ent. with cement floor and laundry m trays, nice lawn and roses. 100 ft. to .. i . , 1 -inn . . car. $100 Cash $15 Per Month $3000 7 room modern bungalow; has nice bath, paneled dining room, built-in buffet. Dutch lutc-herl. gas and electric lights, rooms all tinted. Dined for furnace, cement basement, with laundry trays, street graded, ce ment walks in and paid for. Will take good lot as part. F. -A, Beard & Co. M" GcrMnecr Bldg.. 2d and Alder. MAKE YOI'R RENT MONEY COUNT Have a home of your own and set tle for it like rent. Read over our list and see us before going elsewhere. $S5.1 Nice little 2 room house. Vi acre, all cleared, woodshed, chicken houses and parks. $25 down. $10 per month. $1100 short walk to cur. $25 down.'$15 per month. $1000 TRADE Nice little 4 roonv house, lot 70x1 00. blocks from car. Will trade for rooming house in Portland. $1250 4 room plastered house, bath. toTlet, rufed In. lot 40x100. cement base ment, cement walks. $15 down. $10 per month: only short walk from car. $1700 4 room house. t acre of ground. 1 block from Main street, short walk to car. $10') down. $15 per month. AMBOV HEIGHTS $250 Lot 40x100. $r, down and SS per month; all level, sightly, fine soil. Bull Run water: 2 blocks to car. Vi ACRE. $500 AM level, water in. lies fine, on Gil bert road, only a short walk to car: $10 down. $10 mo. Buv now; you won't regret it. $400 AND UP Elmo Heights. i acre, $5 down. $5 per month. The Bright Building and Investment company will build vou a home on easy terms. Put your Installments into a home instead of renting Thekla Bright Co.' Lents. Or.. 2 block east of nostofflce. ON POSTER ROAD Tabor 424!. B-6111 New Attractive Home on Sightly Corner Lot Only 17 minutes out. Two blocks from car. 2 story 6 rooms. Full cement base ment, furnace, fireplace, oak floors, window shades and light fixtures. All rooms hand somely tinted and finished in old ivory. Streets are paved and mostly paid. Price . only $4300. $400 cash and $40 a month. Including Interest. The Oregon Home Builders Marshall 3718 . A-4484. t 1405 Yeon building. IRVINGTON Another pood buv for someone located at 437 E. 16th St. X. 2 story. 8 room, modern house. 2 flrenlacps. furnace, built-in ef fects. East front, paved street. All improvements In and paid. Possession at once. It is a good ' home, as well as a good invest ment. Come out and see for vourself. THIS HOUSE WILL BE OPEN ALL DAY SUNDAY for vour innectlon and don't fail to see this one. Take Broad way car to E. 16th st.. go north; or take I car to Tillamook. J. P. BRYAN, Main 1800 A-6261 F 7 Room bungalow and sleeping porch. At a Sacrifice Hawthorne Ave. district. Paving In and bonded. Hardwood floors, fireplace, cement floor in basement. Price onlv $3150, $750 cash. This cash pmt. is what cuts the price so low. If vou have this amount; see it tomorrow. 360 E. 42d. Take Hawthorne ave. car. get off at 4"d. go south 2 blocks. Will be ttpere all day Sundav anil Monday. It is'doubl? constructed, (inly 15 minute car ride. OVERLOOK EXCELLENT BUY $3300 $3300 i This is an eight room house, built; by the owner. f.n view, close to car; j fireplace, Dutch kitchen, laundry room, j beam ceilines hook- ratpn tu.ffet fruit room. You must see thin home to appreciate it. It's absolutely right at this price. Call for' F. D. Reynolds, i PROVIDENT TRUST CO., 212-21 Selling Bldg. PhoneH Main 1800. A-6261 -HOMES -8 rooms, modern; lot 60x100 ft., at E 68th and E. Morrison $ 6.000 sts... central east side. S 8.000 7 rooms, modern, lot 60x100 ' ting tract in the city. trices rlgnt ft.. 690 E. Couch St., near E. I and good terms: T-ook it over. 2iMh.. Irvlngton. E. V. GILBERT. $10.000 r10 rooms, new and modern, lot i 1 Qi W?h1,Ttgton St.. Vancouver. Wash. 75x100 ft . 