1' Y '. ' ' ' SECTION FOUR IN 8TAfoLANI ' ; AUTOMOBILE 1 KEW3 s ' ' xku's from ; foreign, lands yy;vyy.:y, 4v S- t :i: ;; v -vl; " Y, ; V' Y, V y PORTLAND REGON, SUNDAY 'MORNING, NOVEMBER .,16. 1913, ' ' ' " ' ,'y,V .' Yi; v ''-. fMA 'amsasmsss , ' i .,' ;:. ' .'.'.i, ., Y ,',.',' uu ,,,,, ' ,' ' UJL 1 , . ' ' i, a pgagaatj i u i 1 i . Y. i , .. . , j - 1 -1--J , , ,, .' , BBSgSS;i i I.i if 'J i1,- "i ,',,'1 I I ,1 ' 1 Hi ' 1 '"'H"" i1 igBSBgBS ' 1 ggSgB5SgBSg r ,' ', J, 1 1 I 1 I i I'l UHJ The Lipmari, .Wolfe & Co. Store Presents Monday crri c Till o AV . . -wi i r Woo Mn An f r orl on f- New Silks, Worthy Silks, Fashionable Silks, Scarcest Silks in Greatest Demand At Prices H itherto Unknown to the Retail Customer This great sale that promises to break all silk-selling records for the Pacific Coast, opens Monday with the store. Every silk fabric known to the Art Genius of the world is included in this important sale. All kinds of silks are here, staples and novelties, plain colors and fancies everything silks for every purpose for evening gowns, dresses, blouses, suits, motor coats, hats and petticoats; for mens shirts and pajamas. Both foreign and American silks. NOTE The sale will be held on the second floor. The entire silk section, the dress goods and pattern section will be utilized because it is impossible to snow tnis immense quantity of silks in the regular silk store. PRICES are so low, in many instances less than half the regular wholesale prices, that they must command the attention of every thinking person. Dressmakers will find the sale a "gold mine. They know Lipman, Wolfe & Company s Silks they know their, quality their worth their beauty. Gengems Silks That catch their inspiration from the variegated hues of the butterfly, the landscape, the tints of the sunset and the splendor of the East. I HJfO a( V Wf-Z r- i L. , . ' ... i & . ..... We Direct Attention To a Suit Sale of Great Moment Details of which may be found on the Next Page. y Double Width Black Silks 3 $2.50 Satin Riveria, Satin Duchess, Satin de Lyon, Chiffon Taffeta and other fabrics. SPECIAL, $1.88 $2.25 Charmeuse, Satin Duchess, Peau de Soie and other fabrics. ' SPECIAL, $1.69 -$2.00 ,Peau de Soie, Satin Duchess and other fabrics. SPECIAL, $1.43 $1.75 Satin Duchess SPECIAL, $1.17 $1.50 Satin Princess SPECIAL $1.09 $1.25 Messalines and Satin Duchess. . . . . . SPECIAL, 95c Fancy Novelty Silks A I ' o 1 r Lace oaie ARTISTIC i .ECONOMICAL The gist of which e tell about on the following page,, $3.00 PRINTED CREPE DE CHINE, 42 inches wide, in all-the newest shadps. SPECIAL, $2.39 $2.50 ROMAN STRIPED Crepe de Chine, in four different color combinations. i SPECIAL, $1.89 . $4.00 LIBERTY CREPES from London, in plain colors. - SPECIAL, $2.95 2 00 MOIRE VELOURS- for .coat suits and dresses, in plain TZts. SPECIAL, $1.59 $1.50, $1.25, $1.00 Dresden, Bulgarian, 00 COLORED BENGALINES, 42 inches wide. For combi- Futurist, Messalines, Pekin stripes, Hairline nation dresses. SPECIAL, $2.95 Stripes, Roman and Bayedere Stripes in an j400 METALLIC BROCADES for vestings. collars; cuffs and enormous assortment of the newest designs sa'gheg and trimmings. SPECIAL, $2.95 in every conceivable color combination. en ,C)lfirT s a ov,n ,nt ,oon !n rieh Cftlor romh. SPECIAL, 65c fon .. SPECIAL, $2.45 .sat' $7.50 FRENCH MOIRE VELVETS $3.50 BROCHE CREPE '..Meteor in various colors. For evening wraps, gowns and coat suits. In SPECIAL, $2.95 taupe, silver, amethyst and '' . fSO BROCADED CREPES in two and three colors, in combi- v " nation' designs. Also print warps. . SPECIAL, $3.85 $6.00 SILK PLUSH in all the new color $2.50 TINSEL BROCADES in gold, tan, brown,, navy and com- combinations for opera and evening coats in bination. "" SPECIAL, $1.95 various colors. Y SPECIAL, $5.12 'Jqq CREPE -DE.',CHINE,40 Inches wide. In black, white, ivory, $6.00 CHIFFON VELOUR, an imported pink and various other colors. This is the scarcest ailk today. " French fabric for one and two-piece suits, gowns . " SPECIAL, $1,89 and wraps. V SPEClAL S'lZ f4.So BROCADED VELVETS for coats and coat suits. Also for ,'L-$1.50 BARRATHEA CLOTH for com- trimming and millinery purposes, 33 inches wide. SPECIAL, $2.95. bination suits and for ' trimming purposes. In I - ' . ; ' '. ' Y . r . various colors. ' - SPECIAL. $1.39 $4.00 Prmted Crepe Meteors in all the new Paul Poiret um akt JL u : digns and colorings, PEQIALr$3:39 --$rjJS ROMAN STRIPED SILKS, which 6 mjn . , h ..Jr'TrTrcr-rr- j are used for trimming and ash purpesasr $5.00 Printed, Crepe Meteor ui large designs, specially . k . SPECIAL, $1.45 adapted for evening wraps ; all colors. SPECIAL, $4.13 '$4.00 BROCADED CREPE DE CHINE $4.00 Moire Bengalinea in a complete assortment of colors; j in black and colors. . SPECIAL, $3.45 , for three-piece suits and dresses. , ' v , , ' bFbUAL, $3.39 ale Mi-ported Paris' fiats Newest Winter-Millinery.; Excelling irfMany Ways Any Previou3;Sale .Tomorrow Morning at Store Opening We shall offer our Entire Show Room Exhibit of original French Hats, together with creations by our own design ers at an astonishing price. The Hats are offered in all their, original beauty, with Plumes, Aigrettes and FeathJ ers unaltered. J 1 r AA Regular Prices $25 to $75,Monday4 ' -VJU Jllabame bclpn Faron(ecirsette . iSu?anne 3TalfaotiHabamtrot--3ro jllabame lout5on&ur?man-'licitenfitem II1 ' I' W 111 i ' i . ? t ..i , - . ,. 7,. s r. .w i .111 .'l. .i i1. J l .,. . ' ' f"F1-"iFBiitni'fi" I, II.