THE OREGON i DAItY JOURNAL . PORTLAND' WEDNESDAY EVENING, DECEMBER 3,-1913, 19 v; iJTOR SALE HOUSES , ' Piedmont. . 'Only $3200- ' ' rrtfost. Oven $4000 . . -.IJear, Jefferson i High School, ,, ' ,-Nmr, graded j school,' . close to r-- earUa, In awell. restricted dls- v ( room; one more can ba fln- isnea; large, reception hall, large' : II vlmr1 room with fireplaoe, large , dining room, paneled, beam, cell- In r n lee; far ge btif f e t, Du t oh .kitchen, piped for" furnace, full' , . -baseient . . , . Beautlfur Tot. 80x100, - factn east, oto paved street, good wide ' . alley; -nonresident owner. ' henoe sacrifice! reasonable cash down and monthly payments; no mort gage, to. aesume, If you, know values in Pied- . mont .you will realise what . great 'bargain this la. ' ; W.-. A. Barnes Co. Main Z0I1. -404- Lewis bldg.j 4th and Oak eta. $2800 $300. Down LOT 40x12$ " Beautiful S room bungalow In a fine district. Fireplace, built In bookoaaea, elegant built in buffet, veneer panel timing room witn eova celling ana Kara wood floor In dlnlnc and llvlnar rooms. Dutch kitchen and two large bedroome Ha t n igelrh the Han at- tr nliimhlnn Full cement basement with Jaundry VIBTB. lull BB111U. Jill UUIIKaUUW double constructed throughout and Is easily worth $8000. Muat eell. t.k- .?." "SJ' Fra,1.,iB? I i , ,Mirr ivoo. ivii 11 iihiwii o t. HrtMir 'RKAirriirtTT larsrik. tiaantlful rnnmi lurdvanil iloora and avarv biilltln convnlnr. furnace, large plate plane windows, hard nnin atreet ail improvemenis pal., west aide,- IS minutes by streetcar from center of city. This home can be tinted to auit your own taate. If you want a Bargain ma owner, 8Z& uauway ii.x change. Marshall 8574. ' FOR SAM LOTS 67TH NEAR BROADWAY ST.. 1275 Lot I. blank 2 Klmhnnt Kflwinn ft faclna; east on 67th at., bet Broadway TT - 1 a. s1 a I nd II.Imv at,..t. rAman walk ... . ..I. water and atreet In and paid for. Will rive warranty deed and complete ab stract tor 1870 casli. l.ot cost 1800. Take Rose City Park car to' lid. walk south to Broadway, east to CTth. south 260 feet .1 have a Bin on the lot See FRANK Li. MOUHE For Real Estate Investment That Will Make ' Tou? Money. 414 Ablneton hide- Main 108t . J. S.I have two lota la Waverlelgh fteignte that are cheap.. MONEY IN CHICKENS On thla around, 48x140, 2 block from Rose City Park car, you can sell all the ehickena and egge you can raiae right in thla conaumers' district and be close in, vmy esin si.: no restrictions: price onixt $660: $26 down. $10 month. JAS. C. LOQAN, 816 Bpa'dlng Bldg. BROAX)WAT AND K. 28TH. Large lot, east front part of atreet lmprovementa paid; $1200; perfect title and abstract easy terms. SECURITY CSyELOPMENT CO. Phone Main 172T. 4th and Pine Sta. BEAUTIFUL TABOR HEIGHTS. V.?.r -ifle a fiP. 'ront jt I - uwuii.Min .uu vnnwy, graded etreete and sidewalks. 2 blocks from car. Price $1000; $100 caah. bal- yn rauct ouxiuu 101 on Kenton car line, one half block from Albina. near Penlnnnla parlt. Cash or easy ' terms at $760, or will take equity. J. J. auiiiTiir, iza Delaware ave.. city. FOR SALE. lor 2 arood lots on Pat ton ave.. Ovr. look. One-half block from carllne and lacing eaat. wwner, A. a., 140 Minne ota ave. $326 for 60x100 view lot. west side, only w mi n u era' car nuet-nne ror Home; $10 cash, balance $6 per month. M. E. w, paa t, oroett DHlg-. BEACH PROPERTY. For eale, 120 lots at $60 each. Buena vista neacn, ft mile north of Oearhart. r-aisy lenna. inquire 1UUI K. 16th at N, KIRLANU lot 0. worm $450; terme ti ingmmy. main lies, or Taoor Z6Z0, ACKBAGB FIVR ACRES i2Rfl I DOWN, $5 PER MONTH JBUya b ttcreH or Insiriul off anH fnm m mile to"l4 miles from center of town of ivv pupuia.iion.ajBo cannery ana cream ery, three quarters of a mile from rail road station on main line between Port- iana ana Astoria, xnia land Is free from rocks and ravel, lies level and will not vvmwuw. xueai jQr cnicaen raising, A " email iruita. will grow "j """8 i can oe raiseu in western Oregon. From some of these tracts you have a beautiful view of the Columbia river; 00 acres from which to chooae. rciin-i. mm inn warranty deed BELL. BRAI. KST1TW nn 212 Railway Exchange bldg., id floor. jpgiwnun aq ana tn on atark. CHICKEN and fruit ranetiea n. u.. WAOTHQIME', lead; Oreabaia district Eatacada line, leotrta. ataUow H tnlli New aubdu vision, Sunahlne Valley orchard traota: beat io4L free wood: elegant location. - Pricea wnlr $78 tr160 pr acre In email traota; e.ay terms: quick train service. J-.rank Mcrland Realty Co, I0 Yeoa blqa.. ) -rtland. Or. . oiNE acre of river frontage; no rocks. artictly modern improvements; elec tric service, to Fourth and Washington je. inaiae oi so daya. Right at th iuun.iiji wuy iu minutes out. if you ever want a river frontage hce. ln r veatlgate this Immediately. Terma wnr, lie jjcuuni Plug, - .lTO $60 PER ACRB. , ta tO acre traeta, good aoll. road to avery tract, new school. miles to Co i lumbla river and railway station. 