494 E. 224 t N.J THREE dandy Park Rose acres only facing Irvington club. Haw-; 2 blocks from car. $?oo per acre, tnorne ave. . Owner offers those for $200 per acre $10.000 9 rooms, modern : garage; at Uw value. Must have $1000 and -. .... . , .". H. PrPAuJERljONES C """ 404 Wilcox bldg- iv.ones M. 8SS9. A-26,3 Go at Once! . 20th St. Only $100 Down New bungalow 5 rooms, bath, best plumbing, complete; cement basement, all walls tinted, electric fixtures, dou - ble construction: Sellwood car to Ellis ave.. 2 blocks east; (a mile nearer than Sellwood): bal. of $2300 only 15 month. 515 Abington bldg. ATTRACTIVE BUNGALOW i SACRIFICED We must sell our attractive bunga low, built only 6 months and offer our' $1250 equity for $500. Balance Is pay- j able on easy tertne. Bungalow is mod- I ern. with nreplaoe, hulit in bookeajses and buffet, full basement and laifie attic. Full lot. east facing. See owner. 113 East 61st North. 1 block south of MV car. UND and hom snap. Choice helf acre, newly finished bouse, close In, 2 blocks to school, $J100: no mort gages; very easy terms. Tabor 2546. FOR SALE HOUSES 1 (Continued) . BEAUT! r 7 Room bungalow and sleoping porch. At a Sacrifice Hawthorne Ave. district. Paving In an 1 -bonded. . Hardwood floors, fireplace, cement floor in basement. Price only $31. '.O. $750' cash. This cash pmt. is what cuts the price so low. If you have this amount see it tomorrow. 360 E. 41. Take Haw thorne Ave. car. Kt't off t 4M tto south 2V4 blocks. Will be there nil dav Sundav and Morula,-. It is double constructed. Otilv 1 r, minute car ride. Fire new bungalow on Hawthorne carline: hnrdwood floors, panel dining room but'.titi buffet. Dutch kitchen, fireplace, full basement, purchaser se lect fixtures. Hmll payment down, balance like rent. Call Owner Sunday. Th..r 31 7W; weel:. Main 6199. I DANDY J room house, fine furniture. ! tivatlon. fine sandy lam soil, pfenty n.i ic,',n D v!'r uood n-ttr frtrm Mi t feet. -i terms 314 GerUner. bldg. MODERN Rose City Park 1 story bungalow 15,10 I if low va hp sell on , easy termstake lot or equity in good i i, , , , ,. r.i I . 1 1 i . - " i Loi i;iit HJU " tl-h 1AJI . IU, A New Year's Bargain Fino lot on K. Morrison, near comer of 23th st. ; size 50x100, and situated twtween two build ings, for $1350. This price Is considerably below the value of the lot, and will hold good for a few days only. ' The Shaw-Fear Co, Main 35. 102 4th st. A-3500. r Would you like to get in on an abso lutely safe Investment? We are now I offering lots that will bear the c investigation at very low pricei lose t j mt raiiKiinori hi very tow prices atxi iiurmi it-nun. ..Hii or nnone 1 ar" bio Henry bldg. Main 1D17 i LARGE, beautiful homesltes. close in. on the west side, only 15 minutes car .ride, 5c fare. These lots are 8ox 110 and are the best value in the city of Portland at $325 each; $10 down, balance $5 per month. If you are looking for an ideal homeslte with a blK f-uture this will suit you. M. E. Lee, 522 Coibett bldg. Ainsworth Ave. Snap Two fine lots. 50x100 each, on cor - ner E. Bit'.i and Ainsworth ave the i widest street In Portland, loo feet i wide. Price this week $1350. Sell or.o or both. C. DeYOUNG CO., 514 (Chamber of Commerce. STOP the rent. Buy one of our V aero I " a, l s 4" minu: out, all clearcV tracts close In on the west able, 15lc ,a- ,!