'. THE OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL. PORTLAND, SUNDAY MORNING. DECEMBER 21.1 1913. 0 J J I !- JJ'- nOOUVSQ fldt'SES 83 ' Associated Investment Co, 18 YEON BLDG. MAIN 48L HOTELS AND APARTMENTS, LARGE OR SMALL, PRICES TO 8UJT. 19 rooms, 4660, $258 cash.- - 20 rooms, $7 SO, $500 cash. 40 rooms, rent $76, $600 cash. 82 rooms, $1750. $660 cash. 19 rooms, rent $65, $50 cash. If you went something larger, w can auit you, cad and aee our complete lint, it costs you nothing. We have some exceptionally good place to trad, wnat have you? ASSOCIATED INVESTMENT CO., $18 YEON.BLDG. 6TH & ALDER. See This Snap flfiO CASH, BALANCE $20 MONTH. 9 room), located near 12th and Main, rent $8$, income $76. leaving; two swell living rooms; tine furniture, floss mat tresses, good carpets; just as clean as can toe: owner lq forced to leave city at once; dont" lose this suap. Price $375, $lt0 down., INQUIRE AT 88 30TH, NEAR STARK. HOTEL. TO EXCHANGE 84 well furnished modern rooms, well located in growing town of 12,000. Netted over $300 last month; doing good business. Prieo $4600, - Will take clear city property up to $2000, If price Is light; $1200r,caeh. -balance 8 per cent. ELWELL REALTY CO.. Grand Theatre bldg., Vancouver. WaBh. 24 Rooms, Close in House in fine condition; is all ar ranged in housekeeping, and well furn ished; this always makes a big income. Prica $100; terms; might trade Com? and see this. INQUIRE $8 10TH, NEAR STARK . CA8H paid for rooming house w Itli rod furniture at once. U-8S8, Jour BUSINESS CHANCES SO EXCELLENT chance for a business woman; custom made corset faotory for sale in city of 18,000 inhabitants; doing; excellent business: reasons for selling, owner has other factories to at tend to. - Will teach you the business and pay salary while learning. C-800, Journal. Attention Before buying or selling a business, see Mr. Chamberlain, PROVIDENT TRUBT COMPANY, 211-221 gelling bldg. Main 1800, A-8261. AUTo fare mo and repair shop, also . blacksmith shop in connection; all kinds of machinery; ills books will show where he clears $300 a month net; price $1050; owner will stay a month with buyer. 803 Lumber Exchange. 2d and Stark. Snap for Quick Deal 10 acres high grade soil, old logged off land. Just outside city limits, near Lents, on good road, reasonable price. Small rash payment, balance easy terms. W-703. 'Journal. BLACKSMITH shup In good location, plenty work, stock and light tool invoice $487. Will take $400 If taken in 30 days. Must sell on account of weak arms. Shop rent $15 month with all heavy tools. Fred Olseu, Brownsville, Oregon. OPPORTUNITY oflife time. Manu facture "Substitute for Eggs." Eggs highest now. Enormous profit, supply ing bakeries, groceries, etc. Canvassing unrecesaary. Send $1 for secret form ula and instructions. W. C. Del sell, 311K South Picket street, Los Angele. Cal. MEAT MARKET. Has good trade In resident district, fully eaulpped, must sell on account of other business. This is absolutely right and will Btand investigation. Marshall 2763. Spackman. 719 Chamber of Corn- mi fierce. TAILOR hIiod for sale:-Kood location. weir established; new triple mlrro-, counter, etc. Owner has taken outside position; $100 takes It. Call Tabor 6060 Sunday before noon or see shop, 6589 rosier roaa. Butcher I have splendid location to open op a shop; right man can make good money. Call and talk It over with me. O. L. Webb. 414 East Stark St. WANTED. Ideas. Write for list of inventions wanted by manufacturers and prises offered for Inventions. Our four books sent free. Patent secured or fee returned. VICTOR J. EVANS & CO., Washington, D. C OWN a nicely furnished Ja- and real estate office and want reliable part ner to take active charge of business. Rare chance for right party. References required, m-dkm, journal, WANTED In buying, selllna or ex .clinnglng lands, city property, stocks, or business, any kind, any where, ad dreaa Western Sales Agencr. Minneap olis, Minn. $500 For $125 Full outfit of fixtures and furnish ings for store, cost $600. Yours for $125 ... uium man. WHO wants to go in business of shoe repairing with a stock of men's and boys' shoes? Selling on account of go ing ekul; bargain. G. Buschmann, Mil- wuiv na, Ksr, UX PiOtlENCED poultry man would like to meet party to Join Mm lit nusiness; must nave a few acres or ume man; can get me resui. T-7IJ, Bum not, POOLROOM, WITH fUNKEL'T ONEHT. Clears $160 monthly and over. Owner has Interest In invention. Will sacrifice iuia uuBui-jri. wiwm i, miuKey Diag. MOVING picture show, complete. 1J4 chairs and electric piano, doing good business, In good location. For sale by owner. Room 11, Med ford hotel. 6th and VANT to Invest up to $600 in business, w m viis. x-ariner or wnoie. far tlcular and reference In first letter. P-624. Journal. blUCit general merchandise, fixtures and buildings, eastern Oregon, $80,000. Ta. farm or cheap lands. 420 Lumber jVlAt. llOllgd A GOOD opportunity for a hustler with awu ror exposition in 1916. No uiiiBiB iiwa answer; strictly business. S-749, Journal. FOR SALE Cheap for cash, confectlon . ery and light grocery, 1268 Haw. thorns ave comer 43rd. Come see to- HAVE good income Portland property a rwl flash Yam 41 M , ? i i 11B virbh arug DU81- nes wnicii Has merua, A-706. Journal A Og'lOCliKV established umuc, fuuu corner location, With II v- iiiyt ruunm ituovc. y wooq. st4. CIGARS and confeotionery, only $150 caah, rent $16; good business; stands Investigation. 276 3d St. N agents. 