..ti-v:. 3 THE, OREGON jUNOAYJLOURNAL.-PORTIANI3SUNDAY-:MORNING NOVEMBER .. 16, 1813. HEEtRO NOTICES 41 Woodmen-Neighbors and Frrrds Attention ' rt (illANn THlNVST.rVlNa WALL. SSslSO Wlllfnma a ven by Prospect camp. No. 140, W. O. ! best business corner on east Bide. Good BUSINESS , PROPERTY 06 SNAPS 100x100 corner at east end Harrlman bridge, some income snap, jsa.oou. ivn. and Russell st, u'.,,at their temple, 128 llUi st.-on Thanksgiving night, Nov. 27. 19VAT A t- xicl time assured. Union music. Prizes ; 'von. . . : . ... PORTLAND STAR UOME8TEA D No. 42. B, . A. X-- meeta every Thnpariav aveninir in the Jt 31 Mimu hull of thn Rnvat hl.4 9i U ILlAitfi win at K ' W. cor. th st. Visitors welcome. . FHANfflS FRY. 40 SIMPSON ST. Phono Woodlawn 94. Correspondent. ' 2) V J income. 145.000 UEQ. G. MAIR. 825 Railway Exchange. Marshall 2874. TO LEASE WILL BUILD. On lOOxlOOto suit tenant, closer In on east side. Good location for whole sale or manufacturing plant. Act quick. SECURITY DEVELOPMENT CO., Cor. ,4th and Pine Sts. SAMARITAN LODGE No. 2, J. O. F. The funeral committee is hereby noti fied, and all other members are re quested to meet at L O. O. F. temple, First and Alder streets, Monday, No vember 17. at 1 o'clock, to attend the fnner&l of our deceased brother. Samuel Naylor, Visiting brethren are invited to attend. K. usvaw. secretary GENEHAL IUiAliKSyATB ca TEXA 8 ""school lantC" $ L6 0"tou $ 6 acre; 1-40 th down, balance 40 years: infor mation and Texas map .free. Journal un. tov Houston, Texas. FOR SAI.E -HOUSES f Continued) Hawthorne District as OWNER has land sale contract draw 1 Imr 7 dct cent, will sacrifice for cas or trade for income. For particulars ad dress k. b. Kutan, Lents, ur, EUREKA COUNCIL No. 204. K. A L. of B entertainment ana oance mommy evening1, Nov. 17. east side W. O. W. hall. East th and Alder. L. M. Lepper will give views and lecture on Panama canal. Admission fres. Members and friends invited. M. L. Johnson, becy. JONIC Court No, 1, Order of the Amar- . anth. will give an mrormai oance ana card party in the Masonic temple Mon day evening, November 17. All Masons and members of the Eastern Star and their friends are cordially invited. Ad mission 25c. MABEL M. HIGOINS, Secy. M'fV HOOD CltUitiE, No. UxlXL-ofW will give a whist social, Thursday evening, November 20. east side W. O. W. hall, E. Sixth and Alder streets. Prises, dancing, orchestra music. Ad mixtion SO cents. FOR SALE HOUSES 01 Hawthorne 'Bungalow 6 room bungalow," Glenn ave., south of Hawthorne, lot 86x150, $2200, only $350 cash, balance $25 month, including interest. Dorr E. Keasey & Co. 2d floor Chamber Commerce bldg. New 6 Rooms Only $250 THE PORTLAND ART, CLUB will give 600 parties every -Tuesday afternoon and every Saturday evening in Orient hall, East 6th and Alder. . Six hand painted china prizes. Members and friends Invited. ' DANCE. DANCE DANCE Knights and Ladies of The Rose give tneir montniy oance Krjoay nignt, inov. 21. at ForeBtera' Hall, 129 4tb street. Add. t6 ets. ALBINA Lodge 47 of F.W. of A Reg ular meeting will be held every Wednesday at 8:30 p. m. in Hill's halt, N. W. corner of Williams ave. and Rus- Wll BtS. WHIST and dance by George Washtng ton Camp, 261, Tuesday evening, Nov. IS; at W. O. W. temple, 128 11th. Cards at 8:45, dancing at 10. Union music and good prizes. Admission loc. . . v. u . ... ov.co.K, i.c.iioiiL wn,. "Clliciil lCMillCUki Ull WCfcftia LllllCU, WISH plumbing, elec. fixtures, window shades, frac. corner lot, all improvements., in and paid. No. 464 Shaver st, near union ave. wai. or price ssuuu, easy monthly payments. Go at once. Lath- rop, 515 Abington bldg. ROYAL Circle members attention 1 Elec tion of officers Wednesday night, Nov. 19. Edith Gladwyn, G. N,; G. M. Sund eleef. clerk. DANCE given by Webfoot lodge No. 66, W. O..W.. Friday. November 21, 5n W. O. W. temple, 128 11th st L. Vanwaya Orchestra, 1-4 Acre 4 Room Plastered House $1000 Bull Run water, close' to large school and 6 cent carfare, $50 down, balance like rent. GEO. T. MOORE CO. ' 618 , Abington Bldg. ORPHIA Temple 18, Pythian Sisters, meets on Thursday evenings of each week: in K. of P. hall, 11th and Alder, at 8 p. m. Helen M. Lamar. M. of R. C fjliat $taiistics marriagcs.Blrtbs. Deaths. Just Think E room modern bungalow, lot 60x200, in Xrvlngton Heights. 100 feet from Irv ington carline. Lots of fruit. Just the place for a poultryman. A bargain, only $2700. Terms very easy. C, DeYoung & Co. 614 Chamber of Comemrce. BUSINESS CARDS hl CI' Cih JP. r Wedding and VVi Ui OlllUII UU. Visiting cards. Washington bldg.. cor. 4th on Wash'ton. LiRESS suits for rent, all sizes. Unique Tailoring Co.. 809 Start st. CLARKE. BROS- florists, fine flowers snd floral designs, z Morrison st. AUTOS for hire. $2.B0 PER HOUR. Main 814. A-4314. 