1 " t" . m t v 4 . s ''V , THE OREGON SUNDAY, JOURNAL, PORTLAND, SUNDAY MORNING,', NOVEMBER 18, 1913. , 1 - SELFISH INTERESTS JH: ; TRADE RELATIONS ARE HO N ON THE SOUN D 'Real Plan Is to Drive Out Ore- ton Gypsum Plant; Nea " . Huntington, . Seattle, Waih., Nov. 1I. During the past week a -rather Interesting case has been en trial here.- It was a case brought by the lima and gypsum planta on Puget sound . against the Oregon Washington Railroad & Navigation com pany. , -t It aeema that for a- good many ears the lime companies on the sound have baa more or, less ox a monopoly of that . and Portland market. The plaster trade . being divided between them and Califor nia. The only gypaum deposit In the northwest from which plaster is made la In the state of Oregon, near Hunting ton. 'Within the laat year a very lark Plant Has been built there. Jn order to secure sufficient trade to Justify Its building the plaster must be sold where the population la. Accordingly, the 0.-'v7. R. A N com- , pany mads a rata to enable It to reach Portland and Puget aound markets on something of a reasonable basis. This rate waa no sooner announced than' the Seattle and Tacoma manufacturers got . the chambers of commerce of Seattle and Tacoma, to file protests with the . Interstate Commerce commission trying 10 get tnem to prevent the rates from going into effect. Bffort rrovea failure. . mey xauea in this effort. A era- eeedlng waa then brought against the rauroaa to reduce rates from the sound aitnougn the real party they were try ing to get at and force out of the mar. ket'was the Oregon plant, which waa not a particularly neighborly thing to do. . There were some humorous aspects to the case as well as serloua ones. As has been stated the lime- companies Were the complainants, but they cot the chsmber of commerce of Seattle, the chamtur of commerce -of. Tacoma. and tne rubiio Service commission of Wash' lngton all to take a fcand In it In the meantime the operatives of the plant In Oregon had intervened in the caae. One of the counsel for the lime companies asked the representative of me uregon plant wnen he was on the witness stand why his company inter vened. He said: ""We Intervened because tou People here at Seattle and Tacoma In the lime Dusiness attacked rates given us from our plant at GyDSum. in Orearon. the only place in the northwest where tne good lxrd haa placed such a deposit, and tried to keep us from finding a market for It; you aald the rates were outrageoualy, indefensibly, abnormally low and that we were In partnership With the railroads because we wanted to even get into the city of Portland with an Oregon product "You said we ahould not sell on the sound. You aald Oregon gypsum should not , be used but that Alaska gypsum, hauled a thousand miles, should be. Just because it was manufactured In Ta coma. "Your manufacturers not only did this, but you called in the Ladles' Aid society, the chamber of commerce of Keattle, the chamber of commerce of Tacoma, the Publio Service commission of Washington, in fact, you called on everybody but the state militia to keep us out of Washington. That Is why -we intervened." LIVESTOCK PRICES ARE RULING ABOVE 1912 IN NO. PORTLAND YARDS (Continued From Preceding Page.) week' up to 16.90 and more of the same quality could have been moved at a similar price. The mutton market is showing an advance of fully 40o over ii waa at mis time a year ago and the outlook for the Immediate imure is exceedingly good. Killers have been very liberal pur Chasers of mutton at emintrv nnlnta ra. cently and these have been put In their feedlots at nearby points. While this will keep the market from ahowlng too great an advance in the immediate fut. ure, the direct purchases indicate that Kiuers tnemseives nave considerable iaun in toe maraet. Today's general mutton market ranre Best spring lambs..... $5.805.90 iiruumrjr minus 6.6046.65 Yearlings 5.23 via weinera 4.70 Of 90 Fancy ewes a Ordinary ewes S.TB 04.00 jaonaay atorning Bales. STEERS Beetloa No, Ave. lbs. A GLIMPSE OR TWO OF THE HUMAN SIDE By Herbert Corey W FISHING tAW ETW YORK, Nov. Is. Each day two persons la New York walk put of their front doors, perhaps turn to wave good by : to some one In the win dowand ars never seen or beard of again... ' "It Is as though they melt Into the air," said Sergeant Grant Williams of tne Bureau or Missing persons. "About tSOO people disappear from their homes each- year. Approximately 800 of them are gone for good. They never again come totbe surface of our metropolitan whirlpool" . i Perhaps this story may explain some of these disappearances It la admitted ly lurid. But It Is vouched