1 . -'J. ' . 1 " 'v.-' 8 THE OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL PORTLAND. SUNDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 21, 1913. ACREAGE Wl FOB SALE FAcLlj i(Contlnned) 17 . , -For Ml by F. Currie, land clearing v tracts, address $16 Belling bldg. Phono Wain 1700. . ON,' ACJiJB Just sast Montavllla, near ear line;- suitable for gardening or cmcaen rancn. Must sen, iuu. term: ;101 Chamber of Commerce. . 150 PE't ACRE BUYS THIS 40. 8 acres under cultivation. 6 acre prunes. apples, ate. Fair house, barn. chicken house; $1100- cash, balance terms. , CASH BARGAIN. 40 acres. 32 acres cleared. 214 mllcj from small Clarke Co. town: aood soil: no waste land; on county road: $50 per acre, will consider unincumbered lot aa part payment. UUUMKI HOMK, 48- acres. 2' fnllea from "Vancouver; Wash.. M mile from Pacific highway paved road: 18 acres cultivated: family orchard; grapes, small fruit, etc.; run ning stream: 6 room house, larae barn and well: 16500. $1000 cash, balance to J suit at e per cent B Li WELL. REALTY CO.. Grand Theatre bldg,, Vancouver, Wash FRUIT LANDS jOontinnad) 45 FOR SALE 0 acres fine apple land. partly Improved, balance easily cleared. owner, ti. ts. Krntson, Moster. ur. EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE 24 Jk ffiSfiFStft HOMESTEADS 47 RELINQUISHMENT I have a fine piece of land, 160 acres, 60 acres all food tillable, good soli, which I will relinquish for $750. This m:mr-Vtfl"vmigife5Wis' nomesteaci rignts. 402 Lumoer jsxcnange. Z(i and stark. I-OK Kr.K FAK-Vis THE IDEAL FARM FOR MAKING MONEY. ' SO acres. 40 cleared, balance i0 acres 'lashed and 20 acres first and : econd rromtn timber, cedar and fir; good 8 . room House, plastered, water piped to ?r0oumCa,h"d -. house, fine barn 70x70. workshop, gran- if" '"1B "lvj --, .-J .kl.t.n Kaiibo' linn Kmm TlVOr. OOal IBni Chicken and Fruit Ranch 10 acres. H acres under cultivation. 1 acre slashed and very easily clearoJ, 6 acres orchard in full bearing, which paid off of prunes alone (450 this year; 3 room house, barn 20x24, good c.ilcken houses and yards; place situated 9 miles 1 mile from Columbia landing and railroad station. on fine gravel road. 1 mile from high scnooi, stores ana cnurcn. ir you are Hatch, 327 Lumber Exchange luumijg ior u piuce iu live nnu tsuucuiu vil.r, Rpil mv "arv and chicken house: also cream room. All fenced. 4 acres 'oune or chard, nlentv small berries and fruit cows. J heifers 8 vearl ncs 1 calf 8 'our family, do not fail to investigate, boats, 2 brood Vwt clfickens? All $1200 cash balance can . 5.? fmiW,,t. nint hov fnr t stand 4 years, 6 per cent, with liberal turnips, carrots, etc.. and about 1401 repayment privilege sacks of potatoes. This farm is one- half mile to church and school, and about I miles from Rldgefield, on goo J roaa. met iu.tuu; wunout personal property. s&oo: some terms. H. B. APPERSON. Ridgef ield. Wash HAVE 160 acres fine outrange, also have homestead relinaulshment ad Joining of 180 acres, for $2000, 1m provements of house and barn on deed ed property. Fair house on relinquish' ment. Z-448, Journal. FOR homesteads and relinquishment1! come to Drylake, Crook Co., Or.: loca tlons 150; relinquishments $260 up Will locate 2 or 3 and take work fir part fee. Send stamp. For particulars, aggress uryiane store, uryiaKe, ur. 40 ACRE relinquishment, 35 in culti vation, lies well, 6 acres In timber, fenced, good spring, on good county road. 3 miles to railroad and town. $300. Thompson & Swan 612 Main St., Vancouver, Wash. ' J5 ACRES NEAR HILLS BORO ONLY $3000. !5 acres thi miles S. W. of Hillsboro. 1 mile S. P. R. R.; all tillable, 12 acres In cultivation 4 rooiu house, small shed and chicken house, good well. This is away below value at the price, $3000; mortgage $1500. 6 per cent due in 1915. DORR E. KEASEY & CO.. ti Floor Chamber Commerce bldg. V' ' Stock and Dairy Ranch Southwestern Oregon i ....... .2800 acres, $25 per acre, of which ; 1200 acres is bottom land (alfalfa lundi. S00 acres sloping, 800 acres hill land. A portion of the 1200 acres has been In . alfalfa for past two years; 8. P. Ry. and Pacific highway through tract; bor . ders on the Rogue river; well watered; . ! very low terms. GEO. E. WAGGONER. 806 Yeon bldg. ; ! FARM FOR SAl-t; UK t.At riANOE FOtt PORTLAND OR SEATTLE RESIDENCE. , Price $16,000: 96 acres, 60 In high State of cultivation, 8 room house large barn, orchard, outbuildings, on Pacific highway, close to school, church and tore, 1 mile to town, fine location, 60 r acres In grain, spring water piped to house and barn, 4 miles to R. R. town, food roads; will take residence up to 6000: cash 3000: terms on balance- no cuiuiiiisBioD paid. j. w. JU., DOX Z5, K, VF. D. No. 1, Wlnlock, Wash. WHEAT WHEAT WHEAT ; Buy direct from owners, why pay . ' name miuaieman o per cent to sell you a farm? We have the biggest and best , ; bargain in Eastern Oregon; 1280 acres, 900 under cultivation, 460 in wheat: grood bouse, barn and shed, plenty of wnw ai oarn ana in nouse, b miles .town. Crop, stock, machinery. In fact , everyimng tor zb per acre; third cash, Jong time on balance. Evans Bros., ': Lexington, Oregon. ! to CLOSE ESTATE. MUST SACRIFICE IMPROVED FARM AT $60 PER ACRE - Only two and half mllea to Junction City on good county road 406 acres 200 acres of which are under cultivation, balance easy to clear. There Is a house, . two barns, out buildings, and family : orchard. This is an absolute snap, and can be handled on very easy terms. UALLAN & KA8ER, i i eon DiQg. ON THE WILLAMETTE. 