THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, SATURDAY EVENING. JANUARY 3,; 1914. 9. L OREGONIANS MAKING PROTEST AGIST CUT IN THE MAIL SERVICE RAnrrnrtfrAmpnt nf the Qr n i r n nil KOUIGS Drinks NfiW PrOb-: Jems bf Curtailment. . . ; ' , i iv V!f renu of Th Journal.) j W ji-blhRton. Jan. 2. In attempting j tat range the star routes in Oregon the pi, to flee department has met with many protests from localities wun-n urer threatened witn a curtail-' inent of t!te service to which they have.' . been accustomed. ' ' ! Now bufs lor transporting the mail, , on- star rowtts will be let July 1, and! Mds for the, service will be Invited in1 . aro l-tT received by tlte senators ntid ; representatives of Oregon from all over ttc slate to have the eervice Im proveA ' rather than curtailed.'. Both, Seiiator Chamberlain and Sen--ator I.sne ihave had a large amount of correspondtnee with the postoffice de partrnent and have made a number personal ctlls on this subject. ot - The - Baker Commercial club and many business men of . Baker, acting Independently, have taken up the iues. tton of giving; better rural mail ser " Vice "in that pact of the state. Senator Lane has been informed by the depart- ment that; shortly afteF January 20. - proixisafs will be Invited -for special service to Medical Springs, Kichland ' and Miller. New Flan Proposed. The' department states that two .years ago an attempt was made to en tet Into a contract to give mall ser vloo to Medical Springs but that n ""satisfactory bids were received. It la' proposed to have a throug'i route from Baker to Medical SprinM to supercflo. the star route servici. from Medical Sprlng3 to Iiilon, and a through route from Baker to Rich land, and fcuker to Miller, white latt?r . place is now supplied from Rye Valley and, the department as, can receive -:fts mail' from Diirkce the same day it leaves Iuri:ee, whereas if the route proposed from Hiker by' way o. Bridgeport; and Mall.cur to Miller were .estntl.:sh d. It would iin: b- pra tif-abh-to make the trip in a day. The people ftt Miller prefer to receive their man supply from either fmrkee or Hunt fntton. j Routs to Be Divided. It Is titer intention of the department" to divide "the Bsker-tTornucopia route r Into three 'Sections and proposals will, therefore. 'In- invited to give service '.'for four yeara frnm Baker to Keating, . from Star to Robinr-tte, and from Cornucopia to Robinette. 'In Lane 'county- the people have bt-n piOtesllngLagninst contemplated read justments In the star routes and have .interested; .Connressman Hawley in ;thelr .caupe. The town of champion ls bow supplied ly Disston. "'he post ; office departmeiit contemplntes dis continuing the route from Disston ,o Chump ion and supplying Cha np'or. only part-Of the year, from May l October, rim iJohemiii. leaving lie town without service the remainder ot ' tluJf year. Bohemhi lies three miles from Champion, with a mountain b- Iwoi n tlvoin. This is in a mining region there' has been a great deal tivitr. Commercial club of lace" ?roc and business tnen rne have protested against this re- -Ruction in- the service. Tl)e ment linsi announced that it me Invitations for bids for times a week service and may ileyiart will is u three make it only twb a week. -' Service Cut Out. A few di.vs a so the set vice to Camp ."reek In Lane county was cut out. 'Jamp Creek was supplied fnum Walter rllle and it Ptas been a postoffice for 19 years. It is claimed that; the pop ulation in the tributary country is growing. but the department holds thatAas only $70 to $S0 worth of Uamp-s asre". cancelled in a year there is not'1 enough business to warrant the ontinuunce of the service. Congress man Hawley is trying to have this de- . vision ', reversed. These ave but a "J"ew of the post l'flce f traubles that Oregon communi ties are facing of late, all members of tbe Oregon delegation getting their ahare fof appears and protests from patrons ot the postoffice department. FOR BANNER EVENT i ' Country's Governors and City Executives Replying tc , Mri Preston's Call. Baltimore, Jan. 3. Mayor Preston pent to the governors of all the states and the mayors of the leading cities the following letter: "In September, 3914, we shall hold In Baltimore the national centenary of the writing of the 'Star Spangled Ban ner,' and attendant historic events. I Inclose herewith au outline of our tentative prograi. As president of the commission and as mayor of Bal timore, I ask you to appoint five or more of your representative citizens Who will be interested In this great patriotic anniversary- We wish tiieir names ia addition to your, own, to appear ttpon.our official lists', but will expect only such active coopera tion as way be your and their pleas