The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, November 16, 1913, Page 31, Image 31

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: 1 1 i i
" Oiif ami I. th. ..-. - ihm vitt a-nod
J Mat furs, on the best carline In the
lti. - V have Just as much deep
ir irom as tlie oily. u'
less .than one-tenth what your ar.
The Story Is too lone to tall here; cotfla
put ana let , us teu aoout w urwii
and other bargains, that we nave-ail
along the Oregon City carline., c
We have a fcoauUful acre, two blocks
to canine, $900. -
- A hniiaA mnA lAt wnftA lar.fltlOtl. 1800.
4 lota in Milwaukie, $100 each, and
many others and on. term that will
suit you. ..
' Our office 'U opposite the station at
AHLWauKlej come out ana see u.
- FIVE ACRES $350.
Buy C acres of logged off land. From
a mile to 1 miles from center of town
of 1000 population, also cannery and
cteainory. - Three quarters of a. mile
from railroad station on main una ds
tumn Portland and Astoria. This land
Is free from rocks and gravel, -lies level
end will not overflow, ideal xor cnicK
en ralin dalrvlnir. and small fruits,
Will grow anything that can be raised
In western Oregon. From some of these
tracts you have a beautiful view of the
Columbia river; 400 acres from which to
choose. Perfect title ana warranty aeeo.
Sll Railway Exchange Bldg., 2d floor.
Between d ana tn on etarg.
$5001 0 - Acres Base Line
10 acres Base Line roaa. nan
: cleared, 8 room house, barn; never
. .. falling well; level land, best of
-. soil; only 13260; adjoining land
.- J 600 an acre. Requires only $500
; cash and 12008, year.
7 Dorr h. Keasey & Co.
.y 2d floor Chamber Commerce bldg:
' I ACRES, small house, barn, well,
over 4 acres In cultivation, all
fenced; on good publio road, 1
mile from electric station; In
v thickly settled community only
10 miles from Portland' court
house for $360per acre on terms.
The Shaw-Fear Co,
Main IS. 103 Fourth St A-J500.
Near Kelso, Wash.
II acres. Call for full description.
Price f 1000.
' Terms, too.
W. A, Barnes Co.
404-1 Lewis bldg.. 4th and Oak sts.
Main 2081.
- I can sell you from 1 to 6 acres; some
wi inose tracts en ciearea ana in culti
vation; other tracts easily cleared; close
to car, stores and graded schools; good
soil, good macadam roads to a part of
iocs tracts.
-Price, $450 per acre up. Can give very
easy terms on a large number of these
tracts, x-none main isuu; a-bzoi.
- 218 gelling Bldg
10 ACRES, uncleared. 2 miles
fro til electric Hue and station;
land lies well and only 10 miles
from Portland court house at $126
per acre with monthly payment
privilege. See us.
The Shaw-Fear Co.
Main 35. 102 Fourth St A-3500.
For a Suburban' Home
12 acres less than 4 miles from cltv
limits on good level auto road; land all
luvei; acres zna Dottom rrontmg tne
road. 25 bearing cherry trees; an ideal
building place. Balance is bottom land
and in grass; churches, stores and school
handy. Ry. through land. $1000 cash,
long time on balance. Owner, 511 Qer
llnger bldg.
' Y ' 5-10-20-40 ACRB TRACTS
acres, $350: $35 down, $10 monthly;
-mlIe from R. R. station: all tillable.
lust-Sell at T)nce
tlZTtne Farm 'Cheap
z 1-- "" . v mvivm wuout iv miles soutn or rorl
'" 40: down. $18 monthly! land In the best part of "Willamette Val-
mile from station. , .-. - ley, about 80 acres In cultivation, bal-
21 1-8 acres. 2760: 275 down.
montniy; a miie rrom station.
$22 J ance in pasture and timber, 20 acres In
One of t the Choicest Farms in
" Yamhill County
Consisting of 1(3 98-100 acres, and If
adapted for dairy, general farming, as
well as a good stock ranch; 100 acres in
cultivation; 25 acres more are ready
oats, 6 acres In orchard. The very best ; to plow, newly cleared, remaining is In
i. l tfAAAZjJ KiiSS!?' V iSJ.Jl .I ?f ?u!w'u n,w lana na Pretty laying scatteringak; soil rich, black loam, has
In'., ''w.'nt. ?in?a' tr?;ct , room, house, a. barns, granary, 1 fivs splendid springs, one being piped
?nrourt th, house. It is well fenced, 1 acres
- i -i . - . vslui in kuu ouiiui Liuaai .a uuu bus a iih a.11 u wx uiies.1 ta iirhj i or m mi mi-biii variHa.
uon. 1 : . i I wii t v r am, m .l.rv.r.o.
whotHstora; etc.7 on land. .Good, r.hf SlJcU.SSam' aV.
lv A I k r r t i ' . ' . ' . . . '
balance on
m any.
where if vou nav double tha nrica. But
I must sell. Bee me . at 20 Washington
piqg.. uiaaeK, owner.
ulfluiv WAf.r l,.nfl vrv
f r VX.. v-7 ir.r.V.'. - " I narness, piow- omaer,
tX. .Xr..1" '"I " r hay, oats, potatoes. Price for.
(in thm UMiurla . Writ -oil 4nf llliu", Only OUUU.UU, ft CaSn,
' i Dor cent. xne is no DALier iar
iuw ido iunnw iniorraation. v
i cnamper or commerce.
On main lln of flranrf Trunk Panlfln I , - MR. FARM ftTITER.
K. K. Tha best chancao buy lots In To close our estate, we must sell two
the registered townsite at bottom prices, small farms In Yamnlll Co., on county
Greatest opportunity to buy now. Lou road, near Oastont 80 miles out In the
i.viu tvu w jjgvv on vuay icrniB. , vauey, on ifourtn street eiectno line. n
t'OKT UiiUKUE, 8. c. ' miles down grade to staUon; about 90
Hava for aala a few rhnlra .linur I - to i.'tk. n.h.
trclL.hear Fort . George, the coming J Finestof -olL practically all cleared.
