The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, December 03, 1913, Page 9, Image 9

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3, 1913.
UEILIO BltTralh and Morrlaon, rarttta, 8:26.
Mra. Flak In "Tb Ulb Hoad." , .
BAKKRHroartwajr and UnrrUoo, cnrUla 180.
. "Tba Man ot tba Hour." . m, M
LYRIC fourth and Ctirk. KMtlnff . "Wol
. Mualcal Coined soupanr "In Sohamla." Cur
tain :80, T:80 and 8il9 p. u. '
PaNTAGKS Broadway and AMor. TaodavHl.
- "Th lUdMipOoatM 8. 80. TUB, 10.
COLUMBIA filitb, batwfaa -Waablnatim -and
Stark ata. Motion pictarni It t fc
PEOI'LR'H TUKATRtt Wt Vrk and Alder
fti. Curtain 11:80 a. in. to 10 a. w. Mary
I'lckford MoTlna Pluturaa. .
AtUDK Waiblnatoq. bctwm Bitth nd
Broadway. Motion nMuraa,
Rl'A Wusb'.nrton and Park. Motion plctnraa.
jrty belonging-' to Glenn Pattaraot), of
' the Canadian Pacific Railroad, or faca
. aantanca for larceny. She wai found
a-ullty of tha charge by DUtrlot Judge
Bell yeeterday, but wai given an op
portunity to return the property. She
kept the property a aacurlty for a
75 cent gaa bill. Patterson aald he paid
the graa bill, but that even then ihe
refused to return the property, saying
lie must protect heraelf. Sentence was
oontmuea to uecemoer 8.
Weather Conditions.
Portland and Tlclnlty Fair tonight, Tnr
day ruin; aouUiarlr wind.
Oregon Kalr toolgbt; Tbnradav rats wt,
fair viat portion; awatbarljr wind.
. Waamngton Fair tonight, eicrpt rata
the coast; Tburadar rati) weet, rain or auaw
fast portion; aontliarlr wlnrta.
Idaho Fair tonight) Tburad? fair aoulh,
ruin or auow north portion.
ltUtrlct forecaster.
Znberttanoe Is Btrongov Than Envl-
ronmont. Many people have argued that
environment Is stronger than Inheri
tance, but this ta not tha eaae In the
life of Bob Jamison, a young man whose
.father Is a tout and a drunkard ana
who has been adopted and reared In a
family of wealth and refinement. The
.taint of tha father in tha son manifests
Itself whan tha boy becomes ft student
In college. Just how thla stain affects
the eon la shown in ft wonderfully grip-
; ping photo-play entitled "Tha Cry of the
- Blood," produced ny tna AAiojn com
pany at the Columbia for the remain
der of thla week. Adv. -
Solos ajaaU-Anaiaal Election, Cob trio
polltan lodge 109. K. of P., held its
semi-annual election of officers Monday
evening, as follows: Chancellor com
mander, Quy D. Belli vice chancellor,
S. H. Dunlap; prelate, J. R. Widmer;
master of work, W. J. Dunlap Jr.; keep
er of records and seal. H. J. Roberts;
master of finance, W. S. Titus.; master
exchequer, Captain L. C. Otto; master
of arms, Frank B. Nicholas; inner guard,
Thomas L. Garland; outer guard, Ralph
Warrsn; trustees, John Renner, E. W.
White, Thomas L. Gerland.
Companies Incorporate-" Articles ,of
Incorporation of the Ideal Tea company,
capitalized at $10,000, were filed with
County Clerk Coffey yesterday by J. A.,
Klla M. and Sarah K. Smith. H. C.
Brown, J. H. Oensler and Lester P.
Btevens filed articles of the Angelua
Commercial Studio, photographers, cap
italized at 12500. Articles of the A. D.
Moodle House Moving company, cap
italized at $500. were filed by A. D.
Moodle, R. R. Duniway and C. P. Olson.
For Backward Children. Special
classes for backward and nervous chil
dren which have in the past been con
ducted at the Lincoln high school have
been removed to the Allen Preparatory
school building, East Twelfth and Sal
mon streets. The classes when first in
troduced Into the public schools three
years ugo were held at the Buckman
school. Children needing such special
attention ure treated by the Binet meas
uring scale of Intelligence and received
into the school at any time.
