! THE OREGON SUNdXV JOURNAL,' PORTLAND; J SUNDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 16, 1913." !. . TV0 TRAMP STEAMERS ENGAGE IN LONG RACE Inverberrie and Harpation Are : ;Comirfg Here From Valpa raiso for Cargoes, Twenty-four hours apart, two bis British tramp axe steaming their way up tha coast, beaded for tbis port And If they Xeep on as they have been going since leaving Valparaiso, one will ba here Monday and 'the other - -Tuesday The -Inverbervie- will .is -due-tomorrow, while the Harpallon Is sched uled to corns Into the Columbia river 44 hours later. ,' The apparent race between the fwo steamers has been watched with in terest by waterfront men here, as they have been making about the same time since leaving Newcastle, Australia, a couple of months ago for the .west coast and later for this port. The Harpallon sailed from Newcastle on September 10 with a coal cargo for Valparaiso and 16 days and 24 hours later the Inverbervie steamed from the same port with a similar carge for the Chilean port. The ratio of time was kept up but beacusei of her larger size and consequent larger cargo, the Harpa llon was longer In discharging so hiat she did not get away on her voyage lo this port until just 24 hoursafter tha Inverbervie. The Inverbervie passed Point Loboa at 4 o'clock on the afternoon of No vember 13 aha the Harpallon was re ported passing Point Conception at 6 o'clock Friday evening. The former steamer is under charter to A. F. Thane A Company to load a cargo of lumber here for Australia and she will probably make another voyage to the west coast with coal after lif-r arrival at the Antipodes, The Harpa llon is the first vessel to 6ome here un der charter to Strauss & Company since they moyed their offices from an, Francisco to this city about four months ago. She will load a full cargj of barley for the United Kingdom. STORM APPEARS ALONG COAST Tug and the Bark Tliistkbank May Bo In Blow. The big storm reported by th local .weather bureau as central near filtka, with an unusually low barometer read ing of 28.80 made the warnings, ordered out at 7 o'clock yesterday morning good, and there is some speculation among mariner here as to how the tug which left Puget sound Friday night with the British bark Thlstlebank in low will fare with the windjammer oo'the end of her hawser. The. Thlstlebank was reported off the Oregon coast on November 3 and four days later she. appeared off the mouth of the Columbia but as no tug appeared to pick her up and a southerly gale sprang up, ishe was carrtea to the north ward and on November 11 put Into Puget sound short of provisions. She was out 122 days fni Buenos Ayres on the day that she was first reported to load a cargo of wheal here for the United Kingdom. As her cargo was awaiting her here and she had no op tion to lORd on Puget sound, she either had to come down here for her cargo or los0 her charter to the Portland Flour ing Mills, which expires on the last day of this month. The tall end of the Sitka storm was felt en the coast In tns district yester day afternoon, when a maximum ve locity of C6 miles from the south was reportod from Tatoosh island, while at North Bend there was a maximum of 62 miles from the southeast. FIRST OP NEW IJXE TO LEAVE Steamer Santa Clara Clears Cargo of I ..timber. With the XV. R. Grace line to take on cargo here for South America and New York, via the straits of Magellan, but it has been announced that sne will be fol lowed by tha other steamers of the line which are hqr sister .mips. She will proceed from here to San Francisco to complete her cargo. The Santa Clara cleared at the custom house here yesterday afternoon with 734,000 feet of lumber, valued at $8,632, and 600,000 lath, worth $975, and six spar timbers, .valued at $300, for New York. Also she has 414,000 feet of lum ber, valued at $45,654 for Antofagasta, and 892,000 feet of lumber, worth $4474 for Valparaiso. The next steamer of the line to come here, will be the Santa Catalina, which was recently launched at eastern ship yards, and is now On ner way from New 1'ork to the North Pacific-coast. TANKER DISCHARGES CREOSOTE Luz Blanca Will Remain in Coast Oil Trade. It Is expected thai the British tank steamship Lux Blanca, which arrived at St. Helens yesterday morning to dis charge creosote from Europe, will get away this afternoon. ISha has riot been discharging the creosote as fast as was expected because during the long