THE OREGON SUNDAY- JOURNAL," PORTLAND, ' SUNDAY J MORNINb. 'NOVEMBER 16, 1913 13 ME AU0MOMLKS . ACCESSORIES 44 i : i : (Continued) !, tWffwi.i..i..,l.- Auto Snaps'. -UAIUNTJS-D USED AUTOMOBILES. W have the following llet of used cars that were traded in on new Coles and Loiters. We need the room,, For quick sale wilt name you an attractive ! price: - ... , .--,-. . - . 1913 Hudson 8 cylinder. 4 ' passenger. snearly new. Only used four , : months. Electric starting and1 . V lighting, good' tires. This .car looks and runi VHe Jftw aruJl untu lor some one. ( 1812 Koo 6 passenger. 30 horsepower, iuuy equipped, A-i condition, guar anteed. 1912 Cole, 4 passenger, 40 horse power, fully equipped. Self starter, elec tric lights. Guaranteed MX suonins. "'lJll Cole, E passenger, 40 horse power, fully equipped. Guaranteed six months. .. Touring cars from $37$ and up. . See us for light deliveries. It will pay you to see our line of used cars Derore you buy. We can save , you money. Liberal terms given If desired. t Northwest Auto Company Broadway and Couch sta. Used Cars Bulck light delivery wagon. $200. . l-pass.. Model o Cadillac touring car, 1400. , JB pass, E-M-F. 80 h. p. touring ear, t0. 4-ptss. Garford combination touring car and delivery wagon, $78,0. ' " ' 1 T-ptss. Peerless touring car, $1000. Rebuilt Cadillad , 1 111$ 8 -pass, touring car, $1200. This ear has been thoroughly over- hauled and repainted by us snd. Is in good mechanical condition, It Is fully quipped electrlo starting and-lighting systems, up-to-date in every respect. ' If you are in the market for a good Used ctr see us at once. Covey Motor Car Co, 21st and Washington sts. Main 6344. Late Model Ford Enulned with Master vihrtor. Kingston carburetor, cut-ont bumper. Presto-Lite tak, over sized tires, speedometer, eto. (Juaranteed to be in first class condition", and a snap for some one. See Mr. Kraens. Covey Motor -CaF-Go. 21st and Wash, sts. Main 634"4. Hfi4 Te1 XT- ,n reouiit Wtfiton iv.' il ef0tor, eTuarante. We - K?,iwfe 1?ft Al1 overhauled and febu it bv faWnrv eirnorta Mow 11... rWW Tl ... I Tmietfute'- ' 6" 6 ni The Winton JvlotOr Car Co, Factory Branch. 28D AND WASHINGTON' 8TS. . - PORTLAND. ORICGON. MOTORCYCLES . BICYCLES 55 -SECOND IAND MilTnilPViT Thor Twin T il P., fuUy equipped. .$178 Indian, 2 Magneto 50 Thor 4. free engine magneto, etc. .7K Thor4 H. P. machines, each... inn Thor 4 II. P. " ixr Thor 4 H. P. - , jjjl) Large assortment of aennnrl ant k. 125 cycles. W sell for cash on easy pay ments. ... APEX BICYCLE CO.. 124-128 12th st . .Thor agents. Phones Main 2956 and A-3306. . Yale 2 Speed Yale 2 speed on ex hibition. If you are going to buy a tnotorcycl see the Yale first Dayton Cycle Co., 810 Broadway, J UST like new,, latest style 1913 Ex- OClllOr Twin motorevnl nro,tn.ill. .dAank' flne Jan.3ern! magnetic speed- rwA TO" .V1"-. Co"t as ife okZ Y5 ov gown, I25!SSL-L: ' 2E Vim?0cySle 'amp and KaatP5646aU 808 RU8BeU et" 0t pnone I 1 A . f-i-v i-..r 1 juvjjeiu i, a. iwin. just like new ' See It in our window today. It's a bargain. Dayton Cycle Co., 210 Broad way. . WANTED Good high power motorcycle; will trade 4 lots In Mujtnomah Co.. free' and clear. Value $80.00; will pay bal. $15 per month. K-7ft5, Journal.- isl2" POPE - .Q.v, 8, . -1Z" ; . I 86 down,$l6 monthV;.J,BygAldVrrB',; HarlEY DAVIDSON 1912, 4 h. p. musl at oni-w, Kona condition, S1Z3 Lo Simon. 163 W. Park st. SPXlCXiyjD single llariey, magneto, $55; . """"i T iin.niyiiy. pop jtiqer. WANT to."' buy a twin motorcycle. Unique Tailoring Co., 809 Stark, - IAtrSCTTESr COATS 04 - . -- . . v-wm - II 111. 1 UU, , Good motor boat or Jaunch wanted in exchange for $6fl0 equity in modern 5 '""' wtm, . f-ove, journal. ' MUSICAL fXSTRl MEXTS 34 FOR BALK A $60 Kimball organ, used iaxu UiStlV raonable; M. tarrabe, -. ili?ilJ-ai-lnv. ' - ' WILL take $126 For almost nw $"363 T'P,ao, 9noct: of v sickness. G-57S. tournal. Q-57S, WANTED N ... 1 PiahO. LOta In trail.. rn t In ouniDerea. l)wnr w n rk. ..v, jm R. 87th st. Portland i - - " jAVlN'G for California: will sell'high' v. grade upright pian-p iJ regular price: terms. - r, ti. ox 119. . " FOR SALE Buescherv cornet, latest . lung siiyvr. iiiouoi, in. a bargain, C-772. Journal -n r; - -.- ... : , . ; iilGJt ViRADE upright pianoT-lso elev c. trio piano. Bale or rent 440 Third - Kimn i on. HIGH grade upright, piano, A-i coiidi- - uu . iff kn: ortirinFii f'nNT 11 817 j ju ninwr juxciian ge rnug, W upHgi7tpiuns for rent. 34.00 line uHuiiu. -r dvuii ro.. ob iuorriaon. 81 - (Continued) PfAKO HAHGAI.V. PICTURE SHOW M1N 6KB THIS. ' Owner (non-resident) must , i have plano in, first class' condition, for $10 j cost $660; with fair cash payment; could -arrange terms. Address owner. J. W. James, P. O. Box 223, Portland. MAKE 6FFER 'h'iati'' nt rritfVruKl Player piano, nearly irlTneflrSrolas- condition, with music, cost July, last $875: have paid $425; bal ance $460, payable $15 per month; am obliged to sell toy equity ($45.) ''What-do you offer cash or trade? Addres owner, W-689. Journal. ' ' ,,.:.: :.lV' .r. . in nnt J..i .WILL SACRIFICE EDISON. PHONOGRAPH. . -Late' Unproved, complete with horn. 30 good records, . used, less than ' 2 months; cost $100; will sell for $66, or what have you to trade? Address F. w. Emmons, P. O. Bo f&23, Portland, Or. . ' . . - vv ELECTRIC PIANO! " " ... PICTURE SH&W MEN. 1 A Werlitznr aliictrin nlnna with lots of music, in good order, cost $600; will a""" BalLfor $150: eaav tar ma. or Will trade w uiu; mane -oner. "oee una w. Houlu J3i0u.' 