ure. If ' you will forward the names and addresses to me at an' early day, we will place them unorf our mailing lfat and extend tht traditional hos pitality of our people, - "V plan to hold a great national meeting in Washington in February, and I suggest that you include among your representatives-as many as pos sible, who can be with us on that oc casion, especially such members of : congress as are likely to. render the. most effective aidj - ;'I particularly hope to" have the pleasure of meeting you and your representatives personally, 'both in Washington fnd in Baltimore. "Bespea&ing your - hearty cooperat- j1ob I remain. "Truly yours. (Signed f "JAMES H. PRESTdN. , - '. i . "Mayor." Replies are' beginning to come tft i end all' of -them promise the heartiest, cooperation with the celebration 1 1 Baltimore. " - The first list of appointments to ar rive canie from '. Governor Ai J. Po Ihler o ' Rhode Island, who, writes: "I , baAe the honor to inform you . that, I have appointed the following : persons: "to-"-represent the State of Rhode' Island at : the national cente- wheo oV ,11- Cot- PROMISE TO WORK nary of ithe writing of ihe Sta. Spangled Banner to be held at1 Balti more, Mdi September 3 to 15. 1914: "Hoi lenry F. Llppitt. United States senator from Rhode Jsland; Hon. LeBaron TL Col. United States senator from Rhode Island; Hon George Fi O'Shaugiinessy, member of congress from Rhode Island; Hon. Peter Goelet Gerry, member of con gress from Rhode Island; Hon. .m brose Kennedy, member of congress from Rhode Island." 'Hon. George Ainslie, mayor of Richomnd, Va., Senas the following reoiv. nave this day received your in- vlUltion to appoint five or more rep- I delegates, o thei celebration -V . ! or HJLT-- i national centenarv of the writing the Star Kpartglcd Banner,' So betide in 'Baltimore. September fi to I 5 1914. and beg to aay that I shal make such anointment as soon us practicable. j "i, have read the very Interesting! ! historical! sketch, and also the tenia- I tive. program, and 1 am quite sure j me privilege or heing prtsent on mat occasion will- be one long to remembered by all possessing . it." CREDIT IS ASSUMED . By "TRUST BUSTER" Respect for Administration's Program May H a ve Influ enced Morgan, tlliiited Press Wire.V Washington, Jan. 3. Respect for Attorney General McReynolds' anti trust program and a willingness to re spond to public sentiment were the reasons advanced here this afternoon by George Todd, the department of Justice's "trust buster," for the resig nation from a number of directorships of large corporations by members of the firm of J. P. Morgan & Co. of New York. "The department had not considered the matter of proceeding against the so-called money trust, because the evi dence secured was too vague and in definite.- 'I odd sabl, "but I think this business has csug" csugin the spirit of the times. "I cannot say that any conference witii government officials preceded these' resignations, hut I believe the administrations attitude was largely responsible for them." 'No action taken by Mr. Morgan or others implicated in the wrongs re sulting from interlocking directorates," Kaid Senator Norris of Nebraska. "should prevent the government from-1) going ahead with its Investigations, or stop-prosecutions for wrong doing." Iu all, Morgan resigned from 14 failroads and four hanks and trust companies In which he held seven directorships. He quit one director ship each in the l"nited States steel corporation, -the Westlnghouse -Co., the American Telephone and Telegraph Cl.. the llah Copper Co., the Rhode Island Co.. the New England Naviga tion Co , and the New Kngland Steam ship Co. j On the Safe Side. From the Phtladelnhia Telegraph. in p Washington club the' conversa tion turned to golf when Congress man William S. Green, of Massa chusetts; was reminded of the wise New Eritjland caddy. One afternoon a certain official who. playing rathei indifferent golf, heard that his caddie was betting on the game, and net wishing1 tbe youngster to lose money on his accoun,t. he hastened to reas sure him v.t the first opportunity. "Look here, boy," he remarked, "I understand , that you are betting on ttie game." "Yes, sir," adnvitted the boy, "bint I didn't nut up a whole lot.'' Its all right," smiled the official, 'but I'm not In good form .oday, and I will repay you for alP you lose." "Oh, you needn't worry about that, boss," was the frank response of th caddy. "I'm betting the other way." Journal Want Ads bring results. NEW TODAY Mortgage Loans 6 to 7 Per Cent H. E. MOONEY Mala 310. Boom 431 Palling Bldg". Title & Trust Company fourth and Oak Streets. j Mortgage Loans We Make "Building Loans. FEAREY BROS. We Buy Notes 246 Salmon St. Main 3389. A-1772. I I Jeff Got His Christmas Present a Trifle Late r5iptT YOV ANN THCMC FOR. JT JNts Be few ruiaiir.f -.'"