801 Stark St. HARRY K SPALDING, Florist, out iiowers, norai designs, tbiy, wasn. DEATHS AND FUNERALS ) City Cemetery. Wiendt Invited. Thomas died at Santa Bits, N. M.. OT THOMAS Hi faseral service) of C Jacron AMVHMW. VWIV TV. WVUi VMM. HHP SlilCE ef this city, will be beld from A. K. Eellu-'s ptrlon, 64 Williams arenue, tomomnr, Moa- nr. OTesiMr 17, at a p.- m. interment at Mr. November B, and - was a member of tba Order of Ball- way Cendoctof. .WEJ1STEB At the reatdenre of his. brother, C. O. Webater, tt VawxraTer, Waab- R. T. D. 'o. 1, Maaoa Quit Webater, age M rtara. Funeral sankea will be held Monday, November 17, at 2 aclock p. m. from Brlcaon's residence undertaking parlors, 446 Morrlaon fit. Friends lnrtted. AYLOtt la tilt city, November 16, Samuel Narlor, ared 63 years, s realdent of Port land alnee 186T. The funeral aerTlcee will be held Monday, November 17, at o'clock p. m. et the famllr realdence, 147 Idaho Strut. J'rlenda lavited. Intemwnt at BlrerTiew Oem etery. ilATHEB-In this city. November IS, John Mather, aged 78 year. The funeral aer vlces will be held Monday, November IT, at 11 o'clock a. m. at the residence establishment I of i. P. Plnley Son, Montgomery at Fifth. HAVE for sale one of the nicest new cottages. Just the place for a man and wife or aged couple. Large living room, excellent view, bedroom, bathroom, kitchen and pantry; large front and back porches. Excellent garden: large chicken park and house. Woodhouse with win ter's wood in, Handy to car and best of BEtviuo. Auoui i-4 oi an acre, price and application. z 4th st $300 Cash BALANCE TO SUIT. 1 Buys tills modern 6 room bltngalow, on corner lot, only 1 block from car, on hard surfaced street. , . j Some nf the denlrable'features are: RECEPTION ' HAUL, . PANELliD DINING ROOM CHINA CLOSET, TWO WICK, LIGHT. AIRY BED. ROOMS WITH - WELL EQUIPPED BATH BETWEEN. ' DUTCH KITCHEN " FULL CONCRETE BASEMENT WITH CEMENT FJOOR, SHADES AND FIXTURES. ' CEMENT WALKS AROUND HOUSE. It is almost Impossible to get a mod ern home in this district at the above ; prloe. It will pay you to investigate if you are looKing lor a home or an in vestment. J. A, Hubbell . . 1078 Hawthorne Ave). - Phone Tabor 2608. FOR SAUCHOUSES . 01 i FOR SALE HOUSES 1 V J -(Continued) 431 The Firm That Does Thirtes SOME OF OUR BARGAINS FOR THIS WEEK FOR 8 ALE HOUSES til (Oontlnned) ; ' 111' II1T Prices THAT MEAN BUSINESS.' NJc room house, lot iWxlOO. This place is blocks to Lents Junction. Ill RESIDENCE FOR SALE Located in best section of Irvington, corner lot, com plete throughout with two fireplaces, 2 baths, hard wood floors, etc. Am forced to sell and will let go for $3000 less than cost. No trades considered. If you .. are looking for a horns this is your opportunity- to make a good buy. B-716, Journal. 4 7 ROOM strictly modern house, double construction, fireplace, furnace, full concrete basement, laundry trays, gas and electricity. Corner lot, high and sightly, 2 blocks from car line. It will pay you to investigate this if you are looking for a home. Two story six room house full basement, gas and electricity. hard surfaced streets; in fact, all improvements in and paid for. Price $2600; easy terms. For fuller particulars sea THE LAWRENCE CO. 171 4th street. Bet. Morrison and Yamhill ets. M. 6916. A-2815. 6 BLOCKS SOUTH LADD'S ADDITION iv oinuuy moaern canr. bunga- , T'i artistic, iu minutes' ride, all Imp. In and paid. Cement basement. garage, fireplace, furnace, hardwood and earn ceilings, maid's room in attic. Up i, i "J,,,u"'. ou is cneap. 3600 iU oumq lerms, OWMRR Tns c iitv. e. Bell wood car to Frankfort, block east n,w o KUUM BUNGALOW ROSE n.v. ITY P.ARK CARLINE. Oak floors. . firenlaoe. huilt.ln (uv. "TZTZlt aitcnen. winoow shades, electrlo fixtures, cement basement and '"""orr tuhs; lot 60x140 feet. rt.i . VUlin 1 AAn M PROVIDENT TRUST COMPANT. Phone Main 1890 or A-6281. $3760 WESTMORELAND $3760 . 6 ROOM BUNGALOW On 7 7th ,t tTk1nmi-. T" 1 , . nely finished; built in buffet and book B, CS' 2 f b?fvye.beam an Peeling in D. R'' flreP'ce, laundry trays, ment baaement, Boynton furnace, c block to car. To resDonslhl r,rt ; GOOi INVESTMENT? A IXlOd Or II at mom linnaa with Alt ... ce.Knwel, without incum- mVSS' cash wll handle this propo-Lh.-H1.".0- onthly payments. If ' " J" martiet tor a real lnvest- 1 iUrPyi Tou to Investigate this. Bee Mr. McDanlel. Realty Dept of nArt i MAIS & THOM PSON VJLEY Tha funeral aervtcea of the late Oliver Wiley will be beld today, Sondty, at 3 o'rlook n. m. at tha realdaoca aatAhlUhment of J.