BEOWMIAKES POOR : I Portland boy coming world's mile champioN"-moakley 1 BURNED AUTOMOBILE Cambridge Team Was Neve . Seriously Threatened at Any . Time-During. Game . X' Cambridge. Mass., Nov IS. It was ' far from the Brown team of old that , was rent Iiome whimpering today with 87 holes torn In its hide by John Har- '.orrt-. hlimilnrhllHS. The Score Of tO day, game at the stadium was Harvard ' 37; Brown 0. - , ' f " With on 'exception that wai when "Brown struggled to within 30 yards of Harvard's goal, and missed a field goal the visitors never threatened. " It was the ubiquitous Brlckley who started It off in the nrst roanq witn a series of flashes,, spurts and smashes that carried liim over lor a ioiiuhoowii, TLu-dwick kicked KOaL In the second period.. Brown was forced back to her heven yard line, of which she held and kicked to her own .thirty yard line, where Storer caught free and Brlckley booted it over front placement. Alter e smashing to the 35 yard line. Mahan shot a nretty tree pass to Hardwlck, who Ki'iiroit under, then kicked goal. Then the second string went In In the third and scored again, when CoolldBO recovered a fumble end ran 20 yards. WNlett kicked xoal.' ' .; .The flhrd. string men pushed Bettle aver for touchdown in the fourth and on the next kick off a Harvard man ran the length of.tbo field for the last score, WMetls kicking goal.- .OREGON GAME TO LAST IN GREAT FIGHT WITH : WASHINGTON VICTORS r Continued frdm page one, this section.) inents lienped upon him by h'is" Ifcsnt . mates. Coach Besdek and others, -who were ready to praise him, would have been "honored in Fenton'. mind, had n booted the pigskin between the up rights. Kenton punted beautifully, n1 'lils kicking yesterday just about equalled that of Blackwell in the Ore-gon-U.rAi C. game. . :". arson Wins Praise. 7 Wills praising Fenton, there Is an ther i Individual on the Oregon team, wht) must not be overlooked. He is johnny Parsons, regarded by practically every ci-itio in the northwest as oat of the greatest halfbacks aver developed In this section. ""It was .Parson's wonderful 45 yard ran off tackle that gave the "lemon and Tel low team Its touchdown. It was 1 "arsons who sent the Oregon rooters -into spasms. The former Washington high school athlete played a wonderful game, not only on the offensive but on the defensive. Time after time, when "Washington would make efforts to cir cle Oregon's right end he would be there to stop the plays. ' Anson Cornell, Oregon's quarterback, Who was not put Into the game until 'after the first few plays, was game to the core. The "biggest little man" In the northwest conference football circles, forgot tt.ll about his Injured knee and generated the Eugene eleven In great fctyle. , ' As a last possible chance for victory. Cornell called a forward, pass signal In the middle of the field, but this play was broken up ,by Washington. John Beckett and Leo Malarkey, two of Portland's all star scholastic players of last season, playing their first col legiate football, deserve much credit for the showing they ..iaae. Malarkey played a good defensive game and Beckett centered all his efforts on breaking up Washington's plays that were on the left side of Oregon's line. Teams Play Great Ball. Every member of the Oregon team played wonderful ball, but the lemon and yellow team was battered down to defeat by Washington's heavy backs. The line plunging of Miller, Shiel and Jacquot was wonderful and every time Kama hmtr4Ali ... ... kl, . line they would smash through for gains from a couple of Inches to 10 yards. -'Han-MHler, -who weighs much more than the amount given out by the Washington officials, was the star of the game from the Washington stand point. Miller's line plunging was the equal of any witnessed for a number of reasons In Portland. His forward pass ing in the two instances that Washing ton tried the open game play was per fect ' The Multnomah stadium, as it may be called, was packed. Standing room was to be bad only at the extreme corners of the field. Seven thousand people wit nessed the game. Boys climbed tele phone poles and stood on cross arms 40 feet in the air to see the game. Many people witnessed the game from the -tops of bouses and hotels that are sit uated around the stadium, Booting Pastures VoveL ' The rooting features were new and hovel. The Washington rooters, decked In'' their college colors, furnished sev eral stunts, including the blowing up of the Oregon spirit, but the spirit which vwas aroused last Saturday was evident throughout the -game. The burning "W and the serpentining of the S00 rooters were pretty figures. The Washington footers were led by George Mathew. Th Oregon rooters, with the big "O" eX the heed of the line, formed the hu 1 man "O" and in the center was a throne on which was seated Miss Helen Haw kins, a beautiful Portland girl. Oregon was not given as much time as Wash ington