400" CHAIR picture show in good local tion. win son ohean and t!vb timA on part. J. J Fisher. Main 4841. FOR SALE Old eslabllnhitri hntnl u.,..B i vuiii hiivi uar; cneap xor Cash: low rent. V-607, Journal. ' COLLECTION and office business, on account of ickness: no reasonable cntth offer refused. D-889, Journal. IV ii6U are satisfied with $25 week , for mali investment and short hours 808 Lumber Exohange. 2d and Stark. ' WANTED--1913 Portland city dlre'c toryi state, price. Addres M-4. Journal. ' ' . . PARTNER wanted for an old estab llshed dairy business. Phone Tabor 6128. RKSTATJnlNf "or sale, good location; fine business. 213 4th si, $260 lot for Jewelry give 3 . for I. Swank, $11 Northwest hldg. WtDDINU Invitation, announcement. Ryder Print Co.. 3d end Mor. M, 8688. FOR SALE Orocery Store, 428 Falling st. Woodlawn . ? '1-OU SALE SI loe repair shop. Bargain If taken at once. U-672, Journal. 1-OR SAiB Dyeing and cleaulng work. H First st. I STKAM baling ou fit for sale cheap. Address Oenrae Weils. Yam's 111 rr A. Fleming stitcher and finisher fur snie cneap. "ii vvasnington mi. . - I ONE chair barber bop for sale, 20th I E. MOrriion, BUSINESS CHANCES , ' 80 RAY ftt ONLY Wash. At west and best town of Its age, lgbt years old, IS miles from ocean, future uuurafacvurlr.g and commercial city of Southwestern Washington; -rfers splendid opportuni ties for money-making Investments to people with limited means;, business, residence lot and acreage purchased now, either for cash or on Installment Plan, means good returns In few months. Torn now has 8000 people, and growing rgpidjyiTterritriH&c :csxr rlectxJc41gbti water any sewerage aystern, to ehi- Just let for new gas plant. Now have Northern Pacific Ky., and the con struction crew are busy with large gangs completing the Milwaukee R. R to Raymond, 'and will .make it a ter minal point. O.-W. it ft N. engineers working within ten miles of town now. Have splendid boat service; last year various mills ami factories loaded 290 vessels and over 8000 carloads. Monthly payroll now $166,000.00; first-class schools, churches, banks and business houses. Over fifty years" timber to draw from. For full particulars, ad dress M. A. Hood. Raymond, Wash. For Sale Groceries, $606- to $000. Restaurants, $200 to $3500. Bakeries. $200 to $2000. Cleaning and dyeing, $100 to $1000, Cigar stands, $300 to $1000, Confectioneries, $400 to $2000. Also all sorts and kinds of businesses. Many good bargains and we cater to the buyer's wants, particularly, call and see us. 328 LUMBER EXCHANGE. $150 PER MONTH ON AN INVESTMENT OF $8000. Cafeteria doing a fine business in railroad town, population 6000, business la clearing owner $150 a month, who Is compelled to sell, owing to his wife's death. It is located In a thriving south ern Oregon city. Owner will stay with purchased two weelts to show him the business. Price $800. E. P. ELLIOTT & SON, End Supenslon Bridge. Oregon CRy, Or. MKN Of PRONOUNCED ABILITY looking for working interest In first grade business enterprises that need In creased capital; what we offer you will have been thoroughly investigated, as we only deal in high class opportunities for high class men. PACIFIC INCORPORATING COMPANY 815 SELLING BLDG. SHOEMAKERS, ATTENTION. Partner Wanted My business requires the services of party who can handle mall order and onic ena. new .specialty, paiemeu, Also additional capital can be used. Right party can connect with fine pay ing business. References exchanged. MAMDHMAW. IZ6 C Ot C HOTEL TO EXCHANGE. 84 well furnished modern rooms, well located in growing town of 12.000. Netted over $300 last month; doing good business. Price $4600. Will take clear city property up to $2000, If price la right; $1200 cash, balance 6 per cent. ELWELL KHIALTI CO.. Grand Theatre bldg- Vancouver. Wswh. HOTEL FOR SALE. Furniture of new modern up to del hotel building, containing 96 rooms, lance lobby, elevator. Owner not a hotel man ana will sell ror less man tne wholesale cost of the furniture and give favorable lease. $3000 cash will handle. A fine opportunity for a good hotel man. Address 8-727. Journal. GROUND floor proposition. We must and will open oftices In Seattle and Spokane in a short time. We want men or women to fill these positions. Investment. But you handle your own money. If you want to get established in a good paying business by Jan. 1, call at 919 Chamber of Commerce. MEAT MARKET. Has good trade In 'resident district, fully eaulpped, must sell on account of other business. This is absolutely right and will stand Investigation. Marshall 2763. Spackman, 719 Chamber of Com meree, MUST sell at once, cement products manufacturing plant, large warehouse on grounds close to R. R. track. Cannot run business myself; information for the writing. Mrs. Geo. McKUligan, Leb SEVERAL two ohalr barber shons. cheap. Cash paid for old hydraulic chairs. Paul StelnmetxJ PORTLAND CUTLERY A BARBER -SUPPLY CO.. 88 0th StPortland, Or, GROCERY STORE One of the best paving places In the city for the amount Invested. $1500 cash, no trad Ine considered. No -competition, g-ood. clean stock and not many fixtures. See this Monday. Jordan. 619 Lumbermens bldg. ; - YOUNG womsn In business wants to meet gentleman with about $1000 to Join her in present business and look ter her property: nave not naa sur ficlent experience to handle my own affairs. 