THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND , WEDNESDAY- EVENING, " DECEMBER 3, 1913. - CITY, MAY EXAMINE RAILROAD PROPERTY : Facts Needed in Legal Fight ?V Against New Carfare " rV ; Tin. fact that the Portland Railway. Mght A. Power company ha started a tight against tft "six tickets for a quarter" ordinance by securing tem porary, restraining order In the United States district court, will mean that the " city. of Portland will In all probability nave n expert examine the properties of the company, report on lta values as ' lie finds them, and his- report will be :M Submitted to the state railway commis sion, according to will Daly, commls V.sloner of public ntlli ties. -. Commissioner Daly said: "The com pany has had Its experts at work, and f they have; compiled a report showing a valuation in excess or 118,000,000, ana - on its own experts' figures Is opposing the "six tickets for. a quarter" plan. r "I therefor feel that the city should - also make an Investigation. Jf "I have a- nan in mind who Is most , Certainly qualified as an expert on val uations of public utility corporation holdings. If we decide to employ him, then- we will do probably as the street railway commission has done that la put the proposition up to the commis sion for settlement if necessary." MUST SWKAIl 1BT VOTES. Registration Under New Law Gives No Rights at City Election. Citizens who registered under the re cently, nullified registration act of 191, and had not registered under the act of !,-will not be allowed to vote at " the special city election December i un less they are sworn in at the polling place. "xVTk1 comjnunlcation 40 Llty Auauor car mi r, forwarded In response to Barbur's re quest for a ruling on the matter. Approximately 2700 citizens of Port land registered under tho act. Many of them had not registered previously and now the only thing that remains for them to do, if they would vote at the forthcoming election, is to appear at the voting booths in the company 6f six freeholders snd be sworn in under the provisions of the old act. - CROOK COUNTY EDITOR " WAS VETERAN IN FIELD Prineville, Or., Dec. 3. A. If. Ken neddy, editor of The Review, tho oldest paper 'In Crook county, died suddenly at his home about 10 o'clock last night. Kenneddy had been th owner and edi tor of The Review for about 10 years. In addition to carrying on his news-! paper business lie has for several years ! held the office of justice of the peace, and nearly alt the noted criminal cases of late years In this county originated In Kenneddy's court. Milton Has Ticket. MUton, Or., Dec. 3. The Milton city caucus was held Monday evening at the city hall and the following nomina tions were made ' for the coming; elec tion,: Mayor, Dr. McQuarey; recorder, Bruoe . Bhangle; councilmen, George Johnson, M. H. Rice and C. B. Hobbs. There will probably be another ticket nominated before election day. ' 1 ' 1 , ssg-sgaB If I Ate That I Would Die You Will Never Fear Food If You Go to a Dinner Carrying One Little Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablet You: needn't pass uo all those uvnrv dishes Just because you are afraid of wnai tne stomach will say to them. Armed with a box of Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets, you can bid defiance to the most cantankerous stomach and be as sured that your food will be perfectly .aiKcsieoin Bpite or tne stomach's ob "At Bvery Saaqnet Ton Will Always soma rason Who is Afraid . . . of rood." Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets are a. com poumi or popsin, and those elements thav must be secreted by the stomach if the focd is to"be digested. When the stomach falls to secrete enough of thest digestive agencies, the only sane reu-eciy is 10 supply sufficient quan my 01 tiieee element to digest the roou. mis is the service for which Stuart's Dywpepsla Tablets were made and they are recommended by leading doctors and scientists. One or two of ; these tablets Is sufficient to digest vne largest dinner, uney stop almost Instnnly all forms of indigestion, such as aour Htomach, belching, heartburn, dirtiness, brash and dysentery. Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets contain digestive ele ments, a single grain of which Is capable 01 aigenmg awiu grains or food such as meats, ckks, grains, vegetables, siarcues ana mineral matters of all Kinus. , If your stomach Is sluggish or worn out, let Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets do your digesting for you until the stom ach can recuperate. Give it a little va cation. It has a hard enough struggle at the-best, with all you put in it. And ven'wben your stomach Is In perfect condition, you will occasionally need On after a big banquet or other social affair that taxes your stomach to the uttermost . Make Stuarfs Dyspepsia Tablets the ever-ready friend and assistant to your stomach. Get a 60o box of your drug gist . today. . ( (( f orThem JJj MINOR CHANGES DELAY REMOVA Judge - Stevenson Postpones Hearing First Case In - - - New Building, Martin Denny, the saloon man, who was srrested three weeks ago for sell ing liquor on Sunday, and whose case was to have been the first to be heard In the new municipal court will be heard this afternoon In the old building. The plan to move to the new building today was changed on account of a few minor changes found necessary. The police department will move to morrow, The detective and woman s de partment are already installed In the new -quarters. Judge Stevenson yesterday began re vising procedure in his court. The first thing to be changed is the system of keeping court records. For years the clerk of the municipal court has kept what Is called a "court Journal." This Is a book that costs IS. Ten such books are used each year. It is the plan of th Judge to entirely eliminate this book. By eliminating th court journal, much time and work will be saved n the clerk's office. Work grows heavier each day, until two men are constantly busy handling th business. The Judge also arranged to have the clerk keep an index to the court records. This has never been done. ARMY INCREASE IS APPROVED BY HOUSE Bill Passed by Viva Voce Vote; War Declared Most Remote, Washington, Dec. J. The house this afternoon by a viva voce vote passed the Hay bill providing for an Increase In the army. The Mexican situation was discussed during the debate 011 the bill. "War with Mexico," said Representa tive Hay, chairman of the house mil itary affairs committee, "Is much far ther away now than It was in August.' Representative Kahn of California also participated in the debate. "I do not apprehend any trouble with Mexico," lie said. "I do not believe we have any to interfere with the internal affairs of a sister republic." E ENGINEER TO The engineer who will have charge of the work of erecting the great Inter state bridge between Portland and Van couver will be selected next Wednes day morning by the Interstate Bridge commission. This time was decided upon at a meetelng of the commission this morning, which is now giving the applicants for the place a half hour hearing each, behind closed doors. Nine applications have been filed with the commission and each one has a halt hour to appear before the com mission before next Wednesday when the ballot will be taken. The applicants are: C. E. Fowler of Seattle, Crocker & Moore of Denver and Portland; Wad dell & Harrington, Kansas City, A. C. O'Neel, Portland; Hedrick & Cochran, Kansas City; Elliot Construction com pany, Portland; W. W. Lucius, Port land; Ralph Modjeskt of Portland; Strauss Bascule Bridge company. STORK COMES AND BABE IS ROCKED IN CRADLE OF DEEP While the steamer Alliance was being; tossed about like a . cork on the broad Pacific ocean Sunday night on her way from Portland to Coos Bay - the pas senger list of th steamer was added to by the arrival of an eight-pound youngster who cared neither for the shriek of the gale nor the tossing of the vessel, which was his first cradle. This information was conveyed to officials of the North Pacific Steamship company this forenoon in a message from Marsh field, sent by A. A. Corbin, father of young Alliance, as tho youngster will probably be named. Both mother and child were getting along; nicely, said the message, and great praise was accorded Captain Lofstedt and other members of the crew for the attention and care given them. Mr. Corbin. his wife and a small child sailed from here Fri day night on the Alliance for Marshfield. JANITOR CHAMBERLAIN DEMANDS INVESTIGATION Declaring he is not Inefficient as charged and that he is willing; and able to perform his duties, Russel D. Cham berlain, the 71-year-old janitor who was removed from his position December 1 by Commissioner Brewster, today de manded an investigation by th Civil Service commission. His petition, whloh was prepared bv Attorney Roger Sinnott, contains a codv of Brewster's letter notifying Chamber lain 01 nis oiscnarge. ana also calls at tention to the fact that he had occunleri his position continuously for 14 years. Sooth Bend Results, ispeeltl t'fTbe Journal.) . South Bend, Wash., Dec. J. The re sults of the city election here yesterday are as follows: Mayor, C. A. Coulter. 