J?' centerrB- Vancouver to plenty, of springs, nothing better for
ran usorga K. n. unaer construction, dairy, nogs and fruit; masnificent view,
Grand Trunk to reach town aarlr In Tinn'. . - wni c..nHnn.i
1914. Buy now and make a nice profit I roundinaa for nin n'nni iiin. tha
w.i iw i n.uuMv unvn iu vwiwinM i new ftisnop Hcott scnooi. now unaer con
of the railroad. Inquire or will call, struotion; telephone, electric lights and
,;CHABtiESvtv3BBV., a all conveniences of suburban life at
Main 1B98. 71 N. 9th St. I hand. Tou can buv these at half tha
coat or aajoimng property, ana less man
It costs to clear land. Look at It. and
you will make an offjer and get one or
uulu.. -iiii. b juiuini aiiai. jay
terms. No agents. Address Walnut
wore vo 57 wortn mn st.
ties of fruit. 10 acres set out in crunoB.
year old, about 100 acres of this land
being level, remainder slightly rolling,
has an eleven room house, well built;
has fireplace, also telephone, barn with
capacity of 12 hed of stock and about
40 tons of hay. The following personal
property goes with the place: 86 tons
of hay In barn, 600 bushels of oats
150 bushels of wheat. K horn 2 eowa.
all Implements on nlace. besides the
crop now harvested in barn; there are
ou acres put- into crop tws tail, con
sisting Of oats, vetch and wheat. Tha
farm and. everything Included can ba
ixiugnt tor iuu per aore, one nan casn.
Purchaser may have practically bis
own terms on tne balance; this piaoe
Is only -8 miles from the best little
city in Yamhill county, and adjoins tha
highly developed tract of land in the
state of Oregon. Here Is a splendid
farm for some one who is able to handle
It All there Is to do is to take your
coax om ana go to work.
First Street
2 ACRE fronting on eleotrio car
- - line. 40 minutes out. - 14 cent
commanters' fare; land all In cul
tivation; . mountain water under
pressure on this tract; ideal sub
urban acre and for $600 with
monthly payment privilege.
t-i rf - r s I tt . . . ..
ine bnaw-rear U0. ' n-Mr.Kftnrfl R vr
Main 50. 102 Fourth St. A-BOOC In tha heart of tha fl.h on A ma
country. Bungalow 66x88, with every
city convenience, such as hot and oold
water, stationary wasn tubs, fireplaces,
175 acres In fine cultivation, with fin
est of stock nnstura. and rlrhoat rlvr
un ur. Uiiecrria. u m. foruana. nnest 1 nottom lanri: z hnm a mv. s ra vm
of soil, no sand or gravel, all in oultiva- 6 hogs, 7 pigs. ISO sheen, lot of Doultry.
tlon: small house and barn. In order tol Folev Snrinaa iutn Mta tmoic Una
acii quiua win uiaa i4.vo per aero, i passes aoor every aay.. -Foley crprings
iuuat iiava souv.vv caan, wnnei at o 1 resorts win take at top prices every
per cent, or will sell in 6 acre tracts thin produced. Will make a fina club
lust aa cheao. If you want a real bar- i hnuaa
1 - . vA n,..Li. . 1 I . . . . .
ma ai .v wmiubjiub oiag. 1 every wner xrice if,6vv on easy terms,
Cladek, owner. I St. Charles Land Co., 204 Morrison st,
Must Sell at Once
5 Fine Acre Tracts
acres, all In cultivation,
high and sightly, two blocks from
Oregon City car line at Oak
Grove. For further particulars see
171 4th street.
Bet Morrison and Yamhill sta
M. 6916. s A-2815.
t, S OR 10 ACRES, fronting on
rolled rock road, 3 miles west
of Willamette river at point op
posite St Johns; best close in buy '
on the market. Only $200 per
acre and on monthly payments.
The Shaw-Fear Co.
Main 26. 102 Fourth St A-8600.
Stock and Grain Farm
' Excellent Soil
1000 acres less than S miles south
of Heppner in Morrow county. 680 to
800 acres in cultivation. 260 more can
be easily put in, balance la In bunch
grass making good pasture: all fenced
and cross fenced; 2 - springs, 1 good
wells; big list of personal property, ma
chinery and stock. The soil is a rici
black loam of good depth. Though they
threshed about 27 to 80 bushels to acre
this year soma went aa high aa 40.
With everything Included $30 pr acre.
Will exchange or make liberal terms.
Illness reason for selling.
. Kupper & Humphry '
212-218 Chamber of Commerce.
119 ACRES, mostly Salmon Creek bot
torn. 20 acres plow land, 40 acres pas.
ture. balance brush and timber, aaailv
cinrvu; runninK creea water, iodq nouifl.
U ACRES, beautiful rolling land on the LAi?, "JS""?- .T"!'" ?.alrZ
Oroiron Klo.rln nMv 22K n acre. "l"c. '"" ou cu.4P'Jr . itrom
This U aU under 'high state of cultlva- SSSSltSSt Tvfl. w CO- W"n-
uon. in rnmrA nrn ntv. hum lnrorma-i -
tlon at 612 Piatt bldg., southwest corner
park and Washington sts.
10 acres in cultivation, two small
houses, running water from good spring,
all tillable land, some not hard to clear,
makes good pasture, lots of outrange;
this is fine place for poor man to get
tan. eiovu in casn ana terms on Dai-1
ance. Only 1ft miles from school, C m.
n. v aiauon; on county roaa, '
Only $1200 cash, balance terms; fair
dox nouae, smau earn, z iruit trees as
sorted fruit," good well,, plenty of good
water, 1 mils from country town, church,
school and store, 4 miles from electrlo
Una Soil is deep black loam, lays near
ly level, all tillable, 8 acres In cultiva
tion, more very easy to clear.
This Is real buy, fine subdivision, on
good auto road, and electrlo station on
the oorner of the place, $0 aores fine
aeep swaie land good lor raising onions,
all In cultivation, 20 acres more very
easy to clear, 80 acres timber all level
ana tuiapie iana, only s miles irom van.
couver. Very easv terms can be ar-
ranged on this, therefore Mr. Subdlvlder,
you naa oeuer 100k at it ngnt now.
112 West 6th St. Vancouver, Wash.
i 200 ACRES, all highly" cultivat
ed. 100 - acres in a fine set of
Alslke clover, all good, dark soil,
(well fenced and) cross fenced.
-.Good frame house of 8 rooms
with gas lights In every room;
large windmill for . pumping
water, grinding feed, sawing
wood and for various purposes;
waiter ' in the house, in every
barn, and ohloken house and
every yard and pasture; 3 good
.barns, good garage, all out
buildings; house and barns well
painted; 1 acre of English wal
nuts, also orchard of apples,
pears, cherries and small , fruits.
There are $ fine horses, 4 good
colts, 8 fine cows, 4 calves, 1
fine bull, 260 chickens, wagons,
buggy, hack, mower, rake, bind-'
er, plows, harrows, cultivators,
fine Studebaker automobile (only
run 1200 miles), all small tools:
hay, grain, grass seed and a lot
Of household furniture.
This farm produced during the
past year several thousand bush
els of grain and 390 bushels of
clover seed, and in addition to this
the owner sold 7Q0 worth of
eggs and $260 of cream per
month this year.