voyage around from Newcastle, England, via the straits of Magellan, the sediment in the oil settled to the bottom of the tanks and because of Its thickness had to be" stirred up before It could be pumped. She will proceed from here to San Francisco to have oil burners In stalled and then ply between the Golden Gate and the west coast In the oil trade. MARINE KIOTES Aatnrla. Nov. IB. Arrived at R a. ra. Steamer Geo. W. Kenwlck. from Ran Pedro; at 8:80 a. m. Barketlne IrmKard, from Hono lulu. Sailed at 12:30 p. in. British ablp W Militate, for Ipawlch; at 1:8( p. m. Steamer Navajo, for San Franciaeo.: Sailed at 8 p. m. Steamer Cricket, for San Pedro! at 3:.TO p. m. British ablp Lord Tampletoii, for Sydney. San Kranclaco. Nov. 15. Arrived at 6 a. m. Steamer Yucatan, from Portlnnd. Bandon, Nov. 14. Arrived Oasoline schooner Tillamook, from Portland. Ban Padro, Nov. 14. Arrived Steamer Wll lapa, from Columbia rlrer. '- Port Townsand, Nov. 14 Sailed British . bark Tblatlebank ln tow, for Portlaud. Polpt Conception, Nov. 14. l'ased at 4 p. m. British steamer Harpallon, from Val ; paralso, I for Portland. Honoluln, Nov. 14. Sailed British steamer ' Eccleala, from Portland, for Adelulrtc, Tides at Aatnrla Sunday. Hlh water, 2:47 a. mM 6.T feet; 1:43 p, m.. 9,1 X-et. lniv water, f:6t p. in.. 4.0 feet; MJ p. Sr., o. fool. . j Society at Condon, f Condon, Or., Nov. '15, Tho banquot and dance whlctj in givcrt each year by the Condon Elks in honor of the Hepp ner Elks will be held November 81; This Is considered one- of the big events of the year, socially. .SdVlto': Better in Jan. rtoschurg, . Or., Nov. lo.Kber Saw yers today pleaded guilty to a rhargo of beating his wife, and "was sentenced, to IS days ln-the Bounty jail.',,;: f'it, COLUMBIA RIVER VVlinn uha ahlffa, .1.. I . . - . 1 1 1 ' J . 1. . ... , . .. . noon today, the American steamer Santa '."VTvlcJoX .e T"? Clara Captain Ctosslev will aton at h. H. V. Bendlxaen, Am. acta Anukinl farm land ,r" "e countries I visited l-nlon nIP hiJ 1 .P,t;i AmJ". Aul- e" Valparalao to those in- our own state. For ex- 1 11n.-0iLd,C.LtlWLlib.rl.dg! '!? en: "fifrfr,..?:- ! V.lp.r...o ample I tried to get figures .on the HAS MUCH FROGHT IN SIGHT FOR STEAMSHIPS; Captain . Chilcott ..Reports to . Committee of Rotary Club, The steamShin. committee Of the Ro tary club met with Captain ttlchard Chilcott and F. K. Beach et the Commeri cial club yesterday. Further, plana, fori aiding the campaign 'to raise $100,000 bonus for a Portland-New York steam- ship line were discussed, . ' Captain Chilcott said that the Inter-1 ests planning investment In case the 1 bowus-ia- raised in - Portland wilt- pot 1,000,000 into the plan, and themselves will furnish S75.W0 to $100,000 annual ly in freight of a kind never before! brought to the Pacific coast. Captain Chilcott reported 18 subscrip tions or $1000 each, and others In strong prospect. His proposition Is to build five ships of 4000 tons burden each In this district, a subscription of $1000 be ing paid m.t the rate of $200 as each of I the five ships Is launched. The project has "been endorsed by the Chamber of I Commerce, and the Chamber of Com merce's service, so far has .been to change the subscription blanks so that subscriptions are made payable to the Chamber rather than to Captain Chilcott MAfttMt TXTKLLIUENC B Dm to Arrive. Rolrelr, from h orient Nnr. IS Breakwater, from Cooa Bar Not. 16 Klamath, from Sn Kranclseo Not. IS Daisy Putnam, from Ban Francisco Not. 16 Cauilno, from San rranclsco Not. 17 Kose City, from U Anselea Not. If Alliance, from Eureka Not. 21 Yucatan, from Man Pedro ana war Not. 23 Bearer, from San Franciaeo Not. 23 Bear, from Loe Anfeles... Not. 23 Andalusia, tram burou a do orient rue. 4 Vennacben, from Japan Dee. 3 Den of Alrlle, from Europe and way.... Dec. 26 BHhoula, (mm Kurope and orient Dec. ai Mprlonetbablre. from Kurone and orient.. Jan. 1.1 Merionethshire. -from Europe and orient. .Jan. 19 (Slenrnr. from Enrone and orient ITrt. IS Cardiganshire, from Euroue and orient March 16 Belgrade, from Europe and orient...... Feb. 22 Bearer, from Baa Pedro. . indefinite Im- to TJanart. n. t m.mi. tnr r..r,m. .a -i-t m alliance, for Eureka Soy. 16 Andalusia, for orient and Karoos Dec. If Bear, for San Francisco NOT. 17 Breakwater, for Cooa Bay Roanoke, for Ban Diego (.'amino, for San Franciaeo Itoae City, for Sun Franciaeo Yucatan, for San Diego and way Sue 11. Elmire, for Tillamook .. . .Not. 18 ....Not. 1ft Not. 20 Not. 22 V.w ,, Not. M instsjo, ior can rranciaco ...Not. 28 l'n or alrlle, for lui-uik- and orient .... Uec. Hi Meronethshlre. for Eurone and orient!'