for by a man of standing and conservatism: A pretty girl, well dressed and modest, took a seat at an uptown soda counter. Two young men took seats on either Side. . "Pardon ma," said one, oourteously, 'Is 'this your handkerchief V It was not As she turned her head she was dimly aware that the second young man passed his hand quickly over her glass of soda. Then she felt her self growing faint. She retained con sciousness and - courage long enough to call to the, clerkir . ' , . ' If anything happens to tne, remem ber that I never saw these young men before. I am alone." "Why. Edith." said the first young man, in tones of tender solicitude, as She slips off the stool. The clerk deals soda for a living. His avocation Is box flghtlng. ... - 1 "Beat it, youse." said the clerk, run ning around the counter. The two young men fled. Half an hour later the girl had recovered completely, to find her self In the cars of a hospital nurse. She was , shakea and Inoiinod to be apolo getic. "We-have many cases of the sort.' said the nurse, calmly. "You wars very lucky." WEEK ago various scientists hired a hall on Twenty-third street and discussed mental defectives, causes and cures. They declared that one-third was It one-fifth T of the school population of New York had loose mar bles in Its Intellectual . alley. . The sci entists said that the average defective becomes an assiduous parent at an early age. Therefore the ruturs of this coun try Is shrouded in gloom. In Just a little while we'll all have buck teeth, adenoids and a disposition to play with our fingers. Defectives are spotted by the Blnet test. When a boy is 10 years old he Is supposed to know a precise per centage mor than the average boy of and an equally accurate percentage less than the boy of 12. No doubt the Blnet test Is as accurate as a microm eter. No doubt, also, one-third or one fifth' of the New York schoolboys have weevils in their perciplenca But how about the undergraduate of Yale, who has Just been run through the sieve by Professor Henry N. MacCracken of that university? Ho "picked the following definitions' at random from hundreds received this week": "An agnostlo is one who believes Just what he thinks." "An Infidel has a religion of his own." ( i .'Pride Is the habit of modesty and self control." - If that sort of thing keeps up, they'll be burning. Blnet in effigy on the Yale campus. - , .- - - ABB ATTKLL, who was considerable featherweight for a ring genera tion or so, is telling a new story of hniself. MrVAttell was in John the Barber's chair being shaved, when a diamond salesman began to coax him. "Walt till I see the wlff," said At tell. "I'll be back In half an hour and grab that hoop." Then. At tell forgot Three days later he returned to John the Barber's to find a boiling peddler waiting for Mm "He hollers at me. !yon lowllfe.'" said Attell. "Tou make me wait three days what I should be selling diamonds. heyT For that Z shall hit you a smack In the face.'" So he wound us with that and In view. Half an hour later John the Barber was still moaning over the salesman In a corner or the shop. Blood was spurt ing from almost every portion of his nose. Attell resumes the narration) " 'You big chump,' says John the Barber, 'don't you know no better than to hit this feller? He's Abe Attell!' 'The bleeding person sat up with a Jerk and looked at Jphn the Barber. "'So it's Abe Attell, whatr said ha Well, this Is a hell of a time to tell mel'" THIS Is a sort of directory of the varous electrical devlcea used for trapping statesmen. It Is published because the newspapers especially the New York newspapers have managed to amear the names Incredibly. That ia nothing to wonder at however. It waa only the other day that one of the great dailies told of a party of four who start ed duck hunting "with four rifles and 400 bullets" A dictagraph la a sort of telephone, miniature In sise and monstrous In power, which you hide behind the cab inet organ when you have a friend In fof tea. A detec.taphone Is the same thing only more so. A telegraphone is attached to a tele phone Instrument and records the con versation of the gentleman who won't put it in writing. . Later on he can rec ognize the inflections of his own voice. A diotaphone Is used by unmarried butfness men when the stenographer is observed to curl her hair before she reaches the office. . The talk poured through the funnel Is recorded on a waa cylinder. Later the stenographer can reduce this to writing in the 1 other room, - . A telautograph enables those . who wish to do so to writs a message over a wire, ' There's no safety In any of them, If there's any canoodling going on. In