THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL; PORTLAND. . FRIDAY' EVENING, DECEMBER 12, 1913. TOWN TOPICS AMUSEMENTS HEIMa-KleentB end Morrison, enrtain, 8:90, Jntlan tlll.ii In Tk raintnatln WldOW. BAKEtt Broadway sua Morrison, curtain 8:20, "Manama LYKIC roorlb and stark. Keating ' Flood Mudcal Comedy Company, "At the Boacn.' Curtain 2:80, 7:80 and 0:10 p. m :iu, and HImII Ua,Imi nl.tiiia 11 at. m. tA 11 D. CD PKOrLK'a THBATBK Wet Parkland ilw PANTAtlEtt Broadwai and Alder. Vaudeville, .... "The Redemption." Curtain :80, T.ia, COLUMBIA flUth, . to4watt- Walugton eta. Curtain 11:80 a. m. to 10 p. n of Waterloo Moving Plcturea. Am ARCADB Waahlngton. between ..Sixth GLOBE. Motion Plcturea. Eleventh and Wash- and Inaton BTAB Waahlngton and Park. Motion plcturea. Weather Conditions. Portland and vicinity Bain tonlgbt and Bat Hrrf.r aMithAaaMilw win, la. Oregon and Waiblncton Rain tonlgbt and Saturday; aoulbeaaterlr wlnda, lncreailug along the coaat. . . . Idaho ralr tonight, warmer j Saturday I creating cloodlnen, followed by rain or enow, EDWARD A. BBALS. IMntrlct Foreoaater. Left Divorced Wife. A divorced wife and four children by that wife are named amnne- the heirs of W. A. Love' land, who net ehot'bv hla wife, Mra. Josephine B. Loveland, on November 2, In a petition for lettera of adminls tratlon filed by the second Mrs. JUve land. Loveland, according; to the peti tion, waa divorced January 81, 1907. The estate la valued at $1500. Mrs. Love land said the last she knew of the divorced wife and children they were residlna- In Minneapolis. The children are two aons and two daughters, rang ing In ana from 23 to SI years old. Mrs. Loveland was exonerated by a coroner's Jury of the charge that ahe murdered her nushand. Estate of Br. Plummet. A petition for the probate of the will of Dr, Orlando P. 8. Plummer. who died De cember 7 at his Hillsdale home, lias been filed with County Clerk Coffey. The will has not yet been filed. The petition states that the property Is val ued at 112,845, and consists or vu snares of stock In the Plummer Drug; company valued at $7000, two lota in Caruthers addition valued at $4326, 10 acres of land valued at $1100, and the rest in small Items. Catsuit Alleged Bad, The Fisher Packing; company of San Francisco Is named as tho shipper and the Hudson A Gram company at Front and Oak streets as tho receiver of 26 cases of tomato catsup In an Information filed yesterday In federal court by Assistant United States Attorney Jesse L. Sum rail. The catsup, labeled Golden Gate Brand, tomato catsup, Is alleged by the information to be made up In whole or part of "filthy, decomposed and putrid vegetable substance." Matamae and Happy Valley. For their Sunday trip the Mazamas will travel to Lents Junction, leaving on the Casariero line from First nnd Alder at 12:45 p. m or take the Mt. Scott car In time to arrive at Lents Junction by 1:30 p. m. From there the party will tramp by way of Mt Scott cemetery to Happy, whence they will go to the railway at Linneman Junction and board the car that arrives In Portland at 5:40 p. m. Known to Police. Two oldtlme bunko men, both professing to have reformed, were arretted yesterday by Detective Pat Maloney. They gave their names as George Williams and Edward T. Myers. Myers Is known as Ferguson, Aman, jiopKins, iarK, jones, i.nanaier ana jm. He comtiS from Cincinnati, OhtagtlWe A nor. street north, where ha found Mrs. Kwen who 'said her husband had chased her away from Jiome. . Patrolman Rich took the woman noma, and talked the couple into making; a naw start tn tneir matri monial affaire. . v Traak . Smith's Heat rloaa. Boast Beef, 12 Vic, Boll Beef. Mo. Round Steak. 