-.' minutes' car ride 5c fare;' juice $325'! ., ficr's n rnlnutc out. all In cult! $10 down. $5 p'r month; on one of i vaV."1,' ' " 1"rKom- these tracts you can raise all your , , "U;;',y IxJUscs ffr sale and tralc. vegetables. b rries. etc.. which willl',' M,u WH1 cnl' I cBn give satlsfuc help to solve the iirohlem of the high- , T costt of living. M. E. Lee, 522 Cor- nett. tildg. WE HAVE WHAT YOU WANT. Large improved lots In eastern part of city, $500 each, $15 cash, balance $5 per month. Also' several small houses. $U'00 to $luO0, vt-ry easy terms. BROWN REALTY CO., 20.'I Piatt Bldg. ALAMEDA PARK LOTS. 50x100 ft. lots from $0o up on very easy terms; all street Improvements in and bonded. Take Broadway car to this sightly residence district. H. P. PALMER-JONES CO, AGENTS. f 404 Wilcox Bldg. Phones M. 6!, A-2653. $250 A beautiful lot. close to large chool. Bull Run water. 5 cent car line and very sightly; most any kind of a -ay- ment down and a sma monthlv rav. nonthly pa v. Co 618 Ab- ,h . .,. ment. (jeorge l. Aioore ington bldg. $325; $10 down. $5 per month, buys a U acre close in on the west side, only 15 minutes' car ride. Be fare; handy to 2 carllnes. This is the best value in the city. If you are looking for. a location for a home with a big future this will suit you. M. E. .Lee, 522 Corbett bldg. ' $10 CASH. $5 per month buys a U acre close in on the west side, ex cellent view, in a district that is de veloping very rapidly. This Is the best buy In the city for a home or lnv-st ment for only $325. M. E. Lee, 522 Corbett bldg. IRVINGTON bargain, 60x100, esrfl front, 13 th near Thompson. rlcn $1600. C. DeYoung A Co., 614 Cham ber of Commerce. BARGAIN in 11 lots. 46th and 47th sts. in Rose City Tark. on Stanton and Siskiyou sts. Owner, 658 E. 47th street, north. BEST residence site, Portland Heights. $500 cash, balance deferred 7 per cent. 465 13th. LOT 25x100. 30th st.. Irvlngton Park: price $225. with $150 mortgage: half cash, half exchange. M a rshallg1373. 40x110 business lot on K. Belmont, near 43d. A snap at $2500. Thos. J. Ward, 411 Yeonbldg; Marshall 2S58. THREE lots in West Portland Park at your own price. Call evenings. 1383 Omaha ave. EAST 13th St., near Hancock, extra large lot. improvements all paid, styip only $2500. terms. Marshall 257 t. WANTED 100x100 in Irvlngton Park. nl"st oe cheap ana close to car. can -"- ' FIR LAND lot $350; worth $450; terms " 5 font h 1 y. Main 1186, or Tabor 2o2) $115 EQUITY in lot fur sale or trade. Main 760'J, Apartment 2. LOT for lease suitable for garage; east side, close to Grand ave. M.6960. FOR '""HALE One 50x100 lot. cheap. Call Woodlawn 265. ACHKAGK i Wr1, WANT 3 to 6 acre tract, unim proved: also 10 to 20 acre tract, un- ! improved, near t-orne point where labor ing man can find employment. ' 1 ' 1. . . . I ...... lm,irM-i.il tL rrrtn V(T nai ' - j n1 i r iiiii vi . vw, v,..i bouse, fruit treets, etc.. near Wichita sta. Will trade for small acreage near coast. 28S K. Morrison st. 11 ACREK tn the city limits of Van couver, ) all cleared, city water, on macadam, road, lies fine, the best Plat- IWI'IW 1 ' ' ' a.. I V'1-"1 To 2 "ill I JX bbig ments. Dorr floor Chamber i ACRE ami '4 at Oak Grove. Or. Spe i eiallv adapted by nature for ginseng j culture, fruit, trrapes. sweet potatoes I or early strawberries. Special price. t B. F. Padri. k, 1230 E. 6th st. N. Port- i land. Or ! poR SALE 2 cu res on Estacada car ( nnP. new buildings. $100 down, rest i like rent. Address route 1. box 644S. Lents. Or. ; - j, .