I THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL; PORTLAND, SATURDAY EVENING, DECEMBER 6, 1913. ONLY ,4,000,000 BOXES OF E DULLNESS IS SHOWN FOR APPLES; LOCAL TRADE QUE Market Showing Little Activity Be cause of. Extceme Prices That Are Being Asked for the Best Quality; Plenty of Poor Fruit. , Today's Produce Trade.' 4 Egg market steady. Chickens rule higher. Country meats steady. e . Apples Very quiet. p Orange market slow. Cauliflower trade weaker. Hop market steady. 4 Butter prices holding. Extreme dullness Is shown In the ap ple trade along Front street. Arrivals are rather heavy. Heavy shipments are coming forward on consignment and for the most part these are of rather poor quality. While extra good fruit Is not plentl Tur there is sufficient stock available fiere at this time to supply every need of the trade. In fact handlers say buy ers are not seeking the better grades owing to the extreme prices that are being asked. Apple market prices have been so high for good fruit generally through out tho world this season that , ship pers have been holding the local trade up to the full limits. They figured that they could market their off-grade stuff here anyway and as there was a suf ficient demand elsewhere, for the best Quality at high prices, little of this was shipped here unless the distributing In terests .were assured of full values. It is safe to say that the bulk of the apples now being offered to tho local trade at this time are of much poorer uuallty than any recent season. Last vear there waB such a g'"t of good fruu ihat the local market was filled all -the time uud this sold at very low prices. EGO MARKET IS STATIONARY No further change is shown In the ex market situation along Front street and prices are the same as yesterday with fresh stock ruling between 88 4Jc a dozen. Receipts continue to in crease. CHICKENS ARE QUOTED HIGHER Higher prices have been forced In the chicken trade along Front street with supplies less than requirements. As high as 16o has been obtained In a limited way for hens, although the gen eral price was firm at 14 'Ac. COUNTRY MEATS HOLDING FIRM Prices are stationary In the dressed meat trade along Front street. While there have been aulte liberal receipts of hogs recently and at Intervals -weakness has been shown, the price is gen erally unchanged at 1010c. CAULIFLOWER IS RATHER DUU Every Indication points to a fur ther lowering of prices for cauliflower In the local market. Receipts are very lieavv from local places and the added supplies from California hurt the trade. Accumulations generally shown. BUTTER riHCES ARE STEADY While In Home Quarters efforts are helnc made to force tho price of butter Metier because some of the interests have New Zealand stock to sell, the gen era! idea of the trade is that the mar ket Is Just about able to hold its own. SOME RAZOR CLAMS RECEIVED Dealers reported In but nine boxes of razor clams on .the local market this morning. The receipts yesterday were but four boxes, therefore offering are Increasing slowly. Crabs are much more plentiful. SHIPPERS' WEATHER FORECAST Weather bureau sends the following notice to shippers: Protect shipments as-far north as Se attle against minimum temperatures o1 about 46 degrees: northeast to Spokane, .14 degrees; southeast to Boise, 24 de crees: south to Ashland. 44 degrees. minimum temperature at Portland to night, about 48 degrees. PORTLAND JOBBING PRICES These prices are these at which wholesalers sell to retailers, except as otherwise stated: BUTTER Nominal. Creamery cubes, selling nrlre, 84e, which Is the butterfat basis; prints. JWc; firsts, o-a4t36c; ranch butter, 2c; New Zealand prlnta, 85c. EGOS Selected. Csndled local extras, BRa 42c: select pullet!, 88(340cf ease count, 88 snot buying price, f. o. b. Portland; storsaV 86ttS7e; Kansas "fresh." 8234c. LIVE POULTRY Hens, J1413c: spring 14c: htaga. lie; geese, 12c: Pekln ducks' 1X3)13Vjc: stags, 11c; geese, 12c; Pekln ducks! !:!c; Indian Kunnera, 10(81 1c; turkeys, 20c' dressed, 20f822c; pigeons, old, $1; young, il.SO doaen: Jackrabhita, $1.50 doaen. CHEESE Nominal. Fresh Oregon fancy full cream twins and triplet, 17c; daisies, lTJjo; Vouug America, 1BM.C. Hops, Wool and Hldss. HOPS Buying price, choke, 20c; prime lO'.c; medium to prime, 10c; medium 18'jc VfuOb Nominal. 