-' I 1 ' - - - . . 7. . - !- ; r, - ' .". -.I.--. ! " ' . '' :'.'. ' - 1 - ; - ' ' ' ' - r . ' - -r - - ' ' ' . - V ! " " .. - ' ! . ''.'' ; y ' ' V- - - - ' - V ' "'' - ' - !-- '' ' - ' -'' i ".. - " - - v. ' - - " . ; V - .-: - ' -. : . . V ' , v . ' ' 1" -" n r " : . : i " . '.; .. . . . . i.'. -. - . ' " - - ; . K . . . : - v . ; , - ' if ' ' W ' -4 ' :".-'' ' v' - t 1 ' '''' , , , i V- v- - v . !. - v r ,.-.-..'';..:v. ..-'.'tUt.,--:-.-; ::;,:-i-,.'' ';. yl:'i-M'-' .c-.., t.:.L.i."';;I ';-vio., rj;:,:;.-. 'vt'v'r v-'-i., ;.s i:t.:-;.v"-;ij- ''i. ,'v-; !;:; , , " . " , ' J - . - - ' . . J. - . ' " , . 1 '- -'. mew toda CITY AND FARM LOANS $1000 and ap at lowest ntear CM. ZADOW 414 COrbett Bid. A-1416, Marshall 92: Wanted to Borrow $2500 on new 1 bouse Also flO.OOO worth $22,000. and lot worth $7009. on apartment house P. O. Box No. 715. IUTLDINO PERMITS " T. J. Jiiirk laert I t:iry dwell- i"B. in iv inn m.. nem-itm uuone ana Jtisnmrdt ;( builder. Km $7xt. J. C. .Minn En-i I 1 'antry frame dwelling-, FHitmore int.. Ik-!pu k. K:h ami lilt; builder, shnie. fit Km. Nonhwutt Steel i't. Krect dark. Ut of SinTlil.Hi t.. between ha.-hoi- line and 8. I. triii k; builder. 1'aetflc liriujfp Co., Itiwci. UK. AL ESTATE TRANSFERS Mt. ivmet-ry m ;-.-II. t'oilSllnii. .N K. ' . iol Hillwid-, ;ilcl .-enielery Ili!oriil:i SiiMi:4 ltiiktn 3 t'J W. I.";:. section s V. I. Min-b- d:iv. Lis 21 s.h 22, Wee); 2. Ij-ll- Western Oregon T-Hl Co. t Millie . . 7. Ai-utmie IVp;-!- t i liem-r n.irLx'm W 1. M(vk MeKlnley :: -ond t C. K. Mo 1.. :,. clc ro S. V. I.avreiiee and nifjt to i'. S et nl. lifts a-iid 4. bkiek Semi I. 2d Klcrtric, addition Luiirrlhiird To. to J. Kr.rson Moore, l"t 5. bloek 17. 1,000 Portland Psdfle iHTextiufitt Co. to Aimii Oelnd", south 2l fee lot IB. north 21 ti) feet lot 17. I I. II:iw thortie Ate. addition Ijidil Kutntp Co. to l'annii I.. I,nsb, l.t 1. blk -t. Itlnnianer'-i K-Miti in Same to simie. lot 11, block 4. Bln nwupr's addit'ii (.. 1 . MePonald and wife t'- Bunkers Intestiiient Co., lot 20. (JIIsmh St. aerv. sunt!) to fHt there of Mr. Aim; Trout to Hankers Investment Co.. lot 20. Glln St. tj" rre, e.i-ei;t-M(iUlh 10 feet thereof The -nil G. ic T. Co. te! Anna M. Baukx, lots 3 and 6. bloitc 7. Berke ley . Win. ( Ii'Ojeuts and wife to JV. irn" ii. et al. lot 4. block o2. Sunn.rsld Hiiny 51. (.'unrtn-rigbt and wife to M. I.. Ilnlhmok lot 21. bl.wk 4. St. Johim Park adilition i . st. Jobiix . .. John IfalM-r Joni Co. to William Ilat kus lot H, blork 2fi. Joiresmorp . . . I'oriljjnd TriiRt Co. to Jatnea. L. Con ninghH ui. lot !. block 5. Villa mend . : CuoiKi' A. Kos mid wife lo M.-iry I.. Anderson, lot . bbx k 2. iowln) ' Alice K. Taylor and husband to llvtiiHii tJnidstein et al, lot 2, blorli 7, C.'i i titbers mlditioii 3. V. MrFudiVii to It. W. Ilnbhnrd et RK) 6S0 6.V) 7fxi 246 200 3,300 f-2. 6.V1 7() 3.250 7.500 nl. wist 4fl fi-et ast eolith 6."i fpet 1 I it. blork :;. Mullory a-ddltjon ... 3.2dri CERT I FICATESof t itle. TUle & Trust Co.. Title & Trust bldg.. 4th nr. Stark classifip:ii ad rates In effe.-t ;. 1. lni.l. Abb I'ltKVKll'S liATES CAM KI.bKD I IIAIbiKIl ADVEIll ISKMK.NTS Daily or Sunday. 1 '-.j rents per word ppc insertion. TbiK cbaree i ''or all cliiHaifli-atlonii fxoppt inc "l or Kent In Private Family.'' ' Room and board in Private Family." "Sltuntion Want ail" unrt 1-iiiIa.I t llont" ,.,tu n-l,lh 1'4 rent ier word per Insertion. Ao ad rharped lor li-s tliaii l. renii. CASH AHVEHTISEMKXTS l'j eeut per word for all elaHsIfieatioiiH excepting "Tor Kent in Private Kamll.v.' "lli'iii HiidBo:ird In Private Family." " natloii .Wanted" and "Wanted to Itent" ads' whlrh are l1-. cents per word. Three Innertlotm for the price of two. Seven Insertions for the price of five. No nd taken ftr less than l."i ee,it. the following day for payment. The Journal cannot guarantee accuracy or assume responsi bility for errors or any kind occurring in telephoned advertise ments. MEETING NOTICP.S STOCK 1 1 0 LI E US' ME YT IXG. Notice is hereby given that the an nual meeting of the stockholders of the Oregon Borax company for the election of a board of directors to serve the company for the year 1914 will be hld at the office of the company. No. 616 Chamber of Commerce building, Port land, Oregon, at 4:30 p. m. of Monday, January 5, 1914. Attest: A. R. HOLMES, Secretary of the Oregon Borax Co. OREGON LODOK NO. 101, A. F. & A. M. Special com- munication this (Saturday! pvencii; mi . ii t mi ii, .nasoii- ic Temple. Work in E. A degree. Stated communica tion at S o'clock. Visiting brethren tl i ! 1 1 i i - i t i. H Rv iirdor of the W. Secretary. m appears jne book .elephou j charged. mailed H' If to vou f : i ' , - . f , i 5 r ... -f 1 r- . 