The farm is right In sight of
the best town in Willamette
valley south of Portland, a town
of 6000 inhabitants and a great
railroad center. The farm is
only mile of the railroad ata-
tlonand in one of the prettiest
spots in Oregon. It Is all free of
debt and if the owner was not
a real old man, It would not be
for sale. This farm will aell Itself V
if you are looking - for a good
paying farm. It pays to ad
vertise a jgood farm well and so
- we are giving you ft good Idea
of this one. Rdad thin ad over
two or three times and consider
It well. Everything goes and on
easy terms. $26,000. Every
acre of the farm is In orop and
clover. No seeding to do. You
can see this and return to Port
land the same day. See photos
at the office. Phone Main 1800
or A-6261 and ask for Mr. Everett
or Mr. Crew.
212 Selling bldg.
Cor. Sixth and Alder sts.
f Continued! "
62 ACRES 40 In cultivation. part In
crop, 6 acres timothy and clover. New
9 room house and complete outbuildings.
rw. . . . . ,M . .
team, iiarnenBe, whkuu., am v
complete set of farm machinery. Eight
milk cows, 8 heifers, 16 hogs, 100 chick
ens, 20 tons hay, oats, potatoes, ete. On
railroad 30 miles from Portland. $8000,
terms. Hatch. 810 Buchanan bldg.
.. :u -1. Continued ;
NOTICE is hereby given that a publio
hearing will' be held on the recommen
dations of the State-Wide Conference on
the-wages and hours of women in all in
dustries in the state at large not hereto
fore regulated,, on pecember 9th, at' 8
o'clock P. M.. in he Public Library,
10th and Yamhill sts. Industrial Welfare
Commission; Caroline J. Gleason, secre
tary, RELINQUISHMENT near Blaine. Or..
100 acres good soli, half bottom land.i
saddle norse and eaaaie, tools, imple
ments and traps, winter provisions, good
trout scream, two million timber, $400.
Inquire Monday, 771 Wilson st. -
I rm -.v.iv, o .vie, uuuqi uiubi
of this Is level, all A-l farm land, rich
I black loam; good 6 room house, barn,
chicken house, family orchard, 1 miles
imoprn Diroifipc aim I rrom scnooi and store. R. V. Ix. nhnna In
40 acres rlaht at station on north H10"8-. A splendid farm for $2200,
60 acres. 60 nlowed: 16 head of cattle
2 horses. 2 cites. 70 chickens., waaron.
kll.. O . iTaMh.aa A A . k... IDA I
Dusoeis oats, s room house, barn, orch
ard; piace tencea; miles rrom winiock.
Price $8000. Will take $2600 In Port
land property. This is a money maker.
80 acres fine level land. 1 U miles
from station. Only $36 per acre. Can
be cleared for $26 ter acre. This is a
bargain, either to farm or hold for an
These are in Washinarton and are at
tne ngnt price.
zn-iz ADington piqg.
R. R. 80 miles from Portland suit- mlle ToUdo h. ,
tor selling off part for store loca- BQ ii ?.E8iilE1L.5?nMl
md homes. This is extra good land. 211-218 Ablngton Bldg.
able for
Uon and homes. This is extra good land,
part in cultivation, some timber, ftno
modern bungalow, barn and out bldgs.
Former price $8000, under present clr- COLUMBIA RIVER HOME CHEAP.
cumstances will take $6500. I East of Portland, on Columbia. 10
sucukitx ubvelofmbnt CO. I acres, best of soil. 19 acres cleared: 1U.
un ana nn ou mues irom station ana ooat lanaing, on
SOME BARGAIN FOR IMMEDIATE nara surraced roaa, mail, cream route;
OALiCj I ime view; psw acnuui acruaa roaa; a
6 acre Improved country home nearlfln springs; 8 acres orchard, 1 acre
P'lve miles 8. E. of Bull Run, five
nuiea to u. n. station, ou gooa road.
ov acres unaer cultivation, Dai. in tinv
ber. Estimate 4000 cord of wood. Thti
place has the best of soil. Price $50
per acre. $1000 cash, bal. terms to suit.
. an too xia. murriBon, nione is-ouf,
20 Acre Improved Farm-
Level, 6 acres clear, spring, fruit.
ruse. diow. anoveis. dicks. aurura
Jiorse. harness, saddlat; axes, blocks
icabje, etc, $1 fare from Portland, near
scnooi asa town. Quick sale, $800,
$400- cash. Claude Cole, 917 Board of
; i rsae.
CHICKEN and fruit ranches near Port
i lend; Gresham district Estacada line,
electrlo station 14 mlla. N utwli-
viion. eunsnine vauey orchard tracta;
Dcat son, tree wooa; etegant location.
Prices only $76 to $160 per acre in small
v.mww, cbb, 1.1 U,.i U1VA .rU M, IUW
f'Yank McFarland Realty. Co, $09 Ysoa
nios.. i-"rtianq. ur.
Don't Overlook This
$ l-S acres east of MontaVilln all in
H-year cherry trees Blng. Lamb art and
jjreKun, buu jcory oest; on two PUDUO
foaas; near eieotrio car; good neignbor
lood: a bargain at $500 Der anra.- n i.
psburn, 602 McKay bldg.
AL'KES. best or sol . nearlr all claaroil
level, fine for chickens, fruit and .ar.
ien; oniy s mues irom city, in Beaver-
on aiainci, icaa loan ft mile Irom eleo
tie sUtlon. Will sell at a sacrifice:
erms. 887 W. Lombard st, St Johns
0 ACRES, only SV, mll from ta.
-tlon and boat landing on Columbia
iver -una bum witn iu acrea in cniti.
Vatlon, only $80 an acre. Any terms.
jokk Jbi & CO., 2d Floor
Jhamber of Commerce Bldg.
WANTED To hear from owner who has
piace ror saie; Deiween s ana 7 acres,
krell improved; not farther than 25 miles
Irom Portland, and' not to exceed 82000
h price. Give complete description In
lib. 1 . , . - DI....I. nr. T n
0 ACRES $900. $400 cash, bal. terms.
per cent All tillable. IS arms
nearly ready for plow, near Portland.
ppring. scnooi, rati ana post, county
oad, fine for iruit, bog or dairying. N-
vi, journal.
XT I m nfA with 1. nua m.nn.l ,
ot Acres, near car: adioinin acrea mu.
Pk fpr $800. Take this acre for $400
i asn. Mane a nice country noma, own
jr. Main 6804.
iiUARTER acre supplied with Bull
f Run water. Side walks laid and close
o gooa car uno, only zo minutes from
Renter of city. Only $460. Call at 612
nan mug., souinwest corner Fark and
vusniugion sts.