1,-919. Journal. Country Bakery, $700 Monthly expense less than $15 In cluding 7 living room; no competition In town of 1000; A-l equipment; plenty of stock. Particulars 618 Yeon bldg. C40!V LADY wants rentleman partner In nay ing business; small amount of money required. U-819. Journal. GrocerVi Confectionery, $700 Nice clean place; no competition, east side location: fine stock and doing rood business: must be seen to appreciate value and location, particulars 618 Yeon bids:. (C422.) Restaurant Snap at $850 Oood down town location, low rent. fine equipment, doing now $45 to $5 dally, nut can no increased, special price $850. Call 618 Yeon bldg. WOULD like to meet a young man who will go in with me and buy a grocery store that will - Invoice about $2800. Tbls Is a first class place and dandy location. Z-858. Journal. Moving Picture Special, $850 Hest location, no competition, good equipment: running and Daylng good prom, particulars bis Teon oiag. RESTAURANT FOR SALE Furniture and fixtures of a restau rant In a good new hotel building at a bargain, with cheap rent. Strong & Co, 605 Concord bldg, Grocery, Only $850 Will Invoice $1100; dally cales $80; closing of estate forces sale at $860 Call 618 Yeon bldg. (C447.) SINGLE gentleman, owner of nice home and good, paying business, 'wants lady partner with $1000 cash. Object, busi ness, mox dbo, rortianq, ur. WANTED Party with some capital; good paying business: pays $200 to $250 per month. Call 289 Ankeny et after 9 a. m. J, W. Foster. GROCERY STORK in city, good loca tion, doing good business. Owner dead. For sale at a bargain. B. 8. Parne. 615 Oregpnian bldg. WANTED-Business, rooming houses to exchange for real estate. If you wish to sell Or exchange, see me, 802 Henry Bldg. BAtiBKRS A complete three chair shop. Must bf sold immediately. KEMP BARBERS' SUPPLY CO. For quick returns, list your shopwi th na. PICTURE theatre, nne location, well equipped; can seat 200; always full; no opposition. Price $900. 803 Lumber Exchange bldg., 2d. and Stark sts. TAILOR SHOPwants partner for press ing dent.: will teach' ou: nay rood waaer and half croflts: only $22E. 103 Lumber Kxcnange oiay. THREE Portland lots, t Coos Bay lot and soma cash to exerts n re for store or rooming house. 603 coucb mag, $60 HALF' INTEREST that net V.IU 88 per dayi investigate. 848 Stark. MONET TO LOAN REAL ESTATE HAVE for I HA A IdAAA Immediate loans, $800, a lV Vs 4VWW S Vi Bell. 201 Gerllnrer bid. at current rates. A. Jt $300, $400. $700. $800 mortgage, special rates; ward. 2IQ Aiisxy niag. $)1000 to $5000 private fund for good loan. rnone.Tapor r . . . - MONEY on 'Improved city property. UiUggs A Riley, 404 Broadway 27 MONET TO 0 AN In sums (o ault on Improved real estate security. $500 to $60,000, .. Prompt rtr icc......L - juowesc rates. HAMMOND MORTGAGE CO., !S-424 Chamber of Commerce bldg. MANKY TO LOAN ON IMPROVED REAL. ESTATE OB FOR BUILDING PURPOSES; VEftl FLEXIBLB CONTRACTS; NO COM- mission; n COLUMBIA LIFE TRUST CO. 916 BPALDINO BLDG. PRIVATE FUNDS ON HAND TO LOAN $10,00$ t i; $iooo 1; $6000 7 1.60 1; 1200 iP 8; 1900 qt 8 600 8. McKENZIB CO., Main 2801. 616 Gerllnger Bldg. "" 6 AND 7 PER CENT MORTGAGE LOANS, $500 to $20,000 on hand 'for Immediate loan. Save time and money by seeing us first. , A. K. HILL. 419 Henry Bldg. I HAVE private funds to loan on rsal estate in amounts of $260 and up to suit borrower; my rates are reasonable and my service li' rapid; submit se curity at 612 Flattbldg. southwest cor. Park and Washington at a. .. REAL ESTATE Mortgages bought and sold. HARTMAN-THOMPSON BANK. Mortgage Loans 6 to 7 Per Cent H. B. MOONEY. Main 210. Room 421. Falling Bldg. Mortgage Loans I. L. WHITE. 701 Belling Bldg. WE have money to loan on your real estate; first mortgages only. HAMMOND MORTGAGE COMPANY. 428 Chamber of Commerce- MONEY TO LOAN on city property in sums to suit. U. S. MORTGAUE & INVESTMENT CO. 512-513 Ycon Bldg; Farm Loans Money to loan on Improved farms. George T. Moore Co.. 618 Ablngton bldg. 1 MAKE a specialty of loans, from $500 to $2000. No delays. A. D. Wll- loughby & Co. 415 Corbett bldg. CITY AND FARM LOANS. O. AL SMITH. 90 6th st. Main 8770. $100,000 on mortgages, city and fain, property, fire Insurance. McKenzte & Co., uerunger Diag., d ana Aiaer. MORTUAGE loans at current rates. Real estate security. Apply room zvi uto:a Exchange bldg., 3d and Yamhill sts. UaVE any amount to loan on good Portland real estate. Call 228 Cham ber of Commerce bldg. No brokers. CASH paid for mortgages, notes, con tracts; mortgage loans; reasonable rates. F. H. Lewis & Co.. 8 Lewis blflg. $100 to $5000 private money loaned; easy terms, Evens, 200 Gerllnger bldg. WILL loan $20,000 or less, real estate. Farringon, 4Ifi commercial cnup biog. MONEY to loan. 6 to 8 per cent. W. H. Seitg fc Co.. sin spaifi.ng mag. MONCY loaned, contracts and equities bought. Room 312. Commercial block. MONEY to loan on real estate. A. II. HARDING. 8' 3 Ch. of Com. MORTGAGE loans, 6 and 7 tier per cent. Louis Salomon & Co.. 229 Stark St. .$260. $350. $600. $860, $1200, $2000. Fred W. uerman Co., i namner or ommeree. MONEY loaned, contract and equities bought. Room 312 commercial diock. MONEY TO l)AN ON REAL ESTATE. GEO. P DKKI'M. 2- HKNKY HL1X, $600 TO loan at 10 per cent, gilt-edged security. 498 Emerson st- MONEY to loan on real estate seourhy. B. S. Pagus. 615 Oregonian Bldg. MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS, SALARIES 07 HID) TO m AT THESE RATES $0.85 weekly pays a $ 10 loan. $0.66 weekly pays a $ 25 loan. $1.10 weekly pays a $ 60 loan. $1.50 weekly pays a $ 75 loan. $1.90 weekly pays a $100 loan. Other sums In proportion. Pay weekly or monthly. Loans Made on Salary or Your FURNITURE. PIANO. AUTO. STORAGE RECEIPTS. LIVESTOCK, REAL HSTATK, OK MUTUKL'tCLlfiB. YOU CAN GET IT TODAY. No Loan Company Ever Offered You a Contract Line This. Think This Over On all loans, if the head of the family dies or becomes permanently disabled before the account is paid" in full, and your payments are up to date. WE WILL OIVE THE WIDOW A RECEIPT IN FULL OF ACCOUNT WE ARB RELIABLE. AND DO AS WE ADVERTISE. PORTLAHD UAM CO, 413 Macleay Bldg, Between 4th and 6th, on Washington. wail, write, or fnonn. A-2897. Marshall 8288. Open 8 a. m. to 8 p. m. every day until Christmas, Upon your personal note. Now la the time to call "before Xmaa rush is on," 75,11 ON SHORT NOTICE TO ANY ONE WORKING NO MORTOAUE. NO INDOKSER. NO LOWEST RATES. KAS1EST PAYMENTS. PUBLICITY. REBATE GIVEN IF PAID DUE. BEFORE 809 Falling Bldg. evening until 9 o'clock from now until Xmas. Openlnf ELBY .COMPANY. (Licensed.) $10 ta, 810.000 to loan nn diamonds. jewelry, watches, musical Instruments, pianos, automobiles, storage receipts. rates. 