Meeting at Sunnyalda. To launch a
campaign for playgrounds and gymnasi
um for the Bunnyskde addition, a Jolat
meeting of the Sunnyslde school Parent
Teacher association and the Sunnyslde
Improvement association will be held
tonight at 8 o'clock at the Sunnyslde
school. James N. Davla. president of
the Improvement association, and Mrs.
R. B. Bondurant, president of tha Parent-Teacher
organization, will be in
charge-of the meeting.
Petitions for Appointment. -George N.
Usher, who died November 17, left an
estate valued at $S50O. according to
the petition of his widow for letters of
administration. Five children are the
heirs of the estate. Three children are
the heirs of the estate ot Jean B. Sa
mard, who died November 28, leaving
property valued at $4000. according to
the petition of Marie Montchalin. a
daughter, for letters of administration.
The English Pictures The exhibition
of Knglish pictures, from Messrs. Cool
ings' Art gallery, Bond St.. London, now
on view at the Keller Art store, 450
"Washington St., positively closes tomor
row afternoon. No art lover should
miss this last opportunity of aeeing
tiiese fine pictures. Pictures by Stan
hope A. Forbes, R. A., G. Clausen, R. A.,
Mark Fisher, R. A., and II. 8. Tuke, R.
A., are shown. All of these pictures
are for sale at London prices, 'Adv.
Companies Ckanre Varna. The Pa
clfle College of Chiropractic, Inc. will
be known Irr-tha tuturk ar-thc-fadfta
Chlropraotio college, Inc., aa aupple.
mentary articles of incorporation were
rued this mornlmr- with County cierg
correy changing; the name of tha inati
tution. Tha name of the Portland. Trans
far A Storage company waa also
changed to tha Manning Warehouse ft
Transfer company. Articles of Incor
poration of tha George- Inlet Packing
company, a cannery concern capitalised
at $30,000, ware filed by B. F. Meore,
John A. Ucnnlkln and Frank Gansneder,
Court In Wight Session Circuit
Judge Davis held a night session last
night that attorneys for U C. Ben
rlchsen, the Jeweler, and the city might
argue the mandamus proceedings
brought by Mr. Uenrlchsen to force the
city commissioners to issue sn auction
license to him. The hearing- will be
continued this avenlng. Uenrlchsen at
leges that although no fault could be
found with either himself or his store,
the city commissioners refused to grant
tha license.
Terdlot for $1 -For 30 minutes a
jury In Circuit Judge Gatena' court dis
cussed the evidence in tha case of James
CPonnell against Thomas and R. E.
Case for f UOd damage for assault and
than returned a verdict for $1. O'Don-
nell alleged' that he was set upon by
the Cases In their saloon at Twelfth and
Washington streets last May. The Cases
contended that they used only force
enough to restrain O'Donnetl when he
became obstreperous. The Cases are
father and son. ,
Question of lateral t. What rate ot
interest shall b charged on the $1,250,
000 Interstate bridge bonds to be issued
by Multnomah county and the length of
life the bonds shall be given are ques
tions which the county commissioners
yesterday put to the Portland Clearing
House association. The statute author
izing the bonds places ( per cent as the
maximum rate of Interest and 30 years
as the maximum life of the bonds.
"Bow the City Protects Ufa and
Property," the fourth lecture In the
Reed college extension course on the
"Voter and the City of Portland,'' will
be given at 8 o'clock tonight at the
North Portland branch library. The
course In Spanish conducted by Profes
sor Stanley Astredo Smith of Reed col
lege will meet at the Central library at
8 o'clock this evening. (Adv.)
The Can Gray jr. bungalow on Wil
lamette Heights.' Is bne of the things
the family regretted leaving- in Port
land. Kven have a fireplace on the
north porch with the wonderful view
of two rivers and three mountains. Tno
place is as cozy, homelike ami finished
as they knew how to make It. The fam
ily is In Chicago and P. B. Vnn Nice,
709 Helling Blag., is authorized to sell
you the place. (Adv.)
Apartmant Building' Sold. Thomas
Bpillman of Albany, Or., owner of tho
Leeds apartments at 410 Market street,
has sold that property to the Lawyers
Title & Trust compatiy for a considera
tion of $68,000. The building iajpu four
story reenforced concrete structure and
was built 10 years ago. F. E. Taylor &
Co. handled the deal.
Foster. I yeara old and, a ,-Clvll war
veteran, on hi board bill. District Judge
Dayton held that aha had extended
credit ta him and' that Foster was-not
liable to prosecution on a charge -of
defrauding; an Innkeeper. Foster owed
a bill for $25.80 for board and room.