-KTIly & Son, MontgmnerT at Ptfth. j rienoa iDvitao. iniarment at mverriew Cem- etery. - t-KATON Tha- funeral eervlcee of Mr. Berths M. U Seatoa will be held todaf. Novamher JO mt .S::X v. ni. from fiellwood t:hrit(.n murh. friends and membera of the Modern Brotherhood of America are Invited. Inter merit Rlverrlew remetery. CON'tiDON Tha funeral aervleea f th. I.t. Jueepnioe Congdon. wife of W. H. Oongdon. will be held at Oretham. Or.. Mondav. No. vember JT, at 10 a. m,. Intarmeat family plot. lt. Beott Park cemetery. RASR riTV da nt7 etnctlT modArn Tlra I v..,i& m room bungalow, best section Rose City tures. shade. i lawn vi-V- . . range. baW. l,l16t,0r ,Clt 8lUe- down. SSS?J"J? rSHt 0wT- 31 Chamber v.nmci j-nune main vzvi. of an klnda. Main 7766. A-7708. 120 4th. i. . i i ' MAJt M. BMITH, florist, 141 ft In Belling bldg. Main 7216? th st. FUNERAL DrRECTORS e. . -"-""ngswortft, 100x111 S E facing 8 roortii modern and fine s-ar-Qr."A rounasa or- terVn "co see us for Mafn ?1IlTOAOB rrNVESTMENT CO. rln J418- ,612-513 Yeon Bldg! NEW store and H modern house. 2 bed! rooms, extra large living and dinlnr ShSth lnl,W ceUin- china clos et bath. 2 toilets, laundry trays, full Rose-sC 8 blocks' south of o v -V-J? " d ing, Mt Scott carline. Cash prici 82700. VkW HOME OF J. P. FINLET eV BON. i. Th- P'J '"'denes undertaking estab lishment fn Portland. Representlnr ?he greatest advance In the Science o? fU! nsral service. The automobile eoulp uient and secluded driveway are a i none the many exclusive features The t -tabllshed policy of moderate prices has never been changed. ). P. FINLET SON. Perfect Funeral Service, Montgomery at 6 th. ISn. EDWARD HOLMAN. the leading UiUMmlmUl. rnn" A- ' B,QAi.LWpN ABONCE. A wriS'T.. WTOKTABLB HOUSE FULL SIZE LOT PRICE ilion- th iKACRMVE0 SnaD Must Sell in K BUNGALOW, 7 ROOMS. All furnished; will give you the chance of your life; come. Take AN an.i?--- Th,b3ea,rrrenTnngth- lnClUd,D ,"ter"t' C01k,1MS TRUST" COMPANT. 618 Board of Trade Bldg. Main 8368. Tabor 4469 SUNNYSIDB BARGAINS: W otrom modern cottage, desirable nf'5h borhood; house in tiptop condition eady to move in. Prlcr $2200; would take good lot its first payment. Easv r.Hms- raA1l lPvements in and paii Phono B-2704 or D-774. Journal Buys a 8 room modern titi In ... "'.'iL1'.' dlHtrl(;t: furnished. BaL ,400, $25 per month. Call 288 R. XlZZ Homeseekers Look $1975 A RARE CHANCEL 1079 East 25th St. North Brand new modern 6-room bungalow, 1th enameled bath, woodllft. electrlo fixtures, washtrays, paneled dining room, full concrete basement and ce ment floor. Nicely painted ' and tinted. Full front porch. Large back porch. Walks around house. Built-in features. One-half block from car line. See this at once. Alberta car to 26th st., then block north. Price $1976. Terms. 1079 E. 25th st North. YOU'LL BB SURPRISED. IMfFMMIE BE SURE AND LET US SHOW THEM r 1U 1UU ' 1 story house on Kat 64th st I renting for $6 now." $50 down, $10 psr tion, full basement, only $2260. $2601 $Hoo. casn. balance ilo per month. - Five room nlastered hnuse. U srr. r- -.SNAP.. J Short walk to car; $25 down, $10 month. l JOU HI, 1UI LUIltlLD CI1UUHU..LU I, AW I A HUttp, $1600 cash you can buy sv cosy 6 room IliKo housa and 4 large lots, about 80 fruit 1 Brand new 6 room plastered house, lot w Aaaa anil sa nil vTeai ill Q m A m lart sm. aia. v . . ais4aii uuh, wiyuivo,, 11 i iuaIVV. S U IOC KB to Oar. SuU OOWlH lit) Mt. Scott ear 'line.; $2200, no monthly per month, ; " m ' . . . $1?0.' . 1 : e room plastered houH. tvith bath, lot a line suDurDan home must be sold 40x100, close to car. $25 down. $15 per 1-8 acre beautiful yard, roses.. . garden - . tisKii and completely furnished house, and I . 4 room house; porch all round house, " 5UX"I"" Til" 1i crV ort walk- to car. $26 eleotrlci c fare. 26 minutes ride. $300 , y $1600 down, $20 per month. . , $80 DOWN. $10 PER MO. 4UU0.' - I Buys 6 room house. U aera ermlnd Two story, 7 room dwelllrig. In high class district. East 67th, lot 60x116. House has hardwood floors, ' furnace, fireplace.- cement baaement, jnodftrnJn every way. PIEDMONT DISTRICT ONLT $2800. If you are looking for a buy here Is a good one. Lot 60x100. IVi etorv. 7 Attractively and Sensibly A Built v HERE'S ONE mm dow BALANCE EASY Five rooms and bath, hardwood floors, built-in buffet, built-in bookcases, fireplace. Dutch kitch en, bnllt-ln dresser, fixtures and hades. The plan of this bunga low will please you, and it is only 2 blocks from Hawthorne car. A Cozy Home Cheap Nice 4 room cottage, 40x100 lot, 2 blocks from Mt Scott car, for $1260; $125 cash and $10 and In terest monthly. This place Is con venient to school and business district The Shaw-Fear Co. Main 86. 103 Fourth St A-S60O. WHY PAY RENT WHEN YOU CAN" GET THESE BARGAINS. One fine ' 4 room - bumrainw. with Holms disappearing bed In the dining room, maxing it equal to a 6 room house: modern In every way. all straet assessments paid; located 2 blocks from the Rose City car line. Price IIaSO Also one of tha same kind on Mt. Scott car line, flne.surroundlngs and strictly first-class." Price $1600. Terms $50 oaah and balance like rent or will trade for vacant lota. T. W. NORDBY. 