In preparing for their stunts V Aftwr the game, with the 60'Jiukle8 grouped around the famous '"hook," the Washington rooters wended their way to the downtown district singing college aonss and shouting the names of Wash ington's heroes. v'mi fMT mm moddio ON THIS FOOTBALL GAME ""purine;' the Washington-Oregon game yesterday afternoon The Journal tele graph correspondent, in sending- in a description' of plays over The Jour nal's leased Wire from Multnomah Field, Inserted the words "Hades-. broke loose" rter stating that Oregon had scored a touchdown. Morris Cohen, United Pro office boy and some football fun u seen to pussle over that particular por tion of the description. When asked (the juiiune of his bewilderment, ''Mose'' le piled: "I was just tryin' to flgger o'Jf hen this guy Hades got In the game" $$jMmaj High'' Winners.' Albaey, -Or., Nov. IB.The Albany high school this afternoon defeated th dlalsey Athletlo club at Ilaisey, by wcore of 18 to C r The game was hetly contested throughout and was niarked by several brilliant plays. - A member of the .United States team for Ihe III Olympic games. A new world record maker for the mile run before 1916. These opinions were voiced by Coach Jim ' MOakley of the Cornell university track team after he had watched Vere Windnagle, the Portland boy, perform In the dtHtance runs .several times at Ithlca. Windnagle was a former stu dent at 'the Washington high school, where he made a great record as a dis tance runner. His best mark was 1:56 4-5 in the half mile run., After graduation from Washington high school he entered the University of Oregon and won a third of the points scored by the lemon yellow team last year. Monkley Is verfr much impressed With Windnagle e style of running and will have Vere give all his attention to .the mile run. Cornell students are hailing Windnagle as John Paul Jones' succes sor. ' What Coach Thinks. The Cornell coach is so pleased with Windnaglc's form that he has gone so far as to state that Windnagle will be mgmber of the 1916 Berlin Olympic games team. Moakley also stated that he believed it whs possible for Wind nagle to break the world's ..m.Uarjin record, which Is now held by John Paul, Joner. Although he will be Ineligible for the 1914 track season, the former Washington high nchuol athlete la train- ng every day with the regulars. There are several reasons to believe Windnagle will be a utiamplon runner before lila collrclutn ilnvn nr miried In the tryoutTor the, Pennsylvania raise, Windnagle ran 4 miles in 22 minutes and 69 seconds. Thn Jiejct best time was 23. minutes and five second. The Portland boy has triumphed over Cor- 17 fli have been a feature of the fall season. I ' Teams , Beat ' Esoh Other ,: The Harvard cros-ouiitr team 'Won the race from the Cornell runners Uy points, but a wearer of the "C" fin ished first. Harvard lost to tno Taie team. Harvard runners : finishing, first i ana second. Tiie eornen team aereavea tbe University of Pennsylvania team of wmcn xea Aiereaun is a, memDer. i0 , ... , n i ... ,, windnagle would have ben aiigibie oiurx miracis iviucn rtueniion for-the 1914 season, had he secured ENTIRELY REBUILT BY ..SERVICE-MECHANICS BASEBALL SONGS THEIR STUNT TUESDAY NIGHT1 Enough credits from the University I Oregon at the close of the first semes iter.' John .Paul sJones, captain Of the Cornell track team of 1918, asked two Portland Cornell students to call ort Windnngle and try to indues him to enter Cornell. Don McLaren, a former Washington high school athletes, also arid Proves Value of This Department, i By, Fred West.. "Service!' is h word which has. come helped in persuading Windnagle to I into very general Use of late in auto- enter Cornell. McLaren' it Jumping over six feet in the high Jump and will represent Cornell in the big Intercollegiate meets this coming season. mobile circles. In fact, it Is used al most . Indiscriminately, manufacturer, distributor and dealer making use of -it prominently . in their , advertising and sales arguments, However, it has re- MichlganvWihs jFrom PenftsyiranU. mained for a Washington, D. C, concern Ann Arbor, Mich, NOV. lB.Br down- Mng Pennsylvania by a 11 to 0 score won for the West the most Important of intorneotlonttl contests of, the) year, For. the first two periods, the wol verines clearly outclassed the eastern ers even more than the two touchdowns made in that half Would indicate. With the entrancs of Marshall and- Minds to Pennsylvania's lineup in ths final naif, the invaders' work, both in de Vere Windrittgl. ncll's best dlstancers repeatedly in prac tice and the performances of Cornell's runners In the dual cross-country runs to give the automobile buying publio really graphio and valuable illustra tion of what the word means in their understanding. The firm is the Over lend dealer in ihe national capitol, and the demonstration consists of rebuild in oiaoloh' from part which