It was alao shown that Mrs. Wilson
knew that Foster waa leaving whan ha
took bis belongings and that ha did not
leaya without her knowledge, aa waa
JTorman ft Luman, ladles' tailors,
40$ Selling building, are making: at
tractive prices on all suits wittered this
month. In order to reduce their sur
plus .stock. . (Adv.)
Quarrel fcaada to Stabbing. In a
quarrel over a bill last evening. Georgo
Miller stabbed Lee McFarland In .a res
taurant at Cast Fremont street and
Union avenue. Miller Is cook at t'ie
place, while the other man is a patron
of the place. The cook was arrested
on a charge of assault with a dangerous
Eaohaa Proceedings Escheat pro
ceedings In two small estates have been
commenced by James Walton Jr., spe
cial representative of Governor West.
The estates are those of Michael Con
roy, who died September 24, 1907, and
John Smith, who died August 21, 1912.
The Conroy estate is valued at $68.65
and the Smith estate at $37.39. No
heirs could be found in either case.
Examination for Anatomist. The
United States Civil service commission
announces that on January 7, 1914, the
following examination will be held in
this city: Anatomist, male,-for position
in the army medical museum, office of
the surgeon general, at $1600 a year,
persons desirinK to compete In this ex
amination should apply to Z. A. Leigh,
postofflce department.
Two Slrorcas Orantad. Desertion was
the basis for two divorces granted by
Circuit Judge McGinn yesterday. C.
Galloway charged Marie Galloway with
leaving him. They were married in Or
egon City on February 20, 1908. Lulu
B. Milner alleged that J. B. Mllner had
deserted her. Thay were married in
Portland July 31. 10,7.
The Vtw Order of "Plpe-Ologisti,"
tased on the lovo of a man for his
pipe, ls headquarters at this, the larg
est plpt repair shop west of Chicago.
Pipe pieces exchanged for peace of mind
and a perfectly repaired plpt. Hail to
Big Slchel & Co.. 92 3d st. and 6th at
Washington. Adv.
Knocked Down on Street. After
drinking yesterday afternoon with
friends in the north end, William
Cliffe. a laborer, was knocked down by
one of the men and left at Third and
Davis streets. The police sent him to
the St. Vincent hospital. A bad cut
under the eye is the most serious in
Patient Attacks Worse. In a violent
moment of insanity yesterday evening.
Mrs. Anna Hooerney, patient at tho
Emanuel hospital, attacked her,
in which she inflicted a wound on the
nurse's head. The "police were called
to restrain the patient, later removing
her to the county Jail.
Bay Church Ben Annoys. A com
plaint has been made to the police about
the ringing of a bell on the Catholic
church at East Morrison and Seventy-
sixth streets. The bell rings at 6:30 in
the morning, which time some of tho
neighbors claim to tee too early.
First Kethodlst Episcopal Church,
Twelfth and Taylor streets, tonight,
"The Holy City or the Trairedy of the
Cross," by John Lew tag, traveler and
lecturer; 150 colored stereoptlcon'slldes;
'8 o'clock. Admission free. Silver of
fertng. (Adv.)
tntheran Bevival Meetings. The Nor
wagian Lutheran Freo church haa re
vival meetings Wednesday, Thursday
and Friday nights this week In Steuben
hall, -cornen Williams ave. and Isy
street. Kvangellst Fredrlksen "from
Washington win speak in the Norwe
gian .language.
Oriental Bugs, Cartoilan Bros., Wash
ington between Thirteenth and Four
teenth. These rugs make Ideal Christ
mas gits becsuse they combine rare
beauty with lasting usefulness; they are
permanent additions to the home and
are appreciated aa suoh. Our Urge stock
gives wide choice from $5 up. Adv,
MXrm HoafO Wanted The police
Ttava been asked by J. W. Monger of
-Puget Bound to 4ocate JUva Monger of
Tftcoma, who la thought to be in Port
land. A death la tha family , la th
raaaon. (
" Kturt Baton Property. Mrs. Unie
Webb, manager of tha Westphal apart
ments, must retjurn $25 worth of prop-
Educational lecture. "How to Stand
and Walk" will be the subject of a lec
ture by Dr. Stuart, physical director of
the Oregon university, to be given at
the Fast Portland branch library, East
Eleventh and Alder streets, this even
ing at 8 o'clock. Admission is free.