820 Lumber Exchange bldg. 'Main CHATTEL loan Money for salaried people and others uDon their own names. cheaD rates, easv Davment. Sea me before dealing elsewhere; confiden tial. IX D. Drake. 828 Hxnrv blda FOR LOAN $1600 on good mortgage security, land preferred. Address E. A. Glover, 1148 William av., corner Emerson,- A DESIRABLE place for ladies and gen. - tlemen te borrow money on diamonds and jewelry at raster rates. Diamond Palace. 834 Wash., opd. Owl drug store. VK loan monejTon diamonds and jewel- ry at nair tne rates cnargea oy ore. ere, Mar Worn. 74 8d st IMMEDIATE and confidential loan on furniture. Dianas' autoa and motor cyoles. 206 Alder st- ' -, ' MONEY loaned on diamond and Jewel- nr. ateuy eojujaoauiu. u iv . MONEY TO IiOAN . REAL ESTATE (Continued) g0a-aPV-i s-sHs 07 .Continued) - - J MONEY sold on Installment: confiden tial . to salaried people, w. A, New ton. 614 Henry feidg. MONEY' loaned on diamonds. Jewelry and wuthouu receipt. Eeom i. Wanhlwgton bldg. UUASfr WANTED 80 WANTEtt OM.AJ.inBfaittITT. f-;4l7,40--f;--rattio $80,000; rropeny leased ior over I70O0. $10,000 4! 7; value $40,000. 7,000 & 7; value 26,000. 1,600 8; value .3,000. McKENZiE fc CO.. Main 2801. 616 Gerllnger Bldg. I HAVE a $4000 first mortgage to sell which runs for three (3) years, bear ing Interest at the rate of 7 per cent per annum, secured by west side prop erty, close In, valued at $20,000, for LE NOIR, 228 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. WOULD like to meet some enterprising person of small means who will ac cept second mortgage aa security anJ share profit in legitimate but small un dertaklng. Box W-888, Journal. . $300 WANTED on village property, Which has 12 cottaces vulued at not less than $15,000. Will pay well for Bdiue. investigate at my expense. uv i oo, journal. $2200 FIRST mortgage, bearing Interest at 7 tier cent oer annum, secured bv close in west side property valued at iu.vvu lor sale ror izouo, Le JNolr, 2Z8 unamoer or commerce. DESIRE small building loan out of city limits: a Detter onnortunltv than local building offers; an actual demand, not a peuuiaiun. ihii journal. VVANTEJJ $2800 on quarter block ai E. 26th and Belmont. No commission, Will Bell. $3000 for one to three years on proper tv worth $18,000. No azenta. N-790. journal $12V0 SECOND mortgage, payable $20 monthly: liberal discount W-813, Journal. HAVE a client who needs cash; discount 8900 first morto-aara $60. will 616 Wilcox bldg. WANT to borrow $600; good security and oonus. box 685. FINANCIAL SI CASH -PAID FOR MORTGAGES. Or seller's equity In contract of sale on mi tfBiaic in yv uhiiihk iuii m v., vbuu. H. E. Noble. Lumbermens bldg. Loana H K LP U AN I El l .MALE Situation Wanted Ads. inserted free for those in need of work and who are unable to pay for an advertisement. Advertisements must be brought to the office personally by the parties oesiring worit Y. M. C. A. EMPLOYMENT DEPT. Employment membership guarantees member will secure employment or re fund of membership fee; give two months full membership privilege. 10 months social privileges. Record for 11 monius ending: Nov. 80: Calls for men 2408 Positions filled 1724 All young men seeking employment. especially strangers, are cordially in vited to consult with the secretary of tne Employment Department LEARN TO REPAIR AND DRIVE AUTOMOBILES. Best equipped school In the west Modern facilities, up-to-date methods. Everything practical. KNKOLu NOW AT SPECIAL HOLI DAY KATES, and save money. Big demand for trained men. Ve assist our graduates to posi tions. T'aclflc Autu & Gas Engine School. 188-190 Chapman st, between Yamluil and Taylor WANTED Two or three men to sell hlch class real estate at the mouth of the Coftimbla; must have real estate experience or a circle of friends: this la unquestionable the greatest opportunity for salesmen and customers alike in the northwest Apply 901 Wilcox bldg., forenoon. WANTED For U. S. army, able bodied, unmarried men between aaea of 18 and 35; citizens of the United State, of gooa character ana temperate naDits, who Can epeak, read and write the English language. For Information ap ply to recruiting officer. Worcester bldg., 3d and Oak Bts.. Portland, Or. WANTEU9 High grade salesman desir ing to make permanent conneotlon, unusual opportunity to right man; sal ary and bonus after determining your value. Not real estate or stocks. Oive full details in writing. Address M-492, Journal. WE must have 8 district manager at once; good opportunity to make good, It you work. You are your own boss. Very little money required to tart with. For particulars, call or wrtte Golden West Mfg. 4b Distributing Co., 188 Chapman st. MANY openings and call for workmen t in this business; few months only learning; pleasant, profitable work; po sitions secured graduates. Watchmak ing. Engraving and Optical School. 