are al ways carried in stock, bA Overland car which was almost completely wrecked by fire,- Attracting Much Attention. Thq concern is attracting; a great deal fens'e and attack, showed marked Jm- of attention to its "stunt" by doing the provement, but the were unable to score. ' A driving rain fell during th flfl&l half, making the field slippery and prov ing a great handicap to Miohigsut'g speedy backs. ( EVERY DETAIL OF PLAY IN OREGON-WASHINGTON FOOTBALL GAME Oregon kicks off. Cornell Is not In game,- Bigbee replacing Cornell Just be fore the Start. Fenton kicked off, ball vnu returned to center of field, went put of bounds. Fenton kicked off to Grif fiths, who was downed on Washington's 43-yard lino. Miller went through line for three yards, Smith on quarterback run gained two, Shlel gained two. Sut ton punted to Bigbee, who returned ball to Oregon's 3 5-yard line. Malarkey made nine yards. Parsons made two, Bryant held. Cornell went In at quarter- for Oregon. Parsons made five yards. 'Ore gon penalized 15 yards for holding. Bry ant gained two yards, Fenton punted 30 ards to Smith, who waa downed in tracks; Oregon penal lied five yards on offside on first down. Jacquot made one yard. Miller made three. Bliiel made two. Sutton punted to Cornell, who returned five yards. Fen ton punted to Washington's 44-yard line Miller made two. Oregon penallied five yards offside. Jacquot made five yards. Parsons tackled Smith for one yard loss. acquot made two. Sutton punted beyond goal line ball Is put in play on Oregon's 20-yard line. Oregon's ball On fake punt Fenton gained one yard. second down no gain. Fenton punted 40 yards. Smith returned 10. Shiel made five yards' cross buck. Oregon penal ised five yards offBide. Washington penalised five yards. Oregon penalised five yards. Cook lost one. Sutton gained five on a fake punt. Miller Scores Touchdown. Shlel gained yardage. Time out. Shlel made four. Miller made, yardage. Shlel made one. Ball on Oregon's 36 yard line. Forward pass, Miller to Sutton, 10 yards. Shiel made one. Jaquot made yards. Shlel made one. Jacquot made three. Time out. Beckett, Oregon, injured. Ball on 19-yara line. Resume. Forward pass. Mil ler to Sutton, 12 yards. Miller scored touchdown for Washington. Klckout failed. Washington, 6; Oregon, 0. Ore gon offside, try kickout again. Sutton kicked out to Jacquot. smith kicked goal. Score, Washington 7, OreKon 0'. Fenton kicks off to Leader on the 28-yard line. Jacquot one-half yard. Shiel four. Jacquot two. Sutton punted thirty- to Cornell, downed on Oregon's 86-yard line. Parsons lost onn- half. Malarkey lost one. Fenton lost on a fake punt. Fenton punted forty to Smith. Washington penalized C yards. Bnd of quarter. Ball on Wash ington's 35-yard linn. Second Quarter. Washington's ball. Resume second quarter. Jacquot gained two. ' Miller made three. Sutton made three on fake punt. Sutton punted 35 yards. Ball on Oregon's 29 yard line. Parsons four. Malarkey two. No gain third down Fenton punted 45 yards. Hall on Wash ington's 20 yard line. Miller two. Mil ler one. Miller made yardage. Shlel two. Jacquot lost. Parsonis tackled Jacquot, no gain. Miller gained one. Sutton punted 85 yards to Cornell who returned 10 yards. Oregon ball on S6-ya'rd line. 'Time out. Resume. Malarkey lost one. Oregon falls in a forward pass, Pres ley breaking up play. Fenton punted 40 yards. Washington ball on 25-yard line. Malarkey tackled Smith for loss of two. Miller gained four. - Jacquot three. Sutton punted 40 yards to Cor nell, who fumbled but recovered. Ore gon ball on 40-yard line. - Parsons gained two. On poor pass back Ore gon lost 10. Bradshaw recovered ball. Fenton punted 45 yards to Smith, who returned 15 yards. Washington's ball on 45-yard line.. Time out. Re sume. Parsons tackled Smith for loss of one yard. Beckett out, leg hurt. Oregon Ties Bcore. Btill working on Beckett's Je. Re sume. Beckett still in gams. Carl -Fenton recovered fumble by Jacquot, and Washington penalized five yards. Oregon's ball on Washington 40 yard line. Malarkey gained one. Parsons broke away. Parsons made touchdown from 46 yard line through left side of line. Fenton kicked goal Oregon rooters wild. Score 7 to 7. Kverybody crazy now. Dobie also wild. Dobie walking up and down side lines fingering buttons on coat Wash ington elects to kick off. Oregon team has little talk before kick off. Shlel kicks off for Washington. Malarkey runs klckoff back to 10 yard line. Par sons gains one. Bryarit gained one. Ore gon penalised five offside, Fenton punts from behind. 'bis own goal to. out of hounds on 44 yard ' line. Made 45 yard kick. Jacquot made three, Washington failed forward pass, Hall Makes Great Taokle. Washington incomplete forward pass again. Sutton punts 35 yards out of bounds. Oregon's ball on their 10 yard line. Kenton punts to middle of flelj. Smith returns ten. Hal making great tackle. tihlel' meres ' three. V Shlel one yard. Hall Intercepted forward pass on Oregon 35 yard line, Fenton punted, 40 to Smith, who returned ball to Wash ington's 40 yard line. Time ; out for Washington'. . 