1 I hours from Portland: eaay terme? til , Lumber Ex. bldg.. cor. 2d and Stark ata. Harding Davis Has Nothing on C Ja-PPS BUMti VoURTVpeivRiteR. v Roiv oven. Trte UNe V V -lT4 e TM PtSTTtg FOR OUK. V. PPGrV. t.s -tv t i - ir u " i ak - i s$zs?m&nj;. - - i - ST ' This Acreage Will "Bear The Closest Investigation 'i- Located due weet ef the city and only mllea from ' Council Crest. Selling In any alee traota from Vt acre up. line for aub urban homes or -for -the man wanting 6 to JO acres rich aoll for Intensive cultivation, fruit, poultry, eto. Fourth atreet line runs through ...the tract Fine electrlo oera are to be running- by -January . 1B ; . The distance will then only be- 30 to 16 minutes out. We have graded roads, street, aide walke, atorea, schools, phones, delivery of mall and merchandise and you ean have mountain water under pressure if you desire It Prioea $250. $300. $360, 1400, $450 and f 500 per acre. -. Small cash payment the bal ance can be easily arranged. Very small payments monthly will be granAgd if desired. The Shaw-Fear Co. 102 Fourth Street. Main 85 A-1600 FOR BALK FARMS 17 120 Acre Farm $3400 Easy Terms This 130 acr firm im located t mll northeast of KutAttMAit. Thura 1 m. moaA 5 room house, burn, chicken houa and am 1 1 amllw at m k m wA llAAil analna I a .. . . I niaea. Atwiut is ur iari h.i.n. MAI hrM t filiate $1400 ta cheap for thle property.' Jo fact It la almply the amount of the I mortgage and coeta. which waa recently rnrecioeea. ' . I This la a .nan for soma nna who la I desirous of obtaining a farm at tha low I price or 128 ner acre. No commission I will he paid to agents. H-pbp. Journal Dairymen Attention 179 acres of boat rilrvan hna land In the Northwest, with some stock and full eauioment Leas than an hour's ride from Portland, with eight express trains daily. Cheese factory and cream statlona within eaay reach, Also good boat connectiona to Portland. Fifty acres now unuer cultivation, ail or Dnl- nc 1,1 P81" r10"' f which ran be PllUtla . Tha lan mxm maaiI . cultivated. The place has good aet of ouiioings, and naa two good creeks through It. Only mile and a half to good town. Owner must sell account sickness. Will accept clear Portland property to $4000 and some cash. Price 1Y.DVV. - . CALLAN k. KASER. 782 YEON BLPO. ACRE wheat .ranch. located la w nit man county, wash. 400 acres In cultivation. - 240 acrea bunchgraas. 200 acres cow In wheat A good 6 room house, barn and ma chine aheda, granary, oellar. chicken hue' running springs of water '.fenced !n2hcV"" I'n ,lel1" 25 to SO ft1".018 p?r -cr,a- hMlac ";5nt" T?r """i .iy!"";""L.v'1 property to amount of $4000 to $6000. First payment. Long time oh balance. Mv price Is $30 per acre. Inquire Eapey Room 819, Commercial block. Stock Ranch 2480 acres, lesa than $21 ner acre, two sets of buildings; 100 acres in alfalfa. Irrigated; 100 acres more can be Irri- gated and aet to alfalfa, plenty of water on ail parte 01 tne place; uuo aneep, le head of cattle. .14 head horses, 2Q hogra, chickens and all farm machinery-, tools. etc.: all aoes for $51,000: soma cash, some trade, balance time. Peper & Baker. 444 Sherlock bldg. COSY LITTLE FARM HOME. 10 acres. 9 In cultivation, rood soil. house, barn, other buildings; all kinds fruits; 14 miles Portland, mile R. R. station, main county road; R. F. D.. phone; horse, row, pigs, chickens; all farming tools,- buggy, cream separator, carpets, atoves. furniture, hay,- grain everything goes. Price $3800; terms. L. M. Felts. 