20c, Sirloin. Steak, lto. T Bone Steak, 20c. Rib Steak, 20c. Roast Pork, 12np. Lea; Pork, Inc. Pork Chops, 17?4c. Salt Pork, 15c. , Liver, 7c to 10c. Left Mutton, 12V4c. Loin Mutton, 12 He. Shoulder Mutton, 70 Mutton Stew, 7o. Breast Mutton, SC. Mutton Chops, 12 Vic Hams, 18c. Bacon, 20c. Picnic Hams, 14c. Sausage, 16c. Turkeys, 28c, Chickens, 18c. Fine Butter, 6o. -Smelt, 8c. Herring, Sc. Ba sure you get in Smith's market, 228 Alder street, between First and Second streets. (Adv.) lecture on tw and Feople. A mass meeting will be held tomorrow -evening at 8 o'clock at the public library. Tenth and Yamhill streets, under the auspices of the People's Government Owner ship league. John L. Schuyleman will address the meeting on "Law and Ita Relation to the Welfare of the Common People." Special music will be fur nished by John Claire Montieth. AH interested in efficient, economical gov ernment are urged to cbme. Xdaaton Association Tormed, A Parent-Teacher association was organised at the Linnton school Wednesday, De cember 10. The meeting waa well at tended. Mra. W. J. Hawkins of Port land delivered an address on the work of Parent-Teaeher circles. The officers elected were: President, Mrs. K'ettner; vice president, Mrs. Test; secretary. Mra. Cody; treasurer, Mra Jensen. Patrolman Ben' Wilson rrentertMoore ! 'Dieted the aurvav of a fbwnalta at flood, while the latter was trying to sell the ! noe station on the Spokane, Portland & overcoat, which- he bad atolen from 2(0 Fourth a treat.,.- , ;,. Wonuw Ikruak fcy Anto-A n auto mobile driven by F. W. Parle. 1008 Pa clflo etreet, struck Miss Ethel Rogers of the Villa St. Clair apartments yes terdajr afternoon at Fifth and Washing ton atreeta. The young woman was knocked to the pavement, but not In jured. Kealdenee Destroyed by IMre. The home of J. A. Nell. 887 East Thirteenth street, north, was destroyed by fire laat evening In the absence of the fam ily. A apark from the stove la consid ered the cause. Widow Is Bole HelrMrs. Nils P. Johnson Is the sole heir and devisee according to the petition for the probate of her husband s will filed this morn lng. Johnson died November 20, lcav ing an estate valued at $8000. Services at Ahaval holosfe -Services will be held at congregation Ahaval Sholom, Park and Clay streets, tonight at 8 o'clock. Tomorrow morning serv ices at 8:50 o'clock. Rabbi R. Abra hamson will officiate. Chummy Pipes for Chummy Hen are Ideal presents. Assortments worth while, splendidly and economically good, at Slg. Sichel A Co., 92 Third atreet and Sixth at Waahlngton. (Adv.) Homer Stand Arrested. Homer Lund was arrested at Second and Burnelde streets, where he is said to have tried to pass an alleged worthless check for $60. Investigation revealed that he Is a patient at the sunnysiae sanitarium. having been committed there from Alaska for treatment for Insanity. He was turned over to the sanitarium. A Oift That Is Always Appreciated Is a well framed picture. We have a carefully selected line. Bring in your holiday framing. Artistic designs, nlrilUH workmanshln. cromot delivery. rwesterft Picture Frame Co., 170 First street, between Morrison and Yam hill, formerly Sanborn Vail & Co.'a. Main 09. (Adv.) War! Warl WaxI "On the Fighting Line." A stupendous Warner produc tion, featuring Gene Gauntier. the emo tional actress. Thrills, action, excite ment; realistic battle scenes, interwoven with a gripping dramatic story. On ex hibition Friday and Saturday, December 12 and IS. at the Circle theatre (now 6 cents). Fourth and Washington (Adv.) Leather Adulterations. 1,600,000 pounds Epsom Salts used yearly .weight ing sole leather. Water dissolves and takes the place of It in the soles of your shoes. Baltimore oak, tanned in the old fashioned, way, used exclusively n our repair work, and In the new shoes that we make. Shoemakers. Inc., West Tark and Morrison. (Adv.) Counter Charges Dismissed. Counter charges of assault against Walter James and William Neighbors were dis missed yesterday afternoon In the mu nicipal court. Both men are colored, James using a knife and Neighbors a revolver. The fight occurred four weeks affo on Eleventh street. Both men were willing to be friends. The Tango will be demonatrated at a masquerade ball, given at the Roae City Park club Fridav aveninar. December 12. Admission on membership cards. NonN members, 60 cents. (Adv.) Korlaa Pictures of the Pacifio Inter national