20 acres of deep, rich soil. 10 acres in highest state of cultivation, balance open timber, all sloping gently-towards the Willamette river on wnicn it nas a frontage or 25 rods, rltgn oval tann. no wash and no overflow. New bunga low, built to command a splendid view of river. This place Is only 20 miles from Portland, 2 miles from Salem Elec tric and only 4 mile from nice town. school, church, etc. Every rural con- venlsnre A beautiful country noma and a money making farm. Private boat i Room 21 landing on place and a spienaia autu road to Portland. Price aouu. viu cash, balance 6 years at 6. L. M. KELTS, 602 Dekum bldg; relinaulshment In 160 acre Homestead in Yamhill county: will take $350 cash, If sold within 10 days. L-676, Journal. HOMESTEADS, relinquishments. etc. For Information send stamps. Ad dress Dept. L, "Drylake Store," Drylake, Oregon. TWO homestead relinquishments, H4 miles from wagon road, V mile from Pantinm river, 6 miles from R. R. Price $200 each. Phone Columbia 430 TWO homestead relinquishments foi sale by owner. House and furnishing complete. Call 229H 1st St., ro o m 7. WANTED Homestead relinquishment; state price and locality; no agents. X-824, Journal. HOMESTEADS of value near Portland, desirable homes. Covey. 4 267 Oak. Investigate This 40 acres If you want a (rood home 3 hi miles from town; mile from store, schools and churches. IS acres cleared, 4H acres of timber, 35 acres of black loam soil, well and spring; house 18x24, barn 32x60; other out buildings: on main road; 3 cows, 3 heif ers, 3 norses. 11 hogs, 1 bull, wagon, harness, mower, r-ke. 2 plows, harrow. Ifs a snaii for $4500: $3000 cabh bal ance to suit. ALWAYS SEE GILFiJRT FOR BARGAINS. E. F. Gilbert 101 Washington St., Vancouver, Wash. TDICER 28 FOR sale cheap or will exchanre 160 acres. 11,000.000 feet standing timber, Slleti reservation. Inquire of Geo. E Frost. 604 Selling bldg; 44 Acres Improved And only 6 miles from Vancouver; 87 acres cleared all lies fine and It's the finest of soil; on good road; fine neign borhood; close to-school; one of Clark -county's beautv spots; nothing finer; good buildings, all kinds of fruit in bearing: it's the best that money can buy; price $7750; good terms on this. If you want the best see this at once. "ALWAYS SEE GILBERT FOR BAR GAINS." E, F. Gilbert 101 Washington st., Vancouver, Wash. $10,000.00. 60 acres, H4 miles from electrlo line; 12 miles from Portland: fine alluvial soil; spring water; 6000 cords of fir wood. Adjoining land held at double price. Good terms. $8,000.00. 20 acres, 10 miles from Portland, all cleared In fine state of cultivation; 7 room modem house, good barn and out buildings. Hot and cold water In house. Water piped to all buildings. On good road. Good terms. A. W. LAMBERT & COMPANY. E. 40, B-1910. 404 E. Alder Street KXCHAAGE RFAL ESTATE 24 EASTERN realty, wants western land. $4000 equity house, wants cheap land 80 acres Yamhill, $4000; will trade city. House and lot. clear, want farm xanJ. If you have anything to exchange, see Gage, 238 Clay St., Main 9049 A-6447. TEN acre tract, well located and im proved with all new buildings, cloao to Portland; water and rail trannporta tlon; value $4000; will take a modern house and lot up to $2500; close to car line', balance in cash or 1st mortgage. A-915. Journal. APARTMENT HOUSE WANTED. Wo have a fine trade to offer for good apartment house up to $55,000. Part trade and mortgage for balance. LUEDDEMANN, RL'LEY & CO., 913 Chamber of Commerce. AN EXCHANGE SNAP 160 acres of irrigated land In one of the finest alfalfa belts In Oregon: all In cultivation and lies splendidly. Want city property, price $8400. u. S. Smith & Co., 432 Chamber ef Commerce. Exchanges of. Merit on Rogue river, 70 acres of alfalfa, 35 BtiM.coraraerqiai orcnard, balance mls ell8JTeotrr cr"s and .pasture.- T wcCsets of modern buildings, which coat about $16,000. AU kinds of stock, toola and Implements. This la nn, nf Ih. mn ueauuiut country acmes In the Rogue River valley. Dn ucmmt nf Tnrtlanr1 business interests, owner will exchange for Portland Income property. 180 acres nmr nnnt. Paaa nn thu Rogue river; 80 aOea river bottom, in a high state of cultivation, mostly in alfalfa and bearing commercial orchard. Owner will exchange for Portland or Vancouver. Wash.. Income cropertv or close in acreage. One Of the best wheat and alfalfa .1 V. .3 n in n .. , n .. l . . 40 in alfalfa, 850 In wheat. Dlentv of water, prior right; good 9 room house, fair barn, all farm Implements. Owner will exchange for Portland or valley property. We have a client with $25,000 In a-ood real estate mortgages and $26,000 In good Portland property to exchange for a large wheat ranch in eastern Oregon or Washington. All of the above exclusive listings is property of merit and will bear in veatlgaiion. We do not advertise any property unless we have exclusive con tracts on same, consequently our clients receive our concentrated efforts. If you want to sell or exchange your property. If It will bear Investigation, try us with an exclusive contract. Wt will guarantee you results. Prigmore & Younger 84S-S49-850 Morgan bldg. EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE S4 640 Acre Farm . Best part Umatilla Co., Or., all under plow. 290 In wheat, 1-8 to owner, good buildings, plenty of wnmr i&ruung oumu f rice 2s. 000 clear of mortiua. rtonsid. ar . Portland property for all or ... J.?fc tl. best of :,ierma. Have. 6 Morrow Co., all under mow. zu jtuicanat jo., goou land, covered with timber, soma property In western Washington town; in all amounting to $16, 000, and not a dollar of mortgage. Consider ,any Income property, and might assume a little. 