The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, November 16, 1913, Page 19, Image 19

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HKILJo Klerent ' and ' atbrrfaoa. "Bird of
Paradise." r .. r - " -" '
BAKKH Broadway and Morrison., "The Grain
of Duet."
V LYBIO-Fonrth id Stark. Keating Flood
Mualeal Oomedr Company.
VANTAGES Broadwajr and Aider. ' Taadevllle.
Curtain, 8:80, 7:15. 9:10. , :
1. COLUMBIA Sixth, between Washington and
. Stark ata. Motloa ptcturaa lla. m. to 11 p. m.
PEOPLE'S THKATBK West Park and Alder
in. Henry 10. DUey In "Chelsea 1T7BO."
AROADB Washington, between BUth and
Broadway. Motion picture. ' . .
STAR -Washington and Park. Motion picture!.
tlon pictures. . - -,.....
region and a relief map, of the bay and
I lte cities. . Throughout,- photograph
hoW the possibilities ' of lumbering,
dairying, orcharding and general farm
ing. The text gives a history of the
country, and the development of Its
Industries, together with articles von
harbor Improvement and prophesies of
the future of that territory.; . ..
Oregon Meat for Oregon People ot
it -at, Frank L. Smith's. Pass up the beef
trust's Australian meats. Smith' prices
. Weather Conditions.
Portland and Tlclnltyt Sunday, rain. Brisk
southerly wlnda.
Oregon: Sunday, rain. -Southerly wind,
brink to high north portion. , : , . I
Waahlncton; , Sunday,, rain. -. High souther
ly wlnda. ' '
Idaho: Sunday, rata.. Southerly wlnda, high
north portion, 1 ." ' . Js
'; District Forecaster.
' "Twentieth Century BohooL" Newton
C. Gauntt, a Portland architect, has
prepared an Illustrated lecture on "The
Twentieth Century School" which 1 ha
will deliver In a number, of Oregon
cities, as Ms contribution to the cause
of progressive education. He announced
yesterday that no admission fee was to
be charged at any place where the ad
dress Is to be delivered. (The first ap
pointment Is at Stay ton next Friday
evening, at the invitation ot the prin
cipal of the Stay ton schools, Mr.
Oauntt said yesterday- the lecture would
emphasise the place of correct sohool
ventilation, exercise, (correct posture In
sitting; and general obedience to ordin
arily little heeded laws of nature, in the
development of heal&y men and women.
Starters. Electrical Mechanical -'
Air. As applied to the automobile.
. A very Interesting pamphlet giving a
fair and Impartial comparison of the
different starting systems now in use,
has recently been edited by the prom
inent mechanical and electrical engi
neer, Stanley D. Emmott. The author
goes on to explain in a simple way
the intricate mechanism of the differ
ent " starters, giving diagrams and
comparative locations. He also briefly
discusses the different systems of
, Ignition. If you are contemplating the
' purchase of ' a new car this pamphlet
might be of interest to you and may be
' had free for the asking. - Address Stan
ley D. Emmott. M. Sc E. 901 E. Pike
t., Seattle, Wash.
firs Band Concerts In order to re
plenish a depleted treasury, that was
exhausted by the recent trip from
Portland to New York by The Portland
Firs Department band, which attended
the International Convention of Fire
Chiefs at New York, September 1 to
6. the band will give a concert and
dance at Swiss hall next Wednesday
evening. This is the first public ap
pearance of the band since lta return
from New York, where it was One of
the big features of the convention.
The band will give a concert between
I and 9 o'clock, and there will be
dancing from 9 to 12 o'clock. Swiss
hall Is on Third street between Jef
ferson and Columbia streets.
it T. H. O. A. Tonight, A. fl. Allen,
general secretary of the Seattle Young
Men's Christian Association, will be
the speaker at the men's meeting in
the auditorium of the Portland Young
Men's Christian Association tonight at
8 o'clock. Mr. Allen has spoken In
Portland before and .-Is always well
received. The meeting will be fol
. lowed by the Sunday discussion clubs
and the fellowship supper. From 9:30
to 10 o'clock tonight the weekly song
service will be held.