179; city treasurer, K. M. Leach. 17: city clerk, .Charles Mills. 161; city at torney. Fred M. Bond. 167: councilman at large, Charles Hammond, 171; First ward .councilman, George " Deversv S5: Second ward, T. J. Stephens, 72; Third ward, Berry Everett, 86. , Many Insane Patient. Boeclal County Agent Harry Bularer today completed ths task: "of making out he twelfth complaint charging Insanity lnce December 1., Ten of the patients ave been examined and five taken to. 4alem. ' Four wjll be taken tomorrow, fwo are yet to 1. examined. Among hose to so today was Richard Kuiisch, It was formerly in ths asylum. Bi BE CHOSEN WEDNESDAY GET SPROULE'S JOB Ontario Postmaster Under Fire Declares He Will Stick and Fight It Out; (BpetUI to The Journal.) Ontario, Or., Dec. 8. A determined fight Is being' made against A. U Bprouie as postmaster of Ontario, a Job he has held for nearly 16 years. His fourth term will expire in March, 1914. Charges were recently filed with Post master General Burleson at Washington ag-alnst Postmaster Bprouie, principally charging Sproule with pernicious poll leal aotlvlty while holding the position as postmaster. Other charges of a seri ous nature were also made, but it can not be learned what these other charge were, as the persons responsible for them are very reticent at present. It seems that Sproule, while acting as postmaster, also ran for sheriff of Mal heur county on the Republican ticket a few years ago, but was decisively de feated by his Democratio opponent A postofflc inspector from Portlsnd recently visited Ontario and made an In vestigation of the charges against Mr. Bprouie, and as a result requested Sproule's resignation. Sproule refused to resign and says he will fight th charges. Several prominent Democrats have been seeking the office of postmaster, which carries a salary of I2E00 per year. Among these who are actively seeking the nomination are David Mo trin, B. K. .Test and J. R. Gregg. MARKED BY FIGHTING (United Preaa leased Wire.) Indianapolis, Ind., Dec. 3. More fight In marked the teamsters' strike today. Several policemen, special deputies and strikebreakers were hurt by missiles thrown by strike sympathizers. Dozens of strikers suffered from broken heads inflicted by the policemen's lucbs. There was a little gun fighting .too. Samuel Rutledge, a striker, was shot in the leg by a strikebreaker and taken to a hospital. Wilson Sends Representative. Denver, Colo., Dec. 3. Secretary of Labor Wilson announced today that he had ordered J. B. Densmore, a labor de partment solicitor, to proceed immedi ately to Indianapolis to assist in a set tlement of the teamsters' strike there. Secretary Wilson will remain In Colo rado pending further developments in the coal strike. WOMAN IS INJURED IN ELEVATOR MISHAP Mrs. Charles Valencourt. of 388 East Seventh street, sustained a deep gash in the head and a broken arm tills morning, in the Y. W. C. A. building, when she and a Janitor of the associa tion attempted to operate an elevator about which they knew nothing. A poor landing was effected and as Mrs. Valencourt stepped from the ele vator, the cage moved enough to throw her violently to the floor. In falling she struck her Jiead against a sharp projection. , Tue accident happened before 9 o'clock, th regular hour for starting the elevator, with an Inexperienced, per son in charge. Mrs. Valencourt way taken In an ambulance to the Good Sa maritan hospital. The injuries are not regarded a serious. WOULD ABOLISH PAY FOR MEDFORD OFFICIALS Medford, Or.: Dec. 8. Following newspaper discussion which lasted sev eral weeks, initiative petitions were circulated today advocating the abolish ing of tho salaries of th city council men and mayor of this city. The move is said to have been made with a view to economy .and In an en deavor to secure men for the positions who have the city's Interest at heart re gardless of the small monetary reward. A city election Is to be held in January. MAY SEND COOS POST PARCELS BY STEAMER Roseburg, Or., Dec. 8. So great has become the increase of mail traffic over the stage lines to Coos county since the parcel post business began that no on has, as yet, offered a bid for car rying these mails during th forthcom ing year. This has lead, it is reported, to negotiation with the