640 acre alfalfa farm, 200 In alfalfa, 200 more Irrigated and ready to aeed. great deal more can be Irrigated, canal crosses farm, water right paid, fine build ings, some stook and machinery. Price $66,000. Consider Port land property and might assume a small amount. If Income. .Farm clear of mortgage. . 3280 acre wheat farm, 1500 In "Wheat, all goes with place. Fine set buildings, elegant water plant, stock and machinery, worth $20, 000. Price for all, $30 per acre. Consider- Portland or valley prop erty to - $65,000; remainder; your own time ai 6 per cent. - Do you want to trade some valley -or -Portland, .property- for -a' beautiful- place 'In Union Co., Or.. Joining fine town, haa elegant modern house, other fin .build ings? Owner can ahow books and prove the place has been -netting him from 16 to 20 per cent each year. $35,000. Consider property' up td $45,000. ' ' ' L, K, Moore SIT Board of Trade bldg. EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE 84 Jontlnn Splendid 10 Acres For Trade Price $4000 This la a splendid little farm. There are 10 Vi acres, 9 acre in high tte cultivation. J Berenice timer.--The entire" ract -is th very choicest of loose mellow sandy loam bottom land and nev er overflows. The buildings ara all practically new and in first cih.b cpnuiiion, i room oungaiow, wood f house, laundry, chioken houses and runs for 400 chickens, barn, granary, eto. Young orchard of 60 trees just coming into bear ing. Splendid water. You can get no nicer little farm home than this. Located 29 miles from Port land, l'4 miles from good town. Price $4000. Will take house In Portland to value of $3000, sub urbs preferred. Hargrove & Sons 122 N. Sth st., near Qlisan. Main 4881; A-7269. Read My Exchange List 160 acres line land in Alberta: all fenced, small house, 2 barns; well wa tered; close to town on railroad: 83000. trade for small place near Portland, 160 acres near White Salmon, unim proved, some timber, all good land; $6400. morteaae 82400: trade .miltv rn stock of dry goods, groceries or hard ware. 820 acres In Lake county; all fenced; EXCHANGE--RRA IV ESTATE i 84 A Michigan Farm ' . 70 acres, 80 In cultivation, good buildings, house furnished, .wants 1 to exchange for a piece of land -partly improved in Western Ore gon. Price only $66 per acre clear, 100 Acre Beaverton .Ranch: Modern improvements, all tiled, no better in the valley. Price $16,000, $6000 cash long time on balance 6 per cent. , Wasco County 160 acre, 160 under cultivation, R. R. runs through place; also 10 acres adjoins town with good im provements, to exchange for Port land property. Price $46 per acre.' Fine "Stock. Ranch All stock and machinery. Price $10,000; will take $8000 in clear city property. . - - Keller Deal 101-802 Lumber Exchange Bldg. Portland, Oregon. T 160 Acres $20 an Acre Trade for Residence 160 acres, near Heppner, Mor row county; all in cultivation; fair house, chicken house and out buildings, all fenced, flrct-class soil. Will trade for house and lot In city, and might assume something. Dorr E. Keasey & Co. ti Fir. Chamber Commerce bldg. ' V LOOK THESE OVERi , " 180 ACRES, all fenced, no buildings, I fine stream, 4 springs, 80 acres cleared, balance timber. Price $65 per acre. 6 87-100, a fine bottom land, with mall house, some fruit. Price $800. 10 room house, 3 lots, 40x126, each with plenty of fruit for family. Price : $3500. Some trade. Owner, box 147. Woodstock, Or. 1000 acre wheat ranch, Wasco Co. 605 . acres level land been cultivated, bal. good pasture, some timber. 2 houses, 4 and 6 rooms, cellar. 2 barns, outbuild ings, binder, mower, drill, plows, drags, to. 6 niares, 6 colts, 30 tons hay. All goes at !( per acre. Trade for Port land property, 617 Lumber Exchange Marshall 2708. SMALL 8TOCK RANCH. , ..160 acres, 80 acres under cultivation, I 100 acres tillable, balance nasture, . abundance of water, barn 24x50 feet, hack of a house, 5 milts from railroad r and boat landing abundance of out . range; 1 mile from state road, price i $2600, $1500 cosh, balance terms. Geo. V Moody Co . Washoueal. Wash GREAT SACRIFICE " ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE - HOG AND DAIRY RANCH i 80 acres at $80 per acre. 18 miles from Portland. 1 mile electric line, 9 room ' house, barn, 60x70; bearing orchard r running water, $2500 cas,h required. , Neilan A Parkhill, 303 Stock Exchange 8d and Yamhill. -'. i00 acres, 32 miles out, 30 In cultlva , tion, 25 pasture, 40 acres good tim ber. Family orchard and all kinds ir berries. Good 6 room house, barn and , outbuildings. Water piped to house and ' "TP- A" renred. 9 hogs. 6 yearllns heifers, etc. $4000. $2500 cash. Hatch. 