that event the only thing to do is to take a leaf out of the New York graft er's book, as told to W. J. Bumsi "The next time I talk money," said he, "me and the other feller!! grease ourselfs and swim out to sea" N' EJW YORK may be gay, but It Is open-handed and generous, within limits. New York will not try to help a needy man to a Job, or trust him with a latchkey, or bother about the very lonesome stranger in the hall bed room. But it will always slip the down-and-out a dime. If properly approached. That's why the men from whom all the nlokels have been worn off during the summer come winging home with the first crimp of frost Broadway has its own type of mendicant His trousers are creased, he always manage! a shave, and his linen is passable. "Thank Heaven for the stock," one of them said, devoutly. "I can wash my own stock and Iron It on the window pane. But it is mighty hard to dig up 3 cents a day for laundering a collar." One of them explained the psychology of existence on Broadway on nothing a ween. When you meet a man you know or who thinks he knows you, which is Just as good always strike him for $2. He will let you have it of course. Then ask him for $1. He will not let you have that, except In raro instances. But he will always stake you to half a dol lar. He feels he Is getting off cheat)." ' 1 ' r ' ' , , . Orecon 9 Oregon 11 Oregon 2 Oregon Idtbo Oregon Oregon ...... Oregon ...... Idaho ........ Idaho Oregon Idaho ....... Or ton Oregon Oregon 20 8 ...... 15 24 20 COWS ...... 4 S 4 CALVES 1 HODS 05 62 OH1 1174 TTO 1222 104T 1179 1195 1129 1103 mo imi 1010 190 2flT 201 PHee. 7.00 0.80 5.00 T.es TJM T.45 T.45 T.23 7.00 .5 6.45 6.23 fS.50 t8.00 8.00 HOW YOU MAY THROW AWAY YOUR GLASSES - The statement la made that thou sands wear eyeglasses who do not really need them. If you are one of these unfortunates, then these glasses may be ruining your eyes Instead of helping them. Thousanda who wear these " "Windows" ; may prove for themselvea that they can dispense with glasses if . they will get the following prescription filled at onca Oo to any active drug store, and get a bottle of Optona; fill a two-ounce bottle with watpr and drop . In one Optona tablet - With this harm less liquid solution bathe the syes two . or four times dally and you are likely to ba aatonlahiul th 'from the start Many who have, been told that they have astigmatism, eye strain, cataract, sore eyelids, weak eyes, w.tjMMv.. . .v.- anu uunr ya aisoraors, report wonderful benefits from the use , of this free prescription. Get this pre scription filled and uas it; yotf may so strengthen your eyes that glasses will not be necessary. 'Thousands who are. blind or nearly so.'or who wear glasses; would never have required them It they . had oared for their eyes in tlma 'Save vnnr aval bafora it ia tnn lat.l r r - , - -. . mi nut ' become one of these victims of neglect Eye-glasses are only like crutches and every few years' they must be changed to fit the ever-Increasing weakened con dition,, so better sea if you can, like many others, get clear, healthy, strong . magnetlo eyes through, the prescription here given, , . (Adv. THE goldfish tender at the Hotel Plaza says the story of the Plaza's cat Is a parable of New York, "A guy," said- the goldfish tender, "gets a little wrong in the pod after he's lived in New York for awhlla Au tomobiles and diamonds and soup you eat with a fork become commonplaces. You think you're being cheated because you haven' t any of them." The Plaza's cat was moral and praise worthy until lately. It had its meat and milk twice a day, and caught mice like a plck-and-shovel hand. It had the com plete trust of the Plasa's management It was such a dignified and immaculate cat that when it rubbed Its head against the head clerk's leg It was the clerk that purred. "But not even s cat can watch plush luxury and money burning without be ing spoiled," said the goldflslf tender. "There's a bug In this New York air. Last week I caught this respected and charming cat swiping Our three-dollar-a-head Russian goldfish out of the lob by fountain. Now he wanders around Central Park yowling like a ghost and he looks lank and rusty. But do you think he's sorry T Mister, I saw that cat last night and that cat's look said to me, Just as plain as could be: " 'Anyhow some cats never had any goldfish I " RAISES NE POINTS Attorney General Says Mere Casting for Protected Fish Not Violation. Grants Pass, Or., Nov: .U. The new state fish law has bean subject to con- aiaeraoie criticism along the Rogue river recently; and more fine points were raised today when, on complaint of uepuiy. uame warden Merrill, Is. h Xtosecrans