A Y THE' OREGON SUNDAY . JOURNAL, PORTLAND, SUNDAY MokNINO,.'. DECEMBER " 28.-IMS. AUTOMOMLKS - ACCESSORIES 44 . i : . - 1 (Coatlnued) ',.'X- - F Used : Car, Bargains .' mrMlchigart6 pass., IT h. p, Oyer hauled and painted, only $40. IJlf.Reo. ,3 pass., 30 h. j., brand now, 11060. . ' 191 J Hudson, t cyL, 8 pass., self Starting, 11250. 7 ,. 1813 1 Michigan, 6 pass,, 40 h. p., nearly &AW . f 87 v t. . i , fJJIl Cole, pM.; Wh; 'j'urMte(V j, Be us for llfrht deliveries. LIBERAL. TERMS GIVEN. Northwest Auto' Co. Broadway and Couch Sts. . Main 8887, A-4868. MR PROSPECTIVE ATJTO BUTER: We wish to call your attention to the fact that we have a number of tiigh frrade used automobiles on hand. They were traded In on new COLES and LOZIERS. These ears were 'put through our ehoD and are in A-l condition. Prices rangs from $300 and up. It will pay you to eee us before you buy. Investigate our guarantee on used care. Liberal terms given if desired. Northwest Auto Co. Broadway and Couch streets. WANTON BARGAIN 8ALK NOW ON. SEE OUB STOCK OF USED -AND REBUILT CARS BEFORE YOU BUY. CALL OR WRITE FOR PRICES AND TERMS. 2-paas. roadster. 1918 Losier. 1 - pass, roadster. Winton Six. 2- pass. roadster. Packard Thirty. 3- pass coupe. R. C. H. 4- pass. toy tonneau, Winton Six, 6-paaa. Cadillac. 1912. 6-oas. E. M. F. 6- paee. Winton Six. 7- pass. Winton Six. 7pft8eV. XcorliBSsi. There Is real value In a rebuilt Win ton Six with a FACTORY GUARAN TEE. We hawe a few left, all over hauled and rebuilt bv factory experts. They have NEW TIRES and we will paint any color to suit vou. Terms. The Winton Motor Car Co. Factory Branch. 3 Id and Washington Streets. Portland. Oregon. Bargains in Used Automobiles For the next few-days we are offer in r every car In ousmlaca at a ereat ate. rlfioe and we can save you money if you Duy now. Here are a few of the ears: 1811 8 cyl.. 7 pass. Winton in first class condition ana newly painted. 1810 Franklin in perfect running order. 1811 Pierce Arrow 1810 Oldsmobile We will take terms if desired; call and look them over. Or trade for motor Doat. Open from 10 to 12 today. Oregon Auto .Exchange 129 Lownsdale St., 16lh. - Main 1161. 1913 Buick $850. 6 passenger, 30 H. P. Has never been out of our possession. Will give year's guarantee and wervlce the same as if ,you paid $1485. its original price. Here Is a good car at the right price.' HOWARD AUTO CO, Buick Distributors, i4tn and Davis ts. AUTOMOBILE OWNERS. Send $6.70 for enough Neverleak to treat 4 tubes and formulas for making same. Will not harm rubber. Not af fected by climatic changes. Ingredients for four tubes cost 70 cents, and can bu bought at any drug store. Anyone can mix it ready for use in 20 minutes. ABSOLUTE NEVER LEAK CO, 489 Clay st. Studebaker Delivery $460. TERMS. ' 20 H. P., covered body; capacity 1000 lbs.) Just overhauled and guaranteed. We will paint and letter rig to suit your buulness, HOWARD AUTO CO, Buick Distributors. 14t h and I 'a v lei Sts. MAILING lists and auto data' full card index lists, Oregon , auto and com mercial car owners. Lists by counties, machine or complete. Alphabetical list, in supplemental form. each month. $3.00 per year or 25 cents per copy. First lumie January 8. Auto Lien Record, 320 Mohawk bldg. Phone piain iD8. poruann, ur. BuicF . 460' TERMS. 26 H. P.. 4 Dassenaer. detachabla tour lng car, suitable for business during the ana pleasure on sunaay. Kun pnly (000 miles; guaranteed In perfect condition in every respect. HOWARD AUTO CO, Buick Distributors. 14th and Davis Sts. BODIES, WHEELS, SPRINGS. PAINTING General repair ing. 208 Front St. COLUMBIA CARRIAGE ft AUTOWKS. 40 H, P. Auburn $560. TERMS. 6 passenger; Just overhauled; electric lighted, 3 extra tires, with the best of equipment. . HOWARD ATTT6 CO., Buick Distributors, 14th and Davis Sts. GOOD BUSINESS CHANCE. Paying stage and auto run for a good man that has $760 to pay down on a new car to make two autoa for the run; must be able to show you have a clean recora. n-ouu, journal. Elmore Car 3350. TERMS 4 passenger, 22 II, P.; Just overhauled, with all necessary equipment, A bar- gain. HOWARD AUTO CO., Buick Distributors, 14th and Davis Bts. GAINS IN SLIGHTLY USED AUTOS. Duum ifj i tMVis. HUMrJ 1U BKLJU WE WILL SELL YOUR CAR. . FIRST CLASS REPAIRING. 631 ALDER ST. Buick Roadster $760. 1913, 80 H. P., Gray, electrlo lighted; used only a little by us; year's guaran tee; same as a new enr, with service. HOWARD AUTO CO, Buick Distributors. ' J4" DavlB Bt'- STRICTLY first-class 1810 fve passen ger Cadillac, splendid tires, top. glass front, mechanically A-l. Price $460. $100 down, balance $26 monthly. 360 Alder st LOT In Omaha, Neb,- for auto truck. value inDv, rnunt hbht eisvs. MOTORCYCLES . BICYCLES B5 PAYTON MOTORCYCLES YALE Winter .bargains In used . machines: motorcycle and bicycle repairing. Day ton Cycle Co.. now at HO Broadway WANTED To trade, city lot In Lake view, Or, for a motorcycle. See the Janitor at .the Stelwyn apts. - POR SALE 1 single cylinder Thor mo i torcycle In good condition , for $26. ' f yP1 q H"iii piu pfc. fll. P Indian, Presto & tandem. $100 if taken beXors Deo, 86. 