.' 24 Ulenmy. for orient aud Europe Feb. 21 PfiFravia. ror orient and Europe Feb. Z7 fardluun.blre, for orient and Europe. .March 21 xraacisoo. n . i. . . ..... . leaTe San Franciaeo tor rn Ulego on Mondaaa, Wednesdays, tridara ana aturaara. conuectlni T ,l7,'"'r ro". -o"imi. r.oriooouDa. me 8aturdaya and Sundays. ' ' Vaaaala ia Port. I'uako, Am. bktn I., o. kuriie, Am. bk St. Nkhulua, Am. ablp Berlin. Am. ablu I. '. Astoria .Gobi Ueuca, Am. ah Aaturla Geo. E. Hillings, Am. ach Weatport tv. a, amitu, Am. sen I'ortlaod Lbr. Co Ernest LtKouie, Fr. bk .....Mersey British Yeoman. Br. bk.. t'reaaoott w. h. xaiiKit. Am. ach North Pacific Werner Vimieu. Ger. bark Oceanic Beuluh. Am. ach St. Helena riiueuiua, nr. UK .Norm Hunk Orotsva. t3er. Ik Llnntou St. Helen's, Am. ss. St. Helen. (ialgate. lir. bk Jlui Duller, Am, aa. Patsy, gas sih KcKiirn, Br, suln .., tiiMMRlna, Am. bktn. u ... . , ., Lluuton St. Helens Columbia No. 1 Coal dock vveat bide Lbr. Co. Santa Clam. Alii, as Alliance, Am. sa Nortulnnd, Am. aa ico. W. Onvrlrk. Am. aa lrniKiird, Aui. bkm Lux Blunce, Br. aa Alnawortb Inman-I'oulaen Martins O. N. O. . .Couch .AHtorla I oi. iieieua fca aouia ts td Luaiser. Name Ballad From aiaruorougn uui, unaa. os.. Slam. Dun. aa Karon Napier, Br. at Howth. Br. bk Callae I ..'otarn Newcastle, Eng. I Koko Head. Am. bktn. anioragaata I Ktrulbalbru. I).-; aa Honolulu Druniaiulr, Br. ah 8an Francisco Uoldbck, Ger. ah ganta lloaalla June U Stabford. Am. bktn.... Mollllone . . Vancouver I SV:::::::::::::S Inverbervie, Br. as....... Vntnaratsn I Hurpalivu, Br. sa Valparaiso I a Route te Lwl Oram. Kama Asgrrd, Nor. ah... Clyde, Nor. ablp Crocodile. Br. bark Inveravon, Br. bark Inverurie, Br. bk Tainon Maru, Jap. aa. ....... Kaaaal, Belg. ship..... Langdale. Br. ship..... I.jnton, Br. bark oauro rron. I ' nail., i .cause I Callaa I .Bueno. Ayrei ban rranciaco I ...tUarbur ?"'' .at. Kjaalla i uiiaueiui., oi. uii. .................. .auaa I ThUtiebank, Br. bark Butnoa Ayrea I Philadelphia, Br. fhlp. "" Mam ... unat Asumaaan Maru. Jan. aa Sia (rinolmi Crown of Arraaon. Br. sa San rrancl .Mabel Gale. Am. acb Saa franciaeo ItiaoallsMous En Route. Buenaventura, Br. aa Victoria I Crown ot Arragan, Br. aa. ....... .San Francisco Craigball. Br. ss... , Yokohama bllaenore, British oil tanker.. Amsterdam I ALONG THE WATERFRONT T J - steamer Randolph sailed for the Rogue river at 6 o ciock this morning. nun uci iici cniitu lur sail r rani-isco, lho aicuiucf ivunmana, cap- tain Bodge, will shift today from tha Couch street dock to the' 0. A C. dock, ssne win ioaa a aecmirau oi lumDer aown I me river. Carryine- Dnssencers and renarat freight, the steamer Alliance, Captain I Lofstedt, Is scheduled to sail at 6 to I night for Coos Bay and' Eureka. I a Liaaen wun cargo Tor me urient ana ... - . . . . . i Kurope, the Royal Mail steamer. Den of Glamis, Captain Low, sailed at 1 o'clock v.tordnv sfternnnn The steamer Breakwater, Captain - - . - - . Macgenn, will.be. due to arrive at Alnsr worth dock this afternoon, from Coos eral frehrht " ComlnJ from San Diego. San Pedro and SanVranclsco, the steamer Roanoke a . . J M I will be due to arrive tonight at Martin's dock with passengers and frielght, . TIME BALTj The time ball, located on the mietnm honae, I rYdTaneUtn'2!,r ' "" " """I Hag Grand Partyi Dies. ' Scuttle. Wash.. Nov. IS. Af tersoend-1 ing the liuO he is alleged to have stolen I from the quartermaster's department at I Presidio, Ban Frsnclaco, Cal., October I Sl lasi, eergeani wiuis a.' corps, rying out ino inienuun io nave one last I 'good time," and -then end hla life, la at I the publlo morgue today, baying taken a large dose of cyanide of potassiums - i ; m, 1 I ri, ' ' I . ; Logging Camps Close. Hood, River., Or., Nov. ' 15.The log-1 her fonmanv at firenn Point i.nv. down for the season, The company has Slicricient, ; logs op nana 10 trun . until I snow files whon the ntlrt plant will tu I r mes wnon tne nurt plant will bu I ik- for tue,wlnlr.;: xy.-iJ oioaiea YOUTH MAKING MONEY , IN RAISING GUINEA PIGS. ' jsi ml rf y ' w vv yy v ' x w Maurice Mann, and few 1 When it comes to hystricomorphoua rodents, scientifically SDeaklnsr. or to be -urelr iooloe-lc.1 nvl.. - to a-.t down f . . . ' nl' real united states, guinea pigs, 1 young Maurice Mann, the 13-year-old I son of John M. Mann, printer, of 369 I P.at Minh t-A. 4 . .MihaWlu h r" ... 