1 1 lj . , i It's Washington's ball on , their . 34 yard line. Kesume, Washington team holds conference. Miller mad 10. Shiol mad ' one, Jacquot' one, Jacquot two, Miller six. End of half.' Score 7 to J. pall on Oregon's 40-yard line. , .... Third Quarter. If a lot of women were lo engage In a walking oonlest would the one with Uit largest feet cover the most ground' Oregon's subs come on , field. Wash- n 1 ington players walk out of club iiouie in single file. Oregon follows Washing ton, Cornell leading bunch. Oregon has same players in line up; No rhanges in Washington lineup. Oregon . players group around Captain Bradshaw. Dottle has overcoat off and Is passing out sig nals with his feet. Remaining two quar ters cut to 12 minutes each. Shlel kicks off to Bradshaw, who' returns ball to Oregon 43 yard line. Parsons lost 8 yrds. Ball on Oregon's 34 yard line. Tlnie out. Hunt of Wash ington injured. Ed. Leader warming up. Hunt's neck appears hurt. Dob'fe has put on overcoat again. Hunt continues in game. Resume. Parsons makes one. Fenton punted 40 to Smith who re turned 10, Washington's ball. Miller makes two. Shlel makes 5. ParsOfts mak ing good tackle. Oregon line held them. No gain for Washington. Button punted 40 to Cornell. Big Leader tackled Ore gon quarterback on Oregon's 23 yard line. Parsons makes two yards through left tackle. Parsons offside Oregon pen alized 6. Fenton punted 50 yards to Smith, who returned 10. Washington ball on 40-yard line. Miller made two. Anderson made two. Miller made four. Miller makes yardage by plunging -four yards. Jacquot makes nine. Shlel car ries it over for yardage. Line held, nd' gain. Shlel makes half yard. pass Shlel to Sutton nets Wash) yards. Jacquot loses one, Backett mak lng brilliant tackle. Oregon offside penalised five. Wash ington ball on Oregon 20-yard line. Mil ler makes 5 through right tackle. Shle! niakes four. Washington makes forward pass Miller to Sutton. Shlel no gain. Shlel makes yardage goal to make In four downs. Miller no gain. Jacquot no gain. Washington makes Incomplete pasa over line. Cook . playing great game for Oregon, Ball put in play by Oregon on 20-yard line. Oregon's ball. Parsons makes five. Parsons makes 5. again giving Oregon yardage. Malarkey makes one. Malar key makes three, Miller stopping Mtn. Parsons loses about a foot. Fenton punts 50 yards to Smith, Bradshaw downing him as he caught Ihe ball. Miller makes three, i Jacquot makes five. Shlel makes first down. It' is Washington's ball on 35-yard line. t " Smith makes 10. Time out for Wash ington. Resume. Ball on Washington 4C-yard line. Miller makes 11. Both sides offside. Leader makes 9tt. End of quarter ball on Oregon's 30-yard line. Score, 7 to 7. Washington Passes Directly. The fourth quarter opcna.-Shlcl makes half yard. Jacquot makes three. Wash ington making direct passes to players carrying ball. Smith not handling ball. Mlller'makes four. Miller makes first Atwwt' XTIlln. m.Va. fA taAAt Fenton of Oregon breaks up forward t-0,'h"a-,( work in the show window of the sales room. An unsightly - mess of rusty, twisted, charred steel, Iron, rubber and wood, all that was left of tbe burned oar, was placed In the show window and two expert mechanics from the repair room started to work. "The old car was literally torn to pieces and the parts, which, could not bs repaired, were thrown to one side In the scrap heap. New parts, taken f rbm the stockroom were substituted, and in a remarkably short tlms the car, as good as new, was :'':SPSSS)BSSSBBSSBBBBl A t v SM If r' fy ) BBntH(ssass' '. SM . srg-A - lEBBflSSBBBBaat(fU for' ; J iirfM.iNMWt tswrSsSJaSA Members of tho Portland Ad club quartet who will be a feature of the ' entertainment of the New York and Chicago baseball teams at the .banquet to be given at the Multnomah hotel next Tuesday night at 6:30 o'clock the major leaguers playing ah exhibition game In iue iiern.iKju at me vaueuu street gruuuus. vrigiuai songs auouv Christy Mathewson,' John McOraw, Charley Comiskey and other, have been written especially for the everflhg'a program. In addi tion there will be vaudeville stunts from the theatres and the tegular cabaret performance win be staged. The Ad club singera 1 from loft to right, are N. A. Hopse, first tenor; H. Whlpi),.bArl. lone; Jt. M. Emerson, second tenor, and M. L. Bowman, bass. ? pass. Washington deploys to try place kick from 20-yard line, directly in front of goal, smith kicks It over. The score Is now Washington 10, Ore gon 7. Oregon will kick off. Washington rooters making bigger noise than they did when they were here two years ago, Fenton kicked ball on klckoff over goal line. Washington scrimmages on 10- Hervice is one of the highly smportant factors in the