82$ t 1st. MOTQIlCTtXBS tUCYCIXS 55 SECOND-HAND MOTORCYCLES. One, 1913, 10 h, p.. Breed, 2 speed.. $160 One 1912 T Thor: hilly euulrDed....$178 An, 1ul LAarra T-. .'..IDS On Twin tnor,... ,.,....$60, On 4 h. p. j-urley-Davldson., ,v....76 one 'rnor ....'.;...:. .......... uua invr . $90 Aiandei far Thor and Ezmliloi' Mn torcycles. Large-assortment seoonl hand bicycle. - ' ' Afl- JHlCXUlB UUV , 4 124-128 12th st. ' main 4 poo. -ooyw. . mast ... A A ' SDeedometer, Deen $2lQ.y Q-yrrjonai: ' lor r'.r - . r ,,, , tt-7 LAUNCHES AS I) BOAXtt 4 WANTED Canoe. Will pay cash for canoe. Morris canoe perf erred. Man 1485 or H-46, Journal - le-FT. launch; 12 h. p. motor; will sell cheap. Main 028. MlblCAi. I.SllH.Mli.Mtt RKP.nNn.HANn nlnni on aula this weak fr.,m II KB nn. mnnar limm ara Kimballs, Schuberts, Willards, Holmes & Sons. Steinbach & Drehers. WsberS and many other reliable makes. Now is yuur opportunity 10 get, B guo0 uarnuu In a second hand piano of standard make. Reed French Piano Co, 10th and Stark sts. WILL SACRIFICE PIANO BARGAIN, First class instrument; cannot meet payments. Have paid $ 132.60, balance $217.6u, payable $7.60 per month. In suraaos paid for three years. Will take $30 for my equity, or what have you to trade? Address owner, P. . Black, zip jyieaue street. A$Tooe up 'to the MINUTE" 88-nots nlayer Dlano that is almost like new. can be had this week for 3600, Including bench au uuiKrjr gi iuubiu ruiu, nero la snap on a strictly high grade instru ment. Reed Frenoh Piano Mfg. Co., 10th and S'tark stn. MUST sell my beautiful mahogany up right piano. Will sacrifice thie splen did instrument for $126. Call today. 190 E. GHsaii. Montavilla car to 3 id. Ta- bor 3695. GlBbON mandolins, Whyte Laydie ban Jos, cash or installments. H. A. Web ber. 489 Wsshlngton. WILL sell my $500 player piano, $130 cuan, oaiance, izu, email payments. Call Monday, 60 E. 13th st. North. VICTOR IV Graphaphone with 129 reo. oras, cases; in good conaiuon. will sell or trade. Main 1377. WANTt-D Good second hand piano; must be cheap on terms. Give name and description. G-B07, Journal. FINE Martin a-uitar. Coat $100, Price $28.50; $5down, $2.60 per month. Portland Phonograph Agency. 360 Alder. LOOK at tile $860 88 note player piano in our window for only $355. ...Then come in and try it This is some snap. Reed French Piano Mfg. Co., 10 th and Stark sts. PIANO, slightly used, $150. Cost $226 when new. T-843, Journal. PIANO cheap. 249 East 60th st, be tween Main and Morrison. Main 945. NEW phonograph and records, 466 W. Park. TYPEWRITERS WHOLESALE TYPEWRITER PRICES Underwood. 4 and 6. $32.60 and. . . .$42.50 Remington, 6 and 7, $17.60 and ,.$20.00 L. C. Smith & Bros, visible $37.60 Monarch, visible $37.50 Royal, 6, visible $50.00 Royal, l,.late model 340.00 Smith Premier, 2 .$17.60 Fox. visible model 24, .. $25.00 Bllckensdei fer 7, with case . Barlock, visible Other make from 312.50 ud, .312.(0 .$12.60 Largest stock on the Pacific coast. Terms 35 caul) and $5 per month. All machines guaranteed. Anv machine sent on approval. Typewriters rented. Cata logue on request. THE WHOLESALE TYPEWRITER CO. Phone Hain 6681. 321 Washington st. .N12.VS, icouin Ktscund nand reniaia at cut rates. P.D. C. Co.. 231 Stark. Main 1407 POK SALE MISCELLANEOUS 10 ex) y& FIGHT on hlsh prices. Why pay $6 o lor a pair of glasses, when I can fit youi eyes with first quality lenses in a gold filled frame as low as $1,607 C W. Goodman. 191 Morrison st. Bear nriage t-atmraction guaranteed. SEWING machines, Singer D. H, at- laenmpnts complete, io; White, $12.50; New Home, $1$; Standard. $: iew Koyai, i; Willamette, $15; Bew Easy, $14; Davis, $12.50; complete and guaranteed. Sewing Machine Empor ium, 190 3rd,, near Yamhill. Main 8481. ELECTRIC motors for sale or rent. Complete Electrlo Repair Shop, WALKER ELECTRIC WORKS. 10th and Purnslde. Main 6674 LOT houaehold gooda. iron beds, dresser. extension taoie, dial re, i ranges, 75 cook stoves. 00 heaters, a-as stoves, lin oleum, carpet, lot of carpenter tools, counter and large ice oox. Carey Furn. Co., 112 Union ave; une uuyton and one Toledo computing scale, a small platform Fairbanks scale, one Royal electrlo coffee mill and a Bowser oil pump and tank, all at a great sacrifice for cash. Cun be seen at 208 First st. FOR Xmas. the White, 200 machines to select from: used machines $5 up; re- r airing and renting. 507 d st. Phone M. 2978. tOR SALE New and '. second hand carom and pocket billiard tables, and bowling alleys and acceggprles, bar fix tures of all kinds, easyJpayments. The oruuswicK-uaiHe-voirenuer Co.. 46-48 6th st. Phones Main 769-A-1769. TWO Cyphers Incubators, 400 egg else. Look like now. $46 for both. Also pair pedigree egg trays to fit these ma. Chines, $6. Elliott, Tabor 2261. FOR SALE heap, one office safe Ifix x80x26 inside, also one folding type writer; desk and chair. Call Main 1161 or Tabor 4228. SAFES M osier Safe Co, manufactur era. Low prices easy terms. Safes opened and repaired. Bargains In second hand safes. 109 3d st. Phone Main 766. 26 SHOW CASLS. ail sixes and kinds': We bought these from a large depart ment store and must sell at once, very cheaply 208 1st St. JUST like new' $100 Monarch Type writer, viaable with all latest attach ments. Price only $60, $10 down, $3.60 monthly. 