702 Couch Bldg. SWELL NEW BUNGALOW HERE; IS ANOTHER SAME TERMS Seven rooms and bath, includ ing sleeping porch; piped for furnace; hardwood floor; all modern conveniences. Also complete line of others In same district nice barn. Chicken houses. Kalla-Gllhnrt iohu, i oiock to scnoM. 4 $250 Lot 40xl00. $3 down and $5 per iiiuiiiii; an level, signuy, line soil, Hull nun water; z blocks to car, . U ACRE. tSna. All it ' a. rUm hn..u r.i;,,rvi u"r'- i:rv :" """ '"'' "'''" 7r, ,. v- . a- iv mo. uuy now; you won t regret it this up. I $400 AND UP. cash. Terms to suit. ' The Bright Building & Investment TI.I..4- . k-o,,:.2,5.?,0,. J.U 5?P?y bu,ld you a home on easy trV- hT,.: . ",rmB-. ru. yqur installments into u i.T.'i '"p vivi. iemio nome instead or renting. , to suit. 1 TL.I.I. p Li a - We have many other bararains In - I fieKId Dr 2m V . in an parts of the city. Call Lents. Or 2 blocks east of DostoffcaTi housei at our offioe and see photographs, onu v in fliiAUJ I CO., ' 208-204 Piatt bldg., Park and Wash, sts. Main 9043 ON FOSTRW ROAn Tabor 4249. ! B-tn $100 DOWN ; HAWTHORNE DISTRICT New modern 8 room bungalow, fire place, bookcase, buffet hardwood floors, ifr??4 Jl,lal fuU .cement basement, w,ir iiniuuB, snauea; ail complete, ready to move in. Go to 24 or 848 14 48th. Owner will be there to show the property. Phone Main 2970. George A. $2850 COZT BUNGALOW $2860. 6 rooms, h.tlf hi,,ir. tn . bath, toilet and laundry trays, electric f 'Xtures In, basement, gas, cabinet kitchen, front veranda, east front, gpod Price. 22SSO. fimOI Mrm.nt Amvw balance easv. or will tradn for irnnH oioor lots. I'none Main isoo or A-6261 ' - REAGAN, 22 Boiling Bldg., Sixth and Alder Sts. Can You Afford to PassrThis and Pay Rent. 6 room bungalow, northwest -HO"1" X100 cornea. E. 19th and Going sts., for $1950; $100 cash and $15 and Interest monthly. Street -graded and cement walks bonded and to be assumed by purchaser. Property rented for $16 per month now. The Shaw-Fear Co. Main 86. 102. Fourth St A-I600. $290018 MINUTES OUT $2900. BDlendfd fi rnnm r.ul Hann. rti kl.nl. - ' 3. - . ...... v o u.vjv.n . , boo. anA uicuvrit-ity, LieautiitU electric fixtures, bath, toilet full ce ment basement, butler's pantry, hard RESTRICTED DISTRICT $300 CASH 6 rooms and attic: strlctlv modern (except furnace), nice flrenlace. built. in buffet bookcases, etc. Large front and back porches, cement basement Lot 60x115. Street improvements .naid. One block pf Rose City Park car. Price oniy sz7uo. Let us show you. Ground Floor, Henry Building Close to Union Ave. Go Lookl 60x100 corner lot. n aw a vnnm htmn. low. complete plumbing, electrlo fix tures, fireplace, Dutch kitchen; price $2800. Small amount down. bal. like rent. Woodlawn car to 436 Maamolla. -vi iict rj. ix.il in. rvey next poor, F. BUYS B room cottage, large lot. Marguerite ave. Just south of Hawthorn 15son 6 room new modern bungalow, fur nace, lot 0X102 IllIltlinFi.. ($3250. . ' " B room cottage, lot 42x1 10, west side. $1700 tW r' walkin8: distance. surface street, splendid neighborhood, so nnii.,, t"'.u ' MAi . Price onlv $2900, small payment downi 828 Railway Exchange. Marshall 2574. ?ailnc 2&?er month. Phone Main SOMETHING WORTH KNOWING. " 1800 or A-6261. Let me tell you how and where you "C.G.REAGAN, can get 2 acres, all cleared, small young 212 Selling Bldg.. Sixth and Alder Sts. orchard, splendid soil, new 4 loom plas- c" uuiwwuw wim caoinei Kltcnen and cement basement, mile of city limits and less than 6 blocks to car, close to ffJi?"1 KJ?) nd "tore"- Price only 1900 $300 down, balance $25 monthly, Inci'iding Interest Phone Main 1800 or A"6261. C G. REAGAN. 212 Selling Bldg. Sixth and Alder Stg. Rare Chance Bargain Bargain Bargain 5 room modern house-on EOxiho cor. ner, otn and Hassalo ist. Only $1800; M , oaiance ai per cent. I live on a farm and have no use for it: that's the reason for this low price. See me at m vYaenington piog, uioaeK, owner. FOR SALE. 4 room furnished house; price $1100. 7 room furnished house, business lot 112x100, on Foster road; $6000. . ,room furnished house, 2 lots; price fllVV, from car, $50 down;ryriee $560. 6621 Foster Road. Hawthorne District $2850 ' $200 CASH $200. New S room buns-alow .nu tn 9 iLW "xlOO lot one blOCk ffxTrei" .Vife '""wJl0.!" FOR SALE LOTS ' f Continued t t South side of. '- TILLAMOOK HTREET LOT. 260 feet West of E. 8 tit a 6t, N. - v- . 60x90. , PRICE $670. A Real Bargain, ' W. A.' BARNES CO. ' 404-405 Lewlf Bldg. , 1-ourth and Oak ts. Main. 2081, East Morrison Street Bargain Fln.e .lot.' "0100. between a fine . flat building and a beautiful res Idence. 