'nlnno store. 388 Morrison St. MUT stsil beautif ul . player piano, al. most niw. Men It If vmi nr i hnru pain. Phone today East 1818 or we days after p. m. apartment. J3 Ilislop PIANO fur sale. Our daughter has left . us. Will sell our piano very cheap. Is a well, known make, nearly new. Give phone number for particulars, ., F $08, Journal. ' FOR -HALE An new- $766 plaver oiano. 1150 less than cost or will trade for acreage. Terms. R-800, Journal. . c . ' 0ALL and see beautiful Sf-note player niano. Coat S87K. Must sell. First offer in reason takes it. Cash or terms. Tabor 2018. VvllAT will you give for dandy $400 piano, jnrst oner taxes it, casn or secured note. This is no bluff. Get busy. I H-581. Journal. I GOINa Jto business. Will sacrifice al most new $460 mahogany upright piano. Good as new. , Price for quick dttal $2X6. Terms if desired. 190 13 tt. BARGAIN EdiHon home phonograph snd 35 records. Like new; plays 2 and 4-minute records. 2227 66th st, S B. Tabor 4804, . ' LADX without children would" flke 'use of piano for its care. Tabor 2605, TYPEWRITERS HEADQUARTERS FOR ALL MAKES OF TYfHWHlTUBS.- Remington, No. ll.decimai tabula tor $60.00 Remington, No. 10, visible writing. CS.00 Remington, No. 7, 84 r.haractars , . 26 00 Remiugton, No,- 6, 76 eharactera. . 20.00 Underwood. No. '6, visible writing. 52.50 Underwood,-No. 4, visible writing. 46.00 Smith Premier, No. 8 . . 20.00 Smith Premier, No. 10. visible $36.00 to KO.AO Oliver, No. ,3, visible wriUng 25.00 Oliver. No. 6, print type, back epaoer . . 46.00 L. C. Smith & Bry., visible writing. 36.00 Standard Folding Typewriter, with case 35.00 Blickensderfer, model 7. with case. 17.50 ' All makus of wide and extra wide ma chines. Every machine guaranteed for one. year. Machines shipped subject to approval. Tarm, $5 oash and $5 per month. Rentals Visible makes $3 per month; three months, $7.50; non-visible, makes Vi.W per month; three months, $5. - Send for our new illustrated price list. Retail department. THE WHOLESALE TYPEWRITER CO., PhOne Main 6681. 321 Washington st. WE save you from 60 to" 76 per cent on any make of typewriter. Call or send for our Illustrated price list Retail de partment Wholesale Typewriter Co. (Inc.). 821 Washington et. Main 6661. NEW. rebuilt second hand rentals at cut rates. P. D. C. Co., 231 Sts.rk. Main 1407 FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS 10 Sell It We buy It household furniture, stoves, sewing machines, anything of value. TWin't hesitate; call today. GRAND RAPIDS FURNITURE. - East 6462. SEWING machines, fine lot pf gingers, White. New. Home. Wheeler & Wilson. Standard, several other mahesr slightly used and second hand attachments, com plete Mid guaranteed. Sewing Machine Emporium, 190 3rd, bet. Yamhill and Taylor. SdONAllCH Typewriter No. 6, almost new and as good as new. Has fine leather-carry ing case. Cost $110, I uaut cash, and will Bell for 60; If you want a good buy, be quick. , T-689, Journal. I II. 1 .i .... mm ONE heating stove, tinners squaring shears. 2 banjo machines. 2 electric fans. 122 16th st Modern Repair J,,. " re" dOBBLfah S outfit, singer maehln: ne" and other tools. Call or write W. H, is., Montana ave. SOLID gold 23 jewel Bunn Special IUI nois. original cost. J175: only 166. uncle Myers, 71 fith, near oak. FOR FJJKNIT-UR , stoves, carpsts and an nousenoia gooas. iook unar usenaia uooos, just below. WOOD, for sale In stump, fir. oak and ash. one cord to 20,000. for name. ulara wrlto Box 811,' COrvallls, Oregon. WMa II Rnttort (-rfili-r flonlll-a " wt.iwwi 1 vi uu.i iviailMIO Phon East 4298 aftef B p. ni. FOR SALE Good drophead sewing ma- china with attachments, $10. 885 E. 21'st at. 8. ANTIQUE Beth Thomas 8 day weight clock; worth $50, for $10. Call $8$ Missouri ave. wooaiawn ivit. BEAUTIFUL seal skin Jacket, good as new, less man nail - coat. U-63S, journal. ' ' GENUINE Alaska mink muff and stole, only $40. Uncle Myers. 71 6th, near CHOICE climbing roses, two year old. ivc; smaller ones, 111 to 10 cents- rnone wooiaiawn zudb WANTED Good . cook stove or range. .Must be cheap a.nd good baker. Tabor aoa. AbY'S black broadcloth suit- dress; fur coat, size 88; $8 eaoh. SEALSKIN coat, original cost, $360, only $75. uucie myers, ii 0 in, near Oak. SOME beautiful solitaire diamonds at wnoiesaie prices., iuusi ne sola. 502 uoucn Diag. . FOLDING camera.- Brownie No. 2, en larging ouirii, complete. All ror $8, aoo fast ti un st, is., near croaqway. GENTLEMAN'S $40 blue serge nuit sil HH to 40. also Ionsr rrav coAt. vrv r enable. Room 6, Washington: oa 10 o, aiso long gray coat, very rea- line . cueap. au sz iamniu. violet uiean- ln,g Shop, NEW double barred shot gun to x- chansre for roll ton desk and chair. t.-tmiy iou rnai FOR SALE Lady's coat else 86, cheap. East 5882. ROLL TOP DESK G.olden oak. Goo condition. $25. Phone Tabor 5071. FOR SALE Safe, good as new. 8 No. zastivi am 3 359. $12 60 DROP-HEAD sewing machines. Call 162 Grand ave, v F?oht Aslreet,8Xla- a0Ta reB'- . 