1" 7: " ' 1V . L' J7: oesi lmormea person as io meir nanus ana uieir nreeaing worm in tns wnoie northwest i , I luuiig xaaunce nas oeen raising guinea nigs for the market and for I ,. r,, fn. th. ...or. a lar" POrUon f his father's ranch near Oresham Is devoted solely to the breed- mg or the little animals. He has nearly everv known Variety, and takes a ireat ... ,i. 111 Q1.UU11 1IIK I Mi 1 ft III r I I J B M.I1I1 lull u a. . -. .. i i i j J tnn interbreeding. The noy has some I suu or tne sensitive animals so lareplv use(1 for experimental purposes. 7 oneer Breeder, He is the pioneer nig breeder of the Berth, city and has gained an 'enviable repu . tation in this line of endeavor that ex- tends far outside the confines of this I state. He knows the habits, characteristics and idiosyncrasies (if a guinea pig has any) of the little fellows, forward and backward. "The Angora makes the DeBt pet," said Maurice, when visited re- I cently. "They sometimes grow to be Rrincipcvlly about Pftnp1p I confined my trip this year to Holland, France and Spain," said Arthur M. Churchill of the Chamber of Commerce building, who returned to tflA n 1 V vAlrHnv of),, a fii), v. n V. l-' aD8ence, "Most of my vacation was spent in. Europe, although I spent some time on business in the east. "l was several weeks In the chateau country of Normandy going from there to spam. I was particularly in- i . , . pr,CB, or aalr ,anas ln 110,ana as con- Pared to similar lands In Tillamook county. In .Frj.me I cade comparison ur VrVt for oi course France Is not an anDle ralslnir country. I made similar Investigation!! Mtf Spain. inh. r.r . . . 'o ireci j l m sruiiieii a islw wn rn s.nin. T .n- .ui.. j .... . . weoKs ago In the senate w forcthlv lmn-A.BA.l ,,.n . . tTo u , reiurn u.iv uu u. unarner, sailing mio Boston. About half over steward erased bv drink iumned overboard one dav. wirl a hnat'a rran , , . - - wa orarl to lower a lifeboat ln an anempi .10 rescue him. Here the pro- vlilnn n h t. rn... a., , ... .u" " "i1"1" UI" "quiring , p.r cenl or ln rr,w muBt Bpeaa. me language or the officers was forcibly demonstrated. The sailor in charge of one of the ropes letting the boat down nn.r.nii,. .ia t utanA - . , . . n. nvy "i. .i'Ki)n, lie oegan 10 lower faster than the man at the other davit, and definite nil th nril.rs r """I", BUI" snouted at him K.. u . m mi hng. The rest of tho boat s csew were compelled to hanir on tho n ne Hie. anu IWO men Wfr I'h.l Doara, one helng cut In "two by the propellor of the ship. We had a ship's company of 2300 people and adequate iimooais. i never saw so mnnv Ufp m im-i. i ne uccks wore so crowded with lifeboats that little room for anything olse. Judging l9 attempt to launch that one . .at ,n a "mooth sea, I shudder to ininir n n , n. ,u. i i ' ""b1"- "tve, nappenea in r "veniuro to tne steamer ?e.r8elf' Dr' J' p- Bpl1 "f"1 family of were fellow nnsnnnr. mo reiurn voyage. "Astoria ts getting rcadv for a ran. I I at ATI r ay rW nrt Vi 4 a t a dCClare1 - W" RoDrt district freight Wner .gent of the O.-W. R. & N; who came In from Astoria today for faa-vniia I 11 UCU Hfl H M (1 R Iff nnfla .i.'"" m enerD1 ornciais. ve are nuiiding the big seawall, new opens, gening ready for a new T. M. C. a - bu ldlng, and new mills, all ln readi ness for what our people believe will be prosperous times when the canal Is open. "T "UW antwunceSnent oi jamen j. nui mat lie would make Astoria the home port for his new steamsnip line ereated great excitement. Astoria Bees in mat nnnouncement an indication that the Hill Interests will help promote the Columbia bar Improve car-lment nrolecls." a Ous' Kuhn, president' Co lifl Thur-dlv n aht for . ?v t TI,ur,(,ay, n,'1 f,0r of the l.Ion vimK" niiu iiiq aumv vii a. luur wtCA combined business and pleasure trip. e ... Oregon' trophy, symbol of her snperl- orlty.over all other regions. In dry. farm ,n exploit", was sent on Its way to wnicago laaii nutni, wnere ii win occupy a: prominent place In' the Oregon exhibit a: prominent nine in tne tiregon exnihit at,5the land sho.w--.ji The ''trophy, a Hyer of his pet guinea pigs. very large, weighing aa much as two or three pounds. The Abysslnlana are toe wild for pets for the most part, yet I have one that is tamed down fine." Saying this the boy let a long white haired "pig" with Its hair formed into rosettes