216 Commonwealth bldg., 6th and Ankeny, Portland. PRACTICAL man. with family, familiar with horses, for general farm land or chard work. Permanent position an.l good opportunity to acquire small farm to rlsht party with not leas than 8260 csFh to Invest. Write E-841, Journal. MEN to clear land near Lents, in ex change for good lots In MontavIUa district; light clearing. Call today, Mc Coy, 2183 East Stark St., Altamead car to end, 4 blocks north, 1 block eagt, WANTED Carpenter, small family man. to work out first payment on small home, east side; part cesn, part to apply. Near Rose City Park car Una G-713, Journal. WANTED -Young man capable of run- nlng and taking care of- 7-passenger automobile in rent services must nave bank references and $1000 to Invest, which will be secured. 1-715, Journal. YOI1NO MAN. WHY WORK LONG HARD HOURS FOR SMALL WAGES? LEARN MOVING PICTURE OPERAT ING; COMMAND GOOD SALARY. 417 ROTHCHILD BLDQ. "STOCK SALESMEN Wo have openings for 2 live men. 638 Morgan bldg. ONE good groom wanted for fine horses in best staoie in norinwest. ivramer Riding School, 16th and Jefferson st Don t phone. ' WANTED electrician to wire 10 room house at Tlcard. Day work. Btate salary and experience. Address J. R. Moler, Tlgara WE HAVE a first class steady position with reliable nrpi ror a good - man who can furnish some cash security. Call 613 Dekum bldg. 6A LEHMAN wanted; a business worth Tthlle and an opportunity to build a business of your own. Cash weekly. Ad- dres Capital city Niirs ery Co.. Balem. or. WANTED A number of high grade stock salesmen. Permanent position. Salary or commission. Call 372 E. Oak st.. city. AGENTS wanted to sell hominy and horseradish; gooa pay. can ess oan- tenbein ave. WANTED Man tftte charge Of lunch counter In salOcWriow rent, fixtures furnished. Call 166 Nortn 6th st MARRIED mart for. woods: work this winter teaming or mill work next sum mer. J-700. journal WaNTSD At once, B men to learn aato repuiiiiiK u. 1 1 "lift, b(, -i nuw 1 home Garage, 44 5 Hawthorne aye BREAD baker: must be first class; .... K.l,An -a ,. ..- eienujr ,.,ii.i.. .v. iuv me.,,, ivifj,. n rnntred K-84B. Journal. SOLICITORS wanted: beet offer in olty. Vsn Dyck Studio. 404 Woahlngton st CHEF Hc-adquarter and helpers. Call forms w ine utpni " ramnui HELP WANTED -RUSO. 40 WANTED Organiser to aollcit mem bers ana orani locgo. order of Owls. South Bend, In ' UNCALLED for tailor made suits, $6.60 up. Taylor, '.ne tanor, x. Burnswe. AI'DERMOTT'S show card school, day and evening classes. 810 Tilford bklg, MEN, 18 to 88, -wishing to be. railway mail clerks, $75 mo. KX-473. Journal. USE Bassett's Native Hrb for rheu- nuLUam; 69 ta.letg 250, AJU orurgteU. MONEY TO LOAN -"! ATTEIJSL HAI.ARIRft HELP tt'AXTED A11SC. 41) (Ceatlaued) v OREGON AUTOMOBILE SCHOOL, 268- WE start you in business, furnishing: 28 11th nt. Latest i up-to-date rneth. everything, men and women, $30 to ode of practical Instruction In driving $200 weekly operating our "New System and repairing automobiles by expert in- Specialty Candy Factories," home, any structors and mechanics. Tuition, part where; no canvassing; opportunity life cash on enrollment, .balance at time of time; booklet free. Bagsdale Co., box : graduation. We assist our graduate te 2. E. Orange, N. J. positions. Pay and night Classen. j AGENTS Salary "or 'commission; great-1 SALESMAN FOR GENERAL MERCAN-! est seller yet; every user pen and ink TILE TRADE. Vacancy January 1. buys on sight; 200 to 500 per cent profit; Unexcelled specialty proposition. Com- one agent'w sales $820 in st days; an-' misston contract- $86.00 weskrjr for ex-other $32 in 2 hours. Monroe Mfg. Co.',' peases. CONTINENTAL JEWELRY X-244. La Crosse. Wis. CEVFiVDNOHlOJf,TAI' BUIU)INQ' USE'vour spare time to build up a CLEVELAND. OHIO. I malf ord)Sr 0UalrM!M 0f your own, KW, BALKSMAN Capable epeciaity man ror Oreaon startle line on NEW and EX' CKPTIONAL terms. ATTRACTIVE commission contract for 1914. $36.00 weekly for . expenses. MILES F. BIX LEK CO, 527-61 CARLIN BUILDING, CLEVELAND, OHIO. GOVERNMENT RAILWAY -MAIL CLERK. Customs-Internal Revenue "Dy ffl r'civis'erv Secretary-Examiner. Free Booklet E- Service School, Rochester, N. Y. OREGON LAW SCHOOL. A thorough practical course in law; no time lost from regiuar occupation; recitations evenlntrs. Samuel T. Rich ardson, dean, M. Morehead, Sec, 816-317 Commonwealth bldg.. Portland, Oregon. WANTED Men 18 to 85. a raTlwi? mall clerk. $76 month i lloo vacancie' every year, examinations everywhere freciuently. Sample question free. Franklin Inatitute, Dept. 327-H, Roches ter N. V. LADIES Sewing at home, Material furnished; no canvassing: steady work. StamDed envelope for particu lar Calumet Snnnlv Co j Dent D-7 Kf.-..V"ul?f BUDP,y "-0-' Jjepu u 7( ariiiwaunee. ur,.Tlul3inAl jrco lor oniy ukbwii - - " on market that sells itself on dem- onstratlon (,. hi nrnflt- frM Wash. U SE your .pare time to build upa mail order business of your own. We help you start for a share In profit. ortuie'0r?aXularsPf?ee Mutual ,nS nnmes Fxchan Buffalo N Y PPffi f xchsnge Burraio. n. t. 8 WANTED Salesman. $60 per mo. and expenses; steady work; experience un necessary; select territory and get early start. Oraham Nursery Co., Rochester. New York. $3000 $10,000 yearly easily made. Our system Insures success; become es tablished for life. Valuable book free. Interstate Realty-Brokerage Co.. Pitts burg, Pa. I WILL start you earning $4 uaily at boms spare tim no rBDttal: free lni Zrtfc ve bookt E vI LARGE, strong man with family to .up ,.m n V HS Prt; carpenter and able to turn his n Mass ttedmond. hand to anything, desires work. Main ing plans of dperatl Dept. 2B1, Boston, dhJJp"hlfr.Ai income assured. Address National Co operative Realty Co., V-909. Marden bldg., Washington, D. C. $100.00 WEEKLY profit In spare time at home. ' ijriT -a h iini.ir,n'i Xut aplt2LderBoyUd8lT8irownn! K'.hr..L, worry Omaha, Nebraska. WANTED Traveling salesmen; hun dreds opportunities now open- write for particulars. Brad street System, Rochester. N. Y.; dept. 149. SALESMEN $10 a day Introducing the erf eager Tlnaffil.' Act' quick: Ca- wood Novelty Co., Danville, 111. GOVERNMENT positions are easy .to get My free booklet, Y-868, tells how. Write today Now. Earl Hopkins, Washington. D. C. " MAKE $6 daily, slivering mirror; no capital required; pamphlet giving de tails Free. H. S. Keitel Co., Dept 10, San Francisco, Cal. AN Intelligent person may earn $100 monthly coresponding for newspapers. No canvassing. Send for particulars. Press Syndicate 708. Lockport. N. Y. PACIFIC CHIROPRACTIC COLLEGE f-VoV .;TmAY; i;i.T.