automobile industry. Complete tine Vecessary. This window demonstration In the national capitol will do more to convince prospective purchasers of what service really means than any one thing that could be done. Whoever sees or hears of this undertaking will know, without question, that when they buy an Over land ear they are sure of a maximum of yard Ifhe. Shiel no gain. Miller makes service from It, no matter how serious nine yards. Shlel carries ball over for j an accident may bfall them. yardage, Caufleld of Oregon injured. I What has been done by our washing- Time out. Resume. Stays In game, ton dealers can be done by any or the rarsons tackled Jacquot fQr no gain. 3000 firms selling our oars through Oregon penalized five offside. Dobie Is out the world, for one of the most im watching players- on line. Shlel makes portant clauses in Overland contracts is two y mat which requires every dealer to carry a compieie uua v. v .v- pjacement parts. OFFICIAL AVERAGES , OF COAST FIELDERS FIRST BASEMKS FtJlYRR AfTI) olt;b Ixilon. Lm Aiigalei (Ill, L Angeles.....'... Uuwkrd, Lot A njreles . . . . Pttrwn, Venice KotM, Portland... ........ PerrlcK, Portland Ness, Oakland Tenna'at, Sacramento.... McDonnell. Vanlc Howard, Han Francisco., (iardner, Oakland, ,. ftpeaa, Portland Motrl, San Franctaco. . , .' MeArdle, Ban tranctaco. . Hogan, 8a a FrancUco. . . . Uoora, Lua Angelea , nraibear, Venice PO 10 74 Bit 12 W 143 14IS 142 140S lW 1M2! 77 73ft IW 1123 Bl 7B1 3 4u7 13 8.1 128 1185 H2 277 102 lOttfl 19 177 8KUOND BASEMEN 01 14 &i It 4 sn MS 40 lit 42 1(1 7 101 31 68 11 0. A. C. WINS FROM PULLMAN IN HARDEST FOUGHT GAME IN YEARS Miller makes one. Jacquot makes four on delayed pass. Measuring to see If he made yardage. Washington failed to make yardage. Oregon's ball on Washington's 46-yard line. Parsons makes seven. He didn't gain on second down. Bryant carried ball for Zour yards. Riving Oregon yardage. Parsons manes two, uryani manes , r . . . , . ... . i rs.n 1 1 n , a .1 An na,A fnur this fictlon.l one Time out. ureiion manes reaay r v-"-v . - tnr ninnn kick from 86-vard line. Fen- when the ball reached the danger point Uon falls on place kick, ball beihg wide The visitors displayed wonderful skill ner in ! Washington's ball on their 20-yard line, in this line, completely outplaying the ngton 10 1 u nn locals in that nartloular. Toward the ft mnV- I n""'l'ul' " 1 - - v. j ... I down Jacquot gains, three on second, ena ox me u v j I Miner make. five. Sutton punt. 86 to Aggies the ball on .the .0-yard line and , Cornell, who return. . five. Hunt break. 11 V the" l-yaM lin.7 Ju7t the up urusuu. j.., -whistle blew. Bcore 10 to I er warming up again, ranum Th0 nne-up: 2 V4 yards. , c. A. C. Position. Smith Intercept, forward pass on Huntley .1 B. R Washington's 4S-yard Una, Washington's chiisman L T. R ball. Jacquot makes five. Shiel makes nmart I O. R Oueat, Oakland,.' I 26 82) BT1 Iard, Oakland . ,. . .r... 19tt 548 602 Kodscra. I'ortuiniL-...-.. 100 410 CIO Powm, Ban Francisco. .. . Brahe r, Venice ....... Stark, thcramento KIcArdle, Sea, Kraaclaoo. Howard, Lei Angolaa... McDonnell, Venice ...... Vug, Loa Angeles. ... Keuwprtby, Saeramlito. Charlea, San franciacoj. Qoudwln, Lcrn Angelea... Hosp, VenKe , U'lkmrke, Venice '6H0ETST0PS 6i 10 SS; 173 4 SO 20 41 94 2S2I2T5 211) a 10 146 18 1 R2 K H3 tit1 42261Ki 4U5in37 118 147 43 I ) 40 fiv nives Washington yaraage. una minute left to play. Bhiel makes three. Miller makes four. . Washington made yardage on last play. Whistle blows with ball on Ore gon's 80-yard line. Final score, Wash rtigton 10, Oregon 7. The lineup: Washington. ' Hunt Leader L.T.R.. Qriffiths L.Q.R. Presley C. ... Seagraves R.O.I Anderson (c.) ...R.T.I Anderson, Dewey. .C... Lay th R. u. l. Oregon. .Bradshaw (c.) ...Hall Fenton Caufleld Hold en Cook Moor Blllle May (Capt). JBlackwell . . Robertson Abraham. ,.R. T. L , .R. E. 1... - Wr B. C. ..Diets. Hegge ... Hlnderman tAngdon O. Harter J. Harter, Hinchcllffe Alwerd .Eatterwlth, Tyre, Moss . ..Q..i..aettrljc Smith U H. R... Vance, Better- -Flth . . .R. H. L..Coulter (Capt) . . ..Fullback. .Wexler, Schallerbach Officials Stanley Borleske, referee; Vincent Borleske, umpire; Dollenbachf head Untsman. NEVER Jacauot R.H.I Malarkey Miller 1..H.R Parsons Shiel .F.B Bryant Scores Touchdowns: Miller 1, Par sonrl; Goatrrom fields Smitlu Ooal kicks: Smith 1, Fenton 1. Officials George Varnell, referee: Dixie Flaeger. umpire, and Plowden Btott, head linesman and timekeeper. MATTY PITCHES TEAM TO VICTORY OVER SOX San Francisco, Cal., Nov. 15. Before a crowd of 12,000 persons Christy Mathewson this afternoon pitched the Giants Into a 6 to J victory over the White Sox at Recreation Park. The great - right hander was in excellent form and though hit freely, at various stages, tightened up When the Sox threatened to become troublesome and the result was never In doubt. Scott pitched for Callahan's men. Five