1 17 JEWEL Elgin, perfect condition,"" Jjrealjiarg ONE set do $20. 802 for kale real tjtxi kwii, u a vv double work harness, complete. )2 Front,':'. - -. 'v - iOR SALE Painter's outfit cheap, loll - i. loin !.. n. niuti-ut r; LADIES' and gents' uncalled for suits and overcoats, $3 and up. 846 1st st. ALL kinds of good cedar frescoes for - sale. Phone East 6629. . A PONY fur coat slse 40, like new, $15. Call 405 E. Yamhill st VICTOR .phonograph, with thirty ro- ai Eoon conamon. t et nxsk et n. FINE black chamois lined overcoat. Per. sian lamb collar.,' Snap. 822 pavlg. HORSliT and cow manure del, Phone Main 2208. ; ' ,-. -Vv " CHEArC-Comptat wireless outfit. Good com won. Phone Wuodlmwn 848. i'Ok SAliH large Iron i-rib, good ei new. Phone' Sellwood 683. MUSICAJ INSTRUMENTS ' FOR SAXE5II"CELIAKEOUU 19 (Continued) ' PIPK. PIPE. FIFE. - -i Overstocked sale - of new and second-1 nana DlacK and sralvdntzed Dine, from I Vi to men. aibq a tun line or piumo I ing supplies. Bathtubs at all prices from : 86 to $16, toilets from .$5 to $1. All ! good, guaranteed, to be' in first class 'Condition, we also hv complete pump- f Ing outfits, one $50 gaL and on 1000 . fSki pump, Jack, working, head. aaa cyan-era, tor $60 ft I well. Several carloads of shop-worn I oaintuos) ana piummng supplies. . Rock bottom tribes and souare deal ing our motto; It will pay you to call or write, ror ourjprices. NORTHWESTERN PIPBCO Main b3i. zo3-20b-zo&Vg Front Between Salmon and Taylor. BLACK lynx set,,, mad , of European - skins, consisting f beautiful - large pillow muff, with elegant animal scarf, handsomely trimmed with head and tails, shirred satin lining. Will. sell for $20; foreign value, $80, "Magnificent sets are seised and confiscated by Unit ed States government from international smuesrlera for nonoavment of duty. Will enu uy express fj. v, u. rnviieKB v- inmianHnn. 11 iiunu nranuirl. Arl.lroHU Bend by express C. O, D. Privilege of Sales Manager, Mr. Keene, 834 28d st; New York. West ROOFINO ROOFING." ROOFING We are the northwest agents for the Scandinavia rubber roof intt. Have a large stock of 1, S.and 8 ply Wd at prices much below other dealers. We give a full written guarantee and stand back of this roofing. "Call on us or write for prices and samples. LeUnd. Sharp & Peabody. 46 First st A FIGHT on high prices. Why pay . $5 to $10 for a pair of glasses, wnen i can in your eyes with 1st. quality lenses la a gold filled frame as low as $1.(tt a W. Goodman, m Morrison st, near bridge. Satisfaction guaranteed. - RUBBER BELTING. . RUBBER BELTING. Big stoeTf, rlwht price. A money saver for users of rubber belting. Any width or ply in plain or giant stitched rubber Deiting. uau or write for prices, u- ianaf isnarp & peabody, 48 Firet st I- . ?i" .? J." i,".ZZ $5.00 up." Repairing a IV CClV flUIU.. specialty. Main' 297$. Portland Sewing Ma-J chine company, 207 3d. ELECTRin mnmn for ula if rent ComDlete Electrlo ReDalr s KhOD. WALKER ELEQTRIO wuiu.6, 10th and Burnside, Alain DO1 ii. . in.. i - ill i STORE FIXTURES CHEAP. 88 foot stor Hhelvlng fitted, with lielvlng fitted, with druSs" confectioner -t8$i?5nf?ubJiid; Can be seen at 653 Hiiumg giaBH ooors aDove ami ueiow suitaoio ror er-fancy gruoeries; win sen lor 4U, Hovt st. REMODELING " our offices:' must " sell L one s ft plate glass show case and one L-nape counter, 12 ft. by 6 ft, is inchus wide, quarter sawed oak. beauti- runy rinisned. I. Chambers & Hon, upticians, i7' s. Hroadway. FOR SALE New and second band carom and pocket billiard tables, and Dowiing aueys ana accessories, our n lures si an atnas, easy paymenis. ioe .nrt?8yfvien 48 t 769 A-1768 yffij'"' ' urunswiCK-iiaiKe-coiiencler bth st. Fhonos Main ' r n,lillL.lijn. ir you want to have nice roses or a good lawn call un the Rose City Fertl- Uzcr Co. as they handle only the best rotted horse and cow manure. Delivered 10 any uH.ri or city. ittoifr pij. A Lot of Second Hand Stoves 100 Jieating stoves, 25 cook stoves, 20 steel ranges, Casey Furniture Co., 11$ union ave nnone Jiast lo. . COMFLii;rE postotnee cabinets, con taining Key iock ana combination boxes, address files, etc. for sale cheap. Ralph (laniard, postmaster, Milwsukie, Oregon. - ORtXJON FERTILIZER CO, Well rottd cow or horse manure de- lawns, gardens, spread fertiliser, cover roses. East 2766: B-1065. , SAFES- -r;7 j 'a f " Mosler Safe Co., manufactur- Cafei era. Low prices, opened and repaired. Bargains In second easy terms. nana sates. iu id st. ynone .aain iti FOR SALE or trade Marlln pump gun. with ease, like new, for chickens, cam era, or gramaphone. wm. underwood. it. V. U. 2. Milwaukie, Or. HANDSOMELY' engraved ladies' solid gold watch and chain; a splendid gift to give your sweetheart tor Christmas. L-S72. Journt . COLT Criterion Lantern. Model B. half slse-obj aaiva,- with 014 gas, ge4t and arc lights and riieostat, and slides. .ao. J, Ktepnenson, tstiz vaugnn st WAM T 6x7 aiiawtiainat lens F4:5 In barrel for 5x8 anastlgniat ulth shut ter, works F6:S. Typewriter for sale or exchange, vvoouiawn as, MUST sacrifice my 2 carat solitaire diamond ring and 2 carat scarf pin; kboth beautiful white brilliant stones. 