steamship com panies for carrying all such parcels by water from San Francisco or Astoria to Marshfield. If the parcel post business Is transported to Coos county by water It will greatly relieve the burden of traffic over the stag road from here. HOW I MADE MY HAIR GROW Woman With Marvelously Beautiful Kalr dives SlmpI Home Presorlp - tlon Wnloh She Used With Xost Bemarkabl .Kesolts. I was greatly troubled with dandruff and fairing hair. I tried many adver tised hair preparations and various pre scriptions, but they all signally failed; many of them made my hair greasy so it was impossible to comb it or do it up properly. I think that many of the tnings 1 trien were positively injurious I and from my own experience I cannot ' too strongly caution you against using preparations containing wood alcohol and other poisonous substances. I be lieve they injure the roots of the hair. After my long list of failures, I finally found a simple prescription which I can unhesitatingly state Is beyond doubt the most wonderful thing for the hair I have ever seen. Many of my friends have also used It and obtained wonder ful effects therefrom. It not only is a powerful stimulant to the growth of th hair and for restoring gray hair to its natural color, but It is equally good for removing dandruff, giving the hair I If snd brilliancy, etc., and for the purpose of keeping the scalp in first-class con dition. It also makes the hair easier to comb and arrange in nice form.! I have a rriena wno usea it two monins ana during that time It has not only stopped th falling of his hair and wonderfully Increased its growth, but It practically restored aU of his hair to its natural color. You. can obtain the Ingredients for making this wonderful preparation from almost any druggist Th prc scrlDtlon In as follows: Bay Rum. 6 ox.; Menthol Crystals, Vi j drachm; Lavona de Composse, 2 ox. If ou line it perfumed add 1 arachm or your favorlt perfume, . This, however, is not necessary. Apply night and morning; rub thoroughly into the scalp. iAo.v.j TEAMSTERS TIKE Brief Items of Tuesday's Late News Short Stories of World Happening Mot KoeeiTod la Tlmo f or Yest da' Issm of Tb Journal. Oregon. Various temperance forces of th state have united on 1914 as th time for making the Ktate-wld fight against the liquor traffic. W. C. T. U., Prolil bltlon party and Salvation Army not given representation. United States District Judge Bean Is med an Injunction temporarily restrain ing the city of Portland from putting into effect the new ordinance requiring street railroad companies to sell six car tickets for 26 cents. The high prices of eggs are beginning to drop, as result of activities of ths hen. The fresh eggs are taking places of cold storace product and a consider able decline in price is expected to con tinue. - Rainfall at Astoria was unusually heavv for November according to rec ords which show that the fall was 12.06 inches. This is an Increase of .63 Inches over that of same period last year. Pacific Coast. E. McCuIIoch of Sunnyslde, Wash., was selected to have charge of the Pa- louse Irrigation project survey, as re suit of a conference of Governor Lister and Charles H. Swlgert, government engineer of Washington state district. Taklma valley has 71 separate corn exhibits at the O.-W. R. N. corn show nowMn progress at Colfax, Wash. The section is said to be admirably adapted to the raising of corn. 'The Washington Highway commis sion awarded contracts for construction of highways at a cost of $120,000. among the projects planned being tho northern portion of th Pacifier highway from Blaine to Custer. Postal savings accounts at North Taklma during November amounted to $10,490, according- to report of Post master Lemon. Ned Patterson has been appointed deputy sheriff at Page. Wash., to serve without pay. Attorney Oordan Mackay, former councilman of Olympla and once candi date for mayor, has asked the Washing ton state supreme court to strike his name off the list of practicing attor neys. He was arrested recently for check raising, following which his wife charged him with Insanity. The earnings of the Washington Oregon corporation for the year ending June 30 were $104,964, according to re port to public service commission. Most of the profit was made from water. More than $21,000 was paid In taxes. Wagon loads of books containing rec ords of the Western Fuel company, charKed with defrauding the government in coal contracts, were delivered at the postoffice building at San