1 -rr es. i RAUG that yoo I ( No' urt vTca ' ' COULDN'T LP IT. 50 VA Sn LiT6 JJlTH 4T fuc 1)0 Yov .ALLV 1 j " Glwe YOU YH6 PfctftT ) olVI6 y To You AS, UiXtNiT IT NOW? I I " ' UVf (A NewC,7) : -Y J . , 1" S WOT. ILL wrAj,, AtHQ 1 1 J fAER.R V ' "1 r V J - 1! a II vHRiyTMAyl ? -i ' , -W: 41 ALL members are requested to attend. th next regular meeting if Court Pacific 1247.' Independent fYder of Foresters.' Entertainment and refresh ir.ents. Installation of officers, Mon day. Jan. . m. Adams. R. b. : Statistics n2arnagds,&irtfys. Deaths. MARRIAGE LICENSES ritenter.W. Defivey, S-iliiiun, Wacli.. l'-gal. siifl llei:rip:ta Mar-iiPrUe Murphy, t'.".i FUn.diTK Ht.r! leyrl. - J.m-:1i A. .1n1L Io-ini. Or.. 4i.-,Mnil KNle fee. 71 K. ,N7tli At. S.. 2."i. .(.., While !Min-, Or., legal, and Ida i Zac!i:-rv. 2"7 llltt ft'.. b-g: l. lialpitli C. ilu.n, i)-r. !:. 2 -..1 M. N.. 'M. ami sa lvia . Aiiated. . .'nai Kr.-miit f.. is. S.-n f r Adler. pbie bor-eii'jftnai. 5!o Front st ; MIKl 21. t'uriitlu rx ant... Onear I'.. Kranklhi. : Gertrude liansa'ljer. !i S Vntts St.. ; K. Yamhill -( rt., K. , is. a ml 22. 2,5. 1 , Texa O trdon. :fl;L".t 7'iih ft. S. I. .... S(2!i 7oth t. s. E.. "MEETING NOTICES (Costumed) Cdwiu-d C. Iirk,ekm.-iiui. I3'-. S irk st., 130 1-Ksl. and Mary I M. Mi tili r. 4":!S .Xlneadani I ri ..nd. legal. .Siere Anton. 171 ::1 si..' HO. and Catb-OO- erhie Agonrlde. )7lfj ."id st.. 20. Frank Ha' cplbirri, :,l MJi t., 24. and 2"0 I,ena 'rltz. 7W il.J st,, ao. W. G. Smitfp & CO.aUincarda! Washington blUg . cor. 4th on Wash'ton PRESS suits l" -r rent; !1 sizes. Unique , 30!! Stark st. Tailoring Co, BIRTHS CdUl.l.N io Mr.( aud Mrs. Thomiis W. C.t liu, SX K. (Jtb st. X Dec. 4, a daiigU tr. ! WtlKK'I.KIiS To I Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Wheel er". 127l Hnik'bt ate, Jan. 1. a son. SIIAIti' To Mr.' and Mrs. Homer tinrfiold Sharp. '. ltjij Ii. i."Wtb st.. Dec. 26, a da ugh ter. I 1.AI TNKR-To Mr. and Mrs. Oscar A. I-ant-ner. Tlbleitta st.. bi-e. 14, a daugb- ti r. 1 MeCAMI'HELL 1 Mr. and Mrs. Percy Me Campbell, 72! ! E. ISth Ft., Dec. 10. a daughter. j XOYF.s To Mr. I and Mrs. Wm. .Ira Noyes. 7h Kenllworthl ave.. Deo. 7. a daughter. NY;KI-;N To Jit. and Mrs. Paul K. Xygren, 72." K. 10th st,, Iee. Z2. n daujthter. LIMA To Mr. and Mrs. Joe Lima, 5S1 F. lsih St.. Dec. 2, a daughter. I!. HOKIXA -To Mr. and Mra. Joneph Radu- riua. 3sjT. E. 42d at., Dec. 2."., a daiLgh ter JIllMnr.K To Mr. and Mrs. Wm. A. Trim ble. 7."i7 F. Hqrnslde Ht., Dec. 2. a noil. (i! SK.V To Mr. anil Mrx Oscar Olsen, Mil Minnesota ave,. Dee. 2.ri, a ion. l'.i"r. 1- Mr. ind Mrs. Clarence I.eo Itoopy, 177n Morris st!.. Dec. 2t. a daughter. KH.TUAl. lo Mr. and Mrs. Henry (I. Kil- . tlnu. l!l."i Webster at.. Dec. 211. a wm. W A D1-; To Mr and Mrs. Murray Lincoln Wade. 2,11 Broadway. W. S., Dec. 2s. a (blUBbler. 1KTTY To Mr. and Mrs. bee Itiish Petty. 7:;d Kt. and Powell Valley road. Dee. :o, a son. , TF-I FKb -To Mr. and Mrs. John Jiwepli Ten-' t fel. :.712 47tb ave. S. F... Dec 24. a daughter. tiUAX'T To Mr, and Mrs. John P. (iraut. cilv. Dc. Ki. a daughter. CltAM'lKl.D Td Mr. and Mrs. Else Cran- field. 1H24 Mlitewa st., Sept. 7, a Hon. BL'tKOW SKI To Xrr. end Mrs. Bruno An ih. u Hutzkownkl, So5 Maryland ave., Dec. 22. a sui. : ' DEATHS AND FtXERALS -I PFKKINS Doris Armand 1'erkin. St. Vin cent's hospital, Dei. 30, one yenr; diph tl eria. IIA.N" FT - Henry Itrano Kanft. San Di-go, Cal., Dee. 21, 5ti venr-. heart trouble. SIX'i; Wong Il'liig Slnp. 2H7 DavU at.. Dec. .:. 60 vears; cancer of llvpr. MeCOY Flopeni A. McCoy. 21S K 7:td st. of liver. F,. 30 th V. Dec. :fl, Co .vein.-: carcinoma .NEWTON Lawrence Newton. ':.2f t.. Dec. 2!. 7: vear: apoplex. IIAYXES -Kllen J. li.ivnes. 17711 Minerva si.. Dec. .il. IKi vears: aimidex . YCKICH Mile Yuki.h. fils .Mississippi ave., l Dee. 2.1 ee:rs; p'n-u.nonia. ! Sl'UA IN- Alexander Strain. Multnomah. Or.. I iw-e. ;:l. 7: vt-ars; luait failure. NKl'MANN lo-bice D XVtunnnu. 1512 Ma- j dri.iia be.-: .'lo. s". ypa:-; blom-hitls. SlllVEi.Y -In l.'iis eii.i. Jan. 3. Surah I Shively of Huason, Idaho, aced f7 years. The remains art" at the residence etalilisb n i nt of J. r. Fin ley & Son, Montgomery at tlb. j 1 H ATT In resldeiice, I rat f . ai;cd; eliy. Jan. 120 Spokane ave 7ti years. , nt hr lute Delia Morgan Funeral Designs J204th of all kinds. Main T75H. A-77l)3 MAX M. SMITH, f lorist. 1 4 1 6 th St., In Selling J'idgj Main i 2 1 n. CLARKE BROS., florists; fine flowers and floral designs. 