IIS TO ibu Pitn iriRSi
8 to 20 acre tracts, good soil, ram tn
very tract, new scnooi, miles to Co-
.iniuia nvay ana railway station, 1 k
ours from Portland; easy terms. til
umoer i;x. Dag., cor, zd ana stark sts.
ACRES,- tills side of Gresliain,' near
AyiiiaouiBn, -no roci or bti.vii
friSv-l.1.0?? t,lk?8 u thls weK; worth
..."-m"c .JMiiier, juiiwauKie, or,
OR SALE Hal acre, all ciear and lev!
ei; Mituwn.- itu montniy; on 72d and
hurch st, a blocks north from Estajrata
trline, near Uumond. Owner. 604 E.
lay St.; pnone is. 4SS4.
b", per,1 acre, I, yamhill'- c6untx
I 1(0 acres, level, house. nnthi.iMio...
tinning water; $300o worth of cedar;
hsy terms. Smith-Wagoner Co., Stoc::
A RGAINS In small farms near city;
good , Inside platting . propositions:
fuses en easy terms, eVM, VsBsrd. si
cKay bldg. . - ' "
B ACHES choice celery fand; 4 acres
civnrea, m lognnnerries, racing river,
inning water1, terms on 4jart. Bnv -us
staoaaa, .Qf.'A'l- : ';;v:,
IVB aores, 8 tulles from tlie court
house, northw.ui nf K-nltmi-
hsh .balsncs to suit. N. P., 21 Kurth
automobile club house on Sandy river, small fruits; 4 room house, barn, chicken
17 miles from Portland. E room bun- houses; team, cow, pig, chickens; wagon,
gaJow. has bath and toilet Larsa barn buggy. Implements most all new; hay.
and rhiKican Vinua cinnA rxn t-- o i I kale, beets, carrot. DOtatoeS. all readv
t acres In cultivation Price $1800; $300 for winter; $2700 cash, balance terms.
cash, balance to ault. 6 tier cent.
U. S. Mortgage & Investment Co.
Main 2418 612-613 Yeon Bldg.
W. E. Ireland, owner, 225 West Park,
100 Acres, Stock Included
30 acres in cultivation, balance In pas
ture, witn some timDer, all tillable when
cleared, well watered; 4 room house,
barn and other outbuildings, family or
chard, email fruits and berries, good
team, wagon and harness, 6 cows, 2
heifers 2 years old, some hogs, plow,
harrow, cream separator and all small
tools, about 20 tons of hay in barn.
Located 6 miles from Clatskanle. See
this before buying elsewhere It will
pay you. $1500 cash will handle. Bal
ance easy terms.
310 Oak St.
Oregon Citv Carline
Modern Bungalow on 1 1-2
Acres Sold Below Cost
If you have a little money to
Invest In a beautiful' suburban
home on the Oregon Electrlo car
line, we have the place. The fa
ther of the owner died In the east
leaving an estate there which re
quires bar personal attention for
an indefinite time By wire she '
has authorized us to sell it com
pletely furnished. She offers it
unrestrloted as to price and turms.
Let us show it to you. Make your
own offer. The bungalow Is mod
ern throughout, private water sys-
tem; the 'grounds have all kinds
of fruit trees and berries, all full
bearing; the bungalow is splen
didly furnished with oriental rugs,
leather furniture new range,
everything first class. Call at the
office and let us show you this
Dorr. E, Keasey & Co.
2d floor Chamber Commerce bldg.
GET 820 or 480 acres, best In Oregon.
new survey Just opened; no rock, level,-
good water, timber rree; ranroaa Duild
lngsr fees reasonable. 191 4th st. Main
RELINQUISHMENT. 320 acres in
Lake Co., sale or trade, good well and
winamiu, ana otoer improvements
Neal Browa. 819 Swetland bldg.
HOMESTEADS near Portland, now open
Extra desirable; timber, water, near
railroad town. Covey, 287 Oak, room 2
TIMBER In large and small areas,
some exceptionally desirable ceda
tracts, sawmill and logging proposi
tlonn. Estimates and reports made on
timber ana lanas. u. Stevens. tz
(Con tinned)
Plenty of government range adjoin
Ing; several springs: about 400 acres
under cultivation; several hundred more
can be cultivated; over ZOO acres in win
ter wheat; several acres inAlfalfa; 20
acres In commercial bearfmr orchard:
plenty of wood for house use for the
next 60 years: 9 room -nouse and gooa
outbuildings: located on county roaa.
mile from school: telephone in house
electric light and POwer can be had
prloe and terms to suit; will exchange
for Portland or Seattle Income property.
This place will stand inspection. 45
head of stock and farming Implements
go with place.
10 acres. IU miles from Hubbard sta
Uon. ail in bearing orcnara. t room Dun
galow, barn room lor 6 horses, etc
chicken house 100 feet long: plenty o:
water: hog tight fence; will exchange
for home in Portland and assume. Price
516 Gerlinger Bldg. Main 2801
House and lot Oakland, Cat
acres, Kehalem valley. Value
40 acres on North Bank R. R.. 85 miles
from Portland. 15 acres improved, good
new nouse ana barn. vtuu.
10 acres, all cleared, new bungalow,
no gravel, on good road, 10 miles out
80 acres. 19 acres imDroved.
barn and outbuildings. $4000.
820 acres, ' Clackamas county. $2500
East 640. 404 Alder st. B-1910
nr heii
Fine Stock Farm
To Close Up Estate-
180 acres adlaoent to Rnrine-rlnM (If
100 cleared. 20 timber, hulinu nmititr
New 6 room plastered house, barn 40x44,
2 good wells, creek through place. Good
orchard, bears well every year. Price is
only $45 an aore, and must be cash to
close estate. One of the heirs will loan
100 acres, 1,4 miles to town and
R. R. 90- acres in cultivation, 22 in
ciover, oaiance in vetcn ana oats. 8
room house, large, barn for cows; '10
A saw 10 room modern count1 houa
generator complete, witff66 light acety
lene gas piant pilot, buoo gallon auto
matic water plant to supply house and
acres In cow lot end orchard. All parn, sewerea wun glased cement pipe.
rnri- thi i fin. rfoh hnitnm i larKe new Darn ana otner ouisiae duuci-
Ysmhlll county. Price $12,500; about ln" 2 acres No. 1 land, rock creek
$3500 down. bal. easy time 8 per cent, running tnrougn it, situated on Cornell
See Mr. Seachrest, Chapln-Herfow Mtff. Lr9ad'nrs,t nouse west of Rock Creek
x, TniBt Cn 339 Chmhr of rvtmm.. 1 10 miles from Portland, mil e from O.