climb around hie ahoulder. "Experience has taught me that the smooth haired ones are the best for experimental purposes; the others for pets." rinds BasuMss Profitable. "I keep a dozen or more at home for my particular pets, ones that I have had a long time. The average life of the guinea pig is three years and I know Just how old each one Is. The cavles breed twice and perhaps three times a year, and sometimes raise aa many as five little ones to the litter, but usually no more Ulan three. "I understand a plan is on foot td use guinea pigs for food. I hope they do although' I don't believe I could eat one. They are eaten In Brazil, how ever."' Maurice has found guinea pig raising both interesting and profitable and hla reputation as a breeder extends as far east as Omaha. The youngster is at tending school in the city now, but manages to slip out to the farm two or three times a week to see how hla charges are getting along. cup of great size and value, was brought back from Tulsa, Okla., by Tillman Reu ter, who arranged the display and con tributed much of It from his own dem onstration farm near Madras. Mr. Reu ter went to Salem Friday to confer with Governor West on Oregon's part in the Ban Francisco exposition and went to his farm last evening to take up the work he let drop when he went to Oklahoma as the state's representative. Charles F. Sanger, for the past 12 years connected with the firm of Buf fura & Pendleton of this city, is seri ously 111' with pneumonia at his resi dence, 926 'East Taylor street. Mr. Sanger caught a severe cold while on a fishing trip near Kelso, Wash,, last Sunday, which later developed into pneu monia. He In said to be in a serious condition and was delirious yesterday. Members Of the local lodge B. P. O. Elks, of which Mr. Sanger is a member, have offered their services ln assisting ln nursing. Dorsey B. Smith has returned from Chicago with the newe that J. D. Mc Donald, general passenger agent of ele Grand Trunk railroad, would visit Port land sometime this winter on his first real trip over the northwest. The offi cial has been In this territory once or twice, but only with parties of other railroad men, which made It impossible to do Justice to any loca.ity. The forth coming trip Is planned to be compre hensive enough to give the official an idea of the difference between the Pa cific coast and the Interior. O, I,. Blair, general manager of the San Francisco A Portland Steamship company,, is a guest at the Multno mah. Mr, Blair says he likes Port land climate so well that he always remains here a week or mors at each visit. R. B. Morrison, a manufacturer f New York, and wife, are at the Mult nomah. , Pcan of Women, Arabella Austin, is chaperoning a party of 49 women stu dents from the Unnersltyof Washing ton, who are registered a't the Mult nomah. ''' Harry K. Moore, city ticket agent of the O. & W. at Seattle, is at the Mult nomah. W. A. Gellatly, sheriff of Benton county, is a guest at the Perkins from Corvallls. Henry Korn. a realty dealer of Eu gene, ts stopping at. tho Perkins. D. B. Thomas, a merchant of New berg, Is registered at the Perkins. J. II. Foster, a book man of Dallas, Is stopping at the Perkins. E. K. Harrison, a merchant of Beat- tie, and wife, are at the Imperial. F. D. Small, a merchant of Tilla mook, and wife, are guests at the Im perial. F. W, Gregory, a merchant of Yaaoo, and wife, are at ha Imperial. Judge W, I.. Bradshaw of The Dalles Is registered at the Imperial. J. J. Sullivan, assistant U. S. attor ney of Seattle, ia at the Oregon. George H. . Graves, ' a merchant of Salem." Is a. guest at the Oregon. G. X Lex, a manufacturer of Cln clnnati, la registered at the Oregon. " Tom Ko'lan, a merchant of , Corvallls, Is stopping at the Oregon. ' Hi A. Compton at St. Louis, la rerls- Ptered at the Nortonia. ' (: . . O.;, H.' Patterson and wlf of Salem are guests at . the Nortonia. V ' ' , ; J. Deek of Tremont. .Q., IsnrcgiBtered tt the Cornelius. ' ' , at the Oornellua. ,: i .... ', v i '. Miss limma ' Travis'; ahd 'Mrs; ' Bamindsen -ef Eugene, are at - the Nortonia . a Mrs. James Clay, Mlss'B, Darch snd Earl F. Moorf of Ooldendale, are guests at the Cornelius. , " Mrs. O. V. West, and Mabel O. West are registered at the Portland from Monmouth. Louis Laehmund and Josenh Harris of Salem, are stopping at the Portland notei. - B. H. 