Livestock Exhibition are being taken each day and shown same eve ning at the Circle theatre, Fourth at Washington. (Adv.) Hra. Xdnooln's Art Ben for best Xmas cards and 25c exclusive novel ties. Open every evening, 406 Mor rison, H block above O. W. & K. Adv. Silverton Butter, 80 cents roll; Juni per, 75 cents roll; full cream cheese, 20 cents. Model Butter Store, Yamhill Mar ket, Second and Yamhill, (Adv.) tssmex Jessie Xarkins for Camas. Washougal and way landings, dally ex cept Sunday. Leaves Waahlngton atreet dock at 2 p. m. (Adv.) Two room aulte in Journal building, suitable for doctor's quarters. Inquire at business office of Journal Publishing company. (Adv.) Knight Coal. A hard, hot, quick fir lng, long burning Utah coal. Alblna Fuel Co.. sole agents. K. 182, C-1117. Ad. Seattle railway In Klickitat oountv for Mra. L. B. Gear, who owns a farm at that place. The new town will be known aa Goodnoe and will be the outlet for the Goodnoe Hills fruit section. ATTENDANCE AT CORN SHOW IS INCREASING From all parts of the Columbia river basin there are displayed at the Ore gon-Washington Railroad & Navigation company's corn ehow in the New Fail ing building this week, samples that show the feasibility of producing corn In the Pacific northwest. "And this is lust our first year," said C. L. Smith, high priest of the new faith. To transform corn Into hogs, and what the hog means to the f armor in dollars and cents Is the burden of the iay that greets the ear of each visitor. Yesterday the number who attended the- .show exceeded that of anv nn. vioue day, while the throng which was present this morning Indicated that the Bunnell cattle ranch.' near Avery ata record again would be broken. The tlon. on the main line of the North Bank show, which ,wlll close tomorrow night, la rree to tne pudiic. FIVE CONCERNS FILE INCORPORATION PAPERS Five concerns filed articles of incor poration yesterday. These were: Port land Natatorlum company, capital $150,. 000, O. O. Koeppel, C. W. Alger and H. A. Ludwig, Incorporators; Peoples Mort gage company, capital 8260,000, H. L. Moody, G. Misch and R. A. Letter, in corporators; Sullivan A Forbes, Inc., capital $26,000. real estate, F. A. Sulli van. K. A. Sullivan and R. W. Forbes, lnoorporatora; Metropolitan Laundry .company, .capital $6000, Ben C. Day, Kenneth L. Fenton and M. Woodworth, Incorporators; R. H. Knight company, painting, capital $5000, R. H. Knight, L. A. Knight and C. S. Andrews, incor porators. railway, have recently added -to their herd of cattle h $1000 bull. Th moat valuable animal of the sort ever brought to Klickitat county is a Holsteln, I years old, and welgha 2119 pounds. , Pay, Me $2.00 Less For every suit, raincoat or overcoat. f very garment marked $14.75.".- pay me 1.00 less. Those marked I1S.76, pay me $2.00 leas. This will beat the strongest competition In the city. Jimmy Dunn, ai6-l-17 Oregonlan' bldg. Elevator to third floor. (Adv.) Prize Bull Heads Herd. Klickitat, Wash.. Dec. 12. Coffteld Bros. A Camplan, who own the old Abby Try our 3Bo Blended Coffee, A pre mium ticket with eacn pound. Haines Tea Store, 172 Third street Flashlights without smoke; home por traits a specialty. Enterprise Art Co. Pacific phone. (Adv.) Williams is from California. The twfT aUBplce, ot the Cambrean Social society, men asked this morning that their cane be heard Monday In the municipal court. Tramps Oct Tree Booms. Two In genuous tramps have outwitted the pro prietor of the Piedmont hotel, 118 Klll ingsworth avenue, the last two nights bv getting free rooms. The tramp climbed a tree to an open window on the second floor, and secured a cholou room. Early in the morning, the men left by way of the tree. Patrolman I Peacemaker. Patrolman Rich acted as peacemaker in the- home of Mr. and Mr. Charles Ewen, 807 Sumner etreet, laat evening. The offi cer was called to 1086 East Thirtieth soelpta of Concert tlOO. The total fecelpts of the concert held under the November 11. were $1S6. The expenses amounted to $36, leaving a net balance of $100 which has been forwarded