100 feet from corner 28th st. on E. Morrison, for $1850. , The Shaw-Fear .Co, Main 35 103 Fourth St A-3600- AxiT?E?k.?lrsTNESS LOCATION . AND HOMESITE ON OREGON CITT ... , j LINE. -. 81100 rnlre .K.. 1. t.jt w!ie"tatJ?i-,on,Jri80- nmtes'; rifle from first and Alder atn in.f k. ni.n. Sri.iXT.iW.s JS0-"? 5?: win niTi .:i t"v msii, dw, st per cem. CALL An & KASER. 22 TEON BLDG. ' MR. CONTRACTOR Z If you are lOOkintr foe lnt tn h.HM , U e hav a regular snap. 6 lots . on Caruthers street, only $760, It will 1 be worth while to-look them un. THE FIRM THAT DOES THINGS 203-204 Piatt ibldg,. . Park and Washington fits V Tel. Main t.042. FINE BUSINESS LOT. T" ' On HttWthOrnn H VB near A?th at 4.,. I west of new brick block and moving picture show. Price $1800. Street Im-1 Pyernents all paid. A bargain; Just I J?a .PricV,of adjoining lots. Am v yi?iy' Easy t'mM- 0wner I86 $250 n,A. aut,fu.1 Utj clo8 i0 large school, i Bull Run water, 6 cent car line and very slghUy;.most any kind of a payment ' v eaiiu b. miiih it m nnini w 1 no um George T. Moore Co.. 618 Abington bldg) Leaving City ?.0 926 S 18tn Bt- N- Moving to my r .nCV i want to rent houI will Jell at price you cannot resist See it today. PARKROSE. 7 I have an excellent bargain in iaiwiaa on macadamised street, sidewalks; wat er. No better eoll in the nut n Dept"Sofent"" 8e Ml"' Jonnston' Realtr HART MAN A THOMPSON - " BUV nt.tir.vTLf' . th west "ld of the river, ohlv 15 i.,i.,uic mum uit court house; Bull Run water; $550 per lot; easy terms. rwviur,i' tkubt COMPANT, 212 Selling Building. Phone Main 1800 or A-6261. $7500 ; N. VS. Cor. E. 7th St. and Pine. Cor. 65x100. A good buy. J. J. OEDKB Cor. Grand av. and E. Ankeny. THREE lots, short distance, from Mt. xuoor car. I -am on , DHnu,.iir. ,n I will sell for the low figure of $10o6 l ,,.ra1,.d,sPose of them at once. Call at 512 Piatt bids:., anuthvut one - and Washington sts. fixtures, shades, oak flnnra m eiraZ Place, buffet, etc.; owner leaving town; will give genuine bargain. Call for key at $31 E. 49th st. Take Mt Scott .arJk,-,B0.tn and Market st Call owner East 6504. Usual courtesies to as-enta. Hawthorne Ave. Good Home for Little. Money to car, la good location, lots of fruit and downstairs f ff lowroi!et"h0.,ntl,dn.ffeCr.an!y l " bUn l$A1n3dbiyn8P- Neil Wn 319 6Wet: noTeTand'Tcfusl BEAUTIFUL BtJNKYdlDH BARGAtW ilmV fSfil stornemoEderiSthaontd 6ai?l0"',J W frJSA W.'-A JWPi f ePh T.0.Hnd'. o'ne truit trees. Price yourself. Price. 13000: easy terrna. RELIABLE BROKERS, 309 Railway Exchange Main 1224-. A-78S4. MM Hawthorne-District $3350 buys a modern 5 room bungalow, excert furnace, on E 37th mt t hinir from car; all improvements, including ynvea siren mio sewerage in ana pala; easy terms, small montniy payments; will consider auto or vacant lot as oart payment. fKOVlDENT TRUST CO.. 212 Belling bldg. Main 1800 or A-6261. ROSE CITY CARLINE. Don't Jail to se thonn 2 new mnriM-n K rnnm huna-nlnwa InAnt. ( VT -l nu E. 56th N. and Sacramento Sts., at $ift00 each; email cash payment, balance like rent Will be open Sunday from 1:30 to J. P. BRYAN, Woodlawn 2507. BEAUTIFUL MT. TABOR Fine new 7 room home, all with built-in features, hardwood floors, furnace and everything complete; &00 feet above down town; beautiful view, paved street, near park: $2500 cash, bal ance 7. P. O. Box 463. r $200 Buys a 4 room house, lot 80 vino nioniv of fruit trees, 1 blk. west of Peninsula. ave.. bal. I325. Easv navmnnta ) i- Morrison. . ' Lot 60x100 ft, large 6 room bunga low, new and beautiful design, extra large living room with fireplace and built In bookcases, veneer paneled din ing room, elegant built In buffet cab inet kitchen, 2 nice bedrooms with large wen vrin UM.LPII i .ifmniH. minrnnm naar of plumbing, full cement basement with laundry trays, hardwood floors In liv ing and dining rooms. This cannot be uupuuaiea zor tne price asked. $300 down, balance to suit T. A. Sutherland, Owner 1084 Hawthorne ave. Tabor 2017, IRVINGTON. $5800 New modern 6 room house, ex tra well built; small payment down, terms to suit. ROSE CITY PARK. $3458 Modern 6 room bungalow, near Sandy Road; has furnace, fire place, tile bathroom; very at tractive home. Terms, See Mr. Jones, Chaplo-Herlow Mtg. A Trust Co., 332 Chamber of Com Non-Resident Wants Cash 5 room cottage, 60x100 lot, 2 blocks from Woodmere station, Mt. Scott line, for $1000 cash. 7503 6th ave. 8. E. The Shaw-Fear Co. Main 35. 