( forming; send for catalogue. 407-418 YOUNG man wishes position as chauf Commonwealth bldg., Portland, Or. : feur. Will work cheap, with board. G. GOVERNMENT positions open to wo- Romothen. 474 Columbia st. A:3369. men, 18, $76 montn. write immeaiate- ly for free list. Franklin Institute, )ept, 696-H, Rochester, N. TS. HELP WAVTETJ FEMALE i Situation Wanted Ads Inserted free for those In need of work and who are unable to pay for au advertisement Advertisements must be brought to the office personally by the parties desiring work. THE $10,000 PRIZE OFFERED by the PARISIAN ART INSTITUTE waich would clean the most delicate fabric and finest colors' without Injuring, WAS rinesi colors wunoui injuring, wao WON by the FORMULA wrUch, together with a dozen other secret formulas, will be forwarded on receipt of 25c silver. This Is genuine. Box 1176, Portland, Or, THOROUGHLY experienced biller for 1 --.n.-1 , WH1 a,l. der attachment Apply superintendent's office I to 10 1 m. Olds, wortman King. WANTED Woman to work for board and clothes during winter; gooa nome; might nay reasonable wages later. Earl R. Smith. Suver, Oregorl. WANTED An elderly lady with good references to assist with housework: a good home and small wages. 406 Sum- ner si. vyuumawu -a.. WANTED Woman who know how to take care of a confined lady, some housework; good home; $3 per week to start 892 Skldmore st. near Union ave. WANTED Competent girl for general housework. Apply Mrs. F. 1 warren, 868 Mellnda ave. Phone Marshall 3172. FAMILY of 2 want woman or girl to do YOUNG man, married, experienced gro llght housekeeping for room and ceryman. must have work: will do board. Phone Main 1832. COOK WANTED An experienced maid to cook ana serve cnrisunae dinner; must give references. K-923, Journal. EXPERIENCED mangle help feeders, folders and shakers. Palace Laun dry Co.. E. 10th and Everett. WOULD like elderly woman to take charge, of house while lady works:! r"od home, some wages. 650 Frankfort. I WANTED Girl to assist With nouse- i , ww,M.rr. i lawn b at once. LAUl-S to travel oemonmrsiB ana sen holers 825 to i50 ner week: railroad fare paid. 615 Swetland bldg. PIANO lessons In exchange for book keeping; sewing or housework. Z-755, Journal. RAGTIME guaranteed beginners in 10 lessons. Free booklet, 603 Ellers bldg. -fT. ..nt.H for- v.neral housework for , small family. Apply 476 E. 62d N. HELP VANTEI MALE AM'. FEMALE 23 OREGON Barber College teaches you the barber trade In 8 weeks, pays you while learning, tools rree, tuition re duced this term; expert instruction, po sition guaranteed, special Inducements to ladles. 233 Madison st. 262 2d. PkiVAtlS SHORTHAND AND TYIu WRITING SCHOOL. Day and evening sessions; expert in struction; $5 per month. 269 14th st Main 8893. .. MOLER BARBER COLLEGE teaches the trade in 8 weeks, pays while learn- Ing. gives a lt-clasa set of tool. Writ for free catalogue. B, 48. N. 2d at HlN, women, j get government lobs: $90 month: 12.000 appointment coming. Write fof Hat of positions. Franklin Institute. Dept. S26-H, Rochester, N. Y. WANTED Railway mail clerks. Ex amination everywhere- frequently. Sample questions free. Franklin Instt- tute. Dept 384-H, Rochester, N. Y. MAN or woman wanted towoTk In room ing house. A partuer wan tod. 181 1st, corner Yamhill. MAN and wife to cook and Janitor in small boarding house, $30 month, room ana ooarq. mono c. iai. MEN and women, travel or horn work, . $15 to, $18 week; experience unneces sary, 298 8th, and Cla PIANO lessons, $6 a month, Arrange ments can be made for practicing. 269 14th st. Main-3893. ,. ; FlSK Teachers' Agency secures posi tion for1 teachers. Si6 Journal bldg. WANTEDAGENTS 0 AN intelligent person may earn $100 monthly oorrenondinr for newspap ers. No canvasslng.rSekd for nartlcul .Kd Pre gyacUcte. Hi. Lockport, WANTED AGENTS (Coattaued) neip you utart for a ahare In profits. 27 opportunities. Particulars free. Mut ual Opportunities Exchange, Buffalo, N. . $80 WEEKLY selling "Easy" suction sweeper; wheels operate cylinder cre ating powerful suction; all metal: no pump; no bellows; sample free. Foote Co.. Dayton, Ohio. JTJSi Ing novelty slcn cards: merchants buy 10 to 100 on sight; 800 varieties; cata logue free. Sullivan Co., 1234 Van Buren St., Chicago, 111. IF WH had your address we'd aend free ample and show you how to make $25 not 1 week but weekly. Q. Mfg. Co., warren St.. New York, suite 3S6. OWN your own business; sell oaPj, .wjJLttTt't Brady's sample. Dr. Brady, manufacturer, St. Louis, Mo. SITUATIONS MALE POSITION WANTED. Toung man, 21 years old, wishes posi tion as clerk in grocery store, confec tionery or hotel clerk. Plenty of ex I Perience, ana gooa reierences. oo moral habits. Write or phone. J. 8. B perience, and good references. Good Hotel Ockley, 10th and Morrison. Horn pDn. A-3219 . 