1BA3 clip: WlUamstte tit ley coarse Cotswold, 18c lb.; medium Bbrop snlre, 17o; choice fancy lots, 18c lb.; eastern Oregon 104tl0c, according to shrinkage. CHITTIM OR CASCAKA BA UK lull car lots. 4',ic; leas than car lots, 4Wc. MOHAIR 1913 Nominal 30c. HIDES Dry bides, 2241,23c lb.; green, llffl 12c; salted hides, -18c; bulls, green salt. 8 c; kips, 181314c; calves, dry. 25c; calf skins soiled or green, 18c; green hides, lc less than sslted; sheep pelts, salted, shearings, lUQ25c ory, 10c. ' Truits and Vegetables, BERRIES Uuckleberrles, 010c Ib.i ersn berries, local. $9: eastern, $ll.6012 barrel HUCHH FRUITS Oranges, navels, tn 200 8.00; Japanese oranges, Sl.OO ,,vr biiii.li? bananas, 4',,ai3c lb.; lemons, 7.BoBS.OO; liuira si. mi wr loo: eruuet'ruK. I toi-iih. . i.i,.. .,.,. . pineapples, U'iW'c; grapes, Concords, ifo 4 lb, busket; other varieties, f I. ?, 2. 00: ueara el rikftil 7ft? luti'Mi imiMina. XI 7a ...a. ' r VKUKTABLKS Turnips, 11.14; beets 81 15 earrots. fl.5; parsulps. $1.15 sack; csUbi'iss! I1.261.W); California tomatoes, !. as- juSs il.30Wl.'Tu; local, $1.00 par boi; treen on lous, 12Mc per dozen buncLei; peppers, bell Btrttc; bead lettuce, 40f(i50c dosun; celery, local' 604i7uc, . California, $ 1 crate; eg2. plant. locj cauliflower, local, 65e!i$l doceu; artichokes 11.75 doxeii; sprouts, ltH; -ktrliiu beans, 7aiOc: lima beans, lUc lb; peas, tiOilc. ' UNIONS Jobbing price, kk.OO; carload buy ing price, $2.00 f. o. b. shipping station garlic I2'A15c lb. U' APPLES Spl tsenlxt'g. $1.2302.80; Northern Spy. 7tk-(al-W; Jonathan $1.00132.00; Khodo Island Urosnlng, $a.Oor0l.2S; Wluter Bananaa. $lJJ0ra!2.5Ol Ortley $l.lkl(a2.00; QraTensteln $1.00wl.73J5r box; cooking grades, fK-4t1.0o. POTATOES Selling prlcet Extra chile 1.15al-25i choice, $1.15; ordinary, C1.00 saek buying price, carloads, 70c; extra fancy, sorted' tOc; ordinary, 75o country points; sneets, $2.00 per cwt. KeaU. rish rnd Petitions. DRKSSUI) MEATS Selling url, Country killed: Hogs, fancy, lu(c; ordinary, 9u0; rough and heavy fcc; fjyicy vesls, I3Hlftl4c r dinar, lZV&313c; none,-vius; lumbs. 10c Button, 8c; goats, 44Vc. ' ' HAMS, BACON, KT'C. Hnms, 18t4ffl20c: breakfast bacon, iOUhic; boiled bain. u.c picnics. 10c i cotUge (). 1 w- LARD lTerc,; ISfec; compound, tierces, 11c. MEATS Packing bouse Steers, -o. j 'ttock 12c; cows. ho. 1 stock, 12c; ewes, U'c; weth ers, lOVei y lambs. 12c; pork loins. 1huc dreased hogs, lSftc. , . (ASTER: Shoalwater bay, per gtltoa (-i-per 100, lb. suck ( ; (ilympla. tier gallon $3,60l per 100 tb. sack ( ) canned essiem, EXTREM Eastern Deciduous Fruit Market Chicago. Deo, 6. Through autlon one oar Utah Missouri , Pippin, extra fancy, f 1.46. Chicago Through auction one car Utah, extra fancy Gano. $1.11: car. Utah Wliiesap extra fancy. 11.65; fancy, $1.85. ' New York Arrivals Barclay street, eight cars. Market active, Baldwins taking the preference. Real fancy Main and western New York stock sold up to 14.60. while ordlnarx- JSfQ.. 1's sold,, around $3.504: Greenings are steady, from $8.5004.60 for I'm: $2.76 3. IS for 2's; Kings in good demand, receipts light. Four to 84.75 for No. 1 stock. 20-ounce slpw seller. 13.25$? 13.76. . . . Philadelphia Sold by J. P. Wilson for account various shippers at wenat cliue. Wash., one car Spitxenburgs. extra, fancy, C6sr64s, 82.45; 72s. $2.40, 80b. $2.35: 88s. $3.30; 96s, 82.30; 104s. 12.25; 118s. 82.25; 125s-175s. $2.20. Philadelphia Sold by J. Pt Wilson, for account various shippers at Wenatchee. Wash., car Stavnian Winesap, extra fancy, 6Ks. 82. 35; 64s. $2.30: 72s. $2.20; 88s, $2.10; 96s. $2.10; 100s-113s, $2.16; 125s. $2.10; 138s. $2.15: fauoy. 45s. $2.15; 113-1388. $2.10. St. I-ouls. Mo. Today's deciduous offerings at auction consisted of two cars grapes, one' part of a car of Oregon apples. Market stead v. Weather warm. Attendance full. Mixed apples f ront . Weatherby. Or.. W. F. Bolm, shipper. Stock mostly poor, and showing probabaly 5 per cent decay. ji High. Low. Ave. Striped Pearmalns. extra fancy . $1.10 $1.10 $1.10 Striped Pearmalns. fancy 1.40 M0 1.40 Baldwins, fancy 1.40 1.40 1.40 Yellow Newtowns. fancy...... 1.10 1.10 1.10 Ben Davis, extra fancy 1.35 1.35 1.85 Bon Davis, fancy 1.30 1.80 1.80 Blue Pearinaln. fancy 1.30 1.30 1.80 Northern Spy. fancy 1.20 1.20 1.20 Walbridge. fancy 1.40 1.40 1.40 Red Snow, fancy 1.25 1.25 1.25 Genlton. fancy 1.40 1.40 1.40 It. C. Pippin, fancy ,r 1.30 1.80 1.30 E HEAVY TO OUTSIDE Total Sales WW Aggregate Fully 60 Cars From Western Oregon ; Shortage in South. Cab base shipments from Oregon this season have been very liberal. An esti mate of the shipments to points out side of the state this year to date shows a total or 50 carloads sent compared with less than half a dozen during other years. in the Oswego section alone about 20 cars were shipped to points outside of mo state: le or mese Deing irom us wego station alone while a number of cars were shipped