102 Fourth St A-3600. terms. Will consider Owner. Tabor 651. $7000. Liberal n S"',a'K. . $1100. FIVE-ROOM HflMR 111AA" Main 2418 'AVW. rj&titi HAWTHORNE AVE. DISTRICT has nice lawn and flowers Just the 6 room modern hiintrn.lnw 1 lilnnlr nlnrA tt matra n(na Visim oM.. . at - - a wawwas, J -- w w aa uive UV441TJ, , KJUIIIB LfJ I II IB from car; street Improvements, side-I Let us show you. nH" .aml aeer 'I nd paid. Price CALLAN & KA8ER. 722 TEON BLDG. f,'"","'l,A"' , .. ..P'..V v I A BEAUTIFUL new 6 room h.ing.low f VLU" 4" camber modern, in Sunnyslde. neLr "th TrS9th Bd 1.1 fa. 1 ,P4rr, 11: "t!ance .to LaOrelhurst For-sate . iv. j. uy owner at a oargain. would con- 8 room modern 1 year old. 60x100 elder an automobile up to $800 as Dart .JiA blocJt trom Montavllla car. Prise payment 96 E. 39th st or Phone Tabor $3250 worth $3750 See us for terms. 2268. . Bnonaaoor u. e. iiOKi'UAUlS fir INVESTMENT CO. Main 2418. 612-513 Yeon Bldir. LADD'S ADDITION. 60x128. south rln, nn un . . between E. 16th and Poplar ave, $2500; $500 cash will handle. K- r MORTGAGEP& INVESTMENT CO. Main 2418. 612-513 Yeon Rldr 1375 LOT. 26x100, $375 Lombard near Pattoii ave. On account of a hospital bill am forced to sacrifice at almost half v!,ue- .J,8treet "radd and sidewalk in and paid: 10 per cent cash, balance $10 per month. X-666. Journal. Beaumont Have a fine lot in this sightly tract: small payment down; second mortgage arrangement on balance. Address F-668. Joumsl li ACRE, graded street water beautl ful view, 20 minutes' car ride; ideal homesite; big future, $460, $15 cash. $i per mo. M. E. LEE, 822 Corbctt bldg. Here's a Good Buv Sunnyslde. Belmont and 3Eth rooms, all modern, all street improve ments paid. $3350. Easy terms. W. A, LU V JSTav- J20O CASH. AlOdern 7-room niinffalnw lao, l.w. ing room, den, sleeping porch, fireplace. (Ull VC1UCUL aJCLDBlIiaSIl L. . IMII nf I rV ' ' TFaVB 6 fireplace, Dutch kitchen, fixtures. oiwuOT u iw oo istn st; pnone fiorni f a i v, 415 Selling bldg. Main 9135 FINK 9 ROOM HOME A RESPOXK1RI.M Pit) TV1 Z can buy. on terms like rent, o mnAin room house on Mnltnnmah n... tp qik I T .ir " living I rnuo oidu. irvington. modern, dininsr. rooms large, oak and mahogany finish, U. S, MORTGAGE! & INVESTMENT CO oak floors, 3 baths, servants' rooms; Main 2418. 612-613 Yen Bid: ON WEIDLER NEAR HTH I alim Inln. ernli,. w." v." .rV- k v... , V . .".' . ' " inn, naw- porch. 100x100 or 60x100 All iiiy nvnor. u vr T. cn. jft ' " " " k tf v, xciius. rant U. S. MORTGAGE) & INVESTMENT CO. tenon wyurnirvmn it- "i- : hr Main 2418. 612-613 Yeon Bid ,6?r?2 ffl-.i2!. "? wSb a at tr tr i a I . IU1 I1WV room bungalow, with cash. See Mr, Hunt, Chapln-Herlow vr i n in,,, m u un ail M,r Jrr , t-i i t n m . a inn n, n.. w r k.,ii, i- t r.tA ' ui wuw ini mr ,ou uuwh, Daiance I Jnerce. SALE 6 fireplace, Tiardwood Co6 MiM'1 Ford A BUiLT by owner, new ,-room. modern aoV. m,' . , ' Z. J - L bunf a!?w. 1.000 lot: musi -sell at $300 BUYS a 3 room house, close to loss; $2000 will buy It Mt Tabor car merits In and paid for. Balance $1100, thorne ave. II 'Lern!.0llth- CiU1 288 E' Morrison. NKW modern j room houae, 7B2 c..ek- aava M 1'B-iurf wi a 11W A V, 1, II 7JiaUfJt , SOLD ON KENT TERMS. bookcases, seate. buffet. Dutch kitchen,' . ,rPPnJli0,i8e pL"l5ei"S5 Part,v Plumb- built right. Price under market Open liwon Phone E. 807. era In Main 430, Dunning & McEnteeMnoddre: A-4668. Lady aaaletant. . - r , K- 6h and Alrtr A. Ri Zr3 Ifir fin VVIIIiains"al7 M VaftV sic ": PJM""dR-en,.t nirsii: Ijili umvn, 1w"k. 18tb..KU. n n'lrirrr? FRIHSDN iKsIlliNCK UNO. 4LS; , r IWOUIM ABIM. M Worrit. . . .mr-.TJi"f i . m, 'KhWFS ?"r. V; Mala" i d-ui'i, e.rn APARTMENT wrmdir! cito On Jefferson near 14th. SflxlOO Wnrlh nV0.ric ,16'000' Will 8(conslJw U. S. MORTGAGE & INVESTMENT CO Main 241 f,l2.r.l3 tSowmS- I'UK HA LI'. I.14SA f. k. , ' L modern and up-to-date In every re- t'e. Alain AiST ei-rnee Hd end Clav. MOXUMKVTS Schumann Marble Works ' " Sdand Pine. ,TCast 743. ''; H V'l Six MaTWe-WoTk's. ieTslTuS H.. Ut poaUo vlJB.sll. . Main 8681.. Kpert on paved street, $500 cash, bal ance $30 per ino. including interest yownuM. 670 Prcsoott st $1250. $50 DOWN" 115 a month hllvu h.w a ..... i. - lot 50X100. G L. Webb. 414 F st BAUQAIN 82UU dOWn. SI& n.r n,nn,k f room new modern house In Parkhurst addition. $400 below cost. $11 H "n7y . yT . Sr roi bungalow that i.r,-.doWn'.816 P?r month, including in- terest. will buy. Woodlawn 2798, ivj. room modern rnltmr. iTo. aa. ni.. cur two nioi kM Tnll n., tmnn Bd St. ni,.K. j 4 Wld .6 roo,M bungalows, ZAyHS !HJ. 4 iots."aH ri, " " J' w- vans, Newbtfr .ZorkjrimiHntccrt. Woodlawn 1 25 .( iioriiitvick,v A))ly same, C-1827. A DAJs'DY 6 room bungalow, fireplace. iiniunuuu iiuuib, un iiecvseary uuilt work. .cement floor unrt immiiru trays in basement, 3 blocks from Haw thorne car: $300 down, $30 per month. Including Interest. Owner, Tabor 17o BUY FROM OWNEIl . 