appeared before Justice Hoi man' and on a plea of guilty was fined $2t for fishing within 200 feet of the old dam below the steel bridge. A pe tition is being prepared and will be sent to Governor West asklna that the sen tence of the court be set aside, the dep. uty warden and other Interested parties joining in the petition, It is said that Rosecrans did not know that ha was within ths set dead line, and that his violation was unintentional. though In face of the plea of guilty, the minimum. line of 125 was necessarily imposed. A fine point of the fish law snacted by the late legislature is Involved In the question raised by the arrest of Rosecrans. and the attempted arrest of two other persons within the past few days. The newly appointed county at torney, Mr, Miller, says tnat under the taw he doubts the guilt Of Rosecrans, holding that the law, as It reads pro hibits the catching of "migratory" fish only below the flshways or dams, and that the common varieties of trout are not migratory, the term applying to such fish as periodically pass up or flown the stream, and including salmon and steelheads. If Mr. Miller has placed tne proper interpretation on the law. mountain and cut-throat trout or other varieties that do not ascend ths stream's as "migratory" flah, could be caught right up to the flshways, provided that the salmon and steelheads were not mo lested. The attorney is looking further into this phase of the law. Another fine point was raised when the deputy warden arrested - two men for fishing within ths prohibited limit and attempted to tntngrthera to account before the court The men claimed that they had caught no fish within 200 feet of the dam, and that the law could not hold them accountable unless they actu ally caught fish. Attorney General Crawford was asked for an opinion on this .point, and be Informed Attorney Miller that mere casting for the fish. even if the tackle were ample for catch ing and landing the prohibited fish, does not constitute a violation. On the strength of the opinion action against the two men was dropped. PORTLAND JOBBING PRICES ThM prices ire those at wtilrh wholMalan ell tn retailer, except as otherwise stated: BUTTER Nominal. Creamer cubes. aoA 81 Hie, which la the bnttarfat baila; prints, 84 35c; firsts, 81S2cs ranch butttr, 22c; New Zealand prints, 8.1e. KGQS Selected. Candled local extras, mar. SOc; "elect polleta, 47c; case countfl 2c; spot Oregon 1 150 8.00 Oregon 24 1 14 7.75 Idaho 110 173 T.95 Idaho t C0 .0 Idaho 110 165 7.90 Oregon .13 7.00 Oregon M 195 8.00 Idaho 2 B40 7.00 Idaho 05 184 8.00 Oregon , 61 170 8.00 Washington 84 224 8.00 Oregon 100 187 7.80 Idaho 94 182 8.00 Idaho 5 104 7.00 Idaho 91 ITS 7.88 WETHERS Idaho 164 108 40 Oregon 204 78 4.15 Idaho 125 04 4.90 Idaho loO 03 4.90 Idaho 140 . 91 4.90 LA UBS Washington 225 07 $5.85 Waahlngtoa 218 67 5.85 Idaho 268 59 4.75 Idaho 825 60 4.75 Idaho 143 60 4.73 Idaho 272 68 5.50 Oora-nratrre receipt of livestock at North roruaaa: Oregon T 234 8.00 Oregon 7 234 8.00 Oregon 10 183 8.00 Oregon 84 1 28 7.85 Oregon 8 123 7.35 Oregon 17 120 7.35 EWFSS Oregon ............. 15 101 $4.00 WETHKRS Oregon 45 104 14.75 MIXED bHEEP Oregon 132 127 $3.85 Oregon 8 133 8.85 LAMBS Oregon, m47 89 $5.75 Xtoesaay Afternoon Bales. STEERS I Month to data. Same, 1912 .. Cattle. Calves. Hogs. Sheep, 1,686 084 1,002 41 72 8.12T 9.808 8,202 Increase Decrease 81 Tear to date.. ..70.988 4.419 Same, 1912 ....071,184 2.523 Increase 8,804 1.S91 63,519 Monday Afternoon Bales, STEERS 8eetloa. No. Ave. lbs. Oregon ,. 1 1100 Oregon x line Oregon 24 1182 Idaho 1 1030 Idaho 1 920 Idaho a 1145 Idaho 1 980 Idaho 1 910 Idaho 1 830 Idaho 1 910 Idaho 16 1053 Idaho 1 800 COWS Idaho 1 1100 Idaho 1 1240 Idaho 12 1066 Oregon 20 . 1178 Oregon 23 1078 Idaho ................. 1 1050 Oregoa SO 950 Idaho 8 1057 Otegoa 1 1440 Idaho 1 1070 Idaho 1 970 Idaho , , 1 160 Idaho 1 90 Idaho 9 1072 MIXED CATTLE) 1200 1600 1410 1454 1363 . 1480 1840 1230 150 188 " 805 T8 . 67 .. I 87 .TO ' 108 4,529 1,076 154.231 257,823 Ul,7Jil Z1O.607 Oregoa 2 BULLS California California .............. 8 California IT ' Idaho 8 Idaho .m.-.. Idaho Idaho Idaho Idaho 1 Idaho 1 Idaho 1 HmrBM e e boos l TO 8 LAMBS' Oregoa ....'. 76 Oregoa ................184 Oregon ................ 120 Oregoa .............. ..137 EWES Idaho ..................217 - Idaho . .................. 84 WETHERS 6regoa '.'....'....U.. .'. .164. 1 oregoa ................ si 42,203 Price, $7.00 T.40 T.45 7.C0 T.50 T.50 6.70 S.70 8.70 6.70 , 6.70 6.00 $6.80 6.80 0.30 5.50 8.76 6.50 6.65 8.65 6.00 6.50 0.50 6.00 6.00 0.50 $5.50 8)6.00 5.10 6.10 6.00 4.60 4.80 A.60 $.00 . 