602 Dekum bldg. GOOD 48 acre farm for eale, 40 under cultivation, 4 acres orchard; 7 room house, 2 barns, granary, woodshed, prune dryer and all personal property, Including- 8 horses, ft cows, 1 hetrer, l hack. 1 top buggy, all farm machinery; S miles south of Oregon City. Price $8500. George Roeser, Oregon City, Or. Route 3. ' - - 10 ACRES "iVt miles from Vancouver, on main county road; In rich prune and potato belt Small amount of caah will han dle. The new bridge will double the price. CALL AN V KASER, 722 Yeon bldgr. 160 acres in Grant Co. Good house, barn and outbuildings good water right cut 126 tons hay; 135 good grade cattle. 8 norsea. noars. onicKena. turkeys. etc., all farming Implements .and house hold goods, unlimited tree range, w. L. Manahan, Prairie City, Or. 40 Acres $20 Per Acre $1 fare from Portland: 6 more tracts foing at this price; splendid land, close o town; $400 cash. Claude Cole, 917 Board of Trade. 160 ACRE dairy ranch tn Tillamook Co.; 10 cowa. team, wagon, harness. 6 hors. 40 atanda bees, chickens and farm tools, hav in barn: take some trade. E. w. BaVer. Heho, Tillamook Co., Or. WILL sell eneap -tay beautiful home farm on Tualatin river. It miles weat of Portland. Highly Improved. Addre x. witnycomDe. eaz izm at., roruana. 152 acre farm, with good Improvements, on Columbia river near Waahoueal: orchard, running water, $70 an acre. Wolfstein, 205 Allsky bldg. 160 ACRES for $1800; buildings, road. water, etc. Bee owner at 164 N. 14th. TIMBER 2H TIMBER Between 6 and 0 million feet fir close to railway on good county roads. Splendid proposition for small mill. $1000 caah will handle thla. D. Stavena, 623 Corbett bldg. ACTtEAGE Ooattaaed) I ARC AW4WYIN4 YM$r C0NM(, eATTOB, I ftDtLOOt. NTiiDkLI1v ARC I J - ji MFFLN i I f a . f ICi. I I wwU-fc To nftU The KOAK r r- AlajxKi I I I J a 1 II KFUAI AOkA 1 I 1 I - - wv nnw- I 1 1 kT kW a. a ) EXCHANGE REAL ESTATB 84 BlTWeaeWaaal"wwMewawa. For Trade . V" ,25 Acresr Store-and Stockr f General -Merchandise ; " Located on Lewta river about , 18 miles from Portland. There are -26. acres of good land, P-room , , dwelling.' with waUr ' piped to house; barn and outbuildings, new store building $2x48, wfth large' hall upstairs, worth $1800. PERSONAL PROPERTY! team; harness, iiack, buggy.. wigon, cow. , $2600 stock' of good marohandise. , pos toff Ice fixtures, etc Every . thing: soea for (8000. Trade for , farm to value $6000. Owner muat sell or trade soon. Bargain for aomeone. . ; Hargrove & Sons 111 N. th at. Main 4811. A-7268. Good Trades 82000 first mnrtr... tn mA- . - v w . w wi m runuwii reamnnce. " 820 acres land in T.lnn rn iwIm Iiiha clear, for clear city property $6000 house, clear, and $1000 In cash for a stock farm , up to $9000. Grain and faad hunlnu. .nH c Iimiui In fine, valley town; only busineaa In 114.000, clear, for stock ranch up 14 acrea naar Vinrrtiivir. With ' nttn $3600, clear, for clear cltv home. -18 acrea on Salem . EJlectrio, fully stocked,' fine soil, fine cattle and poul try, fine bulldlnra. nrle 87KA0. , Frafa for city home. IZO acre farm at Camas, good build Inns, fenced and stream. 87000. trada for acreage, city home or stock of goods. n. uufliHEH. ill ieon Bldg. Vant Dairy Ranch t'p to $36,000 for 4 acrea water front age, also 8 acrea In- cultivation and 100x100 feet with 7 room modern honaa and 19 vacant lots all -this property is within the city limits of Vancouver and valued at s.bO. incumbrance-or $6600 on nart. balance claar. WHAT II AVE YOU FOR THIS? " ' Chittenden fit Neill 310 Oak st. Wanted Lots or Small House in Mount Scott New. modern. 6 room huniralnw 100 feet from car. Flreolace. all built In oonveniencee, basement attio, fixtures and shades, walking distance S. P. hope. Price $3000. Phone Main 2970. THE FIRM THAT DOES THINGS. tWe have a 7 room modern houae at Terrace Park that must go thia week, price $3000, We will lake anything In trade. If you are on the market look us ?. Brown Realty Co., 203-204 Piatt qg., park and Warn, ste. Main 9042. WANT A FARM. Excellent modern home with 3 fine lots 148x100 ft. of ground, jrarare, froit, and shrubbery, fine location. Want an Improved farm to about $7600. Price must d right, k. f. Feemster. 309 Aoington piog. LOS ANGELES acreage, .5 acres. 