827 Lumber Exchange. A BE A U T 1 F U iTTiOMR ' 6. acres, good soil, 10 minutes' walk to high school, rock soil. It. F D.. tele - phone, 8-room house. In grove of old : oaks: modern poultry houses; price r $00; part cash, balance long time- will , trade for good business. W. C Hudson Hillsboro, Or. . , CO ACRES About 4V4 miles from Forest Grove; about 40 acres cleared and ; plowed; 3 room house, barn; spring; , family orchard, balance, about 40 acres ' In timber. Price $6800. ' , LE NOIR, , i 228 Chamber of Commerc Rid. Only $80 Per Acre It you want 64 acres of land, with 20 acres In cultivation, balance open land and easy to clear, plenty of pure water, extra good orchard, fine house and bam, all land lies well, no waste, on good county road. R. F. D.. cream route, tele phone; can use auto any time of year; rich farming district: only 4H miles from Oregon City courthouse 15 miles from Portland: price $1320; $2500 cash, terms on balance. Gorbett & Woodward P. O. bldg.. Oregon City. Or. GOOD TILLAMOOK HOME. 20 acres creek bottom, about half In cultivation, balance pasture; one and one-half acres loganberries, good large house and barn; good road, school, store, ostoffice and cheese factory near. A argain at $2500. $1500 down, bal. long nine, iuw interest, tnance ror a good home cheap. No trades considered. Box 41, Hemlock. Or. 80 ACRES White Salmon valley land. 1 acres cultivated, 25 acres easily cieareu, oaiance i timDer; private aitcn. from which 45 acres can be Irrigated: 4 room nouse, gooo barn, ec. Trade for house. 517 Lumber Exchange bldg. VALUE $16TOOO! ' 250 acres, adjoining Southern Oregon town of 7000 population, to trade for apartment house, or Income property In Portland. COBB, 501 Swetland Bldg. WALKING distance, 8 room strictly modern house, finely located. Will ex change this property for acreage up to $5000, which Is cash value. If ou have something good. Address H. EL Brown, 402 Lumber Exchange. WILL TRADE EVEN in next five days, 10 acres beaverdam land worth $1400 for diamond worth $300. Will not con sider trade after Xmas. 603 Oregonian bldg. I HAVE clear property, valued at $750, located In a prosperous town, on the electric line, about 30 miles from Port land, to trade for a grocery up to $1000. COBB, 601 Swetland Bldg. 160 ACKES In Lincoln county. Or.; land all fertile and suitable for growlnn -lay, fruit, vegetables, etc.; also stock and dairying. Abundance of outrange, 36 acres slashed; R0 acres timber, finu water, telephone line and public roaJ through place; 3 miles from Waldoprt, two miles from the sea; $2500, one-third down, balance on time, 7 per cent in terest. M. Ruble, 625 Clay st. Port land. Or. Do You Want a Bargain? Here It Isl 100 acres Columbia river logged-off land on hard Burface road, 4 miles from Kelso, Wash.; will sell on easy terms. For particulars address owner, R. Van Loon, 89 4th st., Portland. Phone Main 5423 or A-7617. 160 ACHE stock farm, about 60 acres of alder land easily cleared, creek and large spring, unlimited out-range, on county road, about 40 miles south of Portland. Price $16 per acre, $1500 down. Room 16, 232 Washington st. 76 ACRES good alfalfa land with first class water right to ex. for first class city property; must be clear of lncum brance. If you have something good to iraue come in. Main 8770. Smith Investment Co. 90 6th FULL lot In Laurelhurst, clear of in cumbrance, price $1400. to exchange ior nouse and lot not over $1800. Will pay cash difference. Must be clear. Jordan, 619 Lumbermens bldg. IMPROVED acreage, neur electric c line, Salem branch, will sell cheap or exenange ior ucntis. mortgage or cit property not heavily Incumbered. Phone Main f3L'3 Monday. A MT. TABOR HOME, A FULL Q CARTER BLOCK. FOR COUNTRY PROPERTY. A beautiful 10 room houo with all modern conveniences; very large living room, paneiea aining room, and set-in sideboard, library, breakfast' room, 6 bedrooms, full basement, furnace, well kept yards, bitumlnlzed streets: an el- gant house In an elegant neighborhood; value $12,600; what have you to ex change for owner's equity of $7500? LE NOIR, 228 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. Fine Suburban Home 21 Mi, Portland, 1 Mi. Town mis line little place or 7ft acres is all in high state of cul tivation, berries, fruit and, fh fact,, everything one could want; good house and barn, chicken houses and runs, all necessary outbuildings. With the place goes the following personal property: 1 horse, harness and spring wagon, 4 fine cows making good money right now, 9 pigs, 3 cozen chick ens, 1 feed cutter, new separa tor. This little place cannot be beat for location, soil, general condition and price. It Is ready x to go upon and commence mak ing money. Price $6000. Will take Portland residence up to $4000, balance years. ' Dorr E, Keasey & Co, 2d Floor Chamber Commerce bldg. Fine Proposition 600 - acres Glendale. Or.. 400 under 100 cleared: fair buildings: trari fnr i gravity svstom 300 'crop for 1914. bal-- home in Portland. ,nce good1, land: fir "and "oak. Wator i ,; 'and rignts ror ou acres; arooa Duna- 160 acres riant at Wallowa; Mffhlv ' inga, electric lights, telephone, bath. Improved; trade for Portland property, etc.: 7 miles, wire mesh fence. This la r I nn nf fh hst ntnr.k and ?rain ranchna in Oregon. Want;oity or acreage and aome caah. 78 acres 8 miles from' court house, 25 cultivated, balance pasture; house, barn, spring. -Want valley farm to $16,000. Bee Hunt. 810 Oak. Main 1283. 