'Shepard, a prominent orchard 1st of Hood Rlvfcr, Is at thotPortland. Miller Freeman, a publisher of Beat tie,' with Mrs. .Freeman, Is registered at the Portland. E DEMANDED BY LENTS Si , Company . Asked ....Shorten Running Time by Elim inating Stops, Lents, Nov. IS. An important spe cial meeting of the Lents Commercial club has been called for 8 p. -m. Friday in eewara s hall, at which the club will receive the report of a committee appointed to Investigate the car service given Lents residents. Demands will be made upon the street car company for a shortening of running time by elim inating stops on Hawthorne avenue be- tween East Fiftieth street and Grand avenue, as well as for cars containing cross seats, In place of the present benches running the Jength of the car. Other Important matters to be taken up are a definite selection of the site for a new library; the plan submitted by the city engineer's office, for . the approval of the club, for renaming and renumbering the streets of the entire dlstrlot. Including Lents, annexed t the city July 1, and a decision as to whether the olty or Lents residents shall settle with the Portland Railway. Light and AUCTIONS 168-168 PARK STREET We have received the very costl furnishings Trom private residence in the Hawthorne Nob Hill district. Theso costly pieces of furniture were pur chased from the very select stocks of the J. Q. Mack Co., and will be sold a. auction ON TUESDAY NEXT Comprising overstuffed davenport i iapesiry coverings, large easy chat mahogany arm rocker In suit.' I art easy chair in English Morocco leather, student's chair in Spanisrr roavR-teather, genuine manogany library and parlo muies, ladles' work table, inlaid toi aim bouu manogany. Turned oak couci with loose leather cushions, best aunl Ity Wilton rug, slz 11.3x15; large hal mirror, hall rugs in blue Wilton, vel vei siair carpet, pictures, curtains, 64 Inch top Hastings pedestal dining ta ble 10 feet long, set of leather sea mning chairs, buffet, all ln quarter onweu can. glassware. silverware Brussels rugs, very massive brass bed cost 4125; best steel springs and mat tresses, down pillows, mahogany colo nlal style dresser with larcn m(rrrr dressing table and chair; also ladles1 dressing taoie wun mirror size 24 60 Inches: blue body Brussels rmra nev. eral small rugs. Iron beds. sDrlngs and manresses. pillows, bedding. birds' eye maple dresser, electric teaketll ana iry pan, eiecino vlorator, gas anairons, rire screen, etc Also we have received from Irvlngton residence me complete rurnishings ol eight room residence follows- pQ1- lor rockers and tables, dining room nunc, ueuruom lurnuure, Axmlnlster rugs, Brussels carpets, regulator clock, aieei range, gas plate, etc. AUCTIONEERS' NOTE WE WISH TO CALL THE ATTEN TION OF PF.OPT.K rRSlRT7j: vt-R NITURE OF THE HIGHEST OtIAL ITY TO THIS SALE. THESE GOODS WERE PURCHASED FROM THE .1 MACK CO. AND ARE WELL WORTHY" ur iuuk (XUSKST INSPECTION ON VIKW TOMORROW ACCTION ON TCESDAY NEXT AT JU U IkUtK. ON THURSDAY NEXT AVe shall have another good consign ment of household ftirnltuore. Also we shall sell for a millfner who neeos caBn anout HO trimmed hats suit- aoie ior winter. BAI.K WIi,I, START WITH THE nun Al 1U UtLUtK, W. C. BAKER AND C. A. CROWEI.L. rurnuur ueaiers ana Auctioneers 168-168 Park street. Auction Sale Extraordinary Monday, Nov. 17, 10 a. iji. RAIN OH SHINE. 349 61st lia.st. Take Hawthorne car We will sell without reserve the en tire 1'urnlBhinas of the six ronm hmi.. consisting of a beautiful Strauss & Sons' cabinet mahogany piano and bench, also very find mahocanv ?hlffVntr -. n.i dressers, Flemish oak rockers, leat.ier uiruuiBierea; one large leather Turkish rocke- 2 beautiful braHg beds with silk floss matreases, 1 Vernis Martin bed and -child's crib, with good springs and nialtrcsK, 9 large Axmtnster ami velvet rugs, heating stove, gas range, electric lamp, aud many high class articles not lntMiiioncu. Remember the date and place, Mon day, Nov. 17, 349 East 61st st. SPECIAL NOTICE The piano will b sol! to the highest bidder on the following terms: Small meni aown, Daiance monthly. BELL AUCTION CO.' J. A .Uearow, Auctioneer. Tuesdays and Saturdays or each week we will sell at public suction all kinds of household goods. You will do well to see us before buying r aiuves, rniiKiB, gas neater, etc. in fact, we can save you money on any thing that Ih used In the house or offioe. rnone Aiarsnau ;j. , BELL AUCTION CO. 11 Seoond St. ' J. A. Mearow, Auctioneer. Bankrupt Furniture You must see this stook tofeallse th unequaled values. If yu don't buy here we both lose. Bankrupt Furniture House 44 WASHINGTON. CHARLES W. ISCHER . AUCTIONEER Farm Sales N Merchandise Bale ; Besldehce Salts . , , t- . , , omr FOl ni first st rx OPEN FOB BATES.