from Branch, a few miles distant. The great demand shown for Oregon cabbage this season has been the means of holding prices at country points to an unusual height and little of the stock has therefore gone to waste, as Is usual during most seasons. California and Puget sound were both heavy buyers of Oregon cabbage during the season. Tho latter section pur chased the bulk of the offerings. This was due to the fact that generally a large per cent of the supplies for that section are brought in from California and an tho Golden state had a very short crop this year, the stocks had to be mscured elsewhere. The big surprise of the seaeon hue been the way that the California trade nan been bidding for Oregon cabbage. While It has always been known here that Oregon cabbage was far superior to that grown in the south; the heads being more compact and the greens of finer texture, still the southern state has always been loyal to its own product. NORTHWEST RANK STATEMENT Portland Banks. This week. Year ano. $1,. 181.174.35 $l.t07, 872.(12 1, 970.001.00 1.D07.BIXI.7S 1.840;2874 l,HH,2N.fH) 2,054, 087. !I4 2.O17,0i.00 2,095,463.75 2. :!, 74 12 Clearings Saturday .. Krldsy Thursday . . Wednesday Tuesday . . . Monday Week . . . ii,78O,8D7.10 2 2i7 vn- Krt .812,821,867.22 812.300,807.78 Taooma Banks. Clearings Balances . 2S6.809.O0 75,700.00 Seattle Banks. Clearings Balances . .$2,OS2, 029.09 210.134.00 San Francisco Produce Market, San Francisco, Dec. 6. Wheat Per rental, club, $1.60; northern bluestem, tl.fo 1.67'4 ; do recleaned seed, $1.70; Turkey red, S 1.55 (fi 1.65; rfd Russian, $1.50; fortyfold, $1.62 & 1.66. Barley Per cental, good to choice feed $1.301.32; lower grades, $1.25 1.27(4 ; shipping and brewing, S1.351.40. Foiaioes .rer cental, delta Whites, Rri:ffJ)I1.00: fancv. 11. 1 0 ft 1.20 : Knllns. $i.75grz.OO; tregon Burhauks, Jl. 1.40; Idaho, Jl.3Ciyi.40; sweets, $i. .00 ..on 1.20. Onionr Per cental, silver skins, $1.75 trz.ou: uregon. xs.2&(ojz.40. Butter Hxtras, 314c; firsts. 30'ir, Kggs extras. 46c; select pullets, 42Mjc; storage extras. 35c. Cheese New California flats. 17 17c; do Young America, 15 17c; east ern. 17V420c; Oregon twins and Young America, in. Oranges New navels, $23; sweated stock, $1,7652.50; tangerines. $2.25fc$ 2.75: do crates, $1,75; mandarins, $1.25 (ffi.tlU. Seattle Produce Market Seattl. Dec. 6. Kggs Select ranch, Mc; April storage, HMfibc; iresh east ern. 40c: local storaae. 2iio. Butter Washington creamery cubes, 86o: city creamery bricks, J7c; New zeaiana cudbs. 4e; ao, DrlcKs, 35c. Cheese Tillamook, 17 Vic; Toung Americas, lac; iriniets, 17V4C; Wiscon sin twins, lUc; Oregon triplets, 17 He Onions California yellow, 22Uc lb, local, $l.50igil.75 per sack; Oregon, 2&c per id. Potatoes Local, $20f22 per ton Yakima gems, $22; California sweets, $-'U4'.zo per jvu ids. Money and Exchange. London, Pee. 6. Consols 72d; silver, 27d bank rate R. New York, Dec. Sterling exchange: Long .o; suuri s.oo; siirer Duiiion OSVsc. San Kranclaco. Dec. 6. Sterling exchange: (W aya, .o"js; aiKui, .so; aoc., Transrers, telegraphic 4 premium; sight, 1 premium. New York Cotton Market. Open High .1282 1201 . 1297" 1305 .129.1 1299 .1282 1288 .1198 1202 .1311 1315 Low 1283 1296 1291 1280 1200 1307 Close 12S5- 1299 1292 1282 .Tan. Mar. Mav July Oct. 119900 Doc. J 307 55c cm; $0.60 dosen; eastern. Id abell, fl.rsa 2.00 per 100; rasor clsms, (2.00U2.25 box; essi c.n oysters, per gallon, solid vack, 13.00. F1BH Nominal. Dressed riounders. 7c; ball, bi't UlfglOc; striped bass, l'ic; allreralde salmon. 0(o.'7c; steelbeadH. 8'Ac; halibut, 810c: cn tmnMa emeUi 104tl7c lb.; surUnps, 12Hc; perch Sc. lb.; lobsters, K)c lb.; black bass, luc; silrer smelt. 7c; shad (); black cod, Sc; sturgeon, 12H,c; dressed tomcod, 8c. tUABa Large, ll.tKn medium, l down. ' uroosnes. SUGAR -Cube, $.u; powdered,, fS.40; fruu pink, 4c Hulas. Oftc; bayo, ..75; red, (W HlCr, Jauau style, Iso. 1, bu)iJii.. Orleans, hsad. 6ji7c; Cr.jle. 6Vc. HONKV Nw, Si. 76 per cast. SALT Coarse, bait groanda, 100s, fin Mr ton; 601 1 IlO.Wl table dairy, 60s. 117.50; bales, 2.25; extra fine bsrrels, 2a. 6s and 10s. A2oft.uu; lump rock. $20.50 per too! Feists sad Oil. LINSEED Oil Kaw jble, 66o per gal.; kst. tie boiled, bbls., 08c gaL: ra cases, ale: boiled cases, Wic iaL; loU of 260 gallons, lo less: oil cake meal, $44 ur ton. - . WU1TK LKAD Ton lota. 8 per lb.; 500 lb lota Sc per lb.; less kits, H per lb. Oil, t'KAL Carlosd lots, S4. TUKPiCMlNE In eases, 7;k'; wood barrsla lues iron barrels. ttc per gallon. ' The highest speed at which elevators at present are operated Is about eight miles on nour. i CABBAG AIIIIMirilT1 or oerry, u.v v., granulated, $5.2o; l yellow. 