XSvengeUstlo Campaign. The evan
gelistic campaign that has, been con
ducted at Calvary Baptist church, East
Eighth and Grant streets, under the
direction of Rev. Dr. Mllllken, of Ore
gon City, will be continued during the
coming week. Jack Fiost, former rail
road engineer, who Is known as the
"Engine Driving Evangelist." begins
his work this morning, and will speak
at 11, s and 7:30 o'clock. He wii also
speak every mgnt tnis ween at
The Baits We Make are hand tailorred
and every garment has the union label
In, showing it to be made by the best
workmen to be had. You are sure of
getting ten stitches to every one stitch
found in the ready made kind. Men's
suits to order. $26. Ladles' suits, 985
Call in tomorrow. You will find lust
what you want among our large stock.
Unique Tailoring Co., 109 Stark St., be
tween 5th and tn. j (Adv.;
Booklet Shows Besonrces "C6os Bay
; and Its Tributary Resources" Is th
title of an Illustrated booklet lust Is
sued by the Chamber of Commerce of
Marshf ield, the North Bend Commercial
Club and the Southern Paclfio Railway.
Colored cover illustrations' show some
of the masslva standing timber of the
Pot roasts, 1SH -ISO.
Brrloln steak, 20c.
Round steak, lOo. .
Legs pork. Ho.
In early, 'for your -'
convenience to
shop NOW, with
lots of timeifor an .
intelligent selcc-
"Pries f is Important, but
Quality is Vital."
Boil beef, lO-llo.
Ribs beef, 16-1 8c
Rib steak, tod '
T-bono steak, (20c
korx rst, 12H-18C Chops, 17 H -20c
fSaj,rpork, 160, ., Pig's fact. 7c
ng-B uver, bc sausage, izo,i
Legs lamb, 15c - bnoulder lamb, 10c
Lamb chops, 16o. Le.mD stew, 8c
L'gs mutton, 12 Ho. Loins m'tton, litto.
M'tt'n chops, 12 He Shoulders, 8c
Hams, choice, IOoj Shoulder bams, 16c
Butter, 82 Hot Eggs, SOo dos, '
Bacon, 20-26e Crabs, lOo. -Chin"k
salmon,, 10o. Cheese, 20c.
Ba sure you get in Fsank L. Smith's
Market. 228 Alder street between First
and Second streets, v" (Adv.)
Depends on Custody.- District Judge
Jones has decided that at divorced man
cannot be held to support his child if
given to the mother when the divorce
decree makes no reference to the sup
port of the child. He dismissed the
charge of non-support brought against
Henry Westerman, a fuel dealer, on that
ground. He said that he believed a suit
to change the decree was the only rem
edy for Westermen's former wife.
Westerman said he was willing to sup
port the child if he had control of it
but not otherwise. He has remarried
and has a child by his second wife
: Would Save School memaln There
will be a meeting of the residents of
the dlstrlot at the auditorium of the
East 81de Branch library. East Eleventh
and Alder streets, Tuesday evening at
8 o'clock, to take up the matter of the
removal of the Hawthorne sohool to
East .Thirtieth and . Harrison streets,
and prepare a petition to present to the
school board urging them to retain this
school at its present location. East
Fourteenth and Alder streets. It is
hoped that everyone ' who possibly ean
will attend this meeting.
Vound What Was Wanted. After a
search through many stores, a party
seeking mouldings, was referred to the
Western Picture Frame Co., formerly
Sanborn, Vail & Co, at 171 First street,
where a new and .most complete stock
of mouldings in good antique and Or
caslan walnut, in the latest designs and
patterns, was on display. The prices
were very low. The workmanship
skilled, and the Una of artist materials
and mat boards, was of the best Phone
Main 909. (Adv.)
Boy Varoled again, For four years
a Montavllla boy made good on a parole
by the juvenile court and wben he ap
peared to answer a charge of larceny
yesterday morning Judge Catena, of
the Juvenile court, placed him on his
honor once more. He admitted taking
merchandise valued at $8 from Rice &
Phelan, Front and Oak streets, and told
Judge Qaten that he took it because
he had lost some money he had In
tended to use to buy a watch,
Wilkina Trial Tomorrow - Challenge
of jurymen in the trial of. Lloyd H.