2-740 Journal. FOR SALE Ladles' gray suit, else 84; also boy s overcoat, age Is, cheup. can 1007 js. aist et. w. UQLEI10L1 GOOD OR.SALE-iia 150 Iron Beds. All colors and sizes Just Vi lar price. regu- $10 beds at $Q. $6 bed at $3. $3 beds at $1.80. These beds were sllehtly damaged in shipment and arrangements were made with the railroad company for us to sell them at this reduced figure. Gevurtz 208 First st. Furniture Snaps Heating stove all prices. Dressers, 12.60 up. carpets, $3. Hugs, iz up. Steel ranges, $12 up. Gas ranges, $4 up, cWr7t 60o yP Fulle f K ets, $2.48 each, one 7x10 ft. oil painting $65, worth $10:- 430 J3. .Burnside. l -rrrmr- .V oTvrrr. llAVli roceuuy purcnasea iou ,? n bv a lev- ll t. Washing1 machines; have wheel underneath and are ru r. . Will sell for $5.00 apiee. Just half wholesale price. Monday. Levin Mar- ware & Furniture Co.. 221 Front st. HAVE bought- library tables" direct from factory at snap, size 30x48 with drawer. These are being sold for $9 In other stores; my price is $4. coven, 20 First St. .- - - SNAP for Voung married couple, furnl- I tur of 4 rooms, lncludln. new 3600 piano; this all first class stuff; must sell, leaving for East 23 East 8th st, south, corner of Ash. FURNITURE Before ouylng second hand Broods come and see what von can do here on new goods for cash, get posted. William Gadsby. 1st and Wash. HOUSEHOLD soods for side. Includln- fine wood or coal range, used less than a year, at sacrifice; also Jellies and iruu; party going east. ia ta. rmnciers. l l i V. . . .. ...,11 n . u .. .. .. - . saoond hand furniture of all kinds. Phone Mar. 4783. Bell Auction & Com. Co.. 191 Second st. I pTTRMrrtirtia nf mnd.rn fi mnm m sacrifice. Completely eauloped for housekeeping. Mar. 4342. FURNITURE of 6 room house for sale. " I very cneap, uwuer leaving town, i 108 iiviion i. . FOR SALE cheap for ORBli, I brass bed, 1 rug,- 1 library table, 1 ladles' desk. Marshall AO, i - FURNITUKE of' room house, fine lo cation, close in. nearly new. Main 6961. f WE buy "mostly everything In second I nana goous. lunmum jviain it to. GOOD wood heater, 85; bed davenport, $11. mo Marguerite ave. FPR SALE at a sacrifice. Oriental ruga, I -ownw Ifavini iww. main - i - AVAXTKK WE want 810.000 worth Of second hand I furniture; .highest prices paid. Sell- wood 1682.' -- SECOND HAND furniture wanted I Buyer Calls nromntly estimated given, I 184 1st., near'YamhiU. Main 4773. , " uomnioaes, i. iron jjeas, spring ana MAItRY Hundreds of wlthv rnm. SBlf,8Fuitu?0r A lS8tC.tUP' Mbers, llabl.re1club MVS Hartzell Furniture Co.. 883-835 1st st Dept. 74. Box 29. Oakland. Cal. STAPwfvI?t, ifiA0oSMii1S! i'WiRlfi will be a five hundred party at 65c. velvet rugs $1.80, - Blssel , carpet iia s., . ..,v, . .: -s WANTED BnsCElXAXEOVS JJ .i n-i"1 wy When Offering Your Scrap Rubber or -Metals for Sale bear us In mind as we pay the highest cash price. By selling us your scrap rubber and metals you sell direct to : the wholosale dealer. Nothing too small or too large to handle, A phone call .will bring, our represents.' tive. W are positively the largest dealers in scrap rubber and metals In Ore gon. .. J, Lev'e ' Wholesale dealers ' fh all grades - of scrap rubber, . metals and east iron. Office and metal place, 186 Colum bia St Phone Main 6198. Rubber warehouse, 807 Frdnt -St Iron yards, S. . 1 corner Water and Mill sts. I 1 . YOU MAKE tOUR PRICE: THE PAT . you WHAT THEY WANT. WH MAKE1 OUR PRICE AND PAT . YOU WHAT IT'S WORTH. IF YOU WANT tq SELL YOUR FURNITURE. LET U8 MAKE YOU AN OFFER, MAIN 2344 OR CALL 235 FRONT STREET, JUNK ?, ?. , 'ori a We buy all kinds of junk at the high prices, can ixorcnwesiern ripe o 20& Front, between saimon ana xay Main 8631. , GEVURTg FURNITURB STORB tOi 1ST. MARSHALL 8981. Will pay best price for your furniture, carpets, stoves, eto., eto. New and second-hand furniture our specialty. WANTED A contract to elerlana or cut cord woo a. Take either small or Call McCauley, Main s-oi or A-aii. 13 I i ; . . 1 1 1 I WANTED A platform seal weighing 500 to 600 lbs. Must be in good shape " bargain. Pneoify make ana price, T-684. Journal. I WANTED Furniture ana nouscnoia goods. BARGER AUCTION HOUSE 868 E. Morrison st hand furniture by selling It to Fold I Auction Co.. Ill 1st. Main 5i. I i.r i ..mi'T. i j i. . i - . i. - I WAHiriU A RUUOA. U1VB IK. IlinnOi price., Phone Number. O-608. Jour- nal . VVANTKD-To buy combings. Bstsfn. crjer-m a Tami fj , M : i r Switches hill. Phone WANTED A first class steel raiiRe. Cheap for cash, uooa conamon. Woodlawn 1430. COVELL Furniture Co., 804 1st st Malj 3022, pays the best price for used furniture, carpets, stoves, eto. WANTKD Rifles, shotguns, cameras. Hfchreid. 