4)4.50. (Abort nuocauvua ars ol) days net cash.) HKANS Small white 614; large white, ii w. APPLES HELD IN THE mm rif aimaa i irm HAKLtT MM fit 1 5 A VERY HEAVY LOSS Ship Arrives Abroad and Is Said to Have Netted but $20 a Ton f. o. b. Here. WHEAT CARGOES STEADY London, Dec. 0. Wheat cargoes on passage steady. English country markets easy. French country markets steady. PORTLAND GRAIN RECEIPTS Cars Wheat. Barley.Flour.Oats.Uay. . 141 1(1 24 7 83 .a;, 2 b 8 . on l 6 . 117 n o 2 .os a 12 a is . S 1 8 4 fl . :i5 :i n 5 . IS87 4i R 2u , 77 . 440 72 4 54 40 .876 1459 1221 696 1427 .0592 1325 1068 849 1143 Monday Wednesday Thursday , Friday Hntittday Year ago Total this wsck... Year ago Season to dsta... A private cable from Europe this morning stated that a cargo of barley sent from here had been sold there at 28s 9d. The ship is said to have cost 41 shillings, therefore the sale will probably net the exporter $20 a ton f. o. b, here. This low Urlle reflects the extreme weakness shown abroad in the market for barley. L,ocally the barley market Is extreme ly quiet with nrlces nominally continued at the previous range. The market for wheat continues very firm with purchases of club again re ported in the interior on the bawls of 83c a bushel tidewater truck. While the Japanese continue to Inquire for supplies of wheat here, no actual busi ness is confirmed because the price of fered does not meet the views of local sellers. Oats market Is extremely quiet. While buyers are unuble to purchase for less than quotations that have ruled for some weeks, very little stock is needed or purchased. WHEAT Producers' nrlces. track ha- i Bls- uo, mining tiiuesiem, zc; jui ijiviu, oowoiu, i cu xuuiii hiiu Hy brids. 81c; valley, 8384c. BARLEY Nominal producers' prices, track basis: Feed. $23.50$24; brewing, $2425; rolled, $25 per ton. OATS New feed, $25; milling. $25.60 pec ton. FLOUR Selling price: Patent, $4.60 4.60; Willamette valley, $4.60; local straight, $4; export, $3.66 3.80; bakers', $4.40)4.60. HAY Producers' prices: Willamette valley timothy, fancy. $14: eastern Oregon-Idaho fancy timothy, $16016.50; alfalfa, $13.60$) 14; vetch and oats, $11 12; clover, $ig 10 per ton. MILLSTUFFS Selling price: Bran, $20.60 21; middlings, $2$.50jz 80; shorts. $22.60 23 per ton. I CLOVKR SKF.D Buvlne nrlce: No. 1 reu, country points, 19SJ) 1U Vic; AISIKe, 12l3c. WHEAT MARKET IS QUIET thlcajro Clowes Unchanged to tc Off; Sharp Recovery During the Session. Chicago. Dec. 6. Closing nrlces for wheat options today were io off for December and July and unchanged fnr May. The market opened c down for neeemner, ",4c lor May and unchanged iur duly. - There was a strong closing today and short covering. Indicating a better fnl. lng In the trade generally. The market closed at practically the extreme mark for the day. The following special of Broomhall's cable from Liverpool is furnished by courtesy of J. O. Wilson & Co.: Wheat opened unchanged and then ad vanced .d to 4d. due to stead v Ameri can cables and forecast of lighter worms shipments tins week, with ti! strength In Itosarlo helping. The ad vancing; tendency was, however, by a cable this -morning reporting the weather in Argentina more settled with indications of clearing. Our agent re ports further light rains in parts of In dia The near month was steadily held on expectations of small world's shipments to the United Kingdom. Australia is offered freely, and Russian arrivals at the -ports show an Increase. At the close the market was dull but steaJy and prices unchanged to Hd higher than yesterday. Range of Chicago prices furnished by Overbeck & Cooke company, 216-217 WHKAT i. Open. High. Ixw. Close., , 87 SSij 87 4 88 fllVi fil flia, Mi 8H 80 88&i 89 CORN 72 12 71 72U 71ti 71H 74 71 T0 TOVs 6!', 70 OATS :v. 30 - 40i '14- 4:1 - 43H 42 4,1 ' 42H 42i, 41,H 4o,4 rORK 2117 2117 2110 2102 2110 2110 2106 2110 - LARD 1082 1082 1077 1077 1U2 1115 1110 1110 RIBS 1105 1105 197 1100 1127 1127 112U 1122 Month. Dee. May July Dee. Mar July 7ee. May July .Inn. May Jan. May Jan. May San Francisco Barley Calls. San Francisco, Dec1. . Barley calls: Dee. 5 Dec. (line Onen Close December 1314 130 B 13! K A May 1117 137 ViB 137 ft A Hillsboro Yard Sold. HUlsboro, Or., Dec. 6. The Dunning, Frentzel , Lumber company's yards in HlllsboroV have been sold to Lewis C Bockwood, recently from Blackfool, Idaho. . W. R. Frentxel, of the former firm, will remain for the present with Mr, Rockwood. Earl B Dunning, the other member of the retiring; firm, has gone to Portland. -. ENTIRE E STOCKS OF APPLES' VERY SMALL E TO T E International Apple Shippers' Asso ciation Reports Shortage of Greater Extent Than Was Expect. ed; Only 4,000,000 Boxes Held. By Hyman II. Cohen. There were approximately 4,000.000 boxes of apples In a turn a-e In the United States on. December 1, or 2,600,000 boxes less than on the same date a year ago. The information Is very startling, and is given on the authority of the inter- national APPie snippers' association, which Is in a position to know exactly what the holdings of fruit are. inn appies in storage , itu cnicago show: Nov. 24 1913. 