Wllklns for the murder of Lou L. Win
ters on October 12, will begin tomorrow
morning. The defense has It challenges
and the state six. After examining 27
veniremen 12 were finally passed for
cause, when the trial was adjourned
by judge Morrow yesterday at noon.
The majority of those disqualifying
were opposed 10 tne aeatn penalty.
To lecture on, Sfhrenolory. Prof.
Robert Morris will deliver a lecture on
phrenology Tuesday evening, Nov. 18, at
s p. m., at me Jtneta sonooi, unaer the
auspices of the Social Center, of which
E. H. Flagg is president ' Professor
Morris will examine heads for those In
the audience who wish it After the
lecture the audience is cordially invited
to remain and get acquainted.
Sunday Sohool Work-Rev. O. J,
Bowman, of the First Presbyterian
church, will be the speaker at the No-
vember meeting of the superintendents'
section of the Graded Union of Sunday
School Workers next Tuesday evening,
at Taylor street church. Mr. Bowman'
toplo Is "Sunday School Expansion and
Efficiency." These meetings are open to
an roieresita in Sunday school better
Complaint Dismissed F. Piatt, charged
with passing a bad check, was allowed
to go and the complaint was dismissed
when he told a story of his marital
troubles, District Judge Bell dis
missed the charge. 'Piatt has four
children and said his wife had deserted
him and he was trying to find her. He
promised to reform
JTree Plans for Hon sing; Tow Auto.
Are you planning a agarage for your
home? If so we will mail free upon re
quest several drawings, model garages
use are oeing duiu throughout the
east They should interest you. State
horaepower or model of car you expect
to house Address Robt Crawford, C
788, Journal. (Adv.)
jffew Creamery Company J, A. Mo-
Leod, E. A. Hamilton and C. C Hall
yesterday . filed articles of incorpora
tion ot the Farmers' Central Creamery
company with County Clerk) Coffey.
The company Is capitalized at $5000
and will engage in a general creamery
Bjr Dr. Frank Crane.
t. i ..ifrxttijiKitiw rn i
ONE reason why people flock ao cities Is that they may be able to mind
their own businsss.''?''-v,.v;rV-'f-.I-,!'v';"-- . t .;'
Political economists seek complex and devious reasons for the tremend.
ous rapidity of city growth and for the desertion of the country and of
' the-country town. The causa, however. Is quite simple, as simple as hu
man nature. The people go to cities because they "want to," That's all ,
Take the village of Podunk, In the first place you would not be allowed to
go .there to live without explaining why you came, where fou came from, and
what your business Is. You Kjan rent a flat in Chicago, however, and nobody
cares a. tuppencejarho youarewjahaWs ypucrlmlnal record, so long as yon
are' peaceable.'5'"" T.Y '
- If you do business In Podunk, and usually get down to the store at nine, and
some morning you do not appear until ten, the town will not rest until it has
found. out the' cause :'f your' delay..
- Your neighbors know all about yon and your wife, your sons, and your daugh
ters. The bank cashier knows the slse of your pile, the grocer end butcher know
what you eat, the dry goods merchant knows what sort of underclothes you
wear and how much your women folks spend on oorseta, and they all meet and
check up. ' . '
Wben yon leave town they know It, also when yon return and they want to
know what you were doing In St. Louis, '
It Is all a very cosy family arrangement. Ton live In the constant glare of
the limelight - ' .-v,w.-'V
' Some people like It, and feel lost and lonesome in the city. But mere and
more that class is growing to whom this perpetual Invasion of privacy is disa
greeable. . - :. -
It Is pretty generally assumed among' moralists that people love the privacy
of cities because they wish to plunge Into vice. Doubtless some dc But it is
doubtful If the average city bred person is any more Immoral than the country
bred. " ' y
It is conceivable that a person may wish to live his own life as he pleases,
and not under the unremitting supervision ot Mrs, Grundy, and that this wish
may be prompted not by a desire for secret crime but simply by a desire for
personal privacy.
The matter la really a conflict between the old Idea that morality is con
formity and the modern idea that morality la the responsible expression of one's
own personality.