- rXOKB KAUr 8931. BETTER CAR SERVfC Power-company -for Lents street light ing from Jul J "to November 1, since the annexation to the city. A full attend ance at th meeting la earnestly desired Journal Want Ads bring result. AUCTIONS T AT Vilson's Auction House 166-8 PIBST STREET. (Near Morrison St) BEGULAB 8AX.XSDATS Mntirl9 v W-. Ja J ' J " w7 SACK DAT AT 10 A. M. Oeaeral asortmant ef household far- w, VM,.V liwiuuiu. m lunar isuic., chairs, rockers, couches, iron beds, springs ana mattresses, pillows r. bed-1 iiaflsV rung, aressers, commodes, ward household treasures. kitchen steel ranges, carpets, matting', rug-s, etc., for sale for what they will bring. For Private Sale A OOHFLETl ASSORTMENT OF FIRS T-CLA8S FURNITURE, CAR PETS, BUOB, &AXOES, ETC., AI.SO J Office Furnishings. including BOLL and FLAT-TOP DESKS, WHICH WE BELL AT PRI VATE SALE. Wilson's Bankrupt Stock Store CORNER SECOND AND YAMHILL, the place to bay your GROCERIES, MISCELLANEOUS HARDWARE, CROCKERY, GENTS' FXJRNI3HiafGS, STATIONERY, ETC., ETC. Also Store Fixtures SHOWCASES. SCALES. CASH REGIS TERS. SAFES, ETC., AT COST AND LESS. Preliminary Notice Ten Carloads of Unclaimed Freight WUl be Sold by the Oregon Auto Dispatch At Their Warehouse N. W. Cor. 13th and Kearney Sts. Sale Commencing on Monday, Nov. 24, at 2 p. m. Including Automobiles, Machinery and Merchandise of all descriptions. PIAVOS. House hold Furniture and other Effects. Pull particulars ln Host Sunday papers. J. T. WILSON. Auctioneer. Cash paid for Furniture, stock of Merchandise, etc. Main 1038. A-4243. Auction Sale Monday, 2 P. M. 211 FIRST STREET For this sale you will find, some very fine pieces of furniture removed from Rose City Park to our salesroom for convenience of sale. Following; is a par tial list: Fine bed davenport, upholstered In genuine Spanish leather; aW full leath er upholstered sprlna- rocker; rocker and arm chair in oak frame, with leather seat and back: several trood wood rock ers, library table, 2-piece parlor set' in mahogany-flnlsh frame, heavy metal beds. large oak dresser, chiffonier, chairs, tables, bedding, comforts, steel range, tables, and numerous other Items. We also have for this sale one large Victor phonograph, with wooden horn and 10 double records, 1 Edison phono graph with several records, 1 typewriter, 6 raincoats. FORD AUCTION CO. We Sell Again on Wednesday and Friday at 2 p. m. Each Day Toil will always find Dlentv of barealna at these sales. Furniture If you don't buy here we both lose. Bankrupt Furniture House . 449 WASHIirGrTOjr. NEW TODAY 195 ACRES 195 Acres, only SO miles from Port land. Finest noil In the state. 150 acres under plow. SO acres bottom land. 45 acrea oak timber. 2 creeks. 1 snrlnc. AH woven wire fenced and cross fenced. Several acres young fruit-trees. 8-room House ( builolng), hnrn. etc. Price for this week only (113,000). Terms. cash, balance long time. This place is. easily worth 920,000. SMITH INVESTMENT , CO. 90 rif tb St. Main 8770. $750 HOUSE AND LOT Small payments, ensy terms. Low taxes, small lnti-rest payments, no lncum-hrnni-e. A Ixmin yon can afford to own, in Rood residence district. Near Al car service. House Is now, lot 60x100. Bull Run water. an. illumes, etc. See this Sunday. Tnke Komp City Park car to 72d st. Our tract office. GBEGORY INVESTMENT COMPAJfT, via uvrpin aiag. EAST SIDE Factory or Warehouse BITE Trackage on Two Trans-Continental Lines. Will Sell or Lease. BAEOAX6T. U. S. MORTGAGE AND IN- VESTMENT CO. Kabr-2418. ' 812-513 Teoa Bid, Large Factory or Mill Site Located between deep water and Com- petlng rail lines. Short distance south of the furniture factory, in South, fort land. Price, $126 per front foot. - THE SHAW-FEAR CO. Main 39 103 ronrth St. A-3S0O TO LEASE Across the htreet From the Korth Bank Depot. LONG TERM ' TI HHItTH 11 wm m ItTn ' 'I KalB l&tl. "609 Moltay Bldtf. Bankrupt XKW TOlAY- ale 85 ACRES, very fertile land, lcs than 3 miles from station on itlectruj linr, within 30 miles of Portland About M ; acres in cultivation; has bearing feu it trees drappjes cherries, pears, plum. Several hemses. barns, stible. etc. Land -lies .along county road; and U jgood for any 'purposefruit, dairy, or (general farming