runs -were made off his delivery in the first three innings, enough to win the game. Bcore: R. H. B. Chicago 10 2 New York H 0 Batteries Scott and Schalk; Daly, Mathewson and Meyers. WESTERN TITLE NAILED TO MAST BY CHICAGO; WIN OVER MINNESOTA (Continued from page one, this section.) matter of the number of touchdowns Stagg's great machine can score. Norgren. Maroon captain, with a record of brilliant perrmances all season, was the high nghtn this afternoon's title fight. H booted con sistently, swung the ends for good gains and with Quarterback Russell as first aide, kept the Gopher, largely on the defensive. nilaoii Great lorprlse, In the closing moments of play, Shaughnessy, Minnesota bevckfleld hero, broke away fbr a long run that en abled , Minnesota to score her lone touchdown, but except in the., final period, the Gophers found their attack riddled before it fiirly started. Illinois furnished the surprise of the day in the western conference by hold ing Purdue to a- sooreless tie at Champaign. On past performances, the Boilermakers were picked to' win by at least two touchdowns. , The loss of Oil pliant, western halfback, who was put out of th game in the second period on the charge that he kicked an Illinois player, crippled and dis heartened Purdue and the IDlnl played th. -Lafayette, eleven to a. standstill. ,..!. ,. jaalasa wlM"Vtotory(-- In the third "Big Nine" clash of ths day, Indiana shoved Northwestern Into th conference cellar, nosing out ahead in the final period by the score oT 2-1 to 20, after the purple eleven had"" held the lead until the closing moments, 4 . IN DANGER IN GAME WITH WHITMAN BOYS (Continued from page one, this section.) tain. A printing duel took tlaee in the second quarter between Nile, for Whit man and Kinnlson and Phillips for friahn. mum nttamnfwi to tuint on wniiman . i j u h h anvrv hall went but Bchallmf. Kan Franciaco XV J v. " The. number systems were used for the first time' in a conference game, Northwestern players wearing1 the nu merals so they might be Identified by moda Idaho's first tquchdown. A little sDectators later the only two successful forward Unless Wisconsin uosets the most ex- passes made by Idaho during the game pert hunches and downs the Maroons placed Bamras over ror anower wucn- next Saturday, Chicago will finish the opwn. , , senium undefeated. The "rrand old 111 to Klok Boal. dope" boys will then have the time of Ixtckhart failed to kick goal both their Uvea, determining which of the I time- A IS yard run . in the' third following teams4-Chlcago, Michigan, I quarter waa one of the features of the Michigan Aggies, Notre Dame or Ne- game. Faver Diocvea a punt, oy nnw hraaka has the best claim on the n,t flimma arot away with nearly a championship of the middle west. clear field for that distance. The lineup: Chicago Huntington Shull r,'.lT.. Harris L. G.. DesJardlnlen ....C. . .. Bcanlan R. G. Ooettler .... Baumgartlner Wnffli, San JPfanctoeo. . Darla, Portland t'orhan, Kan yranrlsco. Young, Saeramauto . . llojp, Venice Johnaon, Loa Angalea.. O'Rnnrkc, Venice .... Stark, Racramanto ... Took, Oakland Korea, Portland ...... McOormtck, fortlond.. Malllnan, Sacra man to . Goodwin, Lua Angelea. Gueat, Oakland 4SI 421 77 U2 407B78 S7ti623 241 1170 toil iev 80 180 401 etoi 78 02 51 27 .91)1 .uss .9S7 .880 .RU .1188 .883 .ttHO .SHO .070 .071 .870 .U0 .978 .00 .668 .Ud4 .US2 .tr,6 .955 .P80 .t)A8 .062 .940 .945 .944 .941 .9U8 .98$ .988 .961 .941 .937 .933 .931 .982 .928 .921 .918 .910 .880 .687 DERIDED OLD YALE FIGHTS PRINCETON TO COMPLETE STANDSTILL (Continued from page one, this section.) THIRD BASEMEN McDonnell, Venice Gueat, Oakland Metxger, Los Angeles... Lltachi. Venice Howard, Los Angeles... Sawyer, Los Angelea.... Halllnan, Sacramento. . . Llndaay, Portland Moore, Loa Angelea.. Goodwin, loa Angelea... C'narlea. Ban Francisco. . . Cartwrlght, San Frasciaco lietiing, iiasuma HeOormtck, Portland: . . . O'Bourka, Venice Jl 68 110 1W 14 81 170 134 24 85 13 187 185 67 89 ll Si 69 188 182 18 18 88 197 107 22 Sal S'ii 1S8 701 220 419 881 r9 3S8 230 4) 2 311) 297 78 OUTFIELDERS eo 7i gpeaa, Portland Tobln, 8a a Francisco... Fltigerald. Portland Wilholf, Venice Krueser. Los Angalea... Ohadbonraa. Portland . . . Lobar, L. Angelaa-Portland ftioran, Sacramento Hogan, Baa Francisco.... aacner, uasiana Kane, Venice Coy, Oakland Maggart, Los Angeles. . Better. Oakland .j Bayleaa, Venice Iwl, Saeraaaento Klilnn, Sacramento Dnana. Portland Klmmerman, H. Franciaco! Gardner, Oakland Van Burtn, Hacramento. . Bills. Ln- Angeles Johnatoo, San Franciaco.. Minnesota.' Lockhart kicked goal. After Jardlno, Brown and Ross had made Dig gain", WottelL Loa Ansetos.... 77 Oarllale. Venice 187 Karlor. Oakland ... 91 Meloan, Venlca 1139 Howard. Los Angeles...:. 102 Charlea, Ban Francisco... 19 Mundorff. flaa Franciaco.. 