The city means the revolt of the soul ot man against moral dictation. Of
course, wicked people have always resented moral tyranny. Now the good peo
ple are beginning to resent it too. So the country is squeezing out its best and
Us worst into the cities.
Protestant counties, and enlarging thilr
local government powers."
Mr. Redmond had already- agreed to
a conference that would not touch the
vitals of the bill an indivisible Ireland
and an executive, .responsible to (the
Irish people. '.w 1 ' "
Meanwhile thejtllster Liberal associa
tion, a Protestant body, Issued a pro
nouncement declaring the Protestants
..m In T1 .U.- .1. ,K.-. an A
Ifcnm nil. will a hloasfnir ti nil The
war Is over. Pax. "
Seed Corn for Oregonlans. v,k
Dayvllle, Or., Nov. 9. To the Editor
of The Journal After reading several
corn reports in. The Journal, I wish to
say for the benefit of the people,!' if
you wish i'to uke the Information, that
I sent to Virginia and got a few pounds
of what -is called the. Nooob ; corn, a
very deep -grain with a cob no larger,
than a man's finger. I gave ' it only
moderate) care, but It got ripe and wis
of excellent quality.
I had another let from a relative not
a great way from Galax, Va., which did
equally well and Is a more desirable
corn. It .grew with ears as high as
my head and about 10 to 12 inches long.
It Is a white corn, and fine for bread.
It also got ripe and is as glossy and
as welt matured as any eastern corn. I
think it out of place to get seed from
the middle west I would be glad to
send a small amount to some energetio
farmer for postage only, to introduce It
I j am sending It around among my
neighbors for trial, hot to make money
on it I give It away. I feel it the
duty of the fanning world whenever
anything profitable is found, to pass it
along free of charge.
tatlon club will give Its next luncheon.
H. H. Keck is chairman of the day
and he has secured District Attorney
Walter H. Evane for the principal
speaker. The next dance ana cara
party of the club will be held Wednes
day evening at the club rooms.
Illinois Society Meets. Former Sen
ator Jonathan Bourne,. Jr., will be the
speaker of the evening at a meeting of
the Illinois society to be held in the
auditorium of The Journal building
Tuesday at 8 o'clock.'
XTew Automatio Irrigation Maohlne
Praotlcal business man who can invest
about 86000 wnated to handle sales
direct to ranchers from Portland plant
Immense demand. XC840, Journal. Adv.
Chinese BxhiUt Planned. The Jun
ior Auxiliary of St David's church will
hold a Chinese exhibit in the parish
house. East Twelfth and Morrison
streets, next Saturday, beginning at 2
o'clock. In connection with the exhibit
will be a sale of useful articles and
table delicacies.
Mow Tork State' Society. The New
York State Society of Orecon iwiii
celebrate Evacuation Day, next Tues
day evening, at Manchester hall, 85 H
Fifth street .-. Colonel T. O. Haaua
will give the address. All .form
New Yorkers are oordlally invited,
The Woman of the East Side Babtlat
church, East Ankeny and Twentieth
streets, will hold a basaar in the after
noon and evening of the 18th and 19th,
A New England supper Tuesday even
Ing at 26c A ohlcken dinner Wednes
day evening at 86c (Adv.)
A Simple Some Bemedy. For rhau.
matinrn, lumbago or kidney trouble! Mix
2 ounces sajgrene with 4 ounces olive
oil and take In I taaspoonful doses. Sal
grene contains no aloohoL Alcohol is
an Irritant to the kidneys. ? For sale at
all druggists. .. urtvCAdv.) ...
Win ' Speak . on Temperaaoe-Mra.
Ward B.-Swope will apeak at the reg
ular Christian Endeavor , meetinr of
Montavllla Christian church tonight, on
tne temperanoe question. The speakor
is well known In temperance circles.
Klft-h School .' Alumni Dance Wash.
Ihgton high school alumni will hold a
dance at Chrlatenaen hall Friday, No-
vemner si.
Transportation Club AffalnTues-
day, November II, at 13, the Transport
The Vext Begnlax Session of the Ore
gon state board of dental examiners will
convene in the elty and county medical
room in the Medloal building, Monday,
Nov. 17, at 1 P. m. (Adv.)