7.90 , f .00 $5.90 , 6.90 6.85 6.00 ', i $4.00 a at Tuesday Morning galea n lot; 94 BeeTlos,, ' ; 1 '-r No. Oregoa ...... 4.. ... 4 BOLLS Oregon a.--...... 1 UOUB a Ave. lbs. ' 1009 1710 M $40 4.75 PHce. $5.50 $5.60 fS-OO Section. No. Ate. lbs. Price. Oregon . 7 1180 $7.00 Oregon 1 1310 6.75 COWS Oregon It 1036 $6.20 Oregon 17 911 6.00 Oregon 6 080 6.25 Oregon 1 1020 4.50 STAGS Oregoa I 1810 $6.13 ' HOGS Oregoa 34 192 $8.00 Oregoa 87 170 8.00 Oregon 8 150 7.50 Oregon , 10 183 7.60 WETHKRS Oregoa MMM 167 in $4.78 Oregon 54 121 4.50 EWES Oregoa 13 98 $4.00 LAMBS Oregon 66 80 $5.50 Oregoa 123 70 5.60 "Wednesday Morning Balsa, HOOS Section: No. Ave. lbs. Price. Washington . 91 192 $8.00 Washington W) 195 8.00 : Oregon 85 210 8.00 Oregon 79 200 T.95 Oregon 79 174 T.90 Oregon 3 817 T.50 Idaho 2 . 855 7.00 Washington 1 ino 7.00 Idaho 2 8M T.00 Idaho 85 2' 10 8XK) Idaho 1 250 8.00 Oregoa 90 2itt 8.00 Oregon- 81 181 T.90 Oregoa . 1 150 T.90 Idaho 118 1M T.70 Idaho , U ma . 7.60 Oregoa l mo T.45 Oregon 2 ; 280 T.25 Idaho 5 232 8.70 STEERS. Montana 2 1260 T.T5 Montana 1 1.S40 T.75 Montana 11 1205 T.80 Montana 6 1222 T.30 - - COWS Oregoa 28 1W $5.85 Oregon 1 170 B.65 Oregoa $ 1147 6.00 Washington! Oregon . . . . 1 BULLS Idaho 14 . 1128 Idaho T 988 Thursday Afternoon Salsa BULLS Section. - No. Idaho 14 Idaho 7 BOOS Oregoa 94 Oregon . .......... ..... 80 WashlDf ton ........... 82 Washington 11 Washington 2 Oregon ................ 1 Oregoa 1 I.AMM Oregoa 14 Friday Morning Sales. BOGS Beetles. No. Oregon ................ 16 Oregon Oregon Oregon Oregon Oregon Oregon Oregon Idaho . Idaho Oregoa Oregoa Oregon Oregon Oregon Idaho Idaho Idaho Oregon ....... Idaho .... Oregon ........ oregoa 70 86 1 2 4 27 97 280 430 Ave. lbs. 1264 two 178 221 210 147 850 ' 810 830 90 Are. lbs. 216 211 222 800 840 420 220 184 192 182 192 201 201 100 102 103 150 800 816 462 2W 200 S 4a Oregoa Oregoa Oregoa Oregoa ....... Idaho ........ Oregoa Idaho MIXED CATTLE 8 v EWES 60 .... .. ...... 25 28 227 55 81 WETHERS .......167 MIXED SUEEP 8 181 4T 140 weasesdsy Aftemeos Bajes, i . BXJUCKS Recttfta. No. Montana ,,i,UIU..uu.n Oregoa Oregoa Oregoa 988 109 4 71 103 J30 83 122 Are. lha. 1230 $6.00 $4.00 4.00 $4.00 4.00 8.90 8.29 $4.90 $4.00 $8.70 Pries. i-$?. 7.00 Montana 24 1284 Montana ............... 20 , 1240 I M BioDisua ....... .... ai Montana ,. 82 Montana ............... 13 Oregoa 25 Moutana 29 Thursday Morning Bales. HOUR . . Section. No..3ts. lbs. pries. Waahlngtoa . 91 - SIS ' $8U)0 Washington r 11 80 gO0 1189 1164 1164 1015 11122 T.45 T.40 T.40 T.80 0.70 76 97 86 6 S 1 24 94 16 1 2 4 2 1 STEERS 13 ...... 2 COWS 2 BULLS Oregon .... .... 1 Oregon 1 Oregoa 1 Friday Afternoon Bales. 6TEERS No, 25 10 24 24 25 27 23 I Sag) ISSI T 19 ........ 2 ........ 80 Oregon ................. 2 Oregon .. . ............ 1 Oregon ................ 8 Oregoa , .. .... . . . . 1 COWS Oregoa ................ 1 Or gen ................ 2 Oregoa. ................ 4 Oregoa ................ 20 Idabo ............. ......28 . Idaho .... 28 Oregoa . . .. 24 BULLS Idaho ' a . Oregoa 2- Oregoa 1 Idaho ... ............ 1. MIXED CATTLE OrVfOB HisifMAlM ate S .... i " BOGS - Oregoa .. 27 ' ' Oregoa ................104 Oregoa umrnm;iirr4t Oregon ................ . 1 Oregoa nt.tittu!C: -i!!5 Oregoa 1 820 . LAMBS ': ;.V : ...188 Oregon Oregon Oregoa Section. Oregon Oregoa Oregon Oregon Oregon Oregon Oregoa oregoa Oregoa Oregon Oregoa ....... .. .. . 1158 890 1195 1880 1260 1480 Ave. lbs. 1279 1161 1285 1238 1144 1 189 1101 1104 1104 803 978 . 685 N 1080 1090 1480 969 1193 962 1025 1078 1084 1187 1085 12118 1250 . 1570 1018.. 6.00 T.00 $5.40 4.75 Pries. $5.40 4.75 $8.00 6.00 - 8.00 T.50 ff.oo T.00 T.00 $5 JO Price. $8.00 8.00 8.00 T.50 TOO T.Otf 8.00 8.00 8.00 8.00 8.00 8.00 8.00 7.95 7.93 7.83 7.50 7.50 7.00 7.00 7.00 T.00 $T.0 6.75 $6.25 $3.75 6.25 6.73 Price. $7.65 7.60 T.40 T.40 T.80 T.80 7.00 T.00 6.90 6,75 8.70 0.50 8.50 0.50 6.60 $7.00 6.23 6.00 '" 6.88 8.65 6.65 8.50 B.73 6.75 6.23 6.23 uvci iubci puu.i., l.B HIUD1D S2CJ spot baying price f. o. b. Portland; storage. 84 a 86c! Kansae "frrnh" 9045c. w livb ruuLiTKX Mens 14OT14HC1 springs. I4fl14ttc: stags, 12c; geese, 12c; Peklo docks, 14aiSai Indian Runners. lOflille: torkara 22.) ; dressed, 24 (320c; pigeons, old. $li roaoar $1.60 doeen; Jacxrabblta, $1.50 dosen. UBKitBia nomtnai. rresn ureswn famy fail cream twins and triplets, 17c: daisies, 1714c: xoung America, lac. Hops, Wool and Rides. HOPS -Buying price, enotca zzmsej prima 21U21ttc; medium to prims, 20Q2oltci medium WOOL Nominal, 1918 ellp: Willamette vol. coarse Ootswoid, 10c lb.; medlnm ghroo. baying' pries $LW .tab. Shipping Station! garlic State lb.. - - ' APPLES Ppltsenberg, $1.8602.25 Mortbera Spy, $1.2532.00. . Jonathan 8102; abode laiana Ureeulng. Sl.W'fll.za: W la tar Bananas, 110-82.50; Ortley $I,6O$2.00; Qravensteln. $1.0Oru) 1.75 per boa-; cooking grades, 7bc81.00. POTATOES Selling price: Birra choice, tl.l5tl.2fi; choice, $1.15; ordinary, 61.00 Wck; baying price, carloads. Too; extra fancy, sorted, II; ordinary, T68oe oooatry. points; sweets, 12 per ewt. - , . . , . -.m,, . Meats, Tish sad Pravlstona " . DRESSED MEATS Selling price Oonstry killed: Hogs, fancy, lOQlOftc; ordinary. 