1IIIUJIQ f t. "'1' Ulllll, , mill llivwiu .m woriter ana anxious 10 secure uy kiiiu ffvln EdT U Crowthe 1460 East 13 th . ?nrth nMium HERE'S a chance for somebody to do 1 "mebody a whol, lot of good lust at thlj Um( Maks ras a preBent of a Job for Xmas. I need It all right. T-S28, Journal. COLLEGE secretary desires position; capable of managing office, handling correspondence, or acting as private secretary or stenographer. Addrest Milt Hopkins, 69 E. 88th st MARRIED man, good cook, wishes work I at trade or any kind of work In city city. V., .VM1W. Al, A.V V.. WWW AAWVU Mb., YOUNG man (23) must have work. 10 months timekeeper on Southern Pacific. also knowledge of general office rou tine. K-6ZZ, journal. EXPERT machinist will go out of town to worn 2u years' experience repair- flnbS" ' Wnd machinery. JKlKin III. to work; 20 years experience repair' YOUNG married man, experienced stockman, receiving clerk and floor walker, desires position; no bad habits; good references. C-833, Journal. WANTED Position as demonstrator, collector or crew manager by lady with experle nee; best of references. J 720, Journal, COMPETENT and experienced station ary fireman wants work; is familiar with all kinds of engine. East 1220, room 1. WANTED Position, moving picture op erator; must have work; can give references- will work for small wages. R-514, Journal. TWO men want contraot to cut wood groceries and tools to be furnlabed R-685, Journal. ALL I ask df Xmas Good fellows Is a Job. Call Marshall 4934 1 am reliable. ambitious and adaptable. Rodgers, BOOKKEEPER wants position, 7 years, ul,tr'. W-il5, Journal. SOBER, Industrious man wants position i where adaptability and intelligence are appreciated. Phone M. 8297, jnley. YOUNG man, 25, wishes work; first class office tnan and cost accountant P-806, Journal GENERAL merchandise salesman of It years' experience. A-l references; card writer and trimmer. B-810, Journal. CHRISTIAN man. married, needs work Gf any description. S. Cndrill, Mil- waukle, Oregon. Box 804, R. 2. -vnrn'ic-Mn , --.- ,.--r "MffjS willli'g to do anything; can give good raff, . Main 717. FAlr .it, good all around hand, marr rlod, must have work, day orvcn tract. 0-699. Journal. N PLACE to work for board, room; handy witn toois ana can run lurnace; sooer and strictly bonest . Z-806. Journal EXPERIENCED poultry man wants po- smun; biukio. io jrvua oia, reier- ences. G-711. Journal. PAPERHANGING. kalsomlnlng. from $2.00 room up. A trial will convince. Flnlav. Main 1773. AM experienced In dairying ranch o delivering mint c w. Hat, Rose city hotel. vSftva mnn ImUa ens mrlnr' iTZ cense, married, wants position on tug or launch. Q-8.2, Journal. CARPENTER First class finisher, on alterations: hardwood. O. K. Walker. 703 Vi Hoyt anything. A-l references. A-7206. OFFICE BOY Bright industrious and exnenencea. nesires permnnpni sirua tlon; good references. Q-833, Journal. PEtKR MILLER, baker of bread and cake. 203 Couch St.. Eastern house, cltv or country, ALBERT GROSS, house, Couch st. baker. 204 Eastern WANTED Position as Janitor, house m an. kitchen helper. 231 E. J2d st N. CARPENTER, first class, wahts work. contract or day; phone Sellwood 5S4I. G?"D f.0.? wft"t( "or- J. 'U7'V " " - "ilJSa BY BOOKKEEPER or hotel clerk. In or out or town. H-ftUO, journal. S1TI ATTTVH F KM ALK TWO girls out of work would like em- pmyment wnere couiu nave nome ana onilnal wages over Christmas. main WOMAN with baby wants chambe? work or ' kitchen helper; i.ll Main ., Apt. 7. RELIABLE woman wishes to cook dln- ners or take care of children evening. Call all week evenings. Marshall 3162. BY experienced woman, position as housekeeper in home or hotel. Will leave city. Call after 11. A-6450. WIDOW lady, age 30, wishes house keeping for gentleman. 656 Upshur st, Portland. MAMdURlST' wishes position In bar ber shop. Salary or percentage. Main ujiji.-ir v . 1 : '. POSITION where woman Is wanted. Do everything If used right ,J-725, Jour-j wMrfW- '.; i,n,..---.,- U 1 ss. WANTED Work as housekeeper in email family; good home more than wages. 2-784, Journal. IWAJft to talte in babies; any age. Price reasonable; good reference. 408 WaNT any -kind of work except oook ing. Wage no less than $28 and board. 8 4 1 Front st. CAPABLlS woman, . flrst-clas eook, want position with olub or boarding house. L-869, Journal. - LADY with child wishes position as housekeeper or chamber work; will Worh without child? call 1651 E. 25th at WILL car for chllcfren, any tim, day or night; responsible person. C-8298. iiOOiJ working woman wishes day woFE Marshall 4C 40. W-.NTKD-A' position1 to work for hus band's board asd room. C-IOQQ. Journal. tRiAC'liCAC" nurse wants woi t Phoni Kast 123 end eall for Mra. Ourtla. WANTED Housekeeping, by - rsilauT woman, pnonet iarsnu 707. WOMAN wants day work; any kind. Marshall 1723, . BITCATtOXS FEMALE 4 EXPERIENCED watlrewL not very strong will asstet wits the worH In respectable boarding ' bouse for mom, board and small pay or help ear (or a child. B-825, Journal. IWILLING girl, with small experience, I want steady work, a chambermaid! must have work, 4th t Call Mar- shall 2829. - EXPERIENCED bookkeeper and Un ;r.:.jaal.ealrea4oalt.olt'ol,,aa speaks an4 write Qerraan. 0-728. Jour. nal. - ' . - .-fj.?-.;. ; BRIGHT girl of 14 wiahe good horn in private - family; willing -1 aiisist in housework; love babies: sioei' wage. R-607, Journal. SIIUATIOXs WASTED MAIJ ANIFEMALg tVa EXPERIENCED nmaa and wlfeT Janito'rCWC., want an apartment house ioo; elty , reference; do all repair. 