290,000 300,000 Dec. 1 1912. 460,000 403,000 Boxas Barrels This means a dSGl'SAMA Of 170,00$ boxes of apples and 103,000 barrels of me same iruit, ana uy tne time mat the Deoember holdings of this year in the Windy City are known, the shortage will be much greater. Considering this extrema shortage In available supplies of apples In the coun try at this time, the outlook for the market la much more favorable than had been generally anticipated. While It had been generally expected that the holdings would be much leas than a ?ear ago, the shortage is even greater ban any of the trade had anticipated. While It Is true that tho apple crop of the country was very short this sea son as compared1 with a year ago, it ha been generally presumed that there was a smaller percentage of the crop marketed this season owing to tho high prloes that had been in effect this year as compared with the very low prices a year ago. The holdings of apples In storage along the Pacific coast, and especially In the Pacific northwest are much less than generally expected, although de tailed figures are not yet available. All of the big districts are getting quite well cleaned up of supplies, and in the smaller districts there are so few ap ples remaining for market that they cannot be considered as much of a factor. STOCKS CHANGE LITTLE New York Market Is Quiet for Day bat. Price Movement Restrict ed During Session. Now York, Dec. 6. But small charge v.-as shown In the price of shares in the stock market for the day. There was a fair amount of trading considering the short session but the price movement was extremely limited. Political affairs, both domestic and foreign, continue to absorb all the at tention of the trade. Range of New York prices furnished by Overbeck & Cooke Co.. 216-217 Board or Trade building. DKSt Kir" J lo.v Onen ililghi Low Clou Amalgamated Copper Co. 1" 44 20 88 ioo" 120 54 84, oa o:t, 24 88 7H4 44 88 lOfl" 120 84 H 13 mi 24 8X'i 220 70H 44 28 88 106 U 110 OS 03 24 70 44 27 88 0 lOBvt 02 '.J llV4 S4 American Car & Fdy., c. American van, c American Can, pf American Loco., c American .Sugar, c... American Smelt, c. .. Am. Tel. & Tel Anaconda Mining Co... Atchison, c Baltimore & Ohio, c. Beet Sugar Brooklyn Hapld Trsnalt. Canadian 1'aciflc, c... C. & G. W., c........ C. & Q. W., pf C. M. & St. P Chino Copper Chesapeake A Ohio... Krle, c, . . , General Electric Northern, pf Inter. Metro., c Inter. Metro., pf Lehigh Valley Mexican rctroleum .... Iouistllle & Nashville MlKSnurl Pacific 3 08 K 24 88 84 22sa4;aa!i 11 114 114 28 4 28 Mi 28 4 09 87 4 M 2S l.'iii4 24 on 37 U 28 374 :'T MP. I.'IOU t;i4 1:'.li4 1214 15 124 4 15 601. 124 41 124 4 181 in H04I 60 '4 0"J4 .47 '4 14854 148 144;147t4 1 47 1:13 i:i:i 133 2tl-?4 25T4 2AU 15 15 15 7 78 7814 Ht4l 1)6 (Hi 1 17 l7 Vi 17 14 ia.1 2014 Nevada Consolidated . . New Haven New York ('antral Northern Pacific, r... Pennsylvania Hallway, r. LI., L. & C. Co.... Rending, c , Republic I. A S.,' c... Rock Island, c Uock Inland, pf Southern Pacific, c... Southern Railway, c... Southern Railway, pf.. . Tenn. Copper I'nlou Pacific, c U. S. Kubber, pf V. 8. Steel Co., c V. 8. 8teel Co., pf.... Utah Copper Virginia Chemical W. V. Telegraph 78 ' j 1 i, KI7-!', IOO'. iWHil 18411 ISja'IIH 108 Hl.vUlu-2'4 -'4 u 4 14 23 Si 'i 22iJ 75 -".4 1524 00 4 54 ntr 624 i'i i 1441 144 r:i 28 in a 8714 22 75 211 1521, !! 56 4 1 48 284 024 87 4 i 874 224 22 75 80 1534 94 5H 105 18 2M 24 75 294 152V4 IW n4 105 474 28 4 62H CHICAGO HOGS HOLD STEADY Tops Are Still Selling at $7.85; Packing Stuff at the Extreme. Chicago, Dec. 6. Hogs 75.000. left over 6600. Market steady. Mixed and butchers $7,45 67.80, good and heavy ? 7.466)7. 