350 Alder gt. ONB83Inch band saw, 1 80 jointer complete with pulleys and. belting. Phone Tabor 8105. $38 UNCALLED for tailor made suit; latest style, $16, sice 88. 170 Glbba st. a. tar con in. WHAT HAVE you to exchange for lfi long, heavy, new ostrich feathers 7 Woodlawn 8863. . Welf"RotteorTertilizer Manure Phone East 4296. FOR SALE National cash register in good order; registers from 6c to $30, Price $40. East 2260 or B-2243. FOR SALE Black serge, divided riding skirt and gym. suit and double-faced coat. Main 3325. FULL' dress suit, worn, half a dosen times; oost $60; site 42; at $17.60. Tabor 8196. fWd nearly new show oases cheap; all flat g. ilss. Avp.jr muiiuuy. zu Aoinxion PLUMBING fixtures, pipe and fittings, sold direct to you, Stark Davis Co, 849 Salmon. Phone Main T97. 112 50 DROP-HliAI sewing' machines. tf II i urn no ave. A-l 800 ft. of Inch steeL cable for sale, rnone raoor ivee NEW National cash "rngrlster for . sala Bargain. Call 318 Worcester , bldg. MAT and framed blackboard. Fast 2438 - ' BLACK and white stripe suit, slse IS! 646 Washington st. room 6, two o-gal.'oll tanks. Call Maln'lUi. er Tabor 482S, t'K:., v bt - FOR 8AL13 .OSCKLLAI?E0L8 10 WE A KB CU1N(J UP OUH BUS!- NESS AND WILL SELL OUR FUR- NITUHH3 AMD - FH "HF.AV. TWO'Tlluril!" J.A LJ-eW? - -. COMFTOIJRApH ADDING MA. VHltli cost New QNJD .YEAR AUO, 3uu.uo tun iido.oo w i L1KU3 BARGANIS IN GLOBE REQ I8TM, YT" A E. VERTICAL. FILES - i ROLLTOP TJeSKe. UNDERWOOD TYPEWRITER AND-DESKV STAND- i"WY'ik. J.A$ JUjftU fttitJ. A1"3' (HOUSE PHONE BY STUM (SIX IN- OTDnWITMTCi 1 Vn KTTTIUf tTDAITQ j v w-4ww u I .1,, v WWK,'WE.. BleoVe and galvanUed, second hand auppuee. painiuoa, cioseis. in oraer 10 Clean up our stoex oy Jan. i we are roaains speeisi orices this weelc- We contract for all plumbing work. Jobbing a specialty, fatimates given on application. FOHTL.AND PIPE SHOP. 26 ront st. Main (325, THE SCRIPTURE TEXT CALENDARS 1814. 12 beautiful olcture Bible. Ex cellent for homes. Thoughts for. daily meditation. rrics soo postpaid mau. Send to A. C, Loes, 4B East Asn. HOUSEHOLD GOODS FOR, SALE 60 CLEARANCE SALE. $18.71 to $20 Dressers In solid eafc.$13.J5 $21 to $26 Dressers and Chiffoniers la Oak. Blrdseye Maple.... $10.75 $27.60 to $3B Dressers and Chif foniers In oak. blrdseye maple, Circassian Walnut and Mahog any $20.76 The above Dressers are all Eastern goods, ano exceptionally wen made, $67.60 Turkish Rocker, Hartngton Springs, Best Leather $38.76 $126 $ piece suits, upholstered In Leather $77.60 $105 Leather Davenport ,..$82.60 $60.00 Leather Rocker. ...... ..,.$37.60 $42.50 Leather Rocker $28.76 $37.60 Leather Rocker............ $21.76 $27.50 Leather Rocker $18.76 GUSLER & DORMS. 412 Hawthorne Ave. FOR HALE Bin line of rue's from $3 to $10. Dressers, $4 up. Commodes, $1. Heaters, $1.26 up. Iron beds, $1. Chairs, 60o. Gas ranges, $4. Cook ' stoves, $4 up. Ranges all prices. Show. Hartzell Furniture Co. 3?3-335 1st st. BANKRUPT FURNITURE 449 WASHINGTON. We close our doors Wednesday even ing. Last 3 days of this sale. Strictly up to date furniture at lowest prices ever seen. FURNITURE Before buying second hand goods come ana see wnat you can do here on new goods for cash, get posted wnnnm tiaoBoy, let ana wasn. WE buy, cell and exenange new and second hand furniture of all klndi Phone Mar. 478$. Bell Auction A Com Co. 191 Second st BEDS, cots, dressers, carpets, chairs, tables, cook stove etc. East 2438, or can any aav oetween ana p. m. tos b. lbtn st. w. COMPLETE fumed oak parlor set In cludina- davenport. 632 Commercial Court between Commercial and Klrby. FOR SALE1 Bed, spring and new mat tress for 17.86. A tremendous bargain Oevurts Furniture etore, zog iet st. THREE door oak bookcase, or will trade for bedroom furniture. 13 is. 8th st South. FURNITURE of room house for sale house run. gaimon. IRON beds, complete, only $10;. mat tress alone cost $10. A -S164. NEW range for sale cheap If sold at once. 4125 7znq street. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS 5 WHEN selling your scrap rubber, metals or Iron deal with the largest dealer. By doing so you get high prices, good treatment and prompt settlements. It doesn't matter whether you are here or whether you ship us -the goods you get the same treatment. This method of doing business for 26 years has brought us thousands of satisfied people. ' We are pos itively the largest dealers in scrap material in Oregon. J, Leve Wholesale dealer in all grades of scrap rubber, metals and cast iron. Office and metal place, 188 Columbia st. Phone Main 6198. Rubber warehouse, 807 Front st. Iron yards. 