188 Bchirm. OaklarfB I 99 Kwaln. Sacramento I 8.11 MeuaaL Los lAngeles 16 PITCHERS 81 14 21 271 24 88 10 184 191 157 198 104 1T8 179 197 204 47 198 tttl 147 169 76 4: 132 183 198 Krann. Portland Btanrtrldge, Ban Franciaco Griffin. Vanlc Laltield, Nan Franciaco... rrueitt, Oakland Chrlatlan, Oakland ...... mawttter, nacramento. , Solon I the latter was put over the line for tho 1 mmi , bakUnd ,..R. T.. Bawy3rl i ...knwn mni1 h Idaho. Johnson . u " " - nh.r.r,n kicked goal. bni.nth.i I Roore 29 to 0. Barrun Idaho bad almost a new team in ine . H. E. B. Blerman, Fa- first quarter and made but 35 yards to .an, xuurnier whitman's 27. In this quarter, nowever, W aeeeeat A UilCinUU man'. i j- : . - .Ii. HI. ....... MeAlon Baker dropped the Tiail over the goal Shaughnessy from the 49 yara line, lesota 7. nn trn.lsrht football Idaho did not Touchdowne--aray, Norgen, Bolon, make much yardage a. against W. 8. uui i n muinir nnlv ' 188 yards. Whitman. On. ...... I . MB4. K.i 41 umrAm mnA Referee Masker of Northwestern. iiowevei, "" Timnlre Ran brook of Michigan. her vardaee but once against Idaho. Head Linesman Mumme of .West In the fourth quarter. Idaho tried the point, . forward pass six times, twice success fullv at the lucky time. Whitman failed friAPUCO Al l DDAICC the forward pas. four times. Idaho wunwilbV nimlm I I iniUL, . 70 vardn. Whitman 38. Russell Gray . . Norarren Pierre Kennedy F. f . n . iri- YESTERDAY'S CONTEST Nlle Punted l. times for 467 yards, 290 yards. Phillips two for 62. Bubs Are Put Xn. "Oregon deserves great credit for the game which It played, the best, it has played this season. Washington, al though I have seen them plaj but twice this season, played up to their mark. The game wa. exceptionally clean, con- The lineup: Idaho. Position. Whitman. Johnson ...... .B.. L......... Blover Phillips t. u. . . . miswinger sldering what depended on the outcome I Faver ....... ..R. G,. L.....Berney or the game, rarsons piayea a "won-1 ay ......... viuoy . . u.n um.. m I nennlnarep . .... 1a U. It ........ I OUne nn -lt. .(. I n. n ,in.l. .kll 1 JVIII1"1I 2 - ....... - ..... . ... f. " " " U" Hamma ...L.E. B Botts I Piirrlv mt .Lit . M ..i ...... i : . . . ilium hit ft-cuiii viajiu .irienuiuir. i liORanari ...... ror tne rirsi time inis season tne may-I K.nuason ....... Hnrkneit. Venice Wiillaoil, Sacramento Klnaella, Sacramento, Kcapp, Portland..... Ablea, Oakland Lohinan, Oakland ... Fergnaoo, Venice . . . , Paraln, Oakland...... nui, Venice Overall, Ban Francisco..., Arellanea, Sanramento.. Jamaa,. Portland.. , Fanning, Ban Franciaco Malarkey, Oakland ...... Strand, Barranitlnto ..... Weat, Portland Klepfer, Venice ......... Banm, Venice Ulgglnbotham, Portland. Choch, Lot Angelea...... Perrltt. Los Angeles.;,.: Ralalah. Venice i.. PernoiL Oak-San Franciaco Blagle, Los Angelea O'Brien, Oaklund. Lirely, Sacramento ..... Baker, Baa Franciaco. . . , Toaar, Lot Angolea...... Rran, Los Aagales. . . . . , Munaell, Bacramento. . . v, Hauler, Ban Francisco.. Koeatnar, Venice..,..,., Stanley, Portland Hagermaa, Portland. .... Orabbe, Los Angeles...., (jregory, L, . A,-OakIand. CATCHERS rLAYEH AD OLtB 89 87 20 l S90 874 288 104 87 887 882 469: 88 WH 281 213 22a 148 123 166 866 41fl BO 101 76 854 117 178 129 85 B48 186 49 42 0! it 20 0 16 4 9! 14 8 19 6 B 8 16 17 80 i SI 18 80 17 12 11 10 '' 4 14 11 18 11 81 11 (4 .0 e 4 IB 0 2 10 41 9 8 9 18 2 11 9 Si T 80 4 6 4 19 7 10 9 8 19 13 1.000 .938 .948 .944 .942 .942 .988 .938 .933 .980 .927 .926 .922 .923 .919 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 .986 .983 .982 .980 .980 .979 .978 .978 .974 .973 .969 .964 .964 .964 .962 .962 .981 .900 .968 .964 .956 .968 .962 .947 .948 .948 .943 .986 .981 .016 .882 61 93 108 65 23 28 21 92 22 84 102 64 104 80 118 29 109 '8 '6 109 48 92 78 88 03 41 7T 801 01 61 107 18 62 66 011.000 01.000 01.000 988 084 .981 .980 .073 ,874 .970 .970 .969 .908 .967 .987 .987 ,,966 .966 .961 .960 .960 .957 .966 .966 .949 .948 .946 .944 cvt. .938 .036 .980 .929 .029 .022 .920 .920 .912 .910 .900 .802 .8S .864 Alexander. Oakland.... Reltraeyer. Sacramento M lu. llnaiaiifl. . . . 1 . ..I H. R. ... , f Clancy I Clarke, Ban Franetaeo . .... .Q. ... . . . .-. MqDonald , . .K, 11. L. Mason year. I am greatly pleased with the eleven and with Fen- ers showed the oldtlme Oregon fight- , Bubs, Idtfhp --boh Tor Ljockhart, lng -spirit, throughout the entire game. XoKnudson Johnson for Pur- it took a long time to arouse it. but w ffi ''r:":rii.V.'i,.VV;. a...?...': will get them next year. Washington 0;ir tor KiM played a good game, In fact they played! 1 " Jllrdn. jardine for Brown. Martin. a great game, j We will get them next I son for Fovor, Dingle for Dewald, C- wald .for nays. '.."-i" Whitman uaicer ror Mason, oaie ror Nile..-Niles for Gale, Gale for Niles, Mason for dale, Clark for Nlswlnger, Henderson- forJMason. , , Officials . Referee Smith of Notrs Dame, Umpire HJnderman of Lawrence, Head Wnesman Tllley of Washington. Journal Want Ads bring results. 