86, rough and heavy $7,455 .55, light $7.20 (f 7.70. Cattle SOO. Market steady. Sheep 2000. Market weak. KANSAS CITY SHEEP ARE FIRM While No Freeh Arrivals Are Shown, Trade Stands Very Good. Kansas City, Dec. 6. Hogs Market steady. Tops $7.76. Cattle 300. Market steady. Sheep None. Market nominal 1000. firm. Omaha Hogs Strong. (Special to The Journal.) South Omaha. Neb.. Dec. 6. Cattle, none. Hogs 4300: market steady to strong at $7.20 7.75. - ., Sheep, none. HILL EXTENDS TIME FOR P. U. ENDOWMENT Pacific University, Forest Grove, Or., Dec. C. In view of the Increasing work add prospects of Pacific University at Forest Orqve, James J. Hill,- the mag nate of tho Great Northern railway sys tem, has recently extended the time of a former offer made to the college, agreeing to give to the endowment of Pacific University $40,000, conditional' upon the raising of $160,000 more be fore May 1, 1916. Plans have' been made for the deliv ery of a series of 12 extension lectures by members of the university faculty at the central library building in Portland, on successive Wednesday evenings' dur ing the months of January, February and March, and other lectures are being planned for the public schools and churches In Portland and other parts of the state. Ileal Estate Alan Missing.' San Francisco, Dee. 6 Hit family appealed to the police to help find F. w. McEwen, a real estate man, last seen last Monday and feared to have met with an-accident or violence. . The world's largest electro-magnet Is lri prospect for Paris scientists. - STORAG sums RAD COUNTRY SWINE MARKET NOW HOLDING FIRM; BEST ARE BRINGING $8.10 Only One Load Arrives Available for Market Overnight; Cattle Come for the Show; Sheep Situation Ha a Firm Tone. 4444444444 Xegardtaf livestock Outlook. The big fat livestock show will be in progress at North Portland during the coming week and it is quite likely that very little demand will be shown for anything except strictly fancy quality. For Ujat reason the trade generally iaa4viiting shippers to hold off their ordin ary qaulity offerings until a later dale. PORTLAND LIVESTOCK RUN Hogs. Cattle. Cslres, Sheep. oaiuraay 141 20R Friday n:t.1 Thuradar 4(14 614 UH ,s:l 2. 42l hi 1 Vi 1&7S iio 1360 o; (9 100 70S Wednesday Tuesday Monday Week ago Year ago Two years ago.. 771 . U2 .170)4 . 4.'4 . 545 . 104 67 Hogs again sold at J8.10 In the North Portland murket. There was only a small run for the day knd these were quickly picked up at the opening of in murKei. There was a steadv tone cenerallv In on irano at tjnicago ror tne (lay ana tops continue unchanged at $7.80. .Kansas City hoar trade was steady to a nickel better with tops at $7.76. Tnrlnv'n ironiarul I.iil- marat ronarA! Top klflers $8.068.10 Good and light 7.0ffi) 8.00 Heavy 7.25M7.70 Rough and heavy 6.764J7.00 Only Show Cattle Arrive. Only arrivals in the cattle market to day were for the show that will be held next week at North Poi'tlmid. Condi tions in the market continue vcrv favor able and latest sules have been at full priceB. At Chicago there was a steady tone In the cattle trade for the day. Kansas City cattle market ruled steady today. Today b general cattle market range: Best steers $ 8.00 Ordinary fleers : 7.507.80 Poor steers 7.005'7.26 Best heifers 6.00 BeU rows 8.00 Medium cows 6.25 Poor rows 5.50 6' 8. 85 Ordinary bulls . . : 4.60 Kkiicy stags 6.65 Fancy bulls 6.50 Prime light culves S.ROS.OO Prime heavy 0.50fa)7.50 For first qUMlity mutton and lumbs a strong tone continues at North Port land. There was a small run over night and the market stands In as . good po sition as during recent days. At Chicago there was a weak tone In the sheep market for the day. Kansas City sheep market was nom inal with no arrivals. Today's general mutton market range: Best spring lambs $5.06.00 Ordinary lambs 6.606.65 Yearlings 6.006.10 Old wethers 4.75 Fancy twes 3.86 4.00 Ordinary ewer 8. 76 Today's livestock Shippers, Hogs Will Block, Dayton, 1 load direct to Union Meat company; Walla Walla Meat and ( old Htorago comminy. Walla Walln, 1 load; C. K. Iucke, Canby, 1 load direct to l nlon Meat company. Sheep Li. v. uentry, ueppner, i load. Cattle All arrivals arc. for the show therefore did nut enter the market. Comparative livestock rei-eipta at North Port. land : Month to date.. Same, 1012 Increase Decrease Tear to date... Same, 1912 rattle. Calves. Hord Sheen. 1. IMS 18 4.BS8 2,821 6,080 8,728 810 22 658 4 402 18 17 4.007 171.85(1 278,27" 2.00U 100,007 234, 708 78,708 72,638 Increase ' 3.130 1,988 62.733 43,611 Friday Afternoon Bales. STEMRH Section. Idaho IUnho Idaho Idaho Oregon Oregon Oregon Washington Idaho No. 25 24 25 25 21 20 HOGS Sfl 78 Ave. lb. li;U! 1117 1111 ma I ma i nan 1136 204 181 420 Trice. 7.0n 7. no 7.00 7.00 7. .VI 7.00 7.35 $.8.00 7.5ft T.OO Washington . . Saturday Morning 84 oa. Section. No. Ave. lb. WMhlnaton ., 8." 