A Simple Home Hamad?. For -rheu
matism, lumbago or kidney trouble: Mix
2 ounces salgrene with 4 ounces olive
oil and take in 2 teaspoonful doses. Sal
grene contains no alcohol. Alcohol Is
an Irritant to tha kidneys. For sale at
all drug-gists. (Adv.)
Annual Meeting Tonight. The post
nnnarl Tnntln of the Greater Portland
Plan association will be held this even
ing at 8 o'clock in me central UDrary.
All members of the association have
been urged to be present ror tne con
sideration of important business.
At tho Hew Grand. 105 Sixth, Thurs
day anol Friday. The Two Spies," great
romance of Balkan war; also great Key.
stone comedy. We make special change
program Saturday, ona day only. Fine
program. 10c ahow for Be Adv.
Bazaar at Fatten M. s. Church. The
annual bazaar and sale of the Patton
Methodist Episcopal church will be held
at tha church, Michigan avenue, corner
Alberta street, all day Friday. Lunch
and ft chicken pie dinner will be served.
Transportation Cluh Dance, The next
regular dance and card party of the
Portland Transportation club will be
held at the Multnomah hotel Decem
ber IT. N. C. Soule is chairman of tha
entertainment committee.
"odetye Sraty Toward Pamale Of.
fenders," tha fourth lecture In Reed col
lege extension course on- modern- social
problems, wilt be given at ft. o'clock
thla evening at the -central library by
Judge John Stevenson. (Adv.)
Act Wot Criminal Because Mrs. O.
H. Wilson, 74 East Sixty-fifth street,
north, accepted payments from J, N.
' To tha Indies Leave your order for
a Tlrolean Loden raincoat for the hus
band's Christmas present. W. P. Kranar
& Co., second floor Couch bldg. Adv.
Steamer Jessie Xarklna for Camas,
Washougsl and way landings, daily ex
cept Sunday. Leaves Washington
street dock at 2 p. m. (Adv.)
Dr. Barry Baal Torrey will lecture at
3 p. m. tomorrow at Reed college In the
natural science course on "The Physical
Basis of Life." (Adv.)
Knight Coal. A hard, hot, quick fir
ing, long burning Utah coal. Alblna
Fuel Co., sole agents. E. 182. C-1117. Ad.
Por TOnr Christmas Cards, booklets,
letters, etc., go to The Postal Shop,
124 6th near Wash. U. S. Sta 19. Adv.
One Bait Pressed Baoh Weekv $1.10 a
month. Unique Tailoring Co., t0 Stark.
Main 614. A-4J14. (Adv.)
Tonr Xmas Photos, C. Elmore Grove,
photographio studies, tit Morgan build
ing. 4A4T.)
Soma for Aged People, invalids, fine lo
cation. Mount Tabor, Tabor 4169. (Adv.)
Botel Zienox, Third and Main, the
best rates in the city to permanent
guests. (Adv.)
Br. E.
C. Brown, Eye, Ear,
. L
(Continued From Page One.)
helped swell the fund at the Multnomah
hotel booth yesterday, bringing the
total to $21.60. The Ad club got in the
game at their weekly luncheon at the
Portland today, Charles Robinson pre
senting the cause of the seals.
Sales Ara Doubled.
The booth at Olds, Wortman & King's
more than doubled the sales of 'the pre
vious day, and tha pestof fide, under tha
direction of tha graduate nurses, IS
proving ona of tha best selling places. '
A booth waa established last evening
In tha new lobby of the Oregon hotel by
Mrs. Robert O. Dieck, president of tho
Visiting Nurse association, and Mrs.
Thomas D. Honey man, manager of the
campaign. Anna Held telegraphed her
manager last night that she will sell
aeala at thla booth next Monday.
A special bevy of girls has been as
signed to tha booth, at tha Multnomah
.hotel for thla afternoon to aell aaals to
the guesta at the first tango tea of a
series.. ; Aselating. Mrs, J. XU Sullivan
and Miss Katharine Giles are Mrs. Mo
Nam ee and Mlssea Violet Ersklne and
Katharine Laldlaw, Miss McNamee
and Miss Fay. ' This booth is now in
rivalry with that of the Portland.
Tomorrow' assignments.