8. E. cor. Water and Mill sts. HIGHEST prices paid for household furniture. Do not give it away to auctioneers or second hand stores. Phone East 6462 or a postal and representa tive will call. Grand Rapids Furniture Ex.. 126 Grand ave. WANTED to buy enough second hand furniture to furnish 100 rooms: must be bargain for cash. 887 Taylor st. Phone Main 7368; Haynea, Will lady give or sell cheap, warm coat to sick lady, bust $8. Marshall 1211, room 4. WILL exchange first class talking ma china outfit for good bicycle. Port- land Phonograph Agency, 860 Alder at. WANTED Furniture and household rods. BAKUEH AUCTION HUUSG, E. Morrison st. Phone E. 1023. BE WISE, get mors for. your second hand furniture by selling It to Fori Auction t o. zn ist. Main 89M. WANTED -H to t K diamond for cash, . Must be pert eat and a bargain. r-ou. journal. W. 55. LOlia crispetts machine In good condition, C. A. Bergstrom. Hood Rlyer. ';' ' ; WANTED Picture frame makers' out f It, Marsh or Starr miter and frame vise oom blned, eto. E-668. Journal. WANTED To buy one karat diamond and rireiess cooker. k-8, journal WANTED .The best diamond that $60 cash will buy. . S-762, Journal. WANTED Rifles,, shotguns, camera. MfHrnreia. a r. i st, Main nnni IHGT1KST prices paid for fd-hand furn- lture. uaivin 111 urana a v. ta. ass. HlGHiOST prices paid for second-hand riotnes, MaiP.HE3; A-863I. 348 let st LIGHT oak counter, flat desk, filing cabinets. State prices, R-6 4 8, Journal, WANTED To buy secondhand clothes , pressing "tnaohln. 0-714, Journal. , WANTED MISCELLANEOUS 0 YOU DON'T NEED IT I do and I will pay all you fumlturs and household goods are worth. Villi cay -best price for your furniture, carpets, stoves. tc, ate. New and wy ond-hand furniture our specialty. LOMl AND FOtND 81 partyvvho ks " a box cased watch, fully engraved with words "from father" engraved on inner case, fold chain and elk's tooth charm, re urn same? Reward and no questions asked. F.648, Journal. LOST In shopping district, Friday, brooeh. Mada of IS M nlacaa. in itials "M. K. W." Heirloom, of value to Tllcol beC Tth and B. A ST 11. -a- .'.a.. "a r 45th st. N.. a phllo". Rrmlm fur cnl. lar, Finder please return to 46$ E. "in st. r.t or pnone lanor 4YU, LOST-An' old-fashioned earring, having two square rubles and pearl: an heir- loom, 704 Spalding bldg. Marshall hbo. Main 64ZV. Kewaro LOST Lady's handbag 'on St. Johns car. Dec. 24th. d. m. contains dioimv. Finder please phone Woodlawn 2043. Reward. FOUND A lady's neck fur on llth st. W. Owner can have same by. giving description of same. Pay expense. W 858, Journal. LOST 'bolld gold Masonle oharm. li-i-, ward if returned to L. Rawllngs, 607 leon Diag Phone 8130 or Tabor 2022 - P. LOST Lady's, watch. Initials "P. E, name engraved inside. Call Tabor rtewara. STRAYED, small brown dog about same build as Snitz. Finder nleasa nhone Tabor 6066. Reward. FOUND On basement steps, 894 Jeffer son St., trunk. Owner may have by identifying and paying for ad. - LOST Two male English oulldogs. dark bnndle, white breast. Reward. Malri 6447. LOST Scotch collie dog, 1 year old. 684 Water st. Marshall 1916. Reward. NOTICES 2U $160,000 6 IRRIGATION uISTRICT BONDS EAST FORK IRRIGATION DISTRICT HOOD RIVER, OREGON. FOR BALE. Sealed proposals will be received by the Board 'of Directors of East Fork Ir rigation district at their office in rooms until 1:30 o'clock u. m.. on Tuesday. u unu b. nmi uuuuine, noou Kiver. ur., January 20th, A. D. 1914 for the pur- chate of One Hundred Fifty Thousand ($160,000.00) dollars of Irrigation Dis- inci Donas autnorieea ana tssuea oy Sfe. sltrdayec0 Xl 'n WAg 'fl-U member ho Golden Rule' as' fhe beads f'ock ot human hair oodsi hair dresa war. rhr?atrn. nraaiir' fm mu hna !"? n'ftn'curlng, face, scalp treatment. barTdcomm'un , l' f Me WILL the above named district. In denomina- MARRY ..undreds wealthy members tions of $1000 each, dated July 1, 1913, marry soon; descriptions free, payable in yearly installments in those Grace Hyde. S-347, San KranclBco. Cal. percentages Of the whole issue as by USE Bassetfs Native Herbs for rheu law dlrecud commencing with the ex- matlsm; 60 tablwts 26c. All druggists M'li'i 11 tlTSjPJ lllTs RyLlABL private detective; low rat. and ending at the expiration of 20 years from date of issue and bearing interest at the rate of six (6) per cent per an num, payable on the first day of Jan uary and July of each year. Coupons for the interest are attached to the bonds, and both nrincinal and interest are payable in lawful money of the United States of America at the office of the treasurer of said district, or at the Fiscal Agency of the state of Ore gon In the city of New York, N. Y. The above described bonds are issued for the purpose of procuring necessary reclamation works, and acquiring the necessary property and rights there- tor. to irrigate and reclaim the lands lthin said district, and otherwise carry out the laws of tha state of Oregon re- j latti.g to irrigation districts ' The legality of these bonus has been approved up to this date by Messrs. Dillon, Thomson & Clay of New York, N. Y. - Unqualified bids only will be re ceived, and the successful bidder will be furnished with an original copy of the opinion of tire above mentioned at torneys, covering the legality of the bonds. Each bid must be. accompanied by a certified check or cashier's check on some responsible bunk in the city Of Portland, Oregon, for an amount equal to two (2) pr cent of the face valia of th. honriM. nnvnliip tn tlie nreKiripnf nf East Fork Irrigation district, to be' forfeited as liquidated damages In' case , the bidder shall withdraw his bid or shall fail or neglect to take and pay for said bonds, should the same be awarded , to him. The bonds will be sold to the highest resoonsible bidder. Drovided. however, the right to reject all bids la hereby reserved. AH proposals should be marked "Pro posals for Irrigation District bonds." and addressed to C. R. Bone, president of East Fork Irrigation District. Rooms 6 and 6, Hall building. Hood River, Or-i egon. i By order of the Board of Directors of i Eas? Fork Irrigation District. Dated December 2. 