?bAy ?A& Sl'lc&.tWl for
M;vr7:V.,r. , -. -k ... Vrn L7".' terms ana price, a oargain,
360 slashed and seeded to grass, rest
euner in timoer or open apace Detween;
mostly oak grub; part valley, balanoe
120 acre farm. Yamhill county, over
upland; well watered and fenced. House. ..7? crV?a T?' Tm. 11 e0""1 0Vfl
barn, 3 stock sheds; $52 w acre. 'half -ln-cultlvattoa. balance ean-b put
U. 8. MORTGAGE ft INVESTMENT CO. i inwCUi.v . ,.i.on ,at ma .st: ,?5 ore.?
Main 2418. 612-613 Yeon Bldg.
20-acre alfalfa and fruit ranch, nearlr
an unaer cultivation: nas gooa nouse,
well and other outbuildings: less than 2
miles from good town and railroad, and
is on main county road. Our price Is
less than actual value of raw land. Only
zzdu; some terms.
UAliliAW & 11ABUK, 7Z2 Yeon Bldg.
80 acres
SnapNeed Money
$1400 $1400
s within $0 miles of
miles from railroad In Washington
county; excellent son ana easuy ciearea
running water; some improvements
(&oo casn will nandie. A-772, Journal.
16 2-8 acrea on Tualatin river. !
mllB frnm nrrncnn tMtv M o
touches. 10 acres cultivated: famiiv
orchard; good barn and well. Price
ftouu nair casn, Dai. to suit.
IT. S. Mortgage & Investment Co.,
Main 2418 612-613 Yeon bid
15 acres near Sycamore station. O -W
P. Rv.. nearly all under cultivation: haa
good house, barn and 2 chicken houses
ana runs, ana is on main county road.
it you are looking for a bargain look
mis up, trice, B4UUV.
C ALLAN ft KA8ER, 722 Yeon Bldg.
FOR SALE A dandy 80 acre tract v
ery Inch cleared and in cultivation; all
fenaed; fair set buildings, plenty of
water, uniy moov; terms.
300 Henry Bldg.
Choice Garden Land
80 acres, bulldinaa. 10 milea arnitfi nf
full particulars; $6600. Box 45, Oregoq
hi. -
wain r to sen my improved 40-acre
f.Hn nlno In. tinti W m n
t -....., v.nv nv".o. i tii 4 una, ur
cnara, close to scnooi; price, 812,000.
Want a good, clear bungalow aa nart
payment; terms on balance If wanted.
wnat "ave you. -i)Y, journal.
tOK KENT OK SALS 44 acres, abou
12 miles from Portland, near Fauikan.
burg; good for truck farming, dairy or
I.U1VR.11 , -11 " . V4W,4U V m f L
Fleck, The Dalles, Or.
200 ACRES black loam aoiL 86 miles
Salem: electrlo R. R Prloa till n
acre, half cash, balance to suit 408
commercial diuck. marBnaii nts
0 ACRE for 640 acres. Well watrA
SDlendid soil, in' growing section tribu
tary to Willamette valley ; terms. 8-708;
WILL sell ciieap my Deautlf ul home
larm on tuaiaiin river, as miles west
f Portland. Highly lmnrovad. im.m.
T. Wlthyombe. 433 12th st. Portland.
house, barn and S chicken houses: hour
HgeruHaca pieniy smau xruit: on aiai
no roito, at a oargaiii. - wooaiawn 8378.
U20 At:KE grain farm in ITmatilla coun-'
tv. for sale or trade. SSB in cuitivinn
Prius $11,000,, j,;By;0wner., ? 766 Minns-
840 ACRE, farm In Ieke county on
(loonn hike. Fine housa. harm and
outbiiildlTiRs. Prlco $17.60 per acre. T.
W. .VorUL-y. 763 Couch bldg, , , .
rich bottom land. House, barn, all
fenced. Few miles of Dayton. All clear
or mcumDrance. want west side prop
erty. rrica, siz.uuu;
800 Yeon Bldg. Marshall 8177: A-8468
All cleared, no stumps, stones or
brush and very productive. House, barn
machinery and crops, 6 milch cows, 3
heifer calves 1 years old, 2 brood
sows, team, eto. Cream routeR. D. and
telephone line. Situated on Willamette
river, 18 miles Portland. Does not over
flow. Must be cash rent in advance
but rent very, reasonable. See owner
Monday afternoon or after at 6244 Fos
ter Road, Laurel wood station, Mt Scott
238 ACRES, near Goldendale, well ira-
Drovea. an nog-tiant. 70 acrea wheat:
snap at $7600; terms. Also Improved
180 aores In Morrow county for $2600,
Liuuv casn. aiso improved u acres in
inn county. $2800, $800 cash. Also 80
acres at Turner at 880 tier acre. Other
bargains. Quit hesitating. Before you
know It prices will lump. Now Is the
time to buy if you only knew It Gill &
Durur, biz ADington biag.
proved farms. 68 and 180 acres each
they loin and are all level, rich land:
Price. $4000 and $14,000: would consider
one-third in Portland or Tacoma prop
erty, oaiance on easy terms; also 40
acres brush land, running water, house,
etc., $1000, easy terms. For particulars
write wner. jj. . iiurst. Toieflo, wasn,
t un I X acres in Tillamook; nearly all
fPAAlr hnttnm An .nnil ' mnln a-i1
close to school, cheese factory, store and
P. O. About 10 acres In cultivation, bal
ance pasture; 1H acres loganberries:
good house and barn, worth $1600; land
well Watered. A bargain at $3000, $1600
down, balance long time, low interest,
no trades. Box 41. Hemlock. Or.
COOS CO. dairy ranch for sale. One of
tha beat In tha famnlia Cormflla Va!
ley: 80 acres all best bottom land, good
buildings. 5 acres bearing orchard, 22
cows, and farm implements. Price $18,
000! 98000 cash. Also a small dairy
farm for sale. F. B. Phillips, CoquUle,
Oregon. ; .
' FARM. STOCK. rC..$330O.
80 acrea. 19 miles from Portland. IU
miles from town, graded roads, good
house, barn and orchard, level land,
teantr-wagori and harness, all farm tools.
several acres of potatoes. A real bar
gain. R. y. Feemster, 809 Ablngton bldg.
FOR SALE By owner, summer home,
' 8 acres on the Columbia river, close
to the boulevard from Portland to Hood
River; all improved, with buildings and
fruit; price reasonable You have to see
this to appreciate the value. Main 8690.
410 Lumbermens bldg,,
FOR 8ALE By owner, 0cre fruTC
and dairy farm, near Fntrri-
cleared and under cultivation; . living
wetea-In evet-V field: rood harn. hnu
and other buildings; remarkably good
terms to ngnt party, v-tub, journal.