-. "T-i n to ro a on wo Have, income property worth (5000, centrallv located In Kewariee. IHttmis. Main 6814. ' i WO acres fenced, with shack, new enclosed chicken house and ; good ; ereenbouse. Close to carline, $1100. j Easy terms. B-2031. 20 OR 40 utreg level land, dose HlUb boro. on county road. $75 ptr; ac.-v, $Uo c-ash. bal. ' yrs. at 6 per' cent. Owner. Main fc380. 10 TO 20 acres, close to Portland. Must be cheao for cash. Address 418 Al der st. Mr. F. TOdO. 57 Good for One .Round Trip Tickejt: : Cut this advertiKdthent out and . bring U to our offije. I.-t u tell you about our WESfP FIDE SUH v.URn.VN ACREAGE .TRACTS. 30 minutes out on'! the NEW FOURTH STREET I ELECTRIC LINE. If you are Interested in buying one acre or siore we will lie pit used to havM you aceom- . pany on,, of our salesmen to the ' tract, where you caA teee the de velopment and get our jf ices. You can secure aft facre of rich soil, close to statfion, on easy term . for the price -of a city lot. Htiild your home where you can kep a cow. raise clsk-keris. grow vest-table for your 'own une and to .sell, mid enjoy, icity conven iences without city.' restriction. The. Shaw-Ffear Co, - i U2 Fourth iBtreet. Main 35. . i 'A-3500. l' ACRES. $i6a CASH. All fine, level I.ind.4-inostly in cul- ; '; i rin scnooi. onjy miiPM enm ! , - " , 'f ,P? r , f '' ruu , ' rrerrtd " la Jears Ht 0 per cent. acre, the deferred tiuvrneiit of $1000. , - i i , i li rif, iituii - ' ur.o, , .mi w v a.u, n'"' 1,vel land, the very best black soil, house, barri. chicken house. acres fin ni-un orchard fin.' orchard assorted; fruits, lots oft pmall fruit., lenced add cros fenced. countv mad on thrve sides, onlv I mil.; from . itv limits Vancouver, just off th Pacific htehwar. Vi mile from school. This ;l real bargain: '-'". '! cash, titmice $3260 on or bclole yearn at 6 per cent. l ATK IN SON ''GILBERT 1 I2 West etjj Street. Vancouver. 'Wash. - ! Special Bargain 10 acres situated three m'lles west of Willamette river over thf hill w'cwt of Whit wood court. i cent fare to f.iim point, uood soil; -lit of jtood:1 cord wood on the place and a . itiHcadamU-d fad a'l the way; to Portland; also free ferry across the liver to St Johns andi good market for linth wood and produc. For liiick ale $150 per acre and on ferr-s; th's Irt t. l"iKln; r-t- us. The Shaw-fear Co... Main 35 L A-3500 102 Fourtlratrcct. il'AHT ART the new yens right by glviii'I a I ue for v. :u4 youget.' v .i ai i e cnicxeil rancA nmiula a ...n.i. 1 1,1 $2X. ? 1 acre i hlrkon rannh fi nn t ni 1 1.1 1 n ' ,OM'. ?30C0. ! ' 1 tract Garden Home 5 acrva i Garden Home. 5 acres flno Ptnte cultivation, wlli i building, close In. ; J. J. FISHER. 1f Abington bldg. Main 4S4I. Fine Country Home 2 acres on Taylor's Ferrv rond. nar fle-c. nt car line, all In fruit, bear InR und pood cor-i'llthm, f tne . 7-rooin plastered home, basement. buth room, fireplace, fine windmill with 7000 gal lon Water tank, gooil barn and other houses. - Thli was never offered fov less than r,200. ownler must sell this month and has reduced the price to $4ooo. Th.i ground ! alope is worth $.1000. $60o cash handles it: Hurry it you want this. C DeYOCNj ge CO.. 514 Chamber of- Commerce. . EM p"LO YM ENT AND A HOME IN THK COUNTRY. .:.? i " S'"- LAMJ t LOHfc tip i.f'JL1'; nn1 P''V r WORK at j ,, SOIL, AVATKR und LO- , n 1 '"on pnon io you. i u'l 5 A 1 u,. will look good to vou. . YuH wlu appreciate the GOOD TERMS wi are able -o effer you. Man, If yo I 1 wi nt land, GOOD LAND at a LOW PRICK, end a Job w.here you can pay for it, in a locality not only IDEAL ACKEAGK (Cob tinned) f un A I'OMK. but wltere it will surely Increase In value, . i COME- AND' SE: US. I LI " KbPKMAMN, Rl l.EY & CO 913 Chamber of Commerce. Special Bargains m . 