19ia GEORGE R WILBUR UL Hecietarv I , c" 1 ' 1 PROPOSALS INVITED. In the matter of Mercer & Co. of Hood , River, insolvent. I will receive sealed 1 bids on the stock of merchandise known "ltv8 um'loVlock noon on Wed- I llf.Y:. H". . J n0n ..". iicBcuiy, jeueinoer oiii., iim Hiuca con sists largely of groceries and some naraware, crocgery ana mens snoes ana apparel. Said stock can be inspected any time before December 30, at above named store. Also one new Chase Auto truck, one ton capacity. Stock and fix tures Invoice about $3500. Truck cost $1850. and used only four months. Bids on store and truck received separately. Certified check for 10 per cent must ac- I company each bid. Privilege reserved of rejecting any or an dius. inventory can be seen at my office or at store. This store enjoys an exclusive trade and is located in one of the most thickly set tled parts of Hood River valley. j. it. M&iLiifmJNniWK, Hood River, Or., Assignee. PERSONAL NEAT gent, 84, very lonely, business ability, fond of farm life, honest, good habits and affectionate, desires to meet maiden or widow; matrimony if suited; no Dorts wanted; strictly confidential; references If desired. D-676, Journal. RELIABLE and "handsome' young man i wishes to meet a neat, healthy work- 1 lng woman. 18 to 22. Object matrimony man. is to a. UDject matrimony. rices given and required. E-888. h . . Keieren Journa SOPHIA B. SKIP, mental and spiritual scientist. 302 Aliskv bid a. Oueatlnn and message night, Wed. 8 p, m. Main paN-AMEriCAn Photo Studio; KIZ Vancouver ave. otos. Guarante All kinds first-class n city, at lower prices, Give us a trgi MARRY H undreds of wealthy mem bers: ireliable club. Mrs. Wmhel Pep t. 74. Box 26. Oakland. Cal. niWDRPF i"wyr "f yrs' ex UIVUnULO perience. reliable, advice free. 404 Rothchlld bldg., 2H7 Wash. THE FUR SHOP r Best work, lowest n rices: remodellna iiu new uittei a. v&v owetianq piqy. - "ment ioiNorThwest bldg P6thand Wnhlna-tYir? d i IEATRICE VAN BOR'AN, office 4'"' 4th floor. 360U Morrison. Palmintrv Mla aS. ... I - . w . CHARACTER read from your voloe. woam omitn, on y lanaere. Mar. 2747 CHIROPODY and manicuring, 6fH nortnwesi omg, main 013. tRL r- Expert lafta; uv.u. . ivotceaaj r liLL. bankruptcy. A-f9. Journal. BALM of flas. remedy for diseaaaa at women. t04 uavls st. Main '-'398. SCALP TREATMENT FOR DAND RUFF, HOURS 11 TO 8. 188 PARK. Scaln .jSoecialisi'tfri itirwv MANICURING, facial massage, batl-s, and scalp treatment: suite 3. 125 6th SAVE 32 to $10 by buying your trunk or- suit case st 683 Wash., at 17t. HAVE your hair waved. . Sanitarv Beauty Parlors, 400 Dekum. Mar. 170. I I S3 iOondaitad) MRS. STEVENS, 20 years Portland's .' 1 Aal I n aV na lawaiaiV m ilnnlwAtre nr . tm ' located 291H Morr4on.st Nervous and mental ailments cured by harmonial colors and- music. music. Parlors one s open' daily. SPIRIT AiKDlUM trull. Uoalon: oral anii ' written messages, spiritual healings and development of medlumshlp, ' Class Tues and Friday evenings. Room HO. 147 Grand ave., eprncr E, Morrison, LADIES' okirts cut, made and trimmed', $3. Ladies' suits $20, Lining, re modeling and reDairina- work auaran- teed. Kiehau&nch, J he Tailor, 486 Wash , Ingtpn, near 14th, fc'arlton Hotel bldg. rV,"'":''''.:,---"".''''''.'"; Scientific Dekum'bldi" now 74 R,.har,.n hldi' waanington, opp. rerKins notei SPIRITUAL medium, Rev.. Virginia Rowe. Readings, healing, dally clr 1 cles Tuesday and Friday evenings $ ocioca. zgi stn st. Phone A-7118, ALL sincere men and women wishing -SJJ: A l rl V U li 1 L-d . u H WMI .u I I h If H.-kK I ak WAUHl RICH Many wealtny people seeking early marriage, Photos and descriptions free, Missioa Agency, & 1:? 'i , . 'a V MARRY--Joln pur club; send desorip- tion and lOo for full Information and one selected name; select, confidential. Address, Unity Club, Spokane, Wash. tPj RlTCAL meUJjin and astrologer, raifnir. .ImIIv rl tia Tiim 9 n m Sun. and Wed, 8 p., m. Rev. Mary A. Pries, B75 2d st Mar 4283. A-J882 RELIABLE halrwork Line of finest switches at lowest prices on coast. 493 Williams ave, near Russell St., ruriianq, uregon THE ACQUAINTANCE of a respect- able elderly gentleman is desired by lady of refinement, Object, matrimony, (i-127. Journal GENTLEMAN of meane wants house- 1 jrnaf mmMttum- Y bl0' MECHANIC, 36, sober, means, wants to meet lady, view matrimony. W-869, Journal. VELVETiNA shop, nalr goods, comuit: made to order. Free manicure, mas sage or shampoo, with coupons fro., your druggist. 616 Swetland bldg. REFINED widow, age 42 years, with some means, wishes to meet a busi ness man of good moral character. " Ob ject matrimony. L-600, Journal. MAURY Thousands wealthy; will marry soon. All agea, descriptions free. Write at once. Western Club. Dept. 9. 