Dainty Gifts Nosegays, sachets, and
numberless attractive articles from The
Pohlson Galleries. The Art Craft and
Curio shop, 404 Morrison st, Portland
representatives. (Adv.)
Tim Belns Bns4xedv The ferry
Webster will not run today, as it is
to be tied up for repairs. Tomorrow
morning It will resume its regular
MBCUwatneM hard fJteh coal burns
up clean, keeps fire all night and gives
great heat Ediefsen Fuel co tne
mine agents guarantee public scale
weight - (Adv.)
" Steams Jessie Btaxkus for Camas,
Washougal and way landings, dally ex
cept Sunday. Leaves Waahlncton
street dock at 2 p. m. (Adv.)
Wanteds Students In Y. M. C A
schools desire room and board In ex.
change for work. Phone R, C. French
Y. M. C. A. t-aav.i
BpeolaX Mention this ad and we will
French dry clean your suit ror ii.uo. uni
que Tailoring Ce, 809 Stark. Main 614,
A-4814. tAOV.i
. f ' I
Letters From the People
A ldy Wishes to organise a ladles
arun club. Those interested, send name
and address and I wiu call. B-788, Jour
nal. (Adv.)
One Suit Pressed Back Weak. $1.60 a
month, unique Tailoring Cc 809 Stark.
Main 514. A-4814. (Adv.)
Baggage Transfer Service Co "ALL
Mala 120.
motel Xenon, Third and Main. The
best rates in the city to permanent
gueste (Adv.)
Tour Zntas Photos C Elmore drove
photographic studies. 839 Morgan build
Ins. (Adv.)
HUme for Aged People, Invalids, fine lo
cation. Mount Tabor, Tabor 4159. (Adv.)
Two-Boom Suite for doctor's office in
The Journal building;. (Adv.)
Swiss Watch Bmalrlna. L. H. Miller.
407 Selling bldg. (Adv.)
Br. 9. K. Killer, dentist - Morgan
bids. (Adv.)
Dr. dreene, Main 4688, Morgan build
ing. . (Adv.)
Woostes sells Bverythlng 4S8 Wash.
Had to Pay for. Ice Cream.
Stolen sweets lost their flavor for
Lloyd Oreen and Earl Shea, two. youths
brought before Chief Probation Officer
Mcintosh v yesterday, : for they were
compelled to pay J 1.40 each to Mre
Mullott, 961 Williams avenue to square
themselves for stealing two gallons of
ice cream she had on hand for a party
several nights age From, the story told
It appeared that the boys took the ice
cream and went to get Jack MoTem-
penny, 497 Height avenue, another boy,
to nam mem. eat .iVyvri;- :u-V :"..
Sues on Judgment
An attachment suit to secure payment
Of a 8629.06' Judgment was brought in
the circuit oourt by George W. Stansell
against the Al O. Barnes Circus com
pany. The judgment was rendered in
Twin Falls, Idaho, but for what is not
set forth in the attachment suit -
Men's Suits andjO'Coats
But- of me and' keen- the tilch - r'.t
landlord's nroflt In vour ieana. Jlmmv
Dunn, Sd floor Oregonlan bldg. (Adv.)
Cejrd of Thanks.
Mr and Mrs. Daniel Needham. 1 Mr.
Joseph Needham, Mr. Deloa Needham.
and Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Garr Reei
deeply appreciate the kind expression of
eympathy and beautiful flowers received
In their recent sorrow at the death of
Mrs, Catherine Needham Halloran. (Ad.)
(Oommnnlratlona sent to The Jonrnal for pub
lication in tbla department abould ba written on
only one aide of tba paper, should not exceed
800 words in length and mtnt be accompanied
by the name and addresa of the sender. If the
writer doea not destra to hare the name pub
lished, he shoold ao state.)
"Dticnsaloa ta the greatest of all reformers.
It rationalises arerythlng It trachea. It robs
principles of all false sanctity and thrown them
back on their reasonableness. If they hsra no
reasonableness, It ruthlessly crushes them out
of existence and sets up Its own conclusions la
taelr stead." Woodrow Wilson.