It' a bargain t r; fa per acre. ?ztioo cash, balance o per cent. . . ; L 199 ACRES of hilHand bench land; j 20 acres open, balance nearly alt good I arable land; 3 miles from Woodland station, 29 miles from Portland r nine trains each wav everv ' dav. Land partly fenced, no buildings; a iprinj; nearigbest partrwiirnrakerrror)a . . . , . stock farm or fruit; easily cleared, at it is mostly iri second growth fir, alder an( w'' cherry, very few stumps Price $35 per acre; half cash, bal ance on time. - l A.E.B0RTHWICK 306 CHAMBER OF COMMERCE Unli mite d. watr f-or Ir rigating and electric light and power tot ranches, direct fro til new simple machine operating auto ma t i c a I- ! y, lowest c o s tj "n o" d i J v or gasoline, demand already immense. Busi ness man who can in : vest $5000, upward)- wanted to handle H n a n c i a 1 Journal. end. C-7 79, BEG TO ANNOUNCE OPENING Of our &eal Estate Department. If you have property for sale or ex change list it with us. Property of Merit only win De considered. , McKENZIE&CO. 61S Oerling-er BUUr., Main 9801. " Mortgage Loans 6 to 7 Per Cent H. E. MOONEY Maui 310. Boom 421 TaiUur Blagv CITY AND FARM LOANS 11000 and up at lowest rate.-':;' C. M. ZADOW 4 414 Oorbett Bids;. A-1416. Marshall IS. FEAREY BROS,; We Buy Notes 1 U Salmon St Main IS. A-17T1 REAL ESTATE .TRAMSFKIta Anna J. Gatzka to Fanlne Chin et si, sooth H lot 10, Parkview Annri .... 1.1500 Uarla E. Mils to H. O. Etley ft si, loU 1 and 6. bloi-k . Wei's addition IMP CEKY1 1-ICA'l r.b ot IH1 niuUa t lim Trust Co.. f.ewls hide . 4th and Oak. CLASSIFIED AI RATES , 1 " In affeot Oct. i. 1818. P ILL PHKV10U8 HATK8 CANCEtLtB -. ... CHAHGED AUVEBTISiiMINIH , v. m Dally or Sunday. :, 'f , 1 - - . .... .. s " This charge Is for all classifications exep f Ins "ICor Bent Id -Private Family," "Romai n-l ; Board la frlvats ramllr," "tiltuatloe WanUd"! and "Wanted-to Kent'' ads, wbIcb are cents per word per Insertion. 'fw I No ad charged for last than 15 rents. I CASH ADVSKT18KMBNTS ! I IH eenta per word (or all claailtlcatfcma (-! eeptlDg 'IPor Bent In trivate Famll,M "Boeni! and Board ln PrlTate Kaanlly," "BltuaUoo Wanted'' and "Wanted te bent" da, waka am, 1V4 cents per word. v I Threa Insertions for the price of twe. : I Keren Insertions for tba price of five. ' . I No ad taken for lesa than 15 cants. ' f UNCALLED FOR ANSWERS i Answers to adrertlaenients barlnc the fol-i lowlnc addreaaes mar be bad at TM Journal; of nee by tnoae presenting tickets far the saaMt A 807. 1. B 582. 8; 66T, It TOO, 1; 606. 1: T06. 1. C-478. 1; 701. U 100. li til, U 73l ts eoe, i. - D-0B2. S; 8!. S; 6M. 1 Toe, 1 . -jr. E-426. 1; 480, 1; 427. li 40 1) M4 Is 681, 1; 686, 11. r-833. 1: 887. It 880, li 574, St 433, 1; 819. li 688, l; 470. li 884, Si 1 680. fit, 1. , . 0434. 1; 685, li 457, li 647. li 894. I. B-418, li 19S, 1; 804. 1; 80S, 1 IS, li 6S3. I; 614, 1; 612, 1; 868, 1. - J-581. 1: 818, li 81T, li 078, 1 188. t; ffli, 8; 674, li 661, 4; 807, li 80S, li AOS, Si S74, 1; 875. li 864, 8; 601, 1. ,!u K 869, 1. L-SOS. 1; 861. li 804. Is 888, ll 80S, lj BW, 1: 687. 1: 63ft. 1: 806. 2: 836. ll 884. It 807. 2; 810, 2; 881, li 816, '. 808, 15. , M-842, 1; 454. li 476. 1: 481, It 467. lj 468) li 477. 1; 728, 2: 718, i 600, It 6W9, t O S53, li 384. li WO, li 620, 1; 6S4. 2) fctt. 2; m. li 617, 1. . . P 329, 1; 849, li 809. Is 888. It 177, If 350, 2; 400. 2: 451, 2; 442. 1; 20. It 44IL U K 108. 1; 461, li 643, li 886, 1; 484, L 8806. 11; 665, 1; 666. Is tWT, li 668, ll M.I. 1: 066. 1; 648. 8( 649, li 6U0, li 0, li 806, 10. ' - ai I t ibO, 2; 644, 2; 748. ll 668, l.t t. 1 680. 1; 62. 1; 824, 2; 440, IS 614 (i 681. 2, V-raSS, 1; 626, li 663, li 871, 1 675, 1 S77. 1; 871. 1; 461, 1; Bill, 2; 687. li 844, li 4M. 1; 841, 1 619, lj 679, 1. , Vf-S12,li 661,. 2) 640, li 601, li 49T, It 499, 1 608, 1; 66, 1; 5114, Is 665, li 621. 1; 484. 1; 487, 2; 4tiH. ; 47a. 6; 488. 1; 41)7, 1; 613,. 1; 622, 1; 626, Is 638, li 659, li 805, li ,127, li 428, 2. . .. X 100. is R80. Is 882, 1 B21, lj I7V U 3, 1; 613. 10. . p ' V--604. I; 432. I; 808. 11 842. ll 708, t) 686, 1; 4S1. Is 804. 2; 809, Si 804, Is 674, I. Z 19S. 1. '' - ' ' -' ' if vaur nam appears in Qtither - phone book ri 5:an teiepuwne your M A IMl and have tt ehargtl Hills wlll niali.a i . vou ins imiasma c, i V for payment. -.- The Journal eann ; 'euarentee an-nn-i' 'f - mam rr - J-rA. -, . jTrrrs ef "i " I I v . - - . n ii ... : r- t '.ti vira m m ii i. l i n -i u l i , - f- bilk