Assignments for the varloua bootha
tomorrow are aa follows:
Meier dfFrank Morning, Miss Hasel
Parker; afternoon, Mrs. Clifton McAr
thnr, Miss Kenna Klosterman.
Lipman, Wolfe & Co. Morning, MUs
Stewart, Mrs. I. N. Lipman; afternoon,
Miss Selma Meyer, Miss Flora Rosen
blatt. Olds, Wortman V King Mrs. Elmer
B. Col well, Miss Elva Burness, Miss
Constance Mvliv
J. K. Gill aVCo. Miss Cornelia Chev
alier, Miss Jeannette Parker.
Wells-Fargo building Mrs. E. J.
Halght, Mrs. J. L. Laber.
Owl drug store Mrs. Lu Bell Bauer,
Miss Flo Bauer.
Postofflce Graduate nurses.
Portland hotel Morning, Mrs. Jonah
B. Wise, Mrs. Sydney Telser; afternoon.
Mrs. Henry J. Ottenhelmer, Mrs. James
P. Cook.
Imperial hotel Morning, Mrs. J. C. E.
King Mrs. G. M. Woodnye; afternoon,
Mrs. 'William L. FInley, Mrs. Herman T.
Boh 1 man.
Multnomah hotel Mrs. A. C. Smith,
Mrs. Wilbur E. Coman, assisted by a
group of girls.
Seward hotel Mrs. H. M. Hender
shott, chairman, Mrs. C. McMlcken, Miss
Ines Cross, Miss Florence Cleveland.
Oregon hotel Mrs. Robert G. Dleck,
Mrs. Thomas D. Honeyman.
Men's Trousers
Men, buy your extrs pant where you
escape the profit which pity for high
ground floor rent, large iectrio signs
and elaborate fixtures. Pants at $2.5u,
$3, $3.50 and $4. Jimmy Dunn. 315-16-17
Oregonlan Bldg. Klevator to third
floor. (Adv.)
Colds Cause Headache and Grip
rauae. There la only One "BKOMO QflMNK."
liaa algna lure K. W. (HIllVK on box. Adv.
Use common sense buy Superior coal,
$ ton. Main 154; A-1541. (Adv.)
Journal Want Ads brliitf. results.
. . Tv '
i.y JJ-h-
Directors of the Northern Paclfio
Terminal company, which owns the
Portland union depot, yesterday formal
ly ratified the appointment of M. F'
Klncald as master mechanlo of the ter
minal, a position newly areated. Mr.
Klncald for two months baa been fore
man of tha roundhouse at tha terminal
yards and his duties, under tho saw
appointment, have been broadened to
oovev - oil - the - meehaaloal departments
under the jurisdiction of the terminal
Mr. Klncald waa trainmaster of the
North Bank road during its period of
construction and later held a state of
fice In Washington. He is regarded aa
a strong addition to tha operating force
In the terminal yards.
Judge George T. Reld. assistant to the
president of . the Northern Paclfio rail
way, and E. C. Blanchard, general man
ager of the Northern Pacific both of
Tacoma, attended yesterday's meeting. ,
The direotors formally authorised the
building of a double track through the
park space south of the depot building
and the erection of train sheds for the
use of the Portland, Eugene & Eastern.
These tracks will connect with the
Fourth street line and will pass through
the site of the Wells-Fargo express of
fice. This building will be removed and
quarters foft, the company found in a
building near by. The tracks and tarln
shed probably will coat the P., E. V E.
Concrete work on tha terminal com
pany's own new train aheda waa finished
today and the erection of tha steel
work will begin in a few days. It was
announced this morning that the new
equipment would he ready for usa by
January 1.
A. O. of IL Electa Officera.
The- annual election of dlyialop offi
cers of Division No. 1, Ancient Order of
Hibernians, held Monday night, resulted
as follows: President. T, J, Murphy;
vice president, J. D. Walsh; recording
secretary, Edmund J. Murnana;-financial
secretary, Frank J. Rlordan;' treas
urer, Andy Weinberger; sergeant-at-arms,
J. D. Doyle; Inside sentinel, Dan
Smith. Standing committee. T. I. Ma-
loney, James - Foley.
Keene, Frank Mallonv
P, Murray, Tout
Captured Opium Outfit.
In a raid last night on rooms 16-JT,
(4 Hecond street-United Htntes custom
officials arrested Chin Oust, allaa Ah
How, and Chin How, securing a full
can of opium, a box of cards of opium
and a full-, smoker's outfit The Chi
nese la outfon ball. .-, 1 ,; f ',.