6 room bungalow, must go at a sac rifice; 1 block to car and school. Im provements all In, nice location; also 6 room house. Call Tabor 4064. $750 JiUYS 8 room modecn houn half block from Irvington car. This place will stand investigation. Balance $2500 $26 per month. Call -288 E. Morrison! Phone E. 607. ' " WAGE EARNER HOME 4 room cottage, 877 East 2th st. Lot 40x100. Prlco $lti00. Liberal termw. U. 8. MORTGAGE & INVESTMENT CO Main- 2418. 512-613 Tfoon Bid?: FOR, KALE 9 room newly remodeled iiuuko, wnn -a acre, Darn, chicken yard, fruit, 3 blocks from depot; price very reasonable; easy terms, J. c Butcher, Clackamas, Or. 1 Only $25 ,Down .$19 Mnnth T'TSdrns and bath, complete plumb- ciccn-ic uxiures. cement basement window shades. Price llfiKfl rmn. walk and everything paid; Sellwood car to it.s i!.iiin ave., a nine nearer than Sellwood. Go look, then call 615 Ablng- S1000 SACRIF1CK 'nn Itnnn For fuw days only. $7000 property for $0000. $1000 cash, balance terms to suit Jncoine $42.60 per month. 42nd & U. 8. MORTGAGE & INVESTMENT CO Main 2418. , 612-513 Yeon Bid. FINELY furnished 4 room "Mii,n bungalow, 2 big lots, berries, flower" fruit trees, fenced, near station, 20 nin Utes' ride, $1600;. $400 cash, bal. 2o mo NEW 7 room bungalow, 5 rooms, bath uriutc, i, B.un)iiiK purcnnii, corner lot r.Aviin 9 hinnif. . ..i.A i . . VVI...V, ... v .. . a. , i.a, I ill H. CA. ' IT In. . XT Save Your Rent If you have $300 to $500 or own your lot I will finan.ee and build your bouse nnu juti an liny mie; uuinrice iiiae'rent. " oVu'it no ceiling Plans free bldg. MmI LAURELHUnsT SIX! room' tii6dernJhouSe!"3''blnckSironr Irvington car; price $2760, $650 cash, balahca 825 bar month, rail ?K 1.' """Bw'i 1.-1, vni'e f idv, aofiv ensn, balance $25 per month. Call 288 E, Mor- rlon. Phone E. 607, ' Ice lots and FOR SALE By owner. nice lots an modern 5 room bungalow on easy terms. Close to 2 carlines. Phone Te nor aii. T NEED mh. Will saerifluetf - room bung. Hawtnorne idiBtrl' Tabor 3573. On Snndy Blvd between 37th and Im. prrlal.' New 6 room, modern, oak floors Price $6000. Terms. . ' V. K, MORTGAGE & INVESTMENT CO Main 2418. 612-513 Yeon Bldar.' $1900 WAVERLY HEIGHTS. ' $200 cushe balance easy: new 5 room modern bungalow lot 40x106, Don't overlook this. See Mr. Bishop, Chapin Hwlow MigtirustjCojasS Chamber or t ommerre. ' " &'N"'WkSL'o between E. '2th and 27tlv Modem 6 room - bungalow, furnace, lot 60x100. Price $4500. Wilfaell fur nlshed If desired. U. S. MORTUAQE & INVESTMENT CO. Main 2418. . 612-513 Yeon Bldg. itnivkhsitVpa Wk 110 down, baL like rent No njoi'tgae'. Maln ui.17..,.. -. .., , ed, 100x100. fenced, $1400. $20 down. 117 11 to 4 dallv. vaa-. W 1 .. 4nAl.. I., a 43 I I- r I . .. i i iiiviiLiijriJiiuiuuQD ii i l. oiiiiin v Btrnnpr tt- t i nn r.ii aAMu x.-.uBn i Brtuimuo. uay near XLiliinfCS '-'"v A OHJtSV UAI.IIHIIRV. I a.Vi K a-Anm aA.... f A At Mffm'i .... L..iiii. ... . a. a e7," "YUT? - tA ioi i t 8 i ' ouiuin Kin-nen, j i ( ou. jjduo caen requirea. ino ag:ents UUAil lUL, UOtlUlHUl VII3W W ft 81 T. KlflA. I li-DAS. .1 fl lim H tiloo" t5rt cash I S ner mo m" "if" 6 RO0M modern bunlagow,. cheap on Lee 62 Cortett blda- P 'E- . "mall payments: 478loselawn ave. IriTfrlf: . A1.taf?'.ti?tA- Own on premise. HWnU.D.U'i"rfeAa & 'Jn .!a: FOR SALE Modern' 7 room house with to come. Phone Tabor 3299... or week days A-6261. F. D. Reynolds. $50 BUYS a 3 room house. 3 blocks to sleeping porch, oak floors, $2950. By u'vuer. r,'.. non DDI car: rood car service. Balanc tunn $10 per month. Call 288 E. Morrison. Phone E. 607. " - FOH BALE 6 and 6 room modern bung- alows; $25 down, balance $25 a month, including interest. ;What moro can you HSk? O. F. Ford & Co.. 309 Ry. Ex. MODERN. Hawthorne bungalow at cost todayUnly; on Sherman, 60 feet west of E. 34th. See owner there today. $10 down, balance is monthly, buys new modern,. house, 868 Princeton st. Will show it today by auto, Main $517. FROM owner, 6 room house, 2 lots, eor ner. 3 blocks Woodlawn car. H7ka terms, inquire am n,ant niara, NEW 6 room bunsralow. 834 ranita ave.. In Overlook; fine view of city; open irom i to a oauy, 6-ROOM, strictly modern bunralow; 'Owner leaving city; sacrifice $3800 for udv; riawtnorne ave. jviain Z76Z. FOR sale by owner, house in Sunny wide. Call East 2899, il300 hoHse, new, 4 rooms, bath, lot 60x 100: Oreffory Helchts. J-710. Journal. 6-ROOM house cheap by owner. S-709, ifUUNIIII, FOB SAX.3S LOTS' 16 TWO Hawthorne ave. buslncws lots, $3000. Csn be hendled with $1800. See Mr. Hunt, Chapln-Herlow Mtg. & SACRIFICE my home for 1660: hous Trust Co., 332 Chamber of Commerce. 1.18 ucres Glen Harbpr, 6o fare. 50x100 PORTLAND Heights view; lot Terms. $1904. $2100.. See Hunt, Chapln-Herlow Mtg, Woodmere. new. modern, fi rnnm ft Trust Co., 332 Chamber of Commerce cottage, 60 or ; 100x100. Unlncum- LOT for sale In Berkeley addition bered., Owner. Tabor 6136. $100, $10 A MONTH, furnished 6 room bungalow: snap. Sea owner. Hlitnn.i ...wwu $100 DOWN, $10 per month, new mod .. em 6' room, bungalow. cio tn cheap, by owner: am Tabor 4008. ' - FOR BALE cheap. , by leaving city. owner, corner - lot "4 , room house, near,. 