75 Acres. $75 Per Acre
9 room house. Dlastered cellar, cream
house, separator, 2 large barns and out- $1700 on place If desired. See our Port,
buildings, 1 acre apple orchard; also land representative, Mr. Atchison, at 210
pears, piums, cnernes ana small rrultl nemnger oiag.. za sna Aiaer sts.
in bearing, 3 horses, 2 set harness, 2
wagons, new stump puller, rake, culti
vator, plow, harrow and other tools: 6
milch cows, 4 head young stock, some I
jiikb, ciuciieua, ana an crop gosa, i mues
from R. R-, town and boat landing; on I
jcacuia nignway; zo acres in cultivation'
balance pasture, more easily cleared and
can all he cultivated but about 5 acres;
terras, t casn, oaiance at per cent
444 S hey lock tidg.
160 Acres $16.25 an .Acre
160 acres, 20 acres cleared, good
house and extra large barn, out
buildings, good roads, government
irrigation ditch, with water run
ning; paid up water right goes
with deed. Only $18.25 an acre
and a small cash payment takes it
balance long time. 8 npr mnt
Place Is clear of. Incumbrance,
Uorr t. Keasey & Co.
2d floor Chamber Commerce bldg.
Buy Stock for Cash
We have a client Oat will buy
all of the stock on a ranch and
rent the placer Jf Interested kind
ly write us the price-and list of
stock, amount of rent wanted
with a full description of the
buildings, Implements and Im
provements, also stating the num
ber of acres in cultivation, how
long the lease can run, and dis
tance from town, school, etc
Ralph Ackley Land Co;
204 Failing Bldg.
Portland, Or.
33 Acres
WANTED 20 to 60 acres, narflv
rteared,-good soil and d ratrmge; fairly
ievei, nu gumuo or siicay son; little or
no Improvements: reasonably clon tn
market or railroad station; must be a
bargain. Owners only. IOC-76J, Journal.
WANTED 30 or more acres. Improved
miles from . CaHti,o.v w.., I . siock, not oyer 4000; mod-
Id acres cleared and f im . V. ,-r'n..Dunalow- A" looxioo. fruit
most ready to nlow: laraan.w ,,, ! c"'i:?5" c-t" "t pay
cow Wn: 1 registered cow and 2 helf- '"e r"a:. 1 V
A FINE general merchandise buslneas
In a good little country town to ex
change for a ranch ud to about 17000.
If you want something god Investigate
160 ACRES.
10 miles north of Lyle, Wash., all
level and the finest of soil, two fine
springs and running water, one eighty
has about two million feet of fine pine
timber on it ZO acres cleared, good 0
room house, good barn 88x40, other
out buildings: mower, rake, drill, plow.
harrow, blacksmith outfit All tillable
and no rock. The owner la old and
wants a small place within 25 miles
of Portland; prefers Clarke county.
trice sbuuu.
101 Washington St., Vancouver, Wash,
water, plenty outrange, good house with
spring water piped; 2 barns and other
outouiiaings; some orcnara; personal
property included. Price $20,000. Will
tnk acreage near good schools up to
fiz.uou, Daiance can run.
913 Chamber of Commerce.
ers, 2 horses, 8 registered pigs; wood WANTED--10 to 20 acres improved, will
enough cut for 2 years: miHtA- I put In clear city property and soma
wagon, harness, a number of smali I Q suited; give full description.
toois cnickens and ducks. Thla mm. owners oniy. naers ft Hartahorne. 431
must be sacrificed and will be sold for Chamber of Commerce.
$5000. Will take 33000 in mnnA h. I Uil'P ll tnr lmn-n., 1. - "
and lot In Portland, $2000 cash. at he rigt price. If you want to aell
or trade, write us, giving full descrip
tion, owners only. The Atchlson-Allen
uo., zip uerunger biqg.
Kupper & Humphry
212-213 Chamber of Com merce.
BIG BARGAIN 320 acres In Clarke WANTED From 7 to 1(J acres of good
countv. Washlnartnn. 13 nn I ioy,h n,.k . ......i i k C
anCOUVer. 6 miles from elor-trlc rail. I i.lnv ullhln a M.,nn,hl. 1...
vuujiiy ruaa. i mues to I tne city ena Close to a canine. T. W,
stores and church. 6 room house. About I Nordby. 702 Couch bldg.
the land. Will mak a amnnM ,"'ii' ""V lu e" or cnange your
stork mni'h ma thr i r,Tr,,- I term : ncmemoer we are nere to
5L0f,..Jrn,on' "...l"8. P'enty of pen help you. C. DeYoung & Co.. 614 Cham.
I will accept labor or anything of val
ue as first payment on lot 100x140 with
graded streets, water ana iignts.
160 seres of timber, Josephine Co.,
price 83&UU, to exenange tor city prop
M y-equltyr $ 1 880r-la modern $3530
nouse witn nara sunace streets to ex
change for acreage or lots.
Main 2125. A-7204. Evenings. C-2554.
Have two well located lots In North
Bend, also two lots In Dover Addition
to Portland. Price $1400. Will trade for
apartment house, grocery, or confection
ery store, and pay up to $500 cash dif
913 Chamber of Commerce.
a?.?Malfcm:HS..t.,.c'?.. I""- ber' of Commerce:
a quick sale will sell for $15 per acre I WANTED to buy from owner 10 to 20
Terms favorable. Remember this land I- aces of unimproved farm land suit
Is only 20 miles from Portland. Address able for gardening poultry raising, etc.
irner. a-dob, journal. I nt-iB, journal.
SAFE AND SANE. I WANTED Bargain In fruit, truck and
a.uc 1 7M v;iw ia.rill is ine ueBt I f 1 w,u t-vriuyiviv U9
Dargain we nave naa to offer th nnhii tans oniy consiaerea. A-b34. journal
n.u uoop i-iuii luam son, tree irom rock
or gravel. 60 Acres In cron. hnlnnra tlm.
per anu paaiure, wun tine creek through
one corner, 28 miles Portland, 2 miles
Oregon Electric, 2 miles Willamette
river, main county road, K.' F D,
Phone The price is leas, than 17t-n.r
iuu pay iouu casi. ana you can
have 6 years on balance at 6 per cent
Willamette Investment Co., 402 Dekum
of very fine hill land, 60 acres In cultl-
anon. s mues soutn west or Haiem. This
n M(nt1an.llv fin. ianA diwI K
T r - . 1 - ""-., 1. " 1 V B.I1
Dougnt ror per acre on terms to
suit the purchaser. By improving tha
property, a responsible purchaser can
Duy it witnout paying any money down
and have as much as 10 years In which
to pay for It: 6 per cent interest Call
on or aaaess -
bib iwniu n. 1 1 nqg Plug.