Glove Orders
Scotch Comedian.
Rector Violin Trio.
Two of
the artists on the' programme tonight at Christian Brothers' College
Benefit Concert for Scholarship Fund.
Did You Know
that at the Sacrifice
Sale now on at BEN
SELLING'S, his en-
tire stock of
is included in the sale?
The same generous reduc
tions that obtain for all
other men's suits and overcoats are also granted for
all Blue Serges and Cheviots. . Better come now,
while choosirisat its best.
Morrison Street at Fourth
i ru j
WhenYou Do Not
Sif well, or are troubled with
headaches, why don't you go to
some one who understands his
business and can find out what Is
the matter? There are places where
vou can find out these things
and be in no danger of being
overcharged. Any lens duplicat
ed almost while you wait. Z Just
fit Glasses and Z know how. I do
my own grinding.
403 Morgan Bldg.
Broadway and Washington.
Avoid Expensive
By using our
Escrow Depart
ment in closing
that real estate
transaction. It in
sures completion
of the sale ac-
cording to agree-C ,
ment and protects li
1 . - L. J 1
both buyer
f IB
Investigate. Call , for booklet.
Titlo dc Truit Company, 4th, near
Eat Bread You Can Relish
Next time! Get Royal!!
Photo Coupon
from any other studio in the city
and we will make you half-rate
prices on all holiday photographs.
Our new styles will please you.
We are now located between Fourth
nd Fifth on Washington etreat,
and are prepared to give you (Irai
class work at reasonable prleee.
Rubber Platee f 5.00 and us
Oold Crowns ....... .3. BO and tie
Bridge Work ...&3.50 and up
Porcelain Crowns..... 3. 50 and up
Silver Fillings ....... ,.60 and up
Geld PtUlnga ........$1.00 and ua
BX. X. P. HE WTO . Mgr.
First and
1 1 Streets
Main 165
A Christmas Gift
to the Whole Family
J You have undoubtedly been reading about the won
derful PIANOLA perhaps your friend or neighbor has
one. Maybe you have been planning to some day trade
in your present "silent" piano for a PIANOLA, hy
not do so now? Make it a Christmas gift to the whole
family a gift which everybody at home can play and
enjoy for many a Christmas to come. "
J But be sure and get the PIANOLA there is only
one PIANOLA, made exclusively by the Aeolian Com
pany and obtainable only in these six pianos Steinway,
Weber, Steck, Wheelock, Stuyvesant and Stroud. The
PIANOLA is famous for the Metrostyle, the Themodist
and other exclusive features features which have es
tablished the PIANOLA as the Standard and the Best.
CJ The prices of the PIANOLA are no greater than
often asked for Player Pianos $575 lip.' Your present
Piano taken in exchange. Moderate payment terms if
Sherman May & Co.
Morrison at Sixth, Portland, Opp. Postoffice
We Sell Useful Gifts-
ifts that will serve some practical purpose
every day from one Christmas to another.
f$ Desk Accessories in brass, cut glass and other
qualities at very reasonable prices; Calendars,
Inkstands, Pin Trays, Ash Trays, Scissors Sets,
Letter Openers, Clocks, etc.
J Genuine Leather Goods of all descriptions, val
ues from a few cents and up; Brief Cases,
Card Cases, Pass Cases, Bill Books, Tourist
Tablets and Writing Cases, etc.
Fancy Memorandums and other leather-bound
books for specific purposes, with the title let
tered in gold on outside cover.
J Ladies' and Gentlemen's Correspondence Sta
tionery, white and tints, in plain and fancy
boxes, printed, engraved or embossed to order
I Playing Cards and Game Sets of all kinds,
Folding Card Tables, etc.
J Sectional and Revolving Bookcases for home
and office, Book Racks, Tables, Desks, Chairs,
Cf Waterman's, Swan's and Conklin't Fountain
Pens in all sizes, styles and points, plain and
fancy gold and silver filigree holders.
Cf A Fine Assortment of Oregon Grape and other
Christmas Cards, with your name engraved to .
J Drawing Instruments, Artists' Materials and '
Scientific Books.
J Dennison's Gift Dressings, Seals, Labels, Holly
Boxes, Twine, Tissue and Wrapping Paper.
I Many hundreds of items in our line make es
pecially appropriate gifts for professionalists
and office workers. "