3 acre cherry orchard, esst of MontS vllla. Ring. Lambert, 'Royal Anne and . Oregon,; near electrlv.tatlon. on good road, beautiful surroundings; same, price !tn unimproved land In the same locality; price $1 600, half cash. 2li acre In city liiiiits of Fairvlew, on elec tric line and gtiod street; fin i view of rver and mountains, beautiful shade trees; price $1200, very easy terms. Good present or your wife. S. P. OHBI'HN, 503jMcKay bldg., 3dand Stark; Phoae Main 6239. ' $50 Cash -Needed Only 3 acres left In! ope. of our sub divisions; want to close out the tract and will make very j easy term to c-U-an it up; land is nly 7 minutes' walk from station Oni Salem Electric, .'i5 minutes' ride from Portland. Better look this up at once. The Atchison-Allen Co, 210 Gerlinger bldg.. 2d and Alder sts. HALF acres, 15 minutes' car ride, 6e fare, west side." lor, only $650; $20 down, $5 per month. On a large piece of ground like this you can raise all your vegetables, berries, chickens, . fruit, etc. ..which means a larger por-': tion of your living-. i;If you want tn . -solve the high ccst f living this is the best way of dointe it. We offer yu the best value in tiie city. M E. 1 .ee. 52 2 'orbett bldfe. NICE country homo hf 2 acres, beau tiful little creek irunnlng through comer of place, house: is small but con venient, present owner has lived on.' place for 25 years, alas all varieties of fruit. On Macadam road, on Mt. Hood electric and ttlon adjoining, . located at Falrview. obi v 12 miles from dty. Price $2100. cash, liorr E. Keasey Co.. 2d fjoor Chamber Com- -merce bldg. i f TO SEE IS tO BUY " 120 acres 15 miles north of Corvallls, 1 mile west of Stiver on H. P. K- H. About o:ir-half under scnltlvHtlcn; bal ance, oak timber whlcft. will more than pay for clearing. Fine, soli and lies' well. Weil fenced Snd nice creek through plac. Will sell for $60 per acre; one-half cash, fetihtfice terms to uR-.Malti81(25. 3QH;Koard 0f Trade CHICKEN and fruit rapches near Port- land: Greshsm district. Estacada : line, electric station i-mile. New sub division. Sunshine Valley orchard tracts; best dl. free! wood; elegant location. Prices only $75 to $150 per acre in small .tracts; easy terms; quick -train service. Frank McFa'rland Realty Co.. 309 Yeon bldg.. Portland Oregon.- C ACRES all In cultlvationr'5 room " house, barn, 2 chickm houses, bear- -! Ing orchard. 1 acre strawberries, plenty ; logans and blackberrte. good well of water, city water, Z blfgnks from place,' h on -leHric and county' roads. -4 block. ' to station, best of valle." soil. A bar gain. 3't4 Gei linger bldg. Marshall 2283 , Woodla-vn 2378. FOR SALE or rent, 19 lucres near Hfilem. electric raiNottd and boat: some best of beaver daim land plowed ready for crop; new house, running 1 water. Thl- Is an etra fine home I sit". 390 Vancouver-da ve.. Portland. C-2478. ' ONLY $315 per ere for 88 acres close 1 In on P.Mrr road; a beautiful piece of I land suitable for platUag in acre or Vj acre tructs. Xlust U rold at once to ' close an estate. Dorr E. Keasev A - Co.. 2d floor C)iaUert Commtrr bldg. -TWO'acres under cultivation; some lm- i provements; close Lin on electric. Price $1100; terms. K-827, Journal.