5 N.'id St. aiam gasi. I WANTED To' buy typeTiter desk. ! Phone Main S8a WILL givt carpenter work in exchange for building material, M-828, Journal. BED SPRINGS tightened up. John Uniila 510 North 1 th PhnnaVlIn M erVwt."'iVlF WANTED ;Used bath tub, 4 feet, good eonditlon.H-666, Journal. t HIGHEST: prices paid for 2d-hand furn iture. Galvin. Ill Grand av. E. 6636. LOST AXIJ FOUND 21 EXPRESSMAN who took brickwagon over Hawthorne bridge Monday, 4:30 p. m., return to yards, Grand eve. and Stevens, or will prosecute. No ques tions RKK6U, tun HI B1J1. LOST Will party who took black silk um brella, bUclc handle, silver band, with M. E. P.. please leave at Journal office or pnone CUii. I LOST. From 55 E. 80th north, black 1 nd whlt mala Angora kitten, 8 I room na cm. iiewara m aoovo uaoreBS, 5- r 1 1 ."z. .:t- a : COST A monogram fob with" S class pins on ribbon. Initials W. H. D. Lib. eral reward. Phone Tabor 1728. POUND Cluster ring. Phon Main 79B0, after o p. m. - FOUND A lady's purse on E. B4th st let evening. Call at Journal. PERSONAL 22 FARMER 28 years old would like to meet lady over .20, 6 ft. 6 In. tall or over. I am well to do and have a good incomer Otve address and full particu lars first letter; objeot matrimony. KX 635, Journal. THE FUR SHOP. 20 per cent. Saved on new orders and remodeling. 620 Swetland Bide. MARRY Thousands wealthy wTfl marry soon. .All ages; descriptions rree. write at onee. western jiuo, Dept. 9, 268 Market. Ban Francisco, Cnl MRS. SOPHIA B. SKIP, mental an spiritual scientist, ciuestlon and mes sages. Wednesday & p. m. uaily orilca 302 Allsky bldg. Main 225. Pf RITUAL medium, Rev. Virginia Howe. Ktaaing. neaung. aauv cir cles Tusday and Friduy evenings o'clock. 231 8th st. Phone A-7116. klfiS NEVINS, electrlo baths and treat- ments. 4it itotncniia diik 4ua ana wasnington. THE FUR SHOP. Best work, lowest prices. Remodel- lng and new orders. fiaO Hwetland bldg, MIDDLE aged man wants to meet catnoiio woman. My object matri mony. 8-700. Journal. VSmi- I if a Adam Astrological Schoo lUUl LI IC Room 10. 350Wi Morrison SOP. Keepings ana lessons oy man. M. 4521 WANTED Position as housekeeper, Phone Main 7857 Journal. v. MU1 , U-UI,! n'ght Come and br.nff your friends. "AVE your hair waved. Sanitary ,D..? runors, ivv uexura oia.. ar- snan iiv S-iATftfcB' Van- borqan. office 4g; 4th tloaT- 850 Morrison. Palmistry! Hnrli- fft. aula Book for sale. MANICURING, facial massace. acaln treatment Office 88, 145 H Croad- aJ- LADIES, God has power to heal all men- tai ana pnysicai his. Mealing dally 10 to 4. Marsnau i. MRA TANN"ER. amrlt mdl um. Sll Kfh Lt., cor. Clay. . Circles, Monday and Thursday evenings WANTED Acquaintance of young kjy or older by gentleman with small Income. 8-855. Journal BESSIE WYLAND Face and scalo treatments, shampooing. Office 2, 350 H Morrison DR. Q, V. KETCHUM Women' mala. aies ana acute disease, wash. bldg.. eor. 4th and Wash., ronm 41. Mar. 448. DR. "ETHEL A. 8ACRY, corn and In growing nall Bpeclallst. 418 Northwest SCa D SneCO IRt ki1u rvv Od'M OMCUail-Uth and Wash. sN MRS. CUSHING teaches card reading "u spiritualism, tur. in anu nail. CHAKAUIEK, reaa irom your voice. Madam Smith, 664 Flanders. Mar. 2747, FRFF J?P,art .dv1,, (tv"r'e'l ! A ... I ' J I 'I' HI - - wiuiivi-. . urni. BALM of figs, "remedy for diseases of woman, bo Davis st Main 2893. CHIROTODIST, formerly 14BHBdwy, now Boi N. w. Piag., etn ana wesn. SAVE $3 to $10 by buying your trunk or suit ease at 838 Wash., at 17th. jVIANICURING, facial message, scalp treatment. 128 6th st, office' 2. LADY'S barber shopi 829 Glisan. In An- aconoa Mouse, bet. tn ana and Broadway. WANTED Girl to pose for advertising piuturaa, . uai taivart, aio ana aiwiuiy. lypw iiassett s native weros ror rneu 3nCKLLA7KOl H .If niatlsmT 6T WBtetS 28tr. All druggists, .facial ana scalp massage. . Boom 28 of a I Park and YamhllL M AnTcURI NO, scalp and facial treat- nient. 4Q3 Mr East Buriislde. PltlVATE lesHonA in dancing. 68 14th , South, phon Main 3SS8. 23 (Continued) MARRY -Join. our club; send descrip tion and lUo for full Information and one selected name; select, confidential. AioreBs, unity muo, spoKana, vyasli, MARRY RICH Many Wealthy people seeking early marriage. Photos and descriptions free. Mission Agency, B 699, San Francisco. C'al. PRIVATE MILLINERY SHOP. ' Hats trimmed, blocked and made over. All work guaranteed. Marshall 1594. 85$ Yamhill. , $S CASH paid for your old truss In ex changa for ' the Seeley Spermatic Shiold,'7 at Laue-Davis prug- Co., truss experts, 3d and Yamhill. , ' AGEStLEMAN that Ws a' good' home In Idaho would like to correspond with a lady; object matrimony. W. Ii -., uen. Del., city. ' .- EGGS on honor! Eggs direct from the nesc to you. ;ggs laid today ror your breakfast tomorrow niornlngl Ten cents eacn. Main nia. . A-Z&vy. , ; IONELY ladies and gentlemen of mod erate affluent means wish, to marry. Mabel Bond. 1104 Third ave.. Seattle, Wash. , REFINED young lady would like" the acquaintance. of a .neat looking gentle man bet. 30 and 40. Object matrimony. No trlflera. X-659, Journal. VALUABLE information awaits Mr. ". Gulbrandson who formerly lived in Errol Heights. Communicate with at- torney. . Address V-724. Journal. SPIRITUAL medium and astrologer; readings dally, circle 8 p. m. Sunday and Wednesday 8. Rev. May A. Price, 875 2d st Mar. 4288, A-2882. YOUNG gentluman, postofflce cleric n city, would like to correspond with young lady. No object to tuatrUnony. C. A. grown, Box 227, city WAN TliD 600 men to send' for my 8 new extra special, 10;- fresh from the studio; hard to beat. Mias Amelia, box 5. Sta" R N. Y. City. MARRIAGE paper, highest character; incorporated; J 8th year; 8000 mem bers; paper sealed; send 10a L. L. Love, ix uenver, jqio. YOONG wan with a good income desires tne acquaintunco or a young laay who would appreciate a true frlond; object nyatrlmony. B-789, Journal. THE HOME CLUB for respectable men and women who enlov maetinr desir able people socially. For information, write T-68ii. Journal. DICK the Photo man. Makes good plo 1 tures of anything, anywhere, any time, in . . 