Portland, Nov. 16. To the Editor of
The Journal: That distinguished pub
licist, Mr. George Harvey,' Just returned
from a visit abroad, believes that the
whole Ulster, question has been grossly
exaggerated for partisan purposes.
So have the recent utterances of Win
ston Churchill of the liberal cabinet on
the same question. To quote an im
partial reviewer:
"Mr. Churchill had explained that he
meant by his Ulster proposal that the
government will consider any solution
compatible with the fundamental prin
ciple of an Irish parliament and a gov
ernment responsible to it and not
destructive to the unity of Ireland.
"Mr. Asqulth finally settled the ex
clusion proposal, October 25:
"Nothing is to be done" he said,
"that may Interfere with the setting up
In Dublin of a subordinate Irish legis
lature with an executive responsible to
it, or which msy erect a permanent or
Insuperable barrier to Irish unity. Thin
is the root principle of the home rule
bill, from which we will not depart
"He welcomed a settlement by con
sent but: 'a conference of party lead
ers without more or less an agreement
as to a basis and a defined limit would
be abortive and leave matters worse
than It found them.'
"Sir Edward Carson's comments were
mild, showing a conciliatory tendency,
and it seems now that a conference may
be held on the basis of strengthening
the finances of the bill and Increasing
the representation of the three or four
Appeal .for the Plsgah Homes.
Lents, Or., Nov. 15 To 'the Editor
of The Journal I ask space to address
your readers in this appeal:
As the wintry days draw near, we be
gin to recognize the growlng-eed of
preparation for the time when work
closes down. We hear of "close times,!
hard times," and "financial stringency"
on ait sides, and we know of the many
who will have to be housed, clothed and
fed at times through the winter. We
cannot but wonder where the means
necessary to accomplish this Is to come
from. I
Just today, a man. one who 4iaa been
a hardworking man and- an. earnest
Christian, told me of his dire need and
that of his family of Six. His face al
ready showed the lines of hunger and
despair. He had been 'wearily walking
the streets for days in futile search for
In our Plsgah Home there are now
50 men out Of work, most of them orlp
pled or otherwise incapacitated for la
bor other than doing little odd chores
in the vicinity of the Home. Many of
these very men were capable workmen
in the different avenues of life and
are stranded here through adversity or,
more often, drink.
The winter Is upon us and we must
have clothing, especially underwear and
shoes, in order to keep them clean and
warm. When you look over your own
full store don't forget the Plsgah
Homes. I say "Homes" advisedly, as
we now have a women's adjunct, to the
Home, which we call Bethany, a place
of retreat where those women who have
lost their rightful place In life through
weakness, adversity or even wilful
misdemeanors, can, if they win, have
a quiet place where they can, by peni
tence and prayer, regain their lost po
sition in life and be restored to a life
of virtue and rectitude Bethany needs
curtains, carpets, dishes, provisions and
We have at present 80 men and eight
For Thirty Days
Did You Know This?
Until little more than a
century ago humanity had
to rub along without false
teeth, of which nowadays
one firm alone claims to
sell over 12,000,000 a year.
London Chronicle
Of the twelve million sold,
at least. 50 of the teeth
they replaced might well
have been saved.
Preserving the natural
teeth wherever possible is
only a small feature of the
dental work assured to pa
tients who come to us.
Full Set, that fit....S5.00
Gold Crown, 22k... S3. 50
Bridge Teeth, 22k. A 53.50
Cold Fillings. , .$1.00
Silver Fillings ...... 50
All Work Guaranteed 15 ,
Electro Painless
Cor. Sixth and Washington
In Two-Story Bldg.
14 off Sale
All the latest styles In black and
colored. Good, dependable foods
at cut prices. Largest stock, on
the coast to choose from.
Repairing ajnd Recovering
All kinds of extra handles in
The newest things in gold and
rold - filled lavalliers, lockets,
Bracelets, rings, scarf pins, cuff
links and bar pins. The guar
anteed makes at very low
prices. Get our prices on white
sapphires and reconstructed ru
bies set to order.