289 Morrison st. FUNERAL DIRECTORS NEW SON. The only residence undertaking es tablishment Jin Portland. Representing the greatest! advance in the science of funeral service. The automobile equip ment and secluded driveway are among the many exclusive features. The es tablished polity of moderate prices has never been changed. J. P. FINLEY & SON, Perfect Funeral Service, Montgomery at 5th. leading east side under taker. Lady assistant. H 1888. E. 781. E. Hth, Alder. "residence end. pls M. 6133. A-2235. 445 Morsn ERICS0 M -ir-ii HEM STOCK. 1687 E. 13th. Sell. 71. B-1122: Cniversity Pk. Col. 394-3i5. A n 7QQr (V 5112 i Mi l, KjQi EaKt Williams ave. 10S8, C-108S. I Ladv attendant. Day and night service i QlFMrQ I'ndertaking Co. Main 4152 : Ofl VY UOA-2321 corner 3d and Clay i' , , , , . E. 10 80, 369- 1 Russell st. I '- HOME! OF' J. P. FIN LEY & " ' FUNERAL. DIRECTORS t Continued) MR. KDWARD HOI.MAN. the leading j funeral director. 220 3d st., -corner ! Salmon. Lady assistant. Phones A- 1511. Main 507. Dunsing &McEntee Si. everv detaiL A-4o",H., 7th and Pine, assistant. Main 480, i ' MOM'I KXTS j Schumann Marble Works 1 f:ast 2d I ioiLT..N'n and Pine. Kast 743. ; Marble wTu ks 64-26fi 4th site, city hall. -Main I tH SALE IIOUSKS 1 Hawthorne Avenue ! Bea.ti;iJfti m-w t room home, vory lartif-tie-. Trsant buffet, swell electric fixture", hardwood floors; a model I home; lasy terms. Phono owner, i Tabor tiiil. SI'EOIAL i iKFER i WE WILE rVRNISH THE LOT, iBCILl) THE llOI'SK ANT) FCRNISfH i'1'HE HiXKY. LIBERAL TERMS; j LOW INTEREST. PLANS FREE. Bt- ! : Ki;im ih-Sj-kphicnson co Couciidg. Marshall 1T89- '" FOR SALE. Snap. Fine river view snap, 4 room house. 50x100 lot. basement and all kinds of truit trees. Owner wants to go on farm: quick saies. easy terms. J1J50. age nts. load cash will handle this. No B-Srii. Journal. A Dead Giveaway Late corner, terms. modern bungalow, complete. Laurelhmst district, $2200; Tabor 52 :4 FIVE room furnished bungalow, $600 cash, $25 per month. New and ar tistic. LiahtHiar nr a other modern fix tures. Mt. Tabor district. Phone Marshall 26rt. CHARMING MODERN HOME. Irviiigton, 9 rooms- oak and mahog any finish, .oak floors. 2- baths, serv ants' rooms, garage. East 27,1. W. H. Hy'lman. . A BARGAIN Am leaving city, and A1N Am leaving city rifice niy new modern 6 will sH' tifiee my new modern 6 rocm bungalow at 7 4 ' E filst st. N., Rose Ct t yj 'a rk. Owner, C-2GQS - MO 1 ) K R N Ros e""('l t y park Hi story bungalow. $fi0d below value, sell on easy terms, take lot or equity in good lot in trade. Y-S22. Journal. ColtNER lot. ""oiixioo. K. 'lath and Stark sts., and 6 room house: make me an offer. S-K6S. Journal. NEW 4-rooui house, cash. balaiKV $5 Journal. Lents, $400. $200 monthly. D-S71. FOR SALE LOTS 16 40x110 business lot on E. Belmont, nea r 4.M A sr.ap at $2500. Thos. J. Ward, 411 Vcon bldg. Marshall2858. F1RLAND lot V250;" worth $450: terms $!)mwnthly. MTiln lir,6, or Tabor 2520 S 1 IT. i:oi'ITYin lot for sale or trade. Mam .7(o; Apartment 2. ACREAGE it 4 CHICKEN and fruit ranches -near Port land ; Gtesham 'district, Estacada line ' flectric station mile. New sl)- dlvisron. Sunshine Valley orchard j tra- ts; ipesi soil, iree wood; elegant location. "Prices only $7o to $150 per acre in small tracts; easy terms; quick train service. Frank McFailand Realty Co., HOH Yeon bldg.. Portland. Orefeon. ii TO 2ii ai res. btarieal for close to Portland. Must cash. Address 435 A,l I'odd. der st. Mr F. TWO a (res under cultivation; lose in on some im electric. Price $1100; terms K-92 Journal. FOR SALE FARMS At Clatskanie, Oregon Reclaimed Bottom Land Sub-Irrigated Suitable tor truck gardening, dairying, stock-raising 62 miles from Pot Hand rail and water transportation.' This land is without a doubt the best in the .world, being a composition of ' decayed vegetation and having an everlasting depth. Settlers on the ground are now raising 4u0 to ti.ju sacks of onions and ..o.i sacks 'potatoes to the acre. Prpiect must be seen to be un derstood and ' appreciated. ' Sold on terms. Call or write Room 416. Pa nama Bld'g.'. Third and Alder Sts.. PoitUtnd. Or. DAIRY AJN'D HOG RANCH. 32 acres. 25 in cultivation, all kinds fruits and berries, good well furnished house, sood barn, poultry house, root house. :eti, team, wagon, implements, 4 good cows, 2 sows, poultry; fall crops oats, vetch aoid wheat in; feed in barn; world of outside range; elegant loca tion overlooking beautiful lake, finest fishing and hunting; on splendid road, 5U miles from railway town, 60 miles from Portland; homo market all prod ucts at better than Portland prices: daily mall, telephone; fir.e graded and high school, one mile; worth your attention if you want something good at a bargain. Buy direct and save commission. No agents; $2300 will handle. KX-776. Journal. FltMFORS ALE Abea utiful little farm of SI acres, at right price; lib eral terms; full particulars. AddresB owner. P. O. Box 72, Myrtle Creek, Or. vNo' agents. .N 1 a -i' ' l . T ' FOR SALE FARMS 17 (CoBttaaaA) FARM for Bale on Yaqtfina rlyer. 