10c; rough and heavy, 9e; - fancy teals, 18Vtl ordinary, HHeiSc; poor, tfilOej lambs. 10c; Button, 8c: goats, 4Qie. HAMS, BACON, Em Bams J21ei break fast bacon, 19327Hc; boiled ham, 2ie plo Blcs, 16e: cottage ( ). MEATS Packing house Steers, No. 1 stock,' 18c; cows, No. 1 stock, 2ei ewes, 9c; wetben, toe; lambs, 12c; pork loins, 19 Ho; dressed hogs, 18He. . OySTEHS Shoalwater bar, par gallon ( ) per 100 lb. sack ( ); Olympla, per gallon, $3.50; per 100 lb. sack ( ); canned eastern, 66c caa; $6X0 dosea; eastern, in shell. $L76J 2.00 per 100; raaor clams. $2.00J2.25 boa; east .n oysters, per gallon, solid pack, $3.00. riSH Nominal. .Dressed flounders. To; hall, bnt 6B'10c; striped baaa. 17c: sllTeralde salmoa 56c; Chlnooka ( ; halibut, 812c; aolea, Tes shrimps, 12 He; perch, 8e lb.; lobsters, aoe lb. I black bass, 10c; silver smelt. To; shad ( ); black cod, 8c; sturgeon, 12ei dressed tomeod, 8c. - LARD Tierces. I2)es eoapooad. tierces, llHc v - , CUABS Large, $1,601 medium, $1 dosea. Oroessiea SUGAR Cube, $5.00; powdered, $8.40; trait Hope For Bald Heads Well-Known Politician., Nearly Bald Now Has Heavy Growth of Hair. Tells How He DM It. A western politician, well known on account of his baldness and ready wit, surprised his friends by appearing with a heavy growth of hair; many of his friends did not know him and others thought he had a wig. On being asked how be did it, he made the following statement: I attribute the growth of mv hair, to the following simple recipe which any lady or gentleman can mix at home: To a half pint of water add 1 os. of hay rum. a smaii dox or uaroo compound and M os. of glyeerlna Apply to the scalp two 6t Ihree times a week with the finger tips it not only promotes the growth of the hair but removes dandruff, scalp humors, and prevents the hair from falling out It darkens streaked, faded gray hair and makes the hair soft and glossy. These ingredients can be pur chased at any drug store at very little cost and mixed at home." HEAVY MEAT EATERS 1 HAVE SLOW KIDNEYS ler shire, 17c; choice fancy lota, 18c lb.; eastern Oregon lOllOc, according to shrinkage. t'UITXIM Vll (JASUAllA BAHii 1813, ear lots, AVjr; lees than car lots, 40. MOHAiit ivy nominal boc. HIDES Dry hides, 2223c lb.: 12c; salted hides, 13c; bulls, green salt. 8J 9c; kips, 18ailc; calrea, dry, 25c; calf skins salted or green, 18c; green hides, lc less than salted; sheep pelts, salted, shearings, 10(2 25c dry, 10c. Traits and Vegetables. BERRIES Huckleberries, 9c lb.; cranberries local, 89; eastern $U.5012 barrel. ritE8H FRUITS Oranges. uareL 14 JW h.. naoas, 4V4tf5c lb.; lemons, $3138.60; limes, 11.50 per 1O0; grapefruit, Florida. $630.25; pineapples ottoic; (H-.tu, wmiivci arapea, Coras, AUa;7c: neaches. fancy. S0617uc izy-c er a id. dsskci; other vsxIsHm. cords, tl.10ffll.65; pears, $1.50. VEGETABLES Turnips, $1.16; beets. $1.18: rarrota. II. '6: nsrsnlns. 81.15 aacki Mhh... $1.25; California tomatoes, $1.6501.75; green onions, 12tyc per dosen bunches; peppers, bell. Kaec: head lettuce, 40(2 SOc dosen: cWt mrA 70c; egg plant, 10c; cauliflower, 65c$1.25 dosen; artichokes, $1.75 dosen; sprouts, llci string beans, 12c lima bsana, 12 Ho lbT? peaa. (rl7c. I UMONS-rJobbU price $2.00(32.80: carload Eat lea meat If yon feel Baekachy or nave bladder trouble Taxa glasi of Salts. fc.a. , No man or woman who eats meat res. ularly can make a mistake by flushina the kldneya occasionally, says a well- known authority. Meat forms urio acid which excites ths kldneya they become overworked from the strain, get sluggish and fail to filter the waste and poisons rrom tne oiood. then we get-slok. Nearly all rheumatism, headaches, liver trouoie, nervousness, dimness, sleep lessness and urinary disorders come zrom sluggish kldneya The moment you feel a dull acha In the kidneys or your back hurts or If the urine is cloudy,, offensive, full of sediment, Irregular of passage or at tended Dy a sensation of scalding, stop eating meat and get abont four ounces of Jad Salts from any pharmacy; take a taoiespoomui in a glass of water before breakfast and in a few days your kid neys will act fine. This famoua salts is made