to the presidents of the British Benevolent and the St. Andrews societies. Estate Valued at $8000. A petition for letters of administration of the estate of Lillian K. Gilliam, wfiodled December 2, leaving property valued at $8000, was filed yesterday by Newton L. Gilliam, her husband. Two sons and two daughters are the heirs. Overcoat Thief Sentenced. For steal ing a $5 second hand overcoat yesterday, John Moore was sent to the rockpllt this morning to serve a 20 day sentence You Will Xiike the Woman's Exchange Cook Book. Buy It at the book depart ments. (Adv.) Dr. B. building. O. Brown, Eye, Bar, Mohawk (Adv.) CHICKS GET PRIZES AT KENNEWICK SHOW Kennewick, Wash., Dec. II. Judge Elmer Dixon of Oregon City, Or., has finished scoring the birds entered In the Benton county poultry show, held In this city this week. Mouncey Brothers of Kennewick won first honors, having the highest scor ing pen o'f S. C. White Leghorns, 189, and the highest scoring single bird, S. C. White Leghorn pullet, 98', 4. These were the highest scores in any breeds. The bird winning first attention from the spectators is a freak, a cross be tween a guiena hen and a Rhode Island Red rooster. The breed which attraoted most attention Is the Klondlkes, entered by Mr. Sharp of Toppenlsh. Most of the firsts are to be sent to the Spokane show. n Goodnoe on Map. Goldendale, Wash., Dec. 12. Ex -County Engineer George W. Borden has com- $ 1 0 Ca sh WILL SEND THIS PLAYER PIANO TO Your Home Now or for Christmas li LUX II l " ti-ii-laaaa.fliJI,f 1 I "I. M .-vJaWSTT- vlfll 1,1 mm I r" xwmi iiai u tufmwv Bit i The usual price 88 note latest Player Piano in of this new 1914 model $ 650. 00 Yet during time of this Re moval Sale you can buy It for $ 395.00 $10 cash and $2.50 weekly, Including Bench and $15 worth of Music Rolls. If you have a piano now we will take It as first payment, . balance on small monthly pay ments of $6 or $8 monthly J k until paid in full. OtherPlayerPianosSese.M15io7$465,SS565,etc. Qf-awl- XJl CI 'Makeour selection now and pay . down. If . you. do .not kJliiri Willi A I amount, and then, before Christmas delivery, you th ft manthiw. .T- , ?I wJ?tjU?r. 5S?ment' ou for e first payment, and full. want to nav the full the balance in cash of the balance ' Out-of-town buyers It is safe and satisfactory to buy one of these pianos by mall Write ua ami a win aend. you fun description, or. if you like, ship the piano sublet to yoSr approval. We , pay ? freight any point In Oregon, Waahlngton or Idaho. . Buy now and have it shipped, when ready. P y rrelKnl w n Graves Music Co. Removal Sale Your Gift Problem Happily Solved Tasteful and Appropriate Suggestions. Gloves 2 $ 1.50 to $2.50 Fownet', Dent't and Perrin't make. None better. Various shade in dressed and undressed kid, silk lined and un titled. Correct in all ways. Neckwear 50c to $5.00 Silk, in endless variety of hues and pat terns; Oriental and Persian. Suitcases and Grips In the several Leathers and sizes. All the new features. MERCHANDISE ORDERS Buffum & Pendleton Morrison " Opposite Street Postoffice SANTA ClAUS WILL BE IN T0YLAND Tomorrow Afternoon 2 to 5 and 7 to 9 P. M. W. H. MARKELL & CO. Leading East Side Department Store EAST MORRISON STREET AND UNION AVENUE FOR CHRISTMAS A PAIR OP GLOVES They make a most satisfactory gift, and let them be handed her in a pretty Christmas box or folder. ADOLPHA GLOVES of the finest French fl1 pa kid, in two-clasp style tMu FORMOSA GLOVES in two-clasp style, 'Jr all colors, pair rJJ Lu PURE LINEN EMBROIDERED HANDKERCHIEFS in dainty Christmas boxes 50c, 75c, $1.00 FANCY SILK WAISTS IN HOLIDAY BOXES $5o00, $7o50 and $8,00 CHRISTMAS REMEMBRANCES FOR MEN FOLKS Combination box of Suspenders, Garters and Arm Bands,. in fancy holiday boxes, priced at. . . tjC MEN'S FANCY ARM BANDS in burnt wood "JCn box at, pair awO MEN'S SILK TIES in dainty Christmas boxes priced at 25c, 50c and 75c CHRISTMAS SUGGESTIONS FROM THE DOMESTIC SECTION EMBROIDERED, HEMSTITCHED AND FRINGED HUCK TOWELS priced at ..... . . 