0-724, Jour- . nal. T . ... . , ., , ' MOTHER and son wish position la city. Hotel or Janitor work in apart- ment house. i88, journal. VIOLINIST and piano aocompanlfi , wish work anywhere la or out of . city. S-819, Journal. D R -SM AKIX43 40 FASHIONABLE dressmaking and mil linery; home or day. 182 Va Gibba. Main 14. : .- - MAKE your own gowns. Dressmaking; thoroughly taught Parisian Dress making School 3-01 Ooodnough bldg, MAY MAU'lZ, modiste, suit, gownej dresses; alterations and makeover solicited. Phone Valr 893$. 183 12tb at LADIES' tailoring, alteration, coat re Uned. Mrs. Muckler, 446 Morrison, 2d noor. main ij. DRESSMAKER, experienced, wishe work: family or omrlneso. 11. ta dar. Kast 8487. Uf02S' ???Jr?r j or hour. Main 6384 Apartment E. NUR8ES 0(1 GRADUATE male nurse on men tat and. nerve disease, desires private case, city or country, at reasonable terms, best references furnished. D-778, Journal. UKAlUHEn KOOiia WEST SIDE THE Hyland Apt. 490 Morrison. On large room with or without house keeping privilege. . $20 a month. On small room $10 a month, steam heat, strictly modern. r FOR Y. M. C A. memDers. Furnished rooms, reasonable in price; fireproof building, vacuum cleaned, shower baths. club facilities, special rate at cafeteria. Cor. 6th and Taylor sts. HOTEL MADRAS. 12th and Washington. Steam heat, hot - and cold running water, private and de- . lacbed baths, tree pnone. single it, suite 2 rooms $5. $2.50. $2.75, $3.00 week, warmest clean est rooms In city, right down town; baths and hot water, all hour. 60c, 75o and $1.00 per day, all outside rooms. Hotel Cadillac. 3d at. near Jefferson. HOTEL Buckingham, 20th and Waalw. , new brick, modern conveniences, plen ty of heat, $2.50 week up; with private ; bath, $5 per week up. ' vol NO man, rooming at Y. M. C A., , wants roommate to reduce rooming expenses. Inquire Y. M. C. A-, cor. Ut and Taylor. TOURIST HOTEL, Centrally located. S cars from depots, modern conveniences, transient trade o- " licueq, ftoc up, ta a ween up. law ist si. ELEGANT front suite, with private bath, suitable for a club of 4 young men, $2,26 a week, each. . Warm and . clean. 665 Washington et. Taj RANDOLPH tor. 3d and Colum bia, Furnished rooms, steam heat hot an cold water, bath. $1.50 week up. HE1LIX HOTEL, 2d and YamhllL ten- . trally located, modern, steam fisaud . i. . . . i . i . - . rwinj Afee pnting iru uwin. fa.py wwih 4 T1 IT A ! V. n -.! tttnt , .. -er Wf,ek 2ou ad. FURNISHED -room. $1.75 and up; free phone and bath; also housekeeping room. 122 12th st, cor. Wash. Ru-JS and apartments In modern o l tel. $2.60 week and up 485 Alder. HQ I EL SAVON jn'. ' NICELY furnished bsdroom. $1.60 pe.. week. 826 4th. Phone 3672. FRONT room, two or three gentlemen $15 a month. Phone A-2014. LARGE front room for 2 men, $1 each! per week.; 88 10th. VOBaiSXISO BOOMS NICELY and newly- furnished light and airy rooms, very desirable and home like. $11 to $15 per month. 276 N. $2d st.. 1 block from Westover car. f CLEAN sunny rooma-and board. Rate given to club of 10 or more business men. Furnace heat, bath. 831 Jefferson. Main 1099. References exchanged. . 1, 2 or 3 ROOMS, let or 2d floor, 8 mln- utes walk to P. O., furnished or un- furnished. Rent $1.00 and up; Inquire 470 Davis st. ; FURNISHED room for one or two. walking distance; hot and cold water, electric light, phone free; home prlvl- lege. 691 Everett, Main 8116. . NICELY furnished front parlor with folding bd; modern: $8 a week; also single room $1.50 per week. 696 Lovejoy st, cor. 19th. Marshall 8043 TWO very' pleasant corner front rooms.- close in, walking distance. Electrio lights, furnace, bath and phone. 474 Market A-3560. WELL urnished alcove room, phone, bath and heat; good location for I or 2 gentlemen. 251 0th. Marshall 4. 1 NEATLY furnished room, light, heat , bath, $7 for one, $10 for two. Call 190 N. 17th st. -. : WELL furnished front room, one block from hospital suitable for one or two ladles. Main 1852. LARGE room with bath ita young men or man and wife; also single roomf modern home. Mam 8267. 46i ciayt ithm IS. ITTH 1 rooms, private famffr; neat. comforUble rooms, prte mod- erate. Z43 otn. Marsnaii g.u. , v NICELY furnished room. furnace, phone, -bath; 134 N, lth t near North Bank depot. - - - SLEEPING room suitable for plain working men. $1.60. $2 week: , 676 coucn, corner ism $1.76 up, stove heat, bath, phone: a 1 room for baching $L2S week. 80) . Salmon et. . n r TWO ladles will share flat or rent one v or more rooms, separate. 838 Main, corner Broadway, 2 minute to P. O, , v $1.50 WKKK, furnished front room; heat, baU, phone; close in. 420 Jef ferson. - . -j.''.'.."'? MODERN, warm rooms, ontrally 1. cated. 81 N. 17 th, near Washington. Marshall 1697.;; . , -.-; ; :::.rr::y FURNISHED room, all modern eon veiv ienoes. 34 18th t N., near Wash. MODERN, newly furnished front room. 855 Clinton, Richmond car. Sell, 63. , ROOMS Mudern conveniences, walking distance. 369 14th st Main 319$. fTTCEXYHfulrnls Ked room "for renfTheiC ..... i. kaiA wvt Mi. . r. , l gnt, oatn; iu.dv. b.j - it u, NICELY furnished roomsTl 1.60 to $160. Close in, nice tocaiion. ies inn 6UTS.DE, clean rooms, furnace, batli,' phone, $jth - u P-ljJ t'- HOtSEKEKPLVG ROOMl 1$ ''hk:.-:-:. WEST SIDE ONE completely furnished, front eorne:, team heated apartment, only $.3.Vi per month. 187 I7tn stf near yaronm. camrriDOK BLDO.. furnished It K. rooms; central; cheap rent, Appl room 20, 3rd. and Morrison. itOkES'f," iU iith. Sulte'T'lHri room complete for housekeeping. V ui nace nested. jLIOHT houeekeeplng rooms wlili iiK'i', phone and Vary pl,.iit 4- Salmon st. i Ti2i OILMAN, 1st U ror. An'.rj ur- nthed H. K. fwmn II t wi ,i 3 ROO'il sulut. nlc-Tv f in :., ,. i t phono, eloo!rhr. IM7 i ': , t 1 ON'li" houaeiieepln Jl t w suitable fur two, 411 n.