2t8 Market, San Francisco, Cal. YOUNG French Canadian, well-to-do. like to meet young imiy. Object mat- rlmony. W-857, Journal. ' dr, j. V". KETCH UM Women s malj- ' rtl.n and acuta dlaeaars. Was i. bid it). . ki'-HB1F' W vyiANn Fare and .rain ,8,. h.mf ae a?,"ca.? cVPnriSXn P ' ' o- - Lock Box 18, Portland, Oregon. PERSONAL Professional and Business ABSTRACTS OF TITLE toR pruiwriy ultblu MulInotiinO t-vuiur, C N. Scott. 1U5V 4th t. ! 5612. ART MAlTKESg WORK ! MA'rrULa3t. reuuvultU aud to uruni. lue uulv .ptolal .du n able nh.jp. Martiall 26.i?. ATTORNEYS 1. u. OKKKNk IBLU Geimriil practice, ab- atracta. nuulracla, collectloiii. lujuriei. rtc. Keiiiored to Dt-w otHcra, 7 07, 708, bids- Conaultallon Irav. 700 SelllDg AUTOMOBILE FAIHTiNG Sl'EClAiJSia lu Hue auiu tiaiuniitf. AU10 Valvl Htlop. lutey bldg, Hulii. 1H. BLAME BPOK MAKERS UOYVK, DAVlb CUMfAM. luu J i. ttUim book muulaciuri; afc-vina tor Juuea' iiu proTed Loot l.ei.f Letljera. Hei tba oaw tSu rrka Laf. A-Jisa. Main 13. BOOKS 8EC0MD HAND fcC'IJOOL booki buuftit, auld aud excltaaged. lt8 5lb at., oup. I'. O. 211 2d t. BRASS ASP MAQHIME wORKs UAHfh.u a1 Br vtvrk. lli caanus end macbiue wurka. lotf 6th it. Mam iiuZ. VA ci-gAJiiwu- JOYCE BKOB., Electric Cleaulug worlta. earpota cleaned aad laid, rallttiu oilr apevlaltf. Eaat 44U, U4 S. mh at. N. OARPfcT WtAVINQ NOKTHVt tbl WUUKS, ruga from old carieu; rug ruga, carpal cleanlos- 1 OH "' l.ut amuili. YOLK ms uiade iulo beauiliul ruga or car- pen. IMS I'attun uve. iKHiiawn jh.. rntunPH actic physicians CHIROPRACTIC, PH,Y8l0lANg U. UiklAHOA, 121 4ib at. SpaclalUt on (fcv, ' diaeaaea. Sio.ooo peruiauaui ei4Ultmeui. Chronic aat A "truaf cbargaa. lie. Hit. guaranteed lu writing . Rata., Uradatreau aud Jutict.. Mulu 2(5: A-88S1. i3ock; 6ul Korthweat bldg. ferud.iata -i...'i m.t., ,t n....... n.,r. 10.1a 2. ' ' ' blt- HK1-KKA CUMSIUCK. aai Htb; ' nar.ou.: chronic dlffaaea. treatoienta $5. Main Mi CIRCULAR ADDRESSING EXPERT addruaalng $1 per louu. Addreaaogra hop, room 2. Hcrllnirt Trutt bldg. COAX AND 'WOOD ROCK SPOMSSGS aad COAL PROMPT BBRVICK ALB1NA FULL CO. Eaet 1B2. C-1117. Hiawatha" UTAH HARD COAL Indorsed by Government Guaranteed by best dealers. Eaat 30V: C-2303. STrSTK o FT"fVrVVr a 1 drv 4 fo NEER & FARR !nd ?SiJS rawed to order. Prompt dellrer nt foot fll l Al-u COAL Muln 4Mi8. A-4B47. WRECKAGE length, fl. heaey aud light all thrown tcKCtlicr. r.nat W7Q. KULTON Wood Co.. dealera lu dry and greea labwoid. Try ua wnen ordering good ury wood. 1260 Miicadaui,MnhiT'Uo, A -2XIII). CrtP0TltrAI"RAINIER BLABWOOU CO, 4 toot coufitry alab, luslde and block wood. Main 2IH8. A-XH42. Hot of Yamhill. FIRST-CLASS dry fir wood $0 cord to moat parti of city. Phone Eaat 72. K-130S. Itea. Tabor tW2. Henry f minor. PACIFIC SLABWdol)' Co.. Mala tlbs. A T.'toe. Or ecu Jbort wood, block a. bltr Inalde. aniall tnalde. dry alebwnnd. ehorr; platior irinimlnaa. OlttCtON Wood Yard. Kir. aab and eak wood and coal. Heaeunnble price. Mttln SQ44. A-84-..V USTWSk end boi vTiiTTSi and ceef. Standard Wood Co.. Ka.t 2aifti B-lfll)5. fKor-n-al KVtKTS, MAIN .. CONTRACTORS AMP BUILDERS '(See Reel Butat Bxtloli.) EDUCATIONAL SPANISH LAMOUAQETEACHEEg t. hEBAGUATl, member of aid Hpanlab ats. dente.-luatructor- of nnnll'. ifO Fleltluer bid. SANOING MB AND MRS. HEATH'S ecboole, lot) trl at.. between Waab. end Stark and All'ky bldg., 84 and Uorrlaon at. Lraann dally. Welti ami two step ftiarauteed In four leeaoua. Claaa Moa- gar and Friday eeea. 1 te iu ai ica xn at. RIXOLEK S Cotillion Dancing academy, private gntl clue luatrucuou: latert micii Reference retpilrxl. 14th and Btark 5 dance lar, 81 MUSIC SCHOOLS RAOTIMK "plane .playing guaranteed begluuer in JO leaaona. id vrigmai anori-cut ayatem. Write be koeklet or eU 008 lUlers bldg. 1 Si Ml mi 83 (Oontiottedl The Violet Ray will positively cure dandruff scalp and .skin diseases and femuvA mnlpa. . warta ' nntt skid uieiiuoiioB. ah iDoui it. ; Parisian Hair Store MalrfslS PPP U'a8' vvo"mRn mVR.fSfh ' V. ' PERSONAL to rd.r ' w.i. JlSiw.halJSinS CLASS, OR PRIVATE. 414 TAYLOR InA flViml Sl.1-l-e8ln..5h-?JS?i"lT. PHONP) MARSHALL 2845. ana racial massage. Your combintts iljj.i.- ---v' i mada tn oritur Mai ba trdf-rs aoltaltpd. exclusively. TYRRELL TRIPS CO. LARGE MOTOR BUSSES. ran be reserved for New Year parties. Thirty p a s s e n g ers easily accom modated in each car. Rates a noted on ap plication. Make reservation early. Phones East 108. B-14-45. WHEN your health Is out of order or Vmi hnv. anv naln pnmA rtirht a Wfl V you have any pain, come right away without delay and take Oko Health and Harmony Culture. Natural and sclen- without delay and take Oko Health and tine, we line to see the nrst case or nervous, chronic or any disorder that iran nnt h. .nu.l.J ku Hkn C'nltiiro 403-405 Northwest bldg., Washington at 6th Marshall 2844. MARRY An Ideal matrimonial paper with de- scriptions of wealthy, refined, marriage- able people; all parts United States; read tho many murriage testimonials show- lng reliability and good service for yearn; paper seaiea. 