1 .'. . . i B. HU QIC VBnCUYBf HVC JiBB OggO. MRS. SCHOPPE moved to 810 3rd St.. Clairvoyant and readings dally. Lesson 60c. PERSONAL. Professional and Business. ABSTRACTB 0Y TITLE )H preiwrty witaiu tiuu a N. Bcntt, 185t4 4th t. pretwrty within Uultnoini "u"tTV1t ainiu nwi AroaPioif jPLEATiirg? E. iTBl'HAN. baitltcbl. ceorl . ll uinhnMt nlutlnri buttOOS COXrMI WMM spoimd. Hcallopliis. tOi Alder, Mln 987-, AUXOMOiiiXJv AliTOMUlilt,- ilr utile sud rPlri. Da. leUon Unw., VrotiT sc. Uf ECULIBIH tu tlue auto paintlug. AuU Paint 'Biiop, ixtiey uuig. MIIIH inv. MMI t BOUa rAA-jia UOWB, UAVIH COMPANX, 109 8d it. BlssS book ttoofcturr; ssenU tor loom lm nrvred Loera UC dger the new ik Lest. A-SIH8. Mula 188. BOOKS 6-CO-O HAMP bCtiUUL bouks UuuuUl, olU sua xciumu. w Dlh t., oiiu. r. o. iui a i. HAASS AMI MA01UXS WOSM. BAHPU' Bruss Work. striM i t SUUg aoA ukcblne wutlm. lew tm CAJtPENTERB AND BUILDER8 (M.- Ileal Ktte beet loo.) CASrET Ol-gAKIMO Soi'cii Bllb.r Ktectrte CUaalBg" werss. eM- Hats eieanea aso isin, ruiwi g.H0. B-IWH, 204 8. lfth t. W. i THY Uen-ICapo process, cleauaea, inakaatbais brlgnt i -no', tunica Mrran. h CA&FET WKAVIjia KnuTuiiiuT ttiiu woitliLb). rasa iraa old earpetai rag ruga, carpet claanuig, IbH U. ik at.. Dtrt Kt Yamblll. UVGi and carpet wcarlug. 1518 Patio are Woodlawn iiufro. OHl-Or-ACTiq r-YiCJAH , . IUC IdcMAUON. 121 alb at. Bpeclallal en W) - nermuneut euuioment. Cbrouic cases yt "tnist"- charge &ulu guaranteed la wlUn. Ilef.. Bx.di treats sad patienU. Maiu 206; cbruuie dlaaaea, W trealmenta $Z. Mais W. ClEOOtAB APPE-861MO EXt-BBT adiUeaalag $1 Pr lOOU, Adilraaaagrat abop, room It. Portland ..Trqai Plug. OoAIi AKT) WOOD ffs araVWIrFmTig.iJongh burning- Has no equal for domestic uses, 01. Phones: last 182, C-1117 CANNON COAL, MK AMD OAK COltDWOOO -UOBX OKKKN AND PKV 8 LAS eldAU. AND LABU- iJLOCK 4 IT. GBKKN AND DllY SLAB PLANtB TK1MWING, sawdual Phone us fur prices on anr tbluef la tbu fuel line. Multnomah Fuel Co. Main 6340: A -31 10 NOTICE W' SLABW00D OltKEN BHOItT WOOD, $3.2S OKEli.N 4 FOOT WOOD, 82.60 lNSiuK aui:i-:.N' shout, ' PKY SHOUT WOOD 8AWDU8T tor Fuel aud Bedding The Portland Slabwood Co,, Main 8U0. A-70PT. Hiawatha $9,50, Ton Guaranteed bard Utah Coal East 803; C-2303. aud oni coidwcrd. Also sawed to order. I'roajpt dcllTery COAL MSIU VIVO. Al. riLTON Wood Co., dnilera in dry and greea slabwaoA. 1tt us when ordering .a-ood drv wood. lHttO Maoadam at. Poonas'ilain TWO. A-2N09. I)UY wood $ii.uO delivered: all alma; wood awing aooe oa very abort notice. Fbon o. 1101. OCTH POKTLANP-HAIN1KK SLABWOOD OoT iooi conniry aiao, inaiua and block wood. nam r.n,. i nilllllll PACIFIO SLABWOOU Co.. Mala 3TO. A-TiiieT tJreijn short wood, blocks, bl Inside, small Inside! dry alnhwood, 'iort planer trimming. Holgate 1-uel Co, VM 0KK0ON Wood Yard. Fir, ash sod oak wood nd eoal. Reaannable prices. Main 8044, A-844a, KY BLAB and box wood, eordwood and eouX Btanoara -wooa vo., r;ast giiia; n-um. ALBIXi KLRL-CO. All kinds or green and dry wood. Bock Bprlnfs and Mendot Coal. Charcoal F. J. -Y-IIT-. MAIN ATBf" FOOT OF CUBBY BTRErJT -cojfTRArrrona- avd builders (See Real Katat Section.) XDTJCAT10JT&- . BPAN1BH LANOUAOB TEAOHERi eaj- mi- eskgai iW'ahM'eatlejli,i. e, swiisSSekasaSka ItliBAiaLIATT, lueubor of oil . U.auiah etq deuta. Instructor pf Bpsnlab. I4 Fleldner bio. Cj-XBONd hi Gwrrann KdwRrdniytb, 8d at. Phone MalnT7Tl. - .. v...,.. f" PERSONAXt (Contlnned) I.lj .1 ... m I l l MEM AND WOMEN CURED. ' Modern electrlo treatment for nerv ous, chronic and skin diseases. Specialty: Kidneys, bladder, prostate. , OXYOLINE for catarrh, lung troubles, apaemla. Vaccines for Infections. Dr. Xi 1 nni . . .111 . 1 1 a . ... ..m, a-- fftfvnciiiiq wiui. PRIVATE lessons in - shorthand or bookkeeping given daily at your place of business, or class- work In same. Evenings from 7:30 to 8:80, $5 per month. Call Main 6485 evenings or write miss Jones, box 230, C?tty, LADIES-Ask for Antiko Mixture No. 8. It is safe' and sure "'Woman's Med icine"; the most successful and harmless "Regulartor known. For sal and guar anteed In Portland by the Heldrond Drug Co.. 228 Morrison st. near First REFINED widow, mtddU age, unincum bered, would like to meet or corre spond witb a thorough gentleman not over 68, sober and congenial. W-686, Journal 7 CATHOLIC vouns m&n.. 28 vuri. Ii fbod home, would like to meet Cath olic working girl that Is willing to make, a home. Object matrimony. F- aji. journal. DIVORCE Without notoriety. Consultation free. Keasonabl fees. Attorney, 708 Selling bldg., op, Oregonian non e main aa, REFINED working widow, under thirty, wishes to meet a respectlabla nmu 85 to 45, able to maintain home, who would appreciate a sensible, home lov Ing wife, K-899, Journal. A widow lady desires the acquaint ance of a gentleman of forty-five in medium clrcurasuuices, refined taste and good disposition, object matrimony. A-910, Journal. REMOVED Mrs. Stevens. .0 years Portland's' leading palmist and clair voyant, has removed to 291 Morrison, Benson bldg. Her book, Palmistry Mad 1'jHf.y. ror saie. MATRIMONIAL paper with descriptions wealthy marriageable people; paper 10c. Mrs, Bell, 26l West 21st st Los Angeles, Cal. . V-LVETINA shop, hair goods, combing made to order. Free manicure, mas saga or shampoo, with coupons from your druggist. 