234 Price., $8.10 8. HO 7.79 Oregon 9 201 Oregon 2 300 JEWELER LOSES POINT IN AUCTION LICENSE CASE The city commissioners won first blood in the mandamus proceedings of L. C. Henrichsen, the Jeweler, to com pel the city to issue a license to him to ejnduct an auction at the store. Cir cuit Judgo Davis this morning over ruled a demurrer to the city's answer to the suit. In the answer the city contended that the commissioners had the right to refuse the licenso for the good of the residents and merchants. Henrichsen demurred on the ground that the defense was rot good. The decision means that the casn will now come to trial in the regular way. ONE JURYMAN HOLDS OUT FOR ACQUITTAL One Juryman held out yesterday af ternoon for acquitting Alice LeGrand, charged in the municipal court with conducting a disorderly house at 43 H First street. Tho woman was given a change recently by Judge Stevenson to change her way. The LeGrand woman claimed she had reformed, exhibiting several pieces of fancy work to show that she made and sold such work for a living. Three jury, men voted for conviction, while one man steadfastly declared that the po Itce should have warned her and that she should have another chance. Ladd & Tilton Bank Established 18S9 CAPITAL $1,000,000.00 SURPLUS $1,000,000.00 COMMERCIAL AND SAVINGS ACCOUNTS Letters of Credit, Drafts and Travelers'; Checks Issued, Available in AH Parts of the World Corner Third and Washington Streets V MERCHANTS ASKED TO , AID ORPHAN BABIES Gifts Solicited for the Louise Home and Albertina Kerr Nursery. That 16 destitute mothers and SO lit tlo babies of the Louise Home and the Albertina Ifcrr Nursery Home may be glad at Christmastlde In spite of their sorrows and unfortunate condition, ap peals are being made by Superintendent W. O. MacUaren of the Paolfio Coast Rescue and Protective society to the people of the city for remembrances and assistance. The text of the society la Invoked for assistance In all the charitable work of the organlcation "Inasmuch ye have done it unto the least of these, you have done it unto ine." The society la mak ing extensive preparations for Its an nual Christmas dinner for men, and has received many responses. It Invites contributions- In money or produce and will call for same If requested. Many of the merchants of the city have been asked to give produce and It is announced that those who did not re ceive cards of Invitation are requested to contribute food or produce, as the so ulety hopes to feed hundreds of home less men on Christmas day. ARRESTED ON CHARGE BASED ON NEW LAW The. bond of Frank Melrose, who was arrested yesterday evening by the fed eral authorities on the charge of steal ing a hand grip from the North Bank depot was fixed at f 1000 today by U. 8. Commissioner Cannon. Molrose was unable to furnish the required bond and wits tukcii Into custody pending an In quiry by the U. 8. grand Jury. The charge on which Melrose was ar rested is a ittivel one and Is based on a provision of the interstate commerce law passed last February. It is the second time In Oregon that an arrest has been made under the law which makes It a felony to take baggage from a car or depot. The first arrest was mado at Ooble a few days ago. Melroue denied that he was at the depot yesterday, but he was identi fied by threo of the depot attaches the man they saw pick up a valise and to whom they gave chase, overhauling him on Eleventh street. The grip was consigned to F, B. Holgban, Seattle. PRIZE CORN EXHIBIT WILL BE SEEN HERE Corn that linn been featuring the exhibit at the Colfax, Wash., and Pendle ton shows will be on view In Portland for four days next week, according to arrangements completed by officials of the O.-W. R. ct N. company today. The Oevurts building at Fifth and Alder slreeti which has been the scene of the poultry allow, will he used for the display and no charge will be made for udmlHBion. General Passenger Agent William Mc Murray was In communication' with O. M. Plummcr, of the school board, and with L. R. Alderman, superintendent of schools, to a range for the attendance of Portland school children. The corn show will open Wednesday and will last until Saturday night. It Is probable thut the building will be kept open evenings. ALIENATION SUIT DUE FOR HEARING Hillsboro. Or., Dec. 6. A suit In the circuit court that will probably be tried next week and that promises consider able Interest Is that of Miles Watrous nualnst-George F. Nay lor. The plain tiff is suing for $25,000 damages fori the alleged alienation of the affections of his wife by tho defendant. Naylor has lived In Forest Grove all his life, and Is a capitalist of that city. He is the son of the late