'Nile. : Schmld't, San Franc laeoj Playing of my ele ton's great Kicking.' "We were luoky to win, I anticipated a hard struggle and. we got it. Oregon played a wonderful game and I wa. not sur. of a victory until I saw the play er. warning oil . wiv neiu. 4 Chaek, gaeramanto, . .. riansr, j'ortinna...... Bliencar,' San Francisco Perm Portland., .... Pearca, Oaklund..,.. gntarer, Oakland..,. ola lx Aiuialaa... Arhngaat, Loa Angelea Kinott, Venice Hogan,' Venice..... loiineuRix. vvnic . Krelta, Oakland. Bterrltt. . Venice...... MepnlTeds, San Franc'o nrooaa,' io angeiea.. Krrnea, Loa Angelas. . Crlap, Oakland,..,..,. Lynn, Sacramento..... 201 25 00 64 142 88! 70 262 221 6291 E pP 'Pet" .991 .980 .086 .986 .988 152 718219 16 11 .982 58 137 0 101 17 106 6i 70 145 16 82 HI 81 10 60 401 22 11 262! 3 110 480 66 808 807 180 065 81 Jit 218 97 ' 64! 182 121)' 71 17 67 124 11 154 85 244 8 20 Vi, .80 I 65 66 16 7 .978 .977 .074 .971 .971 ..970 .m .987 .064 -.081 .959 .967 .948 ;947 .944 .024 .916 .889 mighty crowd, with here and there a voice from the Princeton side breaking the silence with a murmured, "Block that kick.'' The ball came hopping upward ami backward from the mass of men with startling accuracy. Guernsey stood with his body bent to almost a crouch, but he was upright ths instant the ball touched his fingers. Then he let It fait seemingly listless to the ground and, tfS it rebounded once, his toe hit It a re sounding smack. High and far that smash carried, and the ball passed squarely over the Tiger goeir posts, though yards above them The Blue banner, rolled over- the Tale side, like a mighty wash of deep sea water, and a boom of voices swept tho field, as (he follower, of Old Eli Jubi lated. No lees spectacular, however, was the boot by Baker in the third period, which put the score even. Baker had not done much daring the game; ln fact, he had been quite a disappointment to his most ardent admirers. Then, at a mo ment when It wa. least expected, and when he seemed to be taking hoic!vs ohance, Baker dropped the ball tu . lil.i toe at Tale's 40-yard line and cracked it across the Blue posts. The specta tors gasped in amazement as the little blonde leader of the Jungaleers out loose his leg-driven drive, and a second later even the Yale rooters had to Join in the outburst from sheer admiration. xwice again during the game Quern. ey took .hots at the Tiger goal, but failed in each instance. One he booted rrom ciose up, only to have the kick blocked, and again Me booted from a range of 86 yards. This time be nar rowly missed success. The lineup: - Tale. Position. Princeton. tJik " Hammond Knam-:::::::? 5::::::::.- .p ifw Trenkmtn &.n M g O Semmons Warren , ,.R T Rin Carter, lubbard R B. .Baker, Lamber" Wheeler L H......V.. Enowles, Guern sey T TT. rr t. i. Dunn m . . VtV-tr . - - a.u.wu Law unn ......... ....Strei Score Tale 8. Princet6n 3. Goals from field Guernsey Baker. . Umpire Snow of Michigan. ' Head linesman Fulti of Brown. and FOOTBALL SCORES HavenTale, Ij Prince Tork Carlisle, 15; Dart At New ton, t. At New mouth, 10. ' At Cambridge Harvaa-d, S7( Brown, x 0. At Ann Arbor Michigan, 18 j Penn sylvania, 0. At Denver Colorado College, 11 1 Denver, I. At Annapolis Navy, lo; Penn State, 0. , At West Point Army, Kg; Vina Nova, 0. At Milwaukee Marquette, H: St. Louis, 0. At Ithaca Cornell, 10 LsFayette, t. At Syraonse Colgate, 85; Syra cuse, IS. ' " At WUHamstown Amherst 12; WU Hams, 0. ' At! Gettrs- burgr, 0. At Pittsburg Washington and Jef ferson, 19; Pittsburg, 8. At Woroeeter Holy Cress. 80: Ford- ham, 0. . . At Lehigh Lehigh, 1: Haverford, 0. At Columbu. Ohio State, 18; Case. 0. At Oberlin Oberlln, 26; Ohio Wes- leyan, 0. At Bwarthmore Swarthmore.. II: Dickinson, 17. At Urbana nilnols, 0; Purdue, 6V ' At BaltimoreJohns ' Hopkins. 15: Western Maryland, 0. At Minneapolis Chicago, lJi Minne sota, 7.' At Lansing M. a. v., i; south Da kota, 7. At Cleveland western Reserve. 2: Miami, 0.. , At Iowa City Iowa, .48; Ames, T, ' At Cincinnati University of nin. clnnatl, 13; Kenyon, j. . , At Akron Buchtei, 2f, Marietta, 0. At Lawrence, Kan. Nebraska, 9: Kansas university, 0. At New yorio wesieyan. 20: Jfew York university. . At Cambridge Mount Union.-' 0: Ohio Northern, 0. ' , . , At Delaware ODsriin, Z5y Wesiey an, 0. , , , - . At t Bvanston Indiana, . 21 n North-' western, 24). '..'--:.;:' At Bt. Louis Missouri, 19; Wash ington, 0. At Des Moines Drake, 25i Iowa Normal, O. . At Washington Virginia, 7: Georse- town, 8. -. .'''. At New Orleans Tulane. 82 1 South- Western, 0.' .-. . , . At Atlanta Georgia, 14; Teohnloal, 8, At; Gainesville Florida, 18: Citadel. At Charleston Newberry. S9I Charles-. ton, 0. . w: ; , i T ml.f. -, , , , ixcurnsau vwis Aitia. . t v r LAwrence, Kan., Nov. 15. On a muddy field with the clouds emitting a fine mist, Nebraska praotlcally elnched th championship , of the Missouri Vlley conierence py aeroaiing Kansas 9 to 0. ' ' , a ' I'