4 milea from Klk City; tide water on 2 aides. Fruit and dairy. Take part trade. C. !. Morrison. Klk City. Or. BUY my bautiful home farm on Tual atin rlrer. 15 miles weat of Portland; highly Improved. Address 432 12th st. Phone Marshall 3118. VOR RENT FARMS 14 AT-TIGARD. one minute's walk from Trece depot. Cottage, barn, large chli ken house. S ,acres land, well, ber ries, rraar stores and schools: inquire at once, L. M. Harris, Tualatin road, Tigard. Oregon. .. 8 ACRES, on carline. under cultivation, furnished house, bearing fruit trees. Call 22S Kast Broadway V A N'TE! --FAR.MS VN lI.Ij pay all cash for best bargain- I offered In 10. 15 ceres good land, with some improvements, reasonably! level, not over $1500. B-856, Journal ; WANTED to rent good improved farm. from 25 to 60 acres, close to Port land. R - 6 44. Jou rn a X I HOMESTEADS 47 HtiMBSTEAliEKS atnntion. " A fine farm and stock for sale. All farm Implements, machinery and crops, 43 acres well cleared. 50 acres slashed and seeded. goo4 buildings, good bear ing orchard, all gees with the farm at $50 per acra. Terms given. See J. 8. Huntington, Kelso. Wash. - K )M ESTEADS. relinquishments, For information send stamps, dress Dept. L. "Drylake Store." iake, Oregon. ' etc. HOMESTEAD relinquishment for salo cheap. 40 miles from Portland, 12 miles from railroad. B-848, Journal. EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE 24 TO EXCHANGE 10 acres good for subdivision, all Irrigated, adjoining best town in central Oregon; price $2500; will take Portland residence or valley acreage. Also confectionery and restaurant, least competition of any place of tbe kind In city: rent only $20; price $600, $300 cash.' bal. out of busi ness. A dandy location for any kind of business in suburb of Vancouver. Wash.; frame building 30x95, 3 living rooms in rear; price $3000; $800 mort gage: will trade for house and lot in Portland. Write 898 Lombard st, city, or phone Columbia 416. WIIJ trade equity for lot in good lo cality. Beautiful 5 room bungalow, large living room, fireplace, bookcase, built in buffet.' hardwood floors, fur nace, lots of roses and fruit trees. C 1.145. WILL trade 6f0 acres in eastern Colo rado; all level; no rock, good wheat laud. $12 per acre; no encumbrance. Whatiave you? Address I2 N. 16th. Bl'NGALOW and 8 acres, at -Newljerg for unincumbered house In Portland. Value $6000 with $2200 incumbrance. Main 4956. WANTED Cordwood or stovewood to cut: might take part pay in cheap land. B-S63. Journal. , WANT grocery stock for choice acre age, Tualatin: Thomassen, 402 3d. Mn in 777 L WE exchange what you have for what you want. Peper & Baker 444 Sher lock bldg.. 3d and Oak. Marshall 2654. 160 OKLAHOMA, good improvements. $5500 for Oreg'r.n property. R-526, Journal. SWAP COLUMN' 25 WHAT have you penter work? to exchange Phone Sell. for car 1169. WANTED REAL ESTATE 31 WANTH) to exchange 160 acre farm, also 70 acres timber, or either for $3000 bouse, or both for $6000 house. In Portland or vicinity. Mala 6350, rocVi 307. Goodnough bldg. f WANTED 4 or 5 acres, cioee to 6c car fare, unimproved; must be cheap for cash. 93 E. 12th st. 8. DO you want to sell your house? Do you want to rent or exchange? 203 Piatt bldg. Main 9042. ROOMING HOUSES 5 10 ROOM rooming and boarding house, netting good Income; rooms lull; furniture in good condition; leav ing city. 455 6th St. GOOD present paying rooming house. 33 rooms, very cheap. Terms If wanted. 2S1V4 E. Morrison. East i!663. Owner. 20 ROOMS, within 5 blocks of post office. Will sell at a sacrifice. Will consider half trade. .Call Main 2287. 14 ROOMS, housekeeping, walking dis tance, for sale or trade for acres; value $600. J-905, Journal. ROOMING house. 36 rooms, for sale cheap. Rent $85 per month. For particulars caIl'A-4529. Owner. WILL pay cash for rooming or apt house. Must be bargain. Give ful! particulars. S-758., Journal. BUSINESS CHANCES 20 GREET LNGS. If you have -anything anywhere you want to sell or trade see Black, 451 Jefferson st. He matches you. Mar hall5725. A-4940. FOR SALE Snap Second-hand store, good clean stock, small capital. For particulars write to 1067 Chehalls ave.. Chehalis, Wash. HALF interest in cleaning and press ing business; one with some exper ience can make good; duties easily learned. Phones East 203. B-3327. CONFECTIONERY and grocery store for sale cheap if taken right away; doing a good business; have to leave town.' East 1697. GROCERY and fixtures Including horse and wagon for sale at a great sacrifice. Inquire, 61 Maryland ave., Woodlawn 2Jt97. FOR SALE Lodge cafe at Lents, Or Good business. Main street. By car- Ilne.Call and see ns. WEDDING Invitations, announee v ments. Ryder Print Co.. 3d and Mor nson. Main 5536. BARBERS For sale, good three chair shop. East Side. Rent $20. Price $3V 5 Kemp Barbers' Supply Co.. 62 6th :: :: :: ' By "Bud" Fisher 20 ( Contiaaed ) Attention 4- Before buying or selling: a buslneaa, set Mr. ChamlwHain. PROVIDKNT Tkl'ST COMPANY. 