6 acre commercial orchard rirht at Hood River, fine home, for Portland. II acre '5. yea. old commercial orch ard, $400. per acre.' for Portland nron- erty.. , i-v .. ;. $10,000 Ashland nrotiertv.. all i nart for Portland property. NEAL BROWN, 819 Swetland bldg. MODERN 8 room residence, 60x 100 lot, in Sunnyslde; furnace and fireplace, all modern con veniences, price $6000. Will trade for Improved acreage not over 16 cent fare from Port land. Dorr E. Keasey & Co., 2d floor Chamber Commerce bldg. m IDLES 220 acres, Sheridan, Or., Improved, 7 room house, barn, all fenced, living water piped to house and barn, close to school, price $60 per aore. and will exchange for city property at right price. 30 acres near Aurora. lmDroved. house. barn, on 2 rood roads, close, to town; will take vacant city lots to full equity. Mortgage $2600 has 1ft years to run. EquifyT2900. 20 acres .near Rex. IS cultivated, all best of soil, take house and lot clear to $4000 for (his. if well located. 280 acres, -7 miles from Payette. Idaho. 60 in cultivation. 2 room house. barn. well, all best of soil, clear of In cumbrance. Will exchange for house and lot. tacreage or vacant Iota if well located. Chittenden & Neill '810 Oak st HOTEL TO EXCHANGE. '34 well furnished modern rooms, welt located in growing town, -of 12,000. Netted over $300 last month. Doing good business. Price $4600. Will take clear city property up to $2000. if Tirlca is right; $1200 cash, balance 6 per cent. ELWELL REALTY CO.r Grand Theatre bldg., Vancouver, Wash. SACRIFICE SALE. 'Absolutely modern In very respect, 6 oom. l u story bungalow, in the best part of Walnut Park; $500 below eost price; hard surface streets all in and paid for. Some cash; aome trade. See us. U. S. MORTGAGE A INVESTMENT CO. 512-613 Yeon Bldg. . CASH AND LAND FOR MERCHAN DISE. Will pay one-third cash and balance In gilt edge real estate for clean stock of general merchandise, fnom $16.00J to $30,000. Win ings, and stock must be good. LUEDDEMANN, RULEY & CO.. gjj i.nainoer or commerce. 20 acres lmDroved with stock ani4 fm. I piemenis, river rront. $6500. 40 acres improved, ideal place, $6500. acres improvea,- rc rare rrom Van couver, no rock or gravel, .$4000. 6 acres, some beaverdam lllflO 80 acres river front near Wllsoavllle, i acres Deaveraam. xis.uoo. 10 acres improved. 6 acres prunes, 6 acres appies. $6000. We have many others to trade. ENDERS & HARTSHORNS, j 431 Chamber of Commerce. EXCHANGE YOUR PROPERTY THROUGH US. Unincumbered lots for equities in homes Unincumbered homes for acreage. equities in tat a ic-rt.T n... :-. " ' i. u -T s"vua, Kiuuerv n lures or i r uuoiness in exenange ror 40 to;.. . . 320 acres of unimproved general agricul- I unincumbered acreage for city equltlea WE are busy all the time making ex- cnanges. ir you can t sen ror cash, trade it for what you want at 602 (.ouch bldg. GOOD 6 room house, corner lot, im proved streets, will exchange for lots. acreage, or grocery. HATFIELD. Ifi.lH 4th. St. I HAVE a house and lot In Portland worth $1200. clear, to exchange for 1 or 2 acres and house near a market. 502 Couch bldg. TWO acre fruit ranch, bottom land. main line S. P.; furnished house. Kood WILL exchange new modern bungalows and 6 room houses for equity in lots, etc., balance as rent. O. F. Ford & Co , u ny. t.x. iMuni uzi. BEAUTIFUL lot surrounded by beau tiful homes in Spokane, clear, and some cash to exchange for grocery mure. ovi uoucn Diug. barn; location suitable for poultry. W. JUR RAT.R 40 acres fine land, creek and springs !jew build ngs, 27 miles from Port land. ,-, farm Implements, harness and wairon! household roods. $46 per acre. For nar- : "nS!aoBr.eHqou',e9 1 bX 67 .20 Acres Farmland Level and nearly ready for plow close cno0'. ' .e to Portland; $800 $100 cash; some tracts J600; easv termn Claude Cole, 917 Board ofry bW 120 Acres $20 Per Arm $1 fare frorn Portland, splendid lov.l for rarm land. 40 acres nearly readv Cole? 917 Board I of jT Claude 16 ACRES near R R. and boat TaerM oleared. 6 acres nlu.hH n ' B Portland. 8 room house,' barn' chicken house and spring. Price $1500. 617 ja. i.piiko. Aiarsnail 2708 FOI: KKAT IAKMS A Money Maker Near Beaverton 42 acres all under high state of cultivation; no waste land; fair houHe and barn and outbuildings; nice orchard; right In the edge of town; main county road, only 74 miles from Portland; electric and sttara carllnes; place fully stocked; will sell any part of stock. Lease 3 to 5 years; rent only $600 per vear. Dorr E, Keasey & Co, 2d floor. Chamber of Commerce. 14 $4000 HUM EHIKAU n.o irn On ih John Day. Wheeler Countv Title perfect 160 acres; half -Sash balance 8 years Sickness compels sac rifle. Write oulrk. Ij-g03. Journal J2J0 ACRE WHEATRANCll! . aim morrow o. ur., to be sold under j mortgage foreclosure sale, lnvestlgats -llgPyq. A CO- 606 Concord bldg. , (8 ACRETTwell Improved, close to town". ... good roads. 9c fare to Por.land $ bo cash; some trade, balance time at 6 per my beautiful home farm on Tual tin river, 16 miles west of Portland; highly Improved. Address 432 12th st - Phone Marfhnll 3fg foAC I FICE aje 12 acres, 7 acres young orchard house! . barn, close to town church, school: uiv trm' n.u. ,Mn twnerD-8J8. JournaiJ" 'uv'u' WO creaTneVburidings, near RZmafo" 1 4. ACRES U out. improved. 45niT 6 me at 49,,CUnton at. PorUand,Or. ;:. M,,; ' . -; FOR RENT Farm of 20 acres, about 10 cleared. 