1VC, Mrs. oeil, ioio West Twenty-first st.. Los Angeles, Cal. Divorces WITHOUT NOTORIETY. DEEDS. WILLS. CONTRACTS. IN JURIES. CONSULTATION FREE. CHARGES REASONABLE. ATTV, 708 SELLING Bldg. MAIN 4993. WANTED QUICK Name and perma nent address (no reneral deliveries) ui reiinea, nonoraoie, amuuious gentie- man who would aDDieclate chance to marry refined, honorable lady of good charccter having considerable means, Strictly confidential. Address "Sincere." B-614, Farminsdale, South Dakota. RADICAL cure by the lateM natural healing methods. No medicines nor operations. Over 8000 testimonials can be secured at my office. The most ex pensive and finest equipped private of fice In the Week Consultation Is free Dr. W. E. Mallory, Naturopath, 312 Roth child bldg. GET MARRIED Matrimonial paper, containing advertisements marriage able people from all sections, rich, poor, young, old, Protestants, Catholics, mailed FREE. THE CORRESPOND ENT. Toledo, Ohio. v'lhii Maternity and convalescent cases. Fine home: beautiful surround ings; in care of trained nurse of many years' experience. Good doctor, avail able. For further particulars address P. O. box 282. Clatskanie, Or. LADIES Ask tor Antike Mixture No 8. It ts safe and sure "Woman's Med icine": the most successful and harmless "Regulator" known. For sale and uar anteed in Portland by the Heldfor.d Drug Co., 322 Morrison St.. near First. MUSIO SCHOOLS A'JV TEACHERS E. 1 ill KLiillll.N. Violin !,.,. h,.r 1,111,11 K, .,,!! & ' Klclilner blrly.. A-HHO. lorhall 1629. T. K. I.AWSOS plan0 a(Ulo, i'WA itwrriaon. '"ln ai,1D. Lef.,i 50,.. m MPSfCAL ENTERTAINERS riovni-.u 11110 open for engaceu.nti. Re. ceptlons. wediHiiga, bangueta, etc. Main 813S. EYX. EAR. NOSE. THROAT. LTJatQB Bpeelallnt. Moderate prlcca. Ulaae ttue.l. Ilr, r. t. aaatday. 41H Dakuin bids.. 3d end Waaa ELECTBIO MOTORS AP DYNAMOS ilo'luUi, tsueraiuia. bouai, told, ieutd aad repulred. We do all kluda of reimlrlof and r winding; all ork luatantaed. H, Xi. H. Kite- trio Co.. 81 N. i,t ,u I'hiKie Main 0210. Wt; bujr, aell, rent and jicliiiUB uew and mtv. oud band luoturs, repair work a apec-lalty. Vtetteru Klcrlrlc worka. ai3 Slxtn at. Mar. VS. EXE TIROL YSI8 t)l l LK1-LUOUM UA1K hoik, war la. trie ueedle. do pain, do acar; cure guaranteed. ...... ..... ,iuU. pp., EWfinnq nun. "uVP" "(""""oue hair removed. Mrs. U u. HUi. Fleldner bldg. Main 2473. EIRE INSURANCE (See Heal Katate Section . ) OAgQLDtS -ENGINES . UA..'.f". u1 eiailuuarj, uiarintf hardware, OAS t'OWSU SLPfLV CO.. 1H.1J3 yroat at.T bclwecu MiMTlaun ami Vauiblli. GLAHg A KB OXAZINO (See Meal Katitte Section.) HAT FACTORY LAOlt.S, Uentleuieu'a Data cleaned and Uiotked aallafactorlly. u.a,ti u,t urka. 24BVa 't t. JEWELERS rARISIAN iTorjr and Jewelry engraved. R. A. MrKadden, room 81 Waahlngtou bldg, corner 4th and Waaltlngton t. I'rltee reasonable. KODAK SUP. LIES l( 0 n A s ui.ili. UeTemplng. rVJLrr0 prtmlug and enlarging. Bl.UM AttiK I'HUTO HI 1'PI.Y CO.. 845 Watblngtua LANDSCAPE GARDENING li . al Kalale Ht-ctloa.) LAUNDRY JAl'A.Nfck luigle L until, ciuaulug and u lug. 110 Hm.cll at. beat HhW. C-I71H. MACHINERY b. iltt.NK.UAiN 4c .u., bydraulle and apeelal pipe, aruoLf atacka, oil lanka, Bluing uia rbluery, repalra. . lt4 N. 4tb at. ENCtl.NEUj. bollt-ia, aa uuila buugbt, auld and eichanged. The J. B. Martin Co.. Portland, Or. MESSENGERS UASTY MKS.SKNC-LU CO.. oeu nlgbt aud day. e)leclal holiday ratea. Main 58 A-31B3. MODEL MAKING. I'OUTl.AND MODEL WOKKtJ We perfect lu ventlona, muke motul epecjultles and pat ternit. It.M.m .12, 1424 2d at. NATUROPATHIC PHYSICIANS lH. UK OVER I'urulj.la. nerioua a ml cbntnlc diaeaaea. 6(,"t-5 Orecnnlau blilir. S142. OSTEOPATHIC PHTSIOIANb DK. MLLEliELLU l'ATl'i:uO.N. Specially .,n uerTta, acute aud cbruulv dlaeaaia. 411 Co Ininhia bldg. Main SOfll. PAINTING AND PAPERING (See Real Katate Set linn. 1 PATENT ATTORNEYS PATENTS procured by J. K. MOCK. Attoruay at-Uw, late of U. S. PATENT Or KICK. Unok free. IOIO Board ef Trad bldg. Manufacturera Wholesalers 'Jobbers Bakers', Confectlenere' and f cuntain BnppHee, Gray. Mt'Leau Jt Percy, 4ih and till.an M Vllf it CLOTH HAT AND CAP FACTORY London hai ami cap woiikh, nn it at. Manufacturer to the trade, taillea' tailored bata a epelaltr. Main PQ47. " DRYOOODS WHOLES All Fleischner, Mayer & Co. FARM IMPLEMENTS AND VEHICLES R. M. W ADE ft CO., 322. Hawthorn at. Wholeanle nerlotilturnl lni)lmenta. ; FISH. OYSTERS AND ICE MAI.ARkaV , . !'(.. Inc. 14H Front tret. iron works "Iron works (Ba Heal Katate Section., LEATHER AND FINDINGS i'MAS. L. MAST1CK ft CO., 74 FftwU . UU of eeerr dew-rlpllop; finding,...- MACHINERY AND SUPPLIES 2IMMKUMAN.WELLS-B1I0WX Co. ftawailll, logging antt Iron working machinery. 5 'v MILL BUPPLIES . ' VaCIFIC STATKg UCUBkik CO.," 43 8d sbsateal wbbat-fod,; . pr-: '('. TEKSONAL jOfftitltined) ' MARIE B. Mother is anxious al'it vou. 1 fihm Itiirtvi vnu htava lril!M. creet In the past liv reuard to numay matters, and il 4s her Mncere wth thai vnu ,initiaa. nlw ..Injilr 'Tl,. iNaiionai, ' ta xioor. awetiana oiuk.. tin and Washington tts. National ttample suit and Cloak Co. 'REVFFUWST MINISTER OK TUB OOHPPTt. OF (SPIRITUALISM. ITNFOLDMKNT IN FREE tomorrow (Moiidayl. xnnix lomorrow iionuyi,. mnv Northwest bldg, Washington at th. Receive fr. what would cost vou t'i any other time- if seeking health. Mar shall 2844. ' y'.. '- MRS. A. HAMOT MISS NEVINS. . Drugless- healing and painless chi ropody, electric sweat, tub-and shower': baths for rheumatism, colds and la grippe. 