from the add of grapes and lemon Juice combined with llthla, ani nas oeen usea ror generations to flush and stimulate the kidneys, also to neu tralize the aclda In urine so it no Ionr causes Irritation, thus ending bladder weakness. Jad Baits Is Inexpensive and cannot injure; ma as a aengntrui effervescent mma-waier anna wnicn everyone should take now and then to keep ths the kidneys clean and aotlve and the. Diooa pure, tnereoy avoiding serious noney complications. or berry, $3.20; beers, tS.0tt try geanaUtea. sa.2o; 1 yellow. $.M. t Abuse, oetauma are ia days set eaeb.) -., - , . BEANS maU wilts, t-0t large Wbrle, 0ci plug, 401 lluiaa, 6S4o; pinks, Uv hae TiCB--JspaB style. No. 1. BHCSKel Hew' Orleans, head, 8fl7ei Craoto. 6 fee. HONEY New, M.78 per caae. . k : SALT Corr, half greaods, 100s, US too; 60s $10.75; table dairy, Km, $U loa, I $17.80; bskw, 2.R eatra fine barrels, fa, 84i sod 10s, $5.25O0.OOi lump rock. $4.60 per W' ralnta aad Oils, . , USBIED OIL Kaw ubla. 6e per gatt ket-i tie boiled, Dbla 68c gal.; raw easea tlsi bolM easae, 3e (aLt lota of too gallons, le least all cake meal, $44 per .ton. v . WHITS LEAD Toa lota. So ssS lb. I 80S Ik. lota 8e per lb.; less lota, 8e per lb, OIL MEAL Carload lota, $84. , TUHPENTINJS Jn esseav T3r Wood barrsU, TOc; iron barrels, 860 per gallon. , i " . Th vlllara sossto never has time ts take a vacation. Ask This Man lo Read Your life Ills Wonderful Power: lo Read Haman lives at Any Distance Amazes All Who Write to Him Thousands of people In all watks f life have benefited by this man's adt vice. He tells you w-iat ojaxa capable of. ana now . vou can be I successfuL He mentions your friends and enemies and describes the good and bad perloda in your life. His descrip tion as to past, present and future events will astonish and help you. All he wants is your name (written by yourself), your birth date and sex to KUlde him in his work. Money le not riaMjessary. Mention the name of this paper and get a Trial Beading free. If you want to take advantage o f this special of fer and obtain a review of your life elm-' ply send your ' : full name, address thai data month and - year of birth (all clearly written J stateH whether Mr, Mrs. or Mies, and aleoVj copy tne roiiowing verse in your own' p handwriting: k . . ?' "Tour advice Is useful. So thousands say, X wish success and happiness, Will you show me the WayT" If you wish you may Inclose 10 cents, fstamns of your own country! to Day postage and clerical work. Send your1 letter to Clay Burton Vance, Suite 612-M.l I'alals-Royal. Paris, Franca Do not ln- close coins In your letter, Postage on' letters to Franca is 6 cants. r;J "v, S,M,t I, $10,000,000 A Year Wasted On Trusses How 60 Day.' Trial Protects You Against Throwing Money Away tots yea against a eery strata so taor ui esn't possibly be forced oat And tn addition to thta sonata nt aolOrna. It prorldes ths only way ever dlaoonradfoi vnrovniuis; ua waa anus waiea is the real cause of rapture. v Jnst how it doea tbat entirely asrtomatle ally la all explained In the free book which the coupon below will bring you. No Belt No Leg-Straps No Springs Dose away entirely with the enrse of belts, lef traps, and springs. People who have tried It say It is as comfortable as their clothing. IB water-proor. will nolo, in US bath. Al- persplratloa-proof and easily kept clean. Will Save Yon From Operation of every hundred dollars ! i' "SSj.?, hoJd! 'tH aCt -"wett'tTwa'r thit aurgeons ta the V. T Arav Sd '."?.,.ttrSo.T.Wr:,,. yesr-lathUi iJLtAr1s4 Away With Worthless Makeshifts Nlnety-olne out country alone Is practically wasted On such contraptions. Ana all simply beeaase nine sofferers out of now recommend It Instead of adrlslng opera- It has completely eared hundreds sad bun- ten trnst to a mere try-on or besty examination dreds of people whose cases seemed almost instead of first making a thorough test. A Mere Try-on Is a Snars Ton can't possibly tell anything abont a hopela Ths Things We Tell in Our Book There are so manr mil taken fdeaa abont trass or anything else for rapture merely by rapture that we have taken the time to sam trying it on. up In a book all we bare learned daring A truss or socauea "eppilsnee" may seem lurlr jrinc. iriKni at iirai ana anerwsra pioro uuariy tuu remarkable book cioto-nonnfl, 80 Sages, worthless. 20 chspters, and 23 photogrspblo IllintratlonSi ih oojy ww rare making a thorough slaty-day log to risa any money, zu enspters, ana u pnoiogrspoia luustrstlona only way In the world yon can make Is full of facta nersr before put la priot. ...ShVy-dart'SuA. stages, It shows the dangers ef operation. It exposes the humbug "appliance w "methoda," "plaaters," etc. It shows why wearing elaatie or spring trusses" ia 41 moat aura to shorten your Ufa. Aod It tells sbont the famous Cluthe Auto. rapture that you can get on sixty days' trial msue alaasaging 'iraas now simple It law Ths Only Thing Good Enough To Stand a 60-Day Test $8.00 220 $3.00 102 . 