212 Selling bldg.. Mai n 10. FOR SALE Finely located small mat- ket groceries and school supplies. Taken in frade. Must sell immediately account of, other luslaes. All cawh necessary. Owner. K. 33d. Hancock. K 2'2. Sunda.viftertiooii A GENTLEMAN of means "of fera for sale one-half interest in a siflall rooming "totise. Purchsser must have at least $-'(. die-aged ldy. cha n S-7K0. Journal. A SNAP. I am forced to sell my equity in my 4 room- bungalow house, all required , is $mi down; close in. Call Woodlawti j at 9 p. m. - j SAL t -tjneery lodtswn store 1219. 42S Fall- in -MONEV REAL TO LOAN ESTATE MONEY TO LOAN ON IMPROVE! REAL ESTATE OR FOR BllLDtNG PERPOSES; VERY FLEXIBLE CONTRACTS: NO COM MISSION. COLE M HI A LIFE TREST CO. vli SPA LI UNO BLDG. Mortgage Loans 6 to 7 Pur Cent. H. E. MOONEY. Main 210. Room 421. Failing bldg. LOANS mfilr on improved city prop erty or for building purposes; ad- vanees mad as building progresses; liberal repayment privileges. No com mission ot brokerage. J. P. Lipscomb, 242 Stark. ' Mortgage Loans : i. ?01 L. WHITE. Selling Bldg. PRIVATE funds to lojin on improved property; any amount from $200 up, reasonable terms; no delay. Henry C. Prudhomme, Wilcox bldg. WE have money to loan on your real estate; first mortgages onlv HAMMOND MORTGAGE COMPANY. 4 23 Chamber of Commerce. CITY ANl7RM LOANST O. M. SMITH. to 6th st. Main 8770. $10i. GuU ON mortgages, city and farm property, fire Insurance. Mr- Kenkie & Co.. Cterllnger bldg. 2d and AldtA MORTGAGE loans at current rates. Real estate security. Apply room ?02 Stock Exchange bldg., 3d and YamhJll sts. MONEY TO lOAN ON REAL ES TATE. WM. G. BECK", 315 FAIL ING BLIXJ. HAVE any amount to loan "Portland real estate. Call 2 ber of Commerce bldg. No on good 28 Cham brokers. I MAKE a specialty $500 to $2000. No of loans, from delays. A. D. Corbett bldg. WUloughby & Co., 415 $1000 TO $5000 to loan at 6 per cent on Portland residences. Thos. i J. Ward, 411 Yeon bldg. Marshall 2X58. CASH paid for mortgages, notes, con tracts; mortgage loans; reasonable rates. F H. Lewis & Co.. Lewis bldg. I JIAVE for immediate loans, $1500. $6000. at current rates. $K0o, A. It. Pell. 201 Gerllnger bldg. MONEY TO LOAN ON REAL ES TATE. A. H. HARDING. 313 Cham ber of Commerce. $1000 TO $5000 private funds for good loan. Phone Tabor 2520. MONEY on improved cltv property. Ridings Nr Riley. 404 Broadway bid g WILL loan $20,000 or less; real es tate. Farrington 416 Commercial Club bldg. MONEY to loan, 6 to 8 percent. W. 11. Seltz & Co., 310 Spaldi ngjddg. MORTGAGE loans, 6 and 7 per cent Louis Salomon & Co.. 229 Stark st $250, $350, Fred W. Commerce. $00. $850. German Co., $1200. $20o- Chamber of MONEY TATE. HENRY TO LOAN GEO. P. BLDG. ON REAL DEKUM, ES 22S PRIVATE money. 829. Journal. $1000 to $5000. O- i CHATTEKS, SAI ARIES MONEY TO LOAN 7 "Need Money Quick Loans Made on Salary or YOUR FIJRNITTTRE. PIANO. AUTO STORAGE RECEIPTS. LIVESTOCK.'! DIAMONDS. YOU CAN GET IT TODAY. 413 Macleay Bldg. Between 4th and 5th. on Washington. .Open 8:00 a. m. to 6:00 p. m., Saturday till 8:00 p. m. Salaried People START THE NEW YEAR OWING BET ONE PARTY TO $100 OV VOl'R PERSONAL $10 NOTE. FOR Fl'RTHEK PARTICULARS CALL. TELEPHONE OR WRITE State Security Co, 309 FAIIING D"F8I RABLE place BLIG. for luclifl nmt gentlemen to borrow money on dia monds and Jewelry at eastern rates. Diamond Palace. 334 Wash., opp. Owl drugstore; WE loan money on diamonds end Jewelry at half the rates charged by brokers. Marx A Hloch, 74 3d st. LOANS on approved securities; .con tracts bought. Room 312 Commer cial block; MONEY' loaned on diamonds, iewelrv and receiots. Room !i. Washington tddg. M 'NEY sold on installment; confi dential to salaried people. F. A. Newton "! Ficr-- hide BUSINESS CHANCES MONEY TO fyOAx CHATTELS. SALARIES KLUtT COMP.3NY. (Licensed. J $10 (o tU. OOit to loan; on diamonds, Jew try, watches, musical - instrq-int-nts. pii.nos, nutomotiles. storage receipts, etc. Private place, -quick st-rviee. knv rates, 32w Lumber Kx change bid Main 461 T, . t'liAT.'TEl7 To"ati---Mone?; for salaried people and Others uptm tbeir own r'imtes, cheap rates, ,e4sy payme:ntHs iee nif bctore nealnig tTSewhere; eon'--I fidentlal. f ). . Uraftl.' 