6 acres In orchard, 10 miles from Portland. Tenant must know how to care for orchard. Inquire 29 East .in bl., or pnone mast 1451. FREE LEASE 10 acres, In strawber- vo, oiumiu mm naruen, Jloa re quired to buy stock and machinery, c R. Qulnn, Newport Or. FIVE acres of land near Oregon Elec tric canine. in cultivation. Will take email automobile as part payment l'-szo, journal. HERE Is a snap Will exchange my 20 acre farm to anyone who will build me a good, modern, up to date 7 room house. Address M-84:t, Journal. IN Vlllamead, new 8 room modern, fire place, furnace; $1500 equity trade for lots or Btnall house; assume some. M. 1635 Willow St. OKLAHOMA farm $7600, and Union ave. corner business lot, one or both for Improved city or stock and grain ranch. 85 Church st. SIX room bungalow, new, lot 65x100, in good locality: price only $1751; will trade for small grocery store. J. J Fisher, Main 4H41. WILL exchange $2000 equity "in 10 acres near Beaverton for small house lr ciiy; vvatpjnian. a Hallway Kxeha n g e WILL exchange new 1 ton auto truck with delivery business for house and lot not over $uo. M-7B6, Journal. tural Or fruit land In th White Kalmnn district; price $25 to $60 per acre. piupeny, improved and unim proved, to exchange. Have exchanges iui tmyiaiiiK or value. C. H. EST ES, White Salmon, Wash. $12,00020 ACRE ranch, 6 miles south pf postofflce, on good road. Highly cultivated. Good build ings. Will consider good house up to $6000. U. S. MORTGAGE & INVESTMENT CO. . 612-513 Yeon Bldg. SEVERAL Portland Houses ..'"l1 ' Frisco." "Angeles " or "Diego. Buuu-m,uuo, assume Borne. B-778. irnal. ALFALFA RANCH WANTED. We have client with good property In and near Portland, to trade for a good combination grain and alfalfa ranch up to $30,000 to $40,000. LUEDDEMANN. RULEY & CO., via Luamuer or commerce. $4200 MODERN Rose City Park, 1H Improved farms for city property. City income property for Improved farms. Wishing you a merry Xmas and a happy New Year, we beg to remain McKENZIE & CO. 515 Gerllnger bldg. ilaln 2801. IT'S A SNAP. DAIRY AND HOG RANCH SACRIFICE Absolutely the best dairy and hog ranch proposition on the market. Only ette hour from Portland with eight fast trains each way dally; and less than two miles to good town. There are 179 acres; 60 cultivated, and 76 of the best bottom land. Place has two good creeks, nice house, large barn, complete dairy and farm equipment, and some stock. All goes for $17,500. Will ex change equity for good Portland prop erty. What nave you 7 CALLAN & KASER, 722-4 Yeon bldg. STOCK RANCH, EASTERN OREGON 2000 acres, about 70 acres in alfalfa. about 60 acres more can be nut in al- story Dungalow, 6 rooms. Beauti-1 raira, water right for irrigation, balance Wanted A House and Lot In Portland We have a client with two rood lots on the peninsula In Swinton addition, and a good paying cafe teria in good location in the eitv. He wishes to retire from business and will trade his lots and cafe teria for a house and lot. His property Is valued at $2500 and Is free of Incumbrance. Will as sume some indebtedness on a home if the value will Justify. " Hargrove & Sons . 122 N. 6th st.'near Gllsaa. Main 4381; A-7269. WILL TRADE EQUITY. $2000 worth of clear city property will buy equity in fine 10 acre tract near VancouvefWash. All cleared ex cept 1V4 acres. Old farm house and barn! Few old fruit trees. Mortgage $720. ELWELL REALTY CO.. Grand Theatre bldg.. Vancouver. Wash. $17,000 STOCK MERCHANDISE FOR FARM. Stock of general merchandise, well located, close to Portland, will Invoice about $17,000, doing about $60,000 busi ness; want good farm in exchange. 608 COMMERCIAL BLOCK. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE 12 room hotel, prefer to exchange for small farm in Willamette valley. See Mr. McDanlel. Realty dept. of HARTMAN & THOMPSON 61 Acres Near Estacada Take Some Trade 61 acres, 1 mile from Esta cada, 45 acres in cultivation, with springs, creek and good well, rolling country, 6 acres bearing prunes, 8 room house, large new barn, first class team, 2 cows, 6 calves, 6 pigs, 100 chickens, farm machinery, grain and potatoes; price $11,000, mortgage $6500; will take some trade. Dorr E, Keasey & Co, 2d Fir. Chamber Commerce bldg. ful east view. Consider good lot uu imi I Tin vm.ni wnn,. .u t. U. S. MORTGAGE & INVESTMENT CO. oiii-uia leon Bldg. 4 (..LEAR lots in good eastern Oregon town on Oregon Trunk R. R to trade fOr KOOd Clear lot in Hnrviw nr nlh beach towns. J. D. Frank. 101R Alvnril St., The Dalles. Or Is mostly pasture, some can be put 10 wneat, good barns, good 8 room house. 4 miles to store and postofflce. 2 mi led to school, family orchard, good water. Price $15 per acre; owner will trade for good Income property and will as sume some. Geo. r. Moody Co., Wash ougal. Wash. ,'WQ Portland homes to trade for dairy farm, I 8-room housn. other mo k room bungalow, mortgage. Have 14000 equity In both homes. Tabor 3508. E. F. Perkins. 