412 Rothchlld bld iHlHWash, : MISSES BROWN & WAYNE Facia massagelng, manicuring, sliampooiiiK, and scalo treatments. Switch wwivuk and hairwork. Satisfaction Guaranteed. 308-9 Panama Bids 3rd and Alder. MATTRESSES If It la sacked In the middle I can fix it good as new. $1 and up. I stretch wire springs,, $1 each. wT!5l " , ,,-. n YOUNG man not long In city would itoHS, main t. - ae to nmn.a mHuiiiuumi;o w " lady. OWect matrimony. D-818,. Jour nal. . GENTLEMAN of good character and" nlr home, wants to meet refined young lady, with some cash: objeot eariy marriage, j-mo. journal. REFINED widow wants to meet gen- tleman of means; one with- good home. No triflers; object matrimony, Q.728, Journal MARRIAGE paper, highest character; Incorporated; lhth year; 8000 mem bers; paper sealed; send 10c. L. L. Love. box 1600, Denver, Colo. HEADACHES, nervousness, rheuma- tism, etc., easily cured. School rf Applied Metaphysics, 313 Stock Ex change. 3d and Yamhill. MASSAGE A highly paid profession f"l ladies of Intelligence. I will take tw. or three pupils now. Dr. J. C. M. Irou side. 1K6 18th st. V. . ; , , ,. j . ' ;"' SENSIBLE lady wishes to keep house x. ror an honoranie man; widower Jim young child preferred. Call 281 Hoi. 'aaay. WIDOWER, 60, ' German, 2 children, wishes acquaintance of girl or widow-, over 30, speaking German or French. UDiect matrimony, u-nse, journal, EASTERN club juggler wants girls to learn club Juggling to rorm a troupe; will be taught free. Address R-64 7, Journal, LESSONS Tango, hesitation , wall. one-step, at 616 Eiler bldg. Monday nights; lewsonH, 50c. YOUNG man wishes to correspond with lady 20 to 25; object, matrl mony. F. R. Maye. Kelso, Wash. YOUNG man wants to meet young lady German preferred. Matrimony i stilted. C. C. Ntcholl. Beavertorr. Or. MAN 3 wishes to marry immediately If. suited. No objection to widow. Am able to support you. Z-787, Journal. LADIES, God has power to heal all mental and physical tils. Call 10 to. 4. Marshall 4757. YOUNG man, 31 years of age. would like to meet a poor working girl; oh-. ject matrimony. U-817, Journal, , Directory PAVING COMPANIES THK BAHIIKU aSI'IUUT fAVIAli CO., ftrrt land offlc M06 Hlftrlr bldy. PIANO FACTORY A NO tunlug, rapalrluit. rftmlniu. Kauuiaiaa (iTea. Br(aliw in uard p tit no. C. tommtt A Co.. 24T 6lb at. Warhall 1571 ar call. PLUME SHOP tLCMtS CUJA.Nfcl). UYtb ISO MAUB OVER. HAUT.SESS PI.UMK gyOP. YAMHILL AC PARK ST. PHONIC MAIM 15tJ. PRINTING AKSLJCY PUIMlMi CO.. HO Oak. ilaia o7t. I'rlnllnf o ilee. Katabllahed I0Q2. PR1M1NU aa juu want it. i'rU rixoi, Me tropolHun ITeaa. fill Oak t. I'bone Mule IXM, RUBBER STAMPS AND SEALS ALbO ateuclia, UuUe cliecka, braaa atao. PACIFIC COA3ri.TAi!r WO It ha 231 Waahlngtoii at. Main TIP. A-XI 10. -AL&Utajualjina, office auppliaa. Iltbu.aualua. hub at. -Mum .in. 80 ALP SPECIALISTS DlttbAEir:3 o( the acuip aucteaaiulljr ueaieJ ' aud hair raatored. at7 Maeieay tildg. BE WIN Q- MACHINES rr-JUtAh BAUUAI.NH IX NEW uiacbinea. all eaakee. factory prices, gaoosd band 13 u. kincblcea rented aad repulred. Sewlug WacUlue Eia porluw, 190 3d at. Mala 4,lr-j 8REET METAL WORKS (See Unil (dilate flection.) TRANSFER AND STORAGE teams and auto vans tUH LUMi UlaTANCal UUVLNU 67-W) Front. Main 047 or A -2217, OREGON TRANSFER CO." - katabliabeU 11)70. , Traill far and forwarding agents. Sioruge, free trackage. Offlcea aud acorage, 4.4 Cliaaa at. 13th and Uliaiiu. Main SB. A-iltS. yiUEPKOOr BTOUAtiK. PORTLAND VA.S a S'lOUAUt CO. '8 atw fire. proof wurebotiae Juat completed, r umlaut, every facility kuowu to uWera warebouatug. Au luaiMtetiou will cuueluce - yuu. ilouaebpLl gouda ahlpued at reduced freight ratea. tire proof waruoue 15th and Keaiuey. CoiuaervUt warebouae .Jib and lOruratt atraau. Ualu A-lfttt. t. O. 1'ICK Tranafer Storage Co. Offlcea an'j cou.inodioua four story brick warebouae with aeparate iruo .rooms and (Ireproof rauit fu ealuablea. 1, W. corner 2d and Pine ate. Plaaa and lurulfore ipoied aud packed fuf ahlpulngT bpecial ratea made uu our good, la our throaiTfe cure lu ad uuuieatlo and foreign uiiuu 11L1I- G. L. DAvWOrTTlNl3 . vvmi'i rvM'tuiu aerTice, aa. soiu: A'laa STDRAfiF i.Yto' flr riiiauug bHiidiu.r OIUnnUL $2 a mouth. B. I'. Jauila Co.. Muln nru. UNITED Tranefer Co, MtflValaTaa u nil aa..-. . k hauling. 2.') I Jt-fferaos. Mar 2,sim. ajimh. WINDOW CLEANING I8e Uawl ICatale wllon.i MEN'S IN D woa.a'i a.,i.,n... 1,1 COLOMBIA Neckwear ilfg. to.. h FT?tkar ONAMENTAli WIRI AND IRON "(See heantlat"ge7t!7.uTr JPArNTB, OIL AND GLASS S'ee Hear feaTat KwilonT" , T glPK-PlPg FITTINGS YALVFJ M. lv KlliNlT.r HUMBINOJ M. KLINES t&utiHJ?r ' " ;" v IPE--W00PPIPE ' ) ' i'OUTLAtVI 'iVUOb'l'il'li ..O.-at-lory ai! flc ttettf tlih anil York ata .Uutn ROPE AND BINDER TWINE Portland Cordage Co, iiVj. TRUNKS AND HACiH - kriLi NoXiAii iui ''iug h-i tHi Water. 'Wntileanl mf. trunka, MM.., Bpwtlal trnuka and .cea" an'la to .r)r. WALL Pf H "M" U'-l ' L-"ui ',",.)"" i-STOSSACE L. ivi ;:: "' ;:,.:ni;.;'..;;1;Vi V.'; -;:..':,.t: i.'-.j't.t ' . .