Francisco, as evidenoe in the trial now going on. Manuel Cabral, wanted for the mur der of Mrs. Harriet Vorndam, in Los Angeles, Cal., was arrested at his home In San Diego. He was found hiding be hind a bed and tried to kill himself when his presence was revealeJ. V Avlator Robert Fowler, carrying a lineman as a passenger, made a suc cessful flight from Sacramento, Cel., to Orovllle, a distance of 66 miles, In less than two hours. Fowler hss taken a contract to patrol the power com pany's lines at Sacramento, and the trip was made as a test. Mrs. Mary Vaughn, clubwoman, charged with attempting to extort $500 from Judge Robert M. WIdney of Los Angeles, on promise that the white slave charge against her son would be dismissed, refused to plead, and the court ordered a plea of not guilty to bo entered. Case was continued to Decem ber 9 for trial. Mrs. Mattle L. Grldley, wife of C. C. Get Immediate and Effective Re lief by Using Hyomei. Hyomel Is nature's -true remedy for catarrh. There Is no stomach dosing you breathe it. When using this treatment, you breathe healing balsams and effectively reach the most remote air cells of the throat, nose and lungs, the catarrhal germs are destroyed quick and sure re lief results. Hyomel often restores health to chronic cases that had given up all hope of recovery. Its best action Is at the start of the disease when the breath Is becoming offensive, and con stant sniffling, discharges from the nose, droppings in the tnroat and fre quent sneezing, or that choked up feel ing begin to make life a burden. At the first symptom of catarrhal trouble, such as crusts In the nose, watery eyes, hawking and morning choking, surely use Hyomel and see how quickly you get relief. All druggists sell It. The complete outfit. Including InhaU-r and bottle of liquid, costs hut $1.00; extra bottles of liquid, if later needed, 60 cents. Hyomel is sold under guar antee to refund the money If it docs not give satisfaction. (Adv.) Don't FDSS Will) Mustard Plasters I There's no sense in mixing up a mess of mustard, flour and water and get ting everything all mussed up when you can so easily relieve that pain or soreness with a little clean, whit MUSTERQLE. 4 MUSTS ROLE is made of pure oil of mustard and other helpful Ingredients, combined In th form of a pleasant white ointment. It takes the place of the out-of-date mustard plaster, and will not bllsterl MUSTEROLK gives Instant relief f.....4l - P - lU...II l.n.MNJ " " x SC o. 1 Head. Throat You Brath Freely Doll Hadacbe Gee Nasty Discharge Stops. Try "Ely's Cream Balm." Gut a small bottle anyway, just to try It Apply avllttle in the nostrils and Instantly your., clogged nose and stopped up air passage of the head will open; you will breathe freely; dullness snd headacho disappear. By morning! the catarrh, cold-tn-head or catarrhal sor throat .will be gone. " ih.ubi. wv,v - t,na sucn misery nowr uet in small f bottl of "Ely's Cream Balm" at any WHIMS OPENS IIP NOSTRILS ENDS COLDS OR CATARRH AT ONCE Grldley, died at Vancouver, Wash., afUr a lingering Illness. She was aged 61. Executive. 'At the stats department at Washing ton th Zelaya Incident was considered closed and th release of the former dictator In New York was to follow soon. It Is understood that he must return to Spain. Mrs. Wood row Wilson and Miss Mar garet Wilson are expected to join today the society for the prevention of use less giving, says a Washington report. Mrs. August Belmont of New Tork. one of the founders of the "Spugs", Is sched uled for an address. The bill permitting an Individual to deposit a mlximum of $1000 in a postal saving bank, Instead of $100, was re ported favorably by the house com mittee on postofflces. Representatives Ferries of Oklahoma, has introduced a bill creating June 17 of each year as "National Road Day" in the United States. Representatives Byrnes of South Csrollna and Stephens, of Mississippi, Introduced bills for good reoads appropriations. Eastern. The New Tork Society for th Pre vention of Useless Giving plans to give a great Christmas party In Grand Cen tral palace to the lonely persons of New Tork. There will be a Christmas tree, 'music, dancing, singing and re freshments. The United Shoe Manufacturing coin pany, Boston, made aa a defense to the government's suit, the doctrine of the United States supreme court in Its Interpretation of the Sherman anti-trust act In the "mimeograph case". Federal counsel attacked the sincerity of the promises of the Radio Telephone company, against