Thomas. Nay lor, one of the earliest pioneers of Washington county. Watrous has lived in Forest Grove fur 25 years. A Broad Banking Service It Is possible that you have nover learned by experience Just how helpful a bank can be to you In your business and financial affairs. These are Just a few points of our service: Information, a d v Ice, reference, loans, dis counts, bank drafts, in terest on time deposits, letters of credit, collec tions, and the great con venience and safety of a checking account. SECURITY Savings & Trust COMPANY 5th and Morrison Sts. Capital and Surplus $1,400,000 UNIONMENARE FOUND HOT GUILTY Tefl- Defendants Freed Upon Charges Growing Out of Telephone Strike,, " , Oregon City, Or Df?. A complete acquittal was given the 10 union tele phone men who were on trial In the circuit court of this county charged wit . riot. ' '' ... '. ...r: '..,:,,,;,'.,,,;.;, These 10 men, along with- anothxr man, on E. E. (Blackle) Illes. went tti Oswego last May. during the strike of the Home Telephone company's em. , ployes', for the purpose, so, - they claimed, of persuading the non-union men at work there to quit. The per suasion ended In a fight, which culmin ated In one of the non-union men shoot lng one of the union men. t . Eleven union men were arrested. ei ralgned and. let out 'on ball. Hies left and later was found in Texas. . The de fense put the entire blame on the ab sent man claiming he Instigated the whole trotfble, and was the only partici pant in it on their side. They further claimed they did not want him to s j company them to Oswego and that their intentions were the most peaceful in trying to persuade the non-union wen to quit work. , . . The defendants In the case were Er nest Brolliar, J. Y. Lohr, Clyde Oakley, B. Westcott, E. Miles, C. E. Tradup, C. E. Swallow. J. Olson, . Fred Ream, George Egner. The names of the Jury men are as follows: 8. P. Davis, fore man; Fred Lins, A. McConnell. M V, , Dunn, 11. T. Melviu. V. Bohlander. John Burgoyne, H. M. Robblns. Gust Engl, brecht, b. f. Veteto, Fred Mattle and M. Crlssell. STREET SPEAKERS ARE ARRESTED ON SIXTH ST. Dr. Marie Equi and Fred W. Jobla man, both prominent in the recent street speaking warfare, were arrested last evening at Sixth nnd Alder streets for violating the trafflo ordinance. The chief complaint is violating an agree ment with Mayor Albee to speak on Alder street, between Fourth and Sixth " streets. The speak.Vs attempted to speak on Sixth, immediately off its Intersection with Alder street. -.,-'. Yesterday afternoon Dr. Equl secured permission from the mayor to speak on Alder street, between Fourth and Sixth streets. Armed with this order, the woman and Jobleman moved aroond the corner and opened up their meeting on forbidden ground. The cases will be' heard Tuesday in the municipal court MINORS ARE REPORTED SMOKING AND DRINKING Chief of Police Clark yesterday-after.' noon issued an order to all members of the department to give special atten tion to tho violation of the ordinance relating to the sale of cigarettes and liquor to minors. Numerous reports of smoking and drinking among; school boys brought about the order. TRANSPORTATION Bear" "Beaver" "Rose City" SS"R0SEan,,l'r:M.Dec.7 Low Rates to California (Meals and Berth Free) .. rickets at Third and Washington with 0.-W. R. ft N. Co. PHONES Marshall 4500, A-6121 " vo AX TBAITOISOO, 108 AJTOIMS AMD BAX DIBOO. S.S. YUCATAN WEDNESDAY, tE0, 10, 6 V. it. OOOB BAT AJTD SUKXXA S. S. ALLIANCE MONDAY, DEC. 8, P. M. tTOBTH FACXTIO BTBAMSHI OO, IBS A T&XXB BTBSET. . fhones Main aad A-1314. imtx snmukam txxsT San Francisco and Los Angeles' SI. Bos City Balls 4 p. m Sea. T. SS. Beaver Sails 4 p. m Bee. 13. ' The San rraaelseo Portland . . Co, Ticket Offlee 3A and Wash twlto O-W. B. It If. Oo.) Marshall 4 SOO, A-iai. COOts BAYLINli Steamship Breakwater Sails from aluswurttl dock, Portland, it I p. m., every Tuesday erasing, freight ra eeived on til IS o'clock (noonl oa sailing itr. Passtogsr fare: First elsse $10, socontf cUs (mes ouly) $7, Including bsrth and sntfals. Tick et office- at lower At ns worth atoes. Portland Coo Bay ateamsblp Use. Phoaee Mala M0 Aa3S3. - I U. aaatlug. Agist. , Stocks, Bonds, Cottoa, Orem, Ete, ais-aiv soara of Trade Bulla DIRECT PRIVATE WIRES TO ALL EXCHANGES Members Chicago Board of Tradv Correspondents of Logan Xirya. Cbicago. New York. OVERBEW01EC0 J.C.WILS0N&C0. UXMBTTtS NEW YORK KTOCK KTCff A VT"H - SiKVT OUK COTTUV KA 1A.-. ,j . CHICAGO UOAXIU OV 'i I.Ai ,, THE a)TOK AND HONO 1 -vciiaU ' HAN -ItANCI-r't , POIITUMJ Oa i Crj 69 Oak St., Ground Tlnnr, J.ow'a T. : raoaes-&tausiaU . ,