0 ACRE stock farm. $16 per acreTTi
miles south of ' Portland, iu mlla tn
railruad, on meli county rond. Home
Stead KealMr- o., 282 Washington st.
FOR SA'lE -160 acres Irrigated farm;
win tans part in city propory or at-Ide.-
V.S12, Journal. - .
120 Acres $20 Per Acre
Level 40 acres, nearly readv fnr nlno
rich soil, spring water: 11 fare from
-Portland; a splendid dairy and hog
farm; $1000 cah", Claude Cole. 917
noarn or xraae,
20 Acres Farm Land
Level and nearly ready for plow, close
to school; $1 fare from Portland; $800,
$100 rash; some tracts $600: easy terms.
Claude Cole, 917 Board of Trade.
-Oregon's . Best - Dairy Farm
200 acres, all Irrigated and well
stocked. Call af, of flee and get full par
ticulars and see diagram.. Neal Brown,
ai 9 wetland bldg. . '
VOR BAE2J acfes, '140 sVres liu
proved. balance pasture;. 20 miles
Kouth of Portland. 1 mile, from river.
Price $110 per acre Address Roberts
Bros., owners, Sherwood, Or,, Route 2.
' To Rent
80 acres near Corbett station,
12 acres under cultivation, bal
ance rough laud, 4 -room house,
barn, chicken houses , running
water, good family orchard. Rent
$126 per year. Lease If desired
Ralph Ackley Land Co,
204 Falling Bldg.
WANTED 6 acre farm or will trade
for raw land, with no incumbrance,
on or near car line in exchange for 220
acres best North Dakota wheat land. 1
mile from town on main line of North
ern Pacific R. R., all fenced, good
spring, small house and stable; will also
make a good stock farm. Address J,
Rudy. North Plains. Or.
Have good income property worth
$16,000 paying nearly 10 per cent, to
trade ror dairy larm up to 11,000, ir
stocked. Long time on balance, A fine
proposition for someone desiring to re
tire from the farm, 4sv
913 Chamber of Commerce.
Modern oement block
flat building, port
land, price $15,000. want
good valley farm.
'Fruit and alfalfa farm. Joining
fine town, Grande Ronde Valley.
'85 acres, 45 in fruit, water for
irrigation, finest of buildings."
$36,000. Wgnt valley or Portland
property. :'. .
Dairy farm, $30,000. Very fine
place, highly improved, stock
and machinery. Want Portland
property, or mercantile business
Up to $20,000 or $25,000. ;
1280 acre .wheat farm, "Adams
Co., Wash. 800 summer fallow,
fins well and -wind mill, fair
buildings. Consider western
Oregon property $25,000 to $30,
000. Price of farm $40,000. v
8280 acre wheat farm, all under
plow. 1500 In grain, all goes with
place; elegant buildings of all
kinds; great supply of water,
$20,000. Farming outfit, with
place, $30 per acre; consider '.
Portland or valley property io
$65,000; remainder to suit. ,
. Fireproof lioteL and ufnUh- I
lngs, suburb . of Seattle, can be
operated by owner with best of
returns, or be leased to good.
advantage. Price 9100,000.. con-
aider good valley farm.
SI? Board of Trade bldg., t
Portland. Or.
$16,000 Good clean stock general mer
chandise in Willamette Valley.
Wants land. , t - -v-
$15,000 Men's clothing and furnishings ,
In big Oregon town. - Wants
Portland property. .
$7,000 Harness and saddlery business,
food Southern Oregon town. -'ine
business. Wants small
farm up to-$4000. '
$9,000 General merchandise In good !
Central Oregon town, off rail
road, good country surrounding.
Will take $3000 cash to handle, "
balance trade.
$12,000 General merchandise, ' good
stock, within 80 miles of Fort- ,
land. Requires some cash, bal-
ance good Portland property. ,
$50,000 Building and fine hardwars and
Implement business; good Pa- '
louse town. Will trade all for -wheat
$50,000 Brick building and fine general
merchandise stock, in good'
town near Portland. Will re- -quire
about $10,000 cash, bal
ance trade. v
913 Chamber of Commerce.
13.13 acres with modern bungalow
CnewV with 8 acres of alfalfa, family
orchard, eight kinds of. grapes, some
berries, frame barn near house, with - ..
cow barn and colony chicken houses, 2 "
roomed house for auto and feed.
Portland residence not to exceeai3uu,
balance cash or Improved acreage near
M, A. LOEHR, owner.
Chlco, Butte County. California.;
Fine home for some one 6 room mod
ern bungalow on large lot 76x100 near
Hawtherne ava. Fruit and garden CI
half the lot. Price only $4000, will trad
for 40 acre farm on good road. In val-
ley, worth same price.
918 Chamber of Commerce.
Five acrea on corner. .10 mtn.- walk
from high school; rock road, good soil, ,
R. F. D., tel.; 8 room house in fins
grove of old oaks; some fruit; modern -
oultry houses, f rice fitouu, pan caaiij
al. long time Will trade for good
business. W. C. Hudson, owner. Main
403. Hillsboro. Or.
WANTED to trade, my equity ot $2000
l - r. a .anA within IK tnltu t9
Portland, for a good modern bungalow,,
within the tVi mile limit of the court
house in Portland; will not assume more
than $1500. Price of ranch is $6000.
412-412 Ablngton Bldir. 106 Third St.
No. 25. Will exchange 4-room cottage
on lot 100x100 with smau barn, price
22500.00. and two lots at Mt. Tabor.
price $600.00 for 6-room bungalow with
furnace, close to car. Lot 60x100. Pre
fer Hawthorne district. Hermann Ben
nett, 818 Board of Trade Bldg.
We have 224 acres, 3 miles from Casa
dero electric station and 7 miles from
Eutacada; 60 acres in clover and other
crops, lot more easily cleared, balanoe
In v f Ina ttnA n.nrlv all o-rinit Ki I un.
improved -yine pasturage.- abtuanceii20. acre stockand aaLrlyfarm. unlini
I WANT a valley farm. of 60 to 160
acres. ImDroved. and will trade a alee
tract of timber on the railroad, free of
incumbrance, or will trade sn income
rroperty in Portland worth $12,000 with
3000 incumbrance. Owner. 413 Stock
Exchange biog.
u w -....., .....-
ited outrange, olenty or running wa
ter, bearing orchard; house, barn, phone,
price $7600. Will consider house and lov
to value of $5000 as part pay.
332 Wash, st.
T hava 31400 eaultv in new modern
bungalow. Will trade this for a elear lot .
In Alameda Park, Rose City Parjc or
Rossmere. Here Is a snap for someone.