the promoter charged with fraudulent use of the malls in selling stock of the company. A for mer field agent of the company testi fied that the success of the concern as claimed in circulars, was not In evi dence. Lilacs snd other plants of the Veach collection, said to be the finest of the kind in England, have been sold for $140,000, it in said by John K. M. L. Farquhar, president of the Massachu setts Horticultural society. Convicted of having embexsled $21,000 from a customer while engaged. In the brokerage business, Mrs. Carlotta Thompson, was sentenced to the pent- lentiary ty Judge Cushlng of Clncln natl. For violating the contract labor law In hiring 80 cooks through agents In France. Jean Melton, chef at the Hill Carlton hotel. New Tork, was Indicted by the United States grand Jury. Hotel men take the stand that French cooks are artists and re not amenatre to the contract labor law. Mild winter weather Is the rule lu North and South Daxuta and parts of Minnesota, says word from Mlnneaou- 11s. Aiany or tne farmers are now plowing for spring crops, and In some sections trees are in bud and pansies In OlOHHOITI. PERSONAL TEST BY AN INDIAN AGENT Plant Juice Ha Made Anoth er Strong Friend in the Suquamish Indian Agent. Mr. R. J. Egbert, who la Indian agent at Suquamish, Wash., is another man wno is a strong believer in Plant Juice, He said: "I lind your Plant Juice to be all right for the stomach and bowels. My stom ach has troubled me for a long time biiu mis v,'as prooaDiy tne cause of my severe constipation. 1 was afraid the use or catnartics would form a habit and I woiud hav to continue taking them. I find that Plant Juice causes a perfectly natural action of the bowels by acting on the liver. It is also toning up my stomach. My food Is digesting now and does not distress me as It did." As a corrective of all disorders of the stomach, liver and kidneys, Plant Juice is In a class by itself. If you are bil ious, have Indigestion, torpid liver, con stipation, no appetite, gas or bloating, sleep poorly and wake up tired and grouchy with a coated tongue, foul breath, puffy eyes and no energy for the days work; If you have pains across the back or In the Joints, with iou cmy or xoo nigniy colored urine, headache, diziy spells, spots before th eyes, or If you feel tired and worn out from overwork or worry, Just try a bot tle of Plant Juice. The results will surprise and please you. For sale at the Owl Drug Co.'s stores. (Adv.) from Sore Throat, Bronchitis, Tonsll itls. Croup, Stiff Neck, Asthma, Neu ralgia, Headache. Congestion. Pleurisy Rheumatism, Lumbago, Pains and Aches of the Back or Joints. Sprains Sor Muscles, Bruises, Chilblains, Frosted Fet, Colds of th Cht (It prevents Pneumonia.) At your druggist's, in 26c and 60c Jars, and a special large hospital size for t2t0. Accept no substitute. If your druggist cannot supply you, send 25c or EOe to the MUSTERQLE Company, Cleveland, Ohio, and we will mall yon a Jar, postage prepaid. ((4) Dr. M. kt KlttrU, Jamaica. It. T.. aaya: "Sample of MaJterolr wai rertlred and bare found ft very att factory iDiteed. Produces quick molts; aad ss you apeak at It, do bllater." drug store. This sweet, fragrant balm I dissolves by the heat of th nostrils; . penetrates and heals the Inflamed, swol len membrane which lines the nose, head and throat: clears the air passages; stops nasty discharges and a feeling of cleansing, soothing relief comes Imme diately. . . Don't lay awake tonight struggling for breath, . with head stuffed; nostrils closed, hawking and blowing. Catarrh or a cold, with Its running nose, foul mucous dropping Into the throat, and raw dryness is distressing but truly needless, - jrin your zaim juai unue ii ibiy a Cream Balm'' and your cold pr catarrh Will surely disappear. . (Adv.) . CLFAFIS HEAD COLFAX CORN SHOW A Exhibits From Idaho and From Washington Show What Can -Be Done. . (Special to Ths Journal. Colfax, Wssh., Dec. . The first corn show here was declared a grand success. The exhibits from Idaho and Washing ton are splendid. Over 100 entries were made, and the corn was of fine quality, comparing with prise corn furnished from eastern states. The next show will be held at Pendleton, Or., Decem ber t and 6. C. L. Smith, agriculturalist for th o.