32S Henry bldg. ; ' i j . - - JiUNKV loanel on dlanijin'ls" and jew elry, strn tiv conf idc'.tial. 1 4 1 Vfc IW. IXMXS .WAXTKII 1'h.Ij $ loo.o rrl to fi pay 7 per cent and give over c,iw.i,- . ooa ivorth nt prupretv over o40.J0i. U-SSfi. assess. d value Jfurnal, Y ANTKI.I- 1 .nati of i 7S0 at 7 pel cent Jin.i'on se -urttyj property up the valley. R-S3I, Jo'.vrtiiii. i T''KOMrial.epariy. Sbiitf for 3 A-nrs i at i per cent on $1 1.OO'.i f Irepruof I building.' r-",:o. Journal. . WANT $1-oii on lrio. acfe land for S ' year at s yor cent. ";' rt UN A N't 1.1 L 31 CASH PAID KOK.MCii I'tiAOEtS. r st-llx-i-'H- souity Irt rontVact ' "f sale on re:.! estate in Vusicng i" n Ot iiieuon il. i. Noble.,? Lumbermen bldg. Loiiiim - I HEY installment mort t;u.r Ku and con- Kracts. Main 482. ( (deli. mcord hldk. ! HELP W A NTEDrM A LE Situation Wanted - Ads. inst-riei! tree fori t'.iose III need ' ol work who are unallC;to pay for an -advei -tisctnc'it. Advertisements, must be brought to t lie. office; personally by the parties des n Ing wor.k. YTmT T-. a"k Si y Ta y n t dkpt. Eilildoynient memberbiilp gm.rarite"! member will secure etniioynienl or re fund of mci ilicrshlp fee; gives two months' full lu.-ninrrship privileges. H months soHa I'l'i vileeir Record lor 11 immune ending" Nov. 30: alls for men . . I't sit ions fil led i . All ourig nun seetinj; 1721 employ, meiit. especi.-tu - sinii' :rn. ari- initially m- vli erf to c .ii .It witii t'je I'e.'-retury if ; mi- r,n-pic -mi i t cpartuient. ; LEA UN IK Li.l'A IK i AND DltlVK 'I t MtOiiriiF.S. Bi-st . -iiii.ppi-d sc'iools In 'ho west.,' Alod rn lie lll.le.-, up-tts-da. te methods.) E i ry t .1 tig prai t icul. f I'.ig iinnand lor tr:lni1 men. Tuition' In i nst.'i 1! let nt s if desired. e usslsit our grui4'i.i t is io pos'.i io:ih. Pacific Auto A Gas i:iir;1iu- SJclmol, 1KK-1UO Chapman st., h.-LWeeir Y-utnhlll and Tiovloi. - . - I WANTED For 1". S. afmy, able Unt ied, unmarried men between ages of IS and ! .. i itlieiis of ths I'nii --d luate-s. of good dual a'-'cr and ttnperate habits; I who can speak, read andiwiite vile Eng. ltsh iiii'cuiiic I- or information apply to r.-.-.i : uitii,; rfiicor, "Jo"n ester bldg. 3d aril Out; nil, Portlarid. Or. BEST proposit icn evt'U jil'tered nyone to liarw moving picture bar moving tiiti; operating. Cull beinecii 2:30 ami 4. 30 p. in., 329 Salmon. - . A is I r.i ---1. oci i luctn! i'armhaiid. if- tweoi, ae nl and' In. l-.i.gUsh -..r Gern .in J .Morgan' -Mobil la. Oregon. Jttiutv.' i .Soi.U'l'l'i il:S WANThli, ocst ofter in citv'. Van 1 iyck Studio. 4o Wasii- ln;toti st. i I i-fN'lThT '"WANTED" ."-fjood location for ueiiilft. Ailrlressf Henry Carr, Yoncalla. Oregon. J . TWo "onipelent inovl- pit lure op-eti.t.-.ts nut if town ! 'loud wages. S-V.'ib. .10,11 rial ! . ' H I F I '. ' s-i'l inn let s ad 1 hf-:pi-r Ifui-iiia Wine Depot, 1ST. Yamliill. MEN 1- to nu-nt railway to. coiiiii.enoe. bfcomt-i f. S. S'lVcrn- . Sin mo. ilt0 vear mall ijleri ,Mtvaiw through your grades (s rcactu d. E erv duly with full pay. WO I k. 1 ',. ! ei-i J 'OS.'. aht'oi ntmt-n : s in -'iie utitll $l"i0 niouth second -weeg off ihff Job. steady is . making many il-lxliooi hoofl of Pi. i Uarnt. "I'iiII" c sr,arv. Port- 1,'itmI c.i m it:a t ions HOimf ouui.on K'-nsp educHti hi sufficient. 'W'ritt- Imnitsl i.i! i- to free sini'iH c.HiiiiiiHtjoii qucslions Franklin Ijhr t i t c. t e, Jept. :n .'. It'n :, stei . Nf- " oitKGON A l" I I iAJOI!fLE SCHOOL.--rlfi-J'H lth st. I.iitjst np-to-d,ate n:ethods of .lactbal Instruction in diiviii:,'. (in I lepairlng iji utoiiiohllcs by" t ton p'-M t.c 1 1 in I'.rs nii'l fii" .larilcs. lu.- part c:is!i on -i ;n i J i nii-ii t. hnianci o : time r r:.i e wstist our ' flfii:nl es to in M ions. Dity ai-.d night-- cl. ssi -. ' oi:-, A t!:o- o . no time !n I t-' it,! I am-; ar'Tsoii. di : :-. 1 i 'on no I 'Si-; your . . iN LAW i lb nil.. ?ii i-i ict icn licini! si- in law; I from icgupar nccupalinn ; i.- .u,rm. sfeiiriuel T. Hicli n, M Morefcead. Sic. S1--w u 1 1 b bid S , I 'i n't Iu nd . Oi. .1 re time toibu'n tin a mail order luisiii I. ss qf yoi- ivv;i. Ve he'p wire ! profitu; 27 op-' oil r1. lor (or , ii u 1 1 it s. t M por' on 1 1 :'. Par.licula free. Mutual 1-; hiingf. I tul falo, N. Y . j I'.;Le! I'. I' lio-illobs Open to wo- pi's i,L men. IV. t', uioulli. SVViitc Ifiurw.H- att-lv for n.t l-'i-:inkllii Institute. ii, i,! 'i'Q'.-'t, !:' hi ? tcr.LV -Y. IiilcTLA.M) la.iwiy clerk exam in.-itjiiiis so' ir Snrjiple -questions tree. Criiiikliii Institile, Dept. 339.J, Richc:.tir. N Y. 4 I I'M AI.l.i-Ji f.,r tailor; uiiidT r tailors ylor. life inn tj .lli !. .',a i'p,: T. tailor, Burnside aT'LLItMi "ii TTS .ttid evening bldg. I'.-.b. ilassi-tt's .-how cijiid clksseal. ,( hooj. day lb Tllford N':itiv- klit-rhK for r.ieu 'Inmgiu.ts. ' 2'.. All prn-cjie? College. Inc., niinoiiiealt h bldg. HELP WAMEIM-FFMALE ' BOY I ' witniv Work after hi hoo4. 262 ia -. m "i " , j - f C"ti-l!ij'3'd on'JMxt Pace) " ." - 25, t ma t isn : la' 4(i7 to ll. i t !.