D-776, Journal. . -, .-
1 ACRES on the Oregon City road, 1
. miles from either the Southern Pa-
clflc railroad or the Oregon City Eleu- ,
tri earlina. Will exchange for, a hogsg
and lot in the city. cnas. iiirstei, iu
Sherlock bldg.
600 ACRES. $24 PER ACRE. . i
Near Portland, good land, plenty of
living water, some choice timoer; take -
810.000 or less in other property. U.
L. Webb. 414 E. Stark st.
WANTED From 7 to 10 acres of good
land with a modern 4 or S room bun
galow within a reasonable distance to
the city and close to a carline. T. W.
Nordbyi 7 oz coucn Diog.
THREE fine corner lots on Main street.
Vancouver. Wash, For farm or close
in acreage. ''Oregon, Washington or
Idaho. Will not assume or pay differ-
ence. Address owner, j- bdb,-journal.
16. ACRES, 2 miles west" of Newberg
14 in good cultivation; new 6 room
house, barn, chicken pens and houses,
well water, running - stream ; all farm
Implements;, will lease for 2 or 3 years
for cash. Ideal place for hogs and
poultry. East 2339. B-2760.
FOR RENT 56 -acre ranch; all ciear; Al
soil; 2 - barn si 7-room house: 1 1-3
rnlles from town, 600 feet from landing;
60o fare on boat from Portland and 76o
fare bv rati. Wanted, a good resnnnai.
pie ; party, xnqu ire iz etn st. a. yieshman,
Have 4 4 acres 3 blocks from car,
near Portland, all cleared, good 6 room
Dungaiow ana ot.ier improvements,
price $6000. Will trade for house in
913 Chamber of Commerce.
WANTED 1 are on 6c carline, not
over $1200; will exchange 6 room
modern bungalow; all built-in conven
iences, hard surface streets, sewer in
and paid, $2250 equity, one block to car.
V-387, Journal.
100x100 INCOME property, corner, dou
bla car track, no incumbrance: want
country store or 20 to 40 acres, no mort
gage, well Improved, In Clarke Co.,
Wash. 48 N. 2d St., Portland.
200 ACRE first class dairy farm, well
' qqulppad, well stocked, feed to win
ter stock; nothing better in the valley;
price $22,000; can take some trade. Neal
Brown, 819 Swetland bldg.
TO exchange, young, big team, weight
over $100, with harness and Si-ln.
wagon,' ss part of payment on some Im
proved coast acreage or small dairy
rarm. e-iou. journal
960 ACRE stock ranch, 600 In cultiva
tion, balance pasture, some tlmbar;
running stream, buildings, farm machin
ery 10 horses, 6 colts, 30 tons hay; all
at $15 per acre. 617 Lumber Exchange
Marshall 2708. .. .
160 acres. 25 for cultivation! hmn.
barn, orchard; HeaF live town. Phone
peiiwooq ji.
1 W ACRES, 9 room house, barn!, ,J5 fruit
trees. 6c fare from Portland. 30 acrea.
room house, barn, near Eugene Phone
Tabor ; 95 0. (. . , .
160 ACRES, 45 cultivated; 23 miles from
Portland. Cash rent, reasonable. . 469
15. Market.. St., (.u ,t 'if: ....
WILL trade good 6 room house, value
$4000, for timber. Or nice bungalow,
value $3500. for California- acreage
Bagley, 410 Lumbermens bldg,-
WILL trade electric coupe In fina con.
dltiom value $1200, for lots or acr.
age. See Conklln, Lueddemann, Ruley &
Co. 913 Chamber of Commerce.
BEAUTIFUL 10 acre tract. Salem line,
best of sou, 8ZUU0; win exchange
equity of $1600 for grocery or city
property; may assume. Joseph H.
Johnston. 702 Scalding bldg.
modern house, awtnorne - oistrict.
pebble dasnea witn crusnca maroie. eee
this before buying1. By owner, . Tabor '
1782. ; '
WILL sell 800 acre stock ranch, well
improved, 'for $8000 or trade It, or
sell half; 1st party manage and stock.
It for him. 812 Ablngton bldg.
HAVB other business. Will sell
exchange 6 year lease and furnishings
of 52 room apt. and rooming nouse. Mr.
Smith, Main 670.
MY equity of $17fi in quarter acre at
Multnomah station, on electric) carline,
for express team or light driving team.
Inquire at 17a ri. iotn w,
or "
WILL exchange house and lot
for land near Multnomah station or
win ouy n price is ngnt. u.gQ. journal
FOR SALE 20 acres close to Portland
or-win treae tor norses or vacant
lots. tot wminpiA. i., mam Z1BI.
WILL the Dartv, who found ten dollar
greenbacks please return $16 to the
Journal and keep the $8 as Z need the
money. TT-673... JonrnsV L :-
WANTED-oTrauTo7orhouse and lot '
for stock and farm machinery. State ,
what you have In first letter. Address
O-709. journal. i
160 ACRE timbered ranch near Dufur,
Or., Wasco Co., for sale op trade for
Portland property, See ewner, 4822 74th
st. & e. 7r '
THREE business lots in Madras, Or.,
clear or lncumorances, vaiue yaaa, to
trada for anything of value. . Frank
siavln. 82S Falling bldg.
HAVE 10 acres good land near Portland
i to exchange for house and lot In good
district. What have you, . Deal with
owner. V-484, journal. '
tiXCHANGE Choice 10 acres' near
Gresham; want Portland home. Smith
A- Ituuck, 800 Henry bldg.
A QUARTER section land In N. D. tot .
sale or traoe tor jroriianu, or country
property. W-667,
payment en
Ulve phone. , H-,
EIGHT lots. South Tacoma. trade for
; Portland property or acreage, Mar-
shall 27o - , j ' -SoftMING
-house of 15 rooms; sell for
cash or trade for house , and; lot.
value euu. aiarsnan jsi,
WfiAT have you to offer for $750 equity
In Sunnyslde home?- ij-768, JournaL
modern bungalow.
611, journal. . , '
$800 equity in- i room modern house, n l
improvements and furnana. Call f!:i
Foster Road. Chaw. F. Parker,
GtK)l) ' Portland - tniome piopfit tZ
trade for land In Crook cmniiy ner
BlHters. P-60H, Joiirnal.
T7E enohange whatyou'"4iv f i i "
- you want. Pepr ft l' ikir, 4 I i
lock bldg.,- 84 and tk,' iarhM I
40 AtUtii-3i"y7"s i'irn 1 u v i . I. V i
33,600 tradt-; lat,in 5 i - t, t.
era. pl. . :iy, li-.', im . .... ,
'Cuulluusd oa hnn
- -i -i-
if t
tl US
; ?LZ
Aw Ir.
'"is . .
j 1
w.,. 1
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