-w. R. A N. company, saya it has been demonstrated beyond any doubt that corn can be raised successfully In the west. r. B. Miller, traffic agent for ' e'a over tne success - ,"" wn mi m. ursi mow, The company gar a dinner today for tne exhibitors. Prizes have been awarded as follows Best one acre of corn, non-Irrigated C. 8. Smith, Walla Walla, first; Meltrln HHL Moscow, Idaho, second; A. H. Lanky, Colfax, third; E. C. Smith, Kls ling, fourth. Best IS ears, Irrigated F. J. Clapsad. die, Sunnyslde, Wash., first; T. C. C. Span, North Taklma, second; W. O. Connor, North Taklma, third; W. R. Bailey, North Taklma, fourth; Thomas Beebe, North Taklma, fifth Best 12 ears of non-irrigated Levi Smith. Wattsburg. first; J. J. Swarts, Lapwal, Idaho, second; Theodore Sharp, Lapwal. third; F. T. Finch, Myrtle. Idaho, fourth; Roy Troub, Colfax, fifth, Best one acre of corn grown by boy under 16 years, irrigated land, Basil Sutton, Prosser; best one acre grown on non-Irrigated land, Roy Smith, Kiesllng; beet two acres dent corn, non-Irrigated, George Cress, Arrow Junction, Idaho; best two acres dent corn. Irrigated, Frank Frledllnc, Granger. AD CLUB NOMINATES NEW OFFICERS FOR YEAR The Ad club at Its luncheon In the Hotel Portland this afternoon nominated officers for the coming year. Charles F. Berg, the club's only choice for presi dent, was unanimously nominated. George L. Baker was the selection for vice president. K. 8. HIgglns. Roy W. Kdwards and Harvey O'Bryan were nominated for second vice president. W. D. Whltoomb was nominated for sei retary treusurer by acclamation, nnd for directors: R. L). Carpenter, noy W. Edwards, Frank B. Tcbbetts, Mar shall N. Dana, Dr. John F. . Bcautmont, George I. Lee, A. G. t'lark, George W. Klelser, W. J. Hofmann, R. L. Stewart. David N. MosesROhn, E. I). Tlmms, Fred Spoerl, W. L. Campbell and Melvln G. Win stock. EAT LESS AND TAKE SALTS FOR KIDNEYS Tak a flaw of Baits before breakfast if your Back hurts or Bladder bother you. The American men and women must guard constantly against Kidney trou ble, because we eat too muCTi and all our food Is rich. Our blood Is filled with uric acid, which the kidneys strive to filter out, they weaken from over work, become sluggish; the ellmlnatlve tissues clog and the result Is kidney trouble, bladder weakness and a gen eral decline In health. When your kidneys feel like lumps of Jead; your back hurts or the urine Is cloudy, full of sediment or you are obliged to seek relief two or three times during the night; If you suffer with sick headache or dizzy, nervous spells, acid stomach, or you have rheumatism when the weather is bad, get from your pharmacist about four ounces of Jad Salts; take a tablespoonf ul In a glass of water before breakfast for a few days and your kidneys will- then act fine. This famous salts Is mad from the acid of grapes and lemon Juice. combined with lithla, and has been used for generations to flush and stimulate clogged kidneys; to neutralize the acids In the urine so It no longer Is a source of Irritation, thu ending bladder disor ders. Jad Salts Is inexpensive; cannot in jure, makes a delightful effervescent lithla water beverage, and belongs in every home, because nobody can make a mistake by having a good kidney flush ing any time. (Adv.) HOW TO SAVE YOUR EYES Try This Free Prescription Do your eyes give you trouble? Do you already wear eyeglasses or spec tacles? Thousands of people wear these "windows" who might easily dispense with them. You may be one of these and It is your duty to save your eyes be fore It Is too late. Th eyes are neg lected more than any other organ of the entire body. After you finish your day's work you sit down and rest your muscles, but how about your eyes? Do you rest them? You know you do not. You read or do something else that keeps your eyes busy; you work your eyes 'until you go to bed. That Is why So many have strained eyes and finally other eye troubles that threaten partial or total blindness. Eyeglasses are merely crutches; they never cure. This free prescription which has benefited the eyes of so many may work equal wonders fpr you. Use it a short time. Would you ilk your eye troubles to disappear as if by magic? Try this nrABrlntlon: Go to th nearest wM.. owfllrs Ai-uv tort nnrl tret a hntrU rf ! optona tableU; fill a two-ounce bottle 1 wiui water, arop in one caotei ana uiow It to thoroughly dissolve. With the liquid bath th eyes two to four times i dally. Just not how quickly your eyes j clear up and how soon the lnflamma- tlon will disappear. Don't b afraid to us it; it 1 sbsolutely harmless. Many who are now. blind mlgh have Saved their eyes bad thay started to car for them in time, This Is a simple treat ment, but marvetously