2 4 miles from Loa Anaelea. fronts on hard surface blvd. to Los Ano-alaa. la all set to fruit. Prloe $4300. eoultr 3600. Exchange for horn in Portland worth $3500. W. II. Lang, 316 Ablng ton bldg. TO ECHANOE $4600 eoulty In Al- berta. Canada, farm land Unim proved, best of land, near town on new railroad. No Inflated valuea oonald. ered. Want Portland residence or farm land. KX-767, Journal, LOG bungalow at Lucerne station. United Railways, two larce terraced lots, chicken houses, beautiful view of river na mountains, nne summer home, value 2000: trade for Portland nronertv. nr ciose in a crease. u-ia, joijrn ai, STOCK Men 680 acres stock and farm land Lincoln county, Colorado. I own It clear and want clear farm or town property on Coast. Oren Stratton, R. r. u. i, primniyme, yjr. 90 Acre Farm 5 miles from Carlton; implements and stock, rprms jr aesirea. l abor Z7s. CITY and farm property bought, sold and exchanged. What have you? List your property ror quica action. Alexan. der. 723 Chamber of Commerce. M. 6129 CLIENT has some clear lots. and clear acreage, with aome caah, to exchange ror sman siore or rooming rouse. God nam, auj teurn Diag, 80 ACRES White Salmon valley land, 12 acres ciearea. zt easily cleared, bal, limner, to unaer aucn. House, Darn Trade for house. Marshall 2708. WANT to trade, land for house and lot. or grocery store. WESTERN OREGON LAND CO., an rorxianq. GROCERY and confectionery to trade for small farm or poultry ranch, or some city property ana some cash. rnone wooniawn zzio. FOR SALE or trade. $700 eoultv in 9 1-6 acres, in Powell Vallev at An. aerRon station. :oo cash, or lot worth 70U. No commlswion. Call 284 Wash. WANT good rooming houae in exchange km i,iuii uunaaiow, mortgage SlUUO. O-540, Journal. OLD couple wish to trade their julty or $1500 in rooming house of 62 rooms for house and lot. 171 H FVont. 40 east side residence lots for Improve!) or unimproved warenouse property on 12th, 18th or 16th st. H-638. Journal. TRADE valuable lot 100x120, 3 blocks to car, for tract land with cedar, handy, 1038 E. Morrleon st. WE exchange what you havo for what you want. Peper & Baker. 444 Sher lock hide., ad and Oak. Marshall 2864. EIGHT lots S. Tacoma, trade for Port- l?ngPrPPrty or acreage. Mar. 2708. NEW 4 room house and u acre, trade for land. Marshall 2708. SWAP COLUMN 35 WANTED Grocery atorea, autos, room ing houses, at once. See Black, if you want to trade. He matches you. Phone Mar. 6726, A-4940. 461 Jefferson. Mutt and Jeff as WANTED REAL E8TATH 31 ' thoroughly modern f or 1 room resi dence, not mora than two block from carllne, In Laurelhurat from party who win -accept -part nam ana soma couu. try property, b-bru, journal. WANTED To buy 1 aora within 10 " fare' limits; must be within hi mile of station, . Can pay $200 down. , Trill, journal, WANTED Rooming , bouee 40 to SO rooma, reasonable price, tea "Paper m Baaer. 444 HherloeK bida;. ' ' LO you' want to aeil your bouse T te you wane to rant or azenanger Piatt bldg. Main 9042.' $0$ ROOMTXG MOCSK8 S9 9. Room Special Canter of city, braas beds, floaa mat tresses, all well furnished, sold year ago ror 1700 owner muat sen. pitinn tii roR all. INQUIRE--88 TBNTH NT?AR. STARK, Aoartment House Snap 86 rooma. Rent 3825 month.' Income $800 month. Strictly modern. Beauti fully furnished. Worth $8600. My price $4000.. Terms. Borne trade. Ooddard, ftoz uoucn Pidg. 11 Room Rooming House Farnaca heat, averr room full and people on waiting Hat Worth $760. Flrat one cornea gets tms tor saio. meters. lb ft. tn at , 16 Modem Rooms,. $800 Worth 12000. Lovely furniture, very close In. Clears $100 month above ex penses. Snap. Ooddard. 603 Couch : : : ROOMING HOUSH 23 liOOMB Fine downtown location, rent cheat). long lease, fine money maker, well ar ranged a Dlckun for only $360. Many more good snaps. H. W. GARLAND,, 191 4tll at. Rooming House Owner I have a lady who has acme caah and city lota to trada for one not over 20 rooms. :aii wain ttn. 17 ROOMS Rent $60. Furnaoe heat running water, etc. Guaranteed to clear $76 per month. Corner house, beautiful arounda. near Morrison: 3760. rates. Z4 4th at. IF you want a paying rooming houae of may a, ee us. we guarantee to save you money, lates tteaity uo., z tn at., near city nan MODERN apartment houe wanted, not over so rooms, 3 and 9 room apts.; must be reasonable and some terms. Ewen Realty Co.. 811 Altwky bldg ' ROOMS. 2 room apartments, nice modern nlace, can easy clear $100 up month. See this for a bargain, price $860. Call 88 iOth, near Btark. 