1788 K. Davta Ownoi- 120 ACRE.S of developed coal lanrf in North Dakota, to exchans-a for nmn property. What huve you? U. S. MORTGAGE & INVESTMENT CO oii-oia ieon Bldg. ' EVEN trade. $1800: owner has nnln. cumbered Laurelhurst lot mH i estate securities. Wants umaii unin. cumbered house on acreage or large tOR SALE, grocery and confectionery, 1-3 cash, bal. to suit, or exchange as first payment on small Improved ranch. P h one Woodiawn 2246. Mortgage of $1500 to sell or 7 nhHnirfl fur innH mnmlnat i. ...... A. suto, or something of good value. Wm. ivi iu ripi 1. onu l-.asi ffiarK St. 20 ACRES, unimproved, chicken tract to exchungt) for bungalow; will ussume smaii amount. i-tiu, journal. GOOD location for dentist, close to big population; residence district Address F-ft9, Journal. WANTET FARMS 88 ,VE c,,e1t for,a 20 to 8 acre place. Must be well Improved, Gresh am district or Mt. Angel preferred Lim t $6000. Nellan & Parkhill. 803 Stock Exchange. 3d and Yamhill wr. nave ouyers ror rarms at reason bldg W " Peper & Btter. Sherlock FRUIT LAND8 15 For Sale iq Hood River Beautiful Spot for a Country nome 10 nf r" ti. mil fmm i,x- about 1 milrom hiah school" ""I'': r , "W" "a pear trees, soil ino t,or'ck; oerrtea or clover, ( acre l?j;S1f5?.11 ?a.k Pines; view of .Mt iri.i7L 5 V vuiuinuii river ana White Salmon valley: whole tract under riJI. X; ' "naerson, Hood "Tfa VS PHONOGRAPH or second-hand motor cycle wanted In exchange for nui,v In Astoria lot. C-797. Journal. I HAVE lots in small town, to trade for uiiyuuiiK ana give you gooa value. L 888, Journal. FREMONT Modern cottage fronting Mt. Scott car. Would trade for good lot close In. K-917. Journal. SPOKANE bungalow In restricted dis trict, close in, for Portland property. Woodiawn 1772. HAVE you clear lot or equity In small house worth $500 for collection and office business. Z-809, Journal. OLD couple wish to trade their equity of $1600 In rooming house of 62 rooms for house and lot. 171 Front. UNIMPROVED city property to trade for large apartment bouse or hotel. Owners, Tel. East 8649. room house, 4 rood $1000 euulty In lots, cicar, far farm; phone E, MODERN 7 r6omhoue, "loir acre or lots, Otve phone. K-691, Journal. WILL, exchange 9 and tO acre'tr"t for vacant lots. 809 Ry. Ex. it. 112. TRAILERS'" look. Lota at ir'acb7w'.7. j 1 M. W. OABLAJIU 1U 4th mi $25,000 EQl'ITY In a 600 acre dairy ranch to exchanao for anartment: in cumbrance $6000. Will assume a rea sonable ammintLY.8i7i Journal. $3000 EQUITY in a 9-room bungalow to exchange for u ranch of ennui vuina.- mlght assume a small amount if well improved. f-sio, journal. EXCHANGE 280 acre homestead re linquishment, very close to a good city, with electric lights, bank, stores, high school, newspaper, lumber yard, livery, etc.; 175 acres wheat land, bal ance good pasture, good house all fenced, good springs; worth at leas $1000; exchange for cows, horses, hogs chickens, Implements, feed. general farm outfit Give full information In first letter as to nrlce and description, address KX-769, Journal. 110 ACRES, ad loins Lebanon, Or., all in cultivation, good soil, nicely locate! $13,750; 60 acres, adjoins Rogue river, 26 in bearing orchard, 10 acres bottom land, balance bench land, $25,000; will exchange on or both for good wheat ranch; prefer one equipped; wlll.be at Hotel Cornelius until Thursday. S. C. Carroll. 19?0 acre wheat ranch, crop, stock and Implements. $30 per acre; 434 acre farm, $26 per acre. Both in eastern Or egon. What have you? -420 Lumber Exchange.- 3100 Acres, Klamath County stocK rancn, zuu irrigated, gun grain, 1100 more food land. 600 cattle, 150 horses, machinery; want city income; prlc $120,000; clear. 1280 acres. Klickitat Co. stock ranch. 60 per cent fertile, balance pasture, 75. 000 cords wood. 60.000 ties: on railroad and county road; lots bottom land and water: $27,600: clear: want city or nearby. 320 acres, all under irrigation: half in alfalfa, i miles from La' Grande, will trade half or all for good here. juarier diocic ju. Morrison, fine for apartments; win tajte part in new mod ern nome. See Hunt, 810 Oak. Mnln 1283. $55,000 High class modern Improve.' ,iog ana aairy ranch; near urants pass, for merchand!s or business property in Oregon or Washington. $90,000 Union avenue income property Will take unincumbered land or otner property ror 150,000. . GEO, E. ENGLEHART, 218 Lumbermen's Bldg. FIXES residence, E rooms, full basement. one block from car, not far out. Is a well built home which I will trade for land and will pay $1000 difference If property is worth It I am posted on values. R-028. Journal. $32005 ROOM Bungalow, Modern"! Dutch kitchen; north of Alberta Street and 20th. Consider good lot as nart-oavment. U. S. MORTGAGE & INVESTMENT CO. 512-613 Yeon Bldg. ED Property of . any kind roomlnsr houses, businesses, for acre age, lots and cash. We can match you. 802 Henry Bldg. SWAP COLUMN present 23 FOR CHRISTMAS roy jacket. $5.00. Journal. fine ordu- Answer H-658, ' ' HA.VIKI ll-FAL ICS' ATE Si Wanted A lot or lota for equity: nice 6 room house; lot 45x146 feet; good neighborhood; near car line: now I really mean business and if you got the stuff, we will sure ly do-business;- that's what we are. after. G, S, Smith & Co, 432 Chamber of Commerce. DAIRY RANCH. 160 acres choice land, 40 under the plow, good 6 room house, fine out buildings, 2 acres choice orchard, 1 miles from good town and R. R. This is something good. Will trade for city property. Value $8000. 