615 Swetland bldg. FREE, RELIABLE. CONVINCING Hot. OHCope, wonderful predictions, eW blrthdate, 6c in stamps, mailing, etc.; a surprise, PROF. GfRBS. K. Pec-ria, III. ALL sinners men and women wishing to marry should join the Success Correspondence club. Mrs.- M. K. Brad ley, 2070 Sutter ., San Franolnco Cal. CHIROPOWST, formerly 145 & Bdwy., now 691 N. W. bldg., 6th anvl Wash. DANCINO) PBOr. WAt, WILSON School Iwons SSc; wnltt, tw o-tep, three-Hep, tH dsucing Uushi, Diorulnf. sfternoon ud eTtning; gurinte to Ucb anyoue who wslki bow ii dinc. SSU th St., between Stark and Oak its. I'bou Main T03T. BltATfl'B 'hcIIOOI 100 2d at, between Wb. and UrarhlfanrT alalia and auolal daneloa Uiifbt, wilts anil two-tp guaranteed b faut toaaons; .claw Friday eTenlnya, 8 to 10. HKATH H Danclug gcbool, Aliaky Bldg.," 8rd and Morrlaon ata. Leaaont dally. Walts tad twe-atep guarantaad la strictly prtrsta laa. eaas. L.11H was. tva., n iv, UINOLUK Pa-l'lug Academy, elaaa and prlraU, Social! Hon., Wed., Sat, . Olasaes Tuaa. rrl. 83m Morrlaon. Marehall 818, HV8I0 BCEOOLa ITO TEACHEK8 . TU1KLHOMN. rlolla toackcr. popll Bmds. 7 yieldner bldg.. A-41A0. Marahall lKjtf. MTTSIO BCHOOLg BAOT1MB piano plujlug guaranteed beglnnara to 10 leaaoua. Original teactora ol popular b, lie and ylcture playing. BUI -Here bldg. BEgaaMAXI-Q AMP TAII.p8.IMa tOHOOl. VALKNTlNk'g ajstem ladles' tallorlug, area. soaking taugbt, 163 Oraud ave., bet. MeKlaoa see tKiiaoni. rauerua cut to niaaaur. Klb4TUU'a I uie' Tallorln lug I MM Culiatt. bears anemniaiilng. tailoring utn. tYE, -All, M08g, THBOAT AKO IPHOg "featiisutiii ap'icliilal.Oli'iei' fitted. ' Or F. r. Oaaaoday, 41H Desnni bldg.. 8d and Wash. EX-CT1IO K0I0B8 AXD OXMAMOg OTOits, gtnarntora, bougbtv auld, rested and repaueu. ni on an sioua oc repairing aou re. wlndicg; all work guaranteed, b. M. B. Slu trl Co.. HI N. lat at. I' Main Ml". m buy, aelJ, rut aud axubauge new and sec - sd band moiuri, repair work a at dally. Western Kleetrle Worka. HIS 8 lath eireel. X0TBOYiI niruirtiri-r t n , f n J, ; i, niw iwWl Uolea, warta, etc., destroyed forever by else trie Doedlei no ruin. no acar. euro auarauteed. Mile. ie Luiig, 504 iiwetland bldg. MO-at, suparfluuua ualr reaiunad. ' Mra, li. V, Mill. 4jttl Mleilnw bldgv Main axis. riBB IWBTOAMCg (See it.n 1 listate Bectlon.) nntNiTtrsE bepajhino iBee Heal fault ftcllnn.) GENERAL ISeUXKHCZ (Bee Real Katate -action.) GLASS AND OtAZrN0 (Bee Boat Kstate Section.) OASOI.INE ENOINSt MABINIB and ttatioiety, inarlae bard are, OAS aurf-x to.. io4-iia stobi sl, bet tea Morrlaon and Yamhill. ' HAT FACTOBT LAD1KS, OenUsmen'a bat Cleaned and blocked estlatactortly. Hira Hat work, iin lat at JEWELER AUD WATCH-AXEB J. "TUILUP8 TUB JEWELKB 413 Morrises St., near lltb sad Helllg Theatre. UAAKON GLAkOB, reliubl wutebmuker and jeweler. iaH lat at., pear waaKingio al. ;iODAK BtTPPLI-B lnnAlQ1"1 " H'pnea. IIo)Iuk. rSUUnrvO iwlnthig and enlarging. . HUiU- AOKn PHOTO Bt'fl'LY CO.. MS Wsahluglon. XANDBCAPE OAHDIWINO (See Ml Katule WwQun.) LAUMDEY 1APANKSK kagle i-uuilry. t'iwanJng end dye ing. MACISBY B. TBKNRMAN OO., bydreulle ana apecUl pipe., smoke tcka, ell taokr. wining mt rhliiery. retalre. 104 N. 4th,- - gSUlKUi. bvllcra, anwiullla bought, sold -am eabangee. .Tl J. r. aiarriw i n . rornwuu. n MATTKE83 FACTORY MATT BKSSlia ' iuaile over ai:d to order. . Cpbol- atenng or ail kiimib. wamnwii gqwi.. MESSENQEEa HASTY MtSSBM.KK CO.. ( olgbt sad day. Main bo, A-sioa. Manufacturers WkolcsalcrsJottcrs Baker. Oonfrtlonrsa.Bd fiae.jsiupBeii. Pray. McLean A Percy. 4ih and Ollaan M.-tT CLOTH, HAT AND OA? FACTO-Y Sr?vTd""rrAT aKd 'CaF WORKS. 374 l"at! Manufacturer tu tb trad. Ladl' tailored hata a apeclalty. Main 5047. FleischnerMayer & Co," FARM IMPL-MENT8 AND V-HIC-Eg bTm. WAPhl CO., H21I Hawthorne are. Wholesale agrlcultnral Itnplenienta. riBH, OYBTERB AND ICE MAI BKh'V - CO.. Ine.. 14 Front etreet. IBON WORKS H Beal Bstste Wfcllon.) BOl (HAS. l MASTJCK A CO.. 14 Front. Leather .HAM. k ioaw m yfeverjr dcscciiitlou; finillngs. MACHINERY AVD BtIPPLIS S ZJMMKUMAN-WtLtjmilOWN CO. Sawmill, logging and iron working m.-tehlnery. MEN'S AND WOMEN'S NECKWEAR tOLLMLIA beckweay Mfg. Co., 6J Fifth st -J. .HADICAL cure by th latest neaung memous. ro uiedtctnes ir operations. All ehronto and acuta du eases treated and cured In the Wat tint possible at' the smallest coat. iUbit of f verV description and kind in adult or children treated and cured. Best r. suits often still attained in cases thai have been given UP as hopeless and in curable bT other physicians. Ovr 80O3 , testimonials" can b rcurd at niy of fice. The rlTost expensive' and finest equipped private office in the weeu Tou are Invited to see my offices your elf. Consultation ts free, and If you re unable to call I will call ,T hone and see you. Dr. W. K. Mallory, naturopath, 813 Rothehlld bdg. "T .. MARRY.'