Wash-, Bet. Sixth and Broadway
wbmenV all out of work and homeless,
to provide for. This is about double
the number we had at this time last
year. ' ' '
Klndl remember us in vour Thanks
giving offerings and examine your
closets for worn clothing and sboee Ad
dress Plsgah Home Lents, Or. Phone
Tabor 249 J. PISOAH MOTHER. ,
Journal Want Ads tinng results. -'
Morphine Users
--.-I solicit the Investigation of all SJ' ipi
of morphine or other truns for trt-l
ment. fio pain or suff erlng. " Ton ean-;
not stop without help; wltn jny b"l It
U easy. The White Cross, 714 avi
at. cor, I2d. Main. m; A-1447, Dr.!
R. L. OWeaple Medical Director (Adv.) ',
During mi there were lilt strike
In France in which . J47.43T employes'
were Involved.
Business and
Trade Schools
. .....
.advertising .......
Assarlns .......
AuaamoDlling .....
Qeotrioity ....
Pharmacy ,
Flaa Reading Cost Enstasartaf ...
Ralnforeed Concrete Qonatraetioa. ...
Show Card Writing.
Shorthand , ,..
Burreyiiie. and Happing.... ........
TelsfTapny and Dispatching
Wireless TeUaraphy (oourse). ......
Arohiteotnral Drawing ............
Freehand Drawing ,
Veohaaioal Drawing ...............
Bots' Sohool ..... , .
Aoountaaoy (foil, oottrse)
.a is.oo
. 80.00
. 61.00
, 16.00
. 18.00
a. oo
. 7.60
' .60
Photo Coupon
:'' ;. ' X', : 'x-,. : ' : ' ,.'';. ".'V .' "f,
from any other studio In the city
and we will make you half-rats
prices on all holiday photograph.
Our new styles will please you,
J (V
' We have Just received our Christmas Stock
of fine Umbrellas. They were made especially
for Jaeger Bros, and are stamped with our
name on the band. .
These Umbrellas are put up with ribbons In"
a pretty box and are a Jeweler's article. Mads
with high grade gold filled and sterling sliver
detachable handles; an extra ebony handle In
cluded. 'Engraving free. ' ....-v'''
The base or cloth part of the Umbrella Is of :
mixed silk and wool, and being newly made, Is
very strong and durable. No more useful or
highly prized present can be selected for the
money. '
We have other Umbrellas as tow as $1.78 ,
others higher In price. Have ut lay one away
for Christmas now, t
Have You Seen Our Special
Jaeger Bros. gIt
266 Morrison, Bet. Third and Fourth.
fl iiiiiiiillliisf i II
Is! P llli
111 i , i' im' mmmmmmmmmmmmmi jjl i 3 eaams
IlLi i Ililll Sill I
Boms day a paper lost
from your files may mean
calamity or fire may burn,
or rats mutilate Impor
tant documents. Then you'll
wish you had Installed the
ALLSTEEL. FUing Equip,
ment. It keeps your papers
safe and sound from lire,
rats, damp, dust and sneak
thieves. Besides, ALL
8TEEL takes up Ut floor
space and gives you mor
filing space per drawer.
Comes in hen d y units
Grows with and adapts it-'
self to your business.
I Hi (MM Ml li!l.
Showing; the rigid yet easy
running construction of ALL
STEEL drawers how they
run ALL THE WAT on trav
eling steel rollers. .
This Is the most oora
plete line ot standard steel
office furniture In the coun
try. Whether It be a sim
ple card index drawer, a
single letter file, a steel
desk, an ALLSTEEL safe,
or a complete filing system,
you will find just what you
want, without having to
wait for specially built
equipment. Get our free
64-page catalog Illustrated
In natural oolors. It shows
the entire t line- and ex
plains the many advantages
of ALLSTEEL Eaulnnaent
many things that you probably wouldn't think
of, yet highly important Or. better StllL call
and see the ALLSTEEL line itself,
Commercial, Derby an3 Cutler
High - Grade Office Furniture,
Desks, Chairs, Tables, Etc., and "
isomer v v eauier ruining
Cheerful Airtight
holds fire all
night and
-: r . ,top
j cast bottom
no ' and
of A cast
blow-ouU. linings
We have a full line of .Coif Wood and
Combination Heaters call and see them
104-106 Fourth St, Between Stark and Wc:! !r:- :
Full and Complete Stove Department in the Or-: : 1