3, carlines. - I .T-876, Journal. - FOpR room cottage, cneap; easy terms: Cell evenlnirs. Mroaoway car. 100x110 AT BELL statlttff-Oh" (jreHri- um cnriinn,-r-tjiotriv--Trom-it' I7b0; $8 down, $8 monthly. Main 8617. BEAUTIFUL yiew corner lot; ideal building site: graded street: side walks, water, 20 minute car ride, $400, $16 cash, $5 per jtio. . M. E. LEE. 622 Corbett bldg. MT. TABOR SNAP 6(1x100 .East 69th and Morrison. ; $1600 including hard asurface at Best buy on the hill. G. L. Webb. 414 E. Stark st. WOODSTOCK 1-3 acre. $650. on easv ,ermt..A ,ln wm and a living an well. Willamette Investment Co., 40:' vajuw lot, corner. 100x100, on river bank, close to Milwaukle ave., $lino. This is a fine investment. Geo. a Malr. 'J ' K X? ,1 1 1 n .. ,i .. . . .......... wwu .mi".... uALuoiiBc. marenan aoia. FOUR lots, must be sold, 2 blocks from car. Information, phone or write owner-MrsSchultsv-204-N. Jersey at.,- A3(,t efuiiiiD, A LOT, 60x100. best location in Fair port for sale, a bargain and a Barker vibrator for sale cheap. Tabor ion, $1,400 LAURELHUR ST lot, S3t st, one .block to car; $500 cash, balance terms, cheaper lot. 287 E. Falling st FIR LAND lot $860. worth $450; terms $5 monthly. Main 116$. or Tabor 771. ACREAGE 5T 115 ACRES close to Portland; 23 acres In cultivation. S acres of orchard, bal ance very easily cleared; 2 creeks, 1 spring; -well fenced 'room house, big barn, hog pen, chicken house, ware house, etc. Plica onlv ISA n mp. Will take Portland property up to $3750. balance long tlmo. 6 per cent --' SMITH INVESTMENT CO. 90 Fifth street Main 8770 BASELINE ACREAGE BARGAIN. 8500 cash will hnmlla in , ing on road, balance easy payments! 1 mile west of Rock wood; all cultivated; cheap buildings, some fruit and berries; good soil: fine buy. Jacob Haas. Ger- inger bldg. 10 ACRES fine soil mostly cleared, only S miles from station and boat landlno- on Columbia river, 80 miles from Port land; price $850. Easy terms. DORR ' W. KBASBY & CO- 2d Floor Chamber of Commerce Bldg. Small house! groundalFln cultivation. an extra good bargain as owner can not istay on place will sell at the low price of $1750. Call 276 Pine st 600 ACRES grain and stock' land, near station. Dries $12.60: $2000 cash, bal ance 'on or before 10 years, 6 per cent interest. M. H, Lee, 522 Corbett bide OWNER will trade or sell on easy ' terms,- $1000 equity in ace, four room ,iu i, bi.p vnvii .. . i , ii., yj rare, t'lione marsnau vBiiii i BECAUSE I can make $2000 out of $800 I win sen 10 acres adjoining 10 that " sold for 81250 for $800 cash: no agents. can evenings arter p. m, at B-Z378, ABOUT 8 acres, on Germantown road", 1U mllea west of St. John's ferrv; also 4 acres, cor. Cornell and German,- town road, Phone owner, ueiiwood 1263. iivtn ana Proscott I SPECULATE 8S lot, 25x100 each. sto'iu termsi jonnston, yoa spald- liWlTOMft-50 cash1 will buy this ng blrfg. i-f'KnV'an??", "or " Pass FOR SALT? Very cheap, one or two oOd-lots- in Jimesmore. br -owner. louse .and 4 I ierms. intti, journal. f i . i. Wl 111 .loiirnit I 2260. worth $3000: eoorl J? k " e?ui? kVe00 FbrtSALE MrequVty "in "fine piece o wn. 664 H. 6th st.; phone Sell. 1109. residence property on jood et.f witl 0-R79, NB .6-rooni bungalow; $1206eault v I etceilent surroundin itiuo; one-half cash, balance like t.inrt ail ,.ih imv, r.n,n,n n,,,,.. siae.. street, Monisvnia. rvo restric- T-R23, aournab rent. 1 Tabor 4S24 . ; i -' i . - iiiui $50 BUYS 2 room hoiise. halt block from tlpns. Answer q-ulokly, oitgage. WW Cr. balniH-e $300, $6 per tiujni.h.l 60xlo6'; "filim V Call 288 15.7Morrison.. Phone k 607. Hnu Addt rniCTED- RcHiiniont lot. ress owiH'r, P. O. box. 1098. FIVE acres of cultivated land, half mile rrom en. faui, ioo an acre it sold at once. . Phone vvooaiawn 1365, or address Union ave.. No. 6. pOR SALE 10 acres. 6 miles from city .limits; good soil and timber. Price, $1800 Phone E. 2724. . " 82 ACRES, Improved, near Waterloo, v ur., iioubo, ann mi t-ortiann, trade for,-.,, iseri ranch. 7R3 Brooklyn st FOR SALE bv bwtieKlSft" crei tn een. tral Oregon, very cheap; good specula. - Hon. U-821, : Journal. . . 4i ACRE right at Stanley station. wltK " water and sidewalks; $600; terms. ComeQiit nnfl eee, ; - , " FOR SALE Improved,- acreage near : carline. , See owner, 123, 1st ' ave., Lents. Mt. Scott csr ' THREE acres improved, close in, 917007 $700 cash, balance easy. Phone Main ' 8il2t W. Young.' . : " i , ; ...;;;.,,',.-.'." 8 ACRES, mile' east' Milwaukle: price ' ' '. rlglit; no agents. N-805. Joimsl. ' (Continued on Next Pag,) ' fJ M ' t ' r t