?;"-. :r. ''' , , An ' ideal, up to date matrimonial paper wltb descriptions of wealthy mar riageable people all parts of United States. Am making marriage for others why not you? Read the many marrlaR. teHtlmonlais showing reliability and service for years. Best proof Is result.: Paper sealed 10 cents. Mrs. Bell, 8618 West 21st st.; Lofi Angeles. Cal.- , , . PERSONAL MADAME DAZELL -Teacher of -oeoult science. Calls you by name and tells you what you called , for without asking question. She la tit wonder worker of the world re , ' nowned. Office hour ft. m. to 8 p. n , Room 7. 103 West Park,. , MATRIMONIAL agency of liigheei , Character; strictly prlvato, up-to-date, dependable; patronfeetl by tb best peo ple. If , wishing to marry, investlgat our plan. Literature and full Informa- -1 tion 10c Ideal Introduetion Club, Box 1776. Vancouver, B. C r WE HAVE 800 glass negatives, 4 - 6H made double. In Portland, kidnap ping since May 1st In V of whioh 110 orders have yet been . given. . Who i , will buy at a bargain price?. Call evenings. aPhpne Eaat 3139. 14 Grand ave., cor. Burnside. Ayres Photo Co. BRING your suiting to Richanbacb, th tailor; will cut make and trim ladies suits for $20,, or will furnish the good at wholesale: mmodellng. repairing. r lining, pressing ,&nd cleaning at mod erate prices. A. Richanbacb, tailor for men and women. 261 Alder at, near 3d. FEB VET & IIANEBUT. ; Leading wig and toupee makers, finest took of human balr goods; hair dress ing, manicuring, face, sealp treatments, 147 Broadway, near Morr.son. M. 648. .r- i -i ' ' 1 J1'1 ' ' - T, ',4.W..'.--t NOTICES se NOTICE O. F. Spencer severed Ma connection with the New York Auto mobile Painting Co. Nov 5. 1813. He is not responsible for any bill either b- rore or arter tyat oate. Directory "If MILLTNKHT BATS trimmed and remodeled, else designing i sigh claaa wort. 860 lath at Marehall ao.-m. HATgBOPATHIO PimiCIA It CB. OBOVKU PaMiyaUr nerrooi'.nrt etironie' dlseasea 504-8 Oiygonlan bldg. M. 3143. OBTEQPATljtlp rray8IOJAMg -IL--ii--UC fATX-BliON. gnaeUUat Deriea, scute and chronic dlasasc, 1 O. lembla bldg. Mala Wl. . . V Brail Kwtaie Hm lion. I ATIII ATTOKMEYS. I? ATKNT8 procured by J. K. MOCK. Attorney. "'J.'', laje of U. B. CATeNT Os'FIt. Beofe ,Ji" poaro ei xeaqo bldg. PATENT DBAWIN68 PAa'KNT drawluga, general draftlsg, machine dealga, working drawings. Stephana, g, toad .Itlw 605 -lectle bldg. .,rW PIABa FACTOB flANU Inning, reuatrlBg, rellnlablng. JtatlataUM . Slma. Bargain In used pianos. C. keuuaavr Co., 8M7 Sth at. Mar. 6fl aTc.IL LTOBrMQ AMn FLUMBIJta f PFPiag l-ee Bt-al Kalate Hectlon.) riyms lau, dyhp ab 4 . " p. HAttXK- rnujia ,11,1 lOH. MlMTIJro Atl?,.? fttixxiMi co.. u oak. Mua 4n. Priming to pleaae. KataMlshed JBOg. ' aa you waut u hlcwa rlgpi." , trupoillao Pre., 81 1 uk. Pbow Mai ijisaTT aUjBBi. , 8-f Aatfa AMP BXk AUW auocUs, trade cbecks, brass signs. -' .T-uiuaiqn at. again tio; A -17 10. .u uiae jua. offlcs euupUea, iUbui.cevt , ; Fifth St. Mala 818 A-l-M BOAtr PCIALI8T jianiMia -or toe acalp auoceasully Ireauat - Msclesy bldg. -.''-'iyP? MACHIM MAL BABOAINS IN ... -. Mow uiaeblnra, all make taetorjr prices, geoond hand $3 tip. Uuthinea ,,,laj aud repaired, Sewing Machine i. poriuui, ISO li st. Maiu frtai. BHIETMETAJ. W0B8 (See Beat Estate Section.. L XAXIPEBXI8T ALL u iio.o y tiuuiiiiai giaaa eyes. u i-1 v r t.-n... i .. A. ' TBANBFIB AND 8T0RAGB TEAMS AND AUTO VAN FOB LOHQ DISTANCE ' UOVLNO . or A-224T. oiwornwFff Kstabllsbed 1N7IV Transfer aud forwarding agent. Storage, free tratkge. Offices aud storage, 474 Gltsan at. and Ultimo. . Main . A-tiSft. 13th . FIBISPBOOF BtOKAOtf. "" ' " PORTLAND VAN BTOHAG1S t'O.'S e fire. Irooi wareuouae juai completed. Furniabos every facility known to modern warelrauatng. An lnspectiou will eonrluce yoa. Household gooas euipuea t requcea freight fates, Hre- proor warebouse loth aud Kearoey. Commercial" Marvuouae aoi aou Terett Streets, Mai &U40. A-1520. . i C. O. TICK Transfar 4 Storage Co. Of f Ira andT ' conimodlou four story brick warehouse with separate Iron room and fireproof, uit for valuable. C. W. comer Sd and Pin ai. and furniture moved aud packed for shlnuiiur Bueclal, rate made oa our goods, 1 our Uiroiish ; g. LDAVbNpoHr Prompt reliable service. M. 8078; A-IIUIm. 0FiTKl) Trenster Co. Storage anil gouaral ; banltiig. 251 JcffBrson.' Mar, gt4, A-945H. WINDOW OLKAMIN9 (See lUal 'Batat ioium.l OBBAMEKTAL WIRE AND IROM (aee iteal Betate Section. J (So Kwul Estate S-cttnn. I L .FirE--?irE' riTTIXoS VALYE8 M. U KLIN EenTo, rLUEXNd STTAM SUPPLIES M. L, KLINE JIP WOOD PIPE POKTLANO WOOU t'lfK CO. Factory and of fice near S-lth ana yors is. sintn Portland Cordago Co. Ml LXJSOMAll trunk U ling lo., bi.nJ j, Water, wholesale nifge. trunk. uii(..r,. Special trunk anil c uiuila tu orrlcr. WAIL Pfrrji f1lt-lH0Tll-D7S mum rmftf. Jf-mMm L ST-so Front. Main 0J7 to Ural butdte es. . i y "' "v