8.00 188 8,00 280 i T.00 Oregoa Oregoa MIXED SHEEP ........... 58 48 WES. ..121 m . tits TTiers is only one thing of any kind for UDture that vou can ret on slxtv Sara' trial- Only one thing good enough to stand such ' bow it ends constant expense hoe yoa caa try It sixty uays wiuioui earing to nk a penny, and how little It costs if you keep It, Also cWes orer 6000 volantsrr sndorsamanta make it to your measure and let yon try It from benefited and cured people, . . , . slaty days Head for this book today don't pat It off We'll practically lend to you that' long minute it takes to write for It may free a long and thorouih teat- Thai, la onr guaiaataed rupture holder. well make one especially ror your caae without asklna yoa to Tisk a Denny. It It doesn't keep your rupture from coming Iwm v. iwwviu JUH , Mil .., uv UMk.fr ijhow bard you work or strsln if It doesn't proie every ciaim we mane men . yoa caa aeod It back and It won't coat yos a single esnt. you from trouble ror tne reef of your life. Simply use ins coupon 'Send sue yoor book.' ; Made en New, Principle 6T ' $3.2$ I, ; Thla. narantd' rnntnra hrJArihm fa.' I fvMMia mthk 'AntoTnaflo UiaMvlhv 1ViiMVta $1 ' " $2.00 I so i utterly different from ayerythtng elae for rupture tost it nas recenTea eighteen separate stents. It . la fur more than .Just' a truss., ado oa aa absolutely new principle. : " of Just say la a letter r MIS BULNGS IT Box - B10 CXUTIIE COMTANT 108 Xaat 23d at. New Terfc Citv. Send me your rree Book sud Trial Offer, i STOMACH- SUFFEEERS; I" i ., - , ;;.'.--r--.-:x::.;. If You Wish to Obtain Complete and Permanent Results Try Mayr$ Wonderful Stomach Rem edy One Dose Will Con vince You. XCaVT'a VfuamariBl Stomajik mama-tail is well known throughout the eountry- aaany mooaana people nave taxen it for: Stomach. Liver and Intoatlnal allmuital and report marvelous results and ar( highly Dralalnr It ta ottiora. lunii.ii. Ins benefits sufferers hars ninaTva . f from one dose are heard everywhere, atMt I eapuua ! uamaaaoiis saue. -. rat rarely I ever falls and those afflloted with.' Stomach. Xd vex and Xntatartlnal Aiuaamtai. I - Indigestion, Gas la ths Stomach, sad Xn- t testlnss, Slsslneas, Tatnilag BpeUs, OoUe , Attacks. Torpid Xdver. ConjrtlpaUen. etix. ' should by all means try this remedy. I The benefits stomach sufferers who have taken Marx's Woaderfnl BtomacJl ; Semedy have received Is in most cases) a lasting one. After yoa have taken thla I Remedy you should be able to digest and i assimilate your food, enable the heart1 to poms purs, red blood to every part oil the body, giving firmness and strength. to fibre and musele, lustre and sparklet to the ere. clearness. and color fa hl oomplexipn aad aoUvltr and brilliancy! to the brain. Do away with your pain I and suffering and this Is often possible' with, even one dose of Xafayr's Wonder-1 rn sjooxnaoa asameoy. interesunsr litera ture and booklet desorlblng Stomach i juunenia ssni xree py oeo. it. alayr ! fifg. Chemist, 114-lltfVhlting tTt., Chl.j cage. I1L For sale la Portland bV tha i Owl Drug Co. "v;, j a sea. Chronle and NerveaS IMsv eesss readily an ecu in b ta my uwuagn aid exbaaa tire aaetbods , of treat meat when ' they are carefully and consistently followed. Mistakes are at s minimum, seeaoae I have treated ' auecMa ful ly thousanda ef easss ex act ly Use your ewe. It Is an error not to seek tne sdrlce of a gpeclallst who has had years , ef experience aad gives ex elualTe personal attention to tne uoauneai ef sues 1 ana tteaneed to Draetlce la the states ef Oregon, Wanning ton, . oaurornla and Nevada. My office la tbecoeghly equipped with eeery elect rieal aod mechaa leal deeice aseeaaary for the eoleatlfle treat ment of yoor ailments, . 1 adailnsitot the World's latest remedies. I Treat Burcemfallr " ' CHRONIC, NEKVOUS, KLOOD, ggTM CL1UUIK, UVIK AND KIONHT I1S. FA8ES, BHKUMAT18M, NBU&AgTtWNlA, KCKKMA, UUtir.0, . WLCKJU, VILA Ah it riBTULA. Consults tloa and Examine ttoa FSBti to e 1 to g. Dally i guadays, 10 ta L. J, J. KEEFE, Ph. a M. D. BOOMS 11-18 LAEATETTS BLDO. ti$Vh wasbinoton ht.. coKMgit rra, . rOBTLAND. OB. ' ! Hsn Address Milov?!CAs S Aa M fikfA' , rind nil J 1 1 V I J 81 1 V V. H X - - - 3 -sa m f i sr t i a sr - i f'VVVVVVV kafth - la tmr ti.a eyr of t "S ' tkl k, a 'I Itn, , . ' 4 r t " fS.28 ' sjslfdjustingnstaaUr and automatical pro 'to