24 ROOMS All on one floor. Fine corner right tn town. Rent $86. Leasel Price 3400, 249 4th st. 9 H. K. ROOMS Rent $35. Very nicely furnished. Fine money maker. Close in, west aide; $275. Yatee. Z4 4th st. 10 ROOMS Rent $40. right close in. A dandy buy for $300; $100 will handle. Call 249 4th st BL'SIXKSS C1IAXCKS 2(1 FINE opening, cigare, confectionery. pool tables and lunch room. Recrea tion room. Two story building with three year lease. Located In thriving Willamette valley town supported by a large payroll. Will sell my business together with stock, fixtures and for $2200. Will take good Portland real estate In exchange. Call on me at 612 Piatt bldg., aouthweet corner Park and Washington sta., for further par ticulara. GROCERY with 6 fine living rooms, on good paved street and carllne. cash business, fine, fixtures and all furniture; good staple groceries, clear title; all for $476 cash. Unleaa you can come and eee this don't call up. Woodlawh 2610. HAVE $20,000 of unimproved real es tate In city. Would take atock in aome old established business. Can Rive bank reference. Object, employment Wages $150 per month. No sharks. M 817. Journal. Grocery Store Owner I have a lady with aome. cash and acreage to trade for some small busi ness. Call Main 6377. HOMESTEADS, relinquishments, etc For information send stamps. Ad dress Dept. L, "Drylake Store," Lirylake, Oregon. CAN invest from $250 to $700 witn partner in a good legitimate business investment; must be secured; no agents need answer. W-5XS. journal. LUMBER, power, irrigation project nearly completed, needs additional capital and services, tinueual oppor tunity. 430 Worcester bldg. Main 1840. CIRCUMSTANCES permit us to offer an opportunity to capital. oouo win develop to $50,000 in 2 years. No loss to Investors. 430 Worcester bldg. FOR SACK OR TRADE. Baker. Or.. 100x100 in busineaa dis trict. A very desirable corner. Income bearing. Owner. Eaet 1088 or C-1088, HAVE you $400 to invest and willing to work 8 hours day for $160 month? Then call at 303 Lumber Exchange. $160 and services puts you into a busi ness navlnc 325 week bctildes profits. 803 Lumber Kxenange, 2d and stark. POOLROOM, doing $10 day; Owner must sen. $400. some terms, cneap rent. H-84. journal. CLEAN atock of groceries and fixtures, cheap rent, good niace to nut m a meat market; a bargain. Call at 828 E. 29th st. , BARBER SHOP for sale cheap, 2 chairs; must sell, am leaving town. Call 270 20th and Hawthorne 500 Business Cards, $1 611 Buchanan bldg.. 286 H Waeh'ton et WEDDING invitations., announcements, Ryder Print Co.. 3d and Mor, M. B36. MONEY TO LOAN REAL. ESTATE 27 CITY AND FARM LOANS. O. M. SMITH, 90 Bth st Main 8770. MONEY loaned, contracts and equities bought Room 312 Commercial block. War Correspondents 27 -CC0-1nea) . masfaw hia a m OK IMPROVED , ItOAL EHTATB OR FOR-- BUILDING! PURPOSES: , VERT f.V&lJiw . -UAl'AUTt; MO , VUM iDBiyw, COLUMBIA LfFTB &' TRUST CO, - - in DPAi.niNa t HAVE private funds to loan on rea ' Batata ln-amounta nf 1$K0 and nn to suit borrower; my rates are reasonable ea my service is rapid I submit ourity at 61$ Piatt bldg, southwest cor, Park and Washlnaton ats. .. loans on real vatat incur. Ity in awouata-of 60 and up;. 11O;O0O at i per cent, mortgages and aeiiere' equities in contracts bougnt. tr. a, Dfro a vo., 613 uarlinger bldg., 2d and Aiair, AND 7 PER CENT , MORTGAOR IxiANB. Anv amount un tn 130 linn nn hand fnr icninsuiaie loan. Bav time ana money oy seeing us riret. a. k. hi 111-, 419 Henry nldg. Mortgage' Loans e to 7 -er cent. H. E. MOONEY. Main 210. Room 421.V FalHnr Rlda LOANS made on improved city property -Or. Cor bulldlna? nurnoaaa! ai vn nnmm made aa building progress as; liberal repayment privileges. No commission or oroaerage. j. p. iipscomn.- lx utark. Mortgage Loans . U WHITE, 701 Selling Bldg. $25,000 or Less Marshall 1458 90S Yeon - Hlilr W bave money to loan on your real eatatei flrat mortgages only. HAMMOND MORTGAGE COMPANY. iit Chamber of Commerce. MONEY to loan In amounts of 140H $500. $700, $800, $1000 and $1600, on city Improved property. J. L. Wella Co., a v..