25c, 35c and 50c IRISH EMBROIDERED PILLOW CASES i A made of fine quality muslin, a pair UUC Vta WOMEN'S FELT JULIETTE SLIPPERS m-UJw& Either fur or "bbon-trim'd, nffifftr low heel, leather soles, as v' rjSdrted colors;1 at CSSg?-. ' $1.01) PAIR . IF Still Greater Reductions Fraley's Removal Sale Only a few weeks more Every hat must go. Untrimmed Hat Shapes This season's late models Velvet Plush, etc.: To $3.50 Shapes at OBI To $6.00 Shapts at . ..$2.40 To $10 Shapes at ...$3.95 Trimmed Hats Hundreds of them smart, stylish: To $4.50 Hats at fl.95 To $7.00 Hats at f2.0 To $10 Hats at $4.40' To $15 Hata at $6.90 To $20 Hats at $8.00 AH OUls' Kats Jnat Oae Kaif AT 25e)0ver a hundred different styles feather stickups to $1.00, at ,..2& World's Best Ostrich Plumes Acceptable Gifts $16.00 Plumes now . . .$9.90 $10.00 Plumes now ...$6.20 $ 4.50 Plumes now ...$2.95 $ 3.00 Plumes now ...$1.45 THIRD ST. AT SALMON ' ' Mm LakJ Lj ti l3 J mr am trust himihc C"r. I I THERE'S A REASON FOR IT Our Escrow Department takes entire charge of the closing of real estate trans actions, and minimizes the risk to both buyer and seller. Investigate. Call for book let. TITLE & TRUST CO, Fourth, near Stark IN Teachers' Examination. The rerular examination far annlt. cants for teachera certificates' will be. held at Stephens school. Ka.t Hvnth and Kast Harrison streets, beginning on umjcinour 1 1 , juia, at o ciock, ana con tinuing until December 20, at 4 o'clock. Wednesday forenoon: Writing. II. 8. history, physiology. Afternoon1: Phys ical geograpny, reading, composition, methods in reading, methods in arithmetic. Thursday forenoon: Arithmetic, his tory of education, nsvcholoev. methods of geogiaphy. Afternoon: Grammar, geography. American literature, phyeica. methods In language, thesis tor primary certificate. Friday forenoon: Theory and prac tice. orthoafrsDhy. En it 11 ah lit rt nr. chemistry. Afternoon : School law, ge- oioay. aigeora. civu government. Haturday forenoon: Geometry, hot. any. Afternoon: General hla bookkeeping. Primary Thesis Subjects: fl Pic ture Btudy: (2) the story hour; (S) Plar and playgrounds; (4) The Montea eorl system; (5) The kindergarten aa an aid to the primary school. A. P. ARMSTRONG, (Adv.) County Superintendent. General tory, We Know that our work is good. In brder to show you we will gladly give you of Dental Work Free if your other work amounts to $10. Bring this ad. All work guaranteed for 15 years. The Modern Dentists Specialists in Fine Dentistry 253 WASHINGTON ST. Efficiency Schools Te fit men for better positions at aa , higher wages. A..:::::.-:::::::::.:::-"-'i5S; Aatamabiliar . SIM aSff. .v.:::::::::::::::- :::: H:g Plan RaaingCoat Znglnaaring. 1!X) lUinfariwa Conor. U Ooaatructioa SO.CO SalaamaiuhiB M M pUSff.:::::::- tvmjtnm sad Mapping " lo.oo Telegraphy and Siipatohiag li.oo Typewriting .V.... i So rl?.1f-f'.ue.,7 (ooum). :::::: ioIm Arahitaetnral Drawing iu Freehand Drawing ., . ii Meohaaioal Drawing .. . . t'm bw sohaoi IJ2 Acoaatanoy (full eourae) '.. ljoioo T. K. O. A. DAT AWD KTOHT SCHOOLS 6th AHO TAYtOa STS. TELETHOVES MA IV TOSS, A-6SS1 BOSTON DENTISTS w? aK.n?w locate between Fourth and Fifth on Washington street, and are prepared to give you first class work at reasonable prices. , Rubber Plates f 5.00 and up Gold Crowns 3.50 and up Bridge Work 13-50 and up Porcelain Crowns S3.n0 and up Silver Fillings 50 and up Gold Fillings (ti gj ,. up PH. . F. MB W TOM. Mgr. Oregon Humane Society Orfloe 800 Valea Ave Oor. Market b. rheae Seat 1433, B-S51S. Korse ambulance for sick or disabled ' animals at a moment's notice, prtcee reasonable. Report all cases of cruelty to this of flea. Open day ana night (SCHWAB PRINTING CO KJBEN F.GREENE. PRESIDENT! ial-5r STARK STREET FREE PANTS We Will Give Absolutely FREE a Pair of Made-to-Order Trousers With Every Order Suit or Overcoat Made ff F Ordery)Jl3) Even without the extra Pants no tailor could J duplicate these garments for less than $25.00. You get regular Dundee Service Woolens, Fit and Workmanship I.Iajestic 353 Washington Street 1 1 1 FOURTH STREET V" Fa