402 Lumber" Ex. 80 ACRES CLEAR OF INCUMBRANCE. Thurston Co., Wash., containing house, barn, small clearing with family orchard, on good road, 8 miles from rail road town, will exchange for house and lot in Portland worth $3000. dress L-903, Journal. Ad- WANT good wheat farm up to $25,000 in exenange ror very line vaney larm, 12 miles from Portland. Write full par ticulars in first letter. J. E. Hunt. 81J Oak st. Main 1283. WANTS PORTLAND HOlvriB For 40 acre alfalfa farm in Boiae Val ley. Idaho. U. & MORTGAGE INVESTMENT CO. 612-518 Yeon Bldg. WANTED A bungalow, from owner, I or 6 rooms, modern, in northern,' northeastern or eastern part - of olty. Terms $500 cash, balance to suit Ad dress 291 Russell st I WANT small furnished or unfur ni3hed house. Will give clear acre--age and assume some If necessary. J. , R. Hiir Room 1. Worcester bldg. Phone Main 7V49. . WILL buy 640 acres, or less, of beach property. Must be cheap. X-614, Journal. DO you want to sell your bouse t Do you want to rent or exchanger Sol Ptstt Mdg. Main 9042. FINE electrlo auto' to exchange for good real estate. Phone Price, Mar. 1762, A-6711. A GOOD bicycle and 17 Jewel Waltham' to trade for saddle horse. Hellwood 450 any time. Phone ' CASH paid for 80 acres upward, Oregon. Must be cheap for cash. W-701, Journal. HAVE good pluno to trade. 516 Worcea- ' terbTdg. Main 2612. FIVE, -6 room house, must be modern. Gl ve phone. O-830, Jou mai. WANTED 2 lots to build on. Giva phone. D-817. Journal. WANTED 6 acres on. good car line. mve pnone. w-iua, journa I. WANTED Seaside W-718, Journal. lot Give phone. MUST be sold at once, or terms, 4 Jots 60x100 each: this must sell; forln- lunnuiiuii, can or write owner, Mrs B. E. Shultz. 204 N. Jersey. St. Johnu CLOSE IN 14 block unincumbered, to ex. for Income property or resi dency equity; value $3000. N-806, Jour nal SECOND mortgage, $450, city property; also 3 room house and lot at Lents. Consider lots or. good equity In ex change. V-728. Journal. INCOME property at Raymond. Wash., -to exchange for anything in Portland to $800. L-892. Journal. WANTED Man of ability to Join in opening business chance and real es tate exchange office. K-898. Journal. 80 ACRES of Jrult land in high Class district to exchange for city property, vacsnt lots. V-609. Journal. rTACOMA tote to trade for Porti property. shall 2708. aaTiil 617 Lumber Kxchange, Mar- BOSIESKIMB AND ROOMING -HOUSES A Diversified List of Business Opportunities Is Continually Offered it These Columns ROOMTXG HOI-RKS S3 Buyers Take Notice I have exclusively the best 42 room rooming house in Portland. Strictly modern, Most central. Long lease at $175 month. Will guarantee this Place to clear $200 above every expense or your monev back. Price $2800. Terms. 502 Couch bldg, lii change Jwhat you have for what you want. Peper it Baker,. 444 Shsr- . WTin isk MrHKII 3HA4 MODEHN home In a growing business district, Will trade for amall farm or Unimproved land. O-66I. Journal $1000 CHICKEN ranch to exchange for umall cottage.- L-76, Journal. NEARLY new phonograph -to exohangv h for.papar haaging. B-865, Journal. Best Bargain Yet IS ROOMS. RENT $40.00, MODERN. Very close In. Splendid furniture. Always full. Income $110.00. Worth double price, asked. Only $660.00. on easy terms. This la right 602 Couch bldg. . TWO rooming house, consisting of 24 rooms fitted for housekeeping, very nloely furnished, including good piano, both nouses alwayafuU of tenants. Will ROOMING HOUSES (Continued) l" L I -1 .1 1 sr JKl S3 17 ROOMS of the most beautiful furnl ture in town; all modern convenlen cem. furnace .lent. running water, eto. swell, close in west side corner. Prlcrl two; clears J per month, can Z4 4th st 1 Bargain- Hunter 11 rooms, fine west side location, rent only $36; good furniture, almoat given away. Price $350: terma. CALL 88 10TH, NEAR STARK. 40 Room Hotel, Must Sell consider good lots or A good hotel in small thriving town or will Address Z-447. take cash. journal 17 ROOM rooming house; will sell at n Dargain; - gooa - iumuure, eieotric lights, gas and hot water: walking dis tance: must be sold this week. Prloe $460; rent $50. - This la an extraordinary buy. Call at $ 4th at. and be tfjavlnoed. 1, , ;.,,V.t z , ..'l K V ' r -rX,.; ;-T'V:". ;V , 1 I' ' . Bast location, center of city. Rent only $150. . Clearing $160 a month. Good furniture, steam heat. Call for particu lars. 181 10th st. ; . CLEAN, well - furnished house of 15 rooms; pays $60 clear above all' ex penses, bewdee 2 nice room for yoir self. Will give-bargain-to cash buyer. Call MONDAY, 68 North 21st st, near Waahlnrtnn t. . t ...... . 11 ROOM rooming Siouse. all clear of in- cumbrance. Expenses paid up to first of year. Clean, nloe tenants, best lo cation, all goes Monday . for $360. Call Mala 6148.' wi'- : o :! j'y;' -J-: ( BOOMING HOUSES . (Continued) 53 vux Present paying rooming house, 83 rooms, very cheap. Terms if wanted. 291ft K.. Morrison. East 2663. vwimr, iwl9OMS PRri housekeeping; . fin, .rlck ?rner; rent $100; fine carpets fndA'urniture; guaranteed to clear ove? $100 per month. Yates. 249 4th Yt. r WANiKD A good rooming house, will trade 80 acres good wheat land or a mortgage. Call Monday. 421 Ablngton WILL trade the lease and furniture of u.F'PJ brl?k ron?'h8- and apartment : hOUSe for eUUitv In hnn..' n . and some cash. Owner. Main 8908. ' itii2uwrhou""' 15 rooms. orTTtrTsT::, iiraiTciii i9i"4th sli"9 B8W: W:- SOME snap 12 t nished. all rented, cleara $65. best lo. rooms, extra wen fur :ed. elAutM tffK k.. . t cation, yard, furnace, part cftabl balance' time 'or trade. , 264 12th at. j ; ROOMING HOUSE for sale, 8 rooms""' -Ms'irtroVner"' C0" ) ' (Continued e'n keat Pag)" 4.