- or ... oiog. $600. TO loan on real estate In or about Portland. Submit vour anuurltv tn mo at 612 Piatt bid., southwest corner rarit end Washington sts. $100,000 on mortgages, city and larui Prooerty. lira luauranea McKanala ak Co.. Qerlinger bldg.. 2d and Alder. itAVK any amount to loan on good ' Portland real aetata Call 328 Cham ber of Commerce bid a. No brokers. MORTGAGE loana at current ratea. Real esiBia eecuruy. Apply room zox Stock Exchange bldg.. 3d and Yamhl!l ata. CASH paid for mortgages, no tea, oon- iracia, mortgage loans: reaaonable rates. K, Lewie A Co.. $ Lewis bldrf HAVE for immediate loana. $uu. $1600. $6000. at current ratea. A. U nan, zm uernnger fcfiag. PER CENT and 8 per cent money to loan on first mortgages: no nalfina- r j. nirinmen, oub teriinger bldg. V A VP n .... 1-1..-- . . - - MAKE a specialty of loans, from $500 to $2000. No delays. A. D. Wil. ougnny e Co., 415 Corbett bldg. WILL loan $20,000 or leas, real estate. x-nrrmmon. tip commercial Uluo bldg, MONlii to loan, tf to 8 per cenc.W. H MONEY to loan on real estate. A. H. HARDING. 813 Ch. of Com. MORTGAGE loana, t and 7 per oent ijuuh oaiurnon at uo Zi DtarK at. $260, S6U, $00, $860, $1200. $2000. Frel w. uerman to., u nam per or commerce. MONEY TO LOAN ON REAL ESTATE. "t". UKKUM, ZL'8 HENRY BLDG. MONT5V TO LOAN 67 CHATTELS, SALARIES mm QUICK WE LOAN ANY AMOUNT TODAT. TiTTH VTTTTT5TT DIA DTrtO inn n CEIPT8, AU'OS, MOTORCYCLES. nflAu aoi Aiji, ISA liAK l . $ .86 weekly pays a $ 10 loan. $ .85 weekly pays a ( 25 loan. $1.10 weekly pays a $ 60 loan. $1.90 weekly pays a $100 loan. OTHER SUMS IN PROPORTION YOU CAN GET IT TODAY. CALL, WRITE OR PHONE TODAY lid iUAWljCiAl i l.Alt ., 0 Bet. 4th and 6th. on Waeh. at Open 8 a. m. to p. m. Sat. till 8 p. m. f-nona Marmiaii jzbb or A-Zsvi ELBY COMPANY. (Licensed.) $10 to $10,000 to loan on diamonds, Jewelry, watches, musical instruments, pianos, automobiles, storage receipts, etc Private place, quick service, low ratea $20 Lumber Exchange bldg. Main 4617. CHATTEL loans Money for salaried people and others upon their own names, cheap rates, easy payments. See me before dealing elsewhere; confiden tial. D. D. Drake. 828 Henry bids. A DESIRABLE place for ladies and gen tlemen to borrow money on diamonds and Jewelry at eastern rates. Diamond Palace, 384 Wash,, opp. Owl drue- store. WE loan money on diamonds and Jewel ry at half the rates charged by brok ers. Marx Bloch. 74 2d st MONEY loaned on diamonds, lewelrv and warehouse recelnta. Pnnm d Washington bid. IMMEDIATE and confidential loans on furniture. Pianos. AlltOH mntAP.unl.a Bauer or 20ft Alder. MONEY sold on Installment: conflden tlal to aalaried DeoDl. P. a ton. 614 Henry bids'. ifONEY loaned on diamonds and Jewel- I. miny cum inenuni. 141 a a. LOANS WANTED SO GILT-EDO K I.OA1MS . $2000, 8. per cent, security. ' lmni-n,i property, close in, east side, value $5000. $3500. 8 ner cent, aemrltv linn.n.j dairy farm near city, worth $8000. a. iv. mi. 419 Henry bldg. FINANCIAL 31 CASH PAID FOR MORTGAGES." Or seller's eaultv In contract n ?n S?l,?tate..,n Washington or Oregon. H. E. Noble, Lumbermens bldg. Loana. 4 money to loan, iucal .estate: HKLP WANTKTV MALE , Situation' Wanted . , Ada. Inserted free 'for those n need ef work and who are unable to pay for an advertisement Advertisements muat be uuuaoi o tne nine personally ay tne parnew owinnr won. ' Y. M. C A. KMPlAjrMENT DEPT. - Employment membership guaranteea member will secure employment or re fund of membership fee; gives two months full membership privileges, 10 raoiuns social privuegea. Record for a months endlna Aur. 11 Calls for men lt$ Positions filled 1096 All younrr men seeking employment especially strangers, are cordially ln consult with the aacretary.of nm r-mniovmeni uepartment. WANTED For V. B. army, able bodied, unmarried men between area of 11 and $6; oltlsena of the United SUtea, of good character and temperate habit a who can apeak, read and write the cngusn language. or Information ap- 'j iu rwrumoi omcer. Worcester 'qg . 'a and oak ats.. Portland. Or, PRACTICAL, man with family, familiar wiin nurses, ror een.-rai rarm and or. chard work. Permanent position and good opportunity to acquire small farm to riant Dartv with not Iphb than 1250 casn 10 invent, write W-BS2, Journal SAIjEbMAN wanted: a buameea worth While and an OnDortunltv tn huilri a business of your own. Cash weekly. Ad- orwi yapuai tiiy iNumery uo Balem. Or, BEST proposition ever ot?ered anyone to jearn moving picture operating, Call between 1:30 and 3:20 p. m. 329 Haimon, bet. th grid Broadway, WANTED Experienced cook with small capital, to take charae of lunch counter In saloon. Low rent, everything rurnmneq. wear union depot. 