effective in mul titudes of cases. Now that you " have been .warned don't delay a day, but do what " you can to save your eyes and you will thank us. aa long as you llv for publishing this prescription. Adv. . DECLARED SUCCESS RED CROSS STAMPS MUST NOT BE PUT FACE OF PACKAGE In th enthusiasm -ever using the Red Cross stamps on Christ mas mail, do not forget that the government does not allow th placing of th stickers on th face, or address side, of th let ter or package. It is advised. If Red Cross or any other kind of stickers are on tiie same face a the Stamp" the article 'becomf unmailable. The regulation is re garded a wise one Inasmuch as : many of the stickers, .Including the Red Cross stamps, bear a .' close resemblance to the regular postage stamps and In th rapid ity with which mall must be handled, there Is apt to bs a great deal of confusion and some mistakes. As many seals as de sired may be stuck on any other portion of the article or letter. ' How to Darken Gray Hair By a Specialist. A very satisfactory preparation which darkens gray hair and acta aa a corrective agent for dandruff and other diseases of th scalp can b made at small expense and in your own horn by dissolving a, small box of Barbo Compound In 7' ounces of bay rum and a quarter ounce of gly cerine. Any drug store can furnish these Ingredients. This Is to be ap plied once a week until th hair Is sufficiently darkened, then every two weeks to keep the hair soft and glossy and the scalp In a healthy condition. It may be used with equal success In darkening the beard. This is a prep aration that give splendid results, both as a hair darkener and a remedy for all scalp disorders, and Is wall worthy of a trial. You will find It far superior to the ordinary stor pre parations and much less expensive. (Adv) WHEN BACK ACHES, WATCH KIDNEYS! If Neglected Serious Diseases May Follow. When the kidneys are clogged up and Inactive, pature always warns you. Backache Is one of the first symtoms. You may also be troubled with disagree able, annoying bladder or urinary dis orders; have attacks of lumbago or rheumatism; become nervous, tired, or feel all worn out; puffy swellings show under the eyes, or In the feet and an kles; or the urine becornfBV-ght and pale, dark-colored or rtudy. If uch symptoms are neglected, dropsy, dia betes or Blight's disease, which so of ten prove fatal, may result It Is not only dangerous but needless, for you to suffer and endure th tor tures of these troubles, ..when a ltttla Croxone will quickly and surely end all such misery. There Is no more effective remedy. known for the prompt relief and cur of such troubles, because it cleans out the clogged up kidneys and makes them work properly. It soaks right In through the walls and linings; cleans out th little filtering cells and glands; neutral izes ahd dlsssolves the poisonous urio add and. waste matter, and makes th kidneys filter and sift the poison from the blood and drive It out of the system. This new, scientific preparation, is entirely different from other remedies. It Is so quick-acting and effective that it is practically Impossible to take it without results. An original package costs but a trifle, and all druggists are authorised to r- turn the purchase prlc If Croxone should fail in a single case. Three doses a day, for a few days, Is often all that is ever needed to end th worst backach; relieve rheumatic pains or overcome sleep-disturbing urinary disorders. (Adv.) ADIES! ask rat ANTIKOWIXTUREUO. & It U uCt tad wrt w- works like magic, trie 2.00; AlihU alvanalk . atR IK 1 ml snsMaiaavl k Ka flala.1 '! Drug Co, 322 Morrlso sinet Paralysis a AAlk aim a.iraM CONQtTEBTO AT LAB T BY na. rnasp BLOOD AND NEBVE TIKI arid. - Write for Proof of Cures. Advice Free. DR. CHASE. 224 N. Tenth St.. Philadelphia, Pa. Piles DR. BO-RAN.Ka'a sII.K REMEDY Give instant relief in itching. Bleeding or rra truding Piles. PrieeWeenu DR. BOSANKO, Philadelphia, Pa. CHRONIC, NERVOUS. BLOOD, BKIN, BLAPDEK, LIVER aud KIDNKY 1!S BA8EH. RHEUMATISM, NEUKASTFIKNIA, KCZK MA. 8OBK8. U 1 C K II 8, PILES and FISTULA. THB world's Latest ricu ediks administered. Oonanltatlon and Exist. Inatton FHUB. to ft T 10 s dallrt Sundays 10 to 1. Rooms IMS Lafayett Bid. - 1 81SH WASHINGTON STREET, COB. TH. PORTLAND. OREGON f "THE OLD RUIAMIH" REMEDYFOm.. at yc'js cr-" r. r sk t m. tss ;.:' arUbotrt) liwanwltiHi 1 ." -:-' aarUcHlart? ta nhaftnale aw I Prafarabl to muMtln drum which sr dwtrurti f U nooajh. AU amenta. if . it St.'...'" 1 if