155 N. 8th. WK have a first claaH Kteady position witn reliable llrm ror a good man who can furulsh some caah aecurltv i. an ou ueKiim niUK. EXPERIENCED clothing salesmen wanted. Hamburger's Dept. Store, 145 2d at. SOLICITORS wanted; best offer. In city. van uycK miuoio, 404 Washington st. WANTED Good, reliable partner in pmmoina- snop at i.innton. (r WANTED Solicitor for household arti cles, t all at 1554 E. GliHan. CHEF Hf-adquartera and helpers. Call- fornla Wine Depot. 285 Yamhill HELP V ' VMiD AllsU. 4!i OREGON AUTOMOBIIB SCHOOL. 388 388 11th at Latest uo-to-date math. oda of practical instruction In driving ami rapairina; auiomooiiea dt exnert in structors and mechanics. Tuition, nart cash on enrollment balance at time of graduation. We assist our graduates to positions. Day and night classes. WANTED An idea! Who can think of some simple thing to patent? Protect r ideas, they may bring you wealth. rite for "Needed Inventions" and How to Get Your- Patent and Your Money. Randolph Co., Patent At torneys, Washington, D. C. WANTED Private pupils in the latest scientiria metnoas oi arugless thor ny. Alechano-theraDV. hydro-theraDV. Dlnal adjustments, electro-therapy and X-ray and high frequency currents. H-5SJ, Journal. OREGON LAW SCHOOL. A thorough nractlcal couraa In law; no time loat from regular occupation: recitations evenings. Samuel T. Rich. ardson, dean. M. Morehead, 8ec, $18-817 tjommonweaitn oiag., fortiano, Oregon. WANTED Men 18 to 36, aa railway mail clerka, $76 month; 1800 vacancies every year. Examinations everywhere frequently. Sample questions free. Franklin Institute. Dept $27-H, Rochee ter. N. Y. LOCAL representative wanted. No can vassing or soliciting required. Good income assured. Address National Co operative Realty -Co., V-909. Marden bldg., Washington, D. C. USE your npara time to build up a mall order business of your own. We help you start for a share In profits. 27 od- portunltles. Particulars free. Mutual opportunities Exchange. Buffalo, N. Y. GOVERNMENT positions open to wo men, 18, $76 month. Write immediate ly for free list Franklin Institute, ijept. bh-m. Kocnester. it. Y. PACIFIC CHIROPRACTIC COLLEGIA Individual Instruction, new class Just forming; send for oatalogue. 407-41S commonwealth dm jr., Portland. Or. GOVERNMENT positions ere easy to get My free nooKlet, Y-3fi8, tells how. write today Now. Earl Hopkins, Washington. D. C. .MEN. 18 to 5, wishing to be railway mail clerks, '76 month. KX-473, Jour nal. CENTRAL Com'l college trains you for ousiness. m. B5. 410 central bide;. UNCALLED for tailor made suits, $6.50 up. Taylor, the tailor, 280 Burnsldo. M'DERMOTT'S show card school, day and evening classes. 810 Tllford bldg. USE Basaett's Native Herbs for rheu matism ; 60 tablets 25c. All druggists. HELP WANTED FEMALE 2 Situation Wanted Ads. inserted free for those In need of work and who are unable to Day for en advertisement Advertisements must be brought to the office personally by the parties desiring work. WANTED A woman two hours each day to sween and clean. Hotel HarL 6th and Burnslde. WOMAN to do sen era I work in a board ing house for husbands room and board. Sellwood 1682. RAGTIME guaranteed beginners in 10 lossons. Free bpoKlet. 603 Ellers bldg. EXPERIENCED salesladies wanted. Hamburger a Dept. Store, 145 2d t. HELP WANTED MALK FEMALE ANT. 2) MEN, wemen, get government jobs; $90 month; 12.000 appointments coming. Write for list of positions. Franklin Institute, Dept. 326-H. Rochester. N. Y. WANTED Railway mall clerks. Ex aminations everywhere frequently. Sample questions free. Franklin Instl- tute. Dept. 824-H. Rochester, N. Y. FISK Teachers' Agency secures poal tlons for , teachers. 316 Journal bldg. a WANTiroUAXU FJOIALK . AND ' Jtl Coa tinned UHB.UUN Barber Colieate teachea you the barber trade In weeka. pays you while learning. . tools free. , tultloa r duoed thla term, expert Instruction, po sition guaranteed, a pec la I inducement to laoies. 131 Manison at., in x VOLER BARBER COLLEGE teacbea the trade In weeka pays while learn ing, give a lat-elaes aet of tools. Write for free catalogue. B. 48. N. 2d at SITUATIONS MALE WANTED Situation aa kitchen helper: will work for room and board, and am light eater: can aleen on tha soft slie of a- -"Warm pine -ixmmvI;.... tuferance. . Charles E. Emerson, general delivery, Portland, Or. ;, FARM work wanted by American; ex perlenced hand; good milker; no booier; reliable Phone or addrese Em ployment dept. T. M. C. A. A-86811 Main -7Q65. Ask for A. S, Roberts. , HAVE to work. Want work la small restaurant, board and small wages; ?eneral handy man; experienced. 10 E. th st. ' . MAltKIKD man wanta work at any thing, 2 years' experience In dairy lunch. Can do farm work and handle horse:). . Phone -Main 6662. Room 48. YOL'NG man, 4 years' experience in gro cery, speaks German and American, desires powltion; references. Frank Spars, 782 E. 21st st Portland, Or. MAN, sober, wants position In kitchen; helping cook preferred. N-787. Jour nal. ' YOUNG man wante to learn printers' trade. Phone Milwaukie Black. 642, evenlngH. WANT WORK Teamster. A-l hand with stock and poultry. G. L. Barber. 1564 E. Flanders st. YOUNG man wanta work of any kind- Call at 92 V4 Grand ave. Phone Eaat R539. SWEDISH man wants work around prL vate blace or on farm. Please answer thin ad. H-594. Journal. ELDERLY man, active, willing to work. watchman, night clerk at hotel or rooming house. B-1710. or 889 K. Pine. MARRIKkVi man, 10 years experience re- tail stofr. wants position: low salary accepted. 508 K. Pine. YOUNG married man wishes work; can do most anything. I need work bad. V-741, Journal. BOY Aged 17, wants position ou farm to milk and do chores for email wagea. K-680. Journal. - EXPERIENCED groom wants position i understands care or any kind oi horses. Phone Woodlawn 2235. WANTED Carpenter work, day or Job, In or out oi town.. Dy rirst ciasa car penter, phone Wdin. 3281. BOY of 17 would like work In private family or elsewhere lor Doara ana room. n-7, Journal. WORK wanted Man of ability and In-tffiita-anca will accept work of any character. U-825, Journal. PRACTICAL brick layer on boilers. furnaces, fire piacea. etc. wuy or country. 419 B. 31st st. WILL tint rooms for $2.25. Painting and papering very reasonable, rnone Sellwood 1399. . CARPENTER, first class, wants work. Phone wooniawn CARPENTER, first class, wants work, contract or nay; pnons neuwooo j.ti. BARGAINS in painting, tinting and papering. Phone t.ast zioi. HIGH class demonstrator for engage ment 3 hours da.iy. m-Bti, journal. SITUATIONS FKMALK 4 AN Intelligent, refined, middle aged ladv; a fine housekeeper and cook; would like position in widower's family or where she can take full charge. In or out of city. Tabor 62. or G-699. Journal. AN HONEST and reliable colored wom an would like a place aa chamber maid or serving- soft drinks or doing office work. Phone Main 8908 YOUNG lady with 3 years' teaching ex-rvi-ripiion wlslips nosltJon aa aroverness. Could also assist lady with halrdresslng and manicuring. Phone Marshall 5652. an companion and housekeeper for el derly couple; references; write P.- O. box 32, Rldgefield, Wash. WANTED By a young; lady of experi ence, a position as telephone operator In hotel or opt. house. Address, call M. 2761. Miss Hoffman. WIDOW would like care of children or dav work. 6224 Foster Road. Get off Anabel fetation, Mt Scott car. AN experienced laundress and houae cleaner wlflhea work by the hour, with references. Woodlawn 1935. ' EXPERIENCED camp cook and walte-. Mrs, B. A. MltchelL 27 Knott at. East 6S12 GERMAN woman wanta chamber work. days or half days. Call after 6 p. m. Tabor 146. POSITION wanted by a-l houaekeejier and a good cook and refined, p. O. Box 677, Kelso. Wash. GIRL wants to help with housework. Muat be treated aa one of family. 308 ',4 Pine st STENOGRAPHER wishes poaltlonTwIil " take special typewriting work for holiday; well recommended. ' E. 8248. YOUNG lady wishes work in store of any kind or Office. Marshall 3637 or 383 5th st. POSITION wanted in hardware store or farm implements; referencea. . Box 61. Lents, Or. . LADY demonstrator wishes position. Phone Main 2205. COOK or housekeeper. Institution pre ferred. Main 9203. LACK CURTAINS Phone Main 1486. hand laundered. I WOULD like chamber work or day wvu-k. Phone Woodlawn 2870. I WANT chamber room work or day work. Main 2438. STENOGRAPHER wishes a position; experienced. Main 2634. YOUNG lady wanta work aa -chambermaid or housekeeping. R